#the hell rattlesnake and black snake beauty
Yakumo stood on the bridge looking out at the water. People came up and down the water on boats, and the snake yokai liked to people watch and observe how they acted if they were in love. He hoped one day he would have that relationship to. It started to rain, and he pulled out his umbrella to cover himself.
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Could we get a drabble of Striker trying to comfort Yakumo through the pain he's experiencing? With a sweet and/or spicey ending?
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((Hello dear anon, hope your doing alright this night. Sure, I can write something up for you.))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
"Yakumo..please look at me." Striker had been with Yakumo all this evening, laying with him as he was hugging him tight crying. He was still upset about the bad memories but feeling his husband only hold him was helping.
"I'm sorry. I..I know I shouldn't be thinking of the negative things even involving what happened to me in the past. But it..still hurts." He sighed being held. "Even from suffering this painful ache. I just..I don't like it. I hate feeling this pain, Striker. "he whines.
"....I know it hurts, Yaku and I know whatever I do won't take that hurtful memory away but I do want to do everything in my power to help you. They treated you like some monster and not for someone that only wished for them to see that." He wanted to help him, he wanted to help his husband but seeing him like this hurts him.
"But you know that shouldn't scare you." He said but Yakumo didn't look at him. He was still feeling the dark aura while he closed his eyes shaking even more. Striker noticed but he only feels worse to look and hug him.
"It hurts you know. Seeing you in this much pain and I can't do anything to help you....I want to see you happy.."
"Huh, but you are! I....."
"I know as you tell me but how can I even be a good husband if I can't help you? I wanna help you..I hate seeing you blaming yourself to become worse. I don't want to lose you, darn it. Your my husband, your a father to our babies and they don't like seeing you this sad either." he pulls Yakumo back but held his cheeks looking at him. Yakumo looks but saw some tears in Striker's eyes. Wait, did he make him cry!?
"St..striker, don't cry! I'm sorry for making you upset. I.."
"I'm alright but I'm just sad seeing you like this. Hurting and suffering. I just want you to know I'll always be here for you Yakumo. Don't listen to those idiots that tries to bring you down. Please...I don't want you to leave me if you fall too deep into your self hate and fear. I.." the tears roll down his cheeks to close them. "I just don't want to lose you."
".....S..Striker.." He was worried but sits up to gently hold him in his arms that Striker was hugging him back. "..Just know..I'll always be here for you, Yakumo. I'll do what it takes to protect you and show you that I love you...nothing will change that." he said but he held his imp husband to feel some tears as well but the two just held onto one another in the room while they didn't leave one another. After a bit, Striker pulls back but kisses Yakumo's tears away while he still cried. He didn't like seeing his husband sad but he was going to be here for him. No matter what.
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crystalofmoon19 · 11 months
La Isla Bonita - Striker x Singer! Reader
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Tropical the island breeze
All of nature wild and free
This is where I long to be
La Isla Bonita
The sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and siting my eyes
Your Spanish Lullaby
La Isla Bonita - Madonna
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You were definitely special, Striker had no doubt about it, when he heard you during the competition he was captivated by your melodious voice, even when you called him "snake". In fact that made him a little amused, because it was quite obvious that he was a hybrid, but even so Striker couldn't help but look at him even for a moment and when he saw you, he really became fascinated by you.
At first, you seemed to be a fairly normal imp, you had black hair and black horns with small white stripes, traits typical of females of the species. However, what differentiated you from the rest was that you had a curvy silhouette. The red dress you were wearing only highlighted your wide hips and hugged your waist. Also, your makeup and the roses you used to decorate your hair made you stand out a lot more than other girls and your natural beauty will stand out; and Striker knew from the first moment he saw you that you were very beautiful and that he had to conquer you.
"Vil víbora." He heard you say that phrase in Spanish that he couldn't understand but that he wanted to interpret as a kind of compliment.
Did you also speak Spanish? Every moment that passed he became more interested in you and it seemed like the feeling was mutual, Striker laughed internally as he saw how you tried to hide your blushing cheeks with your fan.
Do you really think he didn't notice your persistent gaze towards him throughout the competition? Maybe this was going to be much easier than he thought.
When he won the competition, (which clearly cheated) and claimed the prize from him. He turned his gaze to you and saw you cheering for his victory. Striker chuckled as he rattled his tail like a real rattlesnake and shared a look with you, he saw your pretty eyes get scared of him.
"Aw, you're too sweet for hell, sugarcube. But I'd still go after you." Striker thought to himself.
Before he could do anything he heard the voice of another man who saw that he called you and you ran towards him; He seemed to be your father, since you looked a lot like him and when you approached him, he heard you two start speaking in Spanish.
Striker watched you walk away with your father, and somewhat disappointed because he couldn't talk to you, he limited himself to going to the place where you saw the competition. That's how he found your red fan that was lying on the floor, he picked it up from the floor and cleaned the dust off it, with this he smiled through his teeth again.
Now he had an excuse to see you again and he would definitely go after you.
You've captured his attention after all.
Striker really didn't expect to find you so quickly, he simply decided to attend the party he was invited to by one of the farmers who had worked with him recently. Striker wasn't exactly a party guy, but he wasn't going to turn down the opportunity to drink a beer and have a good time if he wanted to, so after the competition he went through it seemed like a good way to celebrate his victory.
But he didn't expect to see you.
As soon as he was welcomed at the party by his boss and his wife, that's when he saw that you were in the middle of the small improvised stage with a classical guitar in your hands and some mariachi musicians who seemed to accompany you. You were still wearing the red dress that accentuated your pronounced curves and beautiful figure so well, you put your black hair in a ponytail and you seemed to have more red roses since the last time Striker saw you.
"¿Cómo puede ser verdad?"
There was no doubt that it was you, he could recognize that beautiful Spanish accent of yours anywhere.
Last night I dreamt of San Pedro
Just like I'd never gone, I knew the song
A young girl with eyes like the desert
It all seems like yesterday, not far away.
When you started singing on stage, Striker had his eyes on you and only you, just like you did when you watched him in the competition. I knew you had a beautiful voice, but the fact that you were a singer was a real surprise that Striker didn't expect but that he somewhat admired about you.
It was no secret to anyone that he is also a music fan. He knew how to play the guitar, he sang and composed, but you just showed that you were at his level; that was saying a lot with the big ego that the rattlesnake demon had that made him stand above the others. That you made a good impression on him was surprising, like some kind of miracle.
Such was the amazement you gave Striker, that even his boss could notice how quickly you caught his attention, so he simply let out a laugh.
"So, do you like that girl, son?"
"Well, she really is a sweetheart, Hal. Do you know her?"
"That's my niece."
Striker momentarily stopped looking at you to narrow his confused eyes at Hal.
"She's your what?"
"Yes, she's my niece. She comes from Carmen's side of the family, they come from the other side of Wrath, and every so often we get together to spend quality time. But that always ends in big parties and my niece is the soul from the party."
Tropical the island breeze
All of nature wild and free
This is where I long to be
La Isla Bonita
And when the samba played
The sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and siting my eyes
Your Spanish Lullaby
Hal was not exaggerating when he said that you exuded dazzling energy and passion, you seemed like a bright light that shared its warmth to others beautifully, Striker cursed under his breath.
Not even Beelzebub could compete with you, darlin'
"And you already knew my niece, Striker?"
Hal's question caught Striker off guard, it's as if he had taken a bullet in his shoulder or at least that's how he felt it, but he tried to calm down a little to answer.
"I saw her during the competition today, she looks like she's from Wrath but I haven't seen her here before either. She's so…"
Striker was actually going to say "hot" but took Hal's answer as valid by nodding his head. To which Hal just let out another laugh.
"I know what you're going through, son. I also felt the same way about Carmen when I met her, an attractive and charming woman, from the other side of Wrath but who seemed as if she were the last drop of dew in the desert; but her love It burns as hot as the hottest flames of hell."
I fell in love with San Pedro
Warm wind carried on the sea, he called to me.
You threw one of the roses from your hair into the crowd, who fought over the rose like wild animals fighting over food, but you didn't care about that as you tentatively approached a boy in the front row to whisper in his ear.
Te dijo te amo
Although you whispered it, everyone heard you, the guy in question fainted, while all the men in the crowd, upon seeing this, decided to attack the imp that you paid attention to. Striker didn't blame them, he would do the same thing if he were in that place, he still could do it, maybe tonight he could shoot a couple of heads off. A young lady as beautiful as you couldn't settle for just any imp, no, you deserved a man who could protect you and he could easily fill that position.
He had to make you his.
I want to be where the sun warms the sky
When it's time for siesta! You can watch them go by.
Beautiful faces, no cares in this world.
Where a girl loves a boy, and a boy…
Striker stared at you and it seemed like you noticed his snake stare because you stopped for a moment, again he could see in your beautiful eyes how nervous you got so soon when you saw him, Striker let out a small laugh at this.
Loves a girl
Striker loved the effect he had on you, it would be so easy to go after you, he couldn't wait for the moment when he could talk to you and finally win you over. So as soon as you finished singing your performance, Striker was already behind you, until he was stopped by Hal.
"So, I guess you're going after my niece, right Striker?"
"There is a problem with that?"
"Not at all, son, I can understand why she captured your attention so much. I only warn you one thing, girls like her are very difficult to conquer, I tell you from my own experience; I had to do a lot for Carmen to even accept me on the first date." Believe me when I tell you that it is much easier to kill a hellish pig than to be with one of them."
"Please, Hal, I don't think she's that difficult."
"I'm just telling you to prepare yourself, son. This could be one of the most difficult duels you've ever had."
Striker simply rolled his eyes to the side and walked in your direction before he was interrupted by Hal again.
"Please, Striker, be good to my niece. She really is a good girl."
The rattlesnake demon hesitated for a moment but in the end, he gave a sigh and raised his hat in respect, he was lucky that Hal is a good man to do that.
In the end, Striker walked over to where you were, who seemed to be talking to the musicians who accompanied you in your performance, and waited until they left to talk to you.
You and him could probably make a wonderful duet together.
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"KUYA!!!" Shinryu panted showing up with some help with Striker who was helping him with some others but he got worried seeing the restrained Yokai worried. That and the blood around and on him. He grips his shirt to look upset but he glares at the anons that was backing up. "what the hell did you grey faced idiots do!?" he shouts now showing his black hair changing to blood red.
"Easy, focus on your husband.." Striker said holding a gun just in case the anons tried anything. Shinryu was still mad but he goes to him hoping to calm him down. "Kuya, easy. It's me!.....I don't know what the anons said but it's alright...." he even was crying now very worried.
Kuya was growling and snarling as Quincy held him still. "They were pushing all the wrong buttons. Asking if he really loves you and then saying they would kill you while you protected the babies." Quincy answered.
Kuya looked up at Shinryu and his eyes wavered before trying to get to him. "Why do humans have to be so stupid and arrogant... they won't take you from me..."
Yakumo was watching Striker. "You need to sit love your also carrying..." he pouted and tried to get his husband to sit down and put the gun away. They didn't need to worry about the anons.
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the-13th-rose · 2 years
Acrostic ask game for Jake and NOS4A2?? 👀👀
Acrostic f/o ask game
Lol this one's gonna be long but thanks for asking! Under the cut for the sake of all the dashes I'm gonna show up on
R - Rainbow - What colors do you associate with them and why?
Mostly earthy tones because that's his color palette. Shades of brown, sand color, black, and the hellfire orange of his eyes.
A - Art - Do they draw or paint? What about any other kind of art? What's their favorite style/subject/another artist who inspires them?
He's not really interested in art but he does sometimes take a moment to look at the natural beauty of the desert when he's got the time. And when nobody who's gonna try and call him a sissy for looking at flowers or the sunset is around.
T - Teach - What skills of theirs would they teach you? What would you teach them?
First thing that comes to mind is marksmanship but honestly I know I'd be too spooked to learn. But hey, maybe he could give me encouragement and all that and I wouldn't be so freaked out. I don't know if I have anything to teach him, unless infodumping about cool animal facts counts
L - Language - What's their love language? What's yours?
I haven't really thought about what my love language is. I mean, I know I really like cuddling and get clingy when I feel lovey. Maybe also just going "hey I saw this and it made me think of you". Jake I think is definitely a cuddler too when it comes to loved ones and he's very much a pet-names and sweet lil words kind of guy I think. Also the type to threaten the hell out of anyone who crosses me.
E - Emotion - Is your f/o open with their feelings or do they keep them close to their chest?
Jake is definitely not open with his feelings. He's got a reputation to uphold and can't have folks thinking he's soft. Usually the most emotion I'll get out of him is when he's alone with me (that's prime snuggle bug time) or if something spooks him (ie; a hawk).
S - Story - If you and them were in a fairytale, which story would you be and who would play which character?
So when it comes to fairytale connection with Jake I always think of the Princess and the Frog. Kiss a rattlesnake and he turns into a dashing outlaw. Or kiss a rattlesnake and turn into a desert critter also, if we're going on the Disney version. My Rango s/i is a jackalope but if I were to literally translate myself into the universe I'd be a horned lizard I think. Same species as Waffles who is like. My favorite posse character. Priscilla's my other favorite secondary character (and we would have totally adopted her if I weren't like 100% positive Rango and Beans already have custody of her after the credits roll). Anyway I forsee Jake as a handsome outlaw who gets cursed into the form of a rattlesnake and in trying to break the curse with a kiss, I get turned into a horned lizard and then we both have to figure out how to undo the curse.
N - Nostalgia - What's your f/o's favorite memory?
Running with his old gang from his younger days. Six-Prong Lucy the jackalope, Quillface the bobcat, Pancho the scorpion, and Red Felicity the vampire bat.
K - Kiss - Give us any kiss headcanon you want. Description, reason, location, who initiates it, etc.
In his snake form, I kiss him on the snout or forehead. In naga form I like to kiss him on the cheek. In either form he can give me snake kisses, which is just flicking his tongue against my cheek or nose. They tickle a little 🤗
J - Jewelry - Do they wear any? What kind? (Or what would they wear if they ever started?)
Idk if bandoliers count or the rattle-gun prosthetic he wears. In naga form I could see him wearing one of those rattlesnake-shaped leather and brass belts I've seen on Etsy. Not that he needs one because nagas don't have legs so they can't wear pants, but that would make it purely ornamental as in jewelry. There's also what looks to be a ring of barbed wire on his hat.
N - I'm gonna be sweet and say the first time we watched a horror movie together. I was hyped because it was one of my favorites and he was just admiring the smile I get when I'm enjoying something I love.
O - Online - What is your f/o's social media presence like, or what would it be like if they had internet in their world/era?
Honestly? He's the jerk who'll smugly correct your grammar while you argue with him and act like he's won because you misspelled a word or used the wrong "your".
S - I'm actually not sure about this one. Maybe like an evil Cinderella, since his story with my s/i Carmilla is kind of a rags-to-riches story in the manner of being taken from mundane daily life to the fantastical life of a supervillain.
A - He actually takes a lot of interest in my writing and in horror literature in general. I don't think he wants to try his hand at it but he's interested in what other people make.
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King Falls AM - Episode Three: Catch And Release
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Summary: June 1, 2015 - Sammy & Ben are live at Lake Hatchenhaw for the 55th Annual King Falls Bass Tournament with special guest Mayor Grisham.
[Podcast intro music]
[Banjo music]
Randy McMullet [heavy southern accent] Howdy y’all! It’s Randy McMullet from McMullet’s International Palace of Snake Skin Boots and I’m here to tell you we got some slithery savings this weekend! So much savings you’ll have a hissy fit! We’re not holdin’ anything back ‘cause it’s that time of year again! It’s our annual Snake Skin Blowout! I’m talkin’ ‘bout rattlesnake, copperhead, viper, black mamba, and boa constrictor. We got big snake boots at baby snake prices! Ya better hurry though before our inventory is extinct! So come on down to McMullet’s International Palace of Snake Skin Boots! We’ll be there from sun up to sun down this Saturday and Sunday at the corner of Route 72 and ol’ Bombin’ Range Road! McMullet’s International Palace of Snake Skin Boots! Where we fill your boots, with savin’s!
[Banjo music fades out]
[KFAM rock intro music]
Sammy Good morning! You’re listening to King Falls AM, that’s 660 on the radio dial. It’s twelve minutes to six and a beautiful 67 degrees out here at Lake Hatchenhaw.
Ben We are mere minutes away from the starter pistol going off signaling the beginning of the 55th annual King Falls Bass Tournament.
Sammy Ben! I couldn’t have said that better myself, you’re a natural!
Ben [“aw shucks”] Whatever, Sammy.
Sammy But you heard it, kids! The tournament’s about to get under way, but the festivities will be happening all day today. Be sure to swing on by the King Falls AM booth, pick up a bumper sticker, say hi to your favorite personalities, that sort of thing.
Ben And, of course, don’t forget to tweet us your pics today @KingFallsAM or Instagram us with the hashtag kingfalls, and we will repost those bad boys.
Sammy Absolutely, Ben. But just because this show is winding down, doesn’t mean we’re going to sleep on you! We’ve got a guest!
Ben We’re here with Ron Begley, of Begley’s Bait and Tackle. Sponsor of today’s outing.
[note: Ron’s voice can generally be described as “gruff”, any descriptors in transcription are more-so]
Ron [gruffly] Watch it, Ben. Outing is a big word. This is a gathering. 
Sammy Hey, nice to meet ya, Ron!
Ron [sweetly] Nice meetin’ you too, Sammy! And always good to see you, Ben.
Sammy Now, Ron. For all the listeners on the fence about making their way down to the Tourney today, what would you tell ‘em to change their minds?
Ron Ah hell, if they aren’t here now, they ain’t coming.
Ben Metaphorically though—
Ron [harshly] Don’t use ten dollar words when a five dollar word will suffice, Ben. If the lazy bastards aren’t up an’ at em and waiting on Mayor Grisham to fire that pistol, then there ain’t no convincing them otherwise.
Sammy Well, you know what- We’ve got quite the turn out here it seems, so uh, maybe everybody made it down?
Ron [aggressively] I’ll give you fifty damn bucks if you show me Shell Snyder’s fat ass at this lake right now!
Ben Uhhh, I’m sure-
Ron I saw that lazy son of a bitch at the town hidey-hole last night, and I know he hasn’t drug his carcass outta bed.
Sammy Hidey-hole?
Ben Don’t ask.
Ron You want something that’ll put some asses in the seats? I’ll give you somethin’ and this one’s for free. Today we got the fishing tournament, we got the bouncy house for the kiddies, we got that weird food truck that nobody ever eats at but it still shows up to all the King Falls events,
Ben Aaand?
Ron [teasing] And you know where I’m going, Ben. And just last week out by the sunken pontoon boats… We had a sighting!
Ben By the BOATS? That is so close.
Sammy Alright guys. You got me. What did we see?
Ben Sammy—
Ron Why, the Lake Hatchenhaw monster, Sammy!
Sammy Monster.
Ron Why the hell didn’t you Wikipedia-Google-book this town before you moved your sweet ass to it?! Everybody in creation knows about the Lake Hatchenhaw monster!
Sammy Alright, *chuckles* I’m sorry. Uhhh, I don’t mean to be rude, Ron, but you’re talking about your own version of the Loch—
Ron Don’t. Say it. Don’t even think it! That fake sh[bleep]show of a lake monster has nothin’ on Kingsie.
Ben You’ll have to pardon Sammy. He doesn’t believe in the extra-ordinary.
Ron [softly for Ron] What a sad life you must live, Samuel.
Ben So, Ron. This will be the fifth sighting this year, is that correct?
Ron [happy/proud] Fifth this year! She’s been a busy one. Since I took over this shop from my dad, I don’t know that we ever got Kingsie more than twice a year.
Sammy Well, ya heard it here ladies and gents. Uh, If tournament, the bouncy house, and the weird food truck don’t get you down— Kingsie will.
Ron That’s the spirit!
Sammy *chuckles* Okay, about the tournament, Ron. What exactly is on the line here? Wha-Whats the prize today?
Ron Same as every year, Sammy! Brand new bass boat with all the fixin’s and a 500 dollar check from the King Falls Chamber of Commerce.
Sammy That is a hell of a prize! I might just put the mic down and have a go myself, guys!
Ron More than welcome! [gruffly] But you better bring Ben along so you don’t end up as a “fictional lake monster”’s din-din.
Ben *sighs* I’d love to be out on that lake today! Nothing like it!
Sammy Ron Begley, everyone. Uh, Ron, thanks for dropping by and adding some color to the end of our broadcast today!
Ron [quiet and angry] Is that a gay joke, Sammy?
Sammy Uh, I-I’m sorry, what?
Ben Ron, not. At all.
Ron [threateningly] I’m not going to come on this show, and have you talkin’ trash. I’m the only soul brave enough in this town to own my identity and I’m not going to take any flack about it—
Sammy Ron. Ron. No harm was intended. I-I didn’t even know.
Ron [angry, almost shouting] Well now you do so watch your mouth! I like f[bleep]in’ and I like fightin’ and I’m completely sure you don’t want any part of either!
Sammy I-I Ron. *nervous laugh* I mean—
Ron [pleasantly] I’m just jerkin’ your chain, Sammy! Keep up the good work, guys!
Ben *Laughing loudly* Oh, you should see your face!
Sammy Thanks, Ben. Uh—
Some Guy *Slurred* Heyy Ben! What up duuude?
Ben Heyy, uh, Matt! Uhhh. We’re-we’re kinda live here, buddy.
Matt Riiight on! … maintain brah…
Ben Sorry.
Sammy Oh, no worries, bro.
Ben Uh, uh- alright folks! You’ll never believe who we’ve got heading this way! The man of the hour, the man with all the power… Mayor Grisham.
Sammy Mayor Grisham. Thanks so much for taking some time out to talk with us today!
Mayor Grisham Oh, I’ve been wanting to! Believe me. But you boys are on so darn early! I just can’t drag myself out of the bed.
Sammy Understandable.
Mayor Grisham However, my assistant, Riley, transcribes every show for me. Seems like you’re doing a great job. The both of you.
Ben Oh! Thanks so much, Mayor Grisham!
Mayor Grisham You got it, Ben! Hey, how’s your mom doing these days?
Ben Great! She’ll be thrilled that you mentioned her!
Mayor Grisham Least I can do.
Sammy Now, Mayor Grisham, you’re joining us today because in just a few short minutes we’re gonna be kicking off the 55th annual King Falls Bass Tournament—
Mayor Grisham Absolutely! It’s one of the perks of the job that makes it all worthwhile. I mean, who could turn down a beautiful morning on the lake, with all the people of King Falls?
Sammy So, do you ever partake in the tournament yourself?
Mayor Grisham *chuckles* I wouldn’t want to put the King Falls residents to shame! I’m quite an avid outdoorsman.
Sammy Well, it’s nice of you to give everybody a sporting chance.
Mayor Grisham Oh yeah.
Sammy Now, before we let you go- and believe me I hate to break down the mood —
Mayor Grisham Then don’t.
Sammy Oh, *chuckles nervously* well I-I was just gonna ask if you had heard any recent news regarding…
Mayor Grisham Sammy. Another time and another place.
Sammy Well, Mayor Grisham. [floundering] We here, we—
Mayor Grisham That’s all at this time. Thanks for having me. Have your people call Riley and we’ll schedule something soon, Sam.
Sammy [confused and irritated] Heh… Okaay?
Ben What is he- he- can’t- we’re supposed to be here for another three minutes, Sammy.
Sammy *unamused laugh* It’s fine, Ben, uh- it’s not your fault.
Ben Well, no. You ran him off, *scoffs* [growing frantic] buuut he was supposed to stay with us until we went live! with the opening ceremonies!
Sammy Hey, hey. It’s okay.
Ben [worked up] I’m going to fix this. Uh- I got it!
Sammy Ben-Be- Well. That was Ben just leaving in a full sprint, kids. Uh, seems it’s just you and me now, uh, and the mayor’s assistant, recording our every word.
Voice in distance Shotgun Sammy!
Sammy *groans* Okay, so we’re about four minutes away from the top of the hour, and the tournament getting started. Uh, we’d like to wish all the participants today the best of luck, break legs, uh, you know catch fish, wh-what have you. Uh, watch out for Kingsie, obviousl—
Ben I got it! I got it! I’m back!
Sammy Oh, Ben’s back ladies and gents! And he has a friend!
Ben Sammy, King Falls, this is Mr. Herschel Baumgartner. Winner of last year’s tournament! How you doing today, Mr. Baumgartner?
Herschel Good, Benny. Real good. Just ready to get my spot and giveitago this year. Uh, you know it’s about to start, right boys?
Sammy So, Herschel, you won the actual tournament last year, is that correct?
Herschel Oh, you bet I did! Won it back in ‘92, and ‘89 as well. But don’t go askin’ for tips now, son. Now if you excuse me—
Sammy Oh wow! So you are a three time winner of the King Falls Bass Tournament lookin’ for big number four this morning!
Herschel [sarcastic] Huh, Big City can count. We’re T-minus three minutes here, boys. If you don’t have anything pressing…
Ben Uh, for the listeners, Mr. Baumgartner, wha-what would you say is, is, is, the-the most important part—
Herschel [suspiciously] Who put you up to this? Was it Cecil? [grumbling] Amateur, usurpin’ so-and-so-
Ben No! We-we just needed to fill some time.*nervous laugh*
Herschel You’re going to pull me out of my boat to fill time? You are a DUMB son of a b[bleep]!
Sammy [warning] Hey now!
Herschel Don’t you dad-voice me, son. I’ll put a boot rrright up your ass, just like I did those Krauts[1] back in WWII! [said “dubya-dubya two”]
Sammy [harshly] You know what? Great talking to you Herschel.
Herschel [grumbling] New-fangled radio bums, looking for a hand-out. I ain’t givin’ ya no tips! No spots, no tricks o’ the trade! How I flick my wrist [fades out as he walks away]
[woman screams in bg]
Ben Was… that a scream?
Sammy [laughing dismissively] I’m sure it was just someone seeing Mr. Baumgartner’s lovely personality.
Ben I think something might be up, Sammy. Seriously.
Sammy Uh, ladies and gentlemen, as always, we thank you for tuning in with us here at King Falls AM. We’re about to go live with the opening ceremonies at the 55th annual-
[another, longer scream. Someone in the bg yells “There’s a body in the lake!” followed by sounds of an agitated crowd and a lot of people screaming]
Sammy Folks, stay with us! It seems that a body has just surfaced here at Lake Hatchenhaw! Come on, Ben!
Ben [incredulously] We’re going there?
Sammy Cronkite. Brokaw. Ben Arnold.
Ben *huffs* Right.
[Deputy Troy yells incomprehensibly through a megaphone.]
Ben-at-a-distance Tweet us!
[screaming continues]
Sammy Alright, we’re on the dock. [aside] if we could just push past— There’s the mayor! Right there!
Deputy Troy [through a megaphone] Everybody please stay calm!
Ben [quiet,worried] What if it’s Tim?
Sammy Mayor Grisham! Can you confirm that there is a body here—
Deputy Troy [still through the megaphone] Sorry boys. I don’t want to, but the Mayor’s going to cut—
[audio cuts to static]
[KFAM outtro]
[1] Kraut - a derogatory term for a German, especially a German soldier, during WWI and WWII
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canadian-buckbeaver · 5 years
Loki x Sai
(Sneak Peek at an upcoming gift fic. O/C Warning!)
Sai took a deep breath as she stepped off the bus.  Finally.  Fresh clean air.  The bus ride had been busy and crowded, as per usual, and her shift at the pet shop had gone about as well as could be expected.  Growing up, she had thought that adults and teenagers were supposed to know what they were doing, or at least know better than the average doorknob.
Today was unlike any other.  More people trying to talk her into letting them purchase small animals that would require high levels of upkeep that she could tell that they had no intention of providing.  There were the kids and even their parents trying to pet the fish and other aquatic beings that needed to remain underwater in order to survive.  They didn’t seem to understand that, just because they as humans needed direct oxygen to breathe, not all creatures needed the same. There was even a couple of those that would beg to the manager for a discount for them being a repeat, loyal customer, or, most distressing, those that would make up stories about her to try and get her in trouble.  They didn’t care that their little lies ran her the risk of being fired.  Like she didn’t need this job along with the other people that worked here.  All in all, it made for an infuriating mess.  One that she was very happy that was over for another day at least.
Same shit, different day.  She shook her head to herself as she recalled the stories that she had to share with her friends.  It was like the customers at the pet shop went out of their way not to think about the negative consequences that their actions might have on a living being.  Stupid people really.  At least the animals made it worthwhile at the end of the day.  It sounded like the script of a bad B-list movie when she thought of it.  Perhaps it was.  The tired shop keep girl with a heart of gold stars in comedy about the incapabilities of the human race.  Or maybe this could all be part of an elaborate setup.  Perhaps aliens from outer space had infiltrated the minds of normal humans around the world and were trying to cause the destruction of society from within.  She should write that idea down.  Might make the next top novel, be the next Steven King. Become rich and famous and just watch the money pour in.  Finally get her out of this dealing with the public hell that she had come accustomed to.
Still.  As much as she complained, she reminded herself that the day was done. Stretching her back, she enjoyed the slight breeze that flowed through her hair.  The condo building that she shared with Bucky was just a couple blocks ahead, an easy walk. And it was still a beautiful day. The sun bright and shining with the thinnest of clouds on the horizon.  The sky was a brilliant shade of blue without a trace of grey.  After a full day of being inside, working with and for the members of the general public, Sai decided that the best thing to do would be to walk the rest of the way home.  Don’t think about the negatives.  Decompress and give her time to think and plan out how to enjoy the rest of her day.  Besides, knowing Bucky, supper was probably already simmering on the stove or in a crock pot.  That girl was anything but inefficient.  There was no longer a need to rush home to do everything that needed to be done.  So, shouldering her pack, Sai began to head home, enjoying the fresh breeze that brought the promise of (finally) warmer weather.
A brand new chapter beginning anew.
Although she was still unaccustomed to the chill that was Canada weather, Sai had to admit that Bucky was right.  Between her family drama and everything else that had been going on in her life, it had indeed been time for a change.  She had been on the brink of mental collapse before she moved.  It had been something that needed to be done.  Canada was beautiful and fresh, even if it did mimic a lot of American cities in certain aspects.  The cities were large and imposing, a lot of familiar brands and stores.  But the people were friendlier and there were more opportunities for someone such as herself.  It was the perfect place for a fresh start. The move had been the right choice.  Sure, her family weren’t exactly impressed when she had packed everything in the middle of the night, bought a plane ticket for what they considered the middle of nowhere and moved in with someone that she had only ever communicated with over the Internet, but, as she said before, it had been well worth it. Without batting an eye Bucky had invited her to stay in her condo.  They had moved everything around, bookshelves being shoved into different corners and different rooms, desks being placed against other walls of rooms, turning her office into a spare bedroom for Sai.  And after a few trips to the local IKEA, the new room was her home away from home.
Scratch that.  It was her new home.  And she couldn’t be happier.
Sai took a deep breath, walking the familiar street home. She was happy here.  She was safe here.  She was…
Sai paused, hearing what sounded like an urgent hissing sound coming from the dead grass pile.  Snakes weren’t exactly overly common in Canada, especially during this time of the year.  It was still far too cold for them to be out and about.  Hell, most of everything was still in hibernation.  Even the geese and ducks were still down south for the remains of the winter.  But could it possibly be an abandoned pet?  Her heart ached at the thought of it.  An innocent snake on its own in the big, wide world.  Sai couldn’t help herself.  She knew that she wouldn’t be able to sleep until she found the source of the noise.  Wrapping her jacket and bag around her tighter to keep out the cold, Sai began to search the grass.  She attempted to make soothing sounds, trying not to scare whatever was making the sounds off.
It didn’t take long for her to find the source of the noise.
There, deep in the grass, Sai spied a brown, black and gold speckled snake.  The end of their tail was rattling and the snake was hissing at her as she approached, but it did not make any attempt to slither away. How odd.  Sai wasn’t exactly sure of the exact species of snake but she could tell that this wasn’t anything that they sold in a pet shop, nor was it a rattlesnake.  In this part of Canada only rattlesnakes were venomous.  So, whatever it was, it was a non-venomous snake.  That made her heartbeat a little easier.
“Hey there, little buddy,” she said to him, crouching beside the snake.  Of course, the snake said nothing back.  It hissed back in response as his tail rattled at her.  Still.  It did not move away from her.  Perhaps it wasn’t as scared of her as she thought it was.  “You’re not going to bite me, are you?  I just want to have a good look at you.” She told him, continuing to talk soothingly to it as she walked around the animal.  The snake’s head turned, keeping her in its sight at all time, yet still did not move.  It was like it was paralyzed or injured.  Poor thing.
“My, you are beautiful.  So handsome.  I bet you get all the snakes with your colours so bright and vibrant like that.” She said.  “Absolutely gorgeous….”
The snake finally stopped its rattling but kept watching her with its beady little eyes.  It seemed strangely intelligent for any normal snake.  Perhaps it had been a pet until recently.  “There we go.  I bet making all that noise is exhausting.  I’m not a scary person.  I just want to look at you, perhaps give you a helping hand as you have none?” She continued to croon, making small talk with the creature as she examined it.
Finally, she spied the problem.  There was a long gash on one of the snake’s sides.  It was fresh, not exactly oozing, but it looked like it hurt.  No wonder the poor dear wasn’t making any moves to run away from her.  “Oh dear.  That looks painful.  Did a bird try to have you for supper?” Sai asked the snake again, stepping closer so she could see it.  It didn’t look deep, more like a graze.  Easy to mend. It just needed time to stitch itself back together.  “I bet you showed that bird a lesson though.  You look like a tough little guy.  You probably took him on and beat his tail feathers to the curb.”
She paused in her talking once she saw that a neighbor had noticed her talking to what appeared to be nothing.  The man was eyeing her out of the corner of his eye as he began to prepare his garden for spring.  
Great.  She just moved here and she was already getting a repour with the neighbors. “Can I pick you up?” she asked the snake.  “I don’t want to hurt you, but I think I can help you.  I’ve been taught some animal first aid, well.  Pet first aid but I’ve dealt with snakes before as well.  I promise not to hurt you.” She held out her hand to the snake.  “What do you say?  Do you want to be my buddy for a little bit?”
The snake’s tongue lashed out at her, as if it was trying to test her scent.  See if she was as harmless as she made herself out to be.  Sai stayed perfectly still, letting the snake decide. Finally, after a long pause, the snake put its head down on her hand.  As if it had accepted her.
Her heart could just about burst.
Picking it up gently, Sai continued her brisk walk to the condo building, using her thin little jacket to block most of the breeze from it.  “Just you wait and see.  We are going to be best friends you and I.  I’ll have to introduce you to Bucky.  Do you like hamburger meat? I think we might have some leftover if Bucky didn’t use it all in her spaghetti sauce…”
The snake looked up at her, tongue flickering as it regarded her with those strangely intelligent eyes.  Eyes that were a beautiful mix of green and blue, and were strangely human.  But that had to be a trick of the sun and shadows.
* * * * *
When Sai clicked open the door to the condo, it was exactly how she had imagined.  Supper was slowly bubbling on the stove, Bucky’s ‘famous’ spaghetti sauce simmering in her slow cooker.  Bucky was sitting on the counter at her computer, muttering to herself and typing rapidly.  Her blue eyes were furrowed with concentration, brown hair tucked behind her ears as she worked.  Both earbuds were in so she probably hadn’t heard her come in just yet.  
Quietly, Sai set down her bag and came over to her friend.  She covered the snake with her jacket at first, give Bucky a moment to adjust to their new roommate.  Besides, no need to give Bucky a complete cardiac arrest in her own condo building.
She waved at Bucky when the other girl finally looked up from what she was typing on.  “Goodness is that the time already?” Bucky asked, pulling out one of her earphones. There were slight bags under her eyes but they were shining with triumph.  “I finally got engrossed in this damn article.  The words just started coming and finally making sense.”  Bucky was occasionally paid to do some little articles in the local newsletter.  Nothing too big or fancy but it was a little extra money that was coming in for her. And, as Bucky said, it always looked good on a resume should she decide to look elsewhere for a job.
“Told you that giving it a break for a day or two would work wonders,” Sai grinned at her. “Did your sources finally come through with the information as well?”
Bucky nodded.  “Finally.  Of course that gives me less than a week or so to write and complete the article but who cares on their end?  It isn’t their neck on the line if my work isn’t done.” She gave a loud sigh before saving the document and closing her computer for the moment.  Sai knew that Bucky had waited to have dinner with her. Then she would probably return to the article afterwards.
“So, with it being Friday night, are you going to see that guy you met last week? Carter?” Sai asked her innocently, her eyebrows raised.
Bucky shot her a look before rolling her eyes.  “Oh yes.  Because I want to date a misogynic creep who told me that I was to quit my job and move in with him when we became official.  That way I would keep his house spotless and clean, have supper on the table for him when he came home and remind him to wipe his ass when he came home from work.  Of course I guess that I should be grateful he came out with this on the first date and not the second.  Why? You interested in him?”
“As if. Lord knows that I have my pick of the winners back at the shop.” Sai said, settling at her spot as Bucky dished out the food. That’s when she noticed Bucky’s distant look.  “Hey.  You ok?”
“I’m fine.” Bucky said as she sat down beside her, their food in front of them.  
Sai looked at her friend, taking in her face and posture. She was anything but fine. Perhaps this wasn’t the best time to tell her about the snake.  “Come on, Bucks.  You can tell me anything.  You know that.”
“I know I just… it’s embarrassing…”
“More embarrassing than missing the step at the mall, screaming and then finding it again as everyone looks at you?”
Bucky gave a small snort.  “Nothing is as embarrassing as that moment will ever be for you.” She said, picking up her fork and beginning to mash the noodles with great force.
“Well the noodles didn’t do anything to you.  So come on.  Tell me.  What’s up? I’m not going to laugh or anything if that is what you are concerned about.”
“It’s not laughter funny.  Just more… heart embarrassing?”
“I have zero idea what you mean.”
Bucky sighed.  “Well.  There’s a doctor that’s been coming down to the department a lot.  He’s funny and handsome, sweet and all his patients love him.”
Sai raised her eyebrows.  “Bucky has a crush? On an actual person?”
“Oh, you sound worse than my parents!” Bucky shoved a mouthful of noodles into her mouth and glared at Sai.  “Eat up.  Food’s getting cold.”
Bucky’s parents were old-school, expected her to be married with kids by now.  Just the other night she had overheard Bucky arguing how there were no grandchildren in the immediate future, if ever.  But they were another story in itself.  “But something tells me that you wouldn’t be like this if it was just a crush.” Sai said, picking up her fork and beginning to eat.
Bucky sighed, looking over at her.  Sai gave her a knowing look.  The other girl knew well enough know that Sai would not give up until she knew all the information.  “Fine. No.  it’s not just that I have a crush on him.  It’s… it’s not just me that likes him.  The nurses, the clerks, my coworkers…”
Ah.  “So he’s popular.  So what? You can shine too, Bucky. Don’t sell yourself short.”
“You know damn well that I can’t.  I have a face that screams that anyone who looks at me might be thrown in jail for pedophilia.” Bucky said, shaking her fork at her friend.
“Well… yes young face… but still…”
“Anyways a few of the older clerks that I work with saw that Bitch-Face Nurse was making the moves on him while he was doing his rounds. So they told him that, if he really wanted someone interesting to talk to, then ‘to talk that Bucky over there’. That apparently I can make conversation interesting about anything and everything with everyone. That I…” Bucky sat back from the table. “Sai.  Is that a snake in your jacket?”
Oh.  Sai looked down and saw that her jacket had become unzipped and her new friend was investigating the plate in front of her.  “Erm… Surprise?” she said with a sheepish grin.
Bucky looked up at her and then down at the snake again.  “Sai… pets…”
“Are allowed!  Your landlord said no dogs or cats as they would claw up the hardwood.”
“But snakes smell and I have no idea how they would react to a snake being here.  Or how the condo board would react to a snake.  This building has certain rules and regulations that must be followed. If… If they aren’t then we could be evicted.”
Sai waved off her concerns.  “Everything will be fine, Bucky.  I’ll take care of everything.  Besides, look how sweet he is.”
The snake looked up at Bucky and began to shake its rattle at her.  Warning her to stay away from it and Sai.
Bucky glared at it, unimpressed.  “Dude.  This is my house.”
Well not technically Sai rolled her eyes but smiled as the rattling stopped.  “See! I told you that the two of you would get along great! You’re already talking to him!” Sai gently scratched under the snake’s chin, earning a couple licks on her chin as the snake turned to face her.  It acted strangely human in that way.  Perhaps it too was becoming attached to her?  Sai knew that she couldn’t let the poor little guy out of the house in his current condition.  Or maybe ever.  “I’ll phone the landlord now, see what they say.  If they say no then I’ll find another place to look after his tail.  However, in the meantime, I think that I can get him set up in my room…”
“You’ve already made up your mind, haven’t you?” Bucky asked her, looking exasperated.  She was probably already imagining the two of them being kicked out for not following the proper protocol.  What a worrywart.
“I have.” Sai said, finishing her food quickly before grabbing her phone.  She paused before she entered her room and turned to Bucky.  “You really should invite the doctor to coffee.  What’s the worst that can happen?”
Bucky began to tick off her fingers.  “That he says no.  That we have to work together for a while making everything awkward.  Causing the nurses and other coworkers who like him to hate me and causing that sort of drama. Having to work with them until one of us quits or leaves.  That I stumble through everything and make a fool out of myself…”
“You’re overthinking again!” Sai called from her room.
“And you sound like my mother! And do the dishes! I made supper!”
* * * * *
It was a couple days later.  Bucky and Sai were in Sai’s room, looking at the tank that they had just spent the better part of an hour working on. “I can’t believe that he said yes.” Bucky said with a sigh.
As it turns out, the landlord was a huge fan of snakes. So much so that he had even went out and purchased the tank, bedding and a warming rock for the little guy.  Not that Sai was complaining.  That would have been a large chunk out of her next paycheck. Sai smiled at her friend, deciding not to overly press the point. This time.  “Told you that it would work out in the end. Now have you talked to your doctor friend?”
“He doesn’t even know that I exist, much less that he would say yes to coffee.” Bucky turned and left the room.  “Speaking of, my bus is going to be here in a few. I’ll text you later.”
Sai said goodbye to her friend, watching Bucky leave. Tom, the snake, seemed to be watching her with curiosity.  He stuck his tongue out and tasted the air.  “You hungry, little guy?” Sai asked him, smiling at him.  “I managed to buy you a couple of mice if you’re interested. And then afterwards I can start working on that bandage for you.”  She dropped a frozen mouse into the cage before turning to her mess with the bandages. “Now the guy I work with says that you won’t need stitches, but you will need two bandages.  One that needs to be wet and close to the wound to help prevent infection, and the other dry and wrapped around it.  Just for added protection.  So this might be uncomfortable but it’s for your own good.”
Tom sniffed and flicked his tongue at the mouse before turning his nose up at it. Frozen mice were definitely not on the menu tonight in his opinion.  He was much more interested in whatever the heck that Sai was doing.  She was humming softly to herself as she worked, making sure that the bandages weren’t too hot or saturated with the antibacterial solution. “There!” she said, finally happy with her handiwork.  “Here you are, little man.  It’s not the most fashionable bandage around, but it will do.” Turning to him, she tutted seeing the frozen mouse.  Normally snakes would swallow those whole the moment they came close to the tank.  “That’s… that’s weird.  You’ve been after whatever has been cooking lately but you still won’t touch the mice?  Well. I suppose you’ll eat when you’re hungry.”  Sai decided that she wasn’t going to be too worried about it.  The tech did say that such an injury might cause stress and lack of appetite in any creature so Sai was willing to chalk it up to that.
It was less stressful to assume that anyways.
Her stomach let out a loud growl.  Flushing slightly, Sai checked the time.  When was the last time that she had eaten?  She knew that she and Bucky hadn’t had lunch as they had been struggling to set up the tank before Bucky was due for work, but had she had breakfast?  It seemed like she had gotten up, raced to town and raced back.  “Well Tom, looks like you’re going to be my dinner date for the evening.” She said.  “Maybe if I eat with you, perhaps you would be more interested in your mice dinner?”
Tom looked unimpressed though, with him being a snake, it was hard to imagine exactly what was going on inside his mind.  For all she knew he was planning an elaborate robbery scheme involving a nunnery.   Ugh, she must be hungry.  Her thoughts were all jumbled and chaotic.  With a sigh, Sai entered the kitchen and began to heat up the leftovers from the previous night.  Sai had just poured the noodles on a plate when there was a loud crack of thunder outside. The windows shook with the force of the strike just as the heavens opened up and began to pour.  With a frown, Sai tried to look out the window.  Bucky wasn’t kidding when she described just how quickly the weather changed around here.  In the blink of an eye they had went from having clear blue skies, to pouring rain and being unable to see more than five feet in front of her.  “I hope Bucky’s bus come already.” She fretted, biting her lip. If it hadn’t, well, Bucky might as well be swimming to work in this weather.
Perhaps she would get a better view from the window by Tom’s tank.  It faced the road where the bus stop was.  Setting her dish down, Sai did her best to peer out the window.  She couldn’t even see her neighbour’s patio it was raining so hard.  It was like a curtain of water had been drawn across them.  Well. Bucky would be back if she missed the bus or if got too miserable. Or even more miserable.  Perhaps call a cab and be driven to work.  Well. Cross that bridge when she came to it.  With a sigh, Sai turned back to her meal…
Only to see a smug looking Tom slurp down a few noodles. He had curled himself as close to the plate as he could.  There was even tomato sauce on his snout.  He looked quite pleased with himself, or at least as pleased as a snake could be.
Sai stared at the snake.  “How the ever loving fuck did you get out of your aquarium?” She demanded of him.  The aquarium’s lid had been tight on last time she checked it.  The snake said nothing in return, only to coil himself tighter around her plate and grab another mouthful. How he managed that, she wouldn’t know.  Luckily, she knew from her previous research that hamburger meat, although not the best for snakes, would not do him any real harm, and the carbs would be just an added, empty, benefit.  Still, such animals were unused to the refinery of human foods. Sai would need to be careful around her plate if such antics continued. She gave a loud sigh deciding to resign herself to the situation.  Nothing that could be done now.  And who knows, maybe it would awaken his appetite for the mice later.  “Well.  At least you’re eating.” She muttered to herself.  Picking up her own mouthful, she had just began to eat when there was the sound of thundering feet in the hallway.
Bucky burst in, thoroughly drenched. Her hair was plastered to her skull, her clothing clinging to her body, and her make up was running down her cheek like a river.  However there was a shine to her eyes, one that Sai hadn’t seen in a long time.  “Bucky, what on earth….”
“I’ll explain fully once I get home.  Right now I have a ride waiting for me that isn’t the bus.” She said, running into her room.  There was the sound of wet clothing being thrown off and hitting the wall. Yikes.  She was in a hurry.  The sound of the tub running confused Sai. Why, if she was in a hurry, was she taking a shower?
“What happened? Can you at least tell me that?”
Bucky’s voice was muffled.  Probably washing the remains of her make up off.  “Just about made it to the bus stop when the rain hit. Just make it under the shelter and dirtbag trash truck splashes me with enough water to fill Niagara Falls.” There was the sound of her closet.  She was really motoring.  Maybe the taxi was charging by waiting for her.  “Anyways.  This car pulls up, rolls the window down and it’s Doctor Hearttrob.”
Sai put down her fork.  “From the hospital?  Seriously?”
“Yep.  Apparently he lives around here.  He’s on his way to work too so offered me a ride there as there was no way that he would let me wait for the bus.  I lucked out.” Bucky emerged, hair tied up and dark with fresh water (she must have drenched it to at least rid it of road grime), her make up fresh, her new jacket on. Her clothing looked much nicer on her, clung to her shape a little better than the errand ones that she had on before.
Sai felt the smirk on her face.  “Sooooo~ if he wants to get a little frisky before or after work~….”
“I’ll tell him that I haven’t shaved in two weeks and that it isn’t worth the jungle.” Bucky said, grabbing her things.  But her cheeks were definitely hotter. So, sweet and innocent Bucky had considered it at least. This doctor must be something else.
Sai couldn’t help but get one last dig in as Bucky hurried away.  “Girl. If he’s interested, it’s always worth the walkthrough the jungle.”
“If that is a ‘How I Met Your Mother’ quote, I’m canceling TV.”
“Hey.  You understood that reference!” Sai called out after her friend, watching her hurry down the hallway.  She sighed and shook her head, turning back towards Tom.  Bucky had been so distracted she hadn’t even asked about why Tom was out and loose.  For his own part, Tom seemed slightly interested in the commotion.  “Well.  That was exciting.  And once again it’s just you and I for dinner.” She said, settling back in her chair and picking up her book on the basic care for snakes.
“For the record, it is always worth the jungle.” A smooth, deep voice said.
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glopratchet · 4 years
Desert raw decaying environment Desert incomplete contrasting petroglyphs Desert nihilistic shearing shotguns I don't know what you mean by "complete" Desert sunburned and bleeding from the eyes Desert with a desert accent Desert poorer decaying conduit Desert complete contrast Desert complete wasteland Desert complete contrasts Desert survival grousing cloud Desert complete besides from plume Desert complete attitude fed by siren Promethia Desert pyramid-shaped rattlesnaking peacemakers Possibly are powered by Maybe powered by No probably Also definitely dormant when not used for true purposes Desert putrid threat insight Desert obscure gabbling Desert incomplete cooking abominations Desert in specific is a type of regressed order activity within as well consequently of the Desert whines down and out across dying sunset's ember Soap brighter reddening doom's purple horizon over crumbling flat picking scream-flowers Soap and purity thriving off death Desert warring rival cutthroat tombs Soap brighter reddening doom's purple horizon over crumbling flat picking scream-flowers Faraday poorest roaring est dustbowls Horizon promising starved deceases Wasteland mother swallowing darkest night Soil pounding dying ember Faraday poorest roaringest dustbowls Survival withering closing ember Sight desperate closing dying ember Sound angry ready closing failing ember Mind danger closing blackening ember Survival withering closing ember Soap incomplete sulking sullen childhood forgotten in the closets of life Time fool shivering sulking the table for another chance at youth Soap incomplete sulking sullen childhood forgotten in the closets of life Towers horrible sulking falling into native forgetfulness Dawn distant sulking ember in the mountainside Towers horrible sulking falling into native forgetfulness Firearms rough humming sulking from lack of use Guns rusted sulking piled in a forgotten warehouse, rusting Firearms rough humming sulking from lack of use Towers blonde souring sullen rotting in the sun Slaughterhouses lazy groaning sullen rotting surrounded by death Towers blonde souring sullen rotting in the sun Soap wistful crawling listless walking dead Desert decaying closing sulking with one foot in the grave Decay worse burying sulking in the darkness Soap wistful crawling listless walking dead Soap dirty suffocating sulking lost in the abyss Soap unhappy suffocating sulking behind crumbling rotting walls, filthy Soap dirty suffocating sulking lost in the abyss Maze-going grave lacerating sulking in the darkness Desert chewed self-fellating rotten-toothed and gutted Maze-going grave lacerating sulking in the darkness Towers luminous soldiering suiciding into the darkness Flame sick infecting sacred dwellings Death wind secretly infecting family homes Towers luminous soldiering suiciding into the darkness Sodbusters obsessive white-slaving desert trader Necks tortured clinking desert nomads Desert addicted screeching like an animal trap Sodbusters obsessive white-slaving desert trader Maze-going stubborn suffocating dust bowl emigrants leaping from blazing desert ziggurats Maze-going stubborn suffocating dust bowl emigrants leaping from blazing desert ziggurats Pyramid rigid gawking desert explorers wrinkling and browning like flowers Cliffs beautiful prowling desert gargoyles stalking the world e weakening fleeing soft hermits and snakes creeping out of their native grottoes e weakening fleeing soft hermits and snakes creeping out of their native grottoes Soap concrete humming desert factories whistling while they work Bones splendid smoking desert smoke factories belching and puffing out their tainted clouds Soap concrete humming desert factories whistling while they work Soap cadaverous console log; ("title " title ); Wizened magical severely coughing black factory machines Standing standing on feet and killing forests without blinking an eye Soap distinct whitening desert mountain bears hibernating to death Rocks headstrong shaking temple-praying desert monks wasting away from lack of food Soap distinct whitening desert mountain bears hibernating to death Sodbusters blonde cycling desert bicycles breaking their legs Wispy dry cracking desert dustbowl blankets even out lives, be in blocks, daubs Sodbusters blonde cycling desert bicycles breaking their legs Soap gaunt decaying desert caravans eroding and toppling over Towers cerulean flooding desert voyagers weakening out at open sea Soap gaunt decaying desert caravans eroding and toppling over Faraday obscure standing desert islands disappearing over the horizon Maze-going blue-blooded biting desert hares yawning and stretching in long grass Faraday obscure standing desert islands disappearing over the horizon Towers wistful exploding ember rainbows vomiting out useless treasures Soap regrettable flash flooding-sinking desert islands drowning without trace Towers wistful exploding ember rainbows vomiting out useless treasures Pyramid grainy scrambling desert silver and gold mountain goats tumbling onto castle streets Desert terrible crawling upside-down crimson mountains scratching at palace windows Pyramid grainy scrambling desert silver and gold mountain goats tumbling onto castle streets Soap blended burning Bone horrid cyring desert wretches starving herself to death Soap blended burning suiciding into the darkness Sodbusters poorest spilling your intestines in dustbowls Sodbusters poorest spilling your intestines in dustbowls Firearms blonde screaming desert sun shining through limbs, heat pouring off your skin Flame rusted decaying desert flash floods jamming up and rusting solid Firearms blonde screaming desert sun shining through limbs, Towers foreign damning desert poverty hot as hell and not enough food to go around Acid pearly snorting desert sheep shovelling piles of white chemical powder Towers foreign damning desert poverty hot as hell and not enough food to go around Faraday distinct scrambling desert wounds festering and crackling with blue lightning Desert empty setting fire desert wolves howling at the moon Faraday distinct scrambling desert wounds festering and crackling with blue lightning Pyramid luminous swirling dustbowls jamming up and scraping against bone grinding on sand Electricity colourful hissing desert hares yawning on yellow power cables Pyramid luminous swirling dustbowls jamming up and scraping against bone grinding on sand Soap umber slogging desert salt water sizzling in an endless void Wispy decaying desert age weighting down draped robes Soap terrible scrambling desert sickness running away out at sea Sand vibrant morphing desert slime mold pulsating through a maze Soap terrible scrambling desert sickness running away out at sea Firearms sour straining desert poverty climbing like a fly Desert dry licking desert royalty nightgown flapping softly in the breeze Firearms sour straining desert poverty climbing like a fly Pyramid stagnant ululating desert sheep herding litters of five across the dunes Pyramid stagnant ululating desert sheep herding litters of five across the dunes Pyramid remote bleeding desert moonlight splinters stabbing inside your chest Soap transparent whipping desert cataracts blind and dazed, fumbling for healing Pyramid remote bleeding desert moonlight splinters stabbing inside your chest Towers pale humming desert sheep bleating loudly through a haze of flies Chips flaking blistering desert hysteria puking and crapping his pants Low-life darkening desert silver and gold mountains sweating buckets of dirty salty water Towers pale humming desert sheep bleating loudly through a haze of flies Towers gaunt damning desert poverty waving your arms in vain at the shadowy spectre chasing you Soap trembling liquefying desert sheep balancing chopsticks on his nose Towers gaunt damning desert poverty waving your arms in vain at the shadowy spectre chasing you Sodbusters loose white-slaving desert journals are half photographs and half nonsense verse Sodbusters loose white-slaving desert journals are half photographs and half nonsense verse Pyramid blended groaning desert sand are cascades of parching fire and hellish, barren, treeless land Pyramid blended groaning desert sand are cascades of parching fire and hellish, Firearms molten suffocating desert volcanoes shattered with dynamite Towers fibrous mourning desert sunsets advancing through the fog, through endless golden sheets of it Soap horrible lowering Firearms molten suffocating desert volcanoes shattered with dynamite desert monkeys sprearheading the brutal military junta Firearms sickly crashing desert hares glaring out from under his hood with sunken glowing eyes Soap horrible lowering desert monkeys sprearheading the brutal military junta Subterranean exploding ursine desert legions blind and barraging the sky with wild surmise Subterranean exploding ursine desert legions blind and barraging the sky with wild surmise Faraday pyramid-shaped clinging desert worlds wheel upon an invisible axis Faraday pyramid-shaped clinging desert worlds wheel upon an invisible axis Towers shrunken lacerating desert storms battering helpless babies against rock walls Acid primordial looming desert dream demons scanning you for shadows of guilt Towers shrunken lacerating desert storms battering helpless babies against rock walls Arabic khaki roaming desert generations die cursing and spitting into endless wind Arabic khaki roaming desert generations die cursing and spitting into endless wind Soap blonde scrambling desert harbinger of the apocalypse Chips platinum dying desert children laugh as you choke on dust Soap blonde scrambling desert harbinger of the apocalypse Soap grainy wailing desert corpses stare down sightlessly from police file photographs fuzzily printed on gritty paper Soap grainy wailing desert corpses stare down sightlessly from police file photographs fuzzily printed on gritty paper Sodbusters blonde hollering desert sunsets in piles of adobe skulls and rusted farm implements Sodbusters blonde hollering desert sunsets in piles of adobe skulls and rusted farm implements Faraday raw vaporizing desert Towers skeletal dustbowl desert abandonment, where misanthropes wail in silence and starve among the coyotes, jackals and vultures Faraday raw vaporizing desert Firearms remote evening desert dreams are oceans of regret Chips black bustling desert sandstorms kick up tiny frizzy hairs and lash them against your face Firearms remote evening desert dreams are oceans of regret Firearms flaming hallucinating desert demons cackle and howl at the waves of heat rising from the sunbaked sand Firearms flaming hallucinating desert demons cackle and howl at the waves of heat rising from the sunbaked sand Arabic raw splintering desert poverty glued in streams of tears to your pinched face Arabic raw splintering desert poverty glued in streams of tears to your pinched face Arabic stagnant weakening desert dreams drown themselves in seas of tears and regret Arabic stagnant weakening desert dreams drown themselves in seas of tears and regret Faraday awful souring desert wasting dunes are sterile, worm-eaten, and fall to pieces with a light touch Faraday awful souring desert wasting dunes are sterile, Inflammatory grazing swelling desert sores shrinking into the distance Sodbusters camouflaging desert dreams are artillery volleys shattering the sky into a million brilliant pieces Inflammatory grazing swelling desert sores shrinking into the distance Sodbusters survival spilling desert birds explode onto deserts of red hot sand Acid ramshackle sweeping desert hares shake and shiver under the beating sun Sodbusters survival spilling desert birds explode onto deserts of red hot sand Arabic lost souring desert that plague of locusts Towers vertical moldering desert waterholes evaporate in skies of furnace heat Arabic lost souring desert that plague of locusts Firearms inflammatory disintegrating desert exhaustion flares up into skies of parched red heat Chips quiet filing desert horizons explode into insect-laden buzzsaws of blue Firearms inflammatory disintegrating desert exhaustion flares up into skies of parched red heat Firearms loose scuffling desert nightmares spark flash floods of neon vomit from a sea of sewage Firearms bored shooting desert demons melting under the ghastly black meteor, blazing almost to the Firearms loose scuffling desert nightmares spark flash floods of neon vomit from a sea of sewage Soap survival pealing desert sunsets and sandstorms Firearms spray smashing desert nightmares drown in the mocking steel-hard blue Soap survival pealing desert sunsets and sandstorms Grave surviving sun-baked desert veins of phosphorescent quartz glittering in dust like diamonds Grave surviving sun-baked desert veins of phosphorescent quartz glittering in dust like diamonds Soap orange clinging desert nightmares explode in a shower of baked matches Soap orange clinging desert nightmares explode in a shower of baked matches Towers loose stagnant desert sores merging into a mess of putrid shapes and color Sodbusters massing desert sunsets etch the world in shades of purple heat Towers loose stagnant desert sores merging into a mess of putrid shapes and color Soap stubborn warming desert flesh scabs flaking off like a dried bass swiveling atop malignant boulders Soap stubborn warming desert flesh scabs flaking off like a dried bass swiveling atop malignant boulders Horrible kicking pathetic desert mirages that melt your frigid mind into five gallons of treacherous quicksand Horrible kicking pathetic desert mirages that melt your frigid mind into five gallons of treacherous quicksand Sodbusters cruel reckoning desert leeches feasting upon the blood of children baking under pitiless Soap crumbling soft desert dreams choking and gasping in the decay of chewing tobacco Sodbusters cruel reckoning desert leeches feasting upon the blood of children baking under pitiless Faraday austere bristling desert vipers slither under vicious neon clouds of lilac and ultraviolet Faraday austere bristling desert vipers slither under vicious neon clouds of lilac and ultraviolet Towers biblical screaming desert wolves scattered shifting and hunting under the ridiculed alabaster moon Towers biblical screaming desert wolves scattered shifting and hunting under the ridiculed alabaster moon Eerie evening desert snakeskin disintegrates into hills of bitter honey Eerie evening desert snakeskin disintegrates into hills of bitter honey Soap predatory aggravating desert pets magnified millions of times and shaken like a blur until they snap Soap predatory aggravating desert pets magnified millions of times and shaken like a blur until they snap Pyramid cruel fuming desert exhaustion shuddering towards the mirages of oases and cities of gold Pyramid cruel fuming desert exhaustion shuddering towards the mirages of oases and cities of gold Sodbusters horrid warming desert decay shivering in sheets of winding hard linen Sodbusters horrid warming desert decay shivering in sheets of winding hard linen Faraday wrinkled sinking desert splendor under vaulted cathedrals of cobalt blue and violet Faraday wrinkled sinking desert splendor under vaulted cathedrals of cobalt blue and violet Stubborn evening desert waste fluoresces lurid shades of poison green Horrible harmless tribal desert nightmares buried under crunching sheets of dead beetles Stubborn evening desert waste fluoresces lurid shades of poison green Soap flaming grousing desert decay swelling with vats of scum-covered molten copper Soap flaming grousing desert decay swelling with vats of scum-covered molten copper Soap remote corroding desert dreams collapsing into the blighted rubble of broken champagne bottles and charred eight tracks Soap remote corroding desert dreams collapsing into the blighted rubble of broken champagne bottles and charred eight tracks Soap subterranean evading desert parched cracked earth buckling into amphitheatre of howling wind and gruesome thorns Soap subterranean evading desert parched cracked earth buckling into amphitheatre of howling wind and gruesome thorns Soap nastiest necropolizing desert decay twisting into twirling dances of pink and red blush on the cheeks of yours truly Soap nastiest necropolizing desert decay twisting into twirling dances of pink and red blush on the cheeks of yours truly Sodbusters sod it all Fossilized underground desert volcanoes burp from goiters the size of cities
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"Your not a monster, love. I understand you have been told or heard that many times but your a decedent of a powerful bloodline. I know your not a monster like others say but someone with a gentle heart and a loving one at that. Besides, I know it's true since I fallen for you and love you with all my heart. You deserve to be loved, spoiled, and cared for no matter what. You deserve that." Striker said this but was having their kids by his side who was also worried of their papa.
"You have to understand and know you have to love yourself as you are. Others shouldn't try to bring you down in that self hate but bring yourself up to shower yourself in love."
Yakumo also blushed and played with his sleeves. "I know but I worry about it all the time. I've been known to get unintentionally violent because of the dark snake side.. I don't want to hurt people"
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Tie flat and halt for Yakumo and Striker (striker teasing yakumo till he had to punish his husband)
[ tie ] — my muse ties up your muse
[ flat ] — your muse fucks my muse while they’re face-down and helpless
[ halt ] — your muse edges/denies my muse their orgasm
"Ohhh my poor sweet sweet husband being all adorable. I always to enjoy seeing you this adorable." Striker was smiling but his tail was wrapped around Yakumo's cock seeing his precious snake moaning out while feeling this. However, he was whining trying to get free from him.
Even so, it felt good that he only teases him more. "St..strike...st..stop enough please..I..I might not be able t..to control myself if you d..don't stop." he begs of him but he only keeps going wishing to see and feel more of him. However, he was smiling to run his fingers up Yakumo's chest.
"Mmmmm if you want me to stop.." He leans in close to almost kiss him but he moves to purr in his ear.
"Then make me." he said about to tease him more and more. However, Yakumo grips the sheets only for his shadow snakes to suddenly show up working to work on biting away the ropes.
"I wonder what we should do next...so many fun games to try.." he said wagging his tail but didn't know that Yakumo was free before suddenly grabbing him. He yelps to say something but he cries out feeling Yakumo thrust into him as he was holding his hips but he panted still holding him to them falling on the bed.
Moments later, Striker was moaning out softly was thrusting his hips deeply while moaning himself. He was having his husband trapped, denying the pleasure he was begging for while being punished.
"I'm s..sorry Yakumo..I'm s..sorry I won't be b..bad again just please..please let me cum already!" he begs and yet, Yakumo denies that to keep moving as he was crying out. He wanted to cum so badly while swaying his imp tail but when he was close again he was moaning.
"C..close again, I'm gonna cum!! I'm gonna cum!" He cries only to whine feeling Yakumo stop grinding into him. He hisses feeling hard but lowers his head.
"I'm sorry...but this is for being naughty..you have to owe up to your punishment Striker." he said before he begins again, hearing weaker moans from him.
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A very angry Striker shows up but hugs Yakumo hoping to calm him down. "Stop getting my black beauty angry! I don't want you grey faceless guys and I don't want any of you trying to upset him. So leave him alone and fuck off! Or you'll end up being dead from a gun to your face!" he hisses like a snake but the others saw the grey faces run off.
Once he calms down he looks to Yakumo worried. "Easy love. You know I don't want anyone but you right? They won't take your Imp away..." He said trying to calm him down.
Yakumo was still seething with anger as the dark aura stayed up around him. When he felt Striker hug him he started hearing the angry snakes talking in his head. "Must make him ours... must cover him in our scent... mark him.... claim him" Yakumo held his head and hugged Striker close. "I'm not a bad person.... I don't want to hurt people...." he was doing his best to calm down but it was very hard.
Edmond and Olivine looked nervous. Kuya sighed. "Hes probably not going to calm down for a bit. So he will either slowly drive himself mad or he needs to be calmed down other ways." He gave Striker a look that told him what that meant. "He has to get rid of the negative feelings"
Yakumo's snakes wrapped around Striker holding his rattlesnake close. He was very upset and ready to attack.
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scarylittlefriends · 7 years
I’ve just returned from an amazing 3-week road trip to Canada! Here are the places I visited along the way:
Zion National Park, Utah
Lots of amazing trails and views accessible by shuttle bus, but the real highlight was Angel’s Landing, an 8-mile climb up a hogback with drop-offs of 2,000 ft. each side. You have to grab hold of chains to get to the top, but it’s totally worth it! Unfortunately, I wasn’t prepared to do the Narrows, as a permit is required. When I return I will definitely make that my priority.
Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah
Walking Peekaboo Trail Loop is definitely an amazing way to see the hoodoos and various sand sculptures. This place is visually fascinating, even if you aren’t really able to climb up in the formations, and the hikes are relatively safe and easy.
Lava Hot Springs, Idaho
These are my favorite Hot Springs because they have trains that cruise by on the regular and several different pools up to 115 degrees(!). I missed the tourist crowds and this place was so serene and down to earth. This is definitely a magical spot that just called my name:)
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
No need to explain; the city is a tourist mecca and is definitely not my thing. However, I did find the Snake River Brewery and played guitar in the parks all day, so it wasn’t too bad. The pic of my ride was taken 20 minutes outside of town on Bridger-Tetons land and was one of my favorite sites.
Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
Definitely the highlight of the trip, I decided to backpack to Alaska Basin via Jenny Lake trailhead and ended up coming face to face with a full-size male grizzly bear chasing a black bear up a tree! No pictures of that, but he came out of the woods and stopped about 25 feet in front of me as I proceeded to slowly back away and retreat down the mountain. Camped out and did the Solitude Lake loop the next day instead, and it was a beautiful (and grueling) 20 miles, but totally wild and worth it.
I also saw some moose (pictured) and black bear mama + cubs. The Tetons are much smaller than the Sierras, but similar terrain and waaaay wilder. I’ve got a new appreciation for nature and learned a lesson I’ll never forget:  Carry a .454 if you’re going into grizzly country!
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
I landed here on Sunday before Labor Day and the place was teeming with clueless tourists fighting for parking and picnic tables which wasn’t to say it was lame; Yellowstone is huge and absolutely stunning, especially the geysers and pools all over the west side. I wasn’t able to see nearly enough of the park, though, and I left unsatisfied. Next time I go it will be during a quiet week and I’ll give myself a few days to explore.
Missoula, Montana
Missoula is a beautiful little town with tons of local color and great food/coffee, thanks to the University of Montana crowd and some really cool young people who have made the place relevant. The fires were raging all over the west by the time I got there, so the sun turned a fire red and visibility was low. It made everything surreal, which of course I loved!
Yoho National Park, British Columbia
All of Canada’s National Parks are free this year to celebrate their 150th anniversary as a nation, so I met my friends Adam and Jessica up at Emerald Lake Resort and we canoed, then hiked to Hamilton Lake (2,500 elevation gain!), then went to Banff the same day. Emerald Lake truly is a gem, as you can see in the background of these pictures.
Banff National Park, Alberta
This place is supposed to beautiful, but the smoke was getting worse as the day wore on and we just popped into Lake Louise, picked up a hitchhiker, then headed down to the town to grab some Timbits from Tim Horton’s. Then we hit up the Banff Hot Springs, which were a bit crowded, and saw the Elk above on the way out. What a day!
Kaslo, British Columbia
This is a magical little place on the north end of Kootenay Lake where people drive cars that are smaller than phone booths, eat Old Dutch Ketchup-flavored chips, and take vacations whenever the hell they want to. We were drinking at the Kaslo Pub and met a wonderful local couple named Terry and Janet who kindly welcomed us into their home and we all sang songs together. It was a magical experience! Then we made it down to Ainsworth Hot Springs which has a magical cave that you can swim in. Soooo relaxing:)
Nelson, British Columbia
My friend Adam grew up the Kootenays and called Nelson his home as a child. This region is incredibly beautiful and relaxed with a nostalgic hippy vibe. People have things figured out there for sure. We got up early and luckily got to see the Kokanee Salmon spawning. They come up from Kootenay lake and mate/give birth in the streams for a very short period each year, and the waters were chock full of them. Amazingly, a black bear mama and her two cubs were eating them out of the creek right before our eyes as the ranger quickly shooed everyone away. That was one of the most special moments of my whole trip, and I realize how fortunate we were to get a glimpse into the private world of bears (this blog won’t let me post videos, but I put one on Instagram).
Nelson is a medium-sized town that is both naturally beautiful and very modern. There are a lot of old draft-dodgers who moved here in the 70’s, as well as lots of young folks with money and good taste for beer and clothes and whatnot. We walked the streets for hours finding all kinds of funky surprises and spectacular views.
Kelowna, British Columbia
My buddy Adam met his father’s side of the family in Kelowna, a very modern city on the lake which is known as an upscale place for retirees and families. It’s definitely got a suburban vibe, but it still is full of relaxed Canadians and felt great to me. I planned on only staying one night, but after ingratiating myself to the Dragland family they insisted I stay for “one more dinner” and I wound up staying with them for 3 days. It was fascinating to be an outsider in such an intimate experience, watching wonderful folks spend time together and tell stories about their ancestors and memorable times growing up. I feel incredibly blessed to have been welcomed into their lives, and the food was to.die.for! I have to admit I was a little sad to go, but I will always remember my time with the Draglands. This is what travelling is all about.
Vancouver, British Columbia
By the time I made it to Vancouver the smoke from the fires was dying off due to a nice rain the night before. It’s an oceanic city, not unlike Seattle and SF, but I definitely didn’t come close to getting the flavor, as I was running behind schedule trying to get to Seattle. This only makes me long to return to Canada again and really take my time exploring all of the beautiful hikes and ski resorts around the city.
Seattle, Washington
My sister lives in Seattle with her boyfriend and dog (sadly, not pictured). I spent an incredible morning on Lake Washington by myself just swimming, doing yoga, and playing guitar, then headed to Capital Hill and explored the 15th Avenue area until everyone was off work. I’m so proud of my sister and her accomplishments, and I’m even prouder that soon she and her bf will be quitting their jobs and joining those of us who have decided to drop off the grid and really travel the world. I wish them the best of luck!
Portland, Oregon
My buddy Rives is originally from East Tennessee like I am, and I can’t pass through Portland without visiting him and his wife Tanya, who have a 2-year old named Hitch. Hitch is rad! Anyway, I saw the hipster mecca that is Alberta and was amazed at how much this area has changed in the past decade, much like Valencia Street in SF. It’s not my cup of tea, but I’m not surprised to see more and more people fall in love with Portland as I did many years ago.
Rives and I got to hang out a fair deal, picking guitars and waking up early to skate bowls on the East Side. It’s great to see your friends grow and become happier, healthier, and more full of love as they get older. I think it’s called maturity:) Having positive people in my life has changed the way I look at the world, and I’m so grateful to be welcomed into their homes. As I made the 10 hour drive back to the Bay Area on the last day of my trip I reveled in all of the profound experiences I had over the past 3 weeks and looked forward to more adventures. The road goes on forever and the party never ends…
For now I’m going to spend a few weeks playing music and getting ready to head to Iceland and Spain. I can’t wait to explore Europe and feel a part of something larger. Slowly, the fears and trepidation fall away to reveal the true nature of Being. It’s becoming easier every day to live in the moment and accept new realities and I find I need less and less possessions and comforts to feel familiarity and safety. There is definitely some sort of evolution taking place.
Places I didn’t get to visit but wanted to –
Utah:  The Extra Terrestrial Highway, Canyonlands, Arches, Moab, Uinta State Park
Idaho:  Idaho Falls, Boise
Wyoming:  East Yellowstone and Yellowstone Lake
Montana:  Rattlesnake Creek outside of Missoula, Lolo, Northern Snake River, Flathead Lake, Whitefish, Glacier National Park
British Columbia:  Fernie, Radium Hot Springs, Jasper National Park, Valhalla Provincial Park, Harrison Hot Springs, Whistler, Squamish, Victoria
Washington:  Bellingham, Olympic National Park, La Push
Oregon:  Crater Lake, Mt. Hood National Forest, Klamath Falls, Ashland
Road Trip to Canada I've just returned from an amazing 3-week road trip to Canada! Here are the places I visited along the way:
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Children from Georgia: Prologue (Leonard McCoy X Reba Richards)
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Word count: 5587 Songfic- “You belong with me” Taylor Swift AN: I don’t own anything except Reba and a few minor characters Star Trek belongs to Gene Roddenberry and CBS 
Prologue: To break a heart unintentionally
 Standing around in the hallway before first block was a tradition that Reba, her younger brother Alex, Leonard, and his older sister Donna had shared ever since Leonard and Reba had come to Blanchard High school. Sadly something was changing and it was something that Reba was afraid of. Three out of the four friends/family stood near Reba’s locker as she was grabbing her stuff for Ms. Holloway’s English class. “Donnie where’s Lenny?” Alex asked the question that each of them actually wanted to ask anyway. “I dunno kiddo I was sure he was gonna be here with us like he always is. I mean he was gonna get somethin’ for breakfast first, but I didn’t think he’d be gone this long” Donna answered solemnly making Reba’s heart sink. Reba knew where he was, she didn’t even have to guess because he had been there for the last month or so. Leonard had been so distant recently and it was breaking her heart because her worst nightmare had been coming true. She was losing her best friend and there was nothing she could do to get him back. It had started when that snake of a woman, Jocelyn Darnell walked into their lives at the dance that night. She probably had him under a spell because all he wanted was to follow her around like a sick puppy. That was not the Leonard McCoy that Reba Richards had known ever since she was five years old. “I betcha he’s with Jocelyn again” Reba snapped slamming her locker and leaning her forehead against the cool metal. “Well can’t blame em can ya? She is his girlfriend and she’s probably got better than what we could offer up Reba” Donna offered though she was trying to be comforting it didn’t really make matters better for Reba. “So it’s ok to completely forget bout his own sister or his best friend? Whatever Donnie I’m not into getting into a fight this mornin’ I think I’ll jus head to the library for a while” Reba answered throwing her books into her messenger bag and then tying her brown hair into a tight ponytail. She then turned away from them and headed down the hallway, a sadness and depression burdening her pace.
As Reba neared the place that she and Leonard used to like to hang out in their spare time, she saw the book bag that belonged to her dorky best friend. Of course, one of the first things that caused her to be worried about Len was the fact that Jocelyn was way out of his league. Jocelyn was one of the popular girls who was practically a cheerleader and had been dating the captain of the raging raccoons, Clay Tredway, before that stupid dance that happened on Halloween. By the rules of high school and the old 1980’s movies that the two liked to watch on a boring Friday night, stuff like that just didn’t happen without the main character getting heartbroken or hurt in the end. She was a little jealous of course, but after she saw Jocelyn with Arnold the head of ‘The Daily Coon’ she got suspicious. Somehow though it felt like in the end it wasn’t Leonard that was getting hurt, but the one girl that he left behind. Her. After spotting his book bag she had gotten slightly curious so she walked in that direction. Once she had gotten towards that corner though Reba wanted to bleach her eyes. She had unfortunately come across Leonard and Jocelyn basically sucking faces in the middle of a public place. Reba was smart though and decided not to draw their attention, she didn’t want to let Leonard see the hurt in her eyes because she missed him. Instead she walked back the other way towards the large oak-wood doors of the library not even bothering to turn and look back.
“Hey there Reba” A familiar voice said as she walked into the library and sat down at a table with her books. Reba had a small, sad smile painted on her face as she pulled out her tablet and then curtly regarded her Romulan-Human friend. “Hey Ernie” Reba said calling him by his human given name since like most humans, that was the only name of his that she could pronounce. “What’s got you so down this morning?” Ernie asked quirking a slanted looking eyebrow at her. “Not really much I guess. I’m hurting a little, but I’m just glad he’s happy” Reba mumbled pulling up some of the videos that they took together last summer. “Oh lemme guess, Leonard again huh?” Ernie asked earning a sad nod from Reba. He gently patted her shoulder and watched the video with her, a memory from when her best friend still seemed to care. “I guess I’ll just have to live with losing him to a force that I can’t control. The worst part Ernie is that I’ve loved him longer than she has. I wanted to tell him, but I was a fucking coward” Reba growled as tears began to cloud her vision. “Well who knows Reba, maybe he’ll realize that he’s better off with you and not with her. I can’t think of why those two would work anyway” Ernie suggested giving Reba a hopeful smile. “Thanks Ernie, but it still doesn’t make me feel better about losing my best friend to that snake” Reba answered and then watched another video of them dancing under the moonlight on Donna’s birthday at her party. “What kind of snake is she? Is she a rattlesnake or a cobra?” Ernie teased cheekily as he nudged Reba in the elbow softly and caused her to chuckle a little for the first time this morning. “She’s the deadliest of them all, the infamous black mamba” Reba laughed and rolled her eyes playfully. “Wow that is a statement then. Good thing you can be a snake charmer yourself, I mean you are beautiful enough you know” Ernie said causing Reba to blush. “Did you seriously just make a sexual joke about me charming Leonard’s libido away from Jocelyn?” Reba asked shyly and covered her mouth with her hand. “Maaayyybbbeee” Ernie snickered carrying out the word a little. “Oh my god that was a good one for someone who doesn’t normally make jokes” Reba said slapping her hand down on Ernie’s shoulder for a moment as she almost died in laughter. The conversation ended though when the bell rang and signaled them that it was time for their first class of the day. “See ya later Ern” Reba called gathering her stuff and then disappearing into the crowd of students. “Laters Arriba!” Ernie called after her and then began to grab his stuff.
You’re on the phone with your girlfriend She’s upset, she’s going off about something that you said ‘Cause she doesn’t know your story like I do
 It was one of those lazy Friday nights and Leonard finally invited Reba over to his house to do what they both always did. Watch the classics from the 1980’s. When Reba drove over in her favorite little punch bug, A car passed down for generations (or at least that’s what her Pa claimed), she saw him sitting on the front porch with a glum look on his face. She quickly exited her car and walked up the dirt path towards the house a few feet away and then she carried a worried expression on her face. “Hey Len, you ok?” Reba asked as she came to sit down next to him on the porch. “I guess so. I think I pissed Jocelyn off a little bit though” he replied as he still looked towards the ground. “Whaddya do Leonard McCoy?” Reba asked her tone growing serious though she was trying not to laugh. “I told one of my corny, stupid jokes while she was havin’ a fit over some stupid pair of jeans her daddy couldn’t afford. I thought it was my job ta make her laugh when she’s upset” Leonard answered heaving a heavy sigh and then finally turning a hazel eye towards Reba. “Nah she jus don’t getcha humor like I do Len. She’s lucky tha she’s got herself a funny guy tha could attempt ta make ‘er laugh” Reba answered pulling her best friend into a hug and smiling weakly at him. “I knew there was a reason I missed nights like this” Leonard chuckled and hugged her back tight.
Leonard offered his hand to Reba and helped her to her feet before leading her into the house. “So what’s the special feature tonight Lenny?” Reba asked using the nickname that only she was allowed to tease him with. He rolled his eyes playfully and then walked into the kitchen where his Ma was making cookies. “Wouldn’t you like ta know?” He asked sarcastically though a playful smile returned to his lips as he plopped down in front of his mamma on the bar stool. “Actually I kinda would so I know if I need ta hide in your shoulder again or not,” Reba teased nudging him and plopping down on the stool next to him. “Fine, fine I didn’t choose a scary one this time. I thought ya might like Pretty in Pink tonigh’ especially ‘cause ya remind me of Andie” Leonard admitted as he poured a bowl of unpopped corn kernels in a bowl. “Lemme guess you’d be Duckie Dale then? Remember I’ll always be a Duck man” Reba chuckled reciting the famous line from Andie’s best friend. “Hell yeah I wouldn’t allow anyone ta hurt my best friend and get away with it” Leonard chuckled popping the bowl into the microwave. “Oh I’m sure that ain’t the only reason for him callin’ ya Andie” Mama McCoy chuckled making Leonard’s face turn as red as a cherry. “Thanks for that one Mrs. McCoy” Reba laughed and ruffled Leonard dark brown mess of hair. “Eh don’t do that! I just combed it” Leonard whined trying to move his hair back into place. “I betcha a comb didn’t even touch that random pile of fluff ya call hair Lenny, then again girls love a guy with messy hair” Reba teased grabbing them both a can of soda. “Ya think so? Oh gee thanks” Leonard replied sarcastically as he leaned against the counter and waited for the popcorn to be done popping. “Well duh, I am a girl ya know. Anyway is the popcorn almost done, ‘cause I wanna see her make that awesome dress before I fall asleep again” Reba asked as she tapped her foot against the tile flooring of the kitchen. “Yep in three…two…one! Ok let’s go Darlin’ see ya later Ma” Leonard chuckled grabbing the bowl and heading into the living room. “See ya later Ma’am” Reba called from over her shoulder and then rushed to catch up with her best friend. “Have fun kids” Eleanora called with a small grin on her face.
I’m in the room it’s a typical Tuesday night I’m listening to the kind of music she doesn’t like And she’ll never know your story like I do
A month later, it was Leonard’s Birthday. Friends and family gathered on the McCoy family ranch to celebrate. “Eh Leonard ya comin’ down ta see the gang or what?” Donna asked through the cracked door of her little brother’s bedroom. He was finally turning 18, but Jocelyn wasn’t gonna be there like everyone else and this made him a gloomy soul. “Yea, be there in a minute Donnie” Leonard called as he slipped on his favorite leather bomber he had gotten from his granddaddy as an early birthday gift. He didn’t really blame Jocelyn because she was out of town at a funeral for her grandma up north, but he still didn’t feel a hundred percent. He took one last look in the mirror and decided to pretend. He had known how to pretend ever since he was little, so what was one more faked smile right? He trudged out of his room and down the stairs to the large living room. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEONARD” The crowd of friends and family shouted in unison and then he felt himself actually brighten up just a smidge. He doubted that he’d be able to completely forget about Jocelyn tonight, but at least he had his best friend Reba. “Thanks everyone” He said shyly and then joined them all in the living room.
As the party began winding down Leonard’s uncle Vern played a few slow dance like song for those who liked to dance (which was basically anyone because everyone knows that McCoy’s like to dance). Leonard sat in the corner like a pathetic wallflower that he knew himself to be. This was why he missed his chance with Reba in the first place and it was why every time he was alone with Reba he had to question his relationship with Jocelyn. “Hey birthday boy, mind tellin’ me why yer sittin’ over here by yourself an not dancin’ Lawd knows you like to dance and so do I” Reba asked as concern laced her voice as she took residence next to him on the couch. “Well I didn’t really know if I should dance considerin’ she ain’t here. She wouldn’t like the music anyway” Leonard answered finally showing a little bit of glumness on his face. “An you gonna let that stop ya from dancin? Really Leonard? Really? I thought I knew ya better than that. Can I have a dance with ya?” Reba asked slowly standing up and holding out her hand for him to take. “Well I think it’s supposed ta be me askin’ ya tha darlin’, but if ya truly insist” Leonard chuckled a little and his hazel eyes showed a little bit of light in them. “Oh ya know I do boy ‘cause nobody better be sad on their birthday,” Reba laughed pulling him up on his feet and dragging him to the dance floor. Leonard placed his arm around Reba’s waist and he entwined his fingers of his free hand with hers leading them in a slow waltz. Reba sighed and rested her head on his shoulder, her bright blue eyes shining up at him as she relaxed. Leonard smiled s genuine smile down at Reba and held her closer to him because he was afraid that something was going to take her from him. “Thanks Reba for talkin’ some sense inta me,” He whispered lazily and placed a small, friendly kiss on her forehead.
But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts She’s cheer captain And I’m the bleachers dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you’re looking for has been here the whole time
If you could see that, I am the one who understands you. Been here all along so why can’t you see, you belong with me you belong with me
 Reba despised this kind of event. The Cheer jamboree was the absolute worst, but she promised to be a good friend and be there with Leonard as they watch Jocelyn and her team get up on stage and try out for the all-state championship. For Reba it looked like something out of the movie Mean girls or bring it on both movies that shared the stereotype of the popular girls at school. On top of the setting, looking familiar to her Reba felt kinda bad for Leonard because he was here for her special event, but she didn’t have the gall to make it to his birthday. Reba found out from Donna that Jocelyn had lied to her little brother and now Donnie had even begun to try to warn Leonard that maybe Jocelyn wasn’t the right girl for him. Stubborn as a bull he didn’t listen to either of them so of course Reba wanted to drop kick Jocelyn every time she saw the snake attaching herself to Reba’s best friend. “Yoo-hoo Reba are ya in there?” Leonard’s voice called bringing Reba out of her thoughts. Reba shook her head as she tried to focus again and then turned to look at her best friend. “Y-yea? Sorry Len ya know me,” Reba answered giving her best friend an apologetic look. “S’ok darlin’ I was jus gonna letcha know that the contest is over and we gotta go an meet Jocelyn so we can go ta lunch remember?” Leonard asked making Reba sigh and nod softly. “Did they make it at least?” Reba asked as they got up from their seats and began to walk back stage so that they could find his girlfriend. “Yea they got third place which ain’t bad considerin’ most of the girls on the team are freshmen,” Leonard said as they walked through the curtains that separated the rest of the world with the contestants.
Suddenly Leonard was about knocked off his feet as Jocelyn came running full speed at him and hugged him tight. In about a minute’s time they were kissing each other, which made Reba, feel awkward. “Uh congrats Jocelyn, glad you guys made it. Umm I’m gonna go and wait in the truck Len” Reba said shuffling her feet in an uncomfortable gesture.  “Ok Reba see ya in a minute,” Leonard replied with a bit of sadness in his voice before he turned back to Jocelyn again. Reba slumped her shoulders slightly and walked away from them, losing herself in the crowd and trying to get herself away from the wretches, they called Cheerleaders. She finally made it outside to Leonard’s pickup truck that he got from his Daddy for his 18th birthday and then took the key he gave her and sat inside. Tears streamed down her face because she knew that once again he was changing. If someone had asked him to do this in ninth grade he would’ve laughed at them and then walked away, but now all he could see was the mask that all Cheerleaders wore to keep their double life hidden. Reba knew the stereotype for Cheerleaders being sluts were more or less true with Jocelyn. Reba knew that most likely if she could convince Leonard, Reba had a hunch that Jocelyn would be getting his virginity to. “You promised me forever remember” Reba whispered and curled up into a little ball on the seat.
Walk in the streets with you in your worn out jeans I can’t help thinking this is how it ought to be laughing on a park bench thinking to myself, “Hey isn’t this easy?”
You’ve got a smile That could light up this whole town I haven’t seen it in a while Since she brought you down
Say you’re fine I know you better than that Hey Whatcha doin’ with a girl like that?
Two years later…
Reba was packing her bags so she could head off to South Carolina for her dream college. A place called Furman University with a program in biology and natural sciences that she was actually excited for. At least it was something to look forward to as an escape from home. She was not part taking in the wedding nor did she look forward to it. Reba was stopped by what she was doing when her PADD went off letting her know that she was getting a call from someone. Reba took a quick glance to see it was Donna calling her. She quickly swiped at the screen to accept the call because she knew what Donna was calling about. Donna wasn’t going to stop Reba, but she was calling to say goodbye. “Are ya sure ya don’t wanna stay for the weddin’ Reba?” Donna asked, her words beginning to echo into Reba’s mind. “I’m sorry Donnie, but I can’t stay. I don’t wanna watch the man of my dreams bein’ taken away from me ‘cause I know eventually she’s gonna break his heart. Tell Leonard I’m sorry, but I really needed to go” Reba answered trying not to cry in front of the woman she would always see as her sister. “Nah I understand ya Reba. I’m gonna miss ya an’ I’m sure tha he will to. I hope ya have a safe trip an’ I hope ya come back someday,” Donna answered with a sad smile as she watched Reba continue to pack up her things. “Oh I will Donnie, ya know a Georgia child always comes back home” Reba answered with a sad smile of her own. “Thanks for everythin’ Donnie” Reba added before she gave one last wave and then ended the call. The last thing she packed was a Polaroid photograph of her and Leonard, taken on the day that the both of them went to the Georgia State fair for the first time. A tear slipped down her cheek as she slipped it into her bag and then grabbed her other bags ready to leave this place behind for at least four years. For once Reba didn’t feel like she was at home anymore.
She wears High heels I wear sneakers She’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you’re looking for was here the whole time
If you could see I am the one who understands you. Been here all along so why can’t you see You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door All this time how could you not know baby? You belong with me You belong with me
 Four more years later…
Reba had graduated from Furman with a degree in natural sciences as well as a degree in biology. Just as she had said to Donna McCoy, she had returned home to her family ranch to spend some time with her family and get a little rest before going out in the world to look for a job. She had been at the local mall with her younger cousin Alice when she had come across a recruiting station. Starfleet. “Ya gonna go to the stars Ree-Ree?” Alice asked with innocent looking eyes. “Don’t know Ally I might. If I can’t find a job, ‘round here then it’ll be a good option,” Reba answered with a soft smile. It had crossed her mind while she was in college. Sure, it might be rough going to space, but if it meant making a difference and helping the future of humanity than she couldn’t refuse it. “Ma always said that stars were meant ta shine and starships were meant ta sail ‘em” Alice giggled as they walked away towards the food court. “She’s right ‘bout that Ally. If ya ever have a dream than don’t cha give up on it ya hear?” Reba said squeezing her little cousin’s hand. “I promise Ree-Ree” Alice replied with a warm smile. Reba forgot the last time she had smiled like that. It had been so long since she had been around anything that could be considered happy. “C’mon then Tater-Tot let’s get some lunch huh?” Reba asked her little cousin and then looked around the huge food court.
 Oh, I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night. I’m the one who makes you laugh when you know you’re ‘bout to cry I know all your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams Think I know where you belong Think I know it’s with me
Can’t you see I am the one Who understand you Been here all along So why can’t you see You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door All this time how could you not know baby? You belong with me You belong with me
 “Reba dear, you’ve got a visitor” Reba’s Ma called from the kitchen making Reba raise a brow in confusion. “Comin’ Ma let ‘em in” Reba called from her room down the hall and then stood up from her bed. She walked down the hallway with her PADD in hand, but the sight she was met with caused her to freeze in place. There in the threshold of the living room was none other than Leonard McCoy himself. He had dark rings beneath his eyes from loss of sleep, tear tracks stained his tanned cheeks, his dark brown hair was a complete mess and he looked a sight with clothes that looked like he had worn them for a few days. “Leonard? Leonard what are you doing here? What happened to you?” Reba questioned and then ran over to him feeling her heart drum in her ears. “Is there any where we can talk alone?” He asked. His voice hoarse from what she could assume was either crying, yelling or a mix of both. “Ya know there is. C’mon” Reba answered with an exasperated sigh as she gently took his now calloused hand in hers and led him out back to the barn.
They sat together in the hayloft just as they did when they were kids. Reba wrapped a comforting arm around Leonard’s waist as he buried his head in the crook of her neck and cried. “You and Donnie were right,” He said finally after his breathing had settled again. Reba was quiet, but he knew she was listening and silently urging him to continue. “Jocelyn is a cheatin’ hussy. For the last four years, everythin’ was fine. We had a daughter together and I was taking a residency at the hospital while getting’ my trainin’ ta be a doctor like the one I always wanted ta be. I came home las’ night ta find her sleepin’ with Clay Tredway” Leonard growled his hands slowly curling into fists. “Oh Leonard… I want ta say I’m sorry, but I know it ain’t gonna fix a thing” Reba whispered hugging him tight and letting him rest his tired head on her shoulder. “The worst part is Joanna was in the house when she was doin’ tha. Our poor daughter had ta see her mother cheatin’ on her father. Now she’ll probably get the impression tha her daddy left her and that he’s a no good piece of shit” Leonard whispered closing his eyes and holding Reba close to him. “Leonard McCoy don’t you dare say that ‘bout yourself! You are a good person and it ain’t your fault that this happened” Reba scolded and then began to run her hand through his hair to sooth him a little. “Thanks Reba. Do ya think yer folks would mind tha I stay here for the night? I haven’t slept in almost forty eight hours,” Leonard explained causing Reba to go pale. No wonder he looked so exhausted. “Nah I’m sure they’d be alright with it. Len ya need sleep or else you gonna get yourself sick” Reba said as worry filled her voice. McCoy just nodded a little and placed a small kiss on her forehead. “Thanks June-bug I’m sorry ‘bout the past few years” He said softly and slowly sat upright again. “Don’t worry ‘bout them ok? Right now we jus’ need ta getcha inside and get ya somethin’ ta eat an some sleep” Reba answered and then with her help the two climbed down the hayloft and trudged back inside the house.
Later that night as Reba lied awake in bed she thought about all the things that had happened. Leonard was back in her life and he needed her more than ever, but did she really want to wait around when she could be useful in the stars? Then again, as she thought about it maybe Leonard would join her. She figured that Leonard was determined to get a divorce from Jocelyn. Sadly, she knew that most of the ramifications would be in her favor and not his. Reba knew that Jocelyn was a snake and she knew that Jocelyn wasn’t done with Leonard yet. Reba got up and walked out in the hallway; she stood in the doorway to the living room and watched as Leonard slept. He was peaceful, a contrast from the side of him that she had witnessed earlier, even so she worried about him. What else could she do? There wasn’t anything else that she knew she could do except be a good friend. She ignored her broken heart again, because she knew it was her turn to heal his broken heart somehow. She didn’t know how, but she hoped that one day she would find away. “I love you Leonard McCoy” She whispered and then quietly walked back to her own room.
 Extended Ending
Reba sat in her seat in the shuttle waiting for Leonard, wherever he had gotten off to. A girl in a scarlet uniform sat down across from her, her face studying her PADD. “Hello I’m Cadet Nyota Uhura,” She finally said with a small smile on her lips. “I’m Cadet Reba Richards. Nice to meet you,” Reba replied with a smile of her own. Suddenly they were joined by a young man with sandy blonde hair, a flirty smirk on his face and a swagger in his step “At ease gentlemen” He said to the two burly looking cadets sitting near Uhura. Nyota gave him a small knowing smirk causing Reba to be slightly intrigued. “Ya know I never did that first name of yours… Oh who’s your friend?” The man asked looking at Reba and causing Uhura to playfully roll her eyes. “And you probably never will Jim Kirk. This is Reba and I think she wouldn’t be fooled by you either” Nyota smirked as she buckled her seatbelt. Reba followed suit and looked around trying to find any sign of her best friend. “Ya looking for someone cutie?” The man named Jim asked causing Reba to blush a little and glare at him. “Maybe I am. What’s it ta you pretty boy?” Reba snapped and bit her bottom lip.
The once quiet room was filled with two voices yelling at each other. Reba closed her eyes and sighed knowing that it was her stubborn, scaredy cat best friend. “You need a Doctor” A female academy officer said in a demanding tone causing Reba to cringe. “I told you people I don’t need a doctor I am a Doctor” The familiar voice groaned causing Reba to look in the direction that she had heard the voice. Standing there with a female superior at his back was Leonard, who at this point looked like he’d seen better days. “You need to get back to your seat” The woman demanded coolly her eyes like daggers boring into McCoy’s soul. With a gulp he nodded and then quickly took his seat next to Jim and across from Reba. Reba couldn’t help it as she let out a small giggle. “Oh c’mon Reba what’s so funny about that?” Leonard whined and bowed his head indignantly. “Well ya almost gotcha ass handed to ya by a woman, but otherwise I’m good” Reba snickered causing him to roll his eyes. Leonard turned to Jim with a look of warning even if it was grim. “I may throw up on ya kid” He said pulling out a flask from his jacket pocket. “I think these things are pretty safe though” Jim said causing Reba to roll her eyes. “Here we go” Reba groaned and closed her eyes because she had heard this speech at least a thousand times since they hit the road from Georgia to Iowa. “Don’t pander me kid. One tiny crack in the hull, and our blood boils in thirteen seconds. A solar flare could cook us in our seats, and wait ‘til your sittin’ pretty with a case of the Andorian shingles. See if you’re still so relaxed when you’re bleedin’ from your eye sockets. Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence” Leonard said making the mood bleaker inside the shuttle. “Hey don’t look at me McCoy you’re the one that decided ta come with me” Reba shrugged turning her attention out the window so that she could watch the world work outside and ignore the man that had been nagging her for hours on end now. “Yeah well ya know I’ve got no place ta go. Ex-wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce. I feel like all I’ve got left is my Bones” Leonard retorted crossing his arms tightly over his chest. “Don’t forget that cha got me ‘Bones’ or else I’ll knock ya a new one” Reba answered not even bothering to look at him. “Are you two…” Jim started, but was met with a glare from Nyota. “No she ain’t the one that did me wrong. If anythin’ she’s the only friend and physical thing I got left that the devil down in Georgia didn’t take from me” McCoy defended and felt a bit guilty. “Ah. Well I’m Jim Kirk” The young man said holding out his hand in greeting. “McCoy. Leonard McCoy and that wild one over there is my best friend Reba Richards” Leonard answered taking a quick swig from his flask and then handing it to Jim who followed suit. Reba just gave an absent wave and then turned her attention back out the window. Somehow she knew that this was gonna be a long journey for everyone aboard this shuttle. At least for some it was a journey out of misery.  
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Can we get a dirty drabble of how Striker and Yakumo spent the snakes birthday?
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((Hello dear anon and sure, I can try to write something for you. I hope this is alright.))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
"Suc...such a hungry birthday b...boy aren't y..you?"
Yakumo blushed hearing his husband speak while he was sitting in his lap while feeling him leaving kisses but also eating some bits of home made chocolate off him. Today was his birthday so Striker had a present for him.
At first, he already gotten presents from the others even some from Striker's friends. However, for his husband it was more private. That explains him being in the room with his husband naked and wrapped up in birthday ribbons for him. His imp tail swaying behind him before he held his cheeks to kiss him on the lips. He already was grinding into Yakumo's lap even with his hole filled up with his cock.
A light moan leaves his lips feeling his husband kissing him but that only got Yaku holding him tighter while lowering his hands to squeeze his ass. Striker giggled from the feeling but that became a purr when he was grinding down harder into his lap.
The kiss was gentle but warm but he only shivers feeling Striker move his hands down while making the birthday boy flushed.
"Shhhhh, easy now. It's still your birthday love...You still have me here as a present s..so why not enjoy and unwrap it.....I know you want to while fucking this tight hole of mine....right?" he said this running his fingers down his husband's chest but Yakumo was blushing even worse already hard that he held him.
"I..I do admit this is a nice birthday gift b..but I don't...w..want to....d..do something that might...." he stops speaking when Striker kisses his lips again while holding his cheeks. He wanted him to be happier but only begins bouncing on his lap while Yakumo twitched, holding his hips.
"But you say that...why not enjoy it even better hmm? You don't want to really go wild on me love? I don't mind if your a bit rough with me. You were before.." He keeps bouncing more that Yaku was moaning holding his hips while his husband bounces on him. His hole was so tight that it was squeezing around him.
"I..I do remember......"
"Then fuck me all you want..I'm your g..gift..so please...just go wild on me Yakumo.." He was already moaning himself, wrapping his tail around his waist when making out with him. His husband was so precious but he only feels Yakumo kissing back in a hungry daze, he felt his own inner beast wanting to have all of Striker till he was starting to thrust up into him that made Yakumo gasp.
He breaks the kiss, leaning his head back as he moans out .
"Y..Yes, that's it Yaku...f..fuck me to your heart's content. Make me yours over and over ahhh a..again..please..I'm all y..yours.." he moans out softly while bouncing till Yakumo panted to lay Striker down to hold his waist. As Striker whimpers on his back, he then cries out feeling him thrust into him hard.
It felt so good being taken like this and yet, he was already flushed wrapping his legs around him while Yaku kept thrusting harder and harder into him. His panting heavily with sweat coming off his body.
"I'll d..do just that. I'll fuck you till your filled from the inside out. This is my birthday and I hungry for my love.."
Striker purrs hearing that but only held his arms up to touch his cheeks. His flushed expression was seen with his eyes out of it due to the pleasure.
"T..then do it..m..make a mess out of me..fuck me all you want just please..d..don't stop!!"
Hearing that, he obeyed. Though, this wasn't a bad birthday for him and Yakumo did enjoy it very much. Striker as well with marks and other things on him as proof.
Now that was one crazy day for Yaku's birthday.
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How about a little drabble of Striker and Yakumo finally getting their cooking date they tried to have on April fools?
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((This is adorable. I wanna write this. I'm having the urge to write this drabble or a short one here. Hold on:))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
Finally, after the mess was cleaned up and everything being as it was. The kitchen was now ready to be used. Striker and Yakumo was back in the kitchen cooking something together. He was happily already just done cooking something with Yakumo helping him.
"Alright, now just add a little of this..." Striker mutters putting a bit of salt into the dish while seeing Yakumo taste testing it. He hopes it was just fine seeing him smile and give a light nod. "This is delicious, Striker. Your seasoning has gotten better." he saw the imp demon blush and looks to the side.
"Heh, thanks. I did have a great teacher of course.." He winks towards his black beauty seeing a blush on his cheeks now. After a while, the two finish up and started plating the food. Yakumo made Striker's plate and Striker did the same for Yakumo. They both take seats together happily looking at each other to say, "Thank you for the food." before giving it a taste.
The dish was a small one, curry with white rice. Some chopped veggie with seasoned meat. It was really good that they were eating with their eyes closed. He really did do good that he felt Yakumo lean in to kiss his cheek. This caught the Imp off guard looking to him. "What was the kiss for?" he chuckled seeing Yakumo smile.
"For a graduation present. You have done wonderful that you are now a cook/chef. This means I can get spoiled by you while I do the same for you. How is that for a cute little reward?" Thinking about it, the imp demon smiled blushing even more.
"To me, it is amazing but I had the best teacher in the world of course. So thank you teach. And for another gift. I gave the cookies another try. I hope you like them." even when saying that, Yakumo would love it.
"Can't wait."
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