#the grass on the other side
The Grass on the Other Side: Part 3
"I hate everything about this idea."
Lucky stayed quiet, silently agreeing with Lou on that regard as he looked up worriedly. Moxy was on Babo's shoulders, holding her arms out to balance them as they wobbled closer to the cliffside.
"Bah, you're just being a stick in the mud! C'mon, got any better ideas?" Moxy challenged.
The blond rolled his eyes. "Multiple. Let's see," he held out a finger for each idea as he listed them off, "Lefty, the weird flying thing-"
"His name's Peggy!"
She was promptly ignored. "A ladder, literally anything else..." Lou rolled his eyes back up to Moxy. "Need I go on?"
"Lefty and Peggy won't help us, okay? I know they won't. So no point in asking."
"Why not? You're all friends here, right?"
Moxy pursed her lips, looking up at the flower as she held onto Babo's shoulders. It was still a ways up there. "We are...But this is different. They don't believe the Big World exists." Lou opened his mouth to question her further on that, but she interrupted him. "Come on, you wanna get up there or not?"
Lou sighed, arms crossed as he looked up at Moxy. She was urging him to climb up onto her shoulders in some sort of balancing act, but Lou didn't know how well that would work out. He'd already fallen on the ground once today. He looked down at Lucky, who was standing beside him observantly. "Can't you fly?"
Lucky went a little sheepish at that, quirking a smile as he averted his gaze to the ground. "Ah...I'm...working on it..."
The Pretty Doll rolled his eyes and begrudgingly walked toward the Tower of Dolls. "This better work..." he mumbled under his breath. Babo interlaced his hands and boosted Lou up. Moxy grabbed his arms and pushed him the rest of the way, holding onto his feet as he precariously flailed in the air. Babo had to side-step a few paces to keep his balance as they swayed. Lucky grit his teeth together just watching it.
"Afraid of heights?" Moxy sneered up at him as he froze, trying to steady them, arms held out stiffly.
Lou grounded his teeth together, glaring down at her. "No, I'm just allergic to dying."
Moxy huffed, squinting one eye as Lou finally situated himself on her shoulders. She held tightly onto his ankles and Babo carefully walked closer to the pipe. "Is everyone a drama queen where you're from?"
Lou didn't dignify that question with an answer. He looked up at they teetered beneath the pipe...which was still a good ten feet above them. "I still can't reach it."
Moxy hummed. "We need more dolls."
The blond refrained from face-palming, lest they lose their balance. "Seriously? That's your plan? Why can't we just use a ladder? Don't you have any of those around here? Or build something?"
"We can't do that. We'll get in trouble." Moxy said, surprisingly serious in her tone and expression.
"Why would you get in trouble?"
"Lou?" Someone spoke up below them.
They all froze, Lucky included, and turned to see Ox staring at them with a wide eye. Lou, most of all, was struck speechless as he and Ox made eye contact. Babo finally lost his balance from whipping his head around so fast and the three of them came crashing down in a fit of yelps and screams.
Lou found himself on his back for the second time that day. And, again, a shadow blocked his vision. Except this time it was green. "Ox? What-"
"You must be Lou," Ox quickly interrupted him. "I saw you in the newspaper. Word travels fast around here." The bunny held out a hand to Lou once he sat up from the ground. "Name's Ox."
Lou blinked at the bunny, looking between his face and the outstretched hand. "I know who you are."
This caught Moxy's attention. She dusted herself off from her own fall. "You do? How?"
Ox interrupted before he could answer. "We've never met before. I'd remember you. You musta hit your head pretty hard landin' here."
What in the world was going on? Did Ox seriously not remember him? But he had said his name... "What are you talking about?" Lou swatted the outstretched hand away and stood up. "You know me, Ox. We met at-"
"Lucky, can you go back to your place and get your aid kit? Fella's hit his head pretty bad on that landin'. He's a little delusional." Lucky looked curiously between the two of them, but nodded and hurried off. Ox gave Lou a gentle pat on the arm, which was brushed off just as fast by Lou. "Don't worry, we'll get ya fixed up and better in no time."
Ox then turned his attention to Moxy and Babo. "And don't think I forgot what ya'll just tried to pull off. That little stunt coulda hurt someone, ya hear? Go on to the boat race, you two. No more messin' around the flower."
Babo took a step back to comply, but Moxy wasn't having it. "Ox, he said he's from a different place! He said the Big World is real!"
"Yeah? Well, it ain't. You thought the Big World was real, too. Still do, and you ain't got no proof. He don't either."
"But Ox-"
"Go on, Moxy, I ain't gonna repeat myself."
She still looked incredibly frustrated and determined, but closed her mouth and huffed before walking off. Babo sent a worried look between Lou and Ox before following her.
The second they were gone, Lou shot a glare down at the bunny. "What the heck? You leave for 7 years and suddenly pretend to not know me?"
Ox would have been touched that Lou knew exactly how long it had been, if not for the circumstances. He fixed Lou with a steady look. "You shouldn't be here."
Lou blinked at the cold tone. "That's all you have to say to me after all these years?"
"That's all you had to say to me before you led me toward the recycle?"
Lou's eyes hardened, hands clenching into fists. "I was trying to save you-"
"Good job," Ox bit back sarcastically.
"You've been alive all these years and never told me? Never came back through the pipes?" If Ox didn't know any better, he'd say that Lou actually sounded hurt. "I thought you were dead."
"I wasn't wanted in that Institute. Least I could do was stay outta your hair. 'Sides, didn't think you'd wanna see me, anyway."
Lou has a million things to say to this rabbit, but his eyes glance behind Ox to where Moxy and Babo had vanished off to. "Why does this whole town think the Big World isn't real? Why have you been lying to them?"
"I did what I had to." Ox kept his voice low, as if even admitting the truth out loud was too risky even with no one around. "If they thought there was somethin' better than this out there, they'd up in my situation; tossed out. I don't want them knowin' they're rejects."
"So you blocked the way to recycle, built a whole town right next door, and convinced all your little rejects that the Big World doesn't exist? Do you understand how crazy and ridiculous that sounds?"
Ox glared up at Lou, speaking through clenched teeth. "We ain't bothered y'all in seven years. Don't act like your little perfect agenda is ruined just 'cause you know about us."
Lou scoffed at that, eyes rolling. "It's going to be if you don't get a handle on some of your sock puppets. Moxy doesn't seem to believe your little story."
"Well, now that ya told her about the Big World what am I supposed to do?" Ox was growing increasingly frustrated now. Everything was going so smoothly to keep the dolls in the dark about life outside of Uglyville and then this blond comes stumbling back into the picture and ruining everything. Moxy would never let him hear the end of it now.
"Tell her the truth."
Ox scoffed this time, shaking his head. "That's funny."
"I wasn't joking." Lou crossed his arms, nodding in the general direction of the town. "Tell all of them the truth. Tell them they're rejects and that the Big World is real, but they'll never be able to go. I think Moxy would stop trying so hard if she knew she would be wasting her time."
"And how would that make me look, huh? If they suddenly find out, after all these years, that I'd been lyin' to them?"
"Maybe you should've thought about that before lying to them." Lou was dead serious about this and Ox could tell that he was in a rock and a hard place now. Lou had to leave.
"Go back to the Institute. I'll have Lefty hoist ya up there." Ox made to turn around to do that, but Lou gave an incredulous laugh.
"Oh, no, Bunny." Lou smirked, unfolding his arms and squinting at Ox in wry amusement. "If you won't tell them then I will. My Institute is on the line with this little fib of yours."
Ox bristled, whipping around fast to glare at Lou. "You ain't tellin' them anything. Now stay put. You're goin' back where you belong."
Lou straightened at the challenge, a dangerous look in his eyes that made Ox stiffen. The blond clenched his jaw and walked past Ox. "Try and stop me."
"Lou, don't you even think about it! I'm serious!" Ox started to hurry after Lou. Stupid long-legged Pretty Doll.
Lou didn't bother looking behind him. "Maybe I just want to see more of your town. Is that so wrong?" When Ox finally fell into step beside him, he gave the bunny an innocent look.
"That's a lie and we both know it," Ox grumbled.
Lou raised an eyebrow down at him, arms folding behind his back. "Maybe not. But I know what is a lie...and this whole town is gonna know about it. You said word travels fast, right?"
Ox's eye widened and he slowed to a stop as Lou kept walking. He swallowed nervously. If the town found out about his secret...would they turn on him? Would they get mad and revolt? He had to do something to stop Lou. Anything. Would bribery even work?
Ox's mind ran a mile a minute to try and figure out a solution.
Lou stopped, not turning to look at Ox just yet. He tilted his head slightly to the side, seeing the blurry image of the bunny from the corner of his eye. He raised a brow, waiting for Ox to continue.
Ox took in a shaky breath, mind spinning. "Let's make a deal."
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puppyeared · 2 months
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Alex and my farmer Cosmo (he/him)
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hyukqi · 7 months
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k.t.h. 🩵
drabble of… needy days with taehyun <3
smut, taehyun x reader, fem!reader, subby!mc >_<, meanie dom!taehyun, humiliation, spanking, name-calling, dirty talk
(been ia for a month whoopsies !! rmb when i said i daydreamed about taehyun to get through a power outage ?? ya this is it LMAO enjoy !!!)
“oh g-god… tae please~~”
"what do you need, pretty girl?" taehyun asks, slowly pulling your panties down. "need my cock in your little cunt?" his fingers slide across your soaked pussy, running against your clit. "need me to fuck you hard and deep?"
nodding with wet tears dripping down your cheeks “p-please.. i..i can’t i need it now!” traces of ruined mascara and lip gloss are smudged across your face, in contrast to his well-maintained look.
"shit, you are so fucking sexy." taehyun groans, his hands rubbing your inner thighs teasingly. “pretty pussy" he murmurs, eyes fixated on your glistening sex, his hand moving to unbuckle his belt. "you want me to fill your tight little cunt up with my seed?" his cock eventually springs free, thick and hard, rubbing against your slick folds. the sight of it makes your mouth water immediately.
after guiding you to lie on your stomach, ass hiked up, taehyun pushes in slowly, feeling your walls stretch around him. he drills his hips deep inside of you until he feels like he’s a part of you, making you his <3
“nghhh—ah!” you can feel your eyes already rolling to the back of your head just from the insertion alone.
he breathes heavily, “there you go, slut… feel me stretching you? see how good it feels having my cock inside your hole? gonna fuck you dumb, mm?” fuck, does he fill you up so good… @_@
lifting his hips, taehyun pulls almost all the way out before slamming back inside you, shoving his cock into your sensitive walls. with a sharp thrust and a wail reaching his ears he grunts out, “you love being fucked like this, don‘t you? god your greedy cunt is so tight.. fuckin’ sucking me in.”
you can only gasp for air between moans, completely consumed by the sensation of being filled by him. “o-oh~! hhah… tyun!!” you find yourself lost in the pleasure from his cock ruining your warm, wet cunt. pretty pussy’s leaking juices onto the bedsheets.. so stupidly eager, aren’t you?
noticing this, taehyun evilly smirks and picks up his pace even further, reaching for your clit with a swipe of his thumb, making you cry out in pleasure as he pumps into you. "you're so fucking wet," he growls, his voice low and rough. "i can feel you dripping all over me. missed me that much?”
“yes..y-yes!! missed you so much tyun! missed your co—mmphh!!!” at this point you were babbling incoherently into the sheets, rendered to nothing but a fucked-out mess.
“thaaat's it, baby. gonna make sure you can’t think about anything but me," taehyun moans, his fingers digging into your hips as he pounded into you harder. his other hand found its way around your body, squeezing your breast roughly.
the sensation was too much for the both of you. your soaking velvety walls dragged across his girth perfectly with each thrust to your gummy spot. you swear birds were circling around your head from just how good taehyun aggressively turned you into his personal cocksleeve.
whining as your head lolls against the mattress, big eyes swelling up with tears that stream down your pretty face. knuckles turning white from how hard you’re gripping the sheets in attempt to stabilize your position, grinding your hips in coordination with taehyun’s thrusts. you hear him hiss from behind as you’re swirling your abused pussy around him.
taehyun’s marveling at the sight before him. he’s got you all spread out completely at his mercy, biting his lip to hold back a moan from watching your pussy engulf him whole. he could tell you’re close by the way you’re creaming on his cock sticky with your juices and clenching repeatedly. a filthy smirk forms on his face as he basks in the sounds of your loud whimpers and cries echoing throughout the room. nasty moans are getting so embarassingly high-pitched. “so fucking noisy… could you be any more louder?” taehyun taunts, his voice deep and harsh.
with cheeks flushing in humiliation and eyes blinking back hot tears, your forehead tilts down. you quickly scramble to shut yourself up by efforts of muffling your moans into your arm and shoving your fingers in your tiny mouth. both attempts were futile as small weak hiccups slipped its way out, and frankly you just sounded more pathetic as ever!
“are you that stupid? did i say to be quiet?”
your body flinches, ears twitching in surprise.
taehyun suddenly grabs a fistful of your hair harshly yanking you up till your back is flushed against his chest and a strained moan creeps up his ears. he leans in closer to whisper, his dick plunged deep into your cervix, “let me hear you, pretty.”
and with that taehyun lets go of your hair, your limp body falling forward, warm walls still fluttering around him, and head n mind oh so fuzzy. almost immediately does he give you a spank to your ass, an imprint of a gorgeous crimson color plastered on your skin.
taehyun’s gaze that was raking down your spine was interrupted by the throw of his head back, a soft hiss at the feeling of a tight clench gripping around the sides of his cock. the intensity of his slap has got you shuddering and spasming, crying out in ecstasy, and toes curling in.
momentarily, taehyun just stares at you almost in a mix of disbelief and amusement, meanly laughing at your pathetic release. “did you just cum from that? hah… maybe i should spank you more often, hm?”
and his pace picks back up, hips fucking you into oblivion, relishing in your screams and legs trembling of overstimulation…
“fucking take it all like a good girl.”
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jeonjcngkook · 1 year
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earth has come to a stand still
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 4 months
"the grass is always greener" - a platitude?
"the grass is always greener with a brown hat" - PERRY THE PLATITUDE!?
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fantasy laughingstock mawwiage but make it potc3 Flavor-
#theyre supposed to be holding hands but i couldnt draw it for the life of me so#half assed it is!!!!#or.... no assed it is!!!#in my mind this is a job gone Phenomenally wrong. like horribly wrong#the group is outnumbered and cornered and-#its fine in the end tho#and howdy & barnaby are left standing there like 'so we didnt die. looks like we're husbands now! lets go find some neat rings'#in the meantime wally and julie braid them rings out of grass & flowers#actually wait omg#imagining there's a spell that can freeze the flower rings so that they wont break/decompose#all of barnaby's normal metal rings and then there's one made of plants... of Life... OUUUGHHHHHHHH#< thats the sound of me dying so dramatically. im talking nimona-as-ambrosius level of dramatic death#scribble salad#laughingstock#wh fantasy au#wait omggggg#im imagining once theyre all safe and it sinks in that the Are Indeed Safe#everyone is like 'omg!!! we made it!!! hugging each other! wait wheres barnaby and howdy - ohhhhh theyre making out off to the side cool'#theyre just. laying in the grass smoochin the hell outta each other#yeah theyre both bleeding and bruised but who isnt!#and then they stay right there and take a nap <3#and wake up w/ the rest of the neighborhood piled on/around them <3#GODDDDDDDD FUCK FUCK FUCK IM SO NORMAL ABOUT THEM IM SO NORMAL IM-#SO NOT NORMAL ABOUT THEM AGH RAGH ASDHASJFCBALFNLD#sorry sorry. the insanity is kicking in#alsoooooo imagining them having that epic potc3 mid-battle kiss after barbosa - sorry - Sally pronounces them married
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pocketgalaxies · 2 months
oh i Will be thinking about this silaha emhira convo for the rest of the week. silaha developing such an affection for the beauty of mortal life, something he has never experienced, that he begins thinking the way a mortal does - how can i make my life here beautiful and meaningful before it inevitably ends. and wouldn't it be poetic and wouldn't it be such a relief if it ended tonight. vs emhira who specifically has ascended from a mortal life to godhood and finds herself preoccupied, perhaps selfishly so, with the future of her newfound infinite life. the one who deals most intimately with mortality also the one who most desperately wants to escape it herself
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shazleen · 3 months
sometimes i sit so jealous of those with tight but wiggly, organic textured lines while im out here like
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space-deer · 1 month
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Space Deer No. 30 - Point of view
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The Grass on the Other Side: Part 2
Moxy wasn't joking when she said she wanted to hear all about the Institute. It didn't help that the Institute itself, compared to this place, was absolutely desolate. There wasn't really much to tell her.
When the topic of the Big World came up, that was when she really got invested. It was obviously the only thing she really wanted to know about. When Lou explained how the Institute worked; that dolls trained to be perfect and then went through the portal to go to the Big World, Moxy instantly lit up. It didn't go past him, the surprised look that Lucky gave him as well.
"It's real?" Lucky seemed genuinely baffled. "But I thought the Big World was just a story? Myths?"
That was what confused Lou the most. The fact that these creatures had heard of the Big World, yet only Moxy seemed to believe it really existed. Did all the creatures in this place think the Big World wasn't real? But why? Surely they knew they were factory rejects. Sent here because of some clogged up- oh...
Lou blinked down at Lucky, the pieces starting to fall into place. If these creatures were only here because of the blocked pipe, then maybe they really didn't know there was anything beyond this town. That still didn't explain how they were told about the Big World in the first place...
"Why haven't you gone through the pipe before to see what's through it?" Lou asked.
Moxy tilted her head. "What pipe?"
Lou rolled his eyes, staring ahead again with a flat expression. "The flower. Why haven't you gone through the flower?"
Her eyes lit up in understanding and, once again, Lou rolled his eyes. "Oh! Well, it's really high up. We don't really know how to get into it."
"What about the octopus thing? Can't she reach it?"
"Lefty?" Moxy hummed as she looked ahead to contemplate that idea. It never occurred to her to ask someone outside of her immediate friend group. She never really interacted with Lefty a lot. Mainly because she hated being far from the water. "Well...she really doesn't like being far from the ocean. I don't think she'd help."
Lou's eyes flitted up to the sky, noticing a flying white horse thing with one eye. He grimaced, but nodded toward the thing as it flew over them. "What about that thing? Can't it fly into the pi- flower?" Lou corrected himself quickly.
Once again, Moxy looked a little sheepish at the reasonable idea. Peggy didn't talk about the Big World at all. None of the other dolls here did, for that matter. Anytime she brought it up, they all either changed subjects none-too-subtly, or they went to get Ox involved to quickly dissuade her from talking about it anymore. "Erm...Peggy wouldn't help, either."
Now Lou was getting suspicious. Why was Moxy the only one trying to solve these mysteries? Did none of the other creatures even care that there was a strange flower protruding from the cliffside, spitting out random rejects? Did they not wonder where the rejected dolls were coming from?
He couldn't ask her about it before she changed her object of attention to the building in front of them. She skipped ahead, seemingly pushing aside the conversation for now. Lou squinted after her, lips pursed skeptically. Something didn't seem right.
"She's kind of an outsider, around here," Lucky speaks up quietly, noticing Lou's expression.
Lou refrains from scoffing at that. An outsider in a town full of outsiders? How much lower could one possibly go?
Lucky continued at Lou's contemplative silence. "She's the only one that thinks the Big World is real. W-Well...I guess except you, now, but you're from the flower, so...I guess you're not lying about all of that." Lucky looks down at the ground, face pinched in thought.
"But how do you know about it if you think it's not real? Who told you about it in the first place?"
Lucky shrugged. "I don't know. It's just a story that got passed down over the years. Moxy just took them seriously."
Lou shook his head, averting his gaze from Lucky and ahead to where Moxy was talking with a large, grey creature. "Who told you it was just a story?"
The red bat opened his mouth to answer, but Moxy suddenly called out to them. "Babo said he could help! Come on!" She had already started hurrying off toward the pipe before Lou and Lucky could meet with the other two.
Lou tilted his head back, sighing, as he watched her bolt off, not looking back to see if they were following. The grey creature gave the two of them a sheepish smile and a shrug. Maybe this was just something Moxy did all the time.
Ox was on his way to the peer for the boat race that was supposed to happen in less than thirty minutes. They wouldn't start without him and he had a million other things to do today. Being late was not one of those things.
It didn't catch his attention until he noticed that, instead of greeting him with a wide smile, the dolls he passed by were engrossed in what seemed to be an interesting conversation. Once he tuned in, he caught snippets of it:
"He looks odd."
"Why is he so scrawny? Does he eat?"
"We never got an announcement."
"What's up with the suit?"
Ox slowed his pace down to try and gather more from the dolls, but everything was so vague. It's like they didn't know the name of this "he" person.
Something hit Ox on the back of the head and a doll passing by called out a bashful apology before tossing another newspaper to the neighboring group of dolls. Ox rubbed the back of his head, looking down at the front page. His eye widened.
It couldn't be.
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wowbright · 1 month
Thanks y'all for the lovefest yesterday. I'm feeling a little better today. Still in a weird state with the migraines, but I haven't had to take any medication today. And working on a plan to deal with the other thing.
Meanwhile, I think I might hate my work. Are any of you accountants? If so, message me, because I'm thinking I might prefer to do that to what I'm doing right now.
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ziyuanyuan1113 · 5 months
Your art is drop dead GORGEOUS! There's so much care put into each drawing and I love how you can just feel the relationships between the characters and the story happening in the background. Just. Stunning. Like the definition of a picture worth a thousand words. I can't get enough 🥲🥲🥲
Thank you so much! I always want to maximize the amount of emotion and information you can get out of one picture so I'm glad you can feel it through the bgs
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szaryherbatnik · 3 days
Spoilers for 53 and 54?
This is more of a ramble and self indulgent bullshit post because i doubt ill have any original thought when it comes to ouaw but RAHHH KREMY!!
Im trying to explain to myself why was there such a massive shift in his character after ep 53. The massive shift in question is just him straight up wanting to die. And it must be because he doesnt remember remy anymore. I wish i knew exactly what he remembers, what part of his relationship with the baron he remembers. But when he remembered the debt was to remy he knew he had to live ling enough to pay. Cause not paying it meant an afterlife as a gross swamp creature (from what i understand). NOW THAT HE DOESNT KNOW THIS IS A POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCE HES JUST READY TO DIE.
And all i can think about is. Is this the default kremy??? Was he like this before the debt?? Or is he always in some kind of debt some kind of situation that doesnt let him die peacefully.
Im reaaaally trying to pry his head open with a crowbar i need to know whats going on there.
And i dont want any slander on my bestie kremy either i GET HIM.
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worm-priest · 4 months
ZB1 fans are saying that their MV getting 30M views in 24 hours is embarrassing and it made me so sad because piwon hasn’t got 30M on any of their MVs ever in the course of 3 years 😢
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Day 2,569,364 of being called evil for liking Dottore, and having my favourite character be slandered because some are too big of pussies to just say “I don’t like the character” like normal people
#I saw several people accuse Dottore of being a rapist today. yep. it’s gotten that bad#“a heretic who has no regard for those who aren’t of used to him? well he must like diddling kids!” PLEASE TOUCH GRASS#tw sa mention#tw pedophila mention#like#this is gonna sound so mentally ill but I am mentally ill so bear with me#I am so attached to Dottore#this character just existing has taught me so much about myself and made me so much more comfortable with who I am#he’s a major comfort character for me y’know?#I am not joking when I say that I adore these pixels formed into the shape of a very attractive man#like—thinking about him has calmed me down from anxiety/panic attacks kind of comfort#so seeing people just being so. dumb. it hurts on a whole other level#I really wish people online would gain the balls to say “I don’t like [this character]” instead of making everything a moral issue#just say you don’t like villains. ‘cuz good for you#but then they’d have to explain why they like Arlecchino and Raiden (who are both very much villains just with softer sides)#and they’re too ashamed to admit they just think evil women are hot#bro#these people make me so frustrated#why can’t they just act like normal humans instead of harassing and attacking others for liking a fictional character?#shout out to that Hu Tao main who sexually harassed me for liking Dottore btw I hope you’re going to therapy for your obvious issues#UGH#vent#Dottore my beloved#thanks for reading all these tags btw#I’m gonna go look at pictures of Dottore and imagine a world where this fandom has more people with critical thinking skills than not#(Dottore’s emphasis on others needing shrewdness [common sense] is so real)
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