#the great refuge of fanfic
popawritter12 · 6 months
Hey heyy!! 🍊 anon here with another request!! Can you write yandere! Ghiaccio/Fugo (whoever you preffer!) with a very caring and clingy darling? Headcanon or fanfic whatever u feel like!!
Also hope youre doing alright!! Plz know that ur writing is delicious and god ur so underrated its INSANE like omg
Yandere! Fugo Headcanons for a caring and clingy darling
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By the way 🍊Anon, Thanks for the support! I hope you enjoy this request <3
Chance of your loved ones being killed
Fugo is someone who, because of his life, had to go through something so important that it is marked both at the beginning and at the end of all of Golden Wild: his explosive personality.
He is capable of hurting people, both those he loves and those he wants dead, and you, his beloved, understood this very well, so much so that 90% of the time, your friends take refuge in you to avoid the toxic wrath of Fugo —Even if it meant facing their jealousy, they didn't end up hurt at that moment.
In front of you he wouldn't kill, but secretly he is capable. So I bet there's up to an 40% chance of that happening. More than anything because, due to your personality, he usually avoids causing deaths, solely to avoid causing you some type of sadness.
First impressions
You were a fairly young Passione member when Fugo joined the team, being just a year older than him. You weren't someone who was very demanding, in fact you became friends with Fugo quite easily. Unlike others, you expected nothing more than to be a great friend of his for the sole reason that you shared the same age, and you shared certain things with Fugo due to the fact that your childhood was not very different from his, being that the pressure itself of your parents caused you to become a delinquent, and although it was not the direct cause, it was obviously one of the most important factors for your decision to abandon your family.
But anyway; You were someone much more cheerful and social than Fugo, since you always greeted people wherever you went; He considered you a great friend, and the comfort and conversations he shared with you were such that he ended up considering you one of the most important people in his life.
Fall in love
You know it, I know it, we all know it.
He ended up falling in love, and that feeling in his heart only grew with the passing of the days, like a plant that stretched its leaves slowly, but it ensured one thing: A long and strong stem.
It was not surprising to others that due to the closeness between the two, sooner or later it would lead to something resembling love. But that's when the question arises, does he even know what all this was going to become?
Most likely not, and it wasn't entirely his fault, you know? Love is something human, and that pain that was carried in his heart was relieved solely and exclusively with your existence, with your love and your constant hugs, without those signs of affection, he would surely lose his mind.
First act or Yandere act
In a flash of anger, he attacks deliberately, so, when you paid attention to one of these attacks, you noticed that there was a subtle release in one of his screams.
Narancia was arguing with him over mathematical problems, as always, and before anyone could intervene, there was a rather interesting exchange.
“—How many more times do I have to explain it to you so you understand it?!! Fugo yelled, his hand jerking the plastic knife in his hand.
In case you're wondering; Yes, they prohibited him from using metal utensils when studying because of those 'special teachings'.
—I already told you I don't understand it!
—You're so damn useless!
The sound of shoes hitting the carpet was barely audible,
—And why's my fault that you don't know how to teach?! —Narancia attacked.
The discussion slowly escalated in severity, and Bucciarati walked calmly down the hallway outside the room where the aforementioned discussion took place, and Abaccio was next to him.
—Do you want to know something?! Your classes became boring! I'm sure it's because of your desire to fuck (Name)! —Narancia shouted, —, and if you're so upset it's because you can't fuck them, so just ask them before becoming a bitter old man!.
Narancia was going to continue attacking him, but he just received a stab against the skin of his right cheek.
In the midst of his cry of despair, his open eye met Fugo's gaze. That look, that look in his greenish eyes were filled with such inner darkness that it caused a direct chill down Narancia's back, no, his spine, and the fear was of such magnitude that it permeated his bones and clung to him. to his soul like he had never seen before.
—You're not going to be talking about (Name) like that.
A dead whisper, accompanied by a look that seemed to emanate darkness, as if death itself were locked inside that eye, as if that trapped death had a deep desire to end Narancia's life at that precise moment.
—You don't even deserve to mention their name or enjoy their hugs—Fugo's tongue seemed to have transformed into a whip at that moment—, you don't even deserve to smell the scent of their hair!
The plastic blade was withdrawn, but before he could continue attacking, Buciarati pushed him, smashing his body against the nearest wall. And at the moment that the blonde's body and weapon brutally moved away from Narancia, he alone fell to the ground, his legs trembling and his breathing irregular, his heart beating violently against his chest.
And in that moment, only in that moment, Fugo's gaze never left Narancia's eyes, and the tension he exerted against Buciarati's grip was such that even the adult tried not to be reduced, exerting more force than he normally would needed to subdue him.
Narancia still remembers that dead look to this day.”
Or at least that's how Abacio told you while they were drinking tea, accompanied by a snort and a “don't trust Fugo too much” from him.
Beginning of Yanderism
After that event, Buciarati spent hours trying to talk to Fugo, but he seemed gone, so much so that, when he let him rest, he suspected that an enemy stand had attacked him. The possibility existed, but unfortunately for them, that was not the event of today, nor of the course of these days.
Abaccio spoke with you separately, trying to decipher the reason for the blonde's actions, but when he found no information from you, he ended up telling what happened that day, with some details that, although for you they were exaggerated, the serious look accompanied by Abaccio's personality, they made you understand that it was no exaggeration.
Maybe you should hesitate to continue with him?
Relationship or kidnapping
After a couple of months, he gets up the courage and tells you his feelings. You, naturally, accepted, hoping to make a great couple with someone you loved as much as Fugo.
The first few months were good, or at least until Giorno arrived.
Meanwhile, in the relationship, whenever you were giving him a couple of cuddles, there would be a moment where he would mention the doubts he had about Giorno. And although they debated the blonde, he was not someone who would affect their relationship.
Or at least until the events of Golden Wild, where he starts to be very cautious around you.
Fugo took the mission of having the treasure guarded by Buciarati very seriously, and when they met Trish, things didn't change much.
You got along very well with her, since you both shared many tastes, and although she seemed surprised to see you both together, she always supported the couple that the two of you made.
In the short time they were on the mission to return Trish to her father, Fugo seemed uneasy, especially with being alone with you.
It was mostly because he certainly became addicted to the constant pampering you gave him, and he hated the idea of anyone else seeing the two of you, and no, it wasn't because he was embarrassed to be with you in public —In fact, it was one of the things that mattered least to him—it was mostly the fact that, well, let's just say that he HATES that they want to receive more affection or attention than him.
When he and you were together, it was a special moment, and no one could stop both of you from having their special moment.
Marriage and family
I don't see him as interested in marriage, but if he can, he would love to have a small wedding ceremony with you.
And, as for your family, he would take good with them —Although you should pay attention to whether they are TOO jealous of you or if you are too clingy with them—.
If possible, children?
Of course,
I see how he would give his best to be a father, reading not thousands, MILLIONS of books to be a good father, and especially to take care of his loved one during difficult times of parenting or, if biology allows it, pregnancy
Bad ending
After Trish's mission, the entire team finds themselves with an almost impossible to solve dilemma; betrayal or not. For most of the group it was pretty easy, but for Fugo and you it was… too complex.
Fugo held your hand at all times, in his words were the reasons why you should go with him, insisting that, even if there was a chance of success, it was impossible to face the root of the problem, the person who was behind some of them. the most dangerous groups of people throughout Italy, and throughout the world. However, your idea of continuing was as firm as a metal bar clinging to the ground during a storm. He yelled at you that if you left with them, if you dared to even think about abandoning all the future there was for everyone in the group, then you would also abandon your life with him. But, even with all his words, even with tears in your eyes, you refused to abandon them.
Even with the pain and weight that was in your soul, you refused to abandon your best friends, your family, the people who accepted you from the minute you decided to enter this horrendous and dark mafia.
He felt lost, abandoned, unhappy… It was like his parents abandoning him again, but now worse. As if now, he had lost everything he knew he needed to be alive. And even if during the first hours he convinced himself that everything was fine, that you were going to return safely, that you were not going to throw your life down the drain, and that you were going to fill him with affection and love, but in his Soul, he knew it wasn't real.
As the days went by, he felt like an alcoholic in withdrawal, and he tried to avoid it, but his soul needed it, he needed it right there, right now.
And he decides to do it, he decides to make a decision that would completely change his life.
Near you in Rome, following each and every one of they steps, he finds himself seeing what he feared most; your wounds dry cuts on your skin, bandages on your abdomen or legs, or even a wound on your face, your delicate and soft face which he loved to take in his hands and fill with kisses was… damaged, and he found a direct culprit, or rather, guilty.
The anger in his veins and in his mind was such that he knew what his next move would be.
And no, it wasn't what you thought.
(This is where possibly everyone develops a hatred towards me that I perfectly I can accept it because even for me what I am going to put is a lot)
It took a lot for him to find you alone, to manage to corner you after a fight and knock you unconscious. All that pain, all that pressure that terrified his soul went out like a fire that was poured on him with a bucket of water for the simple act of hugging you. And in that moment, he knew he was doing the right thing.
It took him a bit to dispel suspicion of where you were, but he managed to cover a lot of your tracks. But he knew that Abaccio could find them, so he had to take you to a dusty apartment away from the others, with the sole objective of making sure they could never find you.
And, after so much worry, he managed to lose all trace of them, managing to take you to a house that his parents very lovingly lent him in a place curiously far from Italy and the whole world. Can you believe that they are so affectionate with their son?!
By the way, does anyone know where they are? At the airport, desperate to leave? How strange huh…
Reasons to become Yandere
-He is used to not receiving affection, and let's say that your affectionate, clingy, cuddly personality… affected his psyche much more than he could ever imagine.
-He was already abandoned once, do you think he would take a second abandonment so easily? Nuh-uh
-You are usually very understanding with him, being that you loved seeing how savage he looked when he unloaded on you, wanting to receive pampering after complaining about his daily problems.
Extra data:
-Surprise! He figured out how to manipulate his parents so he could get a “little deal.”
-Although in the canon he even has appreciation for Narancia, in this story he is capable of developing hatred for him, even wishing for his death.
-Let's say that he can make a deal with the boss solely to ensure that Giorno and company do not interfere in their relationship.
-After the bad ending, he accepts at the beginning that he should not receive pampering from you, but his abstinence will not last long, and even less so with how addicted he has become now.
-Unlike other Yanderes, where there may be some regret, in this character no, there is no regret for his actions, and he would not hesitate to take measures up to 5 times more drastic as long as no one screws up their relationship.
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brucewaynehater101 · 29 days
I really like the Batfam time travel fanfic, and the future itself is not a straight line; like in the comics where we saw Batman!Tim as evil. So despite all the futures that the Batfamily has seen, they will never expect to have a good future where their family, despite adversity, is still united. The time traveler on this occasion would be Terry McGinnis who was on a mission that was more than it seemed and managed to take refuge with the Batfamily of the present. Let's say that misunderstandings happen, more because Terry can't reveal things from the future so maybe he says things halfway (he could have let them slip) that can be interpreted as the family being fragmented, that Damian became the demon head or that even Tim has gone crazy and has become the Joker (The incident of the return of the Joker happens as in the canon, the truth is Tim could have DID as you mentioned in some question; I have read that it is a treatable mental illness without a cure and they can live a normal life depending on the patient, why throwing him into Arkham without further ado would feel like they simply abandoned him)
So the bad guys on duty are creating their plan (Maybe a way to eradicate the bat clan from the roots? but now I would have to go where Terry is) And suddenly the batfamily of the future appears to the rescue, but they are not alone, members that they have never seen also appear (will new vigilantes appear over time? The children of the batkids/grandchildren/great-grandchildren of bruce/alfred from the future? who knows…) and then they get defeated and taken back to their time… the older generation stays behind for a while to see the new batman; the present batfam expects to see conflict and discord between them, especially from Tim and Damian (Tim for the aforementioned and Damian apparently wears the demon head clothes… actually let's just say Tim and Damian had a very… explosive brotherly bond… and he got to keep things) but in the end all is well they were just worried about their second youngest brother (Matt McGinnis was with them as Robin). You see these elderly Batkids are quite united with their own more than ever and their bonds are strong, their bodies filled with scars that they have never had or would have (Also to note that in the BB comics Dick lost his left eye) they looked like veteran soldiers… no… they looked like they were great warriors who have overcome all adversity. Maybe even some old relationships have become stronger… Timsteph
And they are grateful that one of their own was taken care of and they go back home…
Hi 👋 I was so excited when I saw Terry as the one doing the time traveling. Idk enough about him, but I still adore him. He's hilarious and witty and just the right touch of sardonic from what I've seen of his interactions with Joker!Tim.
Anyways, you are absolutely correct that Tim should feel abandoned if his family just sticks him in Arkham after the JJ incident. Whether or not Tim does have DID or a related disorder (and friendly reminder that these disorders often get incorrect/inadequate/harmful characterizations so I refrain from detailing anyone as such. Also, no diagnosis can make someone "good" or "bad" [particularly indicating APSD, NPD, or other villainized conditions]), his struggles could represent someone with DID or related disorders. I say he may not have it due to the chip or whatever injecting him with Joker's personality. Since it's not natural, I'm not sure it qualifies even if it functionally affects him like such.
Regardless, him being shucked off to Arkham would feel like being abandoned. Although every single situation is different, I imagine Tim would have the energy and mental capacity to work with his affliction to lead a relatively independent life (and this is no shade to anyone who doesn't have this capacity and may require long-term hospitalization).
I got side tracked. Let's continue! I would love AUs where Damian becomes the Demon Head but still maintains a friendly relationship with his family (particularly if he reforms the LoA to focus more on their OG goals over world domination/murder).
For the scenario you're describing, let me make sure I'm understanding correctly:
Terry goes back into the past to strengthen family bonds w/o telling them
During a major battle, more future batfam travel to the past
Due to Terry's interfering, this batfam is closer than Terry's was
There are also a lot more of them due to batkids starting their own families
Damian and Tim in particular are vastly different and concerned about each other
The different Bats chat with each other for comparison's sake
Terry goes home with these Bats
I'm curious if Terry's memories get rewritten or get additional memories to account for how much has changed when he goes back
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who follows the rules anyway?
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
pairing : anthony lockwood x she/her reader
summary : y/n gets fired from Fittes and seeks refuge with George, only to find out he works with the worst guy she's ever met
word count : 3.5k
notes : this is my first fanfic ever, the set up is a little slow but bear with me, the series will be a compilation of all my favorite tropes and in general everything i love to read in l&c fanfics, it's heavily inspired by everything i've read so far so thanks to all the amazing writers out there &lt;3, a lot more happens in the second part that i will upload right next to this one
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She wasn’t entirely surprised when she heard that George Karim had gotten fired from Fittes. He did a great job on the few occasions she got to work with him, but he always seemed to take his research too far. She remembered warning him several times.
“Supervisors aren’t as open-minded as I am, you’re gonna get in trouble if you keep bringing up your theories about the Problem to every person you interact with!”
“But don’t you find it weird how research has come so far and yet the Problem keeps growing? The official story tells us that an unidentified event caused it but what if it’s still going on? Wouldn’t you want to know what that was so we could finally put an end to this?”
When he put it that way, y/n couldn’t help but agree with him.
“Sure, I guess but it doesn’t justify going up to the fourth floor when it’s clearly closed to agents still in training!”
“Keep your head in the sand if you want but I’ll get to the bottom of this, I know I’m getting closer already.” George said with a proud smile on his face.
She’d laughed. He was stubborn but she found it endearing.
He had bragged about his latest discoveries after a case the both of them had been working on. It wasn’t the first time. They got along well and took the habit of grabbing an early morning snack on their way back from work. He would mostly tell her about his most recent theory, either about the Problem or his latest obsession, which could take a few hours. But y/n didn’t mind, she thought he was good company and it helped her relax after a case. Though aside from those few moments they didn’t spend that much time together. Especially since y/n became part of Quill Kipps’ crew.
A month ago, she had gotten the good news coming back to work after a weekend visiting her parents in her hometown south of London. She was ecstatic, her roommate El too. Especially El actually. Because they had such a huge crush on him. y/n didn’t quite understand it, but she did admire his career. He had a remarkable reputation among other Fittes agents and being part of his team would certainly boost her career as well. She had her heart set on moving up to management and someday become a prominent figure of the Fittes organization. But to reach this goal she’d need to be as remarkable as Kipps, better even. She wanted him to notice her, to see how great her Touch was but most importantly how organized and responsible she could be under pressure. She needed him to think she could be a great leader and sought his attention on every occasion. Because of that she and George drifted apart, going from work friends to acquaintances that simply exchanged passing hellos at the archives or the Fittes headquarters. Before she even thought of reaching out to him, he was gone.
“Did you hear?” El had asked her as she walked into their shared room.
“Heard what?”
“That annoying guy finally got fired!”
“What George? He wasn’t annoying he was sweet!”
“You have weird tastes in friends.”
“Yes, I do.” She told them with a wink.
“But do you know what happened? Most supervisors were pissed and wanted to involve the cops!”
“What? Why?”
“Because he tried to break into an office! They caught him trying to pick the lock! How crazy is that?” El seemed to relish the drama of the situation as their face lit up with a smile that seemed inappropriate under the circumstances.
“That is crazy but as much as I love to gossip, I really need to get some sleep.”
y/n got ready for bed and set her alarm for the following day. She had to do some research at the archives with her teammate. They would join Kipps later at the client’s house. It shouldn’t be too difficult since it seemed to be a Type One but she really needed to impress him. She had to be the perfect agent: quick, focused and perfectly prepared. Even though she was always very professional she still needed some rest.
y/n was a heavy sleeper and had very vivid dreams. Ever since she was a child, she had some of her nights disturbed by complex dreams that felt so real she would wake up exhausted the next morning as if she hadn’t slept at all. It hadn’t happened in quite some time, but that night y/n wouldn’t get much rest. She found herself in the middle of the woods, barefoot, standing in a clearing. The ground was covered with an emerald green moss that felt soft beneath her feet. She looked around but couldn’t see much beside the shadows of the surrounding trees. A thick fog made it hard to see where she was. Disoriented and lost, she started walking towards the nearest tree but, a few steps in, her right foot sank in ice cold water. She realized she was in the middle of a pond, stuck and unable to reach the shore. A frog jumped into the water behind her and made her turn around. A girl was standing in front of her. Her auburn hair was slightly curled, and her bangs delicately framed her brown eyes. She was slightly smaller than she was, about the same age, her face showed no emotion at all.
“Find me.” She said in a neutral tone.
y/n furrowed her brow, not understanding what she meant. As she opened her mouth to ask her to explain the girl repeated
“Find me.”
Without moving she somehow floated above the pond and retreated into the woods. She mouthed the same words one last time before the fog engulfed her. y/n woke up with a jolt, disoriented and terribly thirsty. What was that about? she thought. She didn’t have time to ponder since she hadn’t heard her alarm and was already late to meet up with her colleague.
“I’m so sorry I’m late Bobby I hope I didn’t make you wait for too long…”
“It’s fine but hurry up. Kipps insisted on gathering as much information as possible.”
“Really? But everything indicates a Type One right?”
“The problem isn’t with the dead but with the living. Didn’t you pay attention to who our client is?”
“Mrs Overton? What about her?” Bobby had an exasperated look on his face and sighed heavily. So much for being the perfect agent today.
“Her husband owns Overton Watches and basically runs a luxury empire and she is on the board of the Sunrise Corporation. She and her husband are close friends with Penelope Fittes and we cannot screw up this case otherwise our team will probably end up at the bottom of her list next time she needs trustworthy agents.”
Oh, I’m not rested enough to deal with that.
“Okay then, let’s get to work.”
They spent the whole day at the agency’s archives. The Fittes database did help a lot to find more information about the Overtons’ house but overall, it was a pretty boring case. The house was old, dated back the 1800s, it belonged to Mrs Overton’s ancestors, one of them died because, well, they had to at some point, and felt like coming back. This great grandmother didn’t live any kind of extraordinary life and decided to haunt the place in the same unremarkable way. Y/n had trouble staying focused. The case was not fascinating, far from it. Her mind drifted and came back to her dream. In hindsight it wasn’t that disturbing. It was just her brain making stuff up. But she couldn’t shake the feeling she had felt when the girl had spoken to her. There was something magnetic about her voice and it had an intensity that didn’t match the lack of expression on her face. It bothered her. Why couldn’t she stop seeing her face?
Bobby got up to put back some newspapers and the sudden movement next to her brought her back to reality. Right, the Overton case. Everything indicated a Lurker, so y/n wasn’t too worried about tonight. She could still make up for today’s start. Plus, her talent would probably be the most useful. This unseemly case might serve her after all.
As she walked back to their table after putting a book back on its shelf, she accidently bumped into someone.
“Oh I’m so sorry!”
“It’s okay don’t worry.”
“George? Hi! What are you doing here?”
“I came by to pick up the rest of my stuff…”
“Oh right… I’m so sorry about all this.”
“Don’t be I kinda deserved it anyway. Though I still think I was right.”
“About what?”
“Mrs. Dufour stealing sources. It’s pretty obvious she can’t afford to live the way she does on a supervisor’s salary, and she always looks like she’s plotting something. She reminds me of relic men. I never liked her.”
“Well to be fair you don’t like a lot of people… it looks like I missed your last hyperfixation… but it seems like a stretch and accusing her of something like that… Was it really worth getting into that much trouble?”
“I’m not chipper about it, but I’ll be fine. I already found something else, a friend I can still work with, maybe you know him. We live in-”
But y/n wasn’t listening. Bobby was calling her, telling her that they had to get moving to get to their client’s house before sundown.
“I really have to go George I’m sorry. But I’ll miss our walks filled with your crazy theories.” She said with a smile.
“If you want to come by for tea, we’d be happy to have you. 35 Portland Row, don’t forget!”
“Sure, I won’t! Good luck!”
“Thanks, you too.”
She hurried to catch up with her colleague. She really was going to miss him even though they weren’t that close she had grown used to seeing him around. But she couldn’t believe his theory about Mrs. Dufour. It sounded like he wanted to see evil everywhere and was looking for something to distract himself with. A made-up scenario that justified why he disliked her at the same time. Nothing more.
“Good evening, Madam, we are a leading team from Fittes. We were assigned to make your house safe again by Miss Fittes herself.”
Kipps always had a very humble way of introducing them to their clients. As proud as y/n was of being on his team, she didn’t feel entirely at ease with his elevated figures of speech.
“Yes, I was expecting you. Penelope told me she put one of her best teams on my case. I was very flattered.”
“Well, we do not want to appear overly confident, but we will be most efficient to take care of your problem. May we come in?” she asked.
“Of course, please. I suppose your supervisor will be here too?”
“Yes, Mrs. Dufour will be here shortly.” Kipps answered.
y/n abruptly turned around to look at him.
“Mrs. Dufour? What happened to Mr. Fowler?”
“He got called by DEPRAC to deal with some details on the last case we did. You know, the one where it only took you two minutes to find the source after Bobby and I spent a half hour looking for it. It was really impressive I was glad you were here.” He told her with a wink.
She felt herself blush. She wasn’t used to being praised and certainly not by a prominent agent like Quill Kipps, even after a month of working together she still felt flustered. Maybe that last case made up for the horrible impression she gave him on her first week. And she was going to keep proving him how great she was.
The praise was so unexpected it made her forget who their supervisor was for a moment. What were the odds that on the same day George told her about his suspicions she had to work with this potential traitor? She could not let George’s wild theories cloud her judgement. She was here to do a job, a relatively easy one given their research, and she was going to make a wonderful impression on both Kipps and this high-profile client. She took the lead and went inside.
As they stepped into the house, they were greeted by a white marble entrance furnished with glass cases displaying various clocks and watches, certainly a history of the famous Overton watches and mechanisms. The sun was already setting, it hit a crystal chandelier which reflected golden light over the walls. The pieces shone behind their glass. Their client guided them through the hall into the kitchen were teacups and biscuits had been served. Mrs. Overton took a seat and the three agents followed. She seemed at ease with the situation even though the young adults she had in front of her were here to rid her of a ghost. She sat at the head of the table, perfectly in control as if this meeting was a business reunion like any other. She was in her late fifties; her hair was silver and styled in an elaborate hairstyle. She looked both serious and relaxed at the same time. She was aware of the risks but wasn’t worried about the situation, like she had total faith in the team in front of her.
“While we wait for Mrs. Dufour maybe you could tell us more about what has been troubling you?” asked Kipps.
“I believe the haunting began about three weeks ago. My husband started feeling uneasy when he got home, and I felt the same fear shortly after. We never saw or heard anything we just feel watched.”
“I’m sorry to hear that Madam.” y/n tried to comfort her.
“The research we did on your house indicates that it’s been built in the 1800’s and never left your family is that correct?” Bobby interrupted.
“Yes, I inherited it about 2 years ago, but we only moved in this year.”
“We believe the haunting might be caused by one of your ancestors, a certain Emily Abbott, could you tell us anything about her?”
“I’m afraid I’ve never heard of her before…”
“So, you wouldn’t have any idea what her source might be?”
“You might have a late night ahead of you. When we moved in, we kept most of the furniture that were already in the house. For all I know any of these pieces could be the source.”
That wasn’t good news. Hopefully with her Touch y/n could save them some time. They could start at the bottom of the house and work their way up, going from room to room as she touches different objects hoping for some result. As she organized the night in her head the front door opened.
Mrs. Dufour immediately filled the room with her presence. Mostly because she spoke at length and didn’t let the team finish asking their questions. She thanked Mrs. Overton for waiting for her, ushered her out of the house and gave them her directions for the night. Not even Kipps could object. She wanted him to stay nearby while Bobby and y/n were to explore the house to see if they could pick up anything. She felt for Kipps, this seemed like a monumental waste of time for him. But they couldn’t do much about it, agents were supposed to follow their supervisor’s instructions, they were in charge after all.
They searched the house until midnight, making rounds, going up and down the floors, looking for potential sources or trying to pick up any kind of psychical activity but came back downstairs empty handed. How was she supposed to impress anyone with a case like this? y/n and Bobby went back to the kitchen to report the lack of activity to Mrs. Dufour. 
“We’ve searched the entire house three times but unfortunately none of the objects we picked up gave any sign of psychical activity, the visitor hasn’t shown up yet and Mrs. Overton couldn’t give us more information. I’m not really sure what more we could do for now.” Bobby looked defeated. Or bored. Probably the latter, it was an exceptionally boring case. y/n was growing tired at the lack of action. It made her mad that someone could hire one of the best teams in London to take care of such a benign problem just because they had money and connections while hundreds of homes were threatened by harmful Type Twos and couldn’t do anything about it.
“Do I really have to tell you two how to do your jobs? Keep looking and take this seriously. I hope you realize who our client is, I can’t allow any mistake tonight.” Her authoritarian tone made y/n see why George disliked her. Clearly, they must have gotten into a few arguments on several occasions. But she couldn’t understand what would make him think that she could steal sources. She seemed to take her job very seriously. Sure, she was a pain but that didn’t mean she was a criminal.
“I’ve got something here! Bobby, y/n join me in the hall.” Kipps called.
They drew their rapiers and walked slowly into the hall. Kipps was looking at a corner where shadow had gathered. There was a faint, almost indistinguishable human shape lurking there. But it didn’t move, and it didn’t seem to want anything more than just stand there.
“I’m going to keep an eye on it while you two look for the source.” Kipps told them without averting his eyes from the dark figure.
“But what more can we do we looked everywhere already.” Bobby said with a sigh.
“Well,” Kipps turned to her. “y/n, got any ideas?”
She didn’t answer. She hadn’t heard them as she was lost in thought. Mrs. Overton hadn’t mentioned anything about the display cases here. But she should have. There were marks on the walls behind them, and again on the marble floor. It was a clear sign that bigger and heavier furniture had been removed to make room for new ones. That change alone could have triggered the ghost. And since they were behind glass, they hadn’t tested any of the objects on display. Though they were all Overton Watches so, clearly, they didn’t have anything to do with Mrs. Overton’s ancestors. Another dead end. She lingered in front of the central display, slowly losing hope. If such a ridiculously small case was too much for her, what was she even doing here? Sure, the two guys accompanying her weren’t inspired either, but she was disappointed in herself. She had dealt with dangerous situations without flinching, but a Lurker case was getting the best of her. That was embarrassing. She rested her hands on the case and looked down at the watches. There were four watches spread across a silk white sheet surrounding a bigger, more ancient clock. They didn’t seem that impressive. Why were people making such a big deal out of them? The clock on the other hand was more ornate and had required skilled craftmanship. The mechanism was apparent and intricate. It was still working which was most impressive. A golden crown rested delicately upon a mother-of-pearl dial, the needles moving steadily around. Right beneath the number 6 was engraved something almost unreadable. She squinted to see better. The initials EA were written in golden letters.
“I’ve found it! The source! It’s this clock right here!”
“Nice work y/n. Keep an eye on the ghost I’ll take care of the source.”
They switched position and she kept her eyes on the shadow as Kipps tried to get the clock out of the display.
“I can’t get to it, it’s locked. I’m gonna have to break the glass.”
“No! Don’t do that Mrs. Overton would be livid. Bobby go get Mrs. Dufour and Kipps don’t touch anything please.” She said with her back to them, her eyes still staring at the corner.
“Did you find the source? What is it?” Mrs. Dufour asked, suddenly in a hurry.
“We have reasons to believe this clock is the object causing Mrs. Overton trouble.”
“That’s really nice work Mr. Kipps congratulations.”
“I much appreciate your praise, but it has to go to y/n. She found the source. As we don’t have a key, I offered to break the glass, but y/n thinks it would upset our client.”
“Well thank you Miss y/n for using some common sense. We cannot break anything in this house.”
“We could drape a silver net over the case and come back in the morning to pick up the source.” She offered.
“I think it would be best. Thank you again for your prompt judgement here.”
“It was my pleasure.” She blushed. It was nice to have her efforts acknowledged, no matter how small. This supervisor might have been a stickler, but she recognized good work, it was enough to satisfy her. This case turned out pretty well after all.
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ghostofdiamonds · 1 month
not to be a braggart or anything, but "If I am his refuge, I will not become the storm he seeks shelter from." is a great line imo, which makes it all the worse (and funnier) that I wrote it for a fucking kazuscara fanfic that's not even finished yet.
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itsmaferart · 11 months
Hey there! A little question: Why is everyone always accusing Loid of being gay for not kissing or doing all kinds stuff to Yor? I don’t think it’s as easy as they are making it out to be, even though both characters are a catch…..in a mixture of red/green flaggish kinda way. I actually prefer it that both characters aren’t lusting for each other as it makes their relationship more endearing but when they start developing feelings for each other, it’s beyond their attractiveness.
I ship the every living hell out of these two but if Loid does all of those intimate stuff Yor now, I don’t know, it feels less cute, rewarding, and heartwarming and more like a fulfillment of our personal desires. I don’t think Loid is a surrogate or self insert incel character to be like that. I’m sorry if I can’t put it into words, English isn’t my strong suit but that how it feels to me.
Hi, it took me a while to respond but here it is!!
I think it's the fans' rush for couples to consolidate and there's no way to blame them, because really Twiyor is one of the good couples! The Spy x Family universe internally moves in a slow-moving manner, where events are small and focus more on the development and formation of bonds between people. There is no great interest in big events, and getting a romance is not the focal point, but a part of the story.Endo's narrative moves under its own rules and some may like it or despair.
I have read dozens of comments that talk about how slow the story is and that there is simply progress at the speed of a turtle. And yes, they are right (in part).
But the truth is that this is more a conflict of fan expectations and what the story wants to tell and how it is told.The story is not badly written and not badly developed. But not everyone may like it if you are expecting more significant advances.
So, yes, Loid is very slow and Yor very naive.... But...
that doesn't mean there's no love or that it doesn't come to pass.
I understand the frustration of the Twiyor shipper, and it is the conflict of what we interpret as intimacy and closeness. In most conventional romances, intimacy is forced through physical contact, often exaggerated or convenient. Holding hands, hugging, trying to kiss, asking each other out. The story focuses on pushing the characters to get closer and with them to generate a closeness that leads to romance.
That's why most fanfic is about them being in love or having closeness, because that's what we most want to see between them… That's why many see this romance as insipid.
Endo's approach is more emotional, calmer, where trust between two people is more important than whether they are close or not. The times when this is forced, it ends badly. The fact that Loid respects Yor enough to not make her feel uncomfortable, or that Yor wants to be Loid's refuge, speaks of a very balanced mental and emotional intimacy.
It is a more mature romance, where the focus is not so much on passion. Because when they try to make it romantic, they're both fools.
I think Endo is just trying to put his own idea of romance outside of what everyone expects, and that can bore some people.
I suppose Endo will develop his relationship in his own way. But his main priority is the development of his people through a more everyday and chaotic life, above the spectacularity and action.… until we can finally be together
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imakemywings · 1 year
do you have any good female fics to rec?
DO I. LOL. Putting this immediately under a cut because there are a lot! There are so many talented writers in this fandom who do ENORMOUS justice to female characters, both original and book-based. Couple of blog recs at the bottom too!
(I'm assuming this is asking for Tolkien fanfic since that's mostly what I'm on about these days, but if you'd rather see Mass Effect or Dragon Age I can do that too.)
I'm glad you asked! φ(* ̄0 ̄)
I'm going to keep all of these to 1 rec per author just so we don't get totally out of control here.
Forging Gold by @swanmaids ft. Curufin's wife, Dwarf OCs. Heather is an amazing source of female character fic in this fandom; she has well-developed OCs for all of Feanor's daughters-in-law and treats canon female characters with such care and love. Absolutely recommend checking out the rest of her stuff!
Prick a Finger, Cut Your Hand by @welcomingdisaster ft. Indis, Miriel. A really great look at the dynamic between these two. Lena has lots of other good takes on female Tolkien characters too!
Friendship and Stern Demand by @polutrope ft. Elwing. Fantastic exploration of what the communications between Elwing and Maedhros might have looked like!
Untitled by @outofangband ft. Aerin, Morwen. Nelyo focuses a lot on the human characters so if you want to read more about what the mortal women went through in the First Age, definitely browse through their blog!
Abide, Abound by Elleth ft. Arwen, Tauriel. Elleth also has lots of works centering on female Tolkien characters.
And by their blazing signify that a great princess falls, but doth not die by TheLionInMyBed ft. Elwing. One of my favorite takes on Elwing's suicide.
Keeper of Kings by batshape ft. Lalwen. What did Lalwen get up to in Middle-earth? Seeing a lot of people die, for one thing.
Into the Heart of a Fey Thing by @amethysttribble ft. Aredhel, Galadriel, Luthien. Fun "behind-the-scenes" look at some adventures with these three!
A Fish Hook, an Open Eye by simaetha ft. Elwing, f!Maglor. Fascinating AU take on a meeting between Elwing and Maglor prior to the Third Kinslaying.
The Sleep of Flowers by Innin ft. Galadriel, Melian. Very beautiful scene, and plenty of other female-centric works by Innin!
Light Words About Nothing by Margo_Kim ft. Dis, Belladonna. I ship it.
Elwing's Strategy by lifeisyetfair ft. Elwing. Another great take on Elwing at the Third Kinslaying.
Out of Dreams, Into the Sun by solanaceae ft. Miriel, Indis.
Games and Fantasy by Genesis_Grey ft. Arwen, Eowyn. Ohh it captures that chivalric WLW so well.
Over the Unclear Eyes of Memory by Loriand_Lost ft. Anaire, Aredhel. Addresses Anaire's complicated feelings about Fingolfin's return to Valinor. This author also has a number of other great female-centric fics, highly recommend!
The Carriage Held but Just Ourselves by @starspray ft. Luthien, Elwing, Arwen. Amazing look at the line of Thingol's relationship with death. This author also has a whole series on Lalwen and an OFC!
Before the Breath of Storm by tinnurin ft. Dis, Dwarf OC. "Behind-the-scenes" look at the Dwarves before the battle of Azanulbizar.
This Now, This Us by crownlessliestheking ft. Indis, Miriel. Indis and Miriel talk after Miriel's return to Valinor.
The Tapestry by Zdenka ft. Thedowyn, Miriel. The ghost of Miriel Serinde offers some aid. This author also has a lot of female-centric works!
Not Undevoted by SatiricalDraperies ft. Galadriel, Melian.
Winter Sea by Tallulah ft. Finduilas, OFC. Finduilas had a girlfriend in the Falas. Another author with a great selection of female-centric works.
The Hunt by @cuarthol ft. Amarie. Amarie is trans and closeted in Valinor, but Finrod understands.
Come Home to Chaos (Get a Crush on a Queen) by ncfan ft. Arwen, Firiel. When Firiel of Gondor takes refuge in Rivendell, Arwen takes an interest.
Do I Hurt to Hold? by Anonymous ft. Galadriel, Melian. A darker look at their relationship.
That Time Elanor Gardner Had A Crush On Her Employer by Anonymous ft. Arwen, Elanor.
All My Shadows Fade by amyfortuna ft. Arwen, OFC. Unsent letter from a female friend of Arwen's as her wedding to Aragorn approaches. This author is also a good one to look at for more female-centric fic!
Orlaya by yeaka ft. Arwen, Tauriel. Cute!
Of All the Stars, the Fairest by whatiwouldnotgive ft. Arwen, Eowyn.
Or They Would Go On Aching Still by Farasha ft. Arwen, Tauriel. Oh, the grief!
Berrypicking Time by swamp_diamonds ft. Finduilas, Nienor.
Things They Don't Talk About by eris_of_imladris ft. Findis. Findis and Feanor have a complicated relationship.
Easily Sever What Never was One by vauquelin ft. Haleth. If you like Halenthir at all as a ship, you'll like this.
The One With All The Birds by clothono ft. Elwing, Nerdanel. I've said it before I'll say it again--my favorite Elwing fic.
Greensleeves by bravelittlscrib ft. Nerdanel. Little scenes of Nerdanel's life and her relationships.
Emerie by the_artifice_of_eternity ft. Erendis, Ancalime. Ancalime's last visit with her mother before taking the throne.
In the Family by arriviste ft. Celebrian, Galadriel.
At the Water's Edge by crackinthecup ft. Elwing, Idril.
And that's what I've got for you right now, I hope that helps! I would also advise checking out the blogs @tolkien-heroines and @sapphictolkien both of which focus on female characters in Tolkien's work. Happy reading, anon! ♪(^∇^*)
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beautysamour · 1 year
Wrong destination | chapter one.
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Pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Characters: most characters that were present in the series will be present here.
some oc’ will also be present in this story
Summary: You were a special type of grisha, some would even call you a saint. Manipulating time was your specialty, you were able to go forward and back, pause then continue time. But you were still considered weak in your family, all your family members after the time of the fold were weak compared to what your ancestors could do.
Your intention was to save your friend, and the only way to do it was to go back in time.
But you didn’t mean to go this far back.
warning/s: a description of death.
a/n: this will be a series! for anyone wondering, “modern” ravka is set during our current time. this’ll be a very plot heavy fanfic but it was also be very focused on the romance since it’s an x reader. and it’s nikolai. but yeah
enjoy!!! I’ll try to get chapter 2 out as soon as I can!
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“So how will I be able to tell when you stop time?”
“You won’t.”
“What? Well that shit’s lame.” Elijah exclaimed as you two continue to walk through the forest.
The two of you have been wondering through the forest since before sunrise on the look out for an old cabin. The night before, your family let it slip that there was a cabin in the forest your family lineage use to find refuge in from drüskelle, witch hunters, you were told they were called.
You were always interested in your grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great grandparents, your ancestors in general. You have a unique power, so unique that some people would classify you as a saint, and you wish your family now found as much interest in it as you so they could help you train with it.
“What’d you say the cabin looked like again?” Elijah was slightly behind you, loosing more and more interest by the second. You stopped walking abruptly and turned around ready to say a sarcastic remark, “It’s red and blue and has purple windows. What do you think a cabin looks like?” Elijah rolled his eyes at you before you turned around and began to walk again.
“K smart ass,” you throw back a middle finger at hearing his voice.
The sun was starting to set and you haven’t seen any signs of any cabins or even any ruins. To make things worse, the sky was now covered with gloomy clouds. It would start raining any minute.
“Eli,” you call out and stop walking to turn around to him again, “you can go back if you want, I’m going to keep looking.”
Elijah lets out an exhale, his straightened frame deflating, before walking up to you and throwing an arm around your shoulders.
“You know I’d never leave you half way into a mission,” he gave you a lopsided smile to which you returned with your own smile, “you wouldn’t survive without me.” You let out a scoff out of affection and elbowed him on the side.
He lets go of you to wrap his arms around his stomach area, fake crying with a grin on his face. Suddenly he stops moving and a sullen expression falls on his face, a playful glare now being sent your way.
You both are silent for a few moments until the both of you convulse into a fit of laughter, momentarily forgetting about being all serious for the mission and indulging in each others humor.
You brought your hand up to cover your mouth as you yawned before answering Elijah, “What’s up?”
Elijah pointed somewhere off into the distance, you followed the direction that he was pointing towards and was met with the view of shed, or rather, a cabin.
You broke out into a sprint, the weariness quickly dissipating, with Elijah just slightly behind you. You guys slowed to a stop as you reached the cabin, fortunately the door had no kind of lock on it. Elijah grabbed your wrist before you would fully push the door open.
“What’s wrong?” You glanced around the area again, worried that Elijah spotted someone near. When you didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary you turned your head towards Elijah, an eyebrow raised in confusion.
“I know this wasn’t exactly easy to find, but don’t you feel…suspicious of something?” You furrowed your brows in confusion, no, nothing felt off to you. Maybe it was because this was your ancestors safe haven, but you felt an immediate sensation of comfort when you saw the cabin.
“No, maybe it’s because it’s nighttime, so you’re scared,” you teased but Elijah didn’t indulge in your humorous moment. He stared into your eyes with a sort of worry and determination in his eyes that confused you. Elijah never got worried.
Regretting your choice of your words, you grab onto his hand with your other that wasn’t near the door, “If anything happens, I’ll go back in time.” He relaxed the muscles in his face that he was clenching and softened his gaze, “I’d really prefer if nothing bad happened in the first place.” He slid his hand out of your grasp as he let go of your wrist, waiting for you to completely open the door.
The interior that greeted you as you opened the door wasn’t that different from what you imagined, in fact you’re pretty sure you’ve seen it in one of your dreams. The floor creaked as you stepped inside of the cabin, the floor had dust resting on top of it and the ceiling was made out of stone just as the walls. It was only the floor that was made out of wood.
It was bigger than you imagined, there were two staircases leading to the second and third floor and a table with six chairs around it was settled in the middle of the cabin. At the top of the third floor, you could see a big grandfather clock sitting at the back. You turn around expecting to see Elijah right behind you, but he was still at the front door.
“Eli, come in,” you gestured for him to follow, “I can’t,” he replied, his back straighter than ever, now on full alert. “I think we should go-“
As if on cue, an axe flew behind Elijah, barely missing him as it took a piece of his shirt with it. You two immediately make eye contact with widened eyes, mutually agreeing to start running.
Elijah was slightly in front of you as you two ran through the woods, yells that sounded like war screams could be heard behind you.
“Drüskelle? I thought they all died out,” you said through ragged breaths.
“Yeah, me too. Apparently we were wrong,” Elijah jerked his body backwards and aggressively gestured you to move to the side. Once you got out of his way, he brought both of his arms up and moved them in a downward motion, successfully grasping the hearts of the drüskelle, buying both some extra time.
“Hey, you might wanna do your thing?” Elijah said as he caught up with you, “actually don’t, it’s not needed.” He gave you a smug grin before focusing his eyes on the path ahead of you two.
You allowed yourself to let out a chuckle, thinking that you both were somewhat in a better situation and that you’d have a few minutes before the drüskelle caught up.
You were wrong.
Not even five feet later, another axe flies past your eyes, you follow it and your knees buckle causing you to fall forward at seeing the sight next to you.
The axe connected with Elijah’ neck.
His once whole body now in two, with his head separated from the rest.
A scream immediately leaves your mouth and your hand flew up to cover it, attempting to muffle your cries.
Now hearing the voices of drüskelle coming closer, you close your eyes and try to focus. Whispers of self comfort escape you as you try to calm yourself down. The sound of heavy footsteps got closer and the voices raised in volume.
You take a deep breath in and hold it trying to calm your breathing, and before a drüskelle was able to fully reach you, you move your arms in a circular motion; following the silhouette of a clock.
And finally, you feel a breeze hit you and silence takes over.
When you opened your eyes you found yourself laying on the middle of the ground in some sort of cabin. Confused to where you were at, both in time and physically, you turned to your left and saw a clock. Specifically the clock you found in your family’-if you could even call it yours-safe haven.
“What the fuck…” you pushed yourself up now sitting upright and moved your arms in a circular motion again assuming that you went back to the wrong time as there was no dust on the floor.
Nothing happened, there was no breeze, no silence, just the sound of the wind blowing through the trees and the birds chirping. You moved your arms again. And again. And again.
It wasn’t working. You couldn’t go forward in time, or pause it, or even go further back. You were stuck.
Your breath gets stuck in your throat as you start to panic, you couldn’t get back home, and you couldn’t save Eli. You were stuck. You were stuck.
You jerk your head towards the front door when you hear it open and jerk backwards when you hear two voices come through the door. You couldn’t hear everything they were saying but you caught one word they were saying a lot, tortoise. You decided that didn’t matter when you heard one of them start to come up the stairs.
Luckily, the other called them back before they could fully go upstairs. You heard a few clicks coming from the direction of the door and then a soft thud, the footsteps and voices now gone.
A few moments passes before you felt comfortable moving forward again. There was no one on the bottom floor-but there was some food.
As you push yourself up on your feet, you groan as you feel the uncomfortable tension at your back. You cringe at the sound of you back cracking but the tension disappearing makes it worth it.
As you run down the stairs and take a steaming sweet potato, not caring that the people who lived here would most likely notice, you look out a window to the right of the front door.
Novyi Zem?
A little to the left of the window you saw small clock pendant on the wall with locations on each hour mark: Kerch, Shu Han, Ravka, Fjerda, and Novyi Zem, your current location.
You opened the door and walked out the house, your curiosity overpowering the worry of your power not working.
“Move!” Someone said as they ran right into you, knocking you back so hard you hit the door. You scoffed and brushed up the area they pushed you, “Babink,” you cursed to yourself already feeling irritated at this era.
You spotted a jewelry stand from the corner of your eye and walked to it. Modern day Ravka didn’t have these designs, and it was exceptionally rare for jewelry to be made out of genuine crystals. Your irritation subsided as you fawn over the jewelry.
“Are you going to buy anything?” Asked the person working there.
I wish I could, “No, sorry.” The worker glanced over your outfit once before speaking to another customer. Right, you had modern day clothes on.
You started walking again, trying to find a stand with clothes that you could easily steal from. Normally you wouldn’t steal- you wouldn’t ever steal- but you didn’t have any money.
You finally found a stand selling clothes after walking around the crowded streets for some time, luckily the person working at the stand was focused with another customer. You reached for a few pieces of clothing and stalled at the stand for a few minutes hoping that the person at the stand would forget you were there.
Not sure how you could play this off, you answered to an imaginary person calling you, “Hey! I was just waiting for you…” you held your breath as you walked away from the stand, you were about to take a turn that would make you disappear from the stand’ point of view, but the saints hate you apparently.
“Hey! Hey!” they yelled again, “They’re a thief!”
You broke out into a sprint as commotion broke out in the stands, “Shit-fuck, shit-what the hell,” you brought your arms up ready to go back in time, “Oh my- fuck!” you cursed out at remembering that you can’t manipulate time right now.
You took a sudden turn left and bumped into another person, “sorry-“ said a female and male voice as they started running again. You nearly started running the way they came from until you saw a group of guards running you way- assuming that they were after you, you ran the same way the other people went.
The shopping area only got more chaotic it seemed. From behind you, you heard the guards yelling out “stop them!” which caused more people to run after you.
You followed the duo in front of you, it seemed like they knew how to outrun guards and such so you were willing to bet that following you would get you out.
Somewhere along the way the duo got separated and you trailed behind the guy. After some parkour, he turned a sudden corner, which you followed, slipped as you came to an abrupt stop. There was a locked door blocking your guys’ path, just your luck.
Fuck this era.
You turned around ready to run away but the guards were right behind you. You stepped back and tried to examine a way out. You could do some parkour on the wall, and some stands, but that couldn’t guarantee your escape.
“Hey,” you began to say; hoping that you could talk it out.
The guy behind you ran past you, immediately throwing punches and elbowing people.
“Guess violence is always the answer here-“ you took a shoe off your foot and threw it at one of the men who were running towards you. As the guard dodged it, you opted for slapping him in the face since you weren’t a hundred percent confident with your punching skills.
Taking the guard off guard, you ran towards one of the men hanging on the guy’ back. You jumped on his back effectively piggyback riding him and started bashing his head with your fist. It didn’t take long for him to fling you off his back, and he was about to lunge for your neck at strangle you but the guy who you were following managed to pull him back and throw him to a wall.
You mumble out a thanks as you get back on your feet.
“Hey!” You heard to your left.
Suddenly a wall of light blocked your vision that stunned the guards that you were fighting.
The one responsible for the wall of light, who happened to be the girl who got separated from the guy, ran up to him and helped him up, “So much for nobody knowing who I am,” she said with an amused yet exasperated tone.
“Yeah, that was subtle,” replied the guy. When the guy fully got back onto his feet, he looked at you then looked back at the girl before running toward the locked door.
“Uh-,” you called out, “ Thank you! For helping me,” you cringed at yourself as you found the guy ignoring you. You caught the girl’ attention however, before she averted it to the locked door in front of them. You ran up to them; ready to run out once she opened the door.
“I knew you’d be traveling as a pair, well-trio, now it seems.”
The girl quickly put herself in front of, who you’re now assuming to either be her brother or boyfriend, “Let’s see your hands. Especially you, Starkov. It’s time to turn you in.”
The people who had stands blocked your path, chatter breaking out between them.
The girl, Starkov, pulled back for a second.
This is really how I die, huh. Executed because I stole clothes. so dramatic. Well I guess it’s karma for what happened to-. To Elijah.
You closed your eyes, accepting your fate. But nothing happened, no hands were put on you. You opened your eyes to find the people who you thought were against you, facing towards the guards.
A women from the crowd ran up to you three, they unlocked the door but before opening it, faced Starkov. “Adawesi. Sun summoner.”
Your jaw dropped, sun summoner?
The women opened the door allowing the three of you to finally escape.
“Thanks for the help back there. I’m Mal.”
“No problem,” you said with a smile, “My name is Y/N,” since he didn’t give you a last name you felt no need to say yours.
“And I’m Alina Starkov,” said the sun summoner.
Sun summoner. The Fold time era. The time where your family line was the most educated on their own power…maybe you could figure out what happened to your power, and how to get it back. If you could.
The conversation died out as the three of you focused on running further away, and as the memories of you and Elijah running through the forest play through your head.
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midgarddaughter · 10 months
Witch Princess
This fanfic. Is my first on this side. English isn't my first language. No voldi au
Draco x Y/N Morningstar
A few characters are inspired from other franchise.
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Once there existed a very special kingdom. Here, all witches and wizards of the world found refuge and could live in peace. They didn't have to hide from the world or fear the people. Long before the great witch trials and even before the construction of Hogwarts, there was the Witch Kingdom, ruled by the Witch Queen. The old kings held great respect for this venerable witch family and their powers. In every kingdom, it was customary to have a court witch or wizard who advised the kings and, above all, maintained peace to ensure its eternal continuation.
The Witch Queen once adopted an orphan who enjoyed the love and warmth of the family as if it were her own. She grew into a beautiful young woman, her hair as black as ash, just like her soul. Despite maintaining the appearance of affection toward her adoptive family, she was tainted by malice and treated the kingdom's citizens far from lovingly. Firmly convinced she would become queen one day, she was shaken when she learned that the queen was pregnant with a daughter.
Every scheme she devised to prevent this backfired, and her true character became more apparent to her adoptive family. When the young woman went too far and almost killed the daughter, she was sent into exile. Unbeknownst to anyone, this would mean the downfall of the kingdom. A few years later, fueled by hatred and discord sown among humans, neighboring kingdoms declared war on the Witch Kingdom. Armed with unusually extensive knowledge of how humans could defend against witches, they triumphed after years of war.
The surviving witches and wizards hid among humans or in distant regions. The royal family now consisted only of the little girl, ten years old and entirely alone in the world. To prevent the kingdom from rising again, the exiled adoptive daughter cursed the family. Only the firstborn daughter could ascend the throne, as it had always been, but there would never be another firstborn daughter in their bloodline.
Among the witches and wizards who managed to escape were key members of the royal court: General Godric Gryffindor, Chief Librarian Rowena Ravenclaw, Chief Medical Advisor and Potion Master Salazar Slytherin, and Ceremony Mistress Helga Hufflepuff. With the ideals of the Witch Kingdom in their hearts and souls, they founded Hogwarts.
Today, the story of the Witch Kingdom is no longer told. Believing the royal family was eradicated, the memory became too painful, fading into oblivion. Yet, the family endured, secluded from a human town, residing in a cozy Victorian house meticulously cared for through many generations. The little girl grew into a kind woman, marrying a young Norwegian who introduced her to a new world of magic. They formed a family, celebrated seasonal festivals, and the royal bloodline continued. However, there was never again a firstborn daughter, until it happened, shaking the entire magical world.
Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, visited the family on the tenth birthday of the young girl. With curiosity in her large green eyes, she looked at him. "Please understand that we prefer to handle our daughter's magical education ourselves, as the last generations have," said Lucifer Morningstar, an elegant man in his prime, his green eyes mirroring the girl's.
"I completely understand, Mr. Morningstar, believe me. But do you know how crucial she is for the magical world, how important she is?" Dumbledore swallowed hard as the man's expression darkened, leaning inches from Dumbledore's face. "The most important role she has is as my daughter. She must be nothing more and nothing less." He growled, then stood and gestured to the door of the opulent and warmly decorated living room. "With that, our conversation is over. Go," a small tug on his expensive crimson shirt made him pause. He looked down, meeting the face of his daughter.
"Papa, don't send the man away yet," his expression softened. Dumbledore had already grabbed his coat and hat, ready to leave, but he too hesitated. "But why?"
"I want to hear more. Is there really a school with girls like me?" she looked at the older man.
"A whole bunch." He whispered mysteriously, sitting back down cautiously, with a glance at the father. "Can you tell me more?"
"Y/-" Lucifer was about to intervene, but his daughter interrupted him again.
"You always tell me I should find my own path. Why can't this be my path?" she looked up at him incomprehensibly.
"You will find it when you're older and can better assess what's good for you. At 21, like everyone in your family, you will go on a world tour and learn ancient magical practices from various cultures, just like your mother and her mother before her and her mother before her."
"I can do that now. Why can't my journey start earlier? Just that the first part isn't the vast world but a school." Even Lucifer had no answer to that.
"All right, little one." Defeated, he sat back on the sofa next to his daughter and listened to the headmaster.
Y/N Morningstar did not directly enter her first year at school. She received remote education because her father deemed it essential to complete family training first. Traditions and her own magic, developed over generations.
Now starting her third year, she finally gets to attend school. Instead of an owl, she had her raven in a cage on the cart, which she pushed across the platform at King's Cross.
"Don't forget to write," her aunt, a slightly chubby woman with a loving face, stroked a strand of blond hair from her face.
"Of course, Auntie." The farewell was difficult, especially for her father.
"Your mother would be proud of you," he whispered with a final hug in her ear, and then she had to board the train.
Arriving on the train, she searched for a compartment. Many were already full or so crowded with luggage that she hesitated to enter. Politely smiling and nodding, she passed other students—of her age, younger, older. As if by luck, she found a compartment that was almost empty. Even in front of the compartment door, there were no students, allowing her to open it comfortably.
"Is this seat taken?" she asked politely, causing the pale young man with light blond hair to look up.
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aria-ashryver · 11 months
my introverted ass gets a lil shy about participating in fandom events sometimes lol, but I wanted to give some folks some love for ✨Choices Fandom Shoutout Day!✨
Firstly, to all my moots, but especially @pudb1e @alleykatart @icanmakewords @honeyinadream @scrumptioustimemachinetragedy @aces-and-angels @zhoras-bitch @lilyoffandoms and anyone else i've missed! (chemo brain is a bitch)
ngl, every time you guys like something to do with the Starlight blorbos it makes me giddy. You make this such a warm and joyous place to be with every little interaction -- your joy is my joy, and I'm so glad our shared love of ID and Choices fandom stuff (and hopefully, my writing too!) has brought you all some happiness.
I hope something makes you smile today. You deserve all the happiness in the world and I appreciate you all so much 🌻🌼🌷
I wanted to give an extra special shout out to @jerzwriter for making this fandom such an inclusive and welcoming place -- you are just straight up lovely! I know I barely know you, but you have a generosity of spirit that I really, greatly admire.
[Skip this bit if you want, as I'm touching on heavier health stuff]. I realise I haven't actually got around to posting the fic in question yet (writing takes a lot out of me atm), but I have been frittering away at a piece based on the ask you sent me forever ago, and I really wanted to thank you for taking the time to send that ask in the first place. Not only did it make me feel like I really was a part of the community here, but you actually sent me that ask right before a meeting with my oncologist where I was due to find out whether I had been responding to chemotherapy or not. (I am getting better! ✨🎉) It was a pretty rough morning, and through some truly serendipitous timing, you swooped in and offered me the perfect distraction. I immediately found myself imagining all these soft scenarios and trying to cobble together little plot points instead of fixating on my anxiety; you gave me an escape when I really needed it.
And for me, that's exactly what fandom is all about! That's what fanfic writers and fanartists are so wonderful at achieving with their works; is bringing this refuge of joy and levity and beauty when we need it the most. So, truly, thank you -- not just for the ask that day, not just for all your hard work with @choicesficwriterscreations, but simply for being you and for sharing your stories with the world. You really do bring a light 💛
And through all of this, my OG reader and wonderful friend @freedom-kitty ✨ You've been there since the beginning bringing so much enthusiasm and eagerness and leaving some of the most wonderful comments on my fics that I have ever had the joy of reading. I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that you are an absolute GEM and I'm so glad ID brought us together 💖 I have so many of your comments saved to go back and re-read when I'm doubting my own skills, or when I just need a smile (I'm still absolutely cracking up about the Aria the Great saga when I "joined you" on holiday lmao). You are the best ever, and I hope you know it.
Thank you for cheering me on, both in writing and in life with all the bullshit going on this year. You kick ass, lovely, and you should feel awesome about being you 💕
Lastly, thank you so much @choicesfandomappreciation for your hard work and thoughtfulness in hosting such an awesome event!! 🧁🎀 I love seeing events like this!
Sending you all hugs (if you are the hugs sort) and sunshine and warmth (if that's more your jam)
You are loved
You are brilliant
You are capable
You are enough 🌻
all my love,
aria xx
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grandwretch · 2 years
ok let me talk about the steddie sentinel au I wanna write bc like. its all I can fucking think about yk
alright so. I want it to be closer to show canon bc the shows origins have really been like. lost in the fanfic trope of it all which is cool and all but i think that making it show canon could be so delicious.
and like its set a decade before the show right so it would be like. blair's research into sentinels and guides would have never been published, so it's a great way to have something weird and terrifying happen to steve and NO ONE ELSE IN PUBLISHED HISTORY has been through it before so its really up to the Party to figure it out.
so I'm thinking that Steve comes "online" while in the Upside Down. because that's the most stress he's ever been in AND I think its what his instincts would see most as a survival/tribal situation like. he has three people he has to protect and he's literally in a blighted hell dimension and also if he doesn't take care of everyone, Max will die and, oh yeah, he has no proof that Jonathan, El, Will, and Mike aren't already dead.
He chalks the random oversensitivity to stress and wounds. Its not until he's in his hospital room that he realizes he can hear Eddie's heartbeat from across the hall. He yanks the IV out of his arm and goes to find Dustin.
After that, I think there's like a huge squabble about Steve's "powers" and whether or not they're real and what they mean. Steve doesn't think of them as powers, he doesn't think they compare to El at all and they're functionally useless. "I can't SMELL a demogorgon to death, Dustin." Robin freaks out and wonders if Steve is a vessel like Will now, but they all dismiss it because Will got weaker, not faster and stronger. Eddie practically climbs inside Steve's mouth looking for fangs.
El quietly asks if Steve is from a lab, too. Steve says his dad is pretty awful, but he's not an evil mad scientist sponsored by the government or whatever.
So they undergo a series of stress tests, trying to find the outer limits of what Steve can do. Hopper gets surprisingly into the whole thing, sending Steve through drills and training that he picked up in the military. Steve's Sentinel powers come to him much more smoothly than Jim, simply because he has a much more structured regimen, and less near death experiences while he gets used to his new senses.
Steve fucking hates it. He hates feeling like a science experiment, and he hates running stupid obstacle courses and letting El throw things at him to test his reaction time. He hates how his entire stupid life has become about this... thing that's happened to him, thats not even that useful, because its not like he's stronger. He's just a better fighter for a human, which isn't going to do much against Vecna.
Even worse, he had to quit his job, because turning all his senses up to 11 has made retail impossible. The blend of perfumes and body odor gives him headaches, he can't stand being able to hear every fucking conversation in the store, and the fluorescent lights hurt his eyes.
Throughout it all, the Munson's trailer is kind of a refuge. After Eddie finally accepted that Steve wasn't some kind of sexy vampire here to seduce their souls away, he dismissed whatever was happening to Steve as boring. So Steve feels like a fucking human again with Eddie, and-- Okay, Eddie is loud and grating and always smells like weed, but those things were already annoying before Steve was like this. He's used to tuning it out, so its almost comforting to be surrounded by them.
Besides, everything the Munsons own is well worn and soft, not like the textures of his own home, more pleasing to the eye than the skin. And if Steve asks very nicely, Eddie will play his acoustic; sweet, soft melodies that don't hurt Steve's ears like the radio does.
(Unbeknownst to Steve, Eddie learns all his favorite songs in a flurry of tapes. He replaces all the soap and detergent in the house with the fancy kind meant for people with allergies. He spends so much money Steve-proofing his place, but he never complains once. He never wants Steve to leave again.)
But the Munson trailer can't stop the worst of it, which is Steve's unbearable need to protect. He already had a superhero complex, but now its even worse. If he goes too long without doing something active, there's an itch under his skin that he can't shake. So he has to venture out again, back to Hoppers' canon for more stupid tests, or patrolling around the town until even his improved stamina falters.
Thats how he zones, the first time. He's roaming through the streets when he hears Dustin and Lucas up in Dustin's room, laughing at some movie. He focuses on the sound of their laughter for a little too long, and suddenly thats all he can hear. Thats all he can feel at all, actually, just their voices. It consumes him.
They find him like that when Lucas goes to leave, hours later. Standing in the Henderson's yard, bat in hand, unmoving. They call everyone, but Eddie gets there first, driving like the devil is after him. He freaks out, understandably, but Dustin calms him with the facts that Steve's eyes haven't rolled, and he's been gone for who knows how long without floating, so its probably not Vecna.
Eddie doesn't feel better.
They try every song on every tape Steve owns. He flinches at a few louder ones, but nothing works. Eventually, Hopper and Jonathan manage to get Steve into a car, his body unresponsive in their hands.
Robin wants to take him to the hospital, but Nancy tells her, softly, that it might alert the wrong people to Steve's condition. What wouldn't the American military do for a body with improved reflexes and speed, who can see and avoid a speeding bullet, and hear the heartbeats of his enemies? They take him to the trailer, because Eddie insists that he and Wayne will be able to take care of Steve. They know what he likes, what triggers him, better than people who do it on purpose.
The worry makes Eddie maybe a little meaner than he means to be.
When they get him home, Eddie wraps Steve up in all his favorite blankets, ones that smell like them both and Wayne's favorite cigarettes. He kisses Steve's forehead and sits next to him on the bed, playing his acoustic and singing all Steve's favorite songs. He knows they didn't work before, but he doesn't know what else to do, and if he just has to watch Steve lay there, he'll cry.
Its the first time, and he's been stuck so long it takes him forever to find his way out, but eventually Steve surfaces. His eyes blink into focus and he swallows around a dry throat.
Steve looks at Eddie, the man who Guided him out of the deep, dark well of his own mind.
"What'd I miss?"
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lunchtimebedamned1997 · 5 months
Fanfic Recommendations, Installment #1!
This is a long one! But even if you don't read all of my words here, you should definitely read theirs!
. ★.`.☆...☆.`.★ .
It feels as though it would be some sort of terrible crime not to highlight the most wonderful fic series that has been circulating its way through the Hazbin Hotel fandom over the last little stretch of time. Yes indeedy, I’m speaking of nothing other than the meteor shower series by spoondrifts on A03 (and ofc as @cringefailvox here on lovely tumblr!)
               This enthralling little series is currently comprised of two parts; time has changed the metaphor and its sequel, dragging its tail in the sea.
Herein we get the most delectable example of polyam, QPR, label-less goodness that I dare say there has been a gaping lack of up until now! (and if I am mistaken, I am happy to be so so wrong so long as you send all those good fics my way!!! My perceptions are fallible)
And who might make up the delightful QPR trio featured in this story? Why, none other than our most beloved Alastor, Rosie, and Vox!
I will admit to you, my dear reader, that I was skeptical of how this trio would function together. A fool, even. But the fanart (here for pt.1 fanart) (and here for pt.2 art) drew me in, it delighted me, and the writing, well, the writing simply blew me away.
How lovely it is to sit down and read such gorgeous, thoughtful, and perfectly complicated renditions of these characters. One that deeply explores the bounds of non-traditional connections, and the twisting, complicated ways we can come to find others in our hearts. Because it seems that even in hell, there can be things that make you feel foreign amongst your peers. That is, if you don’t let yourself be known.
The way Spoondrifts dives into the mentality of the three characters is such a joy to read that I scarcely think I have adequate words to express how exactly it is I feel.
To be Queer in any form is such a varied array of experiences, indescribably vast; and while labels can often be a freedom for some, especially as a place of belonging, or a reaffirmation of identity – or even simply that labels often act as a gateway to community and support – there are many that feel labels restrict them. That those labels are another set of rules they don’t fit neatly into, a chafing reminder of common-society’s boundaries in a place that is supposed to offer refuge.
This is precisely why many have embraced and reclaimed the word "queer" itself as a catch-all term for ‘outside the cis-het bubble’.
Yet, we often jump, especially in fiction, to labeling exactly who and what a character may be. Defining their relationships with immense detail, and fighting ruthlessly over canon vs. fanon vs. fanon-but-less-popular. Yet, here in this fanfic, we see a shining example of the complicated web of queer experiences. Of connection. Of love and care.
A refreshing lens to be sure.
It is a story that says ‘these characters are enough, as flawed and rotten and lovely as they are, and so are you.’ – and isn’t that the very crux of this fandom itself? Is the commentary on Christian religion and the people that claim to uphold it, not in and of itself a similar thing? A story that says ‘you can be terrible and wonderful. You can be awful and be loved. You can be different and be whole.’
In watching the series itself, there was something cathartic for me, too personal for me to write in too great of detail in the here and now. But it made me feel loved. It made me feel like even if I wasn’t perfect, I could still have worth. That I could make mistakes, and still be allowed the grace of second chances if I’m willing to learn and grow from any of the mistakes I'll inevitably make on this complicated journey of life. And so, so much more.
That is how this fanfiction made me feel. Loved. Warm. Safe. Free to be a mess of a human (because aren’t we all?). And still at the end of the day be worthy. To, someday, be loved and cared for in whatever ways I need. That none of us are too much or too little.
I’ve been straying away from labels myself over the years, knowing I fit into a few different nooks and crannies within our vast umbrella, but not quite vibing with a lot of the words anymore. Life is, after all, a journey of discovery; and I’d be a fool to say I know and understand all of myself when I’m not yet even 24 – and fics like this, this fic, made my chest ache in the way the thought of kissing a woman once did. Maybe there’s something there for me to discover, maybe there isn’t. Perhaps it’s just my neurodivergences and my queerness aligning into a desire - and deeply rooted fear - for being seen.
But regardless of how you do or don’t identify, I think anyone would feel a deep fondness for the bonds within this story – though if you align with any of it yourself, it may of course hit you even more profoundly.
The pacing of the story is beyond impeccable and it never once feels stuck in a ‘set of locations’. The world of the pride ring feels sprawling and alive within these words despite spending most of our time within Rosie’s domain.
The care and thought that was given to each character and their depictions - just, damn. Every action felt grounded, understandable for each individual character, and kept you wanting more of each and every bit. Elements of canon were woven into a beautiful tapestry of fanon that feels so real and so right, that if Viv said it was true in a parallel version of Hazbin-Hell, I would believe you in a heartbeat.
The three characters play off of each other beautifully and enticingly, without sacrificing an ounce of what makes them (particularly Al and Vox) ripe for a good ‘you fucking dumbass, get it through your head’ shoulder-shake.
I can’t say too much more without simply gushing over every sentence and ruining the experience for those who have not yet read it, but let me just say: wow. As well as: Thank you, Spoondrifts. What a lovely gift you’ve given us. Thank you for your words. For this exploration of relationships, and hearts that beat a little funny.
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esther-dot · 1 year
i know you didn't answer the previous ask talking about fanfic in particular but sansa shipping fic is a sight to behold due to how much options it offers and given how fanfic is an expression of shipping, i NEED to share my two cents of how vastly different sansa fanfic can be.
depending on her love interest, it tells vastly different stories.
LF? (hopefully) a dark, twisted romance, probably kinky with daddy issues. (hopefully) features dark!sansa.
the hound? probably very soft, beauty & the beast style, a lady & her knight type of story.
tyrells? pure romantic fluff, sansa as a great lady, some good rep, either sapphic or with willas' disability. usually it's an arranged marriage but sansa doesn't start the story outright hating highgarden (usually considering it a refuge after escaping KL). instead, her romantic dreams of knights and summer come true and her new family takes her in with loving arms.
oberyn? also a lot of fluff but make it poly and lots of good food and fun. / doran's kids: less poly but with the same love put into the worldbuilding of dorne.
lannisters? really brings out sansa as a political player. if it's tywin, it's probably kinky (and by kinky, i mean possession and breeding) and cersei dies. if it's jamie, it's not that kinky but cersei still dies. it's always an arranged marriage sansa is forced into but eventually she falls for the lannister in question and fixes his issues (and his family) while leaning into her political side and ousting cersei from her position at court. really, you need a fic where cersei dies? sansa x lannister.
theon is in a prime shipping position after they escaped winterfell together on the show (and that hug. i don't even like theon and i loved that hug in s8. sansa got all the best hugs on the show) and jeyne fills all the childhood friends to lovers tropes plus some sapphic rep. no arranged marriages here, just people finding each other again after years of separation and suffering.
jon is kind of all of the above, depending on interpretation and what kind of vibes are wanted with the advantage of being stark-based and lots and lots of ghost being a good boy who sticks to sansa's shadow. she at least ends up as the ruling lady of winterfell in a prospering north. rickon lives, arya comes and goes as she pleases, brienne is in her queen's guard.
all of these don't even consider the potential of au's that deviate from the books more than a butterfly effect and a few (or many) slightly (or heavily, looking at you tywin) adjusted characters. (btw, in modern au's sansa also offers the potential trope of TWO crazy ex-boyfriends who abused her to some extent and who can cause further conflict.)
depending on what kind of tropes you love, there's a sansa ship for you out there because there's just so much possibility in her character and depending on where you diverge from her story (and which house you favour, tbh), all of them are kind of possible if you squint and that's where she's very different from characters whose paths are already set in stone. unless we go into au's that deviate before the books start, jon is always going to be at the wall. dany is always going to start out in essos and doesn't interact with other romantic leads until she's the conqueror (or saviour). robb is always going to be the heir of winterfell and has to return to winterfell even if he survives. sansa meanwhile crosses paths with most of the major factions during her time in KL and is in search for a home & family and can embody both the daughter that's going to leave her father's home and make a home elsewhere AND the eldest surviving child that can find her home AT home with whomever she chooses (sometimes reconquering wf for rickon with the help of her adopted family)
having her face so many suitors obviously puts the idea in the reader's head that sansa is worth pursuing and that there are possibilities to deviate from the story (which makes a lot of these matches possible, the easy in with the lannisters and the tyrells is always an arranged marriage (oberyn shipping kind of involves a lot more voluntarily getting kidnapped before the match is made)) but the potential each match brings is really up to the writer.
as someone who tries not to judge what other people like in fanfic, i have to admit that sansa is a gift that keeps on giving.
(and if you want to know how i know, it's because i'm the embodiment of the guy that finds a "dead dove don't eat" bag in the fridge and opens it anyway. i'm just really happy i haven't seen any sansa x qyburn yet.)
(About this ask)
That was a really fun read! It’s a great point about Sansa’s story in particular placing her in vicinity of many of these important characters in a way others don’t (like Jon or Dany), so I can def see why, when looking to write a romance with a certain character, she’s the go to heroine of the story.
I also think a big factor is that Sansa is someone a lot of girls can identify with and you can manifest her personality, interests, struggles into different scenarios pretty easily, so generally, I understand why of all the characters in ASOIAF, if someone wants to write a romance, it would center on her.
If you have stumbled across some hidden gems feel free to send me fic recs!
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baura-bear · 1 year
MAURA MAURA MAURA hiii :333 how are you how's stuff going!!! popping in to check in on you. hope you're feeling better bc i know you had a tougher time lately!!
and im here to dump my trans4trans javid tthoughts here. ok so i once read a really nice fanfic that portrayed david as presenting as a boy first to get a job as a newsboy after mayer's injury (i imagine they didn't take in girls or at least not too eagerly) and it was the first time he ever felt good and like truly himself. plus the name he chose . david. it was powerful and had significance as he was a Jewish person and like. obviously he felt so great!! and he also binded. though he was so anxious that the newsies would see that he isn't a "real" boy (obviously only using such wording to like. illustrate david's thoughts) but they didn't!! and david was welcomed and obviously there was also jack. and they were pretty infatuated right from the start. ok now just wanted to make clear that im just sharing my thoughts now. as for jack's transness i think the guys at the lodge all know? they've known jack for so long and he's their friend and he definitely trusts them a lot and obviously they support him! he's their guy!!! he's jack!!!! but they also obviously don't tell anyone that jack is trans. jack doesn't tell either. but as i was saying. jack and dave connect immediately and they get pretty enamored right away, and everyone could see that as well. and i imagine the first time jack learned that david is trans was when he had the talk with pulitzer... and pulitzer obviously disclosed some pretty personal information about david (his deadname) along with threatening to hurt his family if jack didn't comply. and since then jack knew obviously, and i think that only made him fall harder because. what are the odds that the guy you're in love with is *like you* in such a deep way? that he'll be able to understand you? that he'll take you seriously and you won't have to worry about not being perceived as a real guy? and after the strike when jack came back and everything was okay again. they definitely got closer and closer until eventually the inevitable Thing happened. a kiss probably or just a touch that was so unmistakably tender that they couldn't ignore their feelings any longer. and jack, before saying that he's in love, says that he knows david is trans. david literally gets paler than a sheet of paper and panics and wants to start apologizing but then jack quickly cuts him off with "no, dave, me-- me too! it's okay!" and then it sinks in for david and he's also so overwhelmed but in a good way and he can't help but just laugh and probably stim a bit because he's delighted for the same reason that jack is!!! and they definitely confess their feelings and they're so so very happy together. two boys in love :-)
DAVE DAVE DAVE!!!!! HI!!! Thank you for checking in :))) I’m alright! School starts soon so I’m a little nervy but I’m ok. I hope you’re doing well!!!!!
I HAVE DEFINITELY READ PART OF THIS FIC BEFORE (idk if I finished it but I remember loving it)
The the part about Jack finding out about Dave in Pulitzers office. Like,,, he realizes how much more danger David is in than he initially thought. And like it completely changes Jack and Snyder’s dynamic and why Snyder is so obsessed with catching this boy and how brutal his time in the Refuge might have been
And,,, David finding out that Jack knows. His entire world falls out from beneath him and he thinks this is just another person that he drove away because he doesn’t know how to be normal but the second he realizes Jack is safe he probably cries through laughter because what the fuck what a roller coaster of emotions to go on. And they just hug each other for a really long time and David probably says something about thinking he was the only one. And Jack’s like “oh boy have I got a surprise for you” because there are so many trans newsies (because I said so)
Also it makes David so happy to hear Les happily running around telling everyone that David is his older brother :’)
t4t Javid is the only Javid I love them sm
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sotwk · 9 months
hello! I hope this message finds you well.
I wanted to reach out to you to express my gratitude for being you. In my eyes, you truly are a Naneth in the LOTR fandom and it means so much. Fandoms are places where people some to relax and heal as well as enjoy the creation of stories and characters. I find that most of us have felt lost or hurt in some aspect of our lives. And honestly, I feel as if we occasionally need a mom that won’t judge us and would support us. I don’t know you as well as I would like, but I do see you as that person in this fandom. You feel safe to me. I appreciate you creating the space for people to feel cared for and comforted.
With much love,
An anon who values you 🩷
Darling Anon,
This could possibly be the sweetest and most gratifying message I have received in the entire 15 months of my Tumblr existence. <3 Bless your heart for taking the time to tell me these things!
Everything you said helps justify the amount of time I spend online, writing fanfic, and just hanging out here. I am at a life stage where adult responsibilities (my career, my husband and kids) need to take priority. I am 38 now, but I have been writing fanfic (on paper!) since I was about 10, and engaging in online fandom communities since I was 16 (with dial-up internet!). Online fandom spaces were a refuge for me during the most challenging periods of my life.
Even though my life is pretty great now (though not without its pains and heartaches!), I can never outgrow or leave the things that give me the most comfort: creative writing, my favorite fandoms, and online friends. These have always been very therapeutic for me, so I believe they've grown vital to my mental well-being!
The "Naneth"/"Nana"/Online Mom title was started by my dear friend Callon @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog when she remarked that I reminded her of her mom, and our other friends from SHHEEP just kind of picked up the nickname as well. As a real mom, I wish everyone could have a loving relationship with their own mothers (I truly believe all moms have genuine, fierce love for their children in their hearts--but moms are fragile humans just like everyone else, life is rough, and things can go very wrong sometimes). But whenever that is not possible, I am more than happy to act as a stand-in to whoever wants that support.
I do strive to make my blog a safe space for everyone (so it would only ever block "bad vibes"), because we have all suffered enough, and there is enough stress and fighting out there everywhere else. HERE, we just come to have fun and be silly and share and exchange things that give us joy and offer each other comfort. We all just want to be carefree kids again who can make friends with anybody in an instant--that's what we all have in common and that's all that matters in the end.
Thank you again for your kind message, Anon! I appreciate YOU so very much and I hope you have a wonderful start to your new year! <3
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violettduchess · 2 years
End of the Year Favorites 💜
This whole year has been my first foray into writing (public) fanfiction but I've been reading it for as long as I can remember. It is an incredibly underappreciated genre, plagued by stereotypes and even disdain from people who don't get it.
If you're reading this, you are likely among the folks that DO get it. The ones who understand the time, effort and creativity that every bit of fanfic, whether its a short blurb or 6k, requires. You get that a writer leaves a small piece of themselves in every word they set down.
I've had the pleasure of discovering many talented writers and I'd like to celebrate a handful of them by posting my favorite fic of theirs along with an excerpt from it.
I hope to either remind you how great it is if you already know it, or introduce you to it if you don't!
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Pas de Deux - @aquagirl1978 : (Chevalier Michel)
“Only a fool would believe she was not worthy of being in my performance.” 
Your breath hitched as he roughly stroked your cheek with his thumb. You gazed into his eyes, your heart filling with warmth as you realized what he was telling you. For as graceful and elegant he was on the stage, he was everything but when it came to social interactions. 
“One day, I wish to dance with you as my partner.” 
Dual Perspective - @scorchieart : (Nokto / Licht)
"How long had it been since he’d sat so close to his other half? Since he’d inhaled his dewy scent of training and felt the warmth of his fluffy hair on his skin as they lay down to sleep? Since he’d been a part of an actual family, with brother, mother, and father close enough to touch?"
A Simple Remedy - @xxsycamore : (Comte)
""Yes, ma chérie? Can I help you with something else?"
"There is one thing, but please, forget about the rest! It's really alright, just-"
You look up at him, fighting the guilt of posing a request even though the cramps already seem to have weakened - or maybe the man in front of you has distracted you successfully from them.
"…Stay by my side for a little bit?""
Good Morning, Prince Yves - @atelieredux : (Yves Kloss)
"You, floating, saccharine and gorgeous in love, are spooled free from pastel dreams into a warm living-space: his space and sanctuary and stage and storybook, shaded in pastel pillows, teacup furniture, the shimmer off jewels and gemwork, and orbiting him, the doll, the prince, the sweetness God baked into blue eyes and ginger smile.
Yves flips the hair from his face and morning light finishes the rest. “You’re not allowed to look that cute while you sleep!”
Your cheek tickles then glows effulgent with his frowning admission. “Good morning, Yves.” "
The Choir of Crickets - @venulus : (Clavis Lelouch)
"Oh, what a wicked witch you were, he thought as he observed your sleeping form on the mattress after stepping into the peace and tranquillity of your room—your sanctuary and his refuge. And as if entranced by magic, he let his feet lead him to your bed and under the covers. Like a refugee seeking heat on a cold night, Clavis clung to your warm body, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. He breathed you in, letting your familiar and comforting scent engulf his entire being, making him forget about his obligations, his worries, and his insecurities; making him forget about the world and the universe."
Sun of Love - @queengiuliettafirstlady : (Jean D'arc)
"Leaned to the tree he was hugging her from behind, tenderly whispering sweet words in her ear as she nuzzled content into his chest looking up at him with a smile on her lips so bright to put the sun itself to shame, and he wondered if the sun shyness was owed to the incomparable beauty she had in his eyes that made it reluctant to come out, sure to not elicit any awe in him as its appearance use to do with everyone else."
The Rhodolite Princess (Ch 3) - @myonlyjknight : (Ikeprince)
"Emma gave her a light shove and whispered, "Take your seat."
The moment she realized that the seat was hers, Reilynn felt herself get flustered. She hurriedly sent an apologetic look to Sariel and thanked him before taking the seat he pulled for her. It felt weird for her to be sitting at the same table, but she almost felt like she belonged. However, this was not a time to relax.
"My, who would have thought we would meet again this way?" said the prince with the ashen purple hair, who she knew was Prince Clavis."
Ikemen Prince Zoo -@leonscape : (Ikeprince)
"every year on october 31st, the princes turn into real beasts. for 24 hours, they transform into their respective animals.
lion leon obediently sat at her feet, staring at the slab of steak on the counter. he licked his lips, or rather his snout, just dying to eat the delicious meat."
A Mermaid Princess and a Pirate King - @writingwhimsey :(Motonari)
"“It matters not where you are from, but that you showed up when you did.” He replied. “Not many would be willing to help one such as myself. Tell me your name, woman.”
That attitude grated on my nerves. “Maybe if you asked a little more nicely.”
The man smirked at me. “No one has dared speak to me in such a manner. Do you know who I am?”"
Witches' Sabbath (Ch 1) - @lorei-writes : (Masamune)
"Masamune leaned down, hands reaching for the discarded skirt. Careful as not to ruin his work, he brought the garment to sit at her waist and secured it in place with a bow, blue silk treating each of his wishes as a command. Turn around, he asked and she followed, fabric swirling around her legs. Slowly he brushed her hair with his fingers, a soft smile on his face. You look ravishing. You’ve got this, kitten. Good luck."
Insatiable Cravings - @ikemen-prince-writers-posts : (Silvio Ricci)
"Glacial sapphire eyes gazed at the goddess laying next to him. Red lips, swollen from rough kisses from a moment ago. Rosy skin littered with bite marks, turning from a bright strawberry red to a dark purple plum. Silvio smirked, admiring his handiwork on his wife's body."
You Won - @randonauticrap : (Jin Grandet)
"“No.” he whispered, and clutched to you tighter. At last, you stopped fighting him, and collapsed into his hold, allowing the sobs to wrack through your body, causing you to tremble wildly against Jin’s broad chest. In a strange sense, you still wouldn’t want to be with anyone else to help comfort you. Even though he caused you so much pain, no one else could comfort you the way Jin did. One strong arm was wrapped firmly around your waist, holding you against him, while his opposing hand had been tangled into your hair, keeping your head just under his chin. At last, your weeping subsided, and you simply stood there against him; limp; empty. "
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These are only a handful of the fics I've read this year but they are ones I remember! Please check out these writers and support them and their work 💜
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i-sveikata · 2 months
Hello! I have no questions. I just wanted to thank you for your great work. Your fanfic has become my safe place since I lost my last one (BibleBuild). So thank you from the bottom of my heart for this gift! And sorry if I ever pressured you with questions about updating and stuff (yes, I'm one of those people). It's just that sometimes I feel sad and lonely and knowing that we are close to the next one (chapter) makes me feel anxious and greedy and I want to know what happens next. So I can make new fake scenarios in my mind, which help me stand everyday life. Cause when I read a new chapter it brings me inner peace and it sooths my soul and I feel safe. That's how great your work is!
Damn listen to this crazy person person. Sorry about the monolog of a lunatic. It's just I'm having a few really bad days. I just wanted to say thank you and I ended up writing all this. Anyway, have a great Sunday! (I don't know what time is there, here is Sunday morning.)
hey anon!! hahaha thats okay you dont have to have questions!! checking in is also okay :)
ah thank you youre so welcome!!! im glad that it's become a meaningful refuge for you!!! no not at all no need to be sorry it really wasnt a problem for people to be doing it- just less fun for me when everyone was doing it at once- then it just felt like constantly answering the same thing thats all!! no i get wanting to know!! and tbh im happy to give spoilers if people are asking me questions about specific things tbh im not trying to be keep you in suspense lmao im an open book!! like most of what ive been writing lately has just been plain horny and indulgent lol but its very them and its what they deserve after all the angst and suffering!!
oh man i love a fake scenario so can totally relate on it enriching your day! thank you youre so sweet im so glad it makes you feel that way!
no not at all im happy to hear from readers and their thoughts on things that doesnt make you crazy at all! im sorry youre having some bad days and i hope they'll be improving for you soon!! thank you have a great week yourself!!
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