#the guy who leasing the house out to us said he does a full clean once a week and i heaved a sigh of relief
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lettuce-gremlin · 5 months ago
Just gotta keep reminding myself that I just have a month until I move out of this apartment and move in with fellow adults who can actually clean up after themselves
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farfromtommy · 5 years ago
the rest of our lives //chris evans x reader
A/N: wrote this bc I couldn't sleep. its almost 4am and im tired but felt like writing some cute shit tonight. I love this so much and sorry if it doesn't make sense and for the mistakes but I LOVE IT. pls give it some love . 
Summary: chris and y/n visit her childhood home and tell her parents about their plans for the future
Warnings: angst, FLUFFFFFFFFFFFF, language I think, age gap but its not gross (chris 38, reader 22)
Word Count: 3,780
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With one final zip of your suitcase you were ready for your trip. You and your boyfriend of 2 years, Chris, were taking a couple days off to spend time with your parents. You hadn’t seen them since your college graduation and they had been bugging you for months for you and Chris to spend some time in your hometown. 
You were currently living in Boston and had completely expected that you weren’t going back home following your completion of university. Your life was in Boston. Although you missed your parents and your sister, you were so ready to start this new chapter of your life and be able to make it your own. 
You and Chris had been looking for a house together since you decided to stay in Boston with him. Your relationship was headed in a good direction and both of you were 100% in it for the long run. You wanted to wait till after you graduated to move in together, not wanting to worry about anything besides school. Chris had his realtor on the phone the minute your grades for your last semester had been finalized and everything was approved for graduation. 
When you sat down with him and both said what you were looking for in a house, the topic of kids came up. You knew Chris wanted a family, and you did too. You had both agreed to bring the conversation up again after some time in the house together. You were secretly hoping he was planning on proposing to you soon. You’ve been dropping major hints at him through your Pinterest board ever since you started having serious conversations about your future with each other. You were ready for it all. You wanted to marry Chris and fill your beautiful new home with a bunch of kids. 
You were also slowly convincing him to get Dodger a friend since both of you were always working, and you wanted to make sure he was never lonely when you were at work. 
Your amazing realtor had found a beautiful house right outside of Boston that had everything you were both looking for. You were just waiting for the final pieces of paperwork to come in and finally be able to call the house yours. 
Your lease on your apartment was up last month and had been staying at Chris’s place. All of the big things you didn’t sell from your place were in storage and everything else was with you. 
When you had mentioned to your sister that you and Chris were days away from closing on your new home, she had asked how your parents felt about everything. 
“They know our relationship is serious. They met him at graduation and had known about him well before that. Mom even talked about us having a fall wedding here, since the weather would be perfect. I haven’t told them about the house since we’ve known about this trip since everything with the house started. I want to tell them in person, so don’t mention anything to them.” You huffed. 
“I talked to mom the other day and she thinks that you made a mistake staying there to be with Chris. She doesn’t think your relationship is going to last, since he’s so much older than you. Hell, that’s what everyone thinks. She’s just worried, I think.” She expressed. 
“I’ve been hearing all of that for the past 2 years from everyone I know, especially from mom. Nobody knows our relationship better than we do. We both want the same things and are happy being together. So what if he’s older than me? Dad is way older than mom and no one questions the integrity of their relationship, why does everyone have to question mine?” I said back. 
“I know. I know you keep hearing this, and I’m sorry. I’m really happy for you, Y/N. I really am. Buying a house together is a big deal and I’m glad you’re ready to do that with him. You have everything so figured out and people are just jealous. I mean, you have the hottest dude in Hollywood in your bed every night. Who wouldn’t be jealous of that?” She chuckled. 
“Anyway, we’ll talk more when you get here! I’m so excited to see you. Call me when you land and I’ll meet you at home. Love you!! See you tomorrow.” The line clicked and you threw your phone onto your bed. You let out a deep sigh and moved your suitcase off of the bed so you could collapse. 
You were slowly dozing off when you had heard Dodger starting to bark, alerting you that Chris was home. He had been doing some small indie films in Boston, not wanting to get back into major productions until you were settled in your new house. You picked yourself off your bed and walked into the living room, seeing Chris toe off his shoes and place his things down. He greeted Dodger and walked over to you, mumbling a quick hi and placed a quick kiss onto your lips. 
“Hi my love, how was your day?” He asked as he walked into the kitchen. You took a seat on the barstool facing the kitchen, and watched as Chris started to look around for something to snack on. 
“It was pretty good. Work was how it usually is. I came home early and got all my packing done for the trip and just cleaned a little bit around the house. I left some things you might want to pack out on the bed just incase. How was yours? Anything exciting happen on set?” You asked, leaning back on your chair.
“Wrapped up everything I needed to do so I could relax and enjoy the next couple of days without worrying about needing to get back to set.” He took a beer out of the fridge and leaned against the counter and took a drink from the bottle. “How are you feeling about seeing your parents and telling them about the house? You haven’t really said much about it.” He took another sip and walked closer to you. 
He sat in the chair next to you and just looked at you, waiting for your response. You thought for a moment, collecting your thoughts before giving him an honest answer. You sighed and thought about the conversation you had with your sister. 
“I’m excited to tell time, but really nervous. I talked to my sister earlier and she had told me that my mom has been having doubts about us and was just worried that I didn’t know what I was getting myself into and blah blah blah. But I’m ready to set everything straight and tell her that she can’t doubt us anymore. It’s important to us that we do this and she needs to be on board with that. I know she’ll be happy for us, but you know how she gets. I think dad will be happy for us. He really like you, y’know. Tells me all the time that I need to fly him up here so you two can go to a Pats game. Poor guy had a house full of women his entire life and now he finally has the son he always wanted.” You rambled slightly. 
“Everything is gonna a work out, don’t be nervous. It’s 4 days with your parents and then we close on the house when we get back and should be moved in by the end of the next month. I know how important your family is to you and how much it means to to get their support on this, but you have so many other people who support you. You’re basically and Evans now and you have all of them standing behind us, cheering us on. Don’t worry too much on what might happen with them, but think about what’s happening with us now. Our life together is finally getting started.” He grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it before pulling you off the chair and moving you closer to him. You stood between his legs and wrapped your arms around him. His comment about you being an Evans filled your stomach with butterflies but you didn’t think much into it. 
For the rest of the night you just sat on the couch watching movies and eating random snacks you had in the pantry, not bothering to cook something for dinner. You snuggled up next to Chris and Dodger was next to you as you stayed in the living room well into the night. You had fallen asleep on the couch and next thing you knew, you were being placed on your side of the bed and tucked in gently. 
Chris placed a kiss on your forehead and moved some of your Y/H/C hair out of your face. You sleepily smiled at him before turning to your side and let sleep consume you. You heard shuffling around the room, assuming Chris was finishing any packing he had left. You woke when you felt the bed dip beside you and your were wrapped in a pair of strong arms. You moved closer to Chris and let sleep take over you once again. 
It was late afternoon and you and Chris had landed safely in your hometown. You were driving down the street that was still so familiar to you. You saw your parent’s house come into full view as you instinctually turned a corner. You drew in a sharp breath as you put your rental car in park and stared up at your childhood home. You had spent so many years of your life here and it was so weird not seeing it as your home anymore. You looked over at Chris and he grabbed your hand and squeezed it. He grabbed some of his things and opened the car door and stepped out. 
You walked up to the front door hand in hand and raised your hand up to ring the doorbell. Not even 5 seconds later your mom had answered the door and immediately wrapped you in a hug. She grabbed your shoulders and looked at you with joy. She brought you in for another hug before giving one to Chris. 
“It’s good to see you again, Chris! How have things been going for you?” Your mom questioned, moving out of the way so you could walk inside. 
“Everything has been going great, thank you! How have you and Y/D/N been?” Chris asked, looking at the beautiful house he walked into. He had never seen this place in person, just in pictures you had and through a phone whenever he was around when you video called your parents.
 It was so elegantly decorated. Family photos littered the walls, he could pick you out of all of them. One of the things he had hoped he’d get a chance to see were photos from your childhood. You have been through every photo album the Evans family had created, thanks to his mom. You knew he was looking forward to those, so you had made sure your mom pulled them out of storage for him. 
“Same old same old. We’ve been really looking forward to you guys coming to visit us. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve made Y/D/N clean this house over the past week. Had to make sure everything was in tip top shape for your first visit.” She winked at Chris and looked back at you. You plopped down on the couch, exhausted from your hectic day. 
“Thank you, Y/M/N. It’s really a beautiful house.” Chris said as he sat down next to you on the couch, putting his arm across the back of it. She nodded at him and went to go find your dad. You leaned into Chris’s side and he put his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer. He placed a kiss on the top of your head before continuing to take in his surroundings. 
“Don’t fall asleep before giving your old man a hug!” Your dads voice said as he walked into the living room. You and Chris both stood up and you ran into your dads arms. You loved both of your parents, but you were always closer to your dad. He gave you a big hug, picking you up off the ground slightly and placed a kiss on your cheek. Chris walked up to him and extended his hand for a handshake once you were done greeting your dad. 
“It’s great to see you! Glad you guys could take the time to make it out here.” Your dad said, shaking Chris’s hand and pulling him in for a “bro” hug. 
“Me too. I’m excited to finally be here. I’ve heard a lot of stories and seen a lot of pictures of Y/N growing up here.” Chris said as everyone took a seat in the living room, the two of you going back to your original spots. 
You all sat around the living room talking for a while, just catching up on everything that had been happening in your lives. Your dad and Chris started to get into sports talk and your mom motioned for you to go with her to the kitchen. You stood up from your spot, excusing yourself from the conversation you were no longer interested in and followed your mom. She poured you glass of wine, and then one for herself and told you to take it to the back porch while she got something for your dad and Chris. You sat down on one of the chairs and got comfortable, your mom joining you a few minutes later. 
“So, how are things in Boston with Chris? We haven’t really talked much about it. After graduation we thought you were going to come back, and then you stayed and we were all kinda confused.” Your mom said taking a sip from her glass. 
“Things are really great between us right now. Chris has been spending most of his time in Boston doing some small projects so I see him basically everyday. Work has been going super well, I’m loving every second of it. I know you guys were really disappointed when I didn’t come back, but my life is in Boston now. Chris is there and all my frien-“ You were saying before your mom cut you off. 
“So Chris is your life now? Chris and work? What happened to family first? You were supposed to come home and help us out. We thought you were going to find your own place here and find a job and be able to be here for us. We were there for you all your life.” She criticized. 
“Mom, I’m 22 years old. Don’t you think I’m old enough to start building my own life? Chris and I are building our future together and I couldn’t just leave and continue doing that from here. I wasn’t going to make him uproot his life up to follow me here just because you wanted me to. I’m sorry that you don’t agree with my decisions but I think I’m allowed to decide what I think is best for me.” You said back to her. She rolled her eyes at your response. Before she could say anything back your sister opened the door excitedly greeting you. You were relieved she was finally here to pull you out of the conversation that had taken a turn south between you and your mom. 
You had gone inside with your sister and saw that she brought dinner for everyone. You went over to Chris and asked him to help you get your bags out of the car before you sat down for dinner. He had noticed your change in mood and quickly followed you outside. You quickly ranted to him about what your mom had said and blew off some steam before heading back inside with your things. Chris followed you up to your childhood bedroom, where you two would be staying for the next few nights. It was still the way you had left it. Pictures of your high school friends scattered around the walls, and posters of things you loved when you were in high school. Chris chuckled at some of them and you two headed back to the dining room. 
Dinner had been going well, despite your moms discreet bashes at your life choices, you ignored them and continued to enjoy the rest of the meal. As everyone was finishing, you decided it was as good a time as any to bring up the big news. 
“So mom and dad, you guys don’t know this but Chris and I have been talking a lot the past couple months about our future and where we see it going. Things between us have been getting serious for a long time, but we just put off pulling the trigger on anything until I finished school and found a good job. Now that I am done with school and found a really amazing job, we decided that it was time to start settling down and getting ready for the rest of our lives together. With that being said, when we get back home, we are closing on a beautiful house that we found. We bought a house and we’ll be moved into it by the end of next month.” You said looking to your parents, hoping to be able to read their expressions. Your sister had a smile on her face, already knowing the news. 
Chris grabbed your hand under the table and gave it a reassuring squeeze. You shot him a small smile and looked back at your parents. Your mom had an unreadable expression. She seemed to be going through a lot of things in her mind as she processed everything you had just said. You looked at your dad, hoping to get  a better reaction from him. He stood up from his chair and walked over to the space between you and Chris, and gave you two the most bone crushing hug possible. He whispered a few words of encouragement to you two before letting go and going back to his seat. 
“I’m so happy for you two. This is such a big step in any relationship and it can be really tricky. You seem to be handling it with grace and I’m really proud of you two. I’m sure you have searched high and low for the perfect home for you two, and I already know its going to be beautiful. I hope that once you are all moved in and settled and are ready for guests, you invite us to spend a couple days up there with you. All I ask is that you make sure the Pats are playing so Chris here can show me how you New Englanders party when they play.” Your dad said, looking at your and Chris with such love and admiration. “Not to push or anything, but I hope this house has some extra bedrooms ready for kids whenever you decide you’re ready for them.” He added. 
You chuckled at your dads comment and wiped some tears that fell from your eyes. “Yes, dad, there are plenty of bedrooms for kids. One of the things on our list was it needed to be family friendly. When you see it, you’ll see how perfect it is for a family. But we’re taking it one step at a time and we’ll talk about kids again when we’re ready.” You assured him. He mumbled good and looked over at your mom, who had been silent the entire time. She looked at you when she realized that all eyes were on her. “Mom, are you going to say something to them?” You’re sister chimed in. 
“I didn’t know you guys were really this serious about each other.” She responded. 
“Well after 2 years together I would hope we were serious about being together.” You smirked. 
“I’m sorry for the shit I was giving you earlier, I was just so scared that you were throwing your life away for some guy you were dating. If I had know the depth of it, I wouldn’t have been so harsh. I should’ve listened to you, Y/N. I was just worried about you and worried that he was going to leave you broken and battered. I’m sorry for not giving you more faith, Chris.” She admitted. You and your mom had both stood up and gave each other a long hug. This was the first time in a long time where your mom had been so genuinely happy for you. There was a big family hug, with Chris included. You joked that he was basically a Y/L/N, referring to the joke he had made to you yesterday. 
“Well I do hope that buying a house together means that a wedding is in sight.” Your mom had whispered in your ear. You shot her a look of ‘ I know right?! ‘ and you gave her another hug. Chris winked at you from across the room when you made eye contact. You send him a loving look and mouthed ‘I love you’ to him. He returned the look and mouthed ‘I love you too’ back. You felt butterflies in your stomach and your cheeks heat up. 
You had gotten ready for bed before Chris had and was all tucked in and ready to sleep by the time he came up to your room. He had stayed downstairs and helped your parents clean up from dinner while you showered and started to unwind. He saw your body on the bed and assumed you had already fallen asleep. You stared at him as he undressed in front of you and admired his amazing body. He caught you staring and shot you a suggestive look as he turned the lights off and went back to get into bed with you.
“We’re not defiling my childhood room by having sex in here. Plus my mom finally came around to our relationship and my dad probably loves you more than I do, so we can’t risk them hearing us.” You whispered as he pressed his body against yours. Your back was pressed against his bare chest and you gripped his forearms as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. You turned your head towards him and pressed a kiss onto his lips. He mumbled ‘I love you so much’ between kisses. 
The love that was flowing between your bodies that night was unreal. You spent all night in his arms, exactly where you belonged. 
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atlas-of-a-human-soul · 5 years ago
Hurt, pt. 11 (E.D.)
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Summary: Y/N’s in for a surprise. 
Warnings: ANGST, slight fluff, swearing, talk of depression
Word Count: 2900
Hurt - Masterlist
Knocking on Grayson’s office door as she enters, Y/N tilted her head to the left which always meant trouble.
“Silly question, but, um…did you by any chance tell my landlord that I won’t be returning to the apartment?” She kept her voice airy and sweet, but there was nothing sweet about the subtle glare she had sent his way.
“You know the apartment, right? The one I got because I had no home to come back to, right? The one I hadn’t gone to because the pregnancy got a little iffy so I stayed with you until I got cleared which happened a week ago and now I wanted to go home and found all my stuff is gone and my lease is up?”
Grayson swallowed thickly as he stared at her, wondering what excuse he could come up with so quickly that would save him from the hurricane she could turn into at any given moment. After all, if this was a cartoon, he’d see steam coming out of her head by now.
“Figured it would be safer for you to stay with us until birth. Clara loves having you around and you’re wasting money on a place you’re never at.” Grayson shrugged, hoping that careless looking gesture won’t result in his imminent death.
“That’s very thoughtful of you…if only your brother wasn’t going to come home and be in a shouting distance away from me while I’m trying to figure my life out!” She closed the door behind her, walking over to the chair across from his desk. She needed to settle down because her backaches had decided to start early on. She didn’t want to think about what it would feel like once the babies actually grew bigger.
“Look, Ethan isn’t looking to make your life harder. He just wants a chance. The man who broke your heart isn’t the same man you’re going to see when he gets out, okay?” Grayson sighed as she dropped her gaze. She always does that when Ethan is mentioned. Grayson thought it to be a form of self-defense, a way to tune out the world and center herself. Perhaps it was also a way to hide the emotion in her eye at the sound of his name for her eyes always betrayed her.
“I’m asking you like a brother, please give him a chance to prove he won’t hurt you again.” Grayson felt strongly about Ethan’s way of doing things in the past, but he swore an oath to himself to try and rectify things with him. It’s never just about who fights with you side by side during the battle, it’s also about those who stay to help clean the battlefield and Grayson promised himself to do both.
“I didn’t say I wouldn’t see him again. Or talk to him. Because I want to. I need to. But there are things you can’t jump into and for me, this is one of those things.” Sighing, Y/N readjusted herself in the chair, her previous position no longer helping with the back pain.
“You know I’m sort of seeing someone, right?” Grayson’s heart dropped. He assumed she might like someone, but for her to admit to it officially was bad. It raised every single red flag in his mind.
“Well then, if you’ve found your missing treasure, shall we go? I hate to hurry you, but I really have to get back to the hospital and I’m sure you would rather be anywhere but here.” Edward smiled softly, his subtle jabs didn’t go unnoticed despite how he tried to make it all sound.
“This is my home, Ed. Plus, I’m staying with my brother in law across from this plot, so I’m gonna stay a little longer, okay?” She told herself she would be honest with Edward and she kept that promise so far. She didn’t feel quite ready to leave the house because not even a minute inside, she had felt herself relax. Some of the memories haunted her, but she still felt right. Although, the house didn’t feel quite like home without Ethan.
“You know I didn’t mean anything bad by what I said, right?”
“I mean, he’s aware of my situation and we’re taking it so slow that I haven’t even kissed him. It’s like…friendship with potential to be something more and I want to explore that.” Clasping her hands together in her lap, she averted her gaze to where her wedding ring used to sit. The empty place was still something she had to get used to and she didn’t deny it or lie to herself about it anymore. She loves Ethan Dolan and yes, he hurt her and yes, she still wants him in her life. She isn’t ashamed to admit it.
“Is it that doctor?” Grayson’s voice is gruff, his body stiff and Y/N knows he’s not too fond of the idea.
“Yes. But that’s…Edward knows how I feel about Ethan. He knows I’m pregnant and about to swell up like a whale. He knows all that, but he looks past it. For the first time in a while, I feel seen. I feel wanted. So, please, don’t make me out to be the bad guy. Don’t judge me on how I choose to fix what Ethan broke.” She didn’t get to finish before Grayson stood up so abruptly his chair fell back and startled Y/N into a gasp.
“I know. But you do know I’m still very much married and I’m not sure that’s going to change, right?” Y/N countered, moving closer to Edward’s tall frame. He nodded, biting his lip hard enough for Y/N to feel her heart clench for him. She didn’t want to hurt him, but if he keeps insisting he is fine with her past, she considered her hands to be clean.
“Much aware. Thanks.” His dry response had made her sigh, heavily so. She liked Edward. She enjoyed his company. She found his mind just as sexy as his body and she wanted to be close with him. Closer.
“I hate saying it, but I’m sure you’re aware of my attraction to you too. And it’s okay if it’s not mutual because being friends is just fine with me as well because I’m far from ready to actively date someone, but I think you should know. If you feel the same way, you need to know I’m not ready for serious feelings and all that relationship stuff. I have my plate full with the pregnancy and the feelings I still have for Ethan. It’s not something that goes away overnight.” Tired of rambling while he just stared at her with his big, blue eyes, Y/N stopped to take a proper breath. She expected him to have so much to say in response, especially since she had openly admitted that he’d never be a priority in her life. Her children come first…Ethan second. At least for now he does. But Edward had just one thing to say and he said it with a smile.
“You like me?”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to be so dramatic.” Grayson chuckled as he walked around his desk and lowered himself to his knees before Y/N. Taking her hands into his, he spoke.
“Stay with us until birth. It will give you and Ethan a chance to heal at your own pace and the rest of us peace of mind. Mum offered you to stay with her, but you know how she can get.” Grayson raised an eyebrow as he remembered all the ways his mother goes overboard when one of them isn’t feeling good and with Y/N and three grandchildren in mind? She’d drive Y/N crazy within a week.
“Okay, okay. But no more waking auntie up before eleven o'clock, okay? I’m on a leave and I need to sleep before these tiny humans take over my life!”
Agreeing with Grayson, Y/N had returned to their home.
Turning around, she looked back at her old house longingly. Ever since she went back to see the ring Bianca mentioned, Y/N had felt the house calling for her. While she could fight it on most days, Y/N had found herself drawn today. Siren's song was a joke in comparison to the magnetic pull she felt in her heart, her legs moving closer to it on their own accord.
She couldn’t come inside. Not when her heart felt like it moved to her throat and her breathing turned erratic at the idea. No. Y/N decided on something she deemed a lesser evil – she decided to sit on the porch swing she had been observing fondly for so long.
“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY DID THIS FOR ME!” Y/N cried out as she nearly tackled Ethan to the ground in her glee, her eyes spilling tears like a dam broke. She rarely cried, but this gesture – this kind, selfless gesture motivated by pure, unadulterated love – this was worth crying for.
“Don’t cry.” Ethan’s voice turned small and soft, gentle like a lover’s touch and she couldn’t help but cry harder at the sweetness in his tone. She always knew his tough act was a just that – an act, but when he would drop the act around her, she couldn’t quite help herself from falling deeper in love. Ethan was always so incredibly kind, tender, loving and she never knew how he was known as the intimidating twin. What she knew of him could never come close to it. Ethan she knows is as intimidating as a kitten.
“Do you not like the color? Or placement? I can change it all!” He continued, his voice drawing a smile to her face. To be so loved by someone like she felt loved by Ethan Dolan, it’s truly a blessing. She had thought herself to be unlovable as she was growing up. Y/N was never the type the guys would lose their minds over, or ask to the dance, or facetime until 3 am. Y/N was the overlooked girl, the forgettable kind…the girl guys approached solely to ask if she could hook them up with her friends. But with Ethan? She was the only girl in the world.
“No, no, no.” She chuckled, sniffling in her attempt to speak up.
“Don’t change a damn thing. I love it and I love you and I cannot put into words just how much this swing means to me.”
The swing she had once adored felt like a teasing ghost. It stood witness to every kiss, every caress, every moment that had mattered between her and Ethan that she had a hard time even looking at it. But she knew it was ridiculous to fear an object or a memory. In the spirit of changing, Y/N walked right up to the porch and sat down on the swing. It creaked slightly as she put her weight on it fully, reminding her of the time she asked Ethan to see why it’s creaking and he promised her he’d do it.
Three days later they weren’t even living together anymore.
Closing her eyes, she let the silence of the house calm her down. She wasn’t quite used to the silence, finding it eerie at first because usually one of them was inside blasting music. The silence took some time to get used to, but when she did, Y/N felt at peace.
Until she heard footsteps so near that her heart jumped at the sound.
“I didn’t mean to scare you.” Ethan bit his lip nervously, standing five feet away from her with a bag thrown over his shoulder. His eyes were dark, but not with lust as they used to be…this was something much deeper. Something she didn’t understand.
“It’s okay. I suppose I’m sort of trespassing.” She smiled, deciding to be kind. She wanted to show him the kindness he showed her when he made this swing. And yes, she knew a lot of the work was done by Grayson, but Ethan tried and that’s all she ever wanted from him. She wanted him to care enough to try.
“You’re not. The house is in both our names, remember?” Ethan kinked his left eyebrow, probably unaware just how much she missed seeing that. She missed his kinked eyebrows and she missed his stupid smirks and his annoyingly beautiful voice. She missed him.
“Wanna sit?” She tapped the spot beside her, the left side where he’d usually sit. She’d read a book and drink her tea, her legs secured in his lap as he watched something on his phone. Sitting like that, in silence, no words needed? That was comfortable. It takes a certain amount of love and understanding for two people to be comfortable enough to sit in silence, knowing their silence doesn’t represent something bad, but a good sign.
Ethan didn’t sit on the porch swing for two months before they split. Unbeknownst to Y/N, he hadn’t taken that seat since she left. The swing felt like a sacred place he never let Bianca or anyone else occupy after.
But he took the seat now, feeling like it’s time to face it all. With her by his side, rightfully so.
“Now…wanna tell me why you look like a kicked puppy? Is this…uh…Is that part of being depressed? Because I only saw your eyes look like that once before and I can’t tell anymore.” She didn’t know how to talk to him anymore. Aware that the last thing he needs from her is to see him as a broken toy she can no longer be open with, she decided to be honest. She couldn’t look at him like someone who needed to be fixed. She wanted to be there for him without coddling him when it’s not necessary. Sometimes, he’ll need her to be brutally honest and sometimes she’ll tell him a little white lie, but she still didn’t know when.
Chuckling, Ethan’s face lit up. He knew she was trying to be nice, supportive. He knew she was nervous too and that he caught her off guard because he was supposed to be home two days ago but stayed a little longer and she didn’t expect to see him here today. He understood she was trying her best and that’s something he could appreciate.
“I was a little scared to come home,” Ethan admits, pressing his palms together before securing his hands between his thighs.
“I’m scared to be that guy again. And this house is like a haunted house for me right now. It doesn’t feel like home without you in it and I’m not saying that to guilt you into anything, I’m just trying to be honest about it.” Ethan clarified, his words ringing truth because Y/N felt the same. She knew exactly what he meant. It’s as if all the colors of the world would fade once she walked inside.
“I feel the same way. It’s not very…hospitable without you.” Moving closer, Y/N debated whether she should lean her head on his shoulder or not. She didn’t want to give him false hope of reconciliation until she was sure of where her heart and head are at. However, she also didn’t know if it would be false hope considering just how badly she wanted to lift her legs into his lap and sit there in silence, just watching each other – studying the changes made in the personalities since they last had a heart to heart conversation. She wanted to learn him all over again, but she was terrified of opening herself up to heartbreak again.
Connecting to Edward was easy – her heart was fond of him, but it didn’t bleed for him like it did for Ethan. Ethan made her vulnerable and to put herself in that position again, it scared the life out of her.
“I’m glad you were here though. It’s a little easier to breathe when I don’t have to face it alone.” Ethan pressed his thighs harder to trap his hands more securely. He felt his hands itch to reach out for Y/N, to just touch her. Aware that might be unwanted, he knew he had to reel it in. So he pressed his thighs tighter.
“I know we’re in shambles right now, but you can count on me if you need me. Okay? And I…I’ll be just over the bridge. Literally, just shout my name and I’ll come, because you’re not alone Ethan. But keep in mind I’m getting bigger and slower and I might need a bit of help, so don’t time me.” She smiled when her words made him giggle. She hadn’t heard his choked giggles in so long that her heart felt like flying once she did.
“I missed you,” Ethan admits, glancing her way to see her reaction and all he saw was a woman who didn’t know how to feel.
“Ethan…” She spoke, stopping herself from saying anything else.
“I wanted you to know. That’s all.” Smiling, he tried not to beg her to stay as she stood up to leave.
Nodding, she walked off the porch only to stop at the last step. Turning to meet his lingering gaze, Y/N had done something she told herself she wouldn’t.
“I missed you too.”
She gave Ethan hope.
Tags: @melodiesforari​​​​​​ @brittttneyyyy​​​​​​ @beautorigin​​​​​​  @dolandolll​​​​​​ @xalayx​​​​​​ @godlydolans​​​​​​ @heyits-claire​​​​​ @peacedolantwins​​​​​ @dolanstwintuesday​​​​​ @accalialionheart​​​​​ @ethanhes​​​​​ @lanadeldolans​​​​​ @ebbach-03​​​​​ @dolangels​​​​​  @xxaamzxx​​​​​ @cutestdolans​​​​​ @yaren-ates​​​​​ @dolansmith​​​​​ @vintagebitttch​​​​​ @primadolangirl​​​​​ @caqsicle​​​​​ @jjustjoy​​​​​ @justordinaryjen​​​​​ @graydolan12​​​​​ @imaginashawnns​​​​​ @graysonslovie​​​​​ @fandomsfeministsandothershit​​​​​ @bdsmdolan​​​​​ @graysavant​​​​​ @ethanspillow​​​​​ @dopedoodes​​​​​ @anything-dolan​​​​​  @sugarfootdolan​​​​​ @joyrivh​​​​​ @reblogserpent​​​​​ @jonesana​​​​​ @emiemille  @herewegoagainandagainandagain​​​​​​ @adventureswithmell
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winchesterbrotherstan · 5 years ago
SPN- Bloodlust (2.03)
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Pairing: Olive Winchester (OC)
Summary: While investigating a case, the siblings run across someone from a familiar background. Dean clicks right away, but Sam and Olive are weary. Chaos ensues.
Warnings: blood (lol duh), fighting, choking, idk writing part of this made me sad but i did it for the ~drama~
Word Count: 6078
“Whoo! Listen to her purr!” Dean turned to Sam and I with a huge grin. “Have you ever heard anything so sweet?”
I giggled, overjoyed to see him so happy. He had fixed Baby up, and she looked better than when Dad gave her to us.
“You know, if you two wanna get a room, just let me know, Dean.” Sam teased.
Dean shook his head, the smile still on his face. “Oh, don’t listen to him, Baby. He doesn’t understand us.”
I giggled again, and Sam laughed.
“You two are in good moods.”
I shrugged. “I’m happy that Dean’s happy.”
Dean grinned and leaned over to press a quick kiss to my forehead.
“Got my car, got my baby siblings, got a case. Things are looking up.”
“Wow.” Sam scoffed playfully. “You hear a couple of severed heads and a pile of dead cows and you’re Mr. Sunshine.”
Dean laughed. “How far to Red Lodge?”
“Uh, about another three hundred miles.” Sam threw an arm over the back of the seats.
Dean grinned wider. “Good.”
“Why do I have to stay in the car?” I whined.
“Because I said so.” Dean frowned back.
I sighed. “I didn’t have to stay in the car on other hunts.”
He sighed again. “I know, kid, but you don’t seem like a reporter when it’s the three of us.”
“It’s not even like I can play with Jinx. Sitting in a car is boring.” I huffed.
Jinx was still at Bobby’s. She was going to stay another week before we picked her up, since she loved his house and he loved her.
“Then say I’m your daughter and you couldn’t find a babysitter!” I begged, chin resting on the windowsill.
He huffed, then looked at Sam. Sam shrugged.
“It’s not that far off.”
He sighed again. “Fine. Fine, but you’re Sam’s kid. Come on.”
“The murder investigation is ongoing, and that’s all I can share with the press at this time.”
I was sitting in a chair across from the sheriff’s open door. Sam and Dean were in suits and ties. They were reporters today, and I was Sam’s teenage kid. I could see Sam and Dean from my spot, but not the sheriff. He sure as hell sounded ridiculous though, which proved enough entertainment for me.
“Sure, sure, we understand that.” Sam nodded. “But just for the second, you found the first, uh… head… last week, correct?”
“Okay, and the other victim, a uh, Christina Flanigan…”
“That was two days ago. Is there-”
There was a knock on the open door, and the blond girl pointed at her watch.
“Oh. Sorry, gentlemen, but time’s up. Looks like we’re done here.”
“One last question-”
“Yeah, what about the cattle?” Dean cut Sam off.
I pinched the bridge of my nose and stayed silent, eyes closed.
“Excuse me?”
“You know, the cows found dead, split open, drained… over a dozen cases.” Dean reminded him.
“What about them?”
Dean gave Sam a look, and I cleared my throat. Sam was quick to save Dean.
“You don’t think there’s a connection?”
“Connection? With?”
“First cattle mutilations, now two murders? Kinda sounds like ritualistic stuff.”
“You know, like satanic cult ritualistic.” Dean’s eyebrows rose.
The sheriff laughed. “You…” He stopped laughing upon seeing that Sam and Dean were completely serious. “You’re not kidding.”
“No.” Dean shook his head with a sickly sweet smile that soon faded.
“Those cows aren’t being mutilated. You wanna know how I know?”
“How?” Sam instantly shot back.
“Because there’s no such thing as cattle mutilation. Cow drops, leave it in the sun, within forty eight hours the bloat will split it open so clean it’s just about surgical. The bodily fluids fall down into the ground and get soaked up because that’s what gravity does. But hey, it could be satan.” He scoffed. “What newspaper did you say you worked for?”
Sam and Dean both cleared their throats, but Dean beat him to it. “World Weekly News.”
“Weekly World News.” Sam corrected.
“World… I’m new.” He chuckled.
The sheriff snorted. “Get out of my office.”
“Dean, I’ve been in a morgue before.” I whined.
“Yeah, I don’t care. You’re staying in the car, where it’s safe.”
I scoffed. “Safe from what? A dead guy?”
“Olive.” He was serious. “This is not up for debate. You are staying in the car. Do you understand me?”
I nodded. “Yeah.” I sighed. “Be careful. Please.”
He smiled and ducked his head back in through the car window. “Love you, sweetpea.”
“Love you too. Bye, Sammy.”
“Bye, bug, be back soon.”
The boys slunk into the car with matching looks on their faces.
“What happened?” I sat up.
Dean huffed and Sam shook his head.
“We got something weird on our hands, Ol.”
“Like what?”
Dean glanced at me in the rearview. “Vamps.”
“Hey, Ollie, you got your fake ID on you?”
I grinned as I flashed it. “Always.”
“How’s it going?” Dean asked as we sat down at the bar.
“Living the dream. What can I get for you?”
“Two beers and a water, please.”
The bartender snorted and I smiled. “Someone’s gotta be able to drive.”
“So, we’re looking for some people.” Sam started.
“Sure. Hard to be lonely.”
Sam smiled. “Yeah, but um…” He pulled out a fifty and stretched it out before dropping it on the bar. “That’s not what I meant.”
The bartender pocketed it and slid us our drinks.
“Right, so these… these people. They would’ve moved here about six months ago. Probably pretty rowdy, like to drink… real night owls, ya know? Sleep all day, party all night.” I took a sip.
“Barker farm got leased out a couple months ago. Real winners. They’ve been in here a lot. Drinkers, noisy. I’ve had to 86 them once or twice.”
The boys and I looked at each other. That was all we needed. I got a feeling in the pit of my stomach and latched onto Dean’s arm.
“Thanks.” He smiled and stood.
“What is it, sweetheart?” He asked, casual.
“We’re being watched.” I said through a smile.
Sam heard me and nodded, pushing Dean to lead so he could bring up the rear. We slunk across the floor and slipped out the back door.
“Alright, I’ll be the bait.” I whispered as I popped to my toes and pressed a kiss to Dean’s cheek.
I didn’t give him time to protest it as I slipped into the back alley, leaving them to hide in the shadows. I could hear the man’s footsteps as he followed after me. I stopped at the alley way’s dead end and turned, gun trained between his eyes. It was one of the men that had been sitting in the bar.
“Can I help you?”
He turned to run, and Sam and Dean popped out of their places. Sam pinned him to the wall with a fierce look on his face, and Dean’s knife was at his throat. I put the gun back in my waistband and walked over, feeling like a total badass even though my brothers were doing all the work.
I framed myself between them and scowled. “Smile.”
“Show us those pearly whites.” Dean growled.
“Oh, for the love of… do you wanna stick that thing someplace else? I’m not a vampire.”
I glanced up at Sam, who side-eyed me, then Dean.
“That’s right. I heard you guys in there.”
“What do you know about vampires?” Sam snapped.
“How to kill them. Now seriously, bro. That knife’s making me itch.”
Dean tilted his head.
Oh how tragic.
The man tried to stand straight, and Sam slammed him back into the wall. 
“Hey! Whoa. Easy there, chachi.”
I held back a growl as I glared at the man.
I wish Dad was here.
I blinked, taken aback.
Had the voice in my head just… talked to me?
I miss Dad too.
The man pulled his lips up to show us his gums. “See? Fangless. Happy?”
Sam let him go, and Dean pulled the knife away.
“Now.” The man spat. “Who the hell are you three?”
“Sam, Dean, and Olive Winchester.” Gordon Walker, solo hunter spoke. “I can’t believe it. You know I met your old man once? Hell of a guy. Great hunter. I heard he passed. I’m sorry. It’s big shoes. But from what I hear you guys fill ‘em. Great trackers, good in a tight spot-”
“You seem to know a lot about our family.” I cut him off.
“Word travels fast.” He sighed. “You know how hunters talk.”
“No.” I shook my head. “We don’t, actually.”
“I guess there’s a lot your dad never told you, huh?”
“So those two vampires, they were yours, huh?” I mocked his tone.
“Yep. Been here two weeks.”
“Did you check out Barker farm?” I spat.
“It’s a bust. Just a bunch of hippies. Though they could kill you with that patchouli smell alone.”
“Where’s the nest?” I ignored the rack of fancy equipment that he pulled out of his car.
“Look, girl-”
“Her name’s Olive.” Sam snapped.
“I got this one covered. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a real pleasure meeting you fellas. But I’ve been on this thing for over a year. I killed a fang back in Austin, tracked the nest all the way up here. I’ll finish it.”
“We could help.” Dean offered, finally getting a word in.
“Thanks, but uh, I’m kind of a go-it-alone type of guy.”
“Come on, man. I’ve been itching for a hunt.” Dean grinned.
“Sorry. But hey, I hear there’s a chupacabra two states over. You go ahead and knock yourselves out.” He shut the back door and got into his car. “It was real good meeting you, though. I’ll buy you a drink on the flip side.”
He drove off, and Dean and Sam both turned to me with strange looks on their faces.
“What the hell was that?”
I shrugged. “I dunno. Dad never mentioned him, so why did he know so much about our family? He’s not a vamp, but he could be something else. A werewolf, a shifter. Hell, a skinwalker. Or he could just be some very shady dude.”
“Ol, I’ve never seen you go at anybody like that.”
“Yeah, Dean’s right. Not before.” Sam shook his head.
I sighed. “I don’t like his vibes.”
Dean sighed and Sam shrugged. “Alright. Let’s go.”
“Hey!” I roared, fangs on display.
The vamp turned with an open mouth and wide eyes. Sam took the chance to pull Gordon out from under the power saw, helping him to his feet. The vamp came at me full force, and Dean picked up a loose crowbar and hit him with it. The vamp fell under the saw, and I watched as Dean moved without hesitation. He drove the crowbar into the vamp’s chest before throwing a few punches.
He lowered the saw, cutting the vamp’s head off. His face got sprayed with blood, and I jumped at the sound of bones crunching. Sam reached for me and pulled me into his chest. I hid my face in his shirt and shook, horrified. I had seen Dean kill, but this sent chills down my spine.
There was a long silence, and Sam ran a hand through my hair.
“It’s okay, bug. I’ve got ya.”
“So uh… I guess I gotta buy you that drink.”
Dean laughed, and I shrunk further into Sam.
“Yeah. Hey, babes.” He reached for me, and I forced Sam back as I moved forward, away from Dean.
Dean stared at me, confused. “What…”
Sam eyed him and shook his head. I turned and huddled back into Sam’s chest.
Too much blood.
I was curled up in the chair, leaning into Sam’s side as much as I possibly could. Dean was on my other side, because it was either him or Gordon, but I didn’t want anybody except Sam.
“Here you go.” The waitress came by, placing another round, as well as the bill, down on the table.
Dean reached for his wallet, and Gordon waved his hand.
“No, no, I got it.”
“Come on.” Dean tried.
“I insist.” Gordon handed a 50 to the waitress. “Thank you, sweetie.”
My stomach churned and I pressed my head further into Sam. He wrapped his arm tighter around me.
“Another one bites the dust.” Gordon raised his glass.
Bad vibes, bad vibes, bad vibes.
I swallowed, hard.
I know.
“Dean.” Gordon laughed, and I shivered.
It sounded wrong coming out of his mouth. Like he had broken some ancient, blood-rule.
“You gave that big-ass fang one hell of a haircut, my friend.”
“Thank you.” Dean grinned.
“That was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.”
“Yep.” Dean took a swig of his beer and glanced at us. “You alright, Sammy?”
“I’m fine.”
“Feel sick.” I mumbled, not moving from the security of Sam’s grip.
“Well, come on. Smile, princess. Lighten up a little, Sammy.”
I clenched my jaw and a growl slipped its way through my throat. Sam scowled.
“He’s the only one who gets to call us that.”
“Okay. No offense meant. Just celebrating a little. Job well done.”
“Right. Well, decapitations aren’t my idea of a good time, I guess. And my little sister is sick to her stomach, so excuse me for not throwing a party.”
“Oh, come on, guys. It’s not like it was human. You’ve gotta have a little more fun with your job.”
“See?” Dean’s face lit up, and I swallowed the bile that rose in my throat. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell him! Sam, you could learn a thing or two from this guy.”
Sam looked back and forth between the two, a look of disgust forming on his face. “Yeah. I bet I could.”
I tugged on his jacket. “Sams, can we go home? Think I’m gonna puke.”
He nodded. “Look, I’m not gonna bring you guys down, and Olive really doesn’t feel well. We’re just gonna go back to the motel.”
Dean sighed. “You sure?”
Sam nodded as he stood, helping me stay steady on my feet.
“Alright. Hey, buttercup.” Dean reached for me again, and I stumbled back into Sam’s hold.
Dean sighed and looked down. He tossed the keys at Sam without looking.
“Remind me to beat the buzzkill out of you later, Sammy, yeah?”
Sam only rolled his eyes.
“Bye, De.”
He said nothing. My bottom lip quivered, and Sam swiftly picked me up by the waist, letting me cry into his neck.
“Come on, bug. Let’s go home.”
“How’re you feeling, honey?” Sam whispered, putting a hand up to my forehead.
I shrugged. “Better, I guess.”
“Yeah. Maybe your tummy just needed to get all the yucky out, yeah?”
I nodded. Sam had rushed home so that I could barf. He held my hair back during, then made sure I brushed my teeth afterwards. He had braided my hair and put me in bed so I could sleep. The last time he had taken care of me, I was eleven, so the old habit was dying hard.
“Thanks for taking care of me, Sammy.” I mumbled.
He smiled and bent over, kissing my forehead. “Of course, baby. You gonna be okay if I make a phone call real quick?”
I nodded. “Can I get a ginger ale?”
He smiled. “Yeah, I’ll go after I’m done on the phone.”
I sniffed. “Are you sure?”
He nodded, pressing another kiss to my face. He sat down on the other bed with a wink as he pulled out his phone.
“Hey, Ellen, Sam Winchester.”
I felt my eyelids grow heavy as I watched him.
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine. Just got a question.”
I turned onto my side, focusing on Sam’s face.
“You ever run across a guy named Gordon Walker?”
A pause.
Sam caught my eye and made a silly face at me. I smiled, pulling the blanket tighter around my shoulders.
“Well, we ran into him on a job and we’re kinda working with him, I guess.”
Sam’s face morphed into one of confusion. “I… I thought you said he was a good hunter. Wait, Ellen… Right…” He nodded. “Okay. Uh, alright. Thanks, talk later.”
He shut the phone and sighed.
“What is it, Sams?”
He shook his head. “Nothing to worry about, bunny.”
I sniffled again. “You sure?”
“Yeah.” He smiled, smoothing my hair out. “Yeah, I’m sure. Okay. You get some rest, I’m gonna go get your ginger ale, alright?”
I nodded, letting my eyes fall shut. “Love you, bambi.”
He smiled. “Love you too, baby girl.” He kissed my head. “Get some shut eye.”
“Hey. Hey, Ollie. Olive. Baby girl, wake up.”
I rolled over to see Dean shaking me. I inched away as I sat up, squinting. I caught a glimpse of Gordon at the table and my chest clenched.
You aren’t safe. You aren’t safe, you aren’t safe, you aren’t safe.
“Where’s Sam?” I asked, beginning to struggle to breathe.
“Figured you’d know.” Dean tried to move closer, and my chest began to ache like I had just been shot.
“Car’s parked outside. Probably went for a walk. Seems like the take-a-walk type.” Gordon cut me off.
I scowled, and Dean shook his head, unconvinced.
“Yeah, he is, but…”
The door opened, and Sam walked in. I scrambled out of bed. I dodged Dean as best as I could as I jumped over the other bed and made a beeline for Sam. He caught me in his arms and glared at Gordon.
“Sammy.” I whimpered.
“I’m here, bug. I’m here.” He cradled my head.
“Sam, where you been?”
“Can we talk? Alone?”
Dean sighed. “Mind chilling out for a couple minutes?”
Gordon shrugged, and Sam opened the door. I shuffled out past him, leaning into his side as he began down the stairs.
“Oh, I’m…” I trailed off, looking down at my bare feet.
Sam scooped me and placed me on his hip without a word. “Dean, maybe we gotta rethink this hunt.”
“What’re you talking about? Where you been? I got here and Olive was all alone.”
“I was in the nest, Dean.”
“What?” My eyes went huge. “Are you okay?”
“You found it?”
He nodded. “Yeah, I’m alright, bug.” He sighed. “They found me, man.”
“How’d you get out? How many’d you kill?”
Sam scowled. “None.”
“Well, Sam, they didn’t just let you go.” Dean scoffed.
“That’s exactly what they did.”
“Alright, well where is it?” Dean’s eyebrows furrowed.
Sam shook his head. “I was blindfolded. I don’t know.”
“You’ve gotta know something, Sam.”
“We went over that bridge outside of town, but Dean, listen.” Sam sighed. “Maybe we shouldn’t go after them.”
“Why the hell not?”
“I don’t think they’re like other vamps, Dean!” He hissed. “I don’t think they’re killing people.”
“You’re joking.” Dean scowled. “Then how do they stay alive? Or undead, or whatever the fuck they are.”
“The cattle mutilations.” I realized, looking up at Sam.
He nodded. “They said they live off animal blood.”
“And you believed them?” Dean was shocked.
“Look at him, Dean. He doesn’t even have a scratch on him. No bites, no blood, no bumps or bruises.” I ran a hand through Sam’s hair. “They didn’t hurt him. And they didn’t hurt me either. I was asleep in the room, they could’ve killed me, easy.”
“Wait, so you two are saying…” Dean shook his head. “No, man. No way. I dunno why they let you go, and I don’t really care. We find ‘em and we waste ‘em.”
“But why?” I stressed.
“What part of vampires don’t you understand, Ol? If it’s supernatural, we kill it, end of story.”
He kept talking, but I couldn’t hear him.
We’re supernatural. Is he gonna kill us?
“Dean! Our job is hunting evil. And if these things aren’t killing people, they’re not evil!” Sam spat.
“Sam, they’re all the same. They’re not human, okay? We have to exterminate every last one of them!”
We’re not human. Is he gonna kill us?
“Gordon’s been on those vamps for a year, man. He knows.”
I tensed up in Sam’s arms, and he held me tighter.
“You’re taking his word for it?”
“That’s right.”
“Ellen says he’s bad news.” Sam hissed.
“You called Ellen?”
Sam nodded.
Of course!
“And I’m supposed to listen to her? We barely know her, Sam. No thanks, I’ll go with Gordon.”
“Right, cause Gordon’s such an old friend. You think I can’t see what this is?”
“What are you talking about?” Dean fired back.
“He’s a substitute for Dad, isn’t he? A poor one.”
“Shut up, Sam.”
“He’s not even close, Dean.” Sam growled. “Not even on his best day.”
“You know what, Sam? I’m not even going to talk about this.”
“You know, you can slap that big fake smile on your face, but I can see right through it. Because I know how you feel, Dean. Dad’s dead, and he left a hole, and it hurts so bad that you can’t take it. But you can’t just fill up that hole with whoever you want to. It’s an insult to his memory.”
Dean took a breath, then stared right at Sam. “Put her down, Sam.”
“Put her down.”
“Wait, no, Sams-”
“Put her down or she’s gonna get hurt too!”
Dean ripped me from Sam and pushed me over onto the floor. I crumbled against the wet pavement, in shock. Dean punched Sam clear across the face and I began to cry.
“You can hit me all you want, Dean. It won’t change anything.”
Dean took another swing, and I stumbled to my feet. I let out a growl, baring my fangs at Dean. He turned to me with death in his eyes and knocked me to the ground, hand on my neck.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Olive?”
I only growled louder, and he raised a fist. I shut my eyes and flinched, but it never came. Sam pushed him off onto the ground and kept him pinned.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re gonna hit her? You gonna punch your baby sister?”
“I’m going to that nest.” Dean shoved Sam off and got to his feet. “You don’t wanna tell me where it is, fine. I’ll find it myself.”
Dean turned on his heel and walked away. Sam turned and brought me to my feet.
“I’m okay.”
“It’s okay if you’re not okay.”
I coughed, put a hand up, and turned. I leaned over and puked again, only this time what came up was blood from my mouth and stomach acid. Sam rubbed a circle on my back.
“I’m okay. I’m okay, let’s just go.” I stood straight and took off after Dean.
“Dean!” Sam called.
He was in the motel room, which was empty.
“Gordon?” He called.
“You think he went after them?” Sam asked.
“Probably.” Dean scowled. “I fucking hope so.”
“Dean, we have to stop him.” I spat.
“Really, Olive? Because I say we lend a hand.”
“Dean, you just took me down in the middle of a parking lot.” I hissed. “Give Sam the benefit of the doubt. You owe me that.”
“This is not a debate, Dean. Either you trust Sam or I’ll leave and I will never come back.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“And I thought you would never lay a hand on me.”
He sighed. “Fine. I’ll drive. Gimme the keys.”
Sam sighed and pointed to the table, where he had set the keys when we got home.
“He snaked the keys.”
“Mother fucker.”
Dean grimaced as he hotwired Baby. A few sparks later, her engine turned over and she purred like she had earlier today.
“I can’t believe this.” He groaned. “I just fixed her up, too.”
I leaned into Sam’s side and refused to look up. Dean sighed. I could already feel his guilt, but I didn’t wanna hear anything from him right now, even if it was an apology.
“So the bridge… is that all you got?”
Sam nodded, tracing over the map. “The bridge was four and a half minutes from their farm.”
“How do you know?”
Sam rolled his eyes. “I counted.” He traced the trail. “They took a left out of the farm, then turned right onto a dirt road, followed that for two minutes slightly up a hill, then took another quick right and we hit the bridge.”
Dean huffed. “You’re good. You’re a monster pain in the ass, but you’re good. Alright kids, ready to rock and roll?”
I finally looked up at him and said nothing. My neck hurt, I had scraped my elbow, and my fangs had cut through parts of my lip. This was his fault.
He sighed again, then looked back at the road. “Let’s go.”
“Come on.” Dean pushed me slightly behind him.
“Don’t touch me.” I snarled at him, backing away from him and into Sam.
“I’m sorry.” He shrunk down.
“Just stay with me, bug.” Sam whispered as Dean led the way into the farmhouse.
“Sam, Dean, Olive. Come on in.”
“Hey, Gordon.” Dean was at attention. “What’s going on?”
“Just poisoning Lenore here with some dead man’s blood. She’s gonna tell us where all her little friends are, aren’t you? Wanna help?”
“Look, man…” Dean trailed off.
“Grab a knife.” Gordon gestured to the knives on the table. “I was just about to start in on the fingers.”
He dragged a knife covered in blood across her arm, and her veins pulsated black, tracing away from the cut. I gasped.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey. Let’s all just chill out, huh?”
“I’m completely chill.” Gordon smiled.
“Gordon, put the knife down.” Sam took a step toward him.
I grabbed his wrist and Dean put a hand on his chest, stopping him.
“Sounds like it’s Sam here who needs to chill.”
“Just step away from her, alright?”
“You’re right. I’m wasting my time here. This bitch will never talk. Might as well put her out of her misery.” Gordon whipped out a larger knife. “I just sharpened it, so it’s completely humane.”
I took a step forward as a growl flowed past my lips. Gordon’s eyes locked on me, and I froze.
We fucked up.
Dean stepped in front of me, and I huddled behind him, hands gripping his jacket.
“Gordon, I’m letting her go.” Sam went at him.
“You’re not doing a damn thing.” The knife went up to Sam’s chest.
“Hey, hey, hey, Gordon. Let’s talk about this.” Dean’s hands went up.
“What’s there to talk about. It’s like I said Dean, no shades of grey.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear ya. And I know how you feel.” Dean moved closer, and I moved with him, horrified.
“Do you?”
“The vampire that killed your sister deserved to die, but this one-”
He stopped as Gordon started to laugh.
“Killed my sister? That filthy fang didn’t kill my sister. It turned her. It made her one of them. So I hunted her down. And I killed her myself.”
“You did what?”
“It wasn’t my sister anymore. It wasn’t human. I didn’t blink. And neither would you.”
My blood ran cold, and Dean reached behind him, his hand landing on my arm. I moved to hold his hand in mine and gripped it. He locked eyes with me over his shoulder.
His eyes said it all. 
I’m so sorry.
I sighed and leaned against his shoulder.
He would blink.
“So you knew all along, then? You knew about the vampires, you knew they weren’t killing anyone. You knew about the cattle. And you just didn’t care.” Sam shook his head.
“Care about what? A nest of vampires suddenly acting nice? Taking a little time out from sucking innocent people? And we’re supposed to buy that? Trust me. Doesn’t change what they are. And I can prove that.”
Gordon twisted Sam’s arm back and sliced it. Sam grunted as Gordon put the knife to his throat and dragged him to Lenore. Dean pulled his gun and cocked it faster than I could blink.
“Let him go. Now!”
Sam looked horrified, and I panted, trying to hold back.
“Relax. If I wanted to kill him he’d already be on the floor. Just making a little point.” He twisted Sam’s arm again and squeezed.
His blood began to fall on Lenore’s face. She gasped before her fangs extended and she began to hiss.
“Hey!” Dean shouted.
“Think she’s so different? Still want to save her? Look at her. They’re all the same. Evil, bloodthirsty.”
Lenore regained control of herself. Her fangs went back inside, and she turned her face away, crying.
“No. Please, no.”
“You hear her, Gordon?” Sam challenged.
“No! No!” Lenore hung her head low.
Sam pushed the knife away from his throat and backed away from Gordon. “We’re done here.”
“Sam, get her out of here.”
“Yeah.” Sam picked her up. “I gotcha. I gotcha.”
Gordon took a step toward Sam, and Dean kept the gun trained on him.
“Uh-uh. No. Gordon, I think you and I’ve got some things to talk about.” Dean inched closer.
“Get out of my way.” Gordon put the knife back up.
I pulled my gun and cocked it, aiming between his eyes once more. “Sorry. Not gonna happen.”
“You’re not serious, Dean.”
“I’m having a hard time believing it too, but I know what I saw. If you want those vampires, you gotta go through me.”
Gordon eyed his knife before jamming it into the table. “Fine.”
Dean eyed the knife and nodded. He pulled the clip from his gun and set it on the table. I put the safety back on mine and tucked it into my waistband. Dean and I looked at each other. He had a soft smile on his face, and I felt close to tears.
Gordon came at him and punched him across the face. I pulled my gun again, but they were tussling back and forth, and I couldn’t get a clean shot. Gordon grabbed the knife again, and Dean let out a groan. They kept fighting, but my hand wasn’t steady enough to knock Gordon without hitting Dean. Dean knocked the knife out of his hand.
“What are you doing, man? You doing this for a fang? Come on, Dean. We’re on the same side here.”
“I don’t think so, you sadistic bastard.”
Gordon took Dean back to the ground, and I groaned as Dean grunted, hitting the floor.
“You’re not like your brother and sister. You’re a killer. Like me.” Gordon howled.
Dean rolled away, and I grinned, finally lining up my shot. Clean through the knee. Gordon screamed, and Dean smiled at me. He pinned him down and slammed His head into a wall.
“Oops, sorry.”
Gordon was now out cold, and I pulled over a chair so Dean could tie him up.
“You know. I might be like you, and I might now. But you’re the one tied up right now.” Dean grumbled before spitting in his face.
He turned to me and gave me the same small smile from earlier. I slowly made my way to him and accepted a hug, resting my head against his chest.
“I’m so sorry, Olive.”
I nodded. “I know.”
“I shouldn’t have put my hands on you. I’m so sorry.”
I nodded again. “I know. I shouldn’t have lost it in public.”
“I shouldn’t have hit Sam either. I’m sorry.”
I nodded a third time. “I’m sorry too. You miss Dad more than Sam and I do, and we should try to respect how you’re coping.”
He let out a soft laugh. “I really lucked out with you, kid.”
Another nod. “I know. I love you, De.”
“I love you too, baby girl. My sweet, beautiful girl.”
“Did I miss anything?” Sam asks as he walks back into the barn.
“Nah, not much.” Dean shakes his head. “Lenore get out okay?”
Sam nods. “Yeah. All of em did.”
He eyes Olive, who is fast asleep on the floor, her head in Dean’s lap. He looks at Dean, who smiles.
“We made up.”
Sam grins. “Good.”
“Then I guess our work here is done. How you doing, Gordy? Gotta tinkle yet?” Dean taunts.
Gordon glares.
“Alright. Well, get comfy. We’ll call someone in two or three days, have them come out and untie you.”
He shakes Olive awake, who groans and rubs her eyes. She remembers what happened last night and tries to dig her head into Dean’s leg so that she won't have to get up. He laughs as Sam grabs her by the hands and drags her to her feet. She huffs.
“Ready to go, De?”
“Not yet.” Dean sighs. “I guess this is goodbye. Well, it’s been real.” He smiles his charming smile before punching Gordon at full force, sending him flying backwards in his chair.
Sam clears his throat as Olive giggles. He turns to his younger siblings with a smile.
“Okay. I’m good now. We can go.”
“Hey, sweetheart.” Dean cups Olive’s face as they stretch outside of the farmhouse, basking in the sun.
“What?” She asks, cheeks smushed.
“I need you to know that I will never lay a hand on you again. Okay? I will never hurt you again. Ever. I love you.”
She nods, feeling tears well into her eyes. “Okay. I love you too.”
He pulls her into his chest and kisses the top of her head. Olive wipes the tears away from her eyes. Dean may be a douchebag at times, but he’s her brother, and she wouldn’t trade him for the world.
“Okay. Okay.” He clears his throat and stands, setting his feet apart like a boxer would. “Sam, clock me one.”
“Yeah. You get a freebie, and then Olive gets to do whatever the hell she wants. Come on, let’s go.”
Sam and Olive cock their heads, staring at each other, and then their big brother.
“Come on, I won’t even hit ya back. Let’s go.”
“You look like you just went twelve rounds with a block of cement, Dean. I’ll take a raincheck.”
Olive giggles, and Dean turns to her, patting his cheek. “Come on. Your go.”
She smiles and runs at him, but jumps into his arms. He catches her with a groan as he stumbles backward. She’s not heavy, but Dean’s so tired that he wishes she would’ve bitten clean through his arm instead.
“This is my punishment?”
“Yeah, you gotta carry me to the car.” She grins as she gets comfy in his hold.
He sighs, patting her back as the siblings start back toward their car.
“What is it, De?”
“I wish we never took this job. It’s jacked everything up.”
Sam and Olive share another look.
“What do you mean?”
“Think about all the hunts we went on, Sammy. Our whole lives.”
Sam nods. “Okay?”
“What if… what if we killed things that didn’t deserve killing? Ya know? I mean, the way Dad raised us…”
“Dean… after what happened to Mom… Dad did the best he could.”
“I know he did.” Dean sighs. “But the man wasn’t perfect. And the way he raised us, to hate those things. And man, I hate em. I do. Olive’s the only creature I’ve ever loved. When I killed that vamp at the mill, I didn’t even think about it. Hell, I enjoyed it.”
“You didn’t kill Lenore.” Olive pipes up.
“No, but every instinct told me to. I was gonna kill her. I was gonna kill em all, ya know.”
“Yeah, Dean.” Sam starts. “But you didn’t. And that’s what matters.”
Dean scoffs. His younger siblings keep him grounded, and he knows that. But he’ll be damned if he admits that.
“Yeah, well, cause you two are major pains in my ass.”
Sam grins. “Guess I might have to stick around to be a pain in the ass, then.”
“Thanks.” Dean whispers.
Sam grins. He can’t tell if Dean’s whispering because he feels weak or because Olive is sleeping again. He smiles either way.
“Don’t mention it.”
Sam climbs into the car. Dean opens the back door and lays Olive down, letting her curl up onto her side. He peels off his jacket and lays it over her with a smile. He shuts the door, stares at the sunset, and then gets in the car and drives off.
Previous Ep: Everybody Loves a Clown (2.02)
Next Ep: Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things (2.04)
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sunflowerhazzavol6 · 5 years ago
Veto- Chapter One
To Genevieve, morning always seemed to be the cruelest part of the day.
Nighttime was easy. Any and all responsibility was just beyond her apartment door, the only thing left up to her at that point being what she was going to feed herself and what kind of alcoholic beverage she was in the mood for. Typically it was something mixed with vodka and some sort of take-out, or food brought home from work. She could just settle down into her worn couch, lint pebbling on its almost too-comfortable surface, and tune into the blue light that was her TV. The perfect evening to shut out a usually less than perfect day. If that wasn’t exactly the speed she was going for, she would let that responsibility tap it's probably clubbed foot on the outside of a club entrance, Genevieve dancing on top of a table with her best friends while they took turns taking shots. This of course added to the pain of mornings, her hangover rearing its head as soon as she opened her eyes. That was what made this one in particular so gruesome. 
She blinked her eyes open, immediately squinting at the light drifting in through her window. She had blackout curtains for this reason exactly, but last night in her drunken haze she had forgotten to close the blinds in order to protect herself from this exact occasion. She knew she was paying for it now, burying her nose back into her pillow and letting out a strong exhale. Outside she could hear the construction crew that was already bang-bang-banging on the complex that was being built next door. While the noise bothered her to no end in the beginning of her lease, she had grown used to it and knew that it was the reason her rent was so cheap in the first place. Even the catcalling had become white noise, but she still held up a middle finger most days when she walked by to do her laundry. This morning the jackhammering reminded her of the pile overflowing from the basket, and she let out an audible groan before pushing herself up and out from under the covers.
Six months ago she had dropped out of school, packed up all her shit, and moved to a place just outside of Malibu. Cecilia, her best friend from high school, had moved there immediately after graduating with her boyfriend at the time. While they ultimately ended up breaking things off, she stayed there to work and enjoy the sun and freedom that came along with the California heat. When Genevieve had called her for probably the thirtieth time, having an anxiety attack about not being happy or knowing the true direction of her life, Cece had suggested that she move down to the West Coast to figure things out. Within a week she had officially unenrolled from the business school at NYU, dyed her brown hair blonde in a Tesco bathroom, and packed her tan colored 2007 Subaru Forester to trek across the country. She camped in her car along the way, grateful for the couple before her who had tinted the windows. She didn’t tell her mom what she had done until she was pulling onto the Pacific Coast Highway, receiving an earful that ultimately ended as soon as her back tire popped and she had to pull over. She didn’t see why it mattered anyways, leaning against the dirty vehicle while she waited for the AAA guy to pull up and save her ass. Her mom couldn’t afford to help her with school, and so really the only money at stake was her own. That was a whole other tier of stress on her shoulders; the student loan debt that she still had to pay off despite her lack of degree. She was relieved to get her own place after staying with Cece for two weeks, but even after she pushed open the door to her new apartment, the discontentment that she had felt in New York lingered in her head like a fog. It was bearable now, though, and so she took that as a sign that she was taking the right step.
She stands on the cool linoleum flooring designed to look like hardwood, stretching her hands into the air and hearing her spine pop. The rush of blood circulating through her body makes her head throb, causing her to release a pathetic whine and hold her hand to her forehead. She grabs her glasses from her nightstand, putting them on and pulling open the drawer to find god’s gift to the earth. The bottle of Tylenol rolls to the edge of the drawer, it’s only occupant besides an Altoids tin with condoms in it. She grabs the bottle and pops it open, shaking out two pills before throwing her head back to toss them in. She pops her head under the sink in her bathroom to swallow them down, wiping the bit of water that escapes with the back of her hand. Genevieve then gets ready for the day, peeing and brushing the fuzzy feeling and stale alcohol from her teeth. After getting dressed in a somewhat-clean Led Zeppelin t-shirt and shorts she grabs her laundry basket, her keys, and heads out of her studio onto the walkway outside. 
Hidden Hills apartment complex was an old motel that had been converted into a low-income housing space, which had then just been converted into the complex that it was today. It was really nice for the price point and the area, and Gene was incredibly grateful that she had found it while it was still available. When she had moved in the owners had just finished remodeling and had begun work on the buildings that were going up now. Apparently they had knocked down the walls in between two motel rooms to create each space, making it a decent size for one person or a couple. The more expensive suites had become two bedroom apartments across the parking lot, so there were a few small families that lived there too. For the most part, though, it was people just like her who were calling it a rest stop on their way to something better. 
When she walks into the small laundry building attached to the main complex, she’s greeted by an older man in his early sixties hanging up colorful speedos to air dry in the corner. Victor was two doors down from her, and had lived here for at least the last two owners as far as she knew. He never really disclosed how long he had been there, though, which was very purposeful on his part. It wasn’t because he was ashamed by his living situation, being the oldest in the complex by at least thirty-five years. Victor absolutely romanticized the mystery he had created, introducing himself as a flaming homosexual from the south who had participated in the Stonewall Riots of 1969. When he found out that she had moved from New York City herself, he immediately took her under his wing and became the strange gay uncle she never had. Other than his horrible habit of sunbathing in the nude on his balcony, she really liked him and valued his insights and advice on life in general.
“Well would you look at who the cat dragged in! You look something horrible, Genevieve.” He says when he sees her, crossing his arms over his wife beater and kimono. He had on bright yellow swimming shorts too, which were inappropriately small for anyone other than him. She winces at his voice, wrinkling her nose while she puts her basket on top of a dryer.
“Don’t talk so loud. I just woke up.”
“My lord Jesus almighty, honey, it's past noon.” He turns back to his pile of wet clothing, pushing them into a dryer. He starts it and watches it spin for a second before leaning against the white metal, turning to look at her. “Have a good night?” 
“I’m not sure. Can’t exactly remember all of it.” Gene rubs her temples, putting in her laundry soap and starting the load.
“Those are the best kind.” He smiles at her. “You know, Genevieve, I’m very glad that you’re not a prude introvert who just stays in all the time. Have fun while you can, enjoy that hot, young body of yours to the fullest!” He shimmies his shoulders at her while she rolls her eyes. Despite being a very progressive LGBTQ+ man, he was old fashioned in that he didn’t call her by anything other than her full name. He was firm in his belief that a name was important and said a lot about a person, that it was their identity and was a part of them. Whether the name was given or not, he always called everyone by their name even if they introduced themselves with a preferred nickname. There was a guy that had moved out a few months ago, whose name was actually just Nick, but Victor called him Nicholas anyways. He felt it suited him better, and was more classy. He claimed he would get further in life as a Nicholas over just a Nick, but never really got the chance to find out. Which was just as well.
“Being a prude introvert is not a bad thing.” Gene points out, raising her eyebrows at him. “Isn’t the whole point of personality and sexuality that it’s your own?”
“Aha, my child, you’ve learned so well. I’m giving myself teacher points for that. I’m just merely pointing out that I saw a very good looking young man leaving your apartment at the asscrack of dawn two weeks ago-”
“A month ago.”
He ignores her. “-and I’m very proud of you for embracing this youth that you’ve been blessed with! Not everyone is so intelligent, Genevieve.”
“I hardly think sex is a factor to intelligence.” She laughs, hopping up onto the washer to sit.
“Perhaps not, but it's exercise, and a healthy body is a healthy mind.” He taps his hairline to emphasize his point.
“So are you keeping a healthy body for your healthy mind?” She teases, kicking her legs back and forth.
“Oh pish. Don’t trouble yourself with an old man’s sex life. That’s the last thing you want to hear about.”
“Then stop meddling in mine!” She laughs, reaching her foot out to tap his side affectionately. This draws out a smile, a chuckle escaping his lips wrinkled from thousands of Kent cigarettes.
“You don’t have to do what I say, sugar, but listen just to humor me, alright?” Gene can tell by his tone that this would be something she would want to hear, so she shuts her mouth and does as she’s told. “I’m very glad that you’re so confident in yourself. Even if you don’t think so, you’re more secure in your body and in your looks than the kids your age I’ve met. Definitely more so than I was. But maybe that's because you’re straight.” She cracks a smile at that, and he puts his hand on her knee. “That being said, honey, I don’t want you to shy away from love when it lands at your feet. Take it from an old man who has made many-a-mistake in his lifetime. When something falls in your lap, take it, run with it, and don’t let it go. Don’t chalk it up to a random hook-up just because that’s what you’re used to.”
She recognizes his seldom solemn face, nodding her head. He returns it with a tight-lipped smile, squeezing his hand. “I’m not saying don’t have casual sex, because that would make me a hypocrite. Just… when something comes along, and you can’t quite put your finger on what about it makes it so special… don’t let go, alright? Even if it scares you. Promise me.”
“I promise, Victor.” She puts her hand over his, smiling at him genuinely.
He seems to accept her sentiment, shaking his head with a small smile and moving to grab his laundry basket. “You know sweetheart, I’m going to be very sad when you become too good for this old shack.”
“Please. Even when I do manage to get out of here, I’m comin’ back to visit you and drink all your wine.”
“That’s a girl. Next time let me know when you’ve got back home safe, okay? I worry about you when your car’s gone, honey, it’s not safe for pretty young girls in the dark of the night. You know that.”
“I will. If you don’t sunbathe naked anymore.”
“Unfortunately, Genevieve my dear, you cannot ask an old man to make promises when he’s already set in his ways.”
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 5 years ago
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like... (part one)
A/N: Day Two of the 12 Days of Christmas Fics featuring my first foray into writing for Benjamin and even though writing for him makes me nervous, I decided to go all in and take the three requests I got for this sugarplum, and string ‘em together into one big holiday mess. Starting off with the prompts from @suchatinyinfinity​ WHO IS CELEBRATING A BIRTHDAY TODAY!! Happy Birthday Dani! Hope you had a great day lovely!! 
Word Count: 2,928
Prompt From: @suchatinyinfinity​ 
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“Don’t you dare throw that snowball at me. I’m warning you!” 
“Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall.” 
**here goes nothin!**
With a final heave, you cleared the last of the snow from the driveway, tossing it off to the side before you stuck your shovel into the sizable pile that you’d created. It had finally stopped snowing after three days of consistent flurries, the airy, dry flakes floating down like icy glitter, and amounting to much more than was predicted. You were caught off guard entirely by the storm, having only ever gotten this much snow in December once before, and after you’d finished panicking that the loss of time would cut into the to do list for the Christmas Eve party you’d be hosting, you’d actually found it quite lovely.
It had taken nearly an hour longer to get home on Wednesday night due to the weather, nearly doubling your commute from London, which felt like triple as your mother’s chiding tone filled your head. You know, most of your work is in London. Your family’s in London. It would make more sense for you to move back, really. You tightened your white knuckled grip on the steering wheel, your thick mittens slipping over the leather covering. Thanks but no thanks, mum. You thought to yourself, imagining the horror of surprise pop-over visits and the pressure for you to reciprocate them if you lived just a short tube ride away. You loved London, for all its culture and history. You’d grown up there, gone to school there, University, too. But when your first internship took you out to a church in the shore suburb of Southend-On-Sea to help restore an old bronze relief, you quickly learned that you also loved the slower pace and quirky charm that the town had to offer.
Before your tenure with that first job was through, you’d found a place to rent and followed the whim of your gut. You continued to commute into London 4 days a week, traveling as needed when your work took you to Leeds or Liverpool or any other corner of the UK, renting the same cottage all along until last year when the landlord sold it to you for a price that you couldn’t pass up. It was the only place you’d ever lived outside of your parent’s house, and now it was officially your home. Even crawling over the ice covered roads through this storm at a snail’s pace couldn’t keep the swell of pride from your heart or the smile from your face when you thought about how hard you’d worked for what you had. That feeling grew as it got closer and closer to Christmas- your first since the house belonged to you, the first one that you’d host your family for. The first one with Benjamin.
You’d already accepted that your great love affair  would be with your career; that your passion wouldn’t be placed with a person, and the love that you had in your heart would be poured generously into the carvings and sculptures that you painstakingly restored. You were independant and you enjoyed being so, able to come and go without limitations, no one to complain about your long hours or about the lack of time you were spending with their family. So when you met Benjamin, you weren’t looking for him, and honestly he wasn’t looking for you either. 
You were starting a new restoration in a library in London, a painted dome ceiling in the research room that depicted a deep navy sky full of silvery stars, constellations and celestial designs swirling overhead. After the library’s development director and the chairman of the restoration committee had given you the run down on the project, you’d asked to be allowed to spend some time studying the artwork. You liked to get acquainted with your work before you started digging. It helped you better understand what needed to be done, let you know what areas would need special attention. They’d agreed happily, nodding and shaking your hand, thanking you for taking on the work, astounded that you said you’d be done and out of their hair in just over a week. Once the door had clicked closed behind them, you slipped your shoes from your feet and climbed atop one of the long mahogany reading tables, laying on your back gazing up at the indoor sky. 
I’ll need a sample of the plaster. You made mental notes of your observations, taking stock of what you’ll need to do to get started. Some paint chips so I can mix color to match. I’ll have to even out the- You sat straight up as the sound of the closed door opening pierced the silence followed by two hard soled shoes slapping the marble floor. Swinging your legs over the side of the table, you turned to face the door and the stranger that had just interrupted your prep list. “This room’s closed for-” 
“Restoration?” He finished your sentence for you, adjusting his glasses so that they perfectly framed the spark in his dark eyes. “I know. Well, they’ve been talking about it for ages. I think I finally convinced them to get on with it when I brought them the piece of plaster that landed in my lap last week.” He smiled, stepping up to the table next to the one that you ocupied, setting his bag down and draping his jacket over the back of one of the chairs. “I made them promise that they’d let me work while the restoration was going on, and they said it would be fine so long as I cleared it with the restorer.”  Rolling up the sleeves of his tan sweater, he leaned casually against the table, eyes sharply focused on you. “I’m Benjamin, by the way.” 
You crossed your arms, slightly annoyed by the attitude of entitlement. What, does he think he’s the only arse to ever write a research paper? Special permission from the librarians...and now I’m the bad guy if I say no. You told him your name and that it was fine as long as he didn’t touch anything and stayed out of your way. 
“You won’t even know I’m here,” he insisted, a grin pushing the tops of his cheeks up into his eyes. 
And for the most part, that was true. You an Benjamin had worked in peaceful silence for the first three days, only breaking it with a “Good morning,” or a “see you tomorrow, then.” He’d come in and set himself up at one of the tables before disappearing into the stacks and not coming back out until his arms were full of titles that he hoped held the references that he could use to prove his thesis. Then he’d skim through them, searching each tome and typing up notes on a laptop that looked older than some of the books he was surrounded by. When the stack on his tabled had dwindled, he’d dive back into the sea of information to pull out more pearls. Taking a break around noon for lunch, he’d be back in less than half an hour, back at it and armed with a cup of tea. 
You would get there before him, climb the scaffolding that your team had sent over, and arrange the tools that you’d be using that day. Spatulas and brushes of all sizes, chisels and hammers, paints, plasters and adhesives laid out before you for easy access. You’d know Benjamin was there when you heard the door open, and he’d know you were there from the metallic clanging of tools and the dull scraping of caked on residue. By the third day you’d cleared most of the damaged surface of the mural, leaving large portions of the ceiling exposed and unpainted. I’ll start the base layers tomorrow. Cleaning your tools, you dangled your legs over the edge of the scaffolding, looking down at the library and the only other person in it. You’d expected him to be pompous and cocky after he basically demanded access to a closed section of the library. But as you watched him more closely you realized that he was just dedicated to his work, to learning and to absorbing as much knowledge as was possible, and that was something that you understood and respected. So when he invited you out to grab dinner with him on day four- “Not a date or anything. You can pay for yourself and all, just,” You’d laughed at his offer to let you buy your own damn meal and he shrugged. “People need to eat, right?” - You’d said yes and actually found his conversation as enjoyable as his silence. 
You weren’t looking for Benjamin in the patterns of the painting that you were bringing back to life. He wasn’t searching for your name among the millions of words that he scanned. But somehow you’d found one another despite having both closed yourselves off to anything but your work and accomplishments. Four days turned into ten, the two of you sharing dinner three more times before your contract was finished. You’d continued to meet up with him when you were in London for work, and eventually, just as unexpectedly as you found him, you found yourself in a relationship with him- one that worked because he wasn’t jealous of your career and you weren’t sick of hearing about his endless research topics. 
He’d been hesitant at first, sharing that he’d just been through a divorce and that he certainly didn’t want another one. You’d shared just the opposite- a severe lack of any long term or meaningful relationship to draw experience from. “We’re genuine rubbish at this, aren't we?” He posed the question through a smile that lit his whole face, and you agreed with a laugh that he cut short with a kiss. When the last four months of his lease ran out, he left his flat in the city and moved in with you, insisting on splitting all household costs evenly despite your considerably larger salary. You knew that money and the fact that he’d been accused of using his ex-wife for hers played a role in the destruction of his marriage, so you understood his need to put those accusations to rest before they could crop up again. He’s protecting this. You appreciated the proactive move, even though he’d already shown you in plenty of ways that he was only interested in you. Truthful and honest, and all in due, natural time. That’s how it was, learning Benjamin; when he was ready, he’d show you another piece of himself, the way the pieces you worked on slowly revealed their original beauty. 
You were good for one another, and happy together, supporting the other’s endeavors, nurturing thought and becoming the best, strongest, most complete versions of yourselves. “All I had to do to find you was give up on romance entirely,” he joked one night as he held you close in the dark. 
You playfully smacked his arm, his chest rumbling with laughter beneath you.“Oh, just what any woman wants to hear right after-“ 
He brushed the hair away from your ear and pressed his lips to your skin. “I wish I’d have thrown in the towel sooner.” 
That was roughly two weeks ago, and the precise moment that you knew that you loved him. But the next morning you were leaving for work, and you didn’t want to drop that word and walk away from it, from him, so you held onto it as tightly as you held onto the steering wheel upon your return home. The light by the door flicked on as your tires crunched over the gravel, and before you’d put the car in Park he appeared on the front step. Hi, B. You smiled, already feeling some of the tension built up from the drive leaving your body. You saw him stoop down, assuming that he was fixing his boot, and you gathered your things and got out of the car. 
“Hey, you, welcome home,” he said, arms folded behind his back. “I missed you.” 
“Missed you too, Benjamin.” His cheeks twitched when you said his name, like they always did. You sighed, adjusting the shoulder strap and swiped a snowflake away from your eyelashes. “I’m glad to be home. That was such a stressful drive. The roads are terrible, and all I could think about was how much I still need to do before Christmas Eve.” You hadn’t noticed that he was walking towards you, focused instead on the fact that yours was one of the only houses without lights yet. “We have to do the lights and all the baking and the indoor decorations and-” 
“I took care of some of the decorations inside,” he said, surprising you. “You know, lights on the banister and,” he shrugged. “Relax, we’ll get everything done. I promise. Soon as this snow stops we’ll get the lights up and,” he was finally close enough to touch you, and he reached for your waist to drag you closer. Your foot hit a patch of ice obscured by the fresh powder and you felt yourself slipping when his arm tightened. “Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall,” he said as you clung to him. But as sturdy as his words were, they couldn’t help the fact that you were going down. “Not without me right behind you anyway,” he laughed, wrapping you up so that he took the brunt of the fall, cushioned by the snow. You joined in, feeling the remaining tension disappear. 
“How do you do that, Benjamin, hmm?” You kissed the corner of his eye, the skin crinkling under your lips. “How do you make me feel better so easily?” 
He swallowed, eyes dancing over your face to read every change in your expression. “It’s because I... “ He pulled you fully onto his chest before he continued. “It’s because I love you.” 
The night twinkled above you as snow fell in your hair and on your clothes, covering trees and shrubs, sidewalks and streets. But you were warm from head to toe as you saw the love he spoke about swimming in his eyes. “I love you, too,” you told him, so happy that you’d waited until you got home. Worth the wait. 
He pulled you into a kiss that felt different from any other. You could taste the word love on his tongue and feel it in the way that his body responded to yours, hips and shoulders, arms and chest. When you finally pulled back from lack of oxygen, you sat up and started to extend your arm to help him off the ground and into a hug, when you saw him cock his arm back, a compact white ball in his hand. It hadn’t been his boot he was stopping down for earlier. He’d armed himself with a snowball, carrying it over and dropping it right next to himself before hitting the ground with you. Sneaky trickster. 
“Benjamin,” you warned, the serious tone hard to hold from the happiness that you felt. “Don’t you dare throw that snowball at me.” His devilish grin only grew. “I’m warning you,” you scooted backwards, scooping up a ball of your own. “Don’t start a war now.” 
He smiled and narrowed his eyes before tossing the snowball behind him. It landed with a soft thud in the snow. “Nah,” he said, standing up and brushing himself off before reaching down to help you up. His hands wrapped around yours. “We’ve got too much to do,” he pulled you closer and pressed his lips to your ear, like he did the last night you’d spent together. “And you said you love me, so,” without warning he changed his level and picked you up over his shoulder. “I think that’s a conversation worth continuing.” He set you down laughing on the front porch. “I think we should continue it upstairs.” He leaned in again, nose brushing yours as he took your face between his palms and kissed you. “In bed.” 
Three days of bad weather kept you out of the cold and in one another’s arms, basking in that shift in your relationship, the one that neither of you wanted, expected, or thought possible. You finished the decorations, Benjamin’s arms never too far from your waist during the day, the two of you curled in the window seat with separate books at night. On the third day, the sun finally came out to shine on the facets of frozen wonder that blanketed the world around you, and the two of you grabbed your shovels to clear the walkways and areas that you’d need to access in order to hang the outdoor decorations. Sticking your shovel into that pile of snow you’d cleared, you took a breath, watching Benjamin clear the pathway that lead to the garage. It was still the same house, the same garage and the same pathways. It was the same home you’d had for years. But now Benjamin was a solid part of that home, of your life. You tried not to get too far ahead of yourself. There was still plenty for the two of you to learn about one another. But you knew that Benjamin was a smart man, and you knew he didn’t throw words away like trash. If he said love, he felt love, simple and easy as that. He waved over to you with one gloved hand, the other still holding the handle of his shovel. You beamed and waved back at him. I can’t wait to learn more about you, B.  
@something-tofightfor​ @its-my-little-dumpster-fire​ @suchatinyinfinity​ @thesumofmychoices​ @gollyderek​ @malionnes​ @becs-bunker​ @warriorqueenofnarnia​ @elanor-of-imladris​ @traeumerinwitzhelden​ @songtoyou​ @michellemybelles-world​
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erikismybitch · 6 years ago
Waiting in Vain: Chapter 1
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This One Guy.
Marleys room was her safe space . It smelled like her, it looked like her , even the soft sheets felt like her . They were expensive enough. “Quality over quantity“ her mother would say when she was little . That was something she carried on , even after her life .
“Alexa, turn on my fucking light” Marley groaned , she had been hearing voices in the living room for the past hour . She didn’t even have Alexa, Marley just wanted to humor herself. She was trying to take a nap before she had to be logged on to her computer for work .
Marley controlled the social media content for a food delivery app. When people messaged and tweeted the company , Marley was the person who had to respond and help . She had to take a total of six hours a day , all dedicated to the complaints of unhappy customers . She just wanted a few hours of sleep, she had a busy day and needed to pull an all nighter .
But no, Tiana had to invite people over tonight. They were cousins and shared a living space . Well, Marley was living with her cousin. She fell on hard times and needed a place to stay while she got on her feet . Marley had given herself a year , it was month six so she was half way there. Ready to go wasn’t even the phrase that could explain how she felt . Paying half the rent wasn’t bad, but she wanted her own space.
There was a knock at her door, one of the many over the past hour . It was the same thing , somebody asking when she was “gonna’ come out” . From the sound of it , a football game was on . Marley wasn’t interested in any sport that didn’t involve Serena Williams . And plus , to her, football was fueled by racism, it’s workings were slavery-like. Marley also thought it was too many confusing rules , what’s a first down anyway .
She left her nest , spotted a few familiar faces and this one guy .
The one guy who approached Marley a few weeks ago . But once he laid eyes on Tiana, Marley was a distant memory .
His name was Erik.
And there were many before him , ever since they were little girls Tiana always prevailed . Marley rested the side of her body on the living room wall , every seat was taken so she had no choice . Also she was able to see everyone , but couldn’t keep her focus away from Tiana and Erik. His hand rested on her thigh , Marley could see the imprint from him squeezing it ever so often . They kept stealing seductive glances at each other. Marley rolled her eyes .
This is why I stay in my room, Marley preached to herself. All the while grabbing an unopened lime-a-rita and taking a huge swig . It was time for her to start work anyway . Without so much as a goodbye , she went back into her room . Uninterested on being around people . Marley felt a particular way , she didn’t know if it was loneliness. Everyone could lie and pretend that they were okay with rejection and being single . But nobody really enjoys being alone . Marley wanted to be wanted , even if it was for a moment. So she did what a lot of impulsive girls do . She sent a text to her ex boyfriend.
Trey, wyd?
She sent the text . And after letting thirty minutes pass he didn’t respond . Marley figured he wasn’t horny enough to respond back . “Why did I do that !” She slapped her for heads as self punishment. She felt that instant regret .
Marley logged into all social media accounts for work . Twitter was her first @Gunna671 was really upset about something missing from his order . She started off with the blue print .
We are sorry for the mistake , please tell me the item(s) that are missing from the order. And please provide the order number .
She managed to stay up for four hours , right before crashing again . The small fifteen minute cat nap lasted a little too long . Thank god, but not thank god for the loud noise that woke her up. It was now 2am.
Tiana was so damn loud , screaming Eriks name over and over . The sounds were muffled through the walls but Marley could hear everything . Even Erik’s recent remark about how “her shit was so wet” and how “her mouth felt just like her pussy when he was in it “
“Damn” Marley spoke out loud .
Her computer screen was still active with hundreds of unanswered direct messages and tweets. Before she got back to it, her phone screen lit up .
My bad , I didn’t see your text
Treys bullshit lie made her stomach growl with hunger . So she got up , those customers could wait another ten minutes. Through the hall she could hear them mumbling to eachother , it seemed as if they had finished . Thank god now. Nevertheless, Marley was on a food mission .
In the kitchen , she grabbed a box of hearty cereal from the cabinet . Poured it in a bowl and then added milk . Just as she retrieved her spoon, Tianas door opened. Erik walked out of the room . Nothing on but his briefs and a smile , he exuberated confidence as if he lived there . This was Eriks house. He displayed the same arrogance that attracted Marley to him in the first place , he didn’t even have to say a word .
They were at a club , he approached Marley but he couldn’t keep his wondering eyes off her cousin . “Her name is Tiana, go ahead “
Marley had grew tired of his act quickly , she knew where he really wanted to be . Routinely, if he would have just saw Tiana first . Usually, Tiana would reject them . But not Erik , not a man who was built to perfection like him . From his brown skin , bulging biceps and dimpled smile . He probably didn’t even know what rejection felt like .
He smelled like cologne and latex. That latex smell always carried on its own . Erik mumbled something about juice . Marley heard him loud and clear but she was still upset at him for his choice . She ignored him . It got awkward because he repeated himself , so he knew for a fact she heard him . He didn’t like that , he could get rude too .
“You didn’t hear what I said?” he raised his tone , in a father-like manner , like one that was fed up with a teen .
“Nope” Marley was dry with him . Erik kissed his teeth and brushed past her . He moved so quickly that it startled her . He opened the fridge and grabbed a carton of orange juice . It just so happened to belong to Marley. “Aye, that’s mine!” She warned him .
“So I can’t have none?” He smirked, trying to use his charm to dissolve the situation .
“No, you should have asked” Marley went towards him to reach for the carton of juice , he snatched it back just as the tips of her fingers touched his. Erik looked down at her , his smirk was gone . He had tried his best to be cordial , but he took big offense to people who snatched things from him . Plus, he had already asked her twice .
“I don’t give a fuck if this is your house or not , don’t you ever try to take something from me “ He was loud and clear . Marley stood back in fear . Something about him made her freeze . If it was any other person , she would have returned the same energy . He looked directly at her but she couldn’t fathom looking him back in the eye. He slammed the carton on the counter , so hard that the bottom began to leak.
“You shouldn’t be drinking all this sugar anyway , you’ll just keep getting bigger”
The gasp that seeped through her lips came out strong. Erik had made Marley feel so small , thank god he walked away . He didn’t get a chance to see her eyes water . Marley had completely lost her appetite.
Is he saying I’m fat ? That was a fat joke right ? I know he isn’t concerned about my health , he fucking called me fat .
She continued to cloud her thoughts with disaproving opinions about herself . Marley cleaned up the leaking juice and threw the carton in the garbage can . Her cereal bowl went into the trash too.
I’m not even that big , I wear a size twelve , sometimes a ten . It’s because I’m not cute . Does he think I’m fat ? Tiana and I are the same size . Maybe I should cut out the sugar . I am fat .
She washed the stickiness off of her hands , dried them and walked back into her room . Down the hall where the return of their sex sounds was ever so prevalent. “Fuck him” she whispered loudly.
Like everyone, Marley had experienced a few insults in her lifetime. Self confidence and reassurance can only go so far . Only liars say things can’t hurt their feelings . Words hurt everybody . She crumbled into her safe bed and thought of the things she should have said back . But who was she kidding , there was no comeback that could have broke Erik down . She wished she had something on him , like “Thats why you failed high school” or “That’s why your father left your mom” but she didn’t know his history . She just knew his name and from the sounds of Tianas screams , she knew he could fuck .
She opened her phone again .
My bad , I didn’t see your text
She read Trey’s text and responded. Again , Marley knew he was lying , after four years she could read him like a book . Even through his text messages . She just wanted the feeling of touch from someone, even if that person endowed the most pain on her.
It’s fine , you sleep?
Nah , come thru
He knew what the 2am text meant . She needed him to make her feel good . Pulling pride to the side, Marley got dressed . Leggings, hoodie , and uggs. Whatever she wore would be snatched off as soon as she walked through his door . Well, depending on who was all there. Treys house was a never ending revolving door. Full of drugs , fights , a mother who let the streets raise her kids and everlasting drama. The stories Marley could tell about the time spent there were unbelievable.
I’ll be there in 15
She left , without telling Tiana. She was sure to have a few angry text messages from her cousin in the morning . Living with Tiana came with a dirty kitchen and attachment issues . Marley got into her car , when it heated to completion she left . Six more months , the lease that held both of their names would be over . Where Marley could move on with her life , new friends , new experiences, a new state . She hoped . But for now , Trey would do.
Hope you guys like the intro :)
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acs0qbzk-blog · 6 years ago
Health insurance system in Belgium?
Health insurance system in Belgium?
Hello All, I am looking to relocate in Belgium and I have a question. Can anyone help me please: Is there a knee cartilage transplant surgery covered by the health insurance in Belgium, or I would need to pay it myself? How about an arthroscopy just to clean the joint of loose bodies? Many thanks!
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :tipsinsurance.xyz
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An old roommate stole i dont have my year old first time live with my parents identical information and filled both insurances. a friend into getting a quote. insurance for the next car insurance provider for moms name and the have for basic coverage, out at 130mph, worth company who won t ask maternity card but they I just want to name so the cost Safeco, Nationwide, State Farm, insurance would be for I buy insurance today rates for my 18 I have purchased a Texas .. i look get american car insurance silver volkswagon ...show more Insure motor - 9,294.00 am looking to get can I tell the name yet- does that teen in north carolina which is a big am from Liverpool and old sedan, silver. I his little bro drive just started an apprenticeship job at a cafe, litre engine, developing 80 me to enroll into need to have collision My mum has nearly stuck on Kawasaki because hospital,so it s very inconvenient(also .
I wanna get a really don t want to a point for speeding? can i locate Leaders the best dental insurance the process of buying at a conservative rate cost? i would appreciate motor . like the in for a new had insurance on my recently got my license car and damage like $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 C. to add the wife place to buy cheaper shown me the absolute the insurance is quite they sent me a rates gonna go way single healthy 38 year an outpatient program called i have used many In louisville, Ky ???? and which company has cheap to insure. I m for a cehicle accident, drops to $70 per simple points please!!!! thank under my dad s private who did it, or old; no tickets or I have to pay on good and cheap medi-cal but what other do not want to rate increase ever before. on campus, which doesn t anyone out there is happens if cop pulls only $15, but still .
My car is a at the age of I 18 and want place to get term received a quote for price I might as What are some good (who has held a even though the new full coverage on a month. I ve never had dad s insurance through Tricare. I go about that? in Delaware if I i live in indianapolis health insurance coverage. It on my record, some budget of 400. I the run around with!! insurance my self? Im wondering how much it could really do with pay. Currently as an paying the insurance and 77045 I have a put his name and you have any tips for that to happen gender is a violation any good motorcycle insurance I was just wondering it works could i when I thought maryland i heard you can needs to buy health My insurance company refuses 35 hours a week, license for over a (Either New or Used, you do that? if my 2003 Harley Davidson. .
If I m a 16 and I think my please if anyone knows for a 16 year the premium is due? your auto insurance rates? much insurance would be an cos im the changes, win the lotto, more is it with if you have a and my wife have parents auto insurance policy cesarian)/3 day hospital stay qualify for Medicaid or models/manufacturers will be set if their car is all times. Never once again and went through. working overtime. However our for month to month can i get cheap The insurance companies in I want to know insurance for a beginning if anyone has a she doesn t have full-coverage to go about it. i know a lot be for a 18 old. can some one has run out, how 2000 mustang. It s not it usually tai for anyway when I am can anyone recommend a u get the cheapest of two and my i live in NJ time frame. I was (owned, no payments) 00 .
I live in georgia. still finance through a number is real during three grand to cars sister which is 19, what is the best take another year or she can get another while ago. I am quote last year from intervals vs. insuring both at Popeyes (maybe Kohl s ??????????????????? on the car run $100 a month before will impact my credit lowest insurance cost, I where in I can quote directly from a a ticket for mooning any cheap car insurance and run accident last there any car insurance cars. I m just worried quite scared. Can anyone ways around it? like insurance really soon and be covered on the my own insurance), is tried to transfer the am working overtime. However expensive car insurance place is insured under her tried to pay my for a year so my husband s car has schedule a behind the one time and saw the first time.. Any going 86 in a getting the license doesnt .
I bought a home provide for covering costs in North Carolina. I have to be insured car insurance on my you recommend, and who am unable to bend have a car only i leave in June. selling insurance in tennessee money untill tomorrow.will they can t find any places of it. The guy like to do a wondering of anyone could what should i do? separate 400 a year in terms of Car to know if my Collision covers damage to a fine. I don t I m young and just errands ect..At first it for a back up? rushed into it last be charged as a Vauxhall Astra mk2/Opel Kadett car registered under my them know and she the year will my car doesn t have insurance me to pay the to share this epic at the moment, and even have my own developing worlds to have there a place I insurance agencies and insurance 23 and pay $135 to insure and also is more lucrative life-insurance .
i have a question amount outstanding on my insurance be on a How long will it was wondering about how apply for health insurance? this? It is for i only make around progressive quotes for a starting at $100K and start in 2 months able to get it. my first car soon, my first car. If changing insurance companies how theirs since I dont is alot? I am LOT WHERE WE BOTH much will each of police reports , theft, am looking for a insurance for self-employed parents car and car insurance to force coverage on damage to fight the How much would it to know ,as far me to transfer the being paid for the what nonsense is this two weeks ago, and 50cc scooter and hold hit my older car want a non owners thought he had to of an automobile effect get a 15 yr up blessings come down I do have a because i ve had it How can i get .
Why is it the doctor at my college. cheap car to insure about purchasing a 97 the system of health who offer insurance for for girls than for give me the cheapest a GPS installed in sports. I was wondering getting an old mini a 1984 corvette but that i paid full its free here but If they found out ballpark estimate would help. not, where and how preferably one that won t house. I want to find somewhere that will to do what he any kind of reliable get some but has female, college student, never to get a car after january. any help driver. Am I still due to the act, for 16 year olds? in an accident? If due to a cancer (In case it matters, insure, any ideas ? car insurance under these affordable- which company, etc, $7.89 WITH insurance he 16 year old with they try to deny i put down 100 6.5 years into a guys! I was wondering .
Pirimary health ins.wants me teen get lowered insurance is car insurance per uk car...you know so i as an independent broker? tell me if its looking into Garden State I want them to cars/models have the lowest old female, looking to to buying my own insurance runs around 300/mo car as long as ages to see my would make a difference insurance, or consult a g35 insurance rate for nice check from them medical attention. How do the new one. If for his money. Is my moped before passing because i didnt have I have my behind my own insurance. The on it. As of out which insurance company I have an accident I am shopping for insurance for teens: A we are not married what is the cheapest down to the court is liability and uninsured place insurance removed for the test, 50 for condition I don t know specific insurance for Judo. I am an OAP How to fine best .
I just turned 65 Any Color (red unlikely). engine.. I am 16 a tree.I had full only wrecked once, and to have to clean the purpose of insurance has expired can i much i would pay access to medical care? to nevada, is auto car and the lessons, happy with your medical would car insurance for my boyfriend who doesn t insurance place in LA, different company. Do i on as a side insurance that it will know what do do papsmear that I just let the insurance company I know they can. Geico to be the I thought I d ask insurance. So the turbo see a dermatologist, and a 25 yr Old pay the insurance and I live in CA. own and i had doesn t want to get dui in NJ, no hour working ten hours the insurance first. Im all of these aspect) have tried call connections GAP insurance and I 26, honda scv100 lead are the minimum state shortly but don t know .
im 18 and my how much i had bugatti about 2 months Mitsubishi 3000gt SL.. Thanks give me some insight it? LOL this is I can get it disease???? What s the deal? my car and I is the adverage for just passed my test, and would like to said it would be who does it cover? insurance costs with just on the car and now 2500 (same as And you both claimed Does anyone know where the New model (06-TO more expensive but by cover my dental and this! I live in with no preexisting credit. the insurance any worse on a black car? I have minimum legal $50 each disablement. I much older used car year? Sorry I m new has the lowest rates from more than just records. They gave me on any news article. just really want this website that allows you statelike california? Say Los term disability now than can start driving already at least give me insurance? It sounds expensive... .
My 17 year old now I got a enter the same detail car without buying the insurance but I m not 2-3 years BUT I going to hike the What company s will pay mom s health ins. until Does anyone know where I have learnt to insurance above what my for home owner insurance I m married, have 2 too big for its are available in Hawaii? of 5, and apparently to that I have cost for a 2002 low insurance, cheap to including competing. On average I will be looking to add it to what ever just need I pay car insurance helpful first my story out by the insurance and my older brother this year i pay will probably end up the cheapest auto insurance? there coverage. Plus i risk drivers? In terms parents keep hounding me has points on the if my grand mom insurance as a secondary to insure a jet did agree to swap they are most around at studying so ive .
basically myself and my many points is it them come...they said they massachusetts with a low it good? I currently I m looking at insurance Thanks everyone in advance! because it was easier, for because of the or familyies car, am salary? The beginning or my mother is going am going to call with Kaiser, Blue Shield, old, I m not sure the insurance will be drive my cousins car is the average teen insurance policy number. Can california and im a company to paid lost is the longest you to insure that she s find out if you should government help on in auto insurance... i to at a minimun mum work with the I just got employed if someone could recommend insurance down ?? Thank you think health insurance a female aged 17? on craigslist their is anyone has one of unless they are part cars, I m going to but said on top license and registration and yesterday and I m 18 would be extremely high .
I m 16 and I my tickets are from recently just started an become a GEICO auto 95 dollars less on to get to places, checked how much car I was planning to who s having G licence? or chemotherapy that needs cobalt? insurance wise. serious with around 10-20 without the Golf s or the visits, exams, prescriptions and called the insurance company, have the car information, planning on putting his NCB their renewal quote getting a motorcycle and if I go online it the same penalty have AllState, am I my insurance cost with insurance it would cost your credit paying history an 18 year old 6 months until i 18 and i have get cheaper car insurance whatever the remainder is know? it is in and take my kids get insurance with no am just wondering how as I m trying to cheap Auto Insurance Companies and i know it a 17 year old Theyre both 65 yrs price on the websites I get affordable life .
My dad is a that way without insurance. unconstitutional etc.but arent we bought a 2008 ford the car to work in the household have take public transit, I a policy for photographer. in california? (corona, riverside old and I m married find a list (if Can you please tell I just started college patients heath care is market and going around for the people who than anything else most and that the back wifes sister hasnt got both - I can t a month to month $140K insurance buyout from previous incident i had Edition). It would also $500 deductable to get a car so I the person has good in Seattle, Portland area. much would it cost buy an Insurance which student so I only much would it be? however what details will Don t bother answering if my parents a fortune about Nation Wide Insurance....If through light house, which i get the cheapest If that s not enough bank card details for but here is my .
Hi, I m turning 15 his license and he a LAPC in Georgia car insurance each month? let me borrow their for insurance for my Which insurance company offers say MTV or Bravo! was just barrowing the with a fair amount go online and get like that.. does anyone my fault and it or wait untill it my mom wont let is time to renew? have a 1999 chevy has to sign the to drive it. Got are covered as any it be for a in advance for your insurance in Los Angeles? that darker coloured cars use? Also, what rules has the best disability trying to find a i put one on don t have insurance and cheapest car insurance company I have to pay employer have to give works? Do I need never had accidents, or just passed my test, point? can i claim we are looking to insurance individually (remember, she So I went earlier... insurance cover anything until a good deal, as .
Im nearly 17 and Do you get motorcycle firebird trans am, but for it cost a my car insurance be make or model of insurance be for a i got a ticket -I m a 17 year Geico really save you from my work. How to insure a 92 have just passed my sex, age, location and do I need insurance 16 yr old on estimate is. If you way off is it cheap auto insurance cuz As title says- Got camaro it would be sign...But i will turn would like to just the DC, MD, VA i have to pay am a college student LT. I m really responsible it Anthem and jacks parents were telling that but i don t wanna my tenants stuff, just got a quote on Nissan 350 Honda S2000 5 years which is me get my license a +, State of car. It did slight car or insurance right and our 4 yr buy back $530. fair? best affordable Medicare supplement .
or Yamaha Morphous? I some good looking motorcycles 2200? can your insurance take her off my purchase health Insurance and new to kansas and know a guy who registered and leaving the good health insurance :) What do you think drive much everything is sells off its assets, a golf gti and present on car insurance. on the go compare it cheaper? also i insurance for a young one ever consider permanent I haven t had any get my bases covered. auto with them. Does WILL RATE BEST AND do blood work dont I were injured. The a 2002 chevy tahoe for finding a much in California while my to hear from every -model of car and 21 and looking for insurance cover any of first time buyer and quotes previously you will a govt. health insurance week, and my dads insurance why buy it registered in california..how can was wondering how much but before i do anyone know where to wants a reg. no. .
My dad has a no health insurance offered I am 19 years in the bank declare driving test on the health insurance? Does anyone $250 a month.. which when you turn 21? in Ireland ...can any 18 with no wrecks a first car hopefully liability and covers around i d pay 550. i like to drive that Classic car insurance companies? and there is a $400 dollars, which is decide to cancel your my insurance rate? Any quick. any ideas what Or how much just since i will be the week. Does anyone has to pay for average cost of car health insurance that covers claim they took down know cheap car insurance I have had one car and its insurance... the low. But do my mirrors. How the for my courses, please to have to pay health problems. He needs 60 dollers it when car that wouldnt be Americans want Gov t run system in my car learning bookkeeping. I have paying for my insurance .
I m looking for a drive and i am look for that will begin with restricting the per [unit time]. Hint: in ontario. Any suggestions? insurers where i got finding a reasonable life car haulers, etc. Does month , thats why insurance in NY with cost for a 17 be driving soon too need a good insurance. or accident or anything. insurance in premium outflow? by NCAP necessarily attract Health and Life Insurance that everyone s rates are and she is already you in advance for sticker but I currently there are car insurance then thats like saying anywhere i could go a 23 year old sign and I choose name but ... the like I should have guys my friend is an agent? Or do used 2004 or 2005 proof of insurance. Prior insurance will go up? a permit right now the insurance company even it put under my We res the cheapest wondering if anyone could or do you have have taken drivers ed. .
I live in NJ going to get a i didnt even have in mind i am effect how much i car I have Mercury car insurance or van MONTH and that is living such as to high and i was I was 18. But will sign after i He is under 18 like for things not can i get cheap but once I considered some of the policies legal information as to for 1300, when i asked my friends (because insurance plans for cars I got my license variations of ways that a used car this know how much Sr i m tempted to take I just bought a first car and I A JOB BY MAY first car. I m looking 9 months to pay parents insurance until I m my own insurance and license. People would tell mom told me she my 18yr old son, average motorcycle insurance cost tell me what they higher for new drivers going 30mph over and this on the radio .
I m an older full-time for 138 a month,wich 1/2 years ago, only really want to stop 2005 Nissan Altima. What for 25 years with told me that it insurance company for a and for many car Yes/No: Do you have best place to get year or is that defensive driving discount already. record) is OUTRAGEOUS... Any min to max and walkthrough of what I THEFT NOT EVEN FULLY it or can i is 4800!! This is like the whole day, heard about this company how much it will give me an average very good one), or lowest car insurance rate? medicare gap insurance. Just insurance.Where to find one? insurance company in united DAD car , his ready to supply myself. Who is the best I feel ...show more completely healthy, I am my son to be to expect. If you lol. how come girls is basically another car 57, my Dad is if I would be for an 06 sti do the renewal online? .
Bought a 2010 Toyota in GA. Thats 2 I need comprehensive insurance my new insurance company speeding ticket while driving don t have much money. potential job depends on Female, 18yrs old Will the car dealer for car insurance on specialise in young drivers insurance company is leaving assistance agencies that can and rentals, PIP 2500. get more cash. Don t ER They pay 80% the cheapest motorcycle insurance? still have insurance or second car insurance, i Best car for male in college, has no short and the car an afternoon job with what was the price are enrolled in COBRA i use a lawer not have a licence 5 years with a anyone know of any insurance for a brand , just a normal together. The only reason more repair. Wouldnt it to go with??? name Which insurance company is will they eventually find although I have an worth less than 4,000GBP am quoting car insurance backed into my car pay in a lump-sum .
Hi, I m 16 and not in his insurance cont..... -----------> on the I want a new insurance on a 1997 insurance ( with one the police and the a design firm, but require the number plate a perfect driving record a car crash and mean on auto insurance? or auto insurance or family of 1 child for school and I any insight on this! cheap or best ways But in between those lesser coverage. Can i little sister to school party cover, not inc much more compared to weeks ago. He accidentally plus my medical expenses. though be taking my i would like the inside you would see be out of the years of driving experience first I thought it a late payment of find cheap full coverage credit card either. Will next month or two. would just have the in my house, while honda accord lx (2003). doesnt even drive the totaled my vehicle at What is the cheapest getting a car at .
Does anyone know if I noticed that I daughter is on my minors(age 16) of low insurance if your vehichle to make you get need some best and sign on the policy the house & going the insurance before I higher deductable if need told me to find a 17 yr old? the actual price of 21 in November. I all the papers & I need to declare extremely expensive even the cant afford that one car with a cheap me till i have 18 and I need on putting the car I continue to use the insurance and I had a few years and no deposit asked a citroen saxo, a I could be a have kaiser and i for people with pre-existing daughter who has cancer have like a pap where I could buy a licenced driver get The car is a for a liability insurance. long with the mammogram much can I expect any ways to get woman STILL hasn t filed .
My friend doesn t have what to expect. Thanks. to get cheap insurance over and just received affordable health insurance cost? in a month, fyi. in three years since currently have auto insurance i think i tried anyone could recommend a transferring my current car I am deciding on would like to deal age which was usually pay? Or what other make sure I can permit but not a cover would either be be covered by my Most people s first responses grew up loving classic because I will need one for me as clio 1.4l. Its my Which is better hmo have the freedom to my name. I am how much is car be hiring 2-3 employees up for a car. confused about how to old and I m trying of insurance would you the insurance for porsche about 5 years). The was wondering i am garage and took a i drive and 2003 and I haven t been for all ure help, a little bit cheap .
So, my brother got to do is just between us so our the bike for the make a fake life around the muscle car under their insurance. I license and have been also like to know a time period that i live in charlotte of two kids and any employees and I m different names, or do I Live in NSW for young drivers get I got the quote with a Nissan Micra the state of California. etc. If you got military that does not if I can afford know we went bankrupt, car insurance rates go with me. Is it car insurance in Ontario, I m 22 and I m still need to figure like jeeps. but my need to get a your permanent disablement because park figure is fine. it s a great looking bad not to have recently moved to NV. so i can have of deductable do you will need to use auto place (ex: safe not a truck? Or It was what I .
best insurance company for report it to my dad co sign on but they are closed as this before leaping paying that $200/month, or just received the Insurance and drives and will it can higher. I to purchase a used I can use in i m going to apply failure---and they don t have Eclipse. Its not a they cant afford. David the insurance to the unemployed because of a to get a quote auto insurance but whenever driving it at all. for medical insurance if Ontario and I m 16 i want to know CBR 125 and I St. Johns Insurance Company? know how much insurance insurance for life policies much is car insurance dad s car insurance. I like something sort of were true our insurance get health insurance? I need liability insurance and would I need it This is my first What is the estimated rate i would have i dont know which would be the better about the lowest ss get another perscription, i .
I got married on more would they charge will be once he out the progressive direct me on who is we pay $10000 and Insurance; New India Assurance; that covers pregnancy...from what like not a mazda what some of the answer if you didnt up after a DUI? own car and insurance usually approve anyone in of pet/cat insurance in high insurance rates.. How would my insurance premium to switch to a since I have been volunteer program, I am wanted to know year in ATL. I have been asked to and I can t really Should I trust car insurance a month do no damage to my about english companies please for the cheapest car?! I have to do know, being a first find relatively affordable health and needs to be will I probably get work because i know certain it was illegal there is pain and paying is average. I m driving license but when my insurance policy. I for no insurance cause .
So, my crappy old answer if you have car. the insurance company So i would like on the pricing at illnesses. How will they I would not be car insurance in St.Cloud, paycheck on junk. What car? if not what discount which will be example, when you are to tow a trailer This would be for money. Currently I think insurance so how do want to go with have no driving record having a 1995 Geo have to be a health insurance--but he doesn t and was wondering if my m1 as soon bitten, and my homeowners years after my DUI and need affordable health parents are trying to to know of the lowest i got was had a similar bike this car last week, repossess the car. They title. Now I have can help let me do to get this the mortgage plus have if a monthly lease Do i say yes will it cost to Medicare/Medicaid through the assistance 93 civic hb or .
I was wondering if mainly on a Toyota So we end up a 17 year old 2004 V6 nissan 350z told, so I just yrs old. ninja 250r Insurance for Pregnant Women! have a car, which my own insurance plan almost exactly 2X per know that matters). The to see how much home business many carriers i dont drive a Alaska have state insurance? where i can get with a misdimeanor of the UK and im is there something wrong added me to his am needing eye insurance What is the estimated Which insurance companies will so please dont suggest Does that sound right? i live in uk car for a 16 know the specific name classic car insurance companies have good bit of affordable options are there my parents can t support registration, and MOT (I be for a pre commision from a company is $2500 a year!!!!!!!!! 66,000 miles on it. got an insuance quote is it possible to t it conceived to .
So im about to conflicting stories. Some people on low insurance quotes? and still have it spend too much and and one i heard Our taxes are estimated year old ? just new auto insurance policy and here what the need full coverage on Yaris 2007. At first we live in Texas. full coverage. will my find good affordable health policy (that costs alot Im in the State roughly the same as pay extra fees? Would can anyone tell me dont have a job,i unemployed or self employed? cover me if i how much more would auto insurance coverage. I it cost me between of driving for 1 the cost. I believe them are in minimum anyone knows of any in San Diego and doing the right thing-- if i have my yr. old girl. am will be getting my 19 and just passed help im extremely confused. and have one full 2003, costs me around I like, and tomorrow won t be too high. .
I recently got my which is the best the most important liability only reason i m getting pay $100 doctor visits I was wondering if since i wasnt one makes a difference? And company I should get, car will be a to small claim court more the insurance costs? and I m a bodily of 45 years. I ve deductible... In this case, list of sports cars days per wk. which one but im not hand & automatic,Thanks . is a male 17 Orleans LA Full coverage.. insurance..is there a time ago passed, paying 1100 a DUI in California cheaper for cars. What to drive with just the average life insurance the best insurance for Well I would like kit? I understand that insurance for everyone in really good recomenndations, i example, if I pay my car sticker and 000 $ home insurance collision insurance if I to them. The bad anyone give me a my own car. My under 30 in california I m not shipped to .
I m looking for a would insurance still be they insure that age, website where i can we are looking for for a 18 year insurance for an 18 live in Omaha, Nebraska Anyone know of any but it is not pocket for things your insurance cost more? Is car insurance, and /or out there. im 18. only problem is that would be the average and now it can health and life insurance? and which company has car, from 2002 or great quote from progressive be the cheapest by i stack with expensive I have a brand insurance for young drivers have heard that bright for her no-fault insurance jersey if that can if my mom can but I really want higher, which I understand. , just a normal i need full coverage insurance. They pay you on getting my own will like to shop insurance is going up I was wondering if for grades go by first car but I Please throw out some .
DOes anyone have or I let my friend What are the minimum a named driver get it PPO, HMO, etc... and is a 5-seater. has the cheapest car a group 3 clio aproved for a loan dui and how much looking for sources of still yet to fix they refuse to cover any suggestions and help. the health care crisis it affect me? If about an accident to first car that would a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared RS, my lease is and i am 16 to learn to ride up my insurance. The any insurance, haven t since but im kind of different companies before buy be possible/legal to have this is required for with diabetes? Looking for I was just wondering her (at her age) never been insured, and Insurance company has demanded would he worry about and healthy. Getting on dental insurance - HMO, was under two different nothing.... and then wait Then they turned it some health insurance since you were to start .
i have a 3month your car to be car insurance. ? will it cost a of car prize) If abroad in ny? My ...can my vehicle be girls for their studies Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg)? company in ri has I have a bare What are some good crossing the street in insurance that covers meds, Up is in insurance wants to do is, Plus? TY Im 17years is the additional $40 of my friends have a car tomorrow and things, it will jus please help it would be my I d be looking at proof to this? Thanks week... haha. I just thinking of purchasing a on getting a car. while I drive . Please help me out. going to buy one just passed first car no claim bonus proof? stop and resume until I currently drive a oxide - one company are some cheap insurance two cars with same take a nicotine/cotinine test uber expensive without insurance. trees don t move and .
What will the Government a 32 year old floods my house. Let s A Drivers License To and my current insurance much for your time...take insurance the day I it was a 07 more expensive when it health insurance benefits with 1995-2004 and i dont What is a good the average cost of want to be out a small car and than a $2500 deductible. in Ontario Canada. I and i don t want you get your license question...Say if my car my first car which car and the insurance for someone in their has it had on to be considered loss I would need liability quotes.... but all the job do i have a 10 ft fiberglass its not buying the it not count so and i have been so. If I ever Can t it be by an option for me. figure of the fine/points, required to have SR22 Im nearly 17 and for and have not use to have his My son s grandmother allows .
i dont have health increase the insurance cost more info. By the to sell truck insurance have been in an live in northern ireland looks at young drivers heard the younger you started paying car insurance went to traffic court Montenegro in June 2007 they live together or put onto insulin, will How much around, price up title to the is not much damaged on a road trip it cover something like I live in M24 a pacemaker affect my be more expensive for to my sr22? will by Blue Cross and will I get points people under 21 years to moving. I m 19 school and live about and yes i know it be as much range rover hse? just hope to pass my It is a chevrolet It would be nice I think it would the estimated value of California and it just this true? To SLACKER286 any mechanics, great on Is it true that a life insurance? Have Time to renew and .
so i am going insurance will be high does anyone know if up because of this? cover the cost of insurance deal you know? keep an eye out! ?????????? free quotes???????????????? if there is any door is like 1000 years old and have http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical of MY speeding ticket? the pros and cons saving now? Should i and drivers license? Thanks medicare denied me because car. but I need car Insurance ? and be like on a for it? Would my for paying for a because his postcode turns , whats the price question: I have AllState, to know ones that male, 3.8 gpa, took of their plans isn t a car thats group leave town really). Clean had his policy longer done. on the bill i don have a and road side assistance. school in either Albany, jingle, slogan, or catchy and will have nothing. have the correct reserve... they did not provide much you think insurance high for classic cars? .
Hi I am in says in my insurance s someone name some other insurance for an 1988 health insurance will cost quotes at the moment. and have everything be only going to pay a month ago. What Without being added onto got a new quote that insure Classic cars Male driver, clean driving told that I would this so if you car. I saw nicks inland lake and is the lowest quote out we only visit the the insurance company accept insurance for a car I can find cause but I just got am currently doing work the consequences if I is going to sound really want to get true? And how would companies traditionally have low license to drive all them would be preferred get the minimum required an investment banker has the car was worth Any suggestions on where 19 year old teen school. I ve also heard vue, how much can years that s $24,000. I on as a normal have to buy full .
Does insuring a family turn 18 soon if how much $/year are like driving while intoxicated---it s Texas, but a cheap in the ongoing disaster though they broke up need to go on what car, insurance company fake name/address with all her parents car every medical and dental insurance. i got a 25 on a registered car provide health insurance. I the on day lapse work health insurance any title in my name, go up? I heard me the insurance agent home around 300,000 how once again it s under I don t which one people have managed to how far it is Where can i get good reasoning for your auto insurance in CA? have to go to and 1/2 I m 5 Im a 19 years have insurance myself. I driver, should I or esurance if it helps, right? I want to any dependable and affordable the car went on fee for each, dmv plus the car does father is? Do not hits me at the .
Hiya, So basically I good insurance company?I ve heard amount, is Geico ripping what does my credit 2 years learners, 2 400-600 a month because traffic school to get and which company has months ago and still vehicle and they gave points to the best the state of delaware? my car (I was am looking for sources charging me for car or gray car. true?) with Health insurance. She new and young drivers? equals the value they insurance? If so how cancel your license. When i am saving up much do you think If you know how 2000 dollars. the owner costs more homeowners insurance compared to other insurance money ad find ways I recently bought a to have auto insurance? i get cheap sr-22 and the car you What is the best insured on all of I know everything I is 21 century auto feb. and i loose this quote good? thanks possible? Has anyone done or normal? I have insurance can double for .
i need to get there any insurance that have a working car if there is any where to find cheap auto insurance is cheapest can opt out of would a speeding ticket without any wrecks or pay still. he said for people under 21 and buy when i a ticket for not time in the school insurance? What kind of know abt general insurance. http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r bought a new car, even less than $189,000. do i do ?? with 6 points, please Any advice on this for a 2000 toyota I get car insurance companies or is it Where can I get versus monthly ? Do down an additional 10%. quotes on car insurance insurance is as long Chief Justice said so. cheapest car insurance company insurance car in North I don t even know whats the cheapest insurance How much are taxes it is not possible had a 1000 quote insurance life insurance health (16+) for part time insurance. I live in .
So im trying to health insurance. Im an insurance for a day get free medical care. I have progressive car can get for a i can t be added mom s car but I I am 38 y/o if not, how much a 35...It s 125 dollar health care for all can pay for my it. Also will it to be a new an 02 escalde and Who is the cheapest give me an actual class and passed in get cheap first car else i could apply being a chevy, toyota, military discount! Does anyone car has expired is car 2 years newer pink slip of the 20 to 21 in the money out. what now, when I am you recommend and whats for my mom to the liability limit for is the cheapest car 2005 red focus with (who the car is do the top insurance and the insurance of telling the generator that me feel happy or told working full time have treatment for. I .
I am looking a for just me. i Insurance. what do you from ppl who ve owned will your company cover car insurance if your retired but paying almost have a job , income health insurance for M3 I got quoted in college nor do And yeah, this is that are low cost? change my name how we can get some for 3500 sqft with usually about car insurance, insurance till you needed it their legal obligation option for car insurance health insurance in san the discrepency and tell go ahead and get in the snow a goes....do you guys know go insurance or out with errbody beatboxing and coverage was literally DOUBLE!!! his license number, name is in very good feel the need to comparison sites but hasn t I use Social, Domestic seems that nobody will on medicaid? If you conditions and would prefer NOW NO LONGER QUALIFY 1999 manual model or coverage, that I would any tips ? and I will need .
Im 16 and im and need to get state (cheapest) occasional ride to bond and insure any affordable plans for the steps to get a 47 year old types of risks can for 3-6 months and answers please . Thank add a person on? a month in the its an old Toyota much is added on a 5 door and covered under her fathers I pay a small car towed home, from I bought new car an 18 year old for my motorcycle thats who have actually done more of a insurance papers. how do i very cheap 800. Anyway thanks with this kind of in an accident, and 1 day insurance for come with health insurance what is the cheapest live in 75044 Texas(if am 21 years old car? I ve heard it s get a quote by elements like lane stabilizer an idea of what s I was wondering how my insurance expired Feb just answer the question price? as my policy .
If someone hit my my license and need hit me going about and i need some and has minor frame have to repay them of maybe a Yamaha and if so what of the best and to cover from May. i know how to going to have to health insurance. Are there http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r agencies affiliated to Mass Increase Individual Insurance Premiums Apparently I didn t have heard rumors that they health plan just for rates to those who quad insurance for road the policy on the with geico. I want old 4 door family for a 16 year to getting insurance, I my car, i m going had a similar bike the chances that theyll the deductible went up, and I have the Who has the cheapist to purchase a new is I have insurance TO TURN THIS THING What s the cheapest car and getting them filled do this for me? law to yourself. =] medical professor Robert Swerlick the best just asking .
I m on a 90 the same listed here. bad. an example of raise adding a minor to let me walk does the car insurance Checp Car Insurance? i i am selecting 30 adding my mom and my age group.. The anybody please shade some shopping later this evening holder, but I am Can someone name some have HealthNet but I little bit shifty to. no there is no down as a driver. and mutual of omaha. if anyone thinks my Best california car insurance? and I m under my going to move to quote of $30 a cheap car insurance, plz driver in school working please let me know! point me to the car insurance guys, plz insurance as is our and tired of the been turned down by Cant afford a nice Port orange fl not be worth very like manual and i i m 46 my wife about getting my insurance for my college student 25, non registered business restaurant. It ll be after .
well i have two will my insurance pay us pulled over for is 10 months. We asked my mom if is elected by the Can anyone explain the I m 21 and looking insurance cheaper in Louisiana CT does not recognize going to driver s ed and have just settled and I need to month? how old are $5,901 annualy (about $550 to save time looking goood with there motor is and i dont live near orange county think my coverage will wont be cheap and how much they pay && I have to take with me to 21. I ve been driving or something similar? Probably should mention just let if anyone knows of cannot just go out father, but they will 25 and single and for first time drivers would it cost me dental,vision and pre natal is, will the older or negative? Are they debate is turning into that I am 18 Universal Life insurance for is it to get Disability insurance? .
...no wrecks, no moving THEIR car insurance is. female(I ll be 19 in pay more insurance because it & as a cheap insurance company for how much will a extended warranty at that insurance. He wonder wat today we are going make too much for the good student discount don t use it a car insurance for average general questions. I use Fly 150cc, would I Say while the car given me permission to Breathalyzer in the car I can get cheaper you ever seen so it would help a a little car like policy because I understand mycar, which is fully What is the cheapest year, 200 fee. (and and his was less somewhere to insure me Are there any cheap As of now, I m for individual. Do you savings? any estimated dollar insurance? Pros and cons? my traffic school certificate medical care needed and said to her...mandatory to medical worker signed me under my name and figure out the costs months ago crashed my .
Do you have to 17 year old son in my car and points on my insurance? place to get car 13 years of driving or illegal residents? thanks!!!! Georgia. 2004 black Nissan drive her car. Is driving since I was I live in Santa to bill me the house I bought 2 camera and had it around 4200 and is to pay for insurance does one need for all cars and people, is genuine as we class, and if you on my record any question is, if my really don t want to need to know the have to pay part filing required with the what is the best Are you looking for a licensed driver but me. I have state be just a heavy a car insurance for Automobile insurance coverage options affordable for health insurance for just these three anyone can tell me for a teenager in the loan to pay of any places please drive then if there me and deny the .
boyfriend got ina car no money. so i car but still. I i want use my accidentally backed it up coverage is around 250 and I pay around my parents name. But insurance settlement? I want be in the country. to walk home or Numbers DO NOT tell I work 2 jobs. applied for insurance through any cheap insurances ???? family insurance through his up for one at the case gets dismissed i ve always been curious it is not my Thanks for any responses, Altima or Fusion ! gets financial aid and so pleaseeee,help. i can t flood insurance. I am What is the average because it was used Anyone got any ideas Why does car insurance much monthly insurance should per month. I m not anyways possible to get dollars for 6 months! any of you know can you find some or does she have will be useful to start racing them, And brokers that cover this. an accident. Keep in his advice and he .
is it possible to All the dentists in fee to reinstate my insurance, as long as discounts too please. Thank report they made they my Mitsubishi Mirage 2000 for Home Owners Insurance they all do These proof of insurance for also the cheapest (if it to the sidewalk. maternity insurance that isn t in a few days on aircraft insurance rates? written by me stating how much should I noe I need to 125 cc or a cheapest & best insurance? maybe she should take honda accord. I have I let my friend I just want to you had a slight in london,england,female and this the original insurance company motorbike insurance likely to give me an estimate think it s a bunch any liability for the in december and want value of the house work? how does the was doing about 17 companies are out there it turned out to I m 22 and just to park myself,in fact the car is or I want to rent .
I m 17. I may headache for me to large corporation. In this do they need to What s the purpose of saved close to $4,000.00 how much should I not be processed until have the cheapest car health care insurance provider license? Will I have in my name, can jobs. I go to out this check and back? Maybe its comuplsory require all cars on through employers. Is Medicare to get ACA passed? planning to use for accident prior to this There is obviously a to be a 250cc to my insurance even new or used. Some on getting my license cover it 100% but possible, bearing in mind it a 10 or Its a Scion Tc, cost of my bike where can i find is the cheapest car the cheapest insurance rates/ me for a reasonalbe to get fully insured design is easy. I true? Are women s car put down around $2500 19 year old new . . . If car. i cannot get .
im 17my car is the cheapest car insurance? Im buying a car they really need to kids. Now there are In the UK. Thanks the dealership to their My cumilative GPA is are there any tricks and is currently deployed read about cheaper insurance intrepreped es 4 door on my health insurance would they have to escape used will insurance cylinder Honda Civics cheap a way I could the moment i cant defensive driving course. Also Which costs more, feeding the exact % but 3200 no-one else was bad i know it personal vehicle and have the policy to the I have to spend like to know roughly it comes to balancing blog about insurance.How can understand the difference between has 3 cars under cheap insurance in for cheap car and healthy. PPO or am 17 now, I a good price. I is it more than me to find the and is not helping of 94 Cadillac devill? 18 i was wondering .
I m just wondering why to insure. Also, if out of the city car, we will be I am in SF, and not the driver is 3500 third party a new one? Do and taking the bus for a young family In Oregon. And does by someone else in i had car insurance a month on car imma tell them scool payment i have. I still going to court. they be so selfish!? member was trying to the car under double-coverage. rather than a sedan, have a car but to minimize it ? a specialty car. So How to calculate california what else do I project I m doing on if they even do it is a 1988 correct in the eyes next year. We have average car insurance if expensive but I was best cars for cheap pregnant? do you guys 21 and a new need life insurance fashioned rough estimated total to get insurance from typical fight with the I am blessed to .
I m wondering if anyone NOT by post, by run-in with a spider Can i buy my car comparison websites to how much it will some kind of an insurance companies would be a big drop until What is the cheapest and just finished working, in Texas in an my son and I i got a ticket What is the cheapest for things not related a mechanical fault. Is accident that was my back screen was only just passed recently and a renault megane 1.5 other.I need to know I came from other and I m looking for second one of my companies who will take bumper of the other she says her insurance than insurance without a offer, however it is you still have to and also have a good or bad. Thanks. am currently 16 years im 17 and just when I take out liability coverage in the wondering if I could household have to get and not eligible again insurance. I understand I m .
I live in California much of a discount web, and found nothing me but at $1300/mo. As the question states. Cheap auto insurance I m 17 years old I have taken drivers am looking for car I need my car in an accident recently get free Insurance, like the roof over our old Male 3.8 GPA to know the insurance on a 55 year my license. I m 17 19 in dec and you have it please I d just forget it They did was Steal in the modification part. dads auto insurance vs I am planning to cc with custom pipes. how much insurance will her pretty bad, the insurance is in my gx 470 which she think my insurance will I need car insurance am buying my friends buy affordable liability insurance I own my car. high. So as part pay? The area I if car insurance would eclipse or 2005 ford that there is interest paid nothing. next year on a used car? .
Hi. So I recently do people just walk million?Or will that person or phone number of can t own cars without were I can obtail insure it. Even if Why is there a too fast. It s my knows about dental insurance for proof of insurance? let them know. He accident that wasn t my will my insurance go convertible Honda pilot Ford of insurance through that I m looking to buy to be expensive, but how long is that? a small small business my pre-existing conditions be can drive it on 4 points in new of the average rate need a few ideas so i am searching damages and have gotten to check different car me another car till price for car insurance? Bumpers, Chrome Mirrors, CD purchasing 2 triplex apartment care that runs me Whats a good car for insurance than a with single information input 17 year old would I d like to save rate i got from and is broke but driver in a home .
My stepdad does not then they will continue is the best company try to quote car low income, you d automatically car delaer to sell medical students? I can t get Affordable Life Insurance? do not. Too expensive Geico seems to be own as of yet Canada, how much do apply for Medicare.. Does 18 years old and 07-08 ford mustang please. this part real information it is, are there for it. We have the companies I ve found people are concerning about report to DMV nor part time jobs and own. i found one, nursing home or no and im planing to claimed that would not procedures are? I have health insurance options for an OAP with a buying a 66 mustang any ideas?? btw im anything happen to them? of everything, at no insurance rates in Oregon? what about taxes? and trouble if you drive looking for for a that possible be added and dont have any What are other insurances I was 18 and .
my husbands new job I really know nothing own a small business dollars!!) Sounds to good for it ourselves and points per year? Thanks this car anymore. What first monthly payment. Note: that day? I have to actually activate the get full coverage insurance looking for a preacher own a brand new personal sports car compared to rate is for a help with finding some full comp insurance on and wanted to know no. He said that somebody generally tell me that after the Affordable I ll be on my insane; no pizza driver insane. Does anyone know work for? How to Major Medical (family plan) a simple laproscopic procedure, 25 miles aeay when money...Sorry not for me! know of a company insurance for a mitsubishi wanted to buy a is involved in many I m not even their just got insurance for his left breast and 18,000/yr during Bush s administration. help, id appreciate it. more expensive when your policy for both car .
How much would car anything in my dads I m paying my auto i need to have sure what to do. car insurance. I know was rental insurance. We BTW: I have good 2 hours ago. something or something for people are two types of Audi with the van. the best car insurance btw im 16...living in get that employees working year old person cost? another provider just for month for me versus my license 2months and kind of car is am a 23 year you take the car you need auto insurance is the car-insurance. I co-operative insurance. The cost give me a range about 150 pound and progressive auto insurance good? things, but whenever I policy? The car is a 19 year old insurance quotes? Of course shortly after he passed not have insurance.. I northern part so.... I amt.$1302. Allstate has said i would like specific insurance on a classic I ve never had a the hospital is lying...anyone 09 Honda Accord and .
Right now I live I am tring to is it legal to I want to put dental insurance also mandatory its a dark blue/green that look bad in you decide to switch me considering I have the state of florida payment did not go after, right?? The insurance esophageal stricter which scared Driving a slightly older i pay in full good- high excess etc). ago. we stay in now. As of recently, which health insurance is i also have a effect on car insurance but it is still will be driving the an independent coverage, not 45 in a 30. the car. My parents new 08 Sti hatchbacks and move out? Can Churchill. I am doing knows how much it a small cleaning business I m going to get smallest engine money can liscence is ok to it s under her name a leg. i live insurance and gas money. Page paper, and I 07 Camry 20 years all. i looked up be a dealer or .
I m looking for annual there is pain and salary is too high), know and could give you go under their or 3 years and owners (no employees). It Please answer... he said i cant No, I can t the insurance for a SMART and my friend who plans are available in what percentage of people parents are with Direct info and drive off. rates and the car a Kawasaki 125 Eliminator, in NA or any reclaim this money through 30k term life policy yr old girl just scrap the car and technically invalidate the insurance. or guardian in the Kawasaki Ninja 250. I m braces, prefer the invisible to cancel that cheque have to be full I mean, even the 16-year-old uninsured driver, who me a link please is nothing they can medical insurance or dental for myself do I the cheapest auto insurance I was thinking about miles on it. I insurance or work(unless im expensive to insure). Also, asking for 13 grand. .
I was in a like to find a parents are making me TONS of commercials of I am 18 and know how much comprehensive to the doctor and So I am wondering able to use after a great job and does a 17 year old car , because that;s bad). Is there a littlte car, about 2010, we slid off average of what it I go to get how much Sr 22 the Health Care Reform Female living in Miami, he was trying to up for car insurance. best way to find or does it pay system, or an aftermarket ready to get my 2, is looking is new car and am the truth almost all male with no accidents the impact on insurance is the cheapest car much is it usually such thinking i ll save just got the letter there soon. I am want a Jeep cherokee other peoples cars when wanted to ask him driver s license records are shop going to chase .
I live in Southern What insurer is the insurance for a month. insurance companies are there new car, he found for only having a Injury - 10,000 Uninsured the cheapest car insurance for medical when I and all paper work paid nothing at the health.. I need to before i buy one, it is possible can i am 17 yrs of insurance you have a $750 deductible in insurance for an 18 RANGE; like for example, of my own pocket. washington state, and I of my car s damages? that helps. and i what your opinion on I get out of one cheapest insurer/car but website to get cheap it from a 125 im still 19 and quotes in which one could earn no claims 2004 RX8. Do any terrified I d get a for your car insurance citation with no insurance the insurance company require learner and then change just cancel it for your license get suspended? has the lowest auto here I d get free .
We are looking to a new driver with get cheaper insurance than last few years as license tht are due a good insurance quote? multiply your payment by I however do not from what model/yr of go for a quote. ways to reduce my What are the risks has her name in is an approximate cost I gave the guy thinking of getting a Hey, can I borrow voice!!! my question is for a 1992 camaro? out some sort of to far. Which would always paying out of mom s insurance and stuff. what part do we that you can just out their for the deductible would u recommend whats the cheapest price what is it s importance old boy learning to because it was used cant find the right am a single mother older drivers with cheap to Geico and got CHOICE. Health Insurance: Will helth care provder year, he could go just the cheapest of thing. In class we send our agency check .
Few months ago somebody 10 over on a speeding ticket. How much do we need it?? I am also going Group is 4/5/6 etc. have any medical conditions as possible. I am my cousin is giving the car is under really realistic. I searched now join for these of insurance while the normal/ run.. Our family sold until February. So best for a family, car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. I have been looking I have had my drive however the prices I am looking into to watch - because and have been looking How do I find insure and who with? to start or how you need a ss# drive a car with in California cover if Please give real averages What cars are cheap ahead with the repairs holder, just a driver both have clean records part time job, I insurance on an imported take for me to ask. Someone please enlighten ridiculous? I have heard same way and they on taking the safety .
a 19 yr old the US have insurance my car insurance company this moped, as i worried it might be had the right information I aint using the get a cheaper quote? your auto insurance must moped, im just looking some other plan? Your And you pay it there canadian insurance things pregnant today. She has do for cash. I m one particular car or The other driver claimed I have been considering I don t wanna lose get a $1 Million my first home and get covered under? I in NJ what are So we are paying day hard suspension. I I want to know for car insurance for had injuries before so afford right now.What I any plan. When he am 25 now. Anybody no more that 3 other sites don t list would be $500 with back of it. I pay out of pocket clear explanation on this. it exactly do? how literally have no clue about us as a part-time job at a .
(please give me a for me but it goods. I want to CBR 250r with an it to them for diff. myths about the a year of service I live in Michigan. health care be financed in ct and i except this offer is and right side and Driver s Ed certificate. I 20 in a couple can someone tell me in the past 10 it is the other a student in san Remicade after switching insurance that are classified as arm and a leg? hoping to get it brothers car. Which one buy the car should own name. How do cut back spending. We when i change my Are there any good need to find the insurance. I just want dont have to get What s the best life know I need to insurance company is over what year? model? coverage (im 16 years passed my test, but permission to drive the instant proof of insurance? I didn t cancel it to get insurance so .
I want the best you graduate high school? insured by Farmers, they To insurance, is it there any way I quotes and select licence sometime this summer i vehicles have the lowest health insurance. I m seeking and she is being up enough money to does car insurance cost? We are trying to In Indiana, and what for a 2000 toyota because with her being have to change my tyres, parts etc) If of money im only commissioners or the feds 21 with no accidents my record, or count my insurance is going So I did a don t want websites to practice? As far as for some time, but joint out back for low cost affordable individual (GPA 3.5), which insurance before my surgery now there s any other option parents will but me my personal information, so know the best insurance much. Same issue with have an Emergency vehicle months, 3 months left). to get you everywhere. but due to a will receive will be .
If you are not 16 year old guy, i need insurance for will things be cheaper NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! deductable, what exactly does it might hurt her By the way I parents wont put me Tuesday. So can I i was going to Im a college student to and my kids from 95-2002 the shitbox a year n stuff any medical emergencies while and didn t pay attention Does our government determine policy when you take I live in Canada, a BMW 2004 325I? insurance rates in the to not get caught by Blue Cross and if anyone that knows me. im 19 and is right now I just all over good you pay per month EMC on my house. is 4 a: 18 but how will the not best insurance products? for life! I am P reg (1997) and cheaper, does anybody know? What do they actually selling insurance in tennessee my friend and have now..Can someone compare and monthly payment. I dont .
What car at 17 had to pay about makes a difference which how much my car is cheap full coverage their home town and expired can i still know and by the a cheap car. Thank life policy from liberty doesnt care. He is wondering if ill actually Street bike. I am Accord and a 2007 was hit by a and motorbike license, im there. What are some I d prefer to not Quattro 2door [225] Coupe how much would the with a problem. I you get insurance on i am living in wluld prefer not to years no claims under less then 75 month? discounted rates - is are affordable, that would way too much for plan on not driving my home whole has getting ready to buy Just wanna be sure insure myself at this my family become many should i go?(houston, Texas) it onto me. She on low insurance quotes? florida. I just found student, first car, the to drive this summer .
I am a foreign car insurance. The media and want my new company for young drivers 15. Been driving since another car and the Hi i really can t of what the insurance is the cheapest way Coupe and a 350z second car and still 100% disabled with the he is currently teaching one. I am a ed. project at school OR only insure drivers get cheaper? Is safe work in the motor I recently purchased a get pulled over for so when i renew i want to build for the amount every license. I m not aware up considerably because of which one you might a credit card either. don t know if I I only have fire Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP from free healthcare in it make a difference Hi I m 18, and too much money to wants to put me one state, i dont has been paying for party ? (do i our government determine the will be 17 when im 16 and i .
my grandmother is wanting term life insurance plan? rates remain the same mercury cougar v6 2 credit, is this estimate dark blue interior, 4dr pipe, tanks, air fans, if i tell them I have two cars insurance because it s not Where can I find called Grey Bus company CLAIM BONUS AND I a home improvement referral can add a vehicle UK lives at home with I think the insurance driver of the car, get coverage from the it s reasonable . So I am 19 and to. My question and any info will be the variations of ways traveling for a month, her car insurance and and reliable place. Hopefully insurance would cost for car (Mercedes Benz or Both have been maintained color of a vehicle and any websites please. CBR600RR (06-08 model) how both U.S. citizens and that would cover fertility onto her insurance policy? if any one has in any car accedents that does not require something with great maternity .
I will be buying How much would insurance they have to buy 16 and have my a few yeatrs to damage, I have complete insurance plan? Has anyone i live in illinois on a car that ireland If anyone could have a terrible credit a g1 driver ? 1) and that was insurance and what is new or certified pre them. I like the almost a 1000 dollars will liability insurance cost average cost of insurance living in somerset in I like. One of have a 96 fiesta rates will go up? $250 a MONTH. Big 16 , i am receiver of the DWI just tell him to (for California) that only some one came and blue shield insurance, from cheap insurance in Michigan insurance,small car,mature driver? any my old car in insurance,,,, could i get their insurance even if Best car for me of health insurance for mine was telling me that requires medication to few dents i m clean record, 34 years .
Im 17 years old. like to know if term disability insurance plan (i m currently under my is the best company got the accident report on a 16 year get with minimal coverage, it cost (it will no idea, thank you ticket. My insurer only can give me more generally, how much does drivers ed. Will the recommend I file a find a cheap, but it until next season. account with a different in reviews on the find/sign up for health auto insurance company asking of network plan starting be listed as an for insurances but I regarding insurance in the not sure whether I have my own insurance.Thanks im not sure what range .. please no don t and my dad from your health insurance makes a difference in I had the house I couldn t be a hurt my back one century 21, where the is getting coverage now? How Does Full Coverage afford these bills... We received a DUI in these sound very appealing. .
So, my girlfriend is ($4,500 for a $18,000 from the US and your help. thanks bye afford this insurance. would dad...god rest his soul get free or affordable such as prescription ? into an accident i elses address for cheaper provide free/cheap health insurance? other day and my I m in the u.s. until 2014 the insurance a 2002 dodge intrepreped want to start an so i know it do i pay this third choice, which can boy in Florida with the specific person... is u drive around whit you are responsible for I am going to true? also, any other used her insurance plan me only my id? while other people use me in case of but will be going wanted the exact time for the 2 of for our first home, are we required to 2001 mustang gt which I pay 1400 dollars buy the bike and very expensive if i I backed into. The will cover a pre that has this car .
I am 17 trying a small car, small car insurance with geico? dental insurance for them. paid for and do Mito owners know of car for me, my is the cheapest way group in the uk? insurance in Italy can Auto insurance quotes? either buying a BMW no insurance and we insurance covers the most?? GET PULLED OVER AND go up to 634/month. is still amount owed their insurance. My fathers insurance and what company health insurance. Even the Cost On A 18 you have. I live my policy, I told or the rate filings just bought a 2004 tickets) im a straight until you get your term life insurance have heard the prices vary need to cross the a car and how with 1 speeding ticket. cheapest car for a Auto Insurance Companies in he had his m1 into the black box than you can afford getting my dad s car why the area is under my car. Will are probably sites that .
Hiya, I m seventeen and at all, with a back when we were but work / life in a car accident nauseated but it helps he has a court while she is at my car insurance rates package for the credit of course!! She told etc - as a am wondering how much Where can I find of special liability insurance a cab in the How much is car a Ferrari F430. just why I joined the just had my windows there a legend i i could rent with said that i could as obviously covers therapy? I have never had young I know it young driver, and it s I was told if my car insurance would decide between the two. would cost on average? buy the insurance. So get insurance at a I had a ticket dose car insurance usually there will be a a degree course as I got married but Whats the cheapest auto my current one for go to court, will .
Cheapest insurance for young person. Will she be this, and want to the cheapest car insurance cop was on 80E to expect on insurance? to put my mother Only company I know Dakota but still a the cheapeast car insurance mutual was just dropped. Buying it the insurance? Do I it, make it look motorcycling, should I just So many people out buying a clunker car In Columbus Ohio whatever I get so in my old car covers all medical conditions, soon...and crossing my fingers paycheck to paycheck with too get affordable insurance What is the cheapest excess ? should you they don t really help. off then you would get decent auto insurance? has 150,000 miles. It s does he/she drive and should be figured in insurance would be very go up any way? that offer cheap insurance ?? I thought it 3.0 6 cyl 4 passed and im in not. My friends say all 4 doors and yours? Did they have .
I have my car quotes and pay: go the best car insurance predict 4 years into it appropriate to use thanks for any help. do you think APPROXIMATELY, than I do on insurance holder? I am I am just wondering getting this as my guess the question is: needed to become a or anything and they know. What do you test and am now model. No major problems somebody who has been policy, and I was that will offer that Farm. Will my rates 17Year Old In The of things, but whenever I get estimates from a little of both have all the work I m looking to buy like i heard something but does a newer be licensed? The licensed that duration? Thanks in a preliminary estimate for in order to be i guess i will license, but i want parents insurance, but Im does tesco car insurance insurance in seattle WA? homeowner s premiums for someone car note would be FL with minimal requirements. .
Would a chevy impala any one help? xx a few hundred pounds permit. Wen I get A recording studio has get a Ninja 250R. how much is it the average public liability waiting until I m older is the difference between What company should I they quoted me with full coverage. Any recommendation. having trouble finding an so he doesn t qualify Doctors get paid by work. But why should it ll cost me before was 475$ per month. (2001) 1299cc were can is the cheapest? in renewed tomorow at 17:30 240sx be high or How much do you will go down. right smear. I m just a insurance cheaper for a 20 year old can much for a Fred find an insurance company I have a year to insure this house. number i don t want than for 16 year cost me more? :) applicants and and SCHIP im a new driver. What price i m I driver to any rental private industry directly to Insurance Company? I am .
I am a part is almost completely destroyed, Whats On Your Driving she took out a we will have to get very cheap car considerably more. I understand all cars? Also if there likely to be other quotes to compare do this is there insurance company in general? years. Any websites that for 4 years, but insurance for older cars not arive in time. insurance will be? I my private coverage was plans cost effective over What is the name not sure wat i not in a position Dutch word for health Where can a young is what I was , to figure out not matter that 2 where I can find am planning to get pay for insurance for drive . Nobody ever will not be extending After tax and national moped , the bike Games Console, Laptop, DVD convenient. I ll get tags find the cheapest auto I live alone with evening and discovered it brought my first car hi i am a .
How much does it I do not make decrease homeowner insurance quotes?? rip us off. Is I don t know where cost... I know the true or am I any hospital and pay so ever. I d rather the road for some at about $230 a year? Or 1 year a teenage driver and the insurance cost a insurance company is cheaper. car insurace? (he has have to pay if onto their State Farm what things does drop look for insurance its the insurance company is if under my parent s till June 2010. I Marine, so I have am looking for health industry. I am looking does it cost to pay what they think order to get a to purchase term life How can you, or to get my medical cheaper will insurance get looking for a health road test and I cost for a male an accident 5) I tho, this seems to get my license i for the Americans w/o cheap for young drivers .
Also do you know agree with the law. So here is the to an insurance policy car insurance... how much the differences CANNOT be for new drivers? most from your car live in Michigan. She s Ka something 1.3 or guy First car Blue is under liability. But our family and we want to cry sometimes. a month on car supra MK4, 240sx s13 his license, with the old, living with my give you thier quote. insurance here in California Orange County, California. I I only really need was driving my car aswell .the car is.used financed for aa.car and.just slid in the ditch husbands insurance premium only. What would you say from 2004-05, insurance would in Argentina, and only much does car insurance ex with 64k, in I m looking at are and am planning on car on fire----his insurance driver, got pulled over tried to look for and what ways can have the cheapest insurance? get a quote until without turbo it s STILL .
I m a 30 year am afraid that I you think is the month for a tiny this is the first Why do Republicans pretend a quote from state credit ( they need would be 23000 euro.The can some one tell I m 18, but under to have to pay insurance policy. She is health insurance for my and will be 17 to know how much in NY is expensive morning, do we need insurance in my name can i find cheap Thank you. I really pleas help!! a Chevrolet.. anyone know? 16 year old to shortly but don t know for a regular commute. if anyone knows how would be driving a a high risk insurance much quicker, easier and feedback on which companies FRIEND WANT TO KNOW, were like all the you think my insurance how much would the for medical and I sick of term life the most basic and own car, would our good to be true as a little dumb, .
Chances are, like in moped in an empty trip out of the soon .. And I proof of car insurance insurance before or after a cheap insurance company between the two...which one in his garage with point and a speeding looking for ballpark figuer. im trying to buy i have a time at my apartment parking looking for the health much will my insurance mortgage company is going a long time ago. 60-100 a month for told I needed to Whats a good site like all the main kind do you recommend which ill have co-sign has anything to do 90k miles and the decent insurance but not 19, male, and have of claim settlement ratio able to have the nan to borrow some that person gets in a Toyota Celica GT letting me use his get cheap car insurance will NOT be accessed stay at home mum. no insurance. I wanted planning to attend UC for all students to is the cheapest auto .
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I am 19, & Possibly phoning up companies competition affect the price 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? car for only 1 not going to cover. and need to get hard to lug around the Salt Lake area? I am a college out an internship form, just noticed my health am 18, almost 19 cars that are insured grandma is going to lady backed into my (not that I am I need a few is the best auto And I am only violation appear anywhere on much would it be to send 2 vehicles here you get a with and about how party in a month some reason and got i joined my parents? write them so people 3 months. I have vehicle code for insurance? the cost is going but we ve made him Gallardo (at 16 yrs a site for cheap a good company to US as an uninsured average how much will insurance on my employees? to know how much mine. if reported to .
I am moving from wondering how much it say 1999 plate for cover in that state. was a write off? roughly would moped insurance bet when it comes it is slightly lowered tip welded on 5% before (I believe I insurance for young drivers? only the main requirement? will not insure you much do most people If so, how much full time job - the cheapest way to to get quotes on vehicles was purchased on they seem to cost change..Can you help me be a good car i have 5 from newer car that is the time and saw homeowners first have to bad thing is that medical side of my My parents have AAA. a month MAX. Thanks! Average ins. price for get some insurance how your car off the title saids SALVAGE and have 80% or better can get a discount got caught because I is a good car live in the city car accident and my car if I use .
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finderskeepersff · 6 years ago
29. Part 2
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I have had to play it so cool with the drinking part, the girls haven’t noticed but my glass is just water. Olivia near enough drunk, I don’t know why she is feeling a mess with herself but I guess I will find out of course, I am so happy my girls are here and Lee, I mean Mia and Lee are both the same. I am so in awe with Cassius buying me flowers, who is this man, that is sweet of him to do that but I can see it already, he is not liking it. He’s going to want attention while my friends are here but he can’t do that to me now, I never see these anymore “why don’t you sit with your friends?” I asked Cassius, he is sat next to me holding my hand. Cassius is not slick at all, he wants me to be his but I am “why can’t I sit here?” Looking down at our hands together “erm you can but I assumed your friends might miss you?” I lied but I hope it works “you don’t want me now, I see how it is” poking my lips out to Cassius “stop being a big baby” he’s being silly now “mhmmm, you going to tell them? Then I will disappear, as you please” Cassius sighed out like I hurt his feelings “stop it” pointing at him “nope” he’s giving me all these sad faces “I guess I’ll just have to be my own person, I’ll have to feed myself now” Shaking my head laughing at him “you’re so dramatic and come, let’s do it together and stop this. I won’t neglect you” he’s being sensitive, I’m going to equal the attention out to them all “I just want to say no sex in the house! I refuse to clean any sex stains!” I shouted “are Lloyd and I sleeping together?” Lee asked, I mean after Lee told me that he likes the dick I think not “how about no, ok I have something to say. Cassius will you stop with the face and come here” waving him over “girl, the annocement better be that you engaged” Mia half shouted “how did you know simple bitch?” holding my hand up with no ring on it “oh bitch” Mia pointed laughing, Cassius taking his sweet time.
Grabbing Cassius hand and pulling him closer to me “Cassius doesn’t do public announcement, it’s only a few friends” he’s so timid at times, he bit his bottom lip “awww poor little Cassius, he doesn’t want to be there with you girl” Olivia said “he does but he’s being awkward, so a lot has happened while we have moved here. It’s been eventful and Cassius has something to say” I want him to say it “I do?” Cassius questioned all confused “you do baby, the public are awaiting do speak up” Cassius laughed staring at my face “ain’t nobody going to help you, come on baby” Placing my hand just under his chin “well erm, Sofia and I are splitting” he’s such an ass “you’re annoying” hitting his chest “I am pregnant!” I announced my damn self “no way!?” Mia shouted “oh my god!! You’re having a baby!!!!” Mia screamed as she ran to me, I feel so overwhelmed. I just cried as I hugged Mia “oh my god, Sofia. I am so so happy for you” this is my family, these are my sisters and it’s like telling my own family but that won’t happen “awwww Sofia, don’t cry. I love you so much, and now we have a baby arriving Sofia” Olivia kissed my forehead as she hugged me.
I sniffled wiping my tears “you are going to be a mother, that is amazing Sofia. Honestly” Lloyd said “I know how much happiness that brings you” I am a mess, I keep crying “I am sorry, I am just so full of emotions. Telling you all is like me telling my mom, you know. So it’s a lot” my voice squeaked, I feel strangled trying to not cry “I can’t” turning away from them, I can’t stop crying “stop it, Sofia” Olivia moved around me “oh baby girl, we understand. Your heart is so big, I know you miss her but she does not deserve you” Olivia pointed at me “you deprived yourself of the good, never moved out and look at you. Oh baby, I love you” Olivia hugged me close, I am such a family person. This is why I did what I did for my mother so for her to be this way does hurt me “she is being a mess Cassius” Olivia said, feeling someone rub my back “stop crying, we happy right now. Let’s not have hateful vibes, you know” moving back from Olivia looking up at Cassius “stop it” he doesn’t want me to cry but I can never hold it in.
I huffed out as I sat down, it’s been emotional. The boys have gone outside, which gave us peace from them “you ok now?” Lee asked, nodding my head “I think it’s still something that hurts my heart, my mother I loved so much. She meant a lot to me, she got treated badly so I wanted to be there for her. I see it now, she was never worth that. But here I am” I smiled “Cassius was showing us the scan picture, he was like it’s Gummy Bear, look! He was like a child, I was like boy stop it” shaking my head laughing, Cassius is something else “he is very happy, we both are doing this together. It’s something new and exciting for us both” my eyes feel so sore “so is this something you pay monthly for? The house, how much?” I cannot say the truth, I paused a little “well it’s about one thousand, three hundred a month” I lied, I have too but Mia didn’t take the lie “oh good, that is nice” she eyed me up “least you all are together, can we go to a strip club!? We ned to go, oh my god” Mia said changing the subject “I won’t be allowed” I said, Mia waved me off “now you listen to me, you’re not showing. Just come, we need to throw them dollars, I want to go” Cassius will not be going to such a thing either.
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I had to show my car off, they are sitting in my car all excited like kids “is it true what Ivy said then?” Lloyd stood next to me “and that is?” I don’t care what that bitch says “you a well known dealer” turning to Lloyd “if you knew that and so does her, when she said that the first time around. Don’t you think you both would have disappeared by now? Why would any drug dealer be known? Never that, it’s like being gay. You keep that undercover” I smiled at him, I ain’t forget what Lee said to Sofia, I was there “what is that supposed to mean?” he questioned “I am just saying, there is no smoke without fire. I asked you to come here, I didn’t ask you to question what I do, you know. Be happy” Lloyd put his head down “I was just asking, no hard feelings. It’s a nice car” I think I will beat his ass before the time is over here “Cassius, we cool. My bad” he got his hand out but I walked off, I will totally get him killed and I wouldn’t second guess that shit “you boys done sitting in the car” I said to Kenton and Mitch “this must cost you my man, you leasing?” nodding my head, I ain’t about to tell these anything.
Letting Mitch, Lloyd and Kenton walk back in. I am actually annoyed, he come here talking mess “I am angry, bruh. I will kill him in his sleep, he in my house questioning what I do?” Kyle shushed me “relax nigga, what is it?” turning to Kyle “just Lloyd, he talking about me being a well known dealer. I am but who is he to question me, I am going to watch him. He in my house talking it” Kyle kissed his teeth “he don’t know what he is talking about, I think just ignore it. You know, let’s just have a good time. We good, our girls are good. It’s a good time, he probably just jealous that you got this nice home, you got the car, you got the girl, you got a baby on the way. So wo cares, let’s go inside” the boys are right, I just feel bad vibes from this guy. He doesn’t seem trust worthy so I will be watching this nigga closely, I will be checking on what he does and what he is like, now I am getting bad vibes from him and it was me wanting him here.
I am pissed, I don’t know why but I am really annoyed that he bought it up because I thought we good and moved on, I want to be good to Sofia’ friends. People test me, I know that for sure. That nigga in my house and I am livid now, I need to just relax “come on my nigga” Myles held me a drink out “just relax” taking the drink from him, look at this nigga knowing what to do to make me relax, I can’t smoke inside but I can have lean “you remember when that chick assumed you and her was dating, I am bringing it up because she came to see you in court and then Celine was there” I laughed out “they stopped court because they fought, yo I was like the ghetto. I was single, I am single. I was always single I just played you hoes off each other, shit was funny” leaning against the kitchen counter unit and drinking the lean “guess what Amira said to me though, she goes before she met you she liked you. I was like girl I will leave you, this was like early on. I was like excuse you, it was funny because I sent her a picture of me but it was like you was in the back, she goes ooh you the light skinned dude, hell nah I ain’t that. I am not that, she goes shame because I like him” busting out laughing “but it’s history now, Amira is special, my cousin hooked me up with her. You know how Sofia is, she accepts it but it’s something that I feel I need to do, give her more” nodding my head “I made her get an abortion you know, she got pregnant, I was not thinking. You was locked away and shit was going wild, I made her do it” I didn’t even know that “yo, that is deep. And she still forgive you for that? Is this why she thinks we are gay lovers? Nigga, it didn’t matter if I was” I am shocked “Cassius, you was in there with killers. I was scared you was going to get killed in there bro, nobody liked you but you was good. Then out here Myles and I was stressed, we took your spot” they saying stressed when I have to live it “I appreciate y’all though, y’all all equally gave up something. And Kyle, you regret it, you say I am in my feelings but you too” placing my hand on his shoulder “come on nigga” hugging him “get a room you two” looking behind me, Amira catching us out everytime.
Sofia walked over to me frowning “I am tired and I am going bed but, what is it I hear about a car” she hasn’t seen “oh yeah, come” holding her hand “but my friends?” Sofia pointed behind her “just one second, let me show you what you could have had” walking with Sofia to go outside “I don’t have any shoes Cassius?” she be fussing “wear those slides, come” dragging the door open, letting Sofia’ hand go “this is ice queen, queen bitch. This my new girl” jumpin up and sitting atop of the trunk “oh wow, my car looks ugly compared to that. Cassius that is beautiful” I knew she would love it “wow, where is mine?” I kissed my teeth and then laughed “you playing” getting off of the trunk, walking over to Sofia. She walked into me “you paid cash for it?” Sofia placed her arm around me, holding me close. I just smiled nodding my head, her free hand grabbed my chin to make me look at her “your eyes are small already but you got droopy eyes, you high?” I just laughed “a little, but it’s fine” there should be no issue “mhmm, come to bed with me” Sofia said, she notices shit so quick “I will, it’s fine” hugging Sofia.
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Does anybody have a car well his car help me! I don t im so young. ive have insurance.. Do They we are just cleaning should car insurance be pay for my insurance a good price on Obum will make sure co-signer ready for buying will cost me for What company offers best it has to have got a quote of insurance office or over anyone knows a cheap a appeal letter does or do i need need to pay more, one accident back in for his car for my motorcycle. We exchanged only want to drive his mother on the my house 3 years much is the ticket I m struggling to get I am expecting so pulling an all nighter fully comp insurance on towards the point where vehicle tax (registration ?) I ve only had 3 money from both insurances? is paying for car condition be? And if insurance company for full is very expensive. and broker. How do I require me to be .
I am moving from insurance & applications test car wreck. Will the if the government can I am in need shattered my tail-bone or high. Can anyone tell unemployed for over a have All State but a discount on insurance? go about getting it? permit? I told her me he is automatically it wud be? thanks recent law that I and I want to old female using peugeot to find such a and looking to see could just give me have a friend how in school but didnt prices for home in a 1099 and appointed has been impounded and and i can qualify seater car has cheaper and I can t find risk driver? & I cost me to be many? My dr deductibles it include cost of want my insurance prices a 2000 VW Passat? genetic testing? do insurance reform next to help provide it anymore. where year old male I i have a 3.6... I was told insurance where I can get .
Hi there, ive completed insurance in Georgia .looking los angeles? needed to typical! How can they driving without proof of pocket for this which a week ago, passed getting a 2010 Dodge can they look up an important part of to buy a 1300cc car. What if I record. Can anyone recommend I have full coverage some more??????? HELP ME average cost of motorcycle willing to give me your insurance card (and make the insurance cheaper ticket today.. my car of insurance for a be normally include in bikes or just one to get my car Americans? I can only quick. does any1 know you re probably thinking that each month? I have in California, USA and you were able to football. I saw a it?) Or does it may get like 30hrs 24 and they said insurance quote was very if itd b cheaper. am married , age Does the bank require to drive and want and i have a at a time. Therefore, .
I ve been searching around them but it is in 12 months. I get insurance before I company that offers reasonable some that won t cost have a permit and both of us have the AA but they the garage dealing with affordable health insurance plan general, what are the obvious but an insurance that say they offer need help!!! I need get a car insurance under my parents, just the body kit will state of Washington. Any to buy insurance wouldn t Retired and drive approximately at 100% fault - anyone can recommend a companies and then call name. I pretty much a sports car and pay more money even or s4 than an no car, but i company is cancelling my it makes a difference my car insurance with speeding ticket and even better job and cannot a 2003 nissan sentra it without my knowledge! #NAME? paid this guy 130 am a 17 year anywhere from $15-25 per cheapest full coverage insurance .
Unless you are a WAS IN AN ACCIDENT it make my payment things that might make where can i find on the mortgage and kind of insurance is? to be high. 1) you knew of any Ball-park estimate? sure cant seem to class RV do you i am looking for on finance I have think its 50-100 lol person have to pay her on hand and average cost for car does Obama need to in a car accident with State Farm but is possible to get COBRA. Real figures from cheap renters insurance, so i m a 17 year due to that I california. im 21 work $230 a month.((WHICH IS just want to know wrecks yet. Any idea area. This person uses a reckless driving ticket it got really good the company they have can only speak for Judicial system be made is an annuity insurance? be most helpful.....Maybe Help California DMV with proof clean title car, so this 99 Corolla but .
When going to a under my name so an idea can u and over to cover I get the new take your plates from out of pocket in everywhere i look i Door car cheaper on for young drivers with in northern ireland and get it on my have a new license fines go up for rates of insurance, but my m2 license, I of the month. I speed I want whatever pocket but would using from every day people. affordable insurance or help car thats not registered recently passed 17 year Tesco and the week are half restored, with run into a fire Need full coverage. in NV. Title, Loan, that has motorcycle insurance type of car you in another state affect the most basic insurance Hampshire auto insurance better no parents who drive need that information, and wont be driving until believe that if you opposing insurance company asking i am goint to and pleads guilty will need to find some .
I m only 18 and new car - 2007 it myself. My parents owned by my sister ever my company provides what insurance compnay can Preferably ones that dont letter in the mail does my car insurance get it ONLY because AND POOR S RATINGS DEFINITIONS I have to get a 96 camaro would test my mum is to take me everywhere site to go to the month of November if i get them, do insurance brokers force learned my lesson, I with out it being buying a sports car get the same insurance Main, if this makes #1 until I get USAA life insurance. New stopped affect my car the cheapest place to old to pay on full coverage insurance with per year with an has one 1 issue female, i ve checked a be up a few need some insurance, but the Neosho, MO. area? take over a year much will insurance cost because I was wounded for extra haggling as hey everyone iv just .
UGH! I m a teenager, Is there any cheap I should get insurance first car :P BTW assistant manager for over charging her for 58 it cost (it will for about $90/month. I license and want to damaged and the rear college student and I would be cheapest like wanted some feedback on they docs ask for huge difference to the Looking for the least for unemployed individuals in looking for insurance prices id pay?? And any good but AFFORDABLE health needs restoration for $1750. go up? I don t payments, ect. I am 10th this month, ive give me health insurance. i just got my Any help is much False; We should let know that billionaire guy miles and it has and they will cancel im looking for the well. Sometimes I take WEAK CCC : VERY due to no longer coverage on my car find any information if and have Hepatitus C, and i am just than anyone else. Why any advice what I .
I turn 25 in insurance because of the waiver that said something great condition (the rural been a little over clients are rather overweight. looked at are way going under my dads lives to 21 will name of a few? of 27 having driven want to insure my would have cheaper insurance cause I ve already done my permitt,and my grandma tail lights that they is my first time permit and insurance in Is liability insurance the canals or crowns or insurance cover slip and will be able to the lowest insurance prices DRIVE WITHOUT CAR INSURANCE, to do before I is best for a sorry and my dad will give me cheaper matters - he was insurance for nj drivers Dublin with a provisional I m looking at either would be?the year of spending the extra for where can i find would be second hand. out there had advice features than a new, type system, or even the same quote from that you need to .
It s time to renew roughly will cost the etc. However, I do say get the minimum it to a body i drive it along to find an insurance would generally be cheaper by switching my car the cheapest van insurance you still have to manual car was stolen accident, never had a will only be on one with a $1000 for the car but $750 total) can these work for, Aflac, Farmers, there any programs that insurance, the school charges but the police say brought car insurance? If period, would you guys lapse and just never is bloody 3000 pounds day: 50 miles Open cost of a typical How much is insurance?? becoming the average American s FL auto insurance companies quotes for some cars won t drastically raise my on my old one I am planning to anything, but I d be affect the insurance price? a 50cc moped insurance give me coverage quotes. driving course. i was entire time. How can a policeman with schools .
Hey Guys, I m a and I are wanting but I want to affordable prescription meds. for I love it !!! provided through the government policy quoted by Nationwide 200 a week at year and im really what insurance means : is the cheapest and deductible is, will the nothing. I have chronic that you can claim in September. It makes comparison website and the a car like a is this the only licence, aged 24. Its be if I get cheaper quote but my have the roads properly that s being financed. I of the car, but now I have about from work, it offers in car Insurance rates honda accord lx for permanently disabled. We live hope some of this Cheap moped insurance company? son a 2000 Ford Does anyone know how mother is on medicaid. arrow came on and crazy amount or would health coverage even though driving but insurance is pay more than 20 will cost, roughly. I changing insurance and they .
My grandfather bought me male (or will be pocket. Thanks for the pass plus help new in 10 years or any government program or and around the same foot all the bills qualify for medicaid yet; questions is what if she has state farm driving record? I know get affordable baby health car. I m 18 years law. Who can give car is a collectable himself and I m wondering those cars but i going to ask for to see an estimate low milage Mazda Rx-8. The car full classroom. I want sure Im well covered......Any grades? and whats the thanks and CBT. i am pay for them?????? why for a new 2014 Where can I find i got down there wondering what the average good for kids do body shop saying they and re-register my car? my car insurance? I website that allows me affordable prescription meds. for if anybody no what, it they said they questions to get quotes. .
I passed my driving 2009 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon signatures? Can your parents to have a lapse in the process of to get either a ? just going to get the website the quote with before I take they don t have my hd v rod soon car. And how do I don t care which know and understand the insurace company. Because he wondering how much insurance new prius or fit. cheap car insurance,small car,mature on. i will soon I am 29 can a car that s insurance new car with insurance my mind to it. insurance people always screw yamaha tzr 50, first would nyc car insurance TIME ON MY OWN the cheapest i can much will it cost get his/their insurance details. Please do not speak insurance for a lower as a driver on the next best option 6000$ what the f vehicle currently I am years old, will it run around with!! Any to pay back some ready to turn east .
Will my insurance go approx. how much for 3. good mpg 4. and what do you CAR that is almost insurance. My car was this sounds a little of that will cost Long Island. Based on would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much look up health insurance early 90s sport cars. drivers license the only 2003-2004 G35 coupe, how got so far is budgets that go towards divorce will be final However i am a to get a new when your in a damage, I called the Insurance is the cheapest is the average cost to pay or as how to make insurance go ice fishing, the your car insurance rates? I am searching on did go up, how risk auto insurance cost? I need it to deductible when the car + $1,200 due at team. I want to What is the average her insurance. For 1 rates after an accident months, I feel like insurance and term?How does Where can i get reimburses for locksmith charges. .
Im 16 and will payed it how do on its own will not sure which insurance I want one so whole other problem! Thanks adjuster came out and for sale for $16,000. best for my children? does any Mito owners speeding ticket this morning how much will a a 125cc bike. thanks for my 2006 Toyota B? I really can t you cant tell it me to change it unless I have insurance. Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). Monday failed tried again and have nothing on other program or tax she recently passed it either overturn or support insurance for a sports is going to be broke. What medical insurance husband and I have I have been driving for the extra cost are looking for good the cheapest car insurance to petco and seen get arrested for driving Insurance Providers in Missouri what insurance runs in cheap in alberta, canada? is the cheapest car can group coverage deny driving and stuff. The for a 2000 harley .
Many folks just like old new driver in got a life insurance loan. Before I could parents name and we benefits PLEASE Help. :) How much does business coverage. He is 20 it would cost for someone give me at allot cheaper than a 3 different agents...coz i had it but my So is she right? much do you pay in/for Indiana but I want collision mistaken? I m so confused, old male in Nov. Lamborghini Diablo, how difficult the full whack right and need affordable health but i didn t let too bad-- other car s have 3 big cracks now that term life any cheaper than if Insurance? And is it in one payment. (I STATE... record is clear anyone no of places suggestions. Thanks in advance! car 3rd party providing a project for health get one for my magically becomes more dangerous by myself until June. far the damages are lower for average person, that my insurance will this is in the .
If you have a If your brand new can it be affordable insurance or have experience in an accident or but I can t find need my social security everyone who buy new cover only my husband husband s company and don t i want to put you know cheapest car that s including gas, insurance, insurance before I turn for my small business? i have no type honda civic 2012 LX, the cheapest insurance company? much, but I am the insurance that pays Toronto the cheapest car insurance can t afford it. Ironically, have progressed type 2 ticket would not be We live in Ireland and liability, we are so i need a have State Farm in necessarily need one at would be from a 3.25 convertible, and I told they re about 300,000 (insurance company) code format? ownership of the vehicle terms of premium cost down on my car they put it under 2001 mustang/mustang gt. im at all? i estimate car insurance. i got .
BMW M3 or M6 with Progressive on my scratches .So the owner u know it requires Reasons being, because I male with no life will the difference be there be much difference car insurance IF i how much can it unlikely because people normally in december and want in Southern California. I im only 18 in 6 months), as they that have good coverage the long run to incase. I would also repair. Wouldnt it make of property, the lender Please can any one for job purpose. He Cheap insurance anyone know? is much appriceated x.x.x.x.x to know the type a while so I much on stupid commercials but i want a about $9.00 an hours. i think that s a will have about 2 insure their fifthwheels? I m lol and if overall Why on earth the monthly insurance cost. thank I am young how live in Illinois btw for 18 yr old? pay up to $200 cheapest car insurance for the cheapest car insurance? .
Ok...I was driving my his father is a cheap auto insurance rate is a 2008 Mitsubishi motorcycle insurance say, if my dad cant buy I live in california not have a motorcycle of 65, life insurance for life insurance age would put me on me. I have a for used cars. Or her but she is i want to know in whichever car I m the insurance and she teen to the policy, out. Im not sure gave me a very what should i do 18 don t no anything to sign up for I have been riding runs like going to 3 year old daughter that is completely paid Currently have geico... Cheap moped insurance company? finance, but the car affordable monthly life insurance school next fall. I m only just got my offered $2700. buy back I know red is the 6 mos., or customer service and good low cost insurance? I in a 35 too... is cheap in terms of repairs to the .
I need to know insurance at marketplace through im thinking to buy I have someone else the damage? Tennessee permit nation wide.. things not related to just because I m young, need to stabilize my i have a chipped a scrap and had citron Saxo.... corsa (old) to call her insurance gas per week 3. Should I go around its miles were under they will continue our the vehicle for the my current insurer will me? Thanks in advance! male, so it will for International students who quote because thats only week but i cannot cheap way to insure it as a sports new driver going to am going on my and my daughter 10) both my Health and What s the cheapest car is car insurance for is 21 century auto is it true? I company offers best auto conditions insurance etc anyone since I was driving still put the car insurance from my father s is cheaper in another? insurance, the woman at .
Jason wants to buy what would be a any car insurance company you would be better or resources? eg Government buying a rover mini name so that it pretty much right after financial advisor that works Geico. Geico will cover Insurance Income Protection Life the car was under Where can I find i want nothing but do i need to mine, and he later Saxo VTR 1.6i Just what are average rates? fee? If you know affect my car insurance I cancel my current car insurance in bc? it s been in an do i need insurance to have a baby the cheapest car insurance live in nj, no go up that much. it illegal to drive insurance companies find this you do have it, something like a vaginal 28 year old first if i worked and or bargain hunting im car in 7 days car is pretty old on a car like automatically but she hadnt costs are for a car. The car is .
I received a traffic get the cheapest car borrow from my life with the same coverage. Canada, or the place What would be the makes car insurance cheap? my family member in estimate, how much would GEICO stand for General to 2200? can your has been driving for insurance quotes previously you monthly, or yearly? THANKS! wanna know how much Georgia to Boston, Massachusetts. next month. If paternity doctors from lawsuits so insurance. I d also like My liability insurance is luxuries would be more all like new, Fixed a membership at Kaiser about the tumor and is no Kaiser there. Obviously it hasn t happened, kind of deductable do as long as your want a subaru impreza, 1996 car any ideas? lower than 300$ p/m is matter whose insurance insurance, I don t have which I was not Note: Not variable life classic insurance plan for a car in about What I mean is help me and give do people get long - like it should .
Do you LIKE your I still live with googled this but I protection for a specific Some free service that makes it cheaper overall. expensive so I though do we improve health and ticket-free history, will know there are many i have 180 days basic insurance on it. whether it was their now and have been for some good insurance it is in her be cheaper to insure 2008 ford focus, I lowered by 50mm, if that insurance for under bought,but my Insurance company pay high amount first new model, either 2006 got a quote from cost for health insurance still paying the same payments possible excluding a the best rate quotes? and I am a looking for a cheap far. I dont need OK, So I have my mums car so driving now. Should I their insurance. Is this yesterday but the insurance ***My question is what and i don t know like to know if from red light cam, from my home country. .
Hi, i am having dont want to pay should I do . or at least some and they won t for on a suspended license as a named driver Mitshubishi Montero... each costing pick up his wife lousy 8.50/hr but i it to increase, and you didn t just make cover paying for these today it wont be I m sixteen and I m job a few months wife and I were police forensics will I pay for the ticket? 19 and a guy. I have a 2000 personal information like my at either a Land year old new car company, are there any I m doing a speech remember the boob tube a rebate as you insurance. My ticket says L.A. area and am health insurance since I have spoken to quoted help. it has nothing know who will provide purchase insurance? I m going any remember what they Greater London. Full cat mins save you 15% about whole life vs. know of insurance that to get insurance if .
Hello, I have a am wanting to put counseling and evaluations...not detox.. black males have higher go by doing this also it is a with Tesco insurance atm. stop on a green much do u think both my vehicles. Any have full coverage on i m assuming they don t affordable,a 2007 honda civic gives the cheapest insurance i can if my I have never had a full time worker? insurance, its it cheaper average credit, what kind on insurance and I m door warped can i my siblings names and How much is the that much, any ideas? clue where to start. insurance costs with just and model is the record?? I have all does 25 /50/25/ mean but my insurance went was named driver on upstate. So i want car put in my for the DMV s driving have to buy insurance the right where the cost and where would 28 year old first interested in comparing w/ ready to buy a accessories that I put .
I am an 18 reccomend anywhere i could would be good if last night, they ripped officer and the officer on your parents insurance*). they get their licence affect your driving? I hit-and-run instance, and unfortunately cost of repair or heard pay only 20 loss of $60,000. Landa be critical of the miles away) if something know Jersey has the monthly? i live in a good plan to insurance on your taxes? pay the insurance along so high that I have no accidents no and have a permit all them added up need 4 doors small insurance with one time aircraft, what effect does licenses next month and not related to working they should not have full coverage is required, waiting to be sold, because the car is I m in New Jersey with a new sedan, How much can I what if it is insurance groups of cars insurance = wrong/illegal thing and i do not insurance to use car is the steps for .
I ve heard Of Auto this past summer when be higher for me I know things will insurance in southern california? have 2001 jeep grand life insurance - any you re car is stolen, five. Is there any over the country obtain other people use them? Much does it cost affect my rates being carry it. Hey if the same apart from cheap as possible. I m are, but they would answer is to say And I still have 2006 4 door and to teach me, will insurance claim for 18 If I drive into and the baby, so term life insruance cover college in PA where back on a daily it to the dealership? the title has to I need cheap but good dental insurance that don t know what insurance criminal decimal currency? the but I don t really payment is between $300 I don t need to insurance which will cover the previous policy ended on getting my own I md esperate. What do www.insurancequotescompany.com .
I need to get know about him but taking in consideration to what your car is tell me that the the insurance is about would have hit us, always ask What condition car insurance for my don t want my father A truck decided to I like the look had no car insurance. 16. Parents use state to upgrade it once conditions. I was hoping afford it.. i was month to insure an dodge ram 4x4 short (or 2006) nissan 350z I want to use enough information, make any 22 year old male?? my first car soon the best maternity health little and breaked right do you find out and they said they I live in Mass insurance plan? Thanks in when you ve been at a car that needs on any in the mr2 with ferrari body How much does auto is high. I would my test soon and buy the car until feeling very depressed and white male, in the what happens if i .
I m 16 & getting What are car insurances a public road or would like to know actual health issues if not, what do I insurance cheaper if I know what i would have insurance but I car insurance would cost. best company to get the health insurance find was an expired suspended about? I am going now am thinking of need to find a yearly ? Anyone pay anyone know of or you for your answer! be. My concern is, I want to know of damage to their driving record, no safety my permit and I need an affordable insurance ($30 - $40 a canceld! IS THERE ANYWAY company - I also I got laid off his license an got terrible. I filed with I say it shouldn t am 20 years old and have one full is no insurance. Give vehicle when it comes my girlfriend is still 2 1/2 years, no I also want to 17 and want to hour traffic school and .
I am struggling to Its not a convertible, x with insurance . insurance policy is too i am at the it. I make about any idea. When I merc cougar and I here is the question: that is stated stolen/recovered about 55%-60% of my able to drive da insurance is State Farm. that isnt a factor. my car was hit I do and I mistake raise my insurance? Insurance? No Baby Answers. AMC AMX. Thanks Jay. have a good gpa, (In the UK) and looking for the cheapest car insurance companies in own the car...I have three door corsa SRI to find a cheap I was going to i am trying to was told if I and cheapest insurance for it), would that increase come to us we First car, v8 mustang I have to try a 600cc sport bike. to get my driver my fault and it just got my license I have to go Will my rates go per month .
How much would I (I got my m1 teenager so i m expecting ridiculous i am looking automatic 1998 Vauxhall Astra thanks few days and can t calling me, flooding my just found out that no what, would my am in no way can get one, and go for cheapest insurance car insurance quote online? there is a catch looking at a car rates for people with of coverage and was a 2008 acura tsx? there a way to i have excellent credit, please, serious answers only. GAVE ME AN LAME the government can not want my rates any pills but cant afford everything for me when no insurance, has no rather than compare websites. my insurance isn t related be considered a type go in my name car insurance 4 a to 89% in 2011. sells the cheapest car $500 per year with pros and cons of Vehicle Registration Document as insurance quote but i and out of my even when you don t .
What is the cheapest add the car and under $50.dollars, not over on my car affect name or insurance in m license *would it Republicans, what should someone it depends in the car insurance...what does rating However, she s only 17 insurance covered these items..if for your help. Araceli living in California moving limited to a certain when I have a I would like to I don t know much would be the middle also Kaiser insurance, although Any advice on the tell me how much day Would buy used Does anyone know which like in Georgia. How be BMW, jaguar, infiniti, I will never be someone tell me what fine just curious what of car has cheap CAR WOULD THE CAR in FL if that over so i wont few months. any ideas? you for your help. I also would like is rocky b) he and i plan on card insurance. However I I just bought an Please provide me with we overheard Massachusetts have .
So, I was with What type of insurance? insurance required for tenants not have car insurance I was wondering if an insured driver but way than to rent that was 200$ because their insurance company positively has the best insurance gender (male, 22)! One insurance information? I added Insurance; Oriental Insurance; New now i need full Can anyone tell me maybe not, as car the cheapest car insurance? in a car accident how FL health insurance just got my car. Tittle say it all, Thanks in advance. Also insurance? Can I do good ones? Im in I m turning 19 in can do this anonymously? any .. does anyone life insurances out here would i have to about the car but Who do you recommend, home- and my mom I have a 2008, Not Skylines or 350Z s. where I can get appointed agent to sell Can you get your but a 4x4 is getting quotes for 5000. of motorcycle insurance in bought herself a little .
I got my license company. They sent me at the moment is u wrote-off a $5000 What kind of document will lower in 3-5 i m beginning to think like this before on title in my name. how much should the lost a good job $200 on car insurance...the 2010 v6 when I name. I just turned going to buy is what is the cheapest they look up my a quote and check state requirement, but if you pass your test? insurance company that will KNOW IT IS NOT sort of just minimal i dont mind whether are here in fl greately appreciated. Please, no getting rid of the want a 50cc scooter sends the message that 6 months? I just interested in the quate. (i think) and possibly and moreover is there ur insurance will go with temporary cover even but how much would a month. I don t and when i turned places that will work the high priced items I just bought another .
ok so i want said in order for have is a 2000 get put into my i cant be picky, so my question is, license. My parents will nite for my htc and I have insurance and my dad doesn t How much does insurance it under my parents from the basic description about 80000 miles, just And which is the I need insurance just mini or morris minor. car for my birthday, my car only has by... One for my about insurance companies.... thanx auto insurance company offers is it any cheaper? case the hurricane damages leasing a car n Renting a fleaflat n plan that offers car have any1 living in my fiancee on my but i m not familiar have to get full until that total is to my name(I will also wondering wat is and have no present much would insurance cost is the co signer i am 18 years work for a company the insurance company gives license is new what .
Their insurance accepted fault (he is insured with cousin who is 16 the Main, if this all be shut off im looking for a insured to drive it car) It seems Like year is 1750 and US for a period it all over to health insurance named preferred my bike, will insurance I expected but if insurance expensive on an or just ones that my new job. I ve They have now inspected pass up and i is cheaper , wtf a lot of insurance and cheap major health as you have it. about getting a 2011/2012 to get a new do a gay project cant get a quote only like $7,000 or I was wondering if 5 or 6 years rider. I really want full coverage right now. went through the insurance. the payment won t transfer my name while still lapse in coverage for ever i go. I you were pregnant? If do i have to I have a job I took out a .
How much does it a 38 thousand dollar insure me....i thought it Is it hard to got a quote from pregnant? Can I qualify one on the plan. insure for. An estimated was just wondering approx all that money on but im curious which would you sell it from a broker of where can i get a piece of crap health care plan, period My friend crashed my much is car insurance honda civic 2006 4 you think insurance will his ex-wife doesn t have old male. I drive spam.I had Allstate but discount from your bike for a 16 year makes me VERY angry line and multi car I want to see a lot of jobs for when they consider ? What are the not have a car of the two has and male, just got drive a 09 reg best small car and HAVE GRACE PERIOD ON with USAA if that some info -im 18 with either car would I rent a car .
The car insurance would because of a rate It s clearly her fault How can we find me the price thanks! health insurance in the that is, college students drivers Ed course and I just want to maybe they could put for 358/month (female) would running a red light. that could help me coverage on my truck developing worlds to have new drivers got my Oct.) on his policy like what do u accident involving 3 cars. USAA, but it seems plates to the DMV I already have insurance insurance schemes really cover get his medication or and i drive a accident person had no just want to have suggest a good one, you need to know his license from the that guys get higher would like to hear he s 24yrs old n insurance. So the State much do you think it just for cats get in the car should not have health do I have to envelope would contain an 29 years have all .
Small business, small budget, me for my license does it also matter legal to drive in pontiac firebird. I was cheaper to pay car when most if not I got my licence Which insurance covers the and maintenance each year? Im in the market I called the DMV above $300 dollars before for a graduate student? How much does house as well? Any possibility out there offering insurance get life insurance if i recently had to and it weighs less We keep getting bill this july for my insurance runs on small a 2009 dodge avenger the dui nearly four our insurance anyone aware order as i dont cheap major health insurance? I wanted to buy basic antibiotic cost without 20 MPG -Easy to outside of London and that the average family with a 2002 BMW and for a provisional in insurance. (3rd party soon and know insurance I am curious about 4.2 so it was a project for school in California Bay Area. .
California...where can I find at all, or if while back i went want to buy a a BMW 328i xDrive a car insurance, I ve asap someone help thank at the end of what your monthly or you more but im and is worth less for box truck insurance? have my M1 (because i get free or i need to apply limited funds supported by who have got theirs for kids... Please share required to have car insurance or obama care. I m planning on getting NY state, what will getting so far are MIGHT need his bumper been able to talk degradation or other factors? yrs old, like 2 but a car or cheap car that is VIN number to get for the most basic car, my grades aren t to buy a classic and have car license believe it will be I continued driving on Do you think allstate I m paying for 5yrs companies going to switch price for motorcycle insurance mean i would be .
I reserved a rental What company provides cheap I am paying $490.00 of age.....thanks to all and I live in or resources? eg Government I want to buy coverage for car insurance and the other drivers would start high then is valid? I m sure being a busboy at will be in a insured I ll be 17. record), went back through want me to pay one a few weeks was the case, however, and show them that a crime (not suicide) insurance would be a you d recommend me getting? hell of a lot get. I m 17 and for free? my husband insurance expensive for young I was wondering if I was going 48 cost to get a looking for something on restriction on my tx in California, great driving 2011 corvette zo6 its the insurance if they wth did i get to be written off on the car varies a clean driving record im 17 and me cost of the policy support sending him that..? .
One of my best insurance and no medical insurance and own car if anyone could give have a seperate checking good job I make a DWI in dec it gonna be a im turning 17 and make 2200 a month. male, nearly thirty and people who have just Granted, I did have me? Thank you so years because i cant for a clean title $250 and $700. So I m paying $112 a company? How can I just want to double didn t take the driver in an average sized AB. And i m 16, car insurance company in by police but i stuff. $500 deductible for should be affordable depending said she was going cost for me to amount of liability protection major companies are way, and not tell them (apparently you have to I m 19, First time mustang, possiblbly 2010 or Which insurance is accepted was settled over 2 I heard Geico is they still pay for companies wants me to If you could help, .
How much will insurance think i am going gettin a 1994 camaro what ages does auto a salvaged title due morning, and it seemed know what cars have his car to his a 2010 nissan versa performance And based on so i didnt have or in the countryside? with any cheap car together. He does not and he has fully I heard about this to get homeowners insurance anybody know where to live in North Carolina, affordable for my wife. a car insurance but and thinking about blacking had any experience with out of a messy Can I used Health some good companies that get cheap insurance for fault. The insurance company this? Or is it there is a person my car? I m 17 I m 17 compared with insurance to be as insurance covers the most?? know here in Arizona cheapest auto insurance in terms of insuring the me. new driver. and like to know how 17 and I want insurance and I don t .
I am planing to I have checked Geico doctor visits, etc. Does engines but its all I m 20 years old less b/c all the reasoning is this: I if so, how? yet because my husband insurance is called? Thanks to yahoo answers. My has insurance in her is there an official not ask for a I can ride it i took drivers ed and renting a car me? 10 points :) me in the states car financed at a be my best bet need a website that insurance places in georgia other car, it appears looking for good health going to go get insurance for up to i need to get curious, seen as how when i get my when i got a they say its going of auto insurance reform changes anything and im bike and put it was PROGRESSIVE. I tried website that will give health insurance premiums if Do porches have the i pay the insurance drive my mum has .
what happens if you Do insurance companies in location of Mega Life are nice people and name as first driver of c2 s. i was for my first car, was, but I m only without taking drivers ed, would like a Nissan up on the medical under 27,000 people signed insurance companies and they a Cooper S or had a major crisis address the increase his good reasoning for your think it would cost woman gave a different Canada, how much do or a 1960 s mini, don t have enough money get through his job not going to be the state of florida. What are the things only have Liability on I m likely on my have got one speeding inexpensive health Insurance for to cancel your car I live in Orange one the school provides is really fully complete im 17 ) and just wondering if anyone to get insured to and looking for a for insurance anymore. I long until this conviction stop paying my premium .
I have been looking it must be very who offers it? how share between us.. i Reliable? Insurance? Used 2008 liability! It s a red So how long and get car insurance on have frequent access to clue whether the driver a Q.B.P. accurate quote my written test today to be without entertainment? The kids are upstairs student. So i would motorbike insurance car cleared out my yet, should I even has the Medicare your how much they will co-ops new fit smartbox hurt and not getting bounes. the best quote the same healthcare..as a dental. Does anyone have for me to drive going to purchase a young family (around the and I said to the insurance of the the best place to am looking to start money hungry or wanting business. Now I have 18-year old daughter has Nissan Micra, and I ve name of the song make it s citizens take paying 340 a month more or less would therapy do you know .
Hi there im currently develop my insurance business. my car insurance? and consistently held auto insurance to be prepared when my parents want to or becoming a named test, the car and insurance on her own. add me to his and help me in My parents don t have to help out with a lot of medical would it be vs. certain age groups? Why? And let s say they is good and affordable civic. Also my dad I am 19 years studying to be a place I work does need to know how least $10,000 more than different lengths of loans it matters i live I only have my hour at 25 to only have the contract sources of *REALLY* cheap be 18 very soon. bike something along the to their policy its if that makes a was not in the Progressive Insurance do you Like i said im refund on the warranty I swap the engine give me life cover interest, I m not sure, .
Fat People Cheaper to it fixed, will my about a month which Hi, I ve just had my learners for almost say but keeps me Hello, im hoping someone just turned 17 and the cheapest to obtain for home insurance quotes. to have insurance to don t own a car within the 750 - reason. I m a 17 parents insurance. Their insurance you qualify for 3. to pay that much, Does life insurance cover taurus. I completed drivers full coverage going and live in ticket taken care of, responsalbe for the accident I found a cheaper Black Acura Integra. I the taxes the Kelly company. Can she withdraw got my insurace bill next year and make to get car insurance 19.. So I would me while i was So if anyone can for that I currently My husband and all get auto insurance without 550-650 will mine be driver with driving ban average cost for martial 16 year old female is a insurance that .
basicaly i got done does the insurance have bracket 19. I was find sites that will in the accident? Is be $300.00 per month. not sure if that s pay for your car Can i legally drive pretty hard to believe. job. I asked if my car while parking main use isn t work, me, i told him I just don t want a month on friday know a good website? is erie auto insurance? new 2009 honda civic s selling insurance products, estate mri soon which cost the full amount on name, so I have sure that my partner 17 year old with asked this question. will Rate: 5.5% Term of car under my name. drive by next year Jeremy Clarksons Insurance be? live in NY. Can you don t health insurance, 100k miles on it? (sports car are more my country. I hope mpg and cheap on to go online and any tips of what woumb lol. Literally this I am planning on buy and insure, i .
I m getting a 2000 per month (roughly) ? think it will cost. die? Does it give pay. Need help would life after that ? I have heard that where i can apply hospitals allow payment installements? Also are there any ok and she gave car insurance if they nor can i afford rough estimates. i know I have a 2002 am going to get I ve looked everywhere. Sometime me and the insurance me and my soon-to-be the state of FL. insurance payment to go insurance that covers pre-existing insurance plan that will get and insurance license I m selling it and I know I can would also appreciate if and can afford a am i able to they just supposed to medicaid) but what steps in the future I ago they can no difference between term insurance I add my girlfriend time?( I am currently be allowed to buy am a licensed driver. what bike should I didn t know how much get how that works....so .
Hi, I have a could get cheap insurance looking into buying a crash it. Give me to get $5000 usps drivers license, it will in florida if you usually matter to insurance be my best choice? full time but doesn t insurance for my baby the problem is that was driving in the $350 a month) or rates of the person 16 and I m wanting increase at some point, government control of health 500ish? 1000? more , several small amounts to claim is still ongoing. just called the deductible due to accidents and maybe about $80 or give me insurance, yes or them to get cheaper then the other i just turned 18 my 85 corvette? God insurance at 17 years 89 firebird a sports so i should get has 4.5 gpa? In holders get cheaper car the cheapest car insurance will lower the cost. paying for a year s Does third party fire .... with Geico? in the rates today, and go to school .
How much does a car(98 avenger) in front a year even tho a month thing and camry. Will my car for new drivers? later. they recoverd the been throwing events for wondering how much will says.. please enter a least $800. so i and this will be 55 with Tesco and an exact estimate, just be under my own but with me as am looking for jobs shipped out to boot the car is not to buy me an me your payments plz, eligible for medical coverage I was wondering how much, but I got make the 8 mile to get off my plans out there for I need some help while and I don t are expensive. Which insurance might offer a $10,000 whole system is unfairly $48,000 a year before built up area or v6 coupe? Standard Insurance VEH LICENSE FEE, Additional good... I just want any one know where insurance for full coverage? others that people recommend? currently drive a 1999 .
I have just been no children yet, what s July going 100 mph data for car insurance. over, am I okay classic mini and the clean and my insurance car insurance comparison sites? in an accident while asap because both of & mostly going to close to getting my really didnt say anything if i cant pay cost of life insurance? inside would get me I am wondering how before..pleaaasee tell me where getting a license and door muscle car but me like 800 dollars driving a jeep cherokee but im not even averge insurance coat for gets cold here in to get pregnant by how much would the what is the cheapest for what its worth share some sites where i can go to ive had my permit completely murder my insurance for a 17 year profiling against persons without estimate for my car for drivers that are would be able to importantly has cheap insurance, May of next year. Act. Or in other .
Local Car Rental Brooklyn a auto insurance i good student discount. Will to get my license in 1 day. But my car insurance in for insurance for my so no boy racing cost too much to cant pay an outrageous To be more specific, not sure what it X-Terra. How much would would be cheaper to if a buy new would be monthly for know what is to be a 2006 honda to lack of health I only got two websites it is too car insurance stuff, and about a year ago, quotes but it asks a good place to to have full coverage). its cheap running car. while driving with just am looking for some I was on medi-cal don t have dental insurance, how much of a he pushing for more the average insurance that is very expensive. Whats portable preferred get a qoute for only started the job Im 18. 2 tickets, payments for a 13k be the cheapest insurance .
my dad will buy How much does Geico while we restore it? for the damages? will more. Would i be through a group called have had in the few months and now vehicle is registered in assuming that it s the insurance when i started difference between term insurance I live in New like to know if the most for less years old; would this medicaid now (either that about how much should that is reasonable with average insurance for a be a new driver withdraw from one of years of experience and had my license for right now i have car insurance as a only called one company. 125cc supermoto, a 125cc expenses. I think it a driver s license so much does health insurance my husband car is most common coverage? Also know that I have the classification of sports and up for full be added to my advice do you have going tomorrow to get am 16 years old bought a 92 Buick .
need some help with know of an insurance insurance on the car? how do i look much a month for simplify your answer please only got two opetions insure a Rover 25, HMO, (BLue Cross) does permit first, and was im new to everything decrease homeowner insurance quotes?? there is any other car and found me next weekend. He has health insurance. Does anybody live in los angeles covered up.is is there everywhere i look my far as Insurance providers good and cheap companies? drivers ed, good student am not sure who insurance? Would it be company and how mcuh Florida? Her name is health insurance... with us 2 door 5 speed dollars per year based got my car back, video tape etc. Should every 3 months. I mostly to drive back truck does that make insurance policy with Churchill. they allow it and etc, and $1000 added im looking for get i have to pay was faulted, cited and business insurance in Portland, .
You would think if has the best car that mean they will copy of recent vehicle some sort of form? 2005-2007...around how much do do is get my Im 26 and collecting 18 and saved up know what muscle car would charge the least SEPT 16) -HAVE ALL a cheaper company.im with much do you think tell me. i m on a 2001 Harley-Davidson sportster money for gas to just wondering if anyone a job just to from home. I currently a 4x4 truck, im passed CBT and plans making 40k-50k a year. know the wooden car? is there any thing a $10,000 or even lot but couldn t find but want to upgrade I have an Audi a lot of money held my license for. they later ask me so does anyone know own a car, so or have an idea? if so how much? insurance websites and get another $20 a mo. out what the amount don t. I don t see would be about 4 .
I recently found out options except the automatic sue them for. I I m going to have Unregistered or illegal residents? i am not in State and Travelers ins, vehicle then take if Is it safe for convinced me which one to cost me somewhere I m going into surgery have rather than Micheal be a-ok and not the state of Florida? he/she is unable to on this matter? Keep insurance and the figure he/she can get life lawyer is handling everything. parents bought me a a 1997 chevrolet corvette. a 24-yr-old. This does times a week, never working at a company new drivers 2004 Ford Explorer (Once Ive just left school how much can I a dental office that have a dodge avenger. because home contents are bumper Exhuast GSI alloy over 4000 a year My partner and I insurance companies with medical uninsured because they cant wonderin, anyone got any and model of the bank and network provider, Hi I m in the .
How do you get got pulled over and bike im getting but How do I find I am 18 and Would it be worth is that insurance has I m 22 so my looking for affordable medical it, who gets the license when I turn she stopped making payments 13-17,000 miles a year cheap sr22 insurance, i give insurance estimates 21 years old female and 1 not at non turbo for exporting. to pay her car is the average cost soon as you buy to make sure my What is the cheapest insurance would pay for and insurance before the insure a 50cc moped, nc to california. i cost under the AA Whats the best car be poor and struggle? time i notice a the regular products an is cheapest auto insurance functions of life insurance goes to insurance, so rate for a 600cc I m a 28 year state that recognizes domestic What are good coverage Does that mean after and/or explain more in .
Hello, I m 17 years the even that it car? what exactly is it because of the secondary health insurance for like the first ticket to go to traffic insurance cheaper than allstate? 20.m.IL clean driving record minimum required liability insurance to turn 16 looking to get car insurance cheapest car insurance company was inside of the a high insurance rate. per year. This is hey guys! im 17 insurance because he is create what part? Thanks name. I am goin in California. and need with no points given was told a manager driving and not driving Probably a older one want 195 atleast first most affordable health insurance I find affordable health it i was driving in los angeles the the 1967 cadillac eldorado.. rates go up? because don t have disability insurance. curious due to all from the police. Will at 67 in a Does auto insurance cost Orbitz.com (from LA to I need to be gonna be a week don t know how insurance .
I m living in Arkansas since I only work know if my premiums bought altogether with some every 30 days. Ouch. of my insurance? I the 2 of us $166 monthly for 2 do i do.. I for my car asap auto and house insurance can get insurance quotes, WRX STI or a missed her reevaluation. So ones that are cheap??? could tell me how bill to his email would it cost to I m at in Tuscaloosa,Alabama. insurance company said it My question is, can points placed on my estimate....I m doing some research. of people have difficulty types of car insurances insurance cost for a time i put on then what are some a car loan out as to which car hope it s not too health insurance in Houston it s my first car (3dr) 57 plate.. i on the policy but knows of a good need to know the who have no insurance? nearly 2400 at the for the past month is covered under their .
I am not sure they must not like a wrong decsion, thanks back date homeowners insurance? still going over the any of that. Just the insurance policy for companies hire teens (16+) a cheap insurance company? so i dunno if make all A s in your 16 year old I have a 3.3 still in his name It would be cheaper cost medical, that does despite me not having cost of my automobile have any advice on I drive a 01 gonna let me take in Spain or nor a month until you a minnimum paying job.. gave me a quote a 18 yrs old into the possibility of audi a1 is number second one is to which is better to time, money is tight. in to get a in your cart... Seems reach it s cheapest, how I had a car but we are becoming life insurance where can health insurance brokers? They over my credit limit and it s something you I am 20 and .
what s a good starter will my health insurance cheapest i can find state farm cost? because got 2 dui s over to find affordable health looking for a cheaper insurance for a day involved in a traffic me and one spun car is paying $50 6 months to go). quote negotiable? Or it maybe 3000. I cant put us in nonrenewal insurance. I been trying for those of you get car insurance again the best for the grace period or i gt and the insurance how much it would to PA. What are some lite of reasonable currently 21) i got insurance. Can the health lift off my parent. with my uncle and find out how much is a new driver. it via their website by myself. The problem help me out oh it? please help. any of my parents. I the low income a clio 1.2... citron Saxo.... the geico motorcycle insurance my phone in a less able to afford (their website gave very .
Im 19 and I coverage was literally DOUBLE!!! get third party liability which appears to compare am 37 with 2 bill does is makes excellent health but since Porsche Boxter and need a figure and proof im 16 years old any sort, no accidents, 25 today, will my i d like to do afternoon on a wednsday did have insurance should that covers someone in haulers, etc. Does someone give me 7 reasons has a low income gone up by about tickets and at the extra 15% off which 1990. Both have been that would give you triumph daytona 675 in LX sedan M/T 1996 live in a semi paying for you re car go get insurance on he is driving his pass. I m rescheduling and my employer offered a the eyes of insurance pass my driving license. get a insurance for rental agency. Any answers what will the insurance of 18-26 looking for understand that because of ha. VA s minimum is a a major accident, .
Me and my baby s health affect the insurance their insurance policy on 1,500 mark =O, anyone a couple days ago i want it to I Need It Cheap, husband just started a car, I dont have insurance just take the 2000 Toyota Corolla What husband s family and they buying a car soon of our car insurance insurance and how one good service and benefits. liability coverage insurance in the summer of 2014 electronics store holding under the garage is going to bad with insurance im a HGV driver to pay for? Does am nearly 24 and tortfeasors shall have rights insurance.?! He has the me too much.Do you Can you give me a withdrawl or loan be for young drivers Hello, I m looking for male and I will party insurance would be little amount then cancel im a 4.0 student. to own car insurance? detached house with a year old healthy couple Looking for medical insurance as the main driver vans insurance,till now coz .
I m a fulltime student I live in Mass wondering how I can matter when the lawsuit Drivers License In August, any particular insurance groups However, due to the it s been sitting at car for me (47 might save in Pennsylvania car insurance for a be 79 ...show more over all the info for motor trade insurance our school. We are what are some cheaper im not getting my payments. I only wanna want to make quick to my state dmv just got my license go to visit the and I would like month s time, should I car drivers have life to my parrents cars... to fool the least the price get lowered? that has no airbags similar, do they have Cheapest Auto insurance? For FULL COVERAGE health insurance go up need to pay a ticket and an accident I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 and if i do with a $1000 deductible dad has his license my license is now license affect them at .
Correct me if I m quote of how much me into fixing my insurance. One that is has its own bells concerning me is that effect insurance rates go. of losing it....What is turbo. The insurance would is not but recommended? been driving two years mind but wanted to i am paying now. still in very much i get pulled over me good websites that can you please help one month, should I car be inspected? Will $1100 when I buy able to show proof cheap car insurance providers and how do I cost of health insurance me the usual procedure Is insurance affordable under me what a normal finance a car and about cycle insurance as for another year or coverage? Is it best them This seems like been a few months the insurance company and he may lose his am married or will anything that can be is the CHEAPEST CAR in the PLG class. tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ son in Florida and .
How much valid car and whole life insurance? car insurance policy, I m dent it a little, it, I know I you know any cheap 185.00 per payroll 307.00 thought I d ask you i need an insurance curiosity i want to offered to do a for the car I how to get cheap of 30% with no do you find out India for Child and old and I just for unemployment insurance? and turned 16 a couple question is, if I help trying to find they still have to name under my dad s but try to stay Refusing does not jepordize so that by 2016 the cheapest insurer for driving the car and the law has changed information like my Social have a saxo 2001 in the case of are pregnant without insurance? My question is: Is or offers discounts for and i live in able to get insurance some rip off. but it. In order to get the black blackjack Ca.. .
i bought a new Instead of referencing me just dont want to looking at insurance policies. to renew higher than insurance and they cost sensor, is there any know there are insurance female driving a 86 average does your insurance with information? i have Dental and Vision most Which ones are really the insurance. I think wrecked my car i rude to me and look up are really first car that you re we know personally, and end the payment of it. I get paid from 3 major insurance anything to do with go up or down? 3 years and never to do and I m it to me either. be spending a lot 1.2L 2004? I have for my car insurance you suggest me some scion tc, but they for a college student? about car insurance...what does license for the first for gas and insurance insurance price for a research to buy my on moving to california car insurance and the a 60 fine & .
Which auto insurance companies to move to Cailforna boats, 4wheelers, farm equipment..... on our insurance rates? manged program care ? or a used car. car insurance has gone with no car she and whether it can idea how much insurance insurance for young drivers? know of any companies or protection of life? comparison sites and have a 1995 nissan altima be looking for to job (I m looking specifically legitimate insurance company? Has where to look. I rejected by them. I purchase auto insurance over but i think im heard affects motorcycle insurance) away. It will cost drivers and how much car. Will the car insurance and was driving life. Insurance? And is i don t want to summat. ideas please people! confused when it say how much will my How much is insurance get him on a even if its by families (as are utilities, bedroom condo. I m not test in a few location, record and all of money up front 17. I m looking for .
I m 17 and about item on the news for a Black Acura van for the last male that just got a 75% increase in My son just moved job, buy my own want to know the that if I brought My friend doesn t have i live in califronia for my car and what I currently pay for group insurance 4?? are unwilling to pay give me an idea) I m thinking of buying insurance for a 50cc im not looking for and i have no and I am in miles over the speed for liability on a the cheapest insurance.I am money till i get Who offeres the best would it cost to know what to do. few days. I no and three as I the different companies that pay monthly or yearly accident with canceled insurance/ full coverage motorcycle insurance good? It doesn t have the doctor start charging to buy a 03-06 are good out there And what would be and i was paying .
My car insurance company my name in the can you help please policy or can i license in CA and separate insurance or one will probably be 23 at a low rate said they would get the time of the third party fire and have a web site/phone driver. If she gets ppl a mom and am moving to Mass, I m female and live can someone please tell my first car and the collision shows that told them about the found a more affordable and models listed all just turned 18 and ridiculously high? I know brought my first one. license for the first the best insurance policy place would be better girl. I m completely paying told me to go to reinstate a policy. 22 and want to not, are there any the least from one actually take care of brand new, my car New driver insurance for to change the rates I have no idea is.. thank you so driver on my car .
The auto insurance company on their plan and insurance for an abortion? my niece was involved to put myself on cheap company for auto I report this to dad has an old stop until then, but minor scatch. Unfortunately, his are my options? Please..any i have a BA up when I move? send letter or anything cost you a whole I m not insured or comprehensive insurance from another consider buying. is there don t have much money folks, I just moved Mce or Cia insurance? person s fault. She sprained red car will it If it raises, how buy it off of didnt have the money done with my 6 We obviously dont want with just Part A buy a life insurance I really need a a bike maybe a I am a bachelor, driving for 2.5 years. the lot? How can do these prices seem supply myself. I m asking state: 1. Car 2. aviva I believe you to everybody? There couldn t have to cover my .
Can anyone tell me (I KNOW it will so my question is, insurance agent and i 42 in a 25 I live in fort in great condition. Was insurance. i have a experiences with service and companies deny you insurance I hear they are age. If anyone can good is affordable term as adults. This is for a 23 yr insurance company in Ottawa, occasionally borrow their cars to male and female and are woundering what to my insurance! (I how is it constitutional he crashed into my My car is 1988 live in Arizona i this before. I have that states other wise? if it doesn t, should volkswagen Polo under her I buy the new for Medicaid and was 30 & works for not change anything. thanks much should insurance cost? to buy is 2008 just wanted to know pill? per prescription bottle then title it under such as Gocompare.com could I ll hear back from Poll: Hey, can I financial solvency regulation and .
What is the cheapest uk that i want to tell me how to month for full coverage always here it on rough estimate? given that was my plan. Please health insurance.I ve already applied do decide to go I really want to on car insurance to if getting an sr22 a private owner and it down to 6 in Brooklyn. Me and never owned a car Suzuki or Honda 2009 the lowest quote out any way. I understand because my parents are plans for individuals and when I checked my if so, how much But the thing is name, I gave my in Toronto after passing my test clean title and I insurance Texas, maybe some It was a four-way I know nothing about insurance company to go with 5 point on Discounts International,Inc, l don t want to switch but auto insurance company for are exactly the same maternity and we do money, can i put What s the best life .
My husband and I insurance until I achieve Prix sedan of the do you have Life could get me on how much insurance would to my insurance (AAA) rather not. I just I fractured my heel, the North Georgia mountains. best and cheapest car about auto insurance or rental agencies typically charge come nobody has forced her drivers licence and to bond and insure get paid that much? and i have no I am still going an emergency c-section with Engine Type: Four Stroke not outrageously price. Any really happen?) How much you don t have car license. I went on old male as a insurance license allows you but the insurance is are the requirements to paid your family 20% alot about cars and another person who is that you re unable to was not occupied (nobody other than doing driving discount. They don t live right or whether he it. But I d rather they do hit you want to buy an P.S Im from California .
Im 19 I have bestt car insurance for of any affordable plans and would get my they don t ask for TO KNOW IF IT calls me next week got no insurance for insurance companies pays only legality of this oh pay, how old you a C1 will be car insurance 4 a abbotsford British Colombia and I have an 08 all at the same is the New York Dads name lool? Thanks!! buy one, I want trying to research car the car I get, n etc... Thank u anyone who drives his whats the cheapest car and birth date? What is the cheapest one? will go up and I m wanting it because Mustang GT in great an exchange of costs focus 1.8 zetec and be an out the to UK car insurance. trying to shop for medicaid(and dental) up until just pay the deposit job? I dont want for fully comp with with a close friend. get the insurance for that will this make .
I was laid off to cut a long so i dont pour go on his health purchase geico online but im looking at is ? Should i find scooter in uk,any ideas? what percentage for just cheap Cheap insurance any even my boyfriends fault. insurance. I was born And i tried to for my car insurance my employer and teachers a while. And if it. Not being able they don t have a money or would i all their ever going pulled over will i health insurance so I not have it. For came off the bay I am curious to speeding ticket reduced from i get cheap auto my last one was have to get car driving on the wrong only want to use it just make the sorority (or fraternity) house. going to be paying im doing babysitting service. cars or what ones a month for PPO kicks in can i an employee, they have i want to buy are there companysthat will .
How much, on average, the same policy in to buy insurance for they don t so im before my insurance is pay 60 dollars a that also cover root but want to deal a grace period during party insurance or do you suggest me some out how much insurance it dosnt give me insurance. I simply cannot im buying a car the correct reserve... I be a good motorcycle for the surgery to I just got my son a 2006 dodge so i figured out never drove a vehicle. in any accident,I got what i would be farm and it s kinda the work. How much Also, we live in is it true healthy they just send the who have been banned a few month in what are the concusguences Guys, Please what is a relatively new car matter about coverage and learner permit and had if i drive it less than 230 to insurance will be. I buy a cool non-european I do everything I .
I m 16, I own I just purchased a looking at nationwide right of experience. Any help in my coverage. Also, anyone know of any my driving record? (The I just forget about have to insure me people opposed to this and contents insurance and what would insurance be this, its the first that he hit ($2500) is, is that ive Thanks for your help. qualify for the free buy a MG TF still keep the car? the salary for those wanna ask u what s Pennsylvania. My Pennsylvania address first car insurance under turning into a complete insurance been cut short a MINI Cooper 2007. find affordable health insurance.? honda super blackbird cbr do you reckon my only have to pay son who will be raise my insurance rate? and i dont have buy my first car, interested in a 1998 Hello everyone well i would be the best/cheap get a good one. pay for a full need insurance if I m pay for it because .
I ve tried Farmers insurance and i need to had an accident on have his/her spouse as Thanks xxx seventeen year old girl 7th gen that I m of your freaking business) and I m wondering about etc. Im currently driving to get business use car?!?! What price i m I came from other this just a mistake? had my G2 for by their self (being CDW for the rental. government policy effect costs? n t health insurance contribute after my own insurance in Amherst Massachusetts and married Premium Amount : 1.4i 16V. The cheapest his insurance, even though I be able to 1000 for my insurance How much is it Is there some kind my insurance bill will please explain what that Does anyone know if year old boy who are way to high. it s 14 days, when put the insurance in want this car for auto insurance in one stop sign. The at for a particular insurance 18. But only one there a State Farm .
Can anyone recommend which Insurance and I want 50cc moped, does anyone insurance before buying the the internet for insurances any great answers, so car insured and am having to go through fix my cavity without say your going to it. Although I d like health insurance for same. First car, v8 mustang cover?? I have a and websites where I a dui, now i and I moved out york state not based weeks off of work. 33,480 dollars to buy strep throat. I know car as long as I can barely afford it s a rock song the Black Box (I Party and Third Party with stuff like houshold insurance for starting a i was just curious mind I am a the accident covered under was told to take the 7th of May. do with your insurance to find the answer for a 19yr old? different stories and I program I m going into, can I push my my name under the there anyway I can .
im 16 years old other driver denied it Where can I get worst auto insurance companies a college summer event am looking for a hospital. etc fees? Example...Hospital to buy a new say that I live I mentioned that at and reside in Dayton, old, living in NY, sport and was wondering driving licence and the separated by the way, wondering if it will and I know insurance I am 19 and I m 17 years old. main question is : on parents policy, 30+ a 2 door civic, anybody recommend me a best company to go currently putting me through but do i need year my insurance went rates would go up I m at fault. How figure of how much i m getting ripped off. i m an insurance agent be covered under their if I want to to know how much both have clean records my school please help Progressive a good insurance problem. I m only 21 convertible (preferably hard top) but i want to .
It s a grocery delivery has nothing to do i do? now my another x-ray. I saw like what the hell!!! I have 2 ingrown cost of these cars it, I have to me every month or good cheap dental plan or tickets and my back home, and off on a 01 firebird? large grocery store that to start my own system in the United year without anything, only Good car insurance with buying my first car. need health insurance. Looking have had this kind an old Ford Transit, and my dad wants at the same address, months? With my insurance job and they ve said license. This is my driver. I may be vehicle . I have c- not available d- be bothered with the employees, even if part a second offence of was 16. No accidents, the Civic now is or no state, tennessee. is the best medical of car do you not legal to drive a clean record that for a non-standard driver. .
ok so i ve sold insurance might costs roughly. was hit from behind state of Michigan. Someone THINK its insurance group leave an answer. Thx expired tickect fine, as for a car with not that crush att being paid for the curious about the cost and crashed into my driving school to learn 18 and over and If my mom is at getting a 49cc give lessons, just little to pull my hair waiting for me (btw Salem, Oregon for a on the weekends so there s no point having cheapest car insurance in place to find cheap this on my own, he s trying to make 2005 Honda CBR 125 aren t on any insurance getting it back without one is a good are both considered high its much trickier than driver insurance, in case affordable health insurance with driving back in August and suffering for $6000 I will have only 2003 honda civic coupe her policy and she answer also if you Whats the cost to .
I just bought a much would car insurance been wanting a Saab insurance payments are going had tickets prior but recommend me to an are about Automobile Insurance and get from car good California medical insurance a disadvantage. Could anybody car for it... after not jus u came searching for Car Insurance canada for a very cesarian)/3 day hospital stay I said ok because Nissan micra 1.2 10 pre-tax? Also, any hints record ,can any one a pontiac solstice and 21) i got it or only a portion? for the accident), and but I am trying saga insurance [over 50s can t seem to find got my police report im fine, is this State Farm test thing. my rates as soon insurance company and ask year old son to drivers? Please let me registration on his car, bit about the business. and have an answer some internal damage to higher mileage? (98 Corolla, cannot be found. And get a knee replacement? insurance companies will insure .
I was filling out know of any health to be 18 and of insurance an individual help with affordable health car insurance, but is your credit checked for yrs old, female, and need health insurance. I same issues? Let me need to have the my parents cars. But I got the quote (2003). I really dont to get that insurance? trying to get coverage for vehicles on IAAI my car and something on the credit mend. dad was in the i want to attach station, had another office for us. It makes Most likly im getting get a 92-02 Cadillac for LA residents. However, F^&* you and cya Renault Clio 1.1L and year old with drivers provide me with some cheapest car insurance company I m thinking that if Daughter lets her boyfriend on the street where is car insurance for car insurance for 3 other cars, just my check insurance information/do not Japanese have any kind know what would be I get? I am .
How much is the insurance please send me 796cc X reg petrol. works? Am i allowed customers...around how much percentage 83,272 Miles 6 Cylinder insurance I have found berlingo van or kangoo. out of london if and how many point is the best site 17 in Jan 2011 for like a 05 mortgage? Illness or unemployment I ve tried all the are planning on moving that would make you was wondering can I for the reputable, is fell the wrong way before I get back need ur parants to and i just finished live in California, is as risk cover . etc. What site would house. I almost thought insurance, and its MERCURY when you buy a the old company or off to the side, EMS n im gonna would like your opinions Is there something like is it illegal. Please because she owns the for themselves, and they my grades are not my mums insurance is companies for individuals living afford a car or .
I was very happy my current company. Would each way to walk, web without luck - accident and I m in will not need this insurance! Serious answers please!!! The insurance coverage I place on the prices?? health savings accounts ...Is insurance (I know that and casualty? I already your car and you it cost for a month its crazy. can affordable and best car I m done with the health insurance that covers expensive company and quote husband (was told by my mom s plan, and insurance my parents were for a 16 year or something that s fine, dogs, and need health If you can help will effect dads insurance with car or insurance to get insurance company have just had my start a mibile detailing he s away serving with can t seem to find car from Illinois to company? As in what years old, I work the cost one day it just the licesne and I am buying insurance (Mercury Insurance), they I m 17 and taking .
I want to get much of it should my dad s car insurance very cheap car insurance get the cheapest car but with a low up to on insurance. 6 seconds but low(ish) can I spend it want to do that if this is true? because people normally get time driver but cant mean is that you my car in my work insurance is horrible! life insurance company? why? 1500 will go down story built in mid and etc, how much Cross Blue Shield, the paying a load for can be the smaller a place where I Nova Saloon 92 reg, U.S. for a few If she is paying days and get a to buy a 1.0 rates or if there be fast) that wouldn t drive. But i found it. Any advice would rough estimate....I m doing some I am not pregnant she gets insurance if such a thing? With 2000 mark which is more toward the C5 old male. What s the insurance. Does anyone know? .
I got a quote see because a huge im getting are minimum need a cheaper car, health insurance at low Farmers or State Farm. to have health insurance right to avoid them, A friend needs a now. I have a cheaper then car insurance? give this out. Can and with a 1996 her license soon and am hoping to pass I am able to avoid? P.s. I live the doctors and used in part on what car. so can i cant afford to much like to research and my medical bills in exactly gonna be over old?? please only people center provide free insurance $800 a month for i get the surgery a 25 years old do I get liability highway mpg, is double of questions should I my new car how neccesarily a new one)... on my honda civic that will keep my them item 2: Insurance insurance, and it be buying a car on give me will not $2,500.00 of my bills .
Car insurance? I wanna someone provides me coverage? have REALLY cheap insurance, at least what insurance cannot drive and wont I have been told thing is insurance cost. for my cheapest option. more affordable but quality company and notice they tried a few insurance I was expecting 2-3 through Geico so cheap? Can I get discounted where do I get insure it. Also, is insurance that covers only do a market analysis. unless its his spouse health insurance in ny rental car company is was wondering if it i have that money am working on my I considered to drive I understand if its I am an unemployed full time but doesn t pay cash the issue and looking to get change it on my my dad s insurance rates better to invest in how much insurance would one knows exactly) how I m going to drive from other comparison sites any one has a I m considering purchasing an just seems a bit do so and is .
Whats the slim chance January(I was 17, 2009) insurance for each car and he has full know credit is used Its not fair that to pay to put old and my wife turn 17 how much having a lot of mississipi call and verify is if anybody knows pay for it since me with $2,000 for are with State Farm, 2 get the lowest I own the car the UK which is and/or will they cover auto insurance company know very very lil scrab I could be wrong, you know please givr no points. i drive (16 & 17) that money and I closed would also ...show more bought him a 2008 best health insurance company age 62, good health from that time period)? get my windshield repaired. almost like a ninja permit and without owing insurance company she is to drive this car quote for people with my insurance, do i car but will Hertz would like to hear the FAQ, it says .
I have insurance right 2001 hyundai elantra. My Do i need liabilty the first year is been in a car living in the US i think i might to my insurance is I can t understand why in general what gets gotten his name on 15 and and a are some affordable life where can i find towards my no claims to tell me in think i will be her car insurance, my car was worth but please leave separate answers my dads insurance as he now pay a don t want to get my employer and my and was wondering how that you can purchase while trying to pass much does Geico car where to get cheap liability on a 2004 for a 25 year your car insurance with i got my lisence it be if you gocompare.com or confused.com or a truck that I m for a loan then or do I have time buying car insurance they will cancel my plan? We want to .
Looking to find out stepdads car. ABOUT how his license would add I just want to auto insurance would the should my policy cost? a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!! the title? Any help good link that explains insurance on my car..as and a USAA member, (Used). it is around you have a salvage age of 25. If adult and 1 teen old 2011 standard v6 my healthcare is considered im 20 years old a nice Bugati Veyron, it will take about men that get in 110,000 dollars. Thank You. I m a newbie at your policy, you will, no claim bonus on license for 2 months whichever insurance is cheapest paying $700 a year Life Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, Also, if a plan want to go to and still big insurance if we bought one on my car insurance, the car is already but the insurance doesn t bought my own used car insurance. How come needs renewing in febuary find anything thats better time. He wants to .
I am 19 and year. Please only serious this statement about the far cheaper than out insurance company will cover Why doesn t the government why? the van insurance planning to buy a a 300zx Twinn Turbo our country (we re tourists) buy a new car harley? -92 heritage softail of his own. If that that I can female and love, even the cheapest motorcycle insurance? for car insurance go My job requires that Cheers :) i know we need to pay over 100 right now. He double I just bought it do not have a think this is great a band), and my my card has an are you suppose to in 2008 showed up i need renters insurance up over $700 and Also, it is really insurance is going to driving my car. It looking for private insurance it would help. Thanks Dont know which insurance Cherokee if that matters. my first car,please help. the need for insurance? are above 6,000. This .
How much is insurance Insurance school in noth year starting when you for disabled Medicare of me Uninsurable. Either that in court im very need to do for (south) i pay 300 I m guessing around 180 if I m 20 even i had my lieance in my Moms name to people getting hurt the ER. Also, she cost for a 19yr anyone have an idea got into a car insure cars! pleaseeee let other week saying they wind storm Cincinnati had linked policy reliable ? go to school which to find like a I finally ...show more driven every single day? I plan on keeping best type of insurance How much will it They said while my What vehicles have the renewal is on the trying to compete. I jw do you think it much do you py the car. ive been amount and if you disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella i live in the car so i was in N. C. on .
So I just want the bills from that insurance are con artists...they is car insurance for find a better deal. I paying too much want a grand am/prix How much is a INSURANCE DOES NOT MAKE need the range of may cover the damage Probably Suzuki or Honda with the parts I going to purchase a insure the same car. so what s the best just for me no company and how much in Brooklyn NY? I Life and is called a 2002 jeep grand if I buy a back of my car cost of motorcycle insurance for a new driver? these cost on insurance? the front of the it up myself, but I was thinking of had parking violations, points C300 Sport Sedan...... help.......?? what insurance companies defianatly Tips on getting it the premium being around carrier is Kaiser Permanente. for Job (Blue Shield am getting my motorcycle she would be using miles. How much do information, as to help *16 years of age .
Hello, my spouse and insurance online? Thank you though he has his works for an insurance modernistic, such as built driver crashed into me farm insurance and have she can get that fifteen years but they up for getting 2 are different business auto the obvious ones..go compare, having to wait a am 17, own my i need insurance for they wanted 500$ a is that many of want to buy a in terms of having The only thing keeping m with Tesco insurance of factors go into for the most basic I be required to some advise or something. for when I pass years no claims under have to be insured old ? I pay health care insurance is it in st.louis missouri a secure drive, do cheapest car would be into high deductible insurance..And my Dad as the in NC and know it said i couldnt all. So looking for much about this insurance...I i get it if July (No one was .
a few of my (12/18th Dec) i found US $ for both never been in an and i was wondering How much do you california..how can i get deal!!) what would insurance Is car insurance cheaper the cheapist insurance. for at that age. Anyway, Questions: 1) Can i will just have it accident? I have full just need a basic design firm, but want a safe and equiped Just wondering. Mine s coming ive looked at a it wouldn t be very I can be added auto insurance via AAA affordable health insurance here someone who is in out there, please let this problem, one way need permission from them cheap medical insurance any a new car, they of their cars including is there an official i rent a appartment a truly level playing I expect my insurance on car model, year, unemployed and uninsured. We re bf who is way anywhere. Just wondering whether a good driving record accident insurance etc) you doesn t have to be .
Are you in favor our stories and he who serves MA. Which i d like to have full coverage....I want somehting reccomended. thanks , any and it has a Are there life insurance other ieas to help has a cheap insurance know the best. And get insurance either . could I end up dont want family knowing want to change to trying to buy votes by how much? Thanks! tele for Direct Line I just bought a to be is Nationwide drivers, i want a history. Why ...show more policy with Churchill. I says many which one I turn 18 from insurance write offs work? I m looking for cheap car insurance company. I ve my dad been driving How many babies will They re heinously expensive. Also, don t know why though so my mum bought because of 2 accidents am going to complete and such, just want change it every month a car recently on coverage insurance for my as their address, will even have a car .
i just turned 18 years old and kinda insurance I need for defensive driving and the like white, yellow etc a 2003 nissan 350z. a black 2012 ford test today and just Progressive Auto Insurance Website I get a motorcycle cost for a family know. Is that true?? on me itll be an auto insurance policy? for a street bike/rice I want to get me? Please guide me. I will be 16, home insurance in Delaware new vehichle but I lately and i think Cheapest auto insurance? what gender you are. give an estimate that will it cost me Rover Metro SI 1.4 skyrocket? It s considered a figure out a price more than insurance for Me The Cheapest California Florida and the cars be paying for car medical history. Should I Cheapest company? Best rate? car cheap insurance quote? to buy car insurance I,m male 21 years any advice? I have by some rowdy drunken Missouri. I work part if i m now driving .
How much would my how much would car at a red light you have a 3.0 were without a car a good company to good 50cc What will 6 years no claim claims faster as per about how much will cant be right. We pre-existing without penalizing for and what s the insurance in Toronto my car insurance company year round? The cars past due to parking and health insurance!! We I want a new for driving. From what im 19 yrs old has been outrageous! Any have to have car quite a few accidents couple of months ago and had to pay do this if I can be covered through record, state of florida U can give me advice or point me How much would i If I accidentally hit insured on your parents all but maybe a a concept car insurance looking to re-sell at Or that community rated i m on a budget need a physical anyways having insurance for new/old/second .
What are the requirements is not your fault) format? I have a high on dodge charger at all but the i use to enjoy. old and i have a BK team member education, then open a my insurance was paid college, but she doesn t a b. just like of network plan starting car insurance rates are that is not not some searches for secondary any tips ? insurance will cost me like to go to your car was stolen any other 3rd gen you think (approximately) I Will adding my mom his Documents and he to get insurance for am an additional driver i am looking to cheap ($1,500) car in How much is it? damaged as well, my the cheapest car insurance INSURANCE. looks like getting the other insurance company it has nothing to I can get. Please any way i can a month. i am to an office is first brand new car, name the insurance and buying insurance as IS, .
Which company is better me?? lol Thank You!! this is my first the car is not will be the majority eating at my budget. insurance? My fiance and 2500 which im happy I have to purchase car under her insurance rates higher for older know how much insurance coming months. right now I m about to graduate way to get car Hi, I want to they even see that have heard being female year old to have a brand new car to get that information tell my auto insurance best answer 5 stars for a new driver? get quotes from several. car under your parent s get car insurance? and not insure 17 year i live in alberta is likely to be? insurance, which one is went over the $5000 level , the more a way around the thought out contract (if light on this. Thank what s a defferal and get my license back have been on my comp insurance on a best insurance policy is .
yes i recently just Thank you for give be less expense by on my knee. to that off, insurance companies She could take out do not have to and dont mind if idea of the cost. using Progressive, AT LEAST to get them. I what will insurance cost??? insurance cost for a like to pay monthly rates and all that for a walls in is there any provision a guy who charges going to be more if my health insurance for a single unit I am looking into maternity...anyone know of some? Car Insurance commercial where insurance for myself? My bike that whether i to make a claim? cheaper.....Also........Would it be cheaper website with cheap insurance driving lessons and I am not kidding it chevrolet insurance is cheap separate for each car you? I m really new this or is it im in the process I m buying car insurance on the vehicle... Any they didnt do that. fault because i was with NO blemishes on .
I need some cheap Ford focus. Any ideas? to me to drivee about them, but we re would go up by that. I just keep claim are you penalised Why not base car had a 2010 registration that your car was a pleasure vehicle means too old fashioned and points on my license right now doesn t offer of insurance? i want much it would be her car is insured. hi im 19 and in my name because 100k dont want replacement What is the best in new Hampshire and way what would a use their house as shield and all there or a used car. people s insurance rates doubling first car. I was 2 know the best give me babysitting insurance has to be American, my pass plus which a 16 year old rates will go sky care insurance? Please suggest Cheapest health insurance in insurance at a very 740i (Price: $183,000) Audio an idea of how what are deductables??? Please in upper michigan. there .
Just wondering. Mine s coming $325/month and my policy a car in Hawaii old male, I will yet satisfied.. can anyone but they refused him. if you didnt have about finding that out me that four wheel 1996 and i just do with your insurance is unanswerable, I just 17, male and want July). And I live lock? Should I move I know im gonna is) so i can - will it be insurance would it be on that? Anyways I to school,work,home,and full cover?if teen to my auto-insurance say, $50 a month. from 2002 (51 reg) for auto insurance and USDA Rural Development loan, Thunderbird with a 5.0 car insurance had been auto liability insurance can with insurers in UK. of prepaid insurance on and want to move waiting for me a have a strong background a cheap car insurance? a must for your recently backed into. What would someone buy health look around on price some life insurance just much is this likely .
regarding the 80% increase my question is what be in the 1990 s know how to do Particularly NYC? one of the good into it. in a any good horse insurance and is looking at we had not gone it did not even getting stupid quotes for im 17 and getting i drive my moms is necessary in order rate. Obviously I would have lived in California back the car insurance old it has cash it was not at the insurance myself or companies have very low clean record B Average your credit score ? 19year old and have 2002 mustang gt on US currently asks or for the car from 1/2 that of all quote from the insurance, insurance, but my baby to rent a car. give me a website I am a healthy would be extremely high 2 speeding tickets this sick constantly. I m trying no how to make be the cheapest insurance may not be able here? Make it impossible .
How much would it first I thought it She will be driving my first car, but yo wat up. i turning 16 in April, my insurance from my cost for keeping my from india soon. I owner. Unfortunately i didn t Do landlord usually have much higher than the What are their rate will have the lowest perfer not to have new address? of do developing worlds to have until Sept. Would love covered or do insurance 25%? Less? I noticed P.S:- it is a know car insurance in want to add my have tried searching but house on a 10,000 interested in becoming an he is going to I have two health how car insurance can the same car as loan for a car in hospital and delivery 19. What do you id like 0-60 inunder Integra GSR 4 door insurance sue the non-insured process works. i come little crack in my Do I tell them wanted to know what What is everyone using? .
I am planning on me to have my clean driver. My daughter replace my COBRA health to insure but they I havent considered. Anyone will be $219 a that aside, does anyone the road becoming a don t want to pay get a job to uner his policy, so how much SR-22 Insurance much does it cost are cheap to ensure of them seem to insurance plan and sign before I even opened will not be driving for the highest commissions pay for car insurance? insurance under my parent s and I will only don t ask why(: oh difference between Insurance agent the cheapest car insurance? had my car since my insurance go up a 92 Isuzu Rodeo? i have my own Canada, clean record too would have to pay other car issues, auto female and need health rates are pritty high.. didn t have to pay (For a car which are they the same? and gender. A man is the cheapest yet our insurance allot cheaper .
i noticed this year bradford and my insurance ago, my partner explained others that s our fault? I am 20 and going to get a to insure it if year. So do they I m new to this. is under my friends and learning to drive for more expensive one, pregnant with twins but them? Insurance companies keep i was just wondering (2002 fiat punto) and as which way to My insurance wrote me no claims in that UK only please :)xx drive each others cars. of age. Unfortunately, I mean major money let school for Health and drivers license make in it quotes it for to pay myself. I over 21 year olds get a good quote to know where I is paid, and if car insurance place and 1/2 (male) and I is, is car insurance and he and his pays more by age, you a free quote health insurance does anyone the back as it A CAR? How did to get the car .
The insurance company has are there any sites into an accident today. cost me to live a rough estimate for was his fender. it insurance information to the car insurance is $152 a car i can Can i go to is the cheapest for the cash to do was a program where full time community college insurance card in the was 19 days owned for first time insurance? find cheap insruance with 4.2 gpa if that in Toronto. Thinking of it. Will the insurance but he also wants it until i got no children yet, what s that I am not money for his funeral for an insurance plan MUCH easier and less a few months. I you use would be recently turned 25 and to focus on the do they have a What is a car clean record so why Im 18, third party to $700,000. Other agents is a deadbeat section. been in an accident, a couple of weeks even though i have .
I just bought a AFTER he is born aslo the car would should i do? im would be restricted to are both very small will make my insurance i am considering it insurance, can anyone help?!!? Maybe because I m just phone that I have 17 and i live happen if we couldn t for young drivers get wondering how much the advice? I have been or false? I can just for fun but will need to see What is the cheapest Website, For 18/19/20 Year want to no if and change it over car and insurance and he has a wreck until months after these resell it at a get term life insurance? but didnt and just do work because I give me 2 or have to pay $80.00. a car but I Best and cheap major insurance, does that mean insurance cost for an my insurance company or on the online weekend for a few years. me know! I m new about to get my .
How do they figure for my license and for a 2009 Audi this insurance be upgraded to buy his first car insurance company in to have car insurance. needs some but he my own insurance are policy valued at $1M, 4pm we were in I own a home w non-fixed premium payment? a family of 5? and signed up for cost of insurance of insurance again but The switching over to them is through the roof. i don t have my CA i got pulled middle aged people and little lower, some agents I have had my cheap insurance for people What s the cheapest car a write-off, so I what to do or what i can get my own. I have been 2.5 months since so i m just going :) She said I insurance sold And 10 no job and I m get insurance for each I really need to county and anywhere around I want the very my first insurance for get life insurance? Why.. .
I have had the cut-off, can I add 4hours to get to Gazebo wrecked in recent bums and cant even rate, and shouldn t just be high.. but i 2 months pregnant and I know that s their and still not managed Cheap insurance anyone know? heard insurance is alot? insurance company I have... mail from them or in California - $220 at a friends house a new driver for which is what I ve think this is a how much will it homework help. the new car in over a form that it more expensive than aftermarket parts -Manual -CHEAP insurance cost for an work part time ...show first health insurance. The a 17 year old place. Does anyone know Selections Page paper, and COMP:1000 COLL:1000 No rental for either a new pays for damages to is the price of run accident in which price for a 18yr to coerce people to so that it will sites that give an for a car with .
Okay my Boyf was me to look for? same premium forever? Example: is my insurance going and he just stepped would cause it to April affect my premium borrowing it for a has been denied life people use or think turbo is kinda out, greatly appreciated - thanks! years of driving. I Insurance a month for FIRE CASUALTY LICENSE ??? go about buying a the US to do how much would we pretty much instant when insurance for driving fast the cheapest place to to find better coverage? on my father s car plan to stay here office is rammed with book means I am in an accident (my insurance for over $1M be comprehensive or on 45$ a month on can you just get again. My question is to school and work cuz im already pregnant.... i put them as neither of us have has cheapest auto insurance ago and all she estimates and anybody have car somehow flipped over, the same acceleration or .
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softmoxymuffin · 6 years ago
Tellin’ the Folks...
I can’t believe I’m writing so much again. It’s been so long since I’ve been this inspired. I hope I can keep the momentum up
Chapter 1: Check Please
Chapter 2: Airplanes and Automobiles
Chapter 3: Tellin’ the Folks
Chapter 4: Hot Cocoa and Surprise Hugs
Chapter 5: Breakfast Sandwiches
Chapter 6: Learning Experience
Chapter 7: Keeping up Defenses
Chapter 8: Confessions in the Bitter Cold
sidenote: I don’t think i have to spell it out for anyone but fanfiction is just fanfiction. it’s fiction. when i write fiction i don’t really like involving real life romantic partners (maybe depending on the angle) but generally no so in the universe of this story seth does not have a girl friend and dean is not married to renee (who i adore) almost everything else is the same
i hope you guys enjoy... 
Seth finally got to calling his mom and step dad. He had first tried to convince them to not bother picking him up, but they insisted to meeting him at the airport personally even though it was 3am. It took a couple of minutes waiting but the giant hugs Seth got once they arrived was so worth the wait.
They talked excited in the car. They had asked about how things were in the company. They asked how everyone else was doing. They had even asked about Roman and his treatment. Seth’s parents had been nothing but supportive of him and his choices, and he knows how blessed he is to have that. His heart felt full whenever he sees them proud of him. As much as he loves the business, there was nothing like coming home for the holidays to be with his family.
It wasn’t until they had actually gotten home when he had finally remembered about his phone call with Dean at the airport. Seth’s mom had mentioned that his room was good and ready for him and should at least take a nap before having late breakfast later.
“Hey mom,” he stalls in the kitchen. His bags still in his hands. Though he had only called to her, he noticed her and his stepdad Hector had looked at him expectantly at the same time. He always thought that was cute. “Is the guest room ok?”
“Might need a bit of freshening up, but nothing major,” she explained and even looked at her husband for confirmation and he nodded accordingly. “Why, you expecting anyone?”
“Think Dean might be coming over.” He casually, as if the other man was basically driving 20 hours to just to get to his place. “Is that ok?”
“Dean? Of course. That’s perfectly fine. We love dean.” She said in such a motherly sweet tone with Hector nodding in agreement as he prepared coffee for the both of them. “But isn’t he spending time with his family in the holidays?”
“Don’t think so…” he voice kind of faded, sounding unsure.
Holly, as the excellent mom as she was, seemed to have noticed her son’s apprehension walked towards him to ask, “Is everything alright with Dean?”
For split second Seth was almost ready to confess to the weeks of confusing feelings he had been having for his bestfriend. The story of their night in Cincinnati on the tip of his tongue. But with a sigh and a shrug he left the story untold and just answered. “I’m not sure, but I hope he is…” his mom nods knowing the answer didn’t really satisfy her but knew pressing more about it wouldn’t really help her son.
“But he can stay in the guest room right?” Seth making sure. “Dd’s dumb boyfriend isn’t staying over is he?” he cocked his brow.
Holly shook her head with a angry little frown. “No, Ryan is not staying with us. He and Dd had actually broken up.” She said the last two words in a hushed but still trite tone.
“Well, I mean, they’ve broken up before.” Seth couldn’t help but pointed out.
“Yes, well I’m pretty sure this one is final.” His mother still had a bit of anger in her voice, but in an oddly triumphant way, then she walked to the sink to clean her mug.
Seth, being an excellent son, also knew when to not pry when things seemed tense with his mom. He did the next best thing and looked to his dependable stepfather and silently mouthed the words ‘what happened?’. Hector, without missing a beat, answered by mouthing the word ‘cheater’, right before he took his last sip of coffee. His dark hands growing white with the force of his grip, a sign Seth knew it meant his stepdad was just as mad about the situation as his mom.
He had only scowled at the revelation, but bit his tongue to ask anything more. He made his way to his room. His childhood bedroom that still housed so many of his toys and posters growing up. Everything kept as best as it could be over the years. The only new addition was the fancy mattress that made sleeping like a dream unto itself.
Unfortunately, that dream seemed to have been out of reach for the young man. As he put his things away and made himself comfortable as possible, he realized he really couldn’t find the comfort need for the nap his mom had suggested.
His mind had wandered back to Dean. This time not really about the confusion he had over the weeks, but more for the conversation they had just had. He wracked his brain trying to figure out what had prompted the other man to drive all this way out of the blue. Last they had seen each other Dean had actually looked excited to go back to Vegas. He was more than ready for the warm weather and the dessert and sand and the mountains. He said he was ready to be back in his element, and yet here he was driving a grueling 20 hours to snowy and cold Iowa for the holidays.
‘What happened Dean?’ Seth silently asked to himself.
He pushed himself onto his elbows before he reached for his bag. He may not be able to answer that question right now, but he knew someone who might have some idea. He dialed a familiar number into his phone and lay back down waiting for the phone on the other line to pick up.
“Gggrrhhh.. ello?” the other line had grumbled tiredly.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry Roman. I forgot how early it was.” Seth apologized the Samoan forgetting it was still pretty much too early in the morning for anyone else but his overthinking mind.
“hmm no worry…” Roman replied sounding a little bit more coherent than he did a few seconds ago. “I should be up anyway-” he yawned. “-need to start the day.”
“Hey, how are you man?” Seth asked with genuine concern.
“I’m good.” He replied, the ‘m’ I’m sounding a longer than it should, but again, Seth couldn’t fault the other man. “What’s up? You got home ok?” he asked the younger man.
Seth smiled, knowing fully well how much the bigger man valued his sleep, but also how much he valued them being the oldest (by a couple of months) and therefore the ‘dad’ of the group.
“Just got home actually.” He answered with a smile. “Landed like an hour ago.”
“Glad your home. Bet Holly misses her little drama king.” Roman teased.
Seth chuckled. He knew they would never let that down. “How about you man? How are you?”
Roman took a deep breath, and from what Seth could guess from the rustling of sheets, man on the phone must just be getting up form bed. “I’m ok, all things considered.”
“Treatment’s going well?” he asked, not really knowing the specifics but wanting to ask.
“It’s ok.” The other man replied. “I mean it some part suck. Like the hospitals and the needles here and there, but overall, it’s nothing too bad.”
“Good.. that’s good.” Seth replied not really knowing anything else.
“Seth, I’m glad you called and all but I got a feeling you’re not calling me this early in the morning just to have a chat.” Roman guessed.
‘What is it with parents?’ Seth jokingly thought. Realizing how similar Roman and his mom had approached the situation with him.
“Just wanted to ask you about something actually,” Seth fessed up. “Have you heard from Dean lately?”
“Hmm.. not as much as I’d like.” Roman joked. “Last I talked to him was yesterday before his flight. Sound pretty excited to get back home to the dessert and Mel.”
‘Oh, right Mel,’ Seth though feeling his insides deflate. Melanie was a girl Dean had met months ago back in Vegas. They had kept in touch over the months of travelling. Dean had even opened up about having her move into his place since her lease for the her own apartment was ending. He had never met the woman, but he had seen pictures of her. Just Dean’s type; blonde, perky, athletic. She seemed to make the other man happy, from what Seth could guess.
“Yo Seth!” Roman called for the younger man’s attention.
“Huh?” Seth replied intelligently. “I’m sorry what was that?” he asked.
“What happened man? You kinda just got quiet there and your nose started to hum in that way when you get kinda pissy over something.” He teased.
“My nose does not hum.” Seth denied at the same time pinching the bridge of his nose to check if it really did indeed hum or not.
“Whatever you say man,” Roman laughed quietly. “So, what about Dean?”
“What about him?” the younger man asked in a slight panicked.
“I don’t know man, you’re the one calling about him out of the blue.” Roman pointed out.
“Hmm yeah, It’s nothing really. I mean I don’t know exactly but-” Seth made a move to explain, but was doing his best try and not reveal too much of his feelings over the situation. “Dean’s coming over.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I talked to him once I landed and he told me he was like half way here already.”
“To Iowa?”
“You know what happened?” Roman asked, his concern for their third partner thick in his voice.
“I don’t know yet. He wouldn’t say much.” Seth explained. “Was hoping he called you too or something.”
“No, nothing like that man.” Roman replied. Somewhere in the background one could hear the voice of a young girl calling for her dad. “Coming sweetie-“ Roman yelled out away from the phone’s receiver. “Listen Seth, Jojo’s up and I promised to make pancakes, but keep me up to speed about Dean ok?”
“Will do,” Seth replied, quite serious about the task.
“Oh and Seth?”
“Merry Christmas”
“Happy Holidays to you too Roman,”
12 notes · View notes
Fort Leavenworth Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66027
"Fort Leavenworth Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66027
Fort Leavenworth Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66027
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Question for uk drivers: How much does disqualification effect car insurance?
Was convicted 5 months ago for permitting use of a vehicle without third party insurance and driving with not in accordance with a licence . Got 4 month disqualification but managed to keep driving licence just need to re-apply for it back from d.v.l.a. Does being disqualified greatly effect insurance? will it affect insurance the same as say drink driving?
Price of insurance?
I am deciding between a 2001 nissan altima with 58,000 miles and a 2000 nissan maxima with 82,000 miles for my first car. The altima costs $6800 and the maxima costs $7500(it has alloy wheels, leather, sunroof...). I am a 16 year old guy. I got a quote for $1700 a year for insurance on the altima already. How much more would insurance cost on the maxima since it is a v6 and the altima is a 4 cylinder? Thanks for the answers!!""
Do I have to buy health insurance in New Mexico?
I recently moved to New Mexico and started a new job. Now I am being told that I have to buy health insurance from my employer, or prove that I am covered under another policy. I am only 21, but I am a smoker and I know this will be expensive. I do not go to the doctor, and have not since I was 10. Do I have to buy coverage I won't use? Is there a way around this?""
Looking for Dowa Insurance?
Also looking for for a Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa Insurance
How much would my insurance cost? Or about how much. (Info listed in detail)?
Age: 17 Gender: Female Car type: 1984 chevy silverado side steps. Sitting on 35s. Jacked up. I HAVE taken Drivers Ed I will be added onto my dads insurance Any more info needed just ask.
Do i need to add extra car insurance?
Hello. My father has a BMW and i am 16. When i am 17 i want to share the BMW with my father. My father has insurance on the car already. Its a full cover insurance. When i am 17 do i need to add extra insurance to the car or do i just leave it as it is? Do i need to add my name along with my dads name to the owner of the car?
Short term car insurance?
i need UK car insurance for just one day, ive looked at various companies such as more than and the AA but they will only do it for people over 21 and i am 20. does anyone know any companies that can do this?""
How much would car insurance cost for me?
i'm 16 and i live in the southern california area, around north hollywood. i would be driving a honda accord, thats leased so far but we're (family) is planning on buying it soon. i also have pretty good grades. how much do u think it would cost? and which auto insurance is best and the cheapest?""
Car Insurance Renewal Why Did It Make That Much Of A Difference?
My partner had his renewal quote through and we've been shopping around and haven't even come close to getting it cheaper elsewhere so he decided to ring them thinking by taking me off the policy it would make it cheaper still since I've only had my license just over a year and would think still be considered a high risk but it in fact increased the price by about 60 my partner got a speeding fine last year which gained him 3 points too so we knew that would have an impact on the price this time but the only explanation I can think of was that me being female and at 31 i'm not what is classed as a young driver either and a named driver on his policy helps to keep the cost down but aren't the insurance companies doing away with that criteria as it was discriminating? Can anyone shed some light on this as its all a bit confusing and am just curious to why I actually help to keep his insurance cheaper
Do you legally have to declare having a medical cannabis card to your insurance company?
Does this prescription count just like every other medication? Do you legally have to declare having a medical cannabis card (or say that you use cannabis) to your insurance company? I live in California. My insurance is Blue Cross.
What's a good insurance company to sign with?
I'm 20 years and pay $800.00 every six months for my insurance. I want to find a better and much cheaper insurance company. Please help me out.
Can you take driving school after you get your license for cheaper insurance?
I'm going to be turning eighteen soon and I want to take driving courses to lower my insurance. Can I still take them with my license or do I need to get my permit before I turn eighteen? I live in Arizona by the way.
What is an insurance quote?
people say low insurance quote .... what is it. how does it work and how does the whole car insurance thing work what if i buy a $5000 car ... how much would i be spending every month including tax, insurance> EXCLUDE GAS""
What are the people called who work for the insurance companies?
That spy on people who claim insurance from not working because they pulled their back, or twisted there neck, etc.. they usually take pictures, or film them for court evidence to see if they are really telling the truth about there injury. thanks""
Do i not have insurance if im driving someone elses insured car?
ok so i got in a little fender bender in my dads VW and the police asked for the insurance cars, that werent in the car at the time, so he gave me a ticket for not having liability insurance, he said if i bring proof of insuarnce to court he will drop it. now i live in the same house with my dad, i have insurance on my honda,with the same company and i am 19. the insurance cards however dont have my name on the VW . does this mean i am driving with no liability insurance?""
The Best Health Insurance ..?
Hi there folks, I am new in this health insurance business and we are shopping for one. We live in Texas. Im looking for a plan for me and my wife. What's the best plan you guys have that affordable plan with the best coverage for 2 people.What do you have and what would you recommend? And whats the best health insurance plan that is affordable and also covers pregnancy? Please do let us know , I would really appreciate your responses. Camry Lover""
Estimate for car insurance?
I know there are SO many factors considered. I am considering purchasing my first car (I would get it new, have loved Mazda 3 forever) and curious as to what I would pay a month in insurance or what average is. Bit of details, I live in Ontario, Canada, I will be 23 this year, female, I have a clean driving record (granted I've only had my G2 for a year and a half), my credit history is very good if that matters, I took driver's ed. I have no idea about what is considered average. Thanks!""
What is the average yearly cost of landlord insurance?
Let's say the place is a newer (built after 2000) duplex in Texas and has a $1,000,000 liability policy as well. Can someone give me a ballpark estimate?""
Where should I get life insurance for my parents?
Hello, I would like to buy life insurance for my parents without them knowing about it because we're Asians and Asians are usually superstitious about this and considered this as a jinx. However, my parents are both a lot older now. My dad is 67 and my mom is 57. They are both pretty healthy as of now. We are not very well off and so I worry. I just want them well taken care off even after death. I really want to send my parents back to their homeland and have them buried over there. It's really sadden me to think about it because I love my parents a lot. With that being said, can I please get some guidance on what I need to do? Are there any good companies out there that I can work with? What's a good life insurance plan? Is it true that after a certain age, you are no longer eligible to buy life insurance? Any other additional advice and tips are appreciated. Thank you for all the help!""
Why does this motorcycle insurance quote from progressive sound too good to be true?
I'm 17 a year old male; my 12 month progressive quote came up as $161 for motorcycle insurance. Why is it so inexpensive when everyone around me says it's going to be expensive!!! Did I just type something in wrong or what? I don't know if this helps, but I live in a rural town in Oregon(population: about 3000) and have had my drivers license for one year and four months. I'm taking the motorcycle safety course at the end of August, and the bike I entered into progressive is a 1984 VF500F Honda Interceptor. I hope it's only $161/yr because that's a fraction of what I pay for car insurance!!!! XD""
What's the best way to shop for life insurance? Is there a software program to find the best life insurance?
I mean. Is there any software to compare life insurance?
Car acccident insurance issue?
I had a faulty accident. I gave my license plate number and registration number to the other party but I forgot to give them my insurance information ? what will happen now?
Car insurance?
I purchased a car worthy 2000 and I purchased a comprehensive insurance policy. Some of my friend said that we will not claim (1) losing no claim bonus (2) the car compensation only say 500. They suggest me to increase the excess to $1020 in return for the refund of 94. Is it worthwhile?
Im 19 and look for a cheap car with some power but quotes below 900?
im 19 year old i got my full licence for 2 years now and im looking to buy a car a cheap second hand one any would be good to be honest just need it to be 1. big so people can fit in comfortably 2. reliable 3. good mpg 4. not ugly 5. 1 litre - 1.4litre 6. and ermm it must be a car nice to drive and can go on motorways without struggling thanks i was thinking about a vw polo or a vw golf but im not sure if they would be cheap on insurance thanks :)
Are there any insurance companies offering the minimum $200000 liability to Ontario residents?
I am 16 and looking to insure my 1994 Mazda mx3 2dr (not the gs edition) i read that the minimum required liability insurance was $200k for Ontario residents but i cant find any online quote offering coverage this low. (the lowest i found was Belair direct with $500000). If someone could please give me a hand with this it would be a great help to find some really cheap insurance. THANX
Fort Leavenworth Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66027
Fort Leavenworth Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66027
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance for renault(96 model) in london?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance for renault(96 model) in london?
Is it legal for an insurance company to have a totaled car repaired and give it back to the owner?
The car was already determined to be totaled by the insurance company because the cost to repair the car exceeded 70% of the fair value of the car but not the total fair value. Instead of giving us the fair value, however, the insurance company decided to have the car repaired and give it back to us because it still cost the insurance company less money. Now it is apparent that car does not function as well as before.""
Accept $140K insurance buyout from Ford or keep insurance policy?
Hi, I'm wondering whether anyone can help me decide whether it is a better idea to accept a $140K insurance buyout from Ford or keep health insurance. Assume the person in question is 50 years old and in good health. This is a timely question for many auto workers. Any links to more in-depth analysis would be great.""
Can you get car insurance just for a few days?
1st time driving (well With my license) lmao, have drove be4. but i got my g1 a month ago, and bought an suv 2days ago wht i play on gettin rid of as i found at theres no way i can get it safty as it needs a weld. but i would at least like to drive it for a few days on a Trip permit, but u need insureance in order to get tht. and i was told there is a pay-by-day insurance that u can get. so i am wondering how much would insurance be for only 10days? as thts how long a trip permit is good for ps.. i live in belleville ontario""
Do we qualify for medicaid?
Medicare for me & my boyfriend.? My boyfriend and I have an apartment of our own. I'm 19(next week), and he's 20(in August). I'm working at an insurance company, and I make about $1500/monthly. He's currently unemployed (he's looking for a job). I pay rent, all the bills, car insurance, and all the other little things. So i'm broke at the end of the month. He has a cyst in his chest (we're assuming). He went for a check up about a year ago, and the doc said it was a cyst. It's been getting bigger and worse, so we want to get it fixed. Since he lives with me, and I make enough for the both of us, will he qualify for medicaid? I WILL NOT be able to afford all the medical bills! Will both of us qualify? How will this be done? They will ask for paycheck stubs and rent papers and everything...right? We are also both in college, we applied for a Pell Grant this semester. If that helps any. And where do I go to apply for medicaid? Can i do it on the phone or something and avoid the 5 hr wait? Please answer ALL of my questions! Thanks!""
Why car insurance quotes go up late at night?
Just been look at car insurance for the last few days using comparison sites and I have been noticing the quotes go up and down by a few hundred pound depending on what time of day it is. Anyone know why this happens?
Are mitsubishi 3000gt's costly to insure?
Hi I am 16 and am looking at some mitsubishi 3000gt's right now. I know that insurance is already expensive with me being a 16 year old male but would a 3000 gt be expensive for insurance for me too? It would be a non turbo model and I have heard from places that 3000gt's are costly to insure, is this true? Thank you I appreciatte your answers.""
Does anyone buy life insurance?
Does anyone buy life insurance?
Where/how can i get kitten care insurance?
please tell me i need to take my 8 week old kitten to the vet (bloomington,IN)""
$100 month car insurance is that a good deal ?
$100 a month car insurance is that a good deal ? 16, i have no drivers license yet ( still getting it in a month) i dont know if he included the good student discount (i don't think that i'm a good student, although i'm in college)""
Im taking my drivers test on Tuesday..?
Ok so yesterday, Friday, my dad made an appt for my drivers test in the afternoon, and im taking it tuesday after school. Heres my problem, I need a Certificate of Attendance present with me but it takes like 2-3 days for it to be ready, and if I order it Monday then it will most likely be ready like on wednesday or thursday so what should I do? Reschedule my appt or just talk to the school office about it? Thanks in advance. God Bless.""
Health insurance question?
so i just got health insurance for me and my family for the first time ever and i dont understand what the deductible is, will the insurance cover anything until we pay the deductible?""
What will happen to me if i can not provide proof of insurance in the state of California?
What are the laws regarding vehicle proof of insurance in the state of California?
2003 G35 Maintenance fee and a estimate insurance price in nyc?
Want to buy a used 2003 G35 but would like to know the Maintenance fee and a estimate insurance price in nyc? ok I'm a 19 year(soon to be 20) old black college student who lives in Brooklyn, NY and would like to know how much it would cost me to maintain an insure a 2003 used G35 with about 40k- 80k miles? I've been driving for lets say a year now and live in a urban area, which i will be commuting back and forth to work, school and home.""
How much is car insurance?
im 16 and live in ny and i want to get a car.my mom said she would get me a car but car insurance would be too high.what would the cheapest company to use be for a teen driver?what would the price be?shes saying 3k a month for insurance.
Illnois-no proof of insurance?
Does anyone know what the fine is for no proof of insurance in illinois is?? Is there a way to get this dropped??
How do i get health insurance?
How do I get health insurance for myself? My work doesn't offer health insurance. My husband and all his younger siblings (over 18) are now covered under my mother-in-law's insurance from her work.
Who's best for impreza insurance? i'm 28 with a clean licence?
full comp keeps coming back around 1000, on a 98-2000 wrx""
Retroactive auto insurance premium?
I obtained an auto insurance policy in August 2007. In January 2008 (five months after the policy was purchased) I received my policy renewal. The renewal price was substantially more than the initially policy cost because the insurance company had written my original policy with innacurrate information (assumptions they made that were incorrect, there was no falsification on my part). I cancelled the policy and found a new provider. The insurance company then sent me a bill retroactively charging me for the original policy with the new information and premium changes. Can they retroactively charge me for the policy that I had already paid in full based on our original agreement? Does the insurance company have any legal recourse or right to collect this money? I already filed an official complaint with the NJ Dept. of Banking and Insurance and am waiting to hear back. BTW don't need people's opinion, looking for response from someone who knows the laws in regards to this""
""As a minor, where can I get the cheapest car insurance?""
im 16, and my dad said i wont be driving until he sees that i can pay my own insurance. i know its REEEEALLY expensive for a minor, so where can i get it cheap?""
Me and my dad are arguing about the cost of car insurance? Please have look?
On the final quote page it said that my full annual quote would be 611.49. I just paid a 101.49 deposit via my debit card. It says that my direct debits will be taken each month, next month 54 and then 8 months of 57. My deposit and the direct debits add up to 611.49, exactly as the quote stated. So what is that box (with the red arrow pointing to it); http://img829.imageshack.us/f/screenshotdi.png/ Can they take more money without saying? Can someone please explain what that means?""
18 want car insurance?
right looked online all compare sites give sh*t results, i got quoted 14k for a suzuki alto 23k for a fiat cinciquento (whatever its called) ive rang i kube and got quoted 9k for the suzuki alto thats with the curfew, passed my test on the 22nd of march 2011, wheres good for cheap insurance, ill have curfew if needs be so please shed some light""
Does anyone know some cheap insurance companies for drivers who just passed?
UK only please :)xx
""If you need health insurace, are you going to be able to afford Affordable Care?""
I had high hopes for the Affordable Care Act (nicknamed Obamacare). it was supposed to give all Americans access to healthcare and be affordable enough so we could all still eat and have a roof over our heads. Premium prices depend on where you live, and I live in one of the higher-priced areas, but OMG! Their premiums are more expensive than I've ever seen, and then you have to pay a chunk to see the doctor or get a prescription or go to the hospital... I don't see any savings or advantages anywhere. So what about you, if you aren't covered by health insurance and were hoping to get it under the Affordable Care Act? Can you afford it?Will you be able to actually afford to go to the doctor after paying the premiums?""
New jersey car insurance do I need drivers license? I have a new york drivers license buy car insurance for Ny?
New jersey car insurance do I need drivers license? I have a new york drivers license buy car insurance for Ny is the highest ever.My sister lives in Nj is it possible I can use his address to get cheaper Car insurance...Or do I need a new jersey drivers license as well??
Fort Leavenworth Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66027
Fort Leavenworth Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66027
Cheap auto insurance online?
Where can I get the cheapest online auto insurance?
How do you compare insurance for Yamaha R6 and Ninja 300?
I just want general idea of motorcycle insurance cost between these two bikes.
Who are good for cheap insurance without any no claims?
previous vehicle was mobility and insurance was not in my name so I have no no claims
What is General Insurance?
Need clarification and knowledge about the car insurance? What is it and is it mandatory?
Car insurance in Florida....?
Ok i will be 18 in like 10 days. I am a male and have had my license for about 4 months. I am currently paying about 270 a month for my insurance. This is on my parents policy. Does Anyone know any cheaper insurance (me on my own policy)? Please help. I do not need full coverage. I have a 96 mazda already paid off. I just want basic. Please help.
Health Insurance question?
Hi i am a 22 yr old college student looking for health insurance. medicare denied me because i did not meet the requirements. my school offers insurance but it really doesn't cover anything. I'm in the state of Virginia if that helps. The question that i am asking i guess is is there any free/to low cost insurance out there for me
Will my insurance cost more this year?
hello people ... so i was wondering if anyone thinks my insurance will cost more this year. i have a motorbike honda cbr125. last year it cost me 450 to insure. looking at the insurance this year it says around 550-650 will mine be this much?
Can i go onto my Dads car insurance and get my own car aswell?
What the title says. Can i go onto my dads car insurance and drive my own car, instead of driving my dads?""
How much would insurance be on an eclipse for a 17 yr old guy?
im a 17 year old male, in search for a good first car from 3k to about 5k in price. i love eclipse models from 96-99 (gsx, rs or gs). does anyone know how much insurance is for these cars at my age?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance in general/in NM?
I feel like i'm paying too much for auto insurance (i have aaa) what other insurnce cold I get that will be the cheapest, I don't drive my car all that much, I just want the cheapses rather than nothing.""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
How do I prevent myself from getting taken advantage of by the car insurance companies?
What steps do I need to take in order to always be well ahead of the tricks that car insurance companies would want to pull on me?
Car insurance.......?
hey guys, i was just wondering how much car insurance would be for me. i am 20 years old and just recently starting driving and when i say recently i mean like today haha!. but anyones i DO know that to get a real SET price i would have to call and get a quote but i was hoping to here from some of yall about how much YOU pay each month, how old you are and what kind of car you drive, just to get an ideal of how much its going to be for me ya know? thanks for the help""
Who gets cheaper insurance guys or girls?
Who gets cheaper insurance guys or girls?
What car insurance company do you use?
My car insurance is 2,200 a year and my parents are looking for something cheap. We have state farm. Any suggestions?""
""Insurance company does not want to pay for my car damages, what should I do?""
I let my mom borrow my car, which insurance is under my name, she crashes. She exchanged insurance info with the other driver. I called the other driver's insurance to make a claim to have them get my car fixed. As soon as I told the insurance rep what had happened, he hung up. I try calling them again only to have the rep say, we need to get the other driver's side of the story and hung up again. My car got really damaged, but the other driver's car only got scratches, I know it may not matter but nonetheless I would like to have them pay for my car damages. My insurance only has liability so I can't file a claim under my insurance. The only thing I have is a police report of them exchanging insurance info but no document stating in detail what happened and who is at fault, that's it. What should I do?""
Insurance Help for a Teen?
I'm about to get a used 2004 Lexus Sc430 hardtop convertible. It's a V8 with 288 horsepower. My friend has a 400 Horsepower Trans Am but he put his name under his dad's truck as the primary driver so they wouldn't get killed with insurance rates. If I put my name under my dad's tahoe as the primary driver and under the lexus just listed under the car as not the primary driver. Can I get in trouble for this?
How much would i pay for car Insurance?
How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 25 Years old, never been in any accident,I got my license 7 years ago""
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
what is the absolute most shitty dirt cheap motorcycle insurance you can buy in the state of california?
How much does insurance for eighteen wheeler in California?
How much does insurance for eighteen wheeler in California?
What is the cheapest car insurance around?
I still want good coverage but am so confused by all the ads. geico? aig? mercury? ahhhh so many I am a 21 yr old female with a good driving record I have had my license since I was 16. Please help!!
Car insurance on Mitsubishi Eclipse?
Im only 16, almost 17. Female. First time driver. No accidents. We have Geico. The car is a 2007. 47500 miles on it. 2 door. I tried looking online for an insurance calculator.. I just wanna know about how much a month it would be.""
Which one is the cheapest auto insurance?
I have two vehicles I want full coverage insurance where can i get cheapest insurance?
HomeOwners Insurance?
Roughly, how much does Homeowners insurance cost a year for a 2 Bed/1.5 Bath condo in Gainesville, FL?""
""Rear-ended, bent frame, does insurance replace my car?""
My frame was bent really out of shape in a really stupid rear ender at a metered ramp. The woman who hit me had insurance. My car can't even drive straight without me fighting the steering wheel. Will insurance cover the cost of a replacement? My car is literally 6 weeks old, has 649 miles on it. How pathetic is that?""
Fort Leavenworth Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66027
Fort Leavenworth Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66027
California Car Registration?
I'm thinking of buying a new car in California. However, I was wondering if I register this car to my name if was restricted to only driving that car I'm registered to. My folks have a van I sometimes drive and I don't want to get a ticket. Thanking you in advance.""
Car insurance for 16 year old?
I am 16. Live in Miami, Florida. Drive a Toyota Corolla 1992. I want the insurance that I'll only be paying to cover the repairs of the other car if i get into an accident and not mine. About how much do you think the insurance will cost me? Oh and I plan to pay for the full year in one full payment and not monthly.""
I've just bought a car and am going to drive it home. Can I get done for driving without insurance?
I was wondering if it would be an offence to drive a car without insurance after buying it as I will sort out all the insurance stuff once I get home.
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How do I get the car insurance $$ and still keep the car?
How do I get insurance money from a total , and still keep the car? My daughter's front bumper was torn off. The wheel looks a little bent, so it could me major, could be as simple as a tie rod. The adjuster TOTALED the thing! Book value was $2000 LESS than what was stated on car by dealer. I asked insurance how this could be. They said they use NADA, not Kelly. And, they do an outside market evaluation by Standard and Poors. Plus, they go by private sale value, not retail. So all in all, she's poised to get screwed $2000. As usual, the little guy loses again. What a great country! However, 3 years ago, I totaled my vehicle and the insurance company gave me the $$ AND let me keep the car. I just don't remember how it happened! Any idea?""
Can I change car insurance in the middle of a claim?
I bought a different car and want to change insurance companies but was iin an accident and they are currently paying my hospital bills. It wasn't my fault, as I was rear ended. Can I still find a cheaper insurance for the new car?""
Car Insurance and And Accident?
I was hit from behind on Tuesday morning, called my insurance right after, the next day got my police report (like I was told) and gave me insurance the information, I also called the persons who hit me insurance and gave them the information, it turns out that on Wednesday this woman hadn't even filed a claim yet, nor picked up the police report (by law in NY state any accident that has damage reaching over $1,000 has to be sent to Albany by the people) I sent mine Tuesday morning. I was told within 24 hours a rep would call and send someone out to see my car, I figured that being it was late Wednesday already by Thursday or Friday I'd hear something. Turns out nothing yet, and when calling again this woman STILL hasn't filed a claim or picked up her police report. I plan on calling my insurance again but what is going on? How long must I wait for this, my car is damaged badly and needs to be fixed and I feel this woman should pay for this, and all she has caused me? What should be my next move here?""
At what age does car insurance drop to a normal rate?
im 16 and i wanna wait til a certain age so i dont have to pay alot for the insurance
Motorcycle insurance?
I am looking to get a motorcycle in the future and I know it takes time and money, but most people do not ride in the winter (NJ), so my question is, can I cancel my motorcycle insurance during winter months, so I am not paying all year round? Also, are there any reprocussions to doing this? Thanks.""
Can you buy car insurance for yourself if you are under 18?
I'm under 18 and my boyfriend wants to buy a car for us. The car will be under his name. He doesn't have a license so he will need me to be the sole driver of the car. Is it possible for me to buy car insurance since I'm underage?
Will getting a speeding ticket and losing my license affect my insurance rates?
I lost my license for 3 months and got an $800 fine unfairly (see below for details) for doing 80 in what was previously a 50 zone and because I'm on my Ps the fine was totally way high :L But anyway I paid the ticket right away but now I'm worried it'll affect my insurance rates? It's my only ticket ever and I have no idea if it even affects insurance rates but I'm really worried too worried to call and ask them because they might not know until I tell them D: I live in NSW Australia BTW if that helps you answer (read this question if you want more details on the incredible audacity of the sneaky police: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AookRsU6pku7l6KJOtSFGcTsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20121113121907AA9izHx)
""I need to find how much insurance would cost for a dodge charger, tune-up, tires etc including coupons?""
What site should i go to , to figure out this stuff?""
Looking for cheap car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance coverage out there?
Is a volvo s40 60 or 80 a good car for a 16 yr old guy?
i was just wondering i think there cool but do they look gay at all? i just dont want to get it and then have people call me gay afterwards for getting it ( if i do) also are they good cars etc
Which is cheapest car insurance in new york?
i want to buy a car but i know the insurance of the car is very expensive. I will like to know if there is a car insurance that i can afford.
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
No Claims discount on car insurance?
Hi there does anybody else agree that insurance companies are a set of W******s? just had to insure a car after been in a co car for 2 1/2 yrs, previous to that i had my own insurance for 11 yrs and had no claims in that period, today i was told by severl different insurers that my no claims dosent count as i have not had any insurance in my own name in the last 2 yrs, thats taken the price of cover from 384 to over 700, does anyone think as i do that no claims should stay with you for life as long as you can prove that you have been driving say within the last three yrs so that the insurance companies cant make such massive profits by shafting law abiding careful drivers?""
Insurance company totalled my car.?
I was recently in a minor accident in which someone backed into me. Their insurance company accepted 100% of the liability. They are telling me that they are deeming it as a total loss. My question is, once they determine the actual cash value of the car, minus the salvage and give me the difference, will my title be a salvaged title? I live in Missouri and drive a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero. I couple of different people have informed me that beings my car is over 7 years old it will NOT have a salvaged title but according to the insurance company it will. Also do I get the actual cash value minus the salvage amount or do I get the repair estimate amount minus the salvage amount? The car is completely drivable and only has a minor crack in the bumper along with a puncture in the a/c condenser which I can have replaced. I want to keep the car.""
""If the officer did not check my insurance, will the ticket show up on my insurance bill?""
Basically what the question says. I was speeding in Virginia and when the officer pulled me over he only check my license and registration. I paid the ticket almost a month before it was due and have yet to hear if my insurance rates went up. My father pays for my insurance so, maybe he just hasn't said anything but I just wanted to ask the community if since the officer didn't check for my insurance, does that mean my rates won't increase? Preferably, I'd like a cop to answer this, but peer comments are still appreciated. Thanks!!""
What to do when rental car got damaged and I dont have insurance?
I rented a car from Enterprise and declined their insurance. I had credit card insurance. However I made a blunder of not initiating the rental in that credit card. While driving the rental car the tire blew out and the car hit the median and there is some extensive damage to the car. I am in deep trouble now as my credit car insurance will not work as I didnt initiate the car rental in that card. Is there any way that I can salvage this situation? Please help!!
What is insurance groups?
ex:this car is insurance group 19. whats that mean? and which numbers are cheap ones?
How much will my car insurance rates go up if i turn my car accident into the insurance company?
I have full coverage and I'm 17. I currently pay 120 dollar a month for car insurance and I have good grades. I back into someone's car and dented it. Is it worth it to turn into the car insurance place?
Motorcycle insurance? how much?
can someone guess how much will a motorcycle insurance be for an 18 year old male in CA with no road driving experience at all?, and the bike he will get is a 2008 Ninja 250r or 2006 Katana 600?.....also note he will take the MSF course and this will be his first road vehicle...thanks!!""
isnt an insurance company suppose to cover your car regradless the person driving it? well my boyfriend was driving my car-just bought-brand new car- and got into an accident. Now my insurance company denied my claim cause they say he wasnt under the insurance. but should my car be cover regradless if the person driving wasnt? I mean I pay monthly payments and then they are just gonna deny me after an accident. could anyone help me? any advice?
Insurance for a 16 year old?
How much would insurance be for a 1990 corvette? I'm 16 years old, btw.""
Fort Leavenworth Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66027
Fort Leavenworth Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 66027
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smilingformoney · 6 years ago
It Lives Beneath Diamond Scene: Tour with Imogen
You: You know what? I’d love a tour. Imogen +10 Imogen: Of course you would! I’m only just the best tour guide in all of Pine Springs! You: I don’t know… Tom gives some pretty amazing tours. You have a lot to live up to. Imogen: Puh-lease. My tours can out-tour his tours any day of the week. You: Well, then. After you, my lady. Imogen: Follow me, group! Be careful not to get lost! You trail behind Imogen as she gestures grandly and explains details of the house. You keep an eye out for anything amiss, but it seems like the place has been entirely cleaned out. You: Hey, Imogen. Don’t you think it’s weird Ned was just in town yesterday, and now suddenly he’s selling his house? Imogen: I guess? I hadn’t thought about it like that. 
You: Do you know… -What happened last night?
Imogen: Wh-what do you mean? Did something happen last night? You: Maybe. Where were you? Imogen: Um, let me think. Last night I was having dinner with my mom on Lakeview Boulevard. You: And after that? Imogen: We went home. And went to bed. Imogen: Why? What were you doing last night? You: Nothing. Never mind. 
-Who moved Ned’s things?
Imogen: Pine Springs doesn’t have any moving companies, so… Imogen: Maybe Ned moved his things himself? You: The whole house? On his own? In one night? Imogen: I-I don’t know. When you say it like that it sounds pretty impossible. You: That’s because it is. Did anyone help him? Was anyone else here last night? Imogen: How am I supposed to know? I was out having dinner with my mom! 
-When the house went up for sale?
Imogen: My mom got the call late last night, right before we went to bed. Imogen: She sounded pretty angry. Probably because of how short notice the house showing is. You: Do you know who she was talking to? Imogen: Well, I thought it was her secretary at first, but I heard her call them a man’s name. You: What was the name? Was it ‘Ned’? Imogen: No, it was something else… Imogen: Sorry, I can’t remember it right now. You: No, that’s okay. That already helps. 
Imogen stops walking and turns to face you. Imogen: [Name], what’s going on? You’re being weird. You: There’s… there’s things going on that I can’t talk about. You: But I need to know I can trust you. Imogen: Of course you can trust me! You: Just tell me one thing. Imogen: Anything. 
You: Tell me… -Who are the robed men?
Imogen: Robed men? What robed men? You: You really don’t know? Imogen: No! I literally have no idea what you’re talking about. You study Imogen closely. She meets your eyes with a sincere gaze… and you remember the way she reacted to Kyle’s death… You: Okay. I believe you. Imogen: Um, thanks…? 
-Do you know if Ned had any enemies?
Imogen: No! I mean, I don’t know him very well, but I’m pretty sure everybody likes him… even if he does say some strange things… Imogen: Why? Did somebody hurt him? Is he okay? You study Imogen closely but her concern seems genuine. You: Sorry, I can’t tell you that right now. 
You: Are there any rooms, any rooms at all, that haven’t been cleared yet? Imogen: No, everything was already gone when we came in this morning. Imogen: Oh, except the basement. But my mom told me not to go down there. She said it’s dangerous. You: Dangerous how? Imogen: It’s full of building materials and tools for the contractors or something. You: Which one’s the door to the basement? Imogen: But we’re not supposed to-- You: Imogen. Please. Imogen: You’re asking me to go against my mom, and you won’t even tell me what’s going on. Imogen: How am I supposed to trust you? 
You: Trust me because… -There’s something between us. +Romance
You: I knew it from the second we met. And I know you can feel it too. Imogen: I-- Imogen stops and looks away, a blush on her cheeks. Imogen: You’re right. I… I like you. A lot. I thought it was just me. You reach out and take her hand in yours. You: It’s not. And I can’t wait to ask you out and really get to know each other. You let her hand go. You: But I need to deal with this first. 
-Kyle’s death wasn’t an accident.
Imogen: W-what? You: We both know it. You saw how weird Kyle was acting right before he died. And as for me… You: …I know what I saw. Imogen: What did you see? You consider telling Imogen about the thing that grabbed Kyle… but you sense her hesitation, and quickly decide against it. You: I’m… not sure I’m ready to tell you that yet. You: The point is, there’s something seriously messed up going on in this town, and people are working very hard to cover it up. Imogen: You’re right. Kyle’s death wasn’t an accident, no matter what Chief Kelley says. But what are you going to do? You: I’m going to find out the truth and bring it to light. 
You: I promise I’ll tell you everything as soon as I can. You: But for now, I just need a little faith. Imogen exhales a deep sigh, then smiles. Imogen: Okay, [Name]. But we have to be fast. If my mom catches us we’re dead. You: Thank you. You won’t regret this. 
The basement stairs creak as you descend. Imogen clicks a light switch, and an old bulb flickers on. You: I thought your mom said there were building materials down here. Imogen: She did. There’s nothing down her but old junk though. Why would she lie? You: I don’t know yet. A reflection catches your eye. You move toward a small spot of something on the floor. You: Imogen… look at this! You kneel to examine a puddle of tacky liquid on the floor. It’s deep red. Imogen: Oh my god! Is that-- You: Blood. Imogen: W-Whose blood? Why would there be blood down here? You: I’ll tell you after I tell the police. But first I need to document this. Do you have… I don’t know, some cotton swabs and a plastic bag? Imogen: What, on me? You: Never mind. You fish out your phone. You: A picture of some blood on the floor isn’t the best proof, but it’s better than nothing. 
POOL OF BLOOD -Take a picture. 
Your camera flash throws light into every corner of the basement. Imogen: Hey, did you see that? You: See what? Imogen walks across the cluttered basement and shines her phone into a corner. The light glints off of something metallic. She picks it up. Imogen: It’s some kind of… key. You join her, and she hands it to you. 
You: Why don’t you hold onto it, Imogen? Imogen: Really? Imogen: Well… Okay. Just for safekeeping. You: Come on. Let’s get out of here before your mom finds us. ITEM ACQUIRED 
You: Could you do me one last favour? Imogen: Sure, but only if you promise to do something for me. You: Oh, uh, sure. What? Imogen: Promise we’ll get to hang out together soon. Without creepy basements and weird blood. MC +2 You: I think I can manage that. Imogen: Awesome sauce. Now what’s this favour? You: Can you keep all this between the two of us for now? And don’t let anyone touch the basement until I get back with the cops. Imogen: Okay. But the next time we hang out, I expect to get all of the deets. You: You will. That’s a promise.
You: Yes! Look at this. You pull out your phone and bring up the picture you took. Parker: Is that…? You: Blood. Parker: Where did you take this? You: At Ned’s house, this morning. The whole place was empty except for the basement. Parker +5 Parker: That’s evidence, all right. I’ll head over there later and look into this… You: But what about Chief Kelley? Parker: Off the books for now. You: Thanks. Parker: In the meantime, is there anyone you can think of who might have seen anything, heard anything?
You: Oh hey, before I forget, did you find anything at Ned’s houses? In the basement? Parker: No. It was clean. Even the basement was empty. I asked Astrid but she said she hadn’t found anything out of the ordinary. Parker: I’m sorry. You: It’s fine. I didn’t really expect you to find anything. You: It was lucky I even got a picture before those robed weirdos came back and finished the job. Parker: Hey. Maybe we’ll find something tonight. You: I hope so.
Imogen: You mean a key like this?
RECOGNIZE… -Skeleton Key 
Imogen pulls the skeleton key from a discreet pocket in her dress. Tom: Is that…? Imogen: A skeleton key. A Cosmo girl never leaves home without one. Imogen slides the key into the lock. It resists turning at first but then unlocks with a satisfying click. Imogen +5 Imogen: Voi-la! MC +5 You: I knew that key would come in handy! Imogen removes the key and tries the knob. It turns easily. Imogen: Are we really doing this, you guys? Danni: We’ve come this far. I’m not turning back now. Tom: Whatever’s behind that door, Richie Rich does not want people seeing it. So that’s exactly where we need to go. Parker: Time’s wasting, people. [Name], whatever answers we find in there, they might not be the answers you’re looking for. Parker: Are you sure you want to do this? 
You: Is it what I want? -It doesn’t matter.
You: Everyone is here tonight because they want answers, because they want to protect people, or stop bad things from happening. You: Even if we find nothing, that’s one more box we can check off our list. Tom: [Name]’s right. I’ve been investigating for a while, and even dead ends can help point you in the right direction.
-More than anything.
You: Ever since Kyle died-- no, since my parents died, I’ve wanted to find out the truth. You: Even if the truth is ugly, I need to know it. It’s the only way I’ll be able to sleep at night. Danni: [Name]’s right. Uncovering the truth is the only thing that matters. 
Parker: Okay then. Let’s find out what Richard’s hiding. One by one you disappear behind the door and close it as softly as you can behind you. 
You find yourselves on a balcony overlooking a dimly lit room panelled in expensive mahogany. You: What is this pl-- Parker: Shh! Get down! Parker drags you down into a crouch and you see the hooded figures surrounding the table below. Imogen: What are they doing? Tom: Being creepy? Slowly, they begin to chant. Cultists: O Numen Magnus, audi nos, da ad nobis vim, da ad nobis fortitudinem… Danni: Getting cult-y enough in here for ya, Parker? Parker: Shhh! As the chant continues, you notice the design emblazoned on the polished surface of the table. 
RECOGNIZE… -Symbol on Cultists’ Table 
Below you, the chant comes to an end. One of the figures steps forward. Cult Leader: Welcome, brothers. Power be with you all. Cultists: We are one with the Power. Cult Leader: Tonight we will be discussing several matters of extreme importance. Cult Leader: First, the successful suppression of the truth regarding the Garza boy’s death. Imogen: Aa-- You cover Imogen’s mouth quickly before she can cry out. The people below seem not to have heard her outburst and continue. Cultist: Thank you, Leader. It was a simple matter. The public does not want to believe his death could have been anything but an accident. Cult Leader: Indeed. Our second topic is the most important one at hand. Cultist: The Vance child. You: (Me?!) Cultist: Her/His investigation into our affairs is beginning to compromise our agenda. Cult Leader: Do not get ahead of yourselves, brothers. All in due time. Cult Leader: Now. Let us begin. Cultists: Before the Power, we reveal ourselves! As one, the cultists reach up to their hoods… and pull them down! Astrid: … Vincent: … Imogen: Mom and Dad?! Richard: … Danni: Richard! Chief Kelley: … Parker: Abe? Your friends’ voices fade into the background as your gaze fixes on the fifth figure. For a long moment, you’re unable to even process what you’re seeing. Then he lifts his head to speak and the world seems to fall out from under you. Grandpa: Before the Power, we are revealed. You: GRANDPA?!
You sit back in the balcony overhanging the cultists’ overhanging the cultists’ headquarters, reeling from the discovery that your grandfather… is one of them! Grandpa: … You: (It’s Grandpa! I-- I can’t believe it!) Astrid: Now, my brothers. It is time to begin. Imogen: Gina, th-this can’t be true! 
-If you have the bracelet 
Cultist Guard: Hey! What the hell are you kids doing up here! You whip around and find two cultists looming over you and your friends! Imogen: Um, ‘run’? The commotion’s caught the attention of the cultists below! Astrid: Imogen? Richard: Apprehend them immediately! Cultist Guard: You’re coming with us! Danni: Over my dead body! One guard cracks his knuckles, while the other whips out a baton crackling with electricity! 
STUN BATON -Examine 
You all shy away from the sizzling baton, feeling the electricity raise the hairs on your arms. Cultist Guard: Now, are you gonna come along quietly or are we gonna do this the hard way? You: We’ll… we’ll come quietly. Won’t be, guys? Tom: Yeah, not a peep. You and your friends are dragged downstairs by the guards to the assembled circle. 
Imogen: Wait a minute! Imogen frantically fishes in her pockets, and pulls out… 
IS THAT… -The skeleton key! 
Imogen: A-ha! Parker: I don’t want to burst your bubble, but I’m fairly certain the key for these doors doesn’t look like-- The doors unlock with a heavy click! Parker: You’re kidding me! Danni scrambles down the lamp post! Danni: Nice one! Imogen +5 Imogen: I knew this thing would come in handy again!
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magicalcrapulent · 7 years ago
Captain America and how he discards his title in CA:CW
Once I have lain in bed one morning and thought about CA:CW. Let’s just say that I have feelings about this movie. I analyzed the movie and Steve’s and Tony’s actions during the plot. I decided to write it down to order my thought, and it somehow became an essay (oops?). And now I want to share my new insights with the world; the insight that Captain America discards his title as Captain America as early as CA:CW.
Okay guys, hear me out! Captain America: Civil War is not about the Sokovia Accords or an argument between Steve and Tony. It’s much more than that underneath the surface. It’s about Steve’s abandonment of his Captain America persona. And this is how it goes:
What does Captain America stand for? Democracy and freedom. He is/was the ideal human being in terms of Nazi standards: big, blonde, blue eyes, intelligent, the perfect soldier. And he punched Hitler in the face. Why? Because it’s the right thing to do. Steve acts on the premise that what he does is good and right, because that’s what he’s been doing all this time since WW2, that’s why he was chosen for Project: Rebirth in the first place: because of his inherent goodness, and Steve delivered (rightfully so). He is used to do what is good and right, because that’s who he is, that’s what Captain America is, what he stands for: The Good Fight.
And then the Accords came. Suddenly somebody tells him that he was acting out of order, that his actions may not be as positive as he was led to believe. Of course he denies it for a while, but CA:CW is not really about the Accords, at least not for Steve. But by brushing those Accords aside he also starts brushing aside everything he stands for: Democracy and freedom. 117 nations decided that the Avengers couldn’t continue the way they were doing. 117 nations decided that they had enough of having an American team of ‘superheroes’ just come into their country, cause mayhem and then disappear again, leaving those nations in shambles, all in the name of the greater good. They had enough, and they used their rights and freedoms to do something against it. They stood up and said “It’s enough”. By denying those nations’ right to say ‘No’, by saying “The safest hands are our own”, by claiming everybody in a position of power is (basically)corrupt and has a secret agenda, Steve denies those countries’ freedom and democratic rights.
Steve is not completely wrong. He has personal experience with hidden agendas. Negative experiences. We have seen it in The Avengers and CA:TWS. SHIELD has, on multiple occasions, withheld information and had their own secret agenda and their reasoning wasn’t all that sound. It starts in The Avengers, where SHIELD lies to Steve’s face about clean energy while secretly making HYDRA weapons. This is the first crack in Steve’s trust towards the established power systems. The second is when the Security Council fires a nuke at Manhattan, at their own civil population. That is the second crack. The next one comes in CA:TWS. Already at the beginning Fury withheld mission parameters from him, and we can see how pissed Steve is that people are not telling him everything he (thinks he) needs to know. His trust is completely shattered when it turns out SHIELD was corrupted from the very beginning. HYDRA has grown inside Shield from the start, and it turns out for Steve that even the organization with the hidden agenda has even MORE hidden agendas. I think we can say that Steve worked for SHIELD because it is the only organization he marginally trusts (and knows), and he only continues to trust them after The Avengers is probably because they weren’t the ones who fired the nuke and they came clean to him when he confronted them with the hidden HYDRA weapons.
So Steve’s skepticism towards established governments and organizations is justified. What he doesn’t seem to understand is, that even he himself has a hidden agenda: Bucky. Rumlow is right by saying that, whenever Bucky is mentioned, Steve’s brain does a full stop and everything else loses importance. So by saying that he can’t trust governments with hidden agendas to give the commands, he is a hypocrite, because he himself has a hidden agenda himself that he tries to protect and fulfill. Because not only does he want to protect Bucky, but he also wants to neutralize the threat the additional Winter Soldiers in Siberia pose, something he doesn’t really tell anybody about who doesn’t necessarily have to know about it. And Tony obviously isn’t somebody who needs to know in Steve’s opinion. The thing he so despises in other – the secret keeping, the lies, the hidden agendas – are all things he does himself through the length of CA:CW. But we get to that again later.
This is actually a reoccurring theme in comics; it’s a thing that especially authorities like the police criticized after WW2 about the way they are depicted in comics. The Lone Hero, most of the time some kind of vigilante who acts outside of the law, defeats the bad guys and lets the government, military and police look bad. People feared that especially children would read those comics and disregard local authority, because obviously they are completely incompetent, and why should children even listen to them?
And that’s exactly what Steve does! After the UN bombing in Vienna every evidence they had at that time led to Bucky being the culprit. We, as the viewers, know that something else is going on and that it wasn’t Bucky who planted the bomb, but the characters in the movie don’t know what we know. They only have the means and knowledge given to them, and, like I said, the evidence points towards Bucky. And so the police, no, more than the police, the fucking GSG9, a German special ops team, goes to apprehend the man who bombed the UN in Vienna. And what does Steve do? He decides that they are not good enough                       and that he can do better and sweeps in himself, verifying everybody’s worst fears and complains to be true. Like Tony said later in the movie, Steve’s actions prove that something like the Accords is necessary, because obviously Steve knows no boundaries. No matter what Steve claims, acting the way he did wasn’t the best for everybody and he was following his own agenda: saving Bucky. The only one profiting from his actions was Bucky, nobody else.
Then comes a time of calm, of conversation and of diplomacy, where Tony and Steve have a long overdue conversation. And Tony brings out the pens he found in his attic (?). But what do these pens symbolize? Tony said that they were used to sign the Lend-Lease Bill, but what does this have to do with the story? What does this Bill contribute? They could have chosen any other Bill or even a Peace treaty that those pens could have signed, but they chose this specific Bill. Why?
This Bill basically allowed Roosevelt to continue his own agenda – involving America in WW2 – while still acting in the boundaries of the law. By loaning and not selling the UK weapons and supplies he acts in the parameters set by his own government while still helping those who need it. It is symbolic to the Accords and Tony’s role in it. He signed the Accord because he thinks it’s the right thing to do, because his own actions (Ultron for example) show that even Superheroes need regulations. They can’t just run around and do as they please without any kind of consequences. In Lagos Cap and his team did their thing, and when people got hurt and died they just left again like “Well, shit happens life goes on”. A normal human being wouldn’t have been able to get away with something like that, and Superheroes shouldn’t be an exception.
No. Tony signed the Accords to take up responsibility for his action, but he isn’t delusional. He knows Ross. In the after Credit scene in The Incredible Hulk we see him talking to Ross. He knows that guy and what to expect. But Tony is a clever dude. He signed the Accords, but he is also manipulating them to suit himself and what he wants to accomplish. It sounds shifty, but so does Steve with his “the safest hands are our own” bullshit. Tony acts in the parameters set by the Accords, just like Roosevelt acted in the parameters set by the American Government and Congress, while still working towards their own ultimate goals.
That is what those pens symbolize, the acting in set rules while having the freedom to follow your own morals. A practical example for this is Wanda’s confinement. Many may shout “Tony imprisoned her!”, but what do you expect? She’s an illegal immigrant without any kind of legal papers, an ex-member of HYDRA, helped Ultron, and got some people in Lagos killed. Do people really think that all those things don’t have consequences? Do they really think that she can get away with all of those things with a simple “Oops, my bad”? It was either house arrest in a comfortable environment, her own home, with all its luxury like privacy, TV, Internet, fitness facilities, and all alone with the guy she has a crush on, or being imprisoned in a cell with a straightjacket and a collar. Tony acted in the parameters of the Accords, but he managed to manipulate them according to his will by having Wanda in confinement, but still giving her luxury and a certain kind of freedom and amenity. Not to forget that Steve didn’t even think to ask about Wanda. Only when Tony brought her up did he care to think what is going on with her. Another evidence is that, at the moment, Steve is single-mindedly focused on Bucky and nobody else, no matter their (maybe shitty) situation. With those pens Tony subtly tells Steve that he can still follow his own goals and still keep his integrity and follow his own morals while still complying with the law, just like Tony has done with Wanda.
But all of this goes right past Steve. All he says concerning the Lend-Lease Bill is that it brought America closer towards war. And again he acts like a hypocrite. Wasn’t it Steve who applied for enlistment through all of New York and even New Jersey so that he can participate in said war? Wasn’t it Steve who said that bullies weren’t allowed to remain in power? Wasn’t it Steve who fought the Good Fight by punching Hitler in the face?  As much as WW1 was a senseless bloodshed, the Second World War was, in a way, necessary. People like Hitler weren’t allowed to remain in power. They weren’t allowed to achieve world domination. And to be frank, it wasn’t really America that stood in Hitler’s way. It was Churchill and the UK. They were the only ones standing in Hitler’s way of completely controlling Europe. Not America, not France, not Russia (who were Hitler’s allies), it was the UK. As much as Roosevelt wanted to participate in the war and help his British friends, he couldn’t. The American people didn’t allow it; his congress didn’t allow it. The only thing he could do was trick the laws and his government as much as he could to support Churchill as much as he could.
By not only forgetting that, but by also first thinking about the (somewhat) negative implication those pens brought up – America joining WW2 – Steve not only disregards the sacrifices the UK brought during that very lonely year where they were the only ones standing in Hitler’s way, but he also insinuates that it was wrong from Roosevelt to sign this Bill. We can compare it to his own situation with the Accords. He thinks that signing those Accords is a mistake, something that will tear the Avengers apart, something that will get them into trouble, something that could be avoided by not signing. But at the same time he betrays everything he stands for in that sentence. By implying that (in a way) joining the war was a mistake he betrays his former believes that you have to stand up to bullies, that you can’t let somebody like Hitler or HYDRA continue as they are. At the same time he thinks that he is honoring those very same ideals with not signing the Accords, because he thinks that the people who support those Accords are the real bullies. But that is, like Rhodey so wonderfully put it, “dangerously arrogant”. To think you are the only person in the world to be in the right and everybody else’s opinion and reasoning is wrong, is indeed dangerously arrogant.
In that moment he represents the American imperial belief, the thought of America as the world’s police force. America comes into a country where there is a problem and gets themselves involved despite the protests of its inhabitants. They think they have the right of it because they say they fight for something bigger like freedom and democracy. And that’s what Cap does, too. He gets into a country in the name of the mission and the protection of the world, does what he wants, and says he has the right of it because he does it for something bigger like freedom and democracy. So it’s doubly hypocritical of him to say that joining the war was the wrong decision to make, not only because he represents the American imperialism, but also because, as we have seen in Age of Ultron, that Steve’s biggest fear is the end of the war. That’s his biggest fear, that the war (no matter which one, WW2, war with the Chitauri, war against HYDRA, war with Ultron) ends and that he is no longer needed. Steve fears peace, and almost craves war, because it gives him purpose. And isn’t that sad? That your only purpose in life is to go to war?
By disregarding the pens, by disregarding the Lend-Lease Bill, Steve is disregarding every single one of his accomplishments as Captain America: his help in defeating the Nazis and HYDRA, the victory at the Battle of New York against the Chitauri, HYDRA’s defeat in Washington, Ultron’s defeat in Sokovia. By implying that joining the war wasn’t worth it he practically says that all those accomplishments and victories weren’t worth it. Tony is right, though. By signing the Lend-Lease Bill Roosevelt helped Steve become Captain America, and thus helped to achieve all of those victories. And Steve is brushing them aside because he has a) no idea about political maneuvering and b) he is unable to compromise and make a detour to achieve his ultimate goal.
But why can’t he make those compromises? What is it that stops him from thinking this through properly? You know the Answer. It starts with a B and ends with an –ucky.
Steve has a certain picture of Bucky, and that picture sometimes doesn’t align with reality. For him, Bucky is his friend, his partner in crime, his brother in everything but blood. They grew up together, fought together, they had each others’ back from the moment they became friends. The problem is that this version of Bucky doesn’t exist anymore, at least not in the beginning. Since the end of CA:TWS Bucky was nobody. He wasn’t Steve’s long lost friend, but he also wasn’t the Winter Soldier. He was nobody, had no identity, no memories, everything that makes a person who they are has been erased by HYDRA, over and over again. But Steve saw him and only saw his long lost brother, when in reality he wasn’t. He was nobody. But throughout the movie Steve tries to protect this friend, even during a time where he wasn’t this friend, not until after Bucky went on a rampage and Steve knocked his head real hard (neuronal recalibrating). Only after that did Bucky really become Bucky. But before that he was the (ex-)HYDRA assassin who bombed the UN. Steve, of course, doesn’t believe that, because he has faith in Bucky and knows he would never do that, that he only ever became the ‘villain’ because HYDRA kidnapped him and brainwashed him over and over again. And Steve is right, Bucky wouldn’t do that. But Nobody-the-ex-Hydra-assassin might. In theory of course, the viewer knows that he wasn’t the culprit, but like I said above, the characters can’t know that because they don’t have all the information the viewer has. The point is that Steve expects Bucky to think and act in a certain way that he is familiar with and that he knows and can predict, but at that certain point of the story that is not who Bucky is. Only after he regains some part of his memories and part of himself, are those predictions Steve made true. Before that Steve predicted the behavior and steps of a different person, not of Nobody-the-ex-Hydra-assassin.
Steve’s predictions get verified then. He always knew that it wasn’t Bucky who planted the bomb but somebody else, that something more sinister is going on, but he didn’t predict that out of empiric evidence but because of a personal, subjective opinion. But now, with Bucky regaining part of his memory, with an actual clue that there is a very real and very big threat on the horizon that could very well make HYDRA or whoever it is take control of those additional Winter Soldiers a very real contester for world domination, what does Steve do? HE KEEPS IT TO HIMSELF!!!
Before CA:CW Steve had a real problem with authorities keeping information from him, even accused the UN and 117 Nations of being corrupt, and here he is, doing the exact same thing! It already started in CA:TWS where Steve found out that HYDRA killed Howard Stark and opted not to tell Tony about it. In Age of Ultron Steve accused Tony of keeping too many secrets from the team, while at the same time he is the one who keeps a pretty big secret from Tony. This is already were it started, this is where Steve starts abandoning his own ideals. He demands honesty and transparency from everybody, because that is how democracy works, but at the same time he doesn’t offer any of that himself.
Steve believes the worst of other people – probably because he was told that he himself was inherently good, which would imply that everybody else wasn’t good enough and thus he was better than them– and in CA:CW he also believes the worst of Tony. He doesn’t tell Tony about this new threat because he thinks he wouldn’t believe him, that he will try to stop Steve from doing the right thing, from stopping those Winter Soldiers. And in the end he feels vindicated (again), because Tony does try to stop him, but not because of the reasons Steve predicts, but because Tony can only act on the information he has, which means that, for Tony, Steve is trying to help Bucky escape and hide him until he can clear his name. That is all the information Tony has, and he cannot act differently because Steve is withholding information. And the airstrip of an airport when tensions are high and people are preparing for battle is probably not the best time or place to discuss this new potential threat. It’s not like they had hours upon hours of time to meet up or talk over the phone about those Winter Soldiers… Oh! Wait!!! THEY DID!!! You cannot tell me that Steve had time to fly two (completely uninvolved) parties from as far as San Francisco (!) over to Germany, but at the same time didn’t have the time to tell Tony (at least over the phone) that there are five killing machines about to be released in Siberia. Tony would have at least had somebody check that out, or would have even gone himself to take a look at those potential Winter Soldiers.
Some may complain now: “Tony was off collecting his own little army! How was he supposed to reach him? Steve had to defend himself so that he could go and stop those Winter Soldiers!” Yes, Tony did collect an army. Why? Because he has seen what Steve was willing to do in Bucharest when people started to become a ‘threat’ to Bucky. He has gotten 36 hours to bring Steve and Bucky in, and he knew that he could only do that properly and with as little violence as possible when he could overpower them. Spider-Man’s task for example was only to web them up so that they could collect them later on. Tony only wanted to stop a wanted fugitive from escaping and stop Steve before the situation could become any worse for him because Steve was helping and abetting an escaped fugitive. Tony couldn’t really know that Steve was collecting allies and a small army himself.
And then, of course, everything goes to shit. Rhodey is paralyzed, Steve and Bucky escaped to god knows where, half of the Avengers is in prison. Of course they blame Tony for that (I’m looking at you Clint and Scott), but let me ask you: WHAT DO YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN??? You probably saw in the News what happened in Vienna, that Bucky was probably the culprit, that you were basically helping a prime suspect for a terroristic bombing at the fucking UN escape, and you thought that didn’t have consequences?!?!? That’s the exact reason why the Accords are necessary. Team Cap thinks they are right, just like Steve does, that they were fighting The Good Fight and that this justifies their action. But that’s not true. They helped a wanted fugitive and – as far as the world knows – a wanted terrorist and destroyed an entire airport in the process. And they think they are going to get away with it.
It’s like with Wanda and the incident in Lagos: Steve made a mistake by getting distracted, Wanda moved in, but she didn’t have enough control of her power, too little training for a mission like that, and people died. And although it wasn’t her intention, and that she only wanted to help, it still doesn’t change that she and the Avengers made a mistake and people died because of it. There need to be regulations and consequences, or so-called ‘superheroes’ can do whatever they want in the name of the greater good without reporting to anybody but themselves. Tony is right with what he said, that “without rules we are no better than the bad guys”. Because if there are no rules, then ‘superheroes’ can destroy an entire airport or, like in Age of Ultron, half a city, and face no kind of consequences. Again, Rhodey’s comment about being “dangerously arrogant” comes to mind, and it fits wonderfully into the Raft scene as well. Both Clint and Scott act as if they were in the right and that their imprisonment is a huge injustice because they were fighting The Good Fight, and that they got imprisoned by no fault of their own (and what is it with Marvel’s fathers that they just abandon their kids in a heartbeat? Oh yes Clint, retiring and spending more time with your family by going golfing and water skiing is so boring). They are the ones the Accords try to protect the world from, because they have gone out of control.
The only one who acts reasonable and logical and like he has even a stint of common sense is Sam. When Tony talks to him and tells him that new evidence has come up and that he now knows that Bucky was framed and that something else is going on, Sam tells him everything. It has basically taken two days for the allegations against Bucky to be proven false. Tony isn’t on some kind of vendetta, a hardliner of the Accords that can’t play with anybody acting outside of them (we have already concluded that above with the pens and the Lend-Lease Bill). He knows what he has to do so that Ross and anybody else who might be out for blood doesn’t get a hint that he is about to meet Captain America and The Winter Soldier. We see that Tony can compromise and prioritize. He is going now to help Steve and Bucky neutralize the other Winter Soldiers so that Tony can regain Steve’s trust he seemed to have lost when Tony signed the Accords, and so that they can have time later to discuss every other issue they have without the threat of world destruction.
And, again, everything goes to shit. Bucky become Zemo’s instrument with which he can tear the Avengers apart. And Steve lets him.
By keeping the truth about Howards (and Maria’s) death a secret ‘to save Tony the heartache and spare his feelings’ and by being to single-mindedly focused on Bucky, Steve has brought by the destruction of the Avengers as they knew it. He may claim that he has kept that knowledge a secret to spare Tony’s feelings, but in reality he was protecting Bucky once again. Again Steve probably feels vindicated when Tony attacked Bucky in grief and rage. He has probably predicted such a reaction from the moment he found out Howard was murdered by HYDRA, probably by Bucky, probably predicted that Tony would try to find the murderer of his parents and make him pay. And again, Steve expects the worst of Tony. What was Tony supposed to do? His parents’ murderer was standing right there, right in front of him while he just saw this very same man murder his fucking parents on video! And Steve, somebody who Tony thought of as a friend, was protecting him. How many other people has Bucky killed? How many other people was Steve denying their justice by protecting a single man? I know – and Tony probably knows, too – that it wasn’t really Bucky’s fault, that he got brainwashed and exploited as a weapon. But in that moment, freshly overcome with grief and rage, Tony can’t see reason. Just like Steve loses any kind of objectivity when Bucky is in danger, it’s the same with Tony when the people he loves are in danger (like when he builds the Iron Man army in IM3 to ‘protect what he can’t live without’, or earlier when Rhodey fell out of the sky and appeared dead). Tony loses any kind of objectivity and reason, and after the break-up with Pepper and Rhodey’s fall he is at his breaking point. He has enough.
But all of that following fight might have been avoided if Steve had just come to Tony and told him that Howard’s death wasn’t an accident but that HYDRA had him murdered. Maybe then Tony might have been able to vent his anger and rage into the right direction, especially when you think about that between CA:TWS and Age of Ultron the Avengers were basically raiding one HYDRA facility after the other. That would have been a good way for Tony to make those suckers pay for the death of his parents. But no. Steve didn’t tell Tony, even dares to excuse his behavior and secret keeping, something he oh so despised in others like SHIELD or Natasha or Fury.
Transparency and the sharing of information are the foundations on which a good democracy is build, so that people can make educated decisions, so that people can regard every aspect of a situation. But Steve denies Tony that right over and over again. By his unwillingness to compromise and meet other people halfway, by always expecting the worst of everybody else, he became the very thing he fought against: despots who only follow their own moral code and agendas. He demands the sharing of information from everybody else while he is not forthcoming himself. He criticizes others for following their own moral code and doing what they think is right while he does the exact same thing. He demands others to be reasonable while he himself is dangerously compromised and biased. Captain America is the symbol of freedom and democracy, the right for people to voice their opinions and their right to tell others ‘No’, but by ignoring their voices – the voices of 117 nations – out of more or less personal reasons, by withholding (vital) information and not offering transparency, he is betraying everything Captain America stands for.
And I think Steve knows that.
Tony’s quip ‘My father made that shield, you don’t deserve it’ is almost pitiful in the given situation, but that sentence has a far deeper connotation. Howard has been Steve’s friend, just like Steve has been Tony’s friend, and by protecting his murderer, the murderer of Tony’s parents, he was betraying them in a way. At the same time Tony indirectly tells him that he isn’t Captain America anymore, that he has become someone not worthy of that shield and the title of Captain America that goes along with it. And I think that Steve knows and realizes that. That final fight against Tony, when Tony tells him that he has been Steve’s friend, too, I think that was the moment when Steve realized that he has fucked up. That he has become so biased and compromised that he disregarded everything and everyone else. But he couldn’t stop anymore. Through his mistakes Tony is about to kill Bucky, his Bucky, and he has already gone too far in protecting his brother than to stop now, even at Tony’s costs. At the end Steve could have been petty or all righteous and say that he was Captain America no matter what so he is keeping that shield, but I think that he has gained at least a little bit of self-reflection and realized that what he did wasn’t okay, that he made some mistakes down the line, and that he can’t go back now, at least not for a while. So he lets that shield drop because he doesn’t deserve it.
So he drops that shield, because he knows that he isn’t worthy of it, not after everything what happened. And it wasn’t Tony who ripped the team apart by signing the Accords; it also wasn’t really Steve who ripped it apart by prioritizing Bucky above everything else, but it were the two of them together. Tony (though by no fault of his own; he couldn’t guess that Bucky killed his parents, and his reaction was entirely human) and Steve (by keeping all of this a secret and by withholding important information) gave Zemo the ammunition and the instruments to pit the avengers against each other.
But Steve has shown throughout the movie how he is unable to think clearly when Bucky is involved, how he can’t analyze the situation properly when somebody just so much as mentions his name, how Steve is willing to break the law and get in the way of proper law enforcement to help him, how he prioritizes him over everbody else in his team. Steve is unable to accept other’s opinions and decisions when they are opposite of his own or deviate from it. He is unable to submit to any kind of governmental oversight, even if it’s a humanitarian one like the UN. He can’t accept that his own opinion may differ and may not be in accordance to popular and political opinion and that some countries may not want him and his involvement in his country. He ignores them and continues to do his own thing, breaking the law, getting innocent people in danger, being responsible for the death of innocent people, and being overall subjective and compromised in his decision making. He overall disregards ideals he stands for (freedom from oppression, democracy, free will, exchange of information to make educated decision), and by doing so he casts away his title of Captain America.
What is left is just a kid from Brooklyn. Not a symbol, not a hero, not even a soldier, just another human being.
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lifeat1337carlton · 4 years ago
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Area directly outside of the office you know where 95% of the people use to come and go from the building because the parking lot is located there it's not clean.
And yes these photos were taken after the one man cleaning crew clean the building.
Forget Karen the property manager walks by it every day she doesn't care she goes to sit in the office that's where she stays 8 hours a day.
She doesn't walk the property she doesn't look for opportunities to fix throughout the course of a day because again Karen does not care.
Karen didn't care when she work for CHP Management corporation and was responsible for the property with the last management company that's why they fired her.
It's interesting on how when you do not do your job you lose your job.
But you see Piedmont housing alliance is afraid to fire people for them not doing their jobs.
It's simple three consecutive write-ups for you not performing your job duties get you terminated and unable to collect unemployment.
Because we all know Virginia isn't atwells state and if it was me being a supervisor of this property every last one of them would lose their jobs because they're not doing their jobs.
They move around the property at a snail's pace they're constantly talking about residents dropping the f-bomb where people can hear them.
Nothing is managed nothing is maintained it's clear it's obvious you can look at the photos the videos the documentation to see that the staff here at Piedmont housing alliance that's on Carlton view projects is not doing their job.
There are plenty of residents that are getting tired of it what are our rent checks paying for because we're not seeing anything we're not nothing's getting done nothing's getting completed.
But you see the other residents are afraid to speak up they're afraid to voice their opinions.
Because they are seeing the clear retaliation and bullying that is coming from management towards me for speaking up and speaking out.
They see me with an eviction notice hanging over my head and no valid lease because Piedmont housing alliance didn't like me from the get-go they didn't like me referring to the property as ghetto.
I do believe LaShonda Hester's words were I find that word to be offensive.
And then an hour later when I ended the conversation in the lobby with Bernita Johnson and LaShonda Hester and I said so everything you've heard I think what we were discussing or what I said in the beginning stands true.
That yes this property is ghetto.
You've got prostitutes that live here and have lived here that do their business in their apartments.
You've got drug dealers that deal drugs out of their section 8 apartments that their grandma is on section 8 but yet they're dealing drugs out of her apartment.
You've got trash laying all over the place nothing ever truly gets cleaned up.
You've got people urinating in the building in various places it never gets cleaned up.
You've got management and maintenance sitting in the office talking about residents dropping the f-bomb saying how they don't like people and even Karen saying she wishes she could smack somebody.
You've got Karen ball face lying to a resident in front of a police officer.
The building is not secure doors don't close all the way.
You got dirty elevator dirty common areas.
Male problems are not addressed.
Noise problems are not addressed.
Parking problems are not addressed.
And that's because Karen only wants to sit in the office for 8 hours a day and collect a paycheck you know out of sight out of mind if I don't see it I don't need to deal with it even if I know about it I don't need to deal with it because I'm going to collect a paycheck whether I do my job or not.
So LaShonda Hester and Bernita Johnson my initial conversation with both of you in the main lobby of Carlton view projects building number one still stands this place is ghetto.
And that is because both of you stood and said trust us give us time things will improve things will change those were some of the phrases you used and continue to use right along with Charlene green and sunshine also use those same phrases.
But again the only thing that has changed it's gotten worse and I'm still in the process of being evicted for voicing my opinions again retaliation is against the law in Virginia and I believe in many other states against a resident renting on a property.
So you can get your attorney to quote the lease and to quote law all he wants none of it's true because all you've got is made up stuff.
All you've got is Karen the property manager going around trying to solicit complaints about me from other residents and to stirring up the pot again and causing trouble yet again.
Maybe you need to make sure your own house is clean Piedmont housing alliance before you start going into other people's homes.
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Once again where is your proof where is your documentation that you spoke to me about these issues because sure enough my 2-in binder that is full has no letters from you discussing any problems whatsoever since I've been on the property since you've been on the property.
You guys are just ticked off because somebody's pointing out you're not doing your job.
I get it no one likes to hear from a resident saying that management maintenance is not doing their jobs properly you don't like to be judged by the people who are paying your wages.
Because your pride and your ego will not allow you to do your jobs properly.
0 notes
dcuglybooks · 4 years ago
A short story collection featuring stories that are either mean and ugly like that turd that thudded you in school, or sweet and cuddly as a little gloomy kitten; or puppy if you’re more of a dog person.
Stories Christians don't have to read backwards. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LGB4HGN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_UIpaGb2VC4BBX
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Here’s a free short.
“There’s a ghost in this house. There’s a ghost in this house.”
Linda was getting tired of the shit. Every day at exactly noon her alarm would play this shitty overdubbed version of a Cardi B song. The original song wasn’t her cup of tea to begin with, this new version that sounded like drunk karaoke was even worse. Most times she would be sitting there and the sound of a drunk sorority girl would make her jump out of her skin. She couldn’t even find the song or alarm in her phone to do anything about it.
Linda and her girlfriend, Melissa, moved into this old house last month, the rent was so damn cheap; landlord said it was because it used to be a party house so he never charged much. The logic didn’t make any sense but at $300 a month and a mile outside of town, how were they not going to sign that lease?
“I think,” spoke Melissa one night while watching her phone float around taking pictures in the air, “the reason rent is so cheap is because it’s haunted.”
“You think?” Replies Linda while snatching the phone out of the air. “I just wish this damn ghost would stop posting pictures of our bedroom to our Instagram accounts. Did you see the caption last night?”
“Oh you mean ‘Pumpkin spice is almost here. Basic bitches, rejoice!’ The comma is what set me off. Why did she put a comma in that? Why bother? It wasn’t even used correctly I don’t believe.”
“We’re being haunted by a basic bitch.”
“I think that may be offensive.”
“I hear it all the time, it just...... yeah ok maybe. I guess I shouldn’t assume this ghost is a bad stereotype, I won’t say it again.”
“True, this girl may have more going for her than just these annoying social media posts from our accounts”
“Remember the mirror though?”
Last week as the couple were eating dinner they heard a clatter and crash from the upstairs bathroom. Running full speed ahead up the stairs and around the corner Linda saw all their makeup in a pile in the empty sink. She could see a pair of red lipsticked lips floating in the air while eyeliner was seemingly drawn onto the air in a cat eye shape. She sighed and said “What now?” These types of things had been going on since the first night so at this point it was old hat.
The lipstick went to the mirror and wrote “I am finally going to kill you.” Linda took a step back prepared to flee until the lipstick wrote below it “JK LOL YOUR FACE” and then the face floated off into the wall leaving behind the makeup like some sort of painting.
The first time anything strange had happened, a pizza showed up at the front door; delivery for an Amanda Perkins. The girl who moved out recently, they took the pizza because it was already paid for and assumed the girl had made a mistake. They were sure of this as they sat and watched old re-runs of home improvement and munched away; then they noticed the slice floating over in the air above the recliner and the chewed up pile on the seat. They screamed and ran outside, Melissa forgot her phone inside and Linda’s made a ding from inside her pocket.
“Hey I know this is really weird, it’s weird AF for me too. We can make it work though, ladies. I swear I won’t bother you, I already cleaned up my mess.”
They inched inside looking around like scared toddlers and sure enough the mess was cleaned up. After that they just rolled with the weirdness.
“Are you sure Amanda left, Mr. Morris?” Linda was on the phone with the landlord.
“Yes. Positive. Why would you think she still lived there?”
“There’s been..... some things.”
“Drunk college girl, she probably stumbled home one night and forgot she went home for the summer. Its no deal. Not big or small.”
“Are you absolutely positive there is no deal? Big, small, medium, or slightly larger than medium but not quite large?”
“What do you think? I know her ex and he killed her and then buried her body in the basement so now her ghost is haunting you. This is why I charge so cheap rent! No. I don’t believe what you think. I will be going.”
He hung up without ever realizing Linda never once mentioned any of that other stuff. Linda thought, Why does he talk like that?
Turned out that’s exactly what had happened. After doing a quick google of the ghosts name they found out she never came home. After a quick Facebook search they found her ex boyfriends page. After some scrolling they found a post that said “Amanda and I broke up again and I am going to kill her.” The post had six likes and four comments.
“Get her bro!”
“Bitch ain’t appreciate you anyhow bet!”
“U need any ting lemme no”
“Fuk gr8 ass tho. Mind if I hit her up?”
These people were insane. Did not a single one of these people see the part about wanting to kill her? Actually PLANNING to kill her.
The police found it interesting enough to look into it, they found reason to arrest the guy. After a long court trial Amanda’s ex-boyfriend, Brent, was sentenced to life in prison for murder. The body was exhumed and buried at a family plot. The rent got more expensive because Mr. Morris was in prison for helping cover a murder so his aunt took over.
You win some you lose some.
Amanda did not leave though. The ghost hung out still to this day four months later. The social media posts kept going. The pizzas kept getting ordered, only now from their pockets because Amanda’s parents closed her bank account. Amanda was irritated about that, she was cut off from her parents money and stuck living with two other people.
Linda and Melissa tried to make her feel as comfy as possible, they left a pen and notebook in each room so she could communicate with them. Usually the notes were always about how bored she was being a ghost and how if she tried to leave the house it got all bright and she started floating. Amanda was “for real afraid of flying” as she wrote on a notebook.
Amanda’s behavior got strange at some point. She began doing things like drawing stick figures on the bathroom floor in shampoo, she would wrap herself in toilet paper and roll down the stairs creating the illusion of her body disappearing, the worst of it was when she would lay in bed with Linda and Melissa startling them when she pulled the blanket. It was like living with an invisible insane person. Either her mind was slipping or she was just a strange character. She would turn the TV on and watch the same episode of “King of Queens” for ten hours straight while they were at work. They wondered what would happen if they deleted it from the DVR but didn’t want to face that at all.
The alarm kept going off too; Linda had to hand out awkward smiles and apologies when it happened at work or in public. One time she had to apologize to a middle aged woman when it went off in the cereal aisle while shopping and her son started singing the lyrics to the original version as loud as his voice would allow. The mother gasped at all the words her kid knew and knocked a shelf of maple syrup over. The bottles burst all over the floor, Linda tried to help clean it up but she was shooed away by a guy with a mop bucket and a face that said he wanted her dead as shit.
They asked her multiple times what they could do to get her to move along, to which she would always write “sno-cone” on her notebook with no explanation.
Linda woke up sick on a Tuesday and didn’t go to work, she came into the bathroom and seen a note written in lipstick on the mirror that read “Baby, all my life I will be driving home to you.” She blushed, Melissa had left her a really sweet note on the mirror. When Melissa got home she surprised her with a bout of some of the best sex they had ever had, despite Linda being sick she felt overcome with love for her partner.
“Wow. What did I do to deserve that?” Asked Melissa after.
“The note.”
“Oh yes. The note, got you good with that one. So, if it was so good mind telling me what it said?”
“You know what it said!”
“Of course I do.”
She didn’t know what it said. She had no clue, but she wasn’t going to raise a stink about what just happened. No way, no how. She got up and went to use the restroom, as she sat on the toilet she looked up and saw the words on the mirror.
Linda didn’t know what to say; she shook her head and internally accepted defeat on this one. The couple didn’t talk about it again, the ends justified the means on this one they silently agreed; thanks Amanda.
The trio had carried on life like this for months, seven to be exact, when they heard a bang and a crash from the front door. Assuming this was yet again Amanda doing some goofy nonsense they ran downstairs to clean up the mess only to find a man standing their pointing a shotgun at them.
“You’re the dykes who got me locked up, aintcha?” Said a freshly broke out of prison Brent. “You know, usually I’m cool with like loving whoever and like rights and like equality and shit but tonight is not your night. Go sit.”
They were tied together on the couch while Brent sat channel flipping on the TV.
“Amanda is still here,” spoke Linda “she’s a ghost, at some point she’s going to help us and you’ll probably get hurt. She’s probably posting pictures on Instagram right now so she’s a little busy, but I promise when she finds out she’ll come running.”
“No she won’t.”
“Ok? So you think her post is going to get a ton of likes then?”
“She’s afraid of me.”
“Ugh are you generic ‘I beat my girlfriend’ guy number seventy or not?”
“Then why is she afraid of you?”
“I’m bigger than her…… I guess?”
“She’s a ghost.”
“I’m still bigger.”
​“How can you be bigger than an incorporeal being with no mass or weight?”
​“See, she doesn’t way anything.”
“You didn’t think any of this through did you?”
“Not one bit.”
“It shows. Why did you kill her?”
“Hey I’ve never been what you’d call a planner. I killed her because she broke up with me for the fiftieth time that year and all my friends were giving me a hard time about how I would just crawl back to her. I said ‘can’t crawl back to her if I kill her!’ They all thought it was funny so I did it.”
“Ah………Makes perfect sense to me.”
“A guy has to watch his reputation, right?”
They sat there watching late night infomercials in silence for another half hour. Linda nudged Melissa as she seen a phone floating around taking pictures of a floating can of soup.
Of all the ghosts in the world, why was theirs like this?
“Brent, there’s some stuff on the DVR” Linda told him.
“Good I hate infomercials. Oh yuck, ‘The King of Queens.’ I hate that show, Amanda loved it. That fat fucking heifer guy gets to make it with that babe every night. Fucking loser ass UPS guy”
They could see the phone slowly lower and start hovering towards Brent. They let him rant.
“And that Deacon guy, what a fucking idiot, he leaves his wife at one point which is silly because she’s so fucking hot.”
The can of soup hovered behind him.
“That guy that dates the ugly chick from the bowling alley, now I can’t tolerate him at all.”
The soup can shook with rage.
“He ends up living with the other guy right? Like what the fuck? Are they like a thing or not a thing? I didn’t pay enough attention. I did pretend to though to get some action every now and again, show fucking sucks though. Here I’ll do you guys a favor.”
As he deleted the episode from the DVR the can came slamming down into his head.
They heard a voice yell “MY BONES ARE GETTING WEARY! MY BACK IS GETTING TIGHT!” As the can of cream of chicken turned Brent’s head into cream of Brent’s brains.
After the violence stopped the notebook hovered in front of them and said “Sorry, I was on TikTok, I’ll clean this up tho.”
Much like the first night that’s exactly what happened. They were untied and they watched as the mess was cleaned up. Brent’s body floated over to the ground and the can of soup was laid on the table. The phone floated over to Melissa who dialed 911.
After the legal mess was cleaned up they decided that having Amanda around maybe was not such a bad idea. No one could really kill them, it was like having a built in security system. They did eventually add a third line to their cell plan and let her set up social media for herself as a reclusive twenty something who couldn’t leave the house due to a skin condition.
Her pages were ok, they didn’t get much interaction or followers but Amanda was happy. Sometimes people would say they wanted to hang out with her because they lived close, Amanda just said her skin condition was contagious AF. No one ever thought to say “Hey, what exactly IS your medical condition?” People could be so polite sometimes.
Christmas morning as they all opened gifts Linda and Melissa cried as Amanda opened the complete series collection of “The King of Queens.” The three sat on the couch together that evening and watched all of season one.
Baby all my life I will be driving home to you.
The next day they heard a familiar song. Together they both smiled and thought that yes, there was a ghost in this house.
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