#the guttural scream i let out when i saw him on my screen
billy-crudup · 3 months
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tooxmanyxships · 10 months
This is just 2k of pure pain.
You're warned.
⚠️ Major character death ⚠️
It's been a year. One horrible year since Daniel died. 
To say Lando was a wreck when Daniel died is an understatement. He was simply inconsolable.
Daniel was his reason to smile. Now that reason was gone. 
The only person who could understand him a little bit was Max.
Max who loved Daniel just as much as Lando did, but in a different way. 
The whole grid can still remember the guttural screams both boys let out when they watched Daniel's crash. 
The absolute devestation that fell over the paddock. 
Carlos had caught hold of Lando, trying to hold him up.
It took more than one person to hold Max back from running towards Daniel's demolished car.
It was clear. 
Daniel wasn't gonna get out. 
Not alive at least.
The races for the rest of the season were canceled after that. 
Nobody felt like getting close to their cars anymore. 
"Marry me." 
Lando spit out the sip he just took from his drink to stare at the older man. 
Daniel chuckled, but it sounded nervous. "We're in Vegas. We've been together for what... 2 years?" 
Lando scratched at his curls, "2 years and a half." He murmurs, swatting at Daniel's arm when he chuckles. 
"It's about time then, don't you think?" 
"You can't just ask me this, just like that, out of the blue!"
"Why not?" 
"I wasn't exactly asking either...."
"That's even worse!" 
Daniel grinned, "Would it be better if I did it like this?" 
And then he reached into the inside pocket of his jacket, producing a little velvet box out of it. Lando gasped, clasping a hand over his mouth, as Daniel went down on one knee. 
"Lando Norris. Love of my life. Will you marry me?"
Lando couldn't speak. Couldn't even move. 
Daniel's worried tone and his hand on his cheek shook him out of his trance.
He didn't even realize he was crying. 
He clasped onto Daniel's hand on his cheek and twined their fingers together.
"Yes! Yes I will marry you!!!"
Daniel's worried frown turned into a spit eating grin. 
He got up from the floor and gathered Lando up in his arms, spinning him around until they were both dizzy. 
The ring wasn't slid on his finger until the ceremony the next evening. 
The whole grid was there. Max and Carlos as proud best men. 
It was the quickest, but also the best marriage ever. 
No one could predict it would be this short lived. 
It was just minutes before Q3 would start. 
Somehow Lando got kicked out at Q1 and Max's car had dnf'ed in Q2. 
As sad as it was for him, Lando had still made his way over to the Redbull garage (yes, Daniel was a Redbull driver again) to wish his husband of one day good luck. 
"I'm sorry you aren't out on the track with me," Daniel murmured in between soft kisses. 
"Eh. The car was shit. You'll just have to drive for both of us." 
"I'll do you proud." 
"You always do, Dan." 
"I love you, hubby." 
Lando's smile lit up the whole paddock. 
"I lw1ove you too. Go get them!"
Daniel winked and blew him a kiss before pulling on his balaclava and helmet, lifting himself into his car. 
Lando made his way to the media pen, still smiling, finger playing with the ring around his finger. Completely unaware of what he was about to witness.
It was in the middle of an interview that his attention was pulled towards the screen. 
"That's Ricciardo's Redbull spinning! Crashing against Ocon's Alpine and flying up in the air! Oh no.... No, this is a bad one..."
Lando watched on in complete horror as he saw Daniel's car catch fire. He could also see absolute mayhem in the pitlane.
He heard a scream, then another one very close by. 
He didn't even realize the second scream was his own until he felt Carlos' arms wrap around him as his knees buckled.
Daniel wasn't coming out. 
It was taking too long. 
He really wasn't coming out, no matter how hard the marshals were trying. 
He couldn't hear anything of the absolute chaos around him because his ears were ringing.
Fingers wrapped around the ring on his finger. 
They just got married. 
This was supposed to be the happiest time of his life.
A dream come true. 
Not this nightmare. 
Every day and every night since then, Daniel's ethereal form watched how Lando suffered.
How he stayed in bed for the next two months most of the time. Only Max, sometimes Carlos too, were allowed to visit him. 
It was absolutely heartwrenching to watch. Especially because he couldn't do anything. Lando couldn't even see him. 
Sometimes he thought Lando felt his presence. Same with Max. 
Max wasn't much better off than Lando, Daniel could tell just by seeing his face when he visited Lando. 
When he had to watch Max crawl into bed with Lando, hearing them cry until they were too exhausted and fell asleep. 
Their sleep never lasted long either.
They often remenised about their own times with Daniel. 
As friends. As teammates. And for Lando, as lovers. 
Daniel listened to the stories with a soft, sad smile on his face. 
Sometimes he wishes he could pull them both into a hug. 
He mostly wishes he could put a smile back on Lando's face. 
He misses that smile so much. 
Now they're a year later, back in Vegas. 
Lando on one hand wishes they wouldn't race there anymore, but on the other hand he knows how much Daniel loved Vegas. 
So ironic....
But something happens that year. Something none of them expected. Least of all Lando. 
"That's P1 Lando! P1! You're the Vegas GP winner!"
“No... I... I won?! "
“Yes! Your first win!"
"Oh my---" and then he's sobbing. "I can't believe this. Daniel.... Holy shit. This... This is for Danny. "
Zak's voice comes through the radio. "Well done, Lando. I'm sure he'd be proud of you." 
Lando is caught between laughing and crying. 
He parks the car and sits there, head bowed. He still can't wrap his head around this victory.
He finally lifts himself up, with shaking arms and shaking legs. He almost trips and falls, but Max, who's P2, is there to catch him and wrap him up in a hug.
They pull back long enough to take off their helmets and balaclavas, dropping them into Lando's car for a moment, then they're hugging and clutching at each other once again. 
"He's so proud of you, Lando." Not 'he would be' just a 'he is'. "Can you feel it? He's so happy for you."
Lando nods, crying into Max's shoulder, his hand snaking up between their bodies, fingers curling around the ring on his necklace.
He can't feel it, but, Daniel's wrapped around his back, his arms wrapped around both him and Max as the three of them cry with smiles on their faces. 
He's so proud of his boy. Of his husband. 
He only wishes he could show him. 
But somehow, he thinks he knows. 
They're standing up on the podium. 
Oscar P3. Max P2 and Lando P1. 
One hand is holding his trophy, the other is wrapped around the ring on his necklace once again. 
He stares up at the clouds as the anthem of Great Britain plays, hoping he's looking down  smiling. 
Then...... Something happens. 
As the anthem is about to end, it changes. It changes into the Australian anthem and Lando's jaw drops. 
He looks over at Oscar, then at Max. They both just look as flabbergasted as he does. 
He can tell there's a commotion behind the scenes. They're trying to stop the music but it doesn't work. 
He looks back up at the sky, sees how the sun comes peeking through and he gets it. 
His fingers clasp around the ring even harder and he smiles. 
It feels like he's bathed in sunlight. Wrapped up in his husband's loving embrace. 
Max gets up on the top step with him, wrapping his free arm around his waist. He knows he's looking up at the sky and smiling too. 
Mere seconds later, Oscar does the same. 
They just stand there, basking in the warmth and glory.
The whole crowd is looking at them, then up at the sky. 
There's a reason for everything. 
And this reason was Daniel. 
"Congratulations again." Oscar's soft voice startles Lando a little. 
They're sharing a hotel room together because Max is rooming with Carlos, the two of them became a lot closer the last few months, and Oscar is the only other person Lando allows to get close to him.
He's his teammate after all. Has been since before Daniel died. 
To be honest, they've been growing closer the last few months too. Since racing season started up again. 
At first Lando didn't let him in, Oscar had expected that, but he was so insistent. Just never giving up. And eventually, Lando let him in again. 
"Thanks," He smiles, patting the space on the bed next to him. "Still can't believe I just had my first win." 
"I can," Oscar smiles back, sitting down next to him. His eyes go over to the ring around his neck. "So could he. Obviously." 
Lando's eyes go down to his chest, his hand going up to hold the ring once again. 
"I still don't know how that happened." He whispers, feeling Oscar move closer, feels an arm being wrapped around his shoulders. 
"I don't either. But it did." He rests his head on Oscar's shoulder and feels his fingers card through his curls. 
"I know I'm not him," Oscar whispers softly, his free hand curling around Lando's hand that's holding the ring. "and I'll never try to replace him. But I like you, Lando." 
Lando closes his eyes, fingers clenching around the ring even tighter. 
"I know. No one will ever be him." He feels Oscar's starting to retreat, but he stops it by twining their fingers together around the ring. "But I think he'd like it to be you." He opens his eyes, turning his head so he can look into Oscar's eyes. "I like you too, Oscar. I just.... Need time." 
Oscar nods, squeezing the fingers that are twined with his. "I'll give you all the time you need." 
It's like they can feel the ring vibrate inside their joined hands and they both gasp. 
Lando looks out of the window and nearly topples over, out of the bed. as he sees a well known reflection, just in a flash. 
His eyes quickly glance over to the corner he thought he saw the reflection stand in, but there's no one there. Of course there isn't. 
He can't be there - - - 
"Lando, look!“
Oscar's breathy voice makes him look at him and Oscar points to the window Lando was just looking through. 
The window is fogged and instead of a reflection, he can now see words that are written in the fog. 
'It's okay. Proud of you. Love. Always. DR3' 
Lando entangles himself from Oscar, gets off the bed, then holds his hand out towards his younger teammate and walks with him to the window. 
He stares at the words, then replies on the glass next to it. 
'I'll never forget you. Love. Always. LN4' 
He thinks he sees the light on the other side of the road flicker a few times. He knows it's not just his imagination when he feels Oscar squeeze his hand. 
A single tear leaves his eye as he feels like he's losing Daniel one last time. But at the same time he smiles, because he knows he's happy for him. 
He feels Oscar wrap his arms around him from behind and hook his shin on his shoulder as they both stare out of the foggy window. 
The light flickers one more time. Then it's dark. 
Daniel's gone. 
But he'll live on in their memories. 
And in the little things he left behind. 
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To celebrate the fact that I'll be updating all my fics in the next two weeks, here are some little sneak peeks of all of the future chapters
Enjoy! and I want to see your best predictions!
He remembers his mother crying until she falls asleep. He remembers how his father played the piano as he sang. He remembers how your lips tasted the first time you kissed. He remembers his mother stroking his hair as she sobbed silently. He remembers that night in the bar when you walked away after Jake left. He could remember the feeling of his knuckles beating after he broke that kid's nose when he was ten. He remembers your broken moans. He remembers how you cried the night you left him. He remembers the way you laughed with Hangman that day after a dogfight. He remembers how when you disappeared, so did Jake. He recalls the way you were crying in the shower. He remembers how his knuckles beat when he punched the wall beside your face.
“Do we have a problem here?” Billy asked. Then his electric blue eyes fell on your wrist. “Why are your hands on my girl? Back off,” he bites.  Jason bit his inner cheek before finally letting you go. “Good boy,” you muttered as you quickly wrapped your arms around Billy’s waist while Billy placed his hand over your shoulder. 
Mamma Mia
“Please, don’t fuck on communal surfaces!” you scream from the counter as you shake your head, a slight smile on your face.  Jake’s laugh, though, it’s a little bit too loud to ignore. You raise your eyebrow at him, another strawberry, another batch of pancakes. Jake turns to see you, the way you’re staring at him. A slight blush creeps over his neck and onto his cheeks. Your eyes are serious but tender; there’s a certain sinlessness to your eyes, he can tell.  “What?” you asked.  Jake shrugged slightly. The same smirk you saw the day prior drawn on his face is softer than before, but you can detect the duplicitous nature of it. Your eyes wander his body for a second, the tan skin, the heat irradiating from the kitchen. Honey now, honey and an apple.  “Never heard that before,” he said.
Are we still friends?
“That isn’t the way to,” “Don’t you think I know that? I was angry and I fucked up!” you snapped at Maverick who simply nodded sarcastically at you.  “You can’t just,” Maverick started but suddenly stopped, he took a deep breath. “You have to think, Brat!” You scoffed. “You’ve always told me not to think,” you replied silently as you crossed your arms over your chest.  Maverick rolled his eyes briefly before he finally held your gaze again.
Would've Could've Should've
He knows what he’s doing—the way he wants to rile you up or humiliate you. You often aren’t sure of which one it is. He did it in Top Gun if you fought; he was doing it now. For a moment, maybe he’s right; you were making a big deal out of it. Perhaps you weren’t good at making choices.  “Sir,” Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin's voice makes your eyes roll automatically to the back of your head. A groan almost escapes your lips, but you refrain as you gaze on the screen.  “Hangman,” Beau calls on him.  You can almost hear that smirk on his face as he speaks. “Hoax here thought she could do a broken S maneuver,” he says confidently. “However, she failed to understand that the mig was on her tail,” he continues. “I mean, I get why she thought she could escape. Rookies mistake,”
You frown deeply as you whip your head around. “Bite me, Hangman,” you snap.
Cruel intentions
“Happy, call,”  But then you hear it, the deep and guttural growl.  You hold your breath as you manage to make the shape of it, only half of it visible, thanks to the green haze that comes from the corner.
Do I wanna know?
You stared at the umbral of the door quietly; the door was broken down, laying against your bed while you kneeled down. You were still hurting from your previous injuries, you’d done your best to take care of them but you couldn’t lie that you were in no shape if there was more than one person. You took a gun out of your bag and pointed it out at the door.  Suddenly, your eyes fell on him, and your heart dropped. 
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firealder2005 · 2 years
A Month of Whump: Winter Whumperland Day 1. Shared Nightmares~PTSD~Stalking
Featuring: Leia Organa being the best friend and sister we all know she is.
the ptsd is mainly off-screen because Luke’s the one going through that, but you can tell he has ptsd. poor bby. 
don’t worry leia’s here to help!
@amonthofwhump here’s my day 1! :D
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43351041
She fell onto the metal catwalk, pain flaring up her back as she glared up at the menacing form of Darth Vader.
“You are beaten,” the Sith Lord’s vocoder rumbled, pointing his red lightsaber at her “It is useless to resist. Don’t let yourself be destroyed as Obi-Wan did.”
At the mention of the man who saved her life when she was merely 10, she flung her arm towards him, lashing out with the blue lightsaber in her hand.
(Why did she have a lightsaber anyway? She wasn’t a Jedi…)
Getting to her feet, she ducked underneath Vader’s counterstrike, and met his saber with her own. As she ducked again, she swung out and nailed him in the shoulder before darting away as he let out a guttural sound.
He clearly hadn’t expected that from her.
Dashing to the edge of the catwalk, she swung herself over the railings, dodging another of Vader’s attacks, and saw the Sith’s saber violently slice through the nearby poles, causing sparks to fly everywhere.
Desperately, she met his next blow with her own, but he twisted his saber around - and pain erupted in her wrist, making her cry out.
(But the scream didn’t sound like her…)
Clutching her severed arm underneath her armpit, she watched with despair as her father’s lightsaber fell into the bottomlessness of Cloud City, never to be seen again.
She fell back onto her bottom, looking up with terrified eyes as Darth Vader approached.
“There is no escape,” he darkly promised. “Don’t make me destroy you.”
Shuffling back, she began to slowly scooch herself away along the few metal poles connecting the catwalk to the gantry.
“Luke,” Vader said, and she momentarily blinked, feeling confused.
(Her name wasn’t Luke, after all.)
“You do not yet realize your importance,” Vader continued as she scrambled backwards. “You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength,” Vader’s voice rose. “We can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy.”
Anger flooded her, and she roughly shouted; “I’ll never join you!”
“If you only knew the power of the darkside,” Vader declared, clenching his left fist together. “Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.”
She turned her head around, feeling righteous fury continue to rise in her. How dare he speak of her father - the man he murdered!
(But Vader hadn’t killed her father…at least, not directly. Tarkin had given the order to do that…)
“He told me enough!” The words sounded foreign to her mouth, but she managed to swing herself onto another part of the gantry, glaring up at Vader from her perch. “He told me you killed him!”
“No…” Vader rumbled, and she was confused at how soft it sounded, like the Dark Lord was attempting to console her.
And as Vader pointed to himself, Leia awoke with a start, breathing heavily. Blinking, she rubbed her eyes, and frowned.
It happened again.
For some reason she kept dreaming of Luke fighting Vader on Cloud City.
And she knew Luke was the source of the nightmares, for he constantly looked exhausted, barely ate, and subconsciously rubbed at where his prosthetic hand met his flesh arm.
Kicking the blankets off her, she pulled on a jacket, laced up her boots, and marched out of her room.
She had to find Luke, and get to the bottom of this.
And, if she was able, find a way to help him.
She stopped in front of the room he shared with Wedge Antilles, and peeked inside. Immediately, she saw Luke twitching in his sleep, muttering incoherent words.
Leia carefully stepped inside, mindful of Wedge’s passed out form, and gently shook Luke awake.
“Luke,” she whispered as his eyes snapped open. “It’s just me.”
“Leia?” he mumbled, rubbing at his eyes as he sat up. “What is it?”
“It’s about…” she deliberated. “We need to talk.”
Luke raised an eyebrow, but slowly nodded. “Okay,” he said. Leia passed him his jacket and waited for him to slip his boots on before they both crept out of the room.
“What is it?” he asked once they both settled on a mattress in the rek room.
Leia pinned him with her stare. “Your nightmares.”
Luke immediately looked away. “They’re nothing, I can handle it-”
“Luke, no,” Leia interrupted. “You’re not fine. I know Bespin…I know Vader is the one haunting your dreams - stalking them, really.” she sucked in a breath. “And I have something to tell you.”
At Luke’s wary, inquiring look, Leia confessed; “I think I’ve been experiencing your dreams - your nightmares of Bespin. Of Vader.” At Luke’s alarmed look, she added; “I don’t know why, and I don’t mean too, but that’s just what’s been happening.”
“What…” Luke looked almost sick with horror. “What exactly have you seen?”
Leia folded her hands together, and bit her lip. “Carbonite room. Underbelly of Cloud City. And when Vader…” she glanced down at his prosthetic.
“When he cut off my hand,” Luke finished quietly. He peeked up at her from underneath his bangs. “Any…anything else?” he asked hesitantly. Leia frowned slightly at his tenseness.
“No…just up to when he asks about your father.” she scoffed at the reminder.
Luke, however, seemed to be staring off into the distance.
“Luke?” she prompted gently. “Did something else happen? After that?” When Luke clenched his right hand, Leia knew something did.
Hesitantly, Leia slowly stood from her seat and sat down next to him, rubbing his arm. “Luke,” she began. “I don’t want to force you to tell me, but I can’t help if I don’t know what’s bothering you.”
Luke didn’t answer, nor did her look at her, but she felt him slowly relax. She reached her arm around his shoulder, and he rested his head on her shoulder, and Leia began to gently run her fingers through his hair until his breathing slowed and he nodded off.
Gazing at his face, she longed to know what was troubling her best friend, longed to know what Vader had said to him, but she knew she could not.
Not yet.
Leia was willing to wait for Luke to take that first step. But for him to feel comfortable to do so, she had to extend the offer to tell her this night.
But she’ll have to wait a little longer to find out.
For Luke wasn’t ready yet, and she had no desire to force him to relive something so traumatic.
His nightmares were torturing him enough for that.
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eijishimas · 3 years
caught red handed.
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18+ nsfw content. minors dni. all characters are aged up.
content warnings: f!reader, college!au, masturbation, mentions of alcohol, voyeurism, daddy kink, bit of a handjob, bit of oral (m!receiving), filming, slight degradation, creampie, one (1) instance of bakugou slapping your pussy.
notes: happy belated birthday to my bestie, @rekiri . you deserve the world and so much more, you’re sweet and hilarious and i fucking love talking to you, whether we’re joking or being more serious. i know you told me not to, but i really wanted to write something for you as a gift (because ya girl is a bit of a broke bitch). ik it’s not eren, kiri, or reki, but i hope you like this piece regardless. i love you, even if you annoy me to death, you whore /j. this one’s for you <3
wc: 2.6k | inspo (nsfw link): xxx
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Everyone knew college was stressful. Deadlines nearly every single week, assignments and essays, not to mention attending classes brought a whole new wave of anxieties for students every single day. Sometimes that stress was either doubled or relieved by having a partner for a project or two. Luckily for you, you and your old high school classmate Katsuki Bakugou were paired up for a project for one of your Quirk Law classes. It was a research project, one that required a forty slide presentation. You were headed on your way to Katsuki’s dorm today to work on it at the time you agreed upon: 5pm. Then you two would study together for upcoming midterms. It was all planned out down to a tee. So at around 3:50pm, Katsuki knew he had time. He figured he needed a break from his Rescue Tactics Indoors II class, otherwise his brain would begin oozing from his ears.
Pushing aside his overpriced textbook, he rolled his shoulders back, hearing the cracks of his stiff muscles while he stretched at his desk. He let out a sigh, propping his chin up on the palm of his hand as he scrolled mindlessly through his socials. Mina had posted a Throwback Thursday post, an old one of him and you back in your freshman year of college. His nose twitched in annoyance as he recalled the parties, more specifically Denki Kaminari’s birthday party, where he had gotten so drunk that the walls melted and bent before him. Katsuki’s expression changed however, as he swiped through the collection of photos to stumble across an image of you and him. Have you always worn dresses that tight? You practically had your ass out from how short your garment had been cut, tits threatening to spill out of your low hanging neckline. Not only that, but Katsuki had an arm slung around your shoulder. His smile was stretched wide due in part to the alcohol in his system, but also because you were standing next to him. You were laughing at something Mina had said behind the camera, your hand tossed against the slightly unbuttoned shirt Katsuki had worn that night. Your fingers had brushed against his toned chest and he scoffed at the thought. Slowly but surely, memories of that party flooded back to Katsuki in waves.
They were mostly recounts from Kirishima and Mina, but apparently you two had made out in front of everyone that night. He swiped left again, swallowing dryly as he saw just that. Your manicured fingers were wrapped tight around his party shirt, tongues in a deadly dance of want and desperation for each other. Katsuki’s eyes grew as he noticed that the photo hadn’t cut out the part where he had been kneading your ass through that skimpy dress of yours. Immediately, Katsuki went to Mina’s dms demanding to take down the photo. And she did, thank god, but not without sending Katsuki more than ten photos of you and him making out at the party. He clenched his jaw, anger and a low desire plaguing his conscience. Glancing to the top left corner of his phone, he noted the time. 4:10pm.
He had time.
Saving the photos to his gallery, he pushed his chair away from his desk to have some fucking breathing room. His eyes flitted down to his sweats and as he expected, there was a tent forming. He groaned, wiping the sweat from his palms off on his pant leg before languidly beginning to palm himself through his clothes. His breaths quickened, chest stuttering as he looked to his phone displaying the photos of you and him. There’s a faint recollection in the back of his head of how you taste. Like cherries from your glossy lips, like vodka from the shots you took off of Denki earlier that evening, how you moaned into his mouth the night you had drunkenly kissed.
Katsuki tugged the waistband of his sweats down, allowing his previously constrained cock to breathe. It slapped against his stomach, heavy and leaking. Shit, he didn’t remember being this horny at the beginning of this. Spitting into his palm, he lubed up his dick as best as he could on short notice. His eyelids drooped as he swiped through the pictures like a filmstrip, a montage of all the best moments he had with you at that party. You grinding on his lap, you whispering dirty ideas you wanted to do with him later, you, you, you…
Katsuki squeezed his aching shaft, fisting his cock as precum dribbled down his slippery head. His face was an uncanny shade of crimson, a testament to how horny he was all for a few old pictures of the two of you. “Y/n.” He swore he barely recognized his voice from how breathless and needy it was. He continued to pump his cock, the only thoughts replaying in his mind were perverted fantasies of you bouncing on his dick hard enough to hear the slap of your ass cheeks against his abs.
Tapping the screen of his phone twice to zoom in, he admired your curves with pursed lips. Fuck, you really were gorgeous. Everything about you radiated a sinful nature he could never put his tongue on. You were tempting him, licking flames up his body with such intensity that made him shiver. He cursed, thumb drifting over his slit as he hissed. Fuck you for being as ravishing as you were that night, fuck you for making him feel so goddamn needy for your-
“Bakugou, I was about to text you but I remembered you were studying today, so I figured it would be okay if I came a bit...” your words trailed off. You blinked rapidly in an attempt to process the scene unfolding before you. Katsuki Bakugou, holding his dick in his hand, face on fire with a deep blush, his other free hand secure around his phone with- was that a picture of you from your freshman year of college? There was a beat of silence, Katsuki’s uneven breathing the only sound in the room aside from the low drawl of the ceiling fan over both of your heads. You gaped at him, tongue darting out to wet your lips upon realizing his hand hadn’t stopped moving. If anything, you saw his hand flex around his cock, further tightening his grip as you stood right in front of him.
“What the fuck-”
“What?” he beat you to the punch, his lips twitching into a devilish smile, “Don’t like what you see?” His confidence knocked the air out of you, your bewildered attitude showing true on your features. Your body feels warm, searing beneath his gaze. “Excuse me?” you squeaked out, overcome with both curiosity and a hint of lust for the ash blond.
“Are you gonna fucking help me or not?” His pride was refusing him to be flustered, not when he was this feverish for you. He needed the upper hand, he needed control over this situation. And it seemed by how you were shifting your weight from side to side, that it was happening just as he wanted. Who were you to refuse such an offer from Katsuki Bakugou?
And that’s how you ended up here, nestled between thick, muscled thighs with your hand wrapped around his throbbing cock. He had you spit over his dick, his entire shaft gleaming in all its glory as it stood to attention in your grasp. The flash of his camera burned your eyes as you suckled on his crown, hand continuously jerking his cock while he ravenously watched you through the screen. The guttural groan that escaped him was nothing short of music to your ears, your thighs tensing as the coils of heat continued to build and knot between your legs.
“Mm. Keep going like that, take it. All the way in now, like a good little slut,” Katsuki instructed, his voice slicing through the heavy atmosphere of desire. The words make you whimper, enveloping his sensitive head in vibrations while you lick around his slit. A large hand cupped your face, forcing you to make eye contact with the ash blond behind the camera. His black tank top truly had no confines over him, since it was tight enough to see the outlines of his pecs and ripped torso. Katsuki sure worked hard to maintain his appearance, but you knew he had the strength to back those muscles up. The thought of him completely dominating you, holding you with strong arms and pinning you down with his body made your pussy even more wet with your slick than it already was. Even from how you were on your knees, Katsuki possessed an unspoken will over you. You wanted to please him, make him feel good, make him have no good reason not to give you everything he had to offer.
You took your lips off of his head with a little ‘pop’, eyes wide and expectant as a string of drool connected your bottom lip to the tip of his cock. Bakugou’s smile grew, making sure your face was completely in frame and in focus. “Dirty girl,” he hummed, thumb tracing the apple of your cheek before guiding your lips toward his twitching cock. You slowly kissed the vein on the side of it, mumbling out four words:
“Your dirty girl, daddy.”
The moment the words left your mouth, Katsuki let out a low, gravelly moan. It was as if a switch inside him had flipped. Without warning, he’s pulling you off the floor and sitting you down in his desk chair instead. He’s a bit rough, his vision clouded by the sheer want to fuck you until you were screaming his name, until his name was the only word your pretty little brain could recall. He abandoned his phone and instead had his hands drop to the armrests of his desk chair, encasing your body as he towered over you. Your skirt was immediately shucked up your waist and Katsuki’s hands went to work on your panties. He ripped them off completely, tossing them aside without a care as to where they went. He gazed down at you with fervour, licking his lips at the sight of your dripping cunt.
“Who’s pussy is this?” he coaxes with a grin, teeth shining. His hand slipped between your thighs, his index and middle finger tracing up and down your slit. Goosebumps erupted across your skin, your thighs instinctively closing around his hand. Your face bloomed with warmth, eyes darting away from his cocky demeanour, “Baku—”
Your body jolted as a firm smack was delivered to your sensitive pussy, a wet, lewd sound meeting your ears as he did. It made a high pitched, whiny moan be pulled out from your throat.
“Try again,” he ordered, tone demanding and almost condescending. His lips ghosted yours yet he never had any intention of moving close enough to seal the gap between the two of you. You whimpered, eyes meeting the dark red irises that were staring straight through you.
“‘S yours, daddy.”
“Now that’s a good fuckin’ girl.”
His lips found yours, teeth tugging at your bottom lip hard enough to make the warmth in your stomach double. The liquid heat had been building ever since you walked in, and you were fairly certain that you weren’t going to last much longer.
He hooked your knees over his elbows, biceps flexing as the muscles in his arms supported your full weight. He picked you up with such ease, your arms flying around his neck as you squeal, gasping at how little effort that took him. He was a pro-hero in training, of course he had practiced lifting people up no matter their body type or size. Either way, it didn’t matter to him. He thought you looked rather angelic clinging onto him regardless. He wasn’t even breaking a sweat with his hands spreading your cheeks, grunting as he adjusted you in his arms. He slid slowly into your slick cunt inch by suffocating inch, your walls fluttering and enclosing around his throbbing cock. Katsuki’s breathing was unsteady, eyes watching your expression intently in hopes that this new position would give you as much pleasure as it was giving him. His ego was running rapant from how you were holding onto him for dear life. You were practically shaking in his grasp, mouth open in an ‘o’ shape as all you could do was gape at how deep he reaches within you. You were keening, eyes hazed with lust and nails digging crescents into his shoulder blades hard enough to make him hiss.
When you finally catch your breath and adjust to his size, you give him a curt nod as an indication for him to start moving. Slowly, he lifted you up off his cock until his head kissed your entrance before allowing gravity to do most of the work. This position had his cock nudging your cervix and it made the knot in the pit of your stomach squeeze further, threatening to snap with every loud smack of his balls echoing through his dorm room. He pistoned into you like that, reaching deeper to rearrange your insides. It was like your entire body was being engulfed with pleasure and fire. He took in your face, how it scrunched in pleasure, hair sticking to your face as you mumble out how much you want to cum, how much you need to cum.
“Fuckin’ tight just for daddy, hah?” he cooed to you, “You wanna cum all over my cock like a little slut? You were watching me from the door jerking off for you. Dirty fuckin’ girl. Who’s making you feel good? Say it. Spit it out.”
“You!” you moaned, your head feeling light from the way the veins on the side of his cock rubbed your walls, “You, daddy. Please let me cum. I w- wanna cum!”
“I can’t hear you,” Katsuki rumbled, eyes steeled before you unmoving and unwilling to give you permission just yet. “Please!” you begged, “I’m a dirty girl. I’m your dirty girl, daddy! Please let me cum!” You were too engrossed in your pleasure to have any semblance of shame. Katsuki grinned. That’s what he wanted to hear. He let out a tiny ‘tch’ before uttering out, “Then cum, slut.”
Without another word, you let out a final wanton moan, gushing around him as the liquid heat finally expels from your body. Your orgasm hits you in waves, your body quivering with each new sensation as you hold Katsuki’s cock within your cunt. Your nails leave angry red marks along Katsuki’s shoulders, ultimately sending him hurtling towards his own release.
Cum dripped down his twitching cock, your chest heaving as your legs feel like jelly. Tingles shot down your spine as Katsuki pumped rope after rope of his sticky cum well enough to paint your inner walls white. He helped you ride out your high, delivering harsh bitemarks to your neck to leave a mural of hickeys claiming you as his. The smile he gives you is cocky, prideful, and arrogant. He placed you back down on his desk chair, your thighs still going through the aftershocks of your high. Reaching for his phone, he tapped the app icon for his camera. He knelt down, chuckling as your fingers slid between your legs to spread your lower lips for him. His cum seeped out past your slit, leaking down to your puckered asshole.
“There we go. Aren’t you daddy’s good girl, hm?”
Tiredly, you nodded.
“‘M daddy’s good girl.”
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all works © eijishimas 2021. do not reuse, modify, or repost.
@lonleyweeb77 @cynthus-no @lonelyheart-cluband @smhhyung @stoopidnekobish @kiridarling @kirislilrock @baku-deku1 @hajisuu @damnitcrowley @foruthemoon @peaxhcringe @justanotheruselessextra @izukuuarchive @katsuki-kitten @shokoarashi sorry i couldn’t tag all of you!
want to be on the taglist? see here.
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craftycheetah · 3 years
Alien Kirishima Pt.2
WC: 1.6k
pt. 1
You smile at him and bandage him up, wrapping gauze around his cuts and tending to his bruises. “Stop licking the rubbing alcohol!” you chastise as he whines softly, looking down at you.
“Magic water,” he mumbles.
“It’s not magic, and I’m pretty sure it doesn’t taste good.” Watching him lick the wound again, you roll your eyes, then giggle as he shakes his head and recoils from the taste. You smile as he looks at his body in amazement. Eijirou wags his tail, stiffening then succumbing to the feeling of you petting his hair with a soft trill.
He melted under your touch as he felt a loud rumble erupt from his chest. 'Stories true. Human touch feels nice.' he thinks. He stares up at you as you stop petting him, letting out a whine.
Giggles spew from your lips before you can stop them. ‘He acts like a puppy and a kitten combined,’ you think as you yawn and stand up.
"I'm gonna go to bed. Hopefully, you can find your way back to your home," you mumble, making your way back into the house.
The following day you wince as the sunlight brightens your room. Turning over, you notice your bed being warmer than usual. Looking around, you realize the alien from last night made its way into your room. You scream and scramble out of bed, not realizing it's him. What the hell?
Making your way around the bed towards the bathroom, you take in his sleeping form. The creature in front of you, well, buff would be an understatement. He takes up like half the bed just from muscle mass alone. He has scars from what look like previous battles, along with the bandages you wrapped around his lower half and arm.
A broad, furry tail wraps itself around your waist as you walk past the bed. A shrill shriek fills the room as you’re pulled back into the bed. Looking down at the crimson-haired alien beneath you makes you snicker. You try to get up only for him to let a low guttural growl. Looking down, heat flushes your face when a pair of crimson eyes peer back into your y/e/c ones.
“Y/N,” Kirishima purrs. “Nice, pretty human.”
“I thought you would’ve tried to make your way home by now! What are you still doing here?! How did you even get in my house?! Or my room!?”
You scoff and roll your eyes when he doesn’t let you go. You have things to do today, and dealing with an alien, which you previously thought were fake, was not on your to-do list. “Dude, let go of me!” you yell, only to whimper as he pins you down.
“Human—no, Y/N mad. Why Y/N mad?” he asks, looking down at you.
“Look, Mr. Alien Man, I’m sure that your family or your friends are worried about you—and you’re not listening….” you grumble as he looks around your room, staring at your things.
His eyes traveled over your mahogany shelf that sat above your desk facing the wall. The mahogany contrasted nicely with the lime green of your walls. Your anime figurines on the said shelf also popped out to his eyes. In the corner, he saw a silver fan, the air blowing his hair in his face, making the room an extra layer of chilly. The soft bed he was sleeping on was bouncy, never creaked, and was in the center of the room, right near the window. He turned his head at a good angle to see your dresser, a tv hanging above it perched on the wall, the screen dark as space since nothing was playing. Certain areas of the room had posters of movies and shows on them. He thought the whole place looked nice.
You stare at him as he turns back to you with a large grin.
“Name Eijirou, you name Y/N.”
“A-Alright then, Eiji. Can you let me go now?”
Eiji? He trills cutely and stares up at you as he holds you close. Nobody back home has ever called him Eiji. It’s always been Eijirou or 4685 or worse—mutt. But hearing the nickname Eiji come from your mouth brought a small yet dopey little smile to his face as he happily sighed. I Eiji. “No, Y/N warm. Stay.”
You groan exasperatedly and end up laying on his chest. Looking down at his blissful expression, you notice his face flush as a grin appears. Cute… Closing his eyes, his grip tightens around you while you both eventually fall asleep to his low purring.
Over the next few months, you bonded with Eijirou, both learning about each other’s cultures and ended up gaining this alien as a roommate and friend. Over time you learned the similarities and differences between your two customs.
“Tiny loud box,” he mumbles, pointing to your portable speaker. “Bad box.”
“That’s a speaker. We can listen to music on it,” she snickers, turning on the speaker and playing some music before turning it down as Eijirou starts to look scared. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s just music. It won’t hurt you.”
Eijirou looks over at the speaker making his way towards it. Poking it, he winces as it teeters for a second before smiling as nothing harmful happens. “Tiny box good?”
You giggle softly and hum in agreement. “The speaker won’t hurt you, Eiji. See, it just plays music. You know what music is, right?”
Eijirou tilts his head and nods curiously. He thumps his tail on the ground making a beat while humming rhythmically. “Crimri music,” he announces proudly, playfully puffing up his chest.
Giggling, you smile eagerly. “I like it. Now let me teach you about a couple Earth things. Maybe you could teach me about your Crimri culture.”
One morning, while you were attempting to explain to Eihirou that the microwave isn’t magic, again, you heard your doorbell ring. Very odd, considering you moved into the country and that your closest neighbor was at least a mile away. “Stay here. I’ll be right back. DON’T. MOVE,” you whisper, staring at the wide-eyed alien. You rush down the stairs and feel the blood rush from your face when you see the large vans park in front of the house, followed by a group of people in tactical gear and carrying weapons rushing into your backyard. ‘Fuck…’, you think as you make your way out of your living room.
You peek through the peephole and freeze when you hear them bang on your door, followed by a voice.
“Ms. L/N. It’s the police. Open up!” the voice yells.
You unlock the door and see two men on your front doorstep, one with black hair and the other a pale cyan mop. Peeking through the door, you smile at the officers. “Um, morning officers. I-Is there a problem?” you stammer.
The cyan-haired man steps forward and scrutinizes you before beginning to speak. “I’m Agent Shimura, and this is my partner Agent Todoroki. We’re here to ask you some questions if you don’t mind letting us in,” he says stoically. His partner nods quietly as you step out onto your porch.
“No need. Um, m-my house is a mess, and I’d hate for you to see it right now. You can just ask me your questions out here.” The agents look between themselves, and Agent Todoroki opens his mouth to begin questioning you. “Where were you at 2:56 am, three months ago?” he asks.
“Probably asleep. Why?”
“We’ve received reports of a loud crash coming from this area and—What was that?” You flinch slightly, looking back at your door as you hear the sounds of plates breaking. “Probably nothing. Things fall sometimes, you know, haha,” you smile, trying to laugh it off and put them at ease. You sigh softly as you hear another crash from inside, softly cursing under your breath. ‘Goddammit, Eiji.’
“I suggest you let us inside, ma’am. We were under the pretense that you lived alone, and that does not sound like solitary living to me,” Agent Todoroki smirks.
“How would you know that?! Also, you can’t come into my house; you don’t have a warrant!” you yell, standing in front of the door.
“Ma’am, either you let us in, or else we will arrest you.” “On what charges?!” “Federal obstruction of justice to start,” Agent Shimura scoffs, reaching behind him to grab his handcuffs.
“Officers, is there a problem?” a voice calls out, bringing their attention away from you.
Turning around, you see a towering, buff, red-haired man with a couple scars on his biceps duck underneath your doorway onto your porch.
Feeling your face warm, the strange man winks at you before looking at the officers. ‘Who the hell is this fine ass man, and when and how the hell did he get into my fucking house?!’
“Well?” the man asks as the two officers glance at each other.
“It seems like we’ve made a mistake. We will be back,” Agent Shimura growls as he and his partner get off of your porch.
Waiting until the officers and the men in tactical gear drive away, you turn around to push the large man back inside and get ready to berate him. “Who the hell are you?! Why are you at my house?! How did you even get here?!” “Y/N, calm down, it’s me,” the man smiles before glowing, transforming back into Eijirou.
“What?” she stammers. “How long have you been able to do that?!”
“You and I have a lot to talk about, mister….” “I’m in trouble, aren’t I?” he asks, watching the shorter woman slip past him, further into her house.
credits to @milkmademozzarella for her amazing help in helping me write this!!
taglist: @hanayanetwork @planetonet @shibuyawardnetwork @http-404-error-unknown
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thesunshinebunny · 3 years
Hello can you make one of Floyd and Fem!Reader cuddling where he ends up biting her and turns in to smut? if not they just cuddling whould be ok!
I'll be honest, both Floyd and Jade scare me, if I were in Twst's reality, every time I saw them, I'd run the other way; I wouldn't be in the same room as them, I feel like I'm in constant danger.
Floyd is in third year and is +18
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“Is it true that moray eels have a second pair of throat jaws?”
It was a normal day in Octavinelle's bedroom. Students going to class, others strolling through the corridors, Monstro Lounge open to a certain public, with little admission of customers, Azul taking a couple of orders and even helping a couple of poor unfortunate souls at some tables away from the restaurant, Jadebeing in charge of the bar while Floyd… well, he was taking the day off with you.
The day was coming to an end, the sun was sinking over the horizon and neither of you two had gotten out of bed all day. Not even to fetch food from the cafeteria, Floyd simply called an employee, "servant", of the restaurant and asked ... nicely? That they brought them something from the menu, no matter what. And yes, I am speaking with irony. No, kindness is not in Floyd's vocabulary and by asking the employee kindly I’m saying that he gave them his murderous look, even if you paid attention you could notice that feeling of threat to crushing them in his arms with his famous hug.
Food, comfort, warm under the blankets, the day was more than perfect and even very calm for our beloved eel. Between cuddles, watching the news on each cell phones, social networks, even watching a documentary of marine life when there was nothing else to do, let's say within all it was a peaceful day.
Your question took him by surprise. Floyd was looking at some photos Cater had uploaded to Magicam, when his gaze fell on you, wide eyes fixed on your head. You were both spread out on the sheets, you turning your back on him while he was barely sitting in the middle of the mattress. Even with the comment coming out of nowhere and noticing that a pair of eels appeared on his computer screen biting a crustacean, Floyd couldn't help but smile maliciously.
“Do you want to find out?” He left his phone on the nightstand next to his bed.
“No thanks, your pair of sharp jaws in your human form is more than enough for me”
Intrigued by the eel’s food system, you continued to watch the documentary with full concentration, ignoring how your elusive boyfriend was approaching you, avoiding making too much noise nor the bed moving under his legs. You were a bit startled to feel Floyd's hand on your waist, tucking under your shirt, but still you continued to see the incredible but haunting images of the marine life ... more specifically, the life of the person who was now stroking the fat of your stomach with his long thin fingers, but nonetheless soft.
You placed your head on the palm of your hand, accommodating your body to one side and giving Floyd better access to run his hand around your waist, slowly climbing up your spine until it reached your neck. Your shirt, now raised at the back, perfectly revealed your skin, every curve and imperfection, even the contour of your breast.
When the computer showed the eel taking the deadly bite of its prey, Floyd's teeth slammed into your neck.
"Floyd!" you screamed as you felt his sharp teeth rip the skin at the crook of your neck and shoulder.
You tried to get rid of his bite by moving forward, preventing him from biting you or at least his teeth weren’t so penetrated into your flesh, but his hand moved forward, grabbing your stomach and pulling you even more to him. The bite wasn't short-lived, but it was deep enough to draw blood. His teeth detached from your neck, revealing the bite marks and small drops of blood flowing through them, there was even a trace of blood framing the bite.
You brought your hand to the wound, trying to undo the blood trail, the crime scene, that Floyd had caused. You applied pressure so no more of that crimson liquid would come out, but Floyd placed his hand over yours, moving it and preventing you from doing ... whatever what you were doing. You turned your head, about to object, but your eyes met his half-open, staring at his masterpiece, his bloodstained lips, your blood.
He dug his lips on your neck again, licking the few red drops that were left scattered on your neck, while again biting you, this time more slowly and carefully, with enough force to leave a mark, perhaps also a pacifier. His hand released yours, placing himself on your stomach again and with each bite, the palm of his hand, flat on your flesh, rose towards your chest, placing himself openly on your breast, squeezing and massaging it.
Between his nibbles and little kisses, Floyd wiped away all traces of blood that had remained on your neck, now paying more attention to the continuous skin in your sensitive area. His hand still lost in the valley of your chest lifted the shirt even more and passed it over your head, freeing you of the annoying garment. Now you lay there, on a comforter of scattered and ill-fitted sheets, with your chest exposed, your breathing ragged and your lips parted.
"Koebi-chan, you really are...a delicious delicacy" Floyd captured your lips with his, settling on top of you, his leg pushing yours aside and generating pressure with his knee on your covered crotch.
He detached himself from your lips to kiss you again, and again and again, until both were like a bundle without air and with swollen lips. His hands hovered over the contour of your torso, massaging your hips, your arms, your fingers, your collarbone, your tits. A hand replaced his leg, this now being the one that slipped between your pants and panties, brushing against your clit, but not giving the attention it needed. His other hand was still on your chest, playing and torturing your nipple between his thumb and index finger. A twist around here and your back arches from the torture, your hands went straight to his chest, trying to feel his abs on your fingertips, treating his skin the same way Floyd did to you. He took off for a second to get rid of his shirt, tossing it to the floor, and heading straight for your tits.
His hands over each one of your soft bundles, his tongue running around the contour of these and passing through your erect nipples, dedicating attention to one while the other was in need of his fingers. You ran your hand over his hair, pulling him back slightly, being able to clearly see his actions. His eyes widened and fixed on yours, teasing you with his gaze as he devoured your nipple like it was his last meal, and taking the opportunity to bring his hand back to your pussy, pulling down your pants. You closed your legs so he could maneuver the garment more easily, removing it and dropping it to the floor with the other ones. His hand stroked the inside of your thigh, going up and down, and moving one leg to get better access to your wet pussy.
You dropped your head back as you felt his fingers brush your lips and apply enough pressure to your clit. Floyd's cock poked on your other thigh, resting on your bare flesh, it was completely hard and you could feel how Floyd rocked his hips on your thigh, making it very clear that he needed to be inside you, now.
“Ko~e~bi~chan~” at no time Floyd took his eyes off your face and now more than ever his eyes were silently forcing you to look at him.
You raised your head, your face showing despair so that he could continue his task made Floyd detach from your nipple, leaving a thread of saliva connecting it with his tongue, and he gave you a smirk before descending towards your legs. His sharp teeth ran dangerously up your thighs, digging weakly before moving up to your crotch.
“I may not have a second set of jaws in my human form” he ran his tongue over your covered pussy, pulling you out a guttural moan, your teeth biting your lower lip to prevent louder moans from being heard throughout the dorm “but that doesn't mean I cannot devour you as you deserve”
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA vampire soulmate scenario: When you first saw them.
 The first time you saw him, he was feeding off someone.
TWs: Blood, death stalking and attempted assault.
Mr. Compress: {Your Quirk: Card capture: it's similar to Mr. Compress's quirk but you can entrap people and objects in cards by manifesting these clear glass like cards that slip out from your wrist, you can use them as throwing weapons too as they're very sharp, the only drawback is that you can get severely dehydrated if you overuse it.]
You were walking home late from work just hungry and physically done! today was crap show! first you missed the train then half way to work you forgot you realized you forgot your lunch!, Your boss (who's usually pretty chill) for whatever reason decided he hated your guts today and yelled at you in front of everyone! and to rub salt on the wound you spilt hot coffee all over yourself! so now you arms and chest have burns on them that were itchy as hell! you just wanted to crawl into bed, and forget about this day. 
You decided to cut through the park when you saw a odd pair, a man in a yellow trench coat and top-hat and mask which was pushed to the side kissing a woman in sundress under a streetlight. "huh, how sweet." you sighed exasperated before continuing on you way, when you noticed foot steps coming out behind you, you cautiously reached into your coat for one of your cards... you knew it wasn't the man in the top hat as you did a quick glance over your shoulder he was still  'occupied' you could smell stale alcohol in the air remembering the beware of mugger sign at the park entrance and figured out what was going on when the person was in grabbing range.
You whirled around grabbing your would be assailants arm forcing it up and pulling him towards you, you hissed  felt a sting on your cheek as your free hand slammed your card into his chest "release!" you barked as a powerful cyclone burst from the card sending the man flying off his feet *Thank-you Anko-san* you mentally cheer happy that your friend had a wind-quirk and let you capture it's effects in a card; said card then shattered as it was a one-shot use like all your offense cards. 
The man wheezed as he was thrown to ground next to the "couple". while you took off running! not seeing Top-hat pull away from his lady friend and sniff the air. 
Atsuhiro dropped the woman he was feeding on she slid limply to the ground as he readjusted his mask and followed that delicious scent and found a bloody knife on the ground *Could it be?!* his heart was beating abnormally faster as picked it up and sniffed it he lifted his mask up and licked the blood off the knife, Atsunhiro almost felt alive again as the sweet taste of his mate's blood touch his tongue... 
He was so elated his mask was blushing! (cos anime logic!) "My Darling❣~" he purred in pure ecstasy, but soon his euphoria was cut short when he heard the man who attempted to rob you on the ground cough, the vampiric ex-magician turned in his direction, he could smell this uncultured brutes scent all over the knife mixing his mates. 
Atsuhiro's primal urges were screaming at him to kill the man for harming his mate, however the ex-showman had something else in mind... The next morning you were watching the news on your laptop seeing the mugger at the park last night had been caught, and was being charged with murder for another woman. You felt your stomach churn as the photo of the woman who you saw making out with the top-hat man flashed on screen. 
Than you felt a a chill go down your back!
You nervously looked away from your screen and scanned around the nearly empty café, there's was only you, an elderly couple wearing matching tracksuits enjoying some tea and having a conversation, a tired and obviously hungover mother and her two rowdy kids having breakfast, and lastly a man with black hair and copper eyes wearing a yellow casual suit and gray news boy cap reading a book.
You squint at the title....The magicians nephew, you frowned letting out a small hum; swearing you felt someone's eyes on you, thinking you were just paranoid from last night... you unconsciously traced the healing cut on your cheek and went back to you doing your work, not seeing the copper eyes of Atsuhiro watching you from behind his book with a knowing smirk.
Dabi: You were walking home drunk to hell as your friends kept you out at the bars until 3am, you decided to take a detour home to get a late night snack/early breakfast at the 7/11 a few blocks from your place, as you were walking to the store you spied what looked a couple making out against the dumpster a few feet a ways, even in your drunken state you couldn't help but scrunched up your nose the sight. "at least take her to cheap motel buddy, jeez..." you muttered the man in the black hood growled back in retort as you entered the store.
While in the shop you frowned seeing you favorite snack was out of stock. "D-dammit." you huffed and looked around before spotting the clerk who was unpacking some packs of ramen. "Hey d'ya got any f/snack left?" you asked trying to keep from slurring your words. "Yeah there should be some packs over by the-" the clerk went to point but forgot they were holding a box cutter and accidentally jabbed you in the leg just under your knee. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" the clerk gasped while you tried waving them off, it was just an accident, but if it made them feel better you bought some band-aids and disinfectant along with your food the clerk felt soo bad they gave you discount and with that you walked out in to the night....
When you got out your leg was still bleeding it didn't really bother you as you too tipsy to care, besides it's just a tiny cut, as you were leaving you noticed the "couple" still going at it, however now it felt kind of off... and that's when you noticed the man in the black hood stiffen... you stomach felt like it was full of rocks as you watched him slowly turn to face you.
Dabi was busy draining this dumb bimbo who followed him out of the bar after he told her to piss off, but seeing as he hadn't fed on fresh human blood in months, (he was drinking blood-packs of pig's blood.) he decided screw it, she'll know the consequences her actions that is if he doesn't suck her dry.. "at least take her to cheap motel buddy, jeez..." a drunk woman muttered as she passed them Dabi let out a frustrated growl at that jab yet another reason he hates feeding in public, about ten minutes later the vampire's attention was suddenly pulled away from his dinner when a sweet enticing scent invaded his nose. 
Dabi's eyes snapped open his senses were on fire as his inner monster snarled *mine.....mine...* his breathing became labored as he turned away from the woman's neck; her blood dripping down his chin as he turned to look over his shoulder, saw a [y/ht-wt] woman with [y/hc] and starring at him in shock, his eyes drifted down and saw the blood dribbling down her leg, he let go of the woman he was feeding on, she let out a weak wheeze as she fell limply to the ground not that he cared, Dabi took a step towards his mate reaching out to her, only for the woman to snap out of her shock and run....
Leaving the vampire standing there in an almost trance like state, before he looked inside the store could smell faint traces of her blood in the air and saw the clerk washing the bloody box cutter; A guttural growl escaped Dabi's throat as he approached the door. 
The poor oblivious clerk didn't know what was coming as the door chimed telling them a customer had entered the store... "Welcome!" they greeted cheerfully. from an outside point of view there was hot flash of blue from inside the 7/11 followed by the store fire alarms going off.
The next morning you were hiding under your blanket hugging your knees your whole body was shaking while you were watching the news... there was a fire at the 7/11, the clerk was killed their remains were so badly burnt they were carbonized...
Bakugou: You had just started working for his agency as a secretary and were working on late paperwork one of your coworkers pushed on you so they could go on a date, you grumbled as you made your way to the elevator to drop the files off on Bakugou's desk, and were stunned to find the top floor was pitch black! you were trying the navigate in the darkness by feeling desk, when your hand brushed up against a pair of scissors someone left out you hissed feeling them cut your palm, you could feel the blood dripping down you hand and decided screw this! you were going to leave the papers on the desk outside of the boss's office for him to find in the morning, when you noticed the door was open a crack. 
You could hear deep breathing, a woman gasping and grunts, your cheeks felt hot as you though Bakugou was getting frisky with one of his fans. *I never took him for that sort...* you were just going to pretend you didn't hear anything and walk away, but curiosity got the best of you, and with careful steps you crept toward the door and peeked in, and felt you stomach drop when you realized what was going on was not a wham-bam thank you ma'am situation, you threw your hand over your mouth when you saw Bakugou eyes glowing red had his fangs sunk into this woman's neck draining her of blood! Scared you were about to quietly back away from the door when you saw the blond blink pull away from the unconscious woman, sniff the air and... you ran before he could even turn his in the direction of the door, and made it on to the elevator just as a shock of blond hair rounded the corner.
The next morning Bakugou was on edge as he recalled the events last night, one minute he's feeding off some pushy fan-girl and the next, his senses were taken over by this amazing smell it was so enticing he forgot about his hunger and overwhelmed by the insistent need of find it's source... as Katsuki turned his attention to the door he saw someone dash and and he gave chase just in time to get a split second glimpse of a woman with {y/hc} before the elevator doors closed.  
{later after he sent that fan home via cab) 
Bakugou inspected his office and found a blood trail leading from random sidekick's towards his office the couple hurried drops towards the elevator, he curiously swiped his finger threw the blood on the desk where the trail began, licked it a content rumble left his throat, his inner monster purred. *Mate...mine* however that euphoric feeling he felt had soon soon worn off into frustration as the next morning rolled around he had been in the agency all day, and no one who came in today had that scent on them! 
The blond was pissed and ready to rip someone's head off, when he overheard two of his employees talking. "Hey where’s Y/n? I have to thank her for staying back and doing my extra work last night." the other employee shrugged. "She said she hurt her hand last night and was staying home." Neither had noticed the explosive blond who immediately went to his office and pulled your file out for your address, and he here was standing on your front porch, sniffing the air as a cocky smirk graced Katsuki's lips breathing in that sweet scent from last night. "Found you..." he purred. 
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terrifictomholland · 4 years
Tom making reader squirt for the first time with his fingers, love your writing!!!
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word count: 2.3K
warnings: smut! curse words, slight derogatory language, established relationship, fucking without a condom (wrap it before you tap it!) fingering, squirting
This requires a very very special thank you to @worldoftom for helping me out with this, she’s simply the best! 
As usual, this contains adult themes which means 18+ please respect that.
You let your head fall forward onto your book, making a thud against your desk.
“This is hopeless,” you grumbled before sitting up and swirled around in your desk chair. Tom looked up at you from his spot on your bed, eyes dragging away from the Netflix show he was watching so as to not interfere with you as you studied. 
“What’s the matter?” Those sweet brown eyes stared at you concerned. He made your heart swell every time.
“It’s so hard! I’ve been reading the same sentence twelve times now, twelve, Tom!” You saw how hard he fought not to laugh at you and stomped your feet petulantly.
“It’s not funny!” you whined, truly acting like a child, and he just shook his head. He pulled his earbuds out, pausing the show as he made some space for you and patted said space. 
“Get over here, you’re taking a break.” Your eyebrows lifted up and you quickly made your way over and laid down next to him. 
“What are you watching?” You smiled, toying with the strings of his hoodie. He looked so fine and so delectable in the new hoodie you got him for your 6 month anniversary. It was a maroon coloured hoodie that looked simply divine on him. You knew he loved it just as much because he wore it almost always. It had ‘NIKE’ on the chest in black letters and the brand symbol right under. 
“Mindhunter,” he murmured as his arm wrapped around you to pull you flush against him. You let out a content sigh, scooting closer to him, wanting more of his body heat. 
“Love that show, and right up your alley, mr. future criminologist,” you teased, turning your attention to the screen while you played with the baby curls at the nape of his neck that weren’t hidden by his cap he wore backwards, the same way he always did. 
You got further and further engrossed in the show before you felt him tilt your head to look at him. His lips crashed down on yours moments later and your eyes fluttered shut, immediately getting lost in it.
 You still felt the same rush now as you did the first time he kissed you. You savoured the little shiver that traveled up your spine right as his lips connected with yours, only for you to pull him in closer using your arms you had around his neck.
“I love you, I love kissing you,” you murmured against his supple lips, feeling the way he smiled into the kiss. 
“I love you and kissing you too.” He rolled you so that you were flat on your back now instead of laying on your sides. You hummed when you felt him suck and tug on your lower lip, his tongue slipping inside your mouth with practised ease.
You locked your legs around his waist, pressing him down against you and you let out a sigh, feeling him grind his hips against you.
“Mmh…” You smiled, breaking the kiss so you could move down and kiss his neck. Quickly finding his spot where you sucked hard enough to bruise, hearing his low curse only to soothe it with your tongue. 
“Babe,” he murmured, looking at you with glassy eyes, “you’re wearing way too much.” That said, he sat up and pulled you with him as he helped you out of your clothes. You clambered on top of him, straddling his hips and rolling your hips against his crotch moaning when you felt him starting to harden in his sweats.
“You gorgeous, gorgeous girl,” he breathed as he sucked your nipple into his mouth, causing you to cry out. You arched your back, pushing your tits further in his face, and his large hands squeezed your ass keeping you in place as you ground your hips against him.
“So wet you’re gonna make a mess all over my sweats, aren’t you?” he murmured against your skin, looking at you with hooded eyes. A look that had you soaking his sweats and clench around nothing. 
“Tom, please…” you whined softly, hiding your face in his neck as he helped you hump him. 
“Tell me what you need, how can I help you relax, gorgeous?” he murmured, and you smiled, kissing him deeply.
“Want your fingers, make me cum with them. Make me cum so hard everyone will hear it, who I belong too,” the words spilled out from you. 
The fire that your words lit in his eyes wasn’t something you could miss, and he let out a growl that made stronger shivers run up your spine. 
“I’ll do you one better, the whole fucking country will hear who you belong to.”
Your jaw dropped at his words, and they filled your stomach with fire and your cunt clenched again. 
“Lay down on your back,” he murmured, “Just gonna put this down— oh.” You pounced on him, sitting up until you could reach his neck. Kissing and sucking and biting as his groans hitched in his throat. His head fell to the side, inviting you closer, and you smiled against his skin, nuzzling your nose against his warmth before you let him put the laptop down.
He looked down at you, his eyes blazing with sheer hunger and the lust swirling in them was hard to miss. You blinked up at him pretending to be blasé about his gaze, but your whole body betrayed you as your skin prickled in anticipation. It only got worse as he turned to you almost in slow motion, clearly having his payback for how you'd surprised him moments before. You exhaled when he finally got on top of you, arms caging your head, kissing your lips and making his way down to your core.
“Oh god,” you moaned. You felt him spreading your legs and getting situated between them, his fingers dancing along your inner thighs, and you spread your legs even further for him. He glanced at you with a tiny smirk.
“Someone’s rather impatient…” When he tutted, you felt the rush of embarrassment in your chest, then you squirmed ever so slightly when he swept his fingers through your soaking wet folds.
Your hips jolted forward, and he let out a laugh against your nipple.
“Oh babe, always such a drippy mess for me,” he preened, and you swallowed thickly, feeling him coat your juices all around you before he fucked a finger inside of you. 
“Fuck,” you whimpered, throwing your head back and sucking your lip between your teeth as you let him take over and make you feel good. You felt the tingles of pleasure scatter all the way down to your fingertips as he added a second finger, pumping them in and out of you.
You felt your stomach tighten when he started rubbing your clit in circles, with just enough pressure where it nearly hurt. You weren’t very sensitive so he knew you could take it. In fact, you loved it when he went rough on you. Everything he did to you in bed came from a place of implicit trust, communication and love between the two of you.  
“That’s it, baby, fuck yourself on my fingers like the good little slut you are.” He was bringing out all the weapons today to make you feel good. You started raising your hips, fucking yourself on them like he asked. 
“God, look at you, taking my fingers and coating them so good,” he praised, and you basked in the praise, feeling warm and fuzzy from it. It spurred you on to give him even more of a show. 
“My best girl,” he murmured and you pulled him up so you could kiss him hotly.
“M-more, give me more,” you mumbled into his mouth and gasped when he pushed in a third finger. The stretch was absolutely delicious.
“O-oh this reminds me of your cock, stretching me so good, but your fingers can’t get as deep as your cock,” you breathed, pulling away. His eyes flashed, upping his game, fucking into you so that tiny bolts of pleasure fizzled before your eyelids.
“Holy shit,” you gasped, clinging to his arms, staring at him slack-jawed. He smirked cockily at the filthy noises your pussy was making. Squelchy and obscene noises mixed with your gasps and moans. You could see him tenting in his sweats right where you’d left a stain from grinding on him. 
“Yeah that’s right, let everyone know how good I’m making you feel.” He puffed his chest, and you bit your lip, your eyes dancing with delight. And even though you felt so much pleasure, a giggle slipped out of you.
“Fuck, Tom,” you breathed when he curled his fingers, finding your spot immediately. He licked his lips, watching you as the pleasure clouded your senses.
“I’m gonna cum,” you moaned loudly, feeling the tight knot in your stomach loosening and the pressure building up. Tom sat up and got closer to your cunt and you grasped on to the pillow, your body lurching forward as he finger-fucked your harder and faster than before.
You were incoherent by this point, too overwhelmed with pleasure, and he just kept going. He kept hitting your spot over and over and rubbing your clit until the coil snapped and you let out a guttural scream. Warmth spread through you and a gushing sensation rolled over you in tidal waves. Your body trembled and clenched as the aftershocks of your orgasm continued. 
“Oh my god,” he said breathlessly, gently caressing your face. You glanced at him, breathing heavily, and he just kissed your face repeatedly.
“Look at this.”
He pulled away from you slightly, and you looked down, seeing a large wet spot covering nearly half of his hoodie. Your eyes widened. “I did that?!” 
“Yeah, you did!” he exclaimed with a chuckle, and you bit your lip shyly, taking his hand and licking his fingers clean from your juices. His jaw dropped slightly as you sucked on his fingers down to his knuckles. 
“You filthy little girl.” His voice lowered, and you felt yourself clench and licked your lips, knowing you were in for a ride now. 
“Get on top.”
By the time you got on top of him, he’d removed his pants along with his boxers. Revealing his hard cock, showing it off to you as he laced his hands behind his head. You let out a whimper at the sight. Then you straddled him and grabbed hold of the base, hearing him groan a few times as you gave a few teasing strokes.
“Gonna fill me up to the brim and ruin me for everyone else, aren't you,” you breathed as you stared into his eyes, sinking down on him. His eyes went even more glazed than before, and you felt your eyes roll back when he was fully inside of you.
“Fucking hell,” he growled, and you squeezed him, feeling the way he filled you up and dragged along your walls.
His cock was nestled deep inside, the head brushing your spot making you throw your head back as you started riding him for all your worth. Hips rolling as he met your thrusts. Guiding you by using his hands on your ass now, giving it a slap, and you just moaned louder at that.
“Oh fuck.” You moved your hips as fast as you could, nicking the cap off of his head and putting it on your own.
“Déjà vu,” he smirked, and you giggled breathlessly.
“Couldn’t help myself, you look so fucking sexy when I fuck you like this,” you purred, seeing his sweaty hair matted against his forehead, a flush to his cheeks and the veins popping in his neck. 
Yeah, you were a real lucky girl.
“So do you.” He kissed you deeply and you moaned against his mouth when he delivered another slap on your ass.
“Fuck,” you cried out, feeling the exertion catching up to you. He seemed to notice this, picking up the speed for you, and you felt the coil getting tighter and tighter again.
“I, oh fuck! I’m getting close again.” You stared at him, letting out tiny gasps, your moans and whimpers coming out in short puffs.
“C’mon, cum for me gorgeous, make a mess all over my cock,” he encouraged, placing a hand between your legs, and your mouth dropped open in a silent scream when he flicked your clit rapidly. The coil came undone once more and you soaked his cock, watching the way you squirted over him for the second time. You clenching and squeezing his cock was what toppled him over the edge, crying out your name as he came. You felt his hot cum deep inside of you, and you both threw your heads back, riding out your highs. 
You completely collapsed against him once you managed to get yourself together from your earth-blowing orgasm. You smushed your face in his neck, feeling his pulse jack-hammer, and pressed a lazy kiss against it.
“Wow, wow, wow,” Tom panted, holding you close, and you nodded, unable to form words. 
“I can’t believe I did that,” you murmured drowsily.
“Neither can I, but holy shit, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed, baby,” he praised, making you purr in delight.
“Thank you, babyboy.” You kissed him lazily and open-mouthedly.
“You’re welcome, baby, just wanna make you feel good,” he murmured once you pulled away, and you smiled at him lovingly, caressing his face.
“You’ve gotta be roasting right now.” You giggled, looking at his cum and sweat-stained hoodie, and he let out a breathless laugh.
“Is that your way of asking for a strip-tease?” 
You wolf-whistled reaching over into the bedside drawer to fish out a dollar holding it up. “Yeah baby, Magic Mike me!” You hollered and he snorted, his whole body shaking with laughter. 
“You’re crazy,” he laughed, getting rid of his hoodie in one smooth movement, and you whoop-whooped once it was off and he was completely naked. 
“I want cuddles now.” You held your arms out with a pout. He shook his head with a sigh before holding you tightly.
“I love you, gorgeous.” Your heart grew three sizes whenever he uttered those words to you, and you smiled so wide your cheeks ached.
“I love you morer.”
@localfangirlx - @siriuslyslyslytherin  @averyfosterthoughts - @unicorn-princess-1999 - @softbaby-tom - @alwaysbenhardysgirl - @hotforharrison - @awesomelupe - @parkeraul - @howdyho-harrystyles - @thirsttrapholland @imanativeofswlondondahling @londonspidey  @peterparkoure - @fallingforfics -  @captainbuckyy - @parkeraul - @maryjanee23 -  @definitely-not-black-cat - @the-professional-procastinator @parkerpeter24 @lmaotshollandd @quaksonhehe @ethereal-beauty-p @mskatharinak @duskholland @greenorangevioletgrass @rebekkah4766 @farfromparker @geminiparkers @selfcarecap @screamholland @tetralea @t-lostinworlds 
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scxrsgxrd · 3 years
Office Hours // Subby!mickey
Part Two
Part one here
Hello friends! I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve written a subby!mickey piece, but the inspiration for this second part hit over the weekend and I’m so glad it did because I’ve missed the big idiot A LOT. If you’re reading this, thank you for your support and I’d love to know your thoughts!🖤 
Mickey had been checking his phone every twenty seconds ever since he sent his girl that video, anxiety beginning to bubble in his stomach when he noticed that she had read it, and that there was no reply. Part of him expected to hear the front door swing open, the clacking sound of heels filling the downstairs of the house before thudding steps made their way upstairs, but after an hour, there was still no sign of his girl, or of a reply.
He glanced at himself in the mirror, noticing that his eyebrows were furrowed and that his right leg was bouncing up and down. A small whine left him as he checked his phone once again, but there was nothing. Still naked, he sprang off the bed and began to pace up and down, phone still in hand as he made his way back and forth across the bedroom. He tried to hum a random tune to distract himself, shuffling his feet across the pristine carpet as he attempted his best moonwalk, resulting in a small friction burn as he collapsed back onto the bed and hurriedly tried to blow cold air onto the bottom of his feet.
A scream almost left him as he swiftly grabbed his phone, the device flying into the air in slow motion as he tried to unlock it a little too enthusiastically. When it landed on the floor with a thud he threw himself down after it, eyes lighting up when he finally managed to access the text.
I miss you too, baby boy. Why don’t you come over to the office at lunch?
Mickey had never gotten dressed so quickly in all his life. He was still shoeless as he left the house, hopping on one foot as he tried to shove his boots on and tie the laces whilst making his way to the office. His hair was ruffled and the zipper on his jeans was undone as he bustled into the building where his girl worked, flashing a grin at the receptionist as his eyes darted around the lower floor, trying to hone in on the woman he was so desperate to see. Mickey was fully aware of the bemused glances he was receiving from his girl’s colleagues as they all made their way to the cafeteria for their lunch break, but he didn’t care, they weren’t the people he was trying to impress. 
He had just began to flick through a company brochure when he felt a hand on his arm. A gentle, but characteristically firm grip. Immediately he flung the brochure down and set his eyes on her, gulping as he saw that look in her eyes. The one he hadn’t seen for a while, but the one he had been aiming for when he sent over his video earlier that morning.
“Come on, my office is this way.” Her voice was smooth, and she kept her hand on his arm as she led him to the elevator. Mickey could feel the buzzing sensation running through him as he happily followed her, gazing at the masses of buttons on the inner wall of the elevator that were practically screaming to be pushed.
“Don’t even think about it.” There was an air of amusement in her voice, but her brow was cocked, and Mickey knew it was best for him to comply. The doors began to close, so painfully slowly, and Mickey silently prayed that nobody was to interrupt their time together. 
He was gazing upwards at the intricately decorated ceiling of the elevator when the doors finally closed, and was snapped out of his trance when he felt a body move against his, and a hand wrap around his throat. He was about to open his mouth to gush about how much he had missed his girl when he felt her leg press up against his crotch, her perfectly tailored pinstripe pantsuit starting to crease slightly as she applied more and more pressure, causing Mickey’s jeans to immediately tighten.
“Mommy.” His needy whine was music to her ears, and she carefully closed her hand around his throat, giving it a small squeeze before loosening her grasp to brush her thumb over his soft, plump lips.
“Save it for when we get to my office.” Though her tone was soft, Mickey noticed a glimmer of mischievousness in her eyes. He was panting already, the anticipation of what was to come making his heart thump in his chest, and the way his girl looked in her pristine pant suit only caused his heartbeat to become more erratic. 
The elevator dinged as it reached the desired floor, and his girl gestured for Mickey to follow her once more as she weaved her way around multiple desks toward her office. Thankfully most of the workers were out for lunch, there were just a few tapping at their keyboards that gave him a knowing glance before turning back to their computer screens. Mickey walked closely behind his girl, watching as the red soles of her heels clacked against the floor, her glossy hair swishing from side to side as she strode towards the office at the corner of the floor.
She held the door open for him before letting it swing shut, her hands immediately reaching for the string to close the blinds that encased her office, a small smirk tugging at the corner of her lips as they flitted shut, leaving Mickey at the mercy of the punishment he had spent all morning daydreaming about.
Mickey’s eyes were fixed on his girl as she moved over to her desk, leaning against it as she stood facing him, her eyes raking up and down him as she rolled up the sleeves of her jacket to her elbows. She breathed out through her nose, and Mickey could see the cogs turning in her mind as she considered each option, which would be most proportionate to his actions.
“Undress yourself.”
“Do you really want me to repeat myself?”
“Can you at least turn the A/C off? You know he���s shy when I get cold.” Mickey gestured to his crotch and his girl snorted a little, reaching over to the dial to turn the A/C in her office off.
Mickey nodded and clutched the bottom of his sweater before raising it over his head, his hair ruffling even further as he wriggled his way out of the orange sweater, throwing it over the back of his girl’s desk chair before starting to unbuckle his belt. His girl watched him closely, admiring the way that his long fingers tugged at the belt buckle until it loosened, his hand curling around the leather material as he tugged it free of his jeans.
She took the belt off him, running her fingers up and down it as Mickey’s eyes widened.
“I didn’t tell you to stop.”
A blush started to spread across Mickey’s cheeks as he watched her toy with his belt while he pushed his zipper down, taking a deep breath before starting to shimmy out of his jeans. He pinched the waistband of his boxer shorts, the material becoming increasingly strained as he watched his girl’s teeth sink into her bottom lip while she wound the belt around her wrist, keeping a firm grip on the end of it.
Although he was nervous at the sight of his girl grasping his belt, the bratty streak that had plagued Mickey since he woke up that morning hadn’t disappeared, so a small smirk appeared on his own lips as he released the waistband of his boxer shorts and began to palm himself over the thin material, a guttural moan escaping from him as he felt a twitch, and then a small wet patch on the front of the strained underwear. He maintained eye contact with his girl, who seemed too shocked to react, her gaze quickly darting toward his large hand as he rolled it back and forth over his crotch.
“You like that, mommy?” Mickey’s voice was low and already thick with pleasure as he whimpered quietly, further attempting to provoke a reaction from his girl, who had remained frozen to the spot.
She took a deep breath, desperately trying to process the scene before her. It wasn’t often that Mickey was so explicitly bratty, but when he was, he went all the way. A large part of her knew that this was most likely down to the fact that it had been a while since she’d last dished out a punishment, so it was only fair that she too went all the way.
“Take them off, and bend over my desk.” Her voice was stern, and this time Mickey opted to obey her, pushing his boxer shorts down until they pooled at his ankles before striding over to her desk and bending over the cold, dark wood, his hands instinctively gripping onto the sides of the large desk as he heard the sound of his girl ridding herself of her jacket behind him.
“That’s right, so I get a good view of that pretty little ass.”
Mickey shivered as he felt her fingers ghost down his back, her perfectly manicured nails ever so slightly grazing against his skin as she travelled downwards toward the curve of his spine, taking a few moments to admire his peachy ass that was stuck up in the air.
“Did you like the video?” 
She was surprised to hear Mickey pipe up once more, the cocky tone to his voice becoming more prominent as he further attempted to push at her boundaries.
“I did, sweet boy. But you know what I didn’t enjoy?” She grabbed his ass, the sudden movement making Mickey jolt as he felt her deliver a harsh squeeze.
“What didn’t you enjoy?” Mickey’s voice was now a mere squeak, the throbbing in both his ass and his cock beginning to make his vision hazy. He almost moaned as he felt his girl hover over his back, her chest pressed against his bare skin as leant down to press her lips against his ear.
“A breaking of the rules, which you know that I will not tolerate.” Something else was now running up and down the side of his thigh, only it wasn’t her hand. It was his belt.
Mickey wanted to respond, but as he parted his lips he found that he was unable to form a coherent sentence. He felt his girl move off him and stand up straight as she began to trace circular patterns across his ass with the end of the belt. There was a silence between them for a few seconds as she gathered her thoughts.
“I’m going to spank you four times, okay? And each time I want you to tell me which rule you broke, and that you promise never to do it again.”
Mickey nodded, already starting to pant.
“Tell me your word if you need me to stop.”
She watched him tense slightly as he braced himself for the impact, and she gently coasted her hand across his soft skin, delivering a light tap to help ease him into the punishment. Mickey wiggled his ass in response, and she sucked in a deep breath.
Then, almost without warning, she delivered the first blow, the cracking sound of the belt mingling with Mickey’s yelp filled her office, echoing around the room as she studied the newly reddening patch on his ass. She was careful to be gentle, to not let herself get carried away. Though this was a punishment, she wanted Mickey to enjoy some sense of pleasure from it as after all, this was only the second time she had used something other than her own hand to spank him.
“I promise never to touch myself without mommy’s permission.” Mickey’s voice was more gravelly now, his teeth clenched as the stinging sensation began to ebb through the lower part of his body.
“That’s my good, sweet boy.” His girl purred in response, stroking over the welts that had begun to form as a result of her disciplining.
She repeated the process, and by the fourth and final smack Mickey was a mess, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as his knuckles whitened from gripping onto the desk so tightly. Small whimpers were emanating from him as his girl dropped the belt, satisfied with his repentance. She made sure to be mindful as she gently stroked her fingers over the crimson skin of his ass, bending down slightly to press a kiss between his shoulder blades as Mickey began to tremble.
“You did well, little one. I’m proud of you.” She spoke softer now, her voice muffled slightly as her lips were still partially flattened against the dip between his broad shoulders.
Mickey hummed in response, feeling as though his stomach had been glued to her desk as his body refused to allow him to move, the throbbing was continuing to flow, and every muscle in his body began to ache as he finally relaxed, pressing his damp cheek against a sheet of paper he hoped wasn’t important.
She allowed Mickey his own time to recover, watching as his eyes fluttered open and shut, every so often a twitch forming in his lower back which caused him to let out a soft, strangled groan. His girl made her way over to the front of her desk, resting her forearms in front of Mickey’s head as she lowered herself onto her knees before him. A grin immediately appeared on his lips as he noticed her presence, and he shuffled forwards to deliver a light kiss on her nose, extending his arms toward her so that he could stroke his thumb against her cheek. Her grin matched his as she felt his warmth against her face, and in that moment she decided to cancel the rest of her meetings for that day. 
They spent another hour in her office, her hands starting to wander to other places on Mickey’s body as he remained perched on her workspace, the stinging pain in his ass soon overridden by a much greater sensation. They could have remained in her office for the rest of the day, exchanging kisses (amongst other things), but by that time Mickey’s stomach had begun to grumble. After all, he had come to her office under the pretence of eating lunch.
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Alien! Dabi x Reader. Smoke and Mirrors.
Okay okay, so TECHNICALLY. This is a part 2, from my last part to this series. If you aren’t completely caught up, I recommend at least reading Mirio’s part before this one. There’s some lore in here to answer questions I get!
 Here is a link to my master list so you can get caught up---> Master List 
Warnings: Quite a bit darker than usual, you all asked for it. Ovipositor kink, mention of death. Manipulation. 
“Take a deep breath. It might hurt, but you can do it.”
I gripped my chest and coughed hard, a fowl tasting liquid splattered against the cold ground by my face. I gagged on the taste and coughed again. “Can you see yet?” The voice talking to me was sweet and soft, a gentle hand touched my head and I grabbed their wrist. I peeled my eyes open, I felt their other hand wipe something sticky off of my face. It’s blurry, but I can see a bit better now. “Listen I know you must feel like shit, but we have to hurry honey, can you stand up?” She hooked her arm underneath mine and pulled me up to my knees. “I- I can stand...”
My stomach turned and bile burned the back of my throat. “Don’t puke!” I looked up at the girls face. She’s small and blonde, her cheek is swollen like something recently slapped her, she’s wearing a jumpsuit that looks like it used to be white but was stained by something green. I looked down at my own body, I have the same outfit. “My name is Anna, we’re not safe here.”
The sound of footsteps echoed against metal not far from here. “We need to hide.” She took my hand and crouched down, I copied her movements, trying to make myself seem small. “What’s going on? Where am I?” She yanked me down to the ground, pulling me behind a pile of discarded machines. Each machine looked like some type of pod, leaking green slime. They stacked on top of each other, glass cracking and loose parts scattered around. She slammed a hand over my mouth and whispered in my ear. “Don’t scream, whatever you see-” Her breathing faltered as she hushed her voice even further. “Just don’t scream.”
“I don’t know why we didn’t grab more T’s, that should have been way harder than it was.” The man that walked into the room was hardly a man at all, it was a walking upright green lizard. He was completely covered in scales head to toe. “Yeah that was easy.” The other man looked relatively normal, but he has black mask covering his face. “No it wasn’t!” The same man contradicted himself. “Hey wait where did that one go? Her pod is empty!” The lizard man rushed to a container half filled with the green goo. “Oh shit, shit shit shit-” The masked man slammed his hand on a red button on the wall. The sound of an alarm blared, the lights in the ceiling flashed red. “He’s going to fucking kill us! Dabi didn’t want her to wake up until we got to Home-” The lizard man shouted over the terrible buzzing sound. “You don’t think I know that? Spread out!” The odd pair ran into the hall, a metal door slid out from the wall and slammed shut. “What was that thing?” I hissed out as soon as Anna took her hand off of my mouth. “They’re both aliens. We’re on a ship.” She looked over the top of the mechanical pile. “I think I found a way off of it, but I was scared to go alone.” Her eyes glistened with tears. “Do you remember getting abducted?” She took an elastic band off of her wrist and pulled my sticky hair off of my neck into a little bun. I still feel terribly groggy, I feel like I’ve been asleep for days.
I don’t remember much. I remember smelling the smoke of burning buildings and gun fire. 
“I don’t remember anything. I’m from NYC...” Anna sounds American, but her voice has a bit of a southern draw. “I’m so glad you speak English...” She muttered a bit under her breath. “It wouldn’t matter, I’d just be happy to have someone with me. The label on your pod say’s your name is Y/N? Is that true?”
I nodded my head. “I think so...” 
“You poor thing... you remind me of my best friend...” Anna’s jaw trembled for a minute and she flinched like something touched her. “I’d love to sit here and get to know you better, but we have to move.”
As sweet as she is, her eyes look far away. The shudder, the tremble, her side ways glances.
What have they been doing to this girl?
“There’s a smaller ship in the hanger, it has an auto pilot... it can take us back to Earth.” She smiled, it wasn’t a happy smile.
It was a desperate, terrible smile.
She stood up and felt around the wall for some type of button that could open the door. I stood on shaky legs and followed close behind, trying to help. The panel holding the red alarm button had only one other button. She pressed it repeatedly. Nothing happened.
“No no no please...” She slammed her fist against the button and choked on a sob. I grabbed her hand and pulled her away. She looked at me with a bit of fear, my touch making her jump. I pressed the red button at the same time as the smaller button. The door shot open, Anna giggled happily and clapped her hands. “You did it! I knew I was right to wake you up!” She grabbed my hand and pulled us into the hall.
It doesn’t seem like anyone is around.
“Do you know how to get to the escape ship?” I couldn’t whisper, the sound of the alarm is too loud. I spoke just short of yelling. Anna cocked her head to the side and put a finger on her chin. “Well, no, but I mean this place can’t be that big, right?”
 I dragged my hand across the metal walls, we walked as close as we can to the sides of the hallway. Anna stopped us and peered around the corner. “I don’t think anyone is coming this way...”
“Hey Anna...” I tugged on her hand. “What do they want from us? I- I have to admit I’m scared...” Anna’s head whipped around to look at me, at first her face was filled with fear. Her contorted look of shock twisted, and she chuckled a bit, her eyes glazing over. Anna gripped her stomach and looked me dead in the eye. “They want to use us as baby incubators.” She laughed again. “That’s all the universe thinks we’re good for I guess! Baby fucking makers!” Her body was shaking. She lowered her voice and put her mouth next to my ear so I can hear her. “If they find us... Don’t let them touch you with their spit.” She grabbed my face to see if I understood. I nodded my head and nodded back.
Anna yanked my arm around the corner. “We need to keep moving.” She broke into more of a run than before. “Before the parasites find us!” She was frantic and making a lot of noise. “Anna stop! We need to think!”
I pulled her back just in time. A wall of blue fire erupted a few feet ahead, Anna fell back into my arms with another scream.
“Well well well, look who’s causing all of the trouble!” Anna tried to wiggle out of my arms, she screamed ‘no’ repeatedly and broke into panicked sobs. “Anna stop!” I held her tight and covered her head with my arms, holding her close to my shoulder. “If Shigaraki knew what you’ve been up to, well...” The man talking to us stepped closer, his silhouette becoming more complete in the lighting. At first, he looked like a normal person. A tall, lanky man with black hair that jutted out in every direction. He kept both hands in his pockets, and his face looked bored.
His body is heavily scarred, with only a few patches of skin that’s not damaged tissue.
“Well I think he would be a little hurt, don’t you? Why don’t you be a good female and run on back to your mate, this has nothing to do with you.” Anna wasn’t listening to his words. She sobbed into my shoulder, shaking her head no. “G-go away!” She screamed in my ear, but I know it’s not directed at me.
The man stepped closer with a slight smirk on his mouth. The light reflected off pieces of metal attached to his face. “Leave her alone!” I cradled her closer to me, shouting over the roar of the fire and her choking cries. “She’s not really what I’m concerned about...” He purred, his voice low and raspy as he closed the space between us. “I didn’t want us to meet this way, you must be so confused. Why don’t you come with me so we can have a talk?” I shook my head no and tried to move Anna so she was hiding behind me. She clutched desperately onto my clothes. “I know exactly what you want and I won’t do it...” I pushed the words out of my throat in a squeak. He put an arm against the wall, towering over me. “Aw doll face, I would never wanna do something that would hurt you.” His face is stoic and stern, not matching his tone of voice at all. “You have me so misunderstood.” He cleared his throat and smirked. He spit without even puckering his lips. Anna grabbed my face and pulled me out of the way, his stream of saliva smacking against her hand. She screeched as her skin sizzled and steamed. “Ah fuck, look what you did-” She slammed her burning hand into the side of his face, knocking him back off of us.
She shouted a terrible, guttural cry.
We sprinted away hand in hand, the smell of singed metal getting farther from us. Our bare feet slammed against the floor, it stings with every step. “We need a plan!” Anna heard me and nodded, she stopped so abruptly I almost ran past her. The wall slid half way open after she pressed her hand to touch screen panel. It creaked like a very old elevator door, and was even louder shutting behind us. “You need to hide.” She put both of her hands on my chest and shoved me towards the wall. “What about you?” I tried to fight her. “If Shigaraki finds me I can throw them off of your trail. You’ll be able to escape.” She swallowed hard, she was speaking much more calmly now. “I- I don’t understand I thought you wanted me to come with you...”
She smiled softly. “When I saw you asleep in that goo, my heart ached. I couldn’t let this happen to another innocent girl.” She wiped a strand of stray hair off of my cheek. “You reminded me of someone I knew before any of this, my best friend, my sister. If you make it back to Earth just watch out because...” She looked over her shoulder, someones coming. “There! The vent!”
“I don’t want to leave you! I’m still so confused!” I shook her shoulders. Anna ignored my pleas and shoved me further to the wall. An air duct cover hung loosely on the wall, the opening looked wide enough for me to crawl in. She lifted me just enough for me to be able to pull myself into the wall. I quickly oriented myself to face her again as she replaced the cover. I backed up to get further away from the metal, and laid completely still. Anna looked my direction with a smile before throwing herself to the ground, screaming . She rocked herself back and forth dramatically, crying out a name I’d never heard before. “Tomura!” She screamed, her throat catching her sob and sending out the name with a coarse terror. The door flung open and the frame was filled with a tall, lanky looking man. He touched the side of the door with a firm grip, the veins in his pale hands popping out as the metal underneath his touch began to suddenly turn to dust. He looked down at the ground through long hair, his eyes were piercing and a sick smirk spread across his face. Anna stopped crying and crawled over to the man, he bent his knees and squatted over her, guiding her chin to look up at him. “I hate fighting with you. Don’t you understand that I’m what you need to be happy? I would give you the entire universe if you would just...” His voice tightened, his tone shifting into something more unpleasant. “If you would just behave.” Anna threw her arms around him and cradled her head into his shoulder. She took a finger and traced over parts of his neck, small flaky patches of irritated skin. “I promise I’ll be good Tomura!” She squeezed him tighter. “I just missed having.. female friends. It’s so lonely when you’re busy.” 
The man twirled her messy hair in his long spindly fingers. “You’ll learn to love this way of life, it’s not like it’s any better on Earth, Anna. We may all be an island of misfit toys! But...” He kissed her forehead. “We’re all a family.”
Anna gently lifted her head off of him and cracked a smile. 
She laughed, softly at first and gradually grew until she was cackling with her arms gripping her stomach. The man just smiled at her. “You’re right Tomura! We are all a family!”
My heart started racing, something was wrong. Anna was supposed to be pretending to want to stay, right? I wormed myself backwards farther away from the vent and into the tight duct way. They can’t see me in here can they? My sight of what was happening blurred just a bit, now that I can’t peer through the grate. Another voice entered the room, and I felt just a bit warmer. Like something was breathing down my neck. A gnawing feeling of anxiety. 
“I’m so glad you and your mate are living crazily ever after over here, but we still have a problem Shigaraki.” The condescending voice said. “She woke up my T. The whole ship is on alert and YOUR mate knows where she is.”
“Oh my Anna wouldn’t be hiding anything from me... she knows that keeping secrets is such a fun way to really make me mad.” Shigaraki hissed out the last few words. Anna giggled again. “I know where she is! Y/N, come out so we can be a family!” Anna’s voice was closer to the wall now. I froze, I see her fingers reach up and try to adjust the grate. 
I panic and shuffle further backwards, my heart lurches into my stomach as I feel the metal under my legs disappear. I try to crane my neck and look over my shoulder and I can see that the vent drops off and shoots straight down. 
I have two choices, be pulled out of this air duct and thrown into whatever mess is happening out there. 
Or fall.
“Hey what are you doing? It’s okay Y/N don’t be scared!” Anna called out, her face was wet with tears but she was displaying a wide toothy smile. She stuck her dainty hand out and reached for me. 
I’m tempted to take it. A million things are running through my head, but none of the thoughts are connecting. 
I can hardly remember anything before waking up and seeing Anna. I remember feeling terrified, hungry, exhausted. Like I had been running from something for days, but it was always two steps behind me.
In the split second I take to think about all of this I reach my hand out gently, Anna’s finger tips just inches from mine. 
A pair of turquoise eyes appeared behind her. His presence made Anna jump and pull her hand away out of the vent. I gasped, his stern face showing no emotion as he spoke. “Now what are you doing hiding in there?” 
Earlier with the adrenaline pumping through me as we were running I hadn’t been able to stop and think clearly for a second. 
I don’t remember much about myself, I think I like to play the guitar. I remember objects, and smells of food I like. 
With his voice speaking to me again I remember one thing clearly, like the sound of a gong vibrating and rocking my head.
I remember him. 
“You can’t hide forever Y/N!” The alien called out from the side walk. How did he know my name? I lifted the slab of drywall that blocked the entrance to the hole I’ve been living in and gently set it down after crawling inside. I tried to keep my footsteps silent, avoiding touching any rocks of stepping on shards of glass. 
That’s when I smelled it, the smell of smoke. I looked through a crack in the bricks and saw him. He lifted a hand lazily and blue flames erupted from his arms and ignited the dust and fallen wood on the ground. They quickly spread to the debris of my apartment.
I’m not the only one squatting here. Other families have taken to the structure, some with small children. It’s not completely safe, but pieces of it still have a roof to protect us from the weather. 
The flames spread quickly. I screamed, begging that the other survivors could hear me and run. Things were being swallowed within seconds, the few entry points quickly disappearing. 
He locked eyes with me through the crack and grinned. “Nowhere to run to now, mouse. If only you’d have listened to me, maybe these pathetic humans would have lived.” He shouted and I closed my eyes, the smoke filling my lungs and making me suddenly very tired. When I hit the ground, I felt him. I felt him pull me into his arms, but after that.
Everything was dark. 
“Y-you...” I whispered, barely able to speak. 
The alien squinted his eyes a bit. 
Before I let him speak, I pushed my hands against the metal vent, my palms squeaking as I propelled myself backwards.
My chin hit the metal and scratched me as I fell. My back scraped against the metal chute, tearing at the thin clothing I have on. I closed my eyes, certain I’d hit the ground soon, breaking my legs and possibly my spine. Hopefully it kills me right away so I don’t have to lay there and suffer. 
The wind was knocked out of me when I hit something soft. I clawed at my chest for a second, gasping until I sucked in the air I desperately needed. I’ve landed in a discarded pile of.. laundry? 
Smocks similar to the one I was wearing were piled high, I was swallowed by them, completely covering everything but my head. This room is poorly lit, a dim green light flickered over head, but other wise it’s completely dark. I desperately clawed at the clothing, pushing it off of me and crawling to the hard, damp tile. My whole body shook and I looked around. 
There’s not much here, the ceiling is very tall and there are a lot of pieces of metal thrown about the room. Another vent pointing downwards like the one I just fell from was over a sharp looking pile of metal, lot’s of parts that would have impaled me if I fell just a few feet away. 
I gathered my footing and stood on trembling knee’s. It’s cold, my skin is covered in goose bumps. 
A strange pod, about the size of a large van sat in the middle of the room. It was rounded, and the door was open with a metal ramp sticking out of it. 
Could that be the ship? 
I stumbled to it, a hopeful smile plastered on my tired face. 
It was easy to step inside, it felt a bit more roomy in here than it looked from the outside. I stood without my head touching the ceiling. With another step towards the dash, the room lit up, buttons and screens whirring and coming to life with the sound of a fan blowing. It looks complicated, a few symbols appear but I don’t recognize them as letters I’ve ever seen before. Panic starts to set in, I’m not even sure where to begin. What does any of this mean? 
“Well, I’ll admit you’re pretty smart. I like that.” 
I turned around to that deep voice. “But what is your plan now? Find a way to pilot back to Earth with no rations, and no idea how much oxygen this thing has in it?” He leaned against the wall and looked at me with almost a face of disinterest. “Putting aside the fact that we are an entire universe away from Earth right now...” He slowly blinked at me. “Why go back?” He asked with a slight smile. He paused, waiting for my response. I swallowed hard and thought about what I was going to say. “It’s... my home.” I whimpered out. 
“Is it though? Earth is crumbling. Society has collapsed, the survivors are the people scummy enough to hurt others and take what they want without repercussion.” He stepped towards me, making my heart slam against my chest. he stepped past me and pressed a few buttons on the dash and a video appeared on the windshield. “This is where that girl you met is from, Anna.” 
It was aerial footage, like it was being filmed from a drone, but the people below didn’t seem to notice they were being watched. 
Men stood in the beds of trucks with large guns. They had them pointed at young men who had their hands on their head, kneeling down as crying girls were dragged by their arms into the vehicles. A man stood up and rushed for a screaming blonde child, she looked like she couldn’t have been older than 12. The men on trucks didn’t hesitate to shoot him down, his blood splattering on the clothes of the girl he tried to rescue. 
She couldn’t even scream.
I covered my mouth in horror. “Wh- what are they doing to those girls?” 
He sat down in a cushion chair, sitting back and relaxing a bit. He leaned his head on his elbow. “They’re collecting surviving women and auctioning them off for rations. They claim they’re trying to help repopulate the planet.” He smirked a bit. “They believe that they are the superior men, more masculine and deserve to pass on their genetics more than the men not willing to resort to violence. Anna was almost a victim to this.” He snapped his fingers and the footage shut off. “She’s much better off here.” 
“How is what you’re doing here any different?” I spoke with a bit of confidence, my fear slowly being replaced with anger. “And what are we doing here?” He asked with a lift of his eyebrows. 
“Anna told me, she said you plan to use us as incubators for your alien offspring.” I wasn’t yelling, his question threw me off. I answered like I was also asking a question back. 
“I won’t lie, some of my actions go against what the society I come from deems as “normal” or “acceptable” but who’s to say that the King is always right?” He started, still leaning casually as he talked to me. “None of that has anything to do with you, baby doll. See I have something to offer you that you could never find back on that rock.” He tried to smile a sweet look, but his bright eyes flashed me a glimpse of something wicked. His line of intrigue caught me like a fish hook. I lowered my guard, just a bit. “And... and what is that?” I grabbed my arms, suddenly feeling self conscious about the way that I looked right now, battered and a bit dirty. “Unconditional love and happiness, for the rest of your life.” 
I expected him to say that he had some type of alien knowledge, or money to offer me if I complied with his request. “See humans are often real superficial don’t you think? The way you look matters, how much money someone makes. Where they come from and how much value the community gives them. A lot of things get in your way, preventing you from having everything you want. But you baby, you are so, so lucky.” He stuck out his hand, reaching it towards me. Something inside of me told me to take it, I fought the urge for a minute. He smiled and leaned farther, taking my hand in his and holding it softly. I noticed pieces of metal stuck out of his arm in places, holding his skin together. His fingers had calluses on them, but the rest of his hand was soft. “You never have to worry about any of that, if you kiss me one time, you’ll never feel anything but happiness again. I can make all of your dreams come true.” 
“Wait you love me?” I asked confused. He gently pulled on my hand, moving me into his lap in a smooth fluid movement. He brushed my hair away from my face and looked at me with that wolfish grin. Like he’s unable to smile without looking suspicious. My heart slammed against my chest. “When you were back on Earth, before the end of your world, what did you want to be baby? What was your wildest dream?”
I tried to think hard, only flashes of memories ran through my head, nothing solid. I remembered going to school, I can see my campus. It felt pleasant to remember the classroom, but it looks off. It looked young, big letters on the walls with small chairs and seats. I remember the smell of coffee and art supplies. “I think I wanted to be a teacher...” He moved his hand down my spine and settled on my lower back. “How sweet, we could use someone as smart as you here. We don’t get all the luxuries the Kingdom has to offer, we have to survive on our own. We could use someone as bright as you to help teach all the sweet children who will be running around soon.” He purred into my ear. “And I’ll give you the perfect family, my boss promised us land on the dwarf planet we’ll be staying on for awhile. I’ll build you a house and you can decorate it anyway you like.” He spoke right against my ear while rubbing small circles along my spine. Chills ran up my back and neck. Anna’s words rang through my head suddenly like a gong. It was like she change the minute that man kissed her forehead, her entire plan thrown out the window.
Don’t let them touch you with their spit.
He must have noticed my sudden change in demeanor. I tried to scramble and pull myself out of his lap, but he gripped my back and held my face in place with his other hand. “And here I thought we were getting somewhere...” He growled under his breath and smirked. My chest heaved as I started to hyperventilate. I squirmed, trying to shake him off. His firm grip barely had to adjust from my thrashing to still keep me firm in his lap. He stuck out his tongue, long strands of thick spit connected the roof of his mouth with his tongue. I winced, expecting it to burn me like his spit hurt Anna before. His slimy appendage dragged along my jawline and up my cheek. He playfully grabbed my ear lobe and bit down a little.
It didn’t hiss and burn, it was warm for just a second before my entire body heated up. The anxiety and fear I was feeling melted away, and I felt my shaky limbs calm and steady. “See isn’t that so much better?” 
“Y-yes.” I gripped onto his shirt and pulled myself closer to him, resting my face on his scarred neck. “See? I wouldn’t lie to you. Let’s go back to my room so we can finish our talk...” 
Six months later.
I sat a little cold by the glass window. It had a light green frost growing on the edges. It still surprises me that the “water” here has a fluorescent hue. The nature outside was quiet like it is on Earth winters, but small and strange creatures would walk by occasionally and take a look at our greenhouse, wondering how to get inside and steal some of our food. I’ve been documenting them and their behaviors, trying to soak up everything about this place before we move again. 
We don’t stay places long. Dabi will disappear for awhile, often coming back exhausted and injured. He doesn’t talk about what he was up too, but the more time I spend here the more I realize that it’s probably better that I don’t know. The watch he gave me rang from the other room. I left my hot drink on the window sill and stepped into the kitchen. I clicked the button answering Anna’s call. Her face appeared in a hologram projected over the watch. “Hey Anna, how are you and the babies today?” 
“They’re back! Tomura just called to tell me that they landed!” She said excitedly. “Oh! And the babies should be here any day now! I’m getting as big as a whale.” She smiled happily. “But I just called to tell you that they landed.” She trailed off for a minute. “I think I’m going to pack the bags. Tomura did not sound happy, I think we’re going to move again.” She said sort of quiet. “I thought he promised you would deliver here? You already made your nest.” It’s only been a few weeks, we’ve barely settled. Our food reserves are getting lower, we needed to grow more and gather more resources here. “I... I know. But Tomura always knows best. He’s the leader for a reason...” She said with a smile, but her confidence wavered in her voice. “Anna, I’m worried that what they’re doing is a lot worse than they are making it out to be...” I tread carefully, it’s been long enough sense we’ve seen our mates that Anna should have a bit more mental clarity. When Tomura is home, it’s like she has no thoughts of her own. “Don’t start this again. Tomura wouldn’t lie to us. He’s doing work for the greater good.” 
“I’m just worried. If it’s so good why can’t we live on Home World? Why can’t they tell us anything?” I looked over my shoulder to make sure Dabi wasn’t standing behind me. “Stop it Y/N! You know they said Home World is dangerous. They’re working to free the citizens of Home World from the tyrant. They don’t tell us anything because it’s not our job to worry about it. WE are the good guys.” 
“But Anna I found something in Dabi’s stuff, they’re killing-” 
“STOP!” She yelled into the receiver. She choked on a cry. “I don’t want to hear it!” She sniffled. “If you know what’s good for you you’ll stop asking questions.” Her face disappeared and the watch was quiet, she hung up. I set down the watch and sighed in frustration. I grabbed another glass to make Dabi a hot drink for when he came home. I poured the liquid and held it for a second, just letting the steam reach my chin. 
I turned around and dropped the cup to the ground, it’s metal so it hits the floor with a loud sound but doesn’t break. Dabi was standing against the doorway with a dark look on his face. “Oh hi honey. You’re back.” I said with a smile. 
“Did I scare you?” He asked, glancing down at the spilled liquid. 
“I didn’t hear you come in.” I reached for a cloth hanging on the wall and he grabbed my wrist. I flinched and he looked at me funny. “What has you so jumpy, love?” He pulled me into his arms and put a hand in my hair, running his fingers along my neck and scalp. “I missed you.” He said against my head. I said nothing for a moment. He smelled heavily of smoke. “I have a surprise for you.” He said, pulling himself away so he can look at my face. “What is it?” 
“We’re taking a bit of a vacation.” He had his hands on my sides and rocked us a bit as we stood there. “A vacation?” 
“Yeah we uh, have decided that some of our efforts are being wasted at the minute. We need time to recoup, ground ourselves and come back stronger.” He lead us to our pile of bedding and pulled us down so that I was laying on his chest. “So we’ll have time to bond more, I haven’t seen you in so long. We’ll have some time to start our little family.”
I stiffened a bit. We’ve had this conversation a lot, I’ve thought of every excuse in the book. I’ve gotten away without breeding because he’s been gone a lot. “You think it’s a good time to start having kids?” I asked quietly. 
“Don’t you? I’ll be able to be here for the whole gestation. We have the next location of where we’re going to stay for awhile. It’s much warmer, you’ll love the wildlife.” He played with my hair, massaging the nape of my neck with his callused fingers. “I- I have a few questions...” 
“What is it baby?” He crooned, leaning forward and kissing my face and neck. He was gentle, playfully trailing them across my skin, not leaving too many traces of his saliva. “Did you... I mean, are you killing the Kingdoms mates?” 
Dabi snapped his head up and rolled me off of his chest. “Who said that to you? Who’s lying to my mate?” His eyes were wide, a vein popping out on his forehead as he growled. “N-nobody told me anything I found-” 
He cut me off with a laugh. Gathering some composure with a chuckle. “So you’re going through my things?” 
I said nothing. “We’re not doing anything that isn’t necessary. The Kingdom needs to fall.” 
I sat myself up and tried to look brave. “So you are killing human women.” My lip trembled. I wanted to believe it wasn’t true, that he never meant to hurt anybody back on Earth, and he would never harm innocent women. 
Women that already lost everything, that have nothing to do with these insane politics.
Women like me.
“I think you’ve been spending too much time alone, little mate.” He gently pushed my shoulders down onto the cozy pile of cloth. He crawled over top of me, his hips pressing down on mine, pinning me to the bed. “You’re getting paranoid out here all by yourself, I’ve been treating you bad. My poor baby...” My breath caught in my chest, he ran his hands up my shirt and traced along my side. “Do you think I would ever lie to my precious angel? My most treasured possession?” He planted a sticky kiss on my neck, his spit sinking into my skin and sending signals to my brain. My fear started to fade, my anxiety relaxing. He grabbed my chin, parting my mouth and forcing me to look up at him. He kissed me hard, jamming his tongue into my mouth and swirling it around. I mewled a bit into his mouth, letting out a slight cry as my body reacted to him. My blood rushed to my lower half, setting me on fire. I bucked my hips to press harder against his and he smiled into my mouth before pulling away. “There she is, there’s my good girl.” He whispered to me with his wolfish grin. “I would be the lucky guy to get such a smart little mate, but still so obedient.” He smirked before leaning down and biting down hard on my neck. I whimpered and grabbed onto his shoulders. 
Dabi leaned on his hands behind his head and relaxed, watching me bounce and squirm. I reached to cover my face, lightly embarrassed by his gaze. I moved up and down on his cock, feeling kind of awkward as I get used to moving my body this way. He quickly snatched my hands away from my blushing face. He clicked his tongue. “Ah ah ah baby girl, I like watching you.” He grabbed my hips, digging his fingers into my skin and pushing me down harder on top of him. I moaned and placed my hands on his chest to stabilize myself. “You’re not getting tired are you? This is only round two.” His tone lightly mocking me. 
“I- I’m not used to this...” I whined and rolled his eyes. “Fine you want me to drill you again? Your wish is my command.” He held me in place as he bucked his hips up, slamming his hips into mine with little strain on his face. “D-dabi!” I screamed, his pace so fast I can barely have time to moan. I felt his body shift, his member start to open inside of me. He shoved me onto my back and slowed down his strokes drawing himself out almost all of the way before pounding back into me with a hard thrust. I grabbed onto his shoulders, prepping myself for him to finish. He stopped and held himself deep inside of me, the first egg leaving his body and hitting my cervix. My climax shivered down my spine and my gasp stuck in my chest. He stared down at me with his signature cold gaze with a light grin. “You love getting fucked, you pretend like you don’t want it but then look at that face-” He let out a small grunt, holding most of it back as he deposited another egg in me. My whole body shook and I gasped again. “Drooling all over the place. You’re such a slut.” 
He pulled out and kissed my forehead. “You feel a little better now that I’ve fucked the attitude out of you?” I laid flat on my back and tried to catch my breath, my face flushed and my body tired. He grabbed his shirt off of the floor and tossed it to me for me to put on. He stretched out his arms, showing off his toned muscles. “I’ll just go ahead and take that as a yes.” 
My brain swam with nothing but thoughts of having a sweet little family with him. I pictured what our children will look like and smiled. I’ll make a good mother... 
For just a second, a thought crossed my mind, a distant one. I could barely see it behind the cloud of euphoria. 
The thought of people screaming as smoke filled their mouths.
This took me so long to write, it’s been requested from the beginning but I had a plan! I hope you like it. Inbox me and tell me what you think!
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bechloeislegit · 4 years
Day 1 - Creature Feature/Cryptid
A/N:  Not really a scary fic, per se. Just something fun to hopefully bring a smile to the horror about to be unleashed by others during this spooky week.
Summary: Bigfoot has been spotted in the woods near Barden University. Beca Mitchell wants to find him and decides to camp out in the woods to do just that and get a good photo of the elusive creature.
The Bellas sat around the common room when the show they were watching was interrupted by Breaking News.
"Amy, turn up the TV," Beca yelled excitedly.
"Witnesses claim to have seen the hairy creature in Barden woods late yesterday evening," the news anchor said. "We're going live to Sonya Hastings, who is at the edge of the woods where the sighting took place. Sonya, what do you know so far."
"Thanks, Jim," Sonya said. "I'm here with Tim McCarthy and Greta Michaels, the young couple who saw the creature. Tim, what did you see?"
"We were in the woods looking for a place to camp when we heard someone, or something, running through the bushes," Tim said. "Suddenly, this big hairy creature came running at us. He was huge; at least seven feet tall-"
"And he had long brown hair all over his body," Greta added. "I think it was Bigfoot."
"Bigfoot?" Sonya asked.
"Yeah," Tim said, nodding his head. "I took a picture of him on my phone."
Tim pulled out his phone and showed a photo to Sonya. Sonya's eyes widened as she held the photo up to the camera.
"There you have it, Jim," Sonya said. "It's blurry but it looks like it could actually be Bigfoot."
"Do you see that?" Beca asked, pointing to the photo on the TV screen. "Bigfoot is real, and they have a picture to prove it." Beca's excitement is palpable. "And he's been sighted in the Barden Woods. That's like six blocks from here."
"Bigfoot is not real," Stacie said with a laugh. 
"Did you not see the picture?" Beca asked in disbelief. "How can you look at that picture and say he's not real?"
"It's a blurry blob and does not prove Bigfoot is real, because he's not," Stacie said, shaking her head "He's a cryptid."
"A what?" Chloe asked.
"A cryptid," Stacie replied. "Something that's like an urban legend; not real. A myth."
"You're wrong," Beca said, shaking her head. "And I'm going to prove it to you."
"How pray tell, are you going to do that?" Stacie asked, trying to hide her smile.
"I'm going to camp out in Barden Woods and find him," Beca said.
"What?!" Chloe screeched. "No, you're not!"
"Yes, I am!"
"NO! You're not!"
"Yes, I-"
"Beca!" Fat Amy yelled, causing Beca's mouth to snap closed. "Don't mess with that which you do not understand."
"What?" Beca asked with a confused look on her face.
"Urban legends are not to be messed with," Fat Amy said. "They are scary, and can kill you dead."
"I-I-I'm not afraid," Beca said with false bravado. "I'll find Bigfoot and get a better picture of him to prove you all wrong."
"Beca, please don't do this," Chloe implored. "Please? For me?"
"I'll be fine, Chloe," Beca said, patting Chloe on the arm. "I'm going to get my stuff and go out tonight."
Beca left everyone sitting in the living and went upstairs to prepare for her campout. Chloe chewed on her lip and looked around at the girls.
"Stacie?" Chloe said, her gaze stopping on the brunette. "Can you talk Beca out of doing this, please? I'm worried about her being out there along."
"If she wouldn't listen to you," Stacie said with a laugh. "What makes you think she'll listen to me?"
"She considers you one of her best friends," Chloe said.
"She thinks of Fat Amy as one of her best friends, too," Stacie said. "Let Amy talk to her."
"Stacie's not wrong," Fat Amy said, smirking and nodding her head.
"Fine," Chloe huffed. "Fat Amy can talk to her."
"No can do, Chloe," Fat Amy said. "She really wants to find Bigfoot, and nothing I say will change that."
Chloe crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Fat Amy. She then looked around the room at the rest of the girls.
"I have a better idea," Chloe said. "We're all going to go with Beca to camp out and look for Bigfoot. Consider it a Bella bonding exercise. A mandatory Bella bonding exercise. Anyone who doesn't want to go can stay here and do an extra hour of cardio for the next three, no, four rehearsals."
The Bellas all groan. "That's not fair, Chloe," Fat Amy whined. "You know how much I hate cardio."
"Yes, I do know how much you hate it," Chloe said with a big grin. "Now, let's go! We need to get everything together for a night of camping in the woods. Don't forget your flashlights."
The girls grumble as they get up and slowly make their way upstairs. Fat Amy is mumbling under her breath. She walks upstairs next to Stacie and follows Stacie into her room.
"Can I help you?" Stacie asked when Amy ran into the back of her.
"Yes, you can," Fat Amy said. "I have a plan to have this campout over before it really gets started."
"I'm listening," Stacie said and sat on the side of her bed. "Let's hear it."
~~ Pitch Perfect Halloween Week 2020 - Day One ~~
Meanwhile, Chloe made her way up to Beca's room.
"Beca?" Chloe called up the steps.
"Yeah, Chlo?" Beca called back.
Chloe continued up the stairs to find Beca standing in the middle of the room, looking around.
"What's up?" Beca asked.
"I just wanted to tell you that all the Bellas are going to camp out with you tonight to help look for Bigfoot," Chloe said. "We're all excited to be a part of your excursion."
"What did you threaten them with?" Beca asked with a grin.
"Nothing," Chloe said, looking away from Beca. "I merely prefaced it by calling it a mandatory Bellas bonding event."
"And?" Beca prompted.
"Aaand, I told them I'd double their cardio time if they didn't agree to come," Chloe mumbled.
"Nice move, Beale," Beca said. "Don't say anything to the girls, but I was starting to get scared of being in the woods alone with Bigfoot."
"Your secret is safe with me," Chloe said, holding back the laugh that was threatening to come out.
"I should be ready to leave in about fifteen minutes," Beca said. "I want to find a good camping spot before he gets too dark to see."
"I'd better get to it then," Chloe said as she turned to go back downstairs.
( ) Pitch Perfect Halloween Week 2020 - Day One ( )
Chloe heard Fat Amy and Stacie talking as she got close to Stacie's door. She quickly hurried past when the door opened and Fat Amy came out.
"This should be a lot of fun," Fat Amy said as she entered the hallway.
"That's the spirit," Chloe said, enthusiastically as she looked at Amy over her shoulder.
Chloe continued to her room and grabbed her phone. She placed a call.
"Hey, it's Chloe," Chloe said when the call was answered. "I need your help with something. It's for Beca."
Chloe started packing for camping as she spoke on the phone.
~~ Pitch Perfect Halloween Week 2020 - Day One ~~
The girls met outside and Chloe, Amy, and Stacie's cars were loaded. Chloe drove off first, with Stacie following Chloe, and Fat Amy bringing up the rear.
Once they were parked, they retrieved their stuff and started into the woods.
"There are several cleared spaces we can choose to set up," Beca said as they walked. "I checked the map and there is a clearing close by that I think we should use because it's the closest to where Bigfoot was spotted."
"Alleged Bigfoot," Fat Amy said, causing Stacie to laugh.
"What was that, Amy?" Chloe asked, stopping to glare at Amy.
"What? I didn't say anything," Fat Amy said.
"Let's keep it that way," Chloe said and hurried to catch up to Beca.
Beca stopped at the first clearing and dropped her stuff.
"This looks like a good spot," Beca said. "Chlo, can you help me with my tent?"
"Can I share with you?" Chloe asked.
"Of course," Beca responded.
"Stacie, can I share your tent?" Fat Amy asked Stacie while batting her eyes at her and making kissing noises.
"Sure thing, babe," Stacie said.
"Not funny, guys," Beca yelled.
Just then they heard what sounded like growling coming from their left. Beca and the girls all stopped and looked around.
"Is that Bigfoot?" Jessica asked.
Amy and Stacie looked at each other and started quietly laughing.
"No," Beca said. "Bigfoot doesn't growl. He sounds more like Chewbacca from Star Wars; kind of guttural when he's speaking."
"Speaking?" Ashley asked, chuckling. "Bigfoot speaks."
"You know what I mean," Beca said, chuckling.
"If it wasn't Bigfoot," Chloe said. "What was it?"
Chloe frowned as she looked back to Stacie and Amy.
"What are those two up to you?" Beca asked, following Chloe's eyesight.
"I have no idea," Chloe said. "It's starting to get dark. Let's set up camp and figure out our next move."
They heard more growling and stopped to scan the surrounding area.
"I'm getting a little scared," Emily said, her eyes wide.
"It's okay, Em," Chloe said, moving to stand next to the younger girl. "We just need to make some noise to scare off whatever that is."
"Ahhhh," Emily screamed, causing Chloe to flinch and cover her ears. "Go away, scary, growling monster!"
Stacie and Amy were now laughing and holding on to each other. Chloe looked back at them again.
"Mios dio," Flo said, making the sign of the cross on her chest. "Wh-what's that?"
The girls turned to where Flo was pointing and Emily, Jessica, and Ashley started screaming when they spotted the creature Flo saw.
"Run!" Emily yelled as she turned, knocking Stacie and Fat Amy down as she, Jessica, Flo, and Ashley ran back the way they had just come from. Stacie and Fat Amy laid on the ground, laughing hysterically.
Beca ignored them all as she searched her bag for her camera. The creature lumbered toward them, moving slowly and steadily closing the distance between them.
"Found it," Beca exclaimed, holding up the camera.
Beca turned, ready to snap the photo when she realized the creature had stopped moving and was now standing about five feet away from them.
"Perfect," Beca said and snapped a photo.
"That's not Bigfoot," Lily said quietly.
"What?" Beca asked.
"That's not Bigfoot," Lily said so Beca could hear.
"How can you tell?" Beca asked, looking over at the creature.
"He's too short," Lily said. "Bigfoot is about seven feet tall. Plus, I don't think Bigfoot would be wearing sneakers."
"Dammit!" Beca yelled. "If that's not Bigfoot, then who or what is it?"
"It's probably Donald," Chloe said.
"And how do you know that?" Beca asked, jerking her head around to look at Chloe.
Stacie and Fat Amy were standing now and Chloe looked at them. "Ask these two. I heard their whole plan. They wanted you to find Bigfoot immediately so they could get back to hit up some fraternity party."
"Why would you do that?" Beca asked sadly, looking at the two Bellas.
"Hellooooo," Stacie said. "Did you not hear the part about the frat party?"
"Yeah," Fat Amy said, moving her hand up and down as if weighing two things. "Boys or Bigfoot? Bigfoot or Boys? It was a really easy decision to make."
Stacie stood, nodding her head as Fat Amy spoke.
"We should get the other girls," Chloe said. "The way they were running, they are probably back at Barden by now."
Beca put her camera back in its bag and started gathering her stuff. Chloe and Lily did the same. Once they had everything, they started making their way back to the cars.
"I have just two words for you two," Beca said, pointing at Stacie and Fat Amy as she walked past them. "Extra cardio!"
"No way, Beca!" Fat Amy screeched, running after Beca.
"Come on, Donald," Stacie called out.
"I'm sorry it didn't go according to plan," Donald said as he joined Stacie.
"It's getting darker," Chloe said as she pulled out a flashlight and turned it on.
Beca and Lily pulled out flashlights and turned theirs on as well.
"Holy shit," Beca said and stopped walking.
"Beca, what's wrong?" Chloe asked as she barely kept herself from running into the back of her.
Beca didn't say anything, she just pointed with the hand holding her flashlight.
"Oh, my God," Chloe whispered. "Is that-?"
"Yep," Beca said with a big grin on her face.
Stacie, Donald, and Fat Amy stood wide-eyed behind Beca, Chloe, and Lily. Beca slowly brought out her camera and pointed it toward what stopped her in her tracks.
"B-B-Bigfoot is real?" Stacie stuttered.
Fat Amy screamed and pushed Donald out of her way as she ran toward where the cars were parked. 'Bigfoot' turned his glance toward Donald and sniffed the air. 'Bigfoot' then took a few steps forward but quickly stepped back when Beca's camera flash went off. 'Bigfoot' gave a guttural yell.
"See," Beca said. "I told you he sounded like Chewbacca."
'Bigfoot' suddenly lurched toward Donald, causing Donald to freeze.
"I think he thinks Donald is just like him," Chloe said, looking between the two.
"Bigfoot thinks he found himself a girlfriend," Beca said, laughing as she looked over at Donald. "Or boyfriend; I don't judge."
"What?" Donald said. "You can't be serious."
'Bigfoot' reached out and ran a hand over Donald's costumed head.
"Oh, Hell no!" Donald yelled, jerking away and running in the same direction Fat Amy had gone.
'Bigfoot' looked at Stacie and tilted his head slightly.
"Look out, Stacie," Chloe said. "I think you're his next target."
"I need more pictures," Beca said and started taking more photos.
"Sorry, 'Bigfoot'," Stacie said, stepping slowly around Beca and Chloe. "I like my guys with a lot less hair."
Stacie ran off after Donald, calling out, "Wait for me!"
Suddenly, a third hairy creature came running out of the woods, stopping when it saw Beca and Chloe standing there with a shorter version of itself just a few feet away from them.
"What the Hell?" the second 'Bigfoot' asked as he reached up and pulled off its costume head; Beca's eyes widened when she saw Jesse's face.
"Jesse?" Beca said. "What are you doing here?"
"I asked him to come here," Chloe said while keeping an eye on the third Bigfoot that showed himself. "I heard Stacie and Fat Amy talking about messing with you and having Donald dress up as Bigfoot to scare us. So, I called Jesse and asked him to dress up to scare them."
"So, that means this is the real Bigfoot?" Beca asked, pointing to the third creature that now stood in front of her.
"I, uh, I think it's possible," Chloe said, nodding and slowly backing away.
"It's him," Lily said; no one heard or paid attention to her.
"Here take my picture with him," Beca said as she shoved her camera at Chloe, stopping her retreat.
"Get away from him, Beca," Chloe said, standing as still as possible so as not to spook the creature. "You don't know what he might do."
"Chloe, if he was going to hurt us," Beca said. "He would have done it already."
"I'm with Chloe on this, Beca," Jesse said, watching everything carefully. "We should really go."
"AFTER I get my picture taken with the real Bigfoot," Beca said.
Beca moved and stood next to Bigfoot and gave Chloe a thumbs up. Chloe took a couple of pictures and said, "Okay, that's it. Say goodbye to your new friend, Beca, and let's go home."
"Okay," Beca said sadly. "Sorry, Bigfoot, we have to go. Maybe we'll see you around here again."
Chloe took Beca's arm and pulled her to her and started slowly making their way toward the cars. Jesse and Lily followed behind them. All kept looking over their shoulders to make sure Bigfoot wasn't following them.
Beca took one last look back at Bigfoot and waved. A big smile came to her face when Bigfoot waved back.
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quokkacore · 4 years
danse macabre [park jinyoung]
summary: park jinyoung is your everything, but he’s not everything you thought he was. in fact, he’s something much, much worse.
pairing: vampire!jinyoung x gender neutral reader
genre: angst, horror
warnings: violence, slight gore, fainting, mild language, that weird vampire hypnosis thing that they sometimes have in movies ,, idk what its called
song rec: got7 - not by the moon
word count: 2.8k
a/n: this was originally posted to my old writing blog on october 30th, 2018. i made some minor edits in this repost, but nothing too major. this work is low key darker than what i usually write, so pls proceed with caution.
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That’s what had triggered the chain reaction to come. Distance.
You hadn’t seen him in weeks. You were beginning to think that Jinyoung, your boyfriend of over two years, was avoiding you on purpose.
You’d try, and try, and try. But Jinyoung was persistent. No, I’m busy. No, I’m going out with Jaebum. No, I have to study. No, I’m tired. I can’t today, jagiya. I’ll make it up to you next week.
So were you of his constant brushing you off, as if you were a piece of lint on his coat that was bothering him.
So, after almost a month of not seeing him, you’d decided that enough was enough. And you picked up your phone, dialing his number.
It rang maybe three or four times, before he picked up. “Hello?”
You frowned. His voice was raspy, and had that slur to it, the slur of tiredness and being worn down.
“Hi, baby,” You murmured, glancing at the alarm clock on your nightstand. 10:12 PM. It wasn’t too late yet. “…I miss you.”
He hummed softly into the phone, and you felt your mouth morph into a small smile.
“So do I,” He answered, coughing between sentences, “I’m sorry I’ve been blowing you off these past few weeks.”
“You sound sick,” You replied, changing the subject, “Are you okay?”
Jinyoung cleared his throat, and you sat up on your bed, listening to him. “I’m fine… I-I’m just down with the flu, nothing too serious.”
“Is Jaebum there to help you?”
“He’s out, but I’ll be fine,” He laughs softly, “I’m a big boy, jagiya, I can take care of myself.”
You felt yourself pout at the thought, your sick boyfriend all alone with no one to help.
“I’ll come over, I really don’t want you to be all alone like that, Jinyoung.” Your voice was quiet, but firm, as you lifted yourself off of the bed to pull on some shoes and a sweatshirt.
“Really, Y/N, it’s fine, you don’t have to—”
“Babe, I insist. I don’t want you all alone while you’re sick.”
“No, wait, Y/N—!”
You were out the door before he could finish, and you’d hung up as well.
On the ride to Jinyoung’s apartment, via the Uber you’d called, you mentally relayed all of the things you missed about him. His hands, his voice. The way he looked at you. The way he’d cover his mouth when he laughed. His eyes, his lips. His kisses most of all. The way he held you.
Jinyoung was reserved, a sensible young man. He was rather abrasive when you’d first met, but you’d managed to bring him out of his shell. And in the two years you’d been together, all doubts you’d had before had simply withered away; you were almost sure he was the one for you.
When you arrived at his apartment building, you quickly exited the car, and entered the building before rushing up the steps, thinking about how well you were going to take care of your boyfriend. Make him some soup, help him with his blankets, cuddle him and maybe watch a movie.
He was on the third floor, and when you arrived at his door, you paused to catch your breath before pulling out your copy of the key, that he’d made you about a year ago.
As you entered the apartment, which was completely dark, an unsettling feeling washed over your body. The lack of light only added to the effect, and you swiftly pulled out your phone, unlocking it so the glow of the screen lit up the entry hallway enough for you to see.
“Jinyoung?” You murmured as you entered the living room, head moving back and forth as you searched for your boyfriend.
You looked towards the kitchen, and saw nothing in the darkness. Turning your head towards the bedroom, you raised an eyebrow.
“Jinyoung?” You mumbled again, pursing your lips as you began to slowly tread towards the bedrooms.
Jinyoung’s bedroom was on the left, facing Jaebum’s. The door was shut, and the nerves in your gut began to stir. Straining your ears, you frowned as you heard no response, once again. Had he fallen asleep?
Tiptoeing into his room, you knocked on the door softly, knuckles rapping across the wood.
“Babe?” You asked, slightly quieter as you pressed your ear to the door to hear. You furrowed your eyebrows as you listened attentively for any sort of sound.
Some shuffling, a soft whimper.
Taking a deep breath, your fingers gripped the knob, and you opened the door slowly, creeping into the room. By now, your eyes had adjusted to the dark, and your gaze went to your boyfriend’s bed.
The same bed you had slept in and been loved in so many times, was empty. Even though Jinyoung said he was sick. If he were sick, well, then it would be common sense for him to be in bed.
But you’d heard a noise from the room. Where was he?
“Jinyoung?” You called softly.
“Y/N,” You heard a familiar voice murmur, and your eyes drifted towards where the voice came from. There, in the far corner, was your boyfriend, huddled, on his knees. Even from where you were standing, you could see he was trembling.
“J-Jinyoung?” You asked, slightly louder, feeling your heart lurch as he flinched at the sound of your voice. You automatically lowered the tone of your voice. “What are you doing on the floor, baby?”
“Y-Y/N, y-you shouldn’t have come,” Was his reply, as he refused to meet your gaze. You winced at the sound of his voice. His voice, usually soft and warming, like chocolate and honey, was now hoarse and trembling. As you approached, his face came became easier to see in the dim light.
He looked so much paler than usual, the dark circles under his eyes so much deeper than they usually were. He looked gaunt, one foot in the grave — in that moment, the only thing you wanted to do was grab his hands and pull him out of it, pull him away and into your arms.
Taking a few steps closer, he seemed to snap out of his daze, holding up his hands and trying to back into the corner even more.
“Y/N, please don’t come any closer. Please,” He cried, and you crouched to get on his level.
By now, your anxiety was spiking. This definitely didn’t seem like the flu. It seemed like he was going through some kind of mental breakdown, and the last thing you wanted was for him to panic even more. So you did what he asked, and remained in your spot.
“Baby, whatever’s happening, it’s okay, I’m here—”
“You don’t understand… y-you need to leave. I’m f-fine.”
“Jinyoung, I don’t want to leave you like this. Come on, baby, talk to me.”
He pressed his hands to his ears, shutting his eyes tightly and shaking his head. “Everything is so loud… you’re whispering but it f-feels like y-you’re screaming at me, I-I could smell you from the moment you entered the apartment…”
Your heart was pounding in your chest, your brain desperately trying to make sense of all of the things he was saying but failing. Smell you?
“…I-I’m so h-hungry, Y/N,” He whispered. You felt tears welling in your eyes, frustration taking over as you couldn’t comprehend what he was trying to tell you.
“I-I’ll order a pizza, or something, baby, please just calm down—”
Your voice died down as Jinyoung finally met your gaze. The mere look in his eyes was the only reason why. His gaze was primal, manic. As if you were some simple guppy and he was a great white shark. Animalistic. He’d stopped trembling, and was now very still. You could hear a pin drop in the silence, and every hair on your neck stood up.
Because with a great white shark, came great white teeth.
Jinyoung all but pounced on you, knocking you to the ground as your phone fell out of your hands. Your head hit the floor and you groaned in pain. Your fight or flight instinct seemed to kick in, beginning to squirm in his grip.
“Jinyoung, let me go, you’re hurting me—”
He growled, and your eyes widened as he buried his face into neck, as he’d done a million times before. But this time was different, as he was pinning you down in a way in which you couldn’t move, or escape. You felt a tear roll down your cheek as he groaned in ecstasy. It was loud, guttural.
And it made your blood run cold, as you realized, that this was not your Park Jinyoung.
Suddenly, pain. Piercing into your neck as something sliced into its side, and you cried out as you felt your blood run in rivulets down your skin. He’d bitten you, you realized, and your panic took over. “Let me go,” You wailed, thrashing in his grip, “Jinyoung, please! Let me go, it hurts!”
You whimpered as you felt him mouth over the spot where he’d bitten you, before bringing his mouth up to your ear. “Be quiet and hold still,” He murmured, and you cringed, the smell of iron heavy on his breath. His tone was deep, different. Sultry.
Your arms and legs, out of nowhere, had begun to feel heavy. Your head fell back, your voice died in your throat. And the tears began to fall even harder, your body trembling as you began to think that maybe you’d die like this.
He released his grip on your arms, and despite your logic screaming at you to push him away, to punch him and run, you couldn’t. Your limbs felt like jello, you were practically paralyzed. And worst of all, the blood flowing from your neck wasn’t stopping.
With his hands free, he lifted your neck for better access, mouthing along the broken skin as you sobbed silently, your voice gone, stolen away. At this point, you weren’t sure if your vision was blurred due to your tears or your dizziness, starting to set in from all of the blood loss. Last of all, accompanying the rest of your limbs, your eyelids. The temptation to let them fall, and for sleep, or something even worse, to overtake you began growing with each passing second.
But you knew you had to keep awake, or it was game over. You’d never really considered how you’d die, but the idea of having it be in your boyfriend’s death grip as he drank your blood wasn’t exactly the best way to go. Sounds were fading, your vision was blurry. Your lungs felt like they were full of sand, too heavy for you to continue breathing.
You lurched out of Jinyoung’s grip, falling to the floor as something caused him to drop you.
“What did you — out of it! — She’s — can’t believe — almost killed her—”
Movement returned in your fingertips, but not before darkness overtook you.
Heaviness. Falling. No, not falling. Sinking, into the bed.
That’s what it felt like. Your head was killing you, the throbbing incessant. But it was something else that woke you up.
Fear, and the pain. Fear of what had happened to you. Jinyoung. The look in his eyes. The smell of blood. Teeth. Paralysis.
Pain, sharp in your neck as you sat up in the bed. You whimpered as your hand went up to touch the spot, brushing over swollen skin and, to your surprise, two clean puncture wounds, rather than an entire bite mark as you’d expected.
You took a shaky breath, and opened your eyes, squinting as they adjusted to the sunlight coming in through the window in the early morning night. It was then that you realized that someone was next to you. Much to your dismay, it proved a very painful task.
“Don’t move your neck too much,” Jinyoung muttered as he came into view, “I don’t want you to hurt anymore.”
Now this, this was your Park Jinyoung. You knew as much from the way he was speaking, quiet yet firm, in that gentle timbre you adored so much. From the way he looked at you. But how much of a difference was there between the Park Jinyoung that had attacked you and your Park Jinyoung?
“D-don’t look at me like that,” He murmured, looking down. You realized then that you’d been staring at him, wide-eyed and unmoving.
“Please don’t look at me like you’re scared of what you see.”
You didn’t reply. You didn’t want to lie to him and say that you weren’t. You swallowed the lump growing in your throat, grimacing in discomfort at how dry your throat felt. Sighing, you let your eyes flutter shut, before opening them again a few seconds later.
“What happened to you?” You asked, your chest tightening. He went to place his hand over yours, but you watched his face fall and your heart fall as you pulled your hand away before he could. He took a deep breath, gazing at you earnestly. “I haven’t been completely honest with you.”
You leaned back against the headboard of the bed, frowning. “What are you saying, Jinyoung?”
“What I’m saying, Y/N, is… I’m a vampire.”
You stared at his face, unsure whether to laugh or cry. Slowly, your hand went to the wound on your neck, fingers ghosting over the two incisions on your neck. Your mouth fell open, and you met his gaze. He was tearing up, something that rarely happened. “I love you so, so much,” He said, voice cracking, “And I never meant to hurt you.”
“But you did,” You choked out, beginning to cry as well, “Y-you could’ve killed me. I-I was terrified, Jinyoung.”
He moved towards you, and you pressed yourself against the wall. You heard a sob fall from his lips, as he realized that you couldn’t tell him that you weren’t scared, because you were.
“Please don’t touch me.” Your shaky voice was barely higher than a whisper
“Y/N,” He said softly, “Please. I know it’s fucked up, and J-Jaebum told me that I should be ready to—”
“Jaebum?” You asked, staring at him. “Was he the one who pulled you off of me?”
Jinyoung wiped his tears, nodding. “I didn’t even realize what I’d done until he pulled me off, Y/N. I hadn’t eaten in weeks. A-and I told you not to come, b-because I was afraid that this would happen.”
He’d moved away from you, to the edge of the bed, giving you the space you so desperately needed as the room began to feel too cramped, too small for you and the man you loved. You stared at your lap, vision blurry with tears.
“Does Jaebum know what you are?” Your voice was almost too quiet for even you to hear. Jinyoung nodded, eyes blank and empty. “He’s one too. H-he healed you.”
You nodded in response, pursing your dry lips. “I have to leave, I-I have to get out of here.” Your tone had a certain finality to it, and he got up at the same time you did.
“Please tell me you’ll come back,” He pleaded softly, “I need to hear you say it, jagiya, I’m begging you.”
“I-I can’t tell you that, Jinyoung.” Your voice was trembling, as he walked towards you. He fell to his knees in front of you, and you broke out into tears. “Please don’t leave me,” He begged, “I-I love you. I adore you, I need you. You’re my everything.”
“I love you too,” you sobbed, and he smiled as you said it. Taking a deep breath, you walked up to him. towering over him as he looked up at you, teary-eyed, delirious at the idea of living without you. His eyes fluttered shut as you pressed your hand to his cheek, and he pressed himself into your palm. You hiccuped through the tears, and his eyes opened to gaze up at you.
He looked at you as if you’d hung the moon, and all the stars in the sky. And that was the worst part, you thought, as you stepped away from him, letting your palm fall back to your side. His face fell, and you shook your head, tears streaming down your face.
“But I can’t trust you anymore.”
You hoped, heartbrokenly, that that was the last time you’d ever see your Park Jinyoung, on his knees in front of his bed, crying for you as you exited the room.
Because love and fear, both of the things you now felt when you looked at him, were a deadly mix.
You learned that the hard way. And so had he.
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skzhrs · 5 years
The Pool Party
Dom!Felix, Degradation, Public (sort of), Exhibitionism, 1.3k
During a pool party, Felix notices how revealing your swimsuit is and how comfy you're getting with the members. He decides to remind you that you are his and his only.
The pool water glitters, like millions of topaz gems glinting in the summer sun. The cobblestone is slick, the music is loud, and the food tastes delicious.
Life is good.
You're in a skimpy bikini the color of the sky, the bottom piece barely covering your ass. The top piece comes down fairly low, exposing the crevice between your breasts while keeping them hidden. With your hair down and your tanned skin shining, you feel incredible.
Unfortunately, Felix doesn't feel the same way.
Ever since you showed up and saw the other members, your boyfriend has hardly even interacted with you. It's like something is irking him. You asked him if everything was alright at one point but he simply shook his head and darted to the snack table. His eyes never left your body as you spoke with the rest of Stray Kids or swam with them.
After a bit, you notice Changbin calling you over. You climb out of the pool, wringing out your damp hair and pacing towards him, swinging your hips as you walk.
"Hey, I wanted to show you something," Changbin smiles. "Wait. Is there another chair?"
"It's no big deal," you shrug. "I can just sit on your lap."
"Oh, sure," he blushes. You perch yourself on his thighs, squinting at the dim screen of his phone as he scrolls through Instagram. "Let me just-"
A deep, familiar voice suddenly calls your name. Your head snaps up and you see your boyfriend standing just a couple of meters away, visibly annoyed. You smile sheepishly at Changbin before getting off of his lap and walking towards Felix.
"What's up?" you ask casually, beaming.
He doesn't give you an answer. Instead, his fingers latch around your bony wrist and he drags you inside. You blindly follow him, stumbling through a corridor before he shoves you into a bathroom and slams the door shut.
"What the fu-" Felix pushes you against the white door, his arm pinning you firmly.
"That's right," he growls. "What the fuck?"
"Says you," you scoff. "You're the one who's all pissy over literally nothing."
"Nothing? Nothing? God, are you serious? As your boyfriend, I think it's okay to get pissy over you showing up to the pool party wearing this," he gestures to my damp bathing suit, "and rubbing your ass all over my bandmates!"
"Woah, okay," you stop him, holding your hands out and pushing him away. "First of all, I literally sat on Changbin's lap. You do the exact same thing and I don't give a damn, so you shouldn't either. Second, this is a bikini. Do you want me to show up wearing a one piece and looking like a fucking kindergartener?"
"That bikini is so revealing! You're just parading around, showing yourself off!" Felix's face is red, his voice raspy.
"Geez," you grumble. "Sorry for 'parading myself around.' I'm literally just wearing a swimsuit and you call that showing myself off!"
"It's different when-" Suddenly, he stops, and I see his eyes widen. Then, he purses his lips, and the malice in his irises return. "You know what? I'll give you something to show off."
Without any warning, Felix takes one stride towards you and smashes his lips against yours. At first, you don't kiss back because you're pissed at him. But eventually, you give in and let him take control, feeling your heart race with ecstasy as he runs his tongue along your bottom lip and swirls it around the interior of your mouth. You moan as his hands slide down from your shoulders to your hips, tugging at the hem of your swimsuit.
Felix kneels, keeping you in a standing position, and squeezes your thighs. You spread them apart and he goes to town, sucking on the inside of your legs. You throw your head back in pleasure, exhaling a flood of curses. His teeth nip at your sensitive skin, sucking and kissing your thighs.
"People a-are gon-na see it, Lix," you whine, feeling pleasure building up inside of you as his lips latch onto an area of skin he hasn't marked yet.
"Good," he gasps, before returning to your inner thighs. Your breaths are shaky as his hands move from your legs to your ass, squeezing your back end forcefully. You cry out as he rubs your ass, his thumbs wrapping around your hips and anchoring themselves on the bottom part of your bikini. He pulls them down, revealing your wet core.
"You enjoy this, huh? Being degraded like this?" You nod, biting your lip as his hot breath tickles your clit. Felix gets closer, flicking your slit with his tongue. Arching your back, you let out a guttural groan as he finally begins to truly pleasure you. His lips wrap around yours, moving and kissing every part of you while his tongue moves up and down through your slit. He makes tantalizingly slow circles around your throbbing clit, and you shriek as he sucks on it forcefully. Your knees practically buckle as he continues to eat you out, moving his face from side to side at the speed of light while clutching your ass and tongue fucking you.
"Holy shit, holy shit," you gasp, wide eyed with your lips forming a circle. Felix finally stands, and he begins to leave love bites on your neck, biting your skin. With one arm moving to your waist, he uses his right hand to slip a finger into you.
"Ah, ah," you whine as he decorates your neck with hickeys. It feels so, so good.
"I want them all to know who you belong to," Felix hisses, yanking your top piece down and grabbing your chest. You moan loudly, knowing the rest of the members can probably hear you. "Who do you belong to?"
"Y-You," you stammer, feeling his lips suck on your breasts.
"Who. Do. You. Belong. To." Felix slaps your ass and you yelp.
"You, d-daddy," you cry out as he slips in a second finger, pumping them in and out of you quicker and quicker.
"Good girl," his low voice sends jolts of joy throughout your body. Clenching your walls around his fingers, you scream his name as you ride out your high, grinding on his hand. You cum on his fingers, legs weak.
Felix smiles, taking his fingers out of your pulsating core and kissing you softly. This time, his affection is delicate and kind, not rough and demeaning.
"You did such a good job for me," he praises you as you readjust your swimsuit, peeking in the mirror. You blush furiously when you see the map of red marks surrounding your groin and covering your chest, neck and collarbone.
"Felix, are you crazy?" you whisper shriek, touching the hickeys he's left all over you. You hurriedly search for a towel, wrapping it around your shaking body.
"Nuh uh," Felix croons, gently removing your towel. "Funny. You're acting all shy right nke but you weren't shy when you were sitting on Changbin's lap, now, were you?"
You sigh, facing him again. "Damn you."
"I love you too." He kisses you again before prodding you towards the door. "Now go show off your collection."
So you do. You walk out with Felix's arm around you, doing your best to cover the hickeys left on your skin. While you're red with embarrassment, Felix is glowing with pride.
"Hey! What took you guys so-" Changbin stops when he sees the scarlet bruises covering your thighs, running along your neck and covering your collarbone and your chest. "Oh, for Christ's Sake."
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princesscaliban · 5 years
Keep Her Calm | Sam Corlett
I wanted to write sad (IDK WHY OKAY) 
but it gets fluffy at the end. IDK man
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Normal day.
Normal ringtone.
“Hello?” She got up from her chair, excusing herself from the room, “This is her.”
Not a normal day.
Not a normal call.
“This is Sheriff Franks with the Harold County Police Department. I heard you’re in Canada?” 
“Yeah, I’m filming a show in Vancouver.” She said, “Why are you calling? I don’t know—
“I’m sorry to inform you, via telephone. But your father has passed. At one o’clock…..” 
It became a blur.
It all became a blur.
A guttural moan echoed the hallway before she tossed her phone against the wall.
No emotion.
No tears.
No reaction.
Just a stare into the white wall in front of her.
She could still hear a slight ‘hello?’ from the phone that was down the hall.
She could hear the room of people she was just in go silent.
She could hear foot steps head her way before a door creaked open, “You good?”
No answer.
No movement.
No reply.
She was numb head to toe.
Aside from the fire that seemed to burn down her throat.
The feeling that she had swallowed a rock.
The immediate urge to hit the wall she looked at.
Sam picked up her phone and saw it was still on a call, “Uh, hello?…… yeah, I’m her boyfriend…”
He listened to the Sheriff explain what had happened before hanging up the call.
A lock screen of the two of them showed up, smiling at each other on the beach. His lock screen matched. 
“I am.. I’m so sorry, bubba.” He bent down in front of her, resting his hands on her balled up knees, “I don’t even.. know what… to do.. for you..”
Her eyes glazed over.
She hadn’t moved a muscle.
“What do you need?”
No answer.
He moved next to her, leaning back against the wall, wrapping his arm around her shoulders; he could feel each breath getting deeper. And with every exhale her entire body shook.
“I’m here for you.”
Apparently those were the four words that flipped her switch.
Out of control breathing.
Mumbled words.
Her hands flailed everywhere.
She shoved his arm off of her and wouldn’t let him near her.
She kept repeating, “No, no, no, no…”
“Come here.” Sam tried to pull her up for a hug but she pushed away moving down the hall, “Come on, calm down, you have to calm down.”
She tried to brace herself on the wall as she held in a scream. Causing her to lose control of her breathing. “Breathe, breathe..” 
He wouldn’t give up on her, pushing her arms down, “Calm down..”
The door behind them opened up, “Everything good?”
“No!” She screamed, shocking them all, “My dad………” 
she whispered, “is dead.”
And with that, she broke down even more.
Her effort of fighting off Sam was weak.
Her legs felt like jello.
Her body felt empty.
As a sobbing, uncontrollable mess she fell into Sam’s arms and he sat down, “Stop holding it in.” He pushed her hair from her face, “Breathe…please, just breathe.”
Her whole body was attempting to breathe but kept jerking as she held it in. Some of the cast was still at the door, some had gone to get others, no one really knew what to do.
“…she left the room and we heard a scream, Sam we to check on her and then she was fighting him in the hallway until she said her dad had died…” Ty explained to Miranda, leading her to the hallway they were in. 
Miranda was the first one they thought of. Her and Michelle had taken the Motherly roles of everyone on set. 
She peeked in the hall to see Sam’s arms wrapped around her, stroking the back of her head, whispering to her to breathe. His eyes closed, slightly rocking back and forth. “Sam, is she calming down?”
He tipped his head back and forth, he didn’t know what she was doing but she was finally breathing at a somewhat normal pace. He kissed the top of her head, “You’re going to be alright, I promise.”
He didn’t know how long they had been in the hallway but he knew it had been a while. Every time he went to move she started to panic, gripping onto whatever she could until he sat back down. “I just want to get you a water, kay?”
“No, no, no, don’t leave me.” She didn’t look up, she didn’t move from his lap, she kept her head dug into his chest and her hands clutched onto his t shirt.
Somehow he texted someone they needed a water and in came Miranda with a bottle of water, a wash rag and a change of clothes for her. 
“Sweetie, you need to drink a bit of water.” She bent down at the two of them, “We need to get you changed so you can go home.” She took her turn pushing her hair from her face, “Look up so I can wipe your face off.”
Miranda’s soft touch lifted her chin up to show the mascara and dark eye makeup smeared all over her cheeks, her lipstick splotchy and her eyes red and swollen. She gently wiped her entire face off, “What do I do?”
She stunned the both of them. “For now, go home and rest. That’s all I want you to focus on right now.”
“But-but-but I have—home--
“Leave it to me. I’ll get it figured out and talk to Sam about it.” She nodded to him, “You’re both good to go for the week and however long you need, sweetie.”
“I don’t want… to go… home… I can’t….” She began panicking again, the thought of her dad not being in his normal recliner or seat at the kitchen table. The thought of his shoes not being in the garage, his specific soda sitting unused, his closet not being touched, her mom now alone in her house she grew up in.
Miranda’s hands grabbed her face, “I know you feel like the world is ending right now, but you will be okay.” She kissed her forehead. “You just need to change, okay?”
Sam went to scoot back and help untie her shirt but she followed him, not letting go of his arm. “C’mon bub, I’m right here.” He reminded her, making her look up at him. “Just take off your costume.”
The corset was unlaced and taken off as well as her dress and shoes. Miranda unpinned her hair from the braid it was in and collected the pentagram shaped pins from it. Her sweatpants and hoodie she had arrived in were put on her like she was a child. She felt like she couldn’t even control her own arms or legs. 
As soon as she was done she attached right back to Sam, hugging onto his arm like her life depended on it. Thankfully he wasn’t in costume, he had cut earlier in the day and was just hanging out on set. 
“Let’s get you back to your place.” 
“No..no…” She shook her head, her crying seemed to begin again, “Stay here.”
“We can’t stay in the hallway all day and night.” He rubbed her back, resting his chin on the top of her head. “Drink some of this.” 
Her shaky hand came up and grabbed the water, he helped guide it to her mouth where she barely took a sip.
He could see her phone lighting up next to her, calls from unknown numbers and from her mom. He took it on himself to text her mom back:
Mom: Honey, please answer me back. Please call me. I know you are upset. We all are. I just want to know you’re okay.
Mom: The sheriff said they called you. They talked to Sam. 
Mom: Do I need to come get you? 
Mom: Please just answer me. Don’t have to call.
——: It’s Sam. She’s doing better than she was when she found out. Miranda is going to figure out flights. I’ll give her your number. I’m trying to get her home but she doesn’t want to move. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll be coming with her if that’s okay.
——: *attached contact: Miranda Otto*
Mom: Thank you, Sam. Please do bring her home. Make sure she is okay. I know you will take care of her. 
Mom: Her dad appreciated you. He always talked about you and how proud he was of you. We both love you and thank you so much for always taking care of her.
Mom: He just spoke of you the other day, remembering the last time you were here and all of the fun we had. He couldn’t wait for you two to come back. I can never thank you enough for all you do, Sam. You and the rest of the cast. Send my love to them.
He didn’t tell her what her mom was saying, but he read it over and over. It caused tears in his own eyes. -Her dad appreciated you.-  It reminded him of the time she had said her dad referred to Sam as his son-in-law when he saw him on a TV at the mall. He smiled and pointed, wanting to tell everyone around him who he was.
Sam had never been close to any of his past girlfriend’s families but there was something about hers that wrapped him in tight and made him feel like home. It could be the house in the middle of nowhere that smelled like cinnamon every time he walked in. It could be her mother’s hugs that lasted minutes instead of seconds. It could be her extended family that accepted him the minute he walked in the room for a get together. It was the small town family that stood behind her as she sat her dreams high and achieved them. Supporting his achievements just the same as hers. 
Like the time he received a text at 12:05am because they went to a midnight screening of his newest movie. Her mom and dad sat next to each other with popcorn and their ticket stubs, ‘First in the theater! Proud of you, Sam!’ was the exact photo he had received from her dad. Followed a few hours later by, ‘Applause! Standing ovation! (Very scary!) Can’t wait for your Oscar nomination one day! We love you!’
He was so in his mind he didn’t notice Michelle next to him until she whispered, “Sammy, Gav has your car pulled around. Her bag is packed in your trailer. Go get what you need and I’ll bring her out to you.”
He nodded, loosening his grip on her, “Bub, I’m going to go get my stuff, Michelle is going to be here with you though. I’ll be right back.” He felt her shake her had no, “I have to get my stuff so we can leave. I promise I will come right back and get you.”
“Don’t leave…”
“I’m not leaving, I’m going to get our stuff.” He slowly pulled away from her and rested her arms on Michelle’s shoulders, “I’ll be right back.” 
“Oh, sweetie. He’ll be right back, I promise.” Michelle said, letting her melt into her lap like a small child. “Don’t get worked up again…” She rubbed her back, feeling her breath begin to speed up. “No, no… breathe in your nose, out your mouth..”
Sam ran to his trailer and grabbed his bag and hers before running by set and getting his keys from Gavin, “You good, dude?”
He paused for the first time since he sprinted out of the hallway, “I think so.”
“Is she going to be okay?”
“At some point, I hope. It’s just her and her mom now.” He played with the keys in his hands, “Her mom keeps texting me and I don’t know what to say back. I feel so bad, I don’t even know… I mean I’m sad but it’s not my dad, but he was, he was her dad and—
“He was like family.” Gavin spoke for him, “I get it. If you need anything, don’t be afraid to call or text me, any of us. We’re all here for you guys.”
Sam didn’t even reply, he hugged Gavin, waved at a few others and went back to the hallway.
The door slammed open right as he got to it and she practically jumped on him, “She was afraid you left…” Michelle said, holding her phone and water, “I tried to tell her but she kept fighting me.”
“I’m sorry.” He apologized to Michelle, who immediately told him not to. 
Suddenly she let go of him and hugged someone her size that had run up to them; Kiernan had just arrived back from another set, hearing the news as she came in the door. “I'm so sorry….” was all he understood as she squeezed onto his girlfriend.
“Oh, Sammy.” Michelle hugged him, seeing the lost look on his face, “You’re allowed to have emotions too, I know that you knew her family well.” He nodded and hugged back, “You have each other, you’ll be fine. It’s going to be tough, very tough, but you’ll get through it. Both of you will.” 
She sat the phone and water in his hand, “Take her home, make her rest, give her some Advil PM, make sure she eats and stays hydrated. And you too.”
Without a word she latched onto his arm and followed him out the side door where his car was. He opened her door and she nearly fell in before he leaned over to buckle her belt.
In the sun was the first time he could see her whole face; red, swollen, eyes strained, lips bitten, cheeks damp. He took a moment to gather himself before getting in the driver’s seat and pulling away.
The drive was quick and she seemed to regain a little bit of strength to walk into the apartment place unassisted. He found her on the couch, curled up in a ball in the corner, eyes wide open towards a window.
“Is this real life?”
Sam paused what he was doing, “Is this really happening?” She asked again, her body shaking to catch her breath up again. “My dad…… died….. he’s dead….”
He kept silent, he didn’t know how to answer. 
“My dad.. is gone…” She kept mumbling small sentences to herself, “He left me… forever..” 
“He is never coming back…”
“I won’t see him again…”
Just listening to her broke Sam’s heart.
“Sam, don’t ever leave me.” 
He snapped out of his thoughts, “I won’t, I don’t plan on it.” He sat down next to her, “Don’t worry about that.”
She pulled him towards her and he fit himself between her and the back of the couch, “I don’t want to lose you.”
“Bub, don’t even think of that.” He sat his hand on her stomach, feeling her breath quicken. 
“I can’t imagine… you.. never seeing you… again…” She turned to look towards him, “I love you, Sammy.”
“I love you too.” He grabbed her cheek and kissed the tip of her nose, “Promise me, you’ll never think about losing me.” She nodded, “Because I’m never leaving you, not if I have a say in it.” She kept nodding, “And you’re never leaving me.” 
She agreed, “Never?”
“Never.” He repeated, “No matter how mad you are me, no matter how mad I am at you, now matter what I say, no matter what I do; there is not one thing that I can think of, that you would do, to make me want to leave you.”
Sam kissed her forehead, resting his lips there for a few minutes, holding her tight; just speaking of leaving her made him a nervous wreck. He leaned back and settled her head on his chest, “You’re not going through this alone, bub.”
Her helpless cry let him know she was listening, he brushed his fingers through her hair, trying to keep her calm until she fell asleep and he could figure out what Miranda and her mom had figured out for them to do.
A few minutes went by and her body startled itself back awake, her fingers grasped at his sides and she dug her head into him. “I’m here, I’m not going anywhere.” He crying began again and he tried to shush her, rub her back, remind her to breath and everything else he could think of.
“I knew that I loved you, the day you walked into the first table read.” Sam randomly started talking, “I remember what you were wearing, what you said to me, I was mad you were sitting by Chance and not me. I wanted to talk to you more but I didn’t have a reason to.”
Her grip on him slightly relaxed the more he spoke, “When you got signed for the rest of the season I was so happy. I knew we would get to know each other and talk more and you just filled a void I didn’t know I had.”
He smiled to himself, “Apparently it was really obvious, everyone told me it was obvious that I liked you but I didn’t want to admit it. I didn’t want to admit that I loved you and we hadn’t even gone on a date or been alone together.”
“But then we went on a date.. sort of.. we got ice cream after shooting one day and Gavin told everyone else to not go so it was just us. I’ve never told you that.” He let out a little laugh and felt her face scrunch up in bashfulness.
“I knew I had fallen for you when I could recognize your laugh outside the makeup trailer. I had unknowingly memorized your Tim Horton’s order. I would look at your shooting schedule before looking at mine. When I saw your death scene in part three I didn’t want it to happen, I didn’t want you to not be on set every day.”
He felt her fingers start brushing his side as she relaxed even more, “So when I read that you somehow got brought back to life I had a little party in my trailer.”
“Me too.” She mumbled, remembering her quick relief of reading she wasn’t being written off the show.
“Then we went to the farmer’s market one day and I kept taking pictures of you because you got excited about every little thing we found and I thought it was cute.” He had a box full of developed film of them, over a year it really added up to fill the box.
“I wanted to kiss you so bad. All day. Like, allllllllll damn day.” He cringed just thinking about how he felt that day, “And I didn’t. I kept wondering what it would be like to kiss you. I had never been so uneasy about kissing someone but it was like I didn’t want to ruin what he had, I wanted it to keep going and didn’t want to rush it.” He was so embarrassed just thinking about it, but he could feel her tiny giggles and could tell she was relaxing the more he kept talking.
“Then we had the group scene where we were all in the living room and you were sitting on the floor where your mark was and I sat on the couch just waiting for my mark and they never made me move. We didn’t have lines but we were in the background of the scene. It shot for hours and you kept leaning back against my legs and you let your head drop on my lap when they would cut and you kept playing with the rips in my jeans and you had on that navy dress with the front that went way down and super dark lipstick that I like on you.”
“It was apparently my attempt at flirting.” She winced just thinking about it, “I was happy they didn’t move you.”
“After they cut for the end of the day I remember seeing you in wardrobe and you changed super quick and they had to get all of the accessories off of me and it was taking forever, but I was secretly rushing them so I could get to you.” He laughed, “This is so embarrassing.”
She turned her head a bit and kissed his chest, “It’s cute.”
“I left the trailer with my shirt in my hands and ignored everyone talking to me until I got to your trailer where I froze. Not because it was like thirty degrees out but because I couldn’t believe I had finally made it there.” 
“I remember Lucy yelling at you for not having a shirt on in the cold and that’s when I opened my door.”
“Yeah, that happened. Then I didn’t say anything and just walked in your trailer.” They both sat in silence, reminiscing on that day.
She closed the door slowly and turned to see him right behind her, shirtless, out of breath from running, looking directly into her eyes. Sam didn’t say a word, his hand came up to hold her cheek and she reciprocated by grabbing his waist; her cold fingers didn’t even phase his skin.
He was giddy as he leaned down to her height, watching her lick her lips before she matched them up up to his. After a few seconds he pulled back a little, “I’ve been wanting to do that… for so long…”
She didn’t answer, she giggled and moved her hands up his back, pulling him towards her. 
Neither knew how long it had been but they had moved to the seat in the miniature kitchen, she was straddled across his lap and he held onto her all over.
She sat up quick from kissing his neck and said, “shirtless scenes” and he responded with, “damn” keeping his head to side where she had been kissing him. 
“Just don’t leave a mark.”
Her fingers grabbed the back of his curls, pulling his head back up, “I can’t make promises.” 
Their foreheads rested against each other, both slightly out of breath, “That was worth the wait.” He smirked, leaning forward to kiss her quickly. They both jumped as someone knocked on her trailer door. She immediately jumped up and went to answer it, leaving Sam to stand in her kitchen confused.
“Dinner? Lach and I are going to that Indian place.” Kiernan said, taking a step in the trailer. “Hey Sam..” 
“Hey” He waved quickly, going back to acting like he was on his phone. 
Kiernan looked at her and then Sam, then did it one more time giving her a weird look. “Actually, you seem…. busy.. so, next time.” She winked at her, opening the door and leaving.
“Do you think she—
“She knows.” She laughed, placing her hands on his chest. “And I don’t even care.” He laced his fingers through hers, letting her body fall onto his, “Why did you wait so long to do that?”
“I didn’t want to mess it up.” He grabbed her waist and leaned her against the fridge.
She looked at their hands, tangled together in front of her, “Mess what up?”
He paused and let go of her hands, grabbing her waist and setting her up on the miniature kitchen counter they were by, now they were at eye level, “The possibility, of us.”
With no answer she grabbed his chin and connected their lips again, letting it get lazy and sloppy as she kept pulling him closer and closer. He pulled back, obviously aggravated with something before he pulled his phone out of his pocket.
“Yeah?” He asked, holding his phone in front of him. 
Gavin’s face popped up, “It is Poker night at my place and you are not here so you get to bring the pizza.”
“I don’t know if I can make it tonight.” He tried not to laugh as her fingers poked and dragged along his stomach.
“You said you were coming like two hours ago. You don’t have to get pizza, just get here so we have enough players.” 
“I don’t think I’m coming.” He kept smiling and Gavin looked at him weird, “I’m busy.”
“Busy with…. WHO?”
Sam laughed as he turned the camera to face her on the counter. She immediately covered her face and laughed hearing Gavin begin a chant of ‘ohhhhhhhhhh’ and ‘ahhhhhhh’.
The camera went back to Sam who nervously pushed his hair back, “I’ll give you a pass this one time…. one time.” Gavin repeated to him, giving him a thumbs up and a few winks that he knew she couldn’t see. “Later.”
Sam hung up and tossed his phone on the counter. She picked it up and put it on silent, “If we could stop the interruption—
He quieted her with his lips but she pulled back, “I do want Indian food though..”
He was brought back to the current day by his phone vibrating, messages came in from Miranda. 
Miranda: I emailed you the flight info. It’s tomorrow afternoon. 
Miranda: You’re there for a week. Don’t worry about us here.
Miranda: Is she doing better?
He looked down and saw her eyes closed and cheek smashed against his chest; she was finally asleep.
Sam: Perfect. Thank you so much.
Sam: I’ve kept her calm but she finally fell asleep.
Miranda: You’re the perfect person for her right now. Keep reminding her everything is okay, keep her breathing steady, keep her healthy. Sending all of my love to you two. 
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clansayeed · 4 years
Bound by Destiny II, part 1 ― Chapter 15: The King of Vampires
PAIRING: Kamilah Sayeed x MC (Nadya Al Jamil) RATING: Mature
⥼ Bound by Destiny II, part 1 ⥽
While struggling with nightmares of lives she’s never lived, a shadow from the past looming over her city, and the proposed idea that her life may just be a little bit too weird to handle alone, Nadya makes sure to tell herself that everything is perfect just the way it is. If only. When the self-proclaimed King of Vampires (and Maker of her sometimes-girlfriend and always-boss, can’t forget that little tidbit) Gaius Augustine returns intent on claiming Manhattan as the throne that was promised, she and her friends find themselves forced into the task of saving the world. But with millennia-old vampires and an Order of hunters on their heels as well as allies hiding catastrophic secrets at their backs… it won’t be an easy task. Too bad destiny didn’t exactly ask for her input.
Bound by Destiny II and the rest of the Oblivion Bound series is an ongoing dramatic retelling project of the Bloodbound series and spin-off, Nightbound. Find out more [HERE].
*Let me know if you would like to be added to the Destiny II tag list!
⥼ Chapter Summary ⥽
Gaius wastes no time taking back his kingdom. The Clans are disbanded, Nadya and her friends are on the run, and there's a giant sinkhole in the middle of Central Park. The bare bones of a plan turns their sights overseas... But not everyone intends on making the trip.
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“Though you may not have known it, you have been waiting for me from the moment you were reborn. Your blood is my blood. You have yearned for me without name, without understanding — for too long.
“But no longer. For I have returned to claim my kingdom in Her name. And all will rejoice in the spoils as we take our rightful place on this Earth.”
Cold air biting at her cheeks, stinging in her eyes turning tears into acid carving paths through her skin, a burning like the end of the world in her lungs. Muscles screaming, tearing; she’s being torn apart ripped to ribbons head on a pike blood warm and wet soaked into her clothes, down her skin slick and sumptuous.
His eyes burning like the sun into her soul.
Wailing sirens all around and she can’t tell what isn’t a scream, what isn’t her screaming. Which of those screams are her and which of them are the parts of her that aren’t her, that are them, and the ones that have already fallen.
Gaius makes good on his promises.
A shadow passes over the moon and Nadya swears on her life that it’s him, that he’s found them, that they were foolish for running it was only a matter of time before he flew down from the heavens and set them on fire from the inside out. She screams — knows this time it’s her because of the daggers in her lungs from the effort of it — but the helicopter is dangerously low to the treetops and the blades down her out as three of them whip over her head.
She doesn’t realize she’s fallen to her knees until a strong pair of hands haul her up and the skin stings.
“We have to keep moving. Do you understand me, Nadya?” Adrian grips her upper arms in a too-tight grip. He doesn’t mean to shake her but he does — he’s shaking too. “Nadya — Nadya!”
She watches a trembling hand come up to thumb away the crust of dried blood from his upper lip. Takes her a second to realize its her own. She doesn’t feel real. She feels like him, like them; like everyone else and all of their screams tear at the back of her throat.
He looks ahead where the others have stopped in the middle of the park path. Nadya can see the imprint of Gaius’ boot in dirt on the back of his neck.
“We’re too exposed here!” Jax shouts from up ahead. “We need to get underground now!”
Every time something streaks across the night sky all Nadya can see is Gaius, rising and so so bright and full of vibrant unearthly life. She can still feel the columns of the Chamber rumbling, crumbling, tumbling down bringing the world above down with it filled with dirt and debris and the bones of ages long-gone.
The gateway statue falling head-first two feet in front of her.
The night sky and her stars shining through the plumes of smoke and dirt; the moon as a spotlight on all the things dark and dangerous in the world.
Adrian whirls back to face her and his tears are her tears are his tears and no matter who they belong to they break her heart anyway.
“Nadya… please.”
She chokes on her words when they crawl all the way up her throat.
“You — you can’t. We can’t —” —why are we doing this why are we running oh god he’s right behind us or Valdas is or Priya or Jameson or any one we can’t do this we can’t we can’t wecan’t— “— what are we doing? We can’t outrun…”
A god?
Nadya slaps a hand over her mouth and tastes dirt with her tears. Every sob wrenched from her guttural, angry; terrified. She wants to pull away but knows she doesn’t have the strength to stand on her own two feet without him.
“We can’t outrun him, Adrian.”
“We can try.”
It hurts; putting one foot in front of the other — over and over again until she’s running. Her hand clinging desperately to his, slipping through sweat and blood but he never leaves her stranded.
It hurts so much. She does it anyway.
When they reach Times Square the world is ending just enough that seven ragged survivors don’t make much of a difference.
They stop because Kamilah has stopped. Kamilah who doesn’t know what to do, doesn’t know how to save them from this, but she’s the oldest and that means it always defaults to her doesn’t it? She stares up in an eerie sort of calm and that means they stare up, too.
News crews have already reached the scene. Vans on the ground trying to get as close as they can amid the debris and helicopters overhead hoping for the best angle for whatever dares to emerge from the sinkhole that erupted out of nowhere in the middle of Central Park.
The chaotic bustle of Times Square has come to a grinding halt as everyone; pedestrians, drivers, tourists, all hold their breaths and wait for whatever comes next.
They don’t have to wait. They know. And Nadya wants to claw herself from Adrian’s grasp and run to the old woman a yard away and shake her and scream in her face “Run now you don’t know what’s coming!” or to the business man relaying everything he’s seeing on the large omniscient screens into the bluetooth in his ear “He’s going to kill you, get away while you still can!”
But that would draw attention. That would lead him straight to them.
Maricruz hangs up her call and, with one final look at her phone, snaps it backwards and in half. Her face is stoic but that doesn’t stop how her voice betrays her. “Arnold’s on his way.”
Jax nods and wipes the sweat from his temples with the back of his hand. It just smears wet dirt over his face. He doesn’t look like he cares much.
What are they doing, Nadya wants to ask as they seclude themselves away in an alley facing away from the endless on-sight reporting happening in brilliant HD above them; away from the attention.
Where are they going, she wants to ask when Adrian ushers her into the familiar beat-up white van, when Arnold slams his boot on the accelerator before she even has her footing.
Why are they running?
He’ll find them. If he doesn’t know where they are already. Nadya can still feel the awful, violating tendrils of him lashing out violently for her mind. Eager, not desperate, but demanding to invade her. And surely she can’t be the only one.
She looks up. Watches as Lily has her hands restrained by Jax to keep her from slamming the heels of her palms into her skull. Sees Cadence with his glasses broken in his lap and eyes squeezed shut trying to block it out. Tries to get Kamilah to catch her gaze but she’s just two feet to the left and worlds away at the same time.
She’s not the only one.
“From this moment forward there is no Council. There are no Clans. We are one people, glorious and powerful and we will take what is ours! We will take back the kingdom I promised you so long ago.”
It was one thing being Nadya and watching while Gaius stopped Lester’s attempted flight to freedom with nothing more than an outstretched hand. It was another thing entirely being Lester himself and feeling the darkness, the pulsating power and influence of him as he’s turned around by an invisible force, brought to kneel at the feet of that smile both beautiful and cruel, and burned to nothing but a pile ash from a single touch.
She tightens her fists until her palms bleed to remind herself she’s still alive.
“Nadya—no—what are you doing?”
Adrian forces her hands up and open with concern woven deep into his brow. He wants an answer — Nadya wishes she could give him one, really.
He goes to bite his thumb and heal her with a drop of blood but a hand stops him.
“No,” says Kamilah softly; she coaxes Nadya to the edge of her seat and looks over the wounds herself, “you’ve lost too much blood already. We’ll need you strong for what lies ahead.”
What lies ahead. Words that echo in ricochet around her empty skull while Nadya sits complacent and allows Kamilah to do the work for her.
“Where are we supposed to go?”
With the rumble of city traffic outside the van’s dented walls, Lily is hard to hear. She sounds so quiet; so confused. And no one has an answer which doesn’t exactly make it better.
“We’ll regroup in the Shadow Den,” Jax answers hesitantly, “we have to warn them all, anyway. When things get like this… it’s always the weakest that get picked off first. I have a responsibility to my people.”
“Which Gaius will have anticipated.” He glares at Kamilah for her pessimism… but she’s not wrong, is she.
“Then do you have any better ideas?”
“This is not a measure of ideas, but one of survival. The only course left is to leave the city if we are to hope to fight another day.”
Cadence gives a rueful laugh, his head hitting the glass partition heavily. “Fight against what, exactly? Or was I the only one who saw him consume the blood of a goddess and fly up into the air like a cheesy film?”
“He’s right,” though Adrian is reluctant to admit it, “the blood of the First Vampire restored him to full power and then some. He’s not just our Maker anymore.
“You can’t kill a god.”
His words settle over them all heavy; stifling. Suffocating in Nadya’s case. She rubs at her sternum and has to remind her body how breathing works. In through the nose… out through the mouth…
But every time she closes her eyes she sees him. Sees the pinkening of life return to his cheeks growing smooth and firm and youthful, each strand of dark hair sprouting from his head and falling around his face, framing the newfound clarity in his eyes.
His eyes; how they had changed. From that blue of a cloudless daytime sky to the now-familiar bright and predatory red — only they didn’t stop. Brighter and brighter and brighter until they were burning flames crackling hollow with the victory in his laughter.
And She had stood beside him all that time. Watched as one of their own as Gaius ascended to the vaulted Chamber ceiling and declared himself restored; reborn. Just as beautiful as before — as She had always been and would be.
“I understand, My Goddess,” Gaius had said, “I feel you with me now.”
Maybe he could see her, too. Nadya won’t rule out the possibility. But there’s a feeling itching at the back of her throat that he hadn’t.
That only Nadya herself could.
“Yes, we can.” Nadya slips out of this memory easier than ever before.
“It’s been done before.”
She looks up to Kamilah with an unspoken question burning in her eyes. The vampiress hesitates at first; unsure if she’s supposed to take this seriously. After all — gods were rumors, even if the First Vampire was not. But if that’s the case then there’s a rumor who just sent the entire island of Manhattan into a reeling panic with a giant sinkhole and the exposed ruins of a throne room he intends to restore to its former glory. There’s a rumor that’s after them, that wants them hunted down; wants them killed.
Kamilah knows this — Nadya watches her struggle to try and bear the brunt of the weight it brings.
“What happened was… nearly a thousand years before my time, Nadya. I wouldn’t know where to begin. The truth of what happened to the First was the one secret Gaius would never tell.”
“He doesn’t have to.” Because there has to be a reason Nadya sees Her; there has to be. “He can’t keep secrets from me.”
“Do you even think it possible?”
“Maybe — I… I dunno. But he did this; he forced me into these memories before my time. And I’m gonna make him regret it.” It isn’t like she’s never delved into the depths of Gaius’ memories before. “I doesn’t know how, or where to look, or what to look for, but if Jameson can force a memory out of me… who says I can’t do it to myself? It’s my ability, after all.” And I should know how to use it, though that part she leaves out to avoid shaking what little confidence she has.
Understanding comes easy to Kamilah — it’s the acceptance that she struggles with, that has her face buried in her hands. Thankfully they don’t have to explain it — the rest catch on quickly enough.
So this is the thing they’re doing then. “And think about it — we know a psychic of our own, don’t we? Isadora; we could hide out in New Orleans — I’m sure they’d help us — and Isadora could try the same thing Jameson did, and —”
And she falls flat as Adrian shakes his head beside her. “She may be a good psychic, but Jameson’s abilities are more than innate — there’s a reason the Council kept him close at hand. He’s had access to every school of psychic study for hundreds of years.”
“So we find someone else. Someone who has hundreds of years on him.” If such a person exists.
Nadya has no idea what exactly she said but Kamilah and Adrian go still as stone; meeting eyes over a tool box filled hastily that rattles when the van hits a pothole or sewer cover. But she knows one thing; she knows that look.
“But I’ve only barely kept up with her,” Adrian hesitates almost sheepishly, “have you?”
Kamilah frowns. “Not as well as I should have. Her roots to Paris are strong, though. That would be a place to start.”
“Is it safe there?”
“Is it safe here?”
She has a point. Adrian concedes and digs in his jacket pocket for his phone. He pulls it free and grimaces at the cracked screen, but it blinks to life under his touch and that’s all that matters.
“Who is Serafine?” Nadya asks; since it’s obvious neither of the two realize they should explain.
Adrian doesn’t look up from his message, so he misses the look Kamilah gives him before she answers.
“Serafine is an old friend. And, more importantly, she’s arguably the most powerful psychic vampire I’ve ever met.”
“Even more powerful than Jameson?”
“I would not doubt it.”
The back of the van darkens once more as Adrian pockets his phone with a curt nod to Kamilah. They’ve done all they can on that front.
If only their problems were over.
“And how are we supposed to get to Paris,” Jax argues; because he’s the only one who can, “when we don’t even know yet if we’ve got a place to hide out?”
“There are a couple of old smuggling outposts we could hole up in,” suggests Maricruz, “places we could wait him out, see where things end up and make a plan from there.”
Jax knocks their knees to get her attention. He doesn’t look nearly as confident about that idea. “Any of the trade routes we let dry up are known by the Baron’s people. It’s an easy trap.”
“Well I don’t see you coming up with anything better.”
Adrian pinches the bridge of his nose. “Gaius isn’t the kind of man you can wait out. He’s a skilled tactician, and his patience has starved out armies far larger than us. If we can make it over the East River and to the airport we may have a chance.”
“Shit, we’re going the wrong way.” Jax grumbles under his breath. He raps his knuckles against the glass and slides it open to relay the change of plan to Arnold. They jerk to a stop — his frustrated curses lost in the squeal of old brakes, and everyone braces to keep from falling over while he turns sharply and starts heading back in the other direction.
Back towards Central Park… and Gaius. Whose voice still echoes in their minds; in the minds of every vampire in the city — and Nadya too. Louder and louder the closer they get.
“I understand this change may not come easily to some of you. In time, however, I hope that you will come to realize this was inevitable. That this was the plan from he beginning — that I brought our kind here for the start of a new era; a new kingdom in salvation.
“What I ask you to understand, my subjects, is simple. There is no stopping this; stopping me. Those who choose to defy me do so at their own peril. Those who seek out the dissenters; who bring them to me so that we may be swift in our justice, will be rewarded.
“And to the ones who bring me the ashes of traitors Kamilah Sayeed, Adrian Raines, Jax Matsuo, and their ilk… their reward will be as boundless as my gratitude.”
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When they reach the airstrip Nadya braces herself against the biting wind as she and the others exit the van. There’s a storm on the tip of her tongue; she silently prays they’re leaving it behind. Adrian’s plane is already preparing for takeoff; the engine roars in her ears so loud she struggles to hear even her own thoughts.
She buries herself against Kamilah’s side out of habit — knowing there won’t be any warmth to be found but right now safety is the next best thing. And arguments aside, Nadya knows she will always be safe with Kamilah.
The woman’s arm comes around her shoulders and squeezes — tighter than she’d like. But when she looks up to mention it Kamilah’s focus isn’t with the rest of them at the base of the plane’s metal steps, but far out around them.
“We aren’t alone.”
As if on cue the first flash of lightning streaks across the night sky. Too bright, too close; illuminating the dark tarmac so Nadya’s poor human eyes can watch the fleet of black vans barreling towards them at a dangerous speed.
Adrian curses loudly. “We need to board, now!”
Jax reaches for his katana with a growl. “Yeah… about that.”
They risk a lot looking away from the incoming vehicles — and for good reason. The yellowing glow of the plane interior now eclipsed by a shadow standing at the top of the steps. But before Nadya can try to see through the darkness obscuring their face the shadow speaks with an all-too-familiar distaste.
“How boring!” sneers Priya, “You could’ve at least made it a teensy bit harder to figure out what you were planning, Adrian. It’s like you wanted to get caught or something!”
She descends with the same flippant arrogance she does everything else; a sway in her hips and as Nadya’s eyes adjust to the lack of light she can see the vicious glint of pride in Priya’s ruby eyes.
By the time she reaches the bottom step that’s their window of opportunity gone. The cars spread out around them in a wide arc; brakes barely squealing rubber against asphalt before the doors slide aside and actual, literal goons cluster out in groups of twos and threes.
One walks around the van closest to Nadya and opens the passenger door. The way the Baron hops down would be funny if it didn’t hammer home the fact that they had made it all this way only to end up trapped.
He puffs on his cigar with a smarmy grin. No longer the purpling creature of fear he had been in the Chamber. “I ain’t complainin’ about easy targets. Just think of how pleased Our King will be that we didn’t have to drag this shit out.”
Adrian and Kamilah flank either end of their small group, face to face with their former Council members. Somehow Nadya finds herself sequestered in the middle with Lily, Maricruz, and Cadence. Jax’s blade catches on light from the plane window dangerously.
Kamilah snarls and the sight makes the Baron’s men take a step back — rightfully afraid. “I’m surprised you stopped yourself from licking Gaius’ boots long enough to make it here, Cecil.”
“Just because you were coward enough to throw away your allegiance doesn’t mean I was about to.”
“No,” her upper lip curls, “you were just coward enough to grovel; to turn your back on your people.”
He spreads his arms (not so very) wide. “From where I’m standin’ my people ain’t so bad off!”
Priya rolls her eyes; throws her ponytail tousled from the breeze over her shoulder flippantly. “Jesus Christ — will you stop being such a villain cliché?!” She can look as outraged as she wants when Adrian laughs at her — she doesn’t make a move to shut him up and that’s a telling thing.
“You’re one to talk.”
“Oh save the altruistic bullshit for someone who cares. Choosing between dying like the rest of you worms, or offering up a few fat tears and some dumb apologies for the chance to both live and be a princess? It wasn’t exactly a toughie.”
Adrian hesitates, then eases himself out of his defensive stance. “You really think he’ll forgive you,” Priya almost looks maniacal with glee until he uses it as an opportunity to look down on her — both in the literal and metaphorical senses — then her hatred can’t burn bright enough, “both of you? Or are you so desperate for power that you’re content to be blind to the truth?”
“And what truth would that be, exactly?”
“That Gaius isn’t a forgiving man.”
“He’s not a man at all!” The Baron barks. “He’s a King, hell — he’s a God! And unlike you damn fools I don’t got any plans on ending up like Castellanos any time soon.”
Even through her rage Kamilah keeps her voice level.
“Perhaps not soon… but you will eventually. If he would not forgive his Queen—” she throws a look at her back to Priya, “—then what chance is there for you?”
“Or maybe bitter old hag is just out of season.”
“His patience will outlive your greed. You’ll see for yourself when the time comes.”
Lower lip jutted out in a glossy pout, Priya’s sigh is as heavy as it is sarcastic. “Maybe…” she laments; before her features twist into a feline grin, “but you won’t.”
She lunges. Too fast for Nadya to see but not fast enough — not for someone with a century on her like Adrian does. He restrains her outstretched claws with both hands and for a moment it seems almost too easy — laughably so.
Only Priya’s the one laughing. She shouldn’t be the one laughing.
“Oh poor baby,” she croons with a razor-sharp tongue, “you don’t look so good!”
The awful part is that she’s right. Kamilah had told Adrian not to strain himself by giving Nadya his blood and for good reason — but it wasn’t enough. He should be able to hold someone like Priya back with one arm tied behind his back but already he’s straining against her. Giving in little by little.
“Adrian!” But what the Baron’s men don’t have on Kamilah in age they do in numbers — two hulking men each grabbing her arms to hold her back.
The Baron spits out the butt of his cigar. “Stake ‘em all, and sweep up the ashes! His Majesty wants proof and he’ll get it.”
Beady red eyes hone in on Nadya in the middle of her friends. “Leave the little human to me.”
Then all hell breaks loose.
Jax is a red leather blur. He thrusts the tip of his sword — an unnatural movement outside of his skill set but it works — it forces Priya back and away from Adrian. It takes Kamilah less than a moment to regain her balance; the woman plants herself on steady ground and hurls her attackers in opposite directions.
The bang of engine backfire makes Nadya flinch violently. She opens her eyes just in time to watch as Arnold, leaning halfway out of his open window, guns it in reverse and mows over three of their attackers before they can even blink.
Jax plants himself in front of a stumbling Adrian as defense, ready for a second go. Priya advances the smallest step but stops; she looks down to the sight of red seeping through the fabric at her waist. The wound heals in no time — but her dress isn’t so lucky.
“This is couture you sewer-stained dickbag!” She howls, then too quickly her despair turns into vengeance turns into her lunging in for his throat and the kill.
The bulk of the Baron’s men advance towards Kamilah but their hesitancy is impossible to miss. Wary eyes catching sight of one another around her and wonder, probably for the first time in their miserable henchmen-lives, whether or not they’ve chosen the side that will keep them alive.
Even if one of them might consider changing their minds, though, they don’t have the blessing of second chances. Kamilah gives a sharp whip of her arms outward and a pair of very long, very sharp-looking daggers slide out from the sleeves of her suit jacket.
“The fuck’re you standin’ around for,” their boss barks gruffly; and he’s mistaken if he thinks anyone misses the tiniest break in his voice, “get on with it or I’ll kill ya myself!”
In a blur of black suits and white fangs they descend. They seal their own fates. Far more graceful than humans ever could hope to be but Kamilah makes them look like they’re fighting her with cinderblocks for limbs. She parries every fist and foot. Twists the blades in her hands like liquid — but liquid can’t slice a man’s head off.
Kamilah can.
Kamilah does.
There’s no doubt in Nadya’s mind how this is going to end but hell if she’s leaving the woman now. Even when she feels Lily and Cadence trying to pull her away. When she hears Maricruz’s voice thick with uncertainty demanding of her “we need to get to the plane — don’t waste the opening they’re giving us.” She stands rooted to the spot like Kamilah’s very life depends on her watchful eye.
Turns out — it does.
“Kamilahbehindyou!” But her cry is rapid and choked and more of a scream than a warning and Nadya knows she’s not fast enough to run at the fallen thug trying to steady the grip on his stake in shaking hands blinking through blood and ashes sticky in his eyes but that doesn’t mean she won’t try—
She tells herself not to think about where it would have pierced. Knows in her rational mind that Kamilah’s older, faster, stronger and she would have found a way to evade the sharp wooden spike anyway but thank god she doesn’t have to take that risk; that chance.
Cadence’s extended fangs tear through his bottom lip; teeth clenched tight with the effort it takes to pry the stake trying to make a cozy home just underneath his ribs.
He pries it free with a mangled, painful noise. Presses his free palm uselessly over the still-gaping wound and quickly returns the wooden weapon to its owner in a cloud of ash.
Nadya claps her hands over her mouth. She can taste the salt of her tears on the seam of her closed lips. This time when Lily starts pulling her back she’s simply too weak to resist.
One more dead only changes the odds. They still keep coming, several more now with stakes of their own, so Kamilah has no time to thank him just as Cadence has no time to demand it of her.
It’s the least she could do, Nadya thinks.
That’s when she notices the red-faced Baron; much closer than before and with a premature greed curled on his greasy upper lip.
But he was too cautious; too cowardly. Took his sweet time and missed his chance and really Nadya shouldn’t be thinking about the things that could have been done to kidnap her better — it doesn’t stop her. Nor does it stop Kamilah. She slices the last goon’s head off clean, takes one look around, and places herself firmly between the Baron and his failed prize. She’s an imposing sight, even from where Nadya can only see the set of the woman’s shoulders, that makes the mobster take a step back.
His attempted recovery is feeble at best.
“Maybe His Highness isn’t as unreasonable as you think! You’d be a fool not to consider what he can offer!”
Kamilah twirls one of her blades dripping with blood. “The only fool here is you. With nothing to offer that he cannot take by force — Gaius knows this, and worse still knows you are blind to it.”
“After all Kamilah — he always favored you best!” Yet he keeps trying even if it’s in vain; a coward’s act. He steps back — she steps forward; a dance that grows deadlier every time the frightened man opens his mouth. “Surely out of all of us he would forgive you. Hell—he’d welcome you back at his side! The Bloodqueen back on her throne!”
“Difficult though the concept may be to the likes of you, Cecil, my loyalties are not so easily bought.”
“So you’d back a losing team?! Give up two thousand years of reign for—for what —” jabbing an angry swollen finger behind her to Nadya, “— a filthy human?! And one’a the uglier ones at that!”
“Who you callin’ ugly, Ugly?!” Lily jeers unrepentant. And honestly… is she wrong?
Kamilah turns her head in profile; the curtain of her hair keeping her expression just out of Nadya’s sight. But she doesn’t need to see the woman’s eyes to know who they’re resting on. She’s sure for Kamilah it’s quite the same.
“I would rather know love freely tonight and die tomorrow than spend another thousand years searching in vain.”
Searching for her.
It’s the kind of not-quite confession that ends with a passionate kiss and a happily ever after. Even still it’s enough to catch Nadya’s breath right in the middle of her throat. To make her feel like she’s never been so happy to find herself unable to breathe.
So why does it feel like a goodbye?
A sense of unease raises the hairs on the back of her neck. Nadya tears her eyes away for just a moment — just long enough to see Jax and Adrian come up at their backs. She and Adrian lock eyes and she watches the four deep gashes in his cheek struggle to knit themselves closed. He needs to feed soon; she doesn’t want to think about what might happen if he doesn’t.
All they have to do is make it to the plane…
But Jax still keeps his blade gripped tight and at the ready. Priya isn’t done for yet. In fact like this, with her perfect hair in disarray and the tattered parts of he dress exposing fresh, newly-healed skin, she’s almost the exact opposite. Nadya had thought she was the youngest member on the Council before Jax, but now she’s not so sure. How else could the woman have held her own against the pair of them and only look eager for more?
Priya and the Baron have always been her least favorite people in the world but there’s no denying that right now, even as Kamilah holds her ground, the predatory way the pair encircle them is dangerous.
Dangerous because it happened in the first place. Dangerous because if they can barely stand against these two, what hopes do they have of standing up to the Trinity together, or Gaius on his own?
Priya flips the mess of her hair out of her eyes in annoyance. “This isn’t nearly as fun as I thought it’d be.”
“Sorry to burst your bubble.” Jax scoffs in reply. But his voice is strained; weaker. He’s been pulling the brunt of the weight in their fight with Priya and it’s taking its toll.
Suddenly the Baron is illuminated from behind, casting a shadow stretching outward probably as tall as the man wishes he really was. One of the men in his vans flashes the brights three times quickly. Some sort of signal that they need to speed things up.
And not that Nadya of all people has a right to judge Jax for inappropriate reactions to terrifying situations, but the little laugh she hears behind her is kind of definitely uncalled for.
The engine revs.
Lily laces their fingers together in a knot; risks a lot to do nothing but make things even more confusing when she whispers right at the edge of human hearing. “Hold on tight Nadi’, okay?”
“Just do it.”
The Baron’s shadow stretches longer and longer. Eclipsing what Nadya squints to see until the man himself is nothing but a black dot on a white canvas.
“Playtime’s over.” He turns a stake, liberated from one of his fallen no doubt, in his wide grasp.
Priya more than agrees. “Enough of this shit; we’re wasting moonlight and I for one don’t plan on mis—”
By the time the former Council vampires realize what’s happening it is most definitely too late.
Jax’s voice bellows around her skull all the way down to when it hits the pavement. It hurts — holy crap it hurts — but not as much as it must hurt to be Priya and the Baron right now. Even vampires must have a hard time recovering from being plowed into by four thousand pounds of metal.
The driver slams on the brakes and the vehicle halts with an ear-splitting screech. She’d cover them and save herself the grief but Lily’s still trying to make a finger-woven basket and honestly vampire-speed always leaves Nadya reeling anyway. Probably for the best that she doesn’t try to get up on her own.
When everyone is standing — more or less intact — they look to see the driver side window ease down with the smooth glide of automatic buttons. Arnold leans his head out and while at first Nadya will admit she found the man a little frosty, right now she could give him the biggest kiss in the world.
“Upgraded, huh?” calls out Maricruz with a tiny measure of amusement. He pats the sleek side and jerks a thumb into the dark, no doubt where the lumps she might possibly not be seeing start to stir.
“You ain’t got a lot of time. Get!”
Admittedly he has a point. Though being reminded of it brings the sense of urgency back down on them like… well like a four thousand-pound van.
They don’t waste any more time and make a run for it. They can recover on the flight; Nadya knows where to find the blood bags at the back of the jet and hey—positive note—no one had an emotional breakdown. So Nadya, fool that she is, takes the metal stairs two at a time and dares to think they’ve survived this intact.
Until she looks behind her and Kamilah isn’t one step behind. A tension eases out of the woman’s shoulders long and slow. Something like relief.
He stops in the rounded doorway to look back The moment he sees her he knows something Nadya doesn’t about that movement. Something familiar only to the hundreds of years before she ever knew them.
“Keep her safe.”
Adrian nods. When he reaches out and takes Nadya’s wrist in his hand the grip is a little too tight and a little too telling.  And if either one of them think she’s going to let it happen — that she’ll just stand by and let Kamilah choose to stay behind in some terribly noble deed — then they don’t know Nadya at all.
“We’re not leaving you behind.” It isn’t the conviction with which she says it that catches her off guard, but that Nadya couldn’t see any other version of reality in which she says differently.
It’s more a sigh of resignation than a reply; “Someone has to stay behind.”
“Someone has to be there for the ones who would not join Gaius so easily. And someone must give the ones unable to choose a reason to fight.”
“And that someone has to be you?” Not that Nadya doesn’t disagree; someone should. Someone else — someone not Kamilah.
Caught in the middle of the stairs and of all this, Maricruz and Jax exchange uncomfortable glances.
But she’s adamant. “I know Gaius better than anyone, and in this case it may just be an advantage. I can predict his actions and mitigate the damage. We cannot simply flee the continent, abandon the city and those under our care, and expect them to remain blindly loyal to us upon our return. That’s the kind of thing he would do.” The look she gives Nadya is endearing — Nadya hates her for it.
“I would not leave Gerard here unprotected. Or any of the humans under our care.”
Stop making sense, stop being so noble. “There’s got to be another way.”
“I think we both know that’s not the case here.” She goes to reach out her hand but hesitates at the sight of smeared blood. Nadya couldn’t care less about that — she gently pushes her way passed the others and back below; back to her. And takes her hand bloodstains and all.
“I refuse to tuck tail and run; to let that monster undo a century’s worth of progress. I refuse to let him take the city from me. And I refuse to let him take this from me, too.”
This, she says, and Nadya understands so well. Not that it stops the hurt.
“But what if he takes you from me?”
Kamilah pulls her close and without hesitation. A telling thing — and not in a good way. Nadya takes the moments left; soaks them up all she can like a sad pink sponge of tears and memories. She has to learn how to control these stupid powers now. Because she needs to relive this moment as many times as she can.
Lips rest cool on Nadya’s forehead; help calm a heated bubble of anxiety rising way too fast in her chest. Kamilah’s kiss may not stop it — but she keeps it at bay so this—them—isn’t wasted time.
“I’m right here,” the vampire breathes into Nadya’s skin, and its almost enough to have her come undone, “remember that, Nadya. I’m right here. I’ve got you.”
But you won’t. You’ll be an ocean away where I can’t keep you safe.
Let me keep you safe for now. You can return the favor later.
Though unspoken, that later is a promise both of them know.
Maricruz takes one step back down. Keeps her back turned just long enough to hide the way her lower lip wobbles when Lily calls behind her in a soft whisper; “You’re going the wrong way.”
Rather than respond, she backhands Jax in the chest familiar, habitual; affectionate. “You take care of my girl Matsuo.”
“If anyone should stay it’s me. They’re my people.”
“Yeah well,” Maricruz spins dangerously on the heel of her boot; grabs both rails to keep herself from falling or (more likely) running back up to take Lily into her arms and change her mind, “lucky for my dumb ass we’ve got a ticking clock and can’t fight for the honor. But I’ll skip the middle and tell you how it ends. I’m the one staying.”
“In what world would you beat me?”
“In the world of pain you’re looking at right now.” And she has a point — much to Jax’s chagrin. “In the world where you’re gonna come back fighting fit and finally give me some damn praise for keeping everyone together. They need one of us to lead ‘em… It’s about time I stepped up.”
The Leader of the (former) Clanless bites his tongue rather than answer. Looks away with his messed hair to cover his eyes but he’s accepted it. Not easily, and not without a great personal conflict judging by the way his shoulders shake and the metal railing starts caving in under his grasp.
But Jax has always done what’s best for his people. And right now it’s her.
When Maricruz does go forward it’s barely but a step. She and Lily meet in the middle — tender touches to ash-stained cheeks and kisses as deep and longing as they are sweet and loving.
The older vampire pulls away first; she has her own memories to commit.
“I know you wouldn’t leave Nadya’s side,” and because she knows Lily all too well she already has a finger against her lips before she can protest, “and I couldn’t ask you to. Te amo mi lirio.”
Fat tears threaten to ruin hours of work on her eyeliner but Lily couldn’t care less. “If you love me so much let me stay,” her eyes flicker over Maricruz’s shoulder to Nadya, and there’s no way she would hold it against her if Lily chose to stay — not with kisses like those, “let me help you. They’re my family, too.”
“Would if I could, baby.”
“You can.”
“And have the chick who’s supposed to save our asses die because she tripped over a shoelace without you to help her?” Maricruz looks over her shoulder with a grin, not apologizing in the least. Honestly Nadya can see her point. “No way. You go save the girl saving the world. And when you come home we can tick ‘reunion sex’ off your list.”
If she could Lily would be flushed beet red. “That’s not on my list.”
“Don’t lie to me. I’ve seen it.”
They laugh. They kiss again. Nadya feels a familiar thumb stroking her knuckles but they’ve officially worn themselves to the bone on time.
Off in the direction Arnold had let the business end of his new van throw Priya and the Baron, groaning comes faintly. Like a signal.
Nadya doesn’t let Maricruz pass her without a hug. “I’ll keep her safe,” she whispers against that neon blue, and pulls back to a much more somber woman than she went in with.
“I’ll do the same. Deal?”
Adrian, still in the threshold, looks down at Kamilah with his own kind of distress.
“Please be careful.”
“I should be saying that to you.” She calls back — but the affection isn’t lost on either of them.
He tries — and fails — to hide the pained look in his eye. “Kamilah…”
Because he may not have all of her years or some of her ideals, but they have always had Gaius in common. And that isn’t something to take lightly.
No one ever accused Kamilah Sayeed of ever taking anything lightly. She holds her chin just a little bit higher.
“I know. Give Serafine my affections.”
It’s enough to make him smile even through the pain of Priya’s wounds. Adrian nods, and Jax moves to help him inside before he collapses where he stands.
The last one left is Cadence; the towering figure lurking on the edges of their little family. He looks between the jet and the van with a furrowed brow and Nadya owes him so much for saving Kamilah’s life back there but she sees the conflict in his eyes and knows it well.
They lock eyes. It’s a permission he didn’t know he needed. “I want to stay, but I —”
“No ‘buts’ about it. You have your own family to save.”
Thank you, he says in a silent nod of his head.
Nadya is left more than a little confused when he offers Maricruz a hand to shake. She takes it gruff and formal, muttering something to him that Nadya’s human ears don’t quite catch. For a moment it seems he might try something similar with Kamilah, but thinks better of it and takes off into the darkness.
Nadya and Lily link their arms. Holding on and holding up.
At least they don’t have to do this alone.
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