#the inconsistent writing fandom
darkbitchithic · 1 year
theres some weird microdiscourse on tiktok rn abt fan fiction, specifically batfam content and how there are people writing stuff who have never really interacted with canon a significant amount - there's a lot of shaming and blaming going around and to that I have to say fellas. it's fanfic, not a dissertation - relax a bit
common points against these renegade authors that I see are along the lines of them messing up characterization, not understanding plot points, or just disregarding canon in many instances for their own fan-wraught versions and just. again, I cannot stress this enough but why does it matter??
no fanfic is ever truly going to BE canon compliant, no matter how well written or how well researched it is. that is the literal nature of FAN fiction. getting mad at non-canon content when it's... well... not canon is. particularly funny to me
and I see folks trashing authors for even wanting to write fics when they don't enjoy canon all that much but, again, that's. one of the many points of fanfic. you can do what you want as you want to!! how many spn writers or harry potter writers actively dislike or are dismayed by canon! ppl can't stop praising the marauders fandom for taking jkrowling's crumbs and trying to make something interesting out of them, and many folks wildly mischaracterize characters to better align with their visions for their writing, or even to better reflect their own thoughts and feelings!!! it happens pretty much everywhere, and I just don't get the absolute hate I've been seeing from this fandom in particular
imo this has the energy of folks getting mad at people wearing a nirvana shirt when they've only ever heard one or two songs, or ppl who get pissed when folks call themselves a fan of a game when they've only ever watched lets plays. people have different thresholds for experiencing and enjoying media, and especially in an ecosystem that runs on freely-given labor I think you can take a second and stop trying to police other people. you aren't being forced to read these fics, no one is saying you have to read them or even talk about them, it's just strange elitism and vaguely pretentious. it doesn't hurt anyone, block and move on <3
(obligatory disclaimer: there can be and are valid critiques of these authors! however, comma, I do not think this is one of them and am just tired of seeing so many ppl hate on them for no good reason)
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gen-is-gone · 8 months
my for some reason unpopular opinion is that it's boring when Fitz remains unhinged levels of self-deluded and closeted actually. Why does he have to be doctor who's answer to dean winchester, huh? why would this man in his mid-thirties who has spent at least a decade traveling in time and space still have weird insane hangups about being attracted to dudes? why does that need to be the thing about the text that we all collectively think is worth taking at face value? it's boring and fucking depressing and honestly doesn't make sense when the future of humanity in doctor who is that bisexuality is the cultural default and completely unremarkable.
#like geez I don't think that making it to thirty+ years old and still being afraid and filled with self-hatred is funny actually#eighth doctor adventures#eighth doctor#fitz kreiner#megan whines into the empty abyss of cyberspace#it's also weird because this definitely wasn't the attitude in fandom ten years ago#my suspicion is that Steve Cole's confirmation that Fitz was always meant to be bi made people start taking the text literally#in a way folks didn't before when slash shipping culture was just used to reading against a text as a default#like I vaguely recall a post going around shortly after that was confirmed in 2019#that brought up how Fitz being canonically bi meant that all his weird hangups couldn't be handwaved away now#because if fandom made him bi against canon then you could just ignore his weirder no homo moments#but if he was intentionally written as bi then he was also intentionally written as deeply closeted#and like. that's true. but also you can just do whatever the fuck you want with canon no matter what#and also like#sure many of the writers were writing him as queer intentionally#but like the writing in the EDAs is so inconsistent of course some people are going to write weird no homo crap#because those writers weren't comfortable with queerness even if Cole's intent was that Fitz was bi#like The Gallifrey Chronicles's whole thing with Fitz and Trix is one long lance parkin no homo moment#does that really matter more than textual evidence that he is attracted to men and knows this about himself?#like I just don't know how you reconcile 'Fitz will bend over backwards to pretend he's straight' with#'a consideration of his chances of [...] getting laid by the Doctor'#or for that matter 'with the Doctor it's the real thing'#or the really really heavy implication that he and Sasha had a one night stand in History 101#or that he and George went on a date in Camera Obscura which led to Fitz being invited on the Siberia expedition in the first place#and again and I can't emphasize this enough: why is this the thing about 'canon' that is so worth keeping?#why is Fitz being depressing levels of in denial more fun than him being openly bi?#destielification of Eight/Fitz smh
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valinoar · 1 year
the praise rhaenyra gets for being a “feminist queen” or someone who “cares about women unlike *insert character they don’t like*” is so unbelievably ridiculous it makes me laugh. so many team black stans love to paint alicent as a misogynistic demon who hates her daughter and will then use rhaenyra as the antithesis of this as if that woman didn’t deliberately undermine baela and rhaena’s own very much legitimate claims to driftmark to further her own agenda. she passes them off as contenders all for the sake of her sweet illegitimate son, whom she knows genuinely has no claim, and thinks all is well after proposing a lousy betrothal (which she makes BEFORE consulting either girls).
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ghost-bxrd · 9 months
Hey! I was the anon asking about your thoughts on Bruce being a bad dad (or really just closer to who he is in recent times) and honestly I just wanted your thoughts on it, so thank you!
I also love reading batfam fics where Bruce is a father that loves his kids and believes everyone can be redeemed regardless of whatever crime they may have committed: that’s honestly the Batman I like reading about bc thats what got me into his comics. But it gets complicated when I read fanfiction that uses stuff like UTRH as part of the fic’s lore and then just glosses over Bruce nearly killing his kid to save the Joker, bc that’s very uncomfortable to think about. It’s hard for me to believe that Bruce and Jason are cool when Jason now has the experience of his throat being torn open by his ‘father’ (bc I wouldn’t call someone like that my parent), and our last glimpse of him being his body crumpled to the floor in a pool of blood. Like thinking about how much had to happen between then to ‘now’ in the fic takes me right out of the fic bc that’s just what mentions of times Bruce was a bad father do to me 😭
I prob could’ve worded that more succinctly and shorter but as you may notice I expand a lot on my thoughts lmao. But if you do think up any prompts on Bruce being a complicated father in regard to Jason’s rule over Crime alley, please share!! I’d love to read them and MAYBE write something if the creative juices start flowing
Side note: Good mom Talia is my life blood. Like the struggle of trying to raise her children in such an unforgiving environment where she’s been trapped since SHE was a child OR in a place that, while not actively harming them (in a League where Ra’s isn’t evil), isn’t giving them the opportunity to shine the way she knows they could. Good shit.
Very valid. Everyone’s got their own preferences regarding tropes and world building 💚 and I can totally understand the batarang incident part. Jason should be pissed about it. Rightfully so. On the other hand I refuse to view this part as canon because the Batman I know would never and I steadfastly refuse to write this part as anything other than an accident/misunderstanding in every single fic ever lmaooo
Hehe I’ll try to come up with some complex parent Bruce Wayne prompts soon, so keep an eye on the corresponding tag ✨
And y e s, good mom Talia is awesome. Talia’s life hasn’t been easy but she’s trying to make the best of it and carve out her own little space of happiness for her and her son, and upon realizing that it’s still not enough immediately prioritizes her son’s safety and wellbeing to send him to live with Bruce. Something I imagine would be absolute agony for any loving mother. 🥺
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rhaenin-time · 5 months
I just wish those fans of House of the Flying Viper would stick to their own tags and make it clear they're referring to fan fic, and not canon. It's making things so confusing.
I mean this one:
Tumblr media
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henriettadreaming · 2 years
I've rewatched parts of hotd and I think I need to take a break because the inconsistency in this show is mind boggling.
I mean from episodes 5-7 we have Alicent and Rhaenyra totally against each other, their old friendship is well and truly in the dirt by the time Rhaenyra is all "my 10 year old brother needs to be sharply questioned about where he heard something that is 100% true"
We see that the idea that Rhaenyra wouldn't hurt Alicent's children is false, because she's clearly willing to take advantage of Viserys bias towards her and metaphorically throw Aemond under the bus to protect her children from the consequences of her choices.
And yet in episode 8 we've got Alicent holding Rhaenyra's hand, talking about how good of a queen she'll be and apparently letting bygones be bygones, even though Vaemond Velaryon was killed for standing up to Rhaenyra's lies only hours before. Right In front of Alicent, in the middle of the throne room. And after seeing a man killed, after seeing what Rhaenyra will be capable of and willing to do with Daemon by her side, all of Alicent's fear for herself and her children goes away? Shouldn't this make her more scared, and more determined to put Aegon on the throne?
And this inconsistency is more apparent in episode 9, where she's acting as if she's only putting Aegon on the throne because it was Viserys dying wish, as if she wasn't telling Aegon he needed to prepare to rule in episode 6. She's apparently angry at the small council for planning what she herself wanted to happen earlier in the season?
It really feels like a bunch of writers with totally different ideas wrote their own version of the same character. Like those games in primary school where everybody would write a sentence down and then you'd have to put them all together but try and make them a cohesive story. But it's with a huge franchise, a big network and millions of dollars.
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horizon-verizon · 3 months
Idk if this has been said before so forgive me in advance if I'm repeating a take, but I think it's pretty tone deaf to use deleted scenes of s1 to argue about the writing for s2.
For instance "Rhaenyra 'begged' Daemon to remain by her side". The scene from the original trailer was different to the one we saw in the actual episode. In the trailer, Rhaenyra gave the impression she was aware of the Greens as a threat, whereas in the actual episode her request came off more as seeking out an old love - given they had also slept together in the driftmark episode (You and I were always meant to burn together) That scene was more emotional than a politically strategic one.
Similarly to Daemon / his daughters. In the show, there's little affection from him. One might even make the argument he's almost indifferent to them. Adding how his marriage with Laena was.... it doesn't help making the picture any better.
So using a single picture from a deleted scene where daemon hugged his daughters to argue that he does in fact love them is pretty useless. Did it happen in the actual show? No. So we might as well not pretend it did.
The reason I'm saying this is because I see so many people using scene A (daemyra) as an argument again the "I can't trust you daemon" dialogue from s2 - nevermind daemon had given numerous of reason for rhaenyra to not trust him (the brothel alone is enough imo) and scene B (daemon [not] being absent father) to ague against Baela saying she hates him.
The writing is barely trying to keep up consistency with what they came up with for s1 and fans still try to argue about these deleted scenes being important for the narrative. I'm quite confident these scenes have been dismissed by the writers. They're not canon even for show-verse
Anon talks abt this post.
*7/14/24* I guess we could argue that Rhaenyra was more trying to address his tendency to leave her when things get too hard by accusing him of cold ambition (as an expression from the fear that he only wants her for power since he didn't bother to help her out at least 2x before, so this is her taking an opportunity to draw him into it and express that fear)...again, this doesn't make much sense when this show has made us believe that they had rather very peaceful and happy and fulfilled days on Dragonstone from S1 E8! This is a pre-marriage argument or at least an argument had either before Rhaenyra proposes to him--thus the argument is her confronting him before she ties herself to him--OR it's had in the first two years when he does something nasty or sus and she confronts him. It's not an argument that one has 6 years after marriage and raising 6 children and seemingly completely satisfied with one's partner WITHOUT HAVING ALREADY WRITTEN MULTIPLE SCENES SHOWING/ESTABLISHING SOMETHING LIKE A MISUNDERSTANDING THAT HOLDS A LOT OF TENSION BETWEEN THEM BEFORE THIS ARGUMENT! It should have been built into to make any modicum of sense. *END*
I've never even watch the trailer you're speaking about, anon.
I have recorded the episode's conversation, subtitles and all, and cut out unnecessary stuff for the flow:
All Rights got to Max/HBOMax/HBO, this video is not mine!!!!
We have Rhaenyra say that the sea offers an escape and that fire is a prison, then she tells Daemon:
"I need you uncle. I cannot face the greens alone. Let us bind our blood just as Aegon the Conqueror did with his sisters. With you as my husband and prince consort, my claim would not be so easily challenged. The Velaryons are of the sea, but you and I are made of fire. We have always been meant to burn together."
RED for politics, or words that could be more argued as such
BLACK for "pure" love/desire, or words that could be more argued as such
PINK for a mish-mash, intertwined thing--most likely
Show!Rhaenyra point blank says that she can't face the greens alone and mentions her claim needing and will become more protected with him by her side in the actual episode. So while I am ignorant of whatever trailer you mean, I don't see how she isn't also trying to enlist him for herself as she is also trying to have him as a bonafide romantic partner/husband?
Here's the other thing....Epi 10 Rhaenyra was a travesty. And no the brothel scene is not actually enough for the kind of distrust she should have for him.
I know for some Epi 10 was their favorite episode or at least really good. That Rhaenys seems wise bc the whole ethical standard here is no violence for the sake of human life and prevent war at all costs or seems to be. But:
most of the characters of the blacks we know, inclu. show!Rhaenys, tie and time again have shown a lack of care for humans life just for human life sake (beast beneath the boards...if Rhaenys cared all that much she would do all she could to not kill even peasants or "sacrifice" so many...therefore she is not even compassionately "wise" as some figure her show!self to be). I think of her alone bc this is the character people say has the "right idea" of things
Rhaenyra was actually considering giving up the throne when Viserys entrusted her and not the rapist, profligate, excess-loving, much more selfish Aegon with the prophecy...and for a very good reason when he could have doe otherwise when Aegon lived with him since birth and she was at Dragonstone for a bit...and no, do we actually think Aegon would take such a thing seriously NOW of all times without Viserys there and his desire to not responsibly rule?! Much too late.
this is not a world where Rhaenyra or her family would be totally safe from the greens IF one argues what many green stans argued abt Alicentr having good reason to attack and try to diminish Rhaenyra's power at court--fear of other agents using Rhaenyra's kids against Otto and the greens since they do have their own claims....Aegon has less/no claim bc no one swore oaths to him and the lords were much more concerned with how Rhaenyra's claim would benefit their own interests in maintaining the safety of their designated heirs -> thus the greens were much safer with Rhaneyra as Queen than her and her family were under Aegon as King, esp with how jealous he and his brothers were
Daemon was not preparing to go to any sort of war without her say so; he protested that they weren't going to at least try to defend the castle [she she was laboring] AND that she would even think to give it up, which I already described was not-so-smart bc of the above except the prophecy bit
Lucerys' death was supposed to be the actual straw that broke the camel's back to usher in the war. Hello, kinslaying is a huge taboo?!!!! And all of it is just swept under the rug for Jaehaerys' death as if that is the first wrong done and why the war happens! Envoyship!!! This is her son, her "sweet boy"! The heir to Driftmark and to the Velaryon seat. Yes she says that she would never want "Helaena of all people" to go through what she goes through...but that is an emotional matter and not the political one that she brings up as her main reason to distrust Daemon or to accuse him of intentionally wanting Jaehaerys' head in case he can't get Aemond's. She was never with him with the idea of his "neutral" morality.
Instead, in order for the showrunners to recreate a "moral" female character, they remove all the fire and passion she had for her family and her family only to make her an inactive pacifist who cries at a page from a "friend" giving her a page about a female conqueror but has abused her and endangered said children for at least 10 years in their own home. Even the most patient person can't be expected to take all that and not want to defy/punish/use all their strength to flout that entity that is absolutely out to get them and theirs. Male characters can be absolutely insane, sexually deviant/perverted, or just self concerned (Robb Stark, Tywin Lannister, Ned Stark, Oberyn Martell, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister). etc....but for female characters we draw the line at her looking towards her self interests?
Apart from that, the character of Rhaenyra of season 2 episode 2 doesn't jive with her season 7-8 selves. It's not that I think she should totally accept child-murder as a necessity, or a trivial consequence of the game, or that show-wise she would. So much as I'm not sure how they expect me to believe that she'd think that:
Daemon would go buck wild and go against what he knew would be her wishes when he's already been shown to not want to rule from the very beginning and it's literally been six years of seemingly peaceable married life and two kids later
so much as she questions whether or not he intends to rule through her or use her up -- his actual political priorities concerning if he wants to rule…
she'd have so many detractors (as she seems to think) from her cause after being accused of having Jaehaerys murdered in this society when Aemond killed Lucerys -- esp without sufficient sort of contextual scene to show why she feels this way --
nevermind daemon had given numerous of reason for rhaenyra to not trust him (the brothel alone is enough imo)
Rhaenyra accepted Daemon's "darkness" as soon as she asked him to marry her, and especially when she absolutely knows him capable - willing of killing Laenor if she asked for that ion S1 E7. Because she is and always has been aware of how that darkness is not intended for those he holds dear. She knows (or at least is supposed to) who he is and what he's about, at least that is what they wrote and showed us. Daemon here is also fine with the prospect of just letting Laenor leave...bc he helps her do that.
AND, most importantly, she seemed fine and very aware of the effects of the rumors of her killing Laenor for her reputation bc it built that public trepidation she accepted:
R: This will cost Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys their only remaining child. And the realm will whisper that I was somehow responsible for it. D: Let them whisper. We will know the truth of it and out enemies won't. R: They will fear what else we might be capable of.
She still wanted to marry him of all people bc she trusted he would do a lot for her and do it as well as he can, throw himself into it. So when she says she wants Aemond Targaryen in full public ear to her council and she walks off still bedraggled from her flights she would know he heard that and would take some from of action and she implicitly understands that he will. So for her to distrust that he is not doing as he always said he was doing--do as she asks and not really intending go beyond that--then yes I am very confused why they are even together the way they wrote it.
If Rhaenyra is more politically conscious and is truly looking out more for her kids and for her own claims, she would have thought throughly about Daemon's role and possible disadvantages of him being with her, bring up why he left her, and throughly (not just in one night before sex) go over why he brought her down there in the first place instead of leave that question unanswered until its' pretty much too late and they have 2 sons on their own.
If she had any more substantial issues of where he stood in terms of politics even after she challenged him back in episodes 2 AND he left her be at the brothel when he could have just continued...why bring them up now and not before they marry?! Before she makes him a part of her household and be around the children he's supposed to fight the claims for?
If they show & say that Rhaenyra has such a strong mother's instinct to protect her kids form literally anyone...are they saying that she doesn't include Daemon in that?! Are they trying to say that she is so impractical as they also say she is a quick thinker (the aftermath of Vhagar claim, Aemond's eye, Rhaenyra v Alicent in trying to avoid-inflict punishment for their sons) or a good planner (Laenor-death plan)? Or are they saying she is so abused she cannot think towards her children's safety at the very least?
This also presents us questions on how the hell she managed to actually rule Dragonstone and be as calm and happy as the show itself presented to us back in episode 8 if Daemon actually was as distrustful, scary, disruptive under her home and authority in all the 6 years they've been together.
So to lightly bring back your words but in a different way/meaning:
Did it [Daemon being untrustworthy bc of x, y, z while living with her and her sons] happen in the actual show? No. So we might as well not pretend it did.
If you are going to say that he really and constantly did shit that made her develop a resentful distrust of him throughout their marriage, then you need to show that, not tell it during an argument and expect people to believe that if they already are to projecting their thoughts about Daemon only being w/Rhaenyra for the power onto the scene or, as Sara Hess does, insert their nonreading compunctions about Daemon into the writing. Otherwise we're running on assumptions that themselves do not explain how this event connects to the s1 epi8 events of them very easily and casually presenting a united front, Daemon not necessarily being lead by the nose but truly agreeing and following her lead in many instances, etc. etc. that all convey a relationship of sincere trust b/t them?
And this is another reason why I simply do not care for episode 10 bc yes the choking scene is both an inconsistency as well as butchering a female character--both the female character of the show AND who Rhaenyra seemed to be from the book. They're not selling domestic abuse very well so much as using some of the audience's assumption of it happening to justify the inconsistency. DV/DA seems to be more a plot device meant to easily explain Daemyra to non-toxic ship loving people. And no DV and DA are just abusive, not "toxic" (which is why I constantly ask what people mean when they say something is toxic).
We might be riding a thin line here, but my issue is not that I think she distrusts Daemon's willingness to measure his desires/impulses against his priorities at the right time and place so much as it's not enough to use the brothel scene to explain away all the implied contradictions coming from them not bothering to write out scenes instead of the many time jumps.
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myimaginationplain · 11 months
after getting back into AT as an adult, I've come to realize that it was also "guilty" of most of the same sins that people religiously hated SU for, and now I'm just mad lol
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beas-whump-blog · 5 months
@chrumblr-whumblr day 3! The prompt is "carrying".
Fandom: Epic (2013)
Ronin flew through the boggan base at speeds that would have impressed even Nod. Every so often he came across a boggan or two that spotted him quick enough to try and fight, but they posed no challenge. Or maybe they did. He was so focused on his mission, it was all a blur.
He hated Wrathwood.
He was heading for the lowest level of the enemy's stronghold, knowing that's where he'd find what he was looking for. It was a trap, he was certain, and he was walking right into it. He had to. Mandrake had gone too far this time.
Ronin finally jumped off his shimmering mount as he reached the lowermost level, not waiting for the bird to land before leaping to the ground.
“Nod,” he hissed, making his way down the long tunnel, peering into cells made of metal and rotting tree roots. “Nod, where are you?”
He was in such a hurry he almost missed the slight gleam of green armor in one corner of a cell, and a person-shaped lump in the other. He pulled out an arrow and used it to saw away at the weakest root he could find.
Crude, but effective.
He shoved the two pieces of root out of his way and rushed to the back of the cell, kneeling before a familiar figure.
“Nod,” he whispered, rolling him gently onto his back. “Nod, wake up. We have to go.”
The boy groaned softly, not opening his eyes.
“…Dad?” he mumbled, and Ronin almost smiled, brushing the boy's matted hair out of his eyes and wincing at the blue and purple bruises that marred his face.
“Not quite. Come on, we need to get out of here.”
Nod’s eyes cracked open, seemingly struggling to focus on the man before him.
“…Ronin? What are you doing here?”
“Saving your sorry self, what does it look like?”
Nod shook his head as he gained some clarity.
“No, you don't get it. You can't be here, Ronin, it's a trap. Mandrake doesn't care about me, he wants you!”
Ronin just looked at him.
“Are you done?”
“Ronin, I'm serious! You have to believe me, you-” he stopped as he understood Ronin's unfazed expression. “You knew.”
“I didn't earn the rank of Commander by being an idiot, Nod.”
“No, just by being cozy with the queen,” he retorted. “But then… why are you here?”
“See, that's why you quit the leafmen. You have no concept of anybody caring for anyone other than themselves. Well guess what kid, I lost your father in this hellhole and I'm not about to lose you.”
Nod was silent for a moment, then grinned slightly.
“Man, I knew you were getting old, but seriously? Ronin, what happened? You're getting emotional! I think it may be time you considered retirement.”
“You’re just asking to be left behind, aren't you?”
“Alright, sorry! Touchy subject, I see.”
Ronin shook his head.
“If you weren't as injured as you are, I'd smack you all the way to Moonhaven.”
“And if you weren't as old and weak as you are, I might actually bother to try and stop you.”
“Can you walk?” Ronin asked, electing to ignore that last comment.
“Hm? Yeah, yeah, I can walk. Just gimme a sec.” He tried to sit up and winced with a shout of pain.
“Oh, you can walk, can you?” Ronin couldn't resist asking.
Nod glared.
“I'll manage.”
“And waste time getting out of here? I don't think so.”
Ronin slid his arms under Nod’s back and knees and got to his feet, stumbling slightly.
“Hey, careful!” Nod exclaimed painfully. “I can do it, put me down!”
“No time,” Ronin said curtly, carrying him out. “What have you been eating, pebbles?” he asked when Nod turned out to be much heavier than he'd expected.
“You're hilarious, old man,” Nod said through gritted teeth, trying not to cry out in pain.
Ronin placed the boy on the back of his hummingbird, and he slumped forward as he climbed on behind him.
“Y’know… I didn't think you were coming,” Nod admitted as they took off.
“We're leafmen, Nod, we look out for each other. Not that you ever took that lesson to heart.”
“You don't get to use that anyway. I quit, remember?”
Ronin nodded.
“Fine, then how about you and me? We look out for each other.”
Nod was quiet, then nodded.
“I think I can work with that.”
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mantisgodsdomain · 7 months
Fun fact about us: we really, really like doing crossovers, whether between different Things or just between different AUs of the same Thing. We deeply enjoy throwing things into each other and seeing the relative "normal" interact, tinkering with different potential outcomes of the same general thing, fucking around with culture clash and alternate realities, and all of that fun stuff.
Unfortunately, we also get into flavors of media that isn't quite finished a lot, and we often really want to throw together AUs that we have to write ourself together with things, which means that we're nearly constantly running into the same handful of roadblocks: it's really hard to write about stuff when people have no idea what you're talking about, and it's also really hard to write about stuff when you don't know half of what's going on.
This means that a decent chunk of our writing that is finished tends to stay in drafts - fics based on information that needs to be revealed in stuff we haven't yet written, fics based on media where half of the things we need to know aren't yet revealed in canon, and similar situations easily make up our second most common category of "finished but unpublished" and "finished except for That One Thing" fic (our first most common category is "we need to come up with a decent opening and writing a good hook is hard")
This is, of course, a hell of our own creation. A problem of our own authorship, that we still consistently fail to escape because of our sense of pride and unwillingness to turn out anything that isn't at least half-decent. Similar to the way that we force ourself to reread any media that we write fic of for the sake of accuracy before we can publish it. It makes things take longer, but allows us to ensure quality - though it may hold us back from a certain degree of self-indulgence, mischaracterization is the thing that bothers us most, and if we release a misreading or mischaracterization, that'll haunt us more than any level of soul-baring ever count.
Anyways, all of this is to say that peak self-indulgence for us looks like an isekai Dungeon Meshi/Runaway to the Stars crossover where we stick a handful of characters into the dungeon and let them just kind of cope with that for the forseeable future and the only thing stopping us from doing this is a sense of pride and the fact that Runaway to the Stars doesn't actually have finished & published books right now.
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James: Is my play good?
Emma thinking of how messy and all over the place the play was plus the switching speech patterns.
Smiles through grit teeth
Emma: It's amazing babe!
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kyliafanfiction · 2 months
Honestly, if I thought it might actually be possible to just... exorcise the Amy brainrot from my head and move on with my life, fic ideas unwritten, fics unread and Worm unfinished, I'm tempted to.
Not because of the brainrot itself, but because of how fucking annoyed thinking about Ward and all the Ward-era WoG shit Wildbow pulled gets me.
#Grumping#Anti-Wildbow#I just-#This guy writes this character and then proceeds with Ward and all the Ward WoG to undo literally everything that makes her interesting or#even like a narratively meaningful part of Worm#If that really was his intent the whole time than HOLY SHIT even just going off Interludes 2 and 3 he failed so fucking hard at it given hi#WoGs about Interlude 3#and like if he's that fucking bad of a writer than wtf?#or he genuinely did change his mind or overcompensate because people 'weren't getting it' and that's just even#more bullshit#and like - getting pissy at Creators for this sort of shit is common in fandom and hardly new for me but it's all still so burningly active#and I don't need this sort of negativity in my life#but I do actually enjoy a lot of the worm fics I'm reading and the fics I'm dreaming up and most days I don't really think about this shit#that much and writing fics and people reading fics I write does in fact spark joy and will give me the sort of outlet to get past all this#crap#speaking from experience#but I have to actually get there#and then the smug assholes of the fandom who get really fucking snotty about 'canon' and 'fanon' and hang off Wildbow's every word like he'#a fucking prophet as if he hasn't been wrong and inconsistent in his own WoG before#and like the worst part is he is a good writer and a compelling writer but he's quite clearly a shitty person as far as I can tell like#maybe person to person he's fine but sweet fucking jesus#I need to stop letting him and stupid asshole BNFs live rent free in my head#Kylia Writes a Novel In the Tags#A fucking trilogy even#fml
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fragmentedblade · 11 months
I've actually found a coherent (negative) criticism on Jingli.u's quest!! Wow!! It's in Chinese on weibo
This user said her behaviour is very double standard. That she criticises and condemns both Dan Fen.g and Yingx.ing severely for trying to bring back Bai.heng in any way, but then she goes to visit Bail.u and tells her that seeing her is better than any medicine. And the user is right! That's exactly why they did what they did (well, I've always been of the opinion that Dan Fen.g had more reasons going on based on the in game information), so why the insistent asking to Blade?
The user also says that Jingliu doesn't really behave at all like a friend, that while very believable that she loved and was close to Bai.heng, it's hard to believe the same thing when it comes to Yingxi.ng and Dan Fen.g. They said that nowadays we still see instances through the Xianzhou in which they are both spoken about in positive terms, that Yingxi.ng is talked about as a legendary furnace master, and we can even stumble upon good opinions on Dan Fen.g, but that Jingli.u never shows that kind of understanding for people in theory she loved, knew personally and was close to.
I don't agree entirely with this, I do think there was a lot of fondness from Jingliu shining through despite everything (especially towards Yin.gxing, in my opinion), but I do think it's a somewhat fair criticism. I loved how they mention that despite everything the Xianzhou's view on Yingxin.g and Dan Fen.g isn't just negative. They're right, and it's a detail I love.
#I think these kinds of pseudo incoherences‚ such as Dan Fen.g's and Yingx.ing's acts or even Jingliu being so angry with them#but wanting to see Bai.heng in that echo and then visiting Bail.u‚ actually make a lot of sense in the context of human emotions and acts#I think these paradoxical acts and flaws often add a lot of depth and humanity‚ and tbh they make the characters imo often more believable#But even though I still think it makes sense I do think this time the criticism pointed out some interesting inconsistencies#in Jingliu's characterisation. I loved that they brought up both these subjects and that they didn't have as black and white view#on either Dan Fen.g or Yingxin.g and their acts‚ and that they commented the thing with the Xianzhou. Finally someone else points this out#ngl I've been reading a lot of Chinese opinions on weibo and forums and I like the Chinese fandom a lot more than the western? xD#I agree with a lot of the comments they make. Most of them in fact. Seeing the western twitter fans I expected some other opinions#to be the most expanded among Chinese fans but to my surprise they aren't. I guess the western fans just focus on what they want#Often I agree with the Chinese fans but we come out with different emotions towards the story. Like‚ we reach the same conclusions#But they dislike the characters and writings and I actually like them for the same reasons lol#Like many things around Dan Fen.g#I don't know. I've had a lot of fun reading many of these opinions#Even when they're most callous and show their dislike about the story and characters they are often very clever and fun#As a conclusion of a sort of summary/interpretation of the Xianzhou arc someone said (as negative criticism) something along the lines of#'there's only two normal people in the whole Xianzhou‚ Fu Xua.n and Jing Yu.an' and it made me laugh a lot xD#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later#Traces#Fragments and scraps#Perhaps#There were more things they said/I wanted to comment but I started writing this post‚ got distracted and finished it many hours later#So I think I've forgotten a lot of stuff. I'll try to recall and add them later#Funny thing this time I was looking for opinions on Jing Yua.n and I found everything but that lol
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thetruthbetween · 1 year
So I had a thought just now and bear with me because it's absolutely not fleshed out at all BUT
Okay so in TNG, one of the things that people make fun of a lot is how Deanna talks about that she feels empathically, right. Like "I feel pain" well great, how about being a touch more specific? Now I always had the theory that the Betazoid languages had like 20+ words for "pain" because it's a highly specific language, and when you have a people who can feel others' emotions, you're gonna end up with a metric fuckton of emotion words that confuse and distress every single non-native speaker
I was thinking just now about how I tend to use a lot of metaphors and similes when I'm talking about my emotions, because I'm autistic and I need to express myself as accurately as possible and the words English has for emotions are SO VAGUE that in order to paint an accurate picture, I have to ramble on about my feelings for ages. Unless I use metaphors, which are much faster and based more on vibes than anything else
So to bring this back around to Deanna. It's a thought to consider if the entire reason she used short descriptors of what she felt ("I feel pain" and the like) was because most people are incredibly impatient with long description, even if that description increases accuracy
We see it all the time in TNG with Data getting cut off, sometimes even when he's still giving actively useful information. So maybe Deanna realized that more detail on what she felt wouldn't actually be appreciated. After all, everyone always did seem more interested in things like the where and why of what she felt, so maybe more detail wasn't even necessary
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scoliosisgoblin · 5 months
But fr all the VN games specifically yandere male love interest likely not gonna finish but understandable because it’s a small project and coding is not easy as it looks. What do you think?
eh, I get having a project and losing motivation to finish it. there's so many instances of that, and I got a shit ton of projects I never finished because of the lack of motivation or art/writer's block
there's really no problem with not finishing a game or taking years to do so. it's not an easy task in any way
BUT I do think you should be able to be annoyed at how long a game is taking to come out, you can be impatient, it's fine! I hate waiting a year for another season of Rick and Morty (and the next season's only coming out next year due to grinding too hard or something), and though I do complain about the wait, I can recognize that it's not an easy thing to do — ESPECIALLY when it's an indie show
indie games will take a long time to make, and that is perfectly fine. I'm impatient but am fine waiting years for a good game. I'm pretty sure the main reason why people are verbally impatient with the development of Your Boyfriend, is because the creators have no idea who Yb is and continuously change his character's lore for some reason. not only that but they're just TERRIBLE people
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inkperch · 8 months
What kind of writer do you think you are? Ie hurt/comfort, fluff, angst ect.
That is a great question lmao-
Im not really much of a fluff writer? But that's mostly because I'm Physically Incapable of not making a plot bigger than it needs to be, and a story's not a story without some level of conflict, which doesn't really mesh well with pure fluff.
Honestly though, if we're just going by genres the only one I've ever tagged is Crack Treated Seriously lol. Dramatic af romances are a trend ig?
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