#the interactions the had in the game where polite sure but that was before they knew each other
wilimia · 2 years
Tp Link and Zelda hate each other. That's it that's the headcanon
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gracieheartspedro · 4 months
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Your Needs, My Needs
I : Strawberry Wine
a masterlist of how you can help gaza
the prelude to this series
pairing: cowboy!joel x f!reader (no outbreak)
description: joel fixes your toilet but you can't help but yearn for more time with him. so you invite him to dinner and try to win his stomach? aka love?
word count: 3.2k words
warnings: there is no smut in this part. still MINORS DNI! no use of y/n! vague talk of reader's old life before texas, no real description of the reader, reader does have anxiety/mental illness that is not fully recognized/diagnosed, mentions of eating food, reader lives alone, reader got MONEYYYY, mentions of joel's ex wife (gasp), alcohol consumption, smoking cigarettes, kissing, flirting. all the fluffy stuff <3
author's note: hey...hey.... how y'all doing?? i'm so so so sorry this has taken so long. my life has been crazy for the last like 4 months and I'm finally getting settled into my life again. I miss y'all and I miss writing, so HERE I AM! I'm hoping everyone who wanted me to tag them months ago is still cool with me tagging them 4 months later lol. okay, lemme know what you think xoxo
Joel comes and goes for days. The first day he returns, he inspects your toilet again and tells you he has the wrong tools. You discuss a game plan and by his initial projections, your toilet should be fixed the next day. But when he fails to come by in the morning, you decide to call the phone number on the post-it note he left for you the day before. 
The phone rings and you get an answering machine of a younger girl telling you to leave her and Dad a message after the beep. When the line lets out a long ding, you breathe out the random croak in your throat. 
“Uh, hey, Joel, it’s me. Just seeing if you’re stopping by today. If not, that’s fine, I’ll be home all day today and tomorrow. Okay, uh, bye.”
Hours go by and you find yourself pacing, regretting your decision to leave him a message. What if he gets it and thinks that you’re crazy? 
Ever since you had made his acquaintance, you felt completely reliant on interacting with him. It may be due to the fact that you haven’t socialized with anyone else in months. You were very good at isolating yourself, but lately, it’s been eating you alive being so alone. Now that you had this big house, the silence felt almost too quiet. Joel’s southern drawl and straightforward responses gave a bit of light back to your life. 
Around dinner time, your landline rings. You practically fall over your couch racing to pick it up, hoping it was him. 
“Howdy neighbor,” He grunts through the phone, “Sorry I didn’t come by today, hope ya didn’t miss me too much.”
You let out a dry laugh, trying not to sound too giddy about him following up with you. You were borderline pathetic. 
“No, I just wanted to make sure you were still alive,” You manage to get out, “You are still alive right?”
“Still kickin’, just busy as all get out. ‘M fixin’ to head to your place now if you’re not busy.”
You look down at your pajamas and start to nod. It’s not like he can see you through the phone, but you are reacting to his words like he’s right in front of you. 
“Sure thing, I’ll leave the door unlocked.”
“So… It’s really just you here? All by your lonesome?”
He’s messing with his toolbox, searching for the one tool he needs to fix the toilet. You stir your fresh brewed tea, ensuring none of the sugar clumps up at the bottom of the mug. You had offered him some, but he politely declined, telling you that he had a big dinner.
You take a sip, testing the sweetness. “Just me. How about you? Just you and your daughter, right?”
He laughs heartedly, turning towards you from where he’s squatted. You look at him with curious eyes, unsure if you asked the wrong question. He stands up, a wrench in his hand, a smile still spread across his face. 
“Her mama left town with her new boyfriend about 5 years ago. Wanted the city life, not the life I gave her. It’s been just me and her ever since.”
So he’s single. You think to yourself. 
You realize the laugh was probably because of how absurd and new it must be for someone to ask him about his life. He grew up here and you are positive everyone here already knew all about his business. You are a breath of fresh air for him. 
Before the silence becomes awkward, you speak up. “City life ain’t worth a shit.”
“Yeah, she’s different. Won’t speak ill of her ‘cause that’s my bosses’ mama. She sees her now and again. They are just very different.” 
The conversation comes easy with Joel. While the first couple of interactions you two shared were a bit strained, after days of small talk, you realize he’s the truest Southern gentleman you’ve ever interacted with. Polite with a little bite. He never speaks ill of others, except his brother. He loves to pick on Tommy. He seems like an attentive father. He loves to pick at you, always pointing out your Northern tendencies. Your horrible driving. Your accent and your speech patterns. But he’s also very complimentary. A couple of days ago, he remarked how nice your perfume was when you were standing close to him. It made your heart skip a beat. 
And on top of all of those things, he’s very easy on the eyes. 
“That’s mighty fine of you not speaking ill of your ex,” You try to drag out the silly Southern saying, which causes him to chuckle again. You smack your lips before continuing, “Wish I could do the same.”
You are not sure what he’s doing to the tank of your toilet, but you watch him strain to get a piece out of the corner with the wrench he has. He clenches his teeth, turning the piece to the left to loosen it. 
“Exes are exes for a reason,” He grunts, fiddling with some more things in the tank, “I ain’t too hung up on datin’ right now. I got my girl and my horses.”
“And now you got me, your annoying neighbor who almost crashes into your horses and asks you to fix toilets.”
He breathes out loudly, “Yeah, ‘nother pain in my ass. Just what a man needs.”
The toilet is fixed too quickly. You had busied yourself with other small cleaning tasks that when Joel finds you in the kitchen doing dishes, he startles you. It took him about 15 minutes to finish the job and you had thought you could at least finish up the dishes you made from dinner. 
“‘M all finished up. Gotta get back home to do some rounds at the stables,” He says as he waltzes over to your paper towel holder. He grabs a sheet and begins to wipe his damp hands, “Anythin’ else for me today?”
You turn off the running water, going down a list of fixes you could ask him to do. You decide it’s probably best to just ask him to swing by another day to help you with other things. 
“No, thank you though, Joel. I am sure I’ll be by to ask for more help,” You chuckle, shaking your hands dry, “I owe you dinner or something.”
As you say it, it feels like all the air leaves your lungs. He’s staring at you and there’s a glint in his eyes. You are not that good at reading people, mostly because you are deathly afraid of being wrong. His eyebrows raise as he leans against the counter near you. He’s so close and in your space, but you try to push the thought of him coming onto you out of your mind. 
“What’do you got on the menu tomorrow?”
His voice is kind of husky which makes your brain draw a blank. You wipe your hands on your pants before crossing the kitchen to check your fridge. You glance through your ingredients, settling for the only dinner item you can conjure up that his southern palette may like. 
“Baked chicken and vegetables?”
He nods, tossing his paper towel into the bin beside you. “Yeah, I've been needing a home-cooked meal. Think I could come over at like 5? Tomorrow?”
You recollect a time when a guy showed interest in wanting to hang out with you outside of work. It had been years and he was not nearly as attractive as the man in front of you. 
You nod slowly, trying not to look too robotic due to your nerves. “Sure thing, cowboy.”
You did not know what to wear. You contemplated going into town to see what the local boutiques had but you ran the risk of Joel seeing you out. You didn’t even know if this was a date. 
You settle on a sundress you have owned since high school. It’s the perfect length and while your mind goes to wanting to impress Joel, you also need to be comfortable. 
You cleaned your house, adding some new decorations to your living room walls. You even clean your sheets and make sure your bedroom is vacuumed. 
When the time comes for Joel to arrive, you pace the kitchen anticipating the doorbell. You already had all the food prepped and ready to put in the oven. The vegetables have been cut and seasoned. Everything was just the way you needed it to be. 
Joel gets there 5 after your scheduled time. When you welcome him at the door, his hair is styled and you can tell he put on his “fancy jeans”. 
What you didn’t expect was the bouquet of flowers he had in his hands. 
“Afternoon, neighbor,” He begins before extending the floral arrangement towards you, “My girl said I had to bring you something nice. Somethin’ bout being a gentleman.”
You smile widely, giving flowers all your attention. Even with the fragrant bouquet, you get a whiff of his sandalwood cologne. 
“Nice to see you cleaned up for me, cowboy. Come on in, dinner is about to get put in the oven.”
You catch him scanning you up and down when you place the spread of chicken and vegetables on the table. He was in the midst of talking about his daughter and her band fundraiser, but he completely halted when you took notice of his staring. 
You settle into the dining room chair across from him, waiting for him to continue, but he doesn’t. 
“She needs more sponsors?” You break the silence, wanting to move away from the sudden awkwardness. 
He swallows, reaching for the serving fork, “Oh, yeah. She needs to reach a certain goal to go on her senior band trip.”
You try to avoid his wandering gaze again, focusing on organizing your plate of vegetables. “Where are they going?”
“Disney. She ain’t never been out of Texas, so she really wants to go.”
You remember all the trips your family said they’d go on to Disney, but they never did. Your father could not stand being around his own children, let alone other people’s children. You think about how he used to complain about your constant questions, all the times he completely ignored you for your brother. You start to spiral, the anxiety creeping up in the back of your throat. You push your chair out from under the table, excusing yourself for a moment. You go to the bar you have set up in the living room and grab the only sweet wine you have. Strawberry. You grab two glasses from the top of the setup and walk back to Joel. 
“Forgot wine,” you mumble, setting a glass in front of him, “You want some?”
He is already picking at his chicken, “Yeah, I’ll take some.”
You are quiet as you uncork it expertly, pouring it into each of the glasses. Joel watches you like a hawk. You can tell he’s trying to read your expression, so you try your best to remain neutral even though your hands are shaking. 
You place the bottle in the middle of the table, making sure it’s easily reachable. 
You finally sit back down, sipping the red liquid. The strawberry flavor isn’t very strong, it’s more like a hint of the berry. You had gotten the bottle from a roadside stand in Kentucky. An older lady who must have owned a vineyard nearby was selling them for $5 each. You told yourself you would only use it for a special occasion. This event seemed fitting. 
Wine always makes you flushed, but you are always a bit flushed around Joel. Even more so when he’s watching you so intently. 
After a couple of sips, you finally rest your shoulders and begin to eat your dinner. 
“I could sponsor her,” you finally say, returning to the previous conversation. For some reason, you felt obligated. Joel quickly retaliates, shaking his head as he chewed on your roasted veggies. 
“You ain’t gotta do that, doll.” 
The nickname rings in your ears. You take another sip of wine. You can tell Joel notices your reaction because he smirks with his mouth full. 
“But I want to, Joel. I’m sure she has worked hard her high school career, she deserves to have fun.”
He hums, but still shakes his head negatively, “I can’t let you just pay for-”
“You can and you will,” You enjoy another bite, smirking at your defiance towards him. He looks perplexed. “So when is this fundraiser? Is there like a dinner or something?”
He finally caves, “This Friday at the school. It’s a dinner and auction. I guess if the kids don’t find their sponsors, some local businesses are willing to sponsor them.”
“Are you going?”
“Yeah,” He cuts up his chicken, “I guess you’re gonna come along, too, if you’re givin’ my girl all that money.”
“Does a check work?”
He sits back in his chair, already finishing off his wine, “You seriously don’t have to-”
“What are neighbors for, Joel?”
He nods, “You mean friends.”
You furrow your brows, trying to let your hazy mind find a time when you called him your friend. This was a new development.
“Friends, huh?”
He pours more in his glass, “Well, I’d like to think so.”
The wine is hitting your system and you realize your arms feel lighter. You grab the stem of your glass and tip it up to down the rest of the alcohol. Joel’s eyes are trained on you, waiting for a snarky response. 
“Do friends stare at other friends like that?” You pour more wine for yourself. You realize he’s done eating so before he can respond to your flirtation, you speak up again, “You done with that?”
He looks down at his empty plate, “Yes, ma’am.”
“Yes friends look at other friends like that, or you’re done eating.”
He grins, “‘m done eating, doll.”
You two find your way out to the rocking chairs. They were left there by the previous owners and you could tell they were probably as old as you. 
You had another full glass of wine, sipping it as Joel lit up a cigarette. He admitted it was only a bad habit when he was drinking, which was rare. “Sarah gets onto me when I have even one beer. So this has gotta be between us two.”
You swirl the crystal, watching him carefully take a drag of the stick. “Your secret is safe with me, cowboy.”
He giggles as he lets out a huff of smoke. “I haven’t had secrets in a long time. Guess I’m lucky it’s with the town stranger.”
The statement hits you in the very pit of your settling tummy. You furrow your eyebrows, leaning forward towards him. Your chairs are not that far away from one another, so this is probably the closest you have ever been to him except for that one moment in the kitchen. 
“Luckiest man in Texas that’s for sure,” You muster, averting your eyes. You could not stare into his beautiful brown eyes for too long. “Having the privilege of getting me out of my head. No man has done that in years.”
“What? You not good at letting loose?”
You shake your head, knowing that he did not understand what you meant. You take a moment to inhale, finally glancing up at him again. “I think I may just be cursed.”
“Now, why do you say that?”
You contemplate spilling the beans. Letting your heart fall onto your sleeve after years of shielding it from anyone who looks your way. Your lips part, but no words come out. It’s just the sounds of the cicadas. 
“As soon as something is good, it gets bad somehow. I don’t even get a moment to savor it.”
You feel the statement down to your bones. The last time you felt settled in your own life, the rug got pulled out from under you. You cannot remember a time when you truly felt present in a special moment. You always felt like you were floating outside of your body, watching things happen and never really truly feeling anything. 
You don’t expect him to lean closer to you, “Whatever happened before you got here, you ain’t gotta worry about it anymore. You obviously put distance between you and what happened for a reason. Let this little side of the world be your home now.”
You push your spiraling thoughts away, letting him be right. 
“I’m workin’ on getting settled. It’s easy when you have a handsome cowboy to help along the way.”
It comes out like word vomit. Between the wine and the nerves coursing through your entire being, you can’t help but admit your little crush on the man. You slap your free hand over your forehead, admitting defeat before he can even respond. You knew he would take the comment and run with it.
“You always flirt with your friends, sweetheart?” He was toying with you, which was a good sign. If he wasn’t interested, he wouldn’t call you such a thing. 
You smile, releasing your face from your hand. His eyes are tracing every curve of your face, a subtle pass that you did not capture quickly enough. 
“Only ones that fix my toilets.”
And then, he kisses you. It happens so quickly, that you don’t fully grasp that it’s happening until you're molding your lips into his. Once your buzzed brain picks up the fact that the man you have been crushing on is kissing you, he pulls away. Your eyes are still closed, your hands still gripping onto your wine glass. 
He huffs loudly and stands up quickly. Once you place your eyes on him, he’s pacing around the back deck stairs, not too far from where you’re sitting. You instantly bite back the urge to ask him what’s wrong, because there’s always something wrong. 
“‘M sorry, sweetheart. I should’na done that.”
He instantly regretted it. The thought made your throat tighten. He continues to walk back and forth, causing a draft. 
“It’s fine, Joel. I’m n-not mad.”
He shakes his head, halting his robot-like movements. He finally looks at your pitiful expression and lets out a long sigh. “I don’t think I’m much of a gentleman, kissing you on the first date.”
You watch as he places his hands on his hips, contemplating his whole life right before your eyes. You realize he is too traditional to see that nowadays, people are sleeping together on the first date. First base is nothing. You rest your glass on a decrepit table next to you and stand up. 
You slowly approach him, trying to catch a glance from him, but he continues to avert his eyes. You grow bold enough to tilt his chin towards you, letting your guard down for a moment. 
“You’re such a gentleman, it hurts,” you whisper, slowly letting a smirk grow across your face. The comment makes his shoulders lower, finally relaxing from such a heated moment. 
“Just don’t wanna mess this up with ya,” He murmurs, only letting you and the nearby fireflies hear you, “I enjoy spending time with you.”
You slowly lower your hand to your side, trying to act casually about the confession. But the truth is you want to run and wake up every cow and horse within a 10-mile radius with a squeal of delight. 
“I like spending time with you, too, Joel.”
He takes your hand as you say it, bringing your knuckles up to his lips. His breath is hot on the back of your hand before he says, “Well now, I quite like the sound of that."
taglist (some of y'all can't be tagged, I tried lol)
@midnightdragonzero @casssiopeia @anoverwhelmingdin @notsosecretspy @raindrcpsangel @art-estrange @misstokyo7love @lizzie-cakes @d1lf-loverrr @ashleyfilm 
@blckbrrybasket @cande-beggins @gloryekaterina @lilyevanstan1325 @frogtape @jamesdeerest @mellymbee @arrowsandanchor @polishedtaylor @harrieandharassed @ranahx @youwouldntdownloadapizza @jmillersgirl @wintersquirrel @stefanibear003 @joliettes @startsm00n @abbsfrommars @76bookworm76 @youotterbekiddingme @jodiswiftle
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mr-ribbit · 8 months
this isn't meant to soften or reduce the objective transmisogyny + additional hate action going into this, but since the people running these harassment campaigns are acting like they're literal baby children who need their hands held to understand anything, maybe this needs to be said:
what you're doing and how you treat trans women on this website is fucking MEAN. if you want to sit there and honestly convince yourself that you're *not* a transmisogynist or a transphobe or a misogynist or any other type of bigot - like if you genuinely believe that and are confused why people are calling you these things - then maybe we need to start from little primary colored building blocks and tell you that you're being fucking mean and rude and actively harmful to real people who read the things you say. im not sure why we need to start off with "trans women have feelings" - just kidding I know exactly why we need to - but maybe you don't.
no matter who you're talking to, do you honestly think accusing someone you do not know of being a pedophile, en masse, behind their back /and/ in a public forum, is a reasonable way to treat someone for making a tumblr post about video games or political opinions? even if you strongly disagree with the post, you think someone deserves to be treated like that by people they don't know? take a second please and sincerely imagine how that would feel. wouldn't it be scary? wouldn't you wonder who the people were who thought this about you - if they're people you know - if they're just a few people that will continue saying mean things to you forever or if there are thousands of people who choose to dedicate their time and energy specifically to making you feel bad? if you accidentally write a post in the wrong tone or unknowingly interact with a shitty person, that there are uncountable people that will keep track of that just to hurt you later? that's fucking horrifying
and to zone in on what's specifically happening here: do you think randomly accusing people of being pedophiles or sexual abusers has no effect on them? like a lot of you tend to excuse yourself in these discussions by saying "I didn't actually see the context of what they were saying" or "I didn't see that they apologized already" or "I didn't actually understand the post was a joke" or whatever other kneejerk response to make sure *you* aren't seen as a bad person. do you realize that makes you look even meaner? you didn't bother to actually follow up on a thought you had about someone before sending them hateful messages or making public accusations about them? those actions are harmful whether or not you like the victim at the end of the day.
believe it or not some people you send this shit to are survivors of abuse themselves, or have their own historical personal reasons to be weighing in on a touchy subject. when you baselessly decide it's ok to call someone an abuser of any type, that person is probably *also* disgusted by whatever horrible shit you're accusing them of. as someone that hates these things as much as you do in order to attack someone for them: what do you think it's like to have complete strangers think that about you? how many eggshells would you walk on if random people thought so little of you that they were ok doing this?
it's mean. it's heinous, cruel bullying, and if you genuinely think you are not doing it from a place of transmisogyny or hatefuk bias over the victims' identity, then you need to understand that that's not an excuse. "i didn't even know she was trans" ok, it was still mean to call her a pedophile with 200 of your closest friends in public. "im trans so it can't be transphobia" ok it was still mean to assume someone was endorsing abuse when they were talking about being accused of abuse. "i didn't see the post where she said it was a joke" ok it was still mean to actively harass someone without bothering to look into the full context.
at the end of the day, yes, obviously I still think you're all transmisogynist assholes who are clearly willing to gang up on a woman who has nothing to do with your problems simply because she dared to speak on them. i think you're bigoted and unwilling to examine that if it means giving up your vitriol against someone who doesn't like your favorite video game or whatever excuse of the week. but like even if you were just doing it for love of the hate game, it's fucking weird heinous shit and i hope you're happy having that be a central part of your life
to be clear: im not transfemme and if I'm overstepping or talking over anyone please let me know. im not speaking for anyone's actual experiences except my own, which is the experience of being angry at how much literal bullying and harassment I see excused on this so-called progressive queer blogging website
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leonw4nter · 9 months
She’s Everything and He’s… He’s There Too I Guess
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Hockeyplayer!RE2R!Leon x Figureskater!Reader
“Those damned hockey players…”, you quietly hiss to yourself as you skate off to the side. You had almost fallen down and cracked your head open as there was a crater in the ice, left behind by those rowdy hockey players who used the arena before you did. You usually used the arena before the players could since the ice was at its best but because you ran late, you ended up with deformed ice. You stayed at the side a little more, checking your skates and looking around for some more craters so you wouldn’t embarrass yourself in front of the hockey team flail embarrassingly and land face-first. Besides palms that had a slight dull ache to them, you were lucky you didn’t fall hard and end up with a serious injury. “Sorry for uh– the ice,” a voice piped up behind you. You turn around and the first thing your gaze falls on is a pair of irises that are a hue of a midwinter sky. “I’m apologizing on behalf of my team. Do you, um… need any help…?,” he shyly asks. This guy looks new, might be a rookie since you haven’t seen a blonde-haired, rosy cheeked, baby-faced athlete that contrasts the rugged, brunette guys with faint stubbles. His blond hair is slightly tousled, the tips of his ears pink. “No, it’s fine– I’m fine,” you respond with a small nod. He looks at the rink before he asks if you're sure, genuine concern flashing in his eyes before you respond that you’re really sure, shooting him a small smile. He eventually turns around to get back to his team but not before he looks back once or twice. “Kennedy”, the back of his navy blue jersey reads. He’s cute; polite too. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
That’s how your friendship started out with the shy, good-souled starting goalie whose name is Leon. He’s looked out for you whenever you skated and offered moral support when he wasn’t training, shooting you a thumbs up and that adorably goofy smile of his. Whenever you’d blow him an air kiss mid-spin, he’d divert his gaze elsewhere as his cheeks and the tip of his ears redden up; his teammates would tease him too, which you found endearing. After your first interaction with Leon, you noticed that the team would usually arrive earlier than they normally do (and shoot Leon teasing grins and looks). They watch you skate to pass the time, some of them complimenting your moves as you leave the ice and they take their respective posts; all the players easily tossed compliments, except for Leon. “You um… you l-looked good out there–”, he would quickly mumble.
“Leon we’re literally friends, how are you still so shy?,” you would say with a bright smile. He often stuttered or rushed whatever he had to say, though you would usually giggle and softly offer a ‘thank you’ whilst he said his ‘no problem’ or ‘your welcome’. You give him a small pat to the arm before moving to the seat where you placed your bag and you swear you could hear Chris, Leon’s teammate, tease Leon and say ‘your girl’ or something close to that. Back then, you would immediately freshen up and get going after practice but after making friends with Leon, you’d stay at the arena to cheer and watch him play just like he does with you.“Good luck!,” you exclaim before they start a practice game. Leon shoots you that hundred-watt smile before pulling his helmet down, getting his game-face on. A giddy sizzle of electricity runs up and down your spine, making you feel all warmly odd and fuzzy. A smile curls the tip of your lips upward, bringing your head down to release a small chuckle. Goddamn Leon, you’re making the ice princess feel awfully warm.
“Give it your all Kennedy; your girlfriend’s watching you!,” Chris yells in an awfully happy voice.
“Shut up man, she’s not my girlfriend!,” Leon yells back, silently thankful for the fact that his helmet is hiding the beet-red flush of his cheeks. After some time, the practice game finally ended. You got up from your seat to bid Leon and the guys goodbye before you finally left.
“Bye guys, bye Leon!,” you say with a small wave. All the guys said bye in unison, with Leon’s own response being slightly delayed since he was ruffling his silvery blond hair.
“Bro got his own special goodbye greeting,” Chris says to no one in particular. The other guys turn their heads to give Leon a knowing look along with a teasing snicker, prompting Leon to shyly mumble a “shut up” even though no one really said anything besides Chris.
This is your routine for the next 5 months. You and Leon have managed to grow closer too– now going on hangouts, lunch runs, and sometimes teaching each other basic moves from your respective sports. You also noticed that Leon seemed to be a little more awkward around you, unable to maintain eye contact when doing something as simple as talking and choosing to focus on other parts of your face like your cheeks and occasionally your lips too. There was an instance, about a month ago, where you both were watching His Girl Friday. Leon was saying the lines at the same time as Cary Grant’s character was, seemingly familiar with the film. He kept spilling facts about the movie, obviously very enthused. You know some facts too, but not as in-depth as him. His eyes twinkled with interest, his legs bouncing with enthusiasm whenever a scene he liked came on. Though he never looked you straight in the eye for no more than seven seconds, you would often catch him stealing a glance when he thought you weren’t looking. You feel him shift on the couch so you turn to look at him but you’re instead met with a piercing gaze. Odd. He inches a little closer, his gaze unsure whether to focus on your eyes or… lips. Heart pounding like a jackhammer in your chest and mind fading into nothing, you did what you thought was the most un-awkward thing at the moment: share a piece of trivia.
“Um– Howard Hawks and Charles Lederer also worked on Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” you swiftly say, causing the words to sound a little mashed together.
“I know,” he simply says. There’s a rasp in his voice, his gaze fixed on your eyes now. Slowly, he closes the gap and you follow him too but he stops and pulls back at the last minute. “Nevermind,” he murmurs before turning his attention back on the screen. You sit there, frozen still and trying to process what happened. “Did he just try to kiss me,” you silently think to yourself. You clear your throat and adjust your position, trying to get your focus back on the movie but all you can really think about was that moment. “If I could travel back in time, Cary Grant is one of the people I’d like to meet,” he suddenly says. He turns to you, that goofy grin on his mouth again; he’s acting as if that moment mere seconds ago never happened. Maybe I’m just overthinking this.
Instances like this keep happening for a month or so; he leans in close, you keep thinking that this is it, he pulls away saying “nevermind” or “nothing”. Leon always wore his heart on his sleeve: he spoke what he truly felt so keeping something secret was definitely uncharacteristic but not too odd. He did start being more affectionate though: buying you flowers, getting you food, and even buying you random stuff (like a leg warmer that you had told him was cute once). He even began holding your hand or giving you hugs, which made you feel special but that feeling went down the drain when you saw him hug Chris’ sister Claire. All this was confusing you, since you liked him too and you wanted to know if this was a one-sided thing with all the signals thrown around. This time, you were determined to get your assumptions about his feelings straight so you wouldn’t be all the more confused and possibly misled. Jill, a friend of Claire's, arranged an outdoor ice skating get-together. Claire invited Chris, who in turn invited Leon and then invited you. For the next two hours, the four of you spent the time skating around. Jill and Claire needed help maintaining their balance so the three of you had to stay around them so they wouldn’t fall and possibly injure themselves. Since there weren’t so many people in the rink, Leon and Chris got to race each other whilst you got to do your jumps and spins. Not too long after, it was down to you and Leon doing the skating. “This is it. Showtime,” you thought to yourself. Catching up to Leon, you decided to pop the question.
“Soo… are you into Claire? Or Jill?,” you asked innocently.
“Huh– Um, no–,” Leon responded. Flustered, the tips of his ears reddened.
“C’mon. Just tell me so I can maybe play matchmaker and set you up with either of them,” you coax. You masked your own personal feelings for him by using this method. Although it stung slightly, you can’t force him to like you so the most you can do for him is to help him out regarding matters of the heart.
“I mean… they’re kind and beautiful and overall great people but they’re just not, you know… they’re not my type,” he shyly responds.
“Okay… then who’s your type?”
You stop pushing your feet and just slide across the ice, staring into Leon’s face with a puzzled expression. “Did I hear that right?”
“Yeah, you did,” Leon quietly says. Looking back at the others, he sees that they’re sitting down and having a chat over some hot chocolate in a thermos so he takes this chance to finally speak.
“Y’know, when I went up to you those 5 months ago and apologized about the ice, I didn’t think my decision would hit me with a vengeance. At first I thought you were pretty and good at what you do but after being friends with you, you look much more divine to me and seeing you march to the beat of your own drum and- and actually getting a look into your actual personality, I knew that I’d love you. I’d love you through my screw-ups and through yours too,” he confessed. You two were still skating but at a slower pace now. Snow was beginning to gently fall down, tiny snowflakes gliding through the frigid air. Steam softly billowed out of your mouths, both your cheeks red like apples but not as red as Leon’s.
“Claire and Jill are amazing women– they’re just like you: they’re nice, attractive, helpful– overall decent people but out of all the possible personalities in here, my favorite type is you,” he finishes. His heart is doing quadruple Axels in his chest, ready to take flight or shatter any moment now. His hands, stuffed inside his warm coat pocket, are feeling clammy and sweaty. Suddenly, he kind of regrets letting out such a long confession.
“Hey I’m s-,” you cut him off in the best way ever.
You skate in front of him, hands extending towards him. Your left hand tugs at the collar of his gray trench coat whilst your right hand travels to the back of his neck, your fingers gently digging into the back of his head and threading themselves amongst the tufts of soft hair. You draw him near, closing the gap with a tender kiss. His body tenses up, his system shutting down, and he freezes but soon regains his bearings and kisses you back. His fingers leave his pockets and situate themselves on your waist, his thumbs gently drawing circle patterns. He doesn’t ask for more, just giving and taking. His slightly chapped lips spread into a giddy smile whilst still pressed against yours; Leon could only describe this kiss as a comforting breath of the sun that could keep the winter away. You pull away reluctantly and gaze into his eyes, ink-hued pupils swallowing the icy blue of his irises.
“I love you too,” you breathlessly say with an equally giddy grin.
A surprised laugh escapes Leon’s slightly parted mouth as he hugs you, lifting you up.
“Hey lovebirds!,” Jill calls out. You two look at Jill, who is cupping her mouth with gloved hands. “We saved some hot cocoa for you both! Come while Chris’ ass isn’t chugging it yet!”.
You two look at each other again, a small chuckle escaping your lips as you guys’ eyes glimmer in the shared love being realized. Leon takes your hand in his, intertwining his fingers with yours. You skate over to where Chris, Jill, and Claire are waiting. Jill hands the cup to Leon but Leon politely declines, offering it to you instead which earns raised eyebrows and smirks from the three. You take a sip of the drink, a comforting warmth taking over your body like a nice warm, weighted blanket.
“Don’t you want some?,” you ask Leon.
“I have a better way of tasting it later,” Leon responds with a cheeky wink.
“I heard that!,” Chris’ loud voice booms.
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NOTE - This is my first time writing and working on something like this so if you liked it then that's really great and if not then feel free to tell me what you want me to improve on! My uploading schedule isn't super definite since I write whenever I feel like it. That's it and thanks for reading :)
The dividers (the ones with the star and circle) are made by @cafekitsune , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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moonhoures · 11 months
I Can See You
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🕷️ kinktober — day 20: office sex 🕸️
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pairing: sangyeon (the boyz) + reader (afab/fem)
genre: non-idol!au, coworkers!au, smut
warnings: 18+, minors do not interact, explicit smut, secret relationship, sex in a storage closet at work, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex
word count: ~1.2k
synopsis: your work has a strict no dating policy, but rules are made to be broken, right?
a/n: yes, i did base this off of ‘i can see you’ by taylor swift, shoutout to all my fellow swifties 💜
posted: october 20, 2023
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It had started with a bump of shoulders in the hallway. You were the new girl at your job, having only started two days prior. Your office wasn’t even completely settled in yet, just a lonely desk, chair, and mini fridge with no personality attached to it. But on that fateful third day, you were hurrying across your floor to meet with your assigned trainer, hoping to catch her before she took off for her lunch. That’s when you met him, unceremoniously at that, bumping against him in the hallway as a result of you being too busy looking down at your emails. But when you looked up to profusely apologize, you were met with the sight of the most beautiful man you’d ever laid eyes on. He had the features of a Calvin Klein model and the wardrobe of a CEO, but you could tell he was just a low-level executive like you were.
“No problem, sweetheart,” he responded with a polite smile, unbothered by your clumsiness. He even had the heart to offer to help you to your trainer’s office but you declined, mostly out of embarrassment. Little did you know, he had found your reaction extremely cute.
You had found out his name was Sangyeon. And he spent the new few weeks using any and every opportunity he had to get you alone and talk. In the copy room. In the lunch room. In the hallway after the exec meetings. Even on the walk to your car after punch-out time. Usually, if it was any other guy, you would find the behavior off putting, but it was him. Admittedly, you were falling for him.
All of the flirtatious mannerisms and private conversations came to a head on the night of a staff dinner. All the executives went out together after clocking out one Friday, and at the end of the night, Sangyeon offered to walk you to your car as he often did. Though, this time, with none of your coworkers around, he asked to kiss you. And you let him. And in the following weeks, you two began a relationship that could only be described as hot-blooded.
You two took turns visiting each other’s apartments for a secret rendezvous, but you keep everything professional at work. It was tough, but, man, was it exciting. It felt like a game sometimes, seeing how much you could get away with without making anything obvious. The fleeting glances. The secret touches. The stolen conversations in hallways. The notes left in each other’s desk drawers.
Sangyeon lived for the thrill of getting caught, often urging you to meet him in the bathroom during odd times of the day or meet him at a nearby abandoned parking lot for lunch to keep your meetings out of the eye of your coworkers. Each time, you left him while adjusting your skirt or some misplaced hair and he fixed his tie.
After one exec meeting, you followed the crowd out of the door, turning towards the direction of your office. And just after you turned the corner, you saw Sangyeon waiting for you at the end of the hallway, a knowing smile on his lips. He gave you a pointed look, then he was disappearing around the next corner. That usually meant he left something at your desk. Sure enough, once you opened your drawer you saw a note that had scrawled on it ‘meet me @ closet in 5’.
Five minutes later, you were being pulled into the storage closet at the far end of your floor where no one seemed to go as it was mostly only used for the fire escape. Sangyeon had his hands on you as soon as the door shut, his jacket was already knocked onto the floor, but he didn’t seem to care.
“You look so beautiful today,” he complimented you as he kissed your cheek, then your jaw, then your neck. All the while, his large hands were cupping the flesh of your thighs and ass over your skirt, “Couldn’t stop staring at you in the meeting.”
“I know, I’m starting to think Changmin is getting suspicious of us,” you giggled, your own hands grasping at his waist.
“I don’t care,” he admitted between kisses left along the side of your neck, “Wish I could tell everyone in this whole building that you’re mine.”
“You know we can’t,” you said, though you smiled at his words anyways. Your work had a no dating policy, and from what Sangyeon had told you, it was pretty strict. You were still too new to put your job in jeopardy for such a policy, but you didn’t mind your affair behind closed doors.
“One day,” he spoke those words like a promise, just as he was finishing unbuckling his belt. In minutes, he had his cock out (red and weeping for you) and your skirt bunched up around your hips. He grasped onto one of your legs, hoisting it up against his waist as he fed his dick between your thighs, wetting it between your folds. A content sigh left his lips at the sensation he had begun to know all too well, reveling in it.
“I have work I need to finish, Sangyeon,” you reminded him, tugging on his tie to bring him to reality. This only made him kiss you, passionately, in a way that had you forgetting you were even at work in the first place. Then you were the one sighing as he filled you to the brim with his cock, your walls clenching around him as they took in his girth.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he whispered, taking a tighter hold on you as he began thrusting into you.
Your back thumped softly into the wall behind you with every bump and grind. The room was quickly filled with the sounds of you two fucking as well as the sounds of your heavy breathing and sorry attempts to keep your moans quiet. Sangyeon preferred to cover your mouth with his hand, liking the way you looked, but sometimes it wasn’t enough. So he ended up swallowing your moans himself, kissing you and moaning back against your lips.
“Tell me you’re close,” he said, feeling his orgasm approaching. His hot, ragged breath was warming your collarbones as he smothered the base of your neck with his gentle kisses, extra careful not to leave any marks on your skin.
“I am, just- just a little bit longer,” you assured him, squeezing his cock inside of you. That only made him let out a choked groan resembling an expletive. His hips hastened, and he urged you to cum for him. The sound of his sweet voice encouraging you did wonders, and soon you were cumming over him, making a mess of the both of you.
Luckily, this wasn’t your first rodeo, so he gifted you with a kiss to your temple before he reached over for the box of tissues he used to wipe you both. Once the two of you looked pretty decent, he gave you a few, chaste kisses before making his way down the hall to the bathroom on his side of the floor. You couldn’t help admiring the way he walked so confidently in his suit, adjusting his tie as he disappeared around the corner. You wondered how long it would take for him to find the note you had slipped into his pocket that read:
‘Meet me tonight. x’
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— taglist #1
@jaylaxies @xiaoting999 @kookthief @zaddywilk @wonrangwoo @pedriswrld @ikykleeknowww @odisdad @abby-grace @jungwonloveer @pinklemonadeflav @celestialplatinum @luvkpopp @nlklstan @kisses4denji @jenos-eye-smiles @a-l-i-y-a @channiesprincess @bekah931215 @heerinnie @fairygirl18 @cinnikoi @im-ur-calico-cat @unlikelysublimekryptonite @k-drizzle @iguanas-world
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hauntedchoso · 4 months
LOVE IS A...*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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I'll let you touch me sweet and slow, just take my body and my soul.
Choso loved comforting you after your failed dates, but he wishes you'd stop wasting your time with worthless guys and give him a chance instead. nsfw warning.
mdni. minors and ageless blogs will be blocked for interacting. cw: friends to lovers, fingering, cunnilingus, choking, biting, cream pie wc: 3.9k a/n: this is a jjk.259 comfort piece :(
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Your roommate, Choso, would take your heels off for you after you come home from another failed date. Admiring the fishnet stockings you paired them with, rubbing his fingers gently over the marks left in your feet by the shoes. He did this because he genuinely felt for his poor, pretty little roomie—you had high standards, and it was hard to find someone who could keep up with you. He wanted to make sure he mended your ruined nights the best way he could—because that’s what good roommates do. 
He would pull your legs into his lap while he sat next to you on the couch, lightly stroking your stocking-clad calves, listening to you babble on and on about how your date bored you; he knew he would never bore you if given the chance to take you out. He knows your time is precious, and he wouldn’t dare waste it. 
Listening to your date talk endlessly about his generic dude-bro life somehow chased away your appetite, and the most you could do at dinner was push your appetizer around with a fork—and then insist you were full when it came time to order actual dinner. When Choso heard your stomach growl upon re-entry to your shared home, he was quick to order delivery from your favorite restaurant.  
He thought he was the luckiest man in the world when you were unable to pull the zipper down on your dress, your arm aching from the pretzel-like shape you have bent it in behind your back in a failed attempt to reach properly. Hearing you politely ask him to unzip it for you in your sweet, tired voice sent all the blood from his head to his dick. He couldn’t help but grin when his fingers “accidentally” grazed your bare skin, causing you to shiver ever so slightly. Your skin felt cool to the touch, making him want to wrap his strong arms around you and envelope you in warmth. He suspected you had a thing for his arms, and perhaps were even attracted to his whole body; he was lucky enough to catch you staring from across the room once or twice before. But for now, he’ll refrain; he’ll just offer to draw you a hot bath instead. 
Choso absolutely loves how you look fresh out of a shower or bath. His pants tighten as you step back into the living room where he’s gaming on the TV, now wearing a pair of pajama shorts and an oversized t-shirt—his t-shirt. The shirt was so large on you; he could barely see your shorts, and he liked to imagine you didn’t have any on. Your hair is still slightly wet and falling naturally around your face, now free of makeup. The PlayStation controller suddenly loses priority over your legs, which he’s pulling back into his lap as you settle into your designated place next to him on the couch, rubbing a palm over the tops of your bare feet before picking up the controller again. He loves how you love watching him play video games. 
And that’s when he realized you weren’t wearing a bra. Your erect nipples are obvious even under the loose-fitting, black, screen printed t-shirt. He can feel his dick swelling in his pants again, the thought of your bare nipples pressed against his t-shirt running rampant in his mind. He fought the urge to run his hands across your bare legs, opting instead to pretend to stretch his arms, purposefully grazing your calf in the process—and feeling goosebumps on your skin. He found it a bit peculiar that you were often cold, but it only gave him a chance to take care of you more. 
As he went to fetch a blanket for you, he was surprised to find you violently shivering when he came back to the couch. 
“My hair is still kinda wet, and the fan is making me really cold right now. Your body heat was the only thing keeping me grounded,” you complained, eagerly grabbing the edges of the blanket and allowing Choso to tuck you in. 
He chuckled to himself before reaching above him and pulling one of the strings on the ceiling fan. “You know you could have asked me to turn it off for you, right? Silly angel.”
“I didn’t want you to get up though. But you got up anyway,” you pouted. You patted the spot where Choso was sitting, lifting up the blanket on his side so he can slide in beside you again. Instead of slinging your legs over his lap, you hugged his arm, resting your head on his shoulder as he continued to play. You couldn’t see the blood rush to his face when you did this—nor could you feel the blood rush to his dick. 
He couldn’t count on one hand the amount of times he’s gotten a semi-hard-on just from these day-to-day interactions with you. Showering you with praise and compliments, calling you sweet names, fulfilling every request you did or didn’t have, and waiting around to comfort you when you phased out of another failed talking stage with some loser. he would do it all, and he does do it all, to see your bright smile that reaches your eyes so beautifully and hear your delicate giggles, to end these nights with you in the same way you were spending the evening now. 
Choso was getting kind of frustrated whenever he died in the game, finding himself at a hard level he’s never reached before—but he doesn’t mind, because you giggle or make a sly little pass at him each time. After fighting the final boss and losing three times, he decides he’s finished with the game for the night and asks if you’d like to watch a movie. You agree, but only if you can watch it on the TV in your bedroom. 
“It’s really cold in here, and I feel like laying down anyways,” you reason. 
Choso only smirked down at you, secretly loving the idea of being curled up in your bed watching a movie together. The suggestive ideas came flooding into his mind at a mile a minute. He stood with you, making sure the blanket stays wrapped around you as you stand and begin walking to your bedroom. 
The act makes you release a content sigh, “You always treat me like a princess.”
“You are a princess. You’re my princess.”
Unbeknownst to you, Choso got unbelievably hard when you shucked off your pajama shorts, leaving you only in his oversized shirt, which was just long enough to cover your purple panties. Not long enough to prevent him from catching a glimpse, though. 
“I hope you don’t mind, but I’m more comfortable being in my bed without pants. It’s just a habit,” you shrug, completely oblivious to the growing hard-on in Choso’s pants. 
With your head resting on his chest, your leg bent at the knee and resting delicately across his legs, Choso could barely grasp the plot of the movie. He couldn’t even recall a single character’s name. He was absolutely dizzy; the smell of your hair dancing around his face and intoxicating him, the feeling of your body draped across his so casually, in your bed. He would run his fingers through your hair every now and then, absolutely swooning at the content little hums he was able to pull out of you. 
“Choso,” you suddenly whisper, not bothering to lift your head from his chest. 
“Hm, princess?”
Only then did you lift your head, meeting his gaze. His pretty eyes poured into yours, the dancing motions of the movie on the TV screen reflecting in his irises. He admired the way the light graced your features, and felt his entire body run cold, heart beating fast in his chest when he noticed you fixated your gaze on his lips. 
He spoke again after a couple seconds of heart-racing silence. “Do you not want the movie on anymore? It’s pretty hard to keep up with, right?”
You didn’t answer, instead, bringing your hand up to trace his jaw. “Can I…try something with you?” You managed to get out, but you were already scooting yourself closer to his face. 
Before Choso could think to respond, he was meeting you halfway, leaning forward to meet your lips the split second he noticed you inching towards him. When his lips crashed against yours, he wasted no time in deepening the kiss, welcoming your tongue to swirl against his own, earning him a satisfying moan from your perfect lips. The kiss quickly became heavy and passionate, and the passion quickly melted into desperation; with loud, lewd kissing noises filling the air and drowning out the sounds of the movie that was still playing. He had switched your positions, carefully laying you on your back and pinning you down under his weight as he attacked your lips. 
As much as he felt like he could die if he pulled away from you, he feared he would die if he continued to deprive himself of oxygen, intoxicating himself from your kiss. Your lips were pink and swollen when he finally pulled away—so fucking cute, he thought. 
“Don’t tell me it’s taken you this long to come to your senses,” he smirks at you breathlessly, forehead pressed against yours, arms caging you in, chest rising and falling rapidly as he tries to recover from your heated kiss. “Torturing me in those sexy fucking dresses you go out in. Wearing them for guys who don’t even deserve a second of your attention.”
His lips are on yours again, but this time more harshly, and in that moment, you feel everything he’s ever wanted to say to you through his kiss. You could feel it igniting your entire body, the flames engulfing your skin being soothed by his gentle hands smoothing over every exposed piece of skin he could find. Gasping when a large hand slid up your bare thigh, dangerously close to the heat between your legs, and squeezed. 
You couldn’t deny it to yourself anymore—the hours you spend swiping away on dating apps, the dates you allowed yourself to go on, the time you allowed yourself to waste with men who didn’t even pique your interest in the slightest—were all just pointless, failed attempts to rid your thoughts of your attractive, doting roommate. One thing you could admit though, was that the dates were never that bad, only because you knew Choso would be home to eagerly take you into his arms and place you back on your throne. The thought of coming home to him alone was always enough to get you through. 
Choso’s lips felt so amazing enmeshing with your own that in the moment, you couldn’t even remember why you tried so hard to run from your crush on him. Perhaps it was because it was hard enough to find a roommate as respectful and clean as he was, and you never had to worry about him being behind on his half of the rent, or other annoying obstacles you feared you’d run into when you first began the search. Were you afraid of ruining the good dynamic you had, and possibly scaring him away?
Then again, what about your dynamic was actually normal? Normal roommates don’t shower you with affectionate gestures after a rough night. Normal roommates don’t help you out of your heels, unzip your dress for you, or draw you baths. Normal roommates don’t kiss you feverishly in your bed. Normal roommates definitely don’t let their hands wander under your shirt as their lips suddenly find your neck…
“Choso…” you drawl, gasping when you feel him lightly sink his teeth into your neck and suck. 
“Try going on another date, angel. I wanna hear all about the defeated look on your boy’s face when he sees your neck covered in my marks,” his husky voice whispers against your skin. His hand rested gently under the curve of your breast. 
You giggle as he continues to feast on your neck. “Maybe I should bring you with me on my next one. Introduce you as my bodyguard.”
Choso removes his lips from the second hickey he was sucking into you and meets your eyes. “Do it. I’ll have his ass laid out the second I see you becoming bored.”
Something about Choso’s feral devotion to you was making you swoon. With the way he was kissing and marking you, it was hard to ignore your little crush you had and simply lose yourself in his lips. As a matter of fact, part of you cursed yourself for holding out on him, believing that it would disrupt your peaceful roommate dynamic if things ended up not working, and not considering giving him a chance. You didn’t even understand how you had fooled yourself into believing that anything could ever become awkward with Choso, when he was the sole reason the atmosphere in your home always felt so charming. You smashed your lips back onto his, your teeth clashing for a few seconds before you both relaxed back into a passionate, heart-searing kiss. Mewling in pleasure when you felt his warm hands cup your bare breasts. 
You couldn’t help but let out a small giggle at the feeling of his large palms covering your nipples. It felt so forbidden and naughty…letting your roommate touch you in ways many guys could only hope to, and the naughtiness excited you. Part of you felt like you weren’t supposed to be doing this, and yeah, you weren’t technically supposed to—but it was so damn fun. 
You let out a whiny moan when he rolled one of your nipples between his thumb and index finger, igniting your core and making you ungodly wet. “Choso…take my shirt off.”
He did as he was told, lightly snickering at his pretty little roommate’s demand to be completely bare-chested in front of him. His hardened cock twitched knowing you wanted him in this moment just as badly as he’s always wanted you. His eyes widened at the sight of your tits, immediately placing both hands on them and squeezing. 
“Let me fuck you good, baby. I wanna make you cum so bad,” he whispers breathlessly against your lips. “I wanna hear your pretty little mouth moan for me. Come on, angel. Let me fuck you. You have no idea how much I want you.”
Hearing Choso beg for you, feeling his lips move against yours, his hands on your breasts—it was all too much. You felt so hot between your legs, you couldn’t help but spread them, allowing him to settle between them, pushing his hard bulge against the wet spot on your panties. A sultry moan escaped your lips when he licked his thumb and rubbed it over your hard, sensitive nipple. You couldn’t stop your body from reacting to him even if you wanted to. 
“Fuck…I know you want me too. Admit it, angel. I bet you’ve just been waiting to get me into your bed, hm? Say it.” Choso attached his lips to one of your hardened buds, wasting no time in sucking and grazing his teeth against it. Oh, you were wet. 
“Yes…haah. Choso…fuck….” you moan, a hand flying up to run your fingers through his hair as he moves his head to your other breast. A loud sucking noise smacked against your skin as he pulled his lips away. 
“Yes what, baby? Tell me what’s on your mind,” he purred, pressing his mouth to your jugular. “Talk to me. It’s just you and me here.”
“Choso….please,” you pleaded. The bliss you were feeling was stealing the air from your lungs. “I want you to fuck me. Make me yours. I wanna be yours, please?” You ask sweetly. 
Choso’s heart started beating rapidly in his rib cage. He lifted his body weight from you, kneeling between your legs still in a sitting-up position. He smirked down at you, breathless and bright-eyed for him, before slipping the shirt off his toned body. He hooked his fingers around your panties and began pulling them down, biting his lips as you assist him by shimmying your hips. Gasping at the sudden cool air between your legs, you barely caught Choso shoving your soiled panties in his pocket. Your pussy quivered as you imagined what he planned on doing with them later. He threw you off guard by immediately shoving a hand between your thighs, middle finger grazing the entrance to your warm, wet cunt. “So wet, baby…is this all for me?”
You nodded frantically, “all for you. I’m all yours, So-so…” you whine, and Choso’s cock jumps in his sweats at the sound of your cute little nickname for him drawling from your pretty lips in such a needy tone. You could see his dick print very clearly now, and you begin to sweat in excitement. 
“God damnit, I just wanna eat you,” he whispered. He was quick to scoot himself back on your bed so that he had enough room to shove his head between your thighs, and the way his tongue immediately found your hole and pressed firmly against your wet folds as he swiped up to flick your clit made your legs tremble. 
“Oh my god! Haah…fuck! Choso! Please, I’m sensitive!” You cried through ragged breaths, unable to handle the sensation of his warm tongue fluttering against your clit. It was true, your clit was unreasonably sensitive—probably from always having to rub yourself out every night, having too much dignity to give yourself to any guy who didn’t interest you enough. You sometimes imagined it was Choso who was fingering and caressing you on those nights. You tried not to make a habit of it, though. It would only make your attraction to him deepen, but you couldn’t deny that when your eyes were closed, and you were imagining his fingers instead of yours, you came much harder than the times when you weren’t thinking of him at all. Now here he is, tonguing you so deliciously, and fuck, he just slid a finger in you. 
Choso chuckled. “You’re fucking tight, girl,” he says with a grin, slowly stroking his finger in and out of your cunt. “You’re clenching my finger so hard. Do you really want me that badly?” He adds another finger, enjoying the resistance of your tight cunt to his invading digit. 
“I want you so bad, oh my fucking—Choso, if you keep doing that—!” 
You could quickly feel the pressure building in your loins as Choso’s fingers stroked in and out of your weeping pussy. You were embarrassed at the wet, squelching noises you heard as he pumped in and out, unknowing that those same noises were making Choso’s cock rage in his sweatpants, precum creating a wet spot on the dark purple material. 
At this point, his fingers were sunk deep into your heat. Rubbing generously against your g-spot, his tongue returned to your throbbing clit, drawing circles around your nub with the tip while he quickened the pace with his fingers. Completely ignoring your pleas as your mewls of pleasure fall onto his ears like a dirty melody. 
“Choso please fuck I’m gonna cum I’m gonna cum I’m gonna cum oh my god oh my god oh my god—“ you choked out before your hips instinctively snapped upwards, your uterus doing flips as your orgasm washes over you like a wave, making you lose control over your trembling legs. 
Choso let his fingers slide in and out of you slowly as you came, memorizing how tight your walls clenched as your body gave in. He honestly didn’t expect you to cum from him just eating you out and fingering you. But you did, and his heart fluttered in his chest as he smiled; you were just so cute, and the fact that he could make you cum before he put his dick in you made him feel a strange sense of pride in himself. “You’re so fucking pretty…” he murmurs, before withdrawing his fingers from your pussy, eliciting a small gasp from you that he quickly swallows up with his own mouth covering yours.  
“Mmm…” you moan into the kiss, shivering as his hands trail up your body, stopping to squeeze your tits and rub his thumbs over your nipples. He pulls away, his lidded eyes taking in your fucked-out expression, sweat gathered on your brow and your cheeks flushed a deep pink.
Choso nibbles on your lower lip before releasing it, grinning as he pushes you back on the bed, your legs parting as he settles between them, propping your thighs open with his own. “Now, are you gonna let me fuck you the way I know you deserve it, baby?” he teases, his eyes falling to the engorged and throbbing erection between his legs. "I’ve been wanting you all night..." He slowly guides the head of his cock to your entrance, eyes focused on the prize before him. His eyes search yours, waiting for you to utter your sweet permission one last time.
“Yes, please,” you murmur breathlessly, your heart racing as he positions himself at the entrance of your warm cunt. “I want you too, badly. Please…”
Your pleas fall on Choso’s ears like music, sending a sensation through his hard cock. A smirk tugs at his lips before he thrusts forward, burying himself inside you, groaning at how tight and wet you were. “Fuck, princess, you feel so good.” Slowly, he begins to move, setting a leisurely pace as he watches your reaction.
Your eyes roll into the back of your head immediately, the thick veins on his girthy cock stroking your gummy insides with each thrust. "F-feels so good..." you pant, shivering as he moves his body to hover over yours as he fucks you, caging you in with his forearms. You remove your hands from tightly gripping the sheets beneath you, moving them to instead grip his biceps, gasping loudly when he begins to move his hips faster, settling on a quicker, meaner pace. "W-wait... slow down..." you whine, and he looks into your eyes, giving you a devilish smile.
"Fuck no, baby. Not until I've made you cum again…” he whispers breathlessly. “Gonna make sure this pussy remembers every inch of my cock.” Choso grinds his hips, making sure he rubs against your g-spot when he withdraws and kisses your cervix with the tip of his cock when he thrusts back in. “Fuck, you're so fucking tight, baby.” He continues to fuck you with reckless abandon, watching the pleasure on your face as he moves, fucking you like the needy little slut he knew you were. “You’re gonna–fuck. You keep squeezing me like that, and you're gonna make me cum in this little cunt of yours. You want that, don’t you, baby?” he asks, narrowing his eyes as he catches your gaze, as if challenging you to say no.
But you don’t say no–instead, you’re nodding your head frantically, tears welling in your eyes as his cock continues to mash against the sweet spot deep in your cunt. “Yes, Cho. Want it bad. Wanna make you cum in me,” you whimper, gazing into his eyes with wet lashes as your tits bounce with each mean thrust.
Choso chuckles darkly, slowing his pace ever so slightly–enough to stave off his building orgasm, but not enough to leave you wanting. “Not yet, princess. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to stuff you full of my cum real soon…but first,” he whispers, spreading your legs wider and raising your knees to your shoulders, pressing down on your thighs in a mean mating press. “I want you to promise me not to go on any more worthless dates.”
Your mouth falls open in a salacious moan as you adjust to the new position, his cock hitting your cervix hard, his balls slapping against your ass. God, this was his condition for cumming in you? Did he really think you were about to forget all about the way he was fucking the living daylights out of you, only to run off with another mediocre dude who you knew would only waste your precious time? "M-mhm," you whimpered in agreement, nodding your head as he kept up his punishing pace. "I-I promise, Choso. No more dates. Just you...and you fucking me until–’til I'm a dripping mess."
Choso grinned, biting his lip as you agreed to his demand, his heart swelling with pride as he continued to fuck you. His pace was getting faster and more fervent, his shaft wetly slapping your clit with every thrust. His grip on your thighs tightens, smirking as he hits your sweet spot with expert precision, grunting as he feels your walls squeeze around him. His thrusts deepen, his heart beating faster as you agree to his demands. “Good girl. I would hate for you to waste another night on some other guy, when you could’ve been here, letting me put my cock where it belongs,” he smirks, his eyes dropping down to where you’re connected momentarily before meeting yours, the intensity of his gaze making you shiver. He moves the weight of his upper body to one arm, using the other hand to wrap around your throat and squeeze deliciously. “Now, shut up and take this dick, alright?”
You nod helplessly, your cunt fluttering around his cock at his degrading words that somehow make your heart swell. His hips begin to jerk even more roughly, his thrusts primal and violent. "That's my good girl. You know I’ll do anything for you, don't you?" He leaned down, nipping at your neck as he continued fucking you. "Fuck, I'm close, baby. Let me hear you cum for me again. I bet you’d sound so pretty cumming on my cock.”
"Y-yes, I’m gonna cum," you tell him, whimpering as he nips at your neck, yet moaning loudly as he fucks into you with reckless abandon. Each thrust of his hips causes you to cry out, your voice becoming more desperate and wild with each moment that passes. "I-I'll cum for you, Cho. Right here, on your cock. P-please, oh god, Cho, I'm so close..." You cling to his arms, your legs trembling around his waist as you feel your climax approaching, the pressure building and tightening within you.
Choso's thrusts became more frantic, his hips slamming into you as you cried out, his fingers digging into your thighs as he felt your pussy clench around him “Yes, baby. Cum for me. That’s it...” A dark, almost primal grin tugged at the corners of his mouth as he felt his own orgasm building, the walls of your pussy gripping his cock desperately, urging him on. "Go on, angel, you know you want to. Cum for me...cum on my cock.” He continued to punctuate his words with deep, powerful thrusts, burying himself deeper and deeper into your core as he fucked you into oblivion. His hips became a blur, his pace increasing, his grip on your hips turning feral in his desire to make you cum for him one more time.
The familiar sensation of your cunt fluttering around his cock was all the warning you got before your entire body was seized by another blinding orgasm. Your broken cries erupted past your lips just as you sobbed, your voice breaking in a loud, throaty moan as you came, your cunt clenching around his throbbing length like a vice. “F-fuck…” you managed to choke out, unable to understand the rest of your incoherent babbles.
“Fuck, baby…” Choso growled as you came, your tight cunt clamping down on his cock like a vice, milking him as his eyes flicker shut. With a low moan, he crushed your mouth with a rough kiss, his hips stuttering in their movements as he shot thick ropes of cum into your needy pussy. He filled you up, his hot cum flooding your insides, making you whimper and shake as he came. He continued to move inside you gently as his orgasm subsided, before slowly withdrawing. He pulled you into his arms, not caring that you were coated in the evidence of your rough, passionate fuck. "H-hey, you’re okay. I got you, baby,” he whispered breathlessly, moving your sweat-slicked hair out of your face.
Your chest rose and fell with each pant that escaped your lips, your ears ringing and your wet lashes blinking rapidly as you came down from your body-shaking orgasm. You could faintly make out the sensation of his fingers caressing the side of your jaw and the sound of his voice, but you were too fucked-out to understand what he was saying. Instead, you focused your teary eyes on his face, raising a finger to press against his lips in a ‘hush’. “Shh…” you shakily commanded, your eyes lidding shut in bliss.
Choso chuckled, kissing your finger and grabbing your hand, interlacing your fingers together. “You’re so fucking cute…” he murmurs, his voice full of wonder and admiration. He presses a tender kiss to your lips, earning a sweet little moan of contentment from you that he knows originated from the depths of your heart. "Tomorrow night, angel, I'm gonna take you on a real date."
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please keep in mind that I block minors and ageless blogs. mdni.
please do not steal my work.
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sinnersweets · 6 months
DogDay x Reader part 15
<-----part 14
I slept for about four hours before DogDay woke me up saying he needed to head out and that I should go home and rest up. I didn’t want to leave but I needed to run errands and make some calls. DogDay then carried me to the cable car and continued to hold onto me while we waited. “So, what are you going to do about CatNap?” “I can’t talk to him now but later tonight I’ll have a word with him. I’ll also talk to Sarah; see if she knows why he’s acting like that.” I nodded and leaned into his chest. I started thinking about some stuff; that is until I remembered something very important. 
Its Damians birthday today. 
“Oh my gosh! It’s Damians birthday today!” I looked up at DogDay and said, “I can’t leave, it’s his birthday and I wanted to spend it with him.” “Oh man, I had nearly forgotten about his birthday; but Angel you’re not looking the best right now. I think you should just go home and rest up there.” I shook my head no and said, “I can rest up in the infirmary. I need to tell Damian happy birthday and tell him the good news.” With a heavy sigh DogDay nodded and carried me inside Home Sweet Home and had one of the doctors look at me. 
Surprisingly I didn’t break anything, just had bruises. The doctor gave me Tylenol and was about to leave when he suddenly said, “I hear you’re taking Damian.” I swallowed the pills and replied, “Yes, I take him home tomorrow.” The doctor smiled and nodded while saying, “He’s a good kid, always past the tests with flying colors. We were this close to having him-” The doctor suddenly stopped talking and laughed nervously. “Having him what?” I asked. “Nothing, I misspoke. Get some rest Ms. Y/N.” The doctor quickly exited the room before I could say anything else.  
It had been two hours and already I was feeling much better. Laying down was starting to bore me so I decided that I would go out and try to find Damian. 
When I exited Home Sweet Home, I spotted Hoppy playing hopscotch with her group and KickenChicken playing duck duck goose with his group. I couldn’t help but smile. Seeing them interact with the kids made me feel happy. I would miss them both, even if KickenChicken did hit on me from time to time. Hopefully DogDay will convince them to leave here and come with me. 
Hoppy spotted me and called me over to her group. “Hey Y/N! Wanna play some hopscotch with us?” I politely declined and asked her if she had seen Damian. “Oh yeah little dude! I think he and DogDay are in the Playhouse.” I could feel my palms getting sweaty just thinking about going back into the Playhouse. Three hours of hiding and not getting caught. “Y/N? You okay?” I shook my head and focused back on Hoppy. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. On second thought, I think I will join you for a game.” Hoppy smiled and said, “Atta girl!” She then took my hand and led me over to her group. 
Once I played a few games of hopscotch KickenChicken then called me over to play a new game with his group. I really wanted to go see Damian, but he hasn’t come out of the Playhouse yet. With a heavy sigh I agreed and KickenChicken held onto my hand and led me to his group. 
“Ms. DogDay!” is what KickenChicken’s group yelled out when they saw me. Even though I wasn’t in uniform they still called me that; it was cute. “Hello.” I waved at them with my free hand. “Looks like I don’t need to introduce you Ang- I mean Y/N.” I gave a small smile to KickenChicken. “Thank you for using my name, now can you please let go of my hand? Your feathers are making my hand itch.” “Oh sure, sorry.” KickenChicken then let go of my hand and I softly scratched my hand that he was holding. 
I looked around and didn’t see Emily around. Thinking back to when I was with Hoppy I didn’t notice Edward around either. “Hey Kicken, where’s Emily today?” “She hasn’t been scheduled in a couple of days, not sure why though... In fact I think most of the helpers haven't been put on the schedule; you and Sarah seem to be the only ones here.” “Huh, I wonder why.” KickenChicken shrugged his shoulders and said, “Makes no difference to me. I can handle these kids all on my own. Now to our game.”  
KickenChicken decided to play red light, green light which I was all for it. I was chosen to be the one who says the words while he and his group tried to get to me. I headed up to the duck pond and turned around before saying, “Red light green light one two three!” I quickly turned around and everyone froze in place. I then turned back around, repeated the words, and turned around even faster next time. Some kids moved up a little bit while others moved and got out.  
“Red light green light one two three!” When I turned around, I was surprised to see both DogDay and Damian playing along. DogDay was the closest one to me while Damian was a few feet behind him. I swallowed hard as I knew that DogDay would get me. I slowly turned back around and said, “Red light- AHH!” “I gotcha Angel!” DogDay picked me up and gave me a gentle squeeze. “Haha, seems like you did.” DogDay then put me down and I smiled over to Damian and walked towards him. “Happy birthday kiddo!” I held out my arms towards him and he happily ran up to me and hugged me. “Thank you, Ms. Y/N. Mr. DogDay said you needed to speak with me?” I looked over to DogDay and he gave me a thumbs up. “Uh yes, I have a present for you.” Damians eyes gleamed with joy. “We’ll be down the hill when you’re done Angel.” Before he walked away DogDay kissed the top of my head and ruffled up Damians hair a little bit. “Talk to ya later Y/N.” I heard KickenChicken call out to me while he and DogDay walked down the hill together. 
I took Damians hand in mine and I led him over to the duck pond. “Go ahead and have a seat.” I said gently to him. Damian sat down and looked at me with patience but also curiosity. I took a seat next to him and suddenly felt nervous telling him that I was now his mom. “So um, how is your birthday going so far?” “It’s alright. Mr. DogDay gave me another card.” “Ah yes, he told me that’s what he normally gets you. Not to sound rude to DogDay, but I think my gift is much better than that.” Damian smiled at me. “Okay let me not stall anymore.... tomorrow will be our last day here because I have officially adopted you and I am taking you to your new home tomorrow.”  
Damian just stared at me for a couple of seconds before he said, “You mean you adopted me? And I get to go with you?” Suddenly Damian started crying. “Damian are you-” I was cut off when Damian jumped on me and gave me a very tight hug. “I can’t believe I finally got adopted! You're my mom now! Does that mean Mr. DogDay is now my legal dad?” I cleared my throat and chuckled nervously while saying, “No, me and DogDay are not married.” Damian looked at me and said, “But is he coming with us?” My heart sank when he asked that. “Not right now. I am trying to make it possible so that he can come with us; and everyone else too.” I then explained what my plan was to Damian and I’m not sure if he fully understood it, but he smiled and seemed excited about it. 
Once I finished talking with Damian, I led us both down over to DogDay. When we reached the bottom, my phone started ringing and I handed Damian over to DogDay while I checked to see who was calling me. “Hello? Yes, this is her. Uh huh. Really? That’s wonderful! Yes yes I’ll be there in an hour! Thank you!” “You seem excited Angel.” I squealed in excitement as I said, “I just got a call from the city and my request for a plot of land has been accepted! I need to head over there and start planning everything!” “Really? That’s amazing Angel!” “I don’t know what that means but yay Ms. Y/N! I mean mom!” 
I hugged Damian goodbye and stood on my tippy toes and gave DogDay a kiss on his nose. “I’ll call you after I finish, okay?” DogDay smiled lovingly at me while saying, “I already miss you Angel, but I look forward to your call.” “Bye mom! See you tomorrow!” “Bye, I love you both!” “We love you too!” I waved goodbye and headed over to the cable car, excited to get started on my project. It’s all coming together.  
(If you wanna be tagged in the next part lemme know in the comments!)
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wileys-russo · 1 year
Mary Earps blurb where you sneak into the Lionesses hotel in Australia and surprise her? The girls all know but she doesn’t
surprise visitor II m.earps
"do you know how much trouble i could be in if someone finds out about this?" millie chuckled as she handed you a lionesses tracksuit to change into, the two of you huddled in a back alleyway behind their base camp hotel in terrigal, australia.
"mills it was your idea!" you tutted quietly with a laugh, the blonde turning away as you glanced around to make sure no one was watching and began to change. "yeah well mary's been nothing short of miserable for days now and its getting on everyones last nerve." millie groaned.
you having been uncontactable to your girlfriend for a couple of days now claiming you'd gone away on a camping trip with your students and had minimal reception, had meant mary was seemingly lost without any sort of interaction with or from you.
the reality was you'd spent the last couple of days inbetween flights on your way to australia, jetlag kicking you something terrible but motivated only by knowing each minute that ticked by meant you were closer to seeing your favourite smile once more.
you'd originally been unable to accompany mary's family overseas for the world cup due to work commitments, but your boss seeing how miserable you'd been had taken pity and allowed you to take time off for the last two weeks of the tournament granted you still did some marking on behalf of the substitute who would take your place remotely whilst over there.
so you'd spun this elaborate story of taking a group of your students camping, where you'd have practically no reception and would barely be able to speak to her in order to hide the fact you were making your way halfway round the world.
you were lucky the woman was so gullible.
"acting like you haven't missed me too mills, that's cute." you grinned, tapping her to let her know you were changed as the blonde turned and rolled her eyes, messing up your hair before tugging the hood over your head.
having been with mary for a few years now you were well known to all of her team mates for club and country, all of them seeing how disgustingly in love mary was with you and how well suited you were as a pair meant you were cared deeply for by most of them as well.
"come on, game face time." millie and you exchanged a nod, having already gone over the plan with her and rach a hundred times when millie had found out you were flying over to surprise mary and proposed she help you out.
so here you were about to be snuck into base camp which was very much so against the rules, to spend the night with mary before you'd go to your own hotel tomorrow where her family were expecting you, thinking your flight was landing...tomorrow.
the only people who knew you were actually already in australia right now, technically a whole day early, were millie and rachel.
"head down, don't look up till i say so." millie murmered, having dressed you in rach's tracksuit and praying no one would stop the two of you she slung an arm over your shoulder and guided you through the hotel.
you'd left your luggage with rachel who had already hid it in her room till you'd be leaving again tomorrow, the girl instructed to wait it out there until millie gave her the all clear.
you did your very best not to trip over your feet as the taller girl dragged you through room after room until finally you stepped into the elevator and breathed a sigh of relief, grinning up at millie who wiped at her forehead before giving you a wink.
though your relief was short lived as the elevator stopped at a floor you didn't click, millie flicking your hood over your head again as you turned to face the wall and looked down at your feet again.
your heart raced as you heard none other than alessia and ella get into the elevator, chatting away to themselves about plans for a movie night in maya's room.
"hi mills, hi rach!" ella beamed, millie smiling politely in response as you stayed quiet, eyes wide as they bore into the floor and you prayed the elevator would go faster. "ya alright rach?" ella asked with a frown and you noticed her shoes appear in your sights as she shuffled closer.
"tickle in her throat, isn't feeling well so she's headed off to bed early." millie quickly excused, stepping in front of you slightly. "hey aren't your rooms on level six?" alessia asked confused, noticing millie had clicked the eighth floor.
"hang on..." ella took another step forward and before you could even blink she'd yanked your hood down, her and alessia gasping and throwing themselves at you as millie sighed in defeat, dragging her hands down her face.
"okay yes hello hello!" you were wrapped up into a bear hug by the younger girls who chatted your ear off, not even letting you get a word in as they asked a hundred questions. "girls!" millie interrupted, both falling silent as they placed you back down on your feet.
"listen. you never saw us, you never saw her, and not a word of this to a single soul ever. right?" millie warned sternly as both younger girls nodded wordlessly, giving you one more hug before stepping off on the fifth floor and heading away toward maya's room.
"don't worry about them, i'll handle it. go get your girl!" millie grinned once she'd walked you to mary's room, knocking on the door and legging it away in the opposite direction after you'd thanked her profusely.
when your girlfriend didn't answer though, you knocked again, and again, and again.
"for fuck sakes this better be a bloody emergen-" the door flew open and mary's angry glare dropped the moment she saw you, jaw almost hitting the floor as her eyes remained wide as saucers and you grinned.
"hi baby. you gonna let me in or am i gonna just stand here in the cold?" you asked as mary stuttered, shaking her head a few times before launching at you, picking you up and dragging you inside as she kicked the door closed behind her.
"you're really here???" mary asked still in shock as you wrapped your legs around her waist and she looked at you incredulously. "surprise." you grinned, hands resting on the back of her neck and playing with the hairs which had fallen out of her messy bun.
"oh my god." mary exhaled, pulling you as tightly into her body as she could in a bone crushing hug, inhaling deeply at the familiar smell of your shampoo. "but i thought...camping?" mary frowned in confusion as she placed you on your feet, arms remaining wrapped tightly around you.
"for such a smart woman you are very gullible darling." you grinned teasingly, the taller girl shaking her head. "but how did you even..." mary trailed off, cogs clearly turning in her head as you let out a laugh.
"rach and mills snuck me in, i have to go to my own hotel tomorrow but for tonight i'm all yours. your family think i don't land till tomorrow." you admitted biting down on your lip sheepishly. "god i love you." mary breathed out, wasting no more time as she dipped her head and pressed her lips to yours.
"i love you more and i can't wait to watch you achieve everything you deserve and more." you whispered, pressing your forehead against hers as the two of you stood together in silence for a moment, just taking in one another's presence. "its about time the world saw you how i do, you're the most fiercely amazing woman i know baby." you promised as you pecked her lips sweetly a few times.
"oh love." you laughed quietly as her eyes welled up with tears, wiping them away with the pad of your thumb. "such a sap." you teased as mary wiped her face with her sleeve. "shut up!" the girl rolled her eyes, burying her face in your hair and exhaling deeply as you snuck your hands up her top and scratched lightly at her back.
"my most special, wonderful and favourite girl, always." mary mumbled before pulling away slightly and once again smashing her lips to yours, your tongues swirling against one another as the kiss became a little less sweet.
"i missed you so much love." the keeper breathed out inbetween kisses, still looking at you as if you were a mirage that could disappear at her fingertips any given second as she backed you into the wall, pressing her body against yours.
"i know, heard you've been miserably insufferable without me." you mumbled teasingly against her lips, arms looping around her neck as her hands gripped your hips so tightly you'd not be surprised if they were bruised tomorrow.
but you didn't care, when you were with her you were home.
"mary!" you laughed as she suddenly picked you up, tossing you easily over her shoulder as you smacked her bum and she gently dropped you onto her bed, wasting no time crawling on top of you with a grin.
"now...what was that about having you all to myself for tonight beautiful?"
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dropout-if · 1 year
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DEMO (coming soon) - FAQ - NAVIGATION
Dropout is an upcoming (and a side project!) +18 slice-of-life interactive fiction game. Loosely inspired by media such as In the Heights and Night in the Woods.
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Tag(s): Slice of life, Drama, Romance, YA, LGBTQ+, Text-based.
You take the train home from college after nearly four years away, knowing you will be welcomed with open arms, bright smiles, and the sincerest congratulations from your friends and family, from the entire neighborhood. Their pride has not been misplaced, for better or for worse, you are the one: the only one who made it into college.
This is your first summer home since you began studying in Stanford. That is what everyone thinks.
This is your first summer home since you dropped out of college, thus becoming the biggest disappointment in your neighborhood. That is what only you know.
Trigger Warning(s): Crude humor, Strong language, optional sex scenes, Violence, Depression and depictions of other mental illnesses, Substance use, Unwanted pregnancy (a RO's, Wanda).
A short disclaimer
Features and Characters below!
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Return to your home, the fictional neighborhood of Downtown Heights, where you're treated like a local hero because of your grand achievement.
Determine how you managed to make it into college and why you decided to call it quits.
Reunite with your high school friends and acquaintances, with whom you've barely spoken in the past few years.
Romance one (or more) of the six old faces waiting for you in Downtown Heights.
Customize your Main Character! From their teenage years to their young adulthood, from physicality to personality. Be it your traits, flaws, and vices: everything shapes your return home.
Navigate the very dramatic shenanigans of young adulthood.
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Queer relationships • RO Intros • ROs' Social Media • RO Facts
Jean/Jade Gray (he/him or she/her): THE EX • 23 years old
J and you were good. Until you weren't, and then they broke up with you right before you left for college. The two of you promised to stay as friends, but, like most promises between you and J, that too was meant to be broken. Your ex is often considered to be ambitious, determined, and cutthroat. You honestly expected them to be well out of the neighborhood.
Exes to lovers. It's possible to start a poly relationship (v and triad) with J and Kai.
Uma Bharat (they/them): THE OLD FRIEND • 22 years old
It has always been you and Uma, and this has been something you covetously believed to be true. But then the distance settled in, and then the many years in which you lived abroad. You can't claim to know them as well as you once did. Uma once dreamed of being a successful painter, and they have never given up on art (though they sometimes feel like art has given up on them).
Childhood best friends to lovers. It's possible to start a poly relationship (triad) with Uma and Travis.
Statler Amani (he/him or she/her): THE HEARTTHROB • 25 years old
You knew Statler back in high school, though they can't claim to have known of you until you made it out of the neighborhood. Many years ago, they were every high schooler's dream partner: kind, polite, intelligent. Their current partner must be proud. Nowadays, Statler works as hard as they can to help their family.
Unrequited crush to lovers. Statler is already in a relationship, a (more-or-less) toxic one.
Wanda Pavon (she/her): THE MODEL • 22 years old
Wanda had a future in modeling, the two of you were in the same group of friends in high school, and you never doubted she would be capable of making it out of the neighborhood. Her self-assertive and spontaneous personality surely would have made Wanda's road a little easier. You only find out why Wanda stayed in Downtown Heights when you meet her daughter.
Friends to lovers. Wanda is a single mother, her daughter's name is Gabi.
Kai Alofa (he/him or she/her): THE ROOMMATE • 24 years old
Kai's glow-up is the reason some Downtown Heights grandmothers believe in magic. The high school nerd turned fuckboy/girl has spent the past few years traveling around the state. Like you, they are back for the summer, ready to disappoint their parents. Rooming together comes as a natural result of delaying said disappointment (or so Kai claimed).
Friends with benefits to lovers (mandatory to romance Kai). It's possible start a poly relationship (v and triad) with Kai and J.
Travis Camaro (he/him): THE RIVAL • 21 years old
Uma, Travis and you were considered to be inseparable: it was the three of you against the world. That is no longer the case. A massive argument completely shattered the friendship Travis and you had. You know he resents you, you know he's jealous you managed to make it out and that he was left behind. And that's all you know. Travis has always been... a private guy.
(Past friends) to enemies/rivals to lovers. It's possible to start a poly relationship (triad) with Travis and Uma.
Choosing a route.
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The Dropout's Family
The list of flings!
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thefallenangelsgang · 5 months
Fuck it, I'm throwing my hat on the ring about the Emil announcing Nate from Fallout 4 is the bystander Soldier in the Fallout 1 opener.
First and foremost, it was a stupid thing to say. As he backtracks to later, the conceit of Fallout's protags is they are supposed to be anyone (and that issue is precisely why some people hate the extensive prewar character background given to you in Fallout 4). For the lead writer to pull a JK Rowling (why would you do that? None of those went over well) is such a major marketing misstep that it wouldn't surprise me if Emil gets reprimanded for it before we even get into the implication of what he said.
Emil your voice is as good as God when it comes to the canon. You can't just say shit like that and expect it to go well. Especially considering the implications.
Speaking of the implications, I'm not mad about Nate being a war criminal. It's a coloring I actually would welcome if the games discussed concepts like Capitalism, Racism, and War in any meaningful way anymore. And if Emil also didn't say this.
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Fallout's canon is rooted in reality. That is part of its whole thing. It's fun to do goofy shit like becoming the Silver Shroud and having a make believe superhero fight with the Mechanist or write a woman obsessed with Nuka Cola so much she traverses two games to basically kidnap the CEO's cryogenically preserved head so she can talk to him for all eternity, but the setting is very much rooted in reality.
You aren't dealing with fictional countries, you aren't dealing with fictional races, you aren't dealing with fictional hypotheticals. That is The Elder Scrolls job. You are dealing with actual countries, actual racism, actual history, and actual fucking politics. You have to be mindful of what you are doing and saying. You can't just do things because it's an interesting plot device without first thinking about the implications.
Fallout's world is a heightened version of our own, a path we seem to stumble towards with ever passing year unless we do something about it. It fucking sucks. I'm sure writing it feels like prophesizing the future and eats your soul a bit. It would mine. But that doesn't mean Fallout can just take a sharp left in terms of story and reality and get away with it.
To have Nate be the bystander Soldier and then meet him when he has a very good thing going for him (an expensive house during an inflation crisis, a robot butler, he gets into a vault for free for fucks sake) very much speaks to life rewarding him for his crimes. There is no hatred in his words when he looks at the flag of the country that made him kill innocents. His speech is speaks of remorse for leaving his family and the cycle of war, it does not speak of the horrors. Of watching you comrades bleed out in the Anchorage snow. Of the scream of shells overhead. Of the fear in civilians eyes as your buddy puts a bullet between them.
You all have to see how it looks like the man is fine with what he had to do during the war, right?
Not interacting with these concepts enough paints a picture of apathy and acceptance. In this day and age where being keeping the government honest and responsible for their actions is so important, that isn't going to slide without it being EXTREMELY purposeful, which it is not. It's tone deaf and lazy.
I respect a lot of what Emil has done in the past, but I am not above keeping him culpable when he has something so delicate in his hands. I hope this situation is what he needed to get his head on straight, or is the light bulb moment where he realizes he needs to pass the torch onwards. There is no shame in subject matter becoming too much as time goes on. There is shame in letting a previously critical series become the very thing it was criticizing.
He is going to keep getting dragged until he realizes that or he manages to convince the fans to be complicit in the degradation of setting. In doing so he is going to lose Bethesda most of its biggest fans who well and truly love the series and what it stands for.
But that's just my take, and I'm just a kid who studies polisci and history and can't shield myself from the inherent horror of nuclear war no matter how much I try.
War really never changes
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silent-sanctum · 13 days
Character Dynamics: Kakyoin & Polnareff
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In a previous post, I mentioned that one of the personal gripes I had with Stardust Crusaders was the missed opportunity to expand the main cast's character further, either individually or through interaction with one another.
And what canon reference will I base all my yapping on? Look no further than the episode where the Crusaders are fighting "High Priestess"- The submarine scene right before they go swimming and get eaten.
You know that scene where Polnareff does a series of big vague arm movements and Kakyoin somehow knows what that means, and then they ensue the "Serious Bro Code Handshake" no one knows about but them.
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And some quick special mentions of them fighting as a unit during that scene where Kakyoin and Polnareff fight against the man with two right hands, or Enyaba the Hag's son to put it simply, and that time where they had to get rid of The Lovers from Joseph's head.
In this post, I'll talk about a dynamic that's not too appreciated and should've been more consistent (though that's what I think from what I've seen online) is that between Noriaki Kakyoin and Jean Pierre Polnareff.
Disclaimer: I'll talk about them in a platonic way (because we can appreciate two dudes being great buddies without automatically making them suck each other's lip and cock), but if you think otherwise, then kudos! You do you.
These 2 are, what I feel, would've been a duo with almost a similar dynamic to the one we see with Josuke and Okuyasu, being the difference is that unlike the 2 latter duo consisting of the typical "Dumb-and-Dumber" dynamic, KakPol is more "Nerd-Himbo".
So what makes this duo work exactly? Why am I compelled to write this post?
Well, to simply put, I love an interaction between a typically introverted person and an extroverted person. It's fun to watch Person X dragging Person Y into shenanigans, the latter being too not-cool with it at first, only for said person to go "Fuck it, we ball."
That's why I like writing them as this duo in my stories (namely in Only You, Playing Cupid, and Volleyball).
Kakyoin is not a social person. We know that from his quick backstory. However, despite his lack of social connection, he's polite with the way he interacts with others. He's also an amalgamation of a nerd and a geek: A person filled with ideas and thoughts, capable of providing reasonable logical strategies that benefit the group, and who also has interests in fun stuff like sumo wrestling and video games.
On the other hand, Polnareff will be Polnareff. He's a Frenchman who wears his emotions on his sleeve. He's a little out there with the folks, will get all buddy-buddy with strangers, will flirt with the ladies, and is generally a loud-and-proud kind of dude. But beneath all that social energy, he's also righteous in his own way, wanting to live up to what he deems the right thing to do.
If you put them together, then you get a dynamic that would spill this type of dialogue:
"Aren't you gonna eat your sausages?" "No." "Why?" "Sausage is made with sodium glutamate and sodium nitrate, which are carcinogens." "… So why don't you eat them?" "… Why would you eat carcinogens on purpose?" "Then I'll take them." "But-" "…" "Fine."
The lines above are from a movie named "Midnight Runners". You can swap the main duo of the film with KakPol and there wouldn't be many differences. Both of them behave and speak the way Kakyoin and Polnareff do personality-wise.
Kakyoin is the brain of the two, and Polnareff is the muscle. While Kak's the one offering out things to do, Pol makes sure he lives up to that by making him do said things with him. Polnareff is the type of guy who likes to venture out and have fun, while Kakyoin is someone who wants to do said fun things but feels awkward initiating them, often finding it more comfortable envisioning it rather than actually doing it.
They'd be the type where Pol, the man from France itself, would play bachelor, attempt to swoon some girls, and drag Kakyoin to his antics. He'd share some cheesy Casanova techniques with the poor boy, Kak eventually warms up to the idea having nothing better to do and listens, they attempt trying them out, only to eventually fail at the end of the day. Cue Kak who suggests they play video games instead to which Pol agrees to it.
Pol: And no Jotaro, you're not joining. You attract ladies just by breathing. You don't count.
Jotaro: middle finger
If there's an exam and the question is "List the 3 sources of investigation", Kakyoin would answer "Examine victim, evidence, and crime scene" (emphasizes Logic), while Polnareff would answer "Passion, tenacity, and a big heart" (emphasizes Values). And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they also share some squabble and banter from time to time.
That's why there's a difference in dynamics with "Polnareff and Kakyoin" compared to "Polnareff and Jotaro".
Jotaro is more hands-on and nonchalant about the way he lives his life. He lets events play out and has no problem joining in and exploring as he goes along the way.
Kakyoin is more hesitant and wants to think about it more, pondering whether or not said activity is worth it or not. Pol and Joot can hang out and smoke all they want almost immediately, but Pol must convince Kak before doing anything outside Cherry Boy's comfort zone.
There's that satisfaction in having Kakyoin feel less alone and be brought of his shell thanks to Polnareff's interventions. He gets to share his more geeky side with someone who's like "Sounds cool!"
It also works in the battlefield as well. As I mentioned, Kakyoin is the strategist. He comes up with the ideas- they can be half-baked or fool-proofed, either way, the second a plan is suggested, Polnareff will agree to it and execute any of them if it sounds good enough.
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I don't know how to end this. It's rather abrupt, but yeah! In my opinion, Kakyoin and Polnareff are just a couple of bros who needed more screen time as a duo.
Let me know if yall want more stuff like this!
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rxnn · 5 months
Bleeding Heart [three]
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warnings! mild description of a wound (aka blood)
one, two
…two weeks later
Jason Todd wasn't fond of people.
He enjoyed the silence that accompanied a good book or soft music playing whenever he cleaned his guns or bandaged himself. That being said, when Callum waved excitedly at him, a smile matching the sun itself, he couldn't help but waver. Especially when the boy's mother offered him her own soft smile, guiding her son past him in the hall.
"Hi, Mr. Jason!" Callum cheered, stopping in front of the man, leaning his head at a near ninety-degree angle to look up at him.
"Hi, Callum," he hummed, glancing toward Leia. "Where are you headed off to?" He asked, mildly curious.
Though their conversations in the hall were often brief and without much substance, Jason found himself looking forward to an interaction that didn't leave him with bruises or a bad mood.
"Well," Leia ruffled Callum's hair and the boy giggled, "someone got a 100% on his spelling test so we're going for ice cream."
"Yeah! You wanna come with us?"
That definitely caught him off guard.
"I'm sure he's busy," Leia quickly cut in, sending Jason an apologetic look.
"Sorry, kid, maybe next time."
The kid's frown almost made him want to take it back. Almost.
" 'S okay…" Callum trailed off, bottom lip jutting out as he fiddled with his fingers.
"Let's go get that ice cream, yeah?" She offered, nudging her kid toward the stairs.
"Ice cream!" Callum pumped his fist in the air causing both of the adults to laugh softly. They glanced at each other, but Leia broke eye contact, looking back at her son.
"See you around, Jason." She waved politely before walking after Callum who had rushed down the stairs cheering 'ice cream!' Over and over again.
"Yeah…" He trailed off, tucking his hands in his pockets, watching her go.
Leia didn't look back and he caught himself wishing she would.
Jason pressed his lips together in a thin line, glaring at the ground before scoffing and walking back into his apartment. He tossed his keys on the counter, ruffling his already messy hair and shutting the door with his heel.
He was so caught up in his thoughts, he didn't notice the shadows moving around the dark corners of his living room.
"No quip today?" Tim's voice made him tense up, any peace and quiet he'd found talking to Leia and Callum was gone in an instant.
He did not want to deal with this today.
Jason glared in the direction the voice had come from, shrugging off his jacket and tossing it over one of the two old island chairs he'd picked up a while ago.
"What do you want?" He huffed, turning on a few lights, rolling his eyes when it revealed Dick and Tim in normal clothes.
"You've been off your game recently, just wanted to check in." Dick shrugged, sitting in one of the plush chairs.
"'M fine, now get the fuck out," he turned his back on them and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a mug and turning on the coffee pot.
"Really? Or does it have to do with your new neighbors? Leia and Callum?" Tim prodded and Jason clenched his fist, glaring at his brother.
"How do you know about them?" The words slipped out faster than he could stop them.
Dick rose a brow from his seated position, a small smile appearing that matched Tim's teasing grin.
"Detectives remember?" Dick shrugged then held up the note that once accompanied the cookies that Jason couldn't bring himself to throw away.
Jason scowled at him and stormed over, snatching the paper from him, putting it back on the counter where it had sat for the past two weeks with the cookies he'd eaten the night after he got them. He would've rather drank acid than admit they were a close second to Alfred's.
The note had sat on the counter for the past two weeks. He debated throwing it away every night, but every time he tried, the colorful letters and smiley face at the end made him pause.
"Why'd you keep the note?" Tim tilted his head, crossing his arms, genuinely curious. As far as he knew, Jason didn't have many lasting romantic relationships, especially with a civilian.
"Get out. I won't say it again."
Jason poured himself a cup of coffee, placing some creamer and sugar in it before taking a sip. He honestly wasn't the biggest fan of coffee, but it did the job. If he had a choice, he'd have tea, but he didn't have the patience for it, especially now that his brothers had broken into his home and were trying to interrogate him.
Dick watched him carefully and gestured for Tim to leave. The youngest in the room rolled his eyes before shrugging and walking out the front door, waiting for Dick just outside (probably eavesdropping knowing him).
"She seems nice," Dick commented, glancing toward the door like he could see through it and into the apartment across from Jason's. "Cute kid too."
Jason grunted.
Dick sighed and stood. "You comin' on patrol tonight? We've got that drug bust happening." He asked, walking toward the door Tim had left out of.
"Yeah." Came Jason's gruff reply.
With that, Dick left and Jason locked the door, grumbling to himself. He backed away, glancing out the window toward the setting sun.
From here, he caught sight of Leia and Callum walking back toward the complex, both with ice cream and their hands swinging back and forth between each other while Callum jumped over the big cracks in the sidewalk.
Jason's heart tugged a little at the sight and he sighed, shoulders sagging before closing the blinds and continuing with his plans before he went onto patrol.
To say Tim was intrigued was an understatement.
Jason, always gruff and frankly an asshole to the rest of the family, was obviously hiding something about his neighbor.
Tim considered it being a case he was trying to handle solo which was the most probable. However, that didn't make Tim feel much better about her having a kid around, especially if it has to do with drugs or an arms deal.
He also considered the fact that Jason finally found someone he liked especially with how aggressive he was when he snatched the note from Dick. Then again, Jason was always aggressive.
Tim continued thinking (as he always did) even when they got back to the manor, and he hurried off to his room.
He knew he probably should leave it alone, but he figured he should at least do a background check to make sure Jason's neighbor wasn't using the kid.
So, he sat at his computer and got to work.
"Fuck!" Jason cursed loudly as he landed on the fire escape.
"Red Hood, come back to the Batcave and we'll get you checked out," Batman's voice ran through the comm in his ear.
Jason rolled his eyes.
"Not necessary." Then he turned it off — or at least he thought he did — not wanting to hear any more of their annoying voices for the night.
He leaned against the brick wall for a moment, trying to gather his wits. It had been a hard night and he'd gotten shot and was a bit delirious from the drug it was laced with. Thankfully, Tim had injected him with the cure so he would be fine, just drowsy for the next day or so.
His vision was blurring, and he cursed again, hobbling over to his windowsill before stumbling in. He noticed immediately that the wood floor of his bedroom looked odd even with his vision going in and out.
Before he could do anything else, he collapsed with a loud
Leia jumped, a noise from her bedroom startling her awake. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, cursing under her breath as she put her unfinished book on the coffee table.
She stood as quietly as she could, making her way through the hall and grabbing the metal bat she'd gotten when she'd moved to Gotham. She gripped it tight, checking Callum's room and finding him asleep and sighed in relief.
She swallowed thickly, listening closely for any other noise coming from her room but heard none. No movement, no hushed voices, silence. She would've left it alone, but she decided she couldn't risk it and quickly dialed 911.
Stupidly — oh god she felt like such an idiot — as she raised the phone to her ear, she gripped the bat tightly and peeked around the corner into her bedroom.
Shock clawed at her chest, seizing her windpipe.
Red fucking Hood was passed out on her bedroom floor.
"911, what's your emergency?" A woman's voice rang through the speaker.
Leia froze. Red Hood was a vigilante, former crime lord (that's what the news said anyways) and that was putting what he'd done nicely. He put away criminals and had plenty of blood on his hands unlike the other vigilantes of Gotham.
He was dangerous.
But he was also lying on her floor, blood gathering in a small pool beside him. She considered calling for an ambulance, but they would unmask him and that could be dangerous for everyone involved. Her mind was spinning, evaluating her options at a rapid pace.
"Hello? Is everything alright?" The woman asked, sounding worried.
"Yes." Leia made her decision, voice much clearer now. She set the bat next to the door and rushed over to the fallen hero. "I'm so sorry this was an accident." Then quickly hung up and tossed her phone on her bed.
Her mind shut off, panic easing as she eased herself into what she'd practiced near every day for the past few years of her life. She could help him. She was more than capable.
"Hello? Sir?" She prodded his shoulder, jerking away in fear he would attack her. "My name is Leia, I'm a nurse, I'm here to help, okay? I won't take off your helmet, but I need to know if you're awake."
No response though she could pick up what could've been snores, but it was distorted by the mask. She sighed and stood, walking into the bathroom connected to her room and gathered the First Aid kit she kept handy.
Leia tried to be gentle, she really did, but it was hard to move an unconscious man who had three times her muscle mass by herself.
She started with the basics, checking his pulse and breath rate, writing it on her wrist with a pen she kept tucked in her hair to keep track of it while she worked.
She then rolled him over and rolled up his shirt just enough so she could stitch together a nasty wound that looked like it was from a bullet. He flinched and groaned as she worked and she whispered assurances whenever he did, telling him everything she was doing before she did it.
An hour of diligent work later she was done patching up the vigilante. The blue rubber gloves on her hands were a dull crimson and arms ached from the awkward angle they'd been forced into, but it was done.
Leia fell back against her dresser, making sure not to get anything else dirty. She shut her eyes for a moment and looked down at the hero at her feet. Sighing heavily, she patted his shoulder and walked away to throw what was left of her supplies away.
When she came back, he was still unconscious (as far as she could tell) and she crouched next to him, checking his breath and heart rate again, noting that they'd leveled out.
"Hope you don't do this to random civilians," she chuckled to herself then stood, stretching. "I'm sure you're gonna be sore in the morning so I'm gonna get you some pain meds, yeah?"
No response, of course.
Leia laughed to herself, muttering as she left. "What the hell am I doing?"
She rubbed her eyes, yawning, wanting to bang her head against a wall from how tired she was now that the adrenaline had worn off.
The clock on the oven read 5:23am and it made her groan internally knowing she'd get an hour of sleep before having to get Callum ready for school. Thankfully though tomorrow — today, really — was her day off.
Leia eventually came back into the room, humming quietly, her arms full of pillows from her couch, a case of pain medication, and a glass of water.
She lifted the masked man's head enough to fit two pillows under his head and neck to make him a little more comfortable on her hard wood floor.
"Jesus, what is that thing made of?" She grumbled, huffing as she put his head down as gently as she could. "Whiplash must be a bitch."
If she hadn't turned away, she would've seen Red Hood's breath stutter.
"Anyways, water and pain meds are to your left. I'm leaving, please don't steal or break my shit. The window is unlocked so…yeah…" another yawn caught her off guard. "I've got a note next to the water, so you hopefully don't think I kidnapped you or something. Night, Red Hood."
True to her word, there was a small piece of paper next to the water that explained what she did and what she'd monitored. She considered inviting him back just in case he needed a safe place to get patched up, but she shot that thought down quickly remembering the small boy in the room over. God forbid someone found out Leia was taking care of the Red Hood. Callum and herself would immediately become targets.
With that, she got up and left, stumbling over one of Callum's stuffed animals, cursing as she went.
Leia glanced at Red Hood one more time and sighed, yawning. With that, she closed the door and pulled a chair from the dining room table and placed it under the handle. She doubted it would do anything against him if he really wanted to get through, but it gave her a little peace in mind that she'd probably hear him if he was gonna come after her.
Once it was situated, she grabbed the metal bat and walked to Callum's room, locking the door behind her. She gazed down at the small boy, curly hair tousled, arms and legs spread out like a starfish.
As quietly and as gently as she could, she lifted the boy and put him back underneath his covers before sliding in beside him, making sure she was closest to the door.
Callum's eyes fluttered open and he yawned.
"Hey, baby, it's okay, go back to sleep," she cooed, pulling him to rest on her shoulder.
"What's…wrong?" He asked slowly, quickly falling back to sleep in his mother's arms.
"I…had a nightmare…" she trailed off.
Callum hummed and hugged her arm.
" 'S okay, Mama. Like you tell me, it was…just a dream…"
And just like that, he was asleep again and Leia followed quickly after.
Dick — Nightwing at the moment — realized he'd been too late as he watched a woman begin to patch up Red Hood, her muffled voice echoing through his earpiece seeing as Red Hood hadn't turned it off before he passed out.
He'd been sent by Batman to check on him despite Jason's obvious attempts at handling things himself. Jason must've been in bad shape if he stumbled into that poor woman's bedroom, Nightwing couldn't imagine what was going through her head.
He was going to step in as soon as he heard she was calling 911, but he saw her drop to her knees, a determined look coming across her face, and he paused. He watched as she carelessly tossed her phone to the side and spoke to the Red Hood, one of Gotham's most terrifying protectors, in a soft, gentle voice.
"Nightwing!" Batman's shout startled him.
He winced. "Everything's fine," he assured everyone listening. "Red Hood is safe as far as I can tell."
"With some random woman?" Robin — Damian — demanded.
"I doubt she's a random woman," he responded, the pieces clicking together as he noticed that Jason's window stood unbothered a little further from this woman's — Leia if he could take a guess.
"What does that mean?" Red Robin scoffed.
"Do you know her?" Batman ignored Robin's comment.
"Red Hood seems to, he's conscious." Nightwing responded, amused, taking a seat on the building's edge to get a better look at the situation.
Even from this distance, he could tell Jason was at least slightly conscious judging by the way his hand twitched. Nightwing was honestly surprised Jason was allowing the woman to patch him up since he rarely let Alfred help him. 
Silence filled the comm on their end as she introduced herself, proving his theory correct and talked through what she was doing, adding random comments or small stories as she worked. He listened, chuckling every now and again. She obviously knew what she was doing, her hands moving expertly despite how tired she probably was. Her voice was calming, soothing almost. For a moment, Nightwing feared it was some kind of spell. 
"Nightwing, I want you to stay there until this woman is gone and you get him out of there, understood?" Bruce’s voice came over the comms without the voice modulator.
"Loud and clear," he replied.
And just like that, everyone was silent, listening to Leia seemingly talk to herself as she worked on her 'patient'.
Nightwing chuckled softly as she finished up, finally making his way over to their building, landing without a sound on the fire escape and ducking inside. 
“That was nice of her.” Nightwing noted, glancing around the room. It was decent sized, paint peeling in some places, but overall, pretty nice for this part of town. A bed tucked in the far corner with plenty of pillows. A few pictures decorated the space. Most were of Leia and a small boy he assumed to be her son, but there was another on her dresser of Leia, her son, and another woman. A few drawings, obviously made by her son, were scattered around the space as well. It was cute.
Red Hood grunted, sitting up slowly. With his helmet on, Nightwing couldn’t tell what his expression was, but he had no doubt he was scowling at him. “Why are you here?”
“Just wanted to make sure you got back to your place." Nightwing shrugged, offering his hand.
Red Hood glanced at it then sighed, taking it and letting Nightwing heave him to his feet seeing as he’d lost a little too much blood and was exhausted after almost two weeks straight of patrols with no real break.
“I can make it back to my place alone, okay? Don’t make me a charity case,” Jason grumbled.
“Sure." Nightwing shrugged, ducking out the window looking for anyone that may see Red Hood and Nightwing leaving the apartment.
Meanwhile, Jason glanced around Leia's space. If he had to choose a word to describe it, it would be cozy. And that fit her perfectly, he decided.
The drawings on the walls made him smile under the helmet. His attention turned to the note on the floor, and he picked it up slowly, careful not to undo Leia's hard work.
He could still feel the ghost of her soft hands and gentle words.
He didn't know why he did it, but he tucked the note in his pocket then moved the water and pills to her dresser so she wouldn't knock them over.
He thought about leaving his own note, maybe he would've if Nightwing wasn't waiting on the fire escape for him.
"You coming?"
"Shut up."
Dick just laughed, the sound ringing in the alleyway.
Jason ducked out of the window, barely dodging begonia on the windowsill. How he missed that coming in baffled him.
"See ya, Hood."
Jason merely grunted then headed toward his own apartment.
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etheries1015 · 6 months
I finally decided to suck it up and catch up with twst book 7, I stopped after seeing Silver cry because I'm sCARED OF BEING SAD 😭😭 anyway here's a few reactions I had to it 😭
And hearing about the update coming soon-ish to ENG servers I really need to read up
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Lilia pressuring Epel like the old man he is 😭😭 I love the moments that they remind us just how old Lilia actually is and how he sees most if not all the students as if they were his children/grand children, making sure they get the most out of the party and drink...its giving "What do you mean you're not hungry? Absolutely not. Here Is at least 5 servings of whatever dish I made to help u grow big and strong."
Okay I didn't take a screen shot of it but the entire section where Lilia looked kind of guilty with Ortho about exchanging addresses because you just KNOW he probably isn't gonna check in, presumably because he doesn't want anyone to get More attached to him seeing as he is nearing the end of his life span (crying shaking throwing up)
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THIS. THIS. THIS INTERACTION HE HAD WITH US. I LOVE HIM. I AM SO SILLY FOR HIM. I totally forgot I changed my in-game name from my nickname to my REAL name and when he said my name I verbally yelled "WHAT THE HELL" before giggling and kicking my feet hehehehe I'm clinically insane for him
But the fact that he acknowledged us as Malleus friend probably means we've spent a lot of time at the dorms or around Lilia for him to see how our friendship and interactions with him work, and it melts my heart hehe. Being part of the diafam fr. But honestly bro back me up, I'm tired of being called a hench-human 😭💀
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I wonder just how bad we must look with everyone noticing the strange shift??? Either we REALLY made a scene (tripping over, going pale) or the twst boys are just that attentive to us and I think that is the sweetest thing ever 😭😭 Ace and Deuce is so sweet for thinking of us and trying to get us out while also being polite to the people who kindly held the party. Despite not being there long, ace and deuce is willing to skip out on free food and drinks in order to make sure you're okay and I'm just 😭😭 ANGELS. I LOVE THEM.
But also the way Lilia worries for you is so sweet 😭💜 I should write a fic of sick reader and Lilia, or reader trying to tough it out because I know for a FACT Lilia would not let that slide! (Hypocrite 😐)
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I ACTUALLY DROPPED MY JAW WHEN SEBEK SAID THIS SHIT. I WAS. WHAT. WHAT THE HELL LMFAOOOOO 😭 thats fucking insane bro I actually found myself chastising him thru the phone, I would NOT let that discrimination against humans bullshit pass fr 😭 slap him right upside the head and give him a stern talking to. I like seeing Lilia get frustrated, he's so cute and UGH. Although it went in one ear out the other, Seeing Lilia mad is so hot if I'm being real with y'all rn BUAHAHA.
I didnt screen shot this either (and I can't fit anymore photos on this post smh) but Silvers nose being red and obvious he was crying but Lilia confused. DudE OF COURSE he was crying!!! You're his dad!! You raised him since he was a baby, he's just now going into adulthood and doing that WITHOUT HIS DAD who is going to a far away land! Sure, traveling is a thing , but honestly nothing beats having that support just a moments away. Silver is literally the sweetest and wants to support his dad , but who's going to support him????!?! Lilia is putting him in a position where Silver feels the need to be strong and hide his tears for Lilias sake, but of course this is hard on him, its so sudden, too! Being so close to your parent and next thing you know mere days later they are stripped away from your arms?!
I just want to give them all hugs. Lilia obviously has some issues and misconstrued ideas of love (a million people have made posts and comments on this, so I will not repeat it) and I just. Need them to all sit around and be their mediator while we go thru their emotional states.
Ugh. I was in my twst burnout stage and still low key am, but fuck does it spark so much passion in you 😭😭
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Gojo Satoru x Reader x Geto Suguru
The Cursed Trio | Moment's Silence
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Stretching his arms up into the air, the young Gojo stepped into the recreational room of the dorms. Loudly yawning as he fixed the sunglasses back onto his nose, nose scrunched up at the sight of a pensive Suguru sitting by the dark-hued couches. His onyx eyes solely focused on the screen of his phone.
(Side Note: Suguru hates bright screens, just like you, so he kept his on both the lowest setting and in dark mode. On the contrary, Gojo was one of those few assholes who likes having his phone at the highest brightness possible. The one brighter than the common folk's future. If you're like this, kindly fuck off)
"Still?" At this, Suguru spared a brief glance before going back to his device. "Still."
Gojo clicked his tongue in pure annoyance, anger swelling up inside him as he glared at nothing.
Everyone's barely seen you the last four weeks. Mission, shower, sleep, wake up, eat, mission --- that was the routine you've committed to ever since those old fucks decided to abruptly assign you a load of jobs to take care of.
They didn't even work him or Suguru as much as they worked you. It was as though one day, they just up and decided that your skills just needed to be put to the test on a daily basis. Pushed to the very brink, see if you could handle it or not.
And, you took it. Without a single word. You just took it like a good little bitch...and THAT pissed him off.
"Don't even think about it, Satoru." Of course, he knew. Suguru knew everything about him by this point. Huffing, the silver-haired threw himself into the couch, the raven-haired's arms already raised as Gojo plopped his head into his best friend's lap. (Suguru now has an elbow stabbing Gojo's sternum while the other test on the arm rest, fingers playing with the ends of silver locks)
"They don't even fight back! No argument, no protest--- nothing! Where's the spitfire? That bitch is always fighting with me so why not with those old sacks of skin, hm?"
Suguru types something, "Think about it this way, they are an outsider on foreign soil. It's chaotic enough they only got here a few months ago. They don't know anyone and need as many allies as they can get --- you know they've always been quite the politician themselves. They're just playing the game."
The Six-Eye user groaned in exasperation, childishly kicking his feet against the arm rest, "I hate clan politics. So fucking boring. Why do they even bother with those fossils?"
Suguru paused, "Did you not notice, that ever since they arrived here, the spotlight's been taken off of you?"
Gojo pushed the glasses down his nose, confusion in his beautiful eyes, "What do you mean?"
It was Suguru's turn to click his tongue in annoyance, "Satoru, they've been taking the heat for you. So that you can have some semblance of privacy."
For the first time in a long time, Gojo Satoru is silent. A stunned expression adores his features, eyes, once again, focusing on oblivion as his mind processes what Suguru said
"They...they care about me?"
Suguru freezes, fingers hovering over the plastic keyboard of his flip phone. A little bunny charm hangs from the device, Gojo notices. Ieiri must've gotten it for him
"Obviously." He said it as though it was common knowledge. As though everyone knew this to be a fact instead of a myth or falsehood.
"Are you sure?"
Closing the phone, Suguru gazed down at his friend. An indecipherable look in his darkness as he made a slight face, "You know, they're not good with feelings, Satoru."
Gojo whines, staring up at his best friend, faces inches away, "Then why don't they ever call me by my name, eh? Always Gojo this, Gojo that --- they call you by yours, so why not mine?"
Is this motherfuckers being serious rn? Is she for real fucking jealous?
"...I don't know." He lied through his teeth
But Gojo can see all
"Bullshit, you've had the most interactions with them. So it would only make sense for you to know, spit it out."
Suguru told his eyes at his friend's childish antics, "Why don't you just hang with them more? Maybe that'll do the trick."
Sitting up, Gojo threw his hands up in the air, annoyance evident in his voice as he screeched, "I've tried! But it's like they avoid me like I got the freaking bird flu or something."
His interactions with you have always been positive on the surface. Regardless, something has always felt off between the two of you. You took all to his touch despite having avoided everyone else's, sides from Suguru's. In fact, you seem to gravitate towards him. It's likely you are touch starved but for what reason, he didn't know.
You always had this tendency to keep things close to your chest, no matter what. It's been months and none actually knew a thing about your past. Why is that? Why are you so secretive?
You acted like nothing was wrong but all the signs pointed opposite. Did you think him dumb? Did you think he couldn't see the little fears in your head turn as you overnight a most miniscule of interactions as though analyzing it would save your life in the end? He might be blind to others thoughts on him, but not yours.
Although, he didn't know what your thoughts about him were --- he knew that you tolerated him enough that it was safe to assume you enjoyed his presence more than others. And, that was saying a lot.
He bought you things, gave you your favorite foods. Made sure you were comfortable with the people around you, paid attention to you as to not make to feel neglected. So why was it that he still felt miles away from you?
And why did he care so much?
" 'Toru, where did you go?" A familiar voice broke him out of his train of thoughts, looking to his right, Gojo blinked at the sight of a concerned Suguru. Whose eyebrows are nearly knitted at the center, a light frown staining his sharp features like bad art.
"Just thinking," cerulean blue glimpsed down to the eclipse chart that hanged from the other male's strong neck, "Ne, Suguru. Do you care about them?"
Said man rubbed the back of his neck, an awkward look on his face as he nodded, "Yeah, you could say that, I guess."
(Side Note: Suguru did not feel awkward at the fact that he actually cares about you, but rather, he didn't expect Gojo to just abruptly ask emotionally charge questions --- Gojo is much like that one friend who just randomly asks if you love them at the most random of times. They require constant reassurance without making it seem like they are needy/clingy so they ask it in the most nonchalant of manners)
"Do you care about me too?"
"Of course." Not a moment's hesitation. No stutter nor stranger, it was clear and concise. Most of all, it was the truth.
At this, the silver-haired laid his head onto his friend's shoulder. A discreet smile sweetening his lips.
"Okay." "Okay?" "Okay."
Gojo looked at Suguru with squinted eyes, a pout on his lips, "Who were you texting?" "What?" "You were so focused, ignoring me for your phone. So, who were you texting?"
"Utahime." Gojo made a confused face, "What? What for?"
"Nothing important, to be honest. She was just telling me something she saw while on a mission."
"What'd she see?" Gojo quipped.
Suguru hummed, laying his own head on top of Gojo's, an indecipherable expression on his canvas, "Just a little something."
You stood under the rain, streaks of red running down your face as you viciously glared at the curse chained up in front of you. It whine and squirmed under the weight of your cursed chains.
Gashes covered your body, some clean-cut, others would be a mess to stitch back up. Although, as you made action to move over to the curse, you nearly screamed as a lightning strike of pain shot through your abdomen. Taking a moment to focus on your breaths, you gazed down to your torso, mouth twisting into a snarl at the bloody sight.
A hole, the size of your fist, right through your flesh. Must've happened while one of the major curses had you under it,
they did it again. They fucking did it again! It was supposed to be a bunch of Grade 2's.
Should've fucking known
Funnily enough (not funny at all, you're beyond pissed off now), what they meant was a bunch of Grade 1's. Even better, they failed to mention two of them was near-Special Grade
Without a moment longer, you sliced the hideous creatures into smithereens (you would've loved to punch into a pulp but the wounds on your body restrained you from doing so.)
Pulling out your phone, you thumbed the third contact.
"It's done."
You bit your tongue until you tasted iron, "None."
"Good. Did you reconsider?"
A deep static sigh echoed form the other end, "You're proving to be quite the nuisance, little one. Where's your sense of gratitude?"
"When you're not looking, I'm going to absolutely annihilate that little guitar of yours. Now, are we done?"
A brief pause, "For now." The line dies.
What a pain
Literally and figuratively
Although, it was nice. To feel something instead of overwhelming guilt. As you tightened your fist, the cursed chains that wrapped around your knuckles softly whined under the pressure. The soreness of your digits slowly brought you back into reality --- times like these, you missed that stupid onion. He'd talk your ear off, but he had this way of bringing you back to Earth. Suguru also had that skill, but his would lull you to sleep while Gojo gave you enough energy to move about your day.
They both had their benefits
Agh, you really are fucked --- wait...you're not alone
"Well, well. Didn't think I'd find you here." That voice...
You'd only need to glance over your shoulders to see the truth, you could recognize that soul from anywhere
"And, I didn't expect to see you again, Tsukumo."
(A/N): Hi hello so like forget whatever I said about the timeline being fucked up. I fixed it but good fucking luck cuz we about to go warp 9 soon enough.
Song Inspo: Borderline - Tame Impala
Huh? How the hell do you know Yuki Tsukumo? And why was she looking for you in the first place?
What did Utahime see that she contacted Suguru?
Why are the Higher-Ups trying to kill you? What exactly did you do to get on their bad side?
"Then why don't they ever call me by name, ne?" Suguru was supposed to respond with, "Because you aren't open with them, Satoru." But held his tongue and went with, "I don't know."
"What? What for?" Suguru was supposed to say, "I was... verifying a rumor, nothing important." Yet, at the last second, he switched to, "She was just telling me something she saw while on a mission."
Why is Suguru so secretive all of a sudden? In fact, he's been quite reserved for a while now...
The first contact in your phone was suppose to be Kiyotaka Ijichi. (Did you think I forgot his existence? Well, you are correct.) But I changed it.
The first two contacts in your phone are Toru and Sugu, in that order. (I wonder if the order actually matters)
Ah, it wasn't Tsukumo you were supposed to meet. For the original character, I was torn between two individuals --- one you already unknowingly met and another you met but kept quiet about. Both are surprisingly relevant to one another, colleagues if you will.
Drop a comment!
Feel free to buy me a 🦩
Hope you enjoyed!
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alphabetatoes · 9 months
under the mistletoe (n. kento x reader)
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summary: you're back in town for winter break, and gojo has a plan to get you with your crush: nanami kento. cue operation: under the misletoe + let the shenanigans begin. gen. info: college au, fluff, this could very well count as a crack fic, mdni please and thank u, no beta we post like men!!1!1! c.w.: slight suggestive content toward the middle of the fic, drinking games, alcohol, dub con*, some language, everyone involved is 21+, satoru gojo is a menace to society, mutual pining, maybe possibly ever so slightly ooc, why did i make it sort of angsty at the end lmfao w.c.: 2.8k (oops - this was supposed to be a drabble) *given that alcohol consumption is a part of a fic involving intimacy (even if its kissing), im playing it safe and tagging this as well.
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“Did you see who’s back home for the holidays?” Gojo practically catapults himself through the door of Shoko’s apartment, eager to break the news of your arrival back home. Geto’s eyes widened slightly in excitement, shifting up from his slouched position on the couch. “Kento’s gonna be elated. He hasn’t stopped talking about her since she left.” Nanami had come to confide in the group, Gojo especially, about his qualms with your relationship. He felt like everything was one step forward, two steps back. And the worst part? It was no one’s fault but his own. Every time he saw you, he was rendered speechless. In awe that a person like you could allow themself in his presence. Utterly and unabashedly infatuated. However, when all the words he could seem to muster to you were short and curt, it made getting to know you better just a little difficult. But, of course, you were well unaware of this. “Is he actually going to talk to her?” Shoko questions, “Or is he just gonna do that brooding thing where he looks longingly from the corner of a room?” Utahime nods in agreement, but Gojo gives a smirk. “I have the perfect plan.” Gojo fills the group in on the grandiose idea he’s come up with to get the two of you to talk to each other, aptly named ‘Operation: Under the Mistletoe’. Everyone seemed to be on the same page for the plan, but Utahime raised a skeptical brow. “Just know Satoru, if this all goes to shit I’m kicking your ass.”
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You feel the vibration of your phone in your back pocket, notifying you of a new text message.
gojo: holiday party at mine tmrrw night. be there or be ⃞ ↳ 🫡🫡 yessir
Once you sent your response, you pondered on how the night would go. Would Nanami be there? Would you actually get to say more than three words to him before getting too nervous and darting away? At this point, you were certain he’d pay you no mind. One too many awkward interactions to warrant anything other than a polite acknowledgement that the two of you were in the same room at the same time. Simple semantics.
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You triple checked your location to make sure you didn’t accidentally drive into a gaudy Christmas postcard. The Gojo estate was breathtaking, adorned top to bottom in ribbons, lights, and greenery. Off to the left side of the house, there was a winding garden path leading to the guest house, which doubled as Satoru’s residence when he visited home for the holidays. You parked your car and made your way up to the guest house. Gojo was waiting on the porch for you, giddy at your arrival.
“You’re here!” He jogs over to you, holding out his arm so he could escort  you in.
“Sure am. Hope I’m not too late?” The simple banter was something you’d grown to miss while away at school. You were all too ready to fall back into the routine of being back home.
“Never.” Gojo opens the door for you, and you make your way into the house. It was just as ornately decorated as the main house, with holiday decor at every corner. Shoko and Utahime come up to greet you, giving you a hug and divulging how much they missed you. Geto joins Gojo, wrapping his arm around the white haired boys waist, and greets you as well.
Nanami was propped up against the doorframe leading from the living room to the kitchen. It was surprising how a man so big was hell bent on making himself look small. You give him a small wave, and he nods quickly in acknowledgement.
After some small talk with the group, Gojo calls the party to order. “I mean, now that everyone’s here, we can start the game.”
“What game?” You and Nanami questioned the white haired boy in unison, causing a light blush to brush against your cheeks. 
“It’s called ‘Cootie Shot’. You see the mistletoe around the house?” Gojo motions at various nooks and crannies adorned with the plant around the guest house. “If you and your partner are caught under it by a different team, you gotta kiss. Otherwise, for immunity, you have to take a shot of your choice. Cootie, shot. Cootie shot!” Gojo himself would be sticking to juice for the rest of the night after having his first shot. There were a handful of nights out drinking that were memorable to say the least. “Suguru and I are together, obviously. Shoko and Utahime are partners, and, last but certainly not least, you and Kento.”
You take the shot, feeling the gentle burn of the liquor as it goes down. 
“Let the games begin!”
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It took all of 20 minutes to find yourself under a bushel of mistletoe with Nanami. Ever the eager one, Gojo was first  to notice.  You look up at Nanami, giving him a nod. He’s tall enough to where you’re standing on your tiptoes to lean into the kiss. A simple peck is what he gives you. His arm rested against your waist, keeping the two of you steady. But maybe he gave you a small smirk once you pulled away, just for the two of you. And you could taste the liquor lingering on his lips from the first shot of the night.
The game continued on throughout the night, with Gojo and Geto in the lead. They’d managed to catch Shoko and Utahime five times already, but neither seemed to mind the shot penalty. You and Nanami caught the former pair a couple times. Gojo opted to stick to the “cootie” part of the game after the first shot though, partially under the advice  of  his partner but also to make sure he didn’t make a complete ass of himself. The night was still young, and there was still plenty that could happen.
Gojo put on a holiday mix of music he claimed to have ‘curated perfectly’ and to set the atmosphere for the night. As if on cue, you could hear the piano chords of an all too popular hit from the 80’s. “What’s a party without a power ballad?” Shoko and Utahime immediately jumped in and began acting out the lyrics with him. It was a performance worthy of awards. You might have even shed a tear if you didn’t look over at Kento actively trying not to laugh at the sheer intensity of the show. And his laughter was contagious, with you yourself falling victim to it. Once everyone was able to collect themselves, you all decided to decompress for a moment. Soft holiday music began to fill the room as the six of you indulged in some much needed catch-up. Feeling the pull of the music, you walk over to Nanami and place your hand out, offering him to dance. He takes it with a smile, letting his hands rest on your waist. Yours found a spot comfortably around his neck. Swaying to the beat of the music, you take note of his cologne. It’s strong but not too overbearing, smelling like spice and wood. It was perfectly Kento.
“You two sure you don’t want to call it a night early? Catch up? Catch up?” Gojo’s eyebrows nearly jump off his face with the velocity he’s raising them up and down. Your brief moment of splendor was interrupted by a rather overjoyed Satoru.
Utahime gives Geto a look of dissatisfaction. “Can’t you put him on a leash or something?” 
“I would say yes, but, knowing him, he’d probably like it.” Geto remorses, rubbing the back of his scolded lover to soothe him.
 “I could always tranquilize him.” Shoko deadpans. Despite her drunken stupor, it wasn’t a half bad idea.
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“Cootie shot.” Shoko catches you in the middle of a conversation with Nanami. It takes you a second to register what she’s talking about, but the interruption gives you an idea.
“I mean, I was starting to get thirsty anyways.”
“Me too.” You took his hand and led him to the kitchen, taking note of just how big it was compared to yours. And warm. While your hands were typically frigid, Nanami’s provide solace. 
You settle yourself on the kitchen island, letting your feet dangle off the edge. Nanami plays bartender, grabbing two shot glasses from the cupboard and setting them next to you on the island. “Pick your poison.” You ponder momentarily, but select a tried and true. “Shot of vodka.” He pours the shots and hands you one, placing his glass in the air. Your glass joins his as you toast to being caught, once again, under the mistletoe. “Cheers.” Once the subtle burn of the shot wore off, you took initiative to ask a question that had been plaguing your mind ever since you arrived. “So what made you decide to come tonight? I thought you didn’t do parties.” Nanami’s face turns serious for a moment, retreating from the relaxed demeanor he had come into during the night. “I was told you’d be here.” You’d blame the everpresent blush on your face from the liquor, but it was all too obvious what the real cause was.
“Do you want to go somewhere else? Be able to actually talk away from all…” You motion to the party and its attendees, “-this?” He takes you up on your offer, helping you get down from the counter so you could find a place more secluded. There’s a small guest room at the end of the hall connecting to the living room, near enough to not draw too much attention during your absence. 
Once you shut the door, you join him on the bed. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since you left, and I missed you… and I had no fucking clue what to do about it.” He starts to ramble as you take his hands in yours, hoping to soothe his racing thoughts. You look him in the eyes, let him have your full attention. “What can I do for you now?”
“I want you so fucking badly.” And you can see it in his eyes. Everything about you has him under a trance.
“So show me.”
He held you close, but with care, like you were the most delicate thing to exist. Scared that you’d shatter into a million shiny pieces if he were too rough. And much like the first kiss, this one was soft. You could feel his heart going a million miles per hour when you rested your hands on his chest. He was holding back, scared to ruin what was going so perfectly. You deepen the kiss, moving your hands up to play with his shirt collar. Emboldened by your advances, he hooks his fingers in your belt loops to bring you as close to him as possible. He moves a hand to run through your hair, pulling gently. You give a sigh of approval into his mouth and it drives him wild.
A knock on the door breaks the two of you apart. You mouth a simple “Sorry” as Kento gets up to investigate.
‘Can I get you kids anything? Some water or a snack maybe?” Satoru calls from the other side of the door. Nanami gets up and straightens himself, throwing you an apologetic look. He opens the door and leans on the frame, daring Satoru to comment. But Gojo isn’t stupid, taking note of the new wrinkles on Nanami’s shirt collar and the disheveled state of your hair. He throws Kento a cheeky smile. “Glad to know the two of you are having fun.” Kento rolls his eyes and shuts the door. He pulls you up off the bed and into his embrace, resting his head in the space between your shoulder and neck. He whispers in your ear, soft enough so the man on the other side of the door can’t decipher. “We’d better get back out there. God knows what rumors Satoru will be starting if we stay here any longer.”
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The night was winding down, and you all found yourselves gathered around the fire pit on the patio. You sat on one of Nanami’s legs, and settled into him. Nanami wrapped one arm around your waist to keep you anchored to him. HIs other arm rested plush on one of your thighs, kneading the flesh softly. The glow of the fire illuminated your surroundings, and you could just barely make out a single bushel of mistletoe tied up near one of the patio banisters. You nudged Kento, raising your brows as you looked up at the plant of topic. 
Nanami picked up on your cue and gently moved the hand on your thigh up to cup your cheek. 
But something felt different about it this time. Not that the others were unwanted, but there was less pressure with the kiss. An organic expression, something just for the two of you. Sickly sweet, yet everything that dreams were made of.
“Not even prompted this time.” Gojo elbows Geto, drawing his attention to the pair of you. “Guess Operation: Under the Mistletoe worked!” Geto just crosses his arms and smirks, ready to watch the mini-circus about to happen from his revelation.
“Satoru, this-“, Utahime motions at his general Gojo-ness, “is precisely why we don’t let you drink. One shot and you’re done for.”
“I can still tranquilize him.. just saying.” You might just have to take Shoko up on her offer at this point. 
And as Gojo divulges into the inner workings of the ‘operation’, you can’t help but laugh to yourself. It seemed everyone was privy to the fact that you and Kento liked each other except the two people involved. You hope Nanami can see the humor in the situation. But in all honesty, he’s just relieved that you reciprocate feelings.
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As the night drew to a close, you prepared yourself to make a quiet exit. Satoru and Suguru were entangled in each other and passed out on the living room couch, and Shoko was helping Utahime nurse a bottle of electrolyte solution in the kitchen.  You found yourself curled up into Nanami on one of the recliners, resting your head against his chest. He played with your hair, occasionally tucking the pieces that would fall in your eyes behind your ear. If you didn’t get up now, you’d probably never leave. You tap Kento’s leg to cue your departure, and he wraps his arms around your waist to pull you back into him. “Stay here?” There was a slight whine in his voice, not wanting to have to give you up yet. But it was nearing dawn, and you were ready to recline in the comfort of your own bed. Let sober thoughts prevail tomorrow. “At least let me walk you home.” You only lived a couple blocks away, but decided to take him up on his offer to escort you home. It was still dark outside after all. 
Shoko sends the two of you off with a simple salute, and motions for you to text her once you get home safely.
Snow coats the street, freshly fallen and devoid of impurities. Your footprints are the first to break the layer of snow. The walk home is quiet for a bit, only accompanied by the sound of snow breaking below your feet. Kento helps keep you steady as you wane off the last bit of a buzz you had worked up during the night. He’s also the first to break the silence. “I had a lot of fun tonight.” His voice is soft, speaking out of earnest. It was nice to see him be so organic with you, the awkwardness at the beginning of the night a mere glimpse of the past. ”Yeah, we should do it again.” You give him a quick smile and squeeze his hand. Gojo had suggested a New Year’s Eve party earlier in the night  (no covert mission involved this time), so there was ample opportunity to get to see him again. Get to be with him. 
The rest of the walk home returned to quiet. He stops in the middle of the sidewalk in front of your place and turns to you, making sure he has your full attention. “I really did miss  you, you know.” The cold winter air only aids in the blush tinting your cheeks and the tint of your ears. You give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, but he holds on to you for a bit. His broad frame engulfs you into his chest, not quite ready to let you go. But all good things must come to an end, and you see him off on your porch.
“I’ll see you on New Year’s Eve, Kento.”
“I’ll be waiting for you.”
Once you got inside your house, you nearly passed out on the couch, drained from the events of the night. You sent Shoko a quick text to let her know you’d made it home safe, and let yourself fall asleep.
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a.n.: this was supposed to be out on christmas (oops). also me struggling not to write 'y'all' instead of you/you all- i am born and raised in texas, it's like breaking muscle memory for me ;-; also i needed this OUT of my drafts, could NOT keep looking at it
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rileyglas · 3 months
Demonic Convergence - Pt. 3 - Dueling Practice
Hazbin Hotel OC Story x Alastor
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Frustrated by Vexel and Alastor's constant power struggle, Althea suggests a friendly duel practice for the men to get more accustomed to each other's power. Two cocky, powerful sinners fighting for 'fun'. What could possibly go wrong? @laudrawin killed it once again with Vexel's part AND this chapters artwork - she perfectly captured the intensity of this 'friendly' battle.
Meet the OCs Pt. 1 - First Impressions Pt. 2 - A Cold WelcomePt. 2.5 - The Long Game
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It’d been a few weeks since Vexel spoke with Althea. Plenty of things were in motion, however he wanted to make absolutely sure of the information he was given before dragging her and Alastor into the mess with the Vees. Things are starting to get serious and now, he has no choice but to reach out. He opens a portal on the roof of their hotel room, peeking his head around to find it empty. Guess I’ll just wait, he thinks to himself. He plops down to the bed and makes himself at home with Heniffer happily nestling on his chest.
A few quiet moments pass. Just when Vexel starts to feel himself relax, a voice cuts through the room, "You know if you wish to stay on my good side, the use of a door would be wise. Especially when it comes to making unannounced visits."  Alastor chirps behind a newspaper, annoyed. Having sensed someone in his room, he shadowed in moments earlier, sitting by the bayou in his chair. He crosses his legs, refusing to even look at the unwelcome guest.
"Use of a door would require interaction with those I don’t care to see. Where's Althea?" Vexel’s monotone tone fueled Alastor’s frustration, not to mention how he nonchalantly played with necromantic glyphs and runes without a care in the world. Alastor slams the paper to the table, voice dripping with static, "Is there something I can help you with? Something that will get you out of MY BED!" 
The necromancer chuckles darkly, "Bring me Althea, I just asked for it- Oh, wait, they let pets in the hotel? How amusing they give someone like you a bed.” A growl rumbles in Alastor’s throat but his smile never falters. With a snap of his fingers, a single black tentacle wraps around Vexel’s ankle and rips him down off the bed. The force sends Heniffer flying off his chest with a thud. The dark appendage retracts immediately as Alastor hums in amusement,  "What do you need with her?"
"Do not touch me -" Vexel grunts, laying on the floor for a moment before getting up. “- unless you want me to chain you to that pretty chair of yours…or send you away. And that would be me being polite." He shuffles to lean against the window pane. His tone drops slightly at the realization the demon could easily send him out of the window, "If you must know, we have a deal to talk about."
Alastor nods, containing any further hostility for the sake of keeping his word to Althea. He grins menacingly at the chicken, "She should be here shortly. In the meantime, mind your vermin. It would be a shame if Nifty had to take care of it." Heniffer walks past him with a hiss and a glare. Vexel smirks, “The great Radio Demon is all bark and no bite, isn’t he?”
"Hardly.” Alastor sneers, “I am merely respectful of Althea and her....ideas.  She seems to think you have potential of sorts. I, however, think you're only taking advantage of her kindness. I just hope she sees through this act of yours before things go too far." He stands from his chair, summoning a cup of tea and setting it within arms reach of Vexel, "Do not cross us. I have made a promise to not agitate the situation further but will step in if I need to." 
Vexel cautiously takes the cup, sniffing for any oddities before taking a sip and nodding as a thank you. "I may or may not. You see I've spoken to Vox - all three Vees, actually. They don't like you at all." He opens a tiny portal, his hand crossing it to get a spoon of sugar for his drink.
"Trying to play both sides of the field? Can't say I'm surprised in the slightest." Alastor stalks slowly towards Vexel. His growing demonic form makes the lights flicker throughout the room, "So you do intend on crossing us if you're cavorting with the Vees. That's all the reason I need to -"
Althea opens the door, "Alastor!" she yells, scolding the scene she sees before her. He quickly retracts, glaring at Vexel. "My dear we have a visitor." he says calmly before taking a seat by the fireplace across the room. 
"I was wondering when I would hear from you!" she bounces towards the man leaning against the window happily but stops to take a step back, "Sorry - personal space - I know...What do I owe the pleasure?"
"At last someone with a brain I can properly speak with." His eyes dart to Alastor before focusing back to her, "I've met the Vees, and they really believe I'm on their side. Oh and Heniffer wanted to see you too." The hen peaks from behind the necromancer, chirping and jumping to Althea’s arms. She lets out a quiet giggle as she pats its head adoringly. Vexel’s head turns to the Radio Demon, “Also it'd be nice not to be dropped on the floor like a ragdoll next time or be threatened when I'm proposing to be your undercover associate.” 
The demon scoffs and rolls his eyes, "Maybe lead with that information before announcing your communications with such company." Althea sets a loving hand on his shoulder and looks to Vexel, "Our history with the Vees is far from civil. You have to understand our apprehension when it comes to dealing with them in any form." She moves to the bed, setting Heniffer on a pillow for her to relax.  "They play dirty - What have they offered you in exchange for your alliance?"
"The ‘all powerful Vees’ offered me a seat with them. Just for the small price of using my power against him.” Vexel’s eyes shine for a moment, making Alastor’s fingertips grow numb. 
"Don't do that!" Both Alastor and Althea snap. 
“Apologies. It seems I can do it anytime, but I won't." His eyes go back to normal and Alastor shakes out his hands in annoyance. Vexel smirks, "I could reject their offer but I believe getting some extra knowledge would be more useful." He tilts his head, eyes burning into Althea, "Just say the word."
She clears her throat, "Any information is useful if it means keeping ahead of their plans. It's dangerous to get involved without getting tangled in their web. They're probably looking at you as merely a pet, only to be rid of you the second Alastor is out of the way. I wonder though..."
She begins to pace, Heniffer happily jumping down to shadow her, "They fear being overpowered...to not have control...you obviously can overtake Alastor with ease - " Alastor groans at the comment to which Althea holds a finger up, "- bare with me dear - is there a way you can train him to fight off your control? It would allow you to explore your abilities more, give Alastor a fighting chance should you ever need to prove yourself to the Vees, AND be a show of power on our end. If no one can control us then they'll be running with a tail between their legs."
Vexel follows her with his eyes. "I guess I can. I'm trying to outsmart them, no need to worry about me falling for any of their tricks." His stare moves to Alastor for a moment then back to her, "Mutual training sounds good. Do we need a safe word or will he accidentally pierce my heart before I can even say it? How far do they overpower you, Alastor?" 
Alastor sighs. He can't believe he's actually going along with this plan, but he'd do anything for Althea...and to get Vox off his ass. "Get each one alone and they do not stand a chance against me. However, as mentioned, they do not care about playing fair." He walks over to Althea, grabbing her shoulder to force her nervous pacing to stop, "If this training happens I want to use my full capacity and you shouldn't hold back either. I think for best results, Althea should overlook the sessions to ensure neither of us go too far."
"If they are weaker than you, then I should be able to control them as well." His eyebrow lifts again, "If they don't stand a chance, how come you haven't killed them already?" 
"Taking out an Overlord can cause quite a ripple in the hierarchy of Hell. Killing all three would do nothing but bring unwanted attention and danger to our doorstep." Althea takes Alastor's hand. Sensing his apprehension, she gives a reassuring squeeze before continuing, "Alastor has taken out many Overlords in the past. The only reason Valentino still breathes is because Al stopped me before I could finish the job. We don't know the repercussions of my power if I were to take a life and we don't wish to find out." 
A look of astonishment crosses Vexel’s face for a moment. "You escalated that far as an Overlord just by healing and getting contracts? I'm glad I don't underestimate you anymore. Though it seems the danger is already here. No offense, but Alastor here seems to be the life goal of Vox.”
"Damn, I save your ass and you still don’t have an ounce of trust." Althea mumbles, taking a seat by the table in front of the wooden bayou. If they were going to work together, she needed some level of respect and trust. Something she knows is going to be a slow process. Vexel snaps back, "This is Hell, Althea, sooner or later someone will stab you in the back. You’re here so obviously your intentions were not always good." 
"The system is flawed, don't assume my reasons for being here." Althea growls then points to Alastor with a shrug, "Him on the other hand? Serial killer." Alastor's toothy grin darkens with pride. She turns the focus back to the issue at hand, “Vox has eyes everywhere, we will need a place he cannot find us. Where do you suggest we train?"
Alastor walks over to the table, snapping his fingers to make a map of Pride City appear, "His cameras are usually on every corner along with his drones going where they please."
The necromancer approaches the table, focused on the map. "Any underground caverns? That's where I set my studio. It's quite silent and the worst thing that could happen is us provoking a light earthquake." 
She looks at Alastor, "Can you see if you can find a good area? Preferably one with enough room for your full form?" He nods in acknowledgement then turns his attention to Vexel, "No kidnapping, no mind control. I'll be back." he sneers before disappearing into his shadow.
Vexel can't help but let go a soft laugh at his words. "Alone at last." With Alastor gone, he feels free to wander the room, "Do I need to ask him for permission before having a private meeting next time? I suppose I need to make my intentions clear so your demon can breathe when you're left alone with the mighty necromancer." He chuckles.
She matches his amusement, giggling at his sudden, but welcome, change in demeanor. "He'll warm up. It's admittedly entertaining to see him squirm a little. He could use some humbling." Her eyes track him across the room, "He's just a little apprehensive. However I'm very much my own person and I extend you the freedom to visit whenever you please." she offers a small smile before turning to look out at the bayou, "Humor me, if I - er well we - weren't in the picture, would you have accepted Vox's offer to join them?" Curiosity always tends to get the best of her, but she enjoys exploring possibilities.
"They wouldn't have gotten in touch in the first place if it wasn't for your demon getting chained up." He tilts his head, questioning her sudden prodding, "If what you mean is - would I join them if I didn't owe you my life, the answer would still be no. Vox is loud and immature. Valentino's stare was uncomfortably predatory. Velvette seems smart though. If they're easy to control, power would be mine in no time, Velvette could have joined my plan, siding with the more powerful party. Hell would be ours, the end." 
"Hmph. Possibly." she breathes unsurprised by his absurd assumptions. She points to an armchair by the fireplace. "Please have a seat, make yourself comfortable." She stands to pour more tea, offering him another cup, "And don't be so confident in your 'take over Hell' plan. You forget who truly rules over the seven rings..." a shudder rolls across her shoulders, "...Lucifer. Fallen Angel, King of Hell. And a royal pain in my ass."
He takes the cup without hesitation, an unfamiliar ease taking over, "So Lucifer was real after all! And you're in touch with him? Why doesn't he get rid of the Vees for you? And I assume the pain isn't literal."
An uncomfortable laugh leaves her throat as she mumbles under her breath, "If he had it his way, it would be." her eyes widen in embarrassment for being so forward. She cooly tries to recover, “I mean...yes he is real and yes, he is Charlie's dad. He doesn't wish to get involved with anything unless it directly affects himself or his family.”
"Excuse me? Is he - bothering you?" Vexel took in her words but seemed to hang onto her discomfort towards Lucifer. His knuckles whiten with tension. Althea's face twists in shock at his sudden worry, "It's nothing I can't handle..." she sighs knowing there's no going back now, "But you wonder why Alastor is so apprehensive and jealous of you? The last two men who said they wanted to 'help' or 'team up' were Vox, who nearly killed me...and Lucifer...who seems to think my body is where his hands and lips belong."
She shrugs, both in indifference and to shake the chill that ran down her spine at the thought. He remains quiet. His eyes stare into her with something she's never seen from him before, though she can't put a finger on it, "I told you...things work differently here. And the system is...well it's fucked. Key reason Al and I have chosen to stay here and try to help Charlie with the hotel."
"Of fucking course, we're in Hell after all." He huffs with his own reminder, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Next time you find yourself stuck with him - I can only hope I’m there to help…Valentino had those eyes, too. Perverted, disgusting eyes. Perhaps this Hotel and my studio are the only safe places in Hell after all. It makes sense now - Alastor's overprotection I mean."
She hums with admiration at this new side of him, a soft smile curving her face, "You are a quick learner. Thank you Vexel." A ringing in her ears pulls her out of the sweet moment, "Ah and here he comes."
On queue Alastor’s shadow dances across the wall shortly followed by the demon materializing by her chair. "Oh good, still in one piece." He says half joking half serious. "I've found a decent cavern just below Cannibal Town. We can either portal, shadow, or need be, Rosie's Emporium has a cellar with a shared wall." He says boastfully, clearly happy with his find.
"Welcome back." Vexel’s body returns to its cold, tense state as he stands up and opens a portal, "Just for you to know, Alastor, I'm not a threat. You don’t need to worry about me.” Alastor shoots a confused glance at Althea. She chuckles, standing to place a kiss on his cheek, "You did great dear." she coos before bouncing through Vexel's portal into the cavern. 
A cool air stings her face the moment she enters. The glow emitting from the portal is just enough for her to see how large the cavern is. The ground seems clear and solid enough and there were only a few groups of stalactites decorating the ceiling above, "Holy shit Al - this place is huge. H-how has no one found this? It's perfect! Needs a little light but -" With an elegant move of his hand, Vexel sends necromantic bolts all around the cavern, leaving no corner without a teal light, "Until we can afford some candles, this will work. Are you joining us, deer man?"
"Woah - neat trick. Remind me to give you a call next time Vox takes out the power in the city." she teases. Alastor, refusing to use the portal, shadows in a few feet behind Vexel, "That's all necromancers are good for...tricks." With a snap of his fingers, a few chairs and a large table materialize from puffs of green smoke on one side of the cavern. He pulls a chair for Althea, locking eyes to Vexel, "Enlighten me, where exactly have you learned such a craft?"
The necromancer lifts his chin and crosses his arms with a subtle cockiness, "Living world. We had all the information, just lacked the magic touch. Once I got down here I gathered any new knowledge and made it happen. But hey, it's just a trick." 
Annoyed by the hostility the two men continue to brew, Althea scoffs, "Alright I think you two need to let off some steam. Heniffer dear, would you like to come sit with me while the boys get their frustrations out?" she pats at the chair to her right, "When I announce it's enough, you both will stop. I don't feel like dealing with the pain of healing just because you two can't get along."
The hen jumps off Vexel's head. Her body comically runs to Althea while her head follows with a small delay. "About time to put him in his place!" Vexel grunts through a wide grin, eyes glowing and threads of necromancy clinging to his body from thin air.
The Radio Demon swiftly moves to stand across from Vexel, "And what place is that, sir?" he begins to glow green as he summons smaller shadow minions who rush towards Vexel.
"As equals." He smirks, the skull hanging from his belt shines bright. His power begins to flow through his hair and body, eyes shining a bright teal. With a move of his hand, orbs appear and run to each of the demons. Within a moment the small shadows rot from the inside, “How rude using souls to fight for you!" 
Alastor’s fingertips become numb, quickly spreading to his wrists as necromantic threads start to embrace him. A feral snarl comes from Alastor, "Not going to be as easy this time." his body begins to contort into his full demon form. Althea can’t help but smile watching his eyes flash to dials and a red 'x' flickering on his forehead. “There you go, don’t hold back.” She eggs him on. He continues to grow as tentacles flail from his back, sparking with green power. The dark appendages bolt towards Vexel, swiping at his body and landing a few blows.
A portal forms beneath Vexel as the first tentacles make him fall. He appears suddenly behind Alastor while sending a couple glyphs and harmless bolts into his back, "I don't want this to be easy!"
The demon stumbles forward before swinging a large claw behind him. Static fills the air as red liquid begins spilling from his mouth, "Then you should start trying harder. You're supposed to be teaching me how to defend against you, not have a pillow fight." his other hand swings to the roof, breaking a few stalactites. They crash violently around Vexel. 
"EASY AL - Power only. Don't bring other elements into this!" Althea warns while giving Heniffer a few pats.
"Listen to your girl!" Vexel taunts. A glyph appears in front of him, forcing his body to swap places with Alastor, "This is practically child’s play!" His power begins growing across Alastor’s arms and legs. A chain appears in Vexel's hand, connecting him to Alastor who gradually feels the loss of control over his limbs.
"Put your energy in staying in your own head, not obliterating him. You might physically be more powerful but you're allowing him to break you through your mind. Focus!" Althea shouts, trying to keep the demon grounded in the fight. His confidence will always be his greatest weakness and right now he is showing it more than ever.
Alastor falls to his hands and knees from the pull. He shrinks slightly, still keeping his flashing eyes and extended antlers. "Let me turn up the heat then!" he shouts, sending a blazing ring of green flames around him and forward to knock his opponent back.
Vexel lifts a hand as a silent request for a moment to breathe after that hit, "What if you have to fight me and Vox all together?" 
Alastor pauses in an attempt to catch his own breath. He sheds his jacket, gracefully brushing it off and tossing it to Althea. "One thing you'll learn about Vox, he won't even bother trying to fight when he has a pet to do it for him. Even if you're pinned down, the coward will leave you to die before stepping into a fight. Especially against us." 
Smokey green symbols emit from the demon and he fades into the shadows. They flood throughout the cavern, surrounding Vexel and hindering his ability to see. "You can control the dead, but can you control what you cannot see." his voice echoes off the cold walls.
"Can’t you see, that is my only worry -" Vexel closes his eyes as he gets up. His power transfers to Heniffer and she glows in the chair. He uses her eyes to get a better look around, "- I worry he wants to test me against you. He will ask me to control you." A portal opens under his feet, allowing him to reappear next to Althea. "But indeed, I can control what I can't see." His whole body charges, absorbing energy from his surroundings. He crouches, touching the floor as his magic looks for his objective - dead bodies buried within the ground around him. 
Black shadows sneak over Vexel's feet then climb up his legs with the weight of concrete. "There has to be a limit to your control, I just need to chip away until I find it." Alastor's laugh bounces around the room before he reappears in the middle of the cavern, "And he will never ask anything. You will be his pet and he will treat you as such. His ego is about as fragile as that screen head of his."
Althea watches Vexel who stays completely still. She realizes he is waiting for something, "No outside elements. He's frustrated. His mind is weak right now." she advises under her breath to him, half expecting him to ignore her. His threads find the demon once more and chains fall into his hands, "You enjoy talking about how I'll be a pet, yet I’m not the one wearing the harness." Vexel chuckles and pulls the chains connecting him to Alastor. 
Alastor's mind blurs, disorientating him. Not even gravity makes sense once his conscious is pushed to the back, unable to act on his own. With another yank he is pulled out of his shadow as if being fished out of thin air. Vexel guides him to stand in front of Althea. The demons once black and red eyes now glow a deep teal.
“Well your mind is weak, isn't it? You need to work on that." The necromancer approaches his new puppet, "Sing for me, radio man" He smirks through the command. A hum can be heard from Alastor’s chest. Althea stands from her seat, "Fight it Alastor - push him out. You control your soul, so fuckin act like it!" she yells, further trying to enrage him into power.
"Check this out, Althy -” Vexel laughs and covers his mouth, doing a classic puppet/puppeteer impression, “I actually think Vox is quite attractive and Vex is way better than me!" Alastor's voice speaks out with a wide, relaxed smile. He watches from the back of his mind, seeing everything through his eyes like a movie but unable to say or do anything - The fuck did he just call her? 
"Oh wow Vex, you really got him now. Hey, could you make him admit I'm always right?" she teases, purposely putting on a more flirtatious voice that Alastor hates. If pure ire wasn't flowing through him already, it was now. He feels himself trying to lunge back into his mind. He only needs a moment of control back, and right now he is fighting tooth and nail to get it.
Vexel keeps focused on him, realizing he's actually resisting. "Keep trying, demon, I have all the time in Hell.” His hair flows around him with such strength a whip of it could leave a red mark on anyones skin. Alastor��s voice rings out again, “You are always right, my dear. I'm a cocked up demon who should let others spend some time with you as well! Especially in private with Vex!" Vexel smirks, noticing Althea’s acting and going along with it.
That’s all it takes for Alastor to finally snap. He lunges past Vexel's control, eyes flashing from teal to a bright red. It only takes a moment for him to regain complete control out of pure rage, screaming as he comes back to his senses, "FUCK YOU!" 
Vexel turns being caught off guard, "F-fuck -"
A large, glowing red fist lands a full power hit against Vexel's cheek. Before his body has the chance to hit the ground, Alastor wraps a hand into his hair as a handle to throw him against the cavern wall. The sound of his skull cracking against the stone is deafening. 
"ENOUGH ALASTOR!" Althea rushes over, pushing him out of the way to make her way to Vexel. She stops short a few feet in fear of the possible retaliation. This is bad and doesn’t want to be at the brunt of a return attack. 
All orbs in the cavern vanish. The necromancer grunts after a few seconds, weakened from the blow. He feels all of his magic gone, causing even Heniffer to drop "dead". His eyes search frantically for Alastor in the darkness but all he can sense is Althea close by. As soon as he catches a solid breath, he casts a portal beneath himself to get back to his studio.
"Damn it!" Althea yells into the darkness. A hand wraps around her and within a second she's back in their room, "Wait - go get Heniffer." Alastor rolls his eyes at the request but complies, disappearing and reappearing with the limp skeleton chicken. 
Althea scoops her from him. She takes a deep breath to speak softly, "I'm not angry at you. We pushed you and I know it was hard, however lashing out physically was not necessary in the moment. You broke free of him, you need to hone in to how you did that." she rests Heniffer on the bed, "I think you should go to your tower. He won't want to see you after that and I know he's hurt pretty bad."
Without a word he leaves with a mix of anger and hurt in his eyes. Althea sits next to the chicken trying to figure out how to reach out to the necromancer. I know he can communicate or at least sense through Heniffer...Worth a shot... "Vexel? It's just me here. Please....let me heal you. I'm sorry..." her voice desperately calls out to him, defeated and embarrassed.
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