#the horror survivors
genrihgayne · 7 months
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AU or smth Tell me you can see my vision please I'm going insane (The Unknown is my scrunkly Smiley and I like how uncanny he is)
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lemonadeslice · 7 months
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siblings in horror: ride-or-die edition
the strangers: prey at night | nope | house of wax | the lost boys
codependent | blood-soaked | haunted
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satanscatsan · 7 months
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freaky lil guy and a princess
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valtsv · 6 months
How so-called "Died and came back wrong" fans look when real zombie horror comes at them:
if more zombie horror focused more on the "died and came back wrong" aspect and less on jumpscares and guys in halloween makeup screaming and biting people and jerking the camera around i would enjoy them more
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bon-sides-sw · 7 months
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A hard life for a young kid
I edited this into a video as well
My tiktok I guess (bonanza_7)
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samdieliro · 8 months
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pov you're a killer
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psxui · 1 year
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Resident Evil: Survivor (2000) - Content Warning
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pics-pizza-peace · 3 months
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Lawrence Gordon (Saw 2004) Pony Cosplay
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the-uncanny-dag · 1 year
Took me one look at this The Terror poster to know immediately exactly where it's from
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To be more specific, this illustration ties to this exact part of the poem:
And through the drifts the snowy clifts
Did send a dismal sheen:
Nor shapes of men nor beasts we ken--
The ice was all between.
The ice was here, the ice was there,
The ice was all around:
It cracked and growled, and roared and howled,
Like noises in a swound!
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vulpixhoney · 7 months
the "aid" the US sent is 9 years expired food MREs that they can't cook because they don't have enough clean drinking water to make it edible. It's expired, by at least nine years. They stopped including the Tabasco sauces in MREs in 2015.
How are Gazans meant to make these? You need water to rehydrate the food. If they get food poisoning from eating nearly a decade old food, what do you think will happen to them? To the people who have been starving for months and are impoverished and malnourished? Who don't have the water and nutrients you need to heal yourself from sickness? And to top it all off, the food is Haram. They sent mostly pork and other haram meals. And halal MREs exist. They knew that most Gazans are Muslim and chose to not send the halal food. it's disgusting, it's horrid. The US and all of its leaders are evil and vile
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danneroni · 3 months
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the end is death
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goryhorroor · 11 months
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day 26 of horror: more underrated/obscure essential horror films
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devileaterjaek · 5 months
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sandflakedraws · 1 month
You made the unexpected turn into Trolls and i decided it looked interested and followed you! Still haven’t actually watched anything, just kinda immersed myself in the fandom.
the trolls world is just ripe for nonsensical world building, amvs (we callin them fancams now? i'm not sure), and lore mechanics... and then shockingly, trauma dives.
like! because of the kind of media it's in, there are some horrific and tragic implications that are only glanced at, simply left untethered. there's not enough time to cover 2 decades of trauma in an hour thirty minutes for little timmy. But I Have The Time. I will sit with those implications.
and then!!
they get to have their cake and eat it too because of that very same media.
of course they're going to be dancing and singing with the people who only seconds ago tried to eat them! that's just what you do!
of course they're going to tell the people torturing them to death that they deserve to be treated with kindness! everybody does!
the picture it paints for me is of these like. incredibly anxious little trolls, with a whole culture around an almost toxic kind of positivity with very big troubles, and even bigger hearts. and that's like. joey kryptonite. they almost got me back in the first film, but i was mostly satisfied with the character arcs. so i didn't feel the need to break out the fandom playdough.
and then the third one came in with a steel chair like 'hey what if branch was just one part of an entire tragic family. what if they ALL had decades of trauma because of a bad decision they made as teenagers, which permanently skewed the trajectory of their lives. what if they needed some space to define themselves outside of their Band Titles (and by proxy their role in the family) and were then punished for that decision by the narrative, denying them the chance to reunite again. what if a promise sat forcefully broken for just as long and yet the bond didn't disintegrate. what if the love was still there.'
and i never stood a chance
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saturncoyote · 1 year
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Wasn't that happy with my canon slugcat designs so i decided to upgrade em ! Much happier with them now
updated headcanons under the cut :-)
Survivor & Monk Your average slugcats, ordinary members of their species, two siblings of the same litter, Monk being a runt. They both have matching ear scars.
Nightcat Melanistic slugcat, distant relative of Monk and Survivor's. They are rarely seen during the day and so have become a sort of cryptid in the eyes of both scavengers and other slugcats.
Spearmaster Only a few of the holes in their tail actually create spikes that are big and sturdy enough to be used as weapons, the smaller holes instead constantly create smaller, more fragile spikes that either eventually break or naturally fall off. Their fur is spiky to the touch, tough not necessarily dangerous.
Artificer Their "fur" is actually thick scar tissue that was left untreated and hardened creating a mass of stiff skin. They also have a dewlap but it shrunk due to malnutrition along with their now skinny tail. Their teeth are gold yellow and their saliva is explosive, when unarmed they will spit as a threat display.
Rivulet A subspecies of slugcat that evolved to be semiaquatic, their big wet eyes allow them to see underwater, they have third eyelids and their long slim body facilitates swimming and makes them quite agile. Their fur is much shorter instead they secrete an oily substance that protects their skin and keeps them moist.
Gourmand A normal slugcat, just one that's very good at survival, they have a dewlap aswell as a big round tail, the sign of a healthy specimen as their tail stores extra fat.
Hunter Common slugcat who was iterator modified at a very young age, their rot bumps very often itch and are quite irritating while their rot "tentacles" are very short but will still gravitate towards smaller creatures and attempt to grab them if they come too close. The scars on their tail were early attempts to remove their own rot.
Saint Another slugcat subspecies, one that was able to adapt to the extreme cold, they are very small in size but make up for it with their dense fur. Their saliva is thick to protect their tongue from frostbite.
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hdra77 · 7 months
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some ms paint doodles + iterator scugs but its just nsh and fp i actually made a whole storyline about this..maybe i should make a fanfic about it im also trying to make my style a lot more simple when drawing slugcats idk this style is decent imo
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