#the iron claw x reader
gallaghersgal · 3 days
idk I’m feeling sick rn and just need some kerry comfort thoughts
:((( i hope you feel better love!! here’s a mini blurb. no warnings! fluff fluff fluff, fem reader, use of “darlin” and “baby girl” 🥰🥰
a thud startles you awake, your aching body jolting at the noise. “‘ey darlin’, heeyyy,” kerry’s voice comes to you softly from across the bedroom. you hear him drop his jeans and coat, then his footsteps padding towards the bed.
“mmph—kerry?” you ask softly, your eyes remaining closed.
“shh, shh—yeah, jus’ me baby girl. didn’t mean t’ scare ya.” the bed dips as he plants one hand on the mattress, leaning down in the dark to kiss your forehead. you can sense the way his brow furrows, lips sealing to your heated skin again to confirm his worry. “y’re burnin’ up,” he mutters, and rests the backs of his fingers against your forehead.
a shiver runs through your body, “yeah, must’ve caught somethin’,” you groan, followed by a pathetic sniffle.
kerry can’t help but chuckle. his thumb brushes your cheekbone before he leans down to kiss the area. “i’ll getcha some medicine, m’kay? jus’ let me go brush m’teeth first.”
it’s a few minutes before he returns, glass of water and a little cup of cold medicine in his hands. you’ve sat yourself against the headboard, your body trembling as your immune system fights whatever is giving you hell. he’s now clad in nothing but a comfy pair of shorts, his chest a warm welcome for you to smush your face into after you’ve downed the medicine. “hate the taste ‘f that shit,” you grumble against his smooth skin.
one large hand cups your jaw and tilts your face up, patting your cheek gently before removing his hand to grab the water glass. kerry tips it to your lips so you can take a few sips to wash the sickly sweet, medicinal taste out of your mouth. “i know baby girl,” he coos, “jus’ drink f’me, atta girl.”
you whine but do as he says, taking the glass in your own hands to drink until it’s only a quarter full. water spills past the corner of your mouth as your hands tremble from the effort, your body clearly ready to reenter the peaceful, slumbering state you’d been in previously. kerry takes the glass when you’re finished and you lay down in bed, cozying up with your pillows.
“y’re gonna get sick,” you mumble as he lays down beside you, one strong arm pulling you to lay against him. his chest rumbles with a laugh—the way you’re congested you feel it more than hear it—and he kisses the crown of your head.
“we spend a helluva lot of time t’gether, i was bound t’get it anyway.” he counters. his hand rubs down your back soothingly, listening to the content sigh that escapes you.
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daysofyellowroses · 7 months
yellow rose
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david von erich x afab!reader | 6.2k | 18+ minors dni | tw: language, smoking, mild smut | a reflection on your journey to the altar
so this is a complete and utter work of fiction, based on the very brilliant movie the iron claw. i knew as soon as i watched it i would have stories but i was a little surprised david came to me first. obviously harris dickinson is beautiful but i am down so bad for jaw. i got some kerry ideas too, and i always have a hundred different bear ideas on the go too so more to come | also just to note that because this is totally fictitious, i am choosing to ignore real life events for the most part and live in fanfic delusion. enjoy 🌼
It all seemed to happen in a flash.
In theory, you should have been used to it. Ready for it.
One minute you were heading to a local sports center on a work assignment, then in what felt like the blink of an eye, you were walking up the aisle to marry the subject of one of those photos.
But, to get to how exactly you ended up walking down that aisle, you need to go back to how it all started.
Which, like with most things when it came to you,started with a picture.
From an early age, you loved photography. Capturing a moment in time, being able to look at it any time and relive the moment was always a thrill. Your childhood home was full of framed photos and photo albums, a collection of memories surrounding you.
When you turned 13, your parents gave you your own camera. It wasn't anything too technical or fancy, but it was immediately your most treasured possession. You took photos of everything, family occasions, your friends hanging out, nature, snapshots of Dallas.
As you grew older you threw yourself into studying everything about photography, worked an extremely tedious part time job to save up for a real camera, dedicated yourself to honing your skills. It wasn't difficult, your friends and family kept you busy with birthday parties, weddings, christenings, anything worth celebrating and you were there to capture the moments.
When you were in your senior year of high school, you discovered a fondness for a particular subject of your photos. You had been sitting in the bleachers after school one day with your friends, all you of chatting and laughing about something when you'd looked onto the football field and spotted two of the players talking about something animatedly, one of them slapping the other on the back as they laughed. 
You had grabbed your camera, snapping a photo and rolled your eyes playfully as your friends teased you. Sure, the players were cute, but that wasn't why you took their photo. When the shots had developed, you were thrilled that your instinct had been correct. The red of the players jerseys popped, the gold star on their helmets gleaming in the sun. They looked graceful, despite their large frames, natural and charming. 
From that photo, you began to base more of your photos on sport. It wasn't an area you had expected to become interested in, but it inspired your photography. Cheerleaders in perfectly formed pyramids, track stars crossing the line, football players clutching the ball to their chest as they threw themselves across the post.
After graduation, you applied for a journalism course, figuring it didn't hurt to have a backup plan and maybe it would get you a gig as a photographer for a newspaper or magazine. 
Leaving home was tough, especially when a big going away party was thrown for you, your friends and family coming together to celebrate your accomplishments. When the time came to leave you were sure you'd never cried so much, trying to hype yourself up for the adventure ahead.
It was a lot of fun, being at college, as it turned out. Making new friends, learning new things, having new experiences. By the time it was over it felt like you could back and do it all again in a heartbeat.
You decided to move back to Dallas after you graduated. A job opportunity at a big paper came up, and your friend Pam had found an apartment that came with a spare room so it seemed like the right move.
It was about two weeks later you were tasked with going down to the Sportatorium on a Saturday night to document the latest wrestling match. Every time you went to a sporting event for work, you were accompanied by the senior sports writer, Duke. He was older than your father, far too old for his cheap toupee to be even the slightest bit believable. He wore cheap polyester suits, too much cologne and had a fondness for calling you ‘missy’ and placing his hand a little too low on your back.
You had psyched yourself up to ask Pam to come along, preparing a whole speech in your head. If she was with you then you could avoid Duke like the plague, couldn't possibly leave your guest alone. 
Turned out Pam didn't take much convincing at all, in fact she practically jumped at the chance to come along. You tucked her excitement away in your mind, curious to see if the source would reveal itself at the match.
When the day came, you were excited to get some shots of a new sport. From what you'd seen on TV, the Sportatorium was bright and colorful, the wrestlers just as much so. You packed up your camera before getting changed into some jeans and a t-shirt. 
Pam had taken one look at you and marched you back into your room, your protests of “But I'm working!” falling on deaf ears.
A compromise was reached. Your t-shirt stayed but a denim mini skirt replaced your jeans and brown cowboy boots replaced your beat up sneakers. You felt a little ridiculous, your job had you in all kinds of angles and positions to get the best shots, the last thing you wanted was to be unable to get a good picture because you'd end up flashing tomorrow's laundry to thousands of strangers.
When you arrived at the Sportatorium, the sun was dipping below the horizon and what seemed like hundreds of cars and trucks were pulling up. People were grabbing beers out of coolers, blasting music from boomboxes, grilling up hotdogs on portable barbecues. You got a couple of shots before Pam was hustling you inside to get your seats. Well, her seat. You told her you'd meet her outside after the match, not that she seemed to be paying attention, her eyes focused on the empty ring. 
You made your way down to the ring, keeping an eye out for Duke and ready to sprint back to Pam if needed. To your relief, Duke wasn't in attendance. The junior sports reporter, Brian, had been sent in his place. The two of you weren't exactly close friends but he was much more professional. You got some shots of the crowd, feeling excited to see a match live. The atmosphere in the stadium was electric, like something incredible was about to happen. 
When the announcement came for the first tag team, you got some shots of them walking through the tunnel and into the ring, holding their arms in the air and greeting the crowd. Brian walked around the ring slowly, scribbling into a notepad, cigarette perched behind his ear.
Then they announced the next tag team, and you moved to the opposite tunnel to get shots of them. You took a breath as you snapped a shot of the taller one, his wavy blonde hair peeking out from under his back cowboy hat. He was wearing a leather jacket that he promptly tore off before he got into the ring, his back muscles rippling. 
You cleared your throat, taking more photos and trying to concentrate on what you were there for. 
The bell rang, and once the match started you had no shortage of great photo opportunities. The men in the ring moved with perfect proficiency and style, playing up to the crowd and putting on a spectacular show. You found yourself more and more drawn to the tall blonde, David Von Erich, you discovered. 
He was so graceful yet could have these huge men slammed onto their backs, his arms bulging and a cocky grin on his face. Once or twice you could have sworn he caught your eye and winked at you but you were sure it was your imagination. 
The Von Erichs won the match, you snapped a photo of the referee holding up the brother's hands as the crowd roared. Brian checked back in with you, telling you he was going to grab some quotes before heading off. You bid him farewell before going to find Pam, heading outside with the rest of the crowd.
“Hey, over here!”
You quickly spotted Pam, smiling as you waved back at her, weaving your way through the crowd to join her.
“Hey,” You smiled, laughing softly as Pam grabbed your arm, a wide grin on her face. “Are you al-”
“Come on,” Pam immediately started tugging you in the opposite direction. “let me show you something,”
You just about managed to maintain your balance and hold onto your camera as you dodged through the dispersing crowd, wondering what exactly Pam was doing.
Before long you had an answer, as you and Pam joined a large group of women hanging around the back door of the Sportatorium. Her keenness to come to the match made much more sense when Kevin Von Erich walked out the door, towel around his shoulders and bag slung over his shoulder. You had never known Pam to look at any man the way she was looking at Kevin.
“What are you waiting for?” You asked, giving Pam a gentle nudge. “Get on over there, girl.”
“I can't, there's too many girls round him,” Pam sighed. “I am not desperate. I'll wait for my time.”
“Saving the best for last huh?” You grinned, watching Pam roll her eyes playfully. “I don't think he's gonna be able to take his eyes off you.”
“You think?” Pam asked, glancing over to you. She looked genuinely concerned and you gave her a reassuring smile. 
“I know.”
A little while later, when the crowd had dispersed and Kevin was signing the last couple of autographs, you gave Pam a gentle nudge, smiling as she quickly fixed her hair.
“Good luck,” You grinned, gently squeezing her arm. “Not that you need it.”
You gave her some space, walking over to a trash can before fishing a pack of cigarettes from your purse. You lit one up, glancing over to Pam and smiling as you spotted Kevin heading in her direction. Closing your eyes as you looked away, you took a long drag on your cigarette and felt yourself relax.
“You know it's a bad habit to smoke those things.”
You opened your eyes, finding a familiar face standing close to you. He looked better in person than he did in the ring, if that was possible. 
“Well I'm sure you know that it is very rude to keep your hat on in the presence of a lady,” You raised a brow, flicking your ash into the trash can. “I could be deeply insulted.”
“I apologize,” David grinned, taking off his hat and giving you a slight bow as he did. He introduced himself properly, as did you, his hand moving over his heart as he tilted his head. “You know I was just joking, there's worse habits to have than smoking.”
You nodded, smiling a little. “Like creeping up on strangers?”
He laughed and you felt a flutter in your stomach. You willed it away, not wanting to be another simpering fan.
“You want one?” You asked, holding out the box of cigarettes. David looked like he was considering saying yes before he shook his head. 
“No, thank you. I shouldn't.”
“Fair enough,” You nodded, putting the box back in your purse. “It really is a bad habit. I'm trying to quit but I got some time to kill so..”
“Oh yeah?” David raised a brow, glancing around the quiet car park before looking back at you. “What you waiting for?”
“My friend,” You gestured in the direction of Pam, who was deep in conversation with Kevin. “she's a big fan.”
“So I see,” David grinned, looking over to his brother and Pam before focusing his attention back on you. “and uh..what about you? Are you a big fan?”
You thought about it/made him wait for a moment as you took a drag on your cigarette and raised a brow.
“I'm just here for work.”
“Really?” David looked a little surprised, lightly rubbing his jaw. “What kinda work do you do?”
You held up your camera with a smile before flicking your cigarette in the trash can. “I’m a photographer,” You explained. “for a newspaper.”
“Oh right,” David smiled, folding his arms. “I'll have to buy that, see if you got any good ones of me. Which paper is it?”
“It's the uh..huh,” You grinned as you glanced over to Pam, watching her laugh as Kevin said something to her. “Excuse me for one second.” 
You turned slightly, holding your camera up and focusing it on Pam and Kevin. You felt very aware of David's presence behind you, trying to hold your hands steady as you snapped a picture. 
“I have a feeling I may need that one day,” You smiled, settling your camera strap back over your shoulder and turning to David. “They're cute together, don't you think?”
“Yeah, I guess so,” David nodded, his gaze staying on you. “She ain't the cutest one here though.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn't fight the smile on your face and multiple flutters in your stomach. 
“Oh shut up, that's such a line.”
“I'm deadly serious,” David grinned, holding his hat over his heart. “I promise.”
You were about to say something when Pam appeared, linking her arm with yours and giggling as she went to drag you away. 
“Hang on one second,” David called, making you look over your shoulder with a smile.
“You never told me the name of your paper!”
“It's in Dallas,” You called back, walking forward with Pam, the two of you giggling. “If you find it, call me!”
A couple of days later you were in the newspaper office, going over some photos for an upcoming article when one of the secretaries knocked on the door and asked for you.
“Call for you,” She explained, gesturing to the phone as you went to her desk. “They didn't give a name, just asked for you.”
“Okay, thanks Margaret,” You smiled, feeling a slight knot in your stomach. It was extremely rare someone called you at work, and you tried not to think the worst. 
Going to the phone, you picked it up and took a deep breath before holding it to your ear. 
“Hello yourself.”
You let out a soft sigh of relief as you realized who was on the other end of the line, a small smile on your face.
“How many papers did you have to call before you found me?”
“That's not important.”
You rolled your eyes with a grin.
“More than two?”
“Oh wow,” You grinned, turning more towards the wall. “That's perseverance right there. I'm flattered.”
“Well so am I,” David replied. “I saw those pictures you took. They were great, I wanted to thank you for catching me at such a flattering angle.”
“You're welcome,” You smiled, glancing over your shoulder before looking back and lowering your voice slightly. “That the only reason you called six newspapers? Angles?”
“Not quite,” You could hear a cheeky tone in his voice, your fingers holding the phone cord. “I was hoping you'd come see me again. You don't have to take pictures this time, if you don't want.”
“As it happens I am coming,” You raised a brow with a smile. “Your brother beat you to the invite. He invited Pam, who invited me. So I'll be there.”
“Well damn,” David laughed softly. “I guess I'll just have to come right out with it then..ask you on a real date.”
“Oh?” You grinned, feeling like a teenager as your cheeks grew warm. “How about we make it interesting?”
“I'm all ears.”
You took a breath, trying to calm your heartbeat. You were aware of Margaret behind you, knowing she'd be listening to every word. 
“Alright, if you win..I accept. If you don't, no deal.”
“Hm, sounds fair,” David replied. “I guess I'll have to try a little harder this week. I'll let you get back to work, alright?”
“Alright,” You nodded, trying not too smile too widely. “I'll see you Saturday. Bye.”
You hung up the phone, turning around to Margaret with a polite smile.
“Thank you, I'll be in the office.”
Once you closed the door and found yourself alone, you let out a laugh, shaking your head and wondering what you'd let yourself in for.
Saturday came around quickly, and most of the day was given over to preparing. At first you were just helping Pam, heading into store after store to find the perfect outfit. Then you started looking for yourself, realizing that you wanted to put in just a little more effort since you were going to watch, not work. 
As the evening drew closer, the radio was on full blast in the apartment as you and Pam cracked open a bottle of wine and started the beauty process. You couldn't shake the slight nerves that were settled in your stomach, but they were joined by an excitement. 
“Oh,” Pam turned from the bathroom mirror to look at you. You were sitting on the edge of the bathtub, carefully painting your toenails. “Did he ever get in touch? David? I completely forgot to ask.”
“Yeah, he found me,” You grinned, laughing as Pam gasped. “Asked me to come along tonight. I told him I was already coming.”
“And?” Pam asked, waving her hand at you. “What else? Did he ask you out?”
“I told him he can take me out if he wins,” You smiled, holding the bottle of nail polish up in the air with a laugh as Pam rushed over to hug you.
“This is so exciting! We're gonna be like sisters!”
When you arrived at the Sportatorium, it seemed to be even busier than it had been the previous week. You stepped out of your truck, smoothing out your outfit. It was only a black off the shoulder top and some denim jeans but you hoped it still looked good. 
You linked your arm with Pam's as the two of you headed inside the bustling arena, your heart beating faster as you took your seats. As it turned out, watching the match was totally different to photographing it. You couldn't move about, couldn't pick one thing to focus on. It was all happening, bright and loud and thrilling. You found yourself cheering and whistling with the crowd, you and Pam both jumping up and screaming when the Von Erichs emerged victorious.
When it was all over and you were enjoying the fresh air, you couldn't help but find it adorable when Kevin couldn't keep his eyes off Pam while he signed autographs. Once he was free you gave him and Pam some space, almost immediately bumping into David.
“Hey winner,” You smiled, resting your hands in your back pockets. “Nice angles in there.”
“I hope someone was there to capture them,” David grinned, taking his hat off. “Did you have a good time?”
“Yeah,” You nodded, watching David for a moment, smiling as you realized he almost seemed a little nervous. “I really enjoyed it..though I'm a little curious about something.”
“What might that be?” David asked, moving his hat from one hand to the other. 
“Well,” You smiled, stepping closer and looking up at him. “Are you going to honor our agreement?”
It was only when you were putting on your coat to leave the apartment when it dawned on that you hadn't actually been on a first date for..a while. There were some relationships in high school, a couple in college along with some dates and flings but the last had been before you graduated. 
You tried not to think about it too much, you were just going for dinner and seeing a movie. Worst case scenario, you and David didn't end up hitting it off and the world would go on as it always did. But part of you was hopeful that something would come from the date, that it would develop into something really great.
Grabbing your purse, you left the apartment and went downstairs to hail a cab, excitement starting to outweigh the nerves.
“No way,” You laughed, your eyes going wide as you placed your hand over your chest. “You did not do that.”
“Yes I did,” David nodded, a serious look on his face before he laughed. “I was so sick afterwards. Never got found out though. Mom just went and got Kerry and Mike a new egg each. I couldn't eat chocolate for like three months.”
“I'm not surprised,” You laughed, picking up your drink. “You can't say you didn't deserve it.”
David laughed, nodding as he picked up his own drink. 
“I certainly did deserve it. Moment of weakness I guess.” 
You took a sip of your drink before setting the glass down and glancing around the restaurant. It was a steakhouse, but it felt like a nice one. Elegant lighting, candles on the tables, classy music playing. No sawdust or butcher paper to be found. 
“So do you think your brothers ever found out?” You asked, sitting up a little and resting your hands in your lap. “Or did you tell them?”
“No to both I'm afraid,” David sighed softly, lightly tapping his glass as he set it down. “Though I think Kev knew it was me..” He smiled to himself as he looked down. “Never said anything if he did know, though.”
“Seems like you two are close,” You smiled, your heart picking up a beat as David looked back at you with a warm smile. 
“We are,” He nodded. “We all are. I can't imagine life without them, they're amazing.” 
You felt your heart swell, trying not to get too swept up in your emotions. 
“That's so wonderful,” You smiled. “It's amazing that you're all so close.”
“Yeah,” David grinned, sitting up a little. “I just feel so lucky every day, like..” He stopped himself, lightly rubbing his neck.
“You know what, I feel like all I've done is talk about myself, my brothers, I don't want you to think I'm self absorbed or nothing, I promise I ain't like that.”
You shook your head, reaching your hand across the table and grinning when David held it with his own.
“I know you're not,” You insisted. “You're wonderful. Now tell me more about your family, I want the good stories.”
You ended up missing the movie, but neither of you cared. You talked until the restaurant was closing, David's jacket around your shoulders as you walked out into the night air. He gave you a ride home and kissed your cheek by your door  like a gentleman. 
“I had a great time,” You smiled, carefully taking off David's jacket and giving it back to him. You could tell he wanted to tell you to keep it, and you knew why he couldn't. 
“Maybe you should win another match, take me out again.”
“It's a deal.”
Going to matches became a weekly event. You and Pam would cheer and cling to each other, laughing at how silly you were being. You took pictures for yourself, wanting to remember every moment. Afterwards you would meet David and Kevin, go for burgers and debrief on the match. 
It wasn't always easy for David to visit you, so you called each other when you could, spending an hour or two talking about anything and everything. You drove down to Denton a couple of times, meeting him for something to eat or just for a drive. 
He was always a perfect gentleman, opening doors for you and holding your hand, never pressing for anything more even though you suspected he was just as keen as you were to take things further.
You decided to nudge things in the right direction one night when you had gone down to visit him. Pam had come with you, and David and Kevin had taken you to the lake with their brother Mike, who you instantly adored. 
The afternoon was perfect, gorgeous hot weather and ice cold beers, floating along in the water and feeling like nothing else could possibly matter but being in that moment. 
You were sitting on the edge of the dock while the others drifted along on the huge rubber float, snapping a couple of shots of them before setting the camera aside. David appeared next to you, sitting down and resting his hand on your back. You leaned into the touch, his arm moving around your shoulders. 
“I love this,” You smiled softly, closing your eyes and letting out a breath. “If every day was like this..what a world.”
“It's perfect,” David murmured softly. “I can't think of anything better.”
“Hm, I reckon I can,” You smiled, opening your eyes and looking up at him. His eyes were already on you and you grinned as he took a breath and leaned in, his lips feeling like heaven against yours. 
You could hear the cheers and whistles, smiling into the kiss and feeling satisfied beyond belief. 
“You ready for this?”
“Absolutely not. You?”
“Absolutely not.”
You flicked on the indicator and headed up the long drive to the Von Erich home, glancing over to Pam in the passenger seat.
“At least we're in this together.”
It was incredibly daunting, the thought of meeting David's parents and his brother Kerry, who had recently come home. He had told you countless times that they would love you, but it didn't ease your nerves. 
You were relieved to have Pam with you, that she was in the same boat. Mike met you both at the door, giving you both a hug and chatting away as he led you outside. 
It was a flurry of introductions, handshakes and hugs and the most perfect kiss from David that had you instantly relaxing.
By the time everyone sat down for dinner, it felt as though you had known the Von Erichs forever. The food was delicious, the weather was beautiful, the company was amazing. You felt David reach for your hand under the table when his parents talked about how they met, your heart swelling. 
When Doris forbade Mike from going to a gig that night, you glanced across the table to Pam smiling as she gave you a slight nod.
“Alright, drive, drive!”.
You put your foot down, laughing as you glanced in the mirror and watched your boyfriend and his brothers gradually haul themselves into your truck. You turned the radio up when you left the driveway, rolling down the windows and cheering as you hit the road.
It didn't matter whose house the party was in, it was big and roomy and most importantly, fun. You had a beer in your hand before you knew it, hitting the makeshift dance floor. The brothers spun you and Pam around, laughter filling the air as you moved to the music, not a care in the world.
When Mike took to the stage with his band, you stood with David behind you, his arms wrapped around you. You all cheered as the song started up, swaying along as you held your hands over David's. 
Later in the evening you gently took David's hand and pulled him into a quiet corner, whispering in his ear and enjoying the slightly tipsy smile that crossed his face, a flash of worry passing his eyes.
You led him upstairs, finding an empty bedroom and closing the door.
“We..we don't have to,” David insisted as you slipped off your shoes. “I don't want you to feel pressured.”
“I don't,” You smiled, walking to the end of the bed and unzipping your dress before turning back to David. “But I will think you don't want to if you don't get over here in the next thirty seconds.”
He didn't need to be asked twice.
You laughed as you were picked up bridal style and carried to the top of the bed, letting out a soft moan as David laid you down and gave you a tender kiss.
Despite your suspicions that David was possibly a virgin, you didn't ask when he didn't bring it up. He was a little apprehensive, but once you took the lead he seemed to tap into his ring persona and the confidence in his movements had you struggling not to scream as your nails dug into his back, the sheets, your body crying out for more. 
“Oh god,” You moaned, touching David's cheek and looking up to meet his eyes as your legs hooked around his waist. “Baby..’m so close, please..”
You closed your eyes as he pushed deeper into you, his forehead resting against yours.
“Me too,” He murmured, his hand reaching for yours. “Fuck..fuck..I love you.”
Your eyes went wide at the confession, a deep moan spilling from your lips as you felt a wave crash over you, feeling David fill you moments later. You moved your hands to his neck, meeting his eyes and taking a deep breath. 
“I'm sorry,” He sighed, looking down. “I shouldn't have-this isn't the time..”
“No,” You insisted, a smile spreading on your face. “It's the perfect time. I love you, too.”
“Mind if I get one of those?”
You turned around, letting out a sigh of relief as you spotted Kerry walking towards you. 
“Of course,” You smiled, taking the box of cigarettes from your purse and handing it over. “Thought you were David for a second.”
Kerry laughed as he accepted the box, shaking his head.
“Nah, your secret is safe with me. Just needed one huh?”
“Yeah,” You nodded, flicking away the ash. “I'm so nervous. I don't know why, it's not like I have to walk down the aisle in front of hundreds of people wearing this,” You raised a brow, gesturing to your dress.
As much as you adored Pam, and as thrilled as you were that she was getting married and had asked you to be her maid of honor, you did not exactly love the dress she had chosen. For a start, it was a mix of dusky pink and peach, the skirt was so big you wondered if you fit down the aisle, and the sleeves were almost the size of your head.
“I feel you,” Kerry nodded, looking down at himself as he lit his cigarette. “I think we all feel a little ridiculous. But you know the worst part?”
“Go on,” You smiled, lifting up the puffball that had slipped down your shoulder. “shock me.”
“I gotta do this three more times,” Kerry sighed, lightly prodding the flower attached to his suit. “At least you get to choose your wedding dress. I'm stuck in velvet hell.”
You laughed, shaking your head and taking a drag on your cigarette. 
“Oh come on, it ain't so bad. I think I heard Mike say he would never have velvet.”
“Really?” Kerry raised a brow, looking over to you. 
“Promise,” You grinned, holding your hand over your heart. “He said he'd have velour.”
“Oh fuck off,” Kerry laughed, shaking his head and holding his hand out. “Gimme a mint and get out of here, I'll velour you.”
“I'd like to see you try,” You laughed, getting a mint from your purse and flicking your cigarette away before walking over to Kerry. “See you inside. Don't destroy that flower.”
“Isn't she beautiful?” You smiled, watching Pam and Kevin sway on the dancefloor, smiles etched on their faces as they moved to the music. 
You felt the urge to take a photo, but a professional had been hired for the day. Pam had insisted she wanted you to be in the pictures, not the one behind the camera. You had been a little disappointed, but you gave her the photo you'd taken from when she and Kevin had first met, and her reaction made it all worth it.
“She really is,” Doris nodded, looking over to you and taking your hand with a smile. “And you will be too.”
“Thank you,” You smiled, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Let me go get us another drink.”
You stood up, making your way over to the bar with a smile. While you and David weren't officially engaged, it was kind of an unspoken truth that when Pam and Kevin had gotten married, David would propose to you next. Kerry wasn’t seeing anyone, and while Mike was dating a girl, they had only been together a few weeks.
So, you knew you were next up.
As you waited for your drinks, you smiled as you felt a familiar presence by your side.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look today?”
“Yes,” You grin, turning to face David and giving him a kiss. “But I don't mind hearing it again.”
As the song ended and a new one started up, more guests took to the floor.
“Should we go for a twirl?” David asked, gently stroking your cheek. “or maybe not quite a twirl, that dress will take out anyone who comes close,” He teased.
“Oh shut up,” You laughed, lightly swatting him. “I'm getting your mom a drink, if I don't take you out first.”
“I'll take it to her,” David smiled, leaning down to give you a soft kiss. “Then you owe me a dance.”
So, here it is. 
The big day. 
You thought at times it would never come, but it's here. 
A lot has happened, of course. Weddings need buildup, after all. The guests can only talk about how beautiful you look and wonder who did the food for so long. You gotta give them something. 
So what's new? It's been a minute, a luxuriously long engagement. 
The Von Erichs have gone from strength to strength, reaching the top of the wrestling game. You still go see matches, when you can. They're global now, you always feel a rush of pride when you watch them on TV at some crazy hour.
Pam is a world class veterinarian, an incredible mother to the most gorgeous baby, and still the best friend in the world. 
Kevin won the WHC belt, is the most devoted husband, father, brother, brother-in-law and son. He and Pam keep saying they're going to buy a ranch in Hawaii for everyone to live in, and you like to think maybe it could be true.
Kerry insists he's your favorite brother-in-law, and you insist that you couldn't possibly choose a favorite but deep down you think he's most likely right. He makes you laugh the most, teases you and makes stupid jokes to cheer you up when you need it. The two of you have sneaky cigarettes and know what the other is thinking when you look at each other. 
Mike has just signed a recording contract with his band, and you tell him all the time he better come to you first with concert tickets. He's going to be the next one engaged, he's so loved up and it's adorable. 
Then there's David. 
The yellow rose who called up six different newspapers just to ask you out, who let you into his life, who loves you unconditionally and makes you so unbelievably happy that you wonder what you ever did without him. You would never have pursued your dreams without him and his family, that's something you know. And let's not forget his proposal, which was the most beautiful moment of your life.
David had taken you on a surprise trip one night, insisting that you were just going for a drive after you'd been out for dinner, but you knew it wasn't true. You found yourself at the lake, David's hand in yours as you walked down to the dock, which..was decorated with candles in jars, rose petals, a bottle of champagne sitting in ice. 
Knowing that you were marrying your soulmate, joining a family you loved deeply, it made you feel so safe, so secure. You quit your job, deciding to pursue your real passion. You bought a gallery in Dallas, and displayed your own work along with other local artists, including your soon to be mother in law. It took time, but it's become a success, and you don't care what any of them say, you couldn't have done it without your family.
Plenty for the guests to talk about, right?
You take a deep breath as you step out of the car, Pam fixes your dress and you take a deep breath. Her dress is beautiful, and most importantly, simple. 
Before you know it you're walking down the aisle, your heart beating faster as hundreds of faces smile at you, but there's only one you need to see, and when you do it makes everything okay. 
You reach the top of the aisle, feeling overwhelmed with love, beaming as you turn to look at your soon to be husband.
“You know it's a bad habit to leave the bride with a veil over her face,” You grinned, watching David gently touch the hem of the silky veil and carefully move it back, a wide smile on his face.
“I do apologize,” He grinned. “Still gonna marry me?”
“Of course,” You smiled. “You look perfect from this angle.”
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daves-horse · 4 months
Happy To See Me
(David Von Eric)
You decide to take a shower before your husband comes home.
Warnings: Shower sex, dirty talk, cum, my size kink may be showing (slighty), shower, David's arms word count: 888
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I threw dinner in the oven, wiped my hands on my apron, and made my way to the bathroom. Once I’ve stripped and started the water, I step into the shower sighing with relief, when I feel the hot water run down my back. I bathe as I usually would, taking small breaks to enjoy the water, it’s like a mini massage for me. 
I feel a small breeze against my back giving me chills, followed by large arms practically swallowing me whole. I immediately turn around in fear, my hands balled in fist. “Whoa there, darlin, no need to fight, I've done enough of that today.” I let out a deep breath, when my husband’s voice fills my ears.
“Dammit, David!” I laugh. “You almost took an elbow to the nose.”
He smiles down at me “As if you could reach.” 
“Real funny.” I roll my eyes, all the way down to look at his cock. I giggle to myself. “Looks like someone’s happy to see me.” 
“Sure am,” He scoops me up in one arm. “I’ve had quite the day at practice.” I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. “Kev was on my ass, real bad today and,” My mind begins to wander off as he softly begins massaging circles on my clit. 
“mhm.’ I nod along every couple of seconds or so, so I appear as if I’m attentive to the ‘conversation’. I gasp, feeling the sting of David pinching my clit.
“You ain’t payin’ a lick of attention to what I’m sayin’.” David chuckles.
“I totally am.”
“Is that so?” I nod, breathless. “Really?” He can’t hide his amusement. I mumble a soft uh-huh. he continues massaging my clit “‘Cause I ain’t said nothin’ but gibberish for the last minute or so.”
“I agree” I say drifting back into Lala land. David rolls his eyes, pushing two fingers into me, his thumb still rubbing me off. He presses his lips to mine briefly.
“You’re a dumb little whore, ain’t ya?” David teases
“Yeah.” I breathe, without even processing his words. He laughs at me.
“Alright now, let's get you filled up, before you get too ahead of yourself.” He pulls his fingers out of me and I whine. My complaining is cut short but the feeling of my hole being stretched. I hear David grunt into my ear. “How do ya feel, baby.”
“So full” 
“Aww, baby, you’re droolin’”  He pushes his tongue into my mouth. He slides me up and down his shaft, and my mind only drifts further and further. He pulls away, but a string of saliva keeps us connected. I look up at him, eyes wide, mouth open, his face is flushed, his eyes are squeezed shut, his bottom lip between his teeth. I couldn’t think of something better to look at, not that I could think at all. I close my eyes and bite down on his shoulder as a way to muffle my screams. “Uh-uh, none of that, I wanna all of Texas, to hear how good I fuck ya.” David taps the back of my head. I do as he says and allow myself to make all the sounds my throat could produce. “That’s right darlin.” His voice is so raspy, God, I could die. “Who's makin’ you feel so good?” 
“You.” I Force out. My voice hoarse. 
“And what’s my name, baby.” He’s practically growling in my ear.
“David.” I can hardly breathe.
“I’m sorry, But I didn’t quite hear you darlin’” He taunts.
“David.” My voice slightly louder.
“Huh?” He knows what he’s doing.
“DAVID VON ERICH!” It feels like my vocal chords are ripping apart.
He picks up his pace, which I couldn’t believe was possible. At this point his name was falling from lips like a mantra of some sort. It wasn’t long before I came all over his cock, he wasn’t too far behind, as I felt a new warmth spread throughout my abdomen. 
He sat me down on the shower bench, both of us breathless. I look at him, face red, his arms swollen from lifting me so long, God, he's a gorgeous sight. The water had grown cold, and began to shiver. Taking notice, David turns the water off. I stand up holding on to the rail, my legs feel like jelly, David laughs “You’re leakin’.” he says picking me back up. I look down, to see that, I am, in fact, leaking. He sticks a finger in me “I should see how long you can hold my load in your cunt.” I cringe at his words. 
“You’re so disgusti-” I’m cut off by him shoving his cum covered fingers into my mouth, and I’m comforted with familiar taste of him.
David sets me on the sink counter to dry me off and dress me, he stays in his towel. “So, what’s for dinner? It smelled real good when I came in.” 
My eyes widen as I’m hit with realization “Shit!” I say louder than anticipated. He picks me back up and as he opens the bathroom door, we are immediately greeted with smoke. “How’s pizza sound?” I cough. David just laughs sitting me on a chair and heads over to the phone, turning the oven off on his way. “And open the windows while you’re at it, please.”
“On it.”
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Hey, I hope you guys like my first one shot, I’m little rusty because I haven’t written in over a year, so give me some grace. Feel free to request, comment, or critique.
k thanks byeeee.
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fangirl-imagines · 8 months
Dating David Von Erich Would Include...
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A/N: The Iron Claw and David have been living rent free in my brain. Also shout out to @heartbreakprincehbk for their amazing Iron Claw fics.
You are absolutely his number one fan.
Every match he or his brothers are in you can be found sitting front row cheering him on and trying your best not to wince when he goes down in the ring. Even though sometimes its only Michael or Pam giving your hand a reassuring squeeze that keeps you from rushing into the ring. 
David considers you his good luck charm, he says having you there to watch him always makes him perform better in the ring. Fritz hates it, reminding David that there's no such thing as luck and to focus on his training instead of some girl in the audience. 
Either way, David takes you everywhere with him. An out of town match? You’d better pack an overnight bag. Him and his brothers are heading to the lake? Grab your swimsuit baby, he's already on his way to pick you up. He’s working out today? He’s already on the phone asking if you want to come watch him. 
His brothers give him a hard time about it but they all are thrilled for David that he found someone as good as you. 
Being protected like crazy since you’re constantly surrounded by wrestlers that look at you like a sister.
You become especially close with Michael as the two of you spend time hanging out waiting on his brothers at matches. 
He is often the third wheel for you and David, being like a little brother to you too. You’re never too bothered by having Michael come hang around with you and David. 
David is such a family man, he loves having you around his family, seeing how naturally you fit in with them. It makes him all the more excited to have a family with you in the future. 
He’d be the sweetest dad, play wrestling with his sons, watching them grow up close like his brothers and him and teaching them everything he knows. 
Lots of late nights driving around in his truck, your legs in his lap, the windows down, singing along to the radio together at the top of your lungs. 
Your favorite dates are always like this, just the two of you doing nothing but doing it together, just enjoying the slow moments. 
The best nights are especially when he takes you down to the lake late at night, both of you winding up skinny dipping together with the only light being the moon and stars. 
Laying on the dock together afterwards, wearing his shirt, thumbing his wrist wrapped around your waist, is the first time you tell each other that you love each other. 
Playing with his long hair. Wrapping strands around your fingers, even braiding little strands of it when laying in bed together. 
 He almost never calls you by your name, David is a nickname man for sure. 
“Darin, you almost ready to go?” “There’s my baby! Did you enjoy the match?” “Michael, you seen my girl?”
Always stealing his hat, leaving the sportatorium with his arm around you and his hat safely on your head. 
Sometimes he had to wrestle it back from you, playfully showing you his moves, careful not to be too rough with you when he tosses your giggling self around, gently pinning your wrist and stealing his hat back, joking that he was gonna use the iron claw.
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fictionalmenmakemecry · 9 months
Sweet Holy God....
I've said this before and I'll say it again.
Crop tops on men are my WEAKNESS
You're killing me here.
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heartbreakprincehbk · 9 months
Are You With Me? (Kerry Von Erich x Reader)
Pairing: Reader x Kerry Von Erich
Words: 1,996
A/N: This was heavily inspired by the song "Chemtrails Over the Country Club" by Lana Del Rey. Kinda angsty, mostly fluffy.
Warning: TW: suicide and mentions of religion.
I'm on the run with you, my sweet love
There's nothing wrong contemplating God
Under the chemtrails over the country club
You sat stiffly, trying to hold your head high despite the tears drying against your cheek. Next to you, Kerry sat pressed into your  passenger seat, looking too big and like a small child all at once. His hands sat on his lap, palms up, his eyes stared out the window, blank and expressionless.
“Hey,” you said, briefly taking your eyes off the red stoplight to place your hand in his. He looked over as if he weren’t certain this was the first time you had spoken. “You with me?” He blinked at you before he offered a small smile.
“Yeah.” He assured you. “Always, baby.”
The answer only made your heart hurt worse. Kerry, your Kerry, always putting on a face for others, always pushing back all the pain to be okay. You squeezed his hand.
“You don’t have to be tough for me.” You reminded him, as you always did, hoping one day it would stick. Maybe today was the day. You heard him let out a small breath and go back to staring out the window.
As you neared his family’s home, following the rest of the cars coming from Mike’s funeral, Kerry finally spoke again.
“I don’t want to go back yet,” he admitted quietly, as though he wasn’t sure it was an option. Without hesitating, you nodded once.
“Okay. That’s okay.” You assured him, squeezing his hand again. He swallowed hard, conflict swirling in his eyes, but you were the one in the driver’s seat. You kept driving past the house, looking Fritz in the eye the entire time, unwavering. His eyes never left yours. 
You only stopped once you were far enough away from the main house, but still on the family land. Kerry headed straight for the fence surrounding the area and leaned against it, staring thoughtfully up at one of the great trees offering shade. You climbed up onto the fence to sit next to him, waiting patiently.
“I didn’t like how they were talkin’,” Kerry admitted finally. “About Mike.”
“What do you mean?” You prompted gently. Kerry’s eyes had shifted to the sky.
“I just hear dad. Saying that…Mike’s going to hell. Since he killed himself.” His brow furrowed. “I don’t think God would be like that.” He finally said, his head turning to watch a leaf flutter by his face. His words hung as if to say more, but couldn’t. 
“I don’t either.” You finally agreed. “You don’t have to think what your dad thinks, Kerry. He doesn’t know everything.” Kerry’s eyes unfocused again as he directed his gaze straight ahead towards the lowering sun. He reached over to you after a moment, wrapping his arm around your shoulders tightly.
“I’m always with you,” he repeated again.
The words made you reach blindly for his arm, for any part of him. You had the sudden sensation of falling with nothing underneath you, everything hitting you all at once. Mike, all the death, all the pain, and your Kerry, still struggling. You held onto him tightly, and yet, not tight enough, the both of you watching the sky.
You're in the wind, I'm in the water
Nobody's son, nobody's daughter
Watching the chemtrails over the country club
You were pacing your tiny kitchen, feeling rage course through you as you ruminated in the events of earlier in the day.
“C’mon, Kerry. You’re not trying hard enough.” It was taking everything in you to keep your lips screwed tight from where you stood next to Fritz, watching Kevin try to help Kerry get moving in the ring again. Every step Kerry took, he was hissing in pain, and there wasn’t a hold or maneuver he could do without falling yet.
“Kerry, I think you need to stop.” Kevin ventured, and you knew he felt your anguish as he watched Kerry try to catch his breath from his knees.
“Damn it to hell, that’s the last thing he needs to do. He needs to keep at it.” Fritz was getting into the ring now. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. “Now, we need to deliver to the fans. They’re expecting a Christmas miracle; they’re expecting to see you again sooner rather than later. You need to give them that.” All those fans would have been sick to their stomach had they known the truth, you couldn’t help but think. 
“He’s trying! But he can’t push it!” You finally rebuked. It was as if you hadn’t spoken, except for the look of agreement Kevin had sent you.
“Now, come on, son. Get up.” You felt your eyes watering and you left the backyard, heading for your car. There was only so much you could watch.
A knock at your door broke you from your thoughts. You frowned cautiously; it was after midnight. Peeking out the window next to the door, you let out a gasp and threw open the door. Kerry was standing on your doorstep, a bag in hand, leaning with a wince against the door.
“Hi…” he began, ducking his head slightly. “I’m sorry for not calling. I just can’t be at home anymore, and I know this isn’t the right way to do things—I know that we should be married and stuff before, but I was wondering—“
“Yes.” You cut him off immediately. “It doesn’t matter how it’s supposed to be, we don’t have to follow anyone else. You always have a place with me. We can just be us and we can decide what that means.” Kerry blinked a little, as if it weren’t something he hadn’t even considered. “Okay?” You said, taking his face in your hands and making him look you in the eye. He nodded finally, smiling a little.
“Just us.” He repeated, nodding and finally wrapping his arms around you. He buried his face into your hair, the two of you still on the doorway.
Washing my hair, doing the laundry
Late-night TV, I want you only
Like when we were kids under chemtrails and country clubs
Despite all the tragedies, despite Kerry being forced to learn a new way of life after an amputation, things were picturesque with just the both of you in your tiny home. It was easy to fall into a routine outside of the turmoil that kept getting thrown your way.
Kerry was still being pushed by his father to be more, to heal faster, to be stronger, to not be weak. He didn’t want the public, or the fans, or even other wrestlers to know Kerry’s foot had been amputated, leading to more secrecy. You watched it eat away slowly at Kerry every day, and every day, you did your best to build him back up.
When he wasn’t away trying to train and wrestle, it was you two and pancakes at sunrise on Sundays. It was Kerry proudly taking out the trash without you asking and running a bath for you while you folded the laundry. He would sit next to you, sharing details about each other’s days as the sky changed color. A candle burning on the counter, warm lamplight turning every inch of his skin into a glow. Dishes were something to look forward to, because that meant a meal had been shared together and afforded more time spent side by side, one scrubbing and one drying. The radio on the windowsill playing Fleetwood Mac, Kerry trying everything to keep the rosebush out front alive instead of withering. You ironed his shirts for him and cried into his pillow when he was away. You tried to hold him tighter each day, trying to shield him more and more from the outside turmoil.
Fritz never warmed to the idea of you with Kerry, but you didn’t let it bother you; he never seemed to think anyone would be good enough for any of his sons. However, he did expect you to carry on a certain way in public if you were going to be seen with Kerry. Immaculately dressed, smiles to the fans, mentions of good Christian faith when applicable. His expectations were now not only on his family, but you too. Again, it didn’t bother you. Life with Kerry, just the two of you, was worth it and only the both of you knew what that peace felt like. 
It's never too late, baby, so don't give up
It's never too late, baby, so don't give up
The tragedies continued to pile up, and your thoughts only worsened. At night, you didn’t sleep. You could only stare at Kerry sleeping next to you, trying to imprint him in your mind, willing that you could keep him here with you.
Kerry was gone often after signing with the WWF. Your tiny house had doubled in size, and with it, the fear in your heart. You jumped every time the phone rang, fearful it was the deliverance of bad news. You longed for tight spaces and a dying rosebush. You put on your pearls if you were seen in public. Everything kept going, time went on, dragging you both with it.
Something was different when Kerry came home. Usually, his relief and excitement at seeing you kept you going, but he was subdued. He couldn’t look you in the eye. He went for a drive after dinner, and you stood frozen in front of the sink, dishes in the sink untouched.
It was that same night, or rather, that next early morning, that you found Kerry sitting upright on the side of your bed, staring out towards the navy sky that was slowly getting brighter.
“Kerry,” you murmured, pulling yourself upright. “Hey, what’s going on?”
“Oh, nothing.” He brushed off lightly, not turning his head. “Couldn’t sleep. You can go back to bed, honey.” Your eyes spotted the open painkillers on the nightstand.
“Kerry.” You responded, crawling across the bed to sit next to him. Still, he avoided your gaze. “I need you to tell me what’s really going on.” His brow furrowed as he stared down at his hands for a long moment, seemingly mustering the courage to speak.
“They’re letting me go.” He admitted. “I blew it, Y/N.” You swallowed.
“I’ve humiliated everyone. I’m not even myself anymore, I’m just a fake. I’m lying to everyone, I’m…I’m crippled. I’m in pain. I’m a mess.” Your heart sped up as he spoke. “I don’t know…I don’t know if I can keep going.”
“Kerry, how dare you.” You murmured. He looked at you quickly and you moved to the floor in front of him, kneeling in between his knees and taking his hands in yours. “You can’t talk like that. You haven’t humiliated anyone, and your brothers wouldn’t want to hear you talking like that.”
“David would slap you upside the head if he could hear you.” Kerry chuckled a little, smiling fondly. “Kerry, listen to me. You are my hero. You’re my inspiration. I love you. So what about the WWF? That doesn’t mean anything. You and Kevin still have your dad’s promotion, you can figure something out between the two of you, whether that means selling it or starting over—you have options! You don’t have to live for anyone else Kerry, just you. You don’t have to hide anymore. We can fix it, all of it, we can downsize and get our old little house back. Just please…” you let out a breath. “Don’t leave me. Please.” Kerry reached down, his hands cradling your face and urging you upwards where he pulled you onto his lap.
“I won’t.” He whispered, holding you against him and rubbing your back. “I’m sorry.” You turned your body to wrap your arms around his neck, determined to not let go.
“Are you with me?” You breathed, leaning back to look at his face. He held your gaze, stroking your cheek.
“Always, baby.”
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idksmtms · 1 month
gold rush (Kerry Von Erich x reader) - evermore series
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A/N: After writing literally only angst about David, I thought I would write… a different kind of angst with Kerry. I had way too much fun writing similes and metaphors with gold…
Summary: Kerry had always been a golden boy in the town, first with the Olympics talk, then with his wrestling career. And you? You had just been a girl with a crush, that’s all. 
Word count: ~2.6k
Trigger Warnings: 18+, she/her pronouns, AFAB reader, light angst, a hint of movie spoilers, unrequited love, turbulent teenage emotions, just vibes of liking someone who doesn’t know you exist and the warnings that come with that, all the good and bad emotions that come with a crush, kind of happy ending bc I couldn’t help myself, (please let me know if I missed any) 
Disclaimer: This is based solely on the portrayals of the brothers in the movie, not the real people. I do not own any of The Iron Claw characters. I do not claim to own any of The Iron Claw characters. I do not own any pictures used nor do I claim to do so. 
Always appreciate comments, likes, and reblogs :)
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Ever since you could remember, the Von Erich family had been the talk of the town. From tragedy to stardom and everything in between. Which meant that ever since you could remember, you had known of Kerry Von Erich’s existence. 
It started in highschool. He was a couple years ahead of you, but he was a sports star, so everyone knew who he was, regardless of grade. Football, wrestling, athletics, any sport under the sun was his forte. Which also meant the teachers loved him and went easy on him, meant he was friends with basically everyone, revered by people for the success he brought. And he was fun, always smiling, always laughing, always ready to party, which definitely helped his popularity. He was fashionable, a long tumble of dirty blond locks on his head that never quite became neat but added to his charm, a pair of nice jeans to add to his casual cowboy look, or a leather jacket for that hint of bad boy that everyone in highschool seemed to crave for some reason. He had all the makings for a golden child, meaning every day at school was a goldrush for those desperate enough to seek it. 
But not you. It wasn’t even on purpose, in all fairness. You didn’t hate him or anything, you just happened to be a little younger, you ran in circles that didn’t really overlap with his. While you read books in your room, he was running laps on the field. While you drank sickly sweet chocolate milkshakes with your friends, he partied with his. No overlap. 
But that didn’t mean anything to your poor, traitorous heart, because eventually the irrational little creature that sat in your chest and made you feel crazy decided it wanted in, even if it was secretly, and even if you didn’t like it. 
It started slow. You had always known he was good looking in a unique sort of way, how his face naturally fell into this almost pouty expression when he was listening or simply relaxing. He had a wide smile that he doled out without care or caution, and a huffy sort of laugh that could be heard all the time. You remembered this one time when you had been leaving school, and the parking lot was right next to the field, separated only by a chain-link fence. He was there, standing around with some friends while waiting for his turn for whatever exercise the coach was putting them through. He wore a pair of baggy shorts and a tank top, but you could already see how muscular and big he was compared to the others. One of his biceps was probably as big as your head even then. But what had caught you in the moment was the thin headband he was wearing on his forehead, a line of red that held back the sweaty bangs of his mullet. That image had stuck in your head for some reason. You recalled it later when you were sitting at your desk, trying and failing to write a history paper. Each time you brought the pen back down and began writing a few sentences, your mind would suddenly trail off to that look, how fluffy his hair looked, to the way he threw back his head and laughed and clapped one of his friends on the shoulder. You wondered what he could be laughing at, what kinds of things he found funny, and then scolded yourself for getting lost in thought about something so random and pathetic when you had better things to be doing (like said history paper). 
Then, it really started to hit you at the first houseparty you ever went to. Everyone was milling around with red solo cups, pointing each other to the table with the bottles or the glass door at the back of the room that led to the patio with the beer kegs and the crush of teenage boys trying to convince everyone to do a kegstand. All the lights had been dimmed and there was loud music from all directions. Loud chatter, drunken laughter, and the very faint sound of someone throwing up behind a bathroom door accompanied the music. 
Your friends had decided that it was their year to raise their social status, to change their personalities and become party girls. You were quite sure that they wouldn’t enjoy it, that this was all a deluded fantasy to go along with their middle school image of what a highschool experience should be like, but went along with their new whims as any supportive friend would. You had questioned if you should follow them into the house when you had all arrived, but as only one of you could drive and she was the one most hellbent on having this experience, you knew you were too late to be having second thoughts. So in you went, clutching your purse tightly and trying not to let your shoulders curl in too much. 
Once you had a drink in your hand and stood sort of near the dancefloor, the party wasn’t all bad. The music was actually quite fun and having a friend near made you feel a lot more comfortable. You had even begun lightly dancing to the music when a loud cheer was carried in from the patio and picked up by the people milling around in the living room. The crowd parted just enough for you to catch a glimpse of what had caused it, someone coming down to rest their legs on the floor after what a passerby called a ‘legendary’ kegstand.
It was Kerry, he seemed to catch the dim light perfectly even in the dark patio. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, just a shiny black leather jacket left open so everyone could see the body honed by years of sport and work on the Von Erich ranch. His scruffy hair was falling all around his head and you were quite sure beer and spit were trailing down his chin and onto his chest as he sucked deep breaths in.
And suddenly he was looking right at you, through the patio doors and the gap in the dance floor, right into your eyes. Your entire body suddenly felt like it was burning. The world slowed down then, every movement around you, from the people dancing to your friend talking animatedly beside you was suddenly so hazy and… slow.
Then, just as quickly as it had started, it stopped. Because he looked away, and the world was moving slightly quicker than normal and you had to close your eyes for a moment to bring yourself back to reality. He hadn’t been looking at you. He had looked vaguely in your direction, but he hadn’t seen you. And it didn’t matter anyway. Of course it didn’t matter, because he didn’t know you, and you didn’t know him! No one knew each other and nothing had happened and you weren’t suddenly feeling a bit hot and sweaty and needing a refill. 
You shook it off, scolding yourself for being so enraptured in the party atmosphere that you let yourself be lulled into a weird place where you believed Kerry Von Erich would look at you, on purpose. Maybe you did have some sort of inferiority complex when it came to the popular people, unrealised until this moment. But whatever. Didn’t matter. 
Hours later, hours you didn’t know were so easy to pass at a party that you were sure would be horrendous (but were secretly enjoying very much), you ended up in a circle of conversation with a few friends, a few people you had never before seen in your life (but somehow went to your school?!), and a little gaggle of the golden child society. Kerry stood almost directly across from you, smiling at the girl who was going on a tangent about how it was unfair to have their English class read The Great Gatsby and how boring and weird it was. You cleared your throat, biting back a smile as you sipped from your drink, waiting for her to come to a slow close. You were nervous to talk, sure, but sometimes your passion (and mouth) got ahead of you. 
“It’s actually not that bad,” you added quickly when she was quiet for more than a second. She turned to you, one eyebrow raised. A few other people did the same, Kerry included, but his face was passive, open, that expression just before a smile where a person’s eyes were alight. “I mean, sure, it can get a bit confusing, the language is in that old style, but the actual story is really interesting and captures a lot of themes.” You shrugged, smiling politely at her. Her face softened slightly, and you could tell that she didn’t view you as an enemy anymore, but you were more focused on watching Kerry out of the corner of your eye. He had turned to fully face you, arms crossed over his chest and his torso leaning back slightly. His eyebrows came just a little closer together as he looked at you, not questioning exactly, more simply intrigued. 
“Aren’t you a freshman?” The girl asked, without malice or a smirk, just curiosity as she brought her solo cup to her lips. 
“Uh, no, no, I’m a sophomore,” you told her, nodding with your own words. You saw her eyebrows raise and let out a little huff of a laugh. 
“Then why have you read the book?” It was Kerry, eyebrows scrunched together in confusion and head tilted to the side slightly. You shrugged your shoulders, a little almost incredulous scoff of a laugh leaving your lips as you poked your tongue into your cheek. Feigning confidence was the best combat to the sudden flutter in your chest, the burning at the tips of your ears, and the sudden need to blabber so there was never silence on the Earth again.  
“Um, because I have? I don’t know, I got it from the bookstore in town, and it’s a classic.” When they still looked at you like you had your head on loose, you shrugged again, adding “I like to read” like it was no big deal. To you it wasn’t, to them it was a weird hobby to have. 
“Damn, I can’t imagine sitting down on the couch and reading a book, like on purpose,” he breathed out, shaking his head. 
“Why not?” You asked, crossing one of your arms over your stomach as he looked at your face again and your insides began jumping around. 
“I don’t know, there’s so much else to do,” he shrugged, “you could be out on the field throwing a football and scoring a TOUCHDOWN!” And some of his friends gathered around him at those words, cheering loudly and shoving and shaking each other so the circle dispersed and Kerry was swept away to somewhere else. He looked back at you, just for a moment, a fleeting look where you met eyes and he was smiling just a little as if he had enjoyed the few sentences you guys had shared, barely even a second long, then he was swept up in the guys from the football team and you couldn’t see him anymore. 
And from then on, he was all you could think about, like a detective obsessed with their case, a prospector stuck on the thought of all the gold waiting for them in California. That night when your friend had driven you home, you had talked and laughed in the car but couldn’t help yourself from slipping in mentions of Kerry in the conversation. When you were laying in bed you thought about his voice, when you closed your eyes you saw him standing casually, jacket open. Even when you went back to school, you began searching him out with your eyes. You always knew where he was if he was in the same room as you, always had a little bit of your attention on what he was saying or wearing or simply just… him. 
And you began to live for those moments. Though life had gone back to exactly the way it was before the party, you hadn’t. Every brush past in the hallway, his sleeve gently grazing your arm, made the world feel unsteady, like you were falling and waiting for the inevitable hit to the ground. 
You went through all the emotions, the elation and giddiness and weird jumping feeling in the stomach. Then, as the time passed and absolutely nothing changed except this sudden and painful awareness of his existence, you slowly moved into anger and intense sadness, self-loathing and a feeling of wanting to rip your hair out. 
You weren’t a prospector like the rest of these people. You didn’t want to be a part of the goldrush. You didn’t like the gold rush. You didn’t like the way you suddenly started blushing when you saw him walking down the hall, turning your face back to your locker as if that would hide the burning even from yourself. You didn’t like that when he was in the room, your eyes were drawn to him, that your thoughts wandered to questions about what it would feel like if he held your hands in his, if there were calluses on his fingertips or how strong of a grip he liked to use. Questions about what it would feel like to love him. You didn’t like the rose-coloured glasses someone had suddenly shoved over your eyes.
And of course you kept this all to yourself. You had spent years cultivating an image as someone unbothered by highschool politics and the worship of those deemed ‘popular’. You couldn’t exactly be seen fawning over the person right at the top of the pyramid, the shiniest nugget of gold in the river. So you kept it to yourself, spiralled in your own head, getting lost in little scenarios of him driving you around in his truck with his hand on your thigh, or walking around the picturesque town that was about an hour’s drive down the highway, before zoning back into your room and the ratty grey t-shirt you were wearing.Before reconciling yourself to impossibility and that untouchable quality that seemed to hang in the air around him.   
And then one day, months later, when you had fallen deep into the throes of your secret goldrush, he came walking down the hallway during a quiet moment, when you were standing alone at your locker looking for a textbook and paused just beside you. He smiled, hands in the pockets of his school hoodie, and said “hey! Great Gatsby girl, long time no see!” And of course a million thoughts ran through your head, that you guys have gone to the same school every day before and every day since the party. That he had walked past you in this very hall earlier that morning and not once glanced in your direction. That the universe was playing a joke on you that he chose today to talk to you when you had woken up late and hadn’t given a single thought to your appearance in the morning due to a severe lack of energy. 
Instead, you just smiled, closed your locker door and wittily sent back “guy who freely admits he doesn’t understand the concept of reading!” And though the comment was a little on the mean side, and you regretted it as soon as it left your lips, he began laughing and shook his head, looking into your eyes with a wide smile and a shrug of the shoulders. And suddenly it felt like you had arrived at the part where you hit the ground after the fall… 
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A/N: I’m sick of ppl thinking The Great Gatsby is overrated or weird because they were forced to read it in school. It’s literally one of the best books I’ve ever read if you actually sit down and analyse it and think about all the things it presents. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. (I’m so sorry that my intense thoughts about TGG came out today. I have zero control over myself). 
Also, genuinely might just write a separate oneshot of the little scenarios the reader was imagining because a college/highschool Kerry doing cute things with his girlfriend is now stuck in my head.   
Taglist: @nosebeers, @tourturedfolkloredepartment (a gift for bestie Jess <3)
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the-a-word-2214 · 8 months
The lack of Harris Dickinson/Bill Farrah x reader content is appalling 😭
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say…hypothetically..i were to start writing imagines…what are some things…hypothetically speaking of course…you would like to see written???
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thebearer · 11 months
I've seen the promo shots for iron claw and I am thinking absolutely ungodly thoughts about Jeremy. Specifically him eating those ribs and wiping it on his shirt gsksktjkflepl bc it look like blood. And now it got me thinking of carmy fingering you on your period and- 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
iron claw is going to kill me I fear lol. he looks so good in it and I know it’s going to destroy me in the best and the worst way. the southern accent makes me giggle i love him and the hair ugh. he’s so hot.
but carmy fingering you on your period is a sight bc hes so intrigued by how you coat his fingers. its sticky like your usual arousal but he can actually see it which makes his brain spin.
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gallaghersgal · 21 days
kerry fighting and winking at his girl in the crowd, getting turned tf on by her little von erich merch t-shirt and absolutely drilling her shit with all the pent up energy from his win :(( making her wear one of his cunty robes :(( -🪱
kerry von erich save me. nsfw 18+. kinda rough and mean kerry, daddy kink, size kink. 100% unedited.
"you can't be wearin' that darlin'," he purrs in your ear, back pressed to the door of your hotel room. he refers to the von erich tee you're wearing, almost covering the hem of your black shorts.
your thighs are bare now, kerry's big hands shoving them down your hips along with your panties. he still wears his satin robe, too busy celebrating his win to care about changing. but he removes it now, pawing at your tits through the fabric of the tee.
"y'know what you would look good wearin'?" he says, hands lifting the tee over your head. you're conveniently bra-less, giving kerry immediate access to your chest. his lips attach to your nipple after throwing the shirt to the side. "wanna be good f'me? hm? then wear m'fuckin' robe," he mumbles against your skin. "gonna look so good takin my cock."
he taps the back of your thigh, signaling you to hop into his arms. he carries you to the bedroom with quick strides. he practically throws you onto the bed with a wicked grin on his face, stepping out of the last of his clothes leaning down to pin you underneath him. his cock springs free, big and leaking, and you whine at the sight. he bullies himself into your tight cunt, mumbling to you, "i know 's'big, sweet thing, but y'can take it for daddy, yeah?"
too weak to answer you simply nod, wrapping your legs around his hips to draw his thick length in deeper. the stretch burns but it burns so good as your eyes begin to prick with tears. he shushes you gently, pressing his thumb between your lips to keep you sated. "'s not too much baby, y've done it f'me before," he mumbles. "jus' suck on my finger babygirl. keep y'r ditzy little head occupied."
"kerrykerrykerry," you babble, lost in the rhythmic sound of his strained grunts, the obscene slap of skin on skin, the repeated banging of your headboard against the hotel wall.
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daysofyellowroses · 6 months
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david von erich x reader | 1.5k | based on this lovely lovely request 🫶🏻 | no real warnings, just some softness 🌼💗
It sometimes makes you laugh when you think about how ridiculously stereotypical your relationship is in some ways. You love it, and wouldn't change it for anything, of course, but you really hit some classics.
Neighbors? ✔️
Met as little kids? ✔️
Went through school together? ✔️
First kiss? ✔️
First time? ✔️
Prom King & Queen? ✔️
But, while there are a lot of typical things about your relationship, you like to think you still have your own thing going on too. You and David have been officially dating since you were fourteen years old, you know each other better than anyone. You have your own private jokes, references, pet names, memories. 
It wasn't planned, of course. To get together so young and go through your life together. Hell, you both had a lot of life to live yet. Early twenties weren't exactly over the hill. But you just felt like what you had with David would be forever when you first got together. So far, you haven't been proved wrong.
The two of you always support each other, build each other up and push each other to go for your goals. Sometimes your friends ask if you get jealous now that David has joined Kevin in the ring, and has so much attention from girls. You just laugh when it comes up, there's really no reason to be jealous. If anything it just makes you feel more secure in your relationship. You know David enjoys the attention but he only has eyes for you, you're the one in his bed, in his truck, laying beside him in the grass, his hand intertwined with yours as he talks about your future together. 
It doesn't feel scary, thinking about a future with David. You can see a home, kids, a dog, the whole nine yards. Even if it was just you and him forever, you would still be deliriously happy. 
“What are you smiling about over there?”
David's voice snaps you from your thoughts, and you glance over to the driver's seat. 
“I would tell you but your hat wouldn't fit anymore,” You tease, looking back to the window. “And I would feel guilty, can't have that.”
“Aw come on,” David grins, his hand reaching out to touch your thigh. You're wearing shorts and the feel of his hand on your bare skin feels, as always, deeply comfortable and satisfying. “take the risk.”
“Nope,” You look over and stick your tongue out playfully. “You know anyway. I don't need to tell you.”
“Who says I know?” David is a terrible liar, always has been. 
“You know,” You grinned, shaking your head. “There's very few things that I allow space for in my daydreams.”
“True,” David nods, looking back to the road. The smile on his face has you wanting to kiss him. “And obviously I'm top of that list.”
You roll your eyes with a smile.  
“Stop being so cocky.”
“I don't think so darlin’,” David gently squeezes your thigh. “you love it.”
“Do I?” You raise a brow, knowing you both know the answer.
A comfortable silence falls over you, your hand resting on top of David's. You wonder if you'll ever get tired of this, of getting into his truck with no particular destination in mind. You don't think you could get tired of it, not when it feels so perfect. 
“When is Kerry coming home?” You ask, glancing over to David. He lets out the smallest of sighs, his thumb gently stroking your thigh.
“He leaves tomorrow morning,” David tells you, his eyes still on the road. “Should be home by the evening.”
“Okay,” You nod, gently stroking David's hand. “Just curious.”
“Could you..could you be there?” David asks after a moment. 
“Of course,” You nod, looking over to him. “You think I wouldn't be? It's like you don't even know me, babe. ”
David smiles a little and you feel yourself relax.
“Can't wait to see him though,” He says. “I mean, the circumstances ain't ideal but I can't say I ain't missed him like crazy.”
“It'll be nice to have him back,” You nod. “I'll have to fill him in on all the juicy gossip.”
“Do I get to know?” David teases, glancing over to you. “Or is it top secret stuff?"
“Oh it's just a silly thing,” You sigh with a smile, looking over to your window. “The blonde Von Erich boy is a big hot-shot wrestler now. On TV and everything, you should hear the filth that comes out of his mouth.”
“Oh he sounds incorrigible,” David gasped dramatically, making you laugh. “What a scoundrel.”
“Tell me about it,” You grinned, looking down at your hand on his. “I heard he's got a hot little girlfriend though.”
“Lucky him,” David grinned. “I bet she's got men throwing themselves at her feet, I'm sure he's extremely grateful she chose him.”
“Well when you can have the best, you get the best,” You smile, looking over to David. “And ain't nobody better than you.”
“Not true,” David looked over to you with a cheeky smile. “You're better, and I won't hear otherwise. I was lucky enough to get you and I don't plan to lose you.”
You still felt butterflies in your stomach when he said things like that, and you hoped that would never change.
“I don't plan to lose you either,” You grin, resting your free hand over your forehead. “You're stuck with me.”
“Then I'm the luckiest man alive,” David murmurs softly, you just catch it and it makes your heart soar.
You watch the world pass by the window for a while, the smile etched onto your face. In the moments David needs to move his hand from your thigh you feel the loss, your hand just waiting to hold his.
It's a little embarrassing, really, how in love you are. You have to laugh at yourself sometimes when you get moody because you haven't seen David for a couple of hours, or because he didn't hold your hand long enough. You suppose the fact that you're aware of it makes it better, and it's not really a bad thing. You're lucky enough to have an amazing relationship with a man who you love and who you know loves you.
You look over to him, watch him hum along to the radio, his fingers drumming against the wheel. These are the moments you treasure. All those girls screaming for him and desperately wanting his autograph only see one part of him. They see the confidence and the strength and the charisma, which are all amazing qualities, but they don't see what you see.
They don't see him snort out a drink because you made him laugh unexpectedly, they don't see him singing in his truck, or giving you a bunch of flowers on a Tuesday morning just because. They see what he wants them to see, and you feel beyond honored to see the real David.
“Oh hey, pull in up ahead,” You tell David, sitting up a little and gesturing at the window. “I need to grab something.”
“Your wish is my command baby,” David grins, parking up the truck and giving you a curious look as you wink at him and slip out of the truck.
You don't take long, coming back to the truck with a grin and two ice creams in hand.
“You're such a child,” David laughs as he opens the door for you and accepts one of the cones. “Making me stop for ice cream, really?”
“Well you ain't gotta eat it,” You shrug, closing the door and resting your leg up on your seat. “But we both know you will so stop complaining.”
“Oh I ain't complaining,” David smiles, leaning over and giving you a kiss. “far from it.”
“Eat that before it melts,” You murmur with a grin, leaning in to give him another kiss, pulling back after a moment and holding your ice cream between you both. “I mean it.”
“Yes ma'am,” David grins, sitting back and taking a lick of his ice cream. 
You laugh softly to yourself, looking out the window and licking your ice cream, David's hand finding yours across the seat.
The heat has your ice cream melting a little quicker, conversation is paused while you work on not getting strawberry all down your hand. David finishes before you, as always. You shuffle over and lean against him, his arm wrapping around your shoulders. Occasionally you hold the ice cream up and he takes a lick, insists you have it yourself.
You wonder if a day will ever come when you don't feel stupidly, wonderfully, madly in love, looking up and meeting David's eyes. He sticks his tongue out at you and you lightly jab his cheek with the ice cream in your hand.
“You started it,” You tease as he protests.
“Don't start a war you can't win.”
“Oh it's on,” David grins. You sit up and turn to look at him, your face starting to hurt from smiling so damn much.
“Then give me all you got.”
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daves-horse · 4 months
can you do one for kerry where he has his gf give him an agressive bj please
(Kerry Von Erich)
Genre: Smut
Warnings: face fucking, dirty talk if you squint, Kerry Von Erich bein' a lil' too fine, cock warming, oral both (receiving), i think thats all
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“What’s your problem?” Kerry questions. I remain silent, my arms crossed over my chest. “I’m not gonna keep doin’ this with you all night.” My boyfriend’s voice getting louder with every word. “Babe, just talk to me, I can’t fix the problem if I don’t know what it is.” He walks over to me, spinning me around to face him. I look up at him, pouting.  “Is this because I ain’t been home all day?” I nod. “Well, why didn’t you just say that?” Kerry picks me up, And carries me up the stairs bridal style. “I know I work a lot, but you need to communicate these things with me.” He kisses my lips and places me on the bed.
My boyfriend lifts my legs to roll my panties down my thighs, then my ankles, he tosses them behind him, on the floor. Pushes up my nightgown, and runs his hands along the sides of my body, pausing to squeeze my hips. “Alright, let’s get you that attention you need.” I smile and try to sit up, but Kerry lightly pushes my shoulders back onto the mattress, climbing on top of me, kissing my lips, biting them as he pulls away. He kisses down through the valley of my breasts, all the way down to my, now, dripping cunt. I take a sharp inhale, taking my bottom lip between my teeth looking down at my boyfriend with anticipation. He begins to lightly suck on my clit, it’s not long before my irritation dissipates entirely. 
 I wrap my legs around his head, as I feel my orgasm nearing,  to pull him closer. “Kerry.” I breathe as he continues to work his tongue on me.
“Oh, so your mouth does work.” he teases, making my face hot. But instead of returning to my cunt, he stands up, making me whine. He proceeds to rid himself of his pants and underwear. He pulls me closer to the end of the bed by my ankles. He pins my arms above my head with one hand. “Why don’t we put it to work then.” He says, leading my head towards his cock. I wrap my lips around him without protest. I take my time working my way up and down his shaft, spending extra time on his tip. I hear Kerry grunt profanities under his breath. I make my way back down to the base of his cock. “Y’know darling, I think we could use a little more of that of yours.” he says, pushing my head until nose is pressing against his abdomen. I gag lightly, feeling his tip against the back of my throat. He pushes me just a little further and I begin to contract my throat in order to keep myself from gagging. “Fuck” I hear him mumble. I begin to bring my head back, but I’m cut off by him pressing my head harder to keep me in place. 
My throat continues to contract even more, almost in search of air. I look up at him in an effort to signal for him to let up, but his head is thrown back, and his eyes are squeezed shut in pleasure. I begin to attempt to wiggle my wrist out of his grip, to no avail. A big grunt escapes his lips, as he releases warm load down my throat. He loosens his grip on my head and I immediately fall back on the bed and struggle to catch my breath, coughing and panting aggressively. Kerry flops down next to me. “You alright, baby.” he chuckles. “Now that might be the best head I’ve ever received.” he compliments, he has the nerve to be out of breath.
“Goddammit, Kerry!” I shout as soon as I catch my breath. “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!” He laughs harder, damn near in tears. “ARE YA TRYIN TO KILL ME?” I hit his arm.  And immediately fall into a coughing fit.
“Jesus. You alright, baby?” He asks, rubbing my back, still laughing, as my lungs finally start to fully recover. I shoot him a glare as lean into him. “I’m sorry Hun, I guess I got a little carried away with punishing ya.” he holds my closer. 
“It’s alright, I had fun, even if you triggered my fight or flight for a second.” I reassure him. 
I feel his fingers slide into my heat. “I guess you really did enjoy yourself.” he laughs, making me blush. He removes his fingers from me.
He rolls on top of me, giving me kisses all over my face, and lining his cock up with my entrance. I wrap my arms around his neck as he pushes into me, giving me the most delightful stretch. He slides in and out of me at a moderate pace, whispering sweet nothings into my ear. “God, how are you still so tight?” I just moan in response. 
He picks up the pace, I can feel him twitching inside of me. I feel him cum for the second time, and I follow immediately after, my grip on his shoulders tightening, Kerry falls on top of me, and rolls us on our sides. “My throat hurts.” I laugh, my voice hoarse. 
“Let me go grab some honey for ya.” he begins to pull out. 
“No, I'll be fine, I wanna stay like this.” I plead wrapping my legs around his waist to keep him in place. 
“Okay, Baby, but you’re gettin’ a spoonful of honey first thing in the mornin.” Kerry laughs as I drift off to sleep.
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Hey Y'all I'm super exciting to be posting my very first request, I have a Kevin one in the works, Please let me know what y'all think.
k thx byeeeeeee......
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soulc-hilde · 3 months
The JAW Collection
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Too Good To Be True - Lecroy, a girl destined to face abandonment, and Lip, a boy destined for greatness if not for his family, struggle to build a life of stability and love thanks to the depressing environment they've been cursed to endure. Attached at the hip, they dive headfirst into chaos.
Bear Lost in the Woods - Desperate to prove detach himself from his family's trauma and chaos, the young bear settles into its new home, disrupting the peace within the forest. Going at life on his own, he struggles to heal and settle down for the first time in forever.
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cherrymoonnn · 7 months
I just watch Iron Claw and I'm obsessed with harris as david von erich I just need more about him 😭
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heartbreakprincehbk · 8 months
Lucky (Kerry Von Erich x Reader)
Words: 2401
Summary: Requested by anon! Reader isn't into Valentine's Day, but Kerry insists on giving her a surprise Valentine's Day date at home. Thanks for the request, hope y'all enjoy!
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*images from pinterest
“Any plans for Valentine’s Day tomorrow?” You looked up briefly in mild annoyance and had to remind yourself it wasn’t the grocery store clerk’s fault that they happened to be the third person to ask you that this week.
“No.” You said, giving a stiff smile as you gave them the cash for your items. 
“Yeah, I understand. This time of year is no fun single.” They said, continuing the conversation as they counted out your cash. You debated whether it was worth it to correct them before deciding to keep your mouth shut. “Well, have a great day anyways.” You mumbled something of the same and grabbed your groceries, purposefully looking away from the big Valentine’s display of candies and flowers on your way out of the store.
It wasn’t that you hated love, or even that you were single, it all just seemed kind of pointless. A big over-commercialized competition to make everyone feel bad as though they had to quantify their love with big expensive displays of affection. You simply believed that showing your love in other ways every other day of the year meant more than a big show one day of the year.
Besides, with Valentine’s Day falling on a Saturday, you were more than certain your boyfriend, Kerry Von Erich, was going to be slamming other men into the wrestling mat. You were used to that sort of thing, and it was much worse not having him around on Christmas or Thanksgiving. It was nearly impossible to complain; you knew it bothered him more than you from the pained look in his puppy dog eyes every time he had to leave. You did your best not to make him feel any worse about it. You could handle one Valentine’s Day alone compared to those.
Kerry knew you weren’t a big fan of Valentine’s Day. The very first one you spent together, Kerry had given you a dozen roses, a giant teddy bear, and chocolates, and while you thanked him, you very quickly let him know your preferences. 
“You don’t have to spend all that money on me, it’s not a big deal.” To say he was confused was an understatement.
“Is this a test to make sure I actually still buy you gifts next Valentine’s Day?” Kerry checked. 
“No!” You giggled. “I just don’t think it’s necessary to make a big deal out of one day and waste money.” You hoped he got the message. Really, just being with Kerry was a gift of its own. 
Now, another Valentine’s Day was upon you. So far so good as you woke up with no fanfare. Kerry had already gotten up and was working out in the garage as per usual. When you finally made it downstairs to make some breakfast, Kerry made his appearance. He froze when he saw you.
“Good morning,” you greeted him. He hesitated, looking you over like you were a word puzzle he was trying to figure out. Eventually, he was able to speak. 
“Hey–oh, good morning. So hey, baby, uh…so, my mom and Mike wanted to take you to lunch today.” He explained somewhat awkwardly. You frowned a little.
“But I just saw her for lunch yesterday. She didn’t mention it.” You said. Kerry scratched his head, avoiding your gaze and giving a half-shrug.
“Yeah, uh…well, I think it was last minute. Maybe, uh…Mike’s idea.” You frowned a little. “I gotta shower and go meet Kev. My mom said she would pick you up around 1 pm.” Your frown deepened.
“Okay.” You said, smiling slightly when he pressed a kiss to the side of your head on his way out of the kitchen. 
Doris was right on time with Mike in tow. The three of you went into town to the local deli, where Mike proceeded to take much longer than normal to eat his sandwich. 
“Are you feeling okay?” You asked him. Normally, Mike inhaled his food in three seconds. He looked panicked at your question and took a big bite of his food, prolonging his response.
“I’m fine. Why?” He asked, eyes shifting. You laughed a little. “I’m not acting weird.” From the corner of your eye, you saw Doris shaking her head.
“I didn’t say you were acting weird, but I’m wondering if I need to go complain about your sandwich because normally it would have been gone by now.” You said casually, smiling as Mike’s eyes grew even more panicked.
“No, no! It’s uh, good. Really. I’m just…trying to eat slower. You know, um…avoid choking.” You were biting back a laugh. “Um. Do you have any plans tonight?”
“Mike.” Doris reprimanded. 
“It’s okay.” You said, smiling. “No, I’m just planning on catching up on cleaning and maybe I’ll treat myself to a hot bath and tea or ice cream or something. I know Kerry has his show; if it were closer I would be there.”
“You know, it’s been nice weather the last few days for February. I haven’t had to worry about the plants freezing.” Doris said suddenly with a smile. You nodded, listening pleasantly to her latest tale of trying to keep her vegetable garden alive. 
After lunch you assumed you would all go separate ways, until Mike blurted out. “Uh, Y/N, I was gonna meet Kev at the record store down the street. Do you want to come?” You frowned a little.
“I thought Kerry was meeting Kevin somewhere today?” Mike swallowed.
“Oh, uh…maybe, maybe earlier for a second, but Kev said he was free this afternoon.” 
Your mind was turning. Had Kerry lied to you? You did your best to hide your thoughts as you said goodbye to Doris and walked with Mike to the record store. 
You were positive Mike sifted through every record in that store, but you knew how much music meant to him, so you said nothing and waited patiently, flipping through a stack on your own here and there. You noticed after a while he was hanging on to an Eagles record. 
“Is that a good one?” You asked. Mike shrugged shyly.
“I’ve had my eye on it for a while.” You smiled and took it from his hands.
“My treat. Come on,” his eyes stretched wide. 
“What? Really? But Y/N, you don’t…”
“Tell me if it’s any good.” You insisted as he followed you to the checkout line. “You know, you’ve shown me some great stuff already. I always go to you if I want something new.” You smiled at the way the youngest brother averted his gaze with a bashful chuckle, his cheeks already turning red. Right as you were paying, Kevin walked in the door. 
“Hey you two. Mike, what did you find this time?” Mike excitedly showed his record to Kevin who nodded in approval, before he looked at you. “C’mon, you two. Let’s get you home, Y/N.” He seemed to be in a hurry; that made sense due to the brothers having a wrestling show a town over that night. 
You wanted to ask Kevin about Kerry, but you knew it wasn’t really Kevin’s place or fault if Kerry was lying to you. Was it possible that he had met someone else, was he using the holiday to woo some new girl, maybe a fan he had met? Suddenly, the idea of Kerry waking you up with a dozen roses sent a longing pang through your heart, but you pushed the thought away. You would simply ask Kerry later. 
For now, you focused on the moment you had with Kevin and Mike, laughing in the car together about the last time Ric Flair was in town and the less than welcoming reception he had received, and how Kevin had nearly taken the win and trying not to give into the disappointed feeling creeping up on you.
“See you boys,” you said as Kevin’s truck pulled up in front of your house. “Good luck tonight, Kev. Enjoy that record, Mike!” They both waved and you sighed a little, walking up towards the sure-to-be empty house. The sun was beginning to set ever so slightly, the sky growing more orange and casting shadows over the lawn. Now alone, you allowed yourself to feel crest-fallen. 
You pushed your key reluctantly into the lock, resigning yourself to the evening you had described earlier, only to stop once the door swayed open. In the distance, you could hear faint music playing. You listened for a moment, frowning in confusion. It was a cheesy ballad—Cyndi Lauper’s “Time After Time.” The lights were off, and you made your way towards the kitchen, where the music was loudest and a hint of warm light was spilling into the hallway.
“Kerry?” You called, gasping at what you saw. Kerry was standing waiting next to the dining table, fighting a big smile, his chin raised and hands behind his back. He was wearing jeans and an apron designed to look like a tuxedo with nothing underneath. The table was covered in a white table cloth and at the center was a big vase of cascading roses, along with more scattered rose petals and two dinner plates. Candles were everywhere, from the table to the kitchen counters, and even a few tea lights on the ground.
“Kerry! What is all of this?” You demanded, frozen on the spot, laughing at his apron. An overwhelming sense of happiness, love, and surprise filled you as you looked from him to the area surrounding you.
“I cooked dinner.” He explained, as if he were discussing the weather, laughing finally as you laughed.
“But why? Kerry, you should be halfway to Tyler right now for the show!” His grin widened.
“Yeah, I know. But Kev’s covering for me; he’s gonna wrestle the tag match and take my spot in the main event too.” 
“What! Why?” You repeated. Kerry laughed again as if you were missing the point and walked closer, wrapping his large arm over the top of your shoulders to pull you closer and kiss the top of your head. 
“You sure do ask a lot of questions.” He noted into your hair, making you chuckle. “Because you’re important and I love you.” He grabbed your hand and led you to the table, pulling out your chair for you to sit before sitting across from you.
“Kerry…” you breathed, looking down at the plate. It was a very impressive looking chicken Parmesan on a bed of pasta. “This looks amazing.” He smiled.
“Thank you. Just don’t look at the sink.” You giggled, imagining a mountain of dishes and utensils. “I’ve been practicing with mom the last two weeks. I think it turned out perfect this time—the first time the chicken was too tough. Anyway, I think I’ve nailed it now.” You were blown away by the effort; Kerry could cook simple and remedial dishes, but an entire entree was surprising. “Try it and tell me what you think.”
He seemed to be waiting to take a bite of his own food until you took yours. You stared at his anxious face as you took the first bite.
“Kerry, this is so good. Wow. You’re definitely gonna have to make this again.” He was back to glowing from your praise. “But, I mean, I still don’t understand why.” His smile softened.
“I know you always said you don’t want a big deal made out of Valentine’s Day and not to fuss over you, but…I can’t help it. I love you, Y/N. I want to do these things. You always said you don’t want me to buy anything, or go out anywhere, so I decided the best way to show you how much I love you is to treat you at home.” 
“And your mother and Mike? Were they in on it too?” Kerry laughed.
“I asked them to hold you up for as long as they could to give me time to decorate and cook.” Suddenly, everything made sense–Mike taking his time eating, dragging you through every corner of the record store, Doris trying to keep your mind off of Valentine’s Day, even Kevin. Suddenly you wondered how you missed all the signs. 
“And you didn’t actually go to meet Kevin.” He looked almost sheepish.
“No…I went to buy the flowers and everything else I needed. But I couldn’t tell you that.” You laughed, shaking your head at how silly your prior worries suddenly seemed. 
“I’m a little embarrassed, but…I was afraid you lied about meeting Kevin because you were meeting someone else and spending the day with them.” You admitted. Rather than getting angry or defensive or even offended, Kerry only looked confused. 
“What? I’d never do that to you, baby. I just wanted to surprise you. I’ve been trying to plan this out for weeks now, I think since Christmas.” A feeling of utter peace and contentment filled you. How lucky were you?
“Oh, Kerry…this is perfect. This is everything I could have wanted. Thank you.” You smiled, and he reached across the table to grab your hand with his much larger one. 
“No, thank you. I just wanted to make sure you were treated right on Valentine’s Day. Because I’m here, and as long as I’m here, you will be.” 
“And every other day?” You teased, laughing. Kerry grinned broadly, his thumb rubbing across your knuckles. 
“Especially every other day.” He promised. “Boy, cooking really gets you hungry.” He said as he picked up his fork again, making you laugh. “I rented a movie too for after, and maybe we can make some ice cream floats. Oh! I’ve been meaning to tell you, the funniest thing happened the other day. The last time Ric Flair came to town, he had a rough time. There was a kid chewing gum in the front row, and he didn’t like Flair, so he took the gum…” 
You listened enthusiastically to Kerry telling the story, despite the fact you had already heard the tale from Kevin. Instead, you settled into your chair and picked up your fork, focusing on the sparkle in Kerry’s eyes, the way the glow of the candles warmed his handsome features as the flames danced, the way his perfectly tousled curls framed his face. Your cozy little kitchen felt warmer than ever and so full of love that it radiated from every nook and cranny. Really, how lucky could you be?
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