#the jokes that makes you go badum-tsss
dragonfartart · 5 years
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The way of the shapeshifter is one of discovery ヾ| ̄ー ̄|ノ
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imagines-mha · 4 years
Ok I need headcanons for Katsuki trying to teach his gender neutral S/O how to play the drums except the only thing they end up learning is the "ba dum tsss" and they keep doing that and making drum puns until Katsuki just gives up
This was the best request i’ve ever received. Thank u anon 😔
〰️💥 Bakugo trying to teach you drums but u just keep going “badum tss” 💥〰️
Warning: crack ahead
Not the drug i mean it’s gonna be a giggle x
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💥 Can I just say. You are a national treasure amongst the bakusquad
💥 Like how someone as funny as you managed to tame BAKUGO??? Mina thinks ur a witch
💥 You beg him to teach you drums. He says no every single time. But you are the most PERSISTENT s/o out there n u ain’t givin up so easily. So u just PLEAD nonstop until he eventually says yes
💥 And boy has my man never regretted a decision more in his entire life
💥 He’s the worst teacher ever for one. Like veteran points to u for surviving this shit bro cus he can and will throw a drumstick as your head if you fuck with him too much
💥 No matter how many times he tries to teach you, you just keep playing the same “badum tss” over and over
💥 It grinds his fucking gears lmaooo
💥 “Bet you thought teaching me would be cymbal-er, huh kats-”
💥 “Guess i’ll just have to deal with the re-percussions of never playing the drums again”
You swear one day he’s gonna bite you
💥 Kaminari records the whole thing and it goes viral in like, a night.
💥 Bakugo does not understand why this is so FUNNY TO YOU. why can’t you just play the drums like aNY OTHER NORMAL PERSON DAMNIT?!?!
💥 He doesn’t give up for at least a week. He sits you down. He plays a simple beat over and over again, and then he hands you the drumsticks
💥 The drumsticks with so much potential. So much ability. He thinks you’re ready. You look determined this time. He’s getting his hopes up and you swear you can see him hold his breath in anticipation
💥 You don’t even get to finish your badum tss before the entire drumkit is fucking thrown to the floor
💥 And everyone except for him thinks this is fucking hilarious
💥 It becomes an inside joke between you both from here on out. When it’s in a movie, you’ll both look at each other. One bursting with laughter and the other glaring daggers
💥 You know he doesn’t mean it but it sure is fun to see him lose his cool while you go “badum tss” in the background
💥 You, mina, Kaminari, and Sero set it to your ringtones for an entire week. The operation was IMMEDIATELY canceled when Mina’s phone got yeeted into cement.
💥 That was the last time our explosion boy was ever badum tss’ed
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grellsutcliffsworld · 3 years
Dad jokes ! :DDD
1. Why is the graveyard always so overcrowded ?
Everyone's just dying to get in.
2. What does a prophet say, when they meet another prophet ?
You're fine. How am I ?
3. I got rid of my vacuum cleaner, since it was just gathering dust.
4. I was wondering, why the baseball kept getting bigger. The it hit me.
5. I've been buying shoes from a drug dealer recently.
I don't know, what he laced them with, but I was tripping all day.
6. What do you get from a pampered cow ?
Spoiled milk.
7. Two guys drive home from work in the bus. ,,Would you please take your umbrella out of my eye ?" asked one of them and the other did so.
,,S'hank 'ouh."
8. What's a thief's favorite shoes ?
9. Two hats hang on a hat rack.
,,You just hang there, I'll go on ahead."
10. What does James Bond do, before going to bed ?
He goes undercover.
11. A buck spattered in my windshield yesterday.
Well, it'll never have the guts to do that again.
12: Donating organs takes guts.
13. Tow drums and a cymbal fell off a cliff.
Badum tsss.
14. I broke my pencil this morning, but I tried to use it anyways.
It was pointless.
15. When's a good time to go to the dentist ?
Thooth hurty.
16. What did the number zero say to the number eight ?
Hey, nice belt.
17. Can february march ?
No, but april may.
18. Why does the coffee taste like mud ?
Oh yeah, it's fresh ground.
19. Why is it hard to starve in the desert ?
Because of the sand which is there.
20. Don't ever leave alphabet soup on the stove.
It could spell disaster.
21. What's invisible and smells like carrots ?
Bunny farts.
22. What does a vlock do, when it's hungry ?
It goes back four seconds.
23. There are three kinds of people in this world.
Those that can count and those who can't.
24. Did you hear about the guy, who invented the knock knock-joke ?
He won the no bell-price.
25. What do you call some body with no body and no nose ?
Nobody knows.
26. Why can't you hear a psychiatrist use the bathroom ?
Because the P is silent.
27. I have a lot of jokes about retired people, but none of them work.
28. Wanna hear a joke about construction ?
Oh wait, I'm still working on that one.
29. Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon ?
It has great food, but no atmosphere.
30. How many apples grow on trees ?
All of them !
31. Why did the coffee cup file a police report ?
Because it got mugged.
32. I love to tell dad jokes.
Sometimes he laughs.
33. What do you call cheese that isn't yours ?
Nacho cheese.
34. What do you call an elephant that doesn't matter ?
An irelephant?
35. Why couldn't the bile stand up by itself ?
It wad two-tired.
36. I was thinking about going on an all omen diet, but that's just nuts.
37. Sex is like math.
You add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs and pray that you don't multiply.
38. What's the bist thing about Switzerland ?
I don't know, bit the flag is a big plus.
39. What's written on a mathematician's grave stone ?
I didn't count on that.
40. Did you her about the mathematician that was afraid of negative numbers ?
He stopped at nothing to avoid them.
41. Why do we tell actors to break a leg ?
Because every play has a cast.
42. Did you hear about the restaurant called Karma ?
There's no menu, you get what you deserve.
43. What says a computer expert to someone, who stole his Microsoft ?
You have my word.
44. Did you hear about the actor that fell through the floorboards ?
He was just going through a stage.
45. What does a rip say to another rip ?
We're en-caged.
46. Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut ?
He just needed a little space.
47. Why do scientists do not trust atoms ?
Because they make up anything.
48. Why did the chicken go to the séance.
To get to the other side.
49. What did the chicken sing, when it was on a boat ?
We're going to the other siiide !
We're going to. the. other. side.
50. How do you drown a hipster ?
Throw him into the mainstream.
51. What sits on the bottom of the sea and twitches ?
A nervous wreck.
52. How does Moses make tea ?
He brews.
53. Why did Shakespeare only use ink ?
Because pencils confused him. 2B or not 2B.
45. What's the difference between a cat and a comma ?
A cat has claws at the end of paws and a comma is a pause at the end of a clause.
55. What did the Buddhist say to the hotdog vendor ?
Make me one with everything.
56. What did the left eye say to the right eye ?
Between the two of us, something smells.
57. How do you make a tissue dance ?
Put a little boogie into it.
58. What do you call a pony with a little cough ?
A little horse.
59. What do you call a woman with one leg ?
60. What do you call an apology written in dots and dadhes ?
Re-morse code.
61. Why did the hipster burn his mouth ?
He drank the coffee before it was cool.
62. Did you hear about the two people, who stole a calendar ?
Each got six months.
63. Why is it annoying to eat next to basketball players ?
They dribble all the time.
64. Why did the M&M go to school ?
It wanted to be a Smartie.
65. I got my daughter a fridge for her birthday.
I can't wait to see her face light up, when she opens it.
66. Why aren't koala's actual bears.
They don't meet the koalafications.
67. How do you throw a space party ?
You planet.
68. What do you call a train carrying gum.
A chew-chew train.
69. Why did the math textbook go to the counselor ?
It needed to figure out it's problems.
70. Two artists had an art contest.
It ended in a draw.
71. I tried to sue the airport for misplacing my luggage.
It lost my case.
72. I have a fear of speed bumps.
But I'm slowly getting over it.
73. What said one traffic light to the other ?
Stop looking ! I'm changing !
74. Why was six afraid of seven ?
Seven ate nine.
75. What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back ?
A stick.
76. What starts with an E anf ends with an E and has only 1 letter in it ?
An envelope.
77. Why doesn't the sun go to college ?
Because it has a million degrees.
78. Why are skeletons so calm ?
Because nothing gets under their skin.
79. Why is England the wettest country ?
Because many kings and queens have been reigning there.
80. Did you hear about the kidnapping at school ?
It's okay, he woke up.
81. What are a shark's two most favorite words ?
Man overboard !
82. Where does a sheep get it's hair cut ?
At the baa baa-shop.
83. Why are ghosts such bad liars ?
Because they're easy to see through.
84. What does Sherlock say, when Watson compliments his coat ?
Thanks, it's from the new fall season.
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threeletterslife · 3 years
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omg i have a joke that’s kind of on this front: i hate spelling errors. you mix up two letters and your whole one-liner is urined
😩😩😩 badum-tSss
anyways my day sO FAR has been great!! got a lot of course work to get through 😤 but i’m graduating soon sO THAT’S RLLY THE ONLY THING KEEPING ME GOINGG
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nightwingvixen23 · 5 years
💋The Real Mob Wives Of Gotham City🍎
                                       Episode fucking 2 :
“I knew they were perfect for each other when I saw father’s wallet and Dick’s ass “
*solo interview with Rose*
Rose : Okay. Yeah I admit I was wrong, Goin’ all psycho at my father’s wedding when he married Queen Puttana Dick was out of line, so, I haven’t been back to Gotham City since, ‘til now of course. But when I left, I went on a sort’a spiritual journey ya could say. Know what I’m sayin ? Met myself a guy who got me on this ‘know yourself sort’a vacay.’ Ya, ya, laugh your ******* ass off at me, but  During that time I realized my ass was out of line *squints to the side* mmmmmya know, an inch, or like, a centimeter out of line to where I can just like say some **** like ‘aye my bad galleto’ ya know ? Take the **** or leave the ****. Either way, you both are going to have to go through the hell of seein’ THIS *points to her own face* gorgeous ass face for the rest of forever ‘cause it ain’t leavin’ Gotham any time soon honey bunches’a Oats
*cuts to solo interview with Jason and Roman*
Jason : *sitting with his legs across Roman’s lap going down on a bottle of whisky*
Roman : Would you put that **** down for a ************* second ?
Jason : Do that for what ? If you’re smoking a cigar, then I can drink. Win ******* win, Boss 
Roman : *flicks ash into whisky bottle*
Jason : *drinks whisky with eyes on Roman*
Roman : Dio. you’ll drink anything, tesoro
Jason : the phrase is ‘you’ll put anything down your throat’ hehe if ya know what I mean
*from behind the camera : can we start the interview?* 
Jason : Cazzo !! *sits whisky aside* SOooo, who here knew it was a bad idea to invite Rose to Dick and Slade’s wedding ?? *looking around* Anyone ??? *raises his own had* Anyone ? *points to his own hand* Anyone at all ??Anyone here ? *points to hand again* Anyone here ?? *notices his own hand in surprise* oh !
Roman : *smoking* . . .
Roman : I gotta put up with his ass even after we leave here *blows smoke*  I want all ya’ll to just think about that 
Jason : *starts climbing into Roman’s lap*  Via a farti fottere—
*cuts to recorded“flashback” footage of Dick and Slade’s wedding FT a maleficent Rose Wilson*
Rose : * fake smile* I would like to congratulate MY father Slade Wilson and Dick Grayson I’m VERY happy for them. Of course I’ve moved on about my misconception of...Dick. hahahaha. Of course I was supposed to come with a date of my own, but then he hurt his ******* back which is very ironic considering he’s very **** agile and healthy the ******* testa de cazzo
*cuts to solo interview with Damian*
Damian : Rose Wilson started drinking cocktails at the wedding, I recall, they were called Horny Columbian’s
Talia : Damian Piccolo such language out of you !
Damian : You drink them too
Talia : . . .
Damian : Anyway, cousin Rose got totally wasted. *smiling in laughter* it was really  funny....*stern face*...but then it was gross.
*cuts back to recorded“flashback” footage of Dick and Slade’s wedding FT a maleficent Rose Wilson now clinking fork against wine glass*
Rose : *smiling drunkenly* I would like to make a ******* toast !! To the sposa and the sposa...yanno...my ****** ******* FATHER. *sighs* So many years it was just him and I but then he couldn’t wait 10 minutes to run off with thicc and thirsty 
Audience : *whispering*
Dick : *mouth agape*
Slade : . . .
Rose : it’s a joke it’s a joke people !! !
House band : Badum tsss 🥁
Rose : Seriously though, I ******* KNEW these two were perfect for each other *spills wine on herself* when I saw father’s wallet and Dick’s ass
Audiance : oooooh
Rose : *fighting of an imaginary bodyguard* VIA A CAGARE TAKE YOU ******* HANDS OFF ME  
Audiance : whoooooa
Jason : Rose, hon
Tim : Rose...Rose
Talia : Rose sit your ass down
Jason : *stands up to grab Rose*
Rose: oooh relax JayJay *soothingly runs her hands down his shoulders/smiles* why don’tcha take your Roman Pill huh sweetheart ??
Tim : *wrestles Jason down into his seat*
*cuts to solo interview with Jason and Roman*
Roman : *blows out cigar smoke*...and then it got weird
*cuts back to recorded“flashback” footage of Dick and Slade’s wedding FT a maleficent Rose Wilson now being carried away by bodyguards*
*cuts to solo interview with Rose*
Rose: *smacking her lips audibly*
Rose : ...
Rose: Yanno *looks down at bare wrist* I think I’ll fly into Gotham next week This week doesn’t really work with my schedule I remember sooooo....
*run those fuckin’ ending credits yo. I’m STILLL not payin’ ya’ll shit but you signed up for this job, so if ya STILL wanna c o m p l a i n  i’ll be in my office most likely on my third box of donuts bitches thx*
💋Up Next on :The Real Mob Wives of Gotham City. .🍎
Bruce : *pouring himself a margarita*
Jason : Hey, can I have one ??
Bruce : *makes one for Jason*
Jason : *happily* Thanks daddy
Roman : *pops up from behind a newspaper across the room*
*bruce and roman arguing several minutes later*
Roman : I don’t CARE if it’s weird, It’s WEIRDER that YOUR being called DADDY and I’m NOT that’s what’s WEIRD
Bruce : Do you hear yourself right Now !
Roman : No more wearing leather pants and crop tops, you got that ya ******* amante ?? 
Jason :
Jason :
Jason :
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softforhenry · 7 years
I don’t watch every con panel, not even J2 even though I’m a Jensen!girl.
After the huge shitstorm on twitter and even in some media about J2 after SPNNOLA, I had to watch the panels myself though. I recommend that to everyone btw, who only builds their opinion on just a small video snippet of a panel or even just a single tweet.
And I genuinely recommend everyone to watch the panels anyway, because they were FUN!
Gold panel:
The boys joking about Jared’s “n’awlins” accent is so cute. Them doing accents is always great entertainment!
J2 thanking the fans for the EW covers. They are so thankful and appreciative of our support. No matter what they accomplish, they always credit us fans and take time to thank us for our devotion. That they’re still so humble about their success is amazing.
Jared: “I don’t know how subscribing a magazine works anymore.” – Jensen: “You sign up and they send you one.”  I just love Jensen’s deadpan humor! Jared talking about how his mom is so happy for him being on the cover - awww <3
Ahhhhh noooooo don’t kill the kitty, Jensen!! Bad Jensen. LOL.
“Jensen is a master of his voice.” – of course he is. What the hell isn’t he good at?!
Really interesting hearing them talk about voice acting. And I must say, I do enjoy the image of Jensen doing it with just his coffee in his hand and in underwear ^^
J2 being like “come here” to Alex, when he asked about cons. YES!! Bring him to one!
Jensen saying he already likes the holy water joke, because there’s a pun in there. And Jared doing the interrupting sloth. Gotta love those dorks!
The way Jensen immediately perks up and is really attentive when the fan mentions Danneel!
Dean “Boom Boom” Winchester. YES!!!
Jensen talking about home is the cutest!!! Danneel handing him the keys to “EVERYTHING” once Jensen gets home and then driving off… the way Jensen fondly jokes about it and then says that sometimes it does feel like it (wahhh they must miss home and their families so much and the little time they get together must feel too short all the time) and then he gets serious and says it’s actually him asking Danneel “what do you need me to do?”… such a good husband and dad <3
“Potty words.” Oh Jared. LOL.
The pirate joke is always cute.
And now to that moment: now that I’ve seen it, my thoughts on it: First of all, Jensen genuinely tried to shut Jared down, his “no” was definitely serious. Jared then warned everyone that his joke is “really offensive”. People still kept cheering him on and asking him to tell it. He did. And yes, it was offensive. But yes, it was also a joke. Nothing more. Just to get some perspective on this: How many of you who are now dragging them over the coils for that joke, have played Cards against Humanity for example? How many of you have laughed at all those horrible, inappropriate things that came from that game? Knowing exactly how offensive it is? Just think about that for a second. Also Jensen’s “Mr. Cosby” … how many of you are still making jokes about Trump and retweet memes and stuff about Trump? In all seriousness, there’s nothing to joke about what Trump is doing. But sometimes people have to laugh. That’s it. SO WHERE THE HELL IS THE DIFFERENCE? The double standards of some people are astonishing and it always gets me.
Jared talking about how Odette likes to play with his beard. CUTENESS ALERT!
“Alex has plenty of stories to tell already.” – Then let’s get him to a con ASAP!!!
J2 are always so thoughtful answering the acting advice question. No matter how many times it gets asked, they don’t look bored by it and they always take it serious. They want other people to succeed and give them the best advice they can. Every single time. It amazes me sometimes that they don’t get fed up with questions like this that get asked so often, but they’re always gracious and genuine in their response and I think it’s really sweet and a testament to their characters.
We as a fandom could learn from that, in my humble opinion.
Main panel:
Jensen’s chant. DAMN!! Great mood from the beginning. Love him!
Jared’s story about getting lost in New Orleans and meeting that person who thought he’s only dressed up as Sam Winchester had me laughing.
I know prank questions are getting old, but this time there was actually a good prompt to ask it with Alex being new on set. I giggled at Jensen describing it as “welcome package”. Also let’s hope we get that extra long gag reel!!!!
J2 teasing Misha. I know some people don’t like it. But the thing is, I see most people who say they’re done with it blaming J2 for giving fuel to the Misha haters and that being the reason they don’t like it. Two things that go through my mind at that every time: You shouldn’t blame friends joking about each other for the actions of other people! And the haters will ALWAYS find something to use for their agenda. Everyone with two eyes can see that J2M are true friends. Just watch the jibcon panels and their live streams and stuff – these guys love each other. No matter WHAT J2 might say about Misha, it won’t change a hater’s mind. Nothing will. So let the boys joke about each other. Like Jensen once said: “We prank you as maliciously as we do, because we like you the best.” 
Also here we go with the double standards again: Everyone getting so offended over the offensive joke in the gold panel, but laughing about Jared calling Jensen Misha’s toy? Sexualizing and dehumanizing him? So to those who get angry about the first one and start laughing and squeeing about the second one: Please explain to me why that’s okay? I guess when it fits shipping purposes everything’s fine? Idk… but that’s what I get from it. Jensen’s initial reaction was a double take and a “you did not just say that”-look. But of course Jensen went with the joke and that’s what I love about all of them: They can take a joke, they laugh about each other and even more about themselves, they make us laugh in the process, they aren’t afraid to makes themselves look silly. It’s all in good fun. I’m so done with fans trying their hardest to turn everything into a bad thing. Isn’t this supposed to be our source of fun and sometimes an escape from reality? 
“I shift myself.” Oh Jared. LOL. Jensen stopping Stephen from making the badum tsss at that joke and then apologizing for their lame jokes. PLEASE DON’T EVER CHANGE GUYS!!!
Loved the question about Dean and Jack, Dean’s emotional state and how Jensen thinks about it. I seriously live for hearing Jensen talk about his acting choices and about Dean’s headspace. How he describes anger as a stage of grief – everyone who calls Dean a meanie for his behavior with Jack: Please listen to Jensen here, he’s really an emotionally intelligent man and has a great understanding and instinct for human emotions. I’m also curious about him teasing that the relationship between Dean and Jack will change.
Jensen’s instant reaction of “NONONONONO” to destroying the Impala in episode 2x02 makes me so emotional. This scene is one of those that will always stick with me, it’s so raw and brutal and Jensen was incredible!
It’s also interesting to hear about how they filmed that motel room scene in episode 10x23. That they trashed the room first and then Jensen had to match the destruction they already created for the first takes. I’m laughing at him describing how he threw something against that picture frame and instead of crashing it was hanging perfectly after it. - “He is the one.” – DAMN RIGHT! :)
And Jared chiming in how funny it would’ve been if it had been on purpose and them miming how they put everything into place. LOL.
Look how sweet and happy they look for that girl spending her birthday at the con and having the time of her life. They love seeing other people happy. Adding something to their happiness. They’re good beans.
Jensen admitting that he’s an awful liar and to ask his wife. LOL. Someone ask Danneel about it at the next con she’s at!! (She needs to come to more, pleeeease!!)
Jared fangirling over Sam’s hair, Jensen joking that it’s gray and then making all those faces behind Jared (what an adorable clown!) and then going on to say “I pinch my… side”, that pause and his face after it!! Jensen has such amazing comedic timing, it’s gold!!!
Jensen explaining his reaction to when he sees his own performance on screen, especially emotional ones is so great. How he feels and taps into that emotion again when watching the scene and how much he loves his character (HE’S DEAN’S NUMBER 1 FAN!!!). Also their approach in preparing for a scene and how it fits their characters so well was truly interesting. Jared endlessly preparing and researching, just like Sam. While Jensen does it more on instinct, just like Dean. Gotta say here, that this is why I’m a Jensen/Dean fan. You notice that in his performance all the time and the authenticity he brings to each of Dean’s emotions is always tugging at my heartstrings.
Remembering Kim is always so sweet. They have so many nice things to say about Kim and I found it touching that they’re honoring him so much and credit him for their success.
The boys teasing Heather… from… Colorado. I’m laughing so hard. I love that they do this kind of thing (though I’d probably die if they started teasing me like that at the mic). The tease and joke with us fans, like we’re really friends/family.
Jared sharing so much about his struggles and his family is always special. I admire him for being so open and I’m thankful for everything he shares with us.
Jensen acknowledging that it’s good that people don’t feel ashamed of getting help, that it’s not about that person being crazy or that there’s something wrong with them. Acceptance is the biggest thing he wants to teach his children and I admire that. Also how his children should feel love and give love is a beautiful thing to say and to live by.
That they use gifs of themselves so often, especially Jared with the Loreal one, is so funny to me.
Jensen geeking out that they’re so popular because there’s so many gifs of SPN – WHAT A CUTIE OMG!
Jensen joking with that girl when she says her favorite gif is the one of Crowley saying “I torture all my friends, it’s how I show love.” His reaction: “What does that say about you? I like it. Text me. Colorado Heather has my number.” I’M DYING HAHAHAHAHA
Jensen & classic rock – YES! “I named my kid Zeppelin!” LOL.
“I like big butts.” – “I’ve put everything I have into Sam.” … Lots of dirty jokes and innuendo. Gotta love them.
“What would Dean do?” … Jensen totally is Dean’s number 1 fan.
I like how respectful Jensen speaks about Bob Singer’s directing. No matter what you think about Singer personally, I love how much Jensen admires other people’s skills and praises their good work.
Good points from Jared about Sam and Jack’s relationship as well. Especially liked how Jared said we don’t actually really know where Sam stands right now. It’s truly unclear how much Sam is about using Jack or caring about him and what he expects from taking Jack under his wing.
The last question: Love that the scene with Baby’s backseat wasn’t scripted!
Bottom line: I really enjoyed both panels. J2 were in a great mood and there were some really interesting questions. Watching the panels made me wish that it’s February already so I can be at a con again and enjoy their panels in person <3
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