#the household iron is a very ritzy steam model my wife got for sewing cosplays back in the day
taperwolf · 3 months
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So I'm building a Eurorack case from plywood, and not exactly the best quality plywood at that — and one of the big problems with plywood construction is how the edges look, as seen on the picture above. Now, you can certainly lean into that look, but the usual solution is to cover the exposed edge with a veneer, a very thin strip of wood that's simply glued into place over the top.
So I was looking at stores online that sell veneers in various colors and patterns, and then I remembered I had a roll of the stuff: two inches wide and eight feet long, in white birch, with the sort of glue on the back that you just have to iron on, a thrift store find from several years ago. The process, following a couple of YouTube demos, is just to cut a strip, slightly oversized, using a utility knife and straightedge, iron it down, and then trim off the excess. They sell fancy edge trimmers that peel the margins away with a razor blade, but, again, you can just whittle it away with the same utility knife. I still need to do some sanding, but I think it'll turn out pretty well.
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Not bad for woodworking on the living room floor.
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