#🦄when the first breath of winter through the flowers is icing
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🦄When The First Breath Of Winter Through The Flowers Is Icing, Chapter 1 - Hanzo’s Unicorn
Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang Length: 7167 Words Rating: Explicit 🔞 Warnings: Unicorn AU, Fantasy AU, King!Hanzo Hasashi, Unicorn!Kuai Liang, War, Canon-Typical Violence, Broken Bones, Blood and Injury, Hunted To Extinction, Last Of Their Kind, Murder, Rated Explicit for future smut (none in this chapter tho I guess)
When The First Breath Of Winter Through The Flowers Is Icing Masterlist
Notes: Alright this has been sitting in my done pile for like… 2 years so it’s about time I pushed it out XD I tried to make Kuai’s speech a bit stunted and strange sounding on purpose, with commas in places he doesn’t need them and weird wording of things, idk if I succeeded. His struggle with language isn’t so much words themselves, he’s got a pretty good vocabulary, it’s more he struggles with having to think about what he’s saying as he’s saying it. I hope that makes sense in context of the fic TT_TT I intend eventually to do another couple of chapters, but given like I said this has been sitting around for 2 years idk when exactly i’ll get around to it so uh… Don’t get your hopes up lol. Title is from The Last Unicorn by America, and I also use the lyrics in the fic itself :)
The twigs and leaves crushed under Hanzo's feet as he ran through the forest. Ahead, he could just about see his target, struggling to flee. They were completely unaware that they were about to run into a trap.
He'd planned this for days. This was his chance to prove he could grow to be a good king. Father had given him the task of hunting down a magical creature, and Hanzo had seen a small herd of unicorns in the forests surrounding the city. This one was the smallest, the most eager to be separate from their herd, making them an easy target to hunt.
He'd almost messed up already. His intention had been to sneak up and slit the creature's throat, but he had slipped and instead only sliced the unicorn's one eye. The unicorn had run, but thankfully Hanzo had a backup plan, all he had to do was make sure he guided the unicorn to the right spot.
A loud snap and a whinny told him he'd succeeded.
As he caught up, he surveyed his work with pride. The unicorn lay on the floor, their legs tangled in chains, silvery blue blood seeping from the wound across their eye. They seemed dazed, lifting their head to see what had happened to them. When they noticed the bindings, they began to struggle, horn glowing as they summoned ice in an attempt to break free. Hanzo had taken the possibility of magic into account, and had enchanted his chains. The unicorn made distressed sounds, likely calling for their herd to come and help them.
Their head snapped to him and the struggling stopped as Hanzo approached, sword raised, ready to thrust through the unicorn's heart. The unicorn's ears lowered, their eyes wide. Hanzo felt himself pause, a horrific realisation coming when he could see the unicorn quake.
The Unicorn was afraid of him.
Not just the panic a regular animal would have. He could see genuine terror in the creature's eyes. Like it understood complex emotions.
That shouldn't matter right? They were just an animal, no different from hunting a deer for food. Except he wasn't hunting this unicorn for food, he wasn't even hunting them for their blood, said to give the drinker immortality. He was hunting them to make himself seem more of a man, ready to take over a country.
For his own selfish gains, he was willing to kill this innocent creature.
He brought the sword down.
It made a noise as it pierced the dirt, inches away from the unicorn.
How can I ever justify killing this unicorn? He felt his legs give way and he dropped to the floor, closing his eyes and bowing his head. If this is what it takes to make me a king, I do not want the crown. He reopened his eyes, looking towards the unicorn. They were staring at him wide eyed, ears flicked upwards. They tilted their head, as if waiting for an explanation.
“I'm sorry,” he spoke to them gently, reaching for the chains. The unicorn began to struggle again. “Shh, shh, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you anymore.” The unicorn stilled, their ears down again and clearly still uneasy. Like they had understood what Hanzo had said to them.
He managed to reach the chains, untangling them from the unicorn's legs. The second he had freed them, they jumped to their feet and shook themself off. Hanzo stayed on his knees as the unicorn turned to him, looking down at him suspiciously.
“What are you waiting for?” He asked them, and the unicorn snorted. “Go!” The unicorn stayed, although they did lift their head when they heard shouting in the distance. Hanzo knew it was his father and his men. “You need to go before they get here! They will make me finish you, don't you understand?” He made a gesture with his hands, trying to shoo the unicorn away.
The unicorn continued to stare at him, before they bowed their head at him. Another shout caught their attention, and they seemed to decide to not push their luck any further. Hanzo watched as the unicorn fled.
“Hanzo,” he heard his fathers voice cry. Hanzo dared not look at him, he couldn't stand to see his father's disappointment. “Hanzo, what happened? Where is the unicorn?”
“I'm sorry Father,” he all but whispered, shame burying itself deep within. “I just couldn't do it. That unicorn. It was just an innocent creature. I couldn't kill a being so carelessly without reason.”
He felt his father place a hand on his shoulder, and despite his reservations, he chanced a look at his father. He felt his guilt disappear when all he saw on his fathers face was pride.
“You have passed your test, my son.”
“What?” Hanzo questioned, shaking his head as he struggled to his feet. “But, I didn't kill a magical creature! I let the unicorn escape! I-”
“Showed mercy to an innocent,” his father explained. “You put aside your own ambitions, and put another's life ahead of yours.” Both of his fathers hands were on Hanzo's shoulders. “That is the mark of a good king.”
“You mean... the test wasn't if I would kill the creature for my own gain, but if I would spare it while sacrificing my ambition?” His father grinned and nodded. “That... is an awful test!”
“Maybe, but it is one you passed, just as I knew you would.” Hanzo felt a lump in his throat, eyes stinging. Yes he was angry that he had been deceived, but knowing he had made the right choice? Knowing his father knew he would make that right choice? God, that was worth the anger. “You will make an excellent king, Hanzo Hasashi.”
“Thank you Father,” Hanzo managed to choke out, barely keeping himself together.
“Now come! We must celebrate this milestone!” His father slapped his back and began to guide Hanzo back through the forest.
Hanzo glanced over his shoulder once. In the distance, he was surprised to see the unicorn, standing still and watching him go. He turned to face forward, unsure what that meant for him.
That was not the last time he saw the unicorn, as he had believed it would.
On the day of his father's funeral, he spotted a unicorn, just standing and watching from atop the kingdom's walls. He thought it a hallucination initially, but then others confirmed they could see a unicorn too. He then believed they were a different unicorn, until he realised it had a silvery blue scar over the eye Hanzo had injured. The unicorn didn't approach him, and he did not approach them.
The next time he saw the unicorn was the day of his coronation. They were inside the walls of the city now, but still stood off to the sidelines, hidden in the foliage. When he spotted them, they bowed, ears low. Hanzo could do nothing but nod his head in acknowledgement.
Then, he met Harumi. She was the daughter of one of the kingdom's generals, and the second Hanzo set eyes upon her, he was taken by her beauty. As they spoke, and grew to know each other, Hanzo found her beauty wasn't just outward. It took only 6 months of courting for him to know she was the one he wanted to spend his life with, and she accepted his proposal. Their wedding wasn't a huge affair, but the kingdom's denizens did want to give their well wishes to the newlyweds. As the king and his new queen greeted their subjects, Hanzo saw the unicorn once more. They pranced and reared, like they were celebrating Hanzo's happiness with him.
It was only 6 months later that Harumi gave Hanzo the best news since she had agreed to marry him. She was pregnant. He wasn't so proud as to deny that he had burst into tears of joy. 9 months later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. His name was Satoshi, he had Hanzo's nose, his grandfather’s eyebrows and Harumi's eyes. Hanzo wished his father could be there to meet his grandson. It was when they were introducing Satoshi to the kingdom's citizens when Hanzo saw the unicorn again. They tilted their head one way, then the other, like Satoshi was a puzzle they were trying to solve. Hanzo couldn't help himself, grabbed Satoshi's wrist and gently made him wave. The unicorn jumped, like it was startled, but Hanzo swore in the distance he could hear a soft giggling.
4 years later, everything fell apart.
The kingdom was stormed. Hanzo had seen no warnings of an incoming attack. He had rallied his armies, saved as many of his subjects as he could. It was not enough, and at least 60% of his people succumbed to the attack. And then the news came to him.
Harumi and Satoshi were lying in his quarters, dead and covered in blood.
Hanzo had failed. He had failed his people. He had failed his wife. He had failed his son. He had failed his father.
He would never forgive himself for this.
Those that remained, proceeded with trying to rebuild, and Hanzo tried to stay strong for them. He was there to bury every last person who died. When it came to Harumi and Satoshi, Hanzo could hardly keep himself together. His people tried to comfort him, but nothing could console him.
One night, while he was at their grave, mourning, he looked up, and on the edges of the cemetery, stood that same unicorn that had shadowed him the last 5 years of his life. Their ears were low, head down, like they too were paying their respects. He had heard rumours amongst his people that an orphanage had been saved from attack by a unicorn. Still, all Hanzo could do was bow to acknowledge the unicorn’s efforts.
The next day, when he went to visit Harumi and Satoshi's grave, he found a small collection of flowers made from ice.
He wasn't ashamed by how he cried at the gesture.
But that was the last time he saw the unicorn. Soon after, word reached him that unicorns were considered extinct. They had always been hunted, drinking their blood was said to cause immortality though if it did or not was debatable.
The unicorn went extinct because of the greed of so-called sophisticated beings.
He knew his unicorn must have been killed, and it made him feel cold inside. He'd lost almost everything, in only a matter of months.
But he knew that Harumi would not want him to spend his days in mourning, he knew he wanted to build a kingdom that would have been good for his son, and he knew he had to honour the unicorn's sacrifice by making sure the orphans they saved grew to have good lives.
He would honour all he'd lost, and he'd rebuild a world they would all be proud of.
10 years passed, and Hanzo was still rebuilding, although his kingdom was in a much better place than before. The people who survived had done everything they could to help, and he couldn't ask for better subjects to rule. He did everything he could to make their healing his priority.
War had broken out amongst other neighbouring kingdoms, leaving many displaced and desperate for a new place to call home. Hanzo opened his walls to these people, taking in as many refugees as he could and helping them to settle. He knew all too well the pain of losing everything, and how he wished there had been a kind hand to guide his way. He only hoped that he could do right by these people.
That was why he was currently at a small section of the gates. A small travelling group of refugees had heard of the king of the Shirai Ryu's kindness and had travelled miles to seek his mercy. It was mostly mothers and their children, but a few men mingled between them. He couldn't turn away people so desperate. He needed time to assign everyone a new home, but for the time being, he could accept people within his own castle.
He met each one, going through their paperwork, learning their names and getting their stories. One woman's husband was killed in front of her children, the poor little ones looked on with dead eyes and it pained Hanzo to see. Another man watched as his adult son was killed, and all he could do was grab his young daughter and run. A brother and his two sisters made it out just before their house burnt to the ground. So much senseless violence, so many families broken and for what? A few inches of land. It was disgusting.
Then he came to a man that immediately caught his interest. He was short, somehow looking dainty even when Hanzo could see muscular biceps. He had short black hair and a trim beard, and a large scar across one side of his face. His ears were pointed, clearly either an elf or half elf. But most striking were his eyes. They were a light icy blue, and his pupils were white and in the shape of diamonds. Hanzo had never seen anything like it.
And yet, for some reason, they were so familiar to him.
“Welcome,” Hanzo greeted, putting aside the nagging feeling. “I am King Hasashi, welcome to the Shirai Ryu. What is your name?”
The man stared at him. Just stared. Didn't even try to reply. Hanzo continued to look at him expectantly, until one of the guards coughed to get his attention.
“My apologies your Majesty, we should have warned you, but we don't think he's able to speak, he hasn't said a word since he got here.” The guard handed the man's paperwork to Hanzo. “He managed to write his name however, it's Kuai Liang.”
It wasn't unusual for refugees who had been through something particularly traumatic to refuse to speak at first, which was the purpose of the paperwork. Indeed on the paper, the man's name was written as Kuai Liang, but that was about all there was. No place of origin, no race, Kuai Liang was labelled as a first name and no family name was provided, not even gender was filled out. Hanzo frowned and then stared at the man.
Those eyes were striking. Where have I seen them before?
“Kuai Liang?” He questioned, and Kuai blinked in response. “Have we met before? You seem familiar to me.”
Kuai looked him up and down, before shrugging. Hanzo wasn't sure if that was a “maybe” or an “I don't know”. He sighed, maybe eventually the man would be willing to speak, but it would take some work to build trust. He was prepared to do that.
“You do not have to be afraid any longer, Kuai Liang, you are safe here. We will look after you,” he softly informed him. He wasn't sure if his words got through, but when Kuai smiled he knew he'd at least done something right.
Kuai moved aside to join the others in the group, and Hanzo turned to see the last person. Only he was met with a very familiar face.
“Kenshi? What are you doing here?” Hanzo questioned, watching as his old friend approached, a small boy clinging to his leg.
“I am sorry to come at short notice, Hanzo, but I have a request for you.” Kenshi placed a hand on the boy's head. “I need you to take in my son.”
“You don't have a son,” Hanzo stated, staring down at the boy who was trying desperately to not look at anyone.
“Turns out, I do,” Kenshi replied, trying to pry the boy off his leg while a guard passed Hanzo the boy's paperwork. “His name is Takeda.”
Indeed, written on the paper was Takahashi Takeda, only 6 years old. Hanzo looked back to his friend, still trying to get the boy off his leg. Sighing, Hanzo passed the papers back to his guard and going to grab Takeda. He put up a struggle, but Hanzo managed to bundle him in his arms.
“You know with what I do for a living, I cannot take him with me,” Kenshi explained, as Takeda continued to silently battle Hanzo's grasp. He hated to admit the kid had a mean kick. “I know you will take good care of him.”
“Kenshi,” Hanzo warned in a low tone. If Kenshi left Takeda here, the boy would resent him for the rest of his life, even if Hanzo did fill the role of father for him.
“Please, my friend,” Kenshi continued, “I know he will hate me for this, but it will keep him safe.”
Hanzo considered that. Kenshi was practically a mercenary, he had many enemies who wouldn't hesitate to harm a child. In the end he understood, even if he knew this was a sort of trauma that Takeda would carry forever.
“I will care for him like he is my own,” he finally agreed, feeling the boy still in his arms. He could hear Takeda softly sobbing.
“Thank you Hanzo, I will one day repay you for this.” Kenshi bowed before going to address his son. “Goodbye Takeda, I hope one day you will see this is for the best.”
“No,” the child wailed, “no, please don't leave me!”
Hanzo had to adjust his grip, as Takeda's struggle was renewed. Kenshi, to his credit, did give a look of regret, before he turned and went to leave. Takeda continued to call out, his voice breaking while he begged his father to come back. There was nothing Hanzo could do nothing, he knew there was nothing he could do or say to soothe the poor child. Kenshi disappeared from view, not looking back.
Hanzo felt a hand on his shoulder, expecting it to be either one of his guards or one of the mothers who wished to lend a hand with the distressed child. When he turned to find those blue eyes looking up at him, he felt himself falter.
Kuai Liang moved so he stood in front of them. To Hanzo's surprise, Takeda stopped thrashing, although he was still hiccuping from the force of his tears. Kuai reached a hand forward, resting it on Takeda's cheek and brushing away a tear that was falling.
To Hanzo's surprise, Takeda calmed. His eyes were fixed on Kuai, who just smiled gently, stroking Takeda's cheek. Reaching a little hand forward, he went to touch Kuai's hand. It was like a silent conversation was going on between them, one that for some reason was enough to soothe Takeda's fears.
Eventually Takeda looked up at Hanzo, brown eyes still filled with tears. He sighed, and held the child close to him.
“I'm sorry Takeda, I know this is a dire situation,” he said as he patted Takeda's head. “But you are here now, and I promise I will do everything in my power to make sure you are cared for. If you let me?”
Takeda sniffed and eventually nodded. Hanzo let out a breath, this would not be an easy task, but it was one he was willing to take on. His eyes flicked to Kuai Liang, who was watching them both with a tilted head. Something about the action once again felt like a distant memory, but he couldn't put his finger on what it was.
“Thank you,” he said, trying to desperately remember. Where had he seen those eyes before? Who was this man who Hanzo felt he knew?
Kuai bowed in response, before going to rejoin the other refugees. Hanzo didn't know what else to say at that moment. So he just sighed, adjusted Takeda to hold him more comfortably. He gave the order for everyone to follow him to the castle, where he could begin to assign people rooms until more permanent accommodations could be offered.
Takeda was a very clingy child.
Hanzo supposed he couldn't blame him. He had been abandoned by his father, and Hanzo still hadn't managed to figure out what happened to his mother. Given that Takeda got quiet whenever the topic was brought up, he could only assume it was not a natural or peaceful death. Poor child, he did not deserve this.
It had been a little rocky to begin with, but it took only a couple of days for Takeda to become glued to his side. He got distressed whenever he wasn't in the same room as Hanzo. While Hanzo definitely needed to work on soothing that anxiety, for now it didn't hurt to let the child sit with him while he did paper work. Granted it resulted in a lot of questions about what he was doing, why he was doing it, when he would be done doing it, but he didn't mind that.
The only other person who Takeda didn't fuss over being left alone with was Kuai Liang. Takeda would talk and talk at the man, who despite being silent as the day they met, seemed to pay close attention to what he was being told. It was strange, but useful. If Hanzo had to go somewhere and he couldn't bring Takeda along with him, he would seek out Kuai Liang, leaving the child in his hands. Kuai didn't seem to mind, despite his silence, he appeared to have taken a shine to Takeda.
Hanzo had just returned from a patrol of the kingdom's borders, making sure there were no holes in their defences should the war raging around them spiral towards his territory. He had left Takeda in Kuai's care, and it was growing late, so it was about time they all went to bed.
He walked the palace halls, trying to find his ward. He could hear something, a voice from somewhere in the courtyard.
“When the last eagle flies, over the last crumbling mountain.”
Hanzo felt a strange sensation creeping down his back. He did not recognise that voice. It was masculine, yet somehow soft and airy. Whoever this was could sing beautifully.
“And the last lion roars, at the last dusty fountain.”
He slowly approached the courtyard, reaching for his kunai should the need to fight arise.
“In the shadow of the forest, though she may be old and worn.”
He reached the doorway to the courtyard, carefully poking his head through the archway. His jaw almost dropped at what he saw. The voice was unfamiliar, but its owner wasn't.
“They will stare unbelieving, at the last unicorn.”
Sitting next to the cherry blossom tree was Kuai Liang with Takeda sitting in his lap. Takeda looked like he was trying his best to stay awake, while Kuai sung his lullaby.
“When the first breath of winter, through the flowers is icing.”
Hanzo put away his kunai, but didn't show himself. Kuai had not seen him, and he feared that if he did, he would stop singing and return to his silence.
“And you look to the north, and the pale moon is rising.”
He looked ethereal, sitting under the pink leaves, the night sky surrounding him while the moonlight lit up his features. Hanzo felt his heart skip a beat. He hadn't really thought about it before, but like this? He could appreciate the man's beauty.
“And it seems like all is dying, and would leave the world to mourn.”
Takeda's eyes were drooping. They shut momentarily, only for them to shoot back open. He looked so at peace, despite his need to stay awake.
“In the distance hear the laughter, of the last unicorn.”
Kuai shifted slightly, letting Takeda's head rest on his shoulder as it started to flop from tiredness.
“I'm alive. I'm alive.”
Hanzo still did not show himself. He almost couldn't believe this angelic voice was Kuai Liang's. He had spent the last few days wishing to hear the man speak, to know where he came from and what he was running from. He had gotten at least one part of that wish, even if he wasn't supposed to.
“When the last moon is cast, over the last star of morning.”
Hanzo could see Takeda's tiny fists begin to uncurl and relax. He was still fighting sleep, but it wasn't a battle he was winning.
“And the future has passed, without even a last desperate warning.”
Takeda's body began to slump, his eyelids flickered. Kuai was smiling softly at the almost sleeping child in his arms.
“Then look into the sky where through the clouds a path is torn.”
Hanzo finally decided to begin to approach, realising he had been voyeur to this situation long enough. Kuai did not notice him even as he got close to them.
“Look and see her how she sparkles, it's the last unicorn.”
Takeda was now fast asleep, Kuai's eyes were closed. It was a very sweet scene, if you had come across it with no knowledge of who the pair were, you'd have thought it was a father singing his son to sleep.
“I'm alive. I'm alive.”
Kuai's song seemed to come to an end, if the fact he stopped singing was indication. Hanzo softly coughed, and Kuai's head snapped up. His eyes widened and he looked horrified at the possibility Hanzo had actually heard him.
Still Hanzo held a finger to his lips, signalling to stay silent for now. He did not wish to wake Takeda. Kuai's eyes flicked down, nodding in agreement. Hanzo bent down to take the child from him, while Kuai went to stand. Without exchanging a word, they began to walk towards the archway, so they could drop Takeda off in his bed.
Hanzo shut the door as quietly as he could. Takeda had stirred briefly as he was put into bed, but he very quickly fell back into slumber.
To Hanzo's surprise, Kuai was still waiting for him outside the room. He'd half expected him to run to his room to avoid the questions Hanzo had for him. Kuai was fiddling with the hem of his clothing.
“So, you can speak?” Hanzo asked, trying to sound as gentle as he could. He wanted Kuai to know he wasn't angry at him for not speaking. Just curious.
“Yes,” Kuai actually answered, looking away like he was embarrassed. “My kind do not speak, normally, so it is difficult sometimes.”
“Your kind? So you are more used to speaking Elvish?” He asked. He could understand that Kuai was clearly speaking a foreign tongue, so didn't question the awkward wording.
Kuai however looked confused. “Elvish? Why do you think I speak Elvish?” Kuai reached to brush his hair behind his ear, and as his fingers brushed past he seemed to realise why Hanzo had assumed his species. “Oh. I understand. Apologies, I am not an elf, despite appearances.”
“So what are you?” Hanzo questioned. Kuai looked at him, he looked like he was about to tell him, but then backed down.
“I do not feel safe, with people knowing what I am.” That's ominous at best. “My kind are hunted. It... scares me.”
Hanzo sighed and nodded, he was disappointed, but he hoped Kuai would eventually feel safe enough to reveal the truth. “That is fine, I understand.” The thought of his singing came back. “So, is singing easier for you than talking?”
“Singing is making sounds in a memorable order. Talk is…” Kuai paused and grimaced, wriggling his fingers unsure. “Making sounds and trying to make sure they are in order while you do so.”
Hanzo was starting to realise that Kuai's comment about his kind not speaking was not just a strangely worded way of saying he didn't speak the language. Hanzo wondered how his people could communicate without language, but then realised Kuai tended to be quite open with his body language. Head tilting, facial expressions, it was all a silent way of speaking.
“Is there any way I can help you?” Hanzo asked. He had tutors, who he was sure would be more than happy to teach Kuai to better harness language, or he could make sure people would be patient with Kuai if he so desired.
“I believe, I need more practice. If I keep talking, it will be easier, correct?” Kuai informed him, a small smile on his face. “I find it hard, to talk, but with you it is…” Kuai looked confused, like he really wasn't sure what the word he was looking for was.
“Well, if you would like we can converse a little each day, it will give you practise and give me a chance to get to know you better.” He wanted to know more about this mysterious man who had made his way to his kingdom.
Kuai's cheeks started to turn red, seemingly embarrassed by the notion of Hanzo wanting to know him. He turned his head away like he couldn't look at Hanzo.
“That, sounds like it would be good for both of us, yes?” He still didn't look at Hanzo, and his hand rested on his chin. Hanzo thought he looked adorable.
“I think so,” Hanzo agreed, watching as Kuai yawned. “But it is late, we can worry about that tomorrow, don't you think?”
“Yes.” Kuai stretched and cracked his neck, before clasping his hands in front of him and bowing. “Sleep well, King Hasashi.”
“Good night, Kuai Liang.”
He watched as Kuai made his way down the corridor to the room he was assigned. Hanzo smiled as he watched, safe in the knowledge that while it was small progress, that he was getting somewhere. Kuai was definitely a mystery, and one that he would find the patience to solve.
Kuai was surprisingly quite chatty once Hanzo got him started.
He didn't reveal too much personal information, such as where he was from, what he was or what led him to the Shirai Ryu, but Hanzo had learnt details about his life. Mostly just small talk topics, things he liked, hobbies he enjoyed. They mostly talked after Takeda went to bed, it was easier without a little pair of ears trying to listen in.
Today Hanzo had brought up the subject of food. His kitchen staff had informed him that Kuai tended to eat around meats, and just tended to eat vegetables, fruits and grains.
“I am a herbivore,” Kuai told him, with odd confidence. Hanzo smiled at that. Technically if he only ate plant life, that was true, but it was a word usually only used for animals.
“A vegetarian,” Hanzo corrected, and Kuai frowned at him, clearly having not come across the word before. “The word herbivore is used more to describe animals. We tend to refer to humans and other similar species who don't eat meat as vegetarians.”
Kuai looked more confused for a while, before his brows raised as if he just realised something.
“Oh, I see. Then that is what I am, I guess.” He sipped a cup of his tea. “It is strange to me, to be separate from animals.”
“Everyone is an animal.” Hanzo thought about that. It was true, wasn't it? It made Hanzo curious about the culture Kuai came from, if he did not separate himself like that. “I am not a human, though, maybe my view on things is... ah... not the same.”
“Human's have a superiority complex by nature,” Hanzo explained, shrugging slightly. “Most are willing to bulldoze anything different from them, in the name of being the highest organism.”
“Not you,” Kuai added, and Hanzo looked at him in confusion. “You spared a unicorn, as part of your path to become king, did you not?”
Hanzo stared at Kuai Liang for a second. It had been so long since he had thought about his unicorn. He wasn't sure anyone even really remembered he had done so. It wasn't really the tale people told of him.
“Who told you about that?” Hanzo questioned.
Kuai looked at him with wide eyes, he looked panicked and like he was struggling. “I... Do not remember, I must have overheard a guard.”
Kuai's reaction made Hanzo suspicious, like he knew something and was hiding it. Hanzo wanted to question him, but had a feeling it would not help. Kuai was already on guard now, he would just deny anything he might know. Hanzo relaxed, it wasn't like it was a bad story anyway, just a strange one for him to have overheard.
“Sorry, it's been a very long time since I thought about my unicorn.”
“Your unicorn?” Kuai Liang questioned, sounding amused, he had a huge grin on his face. Whatever awkwardness that could have been there was gone, and Hanzo was actually thankful for it.
“Well, not mine as in I owned them, but…” He paused, thinking about all those times he saw the unicorn off in the distance. How much he missed seeing them. “I saw them after that day. They seemed to appear in the distance for many moments in my life. I haven't seen them since the unicorns were hunted to extinction.” Hanzo looked down at his own cup of tea. It was strange, how this linked in to his comments on humanity. “That is what I mean, when I say that humans have a superiority complex. If it were not for an arrogant few who decided they wished to live forever, unicorns would still be amongst us.”
“You feel strongly, about this.”
“When my kingdom was invaded, my unicorn was seen defending an orphanage from the assailants,” Hanzo explained. That story still amazed him, even now. “If they were just a creature incapable of complex emotion, why would they do that?”
Kuai Liang was silent, and when Hanzo looked at him, he got the feeling Kuai wanted to admit some dark secret to him. His lips were pulled tight, and his fingers tracing the handle of the cup.
“I think,” Kuai started slowly, deliberately, desperately trying to find the correct words in the correct order. “I think most creatures are capable of complex emotions. I think that is what makes us different from plants.”
“Maybe you are right,” Hanzo agreed, trying to fight the questions of how Kuai had come to have these beliefs. They didn't line up with any species, clan or religion he could think of. Who are you, Kuai Liang? Where are you from?
“Humans are a curiosity to me,” Kuai admitted, “I have seen both the depths of their cruelty and the heights of their kindness.” Kuai looked at Hanzo as he said the last bit, and Hanzo felt his cheeks heat up. “King Hasashi, I hope one day to repay the mercy, you have shown me.”
“You don't need to-”
“I do,” Kuai interrupted. He reached across the table, holding his hand. Hanzo was caught off guard, now his entire face felt hot. “You have helped me more than you realise. I will devote myself to you, so that one day, I may show you my kindness in return.”
Hanzo barely heard any of that, from the blood rushing to his head. He got to Kuai Liang devoting himself to him and that was about all he could take. What could he even say to that?
All he could feel was the heat in his face. And a cold hand touching his cheek.
Kuai's eyes almost seemed to sparkle in the light.
Hanzo lent closer, lips brushing against Kuai Liang's and-
Kuai pulled back suddenly, like he was shocked. Hanzo realised he had almost kissed the other man. Well, that was stupid.
“Sorry, I- I don't know what came over me,” Hanzo claimed.
“Was- was that what human's refer to as a kiss?” Kuai questioned, pressing his fingers to his lips. Clearly he was somewhat familiar with the practice.
“Yes, I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that,” Hanzo replied, burying his head in his hands. “Please just forget it happened.”
Kuai sounded like he was about to say something else, when the door was thrown open, and one of Hanzo's guard's ran inside.
“Your majesty, the castle is under attack!”
“What?” Hanzo jumped to his feet, and rushed towards the door. “Where from?”
“We don't know, there seems to only be 5 of them however.”
Hanzo quickly grabbed his katana, and prepared himself for battle. As he exited he faintly heard Kuai Liang call after him. He hoped the other man would know to stay away from the fight.
By the time Hanzo located the intruders, they were in his throne room. He didn't wait to hear an explanation, just ordered his men to attack.
Steel met steel as he fought against the men, red dragon mercenaries he realised from their outfits. He had no idea what the red dragon wanted with his kingdom, but like hell was he going to let them do anything that could harm his subjects. Not again. Never again.
Hanzo believed in fighting fair, and unfortunately for him, the red dragon didn't.
He watched as his men fell, having been tricked in some way or another. As his men dwindled, he found more red dragon mercenaries on him, until he was surrounded by all five. He spun on the spot, trying to find an opening and failing. No. No this can't happen not again, not again...
“We'll give you a deal Hasashi, if you want to get out of this alive,” one of the men started, and Hanzo just glared at him. “Give us the boy, and we'll let you and your kingdom live in peace.”
“Boy?” Hanzo questioned, not sure what they were talking about.
“Don't play dumb,” the man snapped. “Takahashi’s boy. Give him to us, we know his father left him with you.”
Takeda. They were talking about Takeda. They wanted to take Takeda.
“No way in hell, you'll have to kill me before I let you take him,” he snarled, knowing that given the chance, that was exactly what would happen. Even so, he couldn't help but wonder why they wanted Takeda. Logically, it had to be something to do with Kenshi, and Hanzo cursed his friend for not giving him any kind of warning that this was a possibility.
“That can be arranged,” the man snarled and raced forward. Hanzo held his sword in a defensive position, waiting for the metal to strike. But the strike never came.
Instead, the mercenary suddenly became encased in ice. Hanzo stared uneasily. What just happened?
“By the elder god's is that…” another mercenary began, but didn't finish his sentence. All four remaining mercenaries were looking behind Hanzo.
Hanzo slowly turned around, to see what they were looking at. And he felt his jaw drop.
Standing at the end of his throne room was a unicorn.
No, not just a unicorn. His unicorn. He could tell from the large scar over their eye.
A unicorn was still alive. His unicorn was still alive.
“If we catch it, we could make a fucking fortune,” one of the mercenaries said and Hanzo wanted to slice his head off for daring to think of touching this beautiful creature.
The unicorn reared, neighing angrily, before their horn began glowing and the mercenary began to scream. The sound stopped when he was also encased in ice. The unicorn began to run towards them, and Hanzo braced for impact. He was not the target however, and he heard the mercenaries grunt and growl as they tried to take them down and capture them.
Hanzo looked up, watching the unicorn kick one mercenary to the floor with their back legs while blasting another with thick ice. The last remaining mercenary seemed to realise he didn't stand a chance, and had instead made a break for the window. Hanzo wouldn't let him escape however, pulling his kunai out and throwing it at the man.
The weapon pierced the skin and the man let out a bellowing screech.
“Get over here,” Hanzo snarled, as he pulled on the chain and dragged the man back to him. Once close enough, Hanzo wrapped his chain around the man, kicking the back of his knees so he was tied up on the floor.
Hanzo surveyed the rest of the damage. His guards were coming to and getting to their feet. Three mercenaries entrapped in ice, one in chains on the floor, and the other clearly having broken legs and likely other injuries that would stop him from escaping. And in the midst of the chaos, there they were, his unicorn. They hadn't changed at all in the 10 years since he last saw them.
He could hear his men whisper in disbelief. He couldn't blame them, a creature believed to be extinct was standing in the throne room. Still he walked up to the unicorn as it stared at him, ears low. He held his hand out, and the unicorn nuzzled into it.
“Hello, old friend,” Hanzo whispered, “it's been a while, hasn't it?”
The unicorn suddenly backed up, and before Hanzo could do anything, it too was encased in ice. Hanzo feared the worst, until the ice slowly began to crack. The ice broke, and a man stood where the unicorn had been.
Not just any man either.
“Kuai Liang?“ Hanzo questioned, and Kuai just smiled at him. “It's you.”
Oh, oh by the Elder Gods that makes so much sense! How familiar Kuai felt, he had seen those eyes before. The scar on Kuai's face, him mentioning his people not speaking, being hunted down, being a herbivore. He knew the story of how Hanzo had spared a unicorn's life. Even the lullaby he'd sung to Takeda had been about the last unicorn. “I'm alive”, he sang with such assurance.
How did I not put it together before?
“I'm sorry, I did not know how to tell you sooner.” He walked forward, placing a hand on Hanzo's cheek. Hanzo reached his hand to touch it.
“You have nothing to apologise for,” he assured Kuai, he couldn't be mad. Given what he knew, the poor unicorn had likely been through hell. “I thought you were dead. That you had been kill with the rest of your species.”
“I am the only one left.”
Hanzo's heart broke.
“I'm so sorry for what you have been through,” Hanzo told him, taking Kuai's hand in his as he moved them to their side. He looked to his guards, who still looked like they couldn't compute what they were looking at. “Take the mercenaries to the jail, we will interrogate them in the morning. I want to know why they wanted Takeda.” As his men saluted and went to drag the mercenaries away. Hanzo looked back to Kuai as he stated “I believe we have much to discuss.”
Kuai nodded in understanding “I will answer your questions, to the best of my abilities.”
Hanzo guided Kuai out of the throne room, towards his quarters, where Hanzo might finally get answers to all his questions
#mortal kombat#subscorp#sub zero#kuai liang#scorpion#hanzo hasashi#🦄when the first breath of winter through the flowers is icing
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🦄When The First Breath Of Winter Through The Flowers Is Icing Masterlist
Masterlist for my fanfic “When The First Breath Of Winter Through The Flowers Is Icing”, a Unicorn AU SubScorp Fanfic.
Current Status: In Progress!
Hanzo’s Unicorn - 🔞 Explicit - 🔥❄️Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang - Chapter 1
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🌸Masterlist of Masterlists🌸
Links to various Masterlists for my fanfiction. Mostly to keep track of various challenges I’m working on, but also to try to keep track of my fics in general :)
Chaptered Fics
🔍For Anyone But Me, Your Private Eye
🍧Defrosting The Ice King
🌾Earthrealm Valley
🕸️Hold Me Like You Held Onto Life
🏢I Wanna, I Wanna Stay ‘Til The End
🎇The Sky Is Falling On Me
💥And I Know You Won’t Remember Memories In Ember
🖤For Warmth You’ll Be Longing, Nightingale
🏮I’m A Prayer For Your Loneliness
🌓As We Dance With The Devil Tonight
🦄When The First Breath Of Winter Through The Flowers Is Icing
🪻This Vagrant Island Earthrealm
🎆We’ll Dream Of Neo-Tokyo Tonight
🌅You’ll Follow Me Back With The Sun In Your Eyes
🪔Let The Fire Burn The Ice
🩻We Cannot Change The Fate Of Civilisation
One Shots
🩷Mortal Kombat Oneshots
🎧Song Inspired Shorts
🍎Little Moments
🌎Meanwhile In Another Universe
🎐Everybody Loves Kuai Liang
📥Tumblr Prompts
🤼Kombatants Of Summer
Fic Series
🐺🦇Supernatural Kombat
🧵Weaving Our Futures
🧊Ice, Ice, Smoke And Fire
🧙🏼♂️We Are Entranced, Spellbound
♠️It’s Better To Be Broken Than To Break
💙🩵Hear Him Scream My Name One Last Time
���Other Series
🔥❄️SubScorp Week 2021
🔥❄️SubScorp Week 2022
🔥❄️SubScorp Week 2023
⛓️Kinktober 2022
🗺️AU-Gust 2024
🫐Fanfic Bingo
🪦Bad Things Happen Bingo
🍔AFG Mixed Bingo
🫗AFG Angst Bingo
🍮AFG AU Bingo
🍷AFG Dark Bingo
🍓AFG Fluff Bingo
🌶️AFG Kink Bingo
🍡LGBTQ Bingo
🍖AFG Omegaverse Bingo
🍑Bad Bitches Bingo
🍣Bingo Of Our Own
🥩Horrific Bingo
🎃Halloween Horror Bingo
🍪Sweet & Spicy Bingo (Winter Edition)
⛈️Seasonal Delights; Winter Wonderland Bingo
🫧Hurt and Comfort Bingo
🏔️au_challenge Bingo
♾️AU Challenge
🔟10 Prompts
💯100 Ships
🔰100 Prompts
🏔️au_challenge tables
Original Fiction; Main Stories
☄️Embers In Tundra
🎎Finding Forgiveness
🏞️Kuniklo’s Wish
🌐Kiss Under Neon Skies
🌈Rainbow Rangers
🦋The Ruby Butterflies
Original Fiction; Secondary Stories
🍬Blood And Bubblegum
🥃Club Rose
🪬Goddess Of Vengence
👹Horns Of Despair
🏰Ice In My Veins
👾Lines Of Code
🦚Magical Soldier FEM
👭Moving Forward
💣On My Orders
💷Our Ties Are Frayed
🕰️Out With In With
🎨Paint For The Heart
⛓️💥Sorry About This
♟️The Business Of Twins
🌧️The Rain Fell
🔩We’re The Steel Wool
Original Fiction; Misc
📒Misc Original Works
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