#the idea here is that the three of them are short (5ft and so)
dorkousloris · 2 years
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i hadnt drew anita in a while, and i had been drawing jessie the past year to recent, so i decide to draw them with havîn in the same canvas for funsie!
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nikkisheep · 2 years
So what I’m thinking is Billy Hargrove X plus sized Henderson reader, the reader is a lot like Dustin with snappy remarks and that sassy attitude, she’s kinda short maybe 5ft 5’2ft has that curly brown hair like Dustin does and is kinda curvy (I mean Dustin is kinda chunky and his mom is a plus sized woman so it only makes sense for the reader to be plus sized too). Being Dustin’s sister she’s constantly doing stuff for the kids, giving them rides, he’ll with homework, being a sub for their games. When max joined the group she really took to the reader, she’d ask for advice, help with her homework, how to do make up. Max doesn’t have a female role model in her like and the reader took that position. I’ve got 2 ideas how she meets Billy, 1) is she’s bringing Max home one day and stays a while to help her finish some homework or a project when Billy comes home and find them 2) she takes all the kids to the pool one afternoon when he’s working and he decides to find out who his sister is hanging out with. You can pick which scenario you like best and how it ends, I just feel like Billy would a plus sized reader he’s go crazy and be like “Now that’s a woman!” I feel like he’d be into the big boobs and thick thighs!
Sister, Sister
Billy Hargrove x curvy fem!reader
Warnings: flirting, henderson reader
Summary: The request above
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The week has been long. From running the kids all over the town, school was also kicking you in the butt. Finally making it home, it's not even two seconds before your mom is asking you to run to store. Sighing, you walk back to your car.
"Wait!" Your chocolate curled brother called.
"What?" You yell.
"I need a ride to the arcade," He smiles, teeth missing on the top row.
"Are you serious? I just took you there this week."
"Fine don't take me but I guess I can tell Steve that you like him," He threatens.
"You little shit!"
"Take me or the secret comes out."
Dropping him off, a redheaded girl meets him at the door with Lucas and smiles at him. You stare with a smirk on your face before Dustin turned around with big eyes.
"Go!" He yelled at you, embarrassed. You flipped him off.
Finally, thirty minutes of shopping you have to pick up Dustin. He was late. You were half tempted to just let him walk home but after what happened with Will Byers, you weren't taking the chance. Finally, he comes out and the redhead hugs him. She follows him but then gets on her skateboard.
"Hey," You smile.
"Who's your friend?" You tease when he blushes when he realizes that you caught him hug the girl.
"That's no one."
"Doesn't look like no one."
"Fine, it's Max. She moved here recently and we're friends," He said with a sad look on his face.
"Do you like this girl?"
"W-What? No!"
"Okay Dusty," You drive up to the girl.
She stops and looks at you with a confused look.
"Do you need a ride?"
"I'm fine," The redhead replies.
"Seriously, it's no problem."
"Look lady, I don't know you so I am good," She says with a sneer.
"Very smart but I am Dustin Henderson's sister, Y/n Henderson. Nice to meet you," You stick your hand out the window. She shakes it hestantily.
Max gets in the car and sees that in fact Dustin is in the car so she relaxes. The three of you have a nice conversation until you drop of Dustin at Lucas's.
"So Max, which way?" you look at her in the rear mirror.
"Just drive straight and then it's your second right."
Max moves up to the front seat and she goes silent.
"So a birdie told me that Lucas has a girl," You say.
"It's you. I know. Look Dustin likes you but hey, Lucas is a great guy."
"You're telling me, you are not trying to set me up with your brother?" Max asks.
"Ew, why would I do that?"
You look over at her.
"You're his sister," She shrugs.
"Anyways," you say, "if you ever need advice, I can help. I mean anything. A friend like you of Dustin's is a friend of mine."
Pulling up to the driveway, Max steps out with her skateboard.
You nod and drive away. After a bit of driving, you make it home and you take a warm bath. Sleep was your friend tonight. A couple of days passed, classes were confusing, people talked, you can't remember.
You had taught Max how to do make-up, what dresses are her style, how to braid hair and of course boy advice. She really looked up to you and you couldn't help but wonder if she had a female role model.
"Hey, can you help me with a project this afternoon?" Max asks.
"Uh-sure,'' You agree.
Dustin went back to Lucas's and you drove Max to her home. Her house was simple but nice. No one was home so you parked in the driveway. Making your way to Max's room, you check out the house. You liked it, cozy and warm.
"So, where do we start?" You ask.
Hours go by and the project is almost done. You both were covered in paint, glue, paper cuts, and marker marks. You smiled at y'alls work. You talked about everything and anything with Max. She was really mature for her age and it was nice talking about life, to not be the one listening to it. A car door slams and Max jumps.
"That Sincar boy better not be here!" Someone yells.
"Who is that?" You ask Max.
"You need to leave," She says, opening her window.
"Max!" You yell, not understanding the reason.
A man throws open Max's door and you felt the air escape your lungs. There he was. Blue eyes, nice long hair, muscles, a beautiful face. Forget Steve Harrington, this man was better.
"Well, well, well, Maxine. Who is this?" He says, ignoring you being half way through the window.
"I'm Y/n Henderson," You sass.
"Ah the Henderson sister. Nice," He says, a smirk growing onto his face as he looks you up and down. Taking in your big breasts and thick thighs.
"She was just helping me with a project," Max spits out.
"I actually have something I need help with, Miss Henderson." Billy smiled.
"Do you now? Is it 1+1?" You smile when his smile fades and he tilts his head.
"Y/n didn't mean it. She was making a joke,' Max says.
"Max, care to leave so I can talk to Miss Henderson alone?"
"It's Y/n. Miss Henderson is my mother."
"Of course," He smiles, leaning against the wall.
Max leaves with a roll of the eyes.
"Fiesty thing there," The man laughs.
"What do you want?"
"I'm Billy. Billy Hargrove," He drops his voice at Hargrove. It sends a shiver down your spine.
"Not interested,'' You say before leaving the house by climbing out the window.
You don't run into Billy again until you take the kids to the pool. Mrs. Wheeler asked you to take Mike and Will wanted to join. Stepping out in your brand new bathing suit, you felt sexy. It highlighted your curves and your curly hair left down. Your sunglasses shading the sun from your eyes.
Picking a spot, you happened to be beside the lifeguard's station. You didn't think anything of it until you saw Billy walking out of the locker rooms. Chest bare and those red shorts hugging his waist. He looked like sex on legs. You went to the water and swam around for a bit. You did the butterfly and the regular stroke. You didn't do much else but swim from one side to the other.
Climbing out, water dripped down your body. The sun kissed your skin, creating a glow. You push the water from your face and stretched your arms. You hear a whistle.
"Miss Henderson," Billy yelled. You looked up confused.
"Looking to mighty good out there," He smiled. The ladies around the pool glared at you.
Arriving at the chair you set up, you look for your towel.
"Looking for this?" Billy holds up your towel.
"Give me that," You snatch it from his hands, fingers touching.
"So, that was a nice swim," Billy said like he was watching the entire time, "I liked it."
"You what?" You asked.
"Liked your performance."
"If you like that, then maybe you should see my other performances," You sass in a flirty way.
"Maybe I should," He says, stepping closer. Your towel was the only thing keeping you from touching his chest.
"You know, I can teach you some different moves," He offered.
"Really? Who says I need different moves?"
"You don't need them but they are pretty nice."
"What do you have in mind?" You say.
"I can teach you the breaststroke, teach you some other things you didn't know," Billy says, lips parting. Your breathing becomes stuttered.
"What if I already know those?"
"I would love to see it sometime," He replies, stepping even closer.
"Hey! Let's go!" Dustin yells, water dripping from his curls.
You snap out of the trance Billy Hargrove had put on you and walked past him to the car. You didn't even dry yourself.
"Hi, Billy." Some girls yell.
"Not right now," He yells back.
"What's your deal?" Heather ask.
"That- That right there was a fucking woman," He smirks.
If only he knew.
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dont-be-ugly · 3 years
The Five Times Y/N teased Bucky, and the one time he finally got back at her
Summary: Part two of Angels and Bar Accidents. Y/N and Bucky are forced to stay at the tower alone for a week, while the rest of the Avengers go out on various missions, vacations, and family reunions (for the alive family members, of course).
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They didn’t notice the absence of anyone until it was to late. There was a note on the table stating everyone had went out on various things, and the first to be back home would be Tony. They had the whole tower to themselves. Y/N was walking around in one of Bucky’s sweaters, and short shorts, with her hair pulled back, while Bucky was sitting eating with no shirt and jeans.
Y/N was humming ‘Rasputin’ quietly, while searching the cabinets for something. “What are you looking for, doll?” Bucky asked. “My lollipops. I want something sweet, but not to sweet.” She answers, standing on a stool, trying to reach the top shelf. She sighs, her wings fluttering softly. The area was to small for her 10ft wingspan, and she couldn’t quite reach the top shelf with her 5ft 3in self.
“Bucky.... could you help me?” she sighs, yet again. “Sure thing, doll” Bucky laughs. He walks over to where the young girl is, and grabs her lollipops with ease. “You really are a doll. Cute, innocent, sweet, and small.” He teases. “Rude!” She exclaims, handing him a blue raspberry lollipop. “Thanks” he says, unwrapping the wrapper, and setting the it on his tongue.
“No problem!” She smiles, grabbing a watermelon lollipop. She unwraps it and sets it in her mouth. She continues humming, as she walks over, and sits across from where Bucky’s seat was, muttering something about innocence. She absentmindedly scrolled through Twitter. She had her hand on the stick of the lollipop, twirling it around her mouth.
Bucky sat down, watching Y/N silently. He was staring more specifically at the lollipop in her mouth. He knew she was doing it absentmindedly, she needed to keep her hands on something (wink wink) but she was also teasing him. She didn’t notice, of course. But she was. Y/N felt his eyes on her and looked up. “Can I help you?” She giggled, now noticing what she was doing. “In more ways than one.” He replied, seriously.
She smirked, got up, and walked over to Bucky. “Too bad.” She gave him a kiss, him tasting watermelon, her tasting blue raspberry. She pulled away, and skipped off, knowing this would rile him up.
If only he got his hands on her.
Y/N was usually neutral when it came to heat and being cold. So, when the next day rolled around, she had to switch from sweater, to crop top, just to avoid the scorching heat. She sighed, before getting the best idea. She knew she was absentmindedly teased him yesterday, and played into it, so why not mess with him today?
Y/N knew teasing Bucky was dangerous ground, but adrenaline kept her from stopping. She had only ever teased him once purposely, and that lasted three days. She slipped on her favorite dark red crop top, it was almost see through, lacy, and sleeveless. Perfect combo.
She walked in the kitchen and grabbed a popsicle, opening the wrapper, before heading out to the training room. Bucky was training, as per usual, not paying attention until he heard the close. “Hey doll.” He said, walking over to her. He went to hug her but she slipped past him. “Don’t touch me, you, babe, are very sweaty. Sweat is gross.” She makes a disgusted face. “Fair enough.” He chuckles, and heads back to the punching bag. Y/N watches, licking and sucking on her popsicle.
He doesn’t notice at first, but eventually catches on. “You’re walking in dangerous ground, doll. Stop teasing me.” He says seriously. Y/N just smirks, turns around, and walks off, purposely swaying her hips a little more than usual. She waits just by the door, and laughs when she hears the frustrated noises coming from the room.
If only he got his hands on her.
Today was accidental. Y/N was wearing one of Bucky’s shirts, with no shorts underneath. Bucky had it planned, where she would attempt to get a lollipop, which was in a new cabinet, on the highest shelf, and had to ask him for help.
She fell almost into his trap. Almost. Here she was, standing on the all-to-familiar stool, reaching for her lollipops, the shirt lifting, and leaving almost nothing to his imagination. He silently shifts. She turns around and steps down, now looking at Bucky’s frustrated face. “Like the view?” Y/N laughed.
“You’re teasing me again.” Bucky wines. “Whoops.” And with that, she walked out.
If only he got his hands on her.
They had gotten an invite from Tony, who was still on vacation, to a gala happening the Monday after he gets back. That meant Y/N had to try on dresses. And had to get someone’s opinion. She had been lucky to slip out of his grasp, but he was getting more and more riled up about it. They both knew that when he fought Y/N, she would never tease him like this again.
“Last dress, I promise!” She pipes, walking in the kitchen. It was a gold dress, that went to her upper thigh, cut out holes on the sides where her hips where, thin straps, and a V neck that left little to anyone’s imagination. He sat, jaw dropped, admiring his girlfriend’s figure.
“I take it you like it, huh, Buckaroo?” She giggles. He clears his throat, standing to approach her, but as soon as he gets 10ft away, she runs.
If only he got his hands on her.
Y/N had somehow managed to, not only avoid being near Bucky for to long, but convince him to go swimming with her. He was overly frustrated, and her in a swimsuit didn’t help. It was a dark red bikini, laced around the edges, thin straps, and was somewhat see through.
He had managed to keep a straight face for five minutes, before he finally broke. He grabbed Y/N, careful to to hurt her. “I forgot my wallet at the tower. Could you teleport us?” He lied. He felt bad lying to her, but she had been teasing him all day for the past four days, today the fifth. He wouldn’t let her escape this time.
“Yeah, sure.” She teleported them back, and before she could run, he had his hand around her neck, and her pinned against the wall. He squeezed slightly, but not enough to hurt Y/N. “You’ve been teasing me doll. All. Damn. Week. And I’m not going to escape for a fifth time. Now, will you behave? Or will I have to add to your punishment?”
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natromanxoff · 3 years
19 - The Dynamic Duo V Montreux
Hello folks. I was sitting around twiddling my thumbs and I thought I would give the old hard drive a clean up, so before I dump a load of rubbish I thought I'd better answer these before I throw everything in the recycle bin. Let's start with a lady from New Jersey who goes by the name of Dorothy who gave me a very interesting offer for the next time I'm in New York. If you're reading this Dorothy, could you send Jacky your email address so I can reply to you. I've just opened up a "secret" Hotmail account so I can send replies without pestering the lovely Mrs Smith all the time, and to test it I went to the guestbook and picked a few names at random. Maybe I should reply to the irate drummer, but if I do that he'll just reply to me and the girls in the office will miss out on laughing at him as well. Staying with the skin bashers for a mo, Ron Hansen in Madison is a drummer, and said he liked my jokes and reckons Mr Irate uses three sticks, two in his hands and one up his arse (his words not mine). Would I be correct in saying your a Zep fan Ron? Today's question is, "What do you get if you cross a drummer with a roadie?" The answer is a stupid roadie.
Moving on, last time around I mentioned a drink which we consumed in Brazil, and the charming Sonia and Dina informed me it was called Caipirinha, and a pleasant little tipple it was to. Somewhere in Australia there is a lady called Karen who is listening to the Offspring CD non-stop, so I'm gonna have to try and answer her question as she has such great musical tastes, even though she wants to know the..........(flashing lights, fireworks, drum roll) Hoover Salesman Story. ARGHHHH. Its actually a very short tale, and I think it's quiet boring but it seems to have grown in stature over the years, and as always I'm gonna drag it out and start from the first skiing expedition that I ventured on with RT.
Having checked my trendy little biog mag, I reckon the year is 1980, and the dynamic duo are in Montreux putting the finishing touches to Fun in Space and we have a few days off before a tour starts in Zurich when Rog says, "Let's go skiing." He had skied a few times before and was ok at it, but I had never put a pair of skis on in my life. I said, "Lets go, but you ski and I'll just get pissed." He then went on about what a buzz it is and how I would love it, etc. As we were touring soon our American crew had to fly out, so I called up Jim Devenney and told him to come over a couple of days earlier cause we were gonna ski. Jim is a great skier and was on the first flight available and I picked him up at Geneva airport ready for some fun. That night we hit the town and have too many drinks and Rog goes off to bed semi early, while Jim and myself sat out on the jetty of Duckingham Palace with a ghetto blaster, Derek and Clive tapes, and a vat of wine singing disgusting songs at full blast, which must have echoed over to France. Suddenly we hear a French voice screaming at us and we have no idea what he was saying so we carried on goofing around, and the next thing I hear is a huge splash as Devenney falls in.
Let me assure you that a drunk trying to get a drunk out of Lake Geneva is not an easy task, but we succeed and head back to DP and retire to our rooms. I'd just got into bed when I hear a crash and go to investigate, only to find JD had gone in the wrong room and was trying to get into a baby's cot, and getting him out of there was harder than getting him of the lake.
Next day Roger, Dave Richards, his wife Collette, Jim and myself set off to Zermatt, and on arrival we stock up on skis, passes and other skiing paraphernalia (big words now!) Dinner, drinks and off to bed. Next morning we're up and ready to go, and thinking I'll never ski again after this I refuse to waste money on a ski suit, so I wear jeans. My second wrong move, the first was agreeing to go. The hotel owner wouldn't let us leave the hotel without first drinking a couple of Sambuccas, not my idea of a good breakfast, eggs, bacon, tea, toast and Italian liqueurs, but who are we to refuse. Next I've got to try and walk in those godamn boots, and we eventually arrive at the top of the Matterhorn.
The OK skiers, RT and Dave set off on their own, Collette begins a very slow trip down while JD tells me he'll stay and teach me. On go the skis, and down I go, flat on my arse. Up I get and I'm off, for all of about 2ft before I'm down again. This is not any fun. After a couple more tumbles my great mate Jim said, "If you're gonna f*** around I'm going." And thats the last I saw of him all day. Thanks pal. I'm standing there watching people ski and think, "It can't be that hard. If you stand like this, lean like that, you can ski." So I stand and lean in the correct positions and I'm away, screeching down a mountain with only one very small problem, I have no idea how to turn or stop, so as I'm flying past Collette, and she reckons I looked very worried, I yelled for some advice and all she said was, "DIVE." Sound advice, so thats what I do, and by now I'm getting wet. I wait for her and then we set off together, the blind leading the blind, with me diving at the slightest bit of speed or bend in the piste. A million years later we eventually reach the bottom of this awful slope and it's finally over. Wrong. Theres a T-bar to get on so we wait in line till it's our turn. You're supposed to put the bar just under your bum and it drags you up, but I'm 6ft and Collettes about 5ft 5in, so the bar was either in the middle of her back or around my knees, and no one told me not to sit on the f***ing thing and we bounced around for a while until we fell off. I'm now getting really pissed off with all this, "Get me a helicopter," I demanded from Collete. She told me they don't just send them, you have to be hurt. I replied with, "I'll break my f***ing arm but I've gotta get off this mountain." Realising I'm not getting a copter I light a ciggie and ponder.
We agree to split up and go with someone our own height, so I ended up with a great German guy who was really helpful. Once on the T-bar I can see that it goes way up and I would have to ski back down to base camp, and in case you've forgotten, I can't ski, so I said that I was gonna bail out, and jumped off. I then head of in a straight line to the cable car, skis on the shoulder and wading through 3ft of snow in a pair of very heavy and very cold jeans. What seemed like hours of wading I make civilisation and head to the bar for a triple strength coffee and a triple scotch while everyone gawked at me cause I looked like I had a shower fully clothed. Yeah, I wanna do this again.
Dinner that night was great fun for the others cause they got to take the piss out of me. Their day will come. The rest of the nights activities shall remain sealed away, but a good time was had by one and all. The tour went smoothly and I try and put Zermatt behind me, except Collette, still to this day, takes great delight in telling everyone about it, and everytime she says it she makes me look more and more pathetic.
The next winter appears and I'm at home and the phone rings, "CT, wanna go skiing?" To which my reply was nothing like, "Oh I'd love to you fabulous little drummer boy." I can't believe he talked me into it again, but this time we were gonna do things correctly and go to Aviemore in Scotland and take lessons, this was the saving factor in his plan. So once again we pile into the Range Rover and aim north. We split the driving (for a change) and had a good journey up through the snow covered mountains till we get to the resort. A usual night was on the cards, dinner, drinks and bed, then up bright and early for some lessons and a good day on the slopes. This time we've both got the correct outfits so we head off to where our little group of idiot skiers are. We're all standing in a line, with Rog and me at the end, and each person gets to snow-plough a few feet. These clowns have less idea than my first try, and it's also incredibly cold and we've now got icicles hanging off our hair. It's our turn and we both look like olympic champions, but the only thing wrong with getting it right the first time is that the instructor then turns his attentions back to the start of the line. Here I am once again standing on the top of a mountain, freezing cold with two 'things' stuck on the end of a pair of stupid boots, and I inform His Royal Highness that the next trip away involves sand and sun, no excuses, end of argument. RT agreed that this wasn't much fun and thought my idea worth considering.
We finally heard the two magic words, "Lunch Break." We're gone in search of some good HOT food and a nice beaujolais, and we found both. We also found that the hotel bar had an amazing selection of whisky, and we had to try as many as possible. We're now semi pissed and decide that as we're warm we might as well go back to this lesson even though we are very late, and the instructor looked at us and said, "Where have you two been?" Rog came back with "Trying lots of your wonderful scotch's." He was fine with that answer and we carried on trying to learn something, and would you believe by the end of the day I could actually turn and stop.
Back to the hotel for a nap before dinner. Over a very nice meal and a couple of little drinkettes we agree that it's far to cold here and we'll clear off the next day, so into the bar we go with our earlier mission of trying all the scotch's. We were sitting at a table chatting away and cracking jokes with each other and end up talking to the couple on the next table, swapping skiing stories, needless to say mine were very short, and having a bit of a laugh, when the woman said, "What do you two do for a living?" God knows why, but I said; "We're Hoover salesmen." At first they didn't believe us but we both started going on about the difference between domestic and industrial cleaners, uprights, backpack types, ones you pull along the floor. We went on about the different wattage, suction power, the amount of pressure on Axminsters and Wilton carpets, even a couple of car expressions like overhead this and thats. What the hell do we know about vacuum cleaners? But boy are we good at this. After about 30 mins of utter bullshit the subject finally changed and they wished us all the best with our door to door salesmanship and off they went to bed. We then had to reassure each other what we actually did for a living, had some more drinks and tried to work out how we knew so much about cleaners as both of us have spent most of our lives trying to stay well away from them. We spent the drive back to London having a good laugh about the one day we spent in a Scottish ski resort.
Well that's it folks, the story of a small company, R & C Taylor,..... Hoover Salesmen. I did learn to ski quite well, and whilst in Gstadd doing the Shove it album Spike flew out cause he fancied learning to ski, and the fool asked me to teach him. I wasn't much help because everytime he fell over I burst out laughing cause I kept seeing myself in Zermatt, and Spike looked just as worried and stupid as I did.
Before I go I noticed that Jacky had to get her boiler fixed and said for me not to make a comment, but little things like that spark me off and I remembered that when we were recording in the Townhouse Studios I had a little, no a big affair with the studio chef. Every three months Virgin would do a magazine for all their staff, written by all the heads of various departments, airlines, studios, video, shops, films, etc. and they would say what was going on with their particular section. Alan Douglas, who was chief engineer of all Virgin studios wrote who was recording where, and he wrote, "Queen are in studio 4, and Crystal, their main man is stoking the kitchen boiler." I thought that was hilarious, but Jane went ballistic. That's it for now.
Loadsa luv Crystal (Carpet cleaner to the stars)
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kda-chat · 4 years
*looks at their shoes* So Ahri and Akali are about the same height?? They Short???
Canonically, Kai'sa is the tallest, followed by Ahri, Evelynn, then Akali. If you take in their shoes, Evelynn, Kai'sa, and Ahri ALL wear high heels, making them obviously taller than Akali.
Kai'sa is 5'6", Ahri is 5'5", Evelynn is 5'4", Akali is 5'3"
Also, canonically, they are all within an inch of each other in terms of height. [So Kai'sa isn't like 6ft and Ahri's at 5ft 5inchs] If Ahri takes off her shoes, she will still be taller than Akali but might look like she is similar in height. If you ever put two people together [irl] who are only an inch off, they will still look like they are the same height until you get nitty gritty at the head.
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So for this example, this height difference [in red] looks almost about three- four inches apart. [Notice I did not added Ahri's ears and Akali's head fluff]
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In here, [I understand my lines are a crooked BUT you should still get the idea], Ahri and Akali look somewhat realistic in height difference.
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Take Ahri and Evelynn for example, who are only off about an inch. They look similar in height but being off by one inch, it doesn't truly make a big difference. We also need to consider Ahri's ears throwing off the scale, hairstyles that makes them appear taller, etc.
When in doubt, know that Riot isn't very consistent in terms of heights and female anatomy, tee hee.
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secret-rendezvous1d · 4 years
Sorry if this request is kinda strange but Harry and the miss decorating the tree but the miss is too short to reach the top to put the star and she is embrassed to ask Harry to lift her. (im 147.32 in cm :Z)
Hello, hi!
Welcome to Blogmas 2020.
Many more blurbs, many more chats and a lot more festivities to come; my inbox will be open all through December this year for blurb prompts for Blogmas so don’t feel afraid to pop in a prompt to get written for tis year; all I can say is that if you’re asking for a lengthy prompt, I’m not the right person right now, haha.
I’m welcoming absolutely anything for this year; any AU, any characters, any ideas.
Reblog, like, comment and share your thoughts with me. Please let me know what you think because feedback is always appreciated on here; much more appreciated now given that I’ve not written a lot in a long while. Please let me know what you think.
A song to listen to throughout - Wham; Last Christmas
“Are you really not going with a colour scheme for your tree?”
YN stood in the middle of Harry’s living room, the sleeves of her Christmas jumper covering the hands on her hips, eyes focused on the pine-tree standing tall in the far corner of the four walls. The smell of a real Christmas tree smelt wonderful compared to the artificial Christmas tree that stood 5ft tall in the living room of her Hammersmith flat.
“Why would I? My house doesn’t have a colour scheme so my tree won’t follow one.”
“It always looks the nicest when it follows a colourful pattern. You could go monochrome with grey and white to match the kitchen or teal and silver to match the sofa and the wallpaper in here,” YN wondered. Harry stepped away from the tree and took a look at what had taken them almost three hours to do, hands reaching for the cup of hot chocolate on the coffee table, marshmallows still bobbing on the surface with the whipped cream now dissolved into the liquid. “Or, you could go for the classic Christmas colours and keep the red baubles and the silver tinsel. That would look nice with the green tree.”
“Or, we could leave it like that because I like it like that and it looks nice. Don’t you think?”
“I think it looks lovely, very you,” YN smiled, taking a long side stride to stand beside him, wrapping an arm around his waist and squeezing him close to her body, “I’m just giving my two cents that it looks nice when it’s all the same colour or shades of colour.”
“I know,” Harry kept hold of his mug with one hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Lips still warm and sticky from the sips of hot chocolate he’d had. “Your tree looks very lovely. Has done since the end of November.”
She scoffed and pushed his side.
“Careful,” he hushed, removing his arm from her shoulder to put his hot chocolate back on the coffee table, beside her cup of tea.
He stepped towards the tree, socked feet scuffing the carpet, before he hunched over the cardboard box full of Christmas decorations. The tinkle of baubles hitting each other filled the room, over the Christmas songs that came from the television - Wham’s Last Christmas playing and, if YN had the choice, she’d have it on repeat all day for it being her favourite of all Christmas songs that played at the end of the year, every year - before he pulled a silver, glittered star from the bottom.
“Would you like to do the honours, babe?”
“The star? You want me to-”
“Of course I do,” he smiled.
“Because you’re my girlfriend, this is our first Christmas together and I want it to be a tradition for us to do each other’s star. Given that I get to put the star on your tree next year,” he grinned over his shoulder and she giggled in response, walking towards him with an arm reached out to take the star from his hand. The glitter scratching against her skin, leaving a streak down his palm, shining and glistening under the living room light. He stepped away and let her reach up. “Yeah?”
“What about if we move in together? Who gets to do it then?”
“I’ll let you do it. I quite like the view.”
She gasped and retrieved her arm from it’s stretched position towards the top of the tree, her elbow knocking a few baubles as she pulled the jumper back down to her hips, a blush on her cheeks.
“It was a lovely view,” he smirked, her body tentatively moving back to face the tree.
Her arm reaching back up to the top of the tree, fingers holding the base of the star. She could feel the stretch in her calves, the wobble on her toes, but she wouldn’t dare give up because the tree was too big. Her arm ached, her fingers holding the star as tightly as possible that she could feel the glitter creating dimples in her pads, her toes starting to hurt as she tried to push a little higher up on the tips of her toes.
“Would you like some help?”
“No, stay there,” she insisted, “I’m fine, just need to find the right angle.”
“I can pick you up,” he offered, “I can and I will. Come here, you.”
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sapphire-strikes · 4 years
Since the season calls for it, could you share some Halloween/Fall headcanons for the Habiticians?
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• The air began to chill, the sun began setting sooner and the familiar sent of dying leaves filled the air as mid autumn was already around the corner.
• With this change in season came your first autumn in town as well as Boris' first time celebrating with friends.
• You'd been straddling the fence on whether or not to do anything festive this year, openly at least. It was entirely possible that no one in town even celebrated Halloween and it wasn't to unpopular to ignore other more mundane fall festivities altogether. You were getting older anyways, maybe it was about time you put the apple bobbing and costumes behind you.
• This train of thought was short lived as you made your way down the sidewalk. You were going to be passing Boris and Kamal's place soon, maybe seeing if they had any decorations out would help you make your decision? Truthfully, Kamal didn't seem like the type of person to over-celebrate holidays and you weren't entirely sure if they even did anything for autumn or Halloween in Russia.
"Flower Power!"
You turned your head in the direction of the excited voice and found yourself sizing up what was probably the biggest leaf pile you had ever seen sitting in Kamal's front yard. It was easily 5ft tall and twice as wide.
The owner of the voice was no where to be seen as you continued to stare amazed at the massive hill of leaves. "Hello?", you called out, stifling a flinch as something moved from within the mound. A second later Putunia jumped out of the vast sea of leaves and tackled you into a hug.
"Did I surprise you?!" The young girl asked excitedly as she swung around your neck to put you in a choke hold.
"Yeah, I'd say so!" You mused, stumbling a bit as she climbed over you like a jungle gym, flicking away the leftover leaves that fell from her hair into your own.
"Excellent!", Putunia let out a laugh of victory then leaned over your head to meet your eyes. "Flower Power, you should help us finish!"
Before you could respond she jumped off your shoulders and sprinted around the leaf pile, "Menace! Flower Power is here to assist us as well!"
Following her around the leaf pile you caught sight of Boris who was gripping a rake and focusing intently on adding to the ever growing sea of leaves that was beginning to encompass their yard. When he finally noticed you he smiled widely.
"Ah, Y/n! It is good to see you!"
"Same, but what exactly am I helping you guys with?" You asked, always happy to see the two of them playing around together. Before Boris could answer your question Putunia once again burst out of the massive pile of leaves.
"Help us complete the ultimate leaf base of course!" She stood proudly with both hands on her hips then looked prudently around the yard. "But we're running out of material! ...Menace!"
On queue, Boris dropped his rake and saluted her before walking over to a tree at the left side of the yard. Sticking his tongue out of the corner of his mouth in concentration, he framed the tree with his fingers for a moment before gripping the trunk and shaking it.
The way the massive tree creaked as it was forcibly shook was an obvious tell of the kind of strength it must have taken to even make it budge in the first place.
After the first few shakes you understood exactly what he was doing as the two of them were gently pelted by the rain of dried leaves that were prematurely coaxed from their branches.
You couldn't hold back a snickers as the trees on the opposite side of the yard caught your attention. All of them as bare as they'd be in late winter. That certainly explained where they got foliage to make that pile as big as it was.
You turned back just in time to see Tim Tam fall from the tree Boris was shaking. Without missing a beat they were caught by him on the way down. "So that is where you were, Teem Tam!"
Putunia was quick to run over and chew out her purple companion for fooling around while there was work to be done. Tim Tam on the other hand looked as indifferent as ever, seemingly not minding being held by Boris. They did look away from Putunia for a moment when they noticed you, even returning your small wave before staring emotionlessly back down at their passionate friend.
• "Augh, come on. Why are you taking so long...." Millie whined from the chair she stood on to better reach the counter.
"Hey, good things take time, kid. 'Sides, you don't have to help if you don't want to, go play with Boris, Putunia and Tim Tam if you want." Kamal offered, not looking away from the orangish brown mixture he way stirring together.
"No thanks. Where's the fun in playing around in a bunch of stupid leaves? Sounds like baby games to me. She crossed her arms and blew a bit of hair out of her face before continuing much more quietly, "Plus, it's...getting dark outside."
"Oh, I see." Kamal wore a knowing smile "Anyway, you done moldin' the crust yet?"
"No! I mean, yes! Maybe, I don't know. It doesn't look good but I'm not gonna do it over so you'd better not complain!" She pushed the pie dish roughly in his direction and pretended to look away in disinterest
"Hmm..." Kamal rubbed his chin to playfully exaggerate his inspection of her work.
"What!?" Millie looked nervously from Kamal to the pie crust. "Fine, of course I didn't do it right, I'm like 5 after all!"
Her defensiveness was interrupted by Kamal's laughter. "No no, nothing like that!" He ruffled her hair despite the way she angrily smacked at his hand. "It looks really good, Mil. Specially for yer first time."
"Tch, you're just saying that..."
"Nah, I mean it! Ya even used a fork to pattern the edges. Where'd you learn that?"
"Saw my mom doin it..." She spoke in an angrily embarrassed whisper.
"We're doing three total so you can take one home just for the two of you, that way you can show off how well you did. Sound good?"
Even she wasn't able to hide the smile that appeared on her face at that idea, "I-I guess that'll work!"
After working to pour the filling into the crusts, the pies were ready to go into the oven. Millie even inssisted on helping clean up despite Kamal's assuring her that she could go watch TV until they were done baking.
A moment later the chime of the door sounded as Boris stepped inside.
"You guys finally done out there?" Kamal asked, undoing his apron to hang it on the wall.
"Not quite, but it was getting quite dark so I thought it best to head in!" Boris responded. Putunia rode proudly on his shoulders and Tim Tam was held like duffle bag under his arm. Putunia quickly slid down his arm to rush to Millie who was currently staring down the slowly browning pies in the oven while Tim Tam was content to remain is his hold as he made his way to the kitchen.
"That is not all though! Y/n came to visit us as well!" Boris exclaimed, happily turning around to gesture in your direction.
Stepping through their threshold you were met with a wave of comfortable warmth, reminding you just how cold it was beginning to get outside. The cozy atmosphere of their house was amplified by the various shades of orange and brown that decorated the livingroom and kitchen. You plucked a few more leaves out of your hair and tossed them away before closing the door behind yourself. You weren't exactly planning on visiting today but you had a soft spot for Boris and he was just as excited as, if not more than Putunia was by your arrival. While Tim tam wasn't one to speak much, or show emotion, your first mention of heading home had them silently clinging to your leg, so you got the message that your company was most certainly welcome.
The next thing that caught your attention after shutting the door was the warm smell of cinnamon and pumpkin spice that was fresh in the air.
"Are you making pumpkin pie, Kamal?" You asked curiously, not quite paying attention to Boris' introduction of you.
"Actually-", Kamal started
"WE'RE making pumpkin custard pie!" Millie clarified, having suddenly appeared beside you.
"Heh, yeah. I'm trying to get back into the groove of baking so I can make some for Trencil's party. They won’t be done for a bit, but you want to stick around and have some? I consider it one of my specialties so it'll be a real treat." Kamal flashed you a thumbs up and a cheeky smile.
"Trencil's party?", you questioned, but before you got any kind of answer Putunia made an excited gasp and ran in your direction.
"Flower Power, you should stay to carve pumpkins with us too! Our moms aren't gonna be back until late so we'll have plenty of time!"
"That's an amazing idea!" Boris added clasping his hand together happily.
Suddenly all four sets of eyes were on you with Boris, Putunia and Kamal's looking at you hopefully while Millie’s almost seemed to be threatening you. You were just about to give your answer when you realized someone was missing and once again felt that familiar pressure grip your lower leg. Guess that answers that.
It's kind of hard to straddle a fence when you have friends that tackle you over the side.
• Boris never celebrated Halloween growing up and probably would have overlooked it once again this year if it wasn't for Kamal questioning him on whether he wanted to do anything.
• While Kamal hasn't done anything for fall or Halloween since he was young, he was surprised when he didn't hear anything from Boris about participating in the season. As it turns out, Kamal just bringing it up was enough to make Boris realize that he can actually celebrate holidays now, like for real and with his friends! And so the seasonal festivities were put in motion for the both of them.
• Kamal even surprises him by taking him to one of those pick your own pumpkin patches. Boris either picks out a little white Cinderella pumpkin or one of those absolutely giant, orange ones. There is no in between.
• As for the ex-habiticians; Jimothan puts up some spooky decorations around his lounge and gets a kick out of trying to scare the kids from around town. It's real cheesy stuff; fake spiders, pretend decapitation, animatronic hand in a bowl of candy. But with kids like Petunia, Tim Tam, Nat and Trevor, he ends up with more property damage than successful scares and the only person that actually gets spooked by his tricks is Parsley.
• While he often prefers to keep is vampirism on the down low, Trencil is a huge fan of Halloween and plays it up just for that night, even dressing the part. He sees it as his chance to look "cool" in front of Nat since her friends all get a kick out of it. The Varnia’s Halloween party is the place to be on the 31st if you want to have a good time.
• While Nat doesn't quite share her dads love of Halloween, she plays along since she can tell he really enjoys himself. Gives you an invitation herself, remarking that you have to come. She has to attend every year and now that you're friends, so do you. She also actually dresses up this year thanks to Trevor’s influence.
• Trevor's a Halloween fanatic. What day could be better for monster hunting?! Convinces Nat to break him into their party so he can make sure there's nothing suspicious going on. And by "break in" I mean she invited him and lets him come in through the back door so he feels sneaky.
After a good bit of investigating the only suspicious thing he can find about the party is how good the pie is. Once he's satisfied the two of them go trick or treating then spend the rest of night in a cemetery eating candy and testing out Trevor's new EMF sensor.
• Unsurprisingly, the two of them dress up as a vampire and werewolf respectively.
• You, Boris and Kamal take Millie, Putunia, and Tim Tam trick or treating while Lulia and Jerafina go to the Varnia's party.
• It might be more accurate to say that You and Kamal take, Boris, Millie, Putunia and Tim Tam trick or treating.
• Millie was actually scared to go out and despite doing her best to hide it, Kamal caught on pretty quick when he noticed her reluctance to change into her costume. As it turns out, she'd never actually gone before and was only agreeing to go because Putunia was so excited about it.
• After a pep talk, Kamal assures her that no one will be upset with her if she'd rather stay home. Shortly after that she regains her fire and remarks that Putunia looks up to her so she can't let her down! (Before they set out she makes sure to clarify to Kamal that his pep talk had nothing to do with her feeling better!)
• Boris plays into his natural glow and goes as Frankenstein's monster, Putunia goes as the Mask Diver (obviously), Millie goes as a Viking and Tim Tam didn't actually bring a costume so Kamal grabs a sheet, cuts out some eye holes and BAM~ a ghost!
• Kamal also gives in after some encouragement from you and Boris and ends up going as a Zombie, even if he is just chaperoning.
• If you weren't planning on going trick or treating yourself, you tended to hang back with Kamal, leaving Boris to escort the three kids up to the doors. You swear he must have given a good handful of people heart attacks with the way they flinched or stared wide eyed upon seeing the 7'4 green, monster man standing behind the three kids.
• Boris doesn't actually eat any of the candy he gets, happily giving it to Kamal who was more than willing to except. He's still not a fan of candy or soda and just because it's Halloween doesn't mean he's going to comprise his values. You're gonna get an earful too if he sees you going overboard with the sweets!
• You end the night by meeting up at Trencil's party with some of your other friends. Trencil is quite the host; playing up his greeting with ominous warnings and an almost exaggerated Romanian accent. The house is decorated from floor to ceiling with spooky décor and he's laid out quite the spread.
Jerafina came as a sexy nurse, Gillis was a football player, Randy came as a...crow? And of course Rondo came as a clown. Mirphy and Lulia also attended, though not in costume.
• It might be fun to make a point to stop by Jimothan’s on the way home. Tiff, Dallas, Parsley, Jimothan and Wallus seemed to be having their own little party among the other customers of the lounge.
• Getting to hear Tiff sing Thriller is also quite the treat.
• Before you head home for the night, give Parsley a break and least pretend to be scared by one of Jimothan’s surprises. It’ll make Jimothan happy and he’ll finally be satisfied enough to stop trying.
• Be sure to bring some candy back for Pabit!
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big1ron · 4 years
The Venator “Resolute” had jumped right into a separatist trap. Somehow a virus infecting the main computer has scrambled the hyperspace jump coordinates, and now the companies on board were outnumbered and without reinforcements, deep in separatist space. A few last, desperate SOSs to nobody, and the ship was quickly overwhelmed with fire. The Resolute was going down. But not before each of the escape pods could be jettisoned.
————- Chapter Five: Waiting. -————
- I think this one may be short aswell, sorry for the wait I’ve just not been doing amazing. But it’s here! Sorry. -
“Sir, we’re receiving a transition from a separatist base somewhere near the Vinda system. Should we patch it though?”
“Vinda? That’s certainly strange. Patch it though, but don’t respond. Make sure they can’t trace us.”
The radio crackles to life, and there is a significant amount of static and interference, but the message can be made out. “Haha! Yes! Great! If you’re receiving this, this is ARC-5555 “Fives” of the five-oh-first. We’ve been shot down, though most of the escape pods launched. There should be a coordinates package sent with this transmission. And- Wait hardcase what are you doing....” the message pauses, something that sounds like a response in the background. “No! Don’t do that! Hey, stop!” Another pause “I literally AM the boss of you!” A longer pause this time “no, what does that have anything to do with anything at all.” A slight shorter pause, “no, that’s stupid! You’re literally not even making any sense.” “ NO, NO you’re just wrong. I do not have time for this. You’re just wrong. Now I’m trying to get us off this planet so shut up please.” He sighs. “Sending the coordinates now.” The transmission ends.
Obiwan snickers. “Well that certainly wasn’t droids. Forward that message, and the attached files to general koon please, Cody.”
“Yes sir” man is Cody glad the 212th doesn’t usually behave like that. He doesn’t envy Rex, but those troopers sure are entertaining. He’s definitely going to tease Rex about this later.
Wolffe received the translation and chuckled to himself. The 501st sure was something else. “General, we’ve been looking in the wrong place! They’re way off course.”
Plo koon nodded and pressed a button on his comm link. “All units return to carriers. Set our course for the Vinda system!” The general gave the orders, and the 501st was finally looking at a rescue.
“Hey master, I found a road!” Ahsoka had been dragging her bike in the low power ‘hover’ mode while they had been searching for a refuelling stop.
“Great job snips. Now which direction do you want to take?”
“Hmmm left.”
“Yeah I was thinking right too. Alright, let’s go.”
“You’re impossible sky guy.”
“Wait, with all due respect sir, this is a separatist planet. Won’t this path take us right into a separatist base of some kind?” Rex cuts in.
“What’s the matter captain? Afraid of a little action? Besides, these are separatist issue bikes, a separatist base is exactly what we need.” So General skywalker leads the group leftwards down the path, dragging his bike behind beside him.
Soon enough, they spot the refuelling station that the road leads to. The three of them dive to the tree line, even though any droids should have surely heard or seen them by now. There are two wrecked speeder bikes by the refuelling station and a few destroyed droids littered about. Rex dares leave their cover enter the small base down the main road.
“Looks like a few of the boys have already been here.”
“Or are still here. Look!” Anakin points to the window of the small command outlet tower, and though it’s shaded glass, Rex can make out the back of a troopers head and shoulders, no doubt leaning against the terminal inside. “Ahsoka and I will refuel the speeders. You go check it out.”
Anakin and ahsoka moved the destroyed speeders out of the way with the force before moving their own to the station, while Rex cautiously entered the command outlet. He paused in the small corridor between the main communications room (probably a droid charging outlet) and listed in before entering, just out of personal curiosity more than anything.
“Oh my godssss-“
“-no no, no no listen to me-“
“-no how did you even get that conclusion!? How does ‘cereal is a salad’ equate to ‘general grievous should be classified as a sauce?!’ And why do you think those two things true?!”
“Just LISTEN to me! Ok? Because general grievous has his organs in a sack right? And those organs are in a liquid, right? It’s like a sauce. And his robot suit is just a really fancy jar because it keeps it contained and-“
“SHUT UP AND LET ME EXPLAIN! Listen! You’ve never even seen him. And the droids, they’re all controlled by chips right? And- hey wait the cereal is a salad thing was a completely different topic! But milk is like the dressing you put on the salad, cause it’s optional and-“
As much as rex really does want to hear how hardcase ends up explaining this one, he doesn’t want to keep the general waiting much longer and he doesn’t want one of them to end up maimed over cyborg sauces. He enters the room and immediately a blaster bolt whizzes right by his ear.
“You missed. Also, you almost shot me.”
“Rex! You found us!” Fives holstered his blaster and practically jumped up out of the chair he was leaning back in
“See? Both plans worked out. We took the base and we found rex.” Hardcase stopped pacing.
“At ease” Rex said sarcastically, as neither of them had actually gone to attention. Not that he really minded, but still. “It’s good to see you two. And nice work taking the post. Did you get a signal out?”
“Yes, I think so. We made a connection with a republic flagship, but the communication was one way. If the officers were doing their job right, we can assume help is on the way.”
“That’s great then. ...may I ask if there was another trooper in the pod with you?”
Hardcase and Fives hung their heads and looked to the floor. Hardcase rocked back on his heels and began fidgeting with his hands. “It was Tup sir... we lost him. Got separated.”
“Oh. I see.” Tup was an independent enough trooper, Rex had hope that he would survive alone. But if he didn’t turn up soon he would no doubt be left behind. “Well, I’ll tell the generals. We’ll stay here until rescue arrives. As you were.”
“Why do you get to decide which direction we go?” Asked echo to jesse, who was at the head of the group still with dogma on his back.
“Because I’m the highest rank here, so I’m in charge.”
“But we have the exact same rank. And I’ve been an ARC trooper longer.”
“Yeah but I’ve been with the 501st longer. And I’m older”
“Yeah well I’m Rex’s favourite so I should be in charge.”
“YOU’RE not his favourite! I don’t think he has favourites. And if he did it would probably be Hardcase.”
“Hardcase?! Hardcase isn’t even an ARC trooper. And i got into ARC training way before you did, while being in the 501st for a way shorter time. Rex clearly likes me best, or at least better than you.”
“Well he’s left me in charge multiple times while he’s gone. Even when you and Fives are available. So he trusts me to lead more responsibly obviously.“
“Will you two just cut it out?” Interjects Coric at the same time as Kix’s “just shut up already!”
Echo stuck out his leg and tripped Kix, not to be denied this victory. Jesse dropped Dogma and put himself between his favourite vod and Echo. But before things could even start Coric shoved them both apart
“If you two can’t stop fighting about who’s in charge, then we’ll go by seniority and that would be me. So you two stop annoying each other and behave! Echo, there’s no reason for you to be so mean to Kix, Jesse consider Dogma a bit more will you? And if all four of you can’t just get along I swear to kark I will MAKE you! Do I make myself clear?!”
“Yes coric.” Echo and Jesse mumble.
Tup slowly opened his eyes. He must have passed out at some point during that nightmare. He had lost time, and he had no idea where he was or what direction he was facing. Right, he was headed towards the rising sun, but what time was it? He grabbed a nearby tree and used it to pull himself up. His head spun for a few seconds, but other than a mild headache the fruit seemed to have no lasting side effects. His chest plate was hanging half off and he was missing various other armour pieces. His hair was a mess. Full of knots and leaves. And his blaster was gone. Whatever. He was still alive and even if he was going to be left behind for the rest of his life, he wasn’t dead. This was all Fives and Hardcase’s fault. And when he saw them again he would let them know it.
He took a minute to fix himself up best he could, but he still looked like a wreck and his other armour pieces were nowhere in sight. He felt unsafe without his blaster, so he settled with a reasonably sized stick he found (somewhere around 5ft long) to replace it. Yes, he was 1000% going to die here, but he pressed on anyways.
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ofmargos · 4 years
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chicago’s very own margo rosas has been spotted on madison avenue , with a striking semblance to camila mendes ! you may know them as @margo or hitting the front page of tmz as margo rosas is making her comeback on broadway ! according to tmz , you just had your twenty-third birthday bash . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re overdramatic , but being passionate might help you . things that would paint a better picture of you would be the sound of stilettos hitting the pavement , the thunderous sound of applause , and having the poise of a well-mannered lady but the mouth of a sailor . ( cis female + she / her )
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omg hey y’all it’s ya girl lia back at it again with the broadway b*tch herself , margo ! fun fact : i’ve been writing for margo off n on for THREE years ?? that’s wild . no matter what i do i cannot get rid of this muse akjsdnk but i love her and i hope y’all do too ! under the cut is far too much info on her ( i’m sorry it’s long !! ) pls go ahead and give this post a like if you give me consent to come bug you in the im’s / discord ! <3
*+:。.。 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐒 。.。:+*
–;; 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞: Margaret Lucia Rosas – ;; 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞(𝐬): Margo ( preferred name ), Mars, Mar, Pain in the Ass, Drama Queen – ;; 𝐀𝐠𝐞: Twenty-Three – ;; 𝐃.𝐎.𝐁: 31 October 1997 – ;; 𝐙𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜: Scorpio sun, scorpio moon,  leo asc ( yikes ) – ;; 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: Cis Female – ;; 𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Bisexual Biromantic – ;; 𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭: 5ft 2 – ;; 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞: Chicago, IL – ;; 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: Luxurious apartment in Manhattan – ;; 𝐎𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Singer / Songwriter + Broadway Performer ( Julia Michaels VC ) – ;; 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬: Passionate, creative, dramatic, distrusting, outgoing, ambitious, fun-loving, loyal, daring, sarcastic, stubborn, overconfident, impulsive, hard-working, petty, secretive, short-tempered, vindictive
*+:。.。 𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘 。.。:+*
*TW: undiagnosed illness, death
grew up as an only child in chicago, illinois. her family was definitely in the middle class but her parents both worked hard to provide their pride and joy with everything she could’ve wanted out of life
and it became apparent early on that what margo wanted was to perform. she was always singing around the house, putting on one-woman shows for her parents, and following along to the choreography of her favorite DCOM on tv. and in order to keep her satisfied, and also out of the house while they were both working, her parents threw her into an abundance of performing arts classes: ballet, tap, and jazz classes + singing lessons + acting workshops-- you name it. it was a very expensive hobby but her parents were willing to put in the extra work hours to fund her passions
she honestly grew up blissfully unaware of the sacrifices her parents were making on her behalf. they just never made her feel like she was inconveniencing them in any way. if she wanted to spend her day turn acting, singing, and dancing then so be it. they supported her emotionally and financially 100%
*ILLNESS TW* but the rose-tinted glasses were ripped from her eyes around the age of fourteen / fifteen. her mom had always had a weak immune system-- the first one to catch a cold or the flu, knocking her on her ass and leaving her bedridden for days at a time. it only got worse as years went on and she avoided doctor appointments out of fear of being charged unnecessary costly fees. she downplayed her compromising situation for as long as she could until she physically couldn’t carry on any more and had to stop going to work
margo and her father urged the stubborn woman to seek medical attention for any sort of relief for months until she finally conceded. soon it became the new norm for her mother to be in and out of hospitals, getting tests done, trying various medications. but nothing helped in the long-term and they were unable to come to a strict diagnosis *ILLNESS TW END*
and she had been right, it was terribly expensive. their funds were short considering the family was down to one income. so margo took on more responsibilities by working part-time jobs as well as going to school. she was sixteen and teaching dance lessons at her childhood studio in exchange for a small amount of pay + free lessons as well as working at a local movie theatre 6 days a week. she cut back on extracurricular lessons to save some money, instead pouring all her creative energy into only school related clubs such as choir, theatre, and so on
honestly, if you knew margo in high school you’d likely not even know about her familial situation. she liked to keep her cards close to her chest and portrayed herself as this larger than life character that no one would believe had experienced any hardships. she distracted from her own worries by playing the role of ‘queen bee’ or more accurately rachael berry from glee ( a cursed character at this point but it’s true unfortunately )
margo had big dreams of making it to broadway one day and had planned to get there by going to college in new york and make a name for herself. but with her mother’s healthy declining the closer margo got to graduation, the more put off she was by the idea of moving away from home. she was willing to put all plans for her future on hold and take care of her mother but her parents wouldn’t let her. being as encouraging as ever, they convinced her that she needed to follow her dreams. she had already given up a majority of her teenage years to help them out when they needed it most. they wouldn’t let her miss out on anything else
so with a heavy heart but on a good scholarship, she left for columbia university without any idea of what to expect. new york was a whole new world for her and she was thrown off by how talented, beautiful, and wealthy her peers were. she had felt like a big fish in a really small pond during her high school days. but for once she was a tiny fish in the big wide ocean
her larger than life persona came back into play-- masking her worries and insecurities with a version of herself that was so confident that she even began to fool herself. she got a bit lost in the fantasy. her true self-slipping away. she almost had this alter ego ??? ( come thru hannah montana moment okay ) wannabe starlet rubbing elbows with the future CEOs and celebrities of the world by day and local pizza parlor waitress by the night, working to make a decent living while also sending money back home when she could
she also had to maintain good grades to keep her scholarship and participate in performances that her department put on in order to rise in the ranks
honestly the only time she got a little peace was when she was hanging out with her few GOOD friends. like the people that actually got to know her past her fake personality. they were also music people so they spent a lot of time together just messing around with instruments and vocals and writing songs in their own little makeshift studio / hangout spot
it started off as just fun and games, but with their help margo created some original songs and released them as an indie artist. she put herself out there on her social media profiles like “hey stream my new single!!!!!!” and people ate it up. after releasing a few tracks and establishing her own following, her music eventually got to the right people and she was given the opportunity to sign to an actual label which was wild ???
and while it was an amazing opportunity, releasing music under the label was also very demanding. when she was releasing music from the comfort of her friend’s studio it was purely a fun creative outlet and done on her own time. it was just... rough. but how could she complain when she was making a name for herself in the music industry + making bank from royalties + getting to meet all these cool famous people and go to parties with them and y’know ... spiral and slack off on other responsibilities
*DEATH TW* it was around her junior year that things started to go from bad to worse. she remembers exactly where she was and what she was doing when she got the call from her dad informing her of her mom’s extended stay in the hospital. things weren’t looking too good. there wasn’t anything they could do for the older lady and honestly she was done fighting. margo flew back home to chicago immediately and stayed at her childhood home for the following weeks until her mother passed. it was absolutely devastating. she stayed in chicago with her dad for months as they worked through their grief together *DEATH TW END*
columbia was pretty understanding of her situation and was willing to be accommodating so she could finish her degree plan, but margo put things off for so long that she eventually just withdrew from the university and was dead set on just living in chicago forever
i’m not gonna lie, margo was down and out for a little while. didn’t talk to anyone really, rarely left the house, stopped making music, and just sorta fell off completely. the only good thing that came out of the year or so that she spent back home was she stepped away from the false reality she created for herself in new york, which helped her realize that she didn’t love the person she was becoming or the things she was doing. she wasn’t even really involved with her one true passion which was theatre / acting
it was with a little boost from her dad ( literally her biggest fan , i love this man okay ) that she started acting like herself again. he told her that her mom wouldn’t want her to give up on everything and neither would he. so with a new found determination ( and a pretty exciting career opportunity ), margo put on her big girl pants and moved her ass back to new york to finally do what she loves to do
and here we are now ! she’s stepping into her break-out role onto broadway as lydia deetz in bettlejuice the musical
she’s only been back in new york for a few months at this point i’d say ??? and i can’t wait to see her come into her own and grow into the margo i know and love ... but also hate because she’s so so dumb :-) <3
she has no chill, probably will never have any chill, and i am sorry for that ASJNDLK she’s just overdramatic as hell !!! she’s a theatre kid at heart and i would expect absolutely nothing less from her
generally good-natured though and has good intentions. just simply has piss-poor execution sometimes
down to clown and ready to have a good time all the time all in the name of enjoying life to its fullest while we all have a chance
the only thing she takes seriously is her work life. she’s on her grind okay, it took a lot for her to get to where she is today and she’s not going to just let it slip away that easily. she’s doing everything she can to make not only herself proud but her parents :’-)
still releases her own music under the label but her primarily focus is on her budding broadway career and the label is understanding of that ... mostly because she called an executive meeting ( against her manager’s better judgement ) and was super up front and threatened to walk out if they didn’t see reason ... but at least things worked out well !!!
she mostly writes songs for other people at this point in her career. some big names too ( just like ... google julia michael’s career and apply it to margo okay thank u )
honestly her management teams worst nightmare simply because she does not listen and will do whatever she wants and post whatever she wants and will not apologize for being her authentic self in media
like, she’s just starting to figure out who she is again and they want her to stop and act fake because she’s not being very “family-friendly” or because it doesn’t make her “look good to the public” ??? nah f*ck that !
while she is sociable and fun-loving, she’s also hard to seriously get to know sometimes because of all those years of putting up a front. like sometimes she doesn’t even realize that she’s not being 100% genuine ??? so you could be hanging out with her every single day and still not know her completely and she might not open up and that’s okay, she’s working on it
she is a pretty good friend tho ! super loyal, a true ride or die, will want to fight anyone that you have a problem with, showers you in compliments and gifts, truly 10 / 10
but if she doesn’t like you or if you’ve mistreated her in any way at all she will in fact hold it against you for the rest of her life. just petty as a mf and i hate her for it like sis pls leT SH*T GO !!!!
didn’t grow up rich so now that she’s making bank she’s one of those people that just buys dumb things just because she can ??? the size of her closet is absolutely ridiculous, just overflowing with clothes and accessories, and the amount of random packages that get delivered to her apartment that she doesn’t even remember ordering is even more so ... just ... irresponsible spender
stubborn ?? what is compromising ??? doesn’t know her but will try ( begrudgingly ) if she really likes you
hates being bored. can and will go to excessive lengths to avoid boredom
partygirl margo has not stopped, will not stop, and cannot be stopped much to my own disappointment
self-proclaimed dancing queen. really puts all those years of classical dance training to good use by hopping on top of tables / countertops at parties to shake some ass
surprisingly a responsible adult that can cook and clean and get shit done when she really puts her mind to it ??? this developed over the years that her mom was sick and bedridden and she stepped up to take care of household chores while her dad worked doubles
very family-oriented and talks to her dad all the time. like, calls him daily for really dumb reasons. any time she feels down the first person she wants to talk to is him ( well it’s actually her mom, who was her best friend in the whole world, but since she’s not here anymore they make do as just the two of them )
her ego is LARGE. GRANDE. thinks very highly of herself as a result of being praised too much as a child probably. not to mention she is very very good at what she does, has more talent in her little pinky then i do in my whole body. she’s secretly insecure on the inside but she presents as an overconfident bad bitch
a staple to her character that i wish she would shake is her inability to handle her own feelings in a healthy way ... she just sorta ... shuts down ?? runs away ?? acts like nothing is happening ?? it’s bad. would rather leave than get left and bottle up all her feelings and kick them under the bed then ever open up
has a terrible sleeping pattern and cannot stay on a solid sleep schedule to save her life. undiagnosed insomniac. when her mind just won’t calm down she often goes out to keep her occupied and avoid any overthinking that might occur when she’s in her own company
her life motto is #YOLO and does a lot of stupid sh*t because of it
probably uses tiktok too much both as a consumer and a content creator. vlogs her backstage experiences and also just posts dumb, amusing things
this is so long i’m sorry if you read this whole thing i just have a lot of feelings about her after writing her for so many years AKJSDK i’ll shut up now BYE
i have margo’s wc page HERE but just some ideas are best friends, frenemies, confidants, fellow music people, party friends, pr friends or pr rivals, crushes, on and off again, exes, roommate, childhood friends, family friends, good influence, bad influence, honestly truly anything and everything PLS i love to plot and write w/ all of you ! <3
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crystalwillow · 4 years
Baby Carriages & Wedding Bells - Oliver x F!MC  (Never Let You Go, Part Two)
So uh surprise! I thought I would have to finish this in the morning and it would be posted tomorrow but I’ve worked on it all day and have it ready for you all to read now. I hope you all enjoy it!
hugs, love and kisses 
tyrilsnightbloom xoxo
The night was winding down as Oliver drove the two of you home after the premiere ended, as you looked over at Oliver your face dropped upon seeing that his brow was knitted together with worry. “Olly? What’s wrong?” you said with concern, worrying as silence followed your question but a little bubble of relief flowed through you when he spoke after a couple of minutes, “Hm? Oh, yeah. Everything’s fine. It’s just... are you sure you don’t want to go to the after party? You usually love going to them.” He questioned as he focused on the road. You smiled and took his hand in yours, “I’m sure. I’ll be doing something tonight that will... be more worth it. I’ve been to dozens of parties and after parties. Tonight... tonight I just want to be at home. With you.” You spoke softly as you smiled at him, when he turned to steal a quick glance at you he smiled too. “I just want to relax with my soon-to-be husband and do face masks with him. Maybe drink this new all-natural ingredient hot cocoa I got to try and received in the mail this morning.” You beamed at him, leaning over the gearstick and pecking his cheek as you pulled into the drive way of your home. “I’d love to do that with you” Oliver beamed back as he killed the engine and took off his seatbelt. You looked at your front door and chuckled to yourself. “what?” Oliver asked as he opened the car door to get out. “Nothing. Just... remembering the first time you saw a car” you chuckled, also getting out of the car. Together you walked inside, and you tossed your bag onto the dresser by the front door as you kicked off your heels, returning to your natural height of 5ft 6”. 
Oliver shrugged off his jacket and hung it on the coat rack before turn to you and gathering you in his arms in a tight hug. “Oof Oliver. Not too tight.” You chuckled aa he released his grip a little, smoothing your face in tender loving kisses. After his brief attack you took his hand and led him to your bedroom, he took a seat on the bed as you walked through to your en suite bathroom and picked out 2 face masks. “Can I put yours on you, honey?” you asked as you walked back into the bedroom, Oliver now pulling his suit pants off and standing in his boxer shorts “sure. Just let me put these away” he grinned holding up his dirty clothes. You smiled with a nod and got to work on undressing yourself, though it looked simple, the dress you wore tonight was quite tricky to work with. The part that annoyed you the most was the cape like element to it that was non-detachable. “Argh! Stupid dress! Would you jus-“ you started ranting to yourself but stopped when you finally saw the bedroom light again and a very smiley Oliver standing over you, your dress balled up in his hands. “Thank you.” You grinned and headed to your closet, picking out one of your long night shirts to wear in bed, grabbing Oliver a set of his pyjamas as well. Once you were both ready for bed you straddled Oliver as he laid on his back whilst you applied his face mask, engaging in small conversation, giggling and laughing. You then switched positions as he applied your face mask, deep concentration on his face. Once yours was applied you laid together looking at the ceiling, talking some more as your fingers intertwined between you. Soon you let out a small yawn, despite trying your best to suppress it and hide your true tiredness.
“Do you want to just go to bed after this? We can try the cocoa tomorrow”
“No. No, it’s okay. Besides, I have something that I want to tell you”
“You could tell me tomorrow.”
“No Oliver. I can’t hold off telling you any longer.”
“You have my intrigue.”
Oliver sat up on his side resting his head on his hand as he looked to you expectantly. “Well.... what’s got you so happy you can’t wait a moment longer to tell me?” he asked. You sat up to, suddenly the moment was very real, you were about to tell him something you kept from him for 3 months as you didn’t want him to be disappointed if you miscarried and you had no idea how he would react. “How about... we go make that cocoa and I’ll tell you in the kitchen.” You said getting up and stretching with yet another a yawn.
“Peyton. You’re tired maybe we should just sleep”
“No, please honey. Come with me.”
You pleaded with him as you slowly padded out of the room and down the stairs into the kitchen. Oliver took a seat at the island as you warmed some milk on the stove. You paced around anxiously, an uncertain silence hanging in the air, waiting for someone to break it. “Oliver? How would you feel if we were to start a family? Would you be ready to be a father?” you asked with your back to him stirring the milk, so it doesn’t catch and burn. “Whew. P, that’s a big question... I... I suppose I could see us with a child. They’d have my sense of humor for sure. Your eyes, the beautiful most emerald green. Like the jewel itself....” Oliver says as he trails off quietly mumbling to himself about having a child with you. “What would you teach them?” you asked as you started stirring the cocoa powder in the milk. “How to defend themselves of course! Oh, and how to play the perfect prank on you.” Oliver replied with a grin. You shook your head good naturedly with a small chuckle as you got 2 mugs from the cupboard and filled them with the delicious chocolate smelling liquid. “We need more soy milk now. I just used the last of it” you said looking around for the pad you write your shopping list on. “you mean there’s no milk for my cereal in the morning?” Oliver asked with an exaggerated pout on his lips which you kissed, immediately cheering him up. “There’s enough almond milk left for you to have your cereal. Quit the pouting.” You chuckled, taking a sip of the drink you had just made. “So what did you want to tell me?” Oliver asked. “Um. There’s a reason... to me asking you about how you would feel if we were to start a family.... I.. You um... I- I’m pr- .... Oliver... I’m pregnant.” You said, letting out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding as you finished your sentence. Oliver sat looking at you in shock, clearly not knowing what to say or how to react. His hot cocoa, now clearly forgotten. “Oliver....” you said with question and hesitation as you looked at him. “I... Um. Excuse me. Peyton.” He said, getting up and leaving the room, you turning your head to follow him to the direction of the door but decide it best, not to follow him. Rubbing your stomach you drank your hot cocoa and headed up to bed, willing yourself to sleep by convincing yourself that Oliver would be next to you when you woke up.
It had been 2 days since you had told Oliver that you’re pregnant and he hadn’t uttered one word to you since unless it was to ask where something was and the looks he gave you were small, barely there smiles as he left for work. You sat at home by yourself all day waiting for him to return in hopes that he would say something to you other than a question or a simple “Hello. I’m home.” As he hung his jacket by the door before he shut himself in his home office for the evening. You’d spent your time playing the piano gracefully and writing new songs. Your hopes were to get enough to make an album that you could put out as something for your fans to listen to. Just a project you could share with them. That’s what you were doing that evening when Oliver came home. You sat at the piano in the room just off of the living room as your fingers glided over the keys playing a simple but soft melody as you gently sang along to it with placeholder lyrics trying to figure out how it would go. Oliver called out your name, but you didn’t reply, just maintained your focus on your current state.
“Peyton? .... P? ....... Peyton, where are you? Pey-“ his tone became more panicked as he came nearer to you before stopping in the entrance of the room you were in, you felt his eyes on you as you finally sang a few lyrics that had come to your mind.
“... and it’s been two day since I last heard you laugh. But I guess that was the price I paid...” you sang delicately but scrunched your face up and shook your head. “No that’s not right either.” You muttered, going back to play the simple tune without singing. Oliver crossed the room and sat in the chair in the corner and listened to you play. Getting frustrated that you couldn’t find the words, you rose from the piano and headed to the kitchen to grab a drink of water and sit in the garden so you could refresh your mind. Even though you wanted Oliver to follow you, you hoped he didn’t. You were mad at him for not talking to you for so long, of course you understood it was a lot to take in but for him to not talk to you for two, now three days in a row was horrible. You felt like you lost him a couple nights ago when you told him. You feared the worst and that he was trying to search for a way back to the past so he could run from this. You sat staring into your fish pond, shaking your head and let out a small scoff before taking a sip of water, looking up as you heard the sound of someone clearing their throat behind you.
“What do you want?”
“Hostility and snappiness. Expected.”
“hostility and snappiness. expected. ... well good! I hate you right now.”
“Peyton honey, you don’t mean that.”
“Don’t you tell me that I do and don’t know what I mean. I know perfectly well.”
“Don’t you think this is all a bit...”
“A bit what? Oliver. huh? A bit of an overreaction? A bit too much? No. No I do not. 3 days. 3 days now since you so much as uttered more than a goodbye at the door in the morning, 3 nights since I’ve been able to sleep next to you at bedtime and every morning I fear I’ll wake up and find myself here alone. Knowing that the last thing I said to you made you stop talking to me. I never thought of you as starting to show signs of behaviour like your father. But your hostile energy the past 3 days has drained me! I told you I’m pregnant with your kid and you’ve given me nothing but radio silence. So no! I don’t think this is an overreaction, I think this is perfectly justified.”
“What? Cat got your tongue?”
“Peyton... Peyton I’m sorry.”
“Save it. I don’t want an apology. I’m not trying to guilt trip you. I want you to come and speak with me when you’re ready to discuss our child. Until then.. keep with the radio silence. I’m used to it by now.” You snapped as you got up and stomped passed him, going back into the house. “Baby please!” he pleaded following close behind you. But you ignored him, entering the cinema room and closing the door in his face, locking it in one swift action. “Peyton!” he shouted with defeat in his voice and he slapped his palm against the door. “Peyton, I’m not going anywhere until we’ve talked.” You ignored his pleas, turning on a movie and putting the volume as loud as you could for the hour of day it was. Eventually you needed to pee and as you couldn’t hear Oliver anymore, you assumed he had gone back downstairs to the couch. You unlocked the door, opening it and walked out, rolling your eyes when you heard your name being mumbled. “Peyton?” Oliver asked sleepily, as he sat up rubbing the crust from his eyes. You ignored him still, shutting the bathroom door and went to the toilet, rolling your eyes when you opened the door and saw him standing there, leaning across the wall. “It’s dinner time. You best order yourself something like you have been.” You said coldly as you passed him to head to the kitchen and cook yourself some food, but he stopped you, grabbing your wrist. “Peyton will you just LISTEN?” he said with a raised voice, making you jump a little at his tone. “fine.” You sulked. “Thank you.” He sighed
“I’m not saying I’m innocent. Far from it. My behaviour is inexcusable to be quite frank but you have to understand. What you said to me was a shock. I wasn’t expecting it. Yes 3 days without talking to you was irrational and uncalled for but I needed the time to reflect on things. It’s not easy being an 18th century man in the modern world. I’m still adjusting and thanking god for every day he gives me here with you. It’s been 10 years, yes. But I spent 25 of my years growing up and getting used to life in the 1700’s. I... it’s-“
Your hand came up  and rested on his cheek and he lent into your embrace as your eyes locked on one another’s, both filled with tears. Emotion thick in the air as you stared at each other. “Look. I’m sorry for being hostile. It’s just. Your long silence was hurting me, and I reached my boiling point. It’s no excuse but...” you whispered as he softly pulled you closer to him as he lent back on the door frame of the bathroom. “You had a reason to be mad. And it was a valid one.” He mumbled with a small smile playing on his lips. “Can we just... move past this whole thing and get back to normal?” he asked. You wanted to continue being harsh and pull away from him, but your heart was telling you to forgive him. After all you love this man with all you have. You weren’t going to just throw that away over one rough patch. You gave him a soft chaste kiss before leaning your forehead on his and closing your eyes, enjoying the closeness between you that you had missed so much the past 3 days. “I’m sorry.” You whispered moving to rest your head on his chest, “I’m sorry too. How about I order food for the both of us tonight?” He whispered back as he hugged you close, and you nodded against his chest. In one swift motion he lifted you up with your wrapping your legs round his waist as he carried you to your bedroom and put you down softly on the bed and laid next to you, taking his phone from his pocket.
“What do you feel like having?”
“Hmm.. Wait! What can pregnant women eat? Can they even have takeout?”
“Olly. Relax. Just get us some Chinese or burgers yeah?
He smiled and kissed the crown of your head as you snuggled closer to him, enjoying his warmth. Whilst you waited for your food to arrive, you spoke about your pregnancy.
“So.. how long have you known?”
“Three months. I wanted to make sure I didn’t miscarry before telling you. I know you’d be devastated if that happened.”
“Oh.. wow. Now it makes full sense why you were so mad.”
“Yeah. Well. Let’s move on from that hey?”
“I love you, Oliver.”
“I love you too, P”
That night you ate together in your bedroom, watching TV and laughing at some funny animal and meme compilation videos. The thick tension that hung between you earlier, now gone with the wind and only love between you as you each stole adoring glances at each other with smiles, before falling asleep in each other’s arms.
---------- 5 months later ----------
You sat at home in the living area on a gym ball as you waited for Oliver to bring you some water from the kitchen, the both of you waiting for your midwife to arrive as you had gone into labor about 45 minutes ago and had chosen to have a home birth. “Water.” Oliver announced, grabbing your attention and you snapped your head in his direction. You graciously took it from him and sipped some through the straw before he took it from you, placing it on the coffee table. “How’s the pain? Still manageable for now?” he asked as he took your hand rubbing soothing circles on it. You smiled at him and nodded. Soon your contractions started getting worse and you dug your nails into Oliver’s arms, you were in the middle of gripping onto him to make it through a contraction when the doorbell rang. “WHO WOULD KNOCK AT SUCH AN INAPPROPRIATE MOMENT?!” you yelled, Oliver chuckled “Relax. It’s the midwife.” You let go of him so he could get the door. Screaming in pain again as he welcomed her into the home. “OLIVERRRRRRRRRRR!” he ran through into the room with his eyes widened and held onto you again, letting you grip onto him and stare into his eyes. “It’s okay, love. This will be over soon.” he soothed. “It better. It’s been two hours already! And it’s your fault!” you complained, howling out in pain as yet another contraction came, more intense than the last. Three more hours past and you were now on the floor, laying on towels with a pillow under your head about to give your final push and deliver your baby into the world. “You’ve done amazing beautiful. One final push. Are you ready?” Oliver asked, briefly looking at the midwife who nodded. “And push Peyton. Push! push! push!” he told you and you gripped his hand draining the colour from both of your knuckles as you gave one final push feeling your baby pop out and you let your body relax as you panted, Oliver wiped the sweat from your forehead with a cool washcloth before giving you small tender cheek kisses and hugging you whilst the medical personnel took care of your child before bringing them over to you, the midwife smiling brightly. “Congratulations mom and dad. You have a beautiful and healthy baby boy!” she exclaimed quietly as she handed you your child. You looked at Oliver with a new found fondness as he gently stroked the little amount of hair on your son’s head cooing quietly, “Welcome to the world little man.” He sniffled, the emotion of the moment finally getting to him as he shed a few tears and rested his head on the opposite side of your chest looking at your son, placing his finger into his tiny fist. “I already love you so much. I’m going to be the best father to you. Spoil you with so many gifts as you grow up you’ll be sick of me giving you stuff.” He mumbles as he lets out a chuckle through his tears. You look down on your soon-to-be husband and newborn son, smiling at them as a feeling of completeness washed over you. In all of your years on this earth you would never had guessed this is where you would now be. In a house with the love of your life who you had to travel back in time to find, only to have to leave him again and have him follow you to the future then willingly choose to settle down with you, in the future and essentially throw away everything in his life so far.. Everything felt surreal but it was perfect.
A few moments later everything had been taken care of and Oliver saw the medics and midwife out of your home as you got comfortable on the sofa cradling your newborn, looking down at his perfect face you smiled softly. “You definitely have your daddy’s charm little man. You’re going to drive the women mad when you’re a teenager.” you whispered to him as Oliver re-entered the room. “Well hopefully he’ll find a woman who is as beautiful as you and not settle for less than he’s meant for.” Oliver spoke quietly as he sat down next to you. You turned to him with a sleepy smile and tilted your head up for a kiss, which Oliver happily gave you.
“Why don’t you go and have a lay down upstairs? I’ll take care of our little one.”
“But we haven’t named him yet. Are you sure?”
“P. We can come up with a name for him after you’ve had a rest and got some food into yourself when you wake up okay?”
“Okay. Thank you sweetheart, I love you so much”
“I love you too my little cinnamon bun”
You giggled as Oliver gave you another kiss before you carefully handed over your son and headed upstairs to bed with a yawn escaping your lips. Sometime later you awoke to the sound of crying and Oliver desperately trying his best to cheer your little boy up as he neared the room. You sat up as they entered the room, suddenly noticing the wet patches on your top you realized your baby was most likely hungry. “Hey. I didn’t mean to wake you.” Oliver said with an apologetic smile as he stepped into the room. “It’s okay. He’s probably hungry. Pass him here” You said as you propped yourself up comfortably with pillows and lifting your top. “So. That’s going to be a thing now huh?” Oliver asked as he sat next to you, your child’s crying quietening as he latched onto you and started feeding. “what? Me getting my boobs out? You should be used to it by now.” You joked with a smirk. “Oh I am, just not for this purpose.” He chuckled as he looked back to you with something deep in his eyes.
“What’s that look for?”
“What look?”
“The look in your eyes. I’ve never seen it before.”
“Peyton. You know that I love you right?”
“Well... I think you should know that I don’t only love you. I fucking adore you. So freaking much. I... I never thought I would find anything like what I have with you. I don’t want to go too deeply because it will ruin my wedding speech in a few week’s time. But please, Peyton. Know that I don’t only love you. But I adore you. So much more than you’ll ever know.”
You smiled at Oliver fondly as he took your free hand in both of his, lacing his warm fingers through your slightly cold ones. You looked down at your baby as he finished feeding and you popped your breast away, “Could you remove your shirt and burp him for me? I really need to stretch out” you asked Oliver who happily removed his shirt before taking his son back from you and burping him whilst you stretched out next to the bed. “Oop. Oh dear, sickies. We’ve got sickies mommy, can we get a cloth please?” Oliver asked in the cutest voice you’d ever heard come from him, you rushed next door to the nursery and grabbed a sick cloth bringing it back to Oliver. “Here you go babe.” You said handing it to him. “Thank you. Say thank you mommy.” He said again in the same tone as he looked at your son cleaning up the sick. “I’m going to go grab a shower, will you be okay putting him down to sleep?” you asked, “Yeah. I’ll be fine.” Oliver said as he looked up at you with a smile which you returned as you gave him a quick kiss before disappearing into the bathroom. You were in the middle of enjoying the warm water when the bathroom door opened, and Oliver appeared naked. “Mind if I join you?” he asked. “No. come in. I welcome you.” you smile as you open the shower door for him. He steps in and immediately hugs you. But this isn’t like many of the shower hugs you’ve shared before, where you could tell he wanted something kinky. This hug was warm and caring, it was close and way more intimate than any hug before. “Did he go down okay?” you asked as you returned the hug, “Out like a light.” Oliver replied softly, as he kept you in his embrace and let out a happy and content sigh. You felt it too, the feeling that comes from the type of sigh he just let out. The two of you hugged in the shower until the water turned cold then washed yourselves before getting out and dressed in some fresh clothes, heading downstairs to cook dinner, Oliver grabbing the baby monitor on the way out of the room. After looking through the ingredients you have, you settle on making a tomato and basil soup, chatting with Oliver as you chop ingredients together. Once the soup is done, Oliver dishes some up into bowls whilst you cut the bread and put some butter on a small plate, placing them on the kitchen island. That night you both cuddle up in bed, ready to take it in turns on getting up through the night, more excited for your upcoming wedding than ever before.
------ 4 months later -------
Today is the day. The biggest day of your life. One you feel sadness from at the fact you can’t share this with the crew you got to know all those years ago but nonetheless you feel happiness as you’re finally moments away from marrying Oliver. Sticking to the tradition of not seeing you before the wedding, Oliver is currently at a hotel close to the church where you’re set to get married. You’re standing on a platform as the final finishing touches are being put to your wedding dress when there’s a knock at the door. “Oh. That’s probably hair and make-up! I’ll let them in.” one of the dress staff beamed as they raced in the direction of the front door.
“uhh. We’re lost.. we were -”
“We were walking through the market when we suddenly found ourselves getting up here. Wherever here is of course.”
“Oh well um.. I’m only here to fit a woman with her wedding dress but if you want to know what state you’re in currently. It’s New York.”
“New... York?”
“Yes, in America. New York, you know. ... Are you guys okay? You all look rather dazed perhaps you should- ... wait here please.”
The member of staff comes jogging back into the room looking rather perplexed. “What is it?” you asked politely making sure to only move your head in her direction, “There’s a group of people outside. They’re dressed rather oddly and look as if they’ve bumped their heads or something. They seem lost.” She says. You think for while and nod to yourself. “let them in and take them to the kitchen? Maybe offer them a glass of water each too. I’ll be through soon to see what they want.” You said and the staff member nodded. You heard the sound of heavy boots come into your house and thought it must be some building contractors as you stood having the final touches put to your dress. It felt like hours but really it was only a few minutes before you were being helped down from the platform to look at yourself in the mirror at your wedding dress. It was lucky you hadn’t had your make-up done yet other wise it would be ruined with the fact you just burst into happy tears. Today was by far going to be the most emotional day you’ve experienced. “I look beautiful. Just like Oliver said I would. Thank you so much Julie, you’re a saint.” You smiled as you turned and gave her a warm hug. She returned the hug before pulling away and handing you a tissue. “Just doing my job sweetheart. Now. You best go and see what those dazed people were doing outside your house.” You nodded as you suddenly remembered there were people in your kitchen and glided through stopping in shock at the kitchen doorway at the faces that stared at you. There was no way it was them. In an attempt to confirm your mind was playing tricks on you, you walked up to Jonas and tried to swipe your hand through him, wincing in pain when your hand connected to his hard bicep creating a slapping sound. “Oooowwww.” You winced as you shook your hand before going around the kitchen and poking everyone else. No. They aren’t here are they? This is just some sick joke. Some lookalikes, playing a joke on you. In what you perceive to be natural thinking, you grab a plastic ladle from the utensils draw and hold it in one of the women’s faces.
“State your real name and where you’re from.”
“uhhhh. Okay. My name is Charlotte Smith and I’m from Port Monarque...”
“I’m not lying.”
“Prove it.”
“Your name is Peyton Bellamy. You sailed on the Poseidon’s Revenge with this crew for a while a few years back. Fell in love with a navy officer called Oliver, he followed you through the portal when you had to leave. Though we have no way of knowing if he made it to you or somewhere else.. the portal. I, along with Edward, sealed the portal for good. Everyone is, or well... should be, stuck in the times they are in. Which begs the question of why and how we’re here.”
There’s a silence following Charlie’s statement as you take time to absorb everything before a familiar voice sounds above the noise. “Not to interrupt the silence but your dress is very beautiful Peyton. Are you getting married?” a cheerful looking young girl asks, although you remember her looking a lot younger when you last saw her. “G-Ginny?” you asked in shock as if only now registering that it’s her. She waves with a smile and you move to hug her, your maternal instincts kicking in. “Oh, how are you? Have you eaten? The lady who let you in gave you water right?” you asked as you moved to a cupboard, pulling out your snack box and opening it. “Here. Help yourself to a snack.” You beamed holding the box out to her, “OOOO. Thank you Peyton.” She grinned as she took a snack from the box before you snapped the lid on and slid it back into the cupboard. “Peyton, hair and make up is here, darling.” Julie said as she walked into the room, stopping short upon seeing all the people in the room. “Okay. Thanks Julie, do you think you could fit in 3 last minute dress fittings at your shop? It doesn’t matter the style of the dress, just so long as they look gorgeous.” You beam as you shoo Maggie, Charlie and Ginny towards the door. “But what if I don’t want a dress? What’s even going on?” Maggie protests. “I’m getting married and I want you 3 to be bridesmaids and if you don’t want a dress, find a really nice blush pink suit or a jumpsuit. I don’t mind I just want you there.” You beamed and returned to the kitchen with your house phone in hand as you called your driver. “... yep. Perfect. Thank you Jack.” You hung up and smiled at the boys. “Oh no.” Jonas grumbled. “Jonas.” Edward warned earning an eyeroll. “You’ll be going to the hotel and meeting up with my groom. He’ll sort you guys with suits and stuff. But you’ll have to wait out front for my driver. I need to go and get my hair and make-up done.” You smiled and pushed them outside closing the door before rushing into the living room. The note you got through your door 2 months prior to this moment suddenly making sense. You were getting your old crew to make good memories with for 24 hours from the time they knocked on your door. You had no idea how the magic worked that sent you to the past or how it brought them to you today, but you were happy that they were here and that’s all that matters.
You’d been up since the crack of dawn and it was now late afternoon and time for the ceremony. You paced back and forth in your room nervous as you waited for someone to come and retrieve you and walk you down the aisle. To help calm your nerves you sang yourself a little tune, lost in nerves and song you didn’t notice two of your friends slip into the room. “Um. Peyton?” a soft female voice sounded, making you jump to attention. “Avery. Raleigh. Hey.” You smiled and hugged them before taking a seat, nervously fiddling with your hands. “How are you feeling?” Avery asked, her sweet smile you’ve always loved on her face, “Nervous.” You smiled back. “I’m excited for the reception.” Raleigh commented, “Yeah. Only because you’ll finally be able to drink some beer.” You teased with a chuckle and he held his hands up in mock surrender as another figure appeared at the door, knocking loudly. “It’s time.” They said. Avery and Raleigh smiled at you before giving you a quick hug and heading back into the main room. “Are you ready my dear?” your Aunt Penelope asked you. “I’ve been ready since I met him Aunt P” you beamed, taking her arm and walking beside her to the doors. As you listened to the music playing on the other side of the doors, your aunt turned to you. “You know. Your mother would be proud of you Peyton, and she’d make sure every soul on earth here today knew it. I know as you’re up there today she’ll be looking down on you, smiling her beautiful smile and cheering you on. ... Oh, come here lovely.” She said as she pulled you into a warm embrace. “Aunt p. you’re going to ruin my make-up before I’ve even set one foot down the aisle.” You joked as you dabbed some tears away carefully. Soon the big doors opened, and you set off down the aisle towards Oliver. As you moved closer to him, you took a look around at all the faces surrounding you, there to share and witness one of the happiest days in your life. As you looked at Charlie, Maggie and Ginny you had to stop yourself from crying at how beautiful they all looked as they gave you a small wave, which you returned. You had to hand it to Julie, she was the best at her job and the 3 women who had arrived only hours before were living proof of how fast she could work her magic. Soon you found yourself face to face with Oliver, who looked at you with tears in his eyes and he lent towards you. “You look stunning.” He whispered in your ear, warmth laced in his voice. As the priest stood in front of you and Oliver the music died down and everyone rises from there seats to hear the words of welcome and introduction
“We welcome you here today for the ceremony that will join Oliver Cochrane and Peyton Bellamy together in Holy Matrimony. They will spend their lives together wed in love and companionship, creating memories to carry them through this life and into the next. Now, would anyone like to say a few words before we move onto the exchanging of vows?”
“I do!” Ginny’s voice popped up as she raised her hand, she stepped forward as the priest took a step back from the podium.
“Uh. Hi everyone! My name is Ginny and I’ve known Peyton and Oliver since I was about 9 years old and I’m now almost 21. I just want to say that there couldn’t be two people who are more deserving of each other than these two. They’ve been through a lot together, especially when they first started seeing each other. I know there were a lot of fights in those first few months, but it led to them being one of the strongest pairs of people I know. I just want to wish them the happiest of luck in there years together going forward from today. I know their time together so far has been full of joy and some... in hind sight very... stupid fights. But their love has and will outlast it all.”
She steps away from the podium and back to her spot within the bridesmaids and the ceremony carries on without a hitch, just the occasional grumble from your baby boy. That night at the reception things are going smoothly and Oliver has just tapped his glass to give a speech and all eyes are turned in your direction. You smile up at Oliver as you cradle your sleeping son in your arms as he starts speaking.
“I just want to start by thanking everyone for getting here today to share this joyous occasion with myself as well as my beautiful wife, Peyton here. ... I have never really been one to be fond on speaking of my feelings and affairs of the heart. That was until this beautiful young woman came into my life 11 and a half years ago that is. I started getting sentimental a few months ago when she gave birth to our son, Colton Oliver Bellamy-Cochrane. As she was giving him his first proper feed, I was telling her... I was telling her about how I don’t only just love her but, I adore her. I wouldn’t go into too much detail because I didn’t want to ruin my speech today but now that today is here... Peyton Bellamy-Cochrane... I adore you more than the stars adore the galaxy, the way you smile even when you’re having a rough day when I make goofy faces or pinch your cheeks. Your giggle to your full-on belly laughs where you end up rolling on the floor from laughter. It lights up my whole world brighter than any past relationship of mine has. You’ve pushed me to become a great man, to achieve more than I would have, had I not met you. You.. you’ve given me a family, a beautiful home, a heart full of love and a brain full of beautiful moments that I’ll cherish forever even after I leave this world. I was never one for opening my heart to others and baring my soul, but you took on that task and I’m glad you did. Because it made I, Oliver Bellamy-Cochrane.... the luckiest man in the whole galaxy as I stand here today with you as my wife. Thank you for being so persistent and ..... just, thank you. A toast. TO PEYTON!” he smiles with adoration in his eyes as he looks down at you, happy tears spilling out of your eyes at his beautiful speech and he passes you a napkin. “Thank you.” You sniffle and dab the tears away as you gently rock a grumbling Colton in your arms. Oliver sat down and lent over giving you a tender kiss on the lips before whispering in your ear.
“Technically we’ve been together for 228 years, but I’ll digress and keep that a thing between those of us who know hey?”
You giggled at the playfulness in his voice before carefully leaning forward and locking your lips together, but it was short lived as you heard heels approaching you, so you pulled away from each other and looked up to be met with a smiling Ginny. “Hey. How’s the happy family?” she asked, crouching down so she’s eye level with the two of you. “We’re..” you said looking at Oliver, “We’re doing amazing. Thank you Ginny.” Oliver smiled. “I’m glad you have a happy ending here Oliver. I know you had a rough time with your father but it’s clear you wanted him here today. Just know, despite whatever his morals were, he’d be proud of his son for making such an important step in his life with someone he loves. Because he will always love you Oliver no matter how twisted his version of the truth was.” Ginny says sympathetically. “Yes. Well.. Thank You Ginny. You’re a great kid.” Oliver smiled softly ruffling her hair. “Hey!” she laughed as Oliver laughed with her. There was a short but comfortable silence. “Could I hold him?” she asked you pointing to Colton, “Sure, grab a seat!” you exclaimed calmly, remembering not to wake him. Oliver got out of his seat. “Here take mine.” He smiled and Ginny thanked him before sitting down. You carefully handed him over and smiled as Ginny cooed quietly over how cute he is as she looked at him. “Why don’t you guys take a break and go share a dance or something? I can hold him for a while” she smiled at the two of you. You exchanged looks with her as if to ask if she was sure and she nodded eagerly. You thanked her and then headed to the bar to get another orange juice with Oliver, snuggling into his warm embrace as you waited for the bartender to be finished with other patrons at your wedding.
“You know... today turned out to be pretty great. We got our old friends at our special day after all.”
“Yeah, I’ll never understand how the magic works but.. I’m grateful it gave me you. The best husband a woman could ever ask for. My own prince charming.”
“then I guess that makes you some kind of Cinderella huh?”
“Oliver!” you giggled as you playfully shoved his chest.
It was extremely late when you got home that night with Oliver, Colton and your friends. You let them borrow some clothes to sleep in knowing you had until almost noon the next day with them so you could all at least enjoy a nice hearty breakfast together. Sleep came easy for your guests and yourself. Oliver had insisted you just sleep and let him take care of Colton when he needed something as he had moved to being bottle fed, due to not being able to latch onto you properly for mealtimes.
The next morning when you woke up, you were met with the sight of Oliver on his back and your son fast asleep on his chest. Not daring to disturb the peaceful scene you carefully got up and made your way to the kitchen starting to cook up the biggest fry up of your life for your guests. You were halfway done when some sleepy people walked into the kitchen clearly following the smell of food. “Morning Kendrick, Jonas.” You chimed with a grin but just got waves back, you gave them each a cup of coffee. They sleepily accepted it, drinking the warm liquid. Soon everyone except Oliver was in the kitchen enjoying your cooking, excitedly chatting over how amazing the flavors were and how they wish they weren’t on limited time so they could enjoy more food of the modern world. Whilst they chatted excitedly you slipped off to your bedroom, smiling seeing the scene was still the same. You gently lifted Colton off of Oliver’s chest, causing him to stir and look at you.
“Hey honey. You go back to sleep, everyone’s having breakfast, but I’ll save you some and leave it in the microwave for later. Thank you for staying up with him last night. It means the world.”
“Anything for my beautiful wife.”
You smiled at him as he spoke in his deep sleepy tone, bending down to give him a small kiss before taking Colton and settling him in his crib in the next room, then coming back and chuckling to yourself as Oliver was still pretty much in his full suit. You could tell he was too tired to get undressed himself so you carefully removed his trousers and unbuttoned his shirt so he wouldn’t strangle himself, covering him with the duvet as you pressed another soft kiss to his temple, he smiled sweetly in his sleep and mumbled something that sounded like “mmm love you” so you whispered an “I love you” back before heading out of the room with the baby monitor in hand and went back to the kitchen. “Will Oliver be joining us this morning Peyton?” Ginny asked with some hopefulness in her eyes. “I don’t think so. He was up all night with Colton so I could get some sleep myself. Now it’s my turn to take over and let him rest. It was a long night too, so he won’t be up much before 4 this afternoon.” You explained as you plated and wrapped up food for him. “Oh.” She said with disappointment. “Why? What’s up?” you asked her. “It’s nothing. Not really. I just wanted to give him this.” she said as she presented a small-ish box on the table. Looking confused you slid the box closer to yourself and opened it. “Ginny are these?” you asked looking at her. “His father’s medals? Yeah. I don’t know how they ended up staying in our time, but I saved my spoils for months knowing they were in a certain shop. I just got lucky that nobody else wanted them and they stayed in there for so long. Could you give them to him for me?” she asked hopefulness in her eyes. You smiled at her, “Of course sweetie. I’m sure he’ll be eternally grateful. It’s a thoughtful thing to do.” You said softly, leaning across the counter to give her a hug. Next to you, Charlie cleared her throat, “We’ll be leaving soon guys, I can feel it so if you want to say goodbye...” She said sternly to hide her emotion as she tilted her head towards you. Kendrick was the first to reach you. “It’s been a long time since we saw each other lass but being able to spend the last 24 hours with you and Oliver was a gift. Congratulations on everything.”
One by one your friends all said goodbye to you, until the only person left in the kitchen was Charlie. “Charlie?” you asked, she took a moment before turning to you. “I’m glad he made it to you love. It’s great you two got your happiness like you truly deserve and to see that he’s such a care-free man compared to his father. It makes me feel foolish for judging him in the first place just because of the type of person his father was. And... congratulations. To both of you on everything. I’m proud of you.” She said with a bitter sweetness to her tone. “hug for the road?” you asked. She hesitated momentarily before embracing you tightly briefly before walking to the kitchen door. “Goodbye love” she smiled before disappearing round the corner, you followed them to wave goodbye, but they were already gone. Now feeling bittersweet yourself you went back into the kitchen, clearing the dishes away before grabbing the baby monitor and walking to the living area to watch TV not daring to wake Oliver.
Later that night you were preparing a bottle for Colt when Oliver sleepily walked into the kitchen, rubbing sleep from his eyes and yawning. “mmm. hey gorgeous.” He mumbled snaking his arms round your waist, kissing your cheek before resting his chin on your shoulder. “Nice sleep?” you asked him and got a nod in reply. Oliver cuddled you as you fed Colton and he woke up properly. Once Colton was settled, you stood in the kitchen with Oliver making 2 mugs of tea. “I guess the other’s have gone?” he asked softly, you just nodded before remembering the box Ginny gave you. “Ginny left these for you. Felt like you were meant to have them.” You said giving him the box along with his tea. He picked the box up frowning but his jaw dropped when he opened the box and saw it’s contents. “These are-“ he said, and you just nodded as he looked at you. He suddenly teared up. “She’s such a thoughtful and great kid. I hope she finds a love that pays her properly. If anything bad happens to her and she’s not protected..” he said tensely. “Hey.. babe relax. She has Jonas AND Kendrick to watch her. Not to mention Edward.. he wouldn’t let anyone harm a single hair on any of there heads.” You reassured him. He nodded putting the lid back on the box and drinking his tea. After an eventful evening you settled in bed with Oliver after putting Colton to bed and watched the night sky out of the window as you drifted slowly to sleep, knowing that no matter what, you had Oliver with you for the rest of your life. He was going to be by your side with you in everything, the good, bad and gosh darn ugly. He was going to be there for you through it all, just as much as you were him. That and the fact you had a son to raise together which you were ready for, you would protect him with your life, the only part you were dreading was Oliver teaching him to pull pranks on you when you were least expecting it.
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changingourdestiny · 4 years
Firestorm Part 2: Snow & Wolves & Hunters, Oh My!
Fireteam Paralight, Cayde and Jade arrive at Felwinter Peak in hopes that living with the Iron Lords will teach Jade some discipline. But after meeting Shiro-4, Rae suddenly realises that this might not be the best idea.
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Previous Part: Here
Next Part: Here
“So lemme see if I got this straight: I’m one of the last Paragonialans – the others being you and the jerk who knocked me out – and I was part of one of the six tribes called ‘Scale’ which was mainly located around Jupiter. We have the ability to revive people thanks to the mark on our cheek. And unless we’re killed or die of a sickness, we are immortal and live forever.”
“Yep, sounds right.” Rae replied.
“Okay, so I only have one question…WHY THE HELL ARE WE ON A SNOW-CAPPED MOUNTAIN?!” Jade yelled out of frustration. Fireteam Paralight, Cayde and Jade were hiking up Felwinter Peak, the snow falling lightly around them. “Well, you said you didn’t want to be in the Tower, right?” Cayde asked, “So Adam decided that sending you here would be a good compromise.”
“Ikora and I decided that you needed to learn discipline. So, letting you stay with the Iron Lords might do the trick.” Rae added. “Why’s the Hunter Vanguard tagging along anyway?” Jade asked. “A scout of mine is stationed up here. Thought I’d pay him a visit.” Cayde replied, “Plus I’ll take any excuse to leave the Tower.”
“Man…how long has it been since the whole SIVA fiasco?” Blaze asked.
“About…three years I think?” Adam replied.
“It’s been that long? Hey, that reminds me! Efrideet still owes me a rematch for our last arm wrestle; she cheated last time!”
“Sure she did.” Rae chuckled, shaking her head. “First chance I get, I’m bookin’ it outta here.” Jade grumbled to herself. “Give this place a chance. Maybe it won’t be so bad!” Justim replied, popping up beside her. “I doubt that-” Jade was cut off by the sound of howling and barking as a small group of wolves came rushing over a hill of snow and pounced on Adam, sending him sliding a few feet in the snow. Jade went to grab her sidearm but stopped when she heard Adam laughing. That’s when she noticed that the wolves weren’t attacking him but were licking at his face. “Ack! Hey guys! How’ve you been! Ah, hey! Stop, that tickles! Haha! I missed you guys too!” Adam laughed as he made a futile attempt to escape the barrage of wolf kisses. Before Jade could question anything, a whistle was heard alongside the sound of an approaching Sparrow. As the Sparrow crested the hill, a familiar yellow cloak made of Fallen house banners was billowing behind the rider. The wolves responded to the whistle and hopped off Adam, allowing the slobber-covered Titan to get to his feet, and ran over to where the Sparrow stopped. “Well, look who managed to get out of the Tower.” A familiar orange Exo said as he got off the Sparrow. “Good to see you too, Shiro.” Cayde gave Shiro a high-five, which Shiro returned with a light chuckle before glancing at Adam, who was wiping the slobber off his face, “You alright, Lord Adam?”
“Yeah, I’m good! A little wolf slobber never killed anyone.” Adam laughed as he shook the slobber from his hands before noticing Shiro just staring at him, “Huh? What’s with that loo- oh! Saladin didn’t tell you I broke my vow, huh? Yeah, I talk now.”
“Huh…cool.” Shiro shrugged. “Wow, you can barely hide your excitement, eh?” Blaze chuckled. “You’re right. Oh wow, Adam. This is a major historic event. I’m honoured to witness this.” Shiro replied in monotone, earning a snicker from Cayde and an eyeroll from Blaze, before turning to Jade, “So is this the Kinderguardian that the Vanguard are sending us?”
“Saladin told you then?” Rae asked, kneeling down to give one of the wolves a head scratch. Shiro nodded before motioning for the group to follow, “Saladin’s waiting back up at the temple.”
As the small group of Guardians trekked up the mountain through the snow, Shiro broke the silence, “To be honest, I’m surprised you haven’t been fully locked up in that Tower after what happened in the Reef. Speaking of…” Shiro gave Cayde a slap behind the head. “OW! What was-?!” Cayde exclaimed but was cut off by Shiro, “That’s for being an idiot and nearly getting yourself killed. You’re lucky Lady Rae was there.”
“You heard about that?” Cayde asked, rubbing where Shiro had hit him.
“Of course I heard what happened. Every Hunter in the system heard what happened. How could they not hear that their Vanguard was killed by the ex-Awoken prince and was brought back to life by the Fireteam Vanguard. Kind of a big deal. I’m sure even Andal would’ve given you a slap for what you did. Actually, I better give you another on his behalf. Hold still.” Shiro went to raise his hand but was cut off by Cayde ducking behind Rae, “Nonononono! I, uh…I get the message. Don’t do dumb stuff. Got it.”
“So what’s with Patchwork McGrumpy?” Jade asked Rae. “That’s Shiro-4. He’s the Hunter Vanguard scout and is tasked with gathering intel and eliminating Eliksni threats.”
“You know,” Shiro began, glancing back at Jade, “When we heard a troublesome Guardian was coming here, I didn’t think you’d be this short.”
 Jade suddenly stopped in her tracks and glared at Shiro. “Uh oh…” Justim muttered, floating over to Rae and hiding behind her. “What. Did you. Just say?” Jade asked through gritted teeth, her left eye twitching slightly. Shiro shrugged, “I just said that you’re shorter than I thought-” Shiro was cut off by Jade lunging at him but managed to dodge out of the way. “Call me short again! I dare you!” Jade made several more attempts to tackle Shiro who just seemed to dodge each one effortlessly. “During my time as Jade’s ghost,” Justim began, still hiding behind Rae, “I’ve learned that the one thing that will always get Jade to beat you to a pulp, is to call her short. She hates being called short.” Rae glanced at Jade – who was still trying to attack Shiro - and could see what Justim was saying. Blaze was the shortest of the Fireteam at 5.4ft. Comparing Blaze to her, Jade seemed at about 5ft.
Rae was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of something falling on the snow. She looked up to see an angry, flailing Jade lying face-down in the snow with Shiro keeping her down by placing a foot on her back. Jade struggled for a while before stopping. “You done?” Shiro asked. “Hang on.” Jade said before struggling a bit more and then giving up, “Okay, I’m done.” Shiro nodded and took his foot off her, turning to walk away. Jade got to her feet and smirked before charging at Shiro, “GOT YOU NOW, YOU-!” Jade was interrupted by Shiro suddenly raising a clenched fist without turning around. Jade’s momentum carried her face into Shiro’s fist, causing her to stumble back a few feet dizzily before falling backwards into the snow. Shiro glanced over his shoulder, “I appreciate the stubborn recklessness. You would’ve made a good Hunter.” Jade could practically hear the smirk in his voice as he continued up the mountain. “You know what…?” Jade began as she got to her feet, brushing the snow off her, “I think I WILL stay here.”
“Wait, really?” Rae asked, a surprised expression on her face which quickly dropped upon seeing Jade’s smirk. “Yeah…’cause I ain’t leaving until I kick that guy’s ass!” Jade chuckled as she followed the Hunter to the Iron Temple. Rae felt the colour drain from her face as she watched the evilly chuckling Warlock trek through the snow.
 “Oh Traveller, what have we done…?”
 To Be Continued…
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Zion info - warning: long
triggers: Eating Disorders ; Self Harm
info on zion -
note, i do and am continuing to do research on DID. i am in no way making fun of or glamourizing DID. if you or someone you know has DID and you notice im doing something teribly wrong or some of my information is wrong, please feel free to speak up if you wish. i only wish to learn more
Name: Zion Birthdate: Sep 15, 2000 Pronouns: He/They Favorite Color: #ee799f
Your basic tiktok Eboy. 5 ft 7. 19 years old. Yaoi webtoon artist. Snake owner. Video gamer. Has DID MOTTO: I'm here for a good time, not a long time - Bisexual - Submissive but bratty.
Acts like he has maybe 2 brain cells to rub together. Born in Australia but moved to South Korea with his mother after his parents divorced. Speaks Korean perfectly but still has his aussie accent when talking in English.
Is in university as an art major, minoring in dance
is allergic to cats.
His snake is a Sunbeam snake named Ra [ PHOTO ]
His mother hates his snake and once tried to sell it online but Zion found the listing and chewed her out- things are now tense between the two over this matter.
Mother has no idea he draws yaoi online for income
Piercings: - Ampallang [ NSFW if you google ] - Labret [ PHOTO ] 
Tattoos: - One very bad koala tattoo thanks to Atlas, about 2 inches tall, on the upper part of his ass. Thanks Atlas- TATTOO
                                   Clothing style: Varies.
Formal style is often consisting of capes (Not like super hero capes) and button down shirts. Rings. Chokers & chains. Think Eboy meets goth vibes i guess? 
I.E.: Photo One || Photo 2 
"Dressed up" consists of over sized torn shirts, knee highs / tights, and heeled boots.
I.E.: Photo One || Photo Two His more casual look consists of over sized shirts that slide down his shoulders and skinny jeans. Chokers, chains, & charms. Lots of oversized sweaters & bat wing shirts. Like Eboy meets homeless man xD
I.E.: Photo One || Photo Two Shoeware consists solely of black boots (heeled & flat) Jewelry = just google eboy jewelry xD Locked necklaces, dangly chain earrings, leather chokers.
Owns a collection of messenger bags of varying styles that he always has one of on. - [ Keeps his drawing tablet in there along with a notebook & other misc items. ]
Almost always has Ra on him- around his neck, curled around his forearm, around his wrist. Sometimes hell clean out his bag and put a soft towel in it for him to sleep in it (youll see him carrying his notebook & tablet in his hand during these cases).
Is Far sighted, so has to wear glasses for reading/drawing/etc. Owns thin framed round glasses:
Zion in Glasses
Zion has three things that he tends to hide from people.
He has a major eating disorder. He's been hospitalized twice for bulimia, once when he was 12 (in for 6 months) & then again at 16 (in for a full year).
He has DID, with 3 altars. Ace (Protector), Atlas (Persecutor), Rue (Gatekeeper). I'll include notes on them below
Zion can't feel pain, never has. His alters do however and if injured, Ace will tend to attempt to front to draw attention to it or get him fixed up. As a result of this, Zion has to be extra careful about physical activities because he can seriously hurt himself and simply not realize.
                                       DETAILS ON ALTERS:
                                               Atlas - Persecutor
Roughly 19/20 years old  
Fronts when the host is in a state of upset (mentally low, depressed, ED is getting bad)  
First appeared when Zion was 13, just after his first stint in the hospital  
Purposely binge eats to make the system sick, is homophobic, purposely starts fights with all of Zions friends to push them away 
Outted him to his mother  
Hates Ra. Will hurt/release/kill him if given the chance. 
Will destroy Zions altar if given the chance  
Tell people he's sleeping with that he has some std, that hes only fucking them because he pities them.  
Will cheat on partner if Zions dating  
Dresses like a complete eboy - long sleeved shirts layered under a dark over sized shirt. Light wash jeans, chains.  
Will often poke holes in the body (new piercings)  
Allergic to soy
+ Triggers  / None  
- Triggers   / The host (Zion) being in an extremely negative head space ; his ED flaring up badly ; Being ANGRY
Often writes in marker. When texting, he curses alot & often speaks in short speech {k. ttyl. w/e.}.
Will start or end messages with a middle finger emoji.
ex of handwriting:    [ PHOTO ]
                                                  Ace - Protector 
Has 20/20 vision
Fronts when Zion is stressed or just really needs to step back
First appeared when Zion was 8 right around when his parents started to fight all of the time    
Is the dominant one of the system {As in sexually. Zion is typically a bratty bottom, but Ace is dominant & a top}
Personality is alot more relaxed, more of an observer than a talker 
Is the one most likely to try to act like the host rather than out them as having DID    
Is non religious but respects the hosts choices
Is more preppy in the way he dresses - slacks rather than jeans, polos & button up shirts.   
Gay af    
Allergic to Almonds
+ Triggers  / Certain Songs (Wrong by Max ; Flesh by Simon Curtis )
- Triggers   / The host (Zion) getting hurt ; Zion being in very stressful situations ; Zion being in situations where he could get hurt
When texting, he starts or ends the message with a book emoji to specify its him.
Always ends sentences with punctuation
ex of handwriting:   [ PHOTO ]                                                 Rue - Gatekeeper 
Younger?    Approximately 16/17
Sexuality unsure
Paints over Atlas' pages when he's being rude  
Keeps Atlas in check in the inner world.  
Locks away traumatic memories so they don't trigger Zion  
As she grows stronger, can control who fronts & when (meaning she could keep Atlas from fronting)  
Is heavily interested in Augustes work  [ @absque-nocte​ ]
Is very interested in dark topics (death, blood, etc)
Clothing style is alt goth. ( See: Zions dressed up style above )  
+ Triggers  / Talking about death or blood ; Night time (New moons esp)
- Triggers   / Atlas being active
Childish, often written in paint markers. Metallic or glitter preferred.
When texting,ends the text with a skull emoji. Hops topics at random
ex of handwriting:   [ PHOTO ]
Zion hand writing example:      [ PHOTO ]
                                Alter visual head cannons:
Ace:  Brown hair, brown eyes, always very well put together. About 5′8 (Same height as Zion). Slightly paler than Zion himself.
                                                [ PHOTO ]
Atlas: Black undercut hair, tattoos & piercings, blue eyes. Paler. 5′10.
                                 [ PHOTO 1 ]   [ PHOTO 2 ]
Rue:  her hair is shoulder length. Black eyes & kitty fangs. Short, like around 5ft. Very pale.
                                                [PHOTO ]
Note: they don’t look that way outside of the inner world, but this is how they perceive themselves.
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A Murderous Adventure II
Chapter 2 - A Crow To Pluck
Word Count : 1994
Summary : Missing home, a tale of crows and first impressions is always complicated. Yet somehow you navigate it. To a degree. You already like Bilbo, and Gandalf, yet you are scared to meet the dwarves.
Maybe your worries are misplaced, as a pair of brothers take to you very quickly.
So does another.
Relationship : Thorin Oakenshield x Reader (Eventual)
Obviously, you were met with a flustered Bilbo.
“I really do not need more company in my house...” He begins but then looks at you and appears confused. “You’re not a dwarf.” He mutters.
“No, I’m not. Can you let me in?” You ask sheepishly not knowing what to say to convince him. He looks at you, brow crinkled, and mouth open as if he is about to speak. “Look I have no idea how I got here, but It’s no good explaining what happened on your doorstep.” This time your plea is heard, and you get let in.
You sigh rubbing your face in your hands. Bilbo wanders back over to the company as you gather your thoughts. He asks them about if they have a human girl going along with them. All of them vehemently say no, and you hear chairs move. At a guess it sounds like two or three. Possibly four.
You take a breath and try to remember the white crows’ words. Before you can you hear footsteps. Taking your head out of your hands and trying to look somewhat confident; you face Thorin, Balin and Gandalf.
They all glare, although Gandalf’s is more a glare of intrigue.
“Who are you, and what are you doing here?” Thorin growls. You go to answer, before Gandalf interrupts.
“She is not from Middle-Earth.” The dwarves, and now hobbit all look up at the wizard. You are only short, having shrunk to 5ft but you still feel marginally tall. “Something pulled her here.” He grumbles and they all look at you.
“It was a crow. A white crow.” Their brows furrow and you sigh. “I feed the local crows. I have done for a couple of years and now they will eat from my hands.” You begin to explain. “It started a week ago. I get gifts from them. Twigs, leaves, coins. But one of them flew in and dropped this.” You say pulling the key from around your neck.
Their eyes widen and Gandalf hums. You pass the key over to Thorin. Before any questions can be asked, you continue. “Then the next day, a different crow dropped a map.” Again, you pass it over to Thorin. “I have no idea how the crows got them or how, but I ended up with them. Two days later several crows are on my kitchen side, along with a bigger pure white one. Now typically crows don’t talk. This one did.”
None of them speak, they listen. Seemingly allowing you to fully explain the situation without questions or judgement. Yet. “The crow told me I was kind and thanked me for the food and said that I would get the last gift the next morning. I did. It was the sword. The white crow was there again, and it said.” You pause and quote directly.
“’ This is the last gift. A sword called Ronuriel. It is a powerful sword, and has a twin, Orcrist. It was made by the elves of Gondolin and was lost in the first age. It has now been passed to you and will aid you on the adventure that is soon to follow.’”
They look puzzled and Gandalf speaks. “That blade has been missing for centuries. Did it tell you of where it came from?” You shake your head.
“I have no idea. Whatever is happening, it is not something I was expecting. It’s not something I wanted. But I’m stuck now. I can’t go home. I need to see this through. I don’t expect your trust; I just want you to know I have sincerely told you the truth.” Gandalf glances over you again and is now quiet.
“Where did you appear?” Balin asks, as Thorin stays quiet.
“At the bridge, down the road. It was the morning when I left, so time doesn’t work the same. And I never even got to have breakfast.” You tell them, the last part being more of a mental note to yourself.
The two dwarves turn to each other and walk away to the others. Bilbo looks between you and Gandalf.
“I will go get you some food Miss...” He trails off realising he doesn’t know your name.
“Ruby. Thank you.” He wanders off and Gandalf speaks. It’s lower, only you hear.
“Whatever brought you here is powerful, more powerful than I. I can also tell you know more than you’re telling. However, you got here, and whatever your purpose, clearly fate has a path for you. I will aid you as best I can, but I cannot guarantee your safe return home.”
You nod swallowing. You ignore the weight of the words until after he has gone. You are left in the hall, alone. You could die here. Your family. You may never see then again. Your friends. They would miss you. It hits hard. You tremble and lean against the door trying not to cry.
As strong as you’d like to be, facing a world without family and friends will be hard. You love them. You care for them. How are you going to cope without them to vent to, to cry to, to talk to, to make fun of? All of it. Gone.
Bilbo walks over, and he doesn’t quite know what to do when you are sniffling and crying. He goes over and passes you some bread and meat. “I’m sorry I don’t have more, but well the dwarves have looted my pantry.” He says gently.
You look at him, nodding a quiet thanks. You take the food and expect him to leave. He doesn’t. “I think you need to go sit by the fire and have some time alone.” He is kind, and gentle and that small kindness helps you feel more at home. More wanted.
You stand and he shows you to the lounge. You sit down quietly and hear the dwarves voices echo around the hobbit hole. They seem to be excited and have had their vigour renewed by the map and the key. Then they start to complain. You can’t make out their words. But you know them.
Why a human? Why a woman? We don’t need her. Leave her here. Send her back.
It’s hard enough knowing that’s how they feel. Yet you feel it far from home and alone. Slowly picking at the food Bilbo gave you isn’t helping. Eventually the arguing quiets and there is a thump.
Bilbo ends up sat with you, Gandalf stood close by. He fainted. He is still pale and shaky, his wobbly cup of tea giving him away.
“You should drink your tea Bilbo. It will help you feel better.” You tell him finishing your food. He sighs and listens to you. He points you to the kitchen when he asks, and you go in.
You put your plate in the sink and sigh, looking out of the small round window into the night. A voice behind you startles you. “You seem out of your depth.” The voice is rumbling, and deep. Turning you see Thorin, leaning in the doorway. The key is in his hand. “Strange. Your story, and yet I believe you.” He hums.
Suddenly he pushes away from the door and over to you. “I do not trust you. But that does not mean you will be left here. I can see that whatever brought you here has a large part to play in this.” He stops close to you. You only have an inch of height over him.
“I am sorry. It’s not like I was prepared to happen. The closest I have ever gotten to a quest is when I lost a shoe in the woods as a kid. I’d gone all the way back home with my siblings wearing one shoe. She made use go back out to find it. It took hours.” You mumble. Thinking of home making you want to be back. “I have only been here for half an hour and already I miss my home. I may never see my family again, and now I have been put into a quest to fight a dragon.” You don’t realise you’re rambling. Your eyes are avoiding his, and you are hiding your face by looking at the floor.
“I don’t know how to use a sword. It’s not a common thing where I’m from. Neither is horse riding. We don’t have dragons, or elves, or dwarves. It’s just humans. There’s no magic. Just us. We aren’t doing a good job of things either.” You sigh. You turn leaning against the sink. “All I wanted to do was to do the thing I love and help nature where I could. That’s why I fed the crows. But I can’t even do that without something bad happening.”
Thorin says very little during your ramble. He can hear the fear, and panic in your voice. When you speak its obvious how terrified you are. He sighs. “I would much rather you were home. For your own sake, as much as mine. Yet you are here. There is no way out. So we must work together. Fate has a path for you, and It lies with my company.” Thorin looks at the key in his hands. “You were given this key and the map. It is mine by right, yet you were given it. Have the key. Keep it safe, and in return I will do everything I can to keep you safe as your journey with us."
You look at him. He is sincere, and clearly trying to make the best of it himself. You see the key in his outstretched palm. Your eyes meet his for the first time, and Thorin sees it. The reason you’re here. You are his One.
You take the key and all too soon you are gone. Thorin is left standing in the kitchen wondering how you are his One.
You put the key around your neck, and as you round the corner you bump into another dwarf. You grunt on impact and start to stammer an apology.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.” You are met with a smile, and a warm face.
“Well I suppose I can forgive you.” He tells you, a mischievous grin on his face. He has brown hair and only slight stubble on his face. “I’m Kili, and apparently you are joining us on our quest.” You nod. “I wasn’t sure what to expect when we were all told. But you seem … capable.” His pause gives away his true intentions, as does the smirk. You smile at him. It’s the first one you’ve had since arriving.
“Well Kili, I am Ruby. I have no idea how to fight, or ride a horse, I can probably only run around 200 yards, and I’m very clumsy. But I am pretty good at climbing.” His smile remains, and you see the glint in his eyes. You feel an innuendo coming.
He stifles a laugh as he goes to speak, and you see a similar looking dwarf appear behind him. “I’m sure you are far more capable at riding than you let on.” You feign indignation. His smile fades thinking he’d offended you and as he begins to apologise you stop him.
“Kili I’m gonna give you some advice.” He stops stammering. “If you keep making those jokes, you might end up not being able to ride yourself.” He looks surprised, and you hear Fili chuckle as you walk away.
Fili pats his brothers back and smiles. “I like her. She certainly knows how to take a joke.” Kili is smiling too. “And she had no problem bullying you.” He teases. Kili hits him and the brothers laugh.
You still miss home. You still know you’re out of place. Yet somehow you feel as though you will be ok, and the heavy key hanging from your neck is certainly calming. Even if you don’t know why.
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serahsanguine · 5 years
School, Sex and Subterfuge NC-17
Chapter 2 of ?
part one,  A03, 
tagging @today-in-fic
Notes; follows directly after the last chapter. 
Chapter two; Information. 
“Hello my name is Mulder, and I’m here to teach psychology. I will introduce you to contemporary research into social, development, cognitive and biological dimensions of behaviour. As part of your studies, you’ll look at the applications of psychology in a wide range of areas - from understanding the nature and causes of mental illness to investigating decision making in real life situations. As part of your course, you’ll conduct your own research.”  Mulder’s eyes locked with Scully’s instantly and she felt, even in a room full room of people, they were the only ones there. He carried on speaking, his eyes never leaving hers. She was meant to be listening to him, but instead, she was mapping his face and body in great detail for purposes she wasn’t willing to accept yet.
The lecture lasted just about an hour and eventually, Scully managed to write down a few notes to get the general idea of the class. When the lights flicked on, she grabbed her notepad and pen and threw them in her bag. Moving past some people, whom she didn't care were staring directly at her, she got out of the classroom as quick a possible. She left Serah sitting there, they would meet back at their room. Scully couldn't breathe, her chest felt constricted. They had only met a couple of times but that teacher had an effect on her. She had had never felt this type of influence, this type of attraction. With one look he could turn her world on its end.
Scully arrived at her room, she managed to control her breathing and emotions once she was alone lying on her bed. What was she going? She really liked him, but he was a teacher. She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice that Serah had slipped into the room until she felt her bed dip.
“So, Dana, are you going to explain why you ran out of there like your hair was on fire?” Serah was concerned for her friend. She had never seen her act this erratic before. She looked at her friend lightly touching her arm, for comfort, to let her know that she was there for her.
“I don't know where to start.” It was an honest statement. Scully looked at her friend trying to offer some explanation to her. But she was at a loss. She stood up and started pacing the room, from window to door, back and forth.
“The beginning is always a good start.” Serah watched Scully pace and thought ‘Something’s really bothering her now’
“That's just it, I don't have a beginning. It isn't really an issue, it’s all probably in my head anyway.”
“Just calm down and talk to me, I'm here to listen.” Serah stood up and placed both her hands gently on Scully’s skin to stop her rapid walking. “I know I’m not the ideal person, but you said Melissa was touring Europe and isn't reachable.”
“Honestly, I’m overreacting. It’s nothing. I’m fine.”
Serah looked at Scully. She knew when her friend had set her mind to something there was no changing it, no getting her to open up. So she changed the subject. “I’m going to a party later and of course you’re invited. It’ll do you good.”  
Mulder had just finished his lecture and he wanted to talk to the pretty redhead he kept bumping into throughout the day. He was intrigued by her, captivated by her beauty. He normally wouldn’t even look at a redhead, he was more of a brunette kind of guy. But he wanted her badly, and he wanted to find out more about her. All he knew was her name was Dana and with just one look from her, he could have an instant problem in his trousers. He nearly had an incident in a room full of students as soon as his eyes locked onto hers.
He was walking through the hallways. He knew he shouldn’t, but he needed some outside help. As soon as he got to the ICT department, he realised he should have known that all three of his friends would be there. They seemed to be working on their new newspaper article for two weeks time. It was called the Lone Gunman. The three men sat arguing about the next conspiracy and cover-up. They tried to find some credit every now and then, there was news portraying the school.
“Ahh hem…” Mulder stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame, looking casual with a 100 watt smile on his face. He was laughing inside.
All three men jumped and went silent. Turning away from the computer monitor and towards the sound they heard, they let out a breath they didn’t know they were holding when they saw who was stood there.
“Mulder, my man! How are you?” Said the small bald man.
“I need you to do some extracurricular computing for me,” Mulder moved away from the door and into the room and found a seat.
“No problem, we're always happy to help. Now, what can we do for you?” The man replied, leaving some space for him. He looked happy at the prospect of his friend asking for help, it wasn’t something he did very often.
“Well, Frohike, I need you to look into some files for me.”
“And what files might that be?” Frohike gave him a questioning look but he knew he’d help him anyway.
Mulder spoke in a hushed tone now and moved his chair closer to his friends “I need you to look into a students file for me.
“Is this one of your flings? You have never asked us to look into any of them. So why now?”
“It doesn’t matter, can you do it or not?”
“Of course we can, we just need a name.” The blonde long-haired man replied quickly.
“Her name is Dana Scully, Langly. She is a redhead.” He said the last part in a whispered voice and all three men gave him a look, because they all knew his type was definitely not redheads.
Frohike and Langly got to discussing the best way to quietly hack into the school’s system and Mulder started talking to the third man.  
“Byers, how’s computer science treating you?”
“Half my class seem to be more into phones than computers but I do have some promising students in my class”
“That’s great news.”
Mulder and Byers carried on with the small talk about work, home life, the simple stuff. Half an hour had passed before Frohike and Langly managed to get the information Mulder wanted.
“Mulder! We have her information: her name is Dana Katherine Scully, she 5ft 3in. She has one older sister and two brothers, one older one younger. She comes from a military family and she has moved around a lot. Her father is in the navy, a Captain. She is studying a bachelor's degree in Medicine, this is her second year. She seems like a high achiever, so seems to be aiming for high marks.”  
If she is aiming high it will be easier to lure her into his little trap, Mulder thought, but did not voice his opinion “Thank you guys, I appreciate it.”
With that said, he nodded at his friends and walked out going about the rest of his day.   
A few hours had passed and Serah had convinced Scully to go to the party and take her mind off whatever was bothering her, which she still wouldn’t talk about. Scully didn’t have anything to wear, so Serah lent her one of her outfits. It wasn’t Scully’s style, it showed too much skin for her liking but she went with it. It was a short black dress with a square neck cut and it had an open back.
Scully was just putting the last touches on her makeup, she wanted to look feminine and sexy, something she didn’t do very often. In her mind, it was a great distraction from Mulder.
Serah walked in the room wearing some dark black shorts and deep red crop top. Her hair was down and in soft curls. Scully thought she looked stunning and wondered if she could never wear something like that herself.
They left and walked toward the frat party. It was a nice gentle walk, the sun hung low and the air was warm. Scully was slightly apprehensive about the whole thing. She was nothing like her friend, who was outgoing and a party girl. She had always been the little nerdy girl who would work through the night to get a good grade. The one that preferred to stay in and read a book on a Friday night. Serah kept talking to her, trying to keep her calm and get her excited about actually getting ou. If she was honest about herself, it was working, if only a little bit.
They got to the house and the music was blaring, the party was in full swing. Serah entered first followed by Scully. Serah got them both drinks, making sure they weren't spiked, and then she went migling.   
Time flashed by and Scully eventually had quite a few shots and couple beers. She even found a guy to talk to. Well, technically, he had found her. His name was Daniel and he was doing the same degree as her. He was flirting and putting on the charm. Scully was enjoying the attention. He was touching her, placing his hands on her hips, bumping and grinding with her in time with the music. The feeling of skin against skin as they danced was nice but her mind kept wandering to the tall dark and handsome man named Mulder. How his body would feel against hers, dancing with her, grinding against her. The feeling of his muscles that she had seen earlier tense under her touch. Would he have a small package, as they say, or would he fill her completely?
She was soon brought out of her thoughts when she felt Daniel’s hand try and move in between her legs. She stopped dancing immediately and pushed him away. Only then she realised how drunk she was and her imagination and inhibitions were lowered. But there was one thing she was certain of: it was not Daniel she wanted right now. It was Mulder, no matter how bad it seemed. This party was meant to get her mind off him, but that had not worked at all. She quickly said good night to Daniel and found Serah. Prying her off the guy she was necking onto, they walked back home together.
Scully woke up not as early as she would normally do. Her head was throbbing and the sun was not helping. She knew the party had been a bad idea but at least for a little bit she had enjoyed herself before her mind got the better of her. Serah was moving about the room as quiet as possible but she soon noticed Scully was awake.
“Hey, sleepyhead. Welcome back to the land of the living. How are you feeling?” Serah stopped pottering about and sat on her bed. She was dressed in some jeans and tank top ready for the day.
“Uhg, I drank too much last night. My head is killing me. How come you don’t look or feel like me right now?” Scully sat up on her bed trying to shield her eyes from the sun shining through the window. She looked at her friend and generally could not believe how awake and happy she looked.
“I don’t get hangovers,” Serah replied smiling. “I have set two advils and a glass of water on your bedside locker if that helps, and you can borrow my sunglasses for the day.”
Scully moaned again. “What time is it, anyway. You’ve never been a morning person.”
“It’s a little after 10.”
Scully gave her a look and then flopped back down in the bed. She was thankful for the lie in and thankful that her first lecture of the day wasn’t till one.
“I will see you later Dana. I got to go to class.” She left the room locking the door behind her.
“Bye!” Scully replied but Serah was already gone.
The weeks flew by. Mulder paid close attention to Scully in every lecture but trying not to make it too obvious that it was her that he had his eyes on. They had met several times at the gym but neither speaking a word to each other.
Scully was apprehensive about that day because everyone had their first assignments handed in. Today was the day of truths of sorts. Whether it was her imagination running wild with all the sideways glances at her or the chemistry she had felt between them across the room, she didn’t really know. Whenever she spoke, he would unconsciously lick his lips. She was wondering if he was actually going to pick her for his little side project.
So, there she was, sitting next to Serah and Mulder was walking around the room handing the papers back to his students. There were happy faces and sad faces and suddenly he was standing in front of them. He handed Serah her paper, which Scully glanced at and was impressed with her friend’s score of a B. Then Mulder moved in front of her and handed her assignment back. Their hands brushed and lingered and she swore she felt a physical spark between them. Her heart was beating so fast she thought it was going to bounce out of her chest. She knew it was impossible but it didn’t feel that way. Her stomach was doing flip flops and the nerves were making her feel sick. But she kept her face calm and stern, trying to show no emotion.
Their eyes locked, she loved the colour of his hazel eyes. They could pull you in and make you forget about everything. He didn’t say a word to her and he let go of her hand and carried on moving around the room. That’s when she finally tore her gaze off him and looked at her score on her paper: it was a C. Next to it, there was a little sticky note attached with his handwriting ‘See me in my office tomorrow at 7.30pm’.
Serah looked at her. As she saw the note she smiled. Her eyes said ‘I told you so’ so loudly she almost heard it. Scully didn’t know whether to be happy about the fact that her feelings were reciprocated, at least she wasn't going crazy. Or maybe she should be scared by the fact that he had feelings for her and wanted to see her after hours. One thing was for sure she needed her sister more than ever, she needed to talk to her. Before committing herself to anything.
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packetofjambagels · 5 years
A ‘Get to know me’
I was tagged by @shipperpenguin. Thank you ever so much!!!
Name: Grace
Nickname: so many... Gracie, Grace-opher , GMC, Mollusc (was a weird one from when I was a kid) (edit: and of course, Gravie and Robin Hood!! How did i forget them?)
Star Sign: Pisces (which I can never spell) 
Height: 5ft 7in. What’s that in cms? Like 175?
Sexuality: bi bi baby, baby good bi
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Dream trip: SO MANY! Pretty much anywhere. Currently craving to see the streets of Mexico though, and god I'd love to see the Nothern Lights before I die. 
Average sleep: Pfft, errrr 8 hours max. But usually more like 6
Why I made this Tumblr: errrrr. I think it was where all the fandoms were? Or many all the text posts on Instagram came from here so I thought I’d give it a gander? 
Cats or Dogs: Both. Both is good. 
When did I make my blog: errrr five (?) years ago
Reason for my URL: Okay, there is actually a story. So me and my friend were walking through a store and we saw this group of girls who she had recently fallen out with. So she said to pretend we were in a deep conversation when we walked past them. So out of panic, we passed and I said: “Do you think Bagel is a sexually provocative word?”. I don't think this was what she’d wanted me to say. But engaging none the less. So she said yes; encouraging a run of bagel-related gifs, pictures and giggles. And then saying adding the jam because that just added to the fun. I then taught it to her in sign language so across rooms we’d be able to crack one another up... so... yeah. Long story short, a packet of jam bagels. filled with sex. 
5 things you’ll find in my room
1. my bed I guess
2. my books (currently at 350+ I think)
3. boxes of small trinkets I have kept 
4. my clothes? 
5. folders and folders of story notes and ideas
5 things that make me happy
1. watching people speak about things they enjoy
2. remaining with people I did and did not share memories with
3. getting invested. in either a book, tv series, or something I’m researching at that time
4. a good playlist 
5. spreadsheets
5 things I’m currently into
1. Latin American culture 
2. sign language (I mean I am never not)
3. cultural death traditions 
4. how [insert any basic concept] has changed over time 
5. flags!!
5 things on my to-do list
1. flesh out my CV
2. read more! (always)
3. take the three boxes of books in my room to a charity shop
4. get my book actually published this year
5. go to work tomorrow
Tagging time!
@ambs-writes @estamos-destinadas @nymeria-rhoynar @zags96 cause I found it very fun :) 
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monstersdownthepath · 6 years
Spiritual Spotlight: Nivi Rhombodazzle, the Grey Polychrome
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True Neutral Demigoddess of Gems, Stealth, and Gambling
Domains: Community, Earth, Luck, Trickery Subdomains: Caves, Deception, Fate, Thievery
Faiths of Golarion, pg. 47~51
Obedience: Engage in a game of chance in which gems, money, or objects of value equaling or exceeding 10gp are at stake. Offer a prayer to Nivi Rhombodazzle out loud just before the wager begins (before the dice are thrown, the cards are drawn, the wheel is spun, etc). If there is no one else to wager against, make a bet against yourself on Nivi’s behalf, setting aside the winnings as an offering to her should she ‘win.’ In either case, afterwords, spend the remaining time in private reveling in the thrill of chance and steeling yourself for the moment when fate will turn against you. Benefit: Gain a +4 sacred or profane bonus to Bluff and Sleight of Hand checks. The type of bonus depends on your alignment; if you are neither good nor evil, you must choose whether it is a sacred or profane bonus when you first perform this Obedience and cannot be changed after.
Much like Cayden Cailean, keeping Nivi’s faith on the down-low is more or less impossible. Thankfully, her faith is accepted (or at least tolerated) in more or less any settlement, aside perhaps in those where gambling is viewed with scorn.
This Obedience may at first seem like it’s difficult to do consistently because after all, you stand to lose 10gp every day! But note that it says that 10gp must be at stake, not that you, personally, must have contributed to the prize. If ten other people each donate 1gp and you toss in a single copper (or a button that looks like a copper in the right light and when not examined too closely), the thing still counts for your Obedience. You don’t have to spend a silver, you just have to be part of the wager.
Also note that this Obedience can very well apply to things like a party deciding who gets to carry the Cursed Artifact Of Horrible Death (certainly worth more than 10gp) for the day, though you CAN’T use it if someone’s spinning a chore wheel. Your labor may certainly be worth more than 10gp, but her Obedience demands that material goods be at stake.
Also, there’s nothing saying that you can’t simply give items back once you’ve ‘won’ them, or that other winners can’t give their ill-gotten gains back to their rightful owners. The alternative Obedience requiring you to bet against yourself also doesn’t say you need to donate or otherwise lose Nivi’s winnings, so you can just pocket them once more at the end. Nivi might look down on that, though--despite her penchant for gambling, she does not tolerate actual cheating--so do that carefully.
That benefit is pretty good, though. Bluff is a very valuable skill for moments where Diplomacy can’t be used, and though Sleight of Hand is much rarer, the moments where you NEED to use it will make you thankful you have the bonus.
Boons are gathered slowly, typically obtained when a given character has 12, 16, and 20 hit dice. Unlike fiend-worshipers, servants of the Eldest, and devoted of the Empyreal Lords, characters worshiping Neutral gods do not seem to have catch-all classes (though I could very well have just missed it)… but Neutral-aligned characters can enter the Evangelist, Sentinel, and Exalted Prestige Classes earlier than Evil characters, classing in as early as level 6 (they need +5 BAB, 5 ranks in a single skill, or the ability to cast lvl 3 spells); entered ASAP, one can gain the Boons at levels 8, 11, and 14.
Boon 1: Gambler’s Essentials. Gain True Strike 3/day, Augury 2/day, or Haste 1/day.
I love this ability’s name. Not above steering luck in her own favor (NOT cheating!), Nivi grants her followers the same blessing. 3/day True Strike is fairly decent, though as your levels climb, you may find it more and more difficult to justify giving up a round of actions in order to assure your next attack strikes. Augury I’ll usually never take even as a spell-like; it takes too long to cast, and knowing the future may cause it to change.
Besides, those two options are stacked up against Haste. They never really had a chance. Unless you desperately need a fortune told, Haste is always, ALWAYS the way to go every time it appears as a potential Boon.
Boon 2: Gambler’s Egress. 3/day as a swift action, you may cast Litany of Escape as a spell-like ability targeting yourself or an ally.
I had no idea Litany of Escape existed until doing this article. For those not in the know, it’s a Close-range (25ft + 5ft/level) spell that can be used on a willing creature (and yourself, which is a Gambler’s Egress-only blessing) to instantaneously pop them out of a grapple or a pin, and teleport them 10ft in any direction while getting them to their feet.
I know a lot of times I’ll say that an ability is invaluable or that it will save your life, but it goes without saying that instantly breaking a grapple regardless of how skilled the grappler is while also giving your friend 10ft of breathing room can stop an encounter from immediately ending. Even if you’re not in direct combat, this spell renders the old “knife to the throat” hostage situations a non-issue and keeps you from being kidnapped by some stealthy, grabby enemy. Normally, the litany is limited by its need for verbal and somatic components (difficult to use while grappled), but as a spell-like, it uses no components.
AND it’s a swift action! So not only can you squeeze out of a Purple Worm’s mouth, but you can then blast it/slash it/run screaming in the same round! I also appreciate the fact Nivi is generous enough to let her followers use this power three times a day.
Boon 3: Gambler’s Prayer. 3/day as a standard action, you may make a wager against Nivi Rhombodazzle. This wager manifests as a Wondrous Effect generated by a Rod of Wonder, which can be aimed towards a target up to 60ft away provided the effect does not affect the wielder. If the 88-90 result is rolled, the gemstones fired are blessed by Nivi and each successful strike deals additional damage equal to your Charisma modifier (min +0). 
It’s important that you know what a Rod of Wonder is so I’m linking it twice. These weird and wacky items can do everything from provide cover via a cloud of butterflies to instantly turning the victim to stone, to reducing the wielder by two entire size categories, to simply blasting someone with a Fireball. This is one ability that actually gets endlessly weirder to use depending on if your DM uses variant Wondrous Effect tables, which I highly encourage when using this power.
I adore this ability! Though how useful it actually as obviously depends heavily on how lucky you’re feeling. Fitting for someone worshiping a goddess who embodies the rush of a wager! But less practical for an adventurer who wants a situation handled, especially once you realize that the save DCs for the Wondrous Effects are pitifully low by the time you get this power (a blessing in disguise, as it reduces the chance of you getting screwed over). If nothing else, it makes for a great distraction, a good party trick, and a good trick to pull out when you just want to make things more interesting.
Boon 1: Faithful’s Fortune. Gain Bless 3/day, Misdirection 2/day, or Heroism 1/day.
Ehhh, not a lot here, really. Bless and Heroism are nice, though I’d lean more towards Bless; giving everyone a weak boost is usually better than giving one person a better buff, Heroism is obviously better if you have someone on you side who’s consistently making full-attacks, or someone you expect to be in the thick of it, so it’s a tossup about whether it or Bless is better to take each day.
Misdirection is a cute spell, but unlikely to come in handy unless you really need to hide information about yourself or another. It’s the niche spell in this lineup, one you’re unlikely to need, but will be happy to have when you do.
Boon 2: Gemstone Guardian. 1/day as a standard action, you can summon a Huge Earth Elemental. You gain 100ft of telepathy to commune with the Elemental, and it follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute/Hit Dice before vanishing back into the Plane of Earth. This called Elemental will never obey a command that would make it cause direct harm to a gnome or svirfneblin, though it can be commanded to grapple or otherwise restrain such a creature.
A Huge Earth Elemental is a CR 7 beatstick, undecorated and plain in stats but resilient and obedient. They possess a 15ft reach and two slam attacks which deal 2d8+9 damage. Nothing particularly special, another body on the field, but they do ALSO have the very interesting Earth Glide.
Earth Glide allows the Elemental to pass through anything short of solid metal while burrowing, making it an amazing scout despite its immense size. Earth Glide technically allows it to pass through even worked stone, allowing it to weave easily through stone fortifications protecting an enemy camp, a dungeon, or a castle, so long as it’s not reinforced with metal or wood. With 100ft of telepathy between the two of you, an Earth Elemental can easily report everything it sees to you, and even crossing out of that distance doesn’t mean they instantly die. They can come back and report on what they saw.
Note that the first time you use this to your advantage, it’s likely the DM didn’t forsee it. The second and beyond? Awfully weird how enemy vaults and bedchambers are so often lined with lead nowadays, eh?
That being said, having a bruiser big enough for you to hide behind is still decent, even though it becomes less useful as your level climbs.
Boon 3: Seven-Pipped Gem. As an immediate action, you can gain a luck bonus on any single d20 roll equal to half your total HD. You may use this ability after you’ve rolled, but you must use it before the result of the roll is declared. If you use this ability on a Sleight of Hand roll, or a roll pertaining to a game of chance, the luck bonus is equal to your total HD instead. You can safely use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier (min 1), but if you have no daily uses of this ability left, you may still invoke it. Doing so results in a 50% chance that your luck bonus becomes a penalty instead.
Any d20 roll. Any. Skill check, ability check, attack roll, saving throw, weapon damage roll with a ridiculous weapon, random chance rolls on specific weird abilities, death rolls... It’s really astounding how many d20 rolls a single player character makes in one session, isn’t it? And you, servant of Nivi, can get a preposterously huge luck bonus to any of them. Getting +4 to any roll is an amazing ability, and getting +6 is astonishing. You, at minimum, get +7 (fittingly enough), which rises all the way to +10 at level 20.
And if you’re doing some cute Sleight of Hand trick or dealing cards? +20.
Even at 1/day, the ability to get +7 and up to any single d20 roll is... Not particularly incredible compared to most final Boons, I’ll admit, but as your Charisma modifier rises, this ability goes from ‘useful’ to ‘outrageous.’ 2/day? 3/day? 4/day if you’re a Swashbuckler or Charisma-based caster? You basically become untouchable.
And, of course, if you’re feeling daring, there’s the chance of using this ability as often as you feel like in order to try and succeed. At a certain point, like with attack rolls and saving throws, there’s very little reason not to, because if you fail you’ve already failed and things can’t get any worse. But if that +7 would let you just squeak by? Go for it! If you’re going to die, you might as well try, right?
Just note that, because it’s an immediate action, you can only use it 1/round... And that a DM may take abuse of this ability as a signal they need to be harsher on your failures. Maybe you take a swing at a monster with 20 AC and roll a 13. You’ve already missed, right? So might as well try and use the Seven-Pipped Gem to succe--oh you got a penalty instead. Oh well, not like you lost anything! Unless the DM decides that your foul luck caused your weapon to slip from your hands, opening you up to an Attack of Opportunity...
Boon 1: Communal Combatant. Divine Favor 3/day, Shield Other 2/day, or Prayer 1/day.
Back in Milani’s article, I discussed both Divine Favor (Exalted) and Shield Other (Sentinel), so just pop over there and give them a look if you need a refresher! Favor is a lot more useful for the traditionally-martial Sentinel than it was for the typically-caster Exalted, so it’s a pleasure to see here! Its power rises with your level, up to +3 to attack and damage rolls, and while its spell form quickly falls off in usefulness, its spell-like form is much more flexible. Its 1 minute duration will last likely an entire combat with some time left over (meaning you should slap it on the moment you detect trouble), and it’s always nice to have.
Shield Other is typically nicer to have, though. Granting your allies expanded durability is always good, and your own (presumably) fat HP bar buffering your fragile but more blaster-y friends will keep them from being downed the moment they’re focused.
Prayer is... Actually really good? It’s a very small bonus, but it applies to everyone in a 40ft burst, works on more or less every roll they make, and penalizes enemies at the same time. That’s a +2 swing in your favor, and it offers no saving throw. It won’t change the course of an entire combat, but it’ll certainly make everything run a little more smoothly. All three of these options are actually really good! It just depends on what your party needs, really.
Boon 2: Stone Strikes. 1/round as a free action when successfully striking an enemy with any weapon in the hammer weapons group, or any weapon with “gnome” in its name, you may attempt a sunder combat maneuver check against any one weapon or piece of armor your target is wielding/wearing. You get a +2 competence bonus to this check for each size category above yours your enemy is.
First thing’s first: Note that there’s no daily limit to how many times you can use this power. There’s really, really no reason NOT to use this ability, beyond wanting to steal your enemy’s equipment for yourself, because even failing your check doesn’t cost you anything but a bit of extra time from rolling the dice. Going for a sunder build can see enemies peeled right out of their armor or robbed of their weapons in short order, though it should be noted that this ability doesn’t state that your sunder attempt doesn’t provoke an Attack of Opportunity. Easy enough to overcome with a single feat (Improved Sunder), and building your character with this ability in mind can make for a very, very fun but very, very frustrating (for the DM) character.
Note that sunder attempts take the object’s hardness into account, though. Without powerful magic weapons, you’ll likely only be hitting for 2 or 3 damage at a time. For enemies with unenchanted gear, this is often enough (a typical weapon has around 5 HP), but enchanting them boosts both their hardness and their HP, making actually shattering them extremely difficult to do. You can, at least, give them the broken condition relatively easily.
And, again, since you can do this for free on any successful attack, there’s really nothing stopping you from just tacking it on every single round until your enemy’s breastplate or longsword lays in a thousand pieces. I do like the touch that you’re better at breaking things that are bigger than you, though, which means you’re actually encouraged to get into a giant’s threat radius for once.
Boon 3: Strength of the Earth. As a free action, you may enter a specialized defensive stance. In this stance, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC, a +4 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution (which causes you to gain +2 HP per HD you possess), and a +2 morale bonus to Will saves. In this stance, you cannot willingly move from your current position, or the stance ends (it is NOT ended if you are forcibly moved by an enemy). You cannot enter this stance while raging. You may maintain this stance for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + your Constitution modifier, plus an additional 2 rounds per day for each Sentinel level you possess. Breaking or being broken from your stance fatigues you for 2 rounds for ever 1 round you maintained it (min 2), and while fatigued from this ability, you may use your Stone Strike ability 1/round against an enemy that strikes you in melee.
Hmmm... You know, on paper this looks good, but against any enemy that doesn’t actually want to fight you, this ability is defeated simply by walking away. Not a fan of that, unless you’re wielding a compound bow (or any ranged weapon, but a compound bow lets you use the extra +4 Str), in which case you’ve just become a shielded artillery platform.
I’m just really not impressed with this power, despite that. I am aware that most combats in Pathfinder tend to devolve into “standing next to the enemy and pushing the Attack Button,” but against enemies that DON’T want to stand next to you and attack away, like, say, around 60% of the classes in the game, this power translates to turning yourself into a Do Not Cross barrier. There’s a LOT of interesting things you could do with this ability, especially if you had a reach or ranged weapon, but, again, all an enemy has to do against you is walk away. If you break out of the stance to reposition, you get fatigued, and any enemy worth their salt will attack you at that point. They’ll probably lose their weapons for doing so, but being fatigued is painful nonetheless.
... All that being said, though, there’s a great many enemies who simply won’t recognize the fact you’ve just taken on your defensive stance, and will continue to stand next to you and attack without realizing why their strikes are being deflected more and more often, and without realizing that you’ve just gained +2 HP per HD and that you’re suddenly hitting much harder and much more often.
You can read more about Nivi here.
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