#the grammar in this TERRIBLE SORRY HAHA
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jajasmiinee · 7 months ago
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warnings : fluff, kissing, cringe, swearing, bad grammar
english is not my first language so i'm terribly sorry if there's any english error
enjoyyy !
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today it's the triplets birthday and they're going to film a car video, which they invited you to join. of course you joined. but there's some birthday present for them, especially Matt
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You and Matt are in the back seat, while Nick's at the driver seat and Chris's of course at the passenger seat.
"So our birthday is tomo- oh! i mean today! happy birthday for us! Woohoo!" Nick says happily after seeing the date, 1st august
"Happy birthday guysss!" You wishes them, giving them a tight hug
"Thanks y/n" Chris pat your head slowly, he's like a brother to you. And that makes you smiles so softly at Chris
"Thanks love" "Of course sweetheart" Matt winks at you, making you giggles
"So thank you guys for wa-" Nick's words were cut off by you "Oh wait wa-" "Bitch why am i getting cut every single time in this video" Nick groans "Well maybe you deserves it" Chris rolls his eyes. "Quit it! Anyways, i have a surprise for you guysss" You smiles happily as you took out 3 medium size boxes
"Oh really?" Matt was quite shocked "Why? You don't want em?" "No no i would love too!" Matt quickly take one of the boxes as he sees your eyes filled with rage when he suddenly say such a thing "Haha! Thank you y/n! This is so sweet of you!" Chris eyes sparkle when he got his box. "Wait can i open it now?" Matt ask "No no wait!"
"okay, 3..2..1 !" You and Matt count down, the triplets were excited to open them "Oohh what is this..?" Chris ask in confusion when he saw a positive pregnancy test in his box. The time froze a little when all of the guys trying to process the information.
"Wait..!" Matt eyes widen, looking dead in your eyes. It seems like Matt's the fastest to absorb the situation. "Hihi!" You chuckles softly as Nick and Chris also looking at you with widen eyes. "Are you fucking pregnant?!" Nick ask, half shouting. "What do you guys think?" You raised an eyebrow playfully
"I'm going to be a father?!" Matt hold your hands with a bright smile on his face "Yes silly!" You laughed "We're going to be a uncle?!" Nick says, looking excitedly at Chris "Holly shit! What in the fucking world?!" Chris laugh with tears in his eyes. "This is not fake right? This is not some sort of pranks right?" Matt still in denial, still so shocked "Noo! I'm officially preg-" your words were cut off when matt pulls you in a passionate kiss, making you giggles between kisses
"Chris! We're going to be some bitches uncle!" Nick shouted at Chris, not in a angry way but excited way. "And Matt's going to be a dad!" Chris replied happily "Hahaha!" You laugh when Matt finally pull the kiss away. "I-i'm going t-to be a dad" Matt cried, covering his face with his hands. "Awwwhh matt! Don't cry!" Nick pat matt back softly.
"This is the best birthday present ever!" Chris shows the camera the pregnancy results, showing the two lines saying that's positive. "Look guys! So cute!!"
"Alright guys! Thanks for watching! We love you and happy Friday!!" All of you wave at the camera and at the very last second of the video, matt suddenly pull you into another soft kiss, hearing some of Nick and Chris groans
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"Damn, Matt crying's making my heart melt"
"The way you all so happy about it it just so.. ARRRGGGGHH! 🥹🥹"
"I swear the baby going to have the best mom, dad and uncles ever! 💗💗"
"The baby is so lucky to have you all as a family"
"I just know that the baby's gonna learn to swear by the age of 3 years old because Nick and Chris teaching her 😂"
"Wish you all the best y/n and matt"
"Congratulations for your family ❤️❤️"
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i know this is short i'm sorry i don't have any motivation to do anything rn
love you all, have a very nice day. remember to always love yourself okay? 💗💗
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darkrpfinders · 2 months ago
i am 18, looking for fellow 18+ writers for a dead dove (stalking, kidnapping, non/dub con, violence) roleplay! fandomless, as well.
the set up: character A is obsessed with character B, or something. doesn't have to be a long term obsession, can literally be A found B at a truck stop and decided "yeah, thats the one". A kidnaps B with every intention of keeping them as sort of a pet/toy. B is fucking unhinged, though.
preferred to be A (masc/stronger body type, think bear body or guard dog-type personality), B (visually weaker/smaller, more bunny-like, almost, on the surface).
I am looking to play B. i do not want to play as an extremely submissive persona, so don't expect that. i want teeth gnashing, biting and tearing chunks out of each other. i want them to hate each other (affectionately).
logistics stuff:
- please be able to write in 3rd person, without asterisks, with decent grammar. i will ask to see an example of writing style — i'm not terribly picky, but i just dont want to have a roleplay with someone who won't match my own style.
- please be able to write (at MINIMUM) two paragraphs per response. i don't expect immediate responses, either, so write as much as you'd like. PERSONALLY, i write 3-4 paragraphs per response and it takes me about an hour or so to write them, depending on my motivation + the scene. i do not expect that quick of a response from you.
- you do not have to have an oc made before coming into the roleplay — we can make two ocs together, you can base yours off of mine, or i can remake mine based on yours (if you have one already).
OK I LOVE YOU GUYS! :) message me or like this and i'll message you if interested !!! sorry i yapped haha
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tarosunshine · 1 year ago
Your writing is great you have amazing ideas and creativity but the grammar is terrible in some of them. If you’re not fluent in English maybe don’t use English?
i'm sorry for the grammar. i don't study english in an academy or something, and it's not my first language. i know that it's not good at all, but i like to write in english because it helps me to practice, and because it's fun. but thank you. i'll should practice more. maybe this is also poorly written, haha.
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chronicbeans · 1 year ago
Stanley Parable Dollhouse AU Concept Ideas:
Okay so I got this idea....
So, The Narrator is a doll maker and writer. His main business is making dolls, but he has been making a very elaborate story for a long time on the side, having never published it. He's a bit of a shut in, but The Curator comes to visit from time to time.
Stanley, as well as Mariella and all of his coworkers are dolls that The Narrator has made of the characters in his stories. They are completely unaware of the fact they are dolls. The office building, as well as a dollhouse for Stanley, his wife, and Mariella also exist. The Narrator is terrible at making dollhouses, though, which is why the office and house's architecture is odd and warping for the dolls that live in them.
Stanley ends up entering an odd door in his attic, only to end up in the real world, in The Narrator's house. Antics ensue.
Anyways that's my idea I still need to make a Stanley and Narrator design before I draw this out lol.
(Also my Internet has been garbage and lagging as I type, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar or spelling errors. It might've just lagged out before I could fix it or something. Haha!)
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sixbynine-da · 5 days ago
29, 9 and 17 for the author ask game?
How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Hmmm. Gosh that is a long time ago ^^; I read a LOT of it as a teen and eventually found an IRL bestie who was the first (and at the time only person) I knew who was also into fanfic. I'm not really sure what tipped me into writing, possibly a suggestion from them, possibly just as I got older and got my own PC I could write privately on :D What is something you recently felt proud of in your writing? Ooooo content wise I JUST did a second person POV Deadboy's fic that, honestly, I thought would be a swing and a miss but I figured whatever I wanted to trial a different style and it actually got some lovely comments :) As an activity I've finally turned it into a habit and I consistently and habitually write every day which is not something I thought I could do :)
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Haha. Okay I'm actually terrible at revising or editing my own work. Barely at all. If I have a beta I'm even worse (Sorry!!!) I write start to finish linearly and if I can't figure out a scene I just leave the whole thing until I can. I rarely (but not entirely never) delete stuff en masse. I have a 'this is what these characters have done so now I need to find a way to move forward with it' mentality. If I'm proofing my own work I almost always just stick to typos and grammar with the very occasional add/remove word here and there. Once I finish something it's generally posted that evening (multi chaps not withstanding, those I *try* and post on a schedule but once it's done it's done and I mentally move it to 'posting') Mad respect for anyone who writes non linearly. I literally cannot keep plot straight T-T.
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shubaka · 7 months ago
dang that's a lot of languages to have studied! kudos to you just for tackling mandarin and japanese 'alphabets' 😳 may I ask how you would rate/rank your proficiency in all those languages? were you able to retain the previous languages when learning new ones? (if yes, how? lol) also unrelated question and sorry I'm asking so many questions, but is university/college referred to as "school" where you live?
no worries if you're busy, no need to respond
"school" is usually used for anywhere from up to and including post-secondary (university/college). some people are very adamant about only using university or college when talking about it, but overall a lot of people still just say school when referring to post-secondary.
ahahaha it looks more impressive than it actually is. :') i unfortunately don't use the other languages much, so in my opinion, my retention isn't that great. it's important to keep using languages that you're learning! (i say, and then proceed to not do that haha) but i think if i actually sat down and focused on reviewing them for a few weeks, it wouldn't be too difficult for me to pick things up again.
french i learned from grades 4-7 because it was mandatory in my school in grades 4-6. unfortunately i had a very ... let's just say prejudiced teacher in grade 7 so i didn't continue after that. i still remember some phrases and vocabulary words. for more basic/casual conversation level stuff, i'd say i could understand maybe a quarter of it? sometimes i can kind of guess based on context haha.
i learned mandarin in grades 10-12. i'm definitely better at listening than speaking. although sometimes i trip up because i'll think of a word in cantonese first. i think basic beginner/casual is fine. on a side note, when i had cantonese lessons as a kid, we learned it using traditional characters, so the simplified characters end up confusing me half the time hahaha. (when i was 6-8 years old my parents made me take classes on saturdays. it was mostly for reading and writing because we speak it at home so it wasn't exactly "learning a new language")
i took one semester of korean in university... unfortunately my teacher wasn't the greatest at explaining some concepts (to my understanding, at any rate) and i'd often find myself asking the TAs (who were all korean exchange students haha) to clarify... it didn't go very well haha. i can only remember a handful of phrases and vocabulary.
japanese.... ahhh, i actually majored in it in university, so i got to an advanced level, but since graduating i haven't really used it at all -- so it seems like a waste *sobs*. hmm if we're basing my proficiency right now with no extra review to brush up on things, my speaking and listening might be at an intermediate level?
and not mentioned in that poll because i learned them outside of school for fun is ASL and thai (which i am currently trying to learn via self-study).
ASL is great but also one that you need to keep practicing -- if you can get the muscle memory, even better. i took it for a year (evening classes as an adult) and i'd say i'm at a beginner level. this, like everything else, i need to practice more to retain.
with regards to retention of other languages while learning new ones, i think it's mostly a matter of how much you continue to engage with and use the other language. and it can be helpful if you compare grammar structure, vocab, etc with the language you're currently studying and the old one. it can be fun/interesting when you notice similar patterns or words across different languages and that might help you remember things more easily as well.
i love learning new languages but oh god am i terrible at continuing to practice it afterwards :') there are just so many things i want to do and learn and there are only so many hours in a day -- and there's definitely a limit to how much i can think in a day before my brain turns into mush
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gralunaisland · 2 years ago
Last Update on the Sad Troll
I kept updating the post I'm reblogging because the situation kept changing, but I just wanted to update y'all and put this to a sort of rest!
The person who sent the asks as depicted in the post above?
They have been sending hateful, troll asks for 6 days now, totaling 50+ asks.
Really pathetic, isn't it? At least their no-life-ing of my blog is very amusing ^^.
I was going to make a post responding to most of the pertinent asks, but as they continued to send me asks for hours, I realized they just want to make me mad and get attention.
Out of curiosity, I turned off the anonymous option for my asks to see if they'd say anything. Unsurprisingly, the coward troll refrained from sending any more asks, when they'd been doing it daily.
Then after 2 days went by, they finally sent two laughable asks, one where they pretended to not be the troll, and the other where they sent gross pictures of gr///via and screenshots of a post saying that Japanese people have different political correctness than other places, trying to excuse gr///via's toxicity. They also essentially said "don't like, don't watch".
[One, I don't oppose gr///via because of "political correctness", I do it because it's objectively a toxic relationship.
Two, I love FT, and I don't love gr///via, but guess what? I'm allowed to watch it, enjoy it, and criticize it. If you don't have any criticisms, then you're not watching it closely enough because everything has flaws, and nothing is perfect.]
After so bravely sending these asks, they seemed to have immediately blocked me and changed their username, so that even my friend couldn't find them despite being logged out of their tumblr account.
Then I turned my anonymous back on for my followers, and I just knew that when I did, they would unblock me and crawl back into my inbox, and lo and behold, the troll is back, sending anonymous troll asks daily once more.
Here's a few fun facts about this troll:
She calls keeps calling herself "the queen of trolls".
She has admitted that her friend told her about me, so my suspicions seem to have been confirmed on the reason why this asker is attacking me.
She keeps insisting that she's not a Pro gr///vian fan.
She keeps saying haha you thought I was a bunch of Pros, or haha you thought I was a Pro myself, basically trying to insist that she "got me".
She keeps calling me a racist because I’m criticizing Hiro Mashima, who is of course Japanese.
She has called me the n-word.
All this, instead of making me upset, makes me feel sorry for this person.
You really don't have anything else to do with your life, Queen of Trolls? That is honestly sad, so you have my condolences. I hope this trolling gives you some sort of happiness.
You're actually so proud of this that you call yourself the queen of trolls? It's really unfortunate that you have nothing else in your life that gives you pride beyond harassing a real person on tumblr over a fictional character and/or because your friend told you to. I really hope you accomplish something someday that is a bit loftier than this. (I know you can do it! Do your best, buddy!)
You really think you fooled me? That's very funny, because even before I posted that first post, I could tell at the very least some of the asks were by the same person, because of you repeating yourself constantly, (for example, asking about my friend who runs a Graylu and Anti gr///via blog and thinking that you bullied her into deleting tumblr when she literally just blocked you lol) and also because of the terrible grammar. Those two things have been very consistent, so thanks for making it very obvious for me!
Also, the racist comment is quite frankly the most hysterical comment you’ve made, since I’m in fact Asian, but believe I’m racist if that makes you feel better!
All in all, I believe this is all the attention I'll give to them. I just wanted to update my followers on this situation and put the troll debacle to pasture.
To the troll, who undoubtedly stalks my page, salivating at the thought of me having a breakdown on tumblr or blowing my top at them, please continue to send your asks! Honestly, to be perfectly transparent with you, I share your asks with my friends, and we all have an amazing laugh thanks to you, so you're really doing me a favor. I look forward to them, and I look forward to the next ask you send me!
I hope this little bit of attention from little ol’ me gives you a thrill!
Also sorry to my followers who have to witness so much of the wrong kind of negativity on my blog. I do realize ignoring trolls is probably the right way to go about this because they want the attention and because they probably don’t mean the things they say, but I still wanted to address it.
Anyway, have an amazing day, everyone!
Life's way too short to be upset at trolls or to be a troll! :D
A Hilariously Low IQ Pro gr///vian Raid On My Blog
(The pictures make this post really long so I'll put them and my words below the "keep reading")
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Oh my gosh guys 😂. I don’t look at tumblr for one second, and now I have a ton of hate asks!
This is legitimately hilarious!
Nothing like the toxic side of the Pro fandom shooting themselves in the foot by acting like actual toddlers over me disliking a fictional ship! ^^
But before I get to these funny asks, I have a post I’ve been working on that’ll set the stage for this—the prologue, if you will.
There’s a (very silly) reason I’ve been targeted, and it’s again so amusing.
I can’t wait to post it for y’all’s entertainment! Tumblr drama is always so interesting, isn’t it?
Have a wonderful day, everyone! Even the (specifically, not all) toxic Pros! I sure hope especially y’all can find some happiness outside of being big bad meanies on tumblr. (*´∀`*)
Edit: there’s a bunch of asks I’m getting as I type this that seem to be from the same disgruntled person lol. I think I’ll try to group those asks into one post because I feel like this person is trying to fill my blog with hate.
Edit 2: and if I just get duplicate hate asks (which I have been), I’ll probably just delete those. Not good content for me to keep responding to the same brain-dead message ^^!
Edit 3: change of plans: I’ll be screenshotting all the asks and making one mega post about it since it’s one person. Hope to post it soon!
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weebianplebeian · 4 years ago
This truly was the swordsman chapter. As probably the second biggest OPM swordsman fan how did you like it?
i have a lot of thoughts on this chapter as a whole so im gonna just put em all here hehe (in the most incoherent form possible)
opm ch. 146 spoilers BEWARE
awww that little tidbit about fubuki and tats being more alike than they think
bomb can relate
the IMMEDIATE jump cut to tats on the verge of an aneurysm my GOD
oh wow do i hate that one panel of AS getting his face punched in ahaha
ok ok so iai is using AS's wakizashi thats rlly neato
go off darkshine you've got your shine back!!!
nichirin's cutting style (or however you say it) is so cool, its just like the way AS accordion cut BS last chapter
y'all ever had one of those tornado potatoes yeah that's the first thing i thought of when i saw that panel
the other thing i noticed is that nichirin doesn't have a sword guard on his katana, which effectively makes the sword lighter (obviously) AND all the more badass cause usually you'd need a guard to protect your hands when parrying but nichirin said "nah we don't do that here son"
honorable mention for that one panel of homeless emperor with the moon in the back that's lowkey wallpaper worthy
he cut a whole mountain basically?? by just swinging his sword?? dude im-
classic "when i put the katana back in the scabbard something badass happens" click
spring mustachio for s class
alright if im seeing this right amahare is a double sword user AND he has some attached to his ankles?? STANWORTHY
ngl wasn't expecting the guy whose name means "wrathful" to have a move called "peaceful death"
yet another smiling iaian panel i've been blessed. truly
alright so fubuki can suddenly transfer someone else's life energy into someone else huh. we're really doing this
everyone in the tumblr opm fandom has already been screaming over garou's return. congrats y'all. makes my heart soar to see y'all freak over the living alien pc gaming laptop. truly.
oh no bomb just gave some of his energy to tank top master and suddenly one of the most dangerous enemies in the whole series popped up i hope this doesn't mean anything bad haha
loving that panel of AS telling bang to go and his lil stick is just. in midair
that callback to ch. 69 LETS GOOO
yet another panel of AS with the light in his eyes i believe in AS supremacy
also just wanna say i love how nichirin has that smirk on his face for like 95% of this chapter.
that's it 10/10 chapter i'll be eagerly awaiting the next one
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raamitsu · 2 years ago
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SIU-nim is taking a break, it seems again.
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gxrefxtish · 7 months ago
Story time has arrived.
I’m sorry this actually got super deep when that wasn’t my intention to trauma dump.
There was actually two different incidents, I’ll start with main one I asked about and then the last one.
TW: implied SA, neglect??, possibly childhood trauma I’m still figuring that one out myself haha, delusions, overall mental issues, suicide too.
I’m pretty sure I was like this because of unresolved issues I had after stuff that happened to me when I was younger. (I had no friends, bullied, and was assaulted by my best friend and later another friend.)
I was probably like this for 4 years before I completely forgot about it, so it started when I was about 6 and ended when I was about 10. (The same age when I moved)
I was a huge Fnaf fan and still am, my favorite character has always been The Mangle, I related to her and felt a connection with her.
It started off innocent enough, just enjoying drawing her, watching mangle videos, etc. over time this evolved into excessive daydreaming. (which was and still is a problem even before this.) My life slowly began to revolve around Mangle and being her, and I wholeheartedly believed I was her, and I didn’t belong in this world.
I would draw her constantly and talk about how I was her constantly.
My mom realized this and tried to ask me if I realized this was just my imagination, this made me upset but I acted like I knew what she meant.
The next story might be a bit messy considering I don’t remember much, (again, unresolved problems causing memory blocks) but it’s a bit more weird, but similar.
I was about 8 when this delusion started forming but it was short lived.
I believed I was a demon wolf who didn’t belong in this world. (Gacha life ass plot tbh.) this was another coping mechanism for my problems, I still have the art of my “true self” (8 year old me persona) and if I can find it I’ll include it.
This was also about the time I met one of my assaulters and he became part of my character stuff (he said he was a dragon I’m not even kidding and I believed his ass)
I still am delusional but I’m aware that it’s just delusions, I know that sounds weird but basically I’m really into psychology, delusions being one of them, and this helped me realize pretty quickly that I had a problem.
My main delusions consist of believing I can talk and Interact with fictional characters.
The peak of this delusion made me believe if I killed myself i could live in a fictional world better than my own.
I honestly feel terrible for young me because there was a reason for this.
I was going through stuff a young girl should’ve never gone through, I didn’t have a support system and found it in fictional places and characters, I still do but now I have some sense of support in my friends, but that young girl did not, she was left to be alone, left to realize there was something about her no one liked. I didn’t have the support and comfort I should’ve gotten while I was younger so I found comfort from a fake world that I enjoyed, making it take over my life.
Art from when I was 9
entry at beginning of the book: “Day 1 hello I’m (deadname) I’m 9 it’s summer I just got school (I think I meant “out of school”) not that long ago im at home upset that my sister sis isint hear I realy miss her alot and im very sad But I’m also happy Because shes guna come as soon as posible But Ima go Byee.”
I included all my misspellings, and lack of grammar to show just how young I was and how I was still just a kid.
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The notebook above was during my mangle delusion and is full of just Mangle and a few other Fnaf characters, especially Mangle and Springtrap, but mainly Mangle.
I wasn’t expecting to get this deep and that it would be a funny story but honestly it’s just sad tbh. I feel it’s good to talk about to get off my chest, I’ve never told anyone about this, only talking about my mangle delusions as if it’s a joke, but never in a serious fashion.
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nebelihood · 3 years ago
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Hey arnold angst comic (written continuation)
Context: Arnold is on his room and called Gerald on th phone to understand better the situation.
How to read: "A" means Arnold, "G" means Gerald (disclaimer, sorry for my terrible grammar)
A: do you think I just started going out with helga cause she helped me save my parents?
G: oowwww, well-
A: Gerald!
A:Does everyone think that???
G:No! No,no! Your love seems genuine Arnold! I saw your kiss man! Fire! You don't kiss someone you dislike like that! Do you?
A: I guess not...
G: then? What's wrong?
A: Well- what if she was the only one with the "fire"?
G: what you mean?
A: I mean- what if it is true? What if the only reason why I ever began going out with her was because she helped me save my parents?
G: well- is it true?
A: I don't know, I don't remember- I was 12 and everything was crazy
G:You don't forget something like that...
A: My only past experience with love was lila, and that's was nothing, it's hard to know now...
G:... But a- well- what's wrong? What are you talking about anyways?
A: Helga and I had a fight
G: oww... And what happened?
A: Well, at first everything was going fine, we were feeding doves in front of my house
G: How sweet
A: ah- anyway... Everything was fine, but then suddenly she asks me to forgive her
G: forgive her for what?
A: that's what I asked- and then... You know... She said for... Bullying... For bugging me all those years
G:She did bug you a lot-
A: No- well... Anyways! The thing is I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to accept her apology, but not because I didn't want to forgive her but because It felt like if I accepted it, then I'd be admitting that it was a big deal how she treated me and-
G: Arnold- she did very crazy things to you
A: THE THING IS-! I didn't know what to say and I was starting to feel ill so I decided to go home and calm myself, but then she said that she wanted to ask me something
G: aha?
A: what I just asked you
G: Oh... What did you say?
A: I said no
G: Good! Way to go!
A: But then I sad I didn't know
G: ow...
A: And then she started going on about how I started going out with her out of responsibility because she helped me save my parents
G: And what happened?
A: I wanted to say so many things! She said it so angry at me(...)
A: And then she started going on about how I started going out with her out of responsibility because she helped me save my parents
G: and... is it true?
A: NO!... well- I DON'T KNOW?
G: Arnold, you know, you have to know, how wouldn't you know?
A: But Gerald- you are my best friend, do you think I would... do something like that?
G: Arnold... There are many things you'd do for the sake of others, but dating someone you don't want... I really don't think is one of them...
A: ...
G: I mean you did try to use my sister to be close to Lila
A: Sorry about that...
G: No! it's fine, I get it! But what I'm trying to say is that you are not a martyr! You do things that you want to do and you really like aswell!
A smiles: I guess... you are right
G: I remember you said you had this dream about Helga being nice and shit
A: Yeah... you know, Helga was so confusing to me back then! I really couldn't understand her! She could be so mean, but when you weren't looking, she could be so nice! And I never understood why, and that constantly passed through my head all the time…I guess… I’ve always wanted to meet that side of her… despite how confused I was with her… I knew she was really nice, and seemed scared to show it for some reason…
G: Bang! And that’s why you started dating her!
Arnold chuckles: I guess, haha… when I think about it… she apologizing after all these years... when things are going so well… says how much she’s actually a very nice person, trying to make things right!… I just didn’t know how to react
G: Yeah
Arnold slaps forehead: Now I feel like such an idiot!
G: You’d never catch me saying “I don’t know” if Phoebe asked me why we started going out!
A: UGh…
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How do they react when their s/o (crush) is cold (not personality it just snowing, that kind of thing) Just seeing them shiver or sneeze.
He will offer his hoddie. Here take this! Oh! Are you sure I mean I am fine. Nah. You can wear it (he just wants you in an oversize hoodie...his hoodie!!!) When you wore it... an instant nosebleed. Scout are you o-okay!? I..am fine (s/o is so fricking cute! I wish they wore it forever...)
He will carry you somewhere warm and be very aggressive about it. OUT OF THE WAY MAGGOTS, S/O IS SHIVERING. S/O MIGHT DIEEE!! soldier, I am fine. I just sneezed. that`s it.
what did you expect? Campfire. I know I already mention this in another post but come on! It is so true! He will also hold hands with you and will not let go. P-Pyro I have to go... *grips harder* *s/o signs* Fine! 5 more minutes! *happy muffles from pyro* (it is never just 5 min it was definitely 1 hour but anyway)
He will hold hands...if he had the confidence tho! Instead, he will let pyro make a campfire and makes hot cocoa. Who wants hot cocoa! You and pyro raise hands high up in the air. Hehe...here you go pyro and s/o!
Hugs with you for warmth. He will make it seem like a normal friend thing but it is definitely not. He pretends like he does to everybody but nono he doesn`t care if it is others...But for you! He will hug you. Are you warming up s/o? y-yes... (we are so close...I can hear his heartbeat...it is so fast...no I am just imagining! His heartbeat is perfectly normal...I think)
He will hug you. He will pretend to be really drunk and hug you very tightly. (He is not that drunk he just wants to make it seems like an accidental thing.) Once he has warmed you up. He will yet again pretend to realize what he did. Oh sorry s/o! Didn't realize I was hugging you. I guess I was too drunk haha! (no he was not too drunk he was fine but anyway)
He wants to hug you...so bad. Sadly his nervousness and shyness take over. He will keep you close. Let you lean on him or wrap an arm around you. He acts pretty chill about it...oh no no but inside he is having a million heart attacks. (Am I making s/o uncomfortable? Is s/o blushing? no, its just me. I am just doing some normal friend things.) If someone approaches he will instantly be back to position. Nope nothing happened :)) (Thank god they did`t see me.)
He will give you his coat. He will just quietly put the lab coat on you. ...He is having a whole emergency lockdown in his head, (Oh look at s/o. That coat is perfecting wrapping around them!! I wish I had my camera with me!!! ) Thanks for the coat medic! U-Uh yeah, no problem! It would be trouble if you got a cold!
You have probably guessed it. He will give you his jacket (like the suit thing idk what it is called. I am pretty sure it is a jacket anyway) The jacket is so warm, you smile softly spy. Bang! Damit. That is another cute attack. He will pretend to be cool on the outside but inside...he is red as a tomato. He often gives you his jacket even if you aren`t cold. I wonder why... (It is of course because you are cute!) :)))
Hey guys! Let me tell you something funny. Due to my terrible grammar, I have Grammarly (my grammar really sucks). And whenever I write the word ''solider'' it would always change the word into ''More solid'' for me. lmao. Idk it is always so funny to me. I find the most random shit the funniest thing ever. MORE SOLID
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sneakydraws · 3 years ago
hi!! if I'm not mistaken you can speak Polish (or you're Polish idk I don't want to assume I just remember you posted something about Krakow and...strajk kobiet (sorry idk how to say it in eng) I wanted to hear your opinion on polish voice actors in encanto!! I know a lot of folks doesn't like Mirabel's voice but imo it's okay, and yeah....just a silly question
No yeah ur right I am polish! i'm afraid i only watched the film in english though, sorry :P HOWEVER i DID obsessively listen to we dont talk about bruno in just about every language available, so as a humble substitute i can give you my thoughts on the polish version of the song
elephant in the room, this is like the only version that changes the word 'bruno' around to fit with the grammar... i can't really blame them, polish is HARD and 'no, no, no' would not have worked so they had to change it to 'nie, nie, nie' but still... sounds jarring as hell lmao
Pepa and felix's part is good, i like their voices! I feel like almost every language gets pepa right haha probably cuz she's so dramatic
Lecz przyszedł on z tym uśmieszkiem jak gnom
But he arrived, with that smirk like a gnome
HELLO? LMFAO was there REALLY no better way to phrase that !!!! jkrgef
On powiedział: "Będzie lać" / I mózg aż mi się zaczął grzać
He said "It's gonna rain" / And my brain started heating up
There isn't that direct correlation between rain and her brain that most versions have, but still, it works nicely. The image of pepa's brain overheating with smoke coming out of her ears is absolutely fitting lmao
Ej, hola, mam parasola
I don't even know how to translate this lol it's like "Hey, hey, I have an umbrella" but the grammar is all wrong. Ew
They did my girl dolores DIRTYYYY her voice sounds really strained and the singer is clearly struggling to say all the words. Can't really blame them tho, her verse is the hardest shit in the world to translate well :') English has so many one or two syllable words...
Bałam się go od małego i do dziś dlatego / Nie potrafię się uwolnić od bełkotu tego
I was scared of him since childhood and that's why to this day / I can't free myself from that blabber
Implication that dolores is scared of bruno himself, as opposed to the original where she seems to fear his visions (stuttering or stumbling - signs of stress/seeing something bad? that's how i interpret it at least) - bad :( i'll elaborate on this in a future comic but i actually think dolores would find it very easy to empathise with bruno.
Głos mu szeleścił, jak szeleści suchy piach
His voice rustled, like the rustling of dry sand
I couldn't think of a better translation for "szelest" but it's an onomatopoeia for things like fabric, dry leaves, sheets of paper... basically anything dry and textured, such as sand! This is actually a bomb translation, it sounds great, it fits the whispery tone, and as much as i like the more common route of implying that sand keeps falling out of bruno's clothes (the russian version is a personal favourite) or that dolores simply hears the sandfall in his room, the idea that his voice itself is like sand is VERY atmospheric and i love it.
Był ten ciężki dar źródłem zmartwień jego / Miała go rodzina cała za wyklętego
This heavy gift was the source of his worries / The whole family thought him to be cursed/cast out
I never understand why they went with "wyklęty", which generally means "cast out, banished" rather than "przeklęty" which means "cursed"? These lines sound terrible, especially the way she drags out "za-a" but like i said, i can't blame the translators, it's a tall order...
(side note, i should shout out the grammatical wizardry the translators have to resort to in order to make these syllables/rhymes work... polish is a very flexible language in that regard (FUCK YOU FRENCH) so they can get away with moving the words around a lot! for example, if i were to translate word for word, this verse would read more like "Was this heavy gift the source of worries his / Thought him the family whole banished". in english this sounds like yoda speak, but in polish it's totally correct, if a little artsy!)
Camilo sounds a little too dramatic, could have used a bit more subtlety... But it's not bad I suppose.
Wysoki jak dąb, śliskim szczurom brat
Tall as an oak, brother to slippery rats
As an ex-rat owner and rat lover i object to this slander, but other than that, solid translation! I like how seemingly no one except russia was willing to actually translate '7 feet' to meters ahaha
Jego głosu ton zaczerni ci świat
The tone of his voice will blacken your world
Terrible, it doesn't mean anything AND i always find it difficult to even hear the first three words. They could have looked for different concepts here, not every translation chose to directly reference the "fading to black" part!
Wywróżył mi mojej rybki nagły zgon!
He foretold me the sudden death of my fish!
I respect any translation that doesn't keep the weird structure of the original, with the final word being an entire sentence. Aside from that, I find myself appreciating the choice of the word "wywróżyć", which has a very cool, magical vibe!
Wywróżył mi wielki brzuch i jestem jak słoń!
He foretold me a gigantic belly and I am like an elephant
No comment
Wywróżył mi, że wyłysieję, skąd to wiedział, no skąd?
He foretold me I'd go bald, how did he know it, I ask you, how?
Loose translation of that final sentence, but I think it gets across the vibe of it - I really like how it sells both the priest's desperation and the fear and confusion the townspeople feel toward bruno's visions. Like, he should KNOW how bruno knew he'd go bald, it's his gift to see the future, duh, but despite that knowledge he can't help but suspect that bruno somehow caused it. Speaking of which...
Ratunku nie ma, gdy coś przepowie on!
There is no rescue, once he foretells something!
This is actually deadass my favourite version of this lyric! Firstly, the grammatical subject is HE, bruno, not his prophecy or your fate - this shows how the villagers are pinning the blame on HIM and not just the concept of the future or even his gift. Secondly, this point is emphasised even further because the word "he" ("on") falls on the accented last syllable. Lastly, this is present to some extent in most languages, but it preserves that lovely ambiguity as to whether his prophecies simply SEE the future or somehow CAUSE it. side note, for a while, relying on my broken ass french, i thought the italian version went hard on that second interpretation... that would have been so cool rip
I really like isabela's voice! And since anon asked about mirabel (though i assume the singing voice is a different person than the speaking voice?) i did think it was very faithful with regards to the original!
On mi mówił, że moc, którą mam / Wzrośnie tak jak drzew rosną pnie
He told me the power I have / Would grow as tree trunks grow
I saw someone point out that the original line specifically avoids the mention of flowers, and I like that it's preserved here!
Mariano idzie, ciszej bądź
Mariano's coming, quiet down
Why is abuela telling them to shut the fuck up TT0TT it is kinda funny ngl
On mi mówił że z tym o kim śnię / Nie mam szans związać się, / Że weźmie go inna
He told me that with he whom I dream of / I have no chances of getting together / That another one will take him
This is one of the translations that for some reason explicitly have bruno's vision contradict reality? i mean you could argue that he only saw a glimpse (for example, mariano proposing to isabela) and misinterpreted it, but still. the original version is pretty careful to remain technically true, what with "betrothed to another"
Isabela, do ciebie ktoś
Isabela, someone's here to see you
AHAHA i love hearing this line in different versions, seeing the different flavours of camilo's sass. He's such a little shit here
Źle że wspomniałam o Brunie
It's bad I mentioned Bruno
And unfortunately we finish off really weakly with the last new line... rip. What a let down
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qcomicsy · 10 months ago
Thanks for the tag man!!
For organization sake reasons I'll Separate from color. Batfam black and Spideypool - Deadpool red.
My Wips:
Why you only call me when you're high. (Poolverine concept. One phrase).
Jay ( Batfam. Jason centric Angst. + Recovery fic + Slice of life)
Tonight I'll give all my love in the backseat. (Spideypool. PWP)
He doesn't love me. (Batfam. Jason centric. Angst + Oneshot).
A looot of unamed docs (spideypool mostly.)
Jason & Duke. (One shot. Fluff + Angst. Kind of.)
Duke & Damian. (One shot. Slice of life+Heavily dialogue)
The first time Wade died I threw up (Spideypool. Oneshot. Angst.)
Damian Wayne (Future!Au. Never finished)
Gothamite Tales. (Batman. Slice of life + Gotham city centric)
Jason told him once. (Dick centric. Early draft , very old. Never finished.)
Spideypool ideas. (Concepts, loose chapters, lists, mostly unfinished. Rough Draft. Mostly angst but some PWP).
Call out my name (Spideypool/Cablepool. Oneshot. Unrequited love + Angst)
Dick Grayson (Dick centric. So, sooo old. So many grammar mistakes I had no idea how to write him. Still keep it for emotional attachment reasons. Very rough draft. I bet it is a very fannon too. Oneshot. Angst.)
I'm prepared to do this sacrifice¹. (Team red. Spideypool. Spideydevil. Darepool? Crack fic + Comedy + Identity Porn + Idiots in love + Changing places).
I'm not gonna dance. (Superbat. Fluff + Idiots in love + Can be headed as platonic to, but oh well. Why not?)
A bat is a winged rat. (Posted. Batfam. Angst + Hurt comfort (kind of?))
Tim Drake (Character sheet).
Getting of Bullying. (Spideypool. Loose dialogue.)
Spiderfam. (Spideypool. Rough draft. Idea abandoned)
Back of bones (Spideypool. Angst + PWP).
Jon. (Jon centric. Character study.)
The Aftermath. ( Spideypool. Angst + Older Peter Parker. Future setting )
Party. (Spideypool. Enemies to lovers + PWP + Cannot adjacent + Oneshot + Pre–Spider-Man/Deadpool canon ).
Spideypool Fanfic. ( If I'm not wrong the first one I wrote about them, never finished, so early I haven't yet even read a Spider-Man comic. Characterization heavily based on fannon and Andrew's Peter Parker haha.)
Spider-Man vs. New York city! (Spideypool - Mostly Peter centric. Learning how to write Peter Parker. Two chapters finished. Slice of life + Comedy + Drama + Bitter-Sweet).
There's so... so... so much more. Mostly unamed. I am terrible at naming things. Some of them are actually finished. Why I don't post? I am a perfectionist babe one that had very little time or and energy to finishing it hahaha.
Oh and feel free about asking about them (please, please do they're my precious things I love them so much).
Honorable mentions where the wip is unamed but the folder isn't:
Two years ago I learned that the guy who I used to argue in one of my classes is Wade's friend (Spideypool. Comedy. Bittersweet. Peter centric).
Chicken. (Spideypool. Crack + Comedy + Porn without plot).
BodyGuard. (Spideypool. Enemies to lovers + Violence + Slight gore (is Deadpool c'mon) + Smut + Comedy + Action + Unwillingly buddy cop team up).
Lois Lane and Bruce. (Batfam + Lois Lane. Finished. + Crack + Oneshot).
Nice Future. (So unfinished I only have a rough draft and character sheets sorry).
Duke Thomas Centric (The one's with him and Jason/Damian are here)
Battrip. (Oneshot. Rough drafts. So sooo fannon. From YEARS AGO. Love her so much).
Tags: @dxckgrxysonx, @gone-batty-fics And anyone who wants to join!!!
I'm prepared to do this sacrifice¹:
This one I'll give a description because I still find myself so fucking clever: Peter has a date with Matt Murdoc. Peter can't go for emotional unavailability reasons. Deadpool goes to his place as a good friend. None of them realizes that Matt isn't that stupid.
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by: @cer-rata
My WIP’s
Unplanned Adoption (fluff+crack)
Billy Superson (Ver 1+2) (fluff+crack)
To the abyss and those who survived it (character study/retrospective)
Cruel reminders (angst+fluff+hurt/comfort)
Old Man Marvel (Canon divergence)
Bat-Swap (posting) (crack treated seriously)
Don’t tell Batman! (Posting)(Crack)
Church Grim (crack)
Kon-el’s boundaries! Mint Condition! (Angst + hurt/comfort)
Fawcett City; Villain Retirement (fluff + comfort)
What the future holds (posting) (future fic + poly relationship)
What if?— The world met Marvelous instead of Superboy? (Posting) (Canon divergence + crack treated seriously)
Memories of a hero; Nightmare’s of a boy (posting) (character study)
Billy Robinson (crack treated seriously)
Never grow up (future fic + angst)
He knows (crack)
Preteen Parenting: The marvelous misadventures of the worlds weirdest found family (posting) (Canon divergence + crack treated seriously + fluff)
Rules of resurrection (canon divergence + angst)
Marvelous Bats (Bat-Swaps continuation) (fluff)
Captain Marvel Fanclub (posting)(fluff + hurt/comfort)
“In the next world (and this one too)” (posting) (angst + hurt comfort)
Some have posted chapters with some not seeing the light of day at all, the ones not posted at this point do have their share of paragraphs and nonsensical rambling but, alas, are going to take me a while.
Okay, let’s try to get 21 people on this thing
@yeetus-feetus @kenandeliza @wolfsbanesparks @chaoticallyfluffy @puppetwoman17 @zorilleerrant @atlas-likes-writing @delicioushologramperson … I can’t think of other people so it’s just 8/21 here….
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violetrainbow412-blog · 4 years ago
Kiss me [P. C]
Prince Caspian x reader
Word counts: 2.6k
Warnings: I’m from Mexico so sorry for any misspelling or grammar. If you have any advice tells me!
N/A: I’ll post more Caspian stuff, in case you want to follow me :) (sorry for the scene and narrator changes I hope it's not tedious, haha)
Tumblr media
"Run!" Caspian listened, and the peculiar talking animal did not have to repeat it.
Everything was happening so suddenly. First he had had to flee the castle from a threat he did not know existed, then he had found himself in the home of those strange creatures he thought extinct and was now running for his life from his own army.
The arrows on their crossbows soon arrived and the three had to dodge them as they advanced. Caspian advanced a couple more yards and then heard a scream.
"Oh, no”
"I'll go! The young man shouted, worried about the badger lying on the floor with an arrow stuck in his thigh. When he got to him the soldiers were close, so much so that his aim would not fail this time.
"Take it and run! It's more important than me!” the Narnian shouted, giving him the horn that hours earlier he had touched in the hope that something would happen. Why was it so important, anyway?
He watched the animal and then the troops. A panic attack invaded him and he adopted a grimace of terror. He didn't know what to do, he was trapped, he wouldn't save his friend, and he couldn't confront the men either.
Out of nowhere, the soldier leading the troops was defeated, wounded by a warrior who seemed invisible to human eyes. Caspian wasted no time, so he took trufflehunter in his arms from him to start running.
He kept advancing, with the little animal's complaining on his shoulder and suddenly heard the squeal of a horse. He turned completely frightened because he imagined it would not be difficult for that man to shoot and kill him, but when he watched the person on the beast it was not a uniform.
He was an extremely thin complexion warrior, but with his mouth covered in a cloth and a hood that prevented him from identifying him. He wore worn trousers and a shirt that looked like his, as well as a sword in his right hand with which he had already begun to hurt men. The few who tried to shoot him were in vain, for the invisible warrior seemed to know who wanted to hurt his companion and killed them before the arrows could rub him.
For a moment the presence of both mysterious figures was reassuring, but a second later he was already alarmed again.
If your uncle's men couldn't with them, what was waiting for him?
"Get him out of here!” he yelled at his other companion. He drew his sword and turned the other way, but was surprised to no longer see a single soldier. He frowned rather troubled, but out of nowhere the hooded warrior appeared to attack. He fell gracefully from his horse and pushed Caspian with his sword, causing him to fall from his back to the ground.
"Your last words?” he asked, pointing at his neck with the tip of the sword. Caspian was surprised to hear her voice, which looked not masculine at all. Did you look at the... person? That threatened him and swallowed scared-dead saliva. If his destiny was to die at the hands of the warrior in front of him, then he would.
But before sticking the sword around his neck, the warrior paid a little more attention to him and Caspian saw it pale. On his side appeared a small talking mouse with a sword, which encouraged him to kill the telmarine at once.
"You are a mouse" Caspian said, forgetting for a moment the swordsman in front of him.
"Very original to be your last words" he mocked, but Caspian was more focused on how the warrior's knees in front of him faltered and saw him stumble until he fell backwards.
He had fainted.
Caspian tried to get close but the mouse wouldn't let him. Instead he threatened him with the sword while running to help his companion. He took off his hood, cloth and that's when Caspian also felt him faint.
The warrior was a girl.
You opened your eyes and observed a beautiful field, one that definitely did not belong to the forest of Narnia in which you lived.
You were dreaming or, rather, remembering.
You looked at your clothes, smaller than you expected, and you knew what I remember it was. Actually, a very special one.
"Y/N!” somebody screamed behind you, with joy. When you turned, you saw a long-haired teenager running in your direction with a huge smile. “I found you! You're terrible at this game, if you don't mind me saying so" he murmured, smiling more as he stood in front of you. “What's the matter?”
"Caspian" you whispered gently. Despite the years you couldn't help but remember even a single detail of his face. His pale skin, his black hair up to his shoulders, his red lips and cheeks blushed by physical activity. You sighed with relief and threw yourself into his arms, feeling his scent. It smelled like gardenias and linen.
"Hey, I'm not going to forgive you, this victory no matter how mellow you are, you understand?” he said funny, but you didn't seem to want to say anything. You just wanted to hold on to him, you wanted to feel it close to you as much as possible.
At that point, after reliving so many times that moment, you no longer knew it was real and that it was a lie as to words, but the sensations never changed.
"Never leave me" you asked with a lump in your throat, feeling his hands sneak down your back until he held your waist
"Why would I?” he asked gently, near your ear.
"Just promise me, will you?" you whispered. You separated a little from him and both came face to face, with your noses barely rubbing. “Promise it.”
"Sure, I promise" he gasped. The words that came out of his mouth no longer mattered, but the feeling of your breath against his. “But again, why do you think I'd leave?”
"Because you already did" you murmured short, holding back tears.
"What do you mean...?”
"Kiss me" you demanded, taking the cloth from his shirt. You were a little aware that you had both kissed in that meadow when you were younger, but you weren't so sure it was exactly after you told him I'd abandoned you because you weren't even close to knowing it.
"What do you say?” Caspian asked in a trembling voice, but paying a little more attention to your lips. Without wasting time you pulled it a little towards you, feeling his breath get stuck in his throat.
You felt him respond to the kiss for a second, his lips velvety in contrast to yours, but the next second you opened your eyes and he was gone.
You were no longer in the beautiful meadow where your first kiss happened. You were in the woods, at night, alone.
You called him, yelled his name, but he never answered. You started crying and took a couple of steps just to bump into something heavy.
It was a lifeless body. He was...
"Caspian!” you screamed discouraged, waking up from the fading you had experienced.
When your eyes clear, you realized your feet didn't touch the floor and a couple of arms held you carefully.
"I'm here, calm down" someone whispered, hugging you more against him. When you saw the young man holding you, you let out a high-pitched cry and from the impression he dropped you against the moss on the floor. “Y/N! Are you ok? Did you hurt yourself?”
"You're not real!” you said raising your voice, sticking your back against a nearby tree. “You're not... you... Caspian is dead," you murmured frightenedly, watching the man squat and approaching with the intention of reassuring you a little.
"It's not like that, look at me. I'm here" he said kindly, holding one of your hands. “Come, feel my heart” carefully placed your hand, small compared to his, on the left side of his chest. “It's beating. I'm real, I'm here" he repeated, worried about your expression of terror.
"He told me you were dead.”
"I was told that you...” and he was silent, unable to complete the sentence. He never believed that lie, so he had never said it out loud. “How did you survive all this time?” He asked short.
"Do you know this telmarine?” Someone said beside him. You looked at the three creatures present and realized that Reepicheep was the one who had spoken.
"I..." you hesitated. What if it was all just another dream?
"She's a little shocked by the falls, give her space," trufflehunter said. You thanked internally for not having to answer questions.
"We have to go, we can't waste time" Nikabrik said now. You had a little trouble breathing.
"Can you walk?” Caspian asked, looking at you again. Damn, when was the last time you saw those bright eyes? now it seemed like an eternity. “Or I could charge you, if you like.”
"I can walk" you said quickly. You stood up and walked as far away from the man as possible, hoping that the emptiness in your stomach would also go away. Without waiting for an answer you started walking without a course and heard Caspian follow in your footsteps. Apparently your sword was no longer in place, but at a glance you noticed Caspian was wearing your belt.
"Where's my horse?" you asked worried. Caspian came over already took the opportunity to hold you by the waist.
"Calm down, he's fine" he said quietly, looking you in the eye again. “God, I can't take it anymore. Would it be too much trouble if we rested for a few minutes?” he asked the others, still holding you. “I want to talk to you alone," he continued, but now kinder.
"How do we know you're trustworthy?” Reepicheep asked, in an attempt to take care of his friend.
"It's all right. He's good, he'd never hurt me" you said in his direction to reassure him. And so it was, you couldn't blame Caspian for all the suffering you'd faced during those years. “I know a river near here, we can talk there" you said. Caspian nodded and let you go, waiting for you to guide him.
"Don't be late" Reepicheep warned, pointing the sword at you.
You started walking and Caspian followed you, both quietly for a few minutes. When you were far enough away, he came a little closer to you until his little finger grazed your hand. He wanted to take it, but he didn't have the courage to do it.
"Why didn't you ever look for me?” you said by slowing down your footsteps, in your broken voice. “All this time I thought he was dead... I blamed myself for it, even did you ever look for me?”
"I did" he admitted. Now he did take your hand. “You don't know how long I've been touring every corner of the kingdom looking for you, but all in vain. I never imagined you'd be... well, here" he said. They were silent again until he asked. “Why did you say you blamed yourself? Why did you think I was dead in the first place?”
"Your uncle told me" you exclaimed tremblingly. “He found out about us. He said a woman like me would never be with her nephew. You were, you're an heir to the throne, and I'm just an ordinary girl. He forbade me to see you or swore I'd kill you. Days later he told me that you had received a letter that I never sent and also told me you were dead. That he'd blame me for it if I didn't run away from there. Your guards brought me here to die and... Reepicheep found me, then I met more Narnians and they welcomed me. They taught me everything I know and I in return began to protect the forest from the telmarines" you explained, looking down. “So many years thinking you were dead, Caspian. So many years I missed you and cried for you. I... God, I was just a kid when your uncle did that. If I'd known you were okay, I'd have looked for you" you finished, now you're in tears bathing your cheeks.
Caspian grabbed your chin and raised your face. He was crying too.
"My uncle told me you abandoned me. If it's any consolation, I never believed it. That's why I looked for you so long, because... I thought something very bad had happened to you. And I see I wasn't that wrong" he admitted followed by a sob.
When you saw he like this, you felt all the pain accumulated over those years bursting into you and breaking down in tears. Caspian hugged you against his chest and you cried together, expressing more in that embrace than with all the words of the world.
After a long time you felt a huge peace and even though you didn't know Caspian's reasons for being there, you didn't care anymore.
You didn't care because he was pursued by the guards or because it was in the hands of your friends. All you cared about was feeling his arms around you and the constant beat of his heart.
He was Caspian, after all, your Caspian.
"There's something I still don't believe, you know?” he began to say in a low tone.
"And what is it?” you also responded in a whisper, fearing altering the peace that surrounded them.
"You're better at riding and with the sword than I am. I don't know if I should be afraid for my life" he joked and forced you to smile broadly.
And then, no place for a smile came laughter of jubilation. Caspian didn't get it, but his chest swelled with love when he heard your laughter again.
"Caspian for God's sake you are alive! You're here with me... Are you ok. I didn't kill you.”
"Kill me? You are crazy?” he asked, worried, hunching a little to keep up with you. “You said it about me: ‘he would never hurt me’ And now I'm telling you; I know you could never hurt me in any way in life. On the contrary, you are the happiness that was taken from me and that I longed for. Here you are, in front of me and I can finally tell you that I loved you every day of your absence. There wasn't a single day when he didn't expect to see you again” he carefully placed his hand on your cheek and admired your face for a moment. “You're beautiful, you haven't changed a bit. You're still the love of my life" he finally expressed, tears filling it up another little bit.
"Kiss me" you said in a whisper, taking the collar of his silk shirt as at some point, when they were younger, you did.
Caspian wasted no time and took you by the waist to lift you up a little, forcing you to tangle your legs in his hip. He was very strong now, because with one hand you held by the thighs and with the other it caressed your cheek, unsure if your skin really felt as usual.
And finally, he kissed you.
He walked a few steps until your back collided with the trunk of a tree and he continued to kiss longer than you would have expected.
This time, when you opened your eyes, you saw a Caspian completely in love and with bright eyes full of life.
You weren't alone in the woods anymore. Now you finally had him.
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fairydollsteps · 4 years ago
Levi Ackerman as a Father
(Just a reminder here: This will takes place in the time-skip where the world is peaceful and Levi finally owns his dream tea shop. As well as, building a family with you.)
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- Levi never thought that he would have a happy future after the brutal war and deaths of his loved ones. All his life is about surviving this cruel world. Killing titans, watching his dearest friends and comrades that he considered as families dies in front of him and carrying all the heavy burdens on his shoulder. 
- Levi is tired and he thinks he is also going to die in the future and reunite with his loved ones. 
-That’s when he meets you and gosh. He wants to thank the Gods for finally sending someone to him where he can love and be ease with. You have help him feel happy and take him away from his grief and pain. You were patient with him and read him like a book. 
- You always comfort him when he feels sad or has nightmares. Take care of him like a mother, making sure he is in a healthy condition. He was surprised when you still stay even when he yell at you with painful and cynical remarks because you know what he meant is not true. You know that he said that because he feels like he doesn’t deserve to have you as his lover. Yes, you always stay by his side and accept for who he is.
- You have proven yourself that you would never leave like the others and Levi will forever be grateful for that and fall hard for you even more.
- That’s when he proposed to you and you happily accepted it and take his last name. The wedding was beautiful and delightful. Both Levi and you had  wonderful time there. 
- After a few years of marriage, Levi and you have found out that you are pregnant. Levi realized that he is going to become a father. He is going to create a family with the woman that he loved dearly.
- Of course because of his past and never had a father figure. He was worried and was about to lose his mind. But you reassure him that he would be a great father. His doubts and anxieties perished when he saw his child finally born into this world.
- It’s a girl and she looks just like you. He couldn’t explains the feelings he is having now. It’s the same with his mother along with Farlan and Isabel but is more extreme that he froze. Then, a tear of happiness drop and he was crying. Crying in tears of joy.
- He loved his girl so much that he would do anything for her. He swore to himself that he would protect and care for her. He would give her everything that he never had as a child. Love, Education, Fun, Peace, Everything. Just anything just so she does not have up like him.
- Levi and you decided to name your child “Selene’ because her eyes is as blue as the night sky and shines brightly like the moon. That’s the only appearance trait that she inherit from his father. The rest is from your look and also your personality. Basically, she almost the copy of you but has Levi eyes. And Levi loved that a lot because he can see Selene in you. Your charming and intellect  personality and your ethereal beauty.
- Levi would be the protective type of father. Always making sure Selene is secure, away from danger. Eating healthy and stuff. Despite his protective nature, he would always teacher his daughter to take care of herself and be independent. 
- During Selene’s toddler year, Levi would spend his time with her a lot and take care of her while you are away for your work. You can trust Levi to take care of Selene.
-She is 100% daddy girl.
- Levi and Selene would play tea party together, hide-and-seek, play board games and so on. Levi would also help her do her homework that she don’t understand certain questions. He would always be pleased to see his daughter tries to solve a difficult question by herself and find her determination and attempt adorable, reminding her of you.
-Levi would take Selene to his tea shop to work. While he works, Selene would sit down on a table obediently and do her homework or read a book. Sometimes, she would bring her friends along to her father’s teashop to hang out.
-Levi would sometimes spoil his precious daughter. Like if she wants that book because it looks interesting? Bam! She is now reading it in her bedroom. Or if she wants that chocolate cake because she is craving sweets? Bam! She is now eating it happily. But of course, Levi would remember to control himself even looking at the puppy eyes and the mantra of “please”.
- Like I mention before, Selene inherits your intellect traits. Therefore, she would always come home with high marks and being the top of the class, making her father proud like a peacock and Levi would brag about it. (So cute.)
- Selene also inherit Levi keeping hygiene and tidiness but not too extreme. She and Levi would both cleaning the house and you would come home noticing that the house is spotless. You would always give her something as a reward for helping her father and pat on the head. ( and kiss on Levi’s forehead too lol)
-Selene is terrible keeping track of her time like she would be at the library for a more than she should or hanging out with her friends. Is not that does not want to listen to her parents. It’s just she does not know when what time is without anyone telling her.
- Which makes Levi worried constantly (and sick of finding where the hell is she  for hours), so Levi bought her a pretty compass and teach her to keep track of her time. Now Selene finally on time for dinner. Giving Levi a sigh of relief.
- Selene still keep and take good care of the compass that her father give for a long time and cherish it dearly as if is her treasure.
- The workers that work for Levi’s teashop enjoys spending time and taking care of her while Levi is away for a sec. They love to give her sweets and gifts. They all thought she is adorable and treats her like a little princess.
-In conclusion, Levi would be a good father. He is very happy to have you and Selene in his life and wish this happiness would last forever.
(Hey you made it to the end! Thank you so much for reading! This my first and ever post and I really appreciate for your time to read it! I am sorry if there is any grammar errors in her. I am too lazy to check it to send it to Grammarly! haha! Likes and reblogs would be deeply appreciated. Once again, Thank you Reading and I do Hope you enjoy reading my writing!)
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