#the gong family seems a little different today
zishuge · 4 months
cheng lei and tian jiarui rapping on cute detective
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kmikaelsonimagines · 3 years
Adjusting To Anarchy: A Kol Mikaelson Imagine
Request from Anon: You’re requests are fully opened?! Yay!!! You told me a few weeks ago to resubmit this when your requests were fully opened, so here it goes. Can you please write something where the reader makes a bet with Klaus at the ball that she can educate Kol better about what he’s missed in the past 100 years than he can teach Rebecka? They invite him to their home and educate him in a fun creative way with music, movies, games, etc and Kol slowly falls in love with them and their quirkiness.
I just had to put the song that I did in here! Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x 
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“Come in.” You stepped aside to let the Original vampire into your house. Kol Mikaelson did as he was told, a miracle in itself, and smiled at you. “This way.”
He followed you into the lounge, surveying the room, the vinyl discs, the DVD cases, the books laid out across the coffee table. “So you’re educating me on,” he gestured at the items before him, “all of this?”
You nodded, trying not to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. You had known Klaus for a while, and at the Mikaelson ball, you and the hybrid had decided to partake in a friendly bet. Klaus Mikaelson’s younger siblings had a lot to learn about the past century and your competitive streak had come out when Klaus had suggested that you help out with the situation.
So here you were, with Kol, the youngest of the brothers and arguably the most rebellious, standing in your front room, waiting for you to teach him about everything he had missed whilst he had been asleep.
It was absolutely unbelievable, when you thought about it, but at the same time, there was an excitement brewing in your stomach, and it wasn’t just due to the thought of beating Klaus. The hybrid would be educating his sister, and whoever had more knowledge by the end of the week had earned their tutor the opportunity to get whatever they wanted from the other.
No, it wasn’t just that thought that had you excited.
You couldn’t deny that you had an interest in Kol, in that wicked smile you had seen at the ball as him and his sister planned the murder of one of Mystic Falls’ residents. Okay, so maybe that sounded a little sadistic on your part, but you were used to it.
You hadn’t stopped thinking about that smile, about the anarchic nature that lay beneath it.
“So what do you want to get started on?” Kol’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts, daydreams that were heading down a path that would have had you kissing him instantly. He picked up one of the vinyl’s, staring at the logo in the middle. “Bohemian Rhapsody?”
You took the vinyl from his hand and smiled. “Well that’s just the perfect place to start.” You walked over to the record player and set up the disc. Before you made it play, you turned back to Kol. “Close your eyes.”
“Just close your eyes. Please.”
You breathed a sigh of relief when Kol again did as he was told. Maybe the stories had been wrong; maybe he wasn’t quite the epitome of anarchy that you thought him to be. You moved the arm of the record player and the collective voices of Queen filled the room.
You watched as Kol scrunched up his nose, clearly not expecting the music that you were now playing, “What is this?”
“Only six minutes of the best band in existence singing their masterpiece.”
“It’s strange.”
“Oh, you just wait for the B-Side.” You chuckled to yourself as you imagined Kol’s reaction to the infamous “I’m In Love With My Car”. As Freddie Mercury’s powerful tones flew into your ears, you resisted the urge to start singing along, instead focusing on the task at hand. “But what are you feeling now?”
Kol seemed to chew on your words before he answered. “Like he’s singing to me. Like he understands.”
You didn’t need Kol to elaborate, not as you understood everything that he meant. There were plenty of songs that you could have chosen to introduce Kol to what he had missed over the past century, but this one seemed to sum it up perfectly. It made you feel like you were special, made you want to laugh and cry all at the same time. “Just listen.”
The only sound for a moment was “Bohemian Rhapsody”; from Freddie’s piano skills, to Brian May on the Red Special, Roger Taylor’s falsettos and the subtlety of John Deacon’s bass line running through it all. The tempo picking up speed had you wanting to bang your head to the beat, the fade back into that beautiful piano with Freddie’s voice had you almost weeping.
And then that crash of the gong at the end, like waves hitting the shore. You looked over at Kol, and it was then that you saw how beautiful he really was. Eyes shut, chest rising and falling, hair tousled, framing his face perfectly. He looked so perfect, so different from the Original that you had seen at the ball.
Excitement turned into something more, something calmer, a fire dwindling in your stomach.
His eyes flitted open and you were faced with deep brown irises that looked like they could stare into your soul. He smiled. “What’s next?”
“I think we’ll leave it there for today.”
Kol’s smile dropped, and you couldn’t help but feel as if he wanted to spend more time with you. But then that wicked grin came back to his face, anarchy invading its way into the atmosphere the music had created. “Well, remind me tomorrow, Y/N, that although you’re meant to be teaching you,” he stepped forward, your heart beating rapidly, “I plan on teaching you about my way of life. If my family and I are planning on staying in Mystic Falls, you’re all going to have to adjust to our way of living. Or rather, my way.”
You swallowed. “I look forward to it.”
You saw Kol out, and the moment he left, you breathed a sigh of relief, putting away what you were now calling your teaching materials.
Kol Mikaelson on the other hand, strolled home, thinking of nothing but you. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about your smile since the Mikaelson ball, and today had been a perfect excuse to see you. He looked forward to the week ahead, to spending more time with you and what he thought was your rather quirky music taste.
He had a feeling that by the end of the week he would fall in love with you.
He was right.
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amive2567 · 4 years
See you again
Pairing: Shoto x fem! reader 
Summary: Soulmates are the people that truly belong to us, but sometimes life is not grateful to us and we have to wait for a life where we can meet them again. 
AUs: RoyalityAU! SoulmateAU! ReincarnationAU!
Warnings: Fluff to angst 
Disclaimer: My Hero Academia and the characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi.
Words: 1.499
Next part: Second life: 1916
Series masterlist 
Grand masterlist
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First life: 1498
Your long burgundy dress grazed over the clean ground of the pretentious palace. The family of yours had a good influence in the noble society, but not as much as the Todorokis. That didn't stop you from meeting the youngest son of the Todorokis. He was now one of your best friends, but little by little friendship grew into something more. The two of you sneaked away from your parents to meet in the secluded parts of the kingdom. Of course everything undercover. A loud bang of a drum got you out of your memories and made you realize that you should make your way into the ballroom. The swaying tones of the orchestra could already be heard in the entrance area. "My Lady" greeted you a porter and took your coat in his care. 
With sparkling eyes, you are amazed by the ballroom. "Canapés?" offered you a servent, but you declined politely "No thank you." The servant nodded and went his way. 
The dancing people in the middle of the golden room amplified the festive mood. "Have you already found a gentleman for yourself?" asked your mother, who stepped behind you through the open door. "Not yet" You mumbled and looked around for a specific person. "It can't go on like this. You have to ally with someone at least this season. There is no time anymore. You have to have children soon, or do you want our bloodline to die out?" she reminded you. You nod half-heartedly, but in the meanwhile, you were still looking for the remarkable red and white hair.  "What do you think about Duke Midoriya, he has a strong army or what about Lord Bakugou, he has the most delicate food, a lot of extravagant cloth and an impressive amount of land." suggested your mother. A sigh left your lips, as you couldn't find the person that owns your heart. "Alright, I will try it." "Don't try kid. Take what you are entitled to." she encouraged you strictly. She pushed you  in the direction of the green-haired Duke. 
"Sir."  You spoke to him. He turned to you with a friendly grin. "How can I help you?" he asked politely, you buckled. "I wanted to ask you for a dance" you told him, in the same time the bright smile of the Duke faded and he bowed his head. "I apologize, my dear lady, but I recently had a riding accident. My legs don't want to work as they should. But I would keep your company. If you would want that, of course?" he stuttered in embarrassment. "You don't need to do that. Besides, I think the lady in the pink and black dress seems to like you." you pointed at the lady behind him. His cheeks turned beet red, he nodded. "She is stunning." he stuttered and walked to the beautiful woman. 
You buckled and wanted to get back to your mother, to tell her about your failed attempt, but to your misfortune, you ran into a tall blond man. You immediately buckled deep in front of him. "My most heartfelt apologies." you excused yourself embarrassed. "Tch, stand up." the nobleman sneered. That was Lord Bakugou, the most aggressive Lord in hole Musutafu, you recognized. You stood up again, your eyes crossed a pair of gleaming red. Without looking in a mirror, you knew your cheeks were as red as his eyes. Intimidated you took a step back, he scoffed. "You like to scoff, don't you Bakugou?" you asked challenging. The intimidating Lord in front of you raised an eyebrow in surprise. No one ever dared to talk to him like that. He rolled his red eyes. "Do you want anything else? Or are you only trying to tease me?" he asked roughly with crossed arms. "I had something else in my mind. I wanted to dance with you." you told, but the blond nobleman scoffed again. "I don't dance. Have a nice evening." He left you speechless. Such a rude man, you thought. Disappointed you lowered your head and took your way back to your mother. 
She talked with Queen Rei. "There she is. Did one of the gentlemen had the mercy to dance with you?" your mother asked and checked your dancing card. "No, both of them were busy." you lied, your mother sighed. "Anyways, did you heard that the youngest son of the Todorokis got engaged with Princess Yaoyorozu?" she told you excitedly. A knot tied in your chest, as the news left her lips, you could tell that your heart was slowly breaking.  "How wonderful. Congratulation." you wished the beautiful white-haired women and buckled deep. She began to smile slightly, but she couldn't answer. "Your highness, it's time to announce the news." told a servant, who bent in front of his Queen. The soft smile of her lips disappeared briefly. "I'll be right there" she answered calmly. She said goodbye with a timid smile. 
 "Then we should search for a good view." your mother thought as she pushed you towards the middle of the room. Loud chatters filled the ballroom, but they quiet down when a gong sounded. King Enji stepped with his head held high in the centre. "My dearest people, this evening invites to celebrate, especially that my son Shoto Todoroki will finally take his rightful place in the line of succession and this at the side of his wonderful wife, Princess Momo Yaoyorozu." He announced and the ballroom erupted in loud applause.
Your gaze wandered slowly from the loud crowd to your beloved. His face was a stoic mask, but you could see that he is furious and heartbroken. His new wife next to him was beaming from ear to ear. She could hardly believe her luck. You would love to be happy for them both, but it was an arranged marriage, why should you be cheery about it. You fell warm tears forming in your eyes. You left the room with a mumbled apology.
Your feet took you outside on the balcony. The fresh air cleared your racing thoughts. The beautiful future that you two had come up with will probably never happen. Quietly you started sniffing, the tears you hold found their way down your cheeks. "So much for soulmates are forever." you sniffed and wiped away the salty tears. Now you could forget to hang out with him ever again. All the years, the two of you spend together were nothing but wasted time. If you had never met him, he and you could have been happy without each other. Today you hadn't only lost your best friend, but also your lover.
 "If you're out here too long, you'll get sick." spoke a voice you knew too well. "Price Todoroki." you shrieked and turned around to the source. "Tears don't suit you, dear." He noticed and came closer to you. "You know we can't meet anymore. You're married. The noble society won't approve it when you met someone different." you reminded him. A crooked, rare smile formed on his face. "I know, but I wanted to ask you for one last dance?" he demanded gently. You nodded, another tear slid down your cheek. Todoroki neared and gently stroked your cheeks to brush away the tears. "Love, please don't cry. Everything will be fine." he tried to calm you down, but his words didn't let the pain in your chest disappear. "It's unfair." you sniffed. The young prince pulled you into a closer hug and stroked your h/c hair. "I know, but we will meet in another life. That's how it is with soulmates or not?" he asked while rocking you back and forth. "Yes, in another life we meet." you repeated his words softly. The sounds of the orchestra pushed through the thin windowpanes, the two of you began to sway to the melody. His left-hand went to your hip. He offered you his right. You took his right hand into yours and your left hand laid on his shoulder. Both of you started to dance around the balcony. Again and again, Todoroki swirled you around. The music shifted, you swayed to the calm melody. But even this song went by faster than you ever wished. You two looked at each other with pain in your eyes. "I promise you we will meet in another life." He promised softly, you nodded in response. "I hope so." Your lips meet, the tears from both of you make the soulful kiss taste salty. After the two of you can no longer breathe, you separated from each other, you wiped away the salty liquid that wetted his face. "See you in a new life." you said goodbye quietly and turned around. "See you in a new life." he repeated your words, even that the both of you wanted to run back into each other's arm and never let go you still followed your given way. This hug is meant for another life. 
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
August 8, 1936
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By Jeannette Meehan, HOLLYWOOD 
From the women’s angle, there are simply too many gorgeous newcomers in Hollywood. That fact is plain. 
From the gentlemen’s angle, Hollywood is pleasantly crowded with the most alluring bits of femininity ever to delight the bald-headed row. This fact is even plainer. Oh, say it isn’t so, but there a new day dawning in the west for the Stage Door Johnnies. 
Whence comes this influx of Eves? Who are these girls of such attractive physical make-up? 
Well, sir, most of them are ex-models. 
The highway and by-ways to Moviedom are past counting. Those most traveled have been the extra route, the beauty contest route or the I-have-a-relative route. Yesterday our newcomers were night club crooners, radio personalities and million-dollar heiresses. Today the majority of candidates for stardom are no longer being recruited from these avenues. It now quite obvious that any girl who has been a model approaches the casting office with an asset that permits her to pass up the waiting list. 
Oh, phooey, what’s a model got that the others haven’t? 
Well, when Radio Picture wanted five beauties for the fashion show sequence in “Roberta” they tested 30 girls, and then sent out an S.O.S. to the ranks of professional models. That was a year ago. Those five models so delighted the camera that they’re still under contract. (1)
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Just a few months ago, when M-G-M went scouting for 22 modern Venuses for “The Great Ziegfeld”, they discovered that the ex-models had a lot more poise and personality than the kids who were merely movie struck. Eighteen of those 22 “Ziegfeld Girls” were former models. Fourteen of the 18 were given contracts. You just can’t argue with “figures” like that, or should I say with “figures like theirs"? (2)
“Model your way to the movies” isn’t just a catchy phrase. Models come to Hollywood already equipped with the elementary essentials which studios spend a great deal of time and money trying to hammer into inexperienced youngsters. Models have already served their apprenticeship to the art of carriage, grace and charm. They’ve already passed a certain type of beauty contest. The girl whose picture helps to sell beauty preparations has to have a face that leads you to believe that the product is worth trying. A pair of silk stockings modeled on muscle-bound or "spindle” legs would scarcely lure you to the hosiery department. 
You never see a good model stumble over her train. She remains regal and sure-footed in the most confusing draperies. 
Figuratively speaking, these girls are above reproach. Most fashion houses require that their models be above medium height, broad through the shoulders, slim through the hips, and that their proportions be symmetrically arranged. Thus, they’ve long since graduated from the routine of diets, masseurs, and classes for corrective posture that faces tire average beginner. 
In other words, movie producers are finding out that modeling is a natural complement to screen work. Film executives are discovering that the girls who come to them from portrait and artists studios and from fashion salons are far ahead of those who approach Hollywood's pot of gold with no training. 
Not only that, but these ex-models seem to be well-mannered, well-educated girls whose off-screen poise and chic rivals that of their screen betters. 
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Oh, dear are they gorgeous? They're enough to make us ordinary girls forget to look before we leap. Just for instance, take Pauline Craig [above] (3), an auburn-haired, statuesque beauty from Cleveland, O. She’s five feet six and one-half inches tall, weighs 118 pounds, and has a figure that only Jean Harlow (4) could be unconcerned about.  
Miss Craig was a “Ziegfeld” girl - now she’s under contract. She skipped the first grade in motion picture training, and I guess we all know why. She was a model. Her glorious smile has appeared in hundreds of advertisements. As a fashion model she worked for I. Magnins. (5)
Are you wondering if these girls observe any general rules for the maintenance of health and beauty? Miss Craig will tell you that most of them prefer fresh air to smoky drawing rooms, and that they substitute milk for alcoholic beverages.
Incidentally, her hobby is collecting pictures of the Dionne quintuplets. (6)
Another girl recruited from the model ranks for “The Great Ziegfeld" was Wanda Perry (7), a vivacious brunet from Brooklyn. She's five feet five and one-half inches tall, weighs 120 pounds, and has brown eyes. 
With her classic features and her superb figure, there was a great demand for her in New York’s portrait galleries and exclusive clothing establishments. She has posed and modeled for Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, McFadden Publications and for tooth paste ads. 
With an already perfect camera presence, she is not to be enrolled in the studio's kindergarten for beginners. 
Over at Paramount there’s a queenly blond named Elizabeth Russell (8), probably the best known of former New York models. A favorite of such distinguished illustrators as Russell Patterson, James Montgomery Flagg, McClelland Barclay, Dean Cornwell, Paul Hesse, and Steichen, the photographer. Miss Russell is now in possession of a flattering long-term contract.
Artists agree that her features are photographically perfect. Artist or no artist, they’ll look perfect to you! She has modeled hose, nightgowns, and coiffures. Her blonde beauty has helped to sell cigarettes, jewels, soap, sheets, automobiles and first-aid kits. Very soon she'll be helping Paramount sell “Girl of the Ozarks,” her first picture (9). Miss Russell is five feet eight inches tall, weighs 118 pounds, has blue eyes and naturally blond hair. 
Another beautiful blonde who modeled her way to the movies is Louise Stuart (10), a former Chicago debutante. After graduating from Miss Mason's Castle (11) she went to New York to visit former school chums. It was during one of these visits that she was persuaded to pose for cigarette ads. One good look at her flawless countenance, and modeling jobs were her for the asking. With plenty of time on her hands, and nothing to do with it, she went to work. 
Miss Stuart attributes most of her success with the test director to her experience as a model. Posing for artists and photographers, she says, gave her a self-assurance which she has never lost. You'll see her first in “Lady Be Careful." (12)
A third Paramount prize is Veda Ann Borg (13), a stunning, red headed girl from New York. Before the studio signed her to a long-term contract, her divine proportions and sparkling personality had created a sensation in the modeling field. 
One of the most exquisite of Hollywood's newcomers is brunette Anita Colby (14) who stands five feet seven inches tall without her high-heeled shoes. Her face has smiled at you from magazine covers, commercial advertisements and from the pages of the nation's smartest fashion periodicals. Her beauty is attractively framed in poise, wit and charm. She is conversant with world affairs, music, art and literature. Pictorially speaking, she’s a model of perfection. Radio proudly points to her name on its contract list. 
Radio has two other "model" charmers in the persons of Maxine Jennings (five feet eight inches tall), and Lucille Ball (five feet six and one-half inches tall). Miss Jennings (15), a former model for the famous couturier, Jean Patou, is a stately redhead as handsome a creature as you ever laid your eyes on. You'll soon be seeing her in featured leads. 
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Miss Ball (above), a blue-eyed blonde from Montana (16) and former model for Hattie Carnegie, is considered an important trump in the studio's hand. Her bosses have thus far cast her in wise-cracking roles, hoping to develop her into a counterpart of the late Lilyan Tashman (17) - but Lucille doesn't seem to need much help along those lines. Her poise, her suave delivery and her flair for clothes have already added to the gaiety of nations and have cannoned her well along the road to stardom. 
One of the most beautiful of the "model" brunettes is Hester Deane (18) who is doing much to enhance M-G-M productions. Her likeness on the backs of magazines has caused many a gentleman to change his brand of cigarettes, and she posed for automobile body advertisements long before the studio discovered that her presence on screen would “up” the grosses. 
She was born in Oklahoma City. Her education included art and music. Now, when she isn’t modeling or working in pictures, she designs clothes, takes piano lessons, and studies philosophy. 
A good look at Mary Jane Halsey (19) will have different reactions on you, depending on your sex. If you’re a woman, you’d just as soon she broke her neck.
Miss Halsey was born in Milwaukee. After her family moved to Los Angeles she became a model for a famous cosmetician. She is five feet six inches tall and weighs 120 pounds. She has blue eyes, and ‘shhhhhh’, she writes poetry. 
If these "model" newcomers get any taller, a few of our leading men will have to wear stilts. Extreme height, which has sounded the gong for many a beginners’ career, doesn't seem to be a handicap for the ex-models. When these lovely girls began to invade Hollywood, apparently the enthusiastic producers forgot all about the traditional physical specifications for screen heroines. There was a time when all actresses had to be extremely petite and slim, like Gloria Swanson and Colleen Moore, and, more recently, like Claudette Colbert and Margaret Sullavan (20). Unless you were a diminutive little trick about five feet two inches tall, and weighed less than 100 pounds, you might just as well have stayed on the farm. Greta Garbo and Kay Francis (21) were overlooked for a long time because of their height. 
But the restrictions seem to have been called off. It appears that models can grow as tall as they like without the danger of facing dismissal from the casting office. Margaret Lyman (22), one of the prettiest of the model group to win a picture contract, stands five feet nine inches in her stocking feet, and weighs 129 pounds. 
One of the most photographed models of the country, Miss Lyman has posed for Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, The New Yorker and for cigarette and soft drink ads. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She wears a larger shoe than Garbo. 
And no less charming is pretty Jane Hamilton [below] (23), another popular girl who found her way into pictures through the route of her professional success as a model.
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(1) “Roberta” was released by RKO on March 8, 1935. It was Lucille Ball’s 21st film.  Models were needed for the fashion sequences. The film also employed models Virginia Carroll, Diane Cook, Lynne Carver, Lorraine DeSart, Betty Dumbries, Myrna Low, Margaret McChrystal, Marie Osborne, Wanda Perry, Donna Mae Roberts, and Kay Sutton.  In addition to Lucille Ball, Wanda Perry, Maxine Jennings, and Jane Hamilton were in the film and profiled in this article.
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(2) “The Great Ziegfeld” was MGM’s 1936 biopic of Florenz Ziegfeld, the showman who glorified female beauty on stage. Lucille Ball was not in this film, but was later part of the cast of “Ziegfeld Follies” (1951). This film employed dozens of showgirls and models to play the Ziegfeld Girls. Those profiled in this article include Pauline Craig, Wanda Perry, Hester Dean, Mary Halsey, and Margaret Lyman. 
(3) Pauline Craig (1914-97) made her screen debut in “The Great Ziegfeld” but only did five more films, leaving the business in 1939. 
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(4) Jean Harlow (1911-37) likely did not know or care about Pauline Craig, even if Craig’s figure did give Harlow a run for her money. She was known as the original platinum blonde sex symbol. She died at age 26, at the peak of her popularity. MGM closed for her funeral. 
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(5) I. Magnin & Company was a San Francisco, California-based high fashion and specialty goods luxury department store. It expanded across the West into Southern California and the adjoining states of Arizona, Oregon, and later to Chicago, Illinois, and Washington, DC, metropolitan areas. Mary Ann Magnin founded the company in 1876 and named the chain after her husband, Isaac. The chain was bought out by Macy’s in 1994. 
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(6) The Dionne quintuplets (born May 28, 1934) are the first quintuplets known to have survived their infancy. The identical girls were born just in Ontario. All five survived to adulthood. The Dionne girls were born two months premature. The Ontario government and those around them began to profit by making them a significant tourist attraction. As of this writing, two of the girls are still living. 
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(7) Wanda Perry was born Helen Beuscher in Brooklyn, New York, on July 24, 1917. When she was sixteen, she was named Miss New York City, and was offered a movie contract by Earl Carroll. Helen moved to Hollywood and took her mother's maiden name, Wanda Perry, appearing in films as a showgirl, an Earl Carroll Girl, a Goldwyn Girl, a dancer in "George White's 1935 Scandals," a fashion model, an extra, a bit player and a stand-in for Lucille Ball! Her final film was as an extra in Lucy’s Mame (1974). 
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(8) Elizabeth Russell (1916-2002) was the sister-in-law of Rosalind Russell. She started doing films in 1936 and finished her career in 1960. (9) “Girl of the Ozarks” (1936) was a Paramount film also starring Virginia Weidler, Henrietta Crossman, and Leif Erickson. 
(10) Louise Stuart did two pictures for Paramount back-to-back in 1936. That was the extent of her film career.
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(11) Miss Mason’s Castle is a reference to Miss C.E. Mason’s Suburban School for Girls in Tarrytown-on-Hudson, New York. It was open from the late 1880s to 1934. The castle was razed in 1944. 
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(12) “Lady Be Careful” (1936) did not feature Louise Stuart as is said here, although records could be incorrect. The film did feature Elizabeth Russell, however. 
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(13) Veda Ann Borg (1915-73) did her first film for Paramount in 1936, and was continually employed in Hollywood until 1963. She was the first actress cast as Honeybee Gillis in “The Life of Riley” TV series, replaced a short time later by Marie Brown, then Gloria Blondell. 
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(14) Anita Colby (1914-92) was born Anita Counihan. Early in her career, at $50 an hour, she was the highest paid model at the time. She was nicknamed "The Face" and appeared on numerous billboards and ads, many of them for cigarette advertisers. She did three films in 1936 alone, the same year she appeared on 15 magazine covers in a single month. In subsequent years she only acted in three more films, returning to modeling. 
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(15) Maxine Jennings (1909-91) did 10 films with Lucille Ball between 1935 and 1937.  After 1938, her film appearances were sporadic.  She made her final screen appearance on a 1968 episode of “Hawaii 5-O”. 
(16) Lucille Ball (1911-89) is stated as being a blonde from Montana. She was actually a brunette from Upstate New York.  
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(17) Lucille is once again compared with Lilyan Tashman (1896-1934) a stage and screen actress known for her skill at verbal wit as well as her throaty delivery. She died at age 37, just one year after Lucille Ball arrived in Hollywood. 
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(18) Hester Dean became known as 'The Girl with the Fisher Body' after modeling for the Fisher Automobile Company. Her only film was “The Great Ziegfeld” (1936). 
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(19) Mary Jane Halsey (1913-89) was also in “The Great Ziegfeld” (1936) but by that time had done nearly a dozen films. She continued to act on screen until 1945. 
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(20) Gloria Swanson was 4′11″, Colleen Moore was 5′3″, Claudette Colbert was 5′5″, and Margaret Sullavan was 5′3″. 
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(21) Greta Garbo was 5′7″ (same as Lucille Ball), and Kay Francis was 5′9″. 
(22) Margaret Lyman (1915-2002) was one of the models hired for “The Great Ziegfeld” in 1936. She did two more pictures before leaving screen acting behind. 
(23) Jane Hamilton (1915-2004) was a Goldwyn Girl in “Roman Scandals” (1933) just like Lucille Ball. Hamilton, however, had done one previous film as a Goldwyn Girl, “Gold Diggers of 1933″.  She did seven other films with Lucille Ball. Her final screen role was in 1949. 
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Ever in Your Favor, Chapter Five (Rosnali) - Athena2
Summary: Denali and Rosé officially enter the arena.
A/N: Thank you so much for the amazing comments on the last chapter! It really does mean a lot to me, especially because this one has been a little challenging to write. I'd really appreciate any feedback you have on this chapter!
Denali opens her eyes to gray.
The arena is gray and wet, mist falling over the damp grass, fog curling around tall trees and a massive cliffside. A chill bites at her, but Denali doesn’t mind. She might even have an advantage here. The warmer districts don’t know this cold, wet weather, but Denali knows the cold like an old friend.
Rosé coached her for this part, said to find a bow and whatever she could grab, but not to go in too deep or engage in any fights. After that, her first priority is getting far away and finding water.
Denali repeats it to herself, avoiding how the other tributes tower over her. The gong sounds, and she runs—
Rosé’s voice brings her back, and the world around her isn’t wet, but grassy, with forest all around. Pine hits her nose, and it reminds her of the hours in the woods back home, her dad showing her which plants were safe to eat. The odds just might be in her favor this year.
Rosé is on her platform a few feet away, and the Cornucopia looms in front of them, an enormous golden horn stuffed with weapons and supplies. The others are spread in a circle around the Cornucopia, waiting for the gong that releases them.
The gong sounds.
“Denali, run!”
Denali doesn’t think twice. Her boots fly over the grass, the other tributes just blurs in her vision. She reaches the Cornucopia seconds before anyone else, and in those seconds, she finds what she needs: a bow and a quiver stuffed with arrows. The quiver is a comforting weight on her back, the bow warm in her hand, and if it wasn’t for her pounding fear she could almost convince herself she’s back home. She grabs a backpack and two knives in another heartbeat before footsteps and shouts erupt.
The tributes have arrived.
Most brush past her, deeper into the Cornucopia, where the best stuff is--weather-proof tents, huge bags of food, medicine. Part of Denali wants to join them, but there are always a lot of deaths at the Cornucopia, and she has what she really needs. She can’t get killed on the first day.
Blood suddenly splatters over Denali’s boots, and she sees the District 7 man hit the grass with a knife in his back. Denali tugs it free and adds it to her weapons, running towards the woods. She can’t see Rosé among the bodies at war with each other, and her heart skips a beat at the thought that something happened to her--
A distinct flash of red comes on her side, and Denali almost crumples in relief. Rosé has a sword and two spears, plus a backpack. And better yet--four full water bottles. Denali doesn’t want to know what she went through for those.
“You good?” she asks Rosé.
Rosé nods. “Let’s get out of here.”
They go for hours, switching between walking and jogging, trying to get as far from the Cornucopia as possible. They haven’t run into any dangers yet--no murder-wasps or anything--and Rosé doesn’t know if that’s good or bad. They don’t want to be complacent, and they keep pushing themselves, not even stopping to check their supplies, taking only the smallest sips of water. Rosé’s grateful for all that running with Denali--she probably would have dropped by now without it.
When the sun sets, bathing the arena in a golden light so warm and peaceful it almost makes you forget where you are, they finally stop. They’re in a clearing, and Denali arranges thick bushes and leaves to cover them.
“Let’s see what we have,” Denali says, and they lay out their stuff.
A sword, two spears, a bow, thirty arrows, three knives, four water bottles, a tiny first aid kit, six packs of dried meat, matches, and a sleeping bag.
“Damn, we did good,” Rosé whispers. “I got a freaking plastic tarp and a sword I didn’t know how to use for my first round.” She doesn’t want to get overconfident yet--it’s still day one, after all--but there’s comfort in knowing they have stuff, in not ending the first day so hungry and thirsty it hurts.
Denali nods, splitting up the food, and it’s almost nice in their little hiding spot. If they weren’t in the arena, if they both weren’t constantly looking around for danger, it’s a place Rosé might like to be. Berries even fill the bushes, ripe and juicy-looking.
“You think we can eat those?” Rosé asks. Denali taught her the most common edible leaves and plants when they trained, but Rosé’s never seen berries like these.
Denali almost jumps in the air. “Do not eat those, Rosé. They’re nightlock, they’ll kill you instantly. If we--if we get separated or anything, promise me you’ll remember.”
“Promise,” Rosé says. She’s quiet after that, and it’s because of what Denali said. If we get separated. Rosé’s been with Denali so much lately that she can’t imagine her not being there. She did fine on her own last time, and figured she’d be on her own again this time. But they’ve somehow crawled back into each other’s lives, and Rosé doesn’t want to do this--doesn’t want to be here--alone. The thought of them getting separated, of losing Denali in the arena, is enough to make her sick.
The anthem cuts across the dark sky, and they look up to see the images of the tributes that were killed today. It starts with the man from District 3 and ends with the woman from District 11. Ten dead tributes ticked off on Rosé’s fingers. Pretty high for day one, but not the highest. She knows she should feel something, but she doesn’t. She didn’t even learn their names. It’s easier that way.
“Twelve more left besides us,” Denali says.
“Glad all that math help I gave you paid off,” Rosé teases, and Denali smiles big enough to show her dimples. God, those dimples. Rosé forgot how much she missed them. She grabs the sleeping bag and hands it to Denali. “Get some sleep. I’ll take first watch.”
“You’re sure?”
“Wake me in four hours.” Denali slides into it with a white-knuckled grip on her knife and her bow within arm’s reach. She keeps twisting in the bag--Rosé figures she’s right on Denali being afraid to sleep around people--but eventually settles down, exhaustion winning over.
It’s too dark to see much, and quiet enough to hear Denali’s gentle breaths. Rosé doesn’t think any tributes will attack tonight--they’d only be putting themselves in danger attacking in the dark--but she wouldn’t put it past the Gamemakers to spring something. Rosé is sure she keeps hearing noises, every muscle tense in preparation of an attack. The only thing that eases the tension is closing her eyes and listening to Denali breathe. It centers her somehow, helps Rosé figure out what she’s really hearing and what her mind is making up. As long as Denali’s here, as long as she’s breathing, Rosé is okay.
“Denali, wake up,” Rosé says softly after four and a half--she gives Denali some extra rest; she probably won’t know--agonizing hours. She’d tap her shoulder, but something tells her it’s not a good idea. Definitely not, because Denali immediately shoots awake and her knife hits Rosé’s chest. Even with the tip there, Rosé’s reluctantly impressed at how good Denali’s sight and aim are in dim moonlight.
“It’s just me. Rosé.”
Denali inhales sharply, yanking the knife away. “I--Rosé, I--I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Rosé understands. She’d shoved Lagoona after a nightmare once, her brain convinced her sister was a threat.
Rosé crawls into the sleeping bag and feels Denali’s unease seep over her. Besides her family, she never has anyone around when she sleeps. What if something happens? What if they’re attacked before Denali can do anything? What if she has a nightmare in front of Denali? She doesn’t know if they’re on camera, but that won’t look good in front of the Capitol. They want strength and toughness from their tributes. Waking up screaming from a nightmare will only hurt their cause, make them question Rosé’s strength, and she can’t do that.
But she’s tired, really tired. The sleeping bag is surprisingly plush, so thick she can’t even feel the hard ground beneath her. Everything is warm and soft, and though she tries to fight it, she sleeps.
The sun wakes Rosé before Denali does.
Day two in the arena, and Rosé resists the urge to burrow back into the sleeping bag and sleep until it’s over.
“I was just about to wake you,” Denali says. She’s ready to go, bag on and weapons in hand, and Rosé thinks Denali gave her some extra rest too, paying back the favor. “There should be a water source nearby,” Denali continues.
Rosé nods and follows, trusting Denali to guide them. Rosé’s world was one of icing and sugar and butter, of kneading dough and sweating in front of hot ovens. But Denali knows forests better than anything, her childhood made of branches and trees and plants. Rosé is amazed at how she keeps track of it all. Those water bottles won’t last forever, and if anyone can find water here, it’s Denali.
They continue through the woods, and again they don’t encounter anything. It has to be deliberate. The Gamemakers want to lure them into a false safety so the danger is that much more frightening when it does come. Rosé doesn’t want to think about what they might send.
She makes a mental map of the arena as they go. The forest seems to be the largest part of it, leading to another large valley, and then the mountain. Not an obviously threatening arena, and again Rosé thinks it was a choice. When faced with tributes who’ve seen so many different arenas with so many different dangers, leave them guessing about what to expect. A basic arena like this could accommodate anything the Gamemakers want to unleash.
But nothing is unleashed the second day, and they trade uneasy sleep shifts.
Day three brings the first threat--a group of lizards in bright neon colors that roam down a tree when Denali and Rosé are resting. They're definitely a Capitol hybrid, and Denali isn't sure if they're poisonous, but she doesn't wait to find out. Five arrows, five dead lizards, before they even know what hit them. It's almost comforting, in a way, to have something to fight against for a few seconds. Instead of just wandering the arena and waiting.
They decide to move on in case more lizards come, and see the District 4 tributes crossing the field.
Denali freezes, grip tight on her bow. They're out in the open, and she could get them both before they even hear her arrows whistling by them. Two less tributes to worry about. More odds in their favor. But they're defenseless. No threat at all, just walking along. Denali knows that they'll have to be killed eventually if she wants to win. She just doesn't want to be the one doing the killing. At least not unless they try to kill her first.
She lowers her bow. "Rosé, I don't think I can do it. I'm sorry." She hangs her head, expecting Rosé to tell her she's being stupid, or get mad at her for blowing an opportunity most tributes would literally kill for. What if Denali's lost her nerve? Will she be able to kill when her life really is on the line, when she really has to?
But Rosé just nods. "It's okay."
And they move on.
By day four, Denali is on edge. She flinches at every rustle, every snapping of a twig, but they haven't run into anything or anyone since District 4. Two tributes die, cutting it down to ten more besides them. They’re at the halfway point, and that surely means something big is coming. The Gamemakers won’t leave things alone this long, won’t let the tributes stay separated. This suspense, this tension hanging over their heads, while intentional, has to break at some point, to the interest of the viewers and horror of the tributes. Something has to come.
And on day four, it does.
Denali senses the change in the air before the rain comes, reaching her hand up to catch a drop.
It sizzles against her palm.
“Run!” she barks at Rosé, cradling her singed hand to her chest.
Burning rain pelts off their jackets as they tear through the woods. The material offers some protection, but tiny drops make their way over Denali’s hands, on her face, down her back. She hisses against the burning, and Rosé curses beside her as they try to find dryness. In one direction, gusts of wind almost bring Denali to her knees, ruffling her jacket and making the rain pound down, and she glimpses a thick spiral in the distance that she numbly realizes is a tornado. A fucking burning rain-tornado combo. The Gamemakers really want their money’s worth today.
“There,” Rosé pants, and Denali realizes a valley to their left is perfectly clear. They sprint into it, collapsing on the grass, and Denali can’t even look at the blisters on her hands. There’s a plant that helps burns, her father told her, she just has to remember--
“Aloe!” She runs to the leaves. She finds the plant and cuts it with her knife, letting the cool gel soothe her hands and face, sighing in relief. She cuts more and takes it to Rosé, who’s bent over in the grass so no one sees her face screwed up in pain.
“Rosé, it’s okay. I can help.” She places the gel on Rosé’s hands, ignoring the tingle in her arm at the touch.
“Can I do your back?” Denali asks gently, and Rosé only hesitates a second before she nods.
Denali lifts Rosé’s shirt and jacket, letting her hands trace up the hard muscles of her back as she spreads the gel over her blistered skin. She keeps her touch gentle, not wanting to cause more pain, and she knows this has to be on camera and exaggerates her touches, makes herself seem extra caring, even if she hates herself for it.
“Let me do yours now,” Rosé offers.
Denali freezes. For the briefest second, her ankle tightens with the grip of the girl from District 4, but Rosé isn’t her. Rosé is only trying to help, not hurt, and Denali nods, even if she hasn’t asked for help in years. It would blow their cover if she refuses anyway. She holds her breath as Rosé moves her shirt, not letting herself tremble or show pain in front of the Capitol.
“I’m gonna put it on now,” Rosé says. Denali sighs when the gel hits, grinning when Rosé scolds her to stay still. She hasn’t had someone care for her like this since her mother died. In seconds, the pain is gone, and they watch the rain. Denali wonders how long they’ll be trapped here. Not to mention that finding aloe seems too good to be true. Too suspicious.
“Some rain, huh?” Rosé mutters.
“Don’t forget the tornado,” Denali laughs bitterly.
“Wait.” Rosé stills, ear toward the rain. “Do you hear something?”
Denali doesn’t hear anything before five tributes sprint into the clearing. The storm was clearly meant to send them into one dry spot, and even with the burns, a windswept tribute from District 1--Denali thinks his name is Castor--launches himself at her with a sword. It’s too late to string her bow, and he’s too close--but Rosé jumps in front of her, the sword cutting across her leg as she swings her own sword at him. Metal clangs as they go at it, and Denali can’t even process that Rosé just saved her life before the woman from District 4 comes at her. Denali grabs a spear that Rosé dropped and blocks the woman’s arm, sinking the point into her chest a second later. The woman hits the grass, and cannon fire joins the noises of battle.
“On your left, Fox!” someone yells. The voice is too deep to be Rosé, and Denali realizes it’s Finn from District 4, currently locked in battle with the man from District 8. She barely has time to thank him before the woman from District 1 pounces at Denali, nails clawing at her neck. Denali blocks her just in time. The world is sweat and blood and heaving breaths, and Denali just hopes Rosé is still alive.
The fight ends as suddenly as it started, when Denali stabs the woman and looks around and realizes the rain has stopped, and there’s no one left to fight. The man from District 8 escaped into the woods, but the clearing is littered with dead tributes from Districts 1 and 4. Her bloody hands still grip the spear, just in case. Her arm is trickling blood, and her neck stings with scratches from the woman grabbing at her, but she’ll survive. She hardly feels it, hardly feels anything, really, as she looks around. And Rosé--Rosé is still standing, thank God, limping over to Denali. The gash on her leg is huge, soaking her pants with blood, but she’s alive, and Denali’s knees almost buckle in relief.
“Are you okay?” Denali asks. “We gotta get out of here, then we can bandage your leg.”
Before Rosé can speak, a wheeze sounds from the ground, and they dart toward the noise. It’s Finn, clinging to whatever life he has left. The man from District 8 must’ve got him. As she looks at him lying there, golden hair stained red, she finds the numbness fading into emptiness, emptiness that swallows her heart. Sparing his life yesterday had been for nothing. But deep down she knew it would be. There's no escaping the fate of the arena. He had been kind, had offered her an alliance she barely considered, had warned her of an attack even when she killed his fellow tribute. And now he’s dying. Would things have been different with an alliance? Would they have protected each other? Would he have become a friend that she would inevitably lose? He was going to have a baby, she remembers, but hearing it in the training room and remembering it now are two different things, and she wishes she didn’t remember. She understands why Rosé avoided the other tributes and didn't talk to them, why she tries to avoid the Games entirely.
“You said he was having a kid,” Rosé says quietly. Her normally wary eyes seem sad.
It’s not a question, but Denali nods anyway.
Finn wheezes again, letting out a hoarse please. Please what, Denali has no idea, and watches in confusion as Rosé approaches him. She can’t mean to kill him--he’s good as dead. Instead she crouches down, takes his hand, and begins to hum something. It’s a simple melody, one that sounds like a lullaby. Denali understands--Rosé can’t help him, no one can, but at least he won’t be alone. Denali kneels with her and just listens, goosebumps on her arms, and pretends she’s somewhere else. Somewhere she never had to do this. Somewhere the two women she killed today never attacked her in the first place.
The cannon sounds, and they leave the clearing in silence.
They don’t talk again until that night.
They bandage each other up and eat some fruit Denali found as they walked, lost in their own minds. Rosé’s eyes finally lose that far-off look as she eats, though she keeps turning her apple over and over like she’s never seen one.
Denali doesn’t know what to say. The cold side of her has already calculated that six other tributes remain--both from District 2, both from District 8, the woman from 7, and the man from 9. But how can she focus on who’s left after this afternoon?
They both jump when two parachutes appear.
The first contains a medicated cream, one that instantly starts healing their burns and soothes any remaining pain. The second is a platter of bread and fish, clearly from District 4, the fishing district, and Denali knows it’s because of what Rosé did for Finn. She swallows the lump in her throat, resenting the part of her that’s so hungry it wants to grab the food and shove it down without a thought. Another part of her doesn’t want to eat it at all, doesn’t want this reward when there’s blood on her hands. They don’t deserve this. They weren’t even friends with him, didn’t do anything to help. But Rosé made his last moments easier, and maybe that counts for something.
“I almost don’t want to eat it,” Rosé whispers, and Denali knows she feels the same way.
“I know. But I think it’s disrespectful not to,” Denali says.
Rosé nods. She turns her head, because there’s clearly a camera on them, and thanks District 4 for their gift. They split the food and eat slowly, savoring each bite.
The silence continues until the anthem ends, and Rosé nudges the sleeping bag toward her.
“I don’t really feel like sleeping,” Denali admits.
“Me neither. Nightmares are a bitch.”
Denali had long assumed Rosé had nightmares, given that the lights in her house are on almost any time Denali wakes up in the night. Denali’s not worried so much about dreams--it’s more that she’s sure she won’t be able to sleep and will just be lying in the sleeping bag with nothing to do but think of today’s deaths, or how Rosé protected her. Denali’s come to rely on her, to enjoy her company, and today just proved how close she is to losing Rosé and doing this on her own.
“Things seem...different now,” Denali says.
“It feels more real,” Rosé says simply, because she understands.
Denali nods. “We left while everyone fought at the Cornucopia. We didn’t see the other deaths. But this time...”
There’s a difference between watching someone die and killing them yourself, and it’s a difference only a few people fully understand.
“We did what we had to,” Rosé says quietly.
Denali nods, because it is true. She never wants to kill just to kill, only when she has to in order to live. And being in the arena again makes her realize how much she wants to live. She wants to go home and and watch the sunrise each morning instead of just ignoring it on her runs. She wants to invite Kandy and Kahmora over for dinner, and talk to Jan and Lagoona again, wants so many people in her house that she’ll need a whole new set of coffee mugs. And she really wants Rosé to be part of it. Maybe she can. Somehow.
Denali doesn’t want to talk about it anymore, and she can tell Rosé doesn’t either, from how she’s picking at her sword.
“I--I’m glad we both made it,” Denali says. “I’m glad I’m here with you. Thanks, by the way. For saving me back there.” Her subconscious knows it's a good thing to say strategy-wise, to prove the romance, but she really means it. She’s used to fighting tooth and nail for what she wants, not anyone helping her or protecting her. She didn’t have an older sister running to the stage to save her from the Games, didn’t have an alliance in the arena last time. She really is grateful for Rosé.
“So am I,” Rosé says sincerely. “And you don’t have to thank me. We look out for each other, okay?”
“Yeah. What was that thing you were humming?” Denali asks before she can stop herself.
Rosé looks down at her lap. A shaft of moonlight falls over her face and bathes her in silver, and Denali’s heart skips a beat. “It’s a lullaby my mom used to sing us. I don’t actually know all of it. We were usually asleep before she finished. But I never forgot the melody.”
“Oh.” Denali’s mother wasn’t one for singing. She told stories instead, old fairy tales of princesses and knights that Denali used to fight sleep to hear the end of. Sometimes her father would join in, and when he died, Denali lost not one but two storytellers. Her mother became a half-finished story after losing him, one that ended abruptly eleven years ago. Denali’s hand goes to her necklace, but she meets empty space.
No. No no no--
“What’s wrong?” Rosé asks.
Denali hadn’t realized she was speaking aloud. She doesn’t answer, instead digging through their bags while her heart pounds. She’s making too much noise as throws aside knives and food packets, but she doesn’t care because it’s gone--
“Denali,” Rosé says, and her calm voice breaks through. “What’s wrong?”
“My mom's necklace. It’s gone. I must’ve lost it in the fight.” Denali remembers the woman from District 1 clawing at her neck. She must have torn off the necklace in her struggle, and Denali didn’t notice among the chaos. Now it’s gone and she’ll never get it back, when she has so little of her mother at all, and she angrily forces back the tears stinging in her eyes. She won’t cry. Not in this arena.
“I’m sorry. It's your mom's, right?” Rosé asks quietly, and Denali nods. “Tomorrow we can go look for it. It could still be in the clearing.”
Denali knows it’s a long shot, but the mere offer—an offer to go back into danger for something that’s not physically necessary—stirs something in her chest. It’s more kindness than she’s been offered in years, more kindness offered without any reward expected, just like Rosé sneaking cookies into her bag, and it’s too much to take. She mumbles a thank you and crawls into the sleeping bag, explaining that she’s tired after all. It’s an excuse to not look at Rosé, at the concern in her eyes, because Denali can’t bear it. No one has looked at her like that in years. She feels too exposed, just like at the interview, and looking at Rosé is impossible when every part of her is raw and laid bare.
Surprisingly, sleep comes easy, and it brings not nightmares, but dreams of Rosé.
The sound of trumpets wake Rosé the next morning, after a restless sleep of tossing and turning. Her leg felt like it was on fire, and sweat ran down her neck all night even though it was cool outside. Her head kept swimming with images of the fight, but what really kept her awake was her confusion over Denali. Why couldn’t she look at Rosé, and why did she throw herself in the sleeping bag minutes after saying she didn’t want to sleep? Maybe it was the stress of losing the necklace. Maybe she wanted to hide in the sleeping bag so no one saw her cry. The necklace is obviously a touchy subject for Denali, and she’s probably just stressed. They both are. Rosé won’t pry.
She sits up and rubs her eyes with a groan. “What’s with the trumpets?”
Denali shrugs, seeming back to normal. “Must be an announcement. Maybe because there’s only eight of us left? We’re at the last third.”
Rosé can’t believe sixteen people have died, that they’re already at the final eight. It feels like ages and yet like no time at all has passed.
“After we win this, I should be a math teacher,” Rosé says, heart lightening when Denali smiles. Announcements are usually done to bring tributes together for a big bloodbath. Though the rain accomplished that yesterday. Maybe this is something different.
Rosé listens as the announcer explains an unprecedented rule change. In light of three full teams remaining, the most ever at the eight-tribute-mark, both tributes from the same district will be winners if they are the last two alive.
“Does that mean…”
“It does,” Rosé answers. If she and Denali are the last two standing, they’ll both win.
“We can do this. We can really do this.” Denali leaps to her feet, all the sorrow from last night gone. Rosé hesitates, a dark part of her wondering if there’s a catch, or if this is a trick. But they can’t just announce something like this and take it back, not when the audience will expect a team victory. Not when the audience will expect a District 12 team victory, because the parachutes last night just prove that they’ve succeeded, that their love has won over the crowd. They can win this, and the audience is rooting for them.
Rosé nods. “Let’s move, before they send more rain.” She hauls herself up, but a sudden pain explodes in her leg. The world spins around her, blackness closing in on her vision. She hears Denali saying her name but she can’t answer, can’t do anything but close her eyes and let the darkness take her.
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cosmicdreamt · 3 years
"Ay yo, gong hay fat choy, Neff!" Yeong-Hui is wearing a lovely silken hanbok as they stand at the table - certainly covering up more than they're used to be seeing as, but they definitely seem more than comfortable with it. There's even a spare one offered to Neff, should she so choose to don it; no words need to be exchanged for her to know it's okay by them.
And, of course, the smell of good, sweet food wafts through their apartment. "It's that time of year, I always love to do this. Get in touch with that part of my heritage, you feel me? Come celebrate with me."
"Ooohhhh, what does that mean?~ And Happy Lunar New Year!"
Neff wasn't at all familiar with the celebratory sayings that came with the holiday, but if Yeong-Hui wouldn't at all mind Neff joining them to celebrate she wouldn't say no at all. Every opportunity was a chance to learn, and she was so very curious to learn more - not just about this, but about them.
She'll put on the hanbok, just for today since it was a special occasion and she was invited, taking a seat next to her partner with a smile. Getting in touch with that part of their heritage. Neff knows the feeling, even though it's something she does daily. It helps you know yourself a little better, understand where your family and ancestors came from and how they celebrated. It was partially why she didn't celebrate a few holidays in the states because of her heritage.
But that wasn't important right now. She had to get something off her chest.
"You look stunning, I hope you know. I mean, I know you know you're beautiful, but I mean like....this is different in a really nice way, and I think if you wanted to get in touch with your heritage more often, you absolutely should.”
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snoopctm · 4 years
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Turnadette Tuesday
Timeline--2020 Christmas Special
“New Times’ Sake”
Hello Nonnatuns! It’s a new Timeline post because we have a new episode! Yay! I hope you all enjoyed the Christmas special. I plan to post some more thoughts on the episode at some point. There were some awkward filming issues, but overall, I liked it. I especially loved Shelagh’s story with Gloria, which I will post about in more detail on Thursday, but since these Tuesday posts are primarily about the Turners as a couple/family, today I’m looking at a “lighter” moment featuring Shelagh, Patrick, and Timothy. More thoughts follow:
So, this is basically the “comic relief” plot for the Turners, and especially for Shelagh since her main plot this episode is more serious. I love that she gets the “heavy” plot this episode, but here we get to see “domestic Turners” and another issue for Shelagh that part of me wishes could have been given a little more time and explanation, but that ultimately I’m fine with because Shelagh gets such a wonderful main plot. Still, this plot raises some interesting questions.
Here, we see Shelagh insisting on a Christmas dinner at home with her immediate family instead of gong to Nonnatus. This is the first time she’s been seen raising an issue about spending Christmas with the Nonnatuns since the 2013 special, when she had a different reason for wanting to avoid Nonnatus House. Here, she talks about wanting to make new traditions, spending time with the family they’ve become rather than sticking with what they’ve done in the past. She brings up the issue from last series about May’s mother, and expresses a desire to demonstrate stability for May’s sake, but also can’t help but wonder if she’s trying to assert independence to a degree. She’s spent Christmas at Nonnatus for the majority of her adult life, first as one of the sisters, and then as a married woman with her family. I think maybe she thinks it’s time to try concentrating on her own immediate family for a change. Ultimately, all it takes is one large dead turkey to get her to change her mind, but I think maybe she was trying to separate “the Turners” from “the Nonnatus family” at least for once. I wonder if this is foreshadowing anything for the future series, or if this was just a reminder to Shelagh that Nonnatus is her family as well.
The filming in this scene is a bit odd, I have to mention. I’ve seen it pointed out that Tim seems to have been  filmed separately from Shelagh and Patrick, either because of COVID restrictions or Max Macmillan’s availability to film (or both). At least, that’s what it looks like. This is one scene in which the filming constraints are more obvious, although for the most part I think the episode worked well even with the filming changes.  
That’s all for this week. Next week, I’ll look at another moment for the Turners from this episode. Stay tuned!
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janevx · 4 years
𝑝𝑠𝑦𝑐h𝑜| h𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑔 h𝑦𝑢𝑛𝑗𝑖𝑛
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wc: 2,7k
warnings: cursing, sex mentions, death mentions
mafia au, psycho au, hyunjinxreader
summary: you have never thught that you would became mafia member guy. someone who murder people for living. hyunjin never shows you that he loves you. he is always cold towards you, but for real? he loves you the most in the world.
author’s note: i’m planing to do headers soon, so it will be look more prettier! also, i was thinking about making reactions with kpop male groups? what do you think about it? also, i’m sorry for late uptade of yuta’s “maybe”, im sorry! btw, you should watch this fancam. hyunjin’s fancam made me write this.
hwang hyunjin was aways known as a cold person who usually doesn’t give a fuck about others. he has his member and sure, he likes them and care, but when it comes to someone else he was very cold. i mean really. also, he has no mercy for his victims. his gaze always do everyhting. people were afraid of his gaze, becasue it’s really scarry. always in black or black-red clothes with his long blonde hair (from god’s menu era) make people afraid of him. he totally loves this. love this that people were afraid of him and he has control. 
 you were just student who has happy life with no worries. you had everything - lovely family, cool and “true” friends also even a boyfriend who loves you and took care of you, but one day everything has changed. 
 you were at club with your friends who had time of theif lifes. you were a little bit tired, so you took a seat by bar. you didn’t even know when blonde guy approach you.
“why are you stting here alone?” he looked into your eyes and you could swear that he was the most handsome boy you have ever seen.”are you listen to me?”
“i’m little bit tired just it.” you smiled a little.
 hyunjin didn’t know why he approach you. he was watching you from the start of the party and he couldn’t stop. you looked amazing and really attract attention, especially from him.
“but you shouldn’t sit here. maybe in the living room? you don’t even know what a kind of people you are around with.”
“what do you mean?”
“nothing, just take it as warning honey.”
 when you were about to open your mouth someone interrupt you.
“ey yo, motherfucker. leave my girlfriend alone or i’m gonna kick your fuckin ass, you pussy.”
 you could hear your boyfriend. you were embarrassed because of y/b/n. he was really jealous sometimes with no reason and agressive towards strangers. 
“y/b/f chill out! we were just talking and you offenisve him! just stop.”
“y/n shut the fuck up for once. this guy flirts with you and you like it?”
 hyunjin couldn’t help smilling all the time. it was his devilish smile. he was fuckin pissed of because you had a boyfriend and also this piece of shit wasn’t afraid to yell at him. he promised himself that he will kill y/b/n.
“isn’t it very nice to talk your girlfriend like this asshole.so, y/n, you don’t have to be sorry because of your fuckin boyfriend. it was nice to meet you.” hyunjin turned around and face your boyfriend and whisper to his ear. “i hope you going to know with who you mess up with. you are already dead.” hyunjin smilled at your boyfriend and left.
 you were kind of person who doesn’t like when someone is treat like shouldn’t you were mad at y/b/f. you shook your head and leave just to go to boy who warned you to be careful. your firends couldn’t belive how you act.
“ey wait! i’m really sorry for this jerk. he is sometimes too agressive towards people.” you were smilling lightly “i hope you can understand.”
“why are you two dating?” he asked with smirk on his face “he is asshole towards you.”
“u-hm.. he loves me and i l-love him..”
“aish, love. okay. thanks and don’t be sorry.” he smiked “i hope we be able to see ourself once again.”
“yeah, totally.”
 he left and so you. you came back to your boyfriend with different feeling. who the hell is this guy?
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since this accident it’s been month. your boyfriend apologized to you hundred times. you couldn’t be mad at him for too long. 
 today it’s your day off. you wanted to surprise your boyfriend for being sonner at home with some cookies. bc, who don’t like cookies? you opened the door and you hear some sounds. like.. moans? did your boyfriend was pleasuring himself? it wasn’t from, of course no! but at the same time you could hear woman’s moans. you were schock and mad as fuck.
 you walked in into your bedroom and you started crying. there were your boyfriend with your bestfriend having sex. when they saw you they were shock and embarrassed.
“what the actual fuck y/b/n?! y/f/n? really? you two fuckin bastrads! i’m leaving!”
“no, y/n wait!”
“fuck of!”
 they left your bedroom. you took suitcase and pack all your stuff. there’s no way to you that you stay any longer in this home. the two most trusted people cheat on you. you couldn’t belive how naive you were. but to your surprise you didn’t feel pain. you were just mad that they did this behind your back. did you really love y/b/f name?
 when you were done, they try to stop you, but you can’t. you left your place and with no idea, you were walking. you were walking until you saw black prestige car that followed you for pretty long. you started feel fear, so you moved faster.
 is this possible to be this blonde guy from club? you turned around and saw this guy parked his car and walk towards you.
“it’s you.”
“i’m hyunjin.” he smilled “what are you doing when it’s raining and with suitcase?”
“uhm, it’s not important.”
“it is. what happend?”
“my boyfriend and best friend had sex in our bedroom, when I was there with cookies. now i’m betrayed, alone with cookies and with no idea what to do with myself.”
“c’mon, go with me.”
he laughed at you.
“come to my place. you can stay.”
“but I don’t know you well and basicly you are stranger to me.”
“just come with me. i promise i’m not gong to hurt you y/n.”
 you didn’t know why did you agree to come with him. 
 his house was pretty big and expensive. you didn’t know what he is doing for living that he has so much money. he showed you all home and give you some food.
“woah, i din’t expect it from you.”
“what? my house?”
“yeah. it’s pretty big and you know. what are you doing daily?”
“you going to know one day, not today. you be sleep in my bedroom, ok? i will be sleep in living room.”
“no, no! it’s your home, i’m only geust.”
“y/n. don’t make me angry, please. just sleep in my bed.”
 you simply nodded. you two were talking a lot before it was bed time for you. you changed your clothes into something comortable (paJamAS) and goes to the bed. you lied down and slowly fall asleep.
“good night y/n”
 you fell asleep, but you have no clue what was happening in same room. hyunjin was watching your for few hours and touch your face. he was fascinated in you. for hyunjin you were just like goddess. he couldn’t help but stare at you. and your body in this pajama was hot as fuck. you have to be his no fuckin matter what.
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weeks passed and you still were at his place. hunjin asked you to move on with him. you weren’t sure but you agreed. your family and friends told you that you are crazy for doing this. but you didn’t care, becasue hwang hyunjin had something about him what makes you want him. you noticed that he is very, very cold person, but to you he can control this.
 one day you came to home an hour earlier than you should. you walked in, but seems that hyunjin didn’t noticed you. you were about to say something when you heard devilish laugh that stops you.
“and what? you fuck with wrong person.”
“i’m sorry! really, i can give you all my money,”
“take money and pour it into your asshole.”
“hyunjin, please! i’m sorry!”
“i have no mercy dumbass.”
 you could only hear a shot. you frooze. you couldn’t move, because of this what you heard. you couldn’t control how you were breathing. hyunjin could hear it too and only thing he could do was his curse.
“y/n? what are you doing here honey?”
“you killed someone?”
“babe, listen.”
“i’m not your girlfriend.”
“belive me, you will.” he smirked when he take his gun pointing at you “better take a seat.”
you did it with fear in your eyes.
“will you kill me?”
“of course no! you are to preacious to be dead.” he smirked “you asked me one day what am i doing for living. i’m in mafia. i bet you know who stray kids are, right?” you nodded “i’m basicaly member. but you don’t have to be afraid of me. i take good care of you, don’t i?”
“you do, but it’s ..it’s scarry.” you were about to stand up “i have to go and leave you. i can’t live like this.”
“don’t fuckin move.” he reloaded the magazine “i really donj’t want to kill you.”
“i’m sorry?” you were scared “but..it’s you who killed my ex?”
“who else honey? he messed up with wrong guy. i don’t fuck with them all. and also, you can’t leave me honey. you love me.”
“no, i don’t!” you lied
“okay, so leave now. i know that you would come back to me.”
 you took al of your thing and you leave his house. 
 it didn’t teak you so long to come back to him. you didn’t know what happend to you. after you left you was feeling kind of missing? you missed him so much and you couldn’t deny it. you didn’t care that he is in mafia. you loved him it was this what matter. you know him about half a year. you love him from 5 months. 
“oh look who is back.” hyunjin smirked “what should i do with you honey?”
“just let me fuckin in and talk.”
“how confident you are honey.”
to say that hyunjin was happy wasn’t enough. he was extra happy. he loved you from begginign and this time about week you were without him he was watching you. you both loving each other as psycho and you two couldn’t stop.
“i missed you. i don’t care about mafia.”
“oh, you changed your mind?” he smirked
“don’t tease me hyunjin. just tell me what to do. leave or stay. what are you feeling towards me?”
“you want to know what i feel towards you?”
“yeah, this is what i said.”
“this is how i feel towards you.”
 he pinned you into wall and kiss you. deep and with passion. you couldn’t help moans that escape yours mouth. both of you waiting really long to this happend.
“i love you y/n. but i have some rules.”
“i love you too.” you smiled “which rules?”
“i can be really jealous so don’t try me honey. you are only mine and i can use you as i want to. in bed you gonna call me daddy or sir, got it?”
“because im in charge and you love mi too much to disagree.” he smirked “don’t be rude to me, because you gonna face consequences. you have to love me and only me.”
“all for you.”
 he smiled to himself and then you were at his lap. kissing so desperatly and deeply like you have never. your one hand in his blonde hair and one hand on his shoulder. when his one hand was at your booty and second hand on your breast. he gave you light squzees. it was really pleasure you and you try to be queit.
“i want to hear you. moan to me y/n.”
“m-my god..hyunjin!”
it didn’t take you two so long to undress each other. he was focused at your body sight. he was amazed by your curves and hell, he loves you even more.
“remember how to call me. i want to hear you kitten.”
“yes daddy.”
 with this he thrust you so rough. it was hard at the beggining but with time you feel pleasure. he fucks you so good and no one could disagree.
“i can feel your thight pussy cleanching around my cock kitten.” both of you could hear your wetness sound “you hear how wet you are for me?”
“i’m close!”
“you can’t cum until i agree.”
“please, daddy please. please, let me cum!”
“you wasn’t be a good girl to you daddy.”
“daddy please, i can do anything.”
“okay, you gonna suck me off.” he smiled “you can cum babygirl.”
 so you did with loud moan. you7 were shaking because how good he fucks you. when you done you have to take his cock. it was really big and you couldn’t take him all. you were sucked him off really good like pro.
“m-my god. i love you so much y/n, my little kitten!” he cum with groan “swallow this sperm babygirl.”
 so you did again. after this he left you to clean up yourself. he isn’t the guy who cares, you know it, but he come back to you to kiss your forhead and fall asleep with you.
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life with hyunjin was quit hard to you. you really love him, and want to show him, but he doesn’t give a fuck about your love - it’s your thoughts. it’s been another half a year. you two been trough a lot and it makes you two special.
 hyunjin came to home from his work a little bit angry.
“i did dinner if you want to you ca-”
“y/n shut the fuck up! don’t even talk to me.”
“what? i din’t do anything.. why you scream?”
“can’y you see i’m stressed, you idiot? just fuck off from here and leave me.”
 it was casual to you, but it was first time that he was so angry.
“i have enough! stop reacting and exploding at me! i didn’t do anything wrong and here you are, screaming at me for nothing! i’m tired of it, understand?!”
“did you raise your voice at me?”
“yes, and what? you gonna punish me? i’m leaving. you can look for me when you calm the fuck down.”
“try me honey. you aren’t leaving. you are mine.”
“i can! you act coldly to me! can’t you see that it’s hurt me? i fuckin love you and you treat me like sex toy and doesn’t care about me. how can you love me when you fuck other girls? you only yell at me and test me for your sex things. i can’t live like this. you are always cold. always. don’t show me love, it hurts, because i want to show you, but you alwayds don’t care.”
 it hurt him. he doesn’t know that you see him as this. yeah, it was true that when he was really mad at you he fucked another, but then he killed them, because he loves only you. you are most important thing for him. he chuckled.
“i didn’t care about you? i care about you all the time! i’m stressed when i have to leave you for few days, so i call my men to be near to you. i always care what i did to you how you feel. i fuckin care! it’s hard to show this, but when we have sex i fuck you with love. y/n i fuckin think about to get married with you. i love you the most in the world. if you would asked me to leave my life in mafia i will! for you i will do everything. i’m sorry for being like this to you, but i love you.”
 your heart’s melt.
“show me how much you love me.”
 with this he kissed you with love. this night you two had sex slowly with full of love. you love him like a psycho, and he loves you back as a psycho.
“i really love you y/n, please don’t leave me.” lonly tear goes down his cheek “please, y/n i can think about my behaviuor but don’t leave me.”
“i won’t you know it. you know that i love you too much to leave.”
“will you marry me?” he take little box “i love you like psycho, like crazy man. make me happy and agree.”
“of course i will!”
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usertoxicyaoi · 4 years
Hello Faiza!! So I’ve been seeing a lot of gifs and whatnot about the drama Word of Honor, and I’m wondering whether or not you’d recommend it. Seems like an Untamed situation with the whole implied romance to get past the censorship, but correct me if I’m wrong. If you don’t mind sharing your thoughts and opinions thus far, I would love to hear them! Thank you 🧡
hiii anon!!! aaaaaah word of honor!!!!! word of honor is a delight. word of honor is a wuxia (based on historical chinese martial arts) rather than a xianxia (based on historical chinese mythology) which is what the untamed was, so its different in that sense. but yes, you can call it "implied" romance, though i'm .... i wouldn't even call it implied, because its ... so so so heavily prominent and explicit- there's a Whole Scene where kexing cuts zishu's sleeve after joking with him that he's a virgin - it doesn't get more explicit than that. gong jun (who plays kexing) and zhang zhehan (who plays zishu) truly have Amazing Chemistry between them. the way gong jun portrays kexing's Total Interest in zishu and how Whipped he is for him is ... its Delightful to see. there's so much emphasis on close proximity and hands and soulmates .... its ... impeccable.
i love it. i love it immensely - dare i say, even more than the untamed. the plot and premise is a little bit more complicated to get to grips with than the untamed at the start, but by ep 6/7 you understand the bigger picture. but hey, i like complicated and i love wracking my brain to figure out things, so maybe thats just my personal preference. the pacing is spot on too. where i personally felt the untamed never got started until ep 11, word of honor's pacing is quick yet breathable. compared to the untamed's 50 eps, word of honor is only 36 eps long, so its not too long either - currently, we're on ep 9 that will get subbed and come out today!
i don't wanna give anything away, but the characters are truly phenomenal. very 3D, morally gray/ambiguous and well fleshed out and well rounded. the women on the show kick ass. the romance is beautiful and kexing is a Lovestruck Fool In Love with zishu. the costumes are simple yet elegant and bold. the shots and the fight scenes will remind you a lot of the untamed, yes, but the major difference i feel is that, word of honor's fight scenes are a lot lot more focused on the martial arts side, bc its a wuxia, so its all pretty fast feet and hands - and one lethal fan 🤫😉, though yes, there is a lot of sword fighting in word of honor too!
and there's a found family trope, just like how the untamed had one, so i guess that's a similarity too!
but yeah, i would highly hiiiiiighly recommend it. i'm thoroughly enjoying it so far!! you can watch it here!!
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reeesea · 4 years
Something Sweet: Part One
~the sweetest drink on the menu~
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
pairing: just minsung, han jisung/lee minho
warnings: mild language (like barely)
words: 3.5k (2k too many ngl)
summary: Minho is working his usual shift at Seoul's most expensive high end restaurant, when a trio of new-comers arrive and by the end of Minho’s tedious night he’s plus one additional phone number.
a/n: To be honest this is the first thing I’ve ever written and actually posted. SO please accept this minsung one-shot that just came out of wanting more waiter Minho in my life. anyway if you read it and like it let me know, and maybe ill write more of it. In my head it has at least a few more chapters of non-plot where the other boys show up <3
It had only been an hour since the dinner rush started and Minho was already counting the minutes until he could collect his tips and go home. Sure, he could think of countless more exhausting jobs compared to being a waiter at Menu 98 (an upscale restaurant in a part of town he most definitely did not live in), but today just hit different. He never had to do much more than just put on his Customer Server Smile ™, not mess up the orders, pour the wine without spilling, and recommend the highest priced appetizer if asked. Pretty simple stuff. Nothing too draining, but still the exhaustion set in, probably due to spending 2 more hours in the dance studio than he should’ve the previous day. 
His feet were paying for those additional long hours trying to perfect choreo by making each minute of his shift more painful than the last. Even so, working at the ever popular restaurant paid for the daily discomfort that Minho may have felt from his blistered feet. The restaurant was a well known hot spot for anyone with enough money to casually spend the equivalent of three of Minho's paychecks on a meal. CEOs and their business partners along with idols and some lesser known celebrities made up most of their usual clientele on a casual Friday night like this one. The customers always came in waves on Friday evenings, parties of usually 4 or more coming in to celebrate some successful business venture that took place during the week. Great for Minho really, because that meant usually more wine, more appetizers, larger meals, and larger checks, which means bigger tips. His bank account really needed these Fridays especially if he was gong to keep saving up to finally pursue his dream. 
A new party of six was just assigned to Minho’s section. Trademarked smile: on, Feet: still aching, Hours until close: at least another three. It looked like tonight it was going to be a long ass night. 
An hour or so passed before Minho was able to get some form of rest from being out on the floor. Minho leaned his body weight against the wall near the back of the dining room, appreciating the brief calm before the night crowd started to roll in. Thoughts of the dance he was trying to choreograph flashed through his head. He hoped that the movements he’d chosen would be able to convey the emotions of the song he had in mind. The thought of asking Hyunjin to watch his performance briefly popped in his head, but before he could consider it further the hostess was calling his name. 
“Minho! There's a new table for you in section three.” Minho moved from his comfortable position against the wall and went through his checklist; Apron? Flattened. Backup pens? Check. Hair gently moved out of his face to perfectly frame it? Check. Lastly, Polite customer service smile? Obviously. 
The three boys at the table were definitely new customers to the restaurant. Minho observed that the three of them appeared to be blissfully unaware of the de facto business casual to fully formal dress code that the other patrons in the restaurant followed. The Trio seemed to sport the street style that you would see in the popular clubs not only a block away. Two of them clothed in almost all black outfits while the third wore a bright pink colored hoodie under his jean jacket. 
“Hyung, I still can’t believe we did it! The crowd was huge, I mean after going on stage I don't even remember anything. I might have blacked out. Holy shit did I actually black out….” Pink hoodie seemed pretty animated about whatever the reason was for their meal out. Maybe a little too animated, as other tables glazed bitterly toward the source of their evening’s disruption.   
Before approaching he considered the possibility that these boys being idols was likely, but Minho still found it odd for multiple reasons. He didn't recognize them at all as idols, which he was usually pretty good at keeping up with, and when idols did casually come in it was more likely to be on a weekday for an early dinner and not a late Friday night after the dinner rush. Nonetheless, with his perfect waiter image on, he walks over to the table never showing his curiosity.
“Good evening gentlemen, My name is Minho, and I’ll be serving you tonight. Is there anything I can get you to drink before your starters?” His script rolled politely off his tongue like it had the whole night. All complete with a slight smile and arms perfectly placed behind him, as carefully and as naturally as a doll whose been posed in the same position for the past six hours.
The wide set, somewhat brooding boy has already decided after glancing at the drink menu, “yeah I'll order a bottle of the house red for the table,” glancing up at Minho from beneath his black cap. Minho swiftly wrote down the order, and moved his glance over to the next boy at the table.
“Hyung, you're the only one of us who chooses to drink wine voluntarily,” Pink hoodie spoke up, seemingly upset about the prospect of drinking bitter fruit water. 
“Jisung, you're just saying that because you can't handle anything that you can actually taste the alcohol in. I'll drink whatever Bin gets,” the handsome curly haired blonde mentions, glancing at the soft hoodied boy next to him with a look that reminds Minho of a disappointed father. Minho actively fights off the smirk that is wanting to form on his lips.
“WHAT that's not true, THAT ONE TIME I drank an entire bottle of-”
“Fine, fine just stop yelling. You’re gonna get us kicked out before we even get to eat” Mr. Black cap glances up at Minho again, but with a more apologetic look. “Add on an order of the fruitiest and sweetest drink you serve still with alcohol in it, for the small squirrel boy.” That last part came with a smirk from the dark haired speaker and a glare from from the ‘squirrel boy’ to his left. 
Minho had trouble keeping the smirk from forming this time. And maybe his perfect image faltered for a second, but he was quick to recover, and confirmed their orders with a straight face and a promise to return with water as he left to give them time to select from the menu. 
“Great now our waiter thinks I'm a whiny baby who looks like a squirrel. Wow, thanks Changbin-hyung.” Jisung grumbles and pinches his cheeks that cursed him with the rodent nickname. 
“Good, at least he won’t be fooled into thinking you're anything but the truth” 
“Yah! WHa-”
“Hey settle down you guys, lets try not to get kicked out please. Binnie recommended the food here, and I would very much like to eat it before we are politely asked to leave” 
Jisung grumbles something inaudible at Chan’s request, and Changbin can't help but respond with a smirk at getting to see the younger be told off.
“Also we're supposed to be celebrating selling out our show so lets do that, yeah? First show 3racha single handedly sold out! WE did that!” 
All three of them get proud smiles after that, and the bickering is left forgotten as the three recount the night, even though they had lived it together
“Not gonna lie, I think our Binnie stole the show tonight. You were on fire tonight man.” Chan said proudly, receiving a thankful smile from the younger boy, who had become shy and bashful at the praise.
“Though, Chan-hyung your rap was so charismatic tonight, you almost made that girl in front faint when you winked at her, the whole audience fucking lost it” Jisung had switched from literally yelling to just a whisper shout for emphasis.
“Hahaha, yeah I can't even believe that happened. Man, today’s energy was just different.” The smile on Chan’s face was blinding, as usual. “Hopefully we can get to play even bigger venues soon. I could get used to this...” Chan mused, seemingly already focused on the future plans of 3racha. 
“Yeah, those paydays would be real nice right about now.”
“Bin-hyung, what are you talking about, you’re literally loaded. Plus since you got that producing job, we can actually pay the rent on the apartment you parents let us stay in '' Jisungs pretty thankful for all the support Changbins parents had given them, while the three of them worked toward their collective dream to make and perform music. But he thinks they all can agree that finally being able to use their own money to live instead of just relying on handouts and the kindness of friends or family to help keep them from becoming starved or homeless, is a new kind of satisfying that Jisung hadn’t considered before. Just look at them now, at one of the nicest (and most expensive) restaurants in Seoul, fighting over drinks and having a meal that would hopefully be the first of many celebrations for their groups accomplishments. The trio could all agree that the financial stress has been one of their greatest worries, and that beginning to escape it has been all kinds of relieving. 
Before any of the boys could respond to Jisung’s comment, Minho had returned with three glasses of water, three glasses for wine, and a bottle of wine all balanced perfectly on a tray perched on the palm of his hand. Jisung had to admit it was impressive how he had managed to balance all of the glassware and liquids without losing balance, and while moving with more grace and agility than he would expect from your average waiter. 
Before Jisung had even returned from his thoughts, three glasses of water and the expertly poured wine glasses, all set delicately without a single drop spilled, were identically placed in front of each of them. Graceful may have been an understatement. 
“Have you decided what you would like to have tonight, gentlemen?” Their waiter Minho said, all with a gentle expression on his face. 
No, the answer was no, but before Jisung could respond, Changbin had already ordered the pricey steak to go with his wine. Soon after, Chan ordered the surf and turf dish that had a stupidly complicated name that Jisung couldn’t pronounce. Jisung hadn’t even remembered them even looking at the menu, or maybe it was just him who had yet to even glanced at it. Details. 
“Uhhhhh…” Jisung searched hopelessly over the menu and then at his friends, who stared blankly back at him, then back to the menu again. This was a regular occurrence when the three decided to go out and eat, when they weren’t holding themselves in their apartment for weeks at a time. Still, Jisung always ended up hopelessly unprepared to successfully order without awkward pauses and at least three consecutive strings of ‘hmm’s and ‘uhhh’s. And so,
“Hmmmmm…. I think.. Uhh…. maybe…” nothing was popping out at him, and Jisung was pretty sure at this point that he had forgotten how to read. “Ya know what, surprise me,” he decided this was the best response he could come up with.  
“Surprise you?” Minho looked just as confused as Jisung felt.
“Yeah, is that an option? If not, I'm this close to just closing my eyes and pointing.” He says while dramatically closing his eyes and waving his finger over the menu. Once again Jisung was hopeless.
He hears a soft chuckle and opens his eyes just in time to catch their waiter’s lips curl in a sweet smile that makes his eyes turn into crescents. It lasts barely a second, before his face returns to his neutral customer service expression. But Jisung decides he really likes that smile, and a part of him is sad to see it retreat so soon. 
“Well in that case, I can do the blind pointing for you, but I personally recommend the seasonally prepared local beef served on house baked brioche, that comes with garlic and parsley potato wedges. Does that sound alright?” Jisung felt he had said it faster and with more details just to confuse him. 
Jisung stares at him blankly in response, and he's pretty sure four whole seconds pass in silence before the Pretty Waiter ™ follows up, an ever so slight smirk on his lips, “it's pretty much a really good local burger with homemade fries, I think it would be something you would enjoy.” 
Jisung grins at that, “Oh! Yeah that does sound good...Thank you! I will have that.” For some reason he really likes the idea that their waiter chose something off the menu that was specially meant for him. Not that he wouldn't like all the nicer and fancier dishes they serve here with small plates with dry ice fog, but a part of him was more content in getting a dinner that didn't require him to question whether or not something on his plate was even edible. And the happy curiosity definitely had nothing to do with the way their waiter’s eyes sparkled when he talked or the barely-there smirk that Jisung just caught sight of. 
“Alright then, I’ll put in these orders. Oh! And then I'll be right back with your speciality fruit drink,” He says that last part with a slightly more upbeat tone, resulting in another smirk to appear on Changbin’s face and a groan from a slightly embarrassed Jisung.
Minho surprised himself. 
On any given day of work at Menu 98, he deathly avoids having to do anything more than the regular polite small talk. But for some reason, tonight he couldn’t stop himself from playing along with the antics of the cute boy at his table. The three boys were entertaining, and maybe he could blame the exhaustion and the numb pain in his heels, but the comical distraction was welcomed by Minho. He didn't even realize just how much he had been looking for a distraction from the long shift until it was staring right at him with big shiny eyes and a cute round face. Minho hurried back to enter in their orders, including his suggestion for the squirrel looking boy.
Minho wasn’t going to deny that the flustered boy at the table was cute, he was pretty aware how attractive all three the boys were when he took their orders. He had thought they were idols originally, so in Minho’s mind it made sense. Still, the waiter still felt something about the three was too unique to be categorized as just idols or trainees. As much as it may have piqued his curiosity though, Minho still got paid for his service not for his interests in customers, so he brushed it off almost as soon as it appeared. 
The rest of the evening, Minho tended to all four of his assigned tables with his usual perfect server act and minimal small talk. When it came to the three somewhat boisterous customers in the corner table, Minho may or may not have allowed himself to subtly laugh at their arguments and antics. The dynamic of the three boys was slowly becoming the highlight of his late night shift. Each of their personalities greatly contrasted and amplified the other, making way for animated and comical exchanges and arguments between them. 
When Minho had returned with a Strawberry daiquiri for the boy in pink, a chorus of giggles could be heard from the other two boys, while the other happily accepted the drink in substitute for the untouched glass of wine in front of him. Upon drinking it, the cute boy's eyes somehow widened further and shined more than Minho thought was possible. He flashed his heart-shaped smile as he thanked Minho for the drink. 
Minho nodded in return, and internally decided that Heart-shaped smiles were his new favorite. 
Jisung had been hyper since the show, and the energy was now focused on a new mission to see the pretty smile of their waiter again. Granted, he didn't have to try that much harder to gain the attention of the pretty waiter, being the loud and excitable person naturally he was. Every small grin that Jisung was able to pull out from under the other boy’s infuriatingly polite facade, was a major win in his book. 
Chan, Changbin, and Jisung celebrated further by enjoying the food, which was all phenomenal, and discussing their next gig the coming week. The best way to celebrate one performance is to look towards the next, or someother random bullshit Changbin had said after a couple more glasses of wine.
Overall the night was a celebration of all of the dedication and hours they had put into their music, as well as their grind to perform and grow a somewhat sizable following. They were all high on the potential of finally getting to realize their dreams and reach their goals as a group, something none of them actually thought they would get to do together. The overwhelming happiness of the night easily made it one of Jisung's new favorite memories. 
As the boys were finishing off their third--or forth--drink (Jisung definitely had another one of the strawberry drinks Minho had brought him), after dinner and figuring out their checks, Jisung felt a surge of boldness. Mostly due to having a few drinks in his system, and the slight infatuation he had with the pretty waiter's smile, Jisung decided ‘whats the worst thing that could happen? Rejection? lmao’ and wrote down his name and number on his receipt in hopes that Minho would actually read it, or maybe even contact him. Maybe. 
It was a shot in the dark, but Jisung had been feeling a little high on life, and felt like he couldn’t leave without at least shooting his shot. Jisung and the other members of 3racha got up to leave, and Jisung searched out the waiter. He  wasn’t able to see him in the mostly empty dining room now, but a hopeful part of him felt that he would see him again, leaving the restaurant with his arms around his members already bickering about who would get to shower first after their long night. 
“I'm just saying, Chan-hyung I know for a fact that you’re not even going to make it to the front door before passing out, so I call dibs. And Jisung, I’m older than you so I get veto power over your rights and decisions as your hyung.” 
Jisung was about to grumble in response but something about how Changbin’s smile was so carefree left him feeling like he deserved this victory. Changbin was definitely a little tipsy, but seeing his hyung so happy after such a rough week made Jisung glad to do anything to keep that smile there.
“Fine, fine hyung but you have to help me carry Chan-hyung up stairs when he inevitable falls asleep on me in the cab” 
“I don't know what youre talking about,” Chan replies, already yawning, while climbing into the cab.
Minho was picking up the receipts from his tables when one of them caught his eye.
Hey, I’m Han Jisung ^~^ (the cute one in the pink hoodie!)
Thanks for your suggestions, best waiter ever!!!
I think your smile is beautiful, Maybe I’ll get to see it again sometime?
Minho couldn't help but smile to himself. He’d been hit on occasionally by customers and has been given countless numbers, which usually don't make it much farther than the trash, but something about the innocence of the note and cuteness of the boy made him actually consider keeping it.
He scoffed to himself after a second of considering it. As cute as the boy was, and as sweet as the note was, Minho didn’t have time or energy to have another added person in his life. No matter romantically or platonically, new relationships were on his ‘things to stay away from if you ever wanna make it into the dance academy’ list. He already barely ever saw his roommates, and if they weren't all in the same dance troupe, they probably wouldn't talk much. All of their time was spent working and practicing, and he and his roommates only had enough energy and free time to spend a meal or two together on the weekends. There just wasn’t any more time for anything extra, no matter how nice the idea may sound. 
He was about to give the little message the same treatment as the others as he cleaned up for the night, but a part of him couldn't bring himself to throw it away, and discreetly pocketed it instead out of instinct. Out of sight and out of mind as far as Minho was concerned.
thank you if you read this far <3
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
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catbowserauthor · 4 years
A preview of the next TMNT Empathy story “Aftershocks”
So it’s been forever and day since I worked on my TMNT Empathy series but I got inspired tonight and am finally making progress with the next story, which takes place directly after “Damage.” Or, right after Kala has severed ties with Michelangelo. Here’s a short little preview.
Mess with me and I will let karma do its job. Mess with my family and I will BECOME karma.-Unknown
               “This way.”
           Michelangelo gave a slight yelp as Raphael pulled him along. He barely had time to straighten his hat to hide his appearance before his older brother was dragging him into the nearby doors. “Dude, why the rush? You have been acting mondo-bizarro.” That was the understatement of the year. First and foremost, when he had dragged himself out of bed, he had been utterly dumbfounded that there was no one shouting at him to get to the dojo. Early morning practice came even before breakfast but no one was rushing him along. When he had rushed into the dojo, certain that he was late, it was empty. Thinking he was beyond late and certainly due for a lecture that would make his ears bleed, he ended up running through the Lair only find that Master Splinter had merely left a note that he had taken Leonardo with him for some meditation practice away from the noise of the Lair.
           But what noise? It was silent! Not even workaholic Donatello in his lab!
           At least until Raphael practically ambushed him outside the main entrance (“Thanks for the heart attack, compadre!”) and threw the trench coat on him before pulling him through the sewers, proclaiming about them going to be late for the “best morning ever!” He had begun babbling about how there was a special going on with breakfast pizza and how the House of HaHa had their “best acts” performing all day and then how Donatello had some type of special surprise for them before lunch and then they were going to have to raid the comic shops when they opened.
           Michelangelo was officially freaked out.
           The red banded turtle gave his brother a cheeky grin, rolling his eyes, “Since when does the party-turtle turn down a good time?”
           Cocking a suspicious brow ridge, the teenager responded “And since when does my super-cranky amigo become Mister Rogers?”
           Raphael pouted, though it never seemed to look right on his face. That was more of a Michelangelo move and even then, not very often. So, he instead pasted another smile on his face, “What, I can’t want to spend some time with my bud every so often?”
           Michelangelo tensed “Aw, man, amigo, did you get hit with Donatello’s Personality Alterator again?” That HAD to be the only reason for this maximum-weirdiozo behavior! Raphael, while not cruel, was also not the spoiley, let’s-have-a-guys-day type of turtle. He would go along with it if you pestered or offered but actually instigating it? This was Outer Limits-level odd! Outer Limits crossover with Twilight Zone-kind of odd! If it wasn’t so unnerving, he’d really be enjoying it but given it was such a random shift….he had so many things on his mind after…after Friday night…and he really didn’t need dissecting a brother’s totally nutsoid behavior added to the list.
           “Will you stop giving me the tenth degree and just come on?!” Raphael snapped. He stood, pushing his sibling into one of the chairs near the front of the club. There weren’t a lot of people; never really were for a morning show as the House of HaHa was definitely more of a ‘night club’ type of scene but that didn’t mean they didn’t have any acts in the morning. The owner had been proclaiming about it being “a day of laughter” all last week, promising “our best acts every hour!” so Raphael thought it was the perfect spot! After all, he always got a kick of it. His brother could be a LITTLE more appreciative.
           “Okay,” Michelangelo admitted with a half laugh, “THERE is Raphael.”
           Rolling his eyes, Raphael flagged down one of the servers and asked for “your largest breakfast pizza, all the fixings, and a pitcher of Coke,” before sitting down across from his brother, “Look, sorry that I’m trying to give you a good time. Should I mark it down that Michelangelo wants to foot the bill then?”
           Shaking his head, Michelangelo clarified, “It’s not that I don’t appreciate it, compadre.” He stressed that. “It’s a bodacious idea…breakfast pizza and a free morning…but why?” No lying there. A breakfast pizza, soda and a morning to not worry about training or exercises was totally righteous! That didn’t mean that he didn’t wonder what brought it on though!
           Raphael shrugged “Eh, seemed like a good idea and I wasn’t about to turn down Sensei stealing Leonardo.”
           Michelangelo nodded, though he didn’t believe him (he knew his brother too well) but their attention was divided when the first comedian made his way up to the stage, obviously not happy at the small group (there were only about three other tables with customers) but when you were a starting comic, you didn’t exactly get top billing. The House of HaHa rarely got what you would call “top notch” comics (given its small size) so it wasn’t usual for small, beginner comics to try their routine on the group. Sometimes with good results, sometimes with bad.
           The red banded turtle HOPED the owner hadn’t been lying about the “best acts” part. He needed good comics. He needed to get a laugh out of his younger brother! No more of this mopey, sad and depressed Michelangelo. He couldn’t take it!
           Raphael grinned and nudged his brother, “Hey, it’s Joey! Remember him?”
           Michelangelo couldn’t say so much he remembered him so much as he recognized him. When they’d saved Raphael from Barney Stockman and Pinky McFingers and their ‘Gag-a-magnifier’ (seriously, who came up with these names?) there had been two comedians with Raphael and this older man was one of them. Apparently, he was still semi-popular as a few of the patrons seemed to recognize him. Michelangelo wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing but he took a sip of water that was offered and focused his attention.
Raphael wanted him to laugh, to feel better. If he was any more blatant about it, it would have been announced with a gong. Raphael had never been good about covering up his emotions, at least as far as Michelangelo was concerned. After the…disaster of a date Friday night, he’d finally gone to bed and had moped around the Lair most of Saturday. When he woke up today, he really didn’t feel much better and would have liked nothing more than to just lay around the Lair doing nothing but what could he do when Raphael had been so insistent? His brother was trying to cheer him up and judging by his statement that Donatello would be joining them later, his other siblings were in on it too. Pretty sweet of them. For all their teasing towards one another, they did love each other, just had different ways of showing it.
So, while Michelangelo inwardly cringed at what might pass for ‘funny’, he had to give a half smile as he went along with it. “Sort of…” he offered his brother but opted not to finish because Joey was starting his routine.
           “’Morning Folks,” Joey greeted them. “Glad to see you all. Got a whole new load of questions for you today!” He paused, seemingly for dramatic effect, “So, the other day, I’m chatting with the baker down at the store, just the usual catching up kind of thing and he tells me that he and his wife weren’t able to get the new car they were planning on. Know why?”
           Michelangelo groaned inwardly as Raphael and for that matter, most of the audience, finished with “he didn’t make enough dough.”
           Joey smiled and offered a wink. “You got it folks. Felt bad for the guy, I really did. He’s got two kids, see, and his daughter’s been feeling really down in the dumps. Heck, she went to the river yesterday to…”
           “Fish for compliments,” Raphael chimed in.
           A few of the audience members clapped but Michelangelo winced, burying his face into his arms to suppress a groan. Man, this guy was bad. Nothing against the guy but the jokes…they were painful!
           “And you know the other day, I found out that it’s not just humans that can be rude. I met the rudest bird in my garden. He was a …”
           “Mocking bird!”
           Michelangelo did groan that time.
           This kind of back and forth continued for about ten minutes before Joey finally left the stage when he stopped getting laughs and even the other people in the club were starting to look disinterested. Raphael could see the owner gesturing to him from the side and finally he got the hint. Well, Joey had never been the best of that group of three, at least in the red banded turtle’s opinion. Raphael looked up to his younger brother and made a face. Michelangelo had buried his head into his folded arms but he wasn’t asleep. Looks like he wasn’t the only one with that opinion. “Eh, okay, Michelangelo so Joey’s talent isn’t exactly his jokes.”
           “Mondo understatement, Dude.” He remarked. Lifting his head, he remarked “I mean, I give the Dude points for gettin’ up there and trying but those were really mondo-bad.”
           The server finally brought out their pizza at that point and it was excellent timing. Raphael had a feeling that this wasn’t going like he had hoped. Best acts his shell! He had a few words to exchange with the owner over that. Aside from a small smile at the beginning, his brother still had that depressed look and darn it, Michelangelo was not meant to be depressed! He was the turtle that was supposed to be full of life and happy and smiling but…because of a girl’s selfish actions, here he was, trying to cheer up the cheerleader! It was completely backwards!
           “Alright! Bodacious!” Michelangelo took hold of the nearest slice, grinning widely. Loaded down with all the fixings, yes, this looked wonderful. He took a giant bite of a slice, relishing in the egg, sausage, bacon, tomato and even the thin coating of grits that was underneath the cheese. Breakfast pizza was usually more complicated and they didn’t routinely make it so getting a large one was a real treat. It gave him something to focus on besides what was rushing through his head. Despite his brother’s attempts, Michelangelo found his thoughts still drifted to Kala.
           Why wouldn’t she let him help her? He’d do anything to help her! Hadn’t he shown her that? Didn’t she know that—
           “Hey! Daydreamer!”
           His brother’s sharp tone snapped him out of his somber thinking and he blinked, taking in Raphael’s concerned-but-covered-up-with-annoyance look. He knew that look anywhere. You didn’t grow up with someone and not learn their looks, despite how they might try and hide them. “Oh, major league sorry, Raphael. What did you say?” He took another bite of the pizza slice in his hand, realizing he must have been thinking a bit because some of it had tumbled onto his plate. Not like him to waste pizza toppings.
           Rolling his eyes, Raphael responded “I said not to let Joey throw you off. They DO have good comedians here! Hey, they liked my routine!”
           Michelangelo didn’t say anything for a moment. Okay, so his brother wasn’t HORRIBLE per say but he wouldn’t exactly say that he was ‘great’ either. At least not when he was trying to be funny. “Oh.” He finally said but then promptly wanted to slap himself in the forehead. Michelangelo didn’t say ‘oh,’ he didn’t just sit there and stare blankly ahead either. He was totally failing in his brother role right now! He was supposed to be supportive of family goals and his brother was totally going out of his way to make him feel better and he was being a major wet rag about it! Maybe he should pick up the tab…
           “Hey!” Raphael chimed in, oddly enough, not hurt. “I’m pretty good!”
           Refocused again, Michelangelo clarified “When you’re not trying, you are, Dude.”
           Under normal circumstances, Raphael would have taken that as an insult. However, Michelangelo had been showing since Friday night that his humor radar was deeply off kilter. Plus, he hadn’t said he _wasn’t_ funny, just that he was funny when he wasn’t trying. Well, what did that mean?! Raphael took the bait and inquired as much with another bite of pizza himself, “Whatta you mean, when I’m not trying? I put a ton of work into my jokes, I’ll have you know!” He gave his sibling a half pout but once again, that look just didn’t work for him.
           “Oh, believe me, we know” Michelangelo replied to his brother “But your jokes aren’t when you’re funny, Raphael,” he responded simply “Sorry to bust your bubble, amigo. It’s when you’re just talkin’ about our family or our mondo-crazy lives or the latest near-death avoidance fiasco that you’re funny.” He added “See, real life is funny enough and you’re bodacious at pointing that out.” He took another bite of pizza, swallowed and said “You try, like, way too hard, compadre, to be funny. Don’t try so hard.”
           Raphael had to admit that this took him by surprise. He had always thought that being funny meant pouring more skill into his writing of jokes and routines. But faced with this information, he frowned, considered.
           “Well, that settles it.” Pushing his plate aside, Raphael stood and made his way to the front of the room. Michelangelo reached after him, calling for him to come back, no doubt thinking that he’d hurt his feelings but the red banded turtle was on a mission now. His little brother needed to smile, damn it!  And if the comedians provided by this club weren’t going to cut it, then shell it all, he’d do it himself!
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shedreamsofstars · 4 years
our union is a secret i’m hoping, dreaming, lying to keep - chapter one
you've all heard of 'pretending to be married when you're not', now get ready for 'actually married but pretending you're not'
When Tohru and Kyo accidentally find themselves married, they must keep their new union a secret from their friends and family. That's easier said than done when you're both newlywed dorks who just want to spend some quality time with one another whilst said friends and family are always one step away from discovering the truth.
Next chapter
"Oh, Kyo-kun!" Tohru exclaimed with a soft gasp, tugging on her boyfriend's hand to grab his attention. "There's a cart over there with handmade jewellery, can we go look at it?"
Kyo blinked at her slowly, watching as her simple white dress fluttered in the breeze before following her gaze towards a small wheeled cart loaded with all kinds of sparkly pieces crafted from metal and gemstones.
"Yeah, course we can. We can do whatever you want," he said, nodding for her to lead the way.
After spending the better part of two month's apart from Tohru to work at his new job and complete all the paperwork for their new home, Kyo had finally received the key to their apartment earlier in the week. Neither him nor Tohru could stand the idea of spending another day apart, so the pair had moved in the next day.
Whilst he'd been at work all week, Tohru had been decorating the house and searching for jobs nearby and had been ecstatic at discovering that there would be a spring festival in a nearby town. Kyo had agreed to the idea instantly. This was their first weekend together in months and he planned to enjoy every second of it with his girl.
"Let's go!" Tohru said excitedly, rushing ahead so fast that he had to jog to keep from being pulled along after her. The pair of them made quite a sight as they moved through the colourful crowds of the town festival hand in hand.
Kyo had opted for his usual plain shirt and jeans combo, but with the weather being warmer than expected, he was starting to regret having gone for the black shirt. He undid the top button with his free hand as they arrived at the stall, watching on in vague amusement as Tohru spaced out at the sheer variety of jewellery on display.
She marvelled at the gemstone rings, the sparkly earrings and the intricate necklaces with an intensity that could only mean she was picking out what would suit her friends the best, but when her attention shifted to the bracelets scattered haphazardly across the front of the stall, Kyo's gaze turned wary.
Ever since he'd been freed from having to wear his own beads, seeing anything aside from a watch on a person's wrist left a sour taste in his mouth. Thankfully she didn't dwell on them too long, shifting her gaze back to a pair of earrings she thought would look nice on Kisa.
"What do you think?" she asked, holding them up to the light.
Kyo squinted to get a good look at them. They were small and pretty and looked like something little Kisa would refuse to ever take off. Tohru really did have a strange knack for picking out the perfect gifts for people.
"I think they'll look great on Kisa," he started, holding them up towards Tohru's ear. "But … they'll look even nicer on you."
The instant blush that fluttered to life on her cheeks had his heart skipping a beat. It seemed to be doing that a lot lately – surely that couldn't be good for you?
"You're so silly Kyo-kun," she said happily, handing over the earrings and the money to the vendor. "I can't wait until we have a housewarming party and I get to give presents to everyone."
"Uh, aren't you supposed to receive gifts at a housewarming party, not give them?" he said blankly as Tohru thanked the vendor for the earrings. He took the bag from her, swapping it out for his hand as they began to wander away.
"Yes, but I just can't imagine everyone visiting and leaving empty handed. And gifting is so much fun, why would we miss out on that!"
Kyo shook his head but he didn't say anything further. If gifting things to others made her happy, then that was all that mattered to him. "Oh," he said, bringing them to a stop. "I'm sorry Tohru. I didn't ask you if you liked anything for yourself back there."
"Oh that's okay, I wasn't looking for myself anyway."
"Are you sure, because we can go back, no problem?" he assured her, beginning to turn back. Tohru refused to move though and he turned back to her.
"Yes, I'm sure," she said with a sweet smile, leaning in towards him a little as she spoke.
"Well now I just feel bad for not paying enough attention before," he grumbled, annoyed at himself for getting distracted by his own thoughts.
"It really is fine Kyo-kun. Besides, you can make it up to me by getting us some kakigori. It really is quite warm today and they always have so many different flavours, I never know which to choose!"
"Oh, they have that here?"
Tohru nodded. "I saw someone eating some earlier. They were coming from that direction" she said, pointing towards the other end of the street. There was a lot of people in the way so he couldn't quite see across, but he did spot another festival goer with a small pot of shaved ice.
"Well come on then, we haven't got any time to lose," Kyo declared as the pair of them set off in that direction. They made it about half-way across the street before they found themselves coming to an abrupt stop when a crowd of people blocked the walkway completely.
"I wonder why everyone's just stopped here?" Tohru asked glancing around for some sort of explanation. "It looks like they all want to go to that shrine over there. Do you know whose it is?"
Kyo shook his head. "No, but we can go check it out. I know you like to leave an offering whenever you can." He didn't really mind taking a detour on the way to dessert.
"Hmm," Tohru agreed. "I'd like that."
"Alright," Kyo said, catching sight of a small woman dressed in plain clothing who seemed to be attempting to wrangle the crowd outside the shrine. Tightening his grip on Tohru's hand so as not to lose her, he began to work his way towards the woman.
"Excuse me," he called out as he got close enough. "Is this-"
He never got to finish his question. The woman let out a high shriek of excitement the moment she set eyes on him, her wide eyes darting between him and Tohru.
"Oh goodness! It seems we have the perfect pair of volunteers for our last spot right here!"
"Uh, volunteers?" Tohru mumbled beside him, cocking her head in confusion.
"You are here to visit the Musubi no Kami Shrine, yes?"
"Yes, but-" Kyo started before being interrupted again.
"Lovely, then if you'll just follow me up these stairs into the courtyard we can begin right away," the woman declared, shuffling up the stairs with the energy of someone half her age.
"Oh, okay," Tohru stammered as the crowds parted to let them through, ushering them after the woman with kind smiles. "I don't know what's going on, but it seems kind of rude not to follow."
"Yeah," Kyo agreed as the pair began to ascend the steps after the woman, who he now assumed was a shrine maiden. What harm could come from entering a shrine anyway?
"Ah, here they are! Come to the centre with the others my dears, that's it," the woman said as she led them to the middle of the shrine courtyard. People had gathered along the edges, but there were three other couples standing in the centre.
The shrine priest stood to the right of the altar, wearing the usual traditional attire whilst the short woman who led them here took up a spot to the left. The altar itself was piled high with offerings from fruit to coins, all neatly placed along the slab of stone.
"Excuse me sir?"
Kyo tore his gaze away from the front of the shrine to find another woman dressed similarly to the one by the altar holding out a sheet of paper for him. "I just need you and the lady to sign these before we begin the ceremony."
"Um … yeah, sure?" Kyo said politely, accepting the pen and scratching out his name at the bottom and handing it over to Tohru.
"You must want to lock this pretty lady down before she changes her mind, huh," she said to Kyo with a conspiratorial wink.
Kyo laughed nervously in response before wondering when exactly he had picked up Tohru's little habit. He was so distracted by the thought he didn't fully consider what exactly it was the pair of them had just signed their names to.
"What's going on Kyo-kun?" Tohru whispered from beside him once the lady had left.
"I think we just got dragged into the middle of some sort of feudal re-enactment, but I'm not sure." He was fairly certain this was some sort of re-enactment at least. The papers were likely just permission to be included.
Tohru let out an excited gasp. "Like a play? Oh, how exciting!"
Of course she would think so, Kyo thought with a smile before the priest at the altar drew everyone's attention by hitting the large gong beside him. The crowds fell silent as the ring resonated across the shrine, dying out by the second.
"Welcome one and all. Now that we have enough willing participants, let's get this going shall we. I'm sure our couples are eager to get this over and done with."
There was a low chuckle of agreement from the crowds.
"Alright, if you could all hold your partners hands in front of you, then we'll begin."
Tohru and Kyo did as they were told, facing each other and holding hands as the priest went through the ceremony step by step. The re-enactment was pretty simple Kyo thought as they followed along with the other couples.
There was some sake ritual that he didn't quite understand, and the recitation of a prayer, but it wasn't until a shrine maiden appeared with paper rings that Kyo figured out just what ceremony they were re-enacting for the crowds.
He felt his cheeks heat up instantly, but if Tohru caught onto the same thing, she didn't seem to show it. She just seemed blissfully happy at being able to partake in something where she didn't have to be a mean stepsister.
With the priest's speech over, the crowd erupted into cheers of joy and cherry blossom petals were flung into the air, hanging like pink crystals in the sky before showering down around everyone in the shrine.
"Oh, I think we're done," Tohru said as the other couples embraced around them. "That was so fun!" she smiled.
"Congratulations you two, I hope you live long happy lives together," the lady beside them said, handing over the two rings for the pair of them to do with as they pleased before shuffling away.
"Um … thank you?" Tohru said, accepting them with a warm smile. "Kyo-kun, look at how pretty these are, and we both get one too!"
"Uh … yeah," Kyo replied, his cheeks still burning.
"Oh goodness, you two really do look so wonderful together," someone cooed from behind him and Kyo turned to see the shrine maiden he had spoken to outside. "How romantic that your wedding anniversary will fall on the first day of spring forevermore!"
"Our wedding anniversary?" Tohru said looking as lost as Kyo felt. A sudden air of panic overcame him, and the blood rushed to his ears as he finally caught onto the woman's words.
"Those were … real wedding vows?"
"Of course. We may do on the spot weddings, but they are perfectly legal and binding," the woman said happily before pausing in thought. "Wait … you did know that right? I mean, the papers you signed clearly said-"
"Yeah, yeah, of course we did," Kyo said hurriedly, lying through the grimace that threatened to overtake his face. He turned towards Tohru who was doing a significantly worse job of hiding her own panic.
"Definitely. Of course we did. How silly would it be if we thought it was just pretend the whole time," Tohru babbled, that nervous laugh of hers resurfacing. She likely would have continued to talk, but Kyo squeezed her hand firmly and her panic seemed to subside a little.
"Oh good, I thought we'd done something terrible there for a second. Becoming husband and wife is nerve wracking yet exciting adventure so you have nothing to be worried about. I must go and congratulate the others before they leave, but I shall leave you with these papers to fill in and send off should you need them."
"Papers for what?" Kyo asked a little suspiciously. They'd already accidentally signed themselves into becoming life partners with the last papers someone handed them, was this one to take their souls hostage too?
"There's your marriage certificate and the paperwork to legally change your names should you require it. We only hold a marriage license at the shrine, so that extra work will fall to you unfortunately. Good luck to you both on your new journey, although from the way you look at each other I hardly think you need it."
The lady inclined her head politely before shuffling away, leaving Kyo and Tohru alone in the middle of the shrine. Kyo took a deep breath as he took a moment to take in everything the woman had just said, his fingers tightening around the scroll of paper she'd handed him.
"Um … Kyo-kun?"
He glanced down to see Tohru watching him curiously.
"Yeah Tohru?
"We're … really … married?"
"We are," he replied quietly, careful not to let any inflection colour his words. They had never spoken about marriage in so many words, so he had no idea how she would react to the news or what she would be feeling in that moment.
Probably confused like he was, but Kyo also found a little kernel of happiness inside of him too at the thought of knowing he was tied to Tohru in a significant way.
"We're married," Tohru repeated a little more assuredly this time, the small smile on her face widening by the second. "Kyo-kun, we're really married!"
This time Tohru rushed forward, clinging to the lapels of his shirt as she pressed herself closer to him with a beaming grin on her face. Her closeness was all he needed for the kernel to pop, and suddenly Kyo's own grin matched hers as the happiness puffed up inside him.
"I know, I can't believe it." Her face dropped a little at his words and he felt the need to clarify immediately. "Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy. I always wanted-" Kyo cut himself off a little embarrassed as Tohru watched him curiously.
"You did?"
"Of course … eventually at least. Did you?"
"I really did," she said, her voice soft and sincere.
His arms were around her in an instant as he kissed her gently, smiling against her lips as she struggled to keep from giggling. "I'm actually going to get to call you my wife," he whispered, running a reverent hand through her hair.
As much as he wanted the moment to last, it didn't take long for reality to come crashing down around him and Kyo's bliss turned to dread in the blink of an eye. He groaned incoherently, releasing Tohru in favour of grabbing his knees with his hands.
"Kyo-kun, are you okay!?" Tohru said worriedly, placing a comforting hand against his shoulder. "Kyo-kun? Oh no, is this too much at once? Oh no. It's okay, I'm sure we can fix this. We'll tell them it was a mistake and-"
Kyo stood and pulled Tohru into his chest to silence her, holding her in a loving caress to keep her from jumping from one wrong conclusion to the next.
"You could never be a mistake Tohru. I couldn't be happier that we're husband and wife, however it happened but … it's just … Master is going to kill me for not inviting him to my wedding!"
Tohru squeaked in alarm as Kyo's words shattered her little bubble of happiness. "Oh no, he'll be so upset. What are we going to do? This is terrible. This is really bad"
"I know, I'm such a terrible son. What if he doesn't-" He stopped as Tohru's finger pressed against his lip.
"Don't say that Kyo-kun. Master would never think that of you. He's kind and he loves you so much. This was just a simple mistake. He'll understand, I just know he will.
"Yeah maybe but … oh god," Kyo said, suddenly looking more alarmed than even before as the faces of Arisa Uotani and Saki Hanajima came to the forefront of his mind. "Those two…" He shuddered violently, unable to finish his thought.
"Oh, Uo-chan and Hana-chan," Tohru said as she caught on to his line of thinking, her nervous laugh bursting through. "This really is bad Kyo-kun."
... xxx ...
thanks for reading! come join us and talk kyoru on discord, invite in replies <3
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melacka · 4 years
Lift + Hush (lizzington) 😢
‘i love you prompts’
Hey! Thanks for this! Sorry it’s taken me a few days to get to it, I wanted to go in one direction but then the story decided to go in an entirely different direction, entirely without my consent!
You can read it on AO3 here or keep reading below.
Title: Playing Favourites by Melacka
Summary: Liz had been looking forward to this all day: a delicious dinner and an evening with her two favourite people. Red's just happy to be included.Established Lizzington.
Liz pushed open the door to the apartment, grateful to finally be home. It had been a nightmare of a day and she was looking forward to a quiet night in with her family. She dropped her bag heavily on the floor and smiled as she heard the determined footsteps of her daughter stampeding towards her.
“I’m home!” she called out, quite unnecessarily, as Agnes barrelled towards her.
“Lizzy!” Red called from the kitchen. “What a pleasant surprise!”
“Surprise?” she echoed, picking Agnes up and hugging her tightly. “That’s one for the books, I can’t remember the last time I managed to surprise you!”
“Don’t underestimate yourself, Elizabeth. You still have the ability to surprise me in some entirely pleasant ways.”
Something in his tone and the way he looked at her made her blush hotly, her mind going in some very unhelpful directions.
“That’s a relief,” she said, slightly breathlessly. “What’s for dinner?”
“Agnes and I have made some pasta,” Red said proudly, and Agnes nodded vigorously. “I hope you’re hungry.”
“Starved,” Liz replied. “I didn’t get to eat lunch today.”
“Elizabeth,” Red admonished.
“That’s not good for you, Mama,” Agnes agreed seriously.
“Oh, really?” Liz asked, laughing. “Is this your doing, Raymond?”
“Someone has to teach her about the importance of eating regular meals,” he said smugly.
“Well thank goodness there’s someone responsible in this family, right Agnes?” Liz lifted Agnes above her head and jiggled her playfully. “But enough of this! I’ve been looking forward to this all day!” Agnes giggled delightedly and Liz pressed a kiss to her cheek. “A delicious dinner and an evening with my two very favourite people.” Liz pressed a kiss to Red’s cheek as well, and then nearly lost her grip on Agnes as she leaned over to do the same. “Don’t look so shocked, Raymond,” she said teasingly. “We all know Agnes is my absolute favourite. It’s not so bad to come in second place.”
“I’m just happy to be included, Elizabeth,” he replied quietly.
She glanced at him, surprised by his serious tone. She put Agnes down and gently pushed her in the direction of her toys.
“Go play, baby. Mama needs to talk to Raymond.”
Agnes ran off happily and Liz turned to face Red. He busied himself at the stove and pretended not to notice that she was staring fixedly at him.
“This pasta is going to be delicious.”
“Agnes really has a knack in the kitchen, you know. It’s quite remarkable, considering.”
“Raymond, look at me, please.”
“Dinner will be ready in a few minutes,” he said loudly, still not looking at her. “Why don’t you go wash up while I finish in here?”
“Don’t dismiss me, Raymond,” Liz said tiredly, sidling up behind him and leaning her head against his shoulder.
“I’m not dismissing you, Lizzy.”
“Could’ve fooled me.” Liz slid her hands around his middle and tucked them into the front pocket of his apron, playfully trapping him in place. “You wanna tell me about it?”
“There’s nothing to tell.”
“I don’t lie to you, Lizzy,” he murmured, hands still busily stirring the pot on the stove.
“I didn’t mean anything by it, Lizzy,” he interrupted her, switching the stove off and gently extracting himself from her embrace. “Think no more of it.”
He moved confidently around the kitchen, getting out plates, cutlery and glasses for their meal and ignoring her completely.
“Agnes!” Liz called out, still watching him through narrowed eyes. “Stop playing, baby, it’s time to get you ready for dinner. Wash your hands, please.”
“Okay, Mama,” Agnes called back, noisily dropping her toys and running for the bathroom.
“She must be hungry,” Red said with a smile. “She’s not usually so compliant.”
“This isn’t over, Raymond,” Liz warned him as she followed Agnes into the bathroom.
“Non-compliance is something of a family trait,” he muttered as he set the table.
Liz watched Red throughout dinner. She only half listened to Agnes’ happy chatter about her trip to the park with the babysitter, inserting the appropriate responses as required. After the meal, she tried to get him to talk to her, but he shooed her away again, aided this time by a very determined Agnes dragging her off to play with the new doll Red had given her.
Hours later, with the kitchen clean and Agnes freshly washed and put to bed, she strolled back into the living room, studying Red as he sat in pensive silence, two glasses of wine on the table in front of him. He turned to her, offering a welcoming smile as she tucked herself next to him.
“Is she asleep?”
“Yes,” Liz sighed. “Five stories later, she’s finally asleep.”
Red hummed in sympathy and hugged her closer.
“Are we gong to talk about earlier?” Liz asked after a few minutes of companionable silence. “I haven’t forgotten what you said.”
He sighed and reached for his glass of wine, taking an uncharacteristically large sip.
“There’s nothing to discuss, Lizzy,” he said tiredly. “Can’t you just let it be?”
Liz raised an eyebrow at him in disbelief.
“We’ve met, right?” she said with a laugh. “I’m not going to let it be.”
When he still didn’t say anything, she gently took his glass from him and replaced it on the table, then threw a leg over him and settled herself comfortably in his lap.
“Raymond, please, talk to me,” Liz begged him, holding his head between her hands and trying to will him to open up. “Why did you say that earlier? Why did you say you were just happy to be included?”
“Because I am happy to be included,” he whispered, looking at her seriously. “There was a time, not so long ago, mind you, where I would not have been included in a list of your favourite people. A time where it was inconceivable that you would come home to me and be happy that I was there.”
“Red,” she gasped, tears springing to her eyes. “I don’t—”
“So yes, I am happy to be included in that list,” he continued, “because I treasure every moment you choose to give me. This time with you, with Agnes, it means everything to me.”
Liz was silent for a moment, unsure of how to proceed.
“Red, there’s nothing I can do about what’s gone,” Liz said eventually. “The past is what it is and thinking about all the different ways we’ve both hurt each other won’t change a damn thing.”
“Is that supposed to be comforting, Lizzy?”
“Comfort isn’t my strong suit,” she said apologetically. “But I will say this, there is nothing I want more than to share my life with you. Now.” She pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. “Tomorrow.” She kissed his forehead. “For as long as you’ll have me.” She hovered her lips above his. “Because I love you, Raymond, and you’re one of the best parts of my life.”
She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his, kissing him lazily and running her fingers lightly across his short hair. She pulled back and waited for him to open his eyes, smirking at his slightly glazed look.
“But if there’s anything I can do to convince you of my devotion,” she whispered, rolling her hips against his. “If there’s any way I can demonstrate my desire for you—”
He lunged forward, catching her off guard as he kissed her roughly. He tightened his arms around her and stood, lifting her easily. She let out a little noise of surprise and wrapped her legs around his waist. He backed her up against a wall and attached his lips to her neck, sucking at the skin there and making her moan. He gently extracted one of his hands and put it against her mouth.
“We have to be quiet, Lizzy,” he said warningly. “Do you think you can manage that?”
She nodded quickly.
“Are you sure? Because I seem to remember that you like it when I make you scream—”
She bit at his hand in retaliation, grinning when he removed it from her mouth.
“I can be quiet, Red,” she whispered. “You may find it difficult, though.”
“And why is that, Lizzy?”
“Because of what I’ve got planned for you.”
“Oh?” he said, clearly intrigued.
Liz nodded her head slowly, licking her lips.
“Oh, yes, Red. I’ve got so many plans, if you’re up for it.”
“I think I’m up to the challenge,” he said confidently.
Liz laughed quietly as he carried her to the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind them.
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cabiba · 4 years
Note- This content only presents overviews of hair loss prevention research for educational purposes and does not replace medical advice from a professional physician.
The best start to preventing hair loss is understanding the basics of hair: what it is, how it grows, what system malfunctions can cause it to stop growing.
Most common hair loss comes under what has been commonly known as Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). Although referred to as MPB, females suffer a similar syndrome, so it is more properly called androgenetic alopecia. Although hair loss is not life or health threatening, it can cause serious problems with a personâEUR(TM)s psyche and self-confidence. There has been no absolute cure found for hair loss, and many factors of hair loss are hereditary, however there are several preventative measures one can take to maintain healthy hair and scalp.
Although both men and women can suffer significant hair loss, over 50% of men will suffer with Male Pattern Baldness (MPB), also known as androgenetic alopecia, at some point in their lives. The reason behind hair loss is a genetically inherited sensitivity to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and 5-alpha-reductase. The enzyme 5-alpha-reductase converts testosterone, a male hormone, to DHT, the substance identified as the end-cause for hair loss.
Hair loss has been noticed and studied throughout the ages, and some interesting discoveries were made in ancient times. For one it was noticed that eunuchs: those males without genitals-never went bald. Men who were castrated as a result of accidents in battle also never went bald. This was the first indication that testosterone had something to do with hair loss. It has also been found that the more recessive the hair gene, the more propensity toward baldness one has.
Some common myths have arisen concerning hair loss. Because of medical advancements many of these myths are being addressed and corrected. For starters, although androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness is genetic and therefore can be hereditary, it is not passed down through only your motherâEUR(TM)s side of the family. Either side of the family can pass down the genetic disposition toward baldness. Also, contrary to old family tales, wearing hats does not cause baldness either.
Beyond the genetic propensity of certain people toward hair loss, there seems to be various dietary triggers that activate the process, a notion that is promising since this can be controlled.
The effects of high-fat diets and the increase of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), a chemical produced by the body found to cause hair loss, is not conclusive at this time. However, there does seem to be a connection; as societies that consumed relatively low-fat diets such as pre-World War II Japan experienced almost no pattern baldness, whereas in post-World War II Japan there is an increase in pattern baldness as their society consumes a higher fat diet. In fact, Asian and African men in their native countries traditionally suffer very little Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). Although when the same peoples come to North America, they begin to develop MPB.
Because people of all races and ethnicities tend to develop MPB or androgenetic alopecia, yet do not exhibit these tendencies before moving to America, changes in diet may be a leading contributing factor. Diets high in fat do increase testosterone, which is the main component in DHT. More research needs to be done on this topic to reach conclusive evidence, although it certainly could not hurt to lower oneâEUR(TM)s fat intake.
There are a number of foods and substances to avoid and limit the intake of. Substances such as alcohol, caffeine, sugar and nicotine can deplete the body of nutrients and raise adrenal levels, which will cause a chain reaction of producing more androgen and causing hair loss. High levels of saturated fat and cholesterol rich foods are also linked to increased DHT levels and their consumption should be limited. Additionally, common table salt has been linked to hair loss. And the average diet provides the recommended amount of sodium intake; therefore, salt should never be added to food. However, when using salt for seasoning during cooking, be sure to use salt with Iodine being that it is a nutrient that is vital to hair growth as well, unless you are a regular consumer of seafood, which contains high levels of Iodine.
Although hair loss can be caused by many other variables, lack of proper nutrition will assuredly cause hair loss in many people. Fortunately, adopting a proper diet that includes the proper nutrients can reverse hair loss caused by malnutrition. One thing for certain, regardless of whether your hair loss was caused by malnutrition or not, adopting a healthier diet will help the function of other areas of the body.
There are some methods that have been used that prevent hair loss on some people, in addition to the dietary improvements, there are some naturopathic remedy suggestions. Massage and aromatherapy have been used with some success. In minor cases of temporary hair loss, hair growth can be stimulated by massage, since blood and oxygen flow to the scalp must be healthy in order for hair to grow. A blend of six drops each of lavender and bay essential oils in a base of four ounces of either almond, soybean or sesame oil massaged into the scalp and allowed to sit for 20 minutes has been used by aroma therapists to stimulate the scalp. Once the mixture is in the scalp for 20 minutes, wash your hair and scalp with your normal shampoo mixed with three drops of bay essential oil. Massaging the scalp in general for a couple of minutes a day can stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles and in mild cases stimulate some hair growth. Of course, one must be careful to be gentle when massaging and not tug at the hair or use the fingernails when massaging the scalp. If one is concerned about fingernails getting in the way due to extra long fingernails, there are several options. One is a flat-handed massage, which while not as effective as the finger massage can provide some circulatory benefits and results.
There are several electric massagers on the market that have an attachment for scalp massaging as well. An oriental method called Qi Gong (pronounced Chi Kung) has been used to increase circulation to the scalp and face also. The fingers should be placed at the center of the skull base and then begin to tap approximately 30 times. Work your way outward toward the ears continuing to tap gently. After reaching the ears go back to the center of the skull a little higher up and work your way around to the ear region. Keep going up about eight levels, each time repeating the process.
There is a definite connection between the prostate and hair loss for men, and therefore a connection between breakthroughs in BPH treatments developed and their effectiveness in restoring hair growth. There have been some herbalists that have experimented with the herb Saw Palmetto in order to block the production of DHT in treating BPH. Although most studies of Saw Palmetto have been for the treatment of prostatic disease, more recent studies have been conducted on its effectiveness in treating loss. The herb has been found to work in fighting benign prostatic disease by lowering levels of DHT, which is a known cause of androgenetic alopecia. Studies have shown Saw Palmetto extract is an effective anti-androgen and therefore there is promise for its effectiveness as an effective treatment for hair loss prevention.
Rosemary and sage are two herbs that have shown benefit traditionally when used externally. It is suggested that to promote a clean scalp, stimulation of the hair root, and thickening hair one should boil together in water rosemary, sage, peach leaf, nettle and burdock. Then strain the loose herbs from the liquid and use the liquid to wash the hair daily. Also recommended is steeping one ounce of ground rosemary, two ounces of ground sage, and a half ounce of ground nettles in one pint of ethyl alcohol for a week, straining the solution and adding one ounce of castor oil and one ounce of water to the liquid. This is said to make a great hair lotion to apply at night before bed or just before shampooing.
Hair is a living protein, and as with any living part of our bodies we must be sure to maintain proper health to optimize our chances of maintaining a healthy head of hair. Proper nutrition is vital to maintaining healthy hair, since the hair is a living and growing part of the bodyâEUR(TM)s system. Viewing it in this manner can help us to treat our bodies different and raise expectations through proper care. A healthy balanced diet, occasionally with the help of vitamin and mineral supplements and exercise are all key components to a healthy regimen of maintaining healthy hair.
There is an obvious link to hair loss and prostatic health and this only increases the pace of hair loss discoveries. Most treatments for prostatic diseases such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) also have the pleasant side affect of growing hair on the heads of those taking it. With the pace of research and discoveries today, there is a great deal of optimism in the field of hair loss prevention and treatment. Hair is an important part of our dress and appearance, therefore a large part of our self-esteem. It is likely that there are answers for your situation presently or coming in the near future.
Remember, the restoration of hair growth is not an overnight process. The process takes time regardless of the method chosen. Be patient and follow as much of the advice given by professionals as possible. Keep in mind that the body is a system, and it is the abuse of this system by food intake and environmental causes that lead to most common hair loss.
Already suffering from hair loss? Get a free Hair Loss Analysis at [http://www.your-health-guide.com/freehairanalysis.php] to determine if you qualify for our Hair Restoration Package.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7520
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propheticfire · 4 years
(Viren & Soren & Claudia, modern AU) A Dragon Prince fic:
Traipsing through Disney isn’t exactly how Viren had planned to spend his birthday, but between work and school, this week was the only one that had fit into his and the kids’ schedules. It’s been a year since the divorce, and the kids are adjusting as best they can, but he’d wanted to do something to help take their minds off it. He’s tried so hard to enjoy himself too, but every part of him not covered by clothing has been sunburned more than once. He doesn’t think he’ll ever get the chlorine smell from the resort pool out of his hair. Parts of his body ache that he didn’t even know existed. His voice is hoarse, his head hurts, there are blisters on his heels, and if he has to hear “It’s A Small World” one more time he might just throw himself into the moat around Tom Sawyer island and let the riverboat run him over.
But the kids…
It’s day five, and somehow they still have just as much energy as day one. The joy that lights up their faces every morning as they enter the park has been worth every sore muscle and sleepless night. Soren has not stopped talking about Pirates of the Caribbean, running around their hotel room with his plastic sword and feathered hat, forcing Viren to hold Claudia “captive” so he can duel him to save her. “But I don’t have a sword,” Viren protested, the first time. And Soren came back with, “Pretend you’re a dark wizard, Dad! Use magic! You’re an evil pirate wizard!” Claudia, for her part, has insisted she’s capable of saving herself, and has assembled and disassembled her Haunted Mansion attic diorama kit twelve times already since yesterday, in varying ways. They’re a little disappointed they won’t get to go on Space Mountain again before they leave, but only a little. Because today…
…is Star Wars day.
If Viren had backpacks with leashes on them, he would have used them, because the kids are already trying to take off in different directions as they enter this part of the park.
“Dad! Lightsabers! I wanna get a lightsaber!”
“Look Daddy it’s Rey!”
“Dad I wanna fly the Millennium Falcon!”
“Daddy can we get some blue milk? Or some green milk? I want blue and green milk! Does that make turquoise milk? Do they have purple milk?”
As tired as he is, Viren can’t help but smile at their enthusiasm. “Questions, so many questions! Yes, we can look at the lightsabers. No, you are not gong to build your own. I will try to take you to meet Rey. Yes, Smuggler’s Run is on our to-do list. Yes, we will get some colored milk. I don’t think they have purple. Just don’t get too far ahead of me. There’s a lot to do and I want to make sure you stay close so we don’t waste time.”
Claudia is too excited about the milk, so that’s the first place they head, even though it’s on the opposite end of Star Wars land from where they are. Ah well. Viren can modify their itinerary a bit. They’ll just work their way back down to this end instead.
Or at least, that’s the first place they would have headed if both Soren and Claudia hadn’t gotten distracted by toys.
“Dad look! There’s the lightsabers! Can we see them? Please can we see them?”
“Is that a bantha? And a porg! And…I don’t know what that warty-looking one is but I want to pet it!”
They’re both tugging at his hands, so with a sigh he lets them lead him into the toy shop. Immediately they pull out of his grasp, Soren toward the lightsabers and blasters, and Claudia toward the stuffed creatures. He tries to grab their hands again, but they’re too fast.
“Kids! Wait! Stay togeth— Come back— Oh for goodness’ sake, Soren! Claudia don’t go too far!”
The shop isn’t that large, though, and he can just make out Claudia’s form on the other side of a kiosk, so he opts to trail after Soren. He’s the more likely one to run off or accidentally break something anyway.
After exploring the shop a bit, Soren runs up to him, a lightsaber in one hand and a blaster in the other. “Dad! Dad look! Now I can be a smuggler Jedi!” He brandishes them both with enthusiasm. “Can I get them?”
Viren tries to catch his son’s flailing arms. “You can be a smuggler or a Jedi. Not both. You have to pick one.”
Soren considers, then finally thrusts the lightsaber at his father. “This one.”
“Very good. Now go put the other one back and find your sister. I’m getting in line.”
The store had started filling with people as they shopped, and the checkout line is getting lengthy. He’ll have to hurry if they want to stay on schedule. He steps into the queue as Soren scampers off.
Soren reappears once with a stuffed warty toad-like creature. “Claudia wants this. We’re gonna go look at the blasters again, okay?”
“Okay, but you can still only get one—”
Soren is gone before he can finish the sentence.
Eventually, he reaches the front of the line. He pays for the items—how are these things that expensive?—and weaves through the people back to the lightsabers and blasters.
He doesn’t see his son. Or his daughter. He looks around the area again. They’re not there. Okay maybe they went back over by the stuffed animals.
They’re not there.
Maybe they went up to the register to find him.
They’re not there.
Maybe they’re somewhere else in the shop.
Not there.
Maybe they went outside to wait?
Not there.
They’re not there.
Where are his kids?
He takes a deep, slow breath, trying to quell the cold dread that’s quickly building in his stomach. They can’t have gone far. They obviously did. There’s only so many places they could be. They could be anywhere. Maybe they went to find an employee to help them. Maybe someone took them.
There are a couple other shops adjacent to the toy one. Viren walks through those. Checks every corner, every hiding place around and behind every kiosk and clothes rack. There’s still no sign of them.
Where are his kids?
Maybe they did go to the milk stand after all. Soren had asked for a map of the park, presumably to tape it up on his wall when they got home. Maybe Claudia had insisted and they’d gone on ahead. But if he goes there, and his kids come back to the toy shop, then he’ll miss them. But he can’t stand here and do nothing. He walks one last time through all the shops he’d checked. Still no sign of them.
Having made his decision, he takes a breath, and heads for the milk stand.
They’re not there either. And he hasn’t seen them on the streets, or in the line for Smuggler’s Run. That cold panic constricts his chest, weighs down his limbs. This is the last thing he needs. Four days at Disney and he’s held it together, and on the final day he loses his kids. How could this happen? How could he let this happen? He should have never let them out of his sight, he should have designated a meeting place for them here, he should have gotten the backpacks with leashes, he should just never have come—
“Excuse me, are you Lord Viren?”
He snaps his head around. The speaker is…an employee, he thinks. They’re dressed very Star Wars-y, but they have a nametag and an earpiece. “My name is Viren, yes.”
“Could you follow me, please?” the employee says. “Your children are waiting for you.”
Oh thank goodness.
“What? Where? You found them?”
The employee nods, and says something into the earpiece, then beckons him to follow. They lead him back through the Star Wars attraction, all the way back to almost where he’d first entered. There, talking happily with the actor playing Rey, are his kids. He nearly collapses with relief. They’re okay. They’re safe and they’re okay.
Soren notices him and waves. It’s all he can do to not run over and gather his son in his arms. Claudia sees him too, and tugs on Rey’s outfit. She crouches down so Claudia can whisper something in her ear, and smiles.
The employee who had led him here stops before them and announces, “Young Master Soren and Padawan Claudia, we have located the dark wizard Lord Viren, as you requested.”
Soren and Claudia clap. A few more employees gather closer. Something tugs at the back of Viren’s mind. It feels like there’s more going on here than it seems.
Rey stands up and approaches Viren, his kids in tow. “These very bold and thoughtful younglings sought me out to tell me that today is their father’s birthday. They love their father very much, and they wanted to surprise him with something nice.” She nudges the kids, and they run to the edge of the little half circle that’s formed around them, taking some things from the employees standing there. When they come back, Claudia is holding out a piece of chocolate cake, and Soren is holding up a shirt with Darth Vader’s silhouette on it, that reads “BEST DAD IN THE GALAXY”.
“A little Disney magic, from our family to yours,” Rey says, and then she nods at Claudia.
Claudia immediately bursts out into song. “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!” The gathering crowd quickly catches on. The third line is a garbled mess between “Lord Viren” and “Dad” and “Daddy”, but by the end, Viren is blushing hard and there are tears in his eyes. He kneels down and envelops his children in a hug.
“Please don’t ever run off like that again,” he says quietly, “I was so worried. But thank you.”
“We love you Daddy,” Claudia says.
“Yeah Dad,” Soren echoes. “We love you.”
“And I love you. Now, who’s ready for Smuggler’s Run? I think it’s almost our turn.”
The kids run back to Rey to say their goodbyes, and the actor hugs them both, before nodding in his direction, a genuinely delighted smile on her face.
“I do believe these younglings are safe in your care. Happy birthday, Lord Viren.”
(Also available on AO3)
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thebananatroll · 4 years
Chapter 1 (Part 4)
1-6. 1 猶記往事 . 故事 領鄭��發去食材店挑選乾貨, 心情舒暢的他打開話匣子,向我講了更多他與佛跳牆的往事-- 1-6. 1 猶記往事 . 故事 領鄭春發去食材店挑選乾貨, 心情舒暢的他打開話匣子,向我講了更多他與佛跳牆的往事-- 1-6. 1 Still remembering the past. Story Leading Zheng Chun Fa to select dried goods from the ingredients shop, he starts talking while in a happy mood, telling me even more about his past with Fo Tiao Qiang--
[ 鄭春發] [Player],謝謝您今天陪我來挑選食材﹗ [Player], xièxiè nín jīntiān péi wǒ lái tiāoxuǎn shícái﹗ [Player], thank you for choosing ingredients with me today!
[Player] 不過舉手之勞, 不必言謝﹗ Bùguò jǔshǒuzhīláo, bùbì yán xiè﹗ It’s merely the exertion of lifting one's hand, no need to say thanks!
[Player] 佛跳牆這道菜, 工序繁瑣, 用料複雜。 想要充分體現十幾種食材的口味與獨特性, 關鍵在於將食材分開單獨烹製。 Fútiàoqiáng zhè dào cài, gōngxù fánsuǒ, yòng liào fùzá. Xiǎng yào chōngfèn tǐxiàn shí jǐ zhǒng shícái de kǒuwèi yǔ dútè xìng, guānjiàn zàiyú jiāng shícái fēnkāi dāndú pēng zhì. In this dish of Fo Tiao Qiang, the process many and complicated, the materials used are complicated. To want to fully embody more than a dozen types of ingredients’s flavour and distinct essence, the key lies in cooking the ingredients separately.
[Player] 而後才能匯聚起來, 加入高湯和紹興酒, 以文火煨製至少十二個小時。 如此,方能成就佛跳牆那種深入骨髓的香醇。 Érhòu cáinéng huìjù qǐlái, jiārù gāotāng hé shàoxīngjiǔ, yǐ wénhuǒ wēi zhì zhìshǎo shí'èr gè xiǎoshí. Rúcǐ, fāng néng chéngjiù fútiàoqiáng nà zhǒng shēnrù gǔsuǐ de xiāngchún. Only then it can come together, add soup stock and Shao Xing wine, use small fire to simmer for at least twelve hours. In this way, only then it can achieve Fo Tiao Qiang’s kind of rich and mellow flavour that penetrates into the bone marrow.
[ 鄭春發] 沒想到您年紀輕輕, 竟對烹飪之事如此熟悉! 就連佛跳牆這種工序繁瑣的大菜都瞭若指掌啊! Méi xiǎngdào nín niánjì qīng qīng, jìng duì pēngrèn zhī shì rúcǐ shúxī! Jiù lián fútiàoqiáng zhè zhǒng gōngxù fánsuǒ de dàcài dōu liǎo ruò zhǐ zhǎng a! I didn’t expect for you being so young, yet so familiar in the ways of cooking! To be familiar with the many complicated procedures of such a great dish like Fo Tiao Qiang like the back of your hand!
[ 鄭春發] 而且我看您的手…… 也是佈滿了燙傷和刀傷的痕跡﹐ 真是可惜了這一雙本應該細嫩的巧手了‥﹒ Érqiě wǒ kàn nín de shǒu…… yěshì bù mǎnle tàngshāng hé dāo shāng de hénjī﹐ zhēnshi kěxíle zhè yī shuāng běn yìng gāi xìnèn de qiǎo shǒule‥﹒ And I see your hands... They are even covered with traces of burns and knife wounds, this poor pair of worned out hands that must have once been delicate ‥﹒
[Player] 我才幾歲的時候, 就已經抬著腳凳站到灶台前學烹飪了。 Wǒ cái jǐ suì de shíhòu, jiù yǐjīng táizhe jiǎo dèng zhàn dào zào tái qián xué pēngrènle. When I was only a few years old, I would already be carrying over a footstool to stand in front of the stove to learn how to cooking.
[Player] 第一次被燙傷的時候, 我哭了好久好久, 幸虧餃子....幸虧我的家人之中有醫術高超的醫師及時為我處理傷勢。 Dì yī cì bèi tàngshāng de shíhòu, wǒ kūle hǎojiǔ hǎojiǔ, xìngkuī jiǎozi.... Xìngkuī wǒ de jiārén zhī zhōng yǒu yīshù gāochāo de yīshī jíshí wèi wǒ chǔlǐ shāngshì. The first time I burned my hand, I cried for a long time, fortunately Jiao Zi ... Fortunately there’s a superb doctor in my family that took care of my injury in time.
[Player] 醫師一邊為我處理傷口, 哥哥們一邊抱著我哄我開心。 弟弟們圍在我的腳邊替我著急, 其中還冑跟著我一起哭的…… Yīshī yībiān wèi wǒ chǔlǐ shāngkǒu, gēgēmen yībiān bàozhe wǒ hōng wǒ kāixīn. Dìdìmen wéi zài wǒ de jiǎo biān tì wǒ zhāojí, qízhōng hái zhòu gēnzhe wǒ yīqǐ kū de…… At the same time the doctor treated the my wound, and the older brothers hugged me as well to comfort me. My little brothers were anxious for me while surrounding my feet, and some of them cried with me ......
[ 鄭春發] 原來您來自一個溫暖的大家庭呀, 怪不得您性情如此開朗樂觀。 我就不一樣了,  我很笨拙, 常常把事情搞砸…… Yuánlái nín láizì yīgè wēnnuǎn de dà jiātíng ya, guàibùdé nín xìngqíng rúcǐ kāilǎng lèguān. Wǒ jiù bù yīyàngle,  wǒ hěn bènzhuō, chángcháng bǎ shìqíng gǎo zá…… So it turns out you’re come from a warm family, no wonder you have a cheerful and optimistic nature. I'm different, I'm very clumsy, always making a mess of things ...
[ 鄭春發] 只有福公...他是第一個, 也是唯一一個對我如此信任的人! Zhǐyǒu fú gōng... Tā shì dì yīgè, yěshì wéiyī yī gè duì wǒ rúcǐ xìnrèn de rén! Only Fu Gong ... He is the first and the only person who have confidence in me!
[ 鄭春發] 福公曾說過, 這聚春苑遲早要交給我全權打理…… 雖然感激福公對我的信任有加, 但這可真是使不得! Fú gōng céng shuōguò, zhè jù chūn yuàn chízǎo yào jiāo gěi wǒ quánquán dǎ lǐ…… suīrán gǎnjī fú gōng duì wǒ de xìnrèn yǒu jiā, dàn zhè kě zhēnshi shǐ bu dé! Fu Gong once said this before, this Ju Chun Yuan will sooner or later be handed over to me to take care of ... Although I am grateful for Fu Gong's extreme trust in me, but this is too unacceptable!
[ 鄭春發] 我根本不敢想像沒有福公的聚春苑會是什麼摸樣... Wǒ gēnběn bù gǎn xiǎngxiàng méiyǒu fú gōng de jù chūn yuàn huì shì shénme mō yàng... I absolutely don’t dare to image what it would be like to have Ju Chun Yuan without Fu Gong....
[Narration] 很想告訴他, 按照現世記載, 即使沒有佛跳牆, 聚春苑也依然是屹立福州城百年不倒的大招牌…… Hěn xiǎng gàosù tā, ànzhào xiànshì jìzǎi, jíshǐ méiyǒu fútiàoqiáng, jù chūn yuàn yě yīrán shì yìlì fúzhōu chéng bǎinián bù dǎo de dà zhāopái…… I really want to tell him, that according to the records of this world, even if there’s no Fo Tiao Qiang, Ju Chun Yuan will still be a largely reputated business that will stands in Fuzhou City for a hundred years ...
[Player] ……對了! 關於挑選海產乾貨, 你有没有什麼心得經驗可以跟我分享呀? ……Duìle! Guānyú tiāoxuǎn hǎichǎn gānhuò, nǐ yǒu méiyǒu shé me xīndé jīngyàn kěyǐ gēn wǒ fēnxiǎng ya? … Right! About the selection of dried sea products, do you have any insights you could share with me?
[ 鄭春發] 您請過來, 看這鮑魚﹗ 香氣濃郁, 唇邊珠花完整, 肥厚圓潤, 透紅且有光澤, 乃是上品。 Nín qǐng guòlái, kàn zhè bàoyú﹗ xiāngqì nóngyù, chún biān zhū huā wánzhěng, féihòu yuánrùn, tòu hóng qiě yǒu guāngzé, nǎi shì shàngpǐn. Please come over here, look at this abalone! Rich aroma, bead-patterned lipping is intact, plump and round, rosy and glossy, it is top grade.
[ 鄭春發] 佛跳牆裡所用魚唇是海味八珍之一, 用鯊魚或其它大型魚的唇和皮加工成的一種海味‧‧‧‧‧‧ Fútiàoqiáng lǐ suǒyòng yú chún shì hǎiwèi bā zhēn zhī yī, yòng shāyú huò qítā dàxíng yú de chún hé pí jiāgōng chéng de yīzhǒng hǎiwèi‧‧‧‧‧ The fish lips used in Fo Tiao Qiang is one of the eight seafood delicacies, it is a kind of seafood processed from the lips and skin of sharks or other large fishes ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
[ 鄭春發] 這海參刺體粗壯, 說明年齡夠了。 手捏海參有彈性, 那麼泡發以後的海參也會有彈性…… Zhè hǎishēn cì tǐ cūzhuàng, shuōmíng niánlíng gòule. Shǒu niē hǎishēn yǒu tánxìng, nàme pào fā yǐhòu dì hǎishēn yě huì yǒu tánxìng…… This sea cucumber’s spiked body is thick and solid, indicating that it is old enough. There’s a spring when pressing the sea cucumber, and will still have that elasticity soaking...
[ 鄭春發] 瑤柱也是好貨, 您看, 它顆粒完整, 手感乾燥有香氣。 堅實飽滿, 肉質乾硬, 色澤金光…… Yáo zhù yěshì hǎo huò, nín kàn, tā kēlì wánzhěng, shǒugǎn gānzào yǒu xiāngqì. Jiānshí bǎomǎn, ròuzhì gān yìng, sèzé jīnguāng…… Scallop is also a good product, you see, this tiny round thing is intact, it feels dry and has a fragrance. Solid and full, the flesh is dry and hard, the color is bright gold ...
[Narration] 鄭春發教我挑選海產乾貨, 眉頭漸漸舒展。 他在選食材上相當有經驗, 看得出來他對佛跳牆這道菜與其所需食材的瞭解已相當深入... Zhèngchūnfā jiào wǒ tiāoxuǎn hǎichǎn gānhuò, méitóu jiànjiàn shūzhǎn. Tā zài xuǎn shícái shàng xiàng dāng yǒu jīngyàn, kàn dé chūlái tā duì fútiàoqiáng zhè dào cài yǔqí suǒ xū shícái de liǎojiě yǐ xiāngdāng shēnrù... Zheng Chun Fa taches me how to choose dry seafood, his brows gradually smooths out. He is quite experienced in the selection of ingredients, making it plain to see that he is thorough with the Fo Tiao Qiang dish and has a deep understand of the required ingredients ...
[Player] 福公子 ~ 小筍 ~ 我們回來啦﹗ Fú gōngzǐ ~ xiǎo sǔn ~ wǒmen huílái la﹗ Fu Gongzi ~ Xiao Sun ~ We're back!
[ 雞茸金絲筍] 才回來﹖ 我都已經把行裝收拾好了! 怎麼樣, 迅遠吧? As fast as lightning! Cái huílái﹖ wǒ dū yǐjīng bǎ xíngzhuāng shōushí hǎole! Zěnme yàng, xùn yuǎn ba? As fast as lightning! Just came back? I have already packed the luggages! How about it, wasn’t it fast? As fast as lightning!
[ 雞茸金絲筍] Look! 這套泳裝, 是我打算在海邊游泳、 曬太陽的時候穿的-- Look! Zhè tào yǒngzhuāng, shì wǒ dǎsuàn zài hǎibiān yóuyǒng, shài tàiyáng de shíhòu chuān de-- Look! This swimsuit, I plan on wearing it to go swimming at the beach, when it’s time for sunbathing-
[ 雞茸金絲筍] 這套禮服, 是我親手設計, 親手裁縫的孤品! 不管空桑什麼時候舉辦party, 本少爺都已經準備好了﹗ Zhè tào lǐfú, shì wǒ qīnshǒu shèjì, qīnshǒu cáiféng de gū pǐn! Bùguǎn kōng sāng shénme shíhòu jǔbàn party, běn shàoyé dōu yǐjīng zhǔnbèi hǎole﹗ This formal attire, is a one-of-a-kind, personally designed, personally tailored by me! No matter when Kong Sang holds a party, this young master is already prepared!
[ 雞茸金絲筍] 還有套睡衣, 柔順親膚, 穿上它, 保管一覺睡到天亮﹗ 我可是會認床的啊, 在陌生的地方睡覺我會失眠的。 Hái yǒu tào shuìyī, róushùn qīn fū, chuān shàng tā, bǎoguǎn yī jué shuì dào tiānliàng﹗ wǒ kěshì huì rèn chuáng de a, zài mòshēng dì dìfāng shuìjiào wǒ huì shīmián de. Furthermore the pajamas, gentle and agreeable to the skin, putting it on, guaranteed to sleep until daybreak! I’m bound to have difficulties sleeping, suffering from insomnia when sleeping at an unfamiliar place.
[Player] 小筍倒是真的神速…… Xiǎo sǔn dǎoshì zhēn de shénsù…… Xiao Sun is really fast ...
[Player] 看來....你很喜歡空桑嘛﹖ Kàn lái.... Nǐ hěn xǐhuān kōng sāng ma? It seems like... you really like Kong Sang?
[ 雞茸金絲筍] 我、 我只是去看一看﹗ 也沒說就要住下來了…… 要是那地方不符合本少爺的品味, 本少爺還是要走的! Wǒ, wǒ zhǐshì qù kàn yī kàn﹗ yě méi shuō jiù yào zhù xiàláile…… yàoshi nà dìfāng bù fúhé běn shàoyé de pǐnwèi, běn shàoyé háishì yào zǒu de! I, I’m just going to take a look! And didn’t say anything about stay here ... Even if that place does not fit this young master’s taste, this young master must still go!
[Player] 是是是, 一切以少爺您的需求為先! Shì shì shì, yīqiè yǐ shàoyé nín de xūqiú wèi xiān! Yes yes yes, everything according to young master’s demands shall be a priority!
[ 雞茸金絲筍] ……我還有些細碎物件沒收完, 不跟你廢話了﹗ ……Wǒ hái yǒuxiē xìsuì wùjiàn mòshōu wán, bù gēn nǐ fèihuàle … I still have some remaining items that have yet to pack, so no more exchanging nonsense with you!
[Player] 雞茸金絲筍轉身便回房收捨去了…… Jī rōng jīn sī sǔn zhuǎnshēn biàn huí fáng shōu shě qùle…… Jo Ring Jin Si Sun turns around and goes back to the building ...
[鵠羹] 少主﹖ 你一個人在這裡做什麼﹖ Shǎo zhǔ﹖ nǐ yīgèrén zài zhèlǐ zuò shénme﹖ Young Miss? What are you doing here alone?
[Player] 鵠羹你來啦? 我在檢查店家送來的貨物有沒有紕漏。 要是到了壽宴那日才發現貨物有問題可就麻煩了。 Hú gēng nǐ lái la? Wǒ zài jiǎnchá diànjiā sòng lái de huòwù yǒu méiyǒu pīlòu . Yàoshi dàole shòu yàn nà rì cái fāxiàn huòwù yǒu wèntí kě jiù máfanle. Hu Geng, you’re here? I'm just inspecting if the received goods from the proprietor had any careless mistakes. It would be troublesome if the goods were found to be defective on the day of the birthday banquet.
[鵠羹] 還是少主細心。 不過佛跳牆和雞茸金絲筍已經答應隨少主回空桑, 加之佛跳牆曾囑咐過, 壽宴由鄭春發全權負責。 Háishì shǎo zhǔ xìxīn. Bùguò fútiàoqiáng hé jī rōng jīn sī sǔn yǐjīng dāyìng suí shǎo zhǔ huí kōng sāng, jiāzhī fútiàoqiáng céng zhǔfùguò, shòu yàn yóu zhèngchūnfā quánquán fùzé. It is still Young Miss that is attentive. However, Fo Tiao Qiang and Ji Ring Jin Si Sun have agreed to follow Young Miss to return to Kong Sang, in addition to what Fo Tiao Qiang once said before, the birthday banquet is left for Zheng Chun Fa to take full control and responsibility.
[鵠羹] 少主大可不必如此操勞。 Shǎo zhǔ dà kě bùbì rúcǐ cāoláo. Young Miss need not have to work this hard.
[Player] 哎……或許是因為心裡有些內疚... Āi……huòxǔ shì yīn wéi xīnlǐ yǒuxiē nèijiù... Haa... perhaps it is because the heart is still somewhat guilty...
[Player] 畢竟我看鄭春發是真的十分依賴佛跳牆, 若他知道壽宴過後佛跳牆便要離開福州城... Bìjìng wǒ kàn zhèngchūnfā shì zhēn de shífēn yīlài fútiàoqiáng, ruò tā zhīdào shòu yàn guòhòu fútiàoqiáng biàn yào líkāi fúzhōu chéng... After all, I can see Zheng Chun Fa is really dependent on Fo Tiao Qiang . If he knows that Fo Tiao Qiang will leave Fu Zhou City after the birthday banquet...
[鵠羹] 佛跳牆這麼做, 自然是有他的道理。 Fútiàoqiáng zhème zuò, zìrán shì yǒu tā de dàolǐ. Fo Tiao Qiang doing things this way, naturally he has his reasons.
[鵠羹] 伊摯大人離開空桑, 並將空桑交托给少主, 或許也有相似的原因吧。 Yī zhì dàrén líkāi kōng sāng, bìng jiāng kōng sāng jiāo tuō gěi shǎo zhǔ, huòxǔ yěyǒu xiāngsì de yuányīn ba. Master Yi Zhi departing Kong Sang, and entrusting Kong Sang to Young Miss, maybe it is also for a similar reason.
[Player] 所以他現在還沒回空桑, 是希望我通過重重試煉、 克服種種困難、 得到新的成長嗎... Suǒyǐ tā xiànzài hái méi huí kōng sāng, shì xīwàng wǒ tōngguò chóngchóng shì liàn, kèfú zhǒngzhǒng kùnnán, dédào xīn de chéngzhǎng ma... So that’s why he hasn't returned to the Kong Sang, hoping for me to go through levels upon layers of refinement through fire, overcoming all kinds of tribulations, to grow mature...
[Narration] 回想起爹爹那副吊兒啷噹又寵妻成狂的模樣﹐ 無奈地搖了搖頭…… Huíxiǎng qǐ diēdiē nà fù diào er lāng dāng yòu chǒng qī chéng kuáng de múyàng﹐ wúnài de yáole yáotóu…… Thinking back of father’s style of being carefree and wildly pampering his wife, I helpessly shake my bowed head...
[Narration] 一桶乾貨突然從貨車上翻 了下來, 海產撒了一地...! Yī tǒng gānhuò túrán cóng huòchē shàng fānle xiàlái, hǎichǎn sāle yī dì...! A barrel of dry goods was suddenly flipped off the freight wagon, seafood scattering all over the place ...!
[餘腥蟹] (the fishy smelling crab enemy) ....!
[Player] 這裡怎會有食魘﹗ 鵠羹, 快制住它﹗ 不要讓他傷害店裡的客人﹗ Zhèlǐ zěn huì yǒu shí yǎn﹗ hú gēng, kuài zhì zhù tā ﹗ bùyào ràng tā shānghài diàn lǐ de kèrén﹗ How can there be a Food Nightmare here! Hu Geng, stop it quickly! Don't let him harm the customers in the shop!
[鵠羹] 是, 少主﹗ Shì, shǎo zhǔ﹗ Yes, Young Miss!
((Proceed to battle to move on)) 
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