#the hunter and the trickster
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enter-the-phantom · 11 months ago
Some time ago you asked me about my angel Gabriel and I am here to return the favor, PLEASE tell me about your gabriel when you have a moment 👀
- @starshine-selfships
Can’t believe I am just getting to this, I am the worst.
This is my Gabe and he makes me feral and insane. ❤️❤️❤️
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How do I begin to describe Gabriel. He’s crazy smart and just plain crazy and a tiny short king who is also terrifyingly strong and powerful. He has no off switch, never shuts up, runs off of sugar and spite, has the world’s cutest dimples and the most beautiful golden eyes and is just annoying and hot and wonderful.
This sexy bastard is one of the most powerful and ancient archangels and was one of the first fallen angels, he left/was kicked out because he refused to join the infighting and corruption in his family. He was tired of watching his siblings tear each other apart so he ran off to take the place of one of the pagan gods (Loki, if you can believe it) and ended up with his powers—sort of a pseudo angel/Trickster God hybrid. He’s a chaotic neutral silly boi who likes to wreak havoc by killing nasty people in creative ways and looks really hot doing it.
In my canon, he’s also my guardian angel and not super happy about it at first but he catches feelings and it’s all very bittersweet bc he knows I love his brother and he wants me and Cas to be happy so he’s willing to step back and let us be together, even though it tears him apart inside. Instead he just follows me around acting vaguely annoying.
In my happy little headspace though we’re madly in love and all over each other constantly and it’s very gross. We are the OG chaos couple, we enable each other’s insanity and annoy everyone but it’s okay bc we love each other so so much ❤️
What’s funny and stupid is that he was a platonic f/o for a long ass time but I was not platonic about him at all and just didn’t realise it and it was cringe and pathetic. We actually meet him before we meet Cas, and from the moment he showed up I was like “that guy.” Don’t learn his name until like season 4 but every time he showed up I’m like “oh my god it’s my fave it’s the trickster he’s back I hope he’s in every episode ever he’s great omg” and then I learned he was an angel and not only that he’s this universe’s Loki and I lost my shit and made him a platonic right then and there but also couldn’t shut up about how cool he was (srsly look at my Gabe tag, it’s pathetic 💔) and eventually had to face facts and felt stupid. Now we kiss a lot.
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Anyway he’s hot and stupid and perfect and he can be so charismatic and flirty or so gentle and sweet and he is everything and I love him and I want to cry.
Also here’s a fic about our first meeting if anyone is interested 👉🏻👈🏻
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enter-the-phantom · 2 years ago
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I’m right and you know it
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insanely important thrift store find
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ellastarkwinchester3000 · 1 year ago
Sam: “I just want to hear those three little words.”
Gabriel: “I love you.”
Sam: “You are so cute, but try again.”
Gabriel: “I will behave.”
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random-movie-ideas · 3 months ago
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cogentranting · 2 months ago
Stiles being possessed by the Nogitsune works perfectly because Stiles very much fits the trickster archetype. He's defined by his cleverness, his penchant for tricks and jokes, a general playful mischievousness. (His name is Mischief!)
But Stiles is a very different type of trickster. First of all because he's a trickster from a position of weakness. He doesn't have power or status, which makes him vulnerable, and he works around that vulnerability by being cleverer than everyone around him in order to protect himself. Secondly, he's a trickster but (generally speaking) his tricks are ultimately about uncovering truth. He's the one who solves mysteries, who sees through liars, who unmasks. He plays with half-truths and deception but it all ultimately trends toward revelations of truth.
The Nogitsune contrasts all that. It plays its tricks from a position of power. It's ancient and powerful and over time has become nearly unstoppable. So its tricks are not to protect itself but to toy with something/someone inherently weaker. And in accord with that, where Stiles tends toward revelation, the Nogitsune trends toward confusion. It intentionally obscures truth. While Stiles might use those lies and half-truths as a tool, it serves the ultimate task of illuminating what is real. The Nogitsune operates in the reverse, using bits of truth to convince people of lies, creating fear, strife, and confusion as its ultimate end.
So it works really well as an arc because it takes Stiles' basic character archetype and then pairs him with a darker version of it as a real threat of what, on some level, he might become if he were to lose himself. If he were to lose himself in his grief, or lose faith in the face of his own fears, then he might end up reveling more in deception than in truth (because he does not like the truth or for the sake of grasping the power he never had); he might end up feeling the need to get more and more power over people using tricks in order to feel safe.
Which is why it doesn't work to defeat the Nogitsune by trying to outfox the fox. Instead the key to defeating the Nogitsune is leaning into what makes Stiles and the Nogitsune different, which is the orientation toward truth. Which is why the divine move is seeing through the trick to see what's real, and why that revelation comes from Stiles.
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milder-manners · 10 months ago
one thing I noticed when watching 3 hunters to 4 hunters to 5 hunters, is the progression of Dream's persona as the hunted.
In 3 hunters, Dream freely played up the theatrics of the underdog. He used the iconic "Leave me alone!" line, and remarked with open fear when the Hunters caught him off guard during the chase.
In 5 hunters, Dream barely revealed any weakness ever to the hunters. Whenever the hunters duped him or gained an advantage, he reacted more with frustration and outrage or not reacted at all.
It's just interesting to see how with the additional hunters, Dream couldn't afford to show fear anymore, so his persona evolved to be as menacing as possible to the hunters
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blessedbyahuntress · 3 months ago
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Taurus ~ Ravenclaw ~ Cabin Four ~ SandWing/IceWing hybrid
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My Request Rules:
I will write Angst, fluff, and Platonic relationships. I will NOT write smut!
Matchups are open
I am no longer doing x Male!Reader because it is uncomfortable for me; I'm a she/her. x GN!Reader and x Fem!Reader only, pls.
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I write for the following series:
Pjo (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
HoO (Heroes of Olympus)
ToA (Trials of Apollo)
MCGA (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard)
KC (Kane Chronicles)
Epic: the Musical
WoF (Wings of Fire)
Warrior Cats
TAT (The Ascendance Trilogy)
Spirit Animals
KotLC (Keeper of the Lost Cities)
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Characters I write for:
Pjo ~ Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, Luke Castellan, Travis Stoll, Connor Stoll, Chris Rodriguez
HoO ~ Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano
MCGA ~ Magnus Chase, Thomas Jefferson Jr., Mallory Keen, Halfborn Gunderson, Blitz, Hearthstone, Alex Fierro, Samirah al-Abbas
KC ~ Carter Kane, Sadie Kane, Walt Stone, Anubis, Zia Rashid
EPIC: the Musical ~ Odysseus, Telemachus, Eurylochus, Polites, Apollo, Athena, Hermes, Ares, Circe, Dionysus
Wings of Fire ~ Pretty much every character, excluding Burn, Blister, and Blaze
Warrior Cats ~ Again, pretty much every character except Ashfur and Hawkfrost
TAT ~ Jaron, Imogen, Tobias, Roden, Mott
Spirit Animals ~ Abeke, Rollan, Meilin, Conor, Tarik
KotLC ~ Dex Dizznee, Keefe Sencen, Fitz Vacker
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Main Masterlist
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enter-the-phantom · 2 years ago
god I am so gay
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Richard Speight Jr as GABRIEL in SUPERNATURAL 5.08
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decaf-mother · 2 months ago
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nouns-are-bad · 2 years ago
Monster 141 au where soap hides what he is because he was bullied in the past and shunned
The 141 going on a mission and everyone except soap is down and he needs to get them out of there
Soap turning into a big hyena that’s taller than even ghost and big enough to support all three of his teammates on his back and get them out of the danger zone
All three of his teammates on his back holding onto his mane as he’s goin Mach fuckin 5 to get them to safety and swerving around trees left and right to dodge bullets
Once they get to exfil soap turns back and is waiting for the ball to drop, for them to cut him out like everyone else
Except that doesn’t happen, gaz speaks first, he talks about how fuckin awesome Johnny is and how cool he looks
Price talks about how for his size he moves sharp corners quickly and controlled, that it probably took a lot of training and work to get to that point
And ghost, Simon, says that his fur felt rough and soft at the same time, like a big stuffed animal
It makes Johnny feel so much better and accepted
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stcoyotell · 2 years ago
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enter-the-phantom · 1 year ago
I have probably the world’s largest Snape collection and I will take any opportunity to show it off. Not pictured is my lifesize cardboard cutout of Alan Rickman and my myriad of other odds and ends laying about.
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And here’s my Cas shelf ft two lonely Gabe’s!
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Also my ita bag for the angel boys!
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HELLO F/O COMMUNITY!!! Been wanting to do this rb game for a while but I was waiting for my skwisgaar charm to come in today ^_^ but!!
Reblog with your f/o merch! Whether it’s one thing or multiple things or a whole shelf/area dedicated to it I wanna see your f/o (+ s/i) merch!! As someone who is obsessed with merchandise/collecting things I love looking at other peoples stuff so much 😭💓
Here’s my m.etalocalypse merch! :) It’s slowly growing but I’m super happy with what I have so far! I’m hoping to find some CDs when I go to amoeba for my birthday ^_^ 💓
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[pro.ship/com.ship dni!!]
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actaviya123 · 3 months ago
Modern Bramble AU again
When your brother and friend are a little weird
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His face just >:|
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tamarieatsbatteries175 · 5 months ago
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I love the plural slugcat tamari made so i drew them :3
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ellastarkwinchester3000 · 1 year ago
Gabriel: “Okay! Enough! No more talking about Dean.”
Castiel: “But you said to get it out of my system.”
Gabriel: “I had no idea how much you had in your system.”
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enter-the-phantom · 2 years ago
-Severus is a bone monster. 0.5% body fat. cuddling him is very ill advised. I do it anyway
-He keeps his nails very short and neat since he works with his hands so much and it’s honestly hilarious to see this pale mess of a man giving himself a manicure
-Gabriel has beautiful freckles on his arms, chest, and back. I want to kiss every single one and cry
-Castiel’s hair gets lighter in the summer and very scruffable <3
-Hans started going prematurely gray in his 30’s but it worked so well for him that he just let it happen and we’re all very lucky for that
-Castiel has four wings and Gabe has six. Gabe’s are bigger but Cas has longer feathers so it’s hard to compare their wingspan (not that that matters)
are there any headcanons you have about your f/o’s appearance? i.e. piercings, distinct facial features, body type, etc.
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