#the lama avenger
Movie Review | The Lama Avenger (Wong, 1979)
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As the year draws to a close, I figured I should end it on a note true to my overall viewing this year, and decided to squeeze in one last Bruceploitation movie for the year. This one doesn't scream Bruceploitation like many other entries in the genre, but certainly qualifies, not just for the mere presence of Bruce Li, but the fact that he puts on striped tracksuits, goes off to make movies, gets an unscrupulous girlfriend and teams up with a beared white guy whose love of kung fu makes him join the good guys. The latter two characters effectively make this Betty Ting-Peispploitation and Bob Wallsploitation to boot. (You just needed a tall black guy with sunglasses to push this into Kareem Abdul-Jabbarsploitation territory as well.) And while the white guy, who is in no other movies as far as I'm aware, isn't the most adept martial artist and you can see other actors slowing down to match him, his lack of polish works for his character, he's supposed to be a n00b trying to learn from the other heroes.
As for the movie, it's a mostly episodic comedy that slowly transitions into something with a bit more edge, resting on a shady real estate deal where the bad guys make use of a primitive form of photoshop. (Real estate scams make for effective villainy as the stakes are easy to grasp. Everybody understands the value of having a home and can grasp what it would mean to lose it.) So we get scenes like Bruce Li beating off a bunch of randos spying on his cousin while she takes a shower, scenes where the white guy tries and fails to build his strength while the others sit on him, and a memorable scene in a disco, where a character in a shiny puffy shirt accidentally pioneers breakdancing while trying to impress some swell looking ladies, and then wins a contest by bridging the gap between fight and dance choreography. All that's missing is Carl Douglas' "Dance the Kung Fu" blaring on the soundtrack.
A writing credit for Wong Jing can explain some of the goofiness on display, as well as "But Seriously, Folks" swerve the movie takes in its final stretch, as a villain played by Lee Hoi-Sang rampages into the movie, and the three heroes must unite to take him down in a pretty sweet two-on-one climactic fight. (Technically it doesn't start as a two-on-one, but let's just say that one of the characters gets put out of commission pretty quickly. No points for guessing which one.) How the movie concludes I will not fully reveal, but it's safe to say this is one of the top three movies with "Avengers" in the title, with Crippled Avengers and Masked Avengers, of course.
Happy New Year, folks. See you on the other side.
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fruityspaceboy · 1 year
Tony: "Oh god what is that?“
Y/N: "It’s new meds Tony, ✨mood stabilizing meds✨ They’re gonna show us the way to stability.“
Tony: "Guys, You do know that there's no actual guarantee, it will work right-"
Y/N: "Shun the non believe!"
Loki: "Sssshhhhuuunn!"
Bucky: "Sssshhhhuuunn!"
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selodka-pod-shuboy · 9 months
I think 3rd life is somehow the best plot&system-wise. It's not based on anything, just my humble opinion. I have so much thoughts and they are all so tragic. Like. It was my first ever interaction with theese CCs, I went there blind reacting. It was amazing then, it was even better after getting to know them. Every perspective tells such a drasticly different story. You've got alliances formed throu death, loyalty and sacrifices, broken or cherished till the very end. You have 3 lifes, and that's it. No tricks or some help or twist from the gamemakers. Go apeshit or stay nice, nothing changes it. All your enemies can start from something as simple as a random punch or a shot or a pice of paper. So can friends. No one knows how the server operates, they all come from somewhat-friendly spaces, so every simple fact is a new surprise - everybody kills animals, and ends up suffering with lack of food&lether for books afterwards. They put effort into builds, bother with decorating(not to say they didn't in later seasons, it's just the attachment I'll talk later), fill the places with love and care, get attached to pets and trees, banners of all things. PROTECT THEM and feel sorrow and grief, once they enevitibly get killed or burned or blown up or DESTROYED. The rage is so innocent in it's belive, that they were wronged, that they should be avenged, and not that this is just the reality of the server itself, that that's just - what heppens. The story tells so much about betrayal, about broken trust, and friends that go mad, and almoust no one follows the "all alliances are broken after you're red" rule. You are allowed to kill now, yeah, but there was nothing in PARTICULAR, stopping you before. It is proven by the first death, that it was just a prank, that lead to all the following chaos. Scar gives Grian flowers after his second death, and Grian STAYS. Cleo sticks with Bdubs, calling his castle a toilet, kidnaps the desert lama, burns Joel's home. She goes for the king and dies in the blind rage . Bdubs makes and gives Impulse the clock, that will doom their hearts in the end. Impulse promises his trust to the Crastle. Bigb makes the cookie. Martyn hears voices, and Ren asks him to take his head. He takes so many lives. The Red Winter Comes. Tango saves the cows, only for them to be stolen, he gets shot stuck behind the fire. Etho's dark oak gets burned, he builds a woolen castle, for it to get burned multiple times. Timmy gives Scott a poppy, starting their marriage. They build the flower valley. Timmy DIES FIRST and aquaeres the Canary curse. Scott follows full of sorrow. Skizz dies second, full of rage, and creates the boogieman curse. Joel stays alone, with his dog army, and dies, leaving his pack wandering the desert. The cactus-ring fight. The siege of dogwarts. Battle of the Red Desert. All the monopolies. The state, that everyone leaves the server, the contrast with the start. It's like watching the 1rst anual hunger games, from a perspective of people, who know and love each other, but no matter their efforts, end up slowly spiraling into violence and distrust, spreading pain and destruction. Mu soul loves and aches for it, even though it was the very same thing that broke it in the first place, that took a pice of it and so it will never be whole again. It's so tragic. All this blood was never beautiful. It was just. Red.
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maxwell-grant · 4 months
So if Doc Savage took some potshots at superman with the world's fair goblin and the whiskers of hercules, how would you envision a shadow story where shots are taken at Batman and inspires the villain?
I think that would be an embarassing display of insecurity. I mean, if you want a story where The Shadow deals with an imitator/copycat, The Cobra and The Third Shadow are right there, and there's nothing about them that would be improved if they were intentionally taking shots at Batman. Whisker of Hercules and The World's Fair Goblin (which wasn't written by Lester Dent) aren't really about taking shots at Superman, but they are clearly doing it and from a place of criticizing Superman for breaking suspension of disbelief with his superpowers and persona / grievances Lester Dent and other writers had with the new guy making a splash. What's the angle with Batman? That he ripped off The Shadow? Well everybody was ripping off The Shadow in those days, what, is he gonna take shots at The Spider, The Black Bat, The Phantom Detective, The Green Lama, The Whisperer, The Moon Man, The Clock, The Crimson Avenger, and The Sandman next? Come on.
All Gibson ever really had to say about Batman was that he called him once a "clowned-up version of The Shadow", and that's not an unfair assessment by any means (40s-70s Batman was a much different guy than 80s-onwards Batman). And people who bring that up for inflammatory purposes tend to neglect that Gibson was writing comics all the time, including many many comics where he was making The Shadow a much more kid-friendly Golden Age superhero. I don't think they were great for the most part, but he clearly knew the limitations and what the audience for different mediums wanted. His last writing credit was a Batman prose story for Detective Comics #500 that was clearly just a Shadow story with a name swap. I don't think Batman is to blame for The Shadow's obscurity (quite the opposite in several ways), and I think it's unfair to pretend like Gibson was cheated or wronged by Batman's existence just because Batman eclipsed The Shadow in popularity. I'm not defending plagiarism, I'm just stating that by all accounts, Gibson didn't care at the time, and he didn't care later, he mostly did fine (a hell of a lot better than Bill Finger, for sure, if you wanna focus on someone who actually was viciously wronged and cheated out of his work here).
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A thing I've come to realize recently is that there just isn't really much of a palatable or productive way for Batman and The Shadow to process this history between them. Same as how there's not much of anything Captain Marvel can do regarding the existence of Miracleman, or how the Charlton characters could only thrive the further they stepped away from the shadow of Watchmen and dumped it's baggage, or how there's never been a Superman x Doc Savage crossover and there's not a lot that you could even get out of it even if it happened unless you were willing to go for broke. With other characters within their settings that don't have such direct of a connection? Okay. With pastiches? Sure, go nuts. But with the real guys who have real images/reputations/histories/expectations to uphold and also an unmovable elephant in the room regarding their connection and why this crossover is happening? Something will have to give, and in this case, it's not going to be the blockbuster headliner who is the biggest and most beloved superhero on the planet. It's not going to be the guy who has company guidelines dictating the strict moral parameters by which he operates. It's not going to be the guy who is defined by the ways in which he isn't, and can't be, like The Shadow.
There is no version of this crossover written from a Shadow-centric perspective that has Batman look good, and there is no version of this co-signed by DC Comics that has The Shadow look good. O'Neil tried as much as he possibly could by having Batman go full deferential fanboy, and if that ever flied with 70s Batman (and it absolutely wouldn't past a couple of issues even then), it's utterly inconceivable with post-80s Batman. Orlando (and Snyder, however much input he had) had the right idea in Bruce's tension around the guy and refusal to, regardless of whether or not he was trained by him, to accept him, but that is not a Shadow who gets to have his own adventures, that is a Shadow who exists solely as a negative space cautionary tale for Batman.
You can't square Batman looking up / being okay working with a guy who shoots people dead with guns (they keep trying to solve that with Jason in the Batfamily and it doesn't work either), you can't really square Batman continuing to have a Rogues Gallery problem with The Shadow as a thing that exists long-term, and you can't patchwork The Shadow into Batman's history blind to the fact that Batman is much bigger and more popular than The Shadow and therefore he will inevitably box The Shadow into his narrative. There are a million better ways to tell a "Batman reckons with his no-kill rule / vigilantes that break his defining trait" and even that is already very very very tired ground (The Batman pulled a real miracle in making this feel fresh), and it's inherently going to be reductive to the not-Batman party in question if said party is not usually a villain/guy who exists to make Batman look better. Again, if you wanna dig deep into the history and the weeds and the differences with no regard for publisher demands or expectations and whatnot, that's what pastiches are for.
There isn't a "The Shadow deals with an imitator/someone influenced by him" story that wouldn't be dramatically better and more interesting with a character other than Batman in that role, hence why good versions of those stories exist and Walter Gibson did them. And The Grey Ghost and Zorro are pretty much the only two ways "Batman meets his inspiration/the guy that came before" as a concept ever worked, and it's not for nothing that they are both fictional characters in-universe (Sherlock Holmes in The Brave and the Bold gets a pass, it's Sherlock Holmes).
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So as far as The Shadow/Batman's shared history goes, I'd just settle for it showing up once in a blue moon to make Batman's day worse on occasion and that's it. Just a little shank in the ribs and a laugh in the dark, to keep him on his toes every now and then.
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thefangirltreehouse · 9 months
general observations (cyberpunk 2077)
just to preface, i’ve not played through the main story at all since 2021 on my base playstation four and i’m currently replaying on my playstation five. i played as fem!corpo!v both times. this will probably have continued updates as i get further into the endgame. (now beat the campaign as streetkid!fem!v and half-way for nomad!male!v)
“don’t look now, but that’s jenkins’ girl.” i know it’s probably not intentional but that sounds like a loaded statement.
the way kerry calls fem!v “doll” is so fuckin’ cute.
wakako calls her “honey” which again, very cute. also was dying at her “is this the dali lama?” when v sarcastically implies she simply couldn’t fathom murdering for money.
the peralez’s are one of those couples and i cannot get that out of my head.
fuck the voodoo boys. i didn’t pay much attention the first play-through and ended up siding with them because of how much the game makes it clear that you shouldn’t trust corpos and i hadn’t wrapped my head around the evelyn stuff. choose netwatch and felt a little better this time.
joshua still makes my skin scrawl and i dislike those like him irl but i wish we had more interactions like what happened with vasquez - him seeing v as a legitimate dangerous liability. (i’m genuinely surprised they didn’t do that with river, surely he done some digging into v?)
i’m terribly paraphrasing but i’ve noticed there is a couple of thugs in a coronado / arroyo side mission that are like “yo, that’s v.”
i saved brick and royce, kinda disappointed you’re stuck with royce in the totentanz mission - nice to see dum dum remember v by name and how nippy v gets over jackie’s mention. (royce or millitech obviously kill brick because his grave is there).
honestly i just wanted more of the ol’ samurai geezers.
i forgot just how many npc’s hit on fem!v in comparison to male!v like, fingers guards, jacob, the roadie, general population, the bargest guards when leaving the black sapphire (that might be both v’s), they also say “ooh! you little whore!” and also kerry’s “nice rack” dig at johnny. not to mention how many folk call her a bitch, slut, cunt and white during combat.
skippy’s disturbia never gets old, especially considering it’s seventy-years-old at that point.
i still don’t understand why there isn’t an option to give kerry back his guitar - that he clearly wants back - if you’ve met him before the padré side-quest.
really not a fan of having to build quickhacks when you’re essentially buying a blueprint.
“where’s kerry been hiding you?” oh he definitely told them the ‘new output’ shtick.
jesus christ it is so much easier to make money now.
i know it’s the future and things are a little more blasé plus he’s an old, jaded rockstar but i was a little taken aback with just how much kerry calls us cracks “whores, cunts, sluts and bitches” like chill.
a little disappointed aurore had no intention of fucking v.
i can’t stand grimes but i wish we had one more mission for lizzy wizzy
style-wise, phantom liberty is a massive step-up but the clothing in this game is atrocious especially if you want to wear anything girly.
it’s nice to be able to see the colour of v’s hair this time.
i love my little type-66 avenger.
corpo!fem!v is the perfect foil to johnny. also love how some the most notable people in johnny’s life are women. alt, rogue, denny, nancy and depending on your choice, v.
i don’t really ship johnny with v, but the “old married couple” dig was spot-on.
i’m personally conflicted on so-mi, but i’d probably lean towards saving her. that said, i fundamentally believe v wouldn’t. she’s looking for a lifeline and so-mi purposely dangled it over her. she’s not got beef with the nusa, they’re offering what so-mi cannot.
still cannot stand the photo-mode filters.
i’m forever curious about the sobchak cut storyline that was given to river and takemura.
vik’s mocking, “ooOOoooh” towards zetatech and not being allowed drink on the job.
leigh’s acting when johnny simply takes v’s body / tries to give it back in mikoshi after the rogue arasaka mission and just the entire langley section are so well executed. v and river’s farewell’s in langley and in the badlands will always break my heart.
sampson’s grave just read’s “he loved his car.”
fem!v yelling, “rust in piss, shitbot.” goes so fuckin’ hard, also streetkid!fem!v’s first confrontation with hanako.
i know v isn’t trying to blow their cover, but i so wanted to turn around and go, “bitch i have kerry and nancy’s phone number.” to that nippy samurai vendor.
oda is so hot and for what? but the shit-eating grin i have every time he’s pissed at v.
objectively the most fuckable man in this game is default!male!v
misty’s accent has changed so much in the phantom liberty ending.
so has male!v, like i noticed it almost instantly. so much gruffer, which works… if v was still twenty-seven and not rounded back to twenty-three
actually, the age change was so fuckin’ stupid. v works better as twenty-seven, especially corpo!v. the ties music has to the game, to v specifically with the twenty-seven club. v and jackie being eager and dumb enough to accept the job from a disgraced fixer, but competent enough to see it through with ‘years’ of experience. above all desperate enough to finally get their big break.
i’d like to put forward a theory that yes, night city has changed in the two years v is out of the game but not as much as the delamain sequence implies. instead, it’s just a much dire and vulnerable perspective. the perspective of a powerless bystander who isn’t a one person army taking on maxtac with their wits and a pistol, taking out a whole room of gangoons with a mere glance or going toe-to-toe with araska’s most formidable soldiers with ease. v is seeing night city on the other side and it’s fucking petrifying. same goes for the player who’s been running around night-city like a god on a power trip. (it reminds me a lot of what final fantasy xv did in the original chapter thirteen. stripping back noctis’ literal god-like power, his arsenal and taken his support network, leaving a sad little king all alone in a hostile environment ready to make or break him.)
speaking of final fantasy xv… listen, i like river. i do, but i think i was a little less harsh on him because i knew he was a love interest prior to meeting him but he really needed more padding and i know it’s due to river being the remnants of sobchak but even a few missions of him setting up his business with v’s help (which could’ve kept gangs like maelstrom and the mox more relevant in the games later act) prior to the dinner at joss’ (not to mention the lack of a arc kill-switch as i know many lesbian players weren’t keen on his advances - which could’ve been done when johnny picks up on river’s behaviour). also… for how ‘progressive’ this game is giving the straight / bi girlies a ‘family-man’ angle…? how ground-breaking.
fuck meredith, gimmie a one night stand with blue moon!
fumes + afterlife on growl fm are majestic, like growl fm generally is such a great addition.
when johnny says “aware.” and v correct’s with “aggressive” to hellman.
someone’s gotta tell judy she’s got a really shitty taste in women.
listen, maiko’s an a-class bitch but i can’t help but love every scene she’s in. that “yes v, i mean you.” is so good!
as much as evelyn is to blame for the heist, she’s dealt the worst hand as it’s collateral. t-bug, dex, jackie and v to some extent are allowed to comfort of death, evelyn… not so much.
male!v in particular very much feels like judy’s guard dog, fem!v is in it to fuck around and find out in messing with maiko and the claws when it comes to judy’s post-heist arc.
the differences in line delivery are so interesting with each v, i mean it makes even more sense considering they are confirmed to be different people. like a good example is when johnny appears in the peralez’s braindance, male!v says “what are you doing here?” with a genuinely curious and amused tone, fem!v is immediately over johnny’s antics before he’s even begun. however, it’s almost the reverse when johnny comes out with his bullshit “sisters of god” analogy, male!v sounds unconvinced, fem!v sounds sceptical but mildly curious.
i adore the idea that millitech had their grubby fingers in the heist, like the implications that everything relied on two low-level merc is incredible (highly recommend this video for more on that)
i always knew johnny was an unreliable narrator, because he’s johnny but after listening to talsorian game’s line manager it just connects so many missing points - especially of the blackhand variety.
so… i went back and played phantom liberty and honestly, the best outcome is for everyone (perhaps, except v) to honour so-mi’s wish to die. reed lives and eventually agrees with v’s choice, myers’ ego is shot, massacre of innocents avoided and not to mention the access to blackwall weapons. the caveat is obviously alex. now that i’ve done that ending, whilst i don’t forgive her, i understand so-mi’s motive and can sympathise, like fuck the nusa. after evelyn, so-mi’s arc is the most heartbreaking.
guess dino really does know everyone, considering reed is his bouncer.
i wish you could ask viktor about farida.
it’s actually insane that edgerunners is only a year prior to v’s story, i know streetkid!v is aware of david but i’m surprised there’s no comment from corpo!v, considering counter-intelligence was involved (there’s a scene in jenkin’s office) and perhaps not in their life-path role yet but v is undoubtedly working for arasaka during david and smasher’s fight. actually on that, corpo!v doesn’t even comment on smasher when jackie mentions him. like v isn’t a millitech, biotechnica, petrochem or a netwatch corpo, they’re arasaka.
so-mi’s va did such a fantastic job, especially when she and v are in the core.
first time around i play games on easy - so i don’t get spoiled at release), then do my second on hard (which is getting really annoying games are locking it behind beating it on normal) but whilst i prefer this game on hard, easy mode makes you feel like a fuckin god.
fuck that blackwall ai, i love my erebus (both playing and story implication - you can’t convince me that ain’t lilith / night-corp / mr. blue eyes texting v) but it what cost? ‘cause if you know anything about me, then you know i can’t stand horror, especially horror games other than until dawn. i play pseudo-tank in almost everything, not really possible in most horrors. i lack compete tact and i’ll admit that.
speaking of lilith, the implications are amazing. one, it’s why narratively i like so-mi going out on her own terms because trusting blue eyes? i think not. i mean think about it; liilith is attempting to breach the human world and who are her high-profile proxy contacts? promising them life? a ticking time-bomb netrunner or arguably the most dangerous human being to walk the earth. (if you’ve not looked into it, then give this a watch)
telling myers to suck it was excellent, although i fear she got the last laugh with that five-thousand eddies payment.
the parallels between v and reed’s final conversations in ‘four scores and seven’ and ‘who wants to live forever’. which each one explaining to the other how to take on their new life. you can hear the optimism in v’s take and similarly with reed at langley however the player knows how it feels when the shoe is on the other foot, it’s easy to tell reed to move on with his fresh start but it’s so difficult to stomach as v.
as a filmmaker, judy’s passion for braindances hits so much, especially during pyramid song, same with alex and evelyn honestly.
i know half the moniker is in how they die but the idea that v in one lifetime: stole from arasaka, survived a bullet to the brain, killed adam smasher, kurt hansen and maman brigette whilst yes covertly, saved the presidents life, took on maxtac for the most part alone and played samurai’s final gig with the original members, filling in for THE silverhand but still can’t be considered a nc legend if they don’t take down arasaka? *sniffs* hmmm… i’m smelling… shite?
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krinsbez · 2 years
Presenting...Pulptober 2023
A few months late, and I’m not quite happy with it, but behold:
1-The Shadow/Master of the Mind
2-Doc Savage/Famous Name
3-The Green Hornet/A Rainbow of Justice
4-The Avenger/With A Little Help From My Friends
5-John Carter/All For Love
6-The Lone Ranger/The Mask Does What The Badge Couldn’t
7-The Spider/Tortured Justice
8-Nita Van Sloan/Remember The Ladies
9-John Blacksad/Heroes Don’t Have To Be Human
10-The Grey Seal/Gone But Not Quite Forgotten
11-Domino Lady/Born From Vengeance, Driven To Justice
12-The Punisher/Veteran Justice
13-Hellboy/Hero With Good Publicity
14-Arsene Lupin/The Lawless Bringing Law
15-Tintin/Humor and Heroism
16-The Blackhawks/Men of War
17-Dejah Thoris/Beauty and Badassery
18-The Rocketeer/Average Joe Justice
19-Ogon Bat/Weird Justice
20-Solomon Kane/Learning A Lesson
21-Conan/Adventures Finds You
22-Sheena/Justice From The Jungle
23-The Question/Find The Truth
24-Shang Chi/Master of the Martial Arts
25-Nycatlope/Better Crimefighting Through Science
26- The Phantom/Justice Never Dies
27-G-8/Brushes With Horror
28-The Green Lama/Where Science and Supernatural Collide
29-Jules De Grandin/Ghost Breaker
30-Athena Voltaire/Throwback Heroes
31-Batman/Gizmos & Gadgets
G-D willing, I will self-Rb tomorrow to make sure everyone gets properly tagged.
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purgetrooper77 · 1 year
Theme Songs of TBB characters
Hello everyone, since Season 2 is about to end I took the time to gather some songs (with links provided) that I know will fit each character in the list below. Hope y’all enjoy.
Hunter: DIE FOR YOU by Starset [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUTzZGR64mI]
Omega: Solstice by Starset [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OoHYiEyEEQ]
Wrecker: Feel Invincible by Skillet [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkF0duhtNQs]
Tech: Deja Vu by Initial D [https://youtube.com/watch?v=dv13gl0a-FA&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Crosshair: Anthem of the Angels by Breaking Benjamin [https://youtube.com/watch?v=rW8C9j-W8BY&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Phee Genoa: Go for Gold by Autumn King's and The Song House [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFRWtU0OErE]
Mayday: Warriors by Imagine Dragons [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wllpa2JBEmA]
Wilco: Tragic by Silent Theory [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6qXIhSbJ_8]
Howzer: I Will Not Bow by Breaking Benjamin [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWr4yjxNKzA]
Hera Syndulla: A New Hope by Broken Iris [https://youtube.com/watch?v=YjNSORpXc4Y&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Echo: I am Machine by Three Days Grace [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4y_InZASsEo]
Rex: The Resistance by Skillet [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCWmHbpD0fE]
Gregor: Almost Easy by Avenged Sevenfold [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwmG9AzIay4]
Zillo Beast Clone: Carnivore by Starset [https://youtube.com/watch?v=LAMiX5EEbFU&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Commander Cody: Can you feel my Heart by BMTH [https://youtube.com/watch?v=rg9wICDu42g&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Ciddarin Scaleback: Don’t Blame me by Taylor Swift [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRJKB291Z1g]
Rampart: Bury a Lie by Rain City Drive [https://youtube.com/watch?v=R6LFd5xk-KM&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Royce Hemlock: Disconnect by Pillar [https://youtube.com/watch?v=l6TecocS_XM&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Nolan: Dance with the Devil by Breaking Benjamin [https://youtube.com/watch?v=IN_FFmeQAC0&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Nala Se: The Scientist by Coldplay [https://youtube.com/watch?v=c1VNAUqwREY&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Fennec Shand: I Did Something Bad by Taylor Swift [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjR4KJp9ymE]
Cad Bane: Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi [https://youtube.com/watch?v=xTTZQp5xKyg&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Lama Su: Blood // Water by grandson [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk-U8ruIQyA]
Taun We: Death of Me by Citizen Soldier [https://youtube.com/watch?v=ahMZEFLTm6U&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Scorch: Hades by Falling Giant [https://youtube.com/watch?v=oXEYhurdOhY&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Nova: Let the Fire Rain by Orden Ogan [https://youtube.com/watch?v=9kX8Ob7OfD0&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Wyler: Let it Burn by Red [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcsr1R3nLKw]
Clone X: Believer by Imagine Dragons [https://youtube.com/watch?v=IhP3J0j9JmY&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Mokko: Feed the Demon by Yenne [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaR1g65cjQc]
Tawni Ames: Monster by Starset [https://youtube.com/watch?v=hyfV0GBe18w&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Gungi: No Masters by Bad Wolves [https://youtube.com/watch?v=bGcFm924K6s&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Riyo Chuchi: Salvation by Skillet [https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ran29LfUxp4&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
AZI-3: Machine by Imagine Dragons [https://youtube.com/watch?v=BahtnT13vH8&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
Gonky: Satellite by Starset [https://youtube.com/watch?v=mCbdQNGBw9E&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE]
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marvelousmrm · 2 years
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Invincible Iron Man #72 (Friedrich/Tuska, Jan 1975). Tony attends San Diego Comic Con, where the Black Lama pits some old foes against the Armored Avenger. In case you missed it, I beseech you to look up the Black Lama, a villain with an unimaginably demented backstory. Utterly bonkers.
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
October 22nd - Doctor Druid
Anthony Ludgate grew up in England and relocated to the United States to attend Harvard University where he earned a doctorate in psychology.  Through his studies, Ludgate became fascinated with the occult, particularly the fabled magic possessed by Druids in ancient times.  Ludgate began researching the spiritualists of Tibet, coming to believe that a sect of monks may have refined the same sorts of magics utilized by Druids.  Legato ended up seeking out a lama in the Himalayas who turned out to be the powerful mystic known as The Ancient One.
At the time, The Ancient One was more interested in seeking a worthy successor than hearing tales of the Celts. He unlocked Anthony's mystic potential and taught him a number of spells before asking the young man to leave Kamar-Taj.
Returning West, Ludgate used the magic he had learned to become the mystical hero known as Doctor Druid.  In an early adventure, Dr. Druid aided the Eternal, Makkari , and a group of Monster hunters battle the Deviants.
Following a moderately successful career as a superhero, Druid was invited to join The Avengers.  Not long thereafter, Druid was entranced by the villainous Ravona.  Manipulated by Ravona, Druid undermined The Avengers, causing serious injury to Capatin Marvel (Monica Rambeau).  Ravona was ultimately defeated and Dr. Druid became lost in the time stream.    
Able to shake free of Ravona’s thrall, Druid managed to return to the 616 Universe and attempted to resume his career as a superhero.  He was only active for a brief time before he was killed by Daimon Hellstrom.  
It was not the end for Dr. Druid as he ended up resurrected in the bizarre dimension of Weirdworld.  It proved a realm where Druid has been able to consolidate tremendous powers and he has tyrannically ruled portions of Weirdworld, opposed by the lost warrior Arkon.  
Doctor Druid first appeared in the pages of Amazing Adventures #1 (1961)
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trianglemusic · 5 months
Avenged Sevenfold Kembali Mengguncang Jakarta! 10 Lagu Terbaik yang Wajib Kamu Kuasai
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Avenged Sevenfold Kembali Mengguncang Jakarta!
Kabar gembira bagi para penggemar Avenged Sevenfold! Setelah 9 tahun penantian, band metal asal California ini akan kembali menggelar konser di Jakarta pada Mei 2024 mendatang. Konser bertajuk "Life Is but a Dream..." ini menjanjikan malam yang penuh energi dan nostalgia bagi para Avenged Sevenfolders (sebutan untuk penggemar Avenged Sevenfold).
Bagi kamu yang baru mengenal Avenged Sevenfold, atau ingin menyegarkan ingatan tentang lagu-lagu terbaik mereka, berikut 10 lagu yang wajib kamu kuasai sebelum konser:
1. A Little Piece of Heaven (2007)
Lagu bernuansa Broadway yang dikemas dengan musik metal ini menjadi salah satu lagu Avenged Sevenfold yang paling ikonik. Video musiknya yang gelap dan penuh drama semakin menambah daya tarik lagu ini. Liriknya menceritakan tentang cinta yang obsesif dan dendam yang tak tertahankan.
2. Unholy Confessions (2003)
Membawa nuansa metal tradisional yang disukai para penggemar lama, Unholy Confessions menjadi salah satu lagu favorit untuk dinyanyikan secara live. Lagu ini menceritakan tentang pasangan yang saling berselingkuh dan menipu, namun pada akhirnya mereka saling jujur tentang perbuatan mereka.
3. Beast And The Harlot (2005)
Versi pendek dari lagu City of Evil ini menjadi salah satu lagu Avenged Sevenfold yang paling mudah diingat. Alunan musiknya yang rumit dan penuh energi, serta warna heavy metal yang kental, membuat lagu ini menjadi favorit para penggemar di seluruh dunia.
4. Nightmare (2010)
Dirilis setelah kepergian drummer mereka, The Rev, Nightmare membawa nuansa yang gelap dan penuh penyesalan. Lagu ini menceritakan tentang sudut pandang penghuni neraka yang menyadari kesalahannya selama hidup di bumi. Nightmare menjadi salah satu lagu Avenged Sevenfold yang paling sukses dan mendapatkan nominasi Best Single di Kerrang! Awards 2010.
5. Bat Country (2005)
Lagu yang terinspirasi dari karya jurnalis Hunter S. Thompson ini dibuka dengan kalimat ikonik "He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man!". Bat Country menceritakan tentang seseorang yang melarikan diri dari kenyataan dan masuk ke dunia yang penuh dengan kekerasan dan kegilaan.
6. Hail to the King (2013)
Lagu penuh energi ini menceritakan tentang seorang raja tirani yang memerintah dengan kejam. Liriknya yang kritis terhadap kepemimpinan otoriter menjadi pengingat bahwa di dunia modern pun masih terdapat pemimpin yang menindas rakyatnya.
7. Almost Easy (2007)
Lagu ini memadukan suara piano dan gitar khas Avenged Sevenfold dengan melodi yang catchy dan hook yang mudah diingat. Almost Easy menceritakan tentang seseorang yang berjuang melawan rasa gila dan berusaha untuk tetap hidup normal.
8. The Stage (2016)
Lagu metal progresif berdurasi 8 menit 30 detik ini menceritakan tentang kritik sosial terhadap manusia yang mudah termanipulasi oleh pemimpinnya. Terinspirasi dari film The Sound of Music, The Stage membawa pesan tentang bahaya fanatisme dan haus akan kekuasaan.
9. Afterlife (2007)
Lagu dengan nuansa yang lebih tenang ini mengajak pendengar untuk merenungkan perjalanan hidup mereka. Afterlife menceritakan tentang seseorang yang melihat kembali kehidupannya dan mempertanyakan apa yang telah dia capai.
10. Second Heartbeat (2003)
Lagu penuh semangat ini menceritakan tentang seseorang yang mendapatkan kesempatan kedua dalam hidup. Second Heartbeat menjadi lagu yang memotivasi pendengar untuk tidak pernah menyerah dan terus berjuang meraih mimpi mereka.
10 Lagu Ini Hanya Pemanasan!
Selain 10 lagu di atas, Avenged Sevenfold masih memiliki banyak lagu lain yang tak kalah keren. Konser "Life Is but a Dream..." menjadi kesempatan emas untuk melihat M. Shadows, Synyster Gates, Zacky Vengeance, Johnny Christ, dan Brooks Wackerman membawakan lagu-lagu hits mereka secara langsung.
Tunggu apa lagi? Segera dengarkan lagu-lagu Avenged Sevenfold di platform streaming musik favoritmu dan bersiaplah untuk bernyanyi bersama di konser nanti!
Tips Menikmati Konser Avenged Sevenfold:
Pelajari lirik lagu-lagu Avenged Sevenfold agar kamu bisa bernyanyi bersama.
Kenakan pakaian yang nyaman dan sesuai dengan cuaca.
Bawalah air minum yang cukup.
Datanglah lebih awal untuk menghindari antrian panjang.
Jagalah barang bawaanmu dengan baik.
Yang terpenting, bersenang-senanglah dan nikmati
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givaldizhafran · 6 months
In Between Yesterday and Tomorrow
First of all, tantangan 10 hari menulis tahun ini kacau. Kerjaan banyak, inspirasi terhambat. Menghasilkan bolos 4 tema tulisan. Hamba khilaf panitia. Mohon dimaafkan sebesarnya.
Pernah gak ya kita lagi planning suatu project terus tiba tiba takut sama obstacles yang akan dihadapi padahal sudah go through berkali kali manajemen pengelolaan resikonya? Atau berencana memutuskan sesuatu yang besar, kaya punya anak, tapi merasa tidak siap secara finansial padahal mental sudah siap? Atau mau ambil role suatu pekerjaan tapi takut gagal padahal rasanya skillset yang dibutuhkan ada pada diri sendiri?
Saya ada cerita pernah ngumpul kongkow bareng kawan lama, lalu tema yang dibahas adalah anak. Sebuah tema yang menandakan bahwa kita sudah berumur. Padahal dulu kalau kongkow topiknya Hitler mati di Garut atau gimana kalau Iron Man mules pas dinas Avenger. Nah disela perbincangan, ada teman yang takut punya anak karena bayaran SD mahal. Padahal secara mental dan finansial untuk newborn merasa sudah siap. Tapi terhambat karena takut dengan bayaran SD.
Saya bisa meyakinkan dia untuk percaya diri lewat 2 pertanyaan. Hal yang saya pastikan ke dia tentu saja untuk melihat statistik unik di kehidupannya. Berapa growth rate income dia dan keluarga selama 6 tahun belakangan? Bagaimana komparasi harga handphone dan fiturnya antara 6 tahun lalu dan sekarang?
Pertanyaan pertama jawabannya: significantly growth. Much beyond inflation rate.
Pertanyaan kedua mari kita compare flagship Samsung 6 tahun lalu dan sekarang :
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Terbukti, secara harga improvement Samsung S8 Plus 2017 (IDR 15.7 Juta) dan Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 2023 (IDR 22 Juta) hanya 40% tetapi secara value kita bisa pastikan improve much much more significant than the price. Maksudnya jangan pernah meremehkan apa yang bisa kita lakukan dan kita kembangkan dalam waktu 6 tahun. If a phone can improve that much, why don't we? Kata teman saya, setelah mikir gini dia sadar kalau dia mensimulasikan hal hal menakutkan 6 tahun ke depan dan membandingkannya dengan kesulitan belakangan ini. Setelah pandangannya diperluas, there is so much more that he did before and there will be plenty more that he can do in the future. Berhati hati dan berencana matang itu penting. Tapi kalau terlalu lama ragu ragu dan takut sama masa depan atau trauma masa lampau, bisa menghambat waktu sekarang juga. Padahal antara kemarin dan besok, waktu sekarang yang paling penting.
Pernah nonton drakor Reply 1988 gak? Pemeran utama cowok yang cinta banget sama seseorang tapi terus nunda buat nyatakan cinta. Pas akhirnya berani, doi otw siap menyatakan cinta. Namun miris keburu ketikung karena kejebak lampu merah Buah Batu yang seribu detik itu. Pas sampai, si wanita sudah bersama dengan mas mas lain yang lebih tampan. Terus dia bikin quotes keren tentang hesitation. Kasian. Tapi begitulah hidup. Rezeki dipatok ayam, cinta dipatok mas mas ganteng bernama Park Bo Gum.
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Sebuah contoh sempurna untuk tulisan ini. Rest in peace Jungpal.
Tulisan ini membahas handphone Samsung dan drama Korea sebagai analogi. Apakah saya sudah cocok jadi brand ambassador Korea Selatan?
Anyway let's wrap it on a serious notes. Maybe, just maybe, we tend to overthink the future too much without realizing our own value. I guess what I can say is; Stop overestimate your tomorrow, never underestimate your yesterday. The in between yesterday and tomorrow is where shit happened. Stop hesitating, get shit done.
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evikdpriagung · 1 year
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20230617 #1 01.53 WIB
260/365 Days 12,205/365
Duaaannnnn duaaaannn duaaaannn setelah sekilah purnama. Bersandyaaaaa bersandyaaaaaa. Udin mau lanjut. Pokok y lama deh mau nonton ini g jadi2 mulu karena tahu kalau Maria Hill…. Eeeekkkk. Sedih sih sumpah. Maria Hill itu salah satu jagoan gue. Series ini sebenar y seru dan d tontonnya itu bikin mau lanjut. Tapi heeeeyyheeeyyy marvel dimana Avengers lainnya, anda kmnakan mereka. Paling enggak atu atau dua bijji kek keluar. Jadi y kurang greget. Aku jadi kurang sependapat si G’iah jadi the strongest now. Will see y nanti. Suka banget sama Ibu Sonya yaaaa disini. Here is my score:
Story: 8.5
Acting: 8.5
Visual: 8.5
Music: 7
Plot: 7.5
Moral values: 7.5
AVERAGE: 7.92/10
Sourve: Google
#Review #Opinion #TVSeries #Superhero #Action #SecretInvasion #Marvel #Disney #DisneyHotstar #TowerKemuning #KalibataCity #Pancoran #Jakarta #Indonesia #Sunday #September #17th #2023
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naailahana · 2 years
Food for Thought
Kalau ditanya apa yang didapat selama menjalani IKM hampir 3 minggu ini, yang pertama akan ku jawab adalah peningkatan skill bahasa Sunda wkkwk :) Selama ini juga kalau lagi stase mayor di jejaring juga sering sih pakai bahasa Sunda, tapi kalimatnya hanya berputar di itu-itu saja. Kalau di IKM karena sesering itu bertemu masyarakat dan obrolannya macem-macem, ditambah masyarakatnya juga banyak yang gagal paham kalo diajak ngobrol bahasa Indonesia -karena berbagai faktor, jadinya lebih terbiasa. Kendalaku biasanya adalah bingung verbalisasinya. Paham mah paham, tapi kalo disuruh ngomong kok susah wkwk apalagi sunda versi halusnya. Tapi lumayan lah ya semenjak IKM rasa-rasanya lebih bisa sedikit. Meskipun tiap mau ngomong tetep aja diawali dengan, "hapunten ibu abdi teh tiasa sunda tapi sakedik-sakedik, jadi hampura mun engke dicampuran jeung basa indonesia" XD
Kedua, ini sih yang paling seru. Waktu bimbingan dengan dr. Panji, hahaha. Kayanya baru dr. Panji deh, dosen yang kalau bimbingan paling lama tapi tetap seru disimak. Dari total 100% durasi bimbingan, sepertinya 90% mostly isinya beliau yang ngomong dan bercerita, sisanya baru kita-kita. Tapi aku tidak ngantuk sama sekali, hebat bukan. Sebuah pencapaian. Kalau boleh dideskripsikan, sepertinya dr. Panji adalah dokter ter-luas wawasannya sejauh ini. Menurutku, haha. Dari bahasan satu slide perencanaan kegiatan bisa merembet kemana-mana, mulai dari bahasan kasus gagal ginjal akut progresif atipikal di tingkat kementerian, role play jadi berbagai peran: menkes, profesor di Nigeria, bahkan role play jadi presiden wkw. Dann terbayang sih betapa sulitnya mengambil keputusan di jabatan-jabatan besar ini.
Oiya, dan bahasan tentang Thanos ; )
Saat bimbingan pertama, beliau ngga ngasih kita tugas revisi atau bikin laporan dsb, tapi nyuruh kita nonton kembali film Infinity War. Sebelumnya bahasan out of the box yang lagi dibahas adalah justice alias keadilan, dan beliau minta kita rewatch Infinity War dan mengamati aspek justice di dalamnya. Yang aku dapat adalah, hanya sebatas misinya Thanos yang ingin memusnahkan setengah populasi alam semesta secara random, for the sake of the balance. that's it. Tapi ternyata, jauh lebih dalam daripada itu.
Mengutip dari bimbingan dengan dr. Panji tadi; "kita akan sulit mengambil keputusan, terutama keputusan-keputusan besar, kalau kita tidak punya moral compass." Moral compass sendiri adalah value internal yang akan memandu seseorang dalam mengambil keputusan. Gampangnya, apa yang menjadi prioritas kita, itulah yang akan menentukan keputusan apa yang akan kita ambil.
Di Infinity War, ada scene dimana Iron Man dan Doctor Strange berdebat saat hendak menentukan apakah pulang ke bumi dan melindungi Time Stone dari Thanos di sana, atau melanjutkan melawan Thanos di outer space dengan apa adanya saat itu, namun mencegah Thanos dkk datang ke bumi. Si Iron Man bersikeras mau maju saat itu juga, akhirnya Dr. Strange mau ngga mau ikutan. Tapi dia menekankan prinsipnya dari awal, bahwa apapun yang terjadi, dia akan tetap memilih melindungi Time Stone di atas yang lain (meskipun nanti ujung2nya engga wkwk ups). Tapi itulah moral compass-nya si Dr. Strange. Berkebalikan dengan Thanos, yang moral compass-nya adalah menekan populasi alam semesta dengan menghilangkan setengahnya. Ibaratnya, u'll never be either a good hero or a real villain if u don't have any moral compass. Kalau mau totalitas, harus punya prioritas.
Dari bahasan konflik antara Thanos dengan Avengers ini aku juga jadi baru tahu, bahwa konflik yang diciptakan antar mereka ini ternyata ada dasar teorinya, bukan sembarang bikin plot asal seru saja. Ada yang namanya teori Malthus, seorang filsuf dan ekonom asal Inggris yang mengeluarkan sebuah teori; bahwa pertumbuhan penduduk di dunia ini bertambah secara geometrik atau eksponensial, sedangkan ketersediaan pangan yang ada di dunia ini bertambah secara aritmetik atau linear dengan tambahan konstanta tertentu yang tetap. Artinya, ketersediaan pangan tidak akan mencukupi kebutuhan pangan dari populasi yang ada, karena bedanya pola pertambahan yang ada. Jomplang.
Unless, there is a 'check'. Either from natural disaster or naturally occurred conflicts between humans. Nah, si Thanos berkeyakinan dirinya melakukan hal yang benar, karena berperan sebagai 'check' alias kontrol populasi, agar jumlah populasi seimbang dengan ketersediaan pangan yang ada. Secara 'adil', dengan melakukannya secara random. Pertanyaannya, apakah random serta merta sama dengan adil? Kalau iya, apa berarti besaran pajak juga harus disebar secara random, agar 'adil'? Atau apakah sebetulnya makna adil ini merupakan sesuatu yang situasional dan dapat berubah-ubah tergantung praktik yang terjadi di tiap momen?
Dan sampai situlah tadi kemudian disudahi bimbingannya, haha. Disuruh mikir dan mencari sendiri agar mau banyak membaca dan less tidak berwawasan alias menjadi sedikit lebih berwawasan. It was fun. Aku jadi kepikiran apakah sebetulnya moral compass nya Thanos bisa dijustifikasi hanya saja caranya yang salah, atau justru yang adil adalah mindset nya Avengers lain. Will u choose to do differently in that situation?
Dah lah, cape wkwk nanti lagi melanjutkan episode bercerita random-nya. See u another time, selamat beristirahat sejenak bagi yang hendak beristirahat.
Bonuss foto bersama teman-teman baruku dari Kp. Walini hari ini; Repa, Delisa, dan Bulan 🌙
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Bandung || 11/11/2022, 22.07
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krinsbez · 2 years
Pulptober 2022, Themes Elaborated, Part 2
Here’s a link to part one for you. Again, thanks to @maxwell-grant for making some suggestions.
6- The Lone Ranger/Purehearted Paladin:
Another one that’s fairly straightforward. The Ideal Hero, the Paragon, the closest the Pulp Hero genre gets to The Cape, hero who believes in following the Law as much as possible, who really, truly tries to avoid killing his foes unless he absolutely has to, and will even go out of his way to save them, etc. Alternate examples Dick Tracy*, Silver John/John The Balladeer*+
7-The Spider/Let The Lawless Learn Fear 
The other side of the coin. This guy runs on the concept of “pay evil unto evil“; he not only has no rule against killing, he routinely finds himself wading in the blood of criminal scum. He may, in fact, be SO committed to to scaring evil-doers that his sanity is in question. Alternate examples: “Red“ Miller*+, The Punisher
8-Fantomas/Pulp Evil
The rest of the month is devoted to Pulp Heroes. Not today. Today is for the opposition, the worst of the worst, the vile and the villainous, the creeps and criminal masterminds, you get the idea. Alternate examples: Grendel+, Fu Manchu*
9-The Count of Monte Cristo/A New Identity 
It’s not uncommon for a Pulp Hero to have a secret identity, but these guys take it a step further; their secret identity (or identities) is itself an alias, one they adopted solely to prosecute their crusade. Alternate examples: The Green Lama, Moon Knight*
10-The Avenger/Master of Disguise
Another straightforward one; this Hero lives on his chameleon-like mastery of the art of disguise. Alternate Examples: Secret Agent “X“, The Human Target
*I have not consumed much or any of the source material
+suggested to me by @maxwell-grant, although Grendel was already on my mental list, I swear!
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fuforthought · 4 years
I had to post this clip as it contains the sickest burn in kung fu movie history.
Wait for it...
The Lama Avenger (1979)
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
Random thought, if various Pulp Heroes somehow had Social Media, what would it be like. If you want specifics, let's say The Shadow, The Spider, The Green Hornet, Kato, The Lone Ranger, Tonto, Zorro, The Spirit, Domino Lady, The Green Lama, The Black Bat, G-8, Operator No. 5, The Moon Man, and The Avenger (not including Doc cuz I know you don't like him). Bonus: Supporting Cast members (Harry, Nina, Justice, Inc. etc.)
(I’m going into this ignoring the time periods and just putting the characters in a vacuum)
The Spider is effectively a social media cryptid, who constantly makes short-lived accounts on most platforms that usually consist of first-person records of the terrors he goes up against and varied forms of death threats against criminals, with “DEATH TO THE BRINGERS OF DEATH!” becoming a rather contentious, ban-worthy slogan across the web. Surprisingly, not many people actually have the guts to make Spider roleplay accounts, terrified that they’ll be targeted by his enemies or the Spider himself. Richard Wentworth doesn’t maintain social media, but he’s rather popular across it as a figure of public fascination, this sullen millionaire who does and says weird things, scion of a dead family, who looks so tired and broken sometimes and who sometimes rants about systemic inequalities and philosophical quandries and horrors of the world even when he’s just being interviewed, and who sometimes gets violent and thrusts himself headfirst into people that try to shoot someone near him, and who absolutely would have been outed as The Spider already if it wasn’t for the fact that most people don’t think The Spider is a human being. 
Britt Reid posts via a Daily Sentinel account that he runs solo. As someone playing the role of idle playboy, he is just good enough at faking Twitter brainrot to the point it works in favor of his secret identity, and just good enough at masking information to be successful as a crusading journalist and activist. As The Green Hornet, he actually runs a separate account that kinda seems like a LARPing thing at first to those not in the know, enough to not get him shut down by Twitter, but everyone kinda knows that it’s the Hornet’s actual account. It works in favor of the crimelord façade, lets him drop thinly veiled threats and misdirections, lets him constantly talk shit about major public figures and/or other heroes and keep up the charade, lets Reid get away with stirring the pot and dropping controversial statements stuff he couldn’t get away with as Reid. He has Kevin Smith and Seth Rogen blocked on all social media. 
Kato was fine with just having burner flip-phones for picking up Reid’s calls, but Reid got him something a little more up to date. He still always uses the flip phones on the job, he uses gloves constantly and you can’t use touch screens with those but, occasionally he takes the time to get really good at mobile games of his choice. He holds world records on a lot of racing games, claims it makes for good practice. 
Don Diego de la Vega basically just sticks to Instagram, posting your average celebrity attendance photos and amateur photography shots, occasionally some very classy thirst traps here and there, never anything too racy or undressed. There are quite a handful of Instagram & Twitter accounts and subreddits dedicated to Zorro, reporting on his deeds, his work within communities, praising or condemning him, and a loooot of them are not at all subtle about their thirst for the guy. Diego largely just finds this amusing.
Denny Colt would be a redditor, and he’d sort of drop by on The Spirit subreddit on occasion to do AMAs, mostly lying or telling truths so mundane that most people believe them to be lies. He loves and shares cat memes. The Spirit is the only one of these characters that I could see making sort of an effort to communicate with people online about who he is and what he does, largely as a way for him to seek assistance in his investigations and try to make things a little easier in terms of public relations. There’s a separate Spirit subreddit for people who, usually either want the women of his rogues gallery to step on them, or want to tie him up and show him a good time. The Spirit pretends he doesn’t know about this.
Domino Lady has a TikTok, as Ellen Patrick. Ellen’s considered to be very private with her personal info, with only a couple of wikipedia articles about her and pictures of her attending events floating online. But she’s good at playing the TikTok thirst algorithm, good at building up a charismatic online presence, and very adept at using social media to find her targets and info on them, many of whom actually just approach her outright thinking she’s an easy mark. 
Jethro Dumont doesn’t use social media, or at least, not under his own name. The Green Lama has been banned from most social media sites following some of his posts targeting law enforcement figures and politicians, and if his secret identity wasn’t unknown, he’d be put on several watchlists at minimum. Most of his time online is spent on Goodreads writing book reviews, particularly scathing ones towards books that misrepresent buddhism and buddhist beliefs. The topic of cultural appropriation comes up a lot when people look up the Lama online. No, he is not selling his superpower-inducing radioactive bath salts anywhere, and the less people try to make their own, the better.
Black Bat lurks and posts on 4chan, and you’re just gonna have to take my word for it as to why. The /k/ weapons board doesn’t hold in-person meetings anymore because of him.
The Moon Man absolutely detests social media for a myriad of reasons, one of which being that it’s completely ruined most google searches for his name due to some wretched online memes attached to said name, almost got him to change his name and costume. The only place he really goes to is Linkedin, which is where he can sometimes find potential allies or people in need of assistance or money, and Tumblr, where he posts a lot about politics. He’s controversial, but all things considered, he winds up being pretty popular here. 
Operator 5 only really joined social media to try and recruit people against whatever Great Invasion he was supposed to be fighting off that week. He was constantly and repeteadly told to fuck off for being a secret service spook.
G-8 posts on Deviantart. It’s quiet, nobody bothers him, he’s already calloused against unfathomable horrors from beyond the grimiest depths of imagination, and it lets him keep journals and pictures of some of his exploits for record. 
Doc Savage still posts on Facebook.
Justice Inc maintains a website where they can be reached out for contact, and most of their social media is operated by Smitty and Nellie (who has a pretty massive following on TikTok). The group as a whole coordinates very effectively via Discord. The bulk of Richard Benson’s social media experience boils down to miserably staring at pictures of his family saved on old profiles. 
The Shadow maintains and manages profiles on ALL social media sites, even dead ones or ones that you’d never even heard about.  Lamont Cranston’s verified, but the account’s partially run by the real Cranston who mostly posts dumb garbage, which The Shadow allows for so long as it doesn’t jeopardize his cover. He’s got different profiles for his dozens of secret identities and most of these are maintained by Burbank and other social media-assigned agents who mostly pass on to him information. He arranges investigations, gathers clues, sets up traps, he hijacks podcasts to relay information, reaches out to people in need of assistance, manipulates information, and covers tracks for whoever helps him do it. It’s become a massive part of his crimefighting network and it further arises suspicion since no one knows which accounts could be secretly run by agents of The Shadow or The Shadow himself. Whoever thought that an era of endless communication networks would make The Shadow less effective or scary couldn’t be more wrong. 
In short,
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