#the kids are wingmanning
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Gloria and Hop are scheming to get Leon and Wes together, and the first step in Operation DesertSportShipping is a makeover! And a printed league card. (They totally aren't doing this to get back at Leon for grounding them, they would never)
Anyways, serious thoughts about Wes as a gym leader under the cut:
We all know that if Wes were to be a gym leader, it would be because he snagged the Prestige Gym from Justy.
He also wouldn't get a special outfit change. He just doesn't care enough.
He still gives out the TM for Return, but the special "gym badge" is a double sided knife. The Mayor doesn't like this but can't really do anything to stop him.
His roles as gym leader (and champion of the colosseums) is two sided. He teaches the kids entering how to hold their own in battle in the colosseums, and he tests his students before letting them participate in any colosseums.
(He doesn't let any of his alumni participate in the Deep Colosseum, not because he doesn't want any challengers to his title that he doesn't care about, but because the old Cipher admins are still down there so it's too dangerous. He does go down there to kick ass so that they don't get any ideas about reviving Cipher)
Again, because Orre is weird, he doesn't have any set types. He will customize his gym team to challenge whoever is battling him. Regardless, every team has Espeon and Umbreon as the aces.
The gym challenge is trying to successfully pickpocket a Pokeball from the trainer's belts, and if a challenger is caught they have to battle.
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winchestergifs · 10 months
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14.6 Optimism Written by Steve Yockey Directed by Richard Speight, Jr. Original Air Date: November 15, 2018
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zaacoy · 2 years
Short freenoodles focused comic inspired in part by takakmimi's freenoodles post on twt!!
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poppybros-jr · 6 months
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I wanted to draw the elevator girlies too!
Please forgive any issues, I don’t draw Splatoon stuff often but Side Order demanded it. They were originally going to be smooching but I need more art practice before I can get that to work. Let’s just say they’re seconds away from doing so ^^;
I’ve been agonising over posting this one for weeks since I’ve only ever posted Kirby art on this blog, but it is technically a multifandom blog and I don’t really want to make a second art blog. People who follow me for Kirby stuff only and don’t want to see my Splatoon art, please feel free to mute the ‘poppy draws squidkids’ tag.
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good-beanswrites · 1 month
Kazui adopts Amane
Kazui marries Shidou
Amane goes ballistic
LMAO she can never be free 💀💀💀I shifted things to work as a single silly scene, but omg it was incredibly fun picturing a feature-length comedy of Amane trying increasingly ridiculous ways to sabotage Kazui's wedding. For this scene, though, it was fun enough picturing what a quirky life these two would live on their own 😂
When Kazui told Amane the good news, she did a victory lap around his apartment. It was a silent, stoic march that made him look on in worry, but she assured him it was all in celebration. 
Now the day had finally arrived. She checked the clock, eagerly awaiting the newest arrival to the household. Kazui said he’d still be taking things slowly, but asking this mystery partner to move in was a huge step if you asked her.
And she was thrilled. No one had listened to her voice throughout all of Milgram, she’d been put through trial after trial, but things had finally made the switch for the better. She was getting her reward for her behavior. The prisoners listened to her pleas and allowed her to go home with Kazui. She’d have no more controlling wardens and sinful doctors hounding her all the time. She’d have a picture perfect home. She went from not having any kind fathers, and by the end of the night she’d practically have two.
Kazui had been a bit vague about this new man he’d been getting serious with. He said Amane may not approve of him, but she should give him a try. She denied all his concerns – she knew Kazui was likely still embarrassed about moving in with a man in the first place. So, as any perfect daughter would do, she proved her acceptance by reciting some facts that she’d researched about homosexuals. She wore the shirt with cats and rainbows that Mahiru had bought for her. In the days leading up to their meeting, she asked Kazui for the man’s name so she could pray for him before bed each night. 
Each time, however, Kazui found a way to skirt around the conversation and avoid telling her the name. That was no issue to her. It wasn’t anything new since coming to live with him. Sometimes he planned on cooking noodles for dinner, but felt the need to speak vaguely on the topic until the dishes were on the table. Sometimes he needed to fix a home appliance, but crept around the place with the type of secrecy you’d expect from a burglar. Amane was learning that he was simply not a forthcoming man, and that wasn’t anything to worry about.
She checked the clock again. And again. Kazui had come home late from his shift, and was busy showering in the bedroom. He said he’d hurry out, but she was thrilled with the responsibility of answering the door. She would get to welcome their new guest into the home and make a good first impression. She would do this perfectly. 
She paced the kitchen, keeping her arms behind her back like Kazui had a tendency to do. She crept to the door, pressing her ear against it. Hearing nothing, she resumed her stiff pacing of the kitchen. She heard the water shut off, and worried Kazui would be out in time to steal away her chance at the welcome speech she’d been rehearsing. 
But then – there it was. The polite knock on the door.
She flew across the room, throwing the door open. Her beaming expression immediately melted away.
“Oh. It’s you.” Kirisaki Shidou stood in the doorway, smiling down at her in his sweet, infuriating way. Amane had seen a few of the others since everything had ended, but she was struck with how odd he looked in casual clothing. Her frown deepened. She much preferred the prison uniform for him. 
“Hello, Amane-chan.” 
She shifted the door an inch, showing her intention to close it momentarily. “I’m sure Kazui-san would appreciate your visit, but we have other plans tonight. You should come back another time. We’re expecting a very, very important guest.”
“Are you now?” Shidou’s smile didn’t fade, like she hoped it would. Instead, it almost seemed to grow warmer. 
Amane moved the door another inch closed. She felt rage swirling in her chest. What if Kazui’s partner showed up now? What if her speech was ruined because Shidou had absolutely no manners and wouldn’t leave when asked?
“We are. I’m terribly sorry–” the look on her face communicated just how sorry she really was “–but you’ll have to leave. It would be horribly rude to our guest if you’re still here.”
“I see… you don’t wish to be rude to this guest.”
She shifted it more closed. “Precisely.”
“Well, then, I suppose I can come in? It would be rude to make me wait out here, would it not?”
Amane scoffed. “I just said –” Her eyes widened. He smiled. 
Reaching above her, Kazui opened the door all the way. His voice boomed. “Shidou-kun, I’m so glad you could make it!”
Amane looked at Shidou’s expression. Then Kazui’s. Then back to Shidou’s. She took a steady breath. So this is how it was, mm? 
She grabbed the edge of the door and slammed it shut.
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twentytwentywhore · 6 months
Satoru Gojo does not want kids of his own.
However he definitely would pick up hot single mothers because the idea of being a step-dad does in fact appeal to whatever is going on with him.
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lionkingnight · 4 months
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seen this meme done by a few others and figured it was time to give it a go myself and decided to do it with my fav pairing from Monkie Kid
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lagt-duck · 1 year
Look at my work people
Get ya Shadowpeach sweetness, ya all put so much bitter and angst, gotta add some sugar to these two!
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fyeahygocardart · 1 year
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Wake Up Your Elemental HERO
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vampirecatsw · 10 months
Transmigrator Kaito AU
part 2:
(lol i haven't written any resembling a fic for this au yet but feel free to ask questions)
Kaito's favourite manga is Detective Conan. Instead of crossing over with Magic Kaito, it crosses over with Yaiba.
The Yaiba content annoys Kaito to no end because he's jealous~ He's like "Ugh, crossing Conan over with say like, a Phantom Thief would be perfect! Not Yaiba! >:("
He's definitely read and written Kaitou KID / Detective Conan crossovers HAHAHA
(I still need to do more research about Yaiba but I know there's Yaiba characters in dc so that's why I chose this. Sorry I don't know much about Yaiba but I thought it would be a fun idea)
Kaito picked it up when his dad died and still reads it to this day. Yes, it's long running series too :)) He reads it in his downtime, including before and after heists. He's basically memorised every detail.
Out of all the characters, Conan/Shinichi is Kaito's favourite character. When Kaito got frustrated, he always came back for him. And he's a huuuuge fanboy as well! He knows all the little details >v0 and admires Shin-chan a lot.
I'm still deciding on making this romantic ShinKai or queerplatonic (like some third thing other than platonic and romantic) but eh it's still in the air ig. Kaito adores Shin a lot either way.
Kaito doesn't know that in the final chapter of Conan, it was revealed Shin and Ran decided they had a sibling relationship. Kaito keeps trying to wingman them in increasingly absurd ways that makes Shin think he's actually trying to serenade Ran.
When the final chapter is going to come out, Kaito goes on a heist but everything goes wrong. He ends up finding Pandora, but Snake finds him first and manages to mortally wound him. As he bleeds out on the rooftop, Pandora drenched in blood and lying in his limp hands, Kaito's last regret is how he never got to read the final chapter of Conan.
More details below cut:
Suddenly, Kaito wakes up to a vicious pinch in his cheek.
"Ba-kai-to! Wake up! I've been calling you for the last 5 minutes!"
"Ow! A-Aoko?? Wha-"
Kaito raises his head and sees... his normal classroom? Huh? Was everything just a dream? That final heist?
Kaito quickly pats down his chest. Nothing hurts... except for his sore throbbing cheek, and he's clothed in his normal school uniform, not the KID suit.
He keeps glancing around, trying to find any differences. Aoko's still standing in front of his desk, hands on her hips and a concerned look on her face. The classroom hasn't been filled up yet and the board is still freshly cleaned from yesterday, meaning it's the morning and class hasn't started yet. Akako hasn't arrived either. And Hakuba's reading a newspaper about Kudo Shinichi...
Kudo Shinichi???
Kaito lunges over his desk. "Hey! Give me that!"
Hakuba is too stunned at the sudden attack.
Kaito rapidly skims through the article .The paper crinkles in his trembling grip.
"Kudo Shinichi, the Heisei Holmes has done it again! He solved another case flawlessly last Monday..."
Hakuba adds hesitantly, "Yes? Kudo Shinichi. He's been making a name for himself recently. It would be a pleasure as a fellow detective to work alongside him one day."
Hakuba says this all naturally, like Shinchi's been real this entire time. Like he wasn't just a manga character yesterday.
Kaito gulps ...There's no mistake. The impossible has happened, and Detective Conan is somehow real.
~ Kaito in this AU is just... a Kudo Shinichi fanboy. He's absolutely ecstatic to challenge Kudo Shinichi. He's even more excited to amaze his critic, and every time they meet, Kaito's pokerface works overtime to hide his delighted blush and adoring grin on his face. Jii is so confused but also very supportive.
... Kaito really wants to squish Shin-chan's cheeks and tease him until his entire face turns a pretty pink, dangers be damned.
Meanwhile Shinichi keeps getting annoyed by this clingy thief who keeps coming back for more. What's so interesting about him anyways??? Why does he keep teasing him???
(This au also includes pre-conan and during conan. Kaito is extremely charmed by Conan and his pokerface works extra-overtime than when he met Shinichi. If that is even possible. After every heist he screams in his pillow and recalls every moment)
Kaito takes a solid week to slide himself into the Kudo Shinichi fan-server and cement himself as the Shinichi Expert. After a month he actually gets elected as co-president. Yes he's absolutely insane.
Kaito regularly sends fan letters to Shinichi, even after his 'disappearance'. They always wish Shinichi the best and includes random funny snippets of Kaito's day. They're addressed as "Kai-san" and are pretty polite. They always come with Kaito's genetically engineered blue and red roses that he grows in his garden. He doesn't gift the blue roses to anyone but Shinichi haha
Akako does exist in this universe. It's just that she sensed such a major disturbance that she stayed at home and researched it vigorously to make sure the fabric of space-time wasn't unravelling.
Kaito is like a proud peacock whenever Shin/Cone shows up. He literally pulls out all the stops and Jii is confused, yet very supportive. Agasa who provides the gadget just sighs at the huge and absurd list. It doesn't escape his mind that it happens whenever Conan/Shin attends a KID heist.
OVA 1 is really fun so I thought it would be extra funny for it to be somewhat plausible in this au. Not sure if Yaiba would be turned into a manga series when Magic Kaito becomes the main crossover (if that makes sense). When Kaito robs the sword, he would use his knowledge to cause the most chaos. Yes Kaito read Yaiba out of spite, and also 'know thy enemy, know thyself'
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
Late Night Pride Post (T4T Billy and Cissie Edition)
Yo what up, I have overdue assignments and overdue fanfictions to post, but hear me out:
Captain Marvel is found out to be Billy Batson, twelve year old orphan kid from Fawcett city, AKA, the Champion of Magic, AKA, the kid who hid his age and identity from the JL for over four years. :D fun
Yeah the JL didn't like that. However, due to his position as one of the heaviest hitters on the League, and his good reputation, Billy was not kicked out from the JL, instead being put on a probationary/suspension period, where he would be observed by a JL member to oversee his ability to be a hero.
Who is it overseeing Billy's JL suspension, Y'all ask? Well, y'all gonna find out~
Now, cut to a week later
Cissie and Billy going out on a cute little date and having a nice time together.
Going on a picnic in the park, taking a lovely stroll through the city gardens to appreciate Cissie's flora knowledge, touring the museum district together to hear Billy go wild about the exhibits~ They're just two youngsters in love who are having a very nice first date <3
Nothing can go wrong~
Except it's the Batson luck to always have something go wrong.
Just as Cissie and Billy are touring through the museum district and enjoying a rest for a root beer float to share, a loud and whailing screech booms from down the street. The Shockwave sent rubble and debris flying through the air, sending Fawcett citizens running for their lives at this new attack on their city.
Wanting to check out the scene but also needing to protect Cissie, Billy grabbed hold of her hand with a blushing face and ran outside, needing to see just a glimpse of what he was going to be up against soon before he sent Cissie to safety.
It was just a second.
A split second before his stomach sank to hell and dread filled his heart.
Down the street he could see it....
The green glow of a power ring and the ginger hair of the one superhero he hated the most; Guy Gardner.
And oh yeah there was an alien monster there, too 😒
Of all days, of all the superheroes to bring a fight down into HIS city, it had to have been Guy Gardner during his first date with Cissie. Oh that was just fantastic! Billy just had a hunch that Guy steered the fight into Fawcett on purpose.
Unable to transform into Captain Marvel due to the crowd around him, Billy had to let Guy Gardner handle this fight with a grunt.
When the dust settled and the crowd cheered for the the Green Lantern, Billy tried to escape with Cissie to leave Guy behind, but as luck would have it, Billy ended up getting followed by the annoying man.
Now, Billy wasn't only getting irritating advice from the man about being a hero when he was Captain Marvel, no, NOW he was carrying a third wheel on his date 🙄 who was constantly trying to give Billy not so subtle dating advice (child version advice, but still embarrassing coming from an adult regardless).
Guy Gardner: Hey, kid! A foot apart from the girl. Don't get any funny ideas about holding hands on the first date, hahaha!
Billy: (*`Д´)ノ!!!
Cissie thought it was funny.
Billy just wanted to punch Guy to the moon.
TLDR: Billy's first date with Cissie ends up interrupted by a hideous creature that came from space, and an alien, too.
Don't worry, in the end, Guy makes it up to Billy for embarrassing him on his first date and helps to impress Cissie with a little fly through the air for them both.
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kataiki · 10 months
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ngl this is the funniest way to find out you're a bottom
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loonarmuunar · 11 months
This is about the kid au
If Sara is like babysat by Joe, doesn't that mean that she was the one to get him a date with ryoko. That would be funny
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mo-ok · 2 years
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What's a Red without their Blue?
Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Shane Clarke & Tori Hanson
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bobbie-robron · 11 months
If someone would’ve told me that one day me and you would get married and have a kid… I’d’ve said they were tapped. But now it just feels… natural.
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Mini set
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wait did my dad call me "goose" when I was a kid because... ? hang on.... was that.......?
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