#the inter party drama is amazing
There’s something that’s been bothering me about this ‘should we save the gods’ discourse and I think it’s the strange conflation of christianity and the pantheon of exandria. As in, the complaints that people (the pcs) are airing against the gods as reasons to not help them (”what did the gods ever do for me”, “the gods should have intervened in order to help me but they didn’t”) are not reasons that I think can be applied to the gods of exandria? 
Exandria’s pantheon is not all knowing or all powerful or all good, and they don’t claim to be. If someone is in trouble and they don’t have a relationship with a god already, there’s no reason for any one of them to step in and help. There are a lot more people on the surface of Exandria than there are gods. Unless someone is extra special- like Ashton, for instance- then there’s no reason why a god is going to be paying them attentinon. They’re not all knowing. 
They’re not all powerful, either. Think of how many times someone cast divine intervention and it didn’t go through, think of how Artagan (though he isn’t *really* a god) was trying to help Jester in the astral sea but he just couldn’t. They don’t have unlimited power, so they’re going to give it to the people who are devoted to them. Also, any power that they can grant is after it gets through the divine gate. Laudna said something like two episodes ago that’s been bugging me- that seeing Imogen walking around was more than she’d ever seen from a god. But there’s a reason for that, and it’s that the gods literally cannot walk on exandria because there’s a magic barrier keeping them from doing that. So these arguments seem misdirected.
IMO, it’s the gut reaction against cultural christianity and the christian idea of god that I think is bleeding into this. all of their arguments work much better when you’re talking a being who is all powerful, who claims to be all good, who has the ability to eradicate all evil and for some reason, hasn’t. Otherwise, its just a frustrating loop of people bringing up bad arguments that don’t matter.
(also “are the gods good” doesn’t matter, all that matters is that ludinus ISNT good.)
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where are you at in worlds beyond number?
After today’s commute, I am at the very beginning of Episode 11 and things are *T E N S E*
Love the show, though. I’m currently bouncing back and forth between this and Murder She Rolled, and they’re both very different actual-plays in terms of setting and style and vibe, but in both instances the players and DMs bring the whole thing alive in a very fun and engaging way where it’s both sitting at the table while these people all have a ton of fun playing DND, and also a very immersive story that you get attached to very quickly.
Sorry I’ve been flipped into Gush About Stuff I’m Listening To Mode, I’m gonna ramble and gush about these podcasts for a bit now.
Alan Seawright in MSR is great at bouncing off of everyone at the table and flipping the switch between being the action hero in a serious way and an action hero in a comedic way, and basically everyone else at the table has picked up on that seemingly from the beginning, and it’s great. If you like…dark comedy and eldritch horror, it’s very fun.
Worlds Beyond Number is four heavyweight DND champions (both in actual-play settings and in terms of DND advice and design and generally being people present in the culture).
First off. @quiddie is a genius. Because she did something I now desperately want to try in the future, which is create inter-party tension by creating Suvi as a character that is intensely devoted to both her friends/adoptive family, but also to this place that she has now been raised and shaped by for the majority of her formative years that is set in opposition to what sort of ways Ame and Eursulon come from.
Second off, Erika Ishii as Ame is amazing, and a very fun way of playing…what I think is a Druid with some tweaks? It’s such a fun way of approaching what feels like the same class set but from a direction I absolutely would never have thought of and it’s amazing, I wanna try it now in a future game if I get the chance. Also Erika’s great, they’re amazing at interacting with everyone and keeping the lighthearted stuff lighthearted but also being able to drop into drama when needed (as has happened in the last few episodes quick specifically).
Lou Wilson as Eursulon is the sleeper hit of the show. For sure. And I am astounded by how well Lou managed to make it happen naturally. Because early on the episodes focus more on Suvi and Ame finding each other and going to find him with a quest focused on Ame and a lot of tension from Suvi’s background coming into play and being utilized to get things rolling, and then…Port Talon happens. And you realize he’s not been playing this dude that’s seemingly hit rock bottom and is ashamed of being taken advantage of as the new guy in town one too many times despite trying to live up to this *impossible* ideal, and he pulls out all these great character moments that build right to where I’m at where he’s been shamed by this great spirit for what he wanted to be and leaving his old world behind, and having finally clawed back what he could to reach what they set out to do he has to make a *choice* now, and he’s clearly struggling with what that choice is in the face of his friends’ lives being in danger and his old ideals coming back to give him pause about what he’s been doing and just…*gods* he’s possibly going to be my favorite at this rate? He’s playing a very similar character arc to what I wanted Jace to have when I played him in the campaign I played in with @charlezarrd, only…*way* more, and it’s amazing.
Also BLeeM’gan is an insanely good GM, this probably doesn’t need saying given his reputation, but it bears mentioning anyways. He’s crafted an insanely deep world that’s immersive and feels alive in a way that is…not easily describable.
And also him as the Fox is the best. The Fox is my other favorite character. He’s so good.
(Also Will Gallows might be my new favorite criminal mastermind, TBQH)
Anyways yeah Worlds Beyond Number is great! The only reason I’m not fully caught up up yet is because Murder She Rolled is also great!
(TBQH I would love to see Alan Seawright and the e rest do the MSR crew get thrown at the WBN crew, because I think it would be total chaos in the best way)
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foxybananaaaz · 3 years
Helion Week. Day Two. What If.
What if Helion Found Out Too Late, that He Was a Father
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We all know Helion would throw amazing parties. They would be fairly regular, and they would be amazing.
The ones that would include other courts would be less regular, infact rare, but they would come along, like Spring Courts Calanmai, or Night Courts Star Fall, or the Summer and Winter Solstice. Holidays for specific courts, although Winter Solstice is celebrated all over.
Every few years, Helion will have an Inter-Court Party for Summer Solstice, because that is the longest day of the year. So he takes the party every few years away from Tarquin and the Summer Court to celebrate the longest Day of the year.
Helion invites all the Courts, and yes, that does include the Autumn Court and the insufferable Beron. Honestly, Helion doesn't care about the political downfall if he doesn't invite Baron, he only invites Autumn, because it's the one of the very few times he actually gets to see, and interact with(while being the generous host and greeting the guests), his long love, Autumns lovely Lady.
But she doesn't show with the hateful Beron that night, instead, it was one of his middle sons, that Helion couldn't bother to learn the name of. That should have been the first clue something was off.
When the rule breaking, all incredibly good looking, high group of the Night Court arrived, which included one of Berons sons, the better looking one, the one with one eye, the one that Autumns kind lady seemed to favour, it started to make sense why Beron refused to bring his wife when a quick glance had near murderous glares directed towards his son.
While Helion enjoys a little drama at his parties, he isn't fond of the murdering sort of drama, so he realizes that he will have to keep an eye on that, situation.
It didn't take long, before the High Lord of Autumn started towards his son, a son, who was fully protected under the Night Court, where he had found home. But this was familial issues, and Beron made sure that was known.
Beron was screaming at his youngest son about how he was always the disappointment, from being seventh born, to choosing to love a lesser fae, Beron made sure to mention how he took care of her, to save the Vanserra name, and line. But the Lucien had to run away, and to the Spring Court no less after the reputation it got because of the Human.
Beron then berated Lucien for having a pathetic whimpering human for a mate, Helion saw two of the Night Court crew step forward. Not just any two. The Curse Breaker, and the King Slayer, at the mention of their sister.
There was suddenly a box of fire closing Beron and his son. No one could see, or hear, what was going on, for a good three minutes, until there was a bright light, coming from within the cage of fire. So bright everyone had to turn away or close their eyes. Everyone except Helion.
That was Helions light. That was Helions light, powers of the Day Court. With such a strength to shine through Autumns High Lords cage of fire as well. How was it coming from within the cage of fire, unless- No. No, that couldn't be true. Could it?
Helion didn't have enough time to figure out dates or whatnot, because the cage of fire was gone, with both males looking equally shocked, though Beron looked incredibly angry.
What happened next, happened too quickly, it seemed to slow time. An arrow was shot, landing in Berons sons- no, the Lady of Autumns sons(Helions sons?) chest, causing shock, panic, and then a scream of emptiness, pain, and loss.
Helion turned his gaze to the third Archeron sister, for only a second, a second too long, as the scream ended, and the only sound then was the thud of a collapsing body, hitting the ground.
Both Beron and, Berons middle son, were restrained. The middle son winnowed nexted to Beron, bow dropping to the ground.
Before he knew what he was doing, Helion winnowed to- to his son, and realized that the arrow, to the heart, was an ash arrow.
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Also, before you freak out... it was GOING to be Helion.
*Edit. Do you know how incredibly difficult this was to post?
*Edit². That "It was GOING to be Helion" doesn't make it any better I realize that now.
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pudgecuddles · 3 years
My Content & Boundaries
[No need to be alarmed! Nothing has happened to prompt this, I just figured it was about time that I pin a post like this.]
Welcome to my kink blog! This post is here to introduce myself, disclose what type of content that I may reblog or post here (including trigger warnings) and state my boundaries concerning who I want and don’t want interacting with me or my blog.
Hi! I’m pudgecuddles! I’ve been here in the community as a lurker since 2018, and finally got around to making this sideblog about 2 years ago under the handle “prettypudgy”. I changed my username slightly after some twitter douchecanoes took screenshots of my content and made threads mocking it.
I am 24 years old and identify as female. Please use she/her pronouns when referring to me. I won’t be mad at all though if you use they/them or he/him, but I’ll probably just gently let you know what I prefer  :)
I am aromantic/asexual, meaning that I do not experience romantic or sexual attraction to people of any gender identity or expression. I still experience aesthetic attraction, and of course enjoy the concept of weight gain as a kink.
Although I am participating in them, I am not looking for RP partners at the moment!
My Content and the Content I Reblog:
Although I do like fluffy and mild WG content (ya’ll who make that type of content are amazing and beautiful and deserve all the love and reblogs in the world), I do enjoy darker and less popular tropes/kinks as well. Up until recently the majority of the stuff I’ve reblogged has been cute and moderate, but I have been working on my own stories and RPs which happen to be on the more intense/darker side.
My content going forward may include topics such as:
Extreme Weight Gain Immobility Mind Break Pet/Pig Play BDSM Humiliation Manipulation Feminization Dub-Con Watersports Eproctophilia Slob Abusive Relationships (it’s not something I enjoy writing, but I may reblog it)
I will always tag specific topics and tropes that may not be for everyone such as immobility or fart kink stuff. And definitely triggering content such as dub-con or degradation. For example, I will tag it as “Immobility”, “cw Immobility” and “tw Immobility”, in case someone has only one tag blacklisted.
Please keep yourself safe! This community is supposed to be a comfortable, creative area where users can curate a homepage of content that matches thier tastes and respects their boundaries. I will not be offended at all if you decide to block me or my written/rendered content. All I ask is if you’re already an acquaintance or mutual of mine that you let me know before you do  :)  You don’t even need to tell me why, I just don’t want to wonder if I made you mad or were ignoring me on purpose.
Zero hard feelings, seriously! The block button is there to protect you!
Please do not hit on me, or unexpectedly discus sexual topics without me knowing your age and instigating it. It is different if I already know you and am comfortable speaking with you like that.
Yes: Pudgecuddles: Wow that drawing is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) You, 18+: Wanna see him get bigger? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No: Pudgecuddles: Wow! I love your line work! It’s so clean and really compliment’s the shading! You, 18+: Wanna see him get bigger? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No: Pudgecuddles: Wow! I love your line work! It’s so clean and really compliment’s the shading! You, 16: Wanna see him get bigger? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yes: Pudgecuddles: Wow! I love your line work! It’s so clean and really compliment’s the shading! You, 16: Thank you so much! ^_^  What do you think about the shape of his hands?
Minors: If you do not have your age, (or at least an 18+ only, or “I am an adult!”) in your bio, I will either ask you for your age or choose not to interact directly with you. This is not a punishment or a personal vendetta. I just do not feel comfortable interacting directly with minors when it comes to NSFW kink content. I am okay with reblogging your content, as supporting those in the community that are still young and exploring their identities in a safe and distant way is very important to me. I am so happy for you that you have found a welcoming and protective space to safely explore your sexuality and discuss your favorite groups. It’s what I wish I had when I was younger.
But I ask that you don’t attempt to private message me or participate in conversations that are sexual in nature.
Bigotry: Do not interact with me, my blog or my content if you do not support all LGBTQ+ identities. This includes but is not limited to: Transgender folk, Bisexuals, Pansexuals, Polysexuals, Omnisexuals, Asexuals, Aromantics and Non-Binary/Agender peeps. TERFs, exclusionists and Battleaxe Bisexuals are not welcome and will be insta-blocked. Same with those that participate in “discourse” on these topics.
If you do not believe that Black Lives Matter or support Donald Trump or any conservative party, politician or policy, please unfollow and block me. They have killed thousands of people and actively lobby against minorities.
This is the only time that I will be political on this blog. I am infinitely more outspoken/advocating on my main, but this sideblog is supposed to be a stress-free, kinky escape from the horrors of reality. I go on my main to reblog petitions, I go on here to reblog erotica.
This does not mean that I do not care, or that I am not an ally or that I enable racists or transphobes. It just means that I recognize that sometimes people get burnt out from constantly being reminded of the policies that harm them, or acts of violence against their race. I want this blog to be an escape, for both myself and my followers.
Hate/Trolling: Hateful or negative comments on me or my friend’s content will get your account blocked. This ranges from “ew” to telling them to kill themselves. This behavior is not tolerable anywhere, and the more extreme comments will be reported to Tumblr staff. Comments saying our content is disgusting will automatically tell me you think it’s hot and are in denial. How very sad. I will dedicate my grossest story to you specifically.
Inter-Community Drama: Mob behavior, brigading, witch hunting, call out posts (vague or by name), vitriolic hate and bullying of any type is something that makes me extremely uncomfortable due to having experienced cyberbullying in the past. Making people deactivate, continuing to attack them after apologies and other related behavior will get you blocked no matter the quality of your content, your standing in the community or our relationship history.
I cannot deal with seeing that behavior and it scares me continuing to interact with those that I learn can so easily turn on their friends like that.
That’s All Folks!
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dillydedalus · 5 years
september reading
i read some things i guess! open for the last (almost) of robin hobb, more mountaineering disasters, and …. dungeons & dragons?? (i completely forgot i had this in my drafts lol)
the nickel boys, colson whitehead idk man this is really well-written, well-paced, an important story based very much on real history, the characters serve their purpose very well, the violence and abuse is written in a way that is chilling without ever being gratuitous and with the exception of a twist that i thought was a little too predictable, there’s nothing i can really criticise. it just really lacked some spark for me, and maybe it’s just that after underground railroad (which is also didn’t particularly like, but damn that had spark) it feels a lil conventional. still good tho! 3/5
the adventure zone #1: here there be gerblins, various mcelroys & cary pietsch my brain Does Not Do podcasts but obvi i’ve been hearing A LOT about the mcelroy boys & i’m like. vaguely interested in d&d* so when this was made available on overdrive i was like okay why the hell not. it’s a fun, quick read, and while i don’t really know anything about d&d the trappings of the game were included in a fun way. nothing mindblowing, but a good time. 2.5/5
assassin’s fate (fitz & the fool #3), robin hobb y’all this is it… it’s been over a year & now i’m done with the realm of the elderlings (actually i still have the piebald prince novella & the short stories). i have some criticisms of this one (the timeline & the main climax seemed a lil muddled to me) but to be honest??? loved this, had all the feelings, was superhappy to see my cursed shores kids again, fitzy & bee were heartbreaking all the time, the paragon conflict was great, when fitz got to the quarry i literally immediately started uglycrying & pretty much didn’t stop until the end, so: 4.5/5 (series rating 4/5 i guess bc fool’s assassin was a drag & a half)
die nebelkrähe, alexander pechmann this is a speculative fictionalisation of a little episode in the spiritualist movement where medium hester dowden claimed she had communicated with/been briefly possessed by oscar wilde, which is pretty fun. unfortunately, pechmann chose to focus on his version of mr v., a pretty boring mathematician and skeptic, rather than the absolutely wild shit going on with dowden, which includes oscar wilde’s ghost dunking on james joyce (who responded by making fun of the whole thing in finnegans wake) and claiming he’s like totally straight. 2/5
oval, elvia wilk a neoliberal corporate hell/psychotropics/eco-punk gone wrong dystopia in berlin so you know i’m here (i.e. in berlin lol) for it. this is about a berlin in the not too distant future where finster corp (real subtle) is buying up everything, driving up rents through ecological redevelopment, artists mainly work as consultants for corporations, and our protags anja and louis live in a finster-sponsored zero-waste eco-commune on an artificial mountain in the middle of berlin. everyone’s jobs are nda-clad bullshit, everyone parties all the time without ever enjoying themselves, homelessness and income inequality are ignored with the barest twinge of guilt, and louis is developing a party drug that chemically makes you generous. oh and the nature on the mountain (the berg -.-) seems to be eating itself. the concepts are great, the writing is pretty good even tho it tries a bit too hard sometimes, wilk, while also suffering a lil from Expat Gaze, really knows berlin. the execution isn’t perfect, the pacing is a bit off, too much time is devoted to anja and louis’ boring relationship, and look, some of the dystopian elements are a bit obvious. neoliberalism bad. okay, we know. but there’s a lot of good here, and the ending is pretty great, if a bit underdeveloped. 3.5/5
travelers, helon habila a novel about the african diaspora in europe, told thru 6 inter-connected stories, all focusing on one story of migration. these are important stories well told, and i liked how they all linked up in the end. while berlin is the central hub these stories revolve around, not all are set in berlin and the setting really isn’t as central as i’d hoped (this is obvi very personal to me & my research interests so it’s not really criticism). i’d recommend this if you’re interested in the representation of african migrants and refugees. 3/5
the uninhabitable earth: life after warming, david wallace-wells shit’s fucked: the book. starts with ‘it is worse, much worse, than you think’ and doesn’t really get much more cheery from there. good if you want an idea of what the effects of global warming might be (a pretty pessimistic one, which is the point - when does pessimism become realism?), and how we (& how we might) respond to them. 3/5
the girl from the other side, nagabe (#1-5) spooky-yet-wholesome manga series about a snazzy demon who’s adopted a little human girl who has been abandoned/cast out by her human community, which is like 100% my jam. the central relationship is super cute & wholesome, the demon designs are amazing, the worldbuilding is really spooky & intriguing (if you touch a demon you’ll be cursed & also turn into a demon & tbh who doesn’t want to turn into a weird tall slightly monster with cool horns), and a lot of it is just the demon like. badly baking pie to cheer the girl up. 
girl woman other, bernardine evaristo somewhere between a novel and a collection of short stories written in a somewhat unconventional but highly readable style. the 12 stories each focus on one woman (and one nonbinary person), most of them black, examing black womanhood in britain throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. i enjoyed many of these stories, but the observational style and the way we quickly cover whole lives left me a bit detached. there’s also a lil corniness throughout, which comes out in full force in the epilogue, and while it’s cool to have trans rep, it honestly came across as a bit clueless. 3/5
dark summit: everest’s most controversial season, nick heil did someone say high-altitude mountaineering disasters? because i’m always here for some high-altitude mountaineering disasters. this is about the 2006 season which was p disastrous in terms of deaths even tho it didn’t even have a storm (cf the 1996 season aka please just read into thin air), just people walking past dudes who were dying bc rescues are extremely difficult & dangerous. anyway this ain’t into thin air, but it’s a good one & pretty wild bc all mountain climbers are fucking nuts. 3.5/5
sense & sensibility, jane austen really enjoyed this! the pacing is a lil weird & none of the men really is all that, but it’s all very charming & witty & i love sisterhood narratives (poor margaret!). as in (tho not as much as in) mansfield park, there’s a lot of attitudes that just don’t really track but in contrast to mp i found them interesting rather than frustrating, mostly - brandon/marianne is very uncomfortable especially when you realise that he’s projecting his tragic dead first love/sis-in-law onto marianne and that we don’t really see their courtship at all, but w/e. i especially enjoyed the ferrars family drama and the hilarious resolution to it, and i gotta say: lucy steele really did that & good for her. 4/5 
anyway, i’m about halfway thru alasdair gray’s lanark, which is a great big pomo brick, half portrait of the artist as a young glaswegian, half weird visions of hell in the city of unthank & i’m into it but it’s not a quick read. in october uni reading is also going to start, perhaps for the last semester ever :(
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vanaera · 6 years
The Origin of the Songs
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Synopsis | Every 1st of September, Jungkook manages to have you huddled with him under the starry linen of the blanket on your heads as he blows the candle and makes wishes. What happens to his wish now when the blanket’s constellations are too short to bridge the gap between you and him?
Genre | Fluff for the fluff birthday boy (football!jk + childhood friend!you / college!au)
Wordcount |3,497
Disclaimer | GIF credits to the rightful owner. I downloaded this back then and can’t remember the content creator. If you know them, please let me know so I can credit them. I’m still trying to find them😅
Read more football!jk drabbles in The Prince and His Rose
               The first September 1 Jungkook spent with you was when you’re a five-year-old with star-filled eyes and blank gaps filling the spaces of your teeth. It was his first birthday party and of course you, the first friend he ever made since moving in town (and the first person he found amazing aside from his mom), are invited. At four o’clock in the afternoon with his balloons still flat and lifeless, Jungkook’s tiny fingers are struggling to open the wooden door for you.
               “Happy birthday, Kook!” you greeted him, voice squeaky as always whenever he meets up with you at the playground before school.
               Instead of returning the greeting, Jungkook’s one-tracked mind dives straight towards the white box you were holding. “What’s that?”
               “Oh, this? It’s cake! My mom helped me bake it,” you said as you let yourself in his home and put the box on the counter. The gesture already ingrained in you as you frequently come to his house to drop some dish your mom made or snacks you have, before you tell him another story of yours. You turned to face him, giggling as you met his skeptic gaze.
               “Chocolate,” you assured with a grin.
               Sure enough, it was indeed chocolate when his dad opened the box for him by five o’clock and a crowd of familiar faces surrounded him with songs of “happy birthday!” Everything was a haze at that time, save for the enticing cake in front of him and your contagious smile spreading on your face as you pose beside him when his mother called to take a picture. He never met someone who smiled that bright as you and he decides maybe it’s because he’s feeling giddy about another story you’ll tell him later.  Anyway, he blew the candle and wished for great things to come. He doesn’t know what to wish actually but at the sight of the candle, all he could remember was how you always said to “wish for great things” whenever you’ll pick a dandelion in the playground. When the party toned down, he found himself tired from the crowd. He invited you to his room to build pillow forts and grab flashlights as you tell him another faraway castle with a prince whose hair is filled with stardust. He doesn’t remember much about each detail of the story when he woke up, but he remembers how happy he felt with the idea of a star prince…and also the idea that maybe you’re the only person, aside from his mom, who he can never get tired of.
               The next birthdays passed with home-baked chocolate cakes and a small celebration with your family and his mom as he blew his 9th and 10th candles. Of course, the night ended with you telling him another story about another faraway prince with an ambition set so high up in the heavens.
               It was by his 11th birthday that you decided to bring a “map” along with your baked chocolate cake so you could tick off every dream the princes in your stories have accomplished. Jungkook just raised his brows and chuckled at your antics, thinking he’s old enough now for fairytales and princes. His friends tell him so. Well, you just have to prove him wrong after the cake is finished and the candle’s fire is blown out when you let your “map” blanket the dim black of their leather couch.
               “This is not a map! It’s a blanket!”
               “It’s a blanket and it’s a map!” you chuckled.
               Jungkook fixed his gaze at you, very perplexed. “I don’t get you.”
               “You see those stars?” You pointed to the blue, yellow, and green stars on the far right. “Remember the sea prince, the star prince, and the forest prince? If you haven’t noticed by now, their stories are interconnected and look! Their stars are right next to each other! Even the skies approve of it. Get me now?”
               Jungkook nods, letting his eyes wander the indigo space of your blanket and the thousand colored stars laced on it. He remembers the adventures of the fire prince and his ice princess when he spotted the orange star beside the crystal white one, and oh! The friendly dragon and the frail prince were on the far right – a huge olive star beside a tiny carnation one. Amazed as he is with the map of the stories you created for the both of you, his breath was only taken away when his eyes catch the glimmer of a golden star on the far left edge. However, it’s strange that it wasn’t beside another star. You only told him about friendships and victorious battles of the princes. You haven’t told him of a lone prince in one of your tales. He can’t even remember an existence of one.
               “Hey, what’s that golden star?” Jungkook asks.
                Your eyes immediately light up, “Oh, it’s my favorite prince!”
               Favorite prince? Jungkook tilts his head.
               “I haven’t told you about it yet because I’m still thinking how his adventures will happen,” you told him as you went to the far right of the couch. “But just to give you something,” you chuckled, “this star right here is very important to him. The most important to him, actually.” You tap another star and Jungkook follows your finger as his eyes land on the scarlet star, the same size as the golden star. Looking back at your favorite prince, Jungkook only realizes the scarlet star is the only one aligned to the golden star. The rest are a centimeter higher or lower on the indigo space.
               “What’s that red star then?” Jungkook finds himself looking at your face, curiosity seeping in his bones.
               “It’s his rose.”
               “Rose. And he loves it very much,” you smiled.
               Jungkook can’t grasp well the idea of love yet but if you say the Golden Prince is indeed in love with the rose, then he’ll believe you. The scarlet tinge of the star is indeed attractive, no wonder the Golden prince will adore it. But maybe it’s just his bias to anything colored in any relative hue of red speaking. Nevertheless, Jungkook thinks your idea is amazing.
               “He’ll have adventures, right?”
               “Yes, he’ll have the most adventures than any prince in the universe.”
               The night of his birthday ended with constellations up on your heads with a flashlight in your hand to let him visually trail the paths the crystal prince took to return to his lost kingdom. Jungkook then decided that map of yours must always be available for the two of you whenever you feel like making an adventure. You happily agreed with a tingling laugh.
               The rest of his birthdays were spent with your family and his, sometimes with his and your friends. But what always remained constant were your sweet chocolate cake, his candle wishes which turned to hopes of great things to come to the both of you, and your map that will blanket you two under the tales of fantasies and happiness before you wish him goodnight. You kept this tradition constant when you went through the teenage angst of high school and until now in the whirlwind of college. Even when your schedules are giant obstacles for your cakes and blanket to align with September 1, you and Jungkook manages to look for loopholes that can lead for your two lines to meet up. Whether it’s cramped under a stormy night in a desolate 7-11 store, in a grand restaurant enough to accommodate his and your friends, in a warm get- together with your families when you’re able to go to your hometown, or even in an illegal escapade in your rooms praying your RAs won’t catch you, his birthday and wishes will always be spent with you.
               That’s why in the cold morning of one September 1, Jungkook was frowning from his side of the screen even after you just greeted him a gleeful “Happy Birthday!” that sounded so melodious in his ears.
               “What do you mean you won’t be able to come over?”
               “I – Jungkook, I have to go back home to retrieve the paper my dumb self left in my room last Saturday.” You brought the screen of your phone around your surrounding, letting his eyes take in the familiar bus the both of you always take when you’re going back home. “See? I’m already in the bus,” you returned the camera back to your cold flushed face. “Luckily I’m free this day so I can totally pass the paper by Friday on time. Though I have to take the earliest bus tomorrow to make it on time tomorrow.”
               Jungkook’s hand runs through his hair. “What–what if I come with you today?”
               “Hell no, Kook! You have a week worth of practice before you take on the Heatherfields next week. FYI, the inter-uni football league is next week. Coach Bang will kill you - and me, when he finds out he’ll miss his star player just because of his bestfriend’s dumb ass.”
               “Stop calling yourself dumb.”
               “Okay,” you breathe out. You look at his black hooded figure as you try to erase the frown settled on his lips. It’s his birthday, he shouldn’t be sulking like a loser. “Hey, let me tell you a joke.”
               “Remember that time Seokjin was casted by the Drama club to be the ethereal lord with a dead girlfriend?”
               “I thought this was supposed to be a joke.”
               “Wait for it!” you exclaim to which he giggled.
               “Fine, fine, okay I remember,” Jungkook laughs.
               “So, that scene when he’s all sentimental and stuff then goes right out of the door to get soaked under the rain, don’t you think he’s really Kim SOAKjin?”
               Seems like your tactic worked when giggles erupted from his form, hands covering the lower part of his face as he chuckles before he releases them to full out laugh, “Oh my god, you did not just do that!”
               “Hell yeah, I did,” you laugh along, the pink tinge across your cheeks making Jungkook chuckle more.
               Damn, you look cute.
               When the giggles toned down, you hear him clearing his throat as he places his hands across his desk. “So you really won’t be able to come no matter what?”
               “Sadly, no,” you bite your lip, feeling the guilt of being unable to keep up the tradition you built with him. Your birthdays and his are established important occasions to both of you and you’ve been able to meet between the lines and deadlines for two years since the start of college. Your horribly conflicting schedules in junior year just have to be the biggest bitch right now. Dismissing bitter thoughts, you put a grin on your face again. “Say what, tomorrow when I come back, I’ll bring you two chocolate cakes! TWO!” you make a peace sign with your hands and shove it to the screen of your phone.
               “Okay, okay. I accept the amendment,” Jungkook says. Fingers twiddling with the strings of his hoodie, he knows it’s time to say farewell to you when you excused yourself for a minute to fix your belongings as more passengers enter the vicinity, a signal that the bus will soon leave.
               “Okay, I’m back.” You appear back on screen, grinning.
               “You’ve covered yourself enough for the cold?”
               “Mhmm,” you raise up your hand covered in your white puffy jacket, the seams of your thick rose sweater visible at the cuffs. Jungkook could also see glimpses of the red knitted scarf he made for your last year’s birthday folded on your lap. The thought of you wrapping it close around your neck later makes his chest warm.
               “Okay, have a safe trip and tell my folks I said hi.”
               “Sure will do, Star Kook!”
               “Okay, bye,” Jungkook waves.
               “Byeee,” you wave back.
               “Byeeeee byeeeeeeee.”
               “Why aren’t you ending the call?”
                You tilt your head to the side, “’Cause you’re not ending it.”
               “Damn, it, I’ll end the call. Bye bye.” And Jungkook taps the red icon.
                 “Man, you like Y/N so much.”
               Jungkook chokes on his sandwich. Taehyung claps his back while grabbing some tissue to hand him. When he composed himself, Jungkook’s face suddenly flushes.“What-what the hell Tae? Where did that come from?”
               “See, you’re flushing with just the thought of it!”
               “I do not!” Jungkook almost screams. The scolding glare of Seokjin at the other end of the table makes the younger mumble an apology and lower down his voice. Jungkook looks back at his obnoxious friend who’s full out guffawing in front of him.
               “The more you deny it, the more it is indeed true,” Taehyung lets out in fit of giggles. Seeing the indifferent look in Jungkook’s face, he sits straighter and tries to point out again the conclusion he’s always proposing to the kid for months now. “Look at your face, you totally look like eating with us is not as fun as eating lunch with Y/N. When you’re with her, you’re full out laughing your ass every now and then. Y/N is not even that funny.” 
               “Hey, Y/N is funny!” Jungkook huffs.
              “Of course, she is. In your eyes, that is,” Taehyung chuckles. “I can’t even tell if her jokes are even jokes in the first place. She jokes worse than Seokjin.”
               Taehyung cuts their older friend and points at Jungkook, “Look, even without her here, you have that lovestruck look in your eyes when I mentioned her name.”
              “I’m not lovestruck! I don’t...have that look for her.”
              Taehyung cups his jaw, eyes glinting. “Then why do you look so down having lunch with us?”
              “I’m just – just,” Jungkook looks up thinking of a word to put it, “upset – yeah - upset because we won’t be able to meet up later. That’s that. I don’t miss her.” Jungkook doesn’t know who he’s trying to convince – his friend or him?
               “Yeah, upset just like that other day when you saw Jongin ask Y/N about the presentation at the drama club,” Namjoon snorts.
               “Hey, in my defense, that ballet boy is just irritating as hell and Y/N’s just nice enough to tolerate him – which I cannot do. Over.my.dead.body.”
               “He’s actually nice and he gets along with Y/N well,” Jimin chips in. “Why not make friends with him, too?”
                Jungkook frowns, “That’s clearly off-topic and hell no, I’d rather die than listen to him breathe.”
                “What did Jongin ever do to you?” Taehyung laughs, amused bewilderment across his features that also start to irritate Jungkook.
               “I don’t know. I just don’t like him.” Jungkook diverts his attention back to his sandwich. Why do his dumb friends always have to mention Jongin along the tornado of his feelings for you? Jongin is just plainly irritating and it doesn’t have to do with him getting jealous or stuff. Totally not.
               “Okay, I’ll drop the topic. It was just nice seeing you worked up and annoyed –“
               “-That’s because you’re an ass.”
               “That I admit just for now to pacify our ever hot-blooded Jungkookie. Anyway,” Taehyung fixes his seat, “without Y/N or not, the dinner at Vincent’s is still on, okay? Don’t sulk too much.”
               Jungkook just hums.
               After the practice on the field, Jungkok went to Vincent’s for their reservation and the night was somehow fun. Yoongi got him a pair of headphones he’s been eyeing in the record shop nearby, Namjoon paired up with Hoseok to give him another Iron Man mini figure he’s collecting, Seokjin gave him some cash (‘cause graduating future news anchor friend of his is too busy nowadays), while Taehyung and Jimin bought him another perfume. The pizza and board games was fun. Especially when he won against Seokjin in Monopoly and he beat Namjoon in scrabble for the very first time. Although Jungkook thinks Namjoon deliberately let him win just because it’s his birthday, a victory is still a victory. But no matter how much he’s already happy with his birthday night, Jungkook can’t deny something is still missing.
               Lying on the football field after he parted ways with his friends, Jungkook finds it hard to be contented. You texted him around five in the afternoon that you just got home and maybe the prolonged silence after that is what drives him up the wall. You may have fallen asleep from the long travel, or maybe you’re out with your family – it’s totally understandable. But why isn’t he settled with just a birthday wish from you even if you’re the first one to ever greet him this day?  Why isn’t he satisfied with just at least seeing your face and hearing your voice? Focusing his eyes up ahead into the heavens of countless of stars he and you made a version of your own, Jungkook thinks he has the answer evident long enough to these questions.                
                 After fixing the cartons of cake you’ll bring tomorrow in the refrigerator, you bid your parents and younger brother goodnight as you make your way to your bedroom. The whole trip was tedious just for one hefty paper you left at home over the weekends but at least, you got to spend some time with your family before you head into the big city again. Your bags are already arranged and you’re well set up for another early morning wake-up alarm. Switching off your bedside lava lamp, you’re about to delve into much-needed sleep when–
              “Hey, psst!”
              “What the fuck-” You turn on your bedroom lights and head to the windows where the voice came from and–
               “Hi,” Jungkook waves, grinning, “Would you let me in?”
               “What the fuck you’re doing at the window? You could just knock on the door and let yourself in.” Despite your expletives, the warm smile on your barefaced skin knocks the air out of Jungkook (though he won’t admit that) as he pulls himself in your room with a loud “thud!”, the sound much louder than he intended to be thanks to his large ass duffel bag.
               “Why the hell did you go here? It’s a freaking long travel!” You chortled, helping him up on his feet.
               “I can’t sleep on my birthday,” Jungkook gulps. “I need you by my side wishing candles on the cake you made and I want that starry blanket of yours too,” Jungkook blurts out and though he doesn’t want to meet your gaze, he could sense the warmth suddenly emanating from you.
               “Okay, birthday boy. I’ll get the cake.”
               Sure enough, a few minutes later, you’re on your wooden floorboards with a chocolate cake in front of you as your blanket lay atop of your heads.
               “Sorry, I’m not prepared to have enough candles today,” you apologized, rubbing your arm.
               “It’s okay, at least you got one,” Jungkook chuckled.
               In the serene night and pink glow of your room, your voice suddenly fills his ears.
               “Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you
               Happy birthday, dear Jungkook,
               Happy birthday to you.”
               Jungkook sits stupefied, blank face watching yours smile so wide and so bright, his chest rumbles with a melody he never heard before, or actually failed to hear. It can’t be - Shit, damn it, I really do like her. And he knows he can’t deny it anymore when you meet his gaze, soft waves of your hair framing a face he never thought in his life he would call beautiful until now.
               “Make a wish, Kook.”
               Jungkook almost stops breathing. Your breath fanning his cheeks, making his hair on his neck stand. Your lips are mere centimeters away from his and everything about you, you, and you filling his senses that he just- “Okay I’ll make a wish now.”
                He blows the candle and he finds himself staring at your amused face again.
               “I didn’t imagine we could actually keep up the birthday tradition today.”
               Jungkook’s lips pull into a contented smile.“Me too.”
               Before you can tear your gaze away from him, Jungkook’s hand clasps around yours. “Would you–would you mind telling me the story of the Prince and His Rose again?”
               “Of course not, Kook.”
               With chocolate cake half-finished and small plates covered in remnants of the sweet treat, you tell him about the story of a love filled with devotion as it encompasses whatever distance and opposing gravitational pulls the indigo swirls of the universe inflicts. The idea of the golden prince and his determination for his rose and the rose’s entrustment of her petals to the prince would forever warm Jungkook’s insides. It already started to make birds out of his ribcage to sing out melodies of adoration synonymous to the prince.
               Lying on the extra mattress you provided for him on the floor, Jungkook doesn’t know if you’re already asleep or not, but he still tries. “Do…Do the prince and his rose always end up together?”
               He doesn’t know if it’s actually you or your subconscious talking to him, but it sure does lighten his chest he felt he could just combust right here, right now with just–just everything he suddenly felt just because of the thought of finally knowing what it’s like to adore someone so much. It’s new–too new for him but Jungkook knows he won’t regret anything that led him to this if he gets to feel this way.
               I hope they do. I wished for it to happen so.
Fuck, Tae, I really do like her.
You finally realized just now?!
A/N | First of all, I didn’t actually plan to make a birthday fic for our honey bunny Jungkook, but anyways enjoy my impromptu post for our golden prince! Jeon Jungkook, I hope you continue fulfilling your dreams and I wish you the best in your endeavors! I love you so much!
(BTW I’m currently working and editing on some requests, just in case you’re curious about the requests you sent me. I want to make them with the best I can so I hope you’ll continue your support and cheer for me. Thank you so much!)
P.S. The Unread messages fic will be updated!
All Rights Reserved © Vanaera. No reposts, modifications, and translations of content is allowed without direct permission.
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My insane ramblings about Jungle Park by @jimlingss - part 1
.‘Hi! I don’t usually do this. Actually, this is my first time doing it but tumblr doesn’t have a solid comment section like AO3 so I decided to leave my comments here on the ten chapters released so far.
My insane ramblings about Jungle Park by @jimlingss​
Chapter 01 - reader (me) was surprised to see that the main character was a taxi driver! It was a very good surprise tho, I like small unique touchs like this. She could have been a waitress and bartender or any job that had shifts, but you chose something different and I'm curious to know if it was random or not? *pensive reader*. I felt sorry for her with those party girls, because I totally knew she was going to throw up. I felt sorry for Jimin too, dealing with all the office BS just because Hoseok Sunshine (reader says that sarcastically), is too scary. I loved how Jimin just left the problem there and walked out, he is too fed up at this point I can see.
Main character looking for a job is me, even the part where she sees an amazing job and thinks she wasn’t good enough. The Mc Donald’s’ interview got me laughing so har.  “Well, I’ve eaten at this franchise a lot.” I was in tears reading it. You are a great at doing fun dialogues. The old lady set her straight tho and she needed it.
Hoseok’s description was on point, completly perfect. I love his sun-kissed skin and sharp jawline. *reader is dreaming now*
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She did great at the interview even thought she was very nervous and she was very bold at asking for the job like that, I like her personality.
I got surprised again to find out that they knew each other...I mean, Hoseok doesn’t remember it but something happened between them clearly. I’m very curious to know more about it.
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To wrap this first chapter comment up, your writing is amazing and it really got me hooked since the beginning. So hooked, that I went to bed like 2 a.m. reading more of your fanfic.
Chapter 1.5 - Jennie, as in BLACKPINK’s Jennie? I’m curious to see if this part is going to fit somewhere down the road.
Chapter 02 - Annnnddd of course Hoseok didn’t pick anyone... why would he? He isn't the one hearing other people’s problems. “Is thee anyone who won’t give you a headache?” This was the winning line for Jimin, right there he got Hoseok. I’m glad Jimin exists !!
Poor M/C, she had to wait for a week just because Hoseok is a pain the buttocks. *I have anxiety, waiting kills me.*
Again, another suprise. A divorce law firm wasn’t what I was expecting. You are full of surprises for me I see :D.
I loved everyone in the office and I’m glad to see you are using a different recipe when comes to the support characters. You have actual characters, not just the boys and a close to friend tot he M/C like most fanfics. The lawyers law team is my favorite group, they are too funny for their own good. Also, I can see Sunyi and Yoongi’s banter making very funny scenes more ahead.
Hoseok was a huge dick saying that her office was a storage room, she didn’t need to know that. And, of course he didn’t gave her a proper training *roll eyes*, how she was supposed to do stuffs????
That is my girl! I loved that she didn’t dwell on the sad office/storage room situation. She went out and made it better!
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Of course Jin would show up at the sight of food. That boy really loves food.
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Have the feeling that she is going to get a lot of complains about Hoseok Sunshine (reader still says that sarcastically). And Sunyi complaining about Yoongi, here and there hehe. I was glad to see people going there and trying to talk to her a little bit.
Is Hosoek seriously wacthing her door like a hawk???? Doesn’t he had something better to do? *reader is judging* Jimin, in the other hand, is having the time of his life. Especially with Hoseok’s misery.
I don’t know why Jimin is suprised that Hoseok did nothing to proper prepare the M/C. Even I knew he wasn’t going to do shit. 
Jimin's words encouraged her to get a death setence kkkkkk.
Hoseok is a crontrol freak, a little survey isn’t going to get things out of control...
...okay, I said that a little too soon...
I can not, or maybe I can, that they are all outside Hoseok’s office hearing them fight. LOL
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Chapter 03 - OMG! Hoseok is such a vindictive drama queen. I can not believe he is going to make her fire somoene just because she did a survey. Poor M/C and Kei, they were innocent there. I would cry with the secretary if I was in the M/C’s place. 
Poor thing, being called Hoseok’s henchman on her what? second day? third day? And she was almost making friends... *sad song playing*
The hiring interview dialogues was perfect! I loved every bit of it. You are a very creative person, I’m delighted with your writing.
He says “it is just a recepcionist” now. If she hires anyone he would kill her.
“Don’t complain to me when  I actually do my job.” HA IN HIS FACE! I’M LOVING HER.
The scene with her and everyone leaving was very sad... I just wanted to hug her. I like how she took some sad energy and transformed into something producitive.
Jimin is definitely having the time of his live!
I prefer gray to yellow but okay... I’m a black and white kind of girl.
Chapter 04 - Hoseok really enjoy putting her in difficult positions doesn’t he??? *reader glares at hoseok*
This Lisa girl really doesn’t like the M/C... I can not blame her. She was closer to Kei than she was form the M/C, so for her the M/C is the main villian.
I’ve been in Seubi’s place too. Being in a place that makes you unhappy isn’t the healthy. The M/C advice was really great.
oh shit, Hosoek is mad...And the girl quit already?? She was truly unhappy.
I can not believe she used the law to run way from the conversation. I’m deceased with that. HSAUSHAUSHAUHS Hosoek was clearly impressed and amazed with her, even thought he threatened to throw his mug at her.
OMG!!!! That bitch Kei! I was feeling bad for her but her attitude was completly childish. The M/C have a difficult life. Sweet side of Hoseok shows up. I loved to see him worried about her. I’m glad that people at the office didn’t say that she deserved it.
The gossips were the best LOL this always happens.
Trapped inside an elevator together, classic! I approve that scene. ^^
A PEEING CORNER? LOL I can not believe he mad a joke like that. Their entire light dialogue was perfection hun, I loved it. If I were to hightlight here my favorite lines, I would have to highlight it all because it was amazing.
Oh my, she is hiding stuffs about their past... I can feel it. I think they were more them just acquaintances.
Chapter 05 - OHHH, she is still doing the taxi thing. But why? I mean, wasn’t the HR job supposed to help her get out of that life? Also, it is dangerous to drive while sleepy.
I loved her little revenge on the three stupid dudes tho...
The lunch thing...She was so excited, I felt really bad for her not being with her friends. In the other hand, she is going to lunch with the handsome Hosoek alone.
I love how their interations start stiff but end up being quite nice and natural in the end. Hoseok’s library story was the best kkkk.
She left her carrots for him? She stills cares for him I guess.
This was my opinion on the first five chapters. I didn’t want to write more than I could in a single post on tumblr.
If the author reads this: I’m totally in love with your fanfic. It is sweet and funny <3 
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Survey #170
this one’s a few days old and am just getting to posting it. don’t feel like rereading to change some old answers tho.
Do you tell your best friend everything? What might you omit? If she asked about a subject, I'd tell her. I wouldn't just be like "hey here's a little factoid I don't like talking about." Have you ever experienced unrequited love? Yes. In your current or most recent romantic relationship, do/did you feel as though one of you settled? Not at all. What did your ex (or one of your exes) consider to be a dealbreaker in you? My depression. What seemingly small change have you made to improve your life this year? More drive to be an adult. Make the decision to try as hard as mentally possible to be more open about myself and not so scared of being found as "too weird." Does anyone in your family suffer from mental illness or substance abuse? Don't get me started on the first. I only know of my dad being a recovered alcoholic. What is the biggest gap in your employment history? How did/will you explain it to future employers? 0-19ish. Wasn't in the mental state to. Is there any part of your sexual/romantic history that you have not told your current significant other about or that you will not tell future partners about? She knows a lot. There's just one thing I'm not comfortable talking about yet. There's nothing I absolutely won't tell at any point - if you're in a serious relationship, they have the right to know. Has anyone ever tried to change your mind about something very personal, such as religion or wanting children? Children, yes. Colleen especially was convinced I was going to change my mind to an annoying degree. People have pushed me being a vet a whole lot, too. Do you ever hear about old school friends? Where are you high school friends now? Well, through FB. Most have stable jobs, some are extremely intelligent students headed towards amazing careers, some are parents. Most fell off the face of the earth. What is the most fun you can remember ever having under the influence? Cards Against Humanity. Has your Facebook relationship status ever been set to 'it’s complicated’? Why? Nooooo, and I seriously wish that option didn't even exist. Drama bait, whether intentional or not. What is the most beautiful/interesting name that you’ve ever personally known someone to have? Alon. Have you ever developed feelings for someone whose sexual orientation was incompatible with yours? Yes. How many relationships have you been in that actually got sexual? One. When making an entrance in to a party, do you make your presence known? Do you slip in and look for someone you know? Do you sneak in quietly and find a safe spot to roost? Me?????????????? At a party?????????????????????? What is your strongest sense? Maybe you don't count this because it's not a "real" sense, but I would say I have an incredibly strong "sixth sense" of just knowing when something is wrong, even with people I don't know well. I pick up bad emotions easily. But if you're just talking sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell, I suppose smell? Or taste. Could be why I'm so picky. What is the strangest thing you believed as a child? There is NO telling. I believed some wild shit. HAHAHA OH MY GOD WAIT NO I BELIEVED I HAD "ANIMAL POWERS" UNTIL THE END OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Like, I could go into a "mode" where I had capabilities like those in certain animals, like with kangaroo powers, I could jump higher. God that was so embarrassing to write jfc what the fuck was I on. Who performs the most random acts of kindness out of everyone you know? Mom. She gives food, water, and sometimes money to homeless people she trusts as actually being without a home. There are two or three people she's actually "friends" with. Are you more likely to avoid conflict or engage it head-on? A V O I D What is something about yourself that you hope will change, but probably never will? I make situations awkward. Just social anxiety in general. What’s a strange occurrence you’ve experienced but have never (or rarely) shared with anyone? Okay, so I don't think I believe in angels, and I'm 99% sure this was a dream by now. But once as a little kid, I have a *very* strong memory of getting out of bed and going outside because I felt I needed to see something, and two swans came to the porch, turning into my grampa and favorite cat that had died. Then I went back inside, and that's all I remember. Still to this day that shit didn't feel like a dream, but. It probably was. What do you think about more than anything else? The future. What’s your all-time favorite town or city? Why? I dunno. If you could restore one broken relationship, which would it be? The friendship with Megan. Do you Skype? With Sara. Have you ever called anyone ‘bro’ other than your actual brother? I'll call p much anyone that. Have you ever blocked someone on MySpace before? Maybe? What is the best kind of pizza in your opinion? Pan meat lovers omfg. Stick with jalapeno tho with trying to at least lean towards vegetarianism. Is there something that someone has done to you that you cannot forgive? Eh... I think I've forgiven him. Do you scream at scary parts in a horror flick? No. What is your favorite restaurant? Olive Garden. Has anyone ever drunk called/texted you? No. Are any of your pets “overweight”? No. How do you feel about weed? I'm totally for it medicinally. Helps with too many things. Otherwise, for reasons I've said in many old surveys, I don't believe it should be smoked. We already complain enough about cigarettes and lung cancer. How many people have you kissed that you weren’t dating? None. Who was the last person that ditched you? How did you react? Mini, I guess. Was hurt as fuck for years until I recently confronted her, and we're cool now. Who is your best friend of the opposite sex? Girt is like... my only male friend besides Dad. What size are the pants you’re wearing? Large, probably? Were you a fan of Michael Jackson before he died? I went neither way. Liked some songs, didn't like some, no opinion on others. Can you spot constellations in the night sky? Only the Big or Little Dipper. I dunno the difference. What kind of shampoo did you last use? I dunno exactly. Mom just put some in a smaller, nameless bottle for while I'm at Sara's. It's probably Suave, though. If you had a hippie bus, what would it look like? Gimme all the peace signs and trippy patterns. Have you ever hitchhiked? No. Would you rather hike a mountain or explore a cave? EXPLORE A CAVE BITCH Would you rather wear a flower crown or veil? For my wedding, probably a veil. I can't see a flower crown going with a (probably) black dress lmao. Do you go barefoot often? I'm always barefoot in the house, but outside, I always have shoes. What is your favorite thing to get high off of? N/A What type of tattoo do you want? Most of the ones I want hold personal meaning. There's few I want to get for solely aesthetic purposes. What is your favorite insect? Butterflies. Favorite constellation? *shrug* Beach wedding, forest wedding, or English countryside wedding? Forest! Does pineapple belong on pizza? NO. Do you have any big plans for November? No. What upcoming event are you most looking forward to? Christmas. I doubt Halloween's gonna be anything I'd like it to be. What was the last song you heard? "Letter" by Mother Mother is on. Compared to someone else of your age and gender; do you feel that you have a lot to offer someone? HAHAHAHA NO. How many days a week do you work? N/A Is there ONE person you feel more connected to than others? Sara and Mom. Where did your eye color come from? Mom's dad had blue eyes, I think. Have you ever been in a recording studio? No. What is your worst relationship quality? I'm paranoid. I'm that "do you still like me?" person after marriage, I'm sure. What was your most recent serious injury? Does sun poisoning from Hell itself count? When was the last time you baked something for someone? Never lmao. Would you rather be kissed on the neck or on the lips? I mean it depends on the mood. What is one thing you’re not looking forward to in the next week? I'm going home Wednesday. Would you consider Christmas your favorite holiday? Second-fave. How many chances do you normally give someone before giving up on them? Way too fucking many. But it also depends on the offense and person. Did you parents know what gender you were before you were born? Yeah. Are you for or against inter-racial relationships? Totally for. Would you say you’re more of a pessimist or optimist? I'm definitely a realist, but if I had to pick, I lean more towards pessimism. Have you ever been addicted to something unhealthy? No. When the holidays come around, do you watch holiday movies? Not really. Would you say you’re a friendly person or not so much? I think I'm very friendly, just shy and awkward socially. When was the last time you ate something from Burger King? LEMME TELL YOU THIS SHIT. Months ago, I went for a veggie burger. THESE. IDIOTS. Put all the normal shit BUT NO PATTY IN A FUCKING BUN. WHEN THEY HAVE ACTUAL VEGGIE PATTIES. We waited forever, so Mom was already in a bad mood. She went in and the manager was livid; she gave us a free drink and fries. BUT, the burger fucking sucked, it was so overcooked. Sooo that was fun. When someone mentions a song, does it make you wanna listen to it? Rarely if it's a song I don't know, unless I like the artist. Song title may interest me, too. Who is the nosiest person you know? Do you like them anyways? BITCH ME. Are you one of those people who like The Nightmare Before Christmas? Okay so, I first watched it in school and I didn't like it at all. Then I started loving it??? I have like sooo much Jack stuff. What’s the best food to have at a sleepover? Pizza! Do you like the yellow Cheetos better or the orange ones? You mean normal or hot? Gimme them spicy boiz. Do you know anybody with different colored eyes? No. Are any of your relatives vets? Don't believe so. Who cleans the most in your house? Mom. I really need to do it more. Do you own any shirts that cost over 100$? Jfc no. What about any shoes? Do you think that’s a lot of money for clothes? No, and obviously. What’s the movie theater in your town called? Uhhh I think Cinemax? How many minutes do you consider late? Over five. What kinds of food do you dunk into milk? Some cookies. Do you have any current or past teachers on your Facebook friends? No. Are there any baby pictures of you up? On FB? No. Do you have any friends who have bleached blonde hair? Maybe Alon still does, idk. Are you wearing any jewelry that a boyfriend/girlfriend gave you? No. Have you ever seen the last person you kissed cry? Yeah. What’s the last thing you were excited to eat? A donut sobs. Who's the most romantic person you ever went out with? I dunno... none were/are like especially romantic. Is there anything hanging from the ceiling in your room? Some Pyramid Head gift tags, a stuffed fae dragon from WoW, and a cool lantern. Have you ever seen the last person you hugged dressed up fancy? Not in person, but in pictures. (If your parents married), Do you know where they got engaged? No. What was the last picture you printed of? The reference I made of my tattoo for the artist. What restaurant has the best fries? Bojangle's the Queen. What does your mailbox look like? Just a basic black one. Have you ever gotten something stuck on the roof? Probs as a kid. Does your computer make a lot of noise? Not really. Unless it's overheating. Who did you last drink or smoke up with? Mom and Sara. How many board games do you own? Idk, there's just a few in a cabinet in the living room. What does your BIGGEST mug look like? We don't have any really big ones. Newest musical discovery? I really love Powerwolf. Last thing you cleaned? Clothes. What exactly do you carry around all your stuff in? Purse. What do you carry around, typically? Phone, iPod, wallet, hand sanitizer, keys... Where is your newest scar? There's still a little scab on the bottom of my tat from heavy shading, but it's almost healed. If you mean like, "real" scar, cat scratch on my right hand. Where is your oldest scar? Ummm probably this random one on the top of my right wrist. No clue where it came from, been there for years. Last thing you disposed of? A bottle, I think? Are you good at recovering from injuries? I dunno. How many different public restrooms have you used this week? I think just one, at the reptile convention. Do you have more piercings or tattoos? Currently tied at six, but piercings the day I get home and get my tongue redone. What color and type is your vehicle? N/A Looking to upgrade or add any time soon? N/A What animal do you have the most possessions *of*, or featuring? Meerkats. What do you use to wash your dishes? Ugh, hands, gross. I refuse to have my own home that doesn't have a dishwasher. Last thing you measured? Ummm probably water when I was making ramen. Last thing you weighed? Myself. Do you talk to your parent(s) [almost] every day? Ma, yes. Last person to tell you that you smell good? Sara although I don't see how, I needed a shower. @_@ Last person you told that they smell good? Sara. How many iPhones have you had? One, I think? Last person you ran into unexpectedly? Good question. Last compliment you received on your appearance? Uhhh idk. On your character/personality? Sara's mom pointed out this morning that she liked how I watch out for Sara and reminded her to call the library (applied there) and it made me so happy alkdjowie. Her approval is important to me. Do you remain friends with anyone you met at your first job? No. Woulda liked to, but. How many chargers do you have for your current cell phone? One, though Mom's fits mine, too. Do you have a good work/life balance? N/A Have you ever ordered pizza online? Yeah. Do you own a treadmill? No, but I want one. Have you ever signed up for a gym membership? Yeah. What color was the last fish you had? I couldn't tell you. Is there a garbage can in your room? What color is it? No. Have you ever read in the bathtub? I may've as a kid? Does your animal sleep with you? Roman, pretty much always. Rarely Teddy, but hhe doesn't like getting off the bed; I put him on it if he wants, so getting down's the only thing. Have you ever had to wear a hairnet? I think I have, but I don't recall for what? How many favorites do you have on YouTube? Holy shit idk. I used to favorite almost anything I liked, though for like a year or so now I've been really picky with what I favorite because it's become a playlist I go to that I know will cheer me up or are just videos I find very important. What kind was the last chip you ate? Uhhhh Lays, p sure. What is your favorite song to play on Guitar Hero or Rockband? I physically cannot play "Hotel California" by the Eagles without moving in some sort of way or singing.  The fucking solo ahhhhhhhhhh goosebumps every time.
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yehet-me-up · 7 years
Special Delivery
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Gif by https://gsvnrewind.tumblr.com/
Pairing: Jackson Wang x Reader
Word Count: 2,064
Rating: (F) for fluff
Summary: A series of mysterious gifts arrive for you, presents from a secret admirer. Along with the man from the mail room, you attempt to figure out who’s been sending them to you.
Part 4 of the GOT7 colors series of oneshots! 🌈 Color: Pink.
It started with a rose. A single pink rose, delivered with the usual assortment of contracts and memos one Monday morning.
The mail room worker, Jackson, hands you your stack of paperwork. But after you thank him and set it on your desk, he pauses.
You look up from your computer to see he hasn’t moved. “Was there something else?” you ask.
After a beat he grins and reaches down to the bottom of the cart and pulls out a rose. “This also came in for you this morning,” he says and hands it to you.
You furrow your brow in confusion and hesitantly take the rose, regarding it with awe. None of your past boyfriends had ever sent you flowers before, even on Valentine’s Day. And as you are currently single as a dollar bill, you can’t imagine who it might have come from.
“How’d you know it was for me?” you ask, looking back at him.
He folds his arms and gives you a knowing look, nodding toward the flower. “There’s a tag.”
“Oh,” you say, finally noticing the tiny white tag with your name on it. “Huh.” You can’t resist bringing the flower to your nose to smell it.
“Any idea who it’s from?” he asks, raising a brow.
You wrack your brain, thinking of all the people in your office. You’d lost an important bid on a new client last week. Despite all of your hard work and preparation, they’d gone with a competing company. Everyone had been so kind, complimenting your hard work and saying there’d be other clients. But as a perfectionist, you’d taken the disappointment to heart.
It could have been one of your friends in the office, trying to cheer you up; your mood had been kind of down since finding out you didn’t get the contract. But they’re the type to just send you a funny meme or buy you a drink after work. You can’t imagine anyone who would do something so… old fashioned and sweet as this.
You shake your head, still staring in amazement at the rose. “No, I have no idea.”
“Well it looks like you have a secret admirer,” he says with a warm smile. “Have a great day Y/N.” He moves onto the next office, leaving you lost in thought.
The next day it’s a stuffed animal. A cute Squirtle plushie. Jackson shakes his head, laughing as he hands it to you.
“So what does the tag say?” he asks. “I didn’t read inside. You don’t have to tell me, but I’m dying to know.”
The white tag is larger today, folded in half with your name on the front. You open it up to read the tiny words on the inside. It’s nice to see you smile again. It’s true that yesterday you were in a great mood after the rose. It was a very welcome distraction from the negative thoughts you’d been having, still beating yourself up about the client.
You carefully remove the tag from the plushie and hold it out to Jackson. He comes closer, reading the words. “Well whoever sent this is right. You seemed pretty down for a while after that contract thing happened, it’s good to see you’re coming around,” he says earnestly.
You wince. “You heard about that?”
He shrugs and moves back over to his cart. “I think everyone did. But it doesn’t sound like there was anything else you could have done. So don’t go too hard on yourself, okay?”
“I’ll try,” you reply, your attention drawn back to the cute toy as Jackson wheels his cart over to the next office.
The next day when Jackson comes in with his cart you try your best to be professional. To hide your curiosity and excitement as you wait to see if there are any more surprises. But you fail miserably, completely ignoring the email you’re answering when he comes in.
He says hello and hands you your paper mail, moving to push his cart back out the door. You deflate slightly, chastising yourself for coming to expect something. Just when you’re about to write it off as a sweet surprise and nothing more, he turns around with a wry grin.
“Oh, and I guess there’s something else for you,” he says with a knowing grin.
You clap your hands together excitedly, trying to peer around him to see the bottom of the cart. He purposefully stands with his back to the cart, moving back and forth as you try to see around him, holding something behind his body. You stand up and come in front of him. With a dramatic pout you put your hands on your hips.
“You’re killing me with the suspense here,” you laugh.
“I’ll give it to you, if you tell me if you have any ideas about who your mystery admirer could be first,” he says with a wicked grin. “I’m a sucker for drama and this is way more interesting than delivering contracts.”
You’d spent last night at happy hour with your friends from the office trying to figure it out. Steven in HR? He’d been quite friendly at the office party last year, but you were all pretty sure he had a girlfriend. Adam in accounting? He’d taken you to lunch after you landed a big account a few months ago, but Jennifer was 98% sure she’d heard him talking about a boyfriend in the break room. Most of the other employees in the building are older and married already, so you were all stumped.
Suddenly an idea comes to you and you snap your fingers. “Wait a minute, you work in the mail room,” you start.
His eyes go wide in surprise for a moment, an odd look coming over his face, before settling into a smirk. “You’re so observant, what was the first clue?”
You give him a sarcastic stare back. “Ha ha. That’s not what I mean. You must see when people drop off the mail, didn’t you see who brought these?”
He shakes his head and sighs dramatically. “I’m afraid not. If it had to come through FedEx or the Postal Service I would have, since I have to sign for those packages. But there’s just a big drop box for inter-office mail and every time these were sitting on top when I came in for the day.”
You drop your hands and sigh. “Oh, well. The mystery continues I guess,” you say. But these little gifts are quite the pleasant surprise, so you don’t really mind waiting.
Jackson finally moves his hands out from behind his back and hands you the box. It’s a deep gold color, wrapped in a golden bow. You grin – it’s chocolates from your favorite chocolate shop. Turning over the card you see that the mystery man or woman added an XO underneath the message. Something sweet for you today it reads.
You hold the card in your hand, shaking your head in amusement. You pop off the lid and admire the delicious looking milk chocolates. After popping one in your mouth you hold the tray out to Jackson.
“God these are incredible, would you like one?” you offer.
“Oooh, thank you,” he says dramatically. He makes a production out of examining each one closely, leaning in to stare them down, before choosing one. You laugh as he finally puts it in his mouth. His eyes crinkle as he gives you a warm smile. 
You stand there for a beat, realizing how close you are to him. But a moment later your phone rings behind you, and while you sit down to answer it he slips out the door.
It continues like this for the rest of the week. Thursday it’s a cute keychain with metal stars and moons dangling off a key ring. You happily add it to your keychain, loving the way it sparkles in the light. Your secret admirer has exquisite taste, you think to yourself. It can’t match your shine, but I tried to come close the card reads.
Friday is the best gift yet – a ticket for a concert tomorrow night; your favorite band. Your jaw drops when you open the box.
“Holy crap,” you exclaim. “This show has been sold out for weeks!”
“I think there’s a note on the back,” Jackson says with a grin.
I’ll meet you there at seven, if you’re game. I’ll be wearing a pink rose ;) is written on the back of the ticket in Sharpie. 
A wave of nervous excitement floods your body. You’ll find out who your mystery person is in just over twenty-four hours. The thought is both thrilling and terrifying. What if it’s someone you can’t stand? What if it’s someone you just like as a friend? They must know you pretty well to have chosen such perfect gifts.
You and Jackson end up talking for quite a while after he drops off the latest gift. Even though you started at the same time, about a year ago, you haven’t spent much time together before now. You always exchange a pleasant greeting and the requisite “how are you?” when he drops off the mail. And you’ve chatted in the break room a few times while you both get your morning coffee.
But you find yourself drawn to him. His joyful, high-pitched laugh. The way he drops off the mail in everyone’s office with flair, always a cheerful presence. His warm eyes and the obvious attention he pays to his body, apparent through his white button-down shirt and close-fitting black slacks. The way he looks at you as you talk, the type to give you his full and undivided attention.
After he leaves, called away by the arrival of a FedEx delivery, you sigh. You’re frustrated that you still haven’t figured out who’s been sending you these mystery presents. You’re also secretly wishing that they were from Jackson himself. But he’s always just as curious as you are to see what the present and the message are for the day, so you rule that out repeatedly.
Saturday night you walk toward the concert, tugging down your dress nervously. The concert is in an intimate venue, an exclusive bar with a small stage in the back; it seats fifty people max. You join the small line of people waiting at the entrance. 
The exterior is black; the only indication there’s anything inside is a small neon sign above the door, it’s golden light reads Dilettantes. You smirk at the name and step up to the doorman, handing him your ticket.
He waves you inside. After passing through a hallway you enter the bar. Twelve or so plush leather booths face the stage, lit by a small number of overhead lights. Stools and microphones wait on stage for the band.
You tuck your clutch under your arm and brush your hair behind your ear as you survey the space for your date. You do a double take at a man standing against the bar, a glass of amber liquid in his hands. Jackson’s dark hair is swept out of his face. His all-black ensemble makes him look sexy in a way you haven’t seen before.
He smirks as he makes his way over to you, coming to stand inches from you. A small pink rose is pinned to the lapel of his suit jacket. A twin to the one he gave you earlier in the week.
You grin and lightly smack him in the arm with your clutch. “It was you all along?” you laugh.
He smiles down at you, looking at you through his lashes as he gauges your reaction. “Is that a good surprise or a bad surprise?” he asks.
“Very good,” you say sincerely. “I was hoping it was you, but you were so convincing that I was sure it wasn’t you.”
He laughs. “I can be quite the actor when the occasion calls for it. And winning the attention of an amazing woman like yourself definitely called for it,” he says and runs his hand lightly down your arm.
You lean up on your toes and kiss him on the cheek. “Shall we find a seat?” you ask, sliding your arm into his.
“Let’s do it,” he replies, dropping his hand down to grab yours as he leads you over to a nearby booth.
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o0o-chibaken-o0o · 7 years
Hi there, do you have any recs for long drarry fics? I'm not very good at finding them
Hello!! I’ve done a rec list for long, slow burn fics in the past, so please check that out because I love every fic on that list to death! But OH MAN I could talk about long Drarry fics for the rest of my life, so here are some more! All very long, but not necessarily slow burn this time ;)
What We Pretend We Can’t See by gyzym (131K)- Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.This is the only one I am going to copy from the slow burn rec list, because I just want to rec it every day of my life. It is quite literally my number one favorite fic ever, and I am not exaggerating. Do you see how serious I am right now? I am never serious. This fic is so amazing it turned me serious. I’m not even going to summarize it again because if you trust me at all you will just go read it nooooooow.
Turn by Saras_Girl (307K)- One good turn always deserves another. Apparently. Of course in the middle of declaring my favorite fic ever, I had to remember Turn and how utterly brilliant it is and how I’ve reread it and it was STILL utterly brilliant the second time and have a crisis because MAYBE THIS IS ACTUALLY MY FAVORITE FIC???! Aaah help, I can never choose! Anyway, are you a drarry fan who hasn’t read Turn yet? Really? Well, in that case FUCK YOU BECAUSE I AM SO JEALOUS YOU GET TO READ IT FOR THE FIRST TIME YOU LUCKY BASTARD. *ahem* Anyway, in this amazing fic, epilogue-compliant and worn-down Harry goes to an alternate dimension in which he is happily married to Draco, owns the best pet snake ever, and makes furniture for a living (love artsy Harry
Tales from the Special Branch Series by femmequixotic (272K so far)- (Summary is from the second part of the series, which is the first long installment: Lost in Your Arms) Three months after their brief encounter, Draco has almost forgotten about Potter–or so he tells himself. Then a Dark wizard shows up on the Auror radar and all hell breaks loose. Draco will have to choose between everything he holds dear–everything he’s worked so hard for–and a few stolen moments of passion with a certain green-eyed Inspector, once his sworn enemy and now something rather different entirely. He’ll make the right choice, won’t he? Who is he kidding? He’ll ruin everything, as per usual. Bad choices and the name Malfoy go hand in hand.This series is a WIP, but a regularly updated one and the FIRST CHAPTER OF THE NEXT BOOK IS BEING RELEASED TOMORROW AND I AM SO EXCITED!!! I feel so lucky to be following along with it as it comes out, because let me tell you, this is an instant classic! There is lovely forbidden fornication between a boss (Harry) and his subordinate (Draco) (the prequel was written for the kink fest so you can bet the sex is SCORCHING), a very compelling mystery/case, and truly brilliant characterization! I identify so much with this Draco. And I also love that Harry isn’t the perfect flawless cinnamon roll he is often portrayed as in fics. Everyone in this series is very human, and I am just dying of excitement to find out what happens to them next! I know I’ve already gushed about this fic in several other places recently, and I’m sorry to repeat myself but I really can’t get enough! PLEASE JOIN ME IN ROOTING FOR @femmequixotic AS SHE KINDLY DEDICATES HER SOUL TO US ALL FOR THE NEXT BIT OF HER LIFE
Secrets by Vorabiza (395K)- Beginning with Draco’s unexpected arrival at the Dursleys, Harry’s summer after sixth year becomes filled with activity and many secrets. As his summer progresses, Harry generates several unexpected allies as he finds himself actively becoming the leader of the Light side. OMG it’s the first fic I ever read!! The fic that brought me into the fandom! I have suuuuuch a soft spot for this fic, and it is just so so so good! It’s probably my favorite adventure/wizarding war plot of all. Harry is just so confident and he embraces his Slytherin side and really Gets Shit Done, and it’s SO SATISFYING. Also, I love any fic in which Draco helps with the Horcrux hunt. Also there’s a baaaaaaby (no mpreg) and mentor!Snape, which is really nice. This fic was written post-HBP, but is SURPRISINGLY accurate in its predictions. Oh, and the sex is super hot too ;)
Checkmate by Naadi (245K)- Draco has the perfect plan to get Harry Potter and challenges him to a game of Dare Chess. But is it love, or betrayal, he has in mind? A real chess game is played throughout the story.This fic is so lovely! It’s an “alternate 7th year AU”, written after Goblet of Fire. It’s fluffy and funny and lovey and then dramatic and passionate and YEAH I LOVED IT. The real time game of chess, in which Harry and Draco take turns making “moves” (on each other) is just such a wonderful idea. Read the author’s note for more info! 
Leo Inter Serpentes by Aeternum (658K combined so far)- Just one conversation between two eleven year old boys goes slightly differently, and the world changes. Just how much will be different with Harry being sorted into Slytherin, and how much will stay the same?SLYTHERIN HARRY ALERT SLYTHERIN HARRY ALERT! Yep, a Slytherin Harry rewrite, and a REALLY GOOD ONE. Like usually I love the idea of Slytherin Harry, and then once I start reading I either find I’m bored because everything is just a repeat of canon or I can’t get into it because everyone is so OOC. But not this one! This fic is engaging and different enough from canon to be interesting and I love the eleven-year-old baby drarry friendship that eventually turns to romance! This fic also features benevolent mentor!Snape, which I suppose is either an enticement or a warning depending on your preferences. You SHOULD be warned that it’s a WIP. But the author is currently actively posting the 6th book, and I have hope it won’t be abandoned :)
Any Instrument by dicta_contrion (131K)- Draco Malfoy wouldn’t go back to England for anything less than an exceptional case. Being asked to figure out why Harry Potter can’t control his magic might be exceptional enough to qualify.Okay I have a HUGE thing for healer!draco and this fic portrayed him so so so perfectly. Harry is having complications with his magic after an operation gone wrong. So Draco comes from France and of course they can’t get together because Draco is Harry’s healer but OMG THE UST and then let me just say that when they finally do have sex, it’s the most beautiful, moving, heart-stopping sex scene you will ever read. Like, I felt it in my soul. And the character development is so compelling and there are literally no flaws in this fic whatsoever.
Starts With a Spin by Maxine (120K)- It started with the spin of a bottle, and now Harry and Draco have gotten themselves so far into their own game there’s almost no way out again. Except to keep playing.AAAAH this fic has all the teenage drarry feels! They’re so in character, always trying to one-up each other! And like these constant party games are happening and they’re being “forced” to go further and further with each other by their friends until they’re actually having sex, and YET THEN THE WAR IS STILL ON AS WELL, and it’s just super well-written and great! Another classic :D
Changing of the Guard by Lomonaaeren (210K)- Need a perfect stranger? Ask Metamorphosis. Harry Potter runs the business secretly and becomes whoever’s needed for each occasion. He’s not sure whether he should be more surprised, worried, or amused when Draco Malfoy comes to Metamorphosis and requests an actor who can play his boyfriend so that his parents will disown him. Yet Harry has even more dangerous choices after he creates Brian, Draco’s “perfect” boyfriend. Draco doesn’t know who Brian is, but he’s trying to find out—and now so is Harry.Aaah Lomonaaeren! Drarry writer of my dark, dark heart! And yet I know some people aren’t huge fans of her style and I don’t want to be reccing her fics all the time, so I try to keep the Lomon recs relatively infrequent. But if you are looking for long fics and you do like her style, I’m pretty sure she can keep you busy for like an entire year. This woman is more prolific than Steven King, and it’s a true blessing. As for this particular fic, Harry basically has Dissociative Identity Disorder, but he has been making the most of it by running a whoever-you-need-for-hire business. Only then Draco arrives, and Harry’s world had to come crashing down at some point and that point is NOW, and the drama is just so so good and this fic gave me ALL THE FEELS. It’s possibly my favorite of her fics :)
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kurasuchi · 7 years
Kimura Tatsunari Shuukan Josei Prime Translation
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This is a very loose translation of Kimura Tatsunari’s interview in Shuukan Josei Prime, so there’s a probably a lot of errors. But hell, it’s better than Google Translate. Plus it’s interesting so I can’t help but share it. Enjoy!
Kimura Tatsunari, an actor that you should check out now! A talk behind the scenes of Yowamushi Pedal Drama
Loose translation of the Shuukan Josei Prime Interview: Source
This is a continuation of the interview in Shuukan Josei Prime.
I: Interviewer K: Kimura
"I've loved musicals from the very beginning, so my desire to do it is strong." I: On March next year, you're going to be a part of the well-loved and long-running "La Cage aux Folles". You've said yourself that you want to sing, haven't you?
K: Yes, I have. I've loved musicals from the very beginning, so my desire to do it is strong. So being able to have a chance to perform as Jean-Michel in La Cage aux Folles makes me really nervous (lol). I don't really wanna say that I'm nervous though. For the time being, I'll think hard about it first lol.
I: You've already started voice training, right?
K: I've already started practicing my singing. Well, I knew it's gonna be difficult. All of my experiences are different as compared to this one, so I'm sure that the difficulty in this is going to be on another level.
I: Are you having fun in your singing practice?
K: I'm having fun! It's what I've always wanted to do after all. Being able to express my feelings into my singing makes me happy.
I: Even though you're a bit anxious? (lol)
K: Definitely. But well, somehow along the way that anxiousness will disappear... Before I knew it, the anxiety that I've felt before has already vanished. That's the kind of person I am. (lol)
“Whenever I ride a bicycle, I end up adapting Imaizumi’s riding style.”
I: I'm going to ask a bit about BS SkyPERFECT TV's original serial drama Yowamushi Pedal Season 2. Who do you think is the moodmaker in the set?
K: I guess it's (Aoki) Soramu and (Takigawa) Eiji-san. I'm the one who does all the pranks that Eiji-san plans to do, and I think it's really fun. I've also realized that I've become one (a moodmaker). So far, Eiji-san's been calling me an "idiot" (think of Kageyama's infamous boke) since that's how the Hakogaku members do their punch lines (tsukkomi), and even though it's like that I still think it's a bit different. I end up thinking, "Should I even react even though I'm younger than him?"
I: So he calls you an idiot only as a tsukkomi?
K: Yes. And then Eiji-san and Soramu-san even end up doing tsukkomi battles. And we all laugh so much whenever that happens. When the shooting ends and we're all exhausted, and there's a hint of confusion in the air... I think, "This isn't good." So while waiting in between our shoot, I play around with Eiji-san and Soramu-san in the first half and in the second half doing the "Boke and Tsukkomi" (manzai comedy) and switching around and having [tsukkomi] battles. And when that happens, I look around and see that everyone has gotten lively (lol).
I: Looks like a party with the Dorapeda members is going to be pretty lively.
K: Even though we won't be able to go drinking, it's surely gonna be lively. We're all people with loud voices after all (lol). If we add in alcohol then it's gonna be even more rowdy!
I: Have you been charmed by bicycles thanks to this drama?
K: I really got into it~ The way you handle yourself on the ground as you pedal, the feeling of figuring out how you're going to move forward (???).... as expected, it definitely feels good. That's why I bought one. From the same manufacturer as Imaizumi Shunsuke's Scott. It's a different model as Imaizumi's though.
I: So you ride even on your own private time?
K: I haven't really ridden that far, but I've reached about 15 kilometers.
I: So you ride until you reach the training hall?
K: I give myself a bit more free time to do that (biking). Well, I guess it's refreshing. Looking at the scenery while riding is fun. Being able to feel the wind feels so good. It's enjoyable. That's why doing that this summer at the set, with sweat dripping down our skin.... Make-up artist-san will make an annoyed face again (lol). That's what I have to prepare for.
I: Are there even similarities between Kimura-san and Imaizumi Shunsuke?
K: Our speech and conduct aren't the same, I think. Still, I think that whenever I ride a bicycle, I end up adapting Imaizumi’s riding style. We all should do this together, something like that.
I: So you understand Imaizumi's feelings?
K: I understand what Imaizumi meant when he said, "The front of the pack is the quietest." That's why I get a bit annoyed whenever someone passes through me. Is something like that even similar to him?
I: What else? How about being stoic?
K: Well, it wasn't really my intention to appear as stoic. But a lot of people have been telling me that I'm stoic. So is that also a similarity between us? I've been called as a "Jack of all trades, master of none" though.
I: Is there any scene during the three days of Inter High that you'd like us to look forward to?
K: That scene where Kinjou had withdrawn from the match and entrusted his soul [to the first years and Makishima]. I mean, that's the scene that I really wanna see the most. Where at the start, I said to Kinjou, "Please! I'll definitely push you from behind!" even though the flow has already changed from that time onwards... That's a very emotion-packed scene. It fills you up with emotions every time you watch it, so please, look forward to it!
"The me who thinks, "I need to come out" as I act has already vanished long ago."
I: Ever since your debut in Tenimyu, you have starred in various 2.5D projects. Kimura-san, what do you think is the charm and joy of 2.5D productions?
K: First of all, isn't being able to act as a character that's impossible to exist in real life fascinating? It feels natural even though it really isn't, something like that. Though for me, that's the starting point; on the contrary, I think I need to make it seem natural. There have been many 2.5D movie and drama series productions as of late, so it really gained a lot of attention. Manga is a part of Japan's culture, that's why I think this is truly an amazing thing.
I: In 2.5D productions, what do you think is the most important thing when it comes to preparing for your role?
K: Isn't the original work the most important thing? And then, as you delve deeper into it, you'll end up thinking, "There's probably no other answer but this." And then you'll end up reading the original work until the end. Until you do that, I don't think you'll be able to relate to it that much.
I: What are your memorable experiences from all the productions you've done?
K: There were a lot of things that I've learned ever since I've started Haikyuu!!, and I've done a lot of studying over the original work. So when the director explained it, I ended up thinking, "Aah, it's so deep~"  since I haven't even thought of that before. And also when Naruto's Kodama Akiko-san told me, "Kimura-kun, please make a wind." I really have no idea what she meant by that, but I did my best anyway. So after the performances, I didn't forget to ask Kodama-san about it. "What do you think? How did I do?"  I asked. When Akiko-san said, "You've managed to make it (the wind) today" I've realized that that's what she really meant.
I: She didn't really go for the specifics, did she?
K: At that time, I really haven't had someone criticize me, so I ended up criticizing myself. I asked,"Is it okay if I do it like this just a little bit more?" And then she answered, "Isn't it good where you are right now?" So I asked, "Well then, please tell me what I have to gather!" She replied, "Let's see.. Kimura-kun, please make a wind." I stared blankly at her at first, but there's actually a hundred ways to interpret it when I think about it.
I: It's such a difficult order, isn't it?
K: I was like,"What do I have to bring out so that the atmosphere will become better?" But I ended up having a lot of fun in this production, and I think I enjoyed it even more when I was given an order.
I: So you want to hear it from the director himself?
K: I'll go and ask him myself. That's the kind of person I am.
I: You prefer it when something challenges you?
K: That's right (lol). The me who thinks, "I need to come out" as I act has already vanished long ago. But of course the foundation for that is that I'll enjoy it whatever it may be. I: Even though it looks like you're busy because of the shooting, do you have any plans for the summer?
K: There's somewhere I want to go! I want to go to a beach where you can do a lot of sports activities.... the waterpark! I want to go there the most! Yesterday, I saw a program on TV about the places you need to go on your next holiday! Ah, but I don't wanna get sunburns... what should I do? What should I even do (lol).
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And the Best MCU Film is...
by Captain
Admit it. When the leaked footage of the Avengers: Infinity War trailer came out, you did one of four things:
1. Weep like a baby when Peter said “I’m sorry” to Tony; 2. Scream your lungs out when Steve (beard and all) came out; 3. Let out a big “oooohhhh” when Thanos hurled down that planet; 4. All of the above
As a crossover of 10 years’ worth of cinematic storylines, this mega-event of a movie is unprecedented. Before Infinity War drops next May (which is just 7 months away, but it SURE feels like an eternity away), let’s tackle a question that will trigger debates, challenge friendships, and even put marriages (!) to the test.
What is the best film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Before you blast this blog away with a Jericho missile (hats off to you if you got that reference), the writer would like to set a few parameters.
First, I’ll make it a top 5 list for better chances of acknowledging your favorite. Okay? Y’all happy?
Second, this article will cover only the first 16 MCU films—that is, the ones that have already been released at the time that this article has been published. Unfortunately, I have no Ancient One-like powers to look into the future. My list might very well be obliterated by upcoming flicks like Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther (watch out for the reviews! ☺). Also, I won’t be factoring in TV and Netflix content like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Defenders series. Different medium, different criteria.
Lastly, and speaking of criteria, allow me to declare my standards for film quality. (Feel free to argue with my rubrics in the comments section, but this is my list, so tough luck.) My biggest considerations are plot and characterization. As in, how good is the story that unfolds in the film? How developed are the character arcs and motivations, and why should I care about them? I also care about effectiveness of acting, visual spectacle, quality of shots and editing, and impact of auditory effects.
With that out of the way...
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Captain America: Civil War (epic airport scene vs. wildly impossible coincidences); Avengers: Age of Ultron (messy in places, but it’s just a special thing when Avengers assemble); the first Thor film (an underrated movie...shout-out to Tom and Kenneth)
Raise your right hand if you knew who Star-Lord and Gamora were three years ago. Raise your left hand if you were also aware that they were not in the original Guardians line-up in the comics. No hands raised? Then you’re just like the thousands of moviegoers who were pleasantly surprised by this franchise in 2014. With the careful handling of director James Gunn, this movie featuring C-list Marvel heroes captured the hearts of comic book die-hards and casual MCU fans alike. Guardians’ strongest suit is its comedy—Rocket Racoon’s unstoppable mouth, Drax the Destroyer’s dry humor (made special by wrestler-turned-actor Dave Bautista), and Peter Quill’s dancing-out-of-nowhere in the movie’s climax. And of course...I am Groot, ‘nuff said.
Throw in the brilliance of the film’s color palette and the soundtrack known as “Awesome Mix Vol. 1,” and you could say that it’s hard to find fault with this flick. But I do have (gasp!) a minor gripe. The film’s third act is all about the Guardians protecting the planet of Xandar from Ronan the Accuser, who wields the might of the destructive Power Stone. Problem is, the Xandarians weren’t given quite enough screen time. Every time I watch the film, I think to myself, “Who are these guys?” Sure, there are images of Xandarian families and children scurrying for their lives, but I just wish the development of these ‘sympathetic’ figures had been better.
That, frankly, is my only problem with an otherwise colorful, highly lovable film. As you’ll see, the next film did not commit the Xandar mistake.
#4: ANT-MAN (2015)
“So I’m at this art museum with my cousin Ignacio, right? And there was this, like, abstract impressionism exhibit. But you know me, I’m more like a Neo-Cubist kind of guy...”
Impossible as it sounds, these lines managed to make people laugh. Thanks, Michael Peña! Just like Guardians, the 2015 flick Ant-Man proved that Marvel Studios can do comedy effectively. Beyond its penchant for humor—as well as its dazzling array of museum-worthy visual effects—Ant-Man also got story-telling right. Any human being can relate to Scott Lang’s quest for redemption after his three-year prison sentence. The film tugs at your heartstrings every time Scott interacts with his daughter Cassie. And the film makes you hold your breath during the climax, when Scott sacrifices himself to save Cassie from the villain Yellowjacket. (Spoiler: Scott survived.)
Yellowjacket, however, is a testament to the widely discussed “MCU villain problem.” For all the wonderful heroes that Marvel Studios has brought to life, there is also a legion of antagonists that the MCU films have failed to maximize. In Ant-Man, Darren Cross is a rather menacing jerk (thanks to a great performance by actor Corey Stoll). But his screen time as Ant-Man’s evil counterpart could have been fleshed out and extended. As it was, Yellowjacket became just another dispensable villain to join the likes of Ultron, Ronan the Accuser, and Malekith.
But Ant-Man still succeeds because it makes you care greatly about Scott and Cassie. And it is precisely because of this that this film is ranked above Guardians. When you compare the two films, it’s easier to care for a human father and his innocent little daughter than an entire planet of unknown, unfamiliar beings.
I have to be honest: the subtitle did not work out for me at first. When Marvel and Sony announced that they would be sharing Spidey’s film rights (hallelujah), I was hoping for a comic book-inspired title. Like Sensational Spider-Man or Peter Parker: Spider-Man. I know that the term “Homecoming” has several connotations (such as the Spider-Man character being welcomed back to the fold of Marvel Studios), but it just isn’t fierce enough for a superhero film.
Trust me, that’s about as much I’ll complain about this movie. Because everything else was...amazing.
To begin with, Tom Holland is the perfect actor for the title role. He brought a more youthful vibe to the Peter Parker persona than Tobey Maguire. And he embodied a more light-hearted, wittier Spider-Man than Andrew Garfield. As remarkable as young Mr. Holland’s performance was, the film’s showstopper was veteran actor Michael Keaton. Finally, a well-rounded villain! Keaton brought emotional depth to the role of Adrian Toomes/Vulture, who is effectively portrayed as a blue-collar worker wronged by society’s elite. The rest of the crew is just as outstanding. Robert Downey Jr. (Tony Stark/Iron Man) is used in just enough doses as the hero’s mentor. Jacob Batalon is hilarious as Ned, the techie best friend; while Zendaya is quirky as the mysterious Michelle persona (eventually revealed to be...wait for it...MJ).
Distinguishing itself as a teen movie, Homecoming is a refreshing selection among the grittier grown-ups of the MCU. Take your pick of adolescent drama: Peter’s fixations on his crush, the thrills and frills of weekend parties, the suspense of inter-school competitions. Indeed, this film offers a new flavor among the political thrillers and world-ending catastrophes of Captain America and Thor. The plot keeps you on the edge of your seats from beginning to end (though the climactic battle could have been more, um, climactic). Even the mid-credits scene keeps you fascinated in what happens next (hello, Sinister Six).
This is how good Homecoming is: up until earlier this year, I had a different top 5 list. Captain America: Civil War was on it. When Homecoming came out, Spider-Man swung all the way into my top 3. Tom Holland and co. were so good that there are only two films that they did not displace in my nerdy Marvel heart.
#2: AVENGERS (2012)
This might be more of a sentimental pick—I know that several critics would have Guardians at this spot—but I’m listening to my nerdy heart. In Avengers, several effective elements come together. The best part, of course, is the unprecedented, seamless merging of characters and plot lines. Marvel heroes from a 3-year period of films come together to protect humanity from intergalactic threats. If you faithfully watched the solo Marvel films before viewing Avengers, you were duly rewarded with a satisfying conclusion to Phase 1. If you watched Avengers in isolation, you would still be captivated with the colorful adventure of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
And oh boy, how the sparks fly! Even before a single fist landed on a Chitauri cheekbone, the in-fighting among the heroes was fun to watch. The verbal showdown between Cap and Iron Man was fascinating—enough to get everyone excited for a possible Civil War (which happened). Thor vs. Hulk and Thor vs. Tony were exciting heavyweight fights, and the mind-controlled exploits of Hawkeye (who eventually turned into a protagonist) added an extra layer of conflict.
Speaking of conflict, the plot’s intensity keeps the audience hooked from start to finish. The film opens with a car-blowing, Tesseract-grabbing heist perpetuated by Loki, the best MCU villain to date. The action sequences that follow—which include the forest duel and the Helicarrier fiasco—are visual stunners. The climactic Battle of New York is made even more hearstopping when the Avengers have to deal with the alien invasion and the nuclear missile out of nowhere. By the time Mr. Stark wakes up after his heroic sacrifice (with Hulk’s thunderous voice as the alarm clock), the viewer smiles ear-to-ear, satisfied that the good guys prevailed.
We haven’t even touched on the excellent cast—from Downey to Evans, Hiddleston to Ruffalo—as well as the fantastic effects and brilliant musical score. My only nitpick would be the slowing down of the film’s pace during certain expository parts. Perhaps Natasha’s conversation with Dr. Banner could have been just a tad shorter. Other than this, though, I am satisfied with Joss Whedon’s work to the point of considering Avengers a top-of-the-mountain film.
But not the top film.
I will argue all day, any day with anyone who disagrees.
The second Captain America installment is second to none in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Directed by Joe and Anthony Russo, The Winter Soldier is the MCU’s standard-bearer for film quality.
Perhaps the greatest accomplishment of this film is its realistic approach. All the elements of The Winter Soldier make you believe that a “super soldier”—the stuff of comic book lore—can actually trade fists and save lives in a true-to-life episode of political espionage. Chris Evans gives justice to a highly conflicted Cap, who finds his classic American ideals challenged by 21st century US military “values.”
The action sequences are exquisite. The moment you see Cap deliver a spinning heel kick to a pirate (hello, Georges St-Pierre!), you know it’s going to be special. My favorite scene in the entire film was the elevator scene, in which Steve fights about a dozen Hydra henchmen by himself...and wins. The final act of the film is packed with suspense as Cap attempts to deactivate Hydra’s three Helicarriers designed for mass eliminations. But standing in his way—literally, they stood face-to-face on a very narrow passage—is the Winter Soldier, who is revealed to be Steve’s best friend Bucky. Cheesy as it may have been, the line “I’m with you till the end of the line” was a nice touch to the Cap/Steve vs. Winter Soldier/Bucky plotline.
Comrade Barnes may have been the cybernetically-enhanced villain, but Alexander Pierce was a great antagonist as well in the role of the slimy, intelligent bureaucrat. Robert Redford (God bless his kindred soul) proved in this film that he can out-act any performer that Hollywood has to offer. Memorable performances also came from Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, Scarlett Johannson as Black Widow, and Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson.
As garnish, the Russo brothers added touches of humor and cleverness. Like the running joke of Steve telling Sam “I’m on your left,” or the subtle graveyard reference to Samuel L. Jackson’s role in the cult classic Pulp Fiction, or Steve’s list of pop culture items (Star Wars and Star Trek, anyone?). Indeed, Messieurs Joe and Anthony deserved the call to direct Civil War and the Infinity films.
I can only hope that Infinity War and its sequel (Gauntlet, perhaps?) will live up to their gargantuan hype. But don’t get me wrong: I am highly confident because the directors proved how excellent an MCU film can be when they made Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
Dear readers, what’s your top 5 list? Do you agree or disagree with the list presented above? Let us know in the comments below!
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Mauricio Pochettino’s party crashers help break up the European elite on great night for football
We have seen a lot of drama in this stadium before. When Manchester City defeated QPR to win their first Premier League title in 2012, we went home and told everyone that we had just witnessed the most football match between two teams that we had would see There was a box checked, or so it seemed.
Do we have to look at this again? It was VAR who brought Pep Guardiola to his knees at the end and that will never be the same as the simple sight of a ball that lands on the back of the net.
It has been a very short time, but it has been a very short time,
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Tottenham & # 39; s Champions League win over Manchester City delivered a dramatic final
A look at the larger picture tells us that
We have to take a break and think about Ajax. It is a great night for English football that was the central part of a great week for the Champions League, they had eyes last month of Europe over them after their wonderful win at Real Madrid. When it turned out that they were only in the spotlight for 24 hours, the Manchester United won dramatically the following night at PSG.
Now it has happened again, their astonishing victory at Juventus overshadowed by this breathtaking night of punch and counter-stamp in the east of Manchester.
Not that the famous Dutch club will care. They still have a chance for glory in the semi-final that we now know will be played against Tottenham.
Ajax & # 39; famous victory over Juventus was overshadowed by the European heroes of Tottenham.
Ajax & # 39; s famous victory over Juventus was overshadowed by the European heroes of Tottenham
Stellar European football competition has been accused of being
Ajax & # 39; s famous win over Juventus was overshadowed by the European heroes of Tottenham a closed store in recent years, dominated by the same faces.
This game on the Etihad was just a game that matched the game time, a time in which the standards of entertainment and glamor in the Premier League have never been higher. The next time we wonder why TV companies around the world are willing to pay such huge sums to cover our game, we'll look back on this for our answer. It was a silly game, a playground.
It was a silly game, a playground. It was a game that was characterized and decided by mistakes, despite the quality of some of the current goals. Neither Pep Guardiola or Mauricio Pochettino send out their teams to play such a thing. They are both smart, experienced coaches and this is not what they see when they close their eyes at night.
Yet it was beautiful in its own way. The ebb and flow and unpredictability were hypnotic and anyone who says that the two VAR interventions did not make it even more convincing is telling the truth.
The bare truth, a little odd, is that Tottenham didn't do that I actually play so well. They were much better in the first game and scored only once. Sometimes that is exactly how sport works.
Pep Guardiola was amazed by the defeat "class =" blkBorder img-share "/>
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play such a thing
Here they scored three times on the back of City errors, and if that sounds unpleasant, it's not the intention. deserves their place in the final four for their courage in managing to stay in this band and, we must not forget, the way they fought their way back to the group stage after early defeats against Inter and Barcelona.
But no, they still didn't play quite the way they can here. Tottenham has been chasing the game for too long.
City sometimes clouds over their opponents. [Bewerken] See also Kevin De Bruyne was the best player on a distance. The Belgian is suddenly back to his imperious best. Raheem Sterling was also excellent.
<img id = "i-c0bd564c2459aeb9" src = "https://dailym.ai/2Xn6xac image-a-78_1555538489871.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-c0bd564c2459aeb9" src = "https://dailym.ai/2CXoYdR /17/23/12408584-6933827-image-a-78_1555538489871.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Belgian Kevin De Bruyne grabbed three assists and was the game of excellent player "was the excellent player of the game "
Belgian Kevin De Bruyne grabbed three assists and was the outstanding player of the game
Had City been safer in the back they would have easily won to have. But that is more the same as saying that a horse would win a race if it ran faster. The fact is that City was indeed sloppy in defense and Tottenham had enough quality in those areas to punish them.
What this does to City is now interesting to observe. They still have a title race to fight and they will be a very strong team not to bear this disappointment in a meeting with Tottenham here on Saturday, this time in the Eredivisie.
Regarding Spurs, they now have the chance of a puncher to win the Champions League and that is the beauty of knockout football. Pochettino has said this season that winning a trophy doesn't matter as much as people think.
At the end of an unforgettable evening, Tottenham had achieved something very special and this is a football game that everyone but the city fans among us should take to sit down and watch TV again
Whoever or whatever you follow, the beauty of sport can sometimes be found in its chaos.
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blogsmax · 6 years
How to organize a college fest in a better way?
If you are part of the team for your college festival, you often find yourself in a position where you are asking yourself questions like ‘Why I am even doing this shit?’ or ‘In what ways can this actually benefit me?’ or ‘Is this going to help me acquire some skills or get a job?’ The answers to these questions are not so simple. If done right, working in a college festival can act as a huge learning experience, not just for your professional career, but for your life. But looking at the data, not many people seem to have done it right. In fact, a majority of people who work for their college festival seem to do it for the primary purpose of ‘social bonding’. Now, there is absolutely no harm in that. But if that is the foremost reason for you being a part of the team, do not expect to get anything out of the experience apart from new friends and a bunch of parties. The way I see it, organizing a college festival is the closest thing to your professional career while you are still in college, also giving you a tremendous amount of freedom on what roles do you want to pick. I was a part of the team for Alcheringa, the cultural festival of IIT Guwahati and had a terrific time during the learning phase. I tried to put my hand into as many teams and things as I could to make the most of the opportunity, and it has taught me more than anything else while I was in college. Here is my take on the best practices that can be followed to make your festival a massive success. But, why do we even organize the festival? Before we start talking about the ‘how’, it’s important to understand the ‘why’. If you think of it, there are just 2 kinds of people for whom the festival is being organized – A. Team– Yes, the biggest reason for organizing a festival is ‘you’. The primary purpose of any college festival is to give their own students an exposure to the outside world and help you learn a wide variety of skills while you are still in college. No matter what artists or footfall you get, if you fail at providing a kickass learning experience to your own team, you have already failed. Make sure you push your team beyond their limits, amidst all the rush and drama. B. People– A much smaller reason for organizing the festival is your audience. Your footfall. Your followers. Your participants. Making sure that they get a top-notch experience during your festival should be the second most important thing after the team. Customer satisfaction and happiness are what drives any organization in the long run. Every single person that walks out of your fest should be telling every single friend of theirs as to how awesome their experience and your management were. 1.     Make things a bit formal— one thing unique about college festivals is that there is a fresh team every year. It can either take the festival to new heights or completely fuck it up. It is hence important to make things more process-dependent than people-dependent. Amidst all the worst things, you need to make sure that you are constantly making long-term processes for everything so that the important things always get the attention they deserve. For example, (informally) telling one of your juniors to think about some social initiative for the festival might not work as efficiently as forming a dedicated team/group for social initiatives. Similarly, defining monthly targets, writing down your organizations’ values, making cheat-sheets for different things, having some office hours per month and organizing scheduled meetings with a meaningful agenda can all go a long way in giving a direction to your team’s hard work. A senior once told me, ‘If there existed a parallel world where the same team would be conducting the festival for 10 years straight, we would be witnessing a way better festival right now.’ Making things formal and documenting stuff is the only way you can decrease this knowledge gap, and make things easier for future teams. Try to keep the organization as transparent as you can, to build a great team culture. More importantly, learn from the mistakes of your previous teams — you won’t have enough time to make them all yourself. 2.     Think from Zero— one of the most difficult things for any team to do is to refrain from blindly following the previous teams’ work and thinking from scratch. Organizing another boring festival that is only marginally different from your previous edition is of no use. You have to be bold enough to try new things and discard the previous unsuccessful ones. I have personally witnessed so many good ideas/events not being implemented only and only because they are new and the team (thinks that) they don’t have the bandwidth for it since most of their time is sucked in focusing on multiple bad ideas/events being blindly followed year after year. Have a review meeting at the end of every festival, where you analyze the success and failures, and accordingly scrap a few things, restructure the team and define fresh goals. Stop taking things too seriously. You have to unlock new and amazing events and initiatives, and set an example for every other college festival team in the country. Quality beats quantity, any day. Try to avoid getting into the trap of — more events, more participants, ‘more’ of everything. If you’re focusing on ‘quality’, you’ll be able to scale more efficiently with time, without compromising on customer experience. Get the small things right. And the only way to get small things right is to plan more. There’s nothing heroic in doing everything at the last minute. 3.     Make room for your ‘round pegs’ — there are always these ‘few’ people on your team who like to put an extra effort and do amazing things. They are ones who not just complain, but also ‘change’ things. They try to make sure that every small thing is implemented in the best way possible. Often, this 10 % of the people are the ones who make happen 90% of the festival. And hence, a big performance metric for any festival should be — how many roadblocks can you remove for these round pegs so that they can do outstanding things. Most people learn it the hard way, but the culture and productivity (and not ‘size’) of your team play a huge role in governing your success. Try to keep the team as small and amazing as possible, since those ‘extra’ people bring more damage than you think and can bring down your entire team culture. Form a separate ‘coordinators’ team in the last month of the festival for all the extra burden that you think you’re going to have, rather than making these people a part of your main team. ‘Idealism is the starting point to greatness.’ 4.    Don’t fuck with your inter-team coordination — there’s no point talking about what an amazing job your team did if the overall festival was a failure. If you are the guy who is making a registration portal/app, why not talk to the marketing guy and put a few sponsor logos/coupons/games on it? Or why not talk to the PR guy, and put in a system where they can send updates/mailers to the participants? Similarly, if you are the guy who is responsible for events, why not talk to the marketing team about the possibility of sponsor specific events? Try to avoid these ‘gaps’ between multiple teams, so that you can do things better, and make everybody win. So basically, whenever you are doing something for the festival, ask yourself the question — how can other teams benefit the most from this? Another hack is to form small alliances between teams for specific things so that they can work with each other more closely. For example, you can have a dedicated ‘customer experience’ team that comprises one each of a PR, events, design & marketing guy so that they can draw out the entire customer journey during the festival, and work towards making it better. Same goes for having an ‘artist happiness’ team or a ‘social initiative’ team. 5.     Use your resources wisely — it’s often easier to get ‘resources’ from sponsors than get hard cash, but that requires thinking from your side. Try to be more and more innovative, when it comes to spending your resources. Always keep in mind that money is not the only resource that you are playing with. If you are getting a known Bollywood singer for your pro-niter, why not organize a competition where the winner gets to meet him on stage? Or another online competition where the winner gets signed festival-merchandise from him? A lot of times, we underestimate these ‘indirect incentives’ that we can give to our audiences and participants and keep complaining about the shortage of cash that we have. For example, having a partnership with a cultural institute to give internships to your winners might be much more valuable to them than some petty cash. Or how about getting your ‘famous’ title sponsor to post about the winner of your flagship competition on Facebook so that they can get some recognition among those laces of social media followers and grow as an artist? But wait. Do you remember the first point in this article about ‘making processes’? So why not make a dedicated team for ‘Incentive Management’ that is responsible for coming up (and implementing) all these ideas? 6.    Learn More, Teach More — Most important of all — amidst all the chaos, all the noise, do not forget to grow not just yours, but your team’s skills. Have dedicated ‘teaching’ sessions in place so that people who are good at something can share their secrets with more people. That one guy who writes kickass mails can help 50 more people write better emails. That one guy who is a great negotiator can let others know how he does it so that they can close more deals. That one guy who always comes with new innovative ideas can motivate a full room of people to come with more. Your team is the reason that you are working on this festival, and everybody should be provided a platform to learn diverse skills that they can benefit from. Every person has a different reason for joining the team, and if you are one of the heads — make sure that you know this ‘reason’ for every member that you include in your team so that you can make sure they are able to grow in that direction. Another great way to increase knowledge is to talk to more and more alumni and professionals outside college so that they can tell you better about what all things the team could learn in order to benefit more in the future. 7.     Under Promise, Over Deliver — Last but not the least, this is the underlying rule for customer happiness in any organization. Apply this to your participants, your team and your audience. Whenever you promise them something, try to give them a little bit more. The prize for winning the fashion event might be only a few thousand bucks, but if you can ask the judge to upload a selfie with the winner, it might help the winner get a few shows somewhere. The sponsor might have asked only for his banners to be put on the stage, but if you can have a short reference to them in the funny viral video that you are making, they might get happier. The audience coming from a different city might have only asked for accommodation, but why not give them a one-page brochure about the places that they can visit on your campus or city? When you thoroughly screw up, why not send across a hand-written sorry card to your participant, with the fest and sponsor logo at the back? Or better than all — Remember the first point? Why not make a small ‘customer happiness’ team from within your team that can come up with, and implement these ideas in the festival?
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