#the great 2024 remodel
tam--lin · 4 months
I'm in the stage of house prep where what I want to be doing is buying mid-century starburst outlet covers on Etsy and researching "indoor tabletop bog" and trying to find a used espresso machine for the kitchen
but the stage of house prep we are actually in is "cleaning up this mess of ancient poly and paint and solvent" and "how are there more cobwebs I thought we got them all".
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Burton Constable Hall
Hi guys!!
I'm sharing Burton Constable Hall. This is the 19th building for my English Collection.
I decorated most of the house ground floor, for reference.
History of the house: Burton Constable Hall is a large Elizabethan country house in England, with 18th- and 19th-century interiors.
Despite its apparent uniformity of style, Burton Constable has a long and complicated building history. The lower part of the north tower, built from limestone, is the oldest part of the house to survive and dates to the 12th century, when a medieval pele tower served to protect the village of Burton Constable from the time of the reign of King Stephen. In the late 15th century a new brick manor house was built at Burton Constable, eventually replacing Halsham as the family's principal seat. In the 1560s Sir John Constable embarked on the building of the Elizabethan prodigy house that stands today. This incorporated remains of the earlier manor house along with the addition of the new range containing a Great Hall, which rose the full height of the building and was top-lit by a lantern, along with a Parlour, Chambers and South Wing.
By the 18th century, the Great Hall must have seemed old fashioned, and a surviving design of c. 1730 suggests that Cuthbert Constable intended to completely remodel the interior. However, it appears that remodelling was not undertaken until the 1760s when his son William Constable commissioned a number of architects for designs. These included John Carr, Timothy Lightoler and Capability Brown. The decorative plasterwork was executed by James Henderson of York. At this time, Constable also acquired the plaster figures of Demosthenes and Hercules with Cerberus, and plaster busts of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and the Greek poet Sappho, from the sculptor John Cheere. Above the fireplace is a carving of oak boughs and garlands of laurel leaves, crowned by the Garter Star, surrounding the armorial shield of the Constable family in scagliola by Domenico Bartoli.
The dining room was substantially remodelled by William Constable in the 1760s, who commissioned designs from Robert Adam, Thomas Atkinson, and Timothy Lightoler (who won the commission). The ceiling draws on contemporary interest in the excavations at Pompeii and Herculaneum, with plasterwork by Giuseppe Cortese. The overmantel plaque of Bacchus and Ariadne riding on a panther was modelled on famous antique cameos illustrated in Pierres Antiques Gravées, published 1724 by Philip, Baron von Stosch and Bernard Picart. This room was again redecorated in the 19th century.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burton_Constable_Hall
This house fits a 50x50  lot.
I only decorated some of the important rooms. All the rest of the house is up to your taste to decor.
Hope you like it.
You will need the usual CC I use:
all Felixandre cc
all The Jim
Regal Sims
King Falcon railing
The Golden Sanctuary
Dndr recolors
Harrie cc
Lili's palace cc
Please enjoy, comment if you like the house and share pictures of your game!
Follow me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/sims4palaces/
Download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/112319879
Public: 21/10/2024
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By: Andrew Doyle
Published: Apr 18, 2024
“Why do you think the giraffe has a long neck?” says the naturalist Philip Henry Gosse to his son Edmund while he tucks him up into bed. “Does it have a long neck so that it can eat the leaves at the top of the tree? Or does it eat the leaves at the top of the tree because it has a long neck?”
“Does it matter?” says Edmund.
“A great deal, my son.”
This exchange is taken from Dennis Potter’s wonderful television play Where Adam Stood (1976), a loose adaptation of Edmund Gosse’s Father and Son (1907). Gosse’s book must rank among the very best of autobiographies. It is his account of being raised by his father Philip, one of Darwin’s close contemporaries, a man whose faith in the Bible was so fervent that the revelations of natural selection almost destroyed him.
The question about the giraffes is Potter’s invention, but it adroitly captures the profound inner struggle of this scientist who had devoted his life to a belief-system that was suddenly falling apart. It wasn’t just a matter of changing his mind as new evidence emerged, because the proposition that the earth’s age could be numbered in the billions rather than the thousands was not something that his faith could accommodate. The stumbling block was the Bible, a point that Edmund is quick to acknowledge in his book:
“My Father’s attitude towards the theory of natural selection was critical in his career, and oddly enough, it exercised an immense influence on my own experience as a child. Let it be admitted at once, mournful as the admission is, that every instinct in his intelligence went out at first to greet the new light. It had hardly done so, when a recollection of the opening chapter of Genesis checked it at the outset. He consulted with Carpenter, a great investigator, but one who was fully as incapable as himself of remodelling his ideas with regard to the old, accepted hypotheses. They both determined, on various grounds, to have nothing to do with the terrible theory, but to hold steadily to the law of the fixity of species.”
Philip Gosse had an instinct for scientific enquiry, but the new discoveries simply could not be reconciled with his holy text. His whole being was invested in the Biblical truth, and to cast that in doubt would be to undermine the crux of his being. To admit that he might have been wrong, in this particular instance, would be a form of spiritual death.
Both Gosse’s memoir and Potter’s dramatisation grapple with what Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay (in their book How to Have Impossible Conversations) call an “identity quake”, the “emotional reaction that follows from having one’s core values disrupted”. Their point is that when arguing with those who see the world in an entirely different way, we must be sensitive to the ways in which certain ideas constitute an aspect of our sense of self. In such circumstances, to dispense with a cherished viewpoint can be as traumatic as losing a limb.
The concept of identity quakes helps us to understand the extreme political tribalism of our times. It isn’t simply that the left disagrees with the right, but that to be “left-wing” has become integral to self-conceptualisation. How often have we seen “#FBPE” or “anti-Tory” in social media bios? These aren’t simply political affiliations; they are defining aspects of these people’s lives. This is also why so many online disputes seem to be untethered from reason; many are following a set of rules established by their “side”, not thinking for themselves. When it comes to fealty to the cause, truth becomes irrelevant. We are no longer dealing with disputants in an argument, but individuals who occupy entirely different epistemological frameworks.
Since the publication of the Cass Review, we have seen countless examples of this kind of phenomena. Even faced with the evidence that “gender-affirming” care is unsafe for children, those whose identity has been cultivated in the gender wars will find it almost impossible to accept the truth. Trans rights activists have insisted that “gender identity” is a reality, and their “allies” have been the most strident of all on this point. As an essentially supernatural belief, it should come as no surprise that it has been insisted on with such vigour, and that those who have attempted to challenge this view have been bullied and demonised as heretics.
Consider the reaction from Novara Media, a left-wing independent media company, which once published some tips on how to deceive a doctor into prescribing cross-sex hormones. Novara has claimed that “within hours of publication” the Cass Review had been “torn to shreds”. Like all ideologues, they are invested in a creed, and it just so happens that the conviction that “gender identity” is innate and fixed (and simultaneously infinitely fluid) has become a firm dogma of the identity-obsessed intersectional cult.
Identity quakes will be all the more seismic within a movement whose members have elevated “identity” itself to hallowed status. When tax expert Maya Forstater sued her former employers for discrimination due to her gender-critical beliefs in 2019, one of the company’s representatives, Luke Easley, made a revealing declaration during the hearing. “Identity is reality,” he said, “without identity there’s just a corpse”.
This sentiment encapsulates the kind of magical thinking that lies at the core of the creed. So while it becomes increasingly obvious that gender identity ideology is a reactionary force that represents a direct threat to the rights of women and gay people, there will be many who simply will not be able to admit it. In Easley’s terms, if their entire identity is based on a lie, only “a corpse” remains. From this perspective, to abandon one’s worldview is tantamount to suicide.
This determination to hold fast to one’s views, even when the evidence mounts up against them, is known as “belief perseverance”. It is a natural form of psychological self-defence. After all, there is a lot at stake for those who have supported and enabled the Tavistock Clinic and groups like Mermaids and Stonewall. Many of the cheerleaders have encouraged the transitioning of children, sometimes their own. What we have known for years has now been confirmed: many of these young people will have been autistic, or will have simply grown up to be gay. For people to admit that they supported the sterilisation of some of the most vulnerable in society would be to face a terrible reality.
This idea was summarised in parliament on Monday by Victoria Atkins, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. Addressing Labour MP Wes Streeting, she said:
“I welcome all those who have changed their minds about this critical issue. In order to move forward and get on with the vital work that Dr Cass recommends, we need more people to face up to the truth, no matter how uncomfortable that makes them feel. I hope the honourable gentleman has the humility to understand that the ideology that he and his colleagues espoused was part of the problem. He talked about the culture and the toxicity of the debate. Does he understand the hurt that he caused to people when he told them to ‘just get over it’? Does he know that when he and his friends on the left spent the last decade crying ‘culture wars’ when legitimate concerns were raised created an atmosphere of intimidation, with the impact on the workforce that he rightly described?”
It remains to be seen whether those politicians who failed to grapple with the implications of gender identity ideology, and who mindlessly accepted the misleading rhetoric of Stonewall and its allies, will have the humility to admit that they were wrong. Many culpable celebrities have been choosing to remain silent in recent days, while others have opted for outright denial. On the question of puberty blockers and their harm to children, television presenter Kirstie Allsop has made the remarkable claim that “it is, and always has been possible to debate these things and those saying there was no debate are wrong”. The concept of “no debate” was official Stonewall policy for many years, and has been a mantra for many within the trans activist movement. To suggest that there have been no attempts to stifle discussion on this subject can only be ignorance, mendacity or a remarkably acute form of amnesia.
Of course, the stakes could hardly be higher. We are dealing with complacency and ideological capture that had resulted in the sterilisation and castration of healthy young people. It is, without a doubt, one of the biggest medical scandals of our time. It is entirely understandable that those who have supported such terrible actions would enter a state of denial. And so we must also be sensitive to those who are now strong enough to admit that they were mistaken.
But we also need to prepare ourselves for the inevitable doubling down. There are those whose psyche cannot withstand the kind of identity quake that Philip Henry Gosse once suffered. His solution was to write a book explaining why God had left evidence of natural selection. It was called Omphalos (1857) – the Greek word for “navel” – and his thesis was that since Adam had no mother, his navel was merely an addition to generate the illusion of past that did not exist. The fossils that were being discovered in the ground were therefore no different than the rings in the first trees in the Garden of Eden. They weren’t evidence of age, but rather part of God’s poetical vision.
Some of the revisionism and excuses from gender ideologues are likely to be even more elaborate. They have invested too much in their fantasies to give up without a fight.
As gender identity ideology falls apart, we need to pay attention to who is working to fix the mistakes they made, who is doubling down, and who is remaining silent.
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expulence · 9 months
💫2024 looks like...
Plush Robes🧖‍♀️; Pamper Sessions🛀; Mindfulness🧘‍♀️; Luxury Travels🧳; Skiing in Aspen⛷; Yachting in Capri🛥; Jet Skiing in Bora Bora🚤; Safari at the Kruger National Park🦒; Innovation💡; Investments📈; Entrepreneurship🧾; $1 Million Dollars💰; a Credit score of 800+💳; Freedom🤸‍♀️; Wellness👩‍⚕️; Fitness💪; Healthy Eating🥗; Beauty Rituals💄; Mani/Pedis💅; Visits to the Salon💇‍♀️; Massages💆‍♀️; Ballroom/ Latin American Dancing💃; Creating Art👩‍🎨; Consuming Art🎭; Reading Books📖; Drinking Water💧;Drinking Champagne🍾; Shopping Sprees🛍; Remodeling You Home🏠; 5 Star Hotels🛎; Concierge Services🕴; Your Dream Pet🐩; Amazing Relationships👭;
But most of all, 2024 looks like...
So make it great..💎
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ceceliaahathaway · 6 months
@johnnparsons Event: An Art Auction and Larceny. Dated: 6th of April, 2024 Location: Sotheby's London, Mayfair.
She was in the middle of Mediterranean. She had her feet outstretched in front of her, a martini in hand, and Adam by her side. Everything was perfect. She leaned in, lips meeting Adam's for a quick kiss. She smiled against his mouth. Life was good. Oh, OH.. was that a tongue? She pulled back ready to chastise him, because that was for the bedroom not some Mediterranean cruise, in front of Daniel Craig... wait a second. That wasn't Adam's tongue..
She woke up to THIS and screamed!
Breathless, her hands stretched out to either side, she observed as her morning horror show sauntered back out of the bedroom, on the hunt for more Prada bags to remodel. Perhaps you once thought that gold shoulder strap was a necessity, but you were mistaken. Exhaling in defeat, she grasped her laptop and placed it on her lap. She had research to resume.
The blonde might've been in the midst of a separation, but Cecelia Hathaway was at stage five denial. She wasn't going to cry, beg, or bargain her way back into her husband's life, because to her.. she was still very much inside of it. Which is why she'd decided to call Adam's favourite charity, Great Ormond Street Children's hospital, to organise a donation. What of? Art, of course.
Her eyes settled on the piece that she had her heart set on. Was it to her usual taste? Oh, Christ, no. But this wasn't about her. This was about children. Children who were hurt and sick and wanted nothing more that to look up at their blank clinical walls and instead see a delightful Teddy Bear. Yes, this was definitely the one.
How delightfully, whimsy he was. She stood in front of the painting that she'd finally selected, noting down its number and placement in the upcoming auction. The price wasn't much of an issue, as she intended it to be a tax write-off, but it remained reasonable nonetheless. As she glanced around, her eyes appreciatively taking in the others who shared her passion for art on this weekend outing, her gaze suddenly fell upon him. What the hell was he doing here? She didn't take him as man who appreciated antiquities. She barely took him as man. More so a troglodyte. "Do you realize this is an art auction, not a date auction, right? I don't think they're holding another one of those until next year."
Navigating around him, she couldn't help but feel exasperated; he seemed to be occupying an excessive amount of space. She still had other pieces to peruse before the auction commenced—oh, well, too late now. Making her way over to the chairs, she noticed them beginning to fill up around her. And quite quickly too. If she wasn't careful she was going to-- Oh, thank god. At least there was one seat between them both. Sitting down, Cece cast her head forward, waiting for her prized picture to make its appearance.
"And now, we have lot number two.." They always presented the least valuable ones first. "We're asking for opening bids of $1000 pounds." She grabbed up her paddle, placing it high in the air, "$1000 pounds, here." That picture was hers.
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foundationhq · 7 months
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DATE & TIME: FEBRUARY 19 - FEBRUARY 23. Various classified times.
DECLASSIFIED DETAILS: The MTF Chi-00 team meets in the 2F of the Site-φ Base of Operations for their first, great challenge: mandatory workplace introductions. Beyond that, it's a simple week of getting to know their surroundings and hopefully, starting to acclimatize into their new lives.
FOR PLAYERS: 𝑎𝑐𝑡  𝑖.  𝑐ℎ.  𝑖.  (𝒅𝒊𝒔)𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏  is  live  FEB.  19  -  FEB.  29,  2024. FoundationHQ is now open for interactions! Regular activity requirements will commence today. In our game, players “play at the their own pace,” meaning all that is mandatory for event participation is the STORY BEAT. Other topics and activities listed in SIDE STORIES are recommended to get a fuller game experience, but not required to progress the mainline plot. Free free to use them for jumping off points in starters, threads, self-paras, etc.! Respond as you see fit, and have fun! And watch the world respond to you.
𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻.
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STORY BEAT; 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠.
You  arise,  the  sun  waking  up  with  you  over  the  strips  of  gray  haze  that  curtain  its  brilliance.  The  wan  daybreak  lights  the  interior  of  your  new  home  for  the  next  three-hundred  sixty-five  days.  It  is  empty,  just  like  your  head.  Since  the  flight  into  Site-φ,  intense  brain  fog  has  rolled  in  and  settled  deep  in  the  recesses  of  your  mind,  nesting. 
Like  a  cuckoo  child,  a  parasite,  this  sense  of  a  waking  dream  lodges  itself  in  your  higher  cerebral  reasoning,  immobilizing  any  mental  processes  until  you  get  a  sip  of  water,  a  smidgeon  of  coffee,  or  tea...  Then  and  only  then,  your  thoughts  unfurl,  leaving  behind  wrinkled,  indecipherable  reminders  and  memories  of  what  you did  last  night  before  sleep  overtook  you. 
The  alarm  rings,  and  the  bedside  clock  rattles, hopping  between  its  two  stick  feet.  You’re  all  dressed  and  ready  to  go.  You  don’t  remember  washing  or  putting  on  your  clothes.  Whose  face  did  you  see  in  the  mirror? 
A  gunmetal  pearl  Jeep  Wrangler  Sport,  the  car  the  ombudsmen  said  would  come  to  pick  you  up,  creeps  into  view,  rolling onto  the  driveway  of  the  resident building.  You  depart,  wanting  to  arrive  on  time.  Inside,  the  Captain  of  the  Security  Team,  Junichi  Kato,  greets  you  with  a  broad,  gap-toothed  grin.  Although  the  ride  is  pleasant,  you  cannot  harken  any  of  the  captain's  live  commentary.  Your  stomach  churns  as  the  jeep  races  through  the  grayed  landscape  towards  Site-φ’s  principal  base:  a  massive  colossus  of  concrete  and  metal.    
“Great  chat,  by  the  way!”  The  Captain  chuckles  as  he  helps  you  out.  It’s  cheery.  There’s  no  hint  of  sarcasm  or  a  single  blister  on  the  man’s  ego.  Therefore,  the  bright-eyed  sincerity  is  worse;  do  you  tell  Captain  Kato  you  recall  nothing? 
After  check-ins  in  the  lobby  and  passing  through  checkpoint  screenings  —  standard  security  measures,  every  seasoned  employee  of  the  Foundation  knows  this  —  you  receive  your  modified  pager  and  a  temporary  Level  0  Clearance  keycard.  According  to  the  secretary,  the  photographer  rejected  the  headshot  you  sent  earlier  before  your  arrival.  They  wish  to  schedule  a  private  photo  shoot  with  you  later  in  the  week  to  capture  the  “essence”  of  Standardized  Employee  Identification  Cards.  As  you  mull  over  what  that  could  possibly  mean,  the  elevator  dings. 
The  second  floor.  The  office  space  bears  signs  of  recent  remodeling,  showing  that  it’s  cleared  out  and  set  up  for  MTF  Chi-00,  also  known  as  “The  Broken  Scales  of  Themis,”  also  known  as  your  team.  Across  the  hall  is  a  large  conference  room  with  glass  walls.  Someone  has  drawn  the  blinds.  A  man  is  already  sitting  inside  —  legs  crossed,  elbow  propped  on  his  knee,  and  chin  rested  in  the  palm  of  his  right  hand  —  and  he  fixes  his  gaze  straight  at  you. 
Logic  kicks  in;  it  must  be  your  new  commander.  Dark  eyes  track  you  as  you  continue  to  move  forward.  You  pause  near  the  door.  Waiting,  waiting.  Come  on,  get  a  move  on.  Your  will,  that  quiet  but  ardent  nudge  inside  you,  propels  you  forward. 
You  enter  the  glass-walled  room,  and  the  bearded  man  stands  up  to  shake  your  hand.  He  says,  “Mornin’,”  his  tone  is  raspy  but  unexpectedly  soft  and  polite  compared  to  his  casual  attire  and  gruff  appearance.  The  commander  gestures  for  you  to  sit,  and  you  find  one  suitable. 
It’s  silent  but  tense;  the  Commander  looks  downright  bored.  You  feel  it,  the  heavy  fruit  of  compulsory  small  talk  dropping  —  then  the  door  opens  again.  Another  welcome.  Wash  and  repeat.  The  seats  fill  with  bodies,  mouths  exchange  hellos,  and  eyes  start  to  scout  and  hide  amongst  the  ranks.  Some  steeled,  armed  glares  promising  retaliation;  some  wobbly,  seeking  a  guardrail;  sixteen  pairs  orient  themselves  to  the  lone  man  standing, who steps forward. 
“Well...  Guess  I’ll  go  first.”
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⒈ Post an in-character introduction to the team, no minimum or maximum word limit. This will be your character's first impression to the team! Have fun and format it however you'd like. Dialogue, script, narration, what have you! ⒉ React to others' in-character intros; how does your muse feel hearing their introductions? Players may respond directly to other's tumblr posts via the reply feature, via reblog for a longer form response, send a smoke signal (...maybe not the last one...), and there is no word limit. For these reactions, even one-liners and gif reactions are allowed! Three (3) reactions are mandatory to pass this event check. If you'd like to react to all the muses (we highly suggest doing one-liners, you wacky animal!), special subplots may be unlocked for your muse.
📍 If all muses receive at least three (3) reactions within the event, a huge bonus will be unlocked for the first mission for all members.
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Based on the results of the group's discord theories regarding our first event preview, some side stories have been declassified. Good job, everyone! And there are some side stories which are yet to be discovered by you. Even if some events are “classified,” we hope that our players take a leap of faith and go for what interests them the most! Who knows where that rabbit hole leads...
𝒇𝒆𝒃. 𝟏𝟗
INTRODUCTIONS; the members of themis introduce one another, some meeting for the first time, others shying away from too-familiar faces. after first impressions, where does everyone stand with each other?
PHOTO OP; the site photographer would like to take a photo of your muse for their employee identification card at site-φ. it is highly recommended, or you'll be carting around a level 0 clearance card all throughout the base, which may affect access. 📍 players are recommended to either dm or submit photos if they'd like a personalized graphic as well! a sample ID will be posted on the FHQ DISCORD.
TOUR OF THE FLOORS; HR has appointed ombudsperson A.J. to take the themis members on individual and group tours of the main base facilities. the mtf chi-00 team are shown the above ground floors, as well as the basement floors B1F-4F. 𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 has access to B5F+, and peeked at B6-7F. 𝐷𝑌𝐼𝑁𝐺 𝐵𝑅𝐸𝐸𝐷 has been briefed on B7F's current persons of interest. notably, the guided tour does not enter any of the current containment floors.
RECEIVE YOUR PAGER & WELCOME PACKET. at the end of the day, you receive your pager, your means of remote communications throughout the site. every pager is fitted to be functional anywhere on the mountain, with message storage and also the ability to assign contact names. although it is a secure private communication for staff in the area, be mindful, pager messages can be traced. with your pager, you also get a small welcome basket comprising of a tiny plastic house plant of your choice, a site-φ stationary kit (notebook, writing tools, a small protractor), a bag of authentic german pretzel chips, and an all-you-can-brunch site-φ cafeteria buffet ticket.
𝒇𝒆𝒃. 𝟐𝟎
THE LAKESIDE; 11:48 AM - 6:21 PM. the crater lake is temperate at this time of year. it is temperate every time of the year. the water is great. come on in. [𝙲𝙻𝙰𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙵𝙸𝙴𝙳]
LAB APPOINTMENTS; there are empty lab rooms within the main base for themis' researchers to conduct their own experiments — related to their current work, right? — that can be booked through the head of research at site-φ. just let them know what you intend to research, and immediately jump the line of the other scientists at the site who've been working for their independent lab space all their lives. some themis researchers, depending on their prestige, may be given a full team of lab assistants to aid in their noble pursuit to secure, contain, and protect.
SCiPNET LOGIN SETUP; for those who haven't been in the foundation long, or have avoided the online access terminal, they will be placed in a short seminar to establish and update their SCiPNET logins. SCiPNET is the main mode of sending emails, consulting the database on SCPs, and accessing sensitive files for those with high clearance. if you're looking to send an email to a fellow staff member, you need a SCiPNET account. SCiPNET does not work where there is no Wi-Fi, so the connection to the database is strictly limited to the main base, as well as other smaller operational buildings around site-φ.
𝒇𝒆𝒃. 𝟐𝟏
WALKING CLUB SIGN-UPS; the walking club, a group of highly-intelligent pack of dogs, is looking for new members! the 8-dog squad is here to keep staff members safe while on the ruff trails of the ██████ mountain ranges. they insist you don't go wandering off alone! also that you have a bag of treats!!
DEFENSE SEMINAR; some of themis' esteemed have no experience with hand-to-hand combat, or handling protective arms. for others, it might have been a while. as mtf chi-00's auditing missions may require coordination in the field, or in the case there is an unlikely event of a security or containment breach at site-φ, the security department will be offering self-defense as well as weapons handling classes.
𝒇𝒆𝒃. 𝟐𝟐
CORNER COFFEE; BARB, the barista on the 3F, has a special on days with "repeating" numbers (i.e. the 11th, the 22nd, and the 33rd). come pick up a personalized drink from her before she closes shop. BARB is definitely a person in-the-know of site-φ's happenings, and who knows what she'll say while brewing your drink... *UPDATE: only available for threads dated on the 22nd, will expire after the event closes.
DESDEMONA SEEKS VOLUNTEERS. the quartermaster, DESDEMONA, is thrilled to see site-φ's latest join the ranks. she'll need to take your measurements, as per her profession. however, if you don't mind staying a while after fittings, perhaps you'd like to assist the gentle old lady with a favor? oh, those rumors? don't believe them. there's ample supply of tiger balm in the infirmary. [𝙲𝙻𝙰𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙵𝙸𝙴𝙳] *UPDATE: only available for threads dated on the 22nd, will expire after the event closes.
𝒇𝒆𝒃. 𝟐𝟑
(𝐢𝐧)𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞; a ttrpg interactive game element. for more information, click on the link.
FRANKIE'S FAMOUS FISH; a new shipment has come in via air-drop and you know what that means! frankie's famous fish is on the menu for a limited-time only! don't forget to grab a bib, a waiver, and your favorite brand of antacid tablets! will you take on the deadly challenge? *UPDATE: only available for threads dated on the 23rd, will expire after the event closes.
"MANDATORY" FIRST ASSESSMENT WITH WELLNESS COUNSELOR J. OYUUN; to gauge the mental wellness of site-φ's newest, the HR department has arranged 1-on-1 assessment appointments with oyuun, the wellness counselor. they're not one to strictly abide by a schedule, so they've told you that if they're free, which you can literally see as their office is a glass room suspended in the air of the B1F, you can drop on in. they're not much of a talker, but they know exactly what you need to feel better for that day.
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Side stories are not mandatory, and are features for enhancing your experience immersing into Site-φ’s world. Feel free to interact in any shape or form, be it directly or indirectly referencing them for open and closed starters, pager chats, self-paras... you can even request to interact with the NPCs 1-on-1! Based on your muse's movements during this event, new information, features, and subplots may be unlocked following the event's conclusion. This game is responsive to you; your actions will directly affect the environment. As for the [𝚁𝙴𝙳𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝙳] event on the FHQ Discord, stay tuned... and hope luck is on your side...! All in all, however you wish to spend your time at Site-φ, we hope that it'll be a fun and memorable experience!
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darkmaga-retard · 23 days
When the Lie Becomes the Truth
Michel Chossudovsky
Aug 27, 2024
[This article entitled “Diabolical” Agendas and “Fake Democracy” in the U.K. by Michel Chossudovsky was first published by Global Research]
What is the 21st century meaning of “diabolical”?  The repeal of real democracy, wherein prime ministers and presidents are appointed by the ”Deep State”.
In January 2024, Keir Starmer, leader of  Britain’s remodelled Labour Party was invited to Davos by the World Economic Forum.
Ironically, Starmer started his election campaign in the Swiss Alps, in conformity with Klaus Schwab’s  Great Reset.
Was he elected or was he selected?
It’s what you might call a “Democratic Regime Change” decided in Davos.
He won the general election on July 4, and was confirmed as Britain’s Prime Minister on July 5. 
And “just four days later, at the NATO Summit in Washington, Starmer confirmed  that his Labour government supports the unrestricted use of its long-range weapons against Moscow”.
“Starmer gave the statement while en route to the NATO summit in Washington DC. As per usual, he insisted that it was “up to Ukraine how it uses the missiles”, a ludicrous excuse that nearly all Western “leaders” like to use, despite being fully aware that the Neo-Nazi junta [Kiev government] has no actual sovereignty to speak of.
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obdong · 26 days
I know I bitch about how horrible and shitty my life can be but uh ... I'm on thin ice at work. Very tense rn. And things aren't great at home. I know I post a lot about my home life but things have been very stressful with our house being remodeled. I'm so stressed and tired and I'm trying to cope. I just wanna scream and sleep and curl up into a ball and dissappear aaaaa. Lol
I know I am not the only one going through hard times rn. 2024 was supposed to be fun. :( it's actually been very sad. A lot of people and animals have died . People are getting displaced. Disease war death etc.
A lot of good people have also fled my state and even the country that I know... I don't have anyone I feel I can 100 percent rely on...like if things ever got really bad where would I go? Who can I call? Okay I gotta stop talking and thinking about it or I'm gonna cry again.
I'm also trying to quit weed. Yay?
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the-wip-project · 9 months
SloMo WriNo: 2024 is Here! Time to get started!
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The new year is here! (Or it will be very soon, depending where you live.)
Are you ready to start writing?
If you are, that’s great!
But again, it’s a lot of pressure to hit the ground running, especially if you’re not used to writing on a daily basis.
So for your first assignment I have something else for you to do.
That’s it. Go read a book.
Whatever genre you’re writing in, I want you to pick up something really good and spend the next few days reading it.
It can be a foundational classic, something new you’ve been hearing a positive buzz about, or even, (or perhaps especially) the book that inspired you to start writing. Even better, all three. Go to the library or book store, and get yourself a selection.
Now this is a writing assignment, so I don’t want you to just read for pleasure. (although if you’re not enjoying the book you chose, feel free to DNF and pick something else!)
We’re reading for inspiration.
So here’s the homework aspect.
Take notes. Note how the story opens, how the plot moves, how the climax is handled. What inspires you? What makes you wish you could write like that? If you find a passage that’s particularly good, transcribe it. (yeah, you heard me, copy it off, word for word.) If you always get stuck on a certain section of your own work, pay special attention to how it’s handled in the book.
And also… think about what’s missing. What is cliche or boring? What would you subvert? This is especially important if you’re still looking for a concept for your own work. Think about what you’d like to see in this type of story, and how you’d execute it.
I started writing my Carpentry mystery series because I felt frustrated that the women in remodeling mysteries never got to build anything, and are instead always the decorator. So I wrote a story with a woman carpenter.
You may find yourself struck with a similar ‘obvious’ concept. Something simple that you wish for can be all the inspiration that you need to get started writing something fresh. So pay attention to your own responses, and the ideas that it gives you.
Please feel free to let me know what ideas you get.
But most of all, have fun and enjoy reading your chosen book!
Subscribe to my substack to make sure you don't miss a post, chat with me on the WIP Project discord, and tag any posts you make about the challenge with #slomowrino if you want me to see them!
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hag-o-hags · 7 months
god okay my brain went off at 4:30 AM, great, thank you, and first of all I have spent faaaaaar too much time looking at the ...... unique type of features of your Basic Alaska House About Town. Good news, we seem to have escaped they Grey Everything flip; instead it's knotty pine or hickory cabinets and a totally different wood tone for the floor. Also the windows are tiny. I can't blame you there. Also I saw one where they'd put custom aurora countertops in, actually quite liked that.
The house next door to ma peche has been on sale for a few months now; they've put a lot of work into it and made it look fairly nice (choices were made with the exterior paint but whatever). He's in ~The Suburbs~ , so prices sit a bit higher than they do near me, but we're talking 500-700k in his neighborhood. 1970s houses, real close to busy streets, pretty regular games of Gunshots or Fireworks, but no real property or violent crime. Some asshole on the street has like 7 or 8 trucks that he parks everywhere .... but that's ma peche senior so hahaha. hahaha. HA.
The house next door was put on the market at a MILLION.
The last few years, the housing market has been so bad that it would have been snapped up in a week at that price. But in 2024? No thank you. So they shaved $2k off. Then $8k. There was a pending sale! It fell through. They're now down $20k and here's the thing.
I'm a panicky idiot who doesn't like to think about money but I have been watching the housing market (on the off chance that idk I and everyone I know were ever able to afford to not live with our parents again?) and I suspect that a LOT of flippers are about to find out that it is no longer a license to print money.
Sure, the people who bought The House Next Door put a lot of money and work into remodeling the place, but it didn't get snapped up at anywhere close to a million. They're not turning a profit on this one. It might actually turn out? That in the end? This was actually? A Bad Business Decision. And they might have to ........................... take a loss.
jk jk jk we all know that's illegal under capitalism I heard they're starting a relief fund for over-extended house flippers so they can stimulate the housing market
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Trustworthy Santa ana Bathroo
Santa Ana Bathroom Renovations: Transform Your publicize in imitation of Style and Functionality Renovating your Santa Ana bathroom can breathe further vigor into one of the most important rooms in your home. Whether youre looking to update pass fixtures, accumulation storage, or make a luxurious retreat, a bathroom renovation offers endless possibilities. in imitation of the right approach, you can not and no-one else increase the beauty of your publicize but furthermore accumulation the value of your home. Planning Your Santa Ana Bathroom Renovation The first step in any bathroom renovation is cautious planning. start by assessing your needs and wants. attain you craving more storage, or are you dreaming of a spa-like experience? in imitation of you have a vision, avow a budget and timeline. This ensures your project stays on track and within financial limits. Consider the layout. A well-designed layout can make even a small bathroom quality broad and functional. Think not quite how you use the publicize daily this can back you deem on the placement of valuable features in imitation of the shower, toilet, and vanity. Choosing the Right Materials When selecting materials, prioritize both durability and aesthetics. Tiles are a popular complementary for flooring and walls due to their waterproof plants and simple maintenance. Opt for slip-resistant tiles for the floor to ensure safety, especially in damp areas. For a more luxurious feel, deem using natural stone or high-quality porcelain. These materials are unshakable and add a later touch. Dont forget not quite cabinetry and countertops moisture-resistant materials in imitation of quartz or laminate are ideal for bathroom use. Fixtures and Finishes The right fixtures can praise your bathrooms look. Opt for modern, smooth faucets, and showerheads that not and no-one else see great but furthermore back conserve water. You can furthermore add a verification piece in imitation of a freestanding tub for a lie alongside of elegance. Lighting is key in any bathroom. Layered lighting, including task lighting roughly the vanity and ambient lighting throughout the room, ensures functionality while creating a hot and inviting atmosphere. Final Touches Once the major elements are in place, its epoch to focus on the carrying out touches. Mirrors, towel racks, and accessories can tie the comprehensive see together. Dont shy away from bold accents in imitation of a pop of color or unique decor elements that reflect your personal style. Santa Ana Modern Bathroom Remodel Experts Excellent Santa Ana Bathroom Upgrade Contractors Santa Ana Highly Rated Bathroom Remodel Contractors https://trustworthysantaanabathroomre303.blogspot.com/2024/09/trustworthy-santa-ana-bathroom.html Santa Ana Bathroom Makeover Experts https://massagetherapyschoolventura.blogspot.com/2024/09/gymnastics-open-near-me-century-city.html https://www.tumblr.com/lonniesbusinessworld12798/762113592009129984 https://chiropractorcostshreveportla926.blogspot.com/ https://accreditedmassageschoolpanora662.blogspot.com/2024/09/chiropractor-cost-shreveport-la_01696808040.html https://www.tumblr.com/philbentonblog/762112498304434176
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tam--lin · 4 months
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before -> ( mostly ) stripped
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hosepstepanian · 9 days
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cullencontractor · 11 days
Benefits of Specialized Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Contractors
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Your contractor's choice will have great implications for the results you get from your project, especially as it pertains to the renovation of your house, kitchen, and bathroom. While general contractors may offer services, hiring specialized kitchen and bath remodeling contractors can provide unique advantages that ensure your renovation is beautiful and functional. Here's why opting for specialized contractors is a smart choice for your kitchen and bathroom remodel. Read More: https://adsr3.wordpress.com/2024/09/10/benefits-of-specialized-kitchen-and-bath-remodeling-contractors
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brightstar1001 · 11 days
The Gym Apple Valley
The GYM Apple Valley CA Grand Opening
It's no surprise that it's important to stay fit. Not solitary will you see better, but you'll quality better, too. But what exactly is fitness? To be fit means that your body is operating skillfully overallit can handle basic tasks like walking and climbing stairs without strain, and it can handle more difficult tasks like playing sports or put on an act physically demanding jobs. Daily exercise isn't the solitary habit to become fit, though. The most important thing is making positive your body is operating properly at every period by paying attention to your diet and getting tolerable rest. If you're eating a balanced diet of comprehensive foods, you'll come up with the money for your body everything it needs to be healthy. on top of that, the less processed and refined your food is, the better! At the definitely least, try to eat open fruits and veggies as much as possible. Getting tolerable snooze also plays an important role in fitness. try to acquire at least eight hours of snooze every night hence you're skillful to think straightforwardly and stay energized throughout the day. You should also create positive you're sleeping wellthat means getting into bed at a reasonable hour, keeping electronics out of the bedroom, and avoiding alcohol back bedtime if you tend to have trouble sleeping. When The importance of fitness is no secret. People who exercise regularly are healthier, living longer, and are happier. Fitness doesn't have to be a chore. In fact, it can be fun and enjoyable. Even if you don't adjudicate yourself a "gym person," you can acquire in shape by finding things that you enjoy doing, later making period to accomplish them. If you're not positive where to start, here are some options:
The GYM Apple Valley CA Memberships
I've tried a lot of gyms. I'm not going to publicize names, but let's just say the best one is not that area you go like your pal that costs $10 a month and has weight machines in the basement of a storefront. The best gym is one where you quality to your liking talking to the staff, who will answer every your questions and help you acquire going on your fitness goals. Where you can't wait to go help because there are hence many great classes and hence much equipment and you're always learning supplementary things. The best gym is one where they have instagrammable chalk-art frescoes featuring inspirational slogans like "Sweat the small stuff" painted on the walls, and the locker room is stocked like tolerable forgive toiletries to last a lifetime. The best gym is the one that you'll actually go to. It's as easy as that. Most people who say they desire to acquire in shape, but not tolerable to actually set foot in a gym, will agree like me like I say it's worth the supplementary effort. Here are some ways to find the best gym for you:
The GYM Apple Valley CA Personal Trainers
Best GYM in Apple Valley California https://thegymapplevalley132.blogspot.com/2024/09/the-gym-apple-valley.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nta6w9wluHA[{The GYM Grand Opening Apple Valley|The GYM Apple Valley CA Grand Opening|The GYM Apple Valley CA]} https://greatcustomkitchenremodeloran845.blogspot.com/ https://greatcustomkitchenremodeloran845.blogspot.com/2024/09/great-custom-kitchen-remodel-orange.html https://www.tumblr.com/starlight10101/761211747836329984 https://bestorangeparkacreskitchenrem498.blogspot.com/ https://bestorangeparkacreskitchenrem498.blogspot.com/2024/09/best-orange-park-acres-kitchen.html
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starlight10101 · 11 days
Great Custom Kitchen Remodel
Best Custom Kitchen Remodel Orange Park Acres Construction Company Kitchen Remodeling Remodeling your kitchen can breathe extra animatronics into one of the most critical spaces in your home. Whether youre upgrading for functionality, style, or increasing the resale value of your property, a restructure has the potential to transform this central space. Why restructure Your Kitchen? The kitchen is the heart of any home. Its where families hoard and memories are made. Remodeling improves functionality, adds value, and allows for personalizing the tell to engagement your style. Enhance Functionality A restructure can fix awkward layouts, supplement flow, and find the money for bigger storage, making your kitchen more efficient. Increase house Value An updated kitchen is a huge selling point, increasing the resale value of your house and attracting potential buyers. Personalization From custom cabinetry to unique backsplashes and lighting, a restructure lets you make a tell that reflects your personal taste. Key Steps in Kitchen Remodeling Planning Careful planning is critical to ensure you stay on budget and avoid surprises. Hiring Contractors Choose experienced contractors as soon as fine reviews to ensure quality work. Design Choices Open layouts make seamless flow, even though closed layouts find the money for privacy. quality materials are worth the investment for durability. Budgeting Stick to your budget by prioritizing fundamentals and planning for sharp costs. Orange Park Acres Kitchen Renovation Orange Park Acres Professional Kitchen Makeover Expert Orange Park Acres Kitchen Redesign Contractor Orange Park Acres California ADU Contractors Local Orange Park Acres Kitchen Refurbishment Experts Local Orange Park Acres Custom Kitchen Remodel Professionals Orange Park Acres Modern Kitchen Remodel Experts Excellent Orange Park Acres Kitchen Upgrade Contractors Orange Park Acres Highly Rated Small Kitchen Remodel Contractors Orange Park Acres Highly Skilled Luxury Kitchen Renovation Contractors Orange Park Acres Kitchen Cabinet Remodel Construction Company Best Orange Park Acres Professional Kitchen Remodeling Contractors Local Orange Park Acres Kitchen Remodeling Standards Orange Park Acres Kitchen Remodelers Orange Park Acres Kitchen Remodeling Excellence Orange Park Acres Kitchen Remodeling Orange Park Acres Kitchen Remodeling Expert Kitchen Remodeling Construction Company https://greatcustomkitchenremodeloran845.blogspot.com/2024/09/great-custom-kitchen-remodel-orange.html Orange Park Acres Kitchen Redesign https://sportschiropractic77.blogspot.com/2024/09/implant-teeth-procedure-carlsbad.html https://www.tumblr.com/juliannacastroverde/761210908463742976 https://trustedanaheimhvacreputationm262.blogspot.com/2024/09/trusted-anaheim-hvac-reputation.html https://tumblinggymnasticsclassesnear148.blogspot.com/ https://termitecontrolnearmevista458.blogspot.com/2024/09/tumbling-gymnastics-classes-near-me_01276000998.html
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