#the inquisitionings
rpgchoices · 12 days
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dykebeckett · 5 months
sometimes a video game with a bad story has a good secret story that you can unlock if you pretend the bad parts aren’t there and make up a bunch of stuff
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yokelish · 4 months
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fruitzbat · 5 months
i just got here but sincerely what is wrong with dorian pavus. he’s a necromancer. he helped invent time travel with his phd supervisor; this is never touched upon again. he comes out to you in front of his homophobic dad by going “sex. with men. ever heard of it”. he’s canonically so good at magic that he can keep up with god in conversation about it. constantly complains about the weather and all while he has one tit out at all times. his backstory is that he’s simultaneously a delinquent and a girlboss. he’s an alcoholic. his facial hair is completely fucking indefensible. h
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hattedhedgehog · 3 months
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I've finally finished my Dread Wolf tarot embroidery from Dragon Age Inquisition! Clocking in at 64 hours of work, it measures 11.5 X 19.5 cm and I've been chipping away it during my downtime at work. My fellow community council members on Dragon Age: The Veilguard may have been biased while helping me choose which character's card to do, but I'm so grateful they did because it was so much fun to work on, and so different from the previous ones.
This is my fourth large Dragon Age character card project, and the first one I started since I uprooted everything to train as a costumer. Having a portable yet elaborate project was comforting while travelling for new experiences.
Now, who's excited for the new game later this year?!
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chanafehs · 3 months
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skyhold maid to a dreadwolf hunter? never underestimate a lesbian
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fatale-distraction · 4 months
I love that 90% of the War Room operations are
Cullen: our soldiers will do it!
Leliana: our spies will do it!
Josephine, taking a massive toke: Some shitty noble in the area cheated on his wife AND his secret wife with his secret girlfriend’s mother, he’ll fucking do it if he knows what’s good for him
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stormsbourne · 4 months
unhinged, btw, that bioware has to keep assuring people that the game is still dark and gritty because the cinematic trailer was kind of flashy and the art style has changed. for dragon age. the game that was doing "marvel dialogue" before the mcu even really existed (iron man came out in 08, dao came out in 09). the game with a species of hairless pig rabbits, one of which is named schmooples. the game with swooping is bad. the game where you could solve a sidequest about a pining elf boy by fucking the girl he's pining for. we're really gonna pretend this game series never had a significant amount of silliness and humor? fenris tells varric he likes to dance through the empty rooms in danarius' manor. hawke has an entire personality archetype that can be summed up as "shitposter." we're really going to pretend dragon age (the series where people can walk in on you and bull having kinky sex) is all dark and mature and has never had light or silly moments as a major part of its formula. insane
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abyssal-ilk · 1 month
i need everyone to consider vivienne and dorian bonding over taking care of the inquisitor after the end of dragon age inquisition as the mark progressively gets worse and worse. vivienne with her past of watching bastien get sicker and sicker and dorian doing the same with felix, and seeing it repeat with the inquisitor. take my hand 🖐,,
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dissonantharmony · 3 months
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permits and such
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pauvre-lola · 5 days
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ghost boy
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theesteppenwolf · 2 months
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The Dales
A small one page comic based off of a Emerald Graves location comment. Because I'm sappy like that.
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weenwem · 3 months
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Started replaying dai and couldn't resist drawing Josephine
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stealingpotatoes · 3 months
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inquisitor inq'isita part 5: @highladyofdusk and I discovering the magic of friendship and the emotion of rage
(commission info // tip jar!)
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pintura · 3 months
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Genesis / Apocalypse
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chanafehs · 2 months
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Ten year jump to da:v?? its time for mom!vellan
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