#the last one is canon kind of but uh. idk i just need him to have lackeys who adore him and say things like 'you got it boss'
majiburger · 7 days
ideal jason careers
bouncer at a drag club
line cook
mob boss
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lordsukunas · 3 months
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“i think forever would be nice with you.”
synop. kunigami wants to be with you for life.
tags. fem!reader (called ma’am once), fluff fluff fluff, uh a bit of angst if u really really really squint, reader is a tease and kind of a pessimist (or maybe a realistic idk up to u), kunigami is head over heels, dont ask when this would happen in canon bc idk, not proofread
note. ngl im tired asf... if this is incoherent, im sorry. the ending is vv awkward, mb. uhhhh man idk what else to say kunigami is the sweetest boy alive. this is inspired by one of those timtok slideshows, the one thing that app has done good forme
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you flop back on the sand, chest heaving up and down from trying (and failing) to race kunigami. sweat rolls down the side of your face and neck, and you can feel the gritty sand clinging to your bare feet and legs.
“tired?” he plops down on the sand beside you and reaches for your hand. his larger, thicker fingers intertwine with yours, and he gives your hand a gentle squeeze, as if to comfort you after your shameful loss.
“very,” you huff out. your lungs burn as you gulp down air. “how do you— how do you do this every week?”
he shrugs. “habit. started when i was kid, found it fun, so i kept doing it. helps me stay in shape whenever i don’t wanna go to the gym or just need some time alone.”
his free finger doodles the face of a polar bear in the sand. you smile — it’s cute how he knows how to draw that from memory.
your eyes roll to look at him. his face is shiny with sweat, and the pale moonlight softens his features, giving kunigami almost a boyish look.
there’s no one else here. just you, kunigami, and the sounds of the waves lapping against each other and the shore. the beach is clean, too. not a crumpled beer can or a plastic wrapper in sight.
“does anyone else even know this place exists?” there’s that familiar teasing lilt in your voice, but he knows you’re serious.
he scratches the back of his head. “nah. i mean, there’s the occasional fisherman or maybe some elderly couple, but i don’t think anyone our age knows about this.”
a pause, and the warm breeze blows across your skin, dusting the sand away.
you grin. “so you’re just gonna gatekeep this for eternity, huh?”
“what? no!” you can practically feel his cheeks heating up from here. “i didn’t wanna ruin it by bringing the wrong people here, y’know? they might trash it or somethin’.”
“and what if i trash it?”
“you won’t.” kunigami’s reply is instant, the words shooting out of his mouth and into the night’s atmosphere. “you’re special.”
whatever goofy reply you had on your tongue instantly melts, and you’re pretty sure your heart skips a beat or two. how can he say such romantic things so... so casually?
“i, uh...” he sighs and goes back to tracing shapes in the sand, his hand still holding on tightly to yours. “you wouldn’t do something like that. even if you did, i’ll be right there to clean it up.”
you push yourself up so that you’re sitting criss-cross. your entire body is facing him now. “but what if we break up? or you move away?”
“i won’t. we won’t.”
your brows knit together. “rensuke, you don’t know that.”
something is bound to happen. something always happens. nothing good lasts forever, right? he’s in blue lock, dedicating weeks at a time to train and play in tournaments to be the world’s best striker — at some point, he’s going to have to choose. you or his football career.
even to yourself, you sound pessimistic. but you just have to be honest with yourself. life isn’t a fairytale, despite kunigami being your knight in shining armor.
“i want forever with you.”
his gaze meets yours, determination burning in auburn irises. “i’m not gonna sit here and lie to you or be embarrassed about it, ‘cause it’s true.”
you blink, and it feels like all the air has been sucked out of your lungs.
kunigami, your boyfriend of two years, wants forever with you.
it’s ridiculous, fantastical, a hundred other synonymous terms. both of you are seventeen — you have decades and decades ahead of you to decide when you want and who you’re going to spend forever with.
and he chose you.
his adam’s apple bobs, but his gaze doesn’t waver. “do you want forever with me?” his grip on your hand tightens.
you don’t have to think about it. there’s nothing to think about it. it’s dumb and unrealistic, sure, but when has kunigami ever broken a promise? when has he ever lied to you?
it doesn’t take decades of being together to know that kunigami loves you with all of his heart, and you love him just the same.
your lips curl into a smile, and you can’t tell whether your vision is getting blurry from happy or sad tears. “i want forever with you.”
“okay.” he adjusts himself so that, now, both of you are facing each other. his shins touch yours, and his other hand grabs yours.
“‘okay’? that’s it? after you basically just proposed to me?” you raise an eyebrow. “with no ring, either! you could’ve gotten me a ring pop.”
kunigami chuckles, the tension seeping out of his bulky form. “sorry. i’ll get you a ring pop on the way back.”
“two ring pops, actually, and they better be the right flavor.”
“yes, ma’am.”
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trensu · 1 year
I keep seeing posts about mother's day and Steve Harrington, and it's all in good fun, I don't wanna ruin anyone's fun times. But also, Steve is actually a teenage boy whose parents are never around and has sort of adopted this weird little nerd boy as his little brother. This weird little nerd boy has a mom who loves him very much and supports his interests and worries about his well-being constantly. Somehow, Steve has gotten included in this and he's got this woman fussing over him, if he's eating enough, if he's dressed warmly enough for the weather and please let her know how much he needs for gas because he takes Dustin places all the time.
And then mother's day is coming up and Dustin wants to get her the perfect present but has no idea what to get her because his mom is focused on him all the time and never really mentions anything she wants or needs so he's low-key panicking when he finally gets a hold of Steve and asks him for help. So Steve and him start going to all sorts of shops trying to find something good, something worthy of Claudia Henderson.
Steve helps him buy an extravagant bouquet because moms and flowers right? Dustin finds a bowtie collar for Mews2. They find a cat themed mother's day card. They order a whole fancy carry out meal from Enzo's. He helps Dustin bake a homemade chocolate cake.
Steve puts on the finishing touches to the dining table while Dustin coaxes Mews2 into the bowtie collar. Then it's almost time for Claudia to come home from her shift look idk what she does for a living in canon but I always imagined her as a hospital nurse and hospitals don't close for holidays or weekends so Steve checks Dustin's hair one last time because Dustin wants to look nice for his mom's nice mother's day dinner. Then Steve is grabbing his keys and saying goodbye.
"Dude, where are you going?" Dustin asks, genuinely baffled.
"Uh, home? You're all set up, and your mom's home soon," Steve responds like, duh, where else would he be going right.
"Yeah, so you should clean up! I can't be the only one looking good for Mom."
Steve blinks. "Man, your mom's not gonna want me getting in the way of her day with you."
"what are you talking about? Have you MET Mom?"
And before they could continue arguing, Claudia walks through the door. She sees the dining table laid out all nice, and her furry boy in a bowtie, her little boy with his hair done, and her other bigger boy looking kind of caught out and blushing.
"oh, my boys!" She says. "Did you do all of this for me?"
"Dustin actually--" Steve tries to give Dustin, her actual kid, the credit because he's not about to steal his little bud's thunder but Claudia scoops them both into her arms and peppers them with slightly damp kisses.
"you two didn't have to!" She says. "Oh, let me go get changed from these scrubs. You both sit down, I'll be just a minute. I'm so lucky to have the two sweetest boys in the world." Mews2 takes that moment to meow loudly. "sorry, THREE boys, I didn't forget you, baby."
She shuffles hurriedly to her room, leaving behind a smugly grinning Dustin and a frozen, baffled Steve.
"you heard her," Dustin says, pushing Steve towards an open chair. "We can't disappoint her on mother's day!"
And that's how Steve ended up spending mother's day in a warm home with a loving family, instead of spending the evening alone trying to get a call through to Mrs Harrington with little success.
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fighting-these-demons · 2 months
Divorce Saga Domon - A Haunted Honk Prequel
Hello Internet Stranger looking up G Gundam on Tumblr dot com!
This is an idea for a fic set in an Alternate Universe involving Queer Non-Canon Relationships between the characters of the series.
If you are not looking for this content please scroll on.
If you ARE looking for this content - and you're ok with reading my and other's Headcanons for this Alternate Universe I've haphazardly spun up -
Then go ahead and feel free to:
Check The Tags Of This Post For The Pairings
and click the Read More below!
Ended up outlining a completely different fic as a Segway for an explanation instead of making progress on the Royal Flush Haunted Honk AU's Clown Motel Fic like I wanted to but uh....
For y'all's review for the AU: A Prequel Outline - Divorce Saga Domon
Hey real quick - I'm thinking of maybe changing the timeline to 2 years post canon as opposed to 3 years and change post canon.
The reason being: I had a thought that this scene could either be part if the fic or if it's getting to big then it could be a stand alone tie-in prequel fic as part of this AU but - like
Immediately Post Divorce Domon Needs Space and runs off. As one does. And he runs to Earth because he just wants to Get Lost for a while.
He has Argo smuggle him out to avoid detection.
Argo has Andrew help stow Domon in a storage hanger of a Neo Canadian supply ship that's returning to the US - they have trade often enough and share agricultural resources - which leads to Domon ending up in New York when he hits Earthside pavement.
He's privately worked on his English the last couple of months and after being dropped in New York with a different hairstyle, outfit, and accent he's unrecognizable. 
He considers making his way west to get some solitude in the wilderness, but something about that initial plan feels off now that he's on the ground.
Chibodee is also Earthside for a special series of prize fights aimed at raising charitable appeal for the US in the eyes of Neo Americans.
Domon decides to hit up Chibodee for a fight on a day between matches hoping it'll clear his head and give him the clarity to decide on a course of action. What ends up happening is an unexpected heart to heart via blows and a breakdown.
Domon is happy for Rain and Kyoji, and he knows it's not true; but he feels like he lost a piece of himself when his relationship with Rain fell apart.
Domon's instinct is to run after that but Chibodee knows this city and Domon doesn't hide out for long before Chibodee drags him back to his place to stay and just "Chill out and breathe. You don't have to be anyone but yourself here. You can take as long as you need to find out what everything changing means for you." Friends and teammates stick together.
So Domon spends a few weeks with Chibodee sparring and hanging out in New York. Chibodee does a frankly awesome job at containing his feelings because he's focusing on Domons feelings and being a good friend first and foremost. Whatever he's feeling can wait until after Domon is done going though it.
There's a bit of a twinge in Domon's heart as he leaves that he can't really place.
After he returns to Neo Japan and gets settled back into life with his family, The Dreams start.
They're mainly set in New York. Small things first like noticing Chibodee's smile and his eyes. Then sparring sessions that begin to turn lurid.
He thought these kinds of dreams would stop after he was married.... he doesn't know what to do about this.
I just figure it gives more clarity and sense of time for the journey from Comphet Marriage Dissolution to Feelings to Confession. Idk.
But I got stuck on a bit and then had this thought and needed to get it down before I lost it and it was so long it made sense to make it its own post as opposed to several replies.
The Maize and Clown Motel will probably still be 3 years and change post canon for clarification.
@thedragonchilde @amplexadversary @youreaclownnow
#Domon Kasshu/Chibodee Crocket#Royal Flush#Chibodee Crocket/Domon Kasshu#Royal Flush Haunted Honk AU#mobile fighter g gundam#I imagine he hasn't had time for a Big Gay Crisis yet but the time is absolutely now#Kyoji absolutely helps him through this crisis because he had a normal environment and university to figure his own shit out.#Kyoji has to figure out WHY Domon is imploding and explosive and avoiding everyone a second time though.#This doesn't seem related to the Divorce but it doesn't seem immediately obvious either. 🤔#Cue Schwarz FINALLY getting a fucking break and immediately coming to stay with Rain and Kyoji at their place.#Domon was aware that they had been living together in Neo Japan briefly before Schwarz was called back to Neo Germany for questioning#Once his rank was stripped of him he was back with Kyoji for a short period before the Divorce as part of Kyoji and Dr. Kasshu's study of#DG Cells. Once they had a breakthrough - Schwarz was sent abroad with a small military group and Doctors Without Borders group to assist#With immediate infection cases on behalf of Neo Japan as part of reparations. So Domon hadn't seen him in quite some time.#Domon certainly wasn't expecting to see him in the garden when he rounded the corner of the Mikamura residence#Leaned over Kyoji who appears to have been working outside on his laptop. Fingers intertwined a hand on Kyojis jaw and locked in a kiss.#Which ends pretty much instantly as they sense Domon and break apart. It occurs to Kyoji and Schwarz that Kyoji never#Got the chance to actually tell Domon much about himself and the man he'd grown into while Domon was training in Hong Kong with Master Asia#This might be a pretty significant shock to him.#I can't decide between Domon running from his Gay Revelation or IMMEDIATELY Losing His Shit at the thought of Rain's SECOND marriage ending#And knowing for sure now the reason why his and Rain's marriage didn't work out. He really does prefer men.#Bu HOW DARE Kyoji do this to her!!! She's been through enough!!!! This will HURT her SO BADLY!!! (Projection of guiiillllttt)#Back to square 1 fir a moment like damn#And once he starts fighting Kyoji about it (Thank God the ressurection gave them the option to make Kyojis new build similar to Schwarz's)#It comes out that Rain cant go through this AGAIN and he won't let him do this to her! Her honor means something to Domon#And it should mean something to Kyoji too as HER HUSBAND#Kyoji and Schwarz catch on the Again bit and Kyoji makes it clear that Rain has known about his situation with Schwarz since they returned#That they're quite literally inseparable and that Rain married him knowing this. She's fully aware and an active participant.#Domon takes a leg sweep and doesn't quite make his recovery as Schwarz steps in#Pinning his arms and one leg in place so he can't run from Kyojis question. Kyoji grabs Domon's hair to turn his head and asks
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yetanothergreyjedi · 1 year
Ghosts of Our Pasts: 9
DP x DC Crossover
Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne Siblings AU
Masterpost Previous Next
Dani: Yo, what's with the massive group chat I just got dropped into?
Dani: I'm assuming you guys have to do with this
Tucker: ....did... did we forget to send you Danny’s new number? 
Dani: he has a NEW one? I just swapped his contact information like 2 weeks ago 
Tucker: it's actually the same number just backwards... present from the Backwards Day Ghost 
Dani: WOW
Tucker: it was miserable 
Dani: I'm sure
Dani: so about the group chat?
Tucker: Danny met his bio-sibling and he had a fraid too, so idk its like fraid inlaws or something? 
Dani: Bio-sibling? Danny's adopted? 
Tucker:Shouldn't you know this?
Dani: Why would I?
Tucker: You're his cousin....
Dani: Oh... I forgot I told you guys that...  
Tucker: ?
Dani: I'm his clone
Tucker: this is gonna be a wild story isn't it
* Dani started a call that lasted 31 minutes *
Jazz: Danny why did you just put me in a group chat with like 25 people in it?
Danny: Sibling groupchat 
Jazz: What? 
Jazz: Danny, I'm going to need a bit more explanation than that. 
Jazz: you didn't get cloned again?
Jazz: Did you???
Jazz: Danny?
* 1 missed call from Jazz *
* 2 missed calls from Jazz *
* 3 missed calls from Jazz *
Jazz: please tell me Danny lost his phone again and isn't in some kind of trouble. 
Tucker: Oh, it's in his bag... he's out rn...
Jazz: out where?
Jazz: I thought this was supposed to be a 'laying low' vacation? 
Sam: that was before he met his brother 
Jazz: his brother? 
Tucker: yeah! Apparently he's related to the Batman!
Jazz: you left him alone with his brother 
Sam: Yeah...?
Jazz: the brother that killed him?
* multiple people are typing *
So yeah, Danny was officially tasting emotions now. He realized as Damian looked him over. The flour-y taste of concern was replaced with a salty-savory pride as he confirmed that, no, Danny hadn't been shot. (Well, he would've been, if he hadn't decided to not be tangible.) Then Bio-dad dropped down, mugger dude gave off another milk-sour wave of fear. Then Bio-dad saw the gun and huh, he didn't think describe how disappointment tasted with human words. But maybe he should be focusing less on what flavors most accurately described his stupid new empath ability and focus more on the situation at hand.
Together Dami and Bio-dad explained the normal process of cuffing criminals in obvious places so the police can find them. It was simple, didn't really require Danny to do anything, so he disassembled the weapon while he listened. Which he probably shouldn't have done, because now he was being asked to hand it over as evidence...
"Uh..." Danny fished the larger pieces back out of his pocket, but their was a lot of little ones, because he might've phased the screws out to take apart the fun little inner bits and he ended up dropping tiny metal parts all over the sidewalk. 
There was a beat of silence, then Damian clicked his tongue with a little "Tt," and Danny flushed. 
"Sorry..." Danny started.
"It's fine," the Bat said. Amusement, it turned out, tasted like raspberries.
Danny, holding a deadly weapon: "is this a fidget toy?"
Somebody told me once that they didn't see any Canon evidence that Sam and Tucker knew Dani was a clone. And like, their lives are so crazy that peice of information falling into a crack, sure. Where did Danny's concerned about vlad cloning people came from. Like they didn't question it, vlad is weird. They could see him doing it... oh... he did do it? That makes more sense than a sudden semi rational fear.
Also Batman has absolutely noticed some weird things about Danny. But he also knows that Danny has "a weird conglomeration" of Lazarus put side effects, and that Danny said "mood" about being in other dimensions. It might be ooc for him to be patient with answers, but he's in my story so he's gotta play by my rules.
Tag list
@spectralstardustandphantomnights @avelnfear @idfk-man10 @blackroserelina @candeartist422 @mur-ururu @luer-mirin @insufferablecatenthusiast @skulld3mort-1fan @alonedustspeck @voidbornposts @meira-3919 @marshmello @aethernorwood @mimilikey @undead-essence @cloudminder @markus209 @everything163 @latheevening226 @roman4517 @moobloomrights @battybatbat @lumosfeather18581 @werv @ahyesanerd @pyramaniac @lexdamo @princessbelix @bun-fish @deeannthepan @edgyboi10000 @thatrandomsarahchick @busterkeel @aconitewolfsbane @spoopyspoony @bright-shade @spidey29phangirl @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @keimiwolf @u-a-wizard-jamie @gay-puff @bicerise @itshype @blackfoxsposts @icanneverdecide @lolottes @chubbypotato @jovialherringtacoghost @saltyladynightmare
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walkingstackofbooks · 2 months
I was thinking last night about how it would have affected Julian if he'd arrived a few seconds too late to that Cargo Bay in Hard Time and Miles had died in front of him (because that's always a fun (distressing) scene to imagine 👀) and that kind of spiralled into a whole canon-divergent 'verse...
Because then I got to The Quickening, and while I don't think Kira and Dax would have let a more emotionally-vulnerable Julian actually stay on the planet by himself for that whole time, if they did (or if he refused to beam up/ threw away his badge so they couldn't find him/ idk otherwise made it so they had to leave him) (because if anything he's going to be even MORE convinced he has to save every life he possibly can) it would obviously be even more devastating.
And I can imagine that, after all that time that Julian has spent with Ekoria and looking after her, Trevean might ask if Julian's going to take her baby or leave him to be raised on Teplan. In the canon universe Julian's obviously like *nervous laughter* "no I think he'll be better off with you... I could not raise a child" but in this 'verse he's entered his Feeling-All-The-Loneliness-Feels phase early and so is like "fuck I can't raise a kid but also I Literally Cannot Leave This Child It Would Kill Me" and so he takes Ekoria's baby back to DS9.
He takes his kid to the medical conference he goes to with Jake which, valid, but then they get the distress call from Ajilon Prime* and he's like "I can't take my baby to a warzone" and Jake's like "I'll look after him, it sounds like these people need you" and Julian's pretty torn but also he does Need To Save People so they go and, uh. Like I think reactions are pretty mixed about the baby but Julian is literally a Lifesaver so no-one's gonna complain too much and some of the patients want to hold Maris (the kid's called Maris after Ekoria's husband I decided) and it's sweet, y'know, to have a moment outside of the war and pain with this tiny lil bab.
[*Umm yeah this was just me jumping to the most fun (traumatic) events to imagine as I tried to go to sleep so forgive me but...]
Obviously Jake doesn't go off to the runabout with the kid so he still gets lost and when he returns Julian's cradling the baby and idk but my heart just imagining the scene where Julian's like "I should never have brought you here, what was I thinking?" is just MORE with him having his own son there too.
And then we skip to IPS/BIL and Julian's in the prison camp not knowing if his baby is alive and then coming back to realise the changeling has been parenting his son for a month (and having to run multiple test on Maris to check if his baby is actually his or if Maris is a changeling too) and also no-one even noticed he was missing even though apparently his kid had been crying like all the time (and fuck, how fucked up is that going to leave Maris because that sort of thing affects kids when it happens that young, right? anxietyyyy)
(also Miles would have noticed I wasn't me, Julian thinks. because he needs more reasons to feel sad.)
And then DBIP in this 'verse makes me UNHINGED because IMAGINE a Julian Bashir who hit his depression point a season earlier but has been teetering along okay since Maris came along now that he has this whole little life to look after and he will do Anything for his child. (okay apart from stay away from warzones when there are people to save but you know. basically anything)
Anyway yeah so Julian's got Maris with him in Sisko's office when Jadzia turns up with his parents and he is FAR less able to cope than canon Julian is because 1. more emotional instability, but mostly 2. he is a Dad with a Kid and NOPE he cannot have his parents anywhere near his baby that is Not Happening.
He has his oh, my god moment and then hands Maris to Sisko being like "Your grandson is lovely, Commander" and Ben and Jadzia are like ??? but play along and Julian finds some quarters for his parents and by the time they've got there with all the small talk of "hah, for a second there I thought you'd be telling us we have grandkids! when are you going to settle down with a nice girl, Jules?" he's ready to burst but his kid's still with Sisko so he just excuses himself with "I've got to work" and hurries back...
Dax and Sisko totally haven't been gossiping about him and they're all like "So what was that about? Grandson??" and he's like "You saw how they kept calling me Jules, right? I haven't gone by that name since I was 15. And my dad saying he had to convince me to do medicine?? He hated the idea of me being a doctor. I had to study for Starfleet in secret because he just couldn't let go of the idea of his son being a famous tennis player. And now he's convinced himself my career was all his idea!" and is getting angrier and sadder and Maris starts crying and so he's hushing him like "it's okay, i'm sorry, i'm not angry with you, i love you, you're safe, i'm not going to hurt you" -- just idle things he's not really thinking about
Ofc Sisko and Dax are immediately on it like, "Why are you saying that? Did your parents hurt you...?"
And Julian's like a deer in the headlights, and awkwardly replying, "Not, like... My father didn't get as angry with me once I was seven and had grown up a bit, got more capable.. and I hit my growth spurt when I was 14, I got bigger than him, he didn't really do anything after that."
And Sisko tells him, "that's not really an answer."
Julian: "Isn't it?"
And then Sisko gets Kira involved to kick his parents off the station and you think the augment reveal isn't going to happen because Julian deserves a break and his parents are gone and can't fuck it up anymore ...
BUT, nah: Zimmerman - realising he's not going to get his precious interviews after all - decides to bug Julian's parents (because what's privacy when you have a job to do?). And then Rom realises that Zimmerman is cocking up a load of things on the LMH deliberately because he doesn't want to replace the EMH* and looks into Zimmerman's files and finds the report he's going to send and blackmails the guy* (there's gotta be a rule of acquisition about that right?) into not sending the report.
[*Not my idea -- this was the original plan for the episode, though with Miles, not Rom.]
Also after all this Julian really feels like he needs to punch something he goes to Quark's to viciously hurl sharp pointy objects at a board because that's the next best thing -- but also he hasn't exactly done that since Miles, and why is the fucking dartboard still up anyway it's not like anyone else ever uses it so he has another minor breakdown over that and tries to rip it down until Leeta drags him into a storeroom.
(oh yeah I totally think Leeta would have broken up with him when he turned up with a baby -- like not in a mean way, just in a "i'm sorry Julian, I love you, but I'm not ready for a kid (and also you did just leave me for a month without sending a message and you definitely didn't think about me before agreeing to adopt the kid, did you?)" kind of way, y'know? but they're still friends and she still definitely cares for him.)
(idk when rom tells julian what he did to zimmerman but when he does he's also awkwardly like "oh and i wish you and leeta all the best and julian's like ???? and rom's like "i saw you with her in the storeroom earlier. she called you sweetheart" or something and has assumed they're back together.)
And that's as far as I got but I just had to write it up so far because it has haunted me all day and I just need to get it out there.
Thanks for reading my stream of thoughts 💔
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mychlapci · 5 months
Prowl saying they should get rid of them? Nooo, the moment he suggests that Ratchet looks ready to throw hands, and if he didnt have an armful of bitlets he’d 100% beat the living daylights out of Prowl.
Maybe they switch every week once the second litter is old enough to spend more then a couple hours away from Megatron. Ratchet has the younger litter on the first week, everyone ends up loving the little guys- yet when they cry its just….sirens🚨. Extremely. Loud. Ambulance. Sirens. and then him and Megatron swap every sunday. The autobots trying to deal with demanding little brats once Ratchet has to parent the older bitties for the week, they bite, hiss and throw whatever their stubby arms can pick up, they’re strong for such tiny creatures, clearly their mix of genetics is the reason. But then they act like utter sweethearts for Ratchet so he doesnt believe any of the autobots saying his children are little twats because his sire-coding tells him they’re all trying to get his bitlets in trouble, tiny devils with bright blue optics and innocent-sounding giggles- innocent to Ratchet anyway.
They learn VERY quickly that Prowl shows the most emotion toward their shenanigans and he’s usually the one they annoy the most. Escaping whoever’s care their under when Ratchet has something important to and they escape JUST to annoy Prowl until he bluescreens or just drives off. I’d say something about lockdown / prowl but idk if it’d make sense but imagine prowl comes back from one of his little drives, those drives can last 4-5 days depending on how stressed he is, and he comes back pregnant. Anyway.
So naturally everyone fawns over the younger sparklings when its their turn to be round, Chubby cheeks with bright red optics is just too cute for even the most stubborn Autobots to ignore, so they get cuddles by everyone, ignoring that they carry the crazy warlord genes is hard, Even prowl interacts with these bitlets instead of the older hellspawns.
I really wanna draw the devil spawns, but like..I get so stressed drawing plus i almost broke my neck on some ice ;-;
SIDE RANT. Uh. Not really a rant I personally want to say that Burnt Ice anon seems to have a big brain thats really wrinkly because whatever they send gives the tingles, we need to make their ideas canon. 👍
- Chase anon, again im soo sorry i feel feral rn ;-;
I always enjoy the thought of grumpy, strict Ratchet being an absolute softie when it comes to his own bitlets. The older sparklings spent more time with Megatron so they're a little more hissy than the younger ones, which were born after Ratchet told everyone and therefore have been spending a little more time with him, and the autobots in general. But he loves all of them all the same. Oh, the older bitlets bit Prowl? No, they wouldn't do that! They're his bitlets, after all, and they've been raised with some manners, thank you very much! if they bit you, it was probably your own damn fault. He just coddles them so much that everyone is in complete disbelief that Ratchet even has that amount of kindness in him. 
Prowl eventually getting used to the younger bitlets because they're pretty sweet, all things considered, but the older ones he wishes would stay with Megatron. They're violent and they seem to only ever want to bite him. Of course, genocidal maniac genes carry on to all of the bitties, it's only a matter of time before the younger ones start causing trouble... Not to mention… Ratchet's pretty big and boxy. Megatron is twice as big and twice as boxy, so you know the bitlets are big, fat, and strong as hell. Menaces, the lot of them. 
Btw now i also kind of wanna draw the megaratch babies… i wish i had the time for it. and the art skills. oh well
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You and me, we're endgame.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!rader (no physical descriptions)
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Summary: Steve and Y/N finishing high school, what could go wrong in their relationship?
Word count: 3.7k
Warnings: Season 2-3, Nancy and Steve never dated, reader is 18, controversial mentions of marriage, college, cussing, fluff and angst. Idk if this counts as AU so... beware just in case. English is NOT my first language. Not proof read oops. ngl this writing is chaotic....
A/N: so, if you been following me by now you can tell i love changing canon relationships from other tv shows and making them Steve Harrington and reader. I thought I would re-write finchel which is just hilarious and sad to me. Anyway, i hope you guys like it <3
Steve Harrington and Y/N L/N, Hawkins High 1984 it couple.
They have been dating over a year now, and they have been head over heels in love with each other. Their love was pure, real and above all, epic. There was nothing they couldn't face together which was honestly vomit inducing for some, and for others their clingy nature every other hour was cringe worthy, yet they didn't care. There were a lot of things they didn't care about.
In 1984 when Steve and Y/N were finishing their senior year, college applications were due soon and to say it was messy would be an understatement. Y/N had always wanted to go to New York, she was very font of the place, and she hoped Steve would want to go there too because there was no way they were going their separate ways...right?
Steve on the other hand was not as excited as her probably valedictorian of a girlfriend. He didn't know what he wanted to do if he went to college. Emphasis on if. There was never anything sure in his life, except for Y/N. He loved her more than anything, and he would not fuck that up.
Which brings us to today. May 16, 1984.
Steve was looking at a family photo from when he was 13 years old. The last family photo they would be taking. He couldn't help but feel a void inside, like something wasn't right, or was it just nerves?
"You have his eyes. His mouth a little bit, too." said Y/N while entering the room and watching Steve from behind.
Without turning around just yet, Steve decided to share his thoughts.
"I've always had trouble finding myself in his face. You know, when I was a kid, I used to stare up at the wall, his picture hanging there, and I used to convince myself we were, like, twins." he couldn't help but chuckle, how naive he was.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Y/N knew Steve had major family issues, and she has never pushed him into talking about it, but she was always ready if there would be a time he wanted to.
Steve turned around, instantly remembering why he asked Y/N to come meet him there, at their favorite coffee shop that was now closed; he wanted to ask her something.
"No, no. I, uh, I want to talk about you. About us. I was gonna lay out a picnic, like the one you had for our first date, but I couldn't really figure out where you got those cool airplane cups, so…"
Y/N couldn't help but smile at the memory, she really went for it, not knowing if Steve liked her that way, but she was optimistic. And well, that was enough.
"And I told you, you could kiss me if you wanted to. I never understood why you ran off so quickly, though."
"Yeah, I was just nervous." Steve said, looking down.
"Oh, I could never make you nervous." Y/N giggled out of embarrassment and shock. Till this day, Steve made Y/N nervous every time, in a good way that is, so to think of Steve feeling nervous because of her...
"Kind of nervous right now." he couldn't look at her, he wanted to so bad, but he had it all planned, he couldn't risk it now and also yeah...he was terrified. More terrified than any life or death threats he faced in the past.
"Wait, what's going on?" Y/N was now worried.
"Look, uh, I have something to talk to you about, but I want you to promise me that you won't say a word until I'm done. Okay, and I know that's sort of hard for you, so I need you to promise me."
"Okay, I promise." Well, as if she wasn't nervous already.
"Um, I just feel like, all my life, I've been, you know, wondering if I was gonna be as much of a man as my father is. Now, all of a sudden, I'm up at night worried that I'm gonna become the man who he is."
Y/N was giving him the softest eyes, not in a pityful way, but a compassionate one. So Steve knew it was safe to continue without Y/N interrupting him.
"Let's face it, I've got high school hero, life zero written all over me." he said chuckling but when Y/N just glared at him not finding it very funny, he stopped, going back to the point.
"You. You're like a beacon of light guiding me through the darkness. You're like this big gold star, and for some bizarre reason, you chose to let me love you. And... I feel like if I can just convince you to let me keep doing that, I'm going to be okay. Everything's going to be okay."
This was it. He has been practicing this moment for a while now, yet it was like the words couldn't come out fast enough.
"Uh... I opened up my first personal c-credit card to get this." Steve reached his jeans pocket to take out a small, red velvet box.
"I know it's not a swimming pool full of dancers or a tux or...it's not very big, but it's a promise... a promise to keep loving you for the rest of my life. All you've got to do is say yes. Y/N L/N...will you marry me?"
"Oh Steve-"
Later that week...
Y/N was taking her books out when Steve approached her feeling uneasy. The last few days were stressful as hell and Steve still had some unfinished business.
"Okay, it's been exactly 3 days to the minute since I proposed to you, which is the amount of time you said you needed before you'd give me an answer."
Steve hated being that guy. The one that doesn't give you space or the one that is really impatient. Who could blame him though? it wasn't how he imagined the whole thing going down. He didn't even imagine doing it right now until recently...but that wasn't important...
Y/N closed her locker turning to Steve and gave a good thought to her next answer.
"Look, this isn't the kind of decision you can make on a deadline."
"Y/N/N, I understand, you said you needed some time, but... to be perfectly honest not hearing a decision's kind of bummin' me out."
Y/N got closer and took Steve's hands, gently squeezing them to give him a little reassurance.
"No. Look...I love you, okay? And... I want to marry you someday, and... I'm open to anything. This is all just happening so fast, and I don't understand it. I mean, I... I need you to help me understand."
Steve sighed. He knew Y/N was being fair and she was right, an explanation was in order.
"Okay, well, even if you don't get into NYU, you're still gonna go to New York."
"Yes, and I want you to come with me."
"And I will, but... we're crazy if we think that it's gonna be easier to be a couple there than it is here. My point is that those rings are-are...will always be a reminder of exactly how we feel right now. They're gonna let us take a piece of our little world into the big city."
Y/N eyes soften, she could see Steve was projecting his insecurities. "Look, that's really romantic, but I have to be honest—this all just sounds really crazy to me, okay? I don't need to marry you to keep from straying—you're the only guy for me. Okay, I guess...my answer for now is…"
"No, no, don't...don't say anything. You're right, we shouldn't make this kind of a decision on a deadline. Just, uh...take a couple more days, okay?"
Next day...
Y/N knew it was a crazy idea. Getting married at eighteen? She always pictured herself traveling, getting out of Hawkins, but the more she thought about it, all those things? she pictured Steve by her side. She knew sooner or later they would get married. She couldn't imagine loving anyone else the way she loves Steve Harrington. So... i guess that answered the question.
She asked Steve to meet her at Lover's lake, the place where they first said their i love you's to each other.
Steve saw Y/N playing with her fingers while she waited for him, that made him even more nervous...had he fucked up? Was it too soon? What would happen next if she said no?
"Hey..." Steve said while sitting across from Y/N to see her face properly.
Y/N sighed, preparing herself for the next words that would come out of her mouth.
"You're the love of my life. And...I may not get to have it all, but...I'll have what matters the most if we're together. "
Steve's eyes widen. "Is that a...?"
"Yes." Y/N couldn't help but chuckle. She was truly happy.
"Yes?" Steve couldn't believe it, was his mind playing tricks on him? He needed to hear it again.
"Yes, I will marry you."
"Got to get the ring here." Steve hands were shaking in excitement while he took the ring out of his jacket because of course he would carry it everywhere.
Next week....
Steve talked to Dustin, told him about asking Y/N to marry him and he didn't take the news as he hoped. Don't get me wrong, Dustin loved Y/N like a sister but he thought Steve was taking the easy way out. Following his girlfriend, now fiancé around the world without doing anything for himself.
This made Steve question everything, well almost everything. He knew he still wanted to marry Y/N but New York? Was that actually his dream?
So...with Steve's confusion he started drifting apart to think about it. Y/N noticed of course and she would do anything to make it work.
That's when Y/N was waiting again for Steve to show, she hoped he would.
And of course he did.
"I got your note. Anyone who's engaged to me should come to the gymnasium. You could've just ask for me."
Y/N smiled shyly. "Yeah, but I wasn't sure if we were speaking. I miss you."
"I miss you, too." he said getting closer so he could hold her.
He needed that and so did she. Badly.
"Now I feel like I'm finally reentering my body." Y/N sighed with content.
"I really don't like not talking to you. I mean, nothing feels real unless you're there to tell it to. I never realized how much time we spent talking." Steve said while cupping Y/N's face.
"I've been thinking, and if you don't want to go to New York, then we don't have to." Y/N mentioned without hesitation.
Steve took a step back for a moment. "Wh... Wh... That's crazy. I don't want to stand in the way of your dreams."
Y/N reached for Steve hand. "Look, the only reason why we've been focusing on my dreams is because we haven't taken the time to look into yours. What if your dreams are bigger than mine?"
That made Steve chuckle, he found it really ironic. "I don't think that's going to be a problem. I mean, I did one of those quizzes that was supposed to tell you what job you'd be good at, and my results were competitive eating champion."
Y/N felt sadness, sad that Steve didn't see how special he is. She wished he could see himself in her eyes. So she prepared herself for another speech.
"Okay, sit down. My whole life, I felt like I was in the wrong place. Like I was just some alien, an-and... no one understood me. But all I had to do was just go to New York and then everything would be fine. But I was wrong. My home isn't some place, it's... someone. It's you. Of course, I want us to go to New York, and... maybe we will. But not until we give your dreams an equal shot."
Steve's eyes were becoming cloudy while giving Y/N a tiny smile. "You love me that much?"
"Are you just figuring that out now?"
Y/N and Steve were looking at college and jobs options trying to figure out what would make Steve happy, what he wanted to do with his life.
He smiled and nodded, acting like he was interested but the truth was he didn't imagine himself in any of those places yet he didn't have the heart to tell Y/N, he couldn't bare to disappoint her. Which he could never do but he didn't really believe that.
Steve entered his house to see Robin sitting in the living room. One would think that's weird but she basically lived there by now.
"Come with me." Robin said to Steve.
She took some papers from her bag, the college papers he had thrown away earlier that day.
"What, are you going through the garbage now?"
"Oh, come on. I know you were just humoring us in there. I could see it in your face. So I followed you out."
"What was I supposed to say, Robin? S-Sorry, I'd rather puke than spend a minute in any of those places? Right in front of Y/N, with... a big smile on her face, all proud of me?" Steve got defensive.
"She just wants what's best for you." Robin said as a matter of factly, she hated seeing Steve giving up.
"Yeah, she does. Until she realizes her fiancé is a total loser."
Robin narrowed her eyes in annoyance. How could he be so oblivious? "Is that what you're scared of?"
"It's the truth. Doesn't anybody understand that maybe the reason I don't know what to do with my life is because I'm not qualified to do anything."
"You just don't know what you want yet."
Steve got up, he couldn't have this conversation again, he had it with his parents, his girlfriend, his best friend who happened to be a pre-teen, now from Robin? Fuck no.
"What I want is for time to stop. Okay? I want it to feel like I'm on the basketball court and the crowd's going nuts! Or I-I want it to feel like I'm fighting some fucked up thing and everybody's counting on me."
"So let's find something out there that gives you that feeling." Robin got up as well. She wasn't about to quit this argument.
"Of being young? Where is it? Show me."
Silence. Complete, utter silence.
Robin sighed taking something else out of her bag. It seemed to be a video tape.
"I want you to watch this for me."
"Look, Rob, I don't really feel like doing any movie lessons right now. I just-"
"I think you know what you want for your life. I think you're just scared to say it out loud. I want you to see what it looks like when someone follows their dream, even though everyone else tells them it's impossible. You can do anything you want to, Steve. It's not the broken dreams that break us. It's the ones we didn't dare to dream."
Robin left the tape on the coffee table and exit Steve's house. He should watch this movie alone.
"(Bee Gees' "Stayin' Alive" playing over TV)"
Steve was playing basketball in his backyard, practicing for tonight's game, when Y/N showed from behind.
"That was amazing! You're definitely gonna win."
"I already did. But look, there's more. I figured out what I'm gonna do next year. Can we sit down?"
Shit, thought Y/N. Was he about to break up with her?
"Oh, why am I nervous?"
Steve smiled. "Don't be nervous. Robin made me watch Saturday Night Fever. It was really good, and I realized I'm a lot like Tony Manero. Except for the whole being-able-to-dance thing. When I saw that movie, I realized the way that Tony took on the world... I want to do that, too. I want to move to New York. Like Tony. Like you. I want to live in New York City with you."
Y/N gasped. "Really, are you serious?!"
Steve couldn't help but laugh a little.
"Yeah. Just... there's more. Just wait. Uh, what was that acting show, on Bravo, with the swear words and the cool dude you made me watch?"
"James Lipton."
"Yeah. I applied to his school. I want to go to Inside the Actors' Studio.
"It's... It's just The Actors' Studio, but that's great! It's a perfect, perfect fit for you." Y/N smiled. Steve becoming an actor? She could definitely see that.
But Y/N couldn't help but wonder...
"You just, you know, you can't... do this for me, right? It has to be for you. It's too much pressure for me to handle."
Steve locked his arms with Y/N's. "It is for you, but it's also what I want. It's my dream. I want to be an actor. I guess I was always afraid to admit it because I was scared of failing, but I'm not scared anymore...'cause of you. I want to be a great man for you, Y/N/N. And I want to see myself the way you see me; as though I'm capable of anything. Dreaming big. I love you so much...and you deserve that."
Y/N felt this warm feeling enter her body, something only Steve could do.
"You're my hero; you know that, right?"
"You're mine."
Three weeks later...
Steve wasn't accepted to The Actors' Studio. Which meant Y/N had a lot of thinking to do...
Y/N was getting ready with the help of Nancy, her best friend.
"I can't bring Steve to New York." Y/N said in an almost whisper-like voice.
"What? Why?" Nancy was truly confused.
"He'll be reminded of his rejection every day. So I've decided. I'm deferring my acceptance to NYU for a year and guarantee we'll go there together next year. I'm actually thankful for this whole mess. I'm so glad something has made me come to my senses."
Nancy wasn't convinced but Y/N seemed to have made up her mind already and who was she to judge?
"Come on, you're going to be late to your own wedding."
Y/N got in Steve's car. Their parents weren't really on board with the marriage idea, so they decided to have a ceremony just the two of them and... well the party of course.
"Hi." said Steve with no real emotion in his voice but Y/N let it slide, not thinking much of it.
"Hi. Okay, so you have my dress and my shoes, and I have my makeup and my epic love for you. Let's get married." she said with a genuine smile.
"Okay." that's all Steve could say as he drove away.
"My parents are still being kind of weird about the wedding. I brought it up last night and they were really quiet, but it's fine." said Y/N like it didn't affect her, the fact that her parents didn't support her on this big day.
Steve made a right turn that threw Y/N off... was he taking a short cut?
"Are you sure that we're going the right way?"
"We're here." Steve said after stopping at a train station.
"Are you joking? 'Cause it's not funny. We're gonna be late." said Y/N with a frown on her face.
"You're on the 4:25 to New York. Your parents are gonna meet you there and they're gonna help you look at dorms at the new school. You're gonna spend four years of your life there and you've never even set foot in the place, so…"
Y/N was confused to say the least.
"But I... I have all year to go and look at it."
"You're gonna go there in the fall. All right? You're not deferring. We're not getting married."
"You don't want to marry me?" said Y/N with the saddest expression Steve had ever seen on her.
"I want to marry you so badly I can't go through with it. The thought of you being stuck here for another year because of me, it makes me sick."
"Then come with me. Okay? We can get married in New York and live in a little shoebox apartment together. It'll be romantic." Y/N was trying to make this work. She couldn't lose Steve.
"Do you love me?" Steve asked, plain and simple.
"Of course I do."
"Then tell me the truth and not just something you think I want to hear. Are you 100% sure you want to marry me?" Again, Steve couldn't have said all of this with a more serious expression.
"N-No-no one is 100% sure of anything." Deep down Y/N was still thinking eighteen was too young but... this was Steve, Steve the love of her life.
Steve looked deep into her eyes. "I am. I am that sure you're something special. That this is just the beginning for you. Okay? That you're gonna do amazing things. But to get there, you have to have these experiences on your own…"
"Wait a minute. Wait a minute." Y/N started panicking.
"Listen to me. You've got to have these experiences on your own."
"Wait a minute." Was this really happening?
"I can't to be there with you."
"Wait a minute. Are you breaking up with me?" Y/N voice broke.
"I'm setting you free." and there it was.
"Oh, my God." Y/N couldn't breathe properly, it was like someone was choking the life out of her.
"Look, d-do you know how hard this is for me? How many times have I've cried about this?" Steve face was getting red from all the emotion, tears were forming in too.
"No, I'm not going. I'm not going, not without you." Y/N wouldn't give up. She would never give up on Steve.
"You don't have a choice; I can't come with you."
"Well, then I'll stay here! I'll go wherever it is that you're going!" Y/N felt like begging right now. A life without Steve? That sounded like literal hell.
"Fort Benning, Georgia? Look, I-I need a chance to try and redeem myself, okay?"
That's when something clicked in Y/N's mind.
"I-I... Oh, my God! Oh, my God, wait a minute. You're joining the Army? Are you insane?! I can't believe that this is happening right now."
"It's also one of the places I knew you couldn't follow me. Look, you're-you're gonna get on that train. Okay? And you're gonna go to New York, and you're gonna be a star. Without me. That's how much I love you. You know what we're gonna do? Surrender. I know how hard that is for you because of how hard you hold on to stuff. But-but we're just gonna, we're gonna sit here and we're just gonna let go. Okay, and-and let the universe do it's thing. And if we're meant to be together, then we're gonna be together. Whether it's in a little shoebox apartment in New York or on the other side of the world. Okay? Will you do that with me? Will you surrender?" Steve said while trying to keep the tears out of Y/N's face.
Y/N felt numb by now. "I love you so much."
"I love you."
THE END <3 thinking about pt. 2....?
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
[PDJ anon] that's a fair read tbh! I think a lot of us wanted to think the show was doing more with Stolas than it has but it's just gotten worse n worse. he could have been an excellent villain or antagonist, or an interesting character study of a deeply flawed noble struggling to be better than the last generation & right now he's neither
and you're totally right - Stolas has been like three different characters at this point, maybe even five if you count the instas
1 pilot Stolas - fairly flat joke character but does actually feel like a demon lord. worst he does is call Blitzo and get, uh, overenthusiastic on the phone
2 murder family Stolas - retains the demon lord demeanour and speech patterns, escalates to trapping Blitzo in a deal for sex. stone cold predator out to get laid
3 rest of S1 Stolas - not a great father tbh but wants to be one. complicated home life. has some dimension outside of just wanting sex but still objectifies and demeans Blitzo. deeply flawed but interesting and not entirely let off the hook by the story
4 S2 Stolas - never did anything wrong in his life. If someone thinks he wronged them, no he didn't. Blitzo led him on, apparently; it's not his fault he was duped into coercing a lower class demon into sex they couldn't refuse! sad wet cat
insta Stolas - the closest to a decent person Stolas has ever gotten. flirts with Blitzo but doesn't push it. actually knows the names of the rest of IMP and gives a darn about both them and Blitzo's interests. has movie nights and probably the occasional consensual casual hookup w/Blitzo. actually teaches his daughter magic once in a while
it's hard for anyone to know what they're supposed to think of Stolas at this point tbh. Idk if PDJ minds his lyrics being changed or his song being used to essentially promote stol/tz. he always thanks people for their support so I suspect he was just happy to have eyes on his music. I feel bad for him, though. idk if he still likes what HB has turned into but he deserved more than to have his name buried at the end of the credits. He wrote it! His song Liquid Gold for Lackadaisy had his name right front and centre in both the title and desc. Wouldn't have killed Viv to do the same. at least he's doing bigger n better things these days
(side note, good point that Blitzo could have easily been seducing Stolas to get out of his room alive. his confidence noticeably comes back when he figures he can take control of the situation; before that he's tense and even scared)
Thank you paranoid DJ for putting your talent and skills towards this project, you deserved full credit and unedited lyrics. I’ll check out liquid gold soon! Plus Ringleader was his best Helluva song by far, it was intense and it hit hard. But thankfully fizz doesn’t hate Blitzø that much, or their story would be very cut and dry.
I feel like one way this could be salvaged is if they took his substance abuse issues seriously. Those mood stabilisers that he abuses are supposed to suppress unhappiness, they might even give him a high. So when he’s on those at a normal dose, maybe he’s personality 3, he’s a super gentle kind loving father, he can get through the day, he doesn’t devolve. But when he is in withdrawal or ODs that’s when he starts obsessively “loving” blitz and needing to see him and nobody else, because he can get an adrenaline high from him, guilt free.
The best stolas is 100% the 3rd personality, with the occasionally delve into the 2nd one when nobody is around but the imps.
You just can’t write personalities 1 through 3, then get 4 out of nowhere, and pretend he was actually personality 5 all along. What the hell?
The Instagram guy sounds nice but that’s nothing like the canon and it’s too late to pretend it is. In fact I’m starting to think having an Instagram cast and a canon cast alongside each other was a bad decision. Especially if they are this inconsistent. Because now the only justification we have for his behaviour is inserting stuff from the non canon instagrams. Offscreen from our canon. Not to mention the silly insert of phone pictures and texts. For crying out loud have them discuss Ozzies in person not via text?? Text that nobody can read without pausing??
I cant name a single person in the fandom who was happy with that decision.
I think the most interesting route that could be taken was to have 2 be his dark side that introduces conflict and, his kindness towards Via just makes him a villain with a kind layer. It gives blitz a bigger reason to not just kill him, he’s conflicted that a family man can act like this badly. Even the most racist nastiest people are super gentle and kind to the people they select to be good enough for it. This also opens the door for more Octavia importance, she could be someone between the commoner and wealthy classes. Nothing about her screams royal at all.
Last point like—literally! The whole scene was horrible to watch and the fact they met one time as kids makes it plain disgusting to me. Like why is stolas sexualising this guy who has been a child in his mind this whole time? LooLoo land was the perfect opportunity for them to have met as adults and mention the book. It even works better in the timeline. Blitz leaves the theme park to become an assassin instead. And here’s how - steal that book. Idk it’s just weird. And having Paimon buy Blitzo like he’s nothing, just because stolas feels sad, is unforgivable to me.
“I recall how you like making an entrance 😏” you mean whe—-when he was practically a baby..? When he made a balloon horsey and was 7 at the oldest? That’s sexy to you?
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katnissmellarkkk · 8 months
What do you think everlark would call each other post war? Like in terms of terms of endearment 😆
I’m a nickname-er so. Uh. I probably headcanon it more than most. The only other person who seems to share this trait with me is my lovely @jenniferiawrence 🩵
But yeah. I’ve answered this before but my lists can kind of get extensive. I don’t just casually chose the pet names, they tend to need some basis in canon to me. Most of the time.
Peeta calls Katniss sweetheart in book one to bug her. Because of Haymitch I sometimes get iffy on if Peeta would ever call her this post canon but I’ve decided yes, he would, because it’s the only canon pet name he ever used towards her so… apparently it rolls off his tongue? 😭 Because he barely knew her. And it’s not like Haymitch has a claim on it lololol.
Other than that, I resort to southern sounding nicknames since they’re southern-ish. Appalachian which idk if that’s technically southern but I’m not splitting hairs over it. Baby is literally the most common pet name in the world, it’s one of the only ones used (towards a child and a cat) in the book canon and it’s very southern, so I use that one a lot. Just know it’s meant to be said in a southern accent though. Darling I used to dislike so much but in a teasing or sarcastic context and in a southern accent it works for me. My love works really well sarcastically imo as well as in a rare tender moment. Esp after nightmares or sex. I have a weird, newish headcanon of Peeta calling Katniss honeybee sometimes. Or bird. Just like, bird. Sweet girl grew on me a while back and so I love that one on a rare occasion and when used sparingly (technically all these names should be used sparingly or else it’s just too much).
On the flip side, Katniss would probably also use the same ones for him that he uses for her but I feel like she would not use them as much for some reason. Peeta feels more like the one who’d use the terms of endearment.
Names I really can’t see for some reason are like sweetie or honey or babe or the like. I have nothing against them but I can’t imagine them for whatever reason. Oh and calling each other by their last names? For whatever reason I’m like “???” on that being cute or romantic or whatever.
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hyperrealisticblood · 3 months
thoughts on banwally. i've never played any of garten of banban so you are my only reference for what happens in those games and consequently, what makes banwally a compelling crackship.
buddy..... you have opened a can of worms you could have never prepared for
when or if I started shipping it: i actually have an exact date, may 29th of last year. everyone in my friends server is really into crackshipping so we like to share random ideas with each other and i posted them as an idea on that date. i have never been the same since
my thoughts: crackships are kind of hard to talk about in this context because there isnt anything canon to go off but ill do my best. when welcome home first started gaining traction i saw a lot of people saying "this is what good mascot horror looks like" (whether or not wh even counts as mascot horror is. debatable.) so me associating banban and wally with each other was already a thing before i started shipping them. at some point i realized they both have a lot in common (monotone voices, often associated with devil imagery, passive most of the time but gets a little Silly with it sometimes) and i was like woah.... they should kiss. again a lot of my thoughts surrounding them are based in headcanon so im struggling to talk about them in a way that doesnt make me sound fucking insane BUT im a sucker for pessimist/optimist ships and they very much fit that to me. i think they balance each other out in a way, wally is a bright spot in the Endless Misery banban deals with on a daily basis, and banban is pretty logical and grounded which levels out wallys spacey-ness. theyre very much a jessica and roger rabbit "he makes me laugh" type of deal but with the fun addition of identity issues and whatever the fuck wallys deal is
what makes me happy about them: the fact that theyre both freaks of nature (banban is a weird clone manmade abomination thing, wally is either straight up an eldritch entity or a manmade puppet with eldritch qualities) is another thing they have in common to me, so i think theyd be accepting of each others weird traits because they know what its like. banban doesnt give a fuck that wally is up to some scp shit, he might as well live in the scp containment facility. theres a kingdom run by a giant kangaroo woman with a magic scepter who is in charge of keeping a bunch of baby demons and the father(?) of those baby demons trapped in her pouch or else the entire kingdom will be destroyed. he has seen weirder. banban wouldnt just love wally because hes handsome and hes nice to people, he loves all of his weird traits too because they arent even weird to him.
what makes me sad about them: they lend themselves pretty well to angst (i hate that word but idk a better one to describe this) because theyre both from horror media, and i like to pelt my favorite characters with hammers so >:) my friends and i (same friends who got me into crackshipping) have a group rp thing going on, and theres a mini arc going on right now based on the fact that banban got SUPER fucked up trying to fight sir dadadoo and his army. wally wants banban to leave the kindergarten because of how dangerous it is, he wants him to live in home where he doesnt need to fear for his life all the time. but despite all the horrors he has to put up with, banban doesnt want to leave everyone in the underground behind. theyre still his friends, and he wants to protect them. as much as wally wants him to be safe, he understands where hes coming from because he wouldnt want to leave his friends behind either. this leaves him feeling really conflicted and confused, and the homewarming update taught us that wally doesnt do well with those kinds of feelings. just some thoughts for yall <3
things done in fanfic that annoys me: nobody except me would wanna write fanfic about them and im too depressed slash lazy to actually write anything so. uh
things I look for in fanfic: see above
my kinks: size difference where the top is the smaller one i have no such things. i am a man of the lord.
who i’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: wallaby (wally/barnaby) is pretty epic so if that ends up being canon i wouldnt be mad lmao. ive also been wondering if wally might end up whoever "w" is (the awayfrompryingeyes.net mod) because clown said theres another ship that will be canon but that he cant talk about because its inherently a spoiler somehow, id be fine with that too. not much to say about banban because gobb doesnt do romance aside from whatever the fuck nabnab and nabnaleena have going on
my happily ever after for them: things finally calm down at the kindergarten to a point where banban feels comfortable leaving to be with wally, and whatever the hell is going on with home also calms down. banban would still visit the others obviously (i think he would introduce some of them to wallys friends, barnaby and bittergiggle would get along super well i think) but he can finally be somewhere where he isnt constantly fearing for his life :]
uhh tldr dont say "what if i shipped this" as a joke. it will become no longer a joke and you will write like a million words about two characters from entirely different media who have never met and never will meet. worst mistake of my life
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quinloki · 4 months
Do you wanna guess what I thought about all night Quin?
I’m legit trying to figure out what I need to sacrifice to get to be in between these two
And Izou. And Ace >>
I do NOT HAVE TIME to stay up and read tonight bc a repairman is coming early but ugh I was so tempted to reread that kinktober piece you did even tho I just reread it like…. Last week…
Gonna be looking that grouping up on ao3 too, I know I read another one with that set up awhile ago >>
But not tonight alas I will head off to bed at a respectable time (2am lmao) and think about them
Omg but I was going thru the tabs on my computer looking for something…. And I still have that wbp yandere ask you were sent up… and I gave it another glance and my brain went brrrr
I just wanted you to know you killed me and I was brain rotting the whole night at work. My coworker said I was very quiet and I was like oh uh it was the smelling salts yep totally that nothing else >>
I think Thatch is gonna sneak his way onto my blorbo list here soon…
XD <3
Thatch kind of snuck his way with me too. He's very much a background character, and even with additional flash backs we don't get much on him - which is understandable, the cast of One Piece is massive.
But we get personality and such from extra, like official game pop art and such, and I think they did a good job just because the general fanon for Thatch is so consistent. Details change here and there, but I mean, that's the joy of fandom, fanon, and head canon honestly.
I have a Thatch x Reader I've got some notes for, but that's admittedly a ways off. I need to wrap more up before I dive into it (though the outline is going well, I might make it my NaNo this year and just do it all in one month.)
He's just so BIG. Like, he's barrel-chested, his hair's big, he's got that big wide smile. Idk, I know we don't get much of him, but he just has a BIG presence to me, and at the same time I feel like he's such a hopeless romantic. Maybe it's the more traditional "cook" outfit he has, or even the pompadour.
Like, who would do that to their hair unless they thought it was going to attract the ladies? 😂🥰 (or laddies.)
He whistles or hums while he cooks, I just know he does, and if he's cooking something special for someone special? He's practically singing, deep tenor teetering on baritone notes vibrating against that wide chest, damn dopey grin on his face.
(I also think he has just the best worst sense of humor and you cannot convince me he wouldn't just be FUN in the sack. (that is a very very nude image, open with care!))
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eirian · 9 months
i think a lot about how much ive grown and changed as a person, not the least of which being how i went from a super heavy kinnie to someone who hardly kins at all
my journey with kinning was like...idk. it started with learning about what otherkin was, and i realized that damn i have a super strong connection with demons for some reason, and i genuinely wished i was an actual demon. this was in 2013 ish. that was my first time calling myself a kinnie
then my first experience with fictionkin specifically was with...unfortunately, prussia from hetalia lol. that was my first fictionkin. then shit got out of control from there bc then i proceeded to keep tacking on fictional characters onto my identity until they BECAME my identity.
i became a kinnie at a very interesting and formative part of my life--the mid-teen years. and honestly? i dont think it was the healthiest thing for my growth. b/c my identity sort of became...nonexistent for a while? i based my whole self around fictional characters. i didnt want to be myself because i didnt know who "myself" was. and unfortunately this lasted into my...well, mid-20s. im 26 now and it took me until i was ABOUT 24 to actually find my real core identity outside of fictional characters to the point of where i was proud and happy to know myself and call myself just...dan. thats me! im not dan plus fu, kidou, raditz, etc....im just dan. and thats enough!
so for me, being a kinnie was a result of not knowing who i was and using fictional characters to sort of fill in that hole in my identity. i wanted to be them b/c i didnt know who myself was, or maybe i didnt like who i was either and wanted to replace myself with them. i loved fu and lots of other ppl did, so i wanted to be him so i could be loved like that. i wanted to be funny like him. i wanted to be strong like raditz. i wanted to be smart and athletic like kidou. i wanted to be cool like dan phantom. i wanted to be anything but the real me and that hampered my growth as a person for a very, very long time
it took me a long while to reach the point im at right now--where im confident in my identity and dont need to use fictional characters as a crutch. and im not necessarily saying being fictionkin is inherently bad--it can be fun or even used to cope with situations such as trauma, i understand that--but when it came to me and my own situation, i excused it as being a "spiritual" thing and sort of clung to the idea that i was "soul-connected" to fictional characters who existed in another universe at the same time as me...which in retrospect was kind of a reach lol. but like. idk. it ended up not being spiritual at all even though i convinced myself it was. it was due to identity issues and, to an extent, actual real delusions--i genuinely thought that i HAD to uncover and piece together my "canon" lives to the point of obsession. it was super unhealthy for me and brought me so much unnecessary stress, everyone around me could see it too.
so uh. what am i tryna conclude here. i guess like. be careful? if youre a fictionkinnie, especially a young one, please take the time to do some introspection. is it just for fun? is it a lighthearted thing? or are you so intensely deep into it that its a huge part of your identity to the point of where you lost your actual self? to the point of having breakdowns over doubles? can you function in life without the kin part?
for the record, i still consider myself generally otherkin--i do still heavily identify with demons and have dreams of being a demon and all that good kin stuff. but its not who i am. i have a list of fictional characters i kin still--hidden and not advertised anymore--but its at the back of my mind now and is more of a casual "oh yeah im raditz haha" kind of thing if that makes sense? its not affecting my life as much as it did anymore and im happy about that
i hope nobody takes this personally lol. im just basically airing my thoughts about my own kin journey out and sharing my experience and thoughts abt the thing as a whole. end text post
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jayjamjary · 2 months
light and/or L for 6/9/25?
I'm alive againnnnnn! So I can finally answer this.
Okay so I wrote a lot and don't want to make people scroll a mile at least on mobile to get past this post so answers under the cut lol. I hope you like long winded paragraphs.
Also here's the thing I'm doing this from.
L 6, I've stolen so many of his mannerisms and my posture is worse for it. His moral code (made pretty clear in L Change The World) is one I like as well and reading that book helped me consider a lot of my own moral codes that are still kinda works in progress probably forever. I'm also rather logical with a side of social awkwardness and bluntness like he is. Obviously I'm not as smart as him (I don't know if that would even be possible????) but I know a lot and I'm good at analyzing information (except when it's social information. I can't read faces I can't read tone and I suck at understanding neurotypical people's behavior). I've also taken martial arts lol but just taekwondo not the capoeira-esque thing he does. Oh and I'm snacky. I operate best on too much sugar but also then I sometimes start shaking.
Light 6, Sometimes I have to stop myself from thinking I'm above everyone else. I only get in that mindset occasionally though, like once every few years and then I just have to humble myself by remembering I'm not that cool. I've just always been really good at school stuff, and, especially this year while taking AP Bio, it's hitting me that I'm Really Good At Some Stuff Compared To My Peers. Like top of the class and I do not study and I do almost all of my work last minute and then I draw on the notes in class when the teacher is lecturing. I'll keep thinking I'm going to fail a test or something and then we get it back and I'm the top or near the top of the curve. It's odd. Anyway, aside from academics, when I was younger and first watched death note, like Light, I also didn't understand how his method was bad. Because I was like 14 and hadn't considered morals much at that time. But I've been there so I understand. If I had that kind of power and hadn't had the opportunity to analyze his methods from and outside perspective, I could see myself doing something quite like what he did. Oh also, when I was little (like ages 5-12 maybe), I was a manipulative bitch. I've lost my edge though because. I can't read people and also I'm not terribly good at producing the correct tones myself anymore :p plus I'm smarter now and realizing lying willy nilly all the time isn't the best tactic. Oh, and right now, we almost have the same haircut. My hair's a little shorter on the side but that's it. K even have brown hair too.
L 9, that's a really interesting question to answer. I would think so but only under some conditions. He would have to minimize screen light (like from computers or phones) while I'm trying to sleep. Like cover the screen and his head in a blanket and block out the light from the rest of the room or something. Then uh he would need to share his yummy little sweet treats because they look yummy. If he doesn't want to share he just needs to learn which ones I don't like and get more of those. Which should be easy because I'm very picky (I don't like most chocolate, I don't like most cake, I don't like most pastries, I'm picky with cookies, etc.). I would also appreciate if Watari came along sometimes too. In L Change The World, L takes pretty good care of himself alone, but that was a crisis situation. In a normal situation he may be more inclined to let stuff slide for being able to work longer and I don't want him forgetting to shower or eat or sleep or anything. I could try to take care of him myself but idk if he would listen to me and idk if I would always have energy.
Light 9, Could I be roommates with him? Yes. Would I want to be? No. Well maybe. If we're talking Light with no Kira I think it'd be okay, but if we're talking Light with Kira that's a solid pass. Light with no Kira is a pretty okay guy, and I feel like he would learn to respect me even if he initially looked down on me for my generally alternative style and lack of social skills since I'm pretty smart and stuff. Not only do I think Light with Kira would be judgier but also I don't want to deal with his rehehehe shit. I don't want to live with a roomate who's constantly plotting and scheming and all that.
L 25, ahhh I watched death note for the first time like 4ish years ago so I barely remember. I think I liked him a bit, like I thought he was silly, but I was weirded out by how many shots of his feet rubbing together the anime had.
Light 25, once again, I remind the reader that I was young and dumb when I first watched the show so don't judge me here. I agreed that the world is a trash fire sometimes and I was pretty on board with Light's methods of dealing with that. I thought he was kinda an ass but that was it.
Thank you for asking me the silly questions and sorry for taking so long to get to them lol.
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verdantglow · 3 months
Okay so @plumadot’s posting about her D&D Traffic AU has made me remember how much I love my Dungeons & Traffic AU & I Must Talk About It Now.
Basically all the characters are in a modern setting, playing a rotating cast D&D game DMed by The Watchers. (I never really decided how that works. Plan was for everything in out of game space be completely mundane except for the floating purple eye behind the DM screen lol.)
But yeah! So I picked classes & heritages that the characters would pick themselves based on play styles & preferences. &, uh, here they are!
Bdubs: Firbolg, Light Domain Cleric of Helios
Of course he’s a light cleric. Of course his god is literally the god of the Sun. This man does not fuck with the night & darkness At All. (Also he wanted to be tall lol.)
BigB: (???), (???)
Okay, gonna be honest, BigB is the last one I need to make decisions for ‘cause I feel I have too many knowledge gaps about him to figure this out. Was thinking Paladin maybe??? But I will totes take input, please help me here. Only restrictions: I’d prefer if he doesn’t double up on heritage or subclass with anyone.
Cleo: Reborn, Circle of Wildfire Druid
Cleo’s gotta be a zombie, so Reborn is perfect. & who can deny Cleo the opportunity to have a skill set based entirely around setting shit on fire?
Etho: Shadar-Kai, Way of the Shadow Monk
He’s a ninja lol. Also in this AU I was thinking he & Gem would be siblings, so having him play an emotionally flat dark elf played nicely with what Gem goes with. Which…
Gem: Eladrin, Eldritch Knight Fighter
Gem had to be a fighter, that girl is a fighter through & through, but she’s definitely not playing a boring character. Eldritch Knight adds some magical flavour that goes well with her being an Eladrin. & she had to be an elf of some kind; I think she’d like the versatility & expressiveness of Eladrin.
Grian: Changeling, Pact of the Tome Warlock of the Archfey
Okay, I know this is probs controversial but hear me out. 1) Grian being a Warlock I think is just very in character. 2) Pact of the Tome lets him cast catrips from other classes & you unknowingly he’d get a kick outta that mechanic. 3) His patron is a homebrewed version of The Traveler, half way between 5e canon & Critical Role canon. Trickster vibes are real. 4) This dude has had so many skins. Changeling energy. (Also I just love changelings & Grian made the most sense to me.)
Impulse: Hill Dwarf, Forge Domain Cleric of Tharmekhûl
Another controversial one, but I’m not a fan of demon/tiefling/horned Impulse. & he legit has been a dwarf before. Hill dwarf because they get a Wisdom buff & that makes sense for Impulse. Cleric of Tharmekhûl because forge/light vibes & also he’s the god of smiths & that feels… like something Impulse would choose. (Impulse’s character is also min-max’d to hell. This man is going to win at D&D.)
Jimmy: Human, Oath of Glory Paladin of Tyr
Jimmy got overwhelmed by all the heritages & just went human for simplicity. He takes regular human rather than variant because he doesn’t want to learn all the feats & getting +1 to all stats is pretty good, right? Oath of Glory Paladin of Tyr because he really, really plays into being Lawful Good, & being The Law of the party.
Joel: Half-orc, Path of the Berserker Barbarian
Half-orc for being the closest I could get to an ogre. Path of the Berserker because he’s all about The Rage.
Lizzie: High Elf, School of Enchantment Wizard
Idk Lizzie just has big Wizard vibes to me, but like. Not the best wizard. Like she’s powerful, but rolls shit. She couldn’t get anyone to sleep in the Secret Life campaign because her DC is kinda low & everyone kept making their saves. (Except Joel. He failed his save on purpose. <3) High Elf for Queen Lizzie.
Martyn: Tiefling, Swashbuckler Fighter
Another natural fighter choice imo, but Swashbuckler for The Performance. Tiefling because he’s a bit impish & also so he can have Thaumaturgy to constantly scare everyone with monster/mob noises.
Mumbo: Rock Gnome, School of Evocation Wizard
I need to Mumbo to be a glass canon. School of Evocation Wizard does that so well. He can blow shit up so good, but he takes one hit & he’s out. Rock gnome because he just wanted to be a little guy & so he can be a Tinker.
Pearl: Wood Elf, Beastmaster Ranger
Beastmaster Ranger so she can have Tilly as an animal companion. Also more combat than magic focused, ‘cause that feels right? Elf because that’s her vibe, wood elf because it made sense for her build.
Ren: Werewolf Shifter (Doglike), Bannerette Fighter
Ren really wanted to be a fighter, but he put all his points in charisma RIP. So yeah, he’s the fighter class that does the least actual fighting lol. Doglike werewolf because of course.
Scar: Half-elf, Wild Magic Sorcerer/School of Eloquence Bard multiclass
His first few levels were in sorcerer, to reflect his absolutely bonkers all or nothing luck. School of Eloquence because he’s the type to talk his way out of most any situation he can. Also: Scar is 100% a charisma caster. (He still uses a longbow, don’t worry; he gets proficiency with it from being a half-elf.)
Scott: Fairy, Lunar Sorceror
I have changed my mind the most about Scott. Landed on Fairy, because the Vibes. Sorcerer because I felt he’d have innate magic, Lunar because it gives him access to a wide variety of spells that make sense for him. (Like Shield. He uses Shield all the time. Can’t hit this man, no sir.)
Skizz: Protector Aassimar, Path of the Ancestral Guardians Barbarian
He attac, he protec. & most importantly, he place high value on bonds between folks. So giving him Ancestral Guardians just… yeah.
Tango: Fire Genasi, Battlesmith Artificer
I don’t think I need to explain this much. His Steel Defender is an Iron Golem.
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abnerkrill · 1 year
7, 8, 14, 24 for the choose violence asks 😈
thanks for your contribution to the unending torments <3
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
funny that this is the same answer as the last question........ but H*lbrand in ROP. I mean, it's not hate hate, I think he's an interesting character and i have read fic with him that i liked, but the next person to go omg daddy sexy slut s*uron i want him to spank me or whatever? u get the KNIFE. develop some shame!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I think there are ... lots but it is sometimes annoying when people didn't want characters to die and it's like, okay, but that's the point of the story?
(saying this as i'm guilty of not wanting abner krill or bialar crais to die, but like, i can recognize i wouldn't have loved the stories as much if they had avoided their fates.)
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
this is petty English major of me, but people use the wrong fucking words all the time, especially in the sort of... flowery sensual archaism tone that is so popular among younger fanfic writers. just so many misused words. i will close a fic and also if the mistake is funny enough make fun of it to my friends. (I like words a lot! but not blatant misuse. idk, use a dictionary.)
(this is not to shame second language English learners, who are often way more careful with words anyway? i'm talking about regular old first-language English speakers who are trying to make their prose better and accidentally make it worse.)
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
where do i begin. so much rancid discourse on this website! any kind of petty ship wars or fandom wars and... uh-oh girls i feel a thought coming on
okay i'm going to attempt to say this next bit in a way that doesn't set the snipers on me, or alienate the people i know and love who enjoy them critically, because i have obviously watched m*rvel and t*p gun myself and read & enjoyed fic for them. but like: while there are obvious exceptions and there are plenty of fans reclaiming & reworking these fandoms, i think it can be a sign of immaturity to latch onto those giant blockbusters with obvious pro-imperialism pro-cop themes and not be able to take constructive criticism about your media diet. (see: "it's just escapism", "it's my comfort show", "it's just fiction it doesn't mean anything" etc.)
if pro-cop pro-imperialism media is a significant part of your media diet, you maybe need to consider branching out and watching stuff that isn't spoon-fed propaganda. and you need to be able to say, these are things within these films/shows that do not align with my own worldview; i enjoy it for these other reasons. ALL THAT TO SAY watch what you want whatever i ain't a cop but please do so with brain cells and also there is a wonderful world of non-cop/CIA propaganda out there that you might find you enjoy if you watch something other than Generic Blockbuster #72 because it stars one of the Chrises you like.
basically i think people on tumblr need to touch grass. my absolute favorite film of 2022 was Athena, a French film about brothers and their different approaches to police brutality, that had about 0 marketing. i wouldn't have discovered it if i only watched giant studio films.
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