#the icy coldness
ladyshadowqueen · 2 years
i am a dr pepper stan until i die but nothing replicates the feeling of a large coke zero from mcdonald’s
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cattamouche · 3 months
I think scara is a sloppy kisser...
he can be so, so impatient and even more emotional. all it takes is your addictive smile and a warm welcome-home-hug after a particularly long day of work and his feelings start to spill over so quick at the reminder that hes so fortunate to have somebody to come back home to. someone who loves and accepts him even with all his flaws, who has stuck with him through thick and thin. his person, who does so much for him every day, just because you love him. of all people, you love him. and he gets so emotional over the fact. he wants to feel all of you, grabbing at every inch of your body he can reach and holding on so tightly as if you're moments away from disappearing. he gets so overwhelmed he forgets he's the only one who doesn't need to breathe, and you're left pushing his face away despite his attempts at chasing your lips just to catch your breath because my god is he relentless. now you're suddenly pressed against the wall, forehead to forehead and panting in your living room, his silent apology at the realization that he once again got too carried away is to just stare. admire the way your eyebrows crease and your eyes are half lidded, mesmerized by the way he singlehandedly got your chest to rise up and down at such a fast pace he almost begins to mimic it. but all he does is watch, impatiently so, waiting for you to catch your breath and give him the greenlight to keep going.
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biruesque · 4 months
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out of place, out of touch, out of time
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dobodleaday · 2 months
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08.01.24 A Shadowed Silence
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weareravershq · 1 month
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Rema shining bright in his jewels
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ghostshipglamour · 4 months
The Terror as Real Wikihow Articles
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bunabi · 1 month
it's always 'push them left" until protestors show up to do just that 😭 girl whatever
what happened to making your voice heard and politicians earning your vote....is that not what election season is about...this is so silly fr
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shoccolatine · 7 months
hi i really like your writing! could you do the "things you associate them with" for the lads boys too?
aa thank you! and yes of course 💜
things i associate them with
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╰┈➤ ❝ XAVIER. ❞
catnaps in the afternoon sun, warming your hands with a steaming mug of coffee/tea, reddened fingertips, stargazing, lying in the grass and counting the stars, the burning smell of fireworks, alien conspiracies, galaxies, existential hope, shy smiles, gentle laughter, hiding behind your pillow during a scary movie, buttered popcorn, cat whiskers, tickle fights, the sound of pulling a sword out of its sheath.
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╰┈➤ ❝ ZAYNE. ❞
picnic dates on checkered blankets, apple orchards, springtime, melted ice cream, cool rainy evenings, petrichor, condensation dripping down a window, rivers trickling down into waterfalls, icicles, cold hands in woolen mittens, the intricate designs of a snowflake, knowing smiles, intense gazes, having a conversation without saying a word, the nostalgia for a life long past (or perhaps a life that hasn't happened yet).
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╰┈➤ ❝ RAFAYEL. ❞
the glitter of sunlight on the sea, walking along the beach, digging your toes in the cool sand, playful splashes, aquarium dates, glowing jellyfish, deep sea creatures, 3am conversations about everything and nothing, whispered secrets, pinky swears, double dares, telling scary stories with a flashlight lit under your chin, paint stains, the tickle of a paintbrush on your skin, messy sketchbooks.
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╰┈➤ ❝ BONUS! CALEB. ❞
peeling an orange for someone else, apple slices, noogies, tousled hair, late nights spent giggling, convenience store runs, sunsets, walking home from school, bike rides on beaten paths, bandaids on skinned knees, ripped jeans, worn sneakers, friendly competition, playfighting, chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven.
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iizuumi · 2 months
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Side effects of wearing your Kaiju suit too often ,,,, Part 3
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cosmicfunnies · 7 months
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Back and better than the ever! Here’s a comic in the cold exoplanet, OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb!
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backroad-life · 9 months
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Cute Fence Christmas Lights
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53v3nfrn5 · 3 months
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threepandas · 2 months
Bad End: Cold War
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The receiving room was beautifully furnished. Neither overly ostentatious nor fussy in design. But it had a... coldness to it. This entire god forsaken building was, artfully hidden fireplaces be damned.
And it wasn't just the temperature.
The North may be a cold place, but the people there had always been a hardy one. Kind, if stoic. Not the sort for empty words and flamboyant gestures. So to see a building like this? One so very, very COLD? It spoke of something rotten. Something gone terribly wrong and far beyond control, hidden away out in the countryside where no one could stop it in time.
And it had.
And it DID.
And oh, how we SUFFERED for it, didn't we?
I didn't understand what went wrong. I knew, KNEW, because I was no fool, that the Story would change. Since I was remove a load bearing antagonist, how could it NOT? But... well, I did not wish to die. Certainly not for some other girl's love story. I refused to suffer. To be humiliated. To lead a life of pain and degradation. Just so she might frolic about with men, only to ultimately end up on the throne.
She would either have to find her way to greatness on her own merit, or settle of mediocrity. But it would NOT be built upon the back of my suffering. I gracefully bowed out. Took leave of the stage. And? Comported myself as befit a daughter of my house.
They were not... the most open. In fact, they struggled to connect. To offer or even receive comforts of any kind. But my family LOVED with a fierceness that would lead armies and burn nations. We were ABSOLUTE. And we? Stand TOGETHER. Always.
I would never forget. No matter how many days pass by. WHO I first saw when I opened my eyes. Clustered around my tiny form, rumbled and undignified in a way I would never see them again, with eyes that shone with such RELIEF. I never saw my mother's make run like that again. I half believe she hopes I do not remember.
But I DO.
And I always will.
In the Story, my character was a terror. Haughty and cruel. Sadistic. A wealthy brat that played God right up until all her sins came due. She drove a great deal of the early plot. I? Did none of those things. I threw myself into being a good daughter and a shining reflection upon the parents I loved.
I took my etiquette lessons seriously, to the delight of my teachers. My school work was promptly finished and followed by clarifying questions, to the joy of my tutors. I was polite to my peers. Overlooked their embarrassing early fumbles and mistakes. Helped them navigate social disasters with dignity. Promised nothing yet remained approachable.
My prospects had been ABYSMAL in the Story. It was part of the Narrative's punishment, I think. Though in hindsight, it is an ugly thing to do. A wonder I ever found such a story interesting enough to read. I imagine, it is the difference between tales and lived events? Nonetheless. My father was FLOODED with letters.
My poor mother absolutely HARRASED. Not an outing could go by, without SOMEONE mentioning their DEAR, SWEET son or nephew. To maintain proper appearances and neutrality, I was forced to attend more party's and events then I EVER wished to see.
I felt like a slab of meat up for auction. A show pony. But I also knew it was temporary. That I need only keep an eye out for a good, respectful man. Listen to the rumor mills. Discreetly bribe a few servants for information that "everyone knew". It was, after all, the way of things.
Should have been, the way of things.
But trouble started. Strange infighting, that started between boys and escalated to entire households. Tense, unspoken, lines dividing garden parties that only the day before were amicable. The Protagonist and her Harem of powerful players? Were BLIND to it.
Two of them were PRINCE for God sake! How had they been RAISED, that they could not feel the sudden shift in the socio-political landscape of their Father's court? He certainly could. And it clearly unnerved him. Yet? The Harem, each son's, each HEIRS, of some powerful position? Seemed both blind and deaf to all but the painfully obvious.
And even THAT? Was apparently unconnected to each other in their empty little minds. Had they nothing but flowers and glitter between their ears? One had to assume.
People were... accidentally forgotten. When invitations were sent. Then deliberately. Then OPENLY. Then? They were SNUBBED. Events deliberately scheduled on the same day, at the same time, as another. So all of polite society would have to CHOOSE. It was escalation.
And if it had been on or two houses? It would have been scandalous. Depending on the house, perhaps even worrying. A handful of houses? The king might have tried to get involved. Forcefully mediate. But it... it was somehow so much WORSE. Was EVERYWHERE.
Like someone had carefully examined the entirety of the Court for fault lines, then SWUNG. Some silent, careful, machination that left everyone at everyone's throat. Divided. Weak.
Easy to manipulate and control.
I could not for the life of me find the source of it all. My social season becoming swiftly more and more dangerous. Politically charged. People pushing and PUSHING for alliances I could not and WOULD NOT give without consulting my family. The capital was no longer safe. So... I quietly left.
Letters of vague excuse. Family matters, cousin so-n-so in their time of need, I'm sure you understand. Too late to stop me and under the cover of darkness.
It... I tell myself it is not my fault. That it would have happened either way. That I could not have known. But... but guilt is a heavy thing. It sits like lead in your gut. Like chains around your soul. They were waiting, I think. More, I suspect. Because...
Because the capital all but EXPLODED.
The carnage was IMMEDIATE. Not even a full day later, at a hunting party, the heir to one house shot the second son to another.
He did not survive.
The powder keg finally sparked and it all went up in flames. Alliances that had stood for centuries, shattered. Brother turned against brother. A wedding turned into a bloodbath, as the bride turned on both her family AND the groom, escaped into the night. Fights broke out everywhere.
The festering tension that had gone for so long unspoken? Could no longer be ignored. Would not, be ignored. The king was helpless to stop it all. The gaurd could only do so much. The fluffy, happy, empty headed little world of comfort the Protagonist knew? Was shredded to pieces.
It became starkly clear that the royal family... couldn't handle it.
That their heirs were... Weak.
Captain of the Gaurd, the Prime Minister, even the King's strongest supporter, the Duke of the East, ALL of them had... weak and ineffectual heirs. One or two could be a failing of parentage, but all together? They had let someone sabotage their sons. Make them puppets to be used and discarded at convenience.
The natural suspicion, of course, fell to the one most benefiting from said son's empty headedness. Much to the Harem's horror. No! Not their beloved shared girlfriend! That the world was burning around them? Of no consequence. But upsetting their darling little mouse? Unforgivable!
It was an act of true, genuine, paternal love; that those fools were banished by the king. They would have been killed horribly had they remained.
My family and I? Retreated to our lands. We had enough to survive. Our House and our People came first. We sent no messages, we received none. I practiced my frankly terrible embroidery. My maids gently CORRECTED my frankly terrible embroidery. The country BURNED.
Powerful people were picked off, one by one.
And wouldn't you know it? A new star was rising from the chaos. A voice of reason. Charismatic. Driven. Handsome and powerful, with the bloodline to match. Conveniently allied already to all those people who had replaced the Old Guard in government! How very serendipitous. That those positions should just... open up, like that. That he just HAPPEN to have such qualified people at the ready.
What ARE the odds?
My House knew our monster know. We watched. Careful. As he smiled and smiled. One hand open in welcome, the other? Holding a knife, hidden just out of sight. The king saw him for what he was. And the monster saw a worthy foe in the king. They were, after all, both very Dangerous men.
It was likely swordsmen duel.
Deadly steel clashing, shining, swift as it dances, from attack to defend to attack again. Experience versus youth. Power against power. The king was an old dragon, stood against a tiger come to see him dead. And though the dance was breathtaking? In the end... the dragon was old. Tired. And not the man he had once been.
The tiger won.
The king died in his sleep. Of... natural causes. No one believed it. No one dared say otherwise. The crown princess ascended the throne. She had played the game well. Taken after her Father. Been neglected in favor of her idiot brothers. In the Story, she was to be married off. A side character never to be heard from again.
It seems she was not content with such a fate.
Now she was Queen.
My family and I applauded. Polite. I hoped it marked the end of the strangeness. So many had died. So much had changed. Surely... surely it was over, wasn't it? But then? In the cold light of the early morning hours? A letter. Pristine and on a fine paper. Sat like a viper upon the table before us. A bomb.
My Father had stared at it, over steepled hands, like if he glared long enough? It would simply catch fire and burn away. The Monster's crest. Pressed lovingly into the wax. What... what did That Man want with us?
I watched him grit him teeth. Run his letter opener through paper like he was imagining jerking it across flesh, slitting the bastards throat for DARING to threaten his family. I held my mother's hand as he read. Watched his grip on the pages go white knuckled.
He didn't even tell a servant to burn it.
He slammed his chair back, in a terrible fury, and marched straight to the nearest fireplace to consign the letter to the flames. Over his dead body. Was his announcement. I... I had a terrible feeling it might be, whatever was on those pages.
The letters kept coming.
My Father burned them all.
Then? Trouble started.
And I did not need to see history twice, to know how it would end. I got up early. Waited near the damn GATES. My Father could not burn the letter before I read it, if I was there first. It... it was a marriage proposal. I... I did not understand. Why? For what POSSIBLE reason would he...?
It did not matter though, ultimately. I would be saying yes.
For my family? Anything.
And so I packed. My Father knew he couldn't stop me. I was entirely too much his daughter. It was why he had burned the letters. I was doing exactly what he would have done. He vowed to kill him. Slowly. Held me a swore. He would make me the loviest widow to ever live. My Mother promised to go look up family recipes for poisons. For rats, of course.
I loved them so, so much.
I LOVE them even now.
It is why I sit, back straight, fragrant tea untouched, in this cold but beautiful receiving room. I wear my best dress. The one that makes me look coldly beautiful. Elegant but untouchable. I feel like a winter spirit in it. Something made of ice and bone. I wear it when I want to feel stronger. I don't know if it's helping.
If I hold myself still. Count my breathing and do not think. I can almost... ALMOST? Slip into a trance, I think. Let my mind unfocus. They are keeping me waiting. It's a power play. So be it. You will find me unaffected. Bored even, by your petty displays. I stare peacefully into nothing. A statue in a silent room.
I hope I fucking unnerve them.
Confident footsteps. How quite has it become, that I can hear them, even through the door? I do not turn my head. Note absent-mindedly that the tea before me has long grown cold. This whole damn place is cold. I dispise it. The door is opened for the master of this house. I pointedly do not greet him.
"Aaah~, So COLD" He sing song's, almost chiding, it'd be nearly playful if not for the hint of something darker threaded through his voice. He has an almost victorious little bounce to his step as he approaches. "But then again, I already knew that, didn't I? Frigid, untouchable, and unfeeling~ Now? Now you're MINE~"
He laughs. There is something half disbelieving, half euphoric in the noise. Like he's finally gotten everything he's ever wanted and doesn't know what to DO with himself. He invades my space. Looms. Eyes a touch too wide as he stares. Drinking in the sight of me sitting before him, like he can't believe it's real.
"Do you know, snowdrop? How long it TOOK? What I had to DO to achieve this? Ha ha!" The grin that spills across his feature is unhinged. All I can do is sit, tense and frozen before a madman, as he speaks. "The WHINING, the COMPLAINING, the 'what about meeeee'~! They never shut UP! Wretched and pathetic to the last, they panted after you like DOGS."
Hands slid from his pockets, to come to rest on either side of me on the arm rests, bracing and caging me in. Trapping me as he leaned down. Entirely too close. He smelled like winter air, sharp but clean. His eyes were a blue grey so hauntingly pale, they seemed to bore straight into the soul.
"But they were so GREEDY. So DESPERATE for power. It was EASY, to play them like fools against each other. Make them DANCE. And worth it. Because I get what I wanted~ The brat get her silly little throne, and you?" His grin was all teeth. One hand coming up to rest on my head. "Now you can NEVER escape me."
The hand slid, slow and fingers splayed, downwards. Possessive as each finger brushed, stroked, the side of my face. My jaw. My neck. His eyes following it down with something that could only be blatant lust. His grip tightened around my neck. Not enough to choke. Just, it seemed, to prove to himself that he COULD.
His thumb rest again my pulse, facinated.
Sliding back up to cup my chin, gently forcing my head up, so I had no choice but to meet his eyes. His eyes were dilated. I glared.
"I am going to RUIN you." He whispered, sounding entirely too reverent. As though it were some act of worship he had planned. "Take you apart at the seams. Pretty, pretty little thing. Mine, all mine~"
"I saw you first, you know. You couldn't even be bothered to look at me. I tried all night. That's when I KNEW. I was going to hunt you down. MAKE you mine. Marry you and destroy anyone and anything that stood in my way. And I DID~♡"
"I'm going to have each and every part of you, Darling. Love you and love you until you can't HELP but love me back. We are going to be BEAUTIFUL together. You don't have a choice~♡"
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dreams-incorporated · 9 months
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They are not from our dimension
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mitskiluvr · 4 months
replaying mystic messenger is so crazy because why am i gentle parenting these grown men and teaching them how to handle their feelings
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canisalbus · 7 months
It's unexpectedly cold in coastal Canada right now (it's raining and snowing very hard and fast, and before the sun set it was also very sunny) and the floors are cold, so I find myself concerned for your warmth. Are you doing alright?
Aw, that's very sweet of you to ask, I'm fine! Here in Northern Finland it's slowly getting warmer, the temperatures seem to stay at around 0°C during the day so the snow has started to melt. Then it gets a little colder at night and those wet slushy roads freeze, and when it warms up again the next day there's a layer of water on top of the melting ice and as you can imagine it gets extremely slippery. I cycle everywhere throughout the year and even with winter tires it's kind of precarious. Other than that I'm enjoying the increasing amount of natural light and the birds have started to sing again.
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