#the impaling vampire/sword magician
So to Tsubaki's sub class. How many times do you accidentally interrupt your master and his eve. Have you actually caught them in the act once?
All of them said nothing reading the question but Shamrock looks to sigh rubbing the back of his head. "Lets just say we have a few times. Or almost more than that. Since Master is married now and all, we try not to bother them if their....heated." he said in quotes.
"To say the least, I believe we did that about 10 times by accident so far." Berkia said as well when the others think. "But I can't remember if we caught them in the act."
"I have....but that was an accident. I was delivering some things to him but ended up walking in while he was well..I'm not going to say but they were going to. So yeah." the others heard Higan said this but geez, that explains a lot.
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ruiniel · 1 year
Prickly thorns, tender roses
Fandom: Castlevania series (2017-2021)
Rating: Mature 🔞
Relationship: Alucard/Original Female Character
Characters: Alucard, Original Characters
Set after the events of Castlevania (Netflix) Season III. After the betrayal of his young apprentices, Alucard feels barely alive in his lonesome castle. Days wear on, chipping away at his mind and sanity. And what is the son of Dracula to do with this unwanted visitor, suddenly come at his doorstep?
Chapter tags & warnings: Inspired by Castlevania, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV alternating, Post-Castlevania Season III, Written before season IV
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XI. A twist of fortune
With the winds outside playing their spectral tune, Ravenna sat nestled into the divan and listened. She listened to her host speak of his parents, of how his human mother had brought about a change in the great previously lonesome and disillusioned vampire. How she had convinced him to see another side of humanity and dwell on its worth. How he had accepted to journey as one of them, to know her kind better and appreciate the nuances of their fleeting existence. How Lisa his mother had been unfairly accused of witchcraft in the absence of her husband and burned at the stake. How his father lay a curse upon humanity and driven by his deep harrowing grief, decided to be rid of it.
Ravenna listened and asked a question here or there, but mostly she let him speak his mind. His words were quiet and pouring slowly, as though from an endless pool of grief. She heard Adrian speak of how he, along with a hunter and a Speaker magician, ended his father to prevent his plans from coming to fruition. It was quite unbelievable if one were to consider his story in its entirety. Ravenna felt an unruly pang of sorrow for this being, who now she realized had lost both his parents in such a short amount of time. Just as I have, the thought came. But he... he was forced to kill his own father. For the greater good, her thoughts flew to their previous conversation on the topic, and his words gained a different meaning altogether. But so it went. The past could not be changed, merely accepted. And as his words offered a different facet to his behavior and thoughts, a new perspective was revealed to her. The pity and brimming care the woman felt grew in magnitude until her chest felt full and raw, seeking release. Ravenna shook it all away. It was not her story, not her place. Her goal was another.
"And so, your friends... left, when it was done?" her eyes were closing.
"They went their own way, yes," Adrian replied.
"Then you are alone here," the woman concluded, but never heard his reply as her body softened completely into the divan, and sleep took her.
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When Ravenna reopened her eyes the sun was streaming through the windows, and all the signs showed that it was noon. She rose and looked about the room, finding it empty. Well, today is the day. She gathered her meager belongings and left in search of the owner of the castle.
She found him in the kitchen space, where Adrian was busying himself with parsing a piece of game. It must have been a rabbit. His hands moved with swift efficiency as the knife cut through bone and flesh. Her eyes were briefly caught by the sight before she spoke. "I am ready."
His gaze locked with hers shortly before turning back to his task, placing the game into a container filled with cold water to rinse. "Let us go, then," he said after he washed and wiped his hands.
They returned to the study where he retrieved his coat and sword. They then crossed the castle in silence until they came upon the great stairway leading to the main corridor. They walked ahead onto the red winding carpet lining the floors as the wide gates opened before them, Ravenna quickening her steps to get past the impaled bodies as fast as her legs took her. They walked farther into the clearing before the woman faced him. "Well, here we are," she said, staring into the most peculiar irises of gold.
"This is yours," Alucard produced what the woman saw to be her lost dagger.
She gratefully took it from his hands. His face was blank, but Ravenna saw he was preoccupied with a hidden notion or other.
"All in all," she braved, "Considering what happened and the darkness of the times we live in, I was fortunate it was your home that I stumbled into," Ravenna tried a jest.
His unnatural silence held, and she wondered what it was that so suddenly garnered all of his awareness. His gaze had shifted to look through her, an occurrence Ravenna found utterly unnerving in the little time she had spent in his presence. She felt a trace of regret at the true meaning of loneliness which was this place. And if she were honest, it was mainly towards the self-imposed seclusion weighing so heavily down upon its master. "Farewell, Adrian," she said either way, "I hope you find the redemption you seek." When he said nothing Ravenna turned to the path she had previously taken to the castle. "Which way?"
"Where do you want to go?"
"I wish to find and walk amongst the Belmont ruins. Before I head for Styria I want to be certain there is nothing I leave behind which may be of aid to us."
Alucard sighed, and she missed the rather unconscious curling of his fingers. "Are you certain that is what you want?"
"It is what I traveled here for, in this land of mist and shadow, so yes," Ravenna spoke resolutely as she walked in the direction shown by the dhampir, "That is what I want."
He fell silent, and the woman was loath to disturb the newly settled quietude. The pressing sensation she felt upon leaving these grounds persisted. It did no good to one's sanity living the way he did; and now that she knew of the grief he bore, Ravenna found it difficult to dismiss the hesitation gnawing at her. But their ways were to part, and she had her own path to follow.
The young woman had not noticed when they took a turn around the castle, nor the dilapidated, crumbling structure which soon gaped as an empty charred shell before them. The weather was warm, and the sun shone all its blinding strength upon the decrepit blackened walls. Ravenna strayed out of her thoughts only to see Adrian walking straight towards the ruined remnants of a gate.
"What is this?" she called after him. "Is this the way?"
He turned to face her, spreading his arms wide. "This is the Belmont Estate, formerly owned by the Belmont clan. Congratulations, you found it," he added dryly.
It took a few breaths for his words to sink in. Her mouth dropped agog. "Why are you toying with me?" she hissed.
"I do no such thing," Adrian replied. "This is the place you seek. You inadvertently stumbled into my castle, though your assumption was correct and your quarry a little way before it."
Watching his eyes and mouth for any sign of derision and seeing none, Ravenna merely gaped at him, trapped and stunned. Then her eyes narrowed, and Alucard could sense how her blood ignited, its flavor all the more potent. She was furious.
"You... you lied to me!" Ravenna seethed.
The light in his eyes suddenly gained a molten hue, his frown deepening. "What did you say?" the words were slow and menacing, sharp as flint against steel. He had become deathly still.
Ravenna involuntarily took a step back at his darkening features. "You told me I failed; that I came for nothing," she maintained, undeterred by the way his claws sharpened. Briefly, she was reminded of the happening by the stream, and the savagery he was capable of.
But the marring shadow slowly flitted and disappeared from his eyes, as Alucard regained whatever control had nearly slipped. He watched her for another moment. "I told you the Belmonts were dead, and their home was destroyed. You never asked me where it was."
"You lied by withholding!" Ravenna sustained. But then her fire was doused by the realization that a deviation from her return journey may not be needed.
"I did not trust you as far as I could throw you, and further, you were keeping your intent hidden," Alucard retorted.
"And now you do?"
"Now I—" he frowned. "What?"
"...trust me?" Ravenna raised a skeptical eyebrow.
Alucard appeared taken aback by her question, albeit only for a breath. "No," he said. "But now I know your intent."
Despite herself, Ravenna felt mildly disappointed. "Well. Why have you chosen to reveal this to me now?"
He sighed, inspecting the Belmont crest embedded into a wall before them. "Would you rather have started another hopeless search only to return here, if at all?"
Ravenna had begun walking among the rubble and skeletal arches, choosing not to reply. Instead, she gloomily regarded the desolate remnants of a great family legacy. "No matter, as there is little I can see that survived the fire." Her head bobbed downward. "But, how is it possible? The Belmonts and Dracula have never quite been on amicable terms with each other, to live so close."
"I told you the Speaker magician moved the castle to where we were at the time. Well, we happened to be here," Alucard motioned towards the ruins with his arm, "at the Belmont Estate, in search of knowledge on how to defeat my father." As he spoke the dhampir led them away from the estate and towards a large gaping pit in the ground of circular shape.
"And this," he said when the woman came to stand beside him, "is the Belmont Hold."
The air left her lungs as though his words had been blows. Her head was swimming. Her eyes cut to his in wonder. "Explain," Ravenna managed to say. She saw a large wooden mechanism built above the wide opening. A platform, also wooden, hung over the emptiness, suspended by thick ropes.
As she followed him onto the platform, Ravenna looked down to see a counterweight in the form of a large boulder fastened by the same ropes. When he pulled a lever, the great rock slowly rose to the heights, while they began a descent into the darkness.
Ravenna felt his presence behind her, still and icy as a winter day. As they were taken ever lower she recognized the Belmont crest, etched into wide hanging crimson tapestries lining the circular stone walls. Light pierced the space from above, and Ravenna was met with yet more signs of destruction.
"Let me venture a guess. More battles took place here," she spoke, her heart hammering in her chest. It was the sliver of hope that she may still have a purpose here.
"It was a mess," Alucard muttered as they reached the bottom. He left the platform and took hold of a wooden latch, bringing it down and locking it in place. "Come, Ravenna, this is in your best interest, I believe," he prodded when seeing her hesitation.
Ravenna glared at him, and glared all the more when his face split into a haughty grin. She squared her shoulders and paced ahead of an amused Alucard, going straight through the tall wooden door facing their position. The first sensation which struck her was a deep, empty chill prevailing in the underground space. What Ravenna saw after left her speechless, and her head spun anew - not for weakness, but for elation.
"Their home did burn down and was lost, but their legacy yet lives, in this vault," Alucard spoke as he neared. "Everything the Belmont family had gained in magic, knowledge, skill, and tactics over generations is here. And I am its guardian."
She jumped out of her skin when many lights sprung into the darkness, as sudden as twinkling stars in an inverted sky. They illuminated an immense domed enclosure built on levels, and blinking Ravenna saw shelves upon shelves stacked with tomes. She whirled to face him. "How does the light work?"
"Is that truly what catches your interest the most?" he pointed to the stacks of manuscripts.
"How did this come to be under your care?" she descended the wooden stairs built against the entrance.
"If you remember the hunter I told you about... he was Trevor Belmont, the last of his line - at least for now...-," Alucard muttered lightly though the words were lost on Ravenna. "He relinquished it all, to me."
"Then he must hold you in the highest regard," Ravenna uttered thoughtfully.
Adrian was silent.
"And why have you brought me here?" Ravenna continued as she approached. The meaning of it all was slowly revealing itself to her. If he was guarding this place, her access to this trove depended solely on him. On the whims of a half-vampire, who had nearly allowed her to leave empty-handed while the purpose of her journey had been in his backyard, all this time. There was something. There had to be something.
Alucard crossed his arms at his chest. "You wanted to search this place to find anything of use for your night creature serum. I am its caretaker, not its owner, and you may do so."
The woman took an intake of breath.
"But," he added, and then his eyes narrowed, "I do not offer this freely, and I have one question for you. You said you are a scholar in alchemy. What do you know of the mechanics of infused metals and their workings?"
"Enough for it to matter," Ravenna also crossed her arms.
"Then I have a proposal. This castle used to have a mechanism allowing it to move anywhere in the world. I do not intend on going anywhere but..." Alucard placed a finger to his chin, "I find myself in need of an occupation."
"I am listening," the woman said warily though with no small amount of intrigue.
"Help me with my work, and you may freely do yours. You'll have your endless library to sift through, and I may have my engine room restored to functioning order."
And if I refuse?  was the first question about to blurt from her mouth, but Ravenna bit it down in time.
"Well, Ravenna of Styria, what will it be?" Alucard leveled her with his golden stare, appearing as weary as though another power forced his hand.
"I can come here whenever I wish."
He nodded. "And, of course, you may..." he hesitated, "you may dwell at the castle, should you wish to. But you would be responsible for your own sustenance." The dhampir heard the red streams of life rushing through her veins, infused with both anticipation and fear.
"You have me at a crossroads, Adrian of Wallachia. I accept your proposal, for lack of a better one. But I have one condition of my own."
"Oh?" his youthful face changed in mild questioning and hidden amusement.
"Take those bodies down from your gates if you want my aid. It sickens me to have to walk past them every day."
"Your gall is endless," he said coldly.
"That is my condition. Do you accept?"
His shoulders released some of their tension in the end, and the dhampir lowered his eyes. "I will grant you this, and nothing else."
"Then we understand each other."
He swept ahead in his even, elegant gait and Ravenna followed, still somewhat smitten by how her fortune turned so drastically in under one day. He lied to her, hid things from her, but in the end told her the truth. What is it about you, Adrian? the woman wondered shrewdly as she watched him walk ahead, donning his black coat and gloves. Vaguely she wondered if he felt her on it, just as she had sensed him. She chided herself and buried the thought.
When they were in the midst of the hall he turned to face her. "Which section do you want to see first?"
Her gaze shifted from a shelf filled with various skulls to rest on him. His eyes glistened copper-gold in the weak light.
"Let us begin with you telling me about the lights," Ravenna waved a hand towards one of the brilliant inventions. She was met with a stern expression and tried to see beyond his display, but there was nothing.
His gloved hand then smoothed his coat at his chest, and Ravenna saw a fleeting sort of strain on his face which was gone in a moment. A smile took its place. A genuine, though somewhat tight and weary smile. "I thought you were a scholar." He then walked away and bid her come.
Her lip quirked in vexation, but she let it be. A twist of fortune indeed.
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kkeidawrites · 4 years
Part 3!!
His golden eyes flashed a quick red and Esmé was barely able to dodge the thrust of his sword, nearly stabbing the side of her face. Esmé ran at him and slid on the ground, dodging his weapon and sweeping her feet under his to make him fall back. His sword fell from his hand and Esmé was able to get on top of him and begin delivering punches.
“You *punch* are *punch* going *punch, punch* to listen *punch* to me!” she said between blows. 
Growing irritated, Alucard grabbed her fist, and pulled her down so that she would be under him. The dhampir’s hand pressed down on the back of her head to keep her there while Esmé tangled her body from under him and used her legs to grab his hand and flip him over her body. Alucard landed next to his sword and quickly picked it up to swipe at her. The blade slashed her right arm and Esmé moved back from the half vampire to put pressure on her wound. 
‘I need help!’ she thought and watched as Alucard returned to his defensive position. Esmé gulped from the murderous look he had in his eyes and Esmé began to say a chant under her breath.
“Telok vo vem, ora doz taba ord.” she whispered and Alucard raised an eyebrow.
“What’s that you’re saying pet? A prayer of some sort?” Alucard questioned but, Esmé didn’t respond as she noticed the cell door was wide open. 
‘I just need enough time to distract him and I will be able to get out of this dungeon! And hopefully my message had got to someone in time!’ While deep in thought, this gave Alucard enough time to strike another attack at her. Esmé dodged his attack and made a roundhouse kick to knock him into her makeshift bed. As he landed on the bed, Esmé quickly left the cell and ran down the dimly lit hallways where her eyes searched frantically for any sign of the stairs she had first descended when she first arrived.
Finding the stairs, Esmé hurried up the stone steps, taking two at a time and finding a heavy door at the top of the stairwell. Pulling open the door, took the little strength Esmé had and she fell out onto the carpet floor. 
“My precious pet,” the sinister voice of the dhampir made the woman gasp quietly, and slowly return to her feet. She pushed the door closed and locked it. Knowing, that this would not stop him, it would probably buy her enough time to try and find someplace to hide. Esmé held on to the wall for support as she jogged away from the dungeon.
Feeling the side of their head, the person used their powers to tap in to the message they were telepathically sent.
“Sypha?” a gruff voice called making the called woman look to her left and give him her undivided attention. The sole survivor of the vampire hunting family and wielder of the North Star Trevor Belmont, noticed his lover’s shift in behavior and watched her with close intent.
“Everything alright?” he asked. The two were heading back towards the town of Wallachia after buying two horses and a wagon to visit their friend. After dealing with a few towns situations with the remaining demons in the area they decided to make a side trip to meet the dhampir again. Well, Sypha made Trevor make them sidetrack to Wallachia much to Trevor’s displeasure. 
Sypha Belnades, the infamous speaker magician who helped end Dracula’s reign of endless killing. She put her hand back to her forehead to try and get that same message again she knew it was from Esmé but she wasn’t sure what exactly she was trying to tell her.
“I don’t know...I think...I think Esmé is in trouble, her energy just now...she’s hurt!” Sypha exclaimed and took the reigns from Trevor and snapped them to make the horses start to gallop. Trevor held on to the edge of the wagon as it suddenly sped up on the dirt path where they knew the deceased Dracula once resided.
“Damn it woman! Slow this wagon down, what’s the hurry?!” Trevor exclaimed as Sypha swerved the wagon on a curve on the road.
“Something’s wrong at Dracula’s castle, we have to get there right now!” she yelled to the man.
Seeing the castle just a few feet away from them, Sypha pulled back on the reigns and her and Trevor’s eyes found the two corpses at the front steps of the castle.
“Oh, no.” Sypha said. They got off the wagon and stared astonished at the display before them. 
The sound of glass being broken, took their eyes off the impaled deceased and they quickly ran up the stairs to the front doors. They pushed the heavy doors opened and moved out of the way when a statue of Dracula was thrown their way, looking to where the double stairwell was, there eyes landed on Esmé who was being held down by the half vampire with his rapier to her throat. He pulled it back, ready to deliver the final blow and Esmé looked too exhausted to fight back.
“It’s time to end this!” Alucard yelled and raised his sword higher to finish the job.
End of Part 3   
1// 2// 3// 4// 5// 6// 7// 8// 9// 10//
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alpine-langblr · 4 years
Turkish Vocab - High Fantasy
from Jackapiel’s French High Fantasy Vocab post Nouns elf - elf cüce - dwarf trol - troll buçukluk - halfling peri - fairy imp, afacan,  küçük şeytan - imp cin - genie, demon, goblin vampir - vampire kurt adam - werewolf kurt - wolf ejderha - dragon insan başlı at - centaur yarı insan yarı boğa canavar - minotaur canavar - monster büyücü - sorcerer, wizard, magician sihirbaz - wizard cadı - witch ozan, saz şairi - bard şövalye - knight korucu - ranger rahip - cleric barbar - barbarian savaşçı - fighter, warrior keşiş - monk düzenbaz - rogue falcı - warlock hırsız - thief han - inn hancı - innkeeper zindan - dungeon zırh - armor ruh çağıran falcı - necromancer prens - prince prenses - princes kral - king kraliçe - queen krallık - kingdom kılıç - sword yay ve ok - bow and arrow hançer - dagger ıksir - potion büyü - magic, sorcery, spell büyücülük - sorcery büyüleme - enchantment kristal - crystal altın sikkeler - gold coins gümüş sikkeler - silver coins lonca - guild Verbs kazığa oturtmak - to impale polemiğe girmek - to joust öldürmek - to slay/kill (büyü) dökmek, atmak - to cast (a spell) anlaşmak, komplo kurmak - to conspire pes etmek, vermek - to yield fethetmek - to conquer
Adjectives pullu - scaly ışıldayan - shining cesur, yürekli - courageous sert - tough alçakgönüllü - lowly, humble yozlaşmış - corrupt kötü niyetli - malevolent büyülü - magical hayırsever, yardımsever - benevolent eski, antik - ancient zayıf - weak, frail
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gotojobin · 8 years
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Abhartach #Abhartach #Happyvalentinesday We all know about vampires and werewolves, or at least we think we do. The legends and myths that inspired these monsters are sometimes surprisingly different, but no less chilling. In this series of posts, Monster Monday, we’ll investigate the monsters that have informed our modern notions, as well as some lesser known monsters. Today, we talk about Abhartach. Abhartach was a chieftain in fifth- or sixth-century Ireland. He was a cruel tyrant hated by his people, but he was also a powerful magician, and so everyone feared him. Eventually they persuaded a nearby chieftain to kill him, which this chieftain by the name of Cathrain did. Abhartach was buried standing up, which was proper for a person of his stature, but the next night, he returned, and demanded to drink the blood of his subjects. Cathrain killed him again, and he was buried again, and then he returned again. This pattern repeated itself several times. Finally Cathrain consulted either a druid or a Christian priest, depending on the version of the legend, who told him that Abhartach was between worlds, he was one of the neamh-mairbh, or “walking dead.” He could not be killed, only restrained. To restrain him, he had to be stabbed with a sword made of yew wood, then buried upside-down, his grave surrounded by thorns and covered with a large stone. Once Cathrain did this, Abhartach never returned. The stone remains today, and a hawthorn tree grows over it, presumable from the original thorns surrounding the grave. It is considered a place of ill repute, and locals will not go near it, especially at night. in the novel Dracula, The character of Dracula bears little resemblance to the historical Dracula, Vlad the Impaler, other than the name and having once been a Romanian warlord. There is much Speculation that Bram Stoker, an Irishman who never traveled to Eastern Europe, based Dracula on native Irish legends of blood-drinking revenants such as Abhartach.
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Also Lewis's birthday is on the 14th of this month.
"Thank you for telling us. Tsubaki is already at work with getting him his present. Seems he's really excited about it." Berkia saw Tsubaki already getting some presents and most wrapped up so he can make it a very special day for him.
"But it's good to know he's happy. Master deserves that." Sakuya sees Berkia agree to that.
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||Servamp muse tag dump||
~Mahiru Shirota (Servamp)
~Sakuya Watanuki(Servamp/Tsubaki’s subclass)
~Tsubaki (Servamp)
~Berkia, Higan, Otogiri, Shamrock, Lilac (Tsubaki’s Subclass)
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