#⋡☆《queue》—once in a blue moon
cosmicdreamt · 2 years
Blind Date Starter || @aegror
Yet another obnoxiously tall man has entered her life and Neff isn't sure if her immediate reaction wants to be a sigh or an exclamation of slight aggression - not towards him, but of the situation. And speaking of such...she gets the feeling this guy didn't actually come with the intention of aiming for a relationship.
Honestly, maybe that's better for her in the end. It'll be one less concern about her 'dates' intentions.
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"Hi! I'm Neff. Full disclosure I am awkward as hell and have no idea exactly how to go about this so.....yeah. Uhhh....I guess why don't we have a seat so we can get to know each other better?"
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th3e-m4ng0 · 2 months
damn that's one of the best megatrons i've ever drawn i think LMAO
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n0maku · 1 year
ANYWAY despite how I usually throw up a bunch of screenshots and such of undertale/deltarune news stuff when it comes out- I’m probably not doing that this time since I don’t really have anything to note/add to any of it haha There’s a lot in this Papyrus Q&A (and thus screenshots) and it is very lovely and charming! It’s nice to see those skeletons again. For those who haven’t looked through it and have interest, here’s the link to the Papyrus Q&A answers page
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cocomere · 1 year
I have a module from Xkit Rewritten that hides my own posts, and, uh
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this is my dash for like 4+ pages
damn I sure did reblog a lot, huh
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I've been on this website since at least 2013 and I still don't understand how tf to use it
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grauspitz · 1 year
i am once again deep in the tag of the jrpg that i just finished (chrono trigger) in hopes of finding literally anyone who's still active in the fandom (and also good art)
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boybandposter · 7 months
[One Shot: “Paint me the Moon“]
⤷𐙚 featuring: Larry Johnson 🤍
⤷𐙚 It’s your seventeenth birthday, and Larry wants to give you a gift ♡︎
⤷𐙚 word count: 1.6K
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A gentle plume of smoke spilled from your lips as you leaned further back into the couch. After a full day of partying with Ashley, Sal, and Larry, you four finally got to unwind at your apartment. Sadly, your parents were still gone due to business— promising to make up for it once they returned. Just another common occurrence, but you didn’t mind. It made it easier to have everyone over to just hang out anyways.
You took another drag of your blunt before speaking, “Being seventeen is great and all, but it’s just another year of high school.” You sighed and looked up at the ceiling with a lax smile. You heard Ash and Larry chuckle, and Larry crossed his legs over your lap.
“Just drop out, dumbass. You could always do pole dancing like you joke around abo—“ Larry couldn’t even finish his sentence before you threw a decorative pillow at his face.
“Come on, you know those are jokes. Kinda. Maybe.” You kept changing your words and passed the rest of your joint to Sal, who sat quietly on the ottoman. He was more talkative earlier, but it was getting late and it had been a long day.
As if on queue, Ashley stood from the floor and stretched, a small crack coming from her back. You hadn’t noticed, but she shot Sally a look as if indicating some secret message. “Well, I dunno about you guys, but I’m beat.” She talked as she picked up a bit of the mess, which wasn’t too much of a hassle. Sal stood up as well and ran his hair through his blue locks.
“Same, and I gotta feed Gizmo. When we stopped at my apartment my dad was out, so I can only assume he still is.” His voice was slightly muffled by his prosthetic as he spoke, and he trudged over to where you sat. Sal grabbed your hands and pulled you up into a tight hug. He wished you happy birthday for the millionth time, telling you how grateful he was for you and that he wanted you to trip and eat grass (you had shoved him earlier at the lake and he nearly did the same).
You laughed and pulled away from his arms and was quickly met by Ashley’s embrace, where she nearly squished the life from your frame, spouting quick words of ‘I love you so much’ and ‘happy birthday’. Ash planted a quick kiss on your cheek and looked at Larry, who still sat on the couch lazily. Soon after, it was just you and Larry at your apartment. It wasn’t uncommon by any means— almost every other time all four of you hung out, Larry stayed behind to keep you company. Or you two would simply hang out with each other when the other two were busy.
You nestled back to your spot on the couch and put your own legs above Larry this time, his large palm resting on top of your shin. You could’ve sworn that for a split second, Larry ran his thumb back and forth, but you had smoked a little so you ignored it. But what really threw you off was that he was just… staring. His brown eyes reached into your soul, at least that’s what it felt like. After what felt like an hour, he chuckled and leaned his head back against the headrest.
“Sorry I had spaced out, I was just thinking.”
“You? Think? I don’t think so.” Your laugh was cut short as he pinched your ankle, making you squeal and flinch. “Sorry, sorry! It was too good to pass up. And you definitely set yourself up for that one.”
Larry rolled his eyes and sighed with a soft smile on his face. He almost looked ethereal in the dimly lit room, and you had to shake yourself mentally to avoid staring… again. “I was going to give you a little something for your big day, but maybe you don’t want it after all.” He admitted with a shrug and a simple tilt of his head.
“What?! C’mon, now I’m curious! You never give gifts, so please? I’ll be super nice this time!” You pleaded with him, but the grin on your face contradicted your words. Your hands mimicked a praying motion as you sat up on the couch. your mind raced with thoughts and ideas of what he could’ve brought. Whatever it was, you were bound to cherish it forever and you knew you were going to write this moment down in your journal later.
Larry stood up from the cushions and pulled his long hair into a loose bun that hung at the nape of his neck. “You better behave then. And close your eyes, y/n. Wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise, would we now?”
You immediately complied and placed your hands over your eyes. All you could do was listen as he shuffled around the room, but you knew it was pointless. A comfortable silence filled the room, until Larry broke it with a heavy exhale. “Alright, I guess you can take a look now.”
“You guess? What do you…” You trailed off as you removed your hands, ad you were met face-to-face with the most gorgeous portrait of yourself. Your eyes scanned and admired every minuscule detail, from the way your hair had clung to your skin to the wrinkles of your smile. Not a single word escaped your tongue.
Tears slowly trailed down your cheeks unbeknownst to you as you turned to Larry, who looked anxious to his core. His hands opened and closed as he waited for something, anything— He wanted you to hurry and tell him that you hated it, or that he got your face wrong. God, this was making his heart pound like crazy.
Your voice broke him out of his thoughts, his eyes snapping upwards to meet your gaze.
“Larry… it’s beautiful. I— God, I don’t even know what to say, I…” Your eyes flickered between the painting and the man in front of you.
Larry rubbed the back of his neck and shoved his other hand in his pocket. “Maybe a thank you would work for now?” He chuckled breathlessly and a weight was immediately lifted off his shoulders. But for him, he had one more thing planned out for you. A laugh escaped from your mouth as you wiped the salty tears from your cheeks, shaking your head to try and collect yourself.
Before Larry could even make up a shitty excuse, you were wrapping your arms around his neck in a warm embrace. His brain stopped for a moment, any witty comments flying from his thoughts. Without too much waiting, you felt his arms slide around your waist. “I’m glad you like it y/n. I was actually pretty fucking nervous to give it to you.” Larry chuckled in your ear and pulled away just enough to see your face.
You quirked your eyebrow and cocked your head to the side in confusion. Normally Larry wouldn’t have any problem showing you his work. Every time he finished a piece he would invite you over to see it. “Why would you be nervous about it? It’s one of the most beautiful paintings I’ve ever seen from you.” You questioned him innocently, the evident curious tone taking place in your voice.
Larry’s gaze flickered away from yours for a brief moment, “That’s where the second part of my ‘gift’ comes in. That’s really the reason I’m nervous.” He explained with a deep exhale. You couldn’t help but notice how tense he suddenly felt.
“Y/n…. I know I’m not the best person around, that much is obvious. But… can I be your boyfriend?” His cheeks flared pink at his quickly spoken question. Both of you sat in a shocked silence but what else were you supposed to do?
Larry couldn’t believe he had actually worked up the guts to ask, and you? You yet again found yourself staring at him with a slacked jaw. Your own cheeks burnt, but you couldn’t focus on anything except the fact that he asked to be your boyfriend. Emotions ran through your body, but the most prominent of them was the sheer and utter joy of it all. You couldn’t remember a time when you didn’t have a crush on Larry, but you always thought it was a hopeless case. But everything is different now. “Are you being serious? Like, this isn’t a joke?”
Larry simply shook his head with a sheepish look plastered on his slender face. Were you that repulsed by the idea of dating him?
You shrieked and found yourself hugging him so hard that he nearly stumbled backward onto the couch. Larry was too shocked to even say anything but managed to hold your waist as his mind short-circuited. “Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Oh my God, I can’t believe this is happening right now!” You giggled and bounced on your toes, your hold on his body never once loosening. Every other gift paled in comparison (except for the painting, which was the second favorite) to his words. “Fuck, I could kiss you right now!” Your eyes widened at your own words and you blankly gazed at him to await his reaction.
Larry’s hands ghosted over your arms, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. They stopped to cup your face, his own crooked-tooth smile sending butterflies straight to your stomach. “Well, I am your boyfriend now. Go crazy. Please.” Larry whispered the last word and you couldn’t even stop yourself from kissing him senseless.
⤷𐙚 author’s note: PLEASE I actually love Larry so much it makes my head hurt. I was going to make it a little longer but it didn’t happen🗿
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yeehaw4yoongi · 2 years
Iced Americano | JJK
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Pairing: jk x barista female reader
Rating: 18+ | minors dni | nsfw
Word Count: 5.9k
Warnings: drinking alcohol, kissing, some swearing, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, fingering, mentions of cum, titty play, mentions of food/eating, mentions of milk (but literally just milk nothing nasty is being done with the milk), shower sex, dom-ish jk
Genre: fluff, smut, non-idol au, strangers to lovers, some angst
Summary: You wake up thinking today would be like any other day but you were wrong.
A/N: Hi tumblr! This is my first stab at writing any kind of fanfic. I'm new to all the warnings, categories, and abbreviations so please bear with me. Thinking about doing a part 2 since I feel like there is so much build up in this half, so if you enjoyed it, please comment, reblog, and like!
Today started like most of your days do. The alarm yanks you out of your slumber at 4:30AM and you drag yourself to the shower. You have about half an hour to get to the bus so you can make it to work at 6:00AM. You sprint to your stop and make it just as the bus pulls up. You won’t be late today.
As you ride down the dark city streets you make a list of everything that needs to be done to open the cafe by 7:00AM. You take inventory of everyone out and about already hard at work. Street sweepers and stall keepers mill around setting the scene for the world that has yet to wake. Despite the start time, you love the opening shift. It’s where humans on different paths cross as night transitions into the morning. Party people with pupils the size of the moon and 9 to 5’ers alike find themselves convening in the queue for coffee. The day goes by as usual. Taking orders, making light conversation, steaming milk, and cleaning up empty cups make the morning go by quickly, and before you know it’s nearly time for the shift change. By now the freshness of the morning ceases to exist. You’re covered in coffee grounds and sweat has taken its toll on your makeup. You switch out the till drawer and head to the office to count the morning’s takings. Once you finish, you collect your bag and head back into the bustling cafe. It’s a small space so you weave your way through the crowded shop. You stop by the counter on your way out to bid your workmate adieu and that’s when you notice him. 
His tall slender frame leans against the counter as he orders an iced americano. He reaches for his wallet and you notice the tattoos on his hands. You don’t allow yourself to keep looking. Instead, you push passed him and the other people queuing and head for the door. One of your workmates shouts behind you “see you tomorrow!” and as you turn around to wave you meet eyes with Iced Americano. For a split second, your heart plummets into your stomach. He looks down at his phone and you’re released from his grip. He seems unfazed but the depth of his glance has shaken you. Walking down the street toward the bus you brush off the interaction. This city is full of attractive people. You serve them every day. What made him different? 
“Never mind,” you tell yourself as you climb the steps to the top deck of the bus. You have errands to run and a friend’s birthday dinner to go to tonight. As the afternoon wanes you forget about Iced Americano and go about getting ready for the evening’s festivities. You make your best effort. The restaurant you’re going to for the party is one of the nicest Italian places in town and you want to look the part.
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The city sparkles as you make your way through town in the cold. You see the restaurant down the road. The warmth practically flows out of the windows. As you enter, you’re met with a scene of beauty. Peach-colored light is defused through sheer fabric dressed around each of the fixtures that hang from the ceiling. They reflect off of the polished brass glass rack hanging above the marble-top bar and bathe the marble walls in a rose gold hue. Vintage mirrors hang above a row of pale blue booth seats that run parallel to the bar and give way to the dining room. You stand at the door and take it all in. Scanning the dining room you realize you’re the first of your group to arrive. The maitre d’ pulls out one of the plush mint green bar stools and motions for you to take a seat. You order yourself a glass of wine and pass the time looking through your phone. As you wait, the bar fills up around you. Your phone buzzes and it’s your friend saying they’re nearly there. You motion to the bartender to close out your tab. He places the bill on the bar. When you look down you see something familiar out of the corner of your eye- a tattoo and more importantly the hand it belongs to. How long had Iced Americano been there?  Your eyes never leave the tray the receipt is on as you slide it towards you. That’s when you hear his voice. “What wine are you drinking?” You mess up your signature but decide there’s no way he was talking to you and so you push the tray back toward the bartender and place your card back in your wallet. It’s when you get up to tell the maitre d’ your group has almost arrived that you meet Iced Americano’s gaze. Turns out he was talking to you. He looks at you with an inquisitive brow as he awaits your response. 
“I, I uh, it’s the Cabernet” you manage to blurt out through your shock. The bartender nods at Iced Americano and he orders the Cabernet. “Thank you,” he says with a wide smile. You stand there looking up at him for what was probably only 2 seconds but feels like much longer. Just then your friends swan in and swallow you up in their hugs and kisses of greeting. You look back at Iced Americano and smile and give him a small wave as you head to your table. 
Your seat at the table faces one of the mirrors hung on the walls. You and your friends order two bottles of wine and some small plates to start. You’re wrapped up in the comfort of their company. Everyone is sharing the highlights of their day and listening as the birthday girl lists off all of the presents she’s gotten. As the server brings the wine and serves a sample to your friend you look up into the mirror. Sitting at the table directly behind you is Iced Americano with two others. His seat at the table gives you a clear view of his face in the mirror’s reflection. You try your best to stay engaged in the conversation happening at your table but the image in the mirror pulls your gaze back to it. His face is kind and his eyes are soft and doe-like. The curve of his jaw is sharp. Even through the vintage mirror, you can tell his bone structure resembles that of a statue. You’ve lost yourself in his image and he must have felt you staring because his eyes look up to meet yours. You’re rendered breathless but you don’t divert your eyes. The server pours your glass of wine and you refocus on the table. 
Several food courses and drinks go by before the bill inevitably arrives. Your party wraps up and as you collect your things to leave you steal another glance at Iced Americano in the mirror hoping it won’t be the last. You make your way out with your group and wait with them as each of their cabs arrive. Standing alone on the sidewalk outside of the restaurant you watch your Uber get closer and closer to picking you up but you’re not ready to go home yet. You look behind you through the restaurant window and see Iced Americano sitting at the bar. You decide to throw caution to the wind and cancel the Uber.
The liquid courage running through your veins makes it easy, a little too easy, to take the seat directly next to the man that has captured your attention. You don’t say anything to him as the weight of your decision begins to hit you. It’s too late now, and when the bartender asks what you would like you say, “He and I will have an espresso martini,” and motion to Iced Americano sitting next to you. He looks at you with a surprised look and you grin. “Did you order that for me?” he asks with a chuckle. You nod. “What’s your name?” you ask. He responds, “My name is Jungkook. It’s nice to meet you.”
You sit at the bar nursing your drinks and talking. He’s in town working for a couple of days. You mention being a barista but don’t mention where. You talk about traveling and the places you’ve been, comparing notes on cities you’ve both visited. He is incredibly well-traveled and regales you with stories about his time spent on the road. As you chat the restaurant starts closing down. Eventually, the bartender makes the last call and Jungkook asks if you’d like to take a bottle of wine to go. The idea sends a tingle up your spine. You initially thought the espresso martini would be the nightcap but your shift doesn’t start until the afternoon the next day, and why wouldn’t you get a bottle of wine to go? You answer him, “I’d love to. I know a place we can go with it.”
When you step outside the cold air hits your lungs and the warm blur from inside the restaurant sharpens. You are greeted by the sounds of cabs passing by and people chatting and laughing as they make their way to the train station. The city lights shine and wrap you up. You feel safe under them. The libations from dinner and the impromptu nightcap make your mind feel light and optimistic like anything could happen. As though somehow this moment is the beginning of your life. 
You start walking down the road and turn to see if Jungkook is following you. He’s still standing at the door holding the wine and thanking the staff for a wonderful meal and exquisite service. Waiting for him a few paces along the sidewalk you take the opportunity to admire his whole form. He’s tall with broad strong shoulders. His turtleneck hugs his arms and chest and his slacks are perfectly tailored - a statue. As he walks toward you he asks, “Where do we go next?”
The two of you make your way through town passing the theatre district down to the river. You find a bench along the bank and take a seat to watch boats pass while lights on the other side twinkle in the background. He had the forethought to ask the bartender to uncork the wine but you both forgot cups. He playfully pulls the cork and takes a swig straight from the bottle and then hands it to you. It’s cold out but you don’t feel it. Maybe it’s the wine? Maybe it’s him? Either way, you never feel uncomfortable. You talk with him about what brought you to the city and how you love being there. He listens intently and seems to hang on to your every word. Time flies as you take turns drinking the wine and before you know it, the bottle is empty. You sit there with him in the dark a bit longer looking out over the water. The silence between you is pleasant. You can feel his arm up against yours and you fight the urge to take his hand at that moment.  
He looks at his phone and breaks the silence, “Let’s walk back to where I’m staying and I can get you a cab back home.” By now, you know that even if you didn’t desperately want to walk him home, you’ve had so much wine that there’s no way you can get into a vehicle without walking it off a bit. As you stroll up to the beautiful historic hotel, you see there’s a town car parked in the front. “This is for you,” Jungkook says with a smile and motions to the car. Going home is the last thing you want to do but you don’t want to force anything. You thank him for the ride and tell him you hope he has a great remainder of his stay in town. As you turn toward the car, Jungkook takes your hand in his and pulls you toward him into a hug. You breathe him in and he smells like clean fresh laundry. “Thank you for showing me around,” he says releasing you, “I had a great time.” You go to respond but don’t get the chance. He leans in and gives you a gentle kiss on the lips. “I’ll see you around,” he whispers in your ear with a sly smile and you stand there stunned. He notices that you’ve been caught off guard and walks to the side of the car and opens the door. That’s your cue. You get into the backseat and he closes the door behind you, giving a small wave as the car pulls away from the hotel. 
Your whole body buzzes as you ride through the city. When you get home you realize you never exchanged numbers. As you sink into bed you replay the events of the evening in your mind. Every look, every word, every brush of his arm against yours. The kiss cycles over and over. Even if it was just tonight, it was worth it. 
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The next day you have a slow morning. By some miracle, you aren’t hungover but the booze has made you feel sluggish. You think about Jungkook as you get ready for work that afternoon and while heading to the bus stop. You think about him as you ride through town and as you walk to the cafe. You can’t shake him and you don’t want to. Deep down you tell yourself not to get your hopes up. What are the chances of you seeing him again? Despite you trying to manage your expectations, you watch the cafe door your entire shift hoping he’ll appear there. Patron after patron comes in. No Jungkook. Finally, you give up hope that he’ll come in but that doesn’t stop you from thinking about the night before. You spend the rest of the shift on autopilot, stuck in your endless daydream. You close up the shop and head back home. You have to open up the next day and can’t afford another late night. Riding the bus, your mind drifts to last night. It remembers the feeling of his arms wrapped around you. It remembers the feeling of his lips pushed against yours and the feeling of his breath on your ear. 
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Once again, your alarm startles you awake at 4:30AM. Another day, another shift. You’ve accepted the idea that your evening with Jungkook was only a brief encounter and one of the many perks of living in the city. You never know who you’ll meet and what will happen. The memory will live fondly in the back of your mind for a while until time inevitably reduces it to a blip on the timeline of your life. The shift goes by as normal and you greet and serve the first arrivals into the shop. The morning is peppered with the regular corporate types and rave stragglers. You spend your time chatting, catching up with them, and listening to what they have planned for the rest of their day. As the lunch rush starts to pick up, the queue for service extends to just outside of the door. You’re nearing the end of your shift but there’s still a lot to do, so you move from the till to behind the coffee machine to help your workmate with the influx of coffee orders flooding in. 
As you steam the milk at the end of the counter, you grow tired and the awareness of what’s happening around you disappears. It’s just you and the milk pitcher. You watch the milk swirl around in the jug making sure not to burn it. With your focus on the upcoming orders you never see Jungkook enter the cafe, but now he is standing at the end of the counter and says, “Hi” breaking your focus. When you look up and see who the greeting comes from, you almost don’t believe your eyes. The chances of you meeting again seemed slim and yet here he is. You realize that you’re fully staring at him, mouth agape. You try to respond like someone who has spoken before but your “Hey! How are you?” comes out as more of an abrupt shout. He doesn't skip a beat and tells you that he was meant to leave town the day before but that he still had some things to wrap up and extended his trip a few days. You’re delighted by this news but you do your best to stay cool and nonchalant. His drink is a few places behind others in line but none of the other patrons matter anymore. You make each drink and just slide them to the end of the counter as you and Jungkook chat. He didn’t know you worked here and mentioned how he was in the cafe a few days ago. You pretend not to remember. Finally, his drink is up. Unlike the coffees before his, you take extra care and gently slide the drink directly toward him. He asks you for a lid and as you go to put it on, there is a brief fumble. He doesn’t anticipate you putting the lid on for him and reaches to secure it as you place it on top of his cup. His slender fingers and soft palm land directly on the top of your hand. You both look up at each other and giggle. He takes a sip of his drink and thanks you for making it just right. You swoon and he notices. He says that he’s been given tickets to a show later that night and asks if you’d like to go with him. You exchange a glance with your workmate standing to your left. She has completely stopped making espresso shots and is waiting for you to respond to him while nodding her head as though to say, “Say yes, fool!”. You quickly turn back to face Jungkook and tell him, “sounds great”. Noticing that the number of people waiting for their coffee has caused a crowd to form, he takes a pen from his bag and writes his number on a napkin, and hands it to you. “Send me your address. I’ll pick you up at 7.” 
As soon as you finish work you text him your address. [See you soon.] he replies. You race home and start the process of getting ready. No task is spared as you prep for a night on the town with quite possibly the most beautiful man on the planet. You try on all of your clothes and then all of your roommate’s clothes before finally deciding on what you’ll wear. You put on the designer perfume your grandmother gave you for your birthday. Promptly at 7:00PM your phone buzzes. You give yourself a last look and take a deep breath. When you open the front door, there is Jungkook sitting on the street in an Aston Martin. He gets out of the car and goes around the other side to open the passenger door. He’s wearing black combat boots, fitted black trousers, and a knit charcoal grey crew neck sweater over a white collared shirt. You walk toward him and he takes your hand to help you into the car. He gets into the driver’s seat but before he puts the car back into gear, he looks over at you and says, “You look amazing.” You thank him and reciprocate the compliment even though “amazing” doesn’t even begin to describe how gorgeous he looks. He is fucking hot with his black hair combed in a way that exposes a bit of his forehead. You fight the urge to lick your lips as you watch him wrap his tattooed fingers around the steering wheel. 
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You arrive at an elite member’s only Burlesque club in Soho. The hostess shows you to a cozy private booth with soft cushioned upholstery and oversized pillows that line the back. As the two of you settle in, the manager stops by the table to drop off a complimentary bottle of champagne. Jungkook smiles when he sees her and stands up to greet her with a hug and cheek kiss, as though they’ve met before. He introduces you and she winks as she greets you. She says, “Any friend of JK is a friend of mine. If you need anything at all, just ask for me.” A server comes by and takes your drink and food order just as the lights in the club dim and the spotlight flicks onto the stage. Jungkook makes sure your glass never runs dry as one beautiful woman after another takes the stage. Each one of their performances is glamorous and sensual. As the show goes on, the two of you inch closer and closer to each other until he takes his arm and puts it over your shoulder. You allow yourself to let your guard down and lean your head to the side to rest it in the nook where his chest meets his shoulder. You stay there until the show is over. 
The club isn’t far from his hotel and as you stroll down the street it dawns on you that that’s the direction you’re heading in. You brace yourself for another town car. When the hotel is just within eyeshot, Jungkook makes a random but smooth turn onto a narrow alley and points out some street art on the wall. As you follow behind him trying to see what he’s talking about he turns around and slowly walks back toward you until you’ve backed yourself onto the wall opposite of the one he was looking at. He walks right up to the point where you’re nearly touching and then stops. You turn your gaze upward to look him in the eyes and he says, “I’m just kidding. I wanted a private place to kiss you.” He leans in and lays a small kiss on your lips. And then another. You kiss him back as you slowly wrap your arms around his waist and draw him in closer. For a few moments, the two of you stand there entwined seemingly suspended in time. It feels like you’re levitating. He opens his mouth and slides his tongue into yours, triggering all the butterflies in your stomach to a frenzy. Pulling back, he lays a few more small kisses on your lips before bringing your arms up around his neck and wrapping his arms around your back to pull you into him again. You stand there in silence breathing in unison. As you stroke the hair that grazes the nape of his neck he leans into yours and kisses it softly. Kissing your neck he says, “Do you,” another kiss, “want,” another kiss, “to come up,” another kiss, “with me?” You reply into the night sky as your head rolls back, and his kisses drift further down your neck,  “Absolutely”.  
Your heart pounds as you walk through the hotel doors but you aren’t nervous. Facing the front of the mirrored elevator doors, Jungkook stands behind you. He admires your reflections for a moment and you watch him as he drapes his left arm over the front of you while using his right hand to caress the left side of your face and turn it up to the right to meet his for a kiss. The doors ding open and you walk into the elevator. He pushes a button near the top floor and the doors close. 
You are standing on opposite sides of the elevator and with each floor that passes the tension between you grows. It takes everything you have not to throw yourself on him but you test the waters and ask, “Why are you all the way over there?”. His demeanor shifts and when his gaze meets yours, you see a fire burning in his eyes. He takes the two steps across the elevator, looks over at the buttons, and smashes the Emergency stop. The elevator halts. Facing you, Jungkook raises his hand and places his thumb on your lip, applying some pressure while moving it carefully and with purpose until your mouth is slightly open. He starts to lean in, slowly sliding his thumb and index finger down to the tip of your chin, and lifts your face until your mouths meet in a deep and passionate French kiss. Your face rests gently in the palms of his hands. The way he kisses you feels like he needs you to breathe. “Can I touch you?”, he asks, his voice nearly a whisper but not quite. As he waits for your response, once again you find yourself answering into the sky but this time you’re met with your reflection in the mirrored ceiling of the elevator. You look yourself in the eyes as they roll back into your head and you whisper, “Please”. 
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When the elevator doors open Jungkook slides his fingers out from your now-damp underwear and leads you into an immaculately decorated suite. He flicks on a lamp and then another and you stop at the end of the entryway to take in the space. 
As you admire your surroundings, Jungkook asks if you’d like a glass of wine while he pulls back a heavy curtain to reveal a private terrace with a breathtaking view of the city. You walk over to where he’s standing by the window and look out. The city lights twinkle in a panorama. He asks you again if you’d like some wine but you are too distracted by flashbacks of the elevator ride up when he slid his middle and ring fingers inside of you as he rubbed your clit with the bottom of his palm to notice Jungkook waiting for your response whilst you look out over the city. He clears his throat and you are suddenly very aware of him waiting and see him looking at you out of the corner of your eye. 
You turn toward him and say, “I think I want something stronger,” as you move your hand over the front of his trousers to find what you actually want. You land on the task at hand and you feel him twitch slightly under your palm, as he begins to harden at your touch. Looking up at his face, his eyes are closed and he lets out a soft moan as he exhales. You keep your hand where it is for a bit longer before moving it up toward his waist until your fingers are touching the bottom of his sweater giving it a light tug to signal that it’s time for him to take it off. He crosses his arms over his torso, reaching to where your hands are resting near his waist, and pulls the sweater up and over his head. While his arms are still mid-air, you reach up and start unbuttoning the white collared shirt. You lay a kiss on the skin that is exposed with each undone button. He is breathing heavier now. You only get halfway through unbuttoning his shirt before he takes you by the waist and turns you toward the window. He puts his hand on your back and presses you into it just enough to indicate that he’s the one in control. His hand moves down your back to your hips and guides them into place. His other hand is busy lifting your skirt and resting the fabric on your lower back to expose your ass. “If you want something stronger, that’s what you’ll get”. You hear his zipper coming down and his belt clink as he unbuckles. The glass is cold against your palms and arms. The city continues to glow in front of you as you feel him slide your panties down. 
The anticipation begins to bubble over and every part of your body throbs and screams out for him. You let out a whine when he starts teasing you with his tip, before slowly and gently sliding every inch of him inside of you. You both moan softly and relish the first moment your bodies fully meet each other. Jungkook pulls out nearly leaving you but slides himself deep inside you again. He repeats this a few times and then proceeds to slowly and steadily fuck you from behind. Each thrust is deliberate and forces you to feel all of him as he strokes your g-spot. You can feel the pressure inside of you starting to build and he can too. He gradually quickens his pace remaining consistent with the depth and cadence of his strokes. Your head gets cloudy as your orgasm continues to mount. “Fuck!” you exclaim as Jungkook starts to hammer into you with a rhythm where you cease to see straight anymore. You try to regain your composure but all you can do is plead with him not to stop- never stop. “I won’t,” he barks through gritted teeth. You come so hard that your legs nearly give out and he’s quick to catch you with one arm around your torso to keep you from buckling. He never misses a beat and the waves of your orgasm keep crashing over you. 
When he feels you reach the other side of pleasure, he pulls himself out of your warmth and gently rubs the head of his cock across your ass cheeks as he releases onto them. You feel the warm trickles of his cum roll down as he steps back to admire his work. Still bent over and facing the window you look back at him over your right shoulder and see him standing there with a naughty smile stretched across his face while he pulls up his trousers. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” he says. In an effort not to make a mess of your skirt, you unzip it and bring it up over your body and head. You drape it over one of the armchairs and hear the shower turn on in the other room. As you walk toward the sound you remove your top and drop it onto the floor. 
Entering the bathroom you are met with a fully naked Jungkook. The form that you’ve admired through turtlenecks and fitted trousers is now on full display. He has a striking physique and you can tell that he takes time to maintain it. He is lean but still muscular. He’s strong but has made an effort not to overdo it so that it looks almost effortless. You can see all of his tattoos now and you’re surprised by how many there are.  
Steam spills over the top of the walk-in shower and he opens the door and beckons for you to get in. He takes the sponge hanging on the wall and squeezes some soap onto it. The scent of gardenia wafts through the steam as he creates a lather and drags the sponge along the different parts of your body, paying particular attention to your ass making sure to remove whatever is still left of him. He wrings out the sponge and hangs it back on the wall. As the warm water continues to cascade down, you turn to face him and wrap your arms around his waist to pull his body close to yours. You rest your head on his chest and feel him breathe. Still captured in your embrace, Jungkook turns the two of you as a unit so that you are facing him as he slowly sits down on the banquette that is built into the shower. You continue to stand. You place your hands under his chin and tilt his head so that he’s looking straight up into your eyes. You lean down to kiss him. He kisses you back gently and when you move your head to change angles you catch a peek of his face through your partially closed eyes. His brow is furrowed as though he is savoring every second of this kiss. His expression is soft and sincere. It makes you feel like at that moment, you belong to each other. Like you want to take care of him. To protect his heart. To make sure he always feels cherished. You start to lose yourself in your head as you continue to caress him. The emotions rising into your throat border on heartbreaking. You know this is a fleeting moment. Nothing is promised after tonight. 
You pull back from the kiss and start to straighten your stance, while he glides his mouth down your neck and chest until he has one of your breasts in his mouth. You feel his tongue circling your nipple as his hand takes your other breast into it. He rubs his thumb over your other nipple while using his free arm to keep you close to him. Gently, you comb your fingers through the wet hair on the back of his head and hold it as he transfers his mouth to your other breast. You reach down between his legs as he continues to suck on your tits and find that he is hard. 
Jungkook adjusts so that he is sitting on the very edge of the banquette to make it easier for you to straddle him. As you lower yourself down onto him, he pulls you in so close that it’s hard to tell where he starts and you stop. Your arms are wrapped around his neck and your face is pressed against the side of his. Once you feel that he is completely inside of you, you start rocking your hips back and forth slowly. He moans when he feels your core grip around his cock. Breathing in unison, every slight movement becomes more gratifying than the last, transporting you to an alternate realm. Nothing else exists as you allow yourself to surrender to the intimacy of this moment. No one can see you. No one will ever know the energy exchanged here tonight. It belongs solely to the two of you. “Give it all to me, baby,” Jungkook coos in your ear, as though he’s cheering you to the finish. Your ears pop when you come and for a moment you are totally paralyzed as you let out a silent scream and throw your head back while palpable bliss courses between you. As you slowly grind on him you bring your face to his eye level and kiss him while he comes inside of you. Even after he’s finished you stay connected on the banquette while the water continues to run so you can stay in this moment as long as possible.
Dawn starts to shine over the city skyline as you climb into the big hotel bed. Jungkook pulls the heavy curtain across the window and the room descends into nearly pitch darkness. He crawls into bed next to you. You’re both still naked and your skin is warm and clean. The two of you lay in the darkness talking for a while. You talk about how beautiful the burlesque dancers were at the show and about how delicious the food was. Your conversation wanders aimlessly as you curl up into the nook of his neck and he reaches down to pull your leg over him. He holds on to the bottom of your thigh to keep it draped over him. His breathing starts to deepen and you are lulled to sleep by every inhale and exhale. You smell gardenias as you doze off.  
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tb3ih · 1 year
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KISSES LIKE SATIN, childe/reader.
SYNOPSIS... pearls unlaced and strewn about the floor, fabrics newly discarded on the furniture, oh how you love the burn when TARTAGLIA sinks his inscisors into your skin, breaking it open and letting constellations spill in (He is the Sun, but you were born of the Moon).
⋆ warnings, model!tartaglia & fashion designer!reader, enemies to lovers, hardcore workplace & BANDAGING WOUNDS tension, fluff and a bit a LOT of spice, influenced heavily by the Goddess Herself, lana del rey (this is entirely self-indulgent), also mentions of previous relationship trauma, but it's non-specific!
⋆ notes, exploration of romance in-between luxury brands and lavish living, also coping with the fact that i've been enamored by yet ANOTHER boy who might just be the death of me. accompanied by bad for business by sabrina carpenter.
⋆ tags! @yakshahs @xngelholix @rinoomi @rainsoughtflowers @14shroud
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"YOU'RE absolutely ridiculous!" there is no budge in your expression, pure frustration and borderline hostility apparent in your eyes as you examine the ginger before you. grin just teasing lazy and eyebrows raised in non-chalance, TARTAGLIA was lucky he was the face of this brand, otherwise you're absolutely sure you would've given him a nasty right hook about now.
the time on your watch read 10:34 am, approximately and entire hour and twenty-four minutes past the scheduled time for the photoshoot. hair roussed and button up mussed, the model had sauntered into the backstage room looking like he'd just wandered out of another girl's bed and remembered he had some kind of commitment today.
it was the annual teyvat fashion convention. only one of the biggest in all of the nations.
which, again, was just another agenda item.
"awh, miss l/n, don't be so harsh, i overslept, honest!" you ignore the skip of your heart when the corner of his lips curls into a boysih grin, eyes only narrowing as his eyes seem to peek into your soul.
damn him.
"illya!" a taller blonde appears next to him, black clipboard tucked into her arm, her attention shifting to show disdain at the sight of your brand's top model before settling back to you. "when was mr. tartaglia supposed to arrive?"
she doesn't miss a beat. "8:45 am, miss y/n."
"and when was he to take to the runway?" your eyes narrow at the ginger who's smile doesn't waver.
"9:00 am, sharp, miss y/n," she replies curtly, checking her clipboard.
"ah," you hum, chuckling humorlessly. "how many pieces do we have left?"
"twenty-seven designs in queue, miss y/n."
"how many are his? fifteen?" you turn, stopping a model to adjust the styling of his scarf before dismissing him. "get me an expresso, make it triple, illya. and please, direct mr. tartaglia out of my sight and to his dressing room. he better be on that runway in four minutes or i swear to the archons i will level this entire show."
it's tartaglia who speaks this time, offering a slight bend at the waist to tip you his imaginary hat, "as the princess commands."
you turn curtly to leave before he can see the pink that lightly dusts your complexion at the nickname.
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"LOSE the chain." your eyes examine the piece with extra scrutiny, narrowing at the culprit which seems to be disassembling the entire outfit. scowl at how well tartaglia wears it, the long slacks making him appear more intimidating. the low cut v-neck stops just above his abdomen, teasing you with a peek of what you suppose to be his sculpted chest...
tartaglia clears his throat, the shade of blue in his eyes shifting when they catch yours, the curl of his lips telling you he didn't miss a beat of you admiring him. but you reveal nothing, lifting your chin before circling him once. "pearls and black iron chain."
someone hands you both and you approach him, bringing both up to his collar to compare it in the light. you hate to admit that he's one of your most valuable models, the combination of his hair and eyes and his demeanor as a model being the reason you sell out at just hours after ever show.
those damn eyes.
you hold the black chain out drop it into an assistant dresser's hands, focusing on latching the pearls around his neck. one final once-over and you're now positive on the look. "he's good, now get him in line to walk, i want him behind diluc."
you move to adjust his belt, styling it to hang loosely where his shirt tuck breaks. "you know, if you wanted to look at me, you should've just asked." his voice is low enough that it catches no one else's attention.
you scoff, "please, i'm sure you've got supermodels lined up down the block just to get a glimpse of you on the catwalk." when you look up, he's looking down at you, head turned to watch you fix his belt and the back of slacks. your fingers are featherlight so as not to make more contact than necessary. "i have enough model photos and issues to last me a lifetime, but i appreciate the kind offer."
you ignore the small curve of his mouth as he smiles at you amusedly and you dismiss the fluttering feeling in your stomach. "well, i'm not sure any these apparent supermodels bites back as cruelly as you," he replies lowly.
you cough at the comment, eyes narrowing up at his and taking a curt step back from him. you can still smell his cologne from where you stand and you wave a hand at a fashion assistant to signal you're done looking him over. "just do your job."
"sweetheart, i wouldn't dream of anything else." he's caught up to the other models before you can bite back a reply. and you shake an odd feeling from your head.
the caffine's probably the reason your heart's pounding.
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YOU'RE pinning a ruby onto a shirt collar when you hear the knock on your hotel door room. the living room of the suite is where you've set up all your upcoming designs, sketches and fabrics strewn about in a collective fashion disaster as you try to piece together next season's collection.
sighing, you set the container with the rest of the precious gems down on a nearby coffee table before dusting the silk of your pajamas lightly and making your way to the door.
you scowl, opening the door to reveal a tall, wavering, ginger, blue eyes softening just a bit when they meet yours. "hi uhm, is now a bad time?"
you're about to say something spiteful when you notice the wrinkles in his collar don't look like they'd been made out of good intent. the knuckles of his hand are red and there's red smeared in splotches on his shirt. you look around the hallway behind him, ushering him in quickly so as not to let anyone see the disheaveled model.
"now before you say anything—"
"ajax, it is 1:43 in the morning, just what the archons are you doing outside of my suite?!" your voice is sharp in tone, but not loud enough to be heard from another room. something in his eyes catches you off-guard and his lips pull into a full smile, boyish and wide. "now is not—what? is something funny?"
his voice comes out a little breathless, as if he'd seen a shooting star. "no you... you said my name..."
"don't i always?" your voice is a little quieter and the room doesn't seem as big anymore.
"well... it's just..." he flexes his hand and you watch him wince, if only for a second and you remember why he's here.
"i'll meet you in the bathroom," you say, offering no question before moving to the bedroom to look for the healing kit. when you walk back in to the bathroom, he's already taken the liberty of attempting to wash out the blood stains in his shirt.
"you won't get the stains out with water, it has to be professionally cleaned," you comment, watching his broad shoulders turn to face you where you stand in the door way. "zhongli's going to throw a fit when he hears you've ruined something imported from liyue."
tartaglia laughs a little softly to himself, the sound causing your heart to pick up it's pace just a little. "ah well, i suppose i've got a habit for ruining things, huh?"
when you meet his eyes, they hold none of the confident charm you're used to, nothing teasing about the way his lips seem to curl in apology deeper than just the ruined button-up.
you try to wave off the feeling, motioning for him to forget the shirt and relax against the marble countertop. "we need better shirts anyway, it's from two collections ago."
holding out your hand, he rests his hand in yours, allowing you to examine the wounds on his knuckles. "you'd feel better if you saw the other guy," he says quietly. when you look up at him, his eyes are on you.
you clear your throat, "well, i don't feel good at all, you have a jewelry showcase tomorrow and i can't have you looking like this." you take a towel and wet it with warm water, carefully dabbing at his knuckles. "what happened?"
tartaglia swallows, voice quiet when he replies. "i saw kaeya at the bar."
your movements pause, eyes blinking quickly to clear the sudden rush of memories. "ah."
it's quiet other than the sound of a clock ticking quietly in the other room as you continue to clean away his hands.
"i know what he did to you." he sucks in a sharp breath, "and i, truly, am sorry. i wish there was something..." something in those azure hues shifts and you know he truly means what he's saying. there's a faint whiff of dandelion wine on his breath and you have to restrain yourself from saying anything that you'll regret.
your laugh is a little too dry, too soft. "well, it's in the past now, right?" you set down the dirty cloth and pick up the healing ointment. "there's nothing to get so angry about, now is there?"
he's quiet and you know he's focused on you handling his knuckles. you reach for the bandages, but he's already got them in his other hand to give them to you. your "thank you" is barely above a whisper.
"you're so gentle," he starts, making you pause to look up at him. there is a small upturn of his lips and you have to suck in sharply to remember to breathe. the look is so genuine, so raw, and you're not sure what to do with the erruption of butterflies in your stomach. his skin is radiating heat and you need to get away before you get burned.
you push away from him, steadying yourself against nothing. "i can't do this, not with you, not right now."
he's bad for business. but he's close you could just reach out—
his complexion is marred with confusion, eyes falling on the distance now between the two of you. "y/n..."
"why?" you choke out the word, years of memories bubbling up in the back of your throat. fashion deisgn school, late nights spent out in the cities, even the ocean breeze between tangled sheets. "what do you want?"
"it's not... i'm not..." the ginger is searching your eyes, struggling to piece together some reply to your reaction. "i'm sorry—"
"stop saying that," you plead, pain building in the corners of your eyes. "you don't even know what you're apologizing for."
he lets out a frustrated breath of air, running is unscathed hand through his hair. "but that's exactly the thing, i do. i know exactly what i'm apologizing for." his expression is determined, gaze set on you in the middle of the bathroom now. "i never should have left you like that."
you blink hard and fast, memories threatening to spill down your cheeks in hot, salty trails. you remmeber that cold, posessive hand on your waist, the spiked dandelion wine, those azure locks while you were taken to places you'd only read about in the tabloids. "you didn't do anything, ajax, please—"
"that's exactly my point!" something in his voice is breaking, but so is something in your chest. "archons, y/n, i've known you since we were kids, i was there, when you first moved to the neighborhood, when we graduated secondary school, even the first day day you came to advanced design class, i. was. there."
his chest heaves a little as he tries to catch his breath. "i watched that asshole tear you apart and didn't move an inch to try and piece you back together." tartaglia pushes lightly off the counter, only inching just a bit cloaser to you so as not to startle you.
you only have a few feet before you hit the other wall.
"every day for the past near decade of my career, the only thing you have done is stress me out and test my pateince," you reply, this time with something hot bubbling in the back of your throat. nothing is making sense anymore. "why? why do you insist on making my life so hard?"
all the backstage mischief, the tardy appearances to fanshion shows, even the silly misdemeanors at afterparties. there was no end to how much this boy provoked in you, good and bad.
"y/n..." he's closer now, the look in his bright blue eyes never letting you look away from his. you're backing up subconsciously, praying the room might magically expand at your approach. "i'm still that dumb, immature, ten-year-old boy who fell in love with you on the playground. you couldn't even acknowledge me in the room after what kaeya had done to you because we were friends. i thought maybe..."
his voice trails off and you watch his adam's apple bob as he swallows, the next words seeming to crash into you as deeply as his gaze.
"even if it was with contempt, at least you were looking at me."
the reminder of the wall brings you to look up at him. he's closed in on you and you're not sure you even want to escape. you were supposed to hate him.
"why are you telling me this?" you feel as if you're heart's about to burst and he's so dangerously close.
his hands are so gentle when they hold your face, directing your eyes to meet his. "because if i don't tell you now, i'm not sure i ever will." his thumb strokes gently at your cheek. "after today, i thought you might fire me for my behavior so figured now's a better time than ever."
his smile is so full when he speaks, that same boyish charm, only in a different light. "i am so wholy, and genuinely in love with you, y/n."
you're definitely sure he can hear your heart pounding in your chest. the tears you'd been trying so hard to hold have begun to spill down your cheeks, dusting your complexion with a light tint of rose as his confession sinks in. his hands wipe them away gently, the warmth radiating off of him comforting and coaxing you as you cry.
"so please, sweeheart," he whispers, "don't push me away anymore."
the breath of a distance between you two is a question, one that your head and heart seem to both agree on answering. you breathe out an "okay," and it's a split second before planets seem to collide.
his lips are softer than velvet on yours, gentle and patient as he lets the worries weighing your heart spill from your closed eyes. tartaglia does not wipe them from your cheeks this time, his hands having moved to secure a hold around your waist. your hands find his hair, slipping through the soft locks like cashmere.
your name escapes his lips in a low groan when you tug a little and you find yourself smiling a little against him. he is so terribly close to you that you can feel his warmth blooming between your ribs, spreading throughout your limbs and soothing aches you never knew you had.
such a sweet boy to heal something he didn't break.
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© tb3ih mmxxiii all rights reserved.
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cosmicdreamt · 10 months
"I'm gonna be honest with you, I didn't think I was doing anything that would have gotten the attention of anyone like this."
But at the same time she could understand. Her situation wasn't unheard of, but it definitely wasn't a usual or conventional occurrence. Promoting some born and raised a mortal to the status of a deity was both one of the most infuriating yet smartest things Origa had ever decided to do.
And mayhaps if anyone had the experience to handle the job it was Neff.
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"Are you sure you'd want me to join? I mean sure we seem to want the same thing but....but I want and how I am as a person are stiff different things. There's a lot that comes into play when you factor that. If you want to humor me and try to convince me if you really want me, feel free. I don't mind being called on for help in the meantime, just know if there's something I don't like about it I won't be afraid to say 'no'. " // @hriobzagelthewanderer || semi-plotted starter
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verdemoun · 1 month
Just imagine a conversation between Charles and Kieran 😭 a total 6 words would be spoken
6 words would be a good day. Like - a draining the society battery but positive good day.
Arthur hates it. I haven't really elaborated but Arthur and Kieran are proper thick as thieves best friends. There was a solid 9 years between Arthur and Charles timewarping, and with the younger members of the gang adapting and moving out and onto their new lives it was just - Arthur and Kieran dealing with each other's damage for years.
Sometimes friendship is just an autistic man and his emotional support hypervigilant ptsd outlaw with a compulsive need to help people. Sometimes friendship is a man used to carrying the burdens of the world only learning to feel safe because seeing someone riddled with anxiety relax subconsciously reminds him they're both okay.
Kieran is a regular ornament around Arthur's house, and Arthur always keeps safe food and snacks on hand. It is not uncommon for Kieran to turn up in his pajamas at 2am, carrying his pillow under one arm, having walked from Hosea's, only for Arthur to be awake anyway because they both have that 19th century functional insomnia.
But back to the point, when Charles gets there, Charles and Kieran just zing. Charles wasn't abusive towards Kieran and it showed because instead of taking weeks to even catch a glimpse of the former O'Driscoll's presence, Kieran nervously shuffled up after just two days of typical shyness to present a figurine he'd been holding onto because it looked like Taima.
Kieran is their third wheel and it is the healthiest social interaction he has outside of the Matthews' household. They could have dinner plans but surprise Kieran decided to turn up and they still go out to dinner but Kieran's there at the table eating carrot sticks listening in and once in a blue moon contributing to the conversation.
Epilogue/timewarp Charles might be a lot more comfortable with people and talking but sometimes he just needs the peace of hanging out with Kieran. There isn't even a 'hey'. Charles will walk inside, sit on the couch beside Kieran, not need to ask what they're watching and just know both their brains are going 'oh yay company!!' without saying a single word. They both get so much catharsis being around nature, watching birds in the backyard or Kieran helping out with their ever expanding menagerie.
Secretly they wonder if Charles is on the spectrum or if it's just 'spending adolescent years alone in the wilderness avoiding people' but there's a definite element of 'oh thank god I don't have to perform social norms and expectation' when he hangs out with Kieran. Arthur sitting there with Charles and Kieran watching whatever movie Kieran has decided to put on, looking at his selectively quiet, hyper-fixation, little understanding of social queues husband and diagnosed autistic best friend and going 'wait a minute why do I find it comforting being around autistic people'.
But why does Arthur hate it? Because whatever their weird 'mind melding able to have entire conversations in glances and body language' is, they definitely use against him. He could be doing something as mundane as cutting firewood, see Charles glance at Kieran, Kieran glance back, and then Charles is loudly cackling with laughter while Kieran is at least polite enough to cover his mouth and not make it obvious but he KNOWS they somehow made a joke about him at his expense without saying a damned thing and they will almost never tell him what it was.
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kpop-stories-21 · 1 year
Sci-fi Section | Among The Stars
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Group: ATEEZ
Pairing: Yunho x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Rating: 18-21+
Genres + AUs: Non-Idol AU, Space AU, Aliens, Smut
Content & Trigger Warnings: Alien!Yunho, Space Pirate!Reader, explosions, injuries, reader & crew are presumed dead, unprotected sex(wrap that shit up kids), size kink, pet names, dirty talk, fisting, oral sex(f receiving), double penetration, orgasm denial
Summary: You just wanted this job to go down without a hitch so you could take a long overdue vacation. You weren't planning to end up in bed with a hot alien dead-set on making you scream his name for the whole planet to hear.
Tags: @kpop---scenarios @stardragongalaxy @jeonrose @skittlez-area512 @mybiasisexo @skeletor-ify @biaswreckingfics @anyamaris @liliesofdreamsskz @rdiamond2727 @naturalogre @thelargefrye @yoonguurt @bxffietheblxxdy
If you want to be added to my taglist, click here
Network pings: @cacaokpop-fics | @kdiarynet
MDNI banner courtesy of @cafekitsune
Event Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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When you entered the Sci-fi section you were surprised to find the glowing book right away. Taking a moment to collect yourself, you pulled the book from the shelf and opened it. White light filled your vision before fading to black.
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"Y/N, wake up! We're here!"
Sitting up with a start, it took you a moment to remember that you were in the captain's quarters of your beloved little ship Desire. You'd been having a strange dream about a library and some kind of trial you were supposed to complete. Shaking your head to clear it, you dressed and exited your room.
Yeonjun was waiting for you in the cockpit with the rest of your crew. You smiled at them, a sense of relief filling you as you gazed at the large blue planet Azerulas. Once this shipment was delivered, you would have the money to expand both your clientele and the reach of your travels. All six of you were praying to whomever might be listening that everything would go over without a hitch.
Taking your place in the pilot's seat, you turned off the autopilot and expertly steered the ship into the queue to await your turn at the security gate that hovered above the planet.
You'd never been to this planet, but many of the foods and drinks you enjoyed on Earth originated from here, so you hoped you'd have time to enjoy the sights and tastes.
When you reached the gate, you were surprised to see a human officer instead of an Azerulan. The exhausted-looking female gave your phoney information a mere cursory glance after discovering the credits embedded in the code of the documents. A quick tap had the money landing in her personal account without trace and she waved you on through.
The grin on your face was wide as you docked in the designated hangar and turned to your crew.
"We've been planning this for months now, everyone knows where they're going and what they're doing. Don't forget, if things look suspicious, say the codeword through our private comm line and we'll retreat back here. Any questions?"
Five pairs of eager eyes watched you excitedly, but none voiced any concerns.
"Alright, let's get this show on the road."
As you disembarked the bright silver of Azerulas' three moons lit the hangar bay like it was daytime. Gazing around in awe, it took mere seconds for you to realise that most of the things you'd heard about this planet's inhabitants were the results of misinformation.
The Azerulans were far less humanoid than you'd been told, each alien bearing two extra arms and glowing multi-coloured eyes. They sported a variety of different skin colours and wore minimal clothing. Mouthfuls of sharp needle-like teeth flashed around you in conversation or laughter, and long forked tongues darted out to moisten dry lips. They were also incredibly tall, the shortest in your immediate sight measuring a good seven feet.
Taking a deep breath, you locked down your ship and activated the theft alarms. Then you set out, your crew falling in behind you as you exited the hangar bay and entered the city.
Your senses were immediately assailed with bright flashing lights and an overwhelming mix of smells that made your eyes water. This had not been at all what you were expecting of the calm-looking blue planet, and it caught you off guard slightly.
Recovering quickly, you turned and spoke to the others in a low voice.
"This place is far busier than we were planning for, so make sure you stay with your partner at all times. We can't afford for anyone to get lost, especially if we have to make a hasty retreat. Got it?"
Everyone nodded and you smiled. "Now, let's get this show on the road!"
The others dispersed as blonde-haired Soobin fell in beside you. You smiled at him but neither of you spoke, fully focused on the task at hand.
After a good half-mile trek through the massive city, you reached your destination: a bar named Star 1117. Taking a deep breath, you pushed the door open and stepped inside.
The bar was surprisingly empty for this hour of the evening, you'd thought the place would be bustling. Perhaps your client was rich enough to buy the place out for the night and keep your transaction completely private.
You could almost feel the tension radiating off of Soobin and knew that he was just as uneasy as you. Something about all this just didn't feel right, like you were walking into a trap. So you both kept a hand on your guns, ready to pull them out at a moment's notice.
"There you are!" A familiar voice declared as you stepped into the bar's expansive storage room. "I was wondering if you were actually going to show up."
The masked face of your client, who had only ever given his name as JK, greeted you with a sharp smile. His dark eyes glittered with some indiscernible emotion.
"My apologies." You and Soobin bowed smoothly in greeting. "There was quite a line at the security gate."
JK chuckled. "Understandable. Azerulas is approaching peak tourist season, so traffic is picking up. Now, do you have what I asked for?"
You nodded. "I do. My crew has it ready to bring in as soon as I see you've brought the money."
"Pretty AND smart! I'm looking forward to doing more business with you."
JK motioned to one of the men behind him who stepped forward and opened the digipak on the table. The pak's holoscreen lit up, showing that it did indeed hold the promised three thousand credits.
"Satisfied?" JK asked, running a hand through his vivid purple hair.
You smiled. "I am." Tapping the watch on your wrist, you opened the private comm line and called for Yeonjun and Huening Kai to bring the package.
A few moments later the duo arrived, a large steel crate swinging between them.
"Two shock guns, a dozen untraceable bombs, and a sniper laser gun. It's all here, just as you requested."
"Very good. You've given me such good service, I almost hate to do this…." JK's voice trailed off as a metal door slid down in front of him.
Before any of you could even think of moving, an explosion sounded immediately in front of you, followed by another to your left, a third to your right, and a fourth from behind you. Heat blossomed everywhere, rapidly filling the room with fire, and you dazedly felt yourself fall to the concrete. Your ears rang as the flames steadily grew, and smoke began to gather in your lungs. You coughed dryly, trying to find your crew as you felt your consciousness begin to fade. You saw Soobin and Yeonjun lying together in a heap, with an arm sticking out from beneath them that you desperately hoped belonged to Huening Kai. Spots danced before your eyes, blending together into a dark curtain that shrouded your vision as you passed out.
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You were brought back to wakefulness by a hand pressing gently against your forehead. Your eyes slowly fluttered open, vision blurry until you blinked a few times. You were greeted by the startling sight of an Azerulan male’s face mere inches from your own and jerked back slightly, a hoarse cry scraping your raw throat. The male looked at you apologetically, leaning back to give you space.
“Wh-Where am I?” You asked, afraid that the alien was an associate of JK. “Where’s my crew?”
"They are safe. Do not worry, my friends are tending them as we speak." The Azerulan smiled and continued. "My name is Yunho. My friends and I saw you go in before the explosions, so when they went off and none of you had come back out we grew concerned and ran to see if you needed assistance."
Gratitude filled you as you smiled back at him. "Thank you Yunho. My name is Y/N, and it seems my crew and I owe our lives to you and your friends."
Yunho stood from his seat, all four hands raised in protest. "Nonsense, we were simply doing what any respectable citizens would do. Though I will say, it's not every day I get to rescue a pretty little human."
You blushed, not used to such compliments. Yunho excused himself to go see how his friends were faring with your crew, leaving you alone to process the recent chain of events.
It was clear now JK had set you up from the start, probably itching to get his hands on the bounties for the six of you. Space pirates were a scourge across all the universes, but you and your crew were the most notorious ones to ever exist. This was mainly due to the fact that the government could never catch you no matter how hard they tried, and so the rewards for proof of your death had skyrocketed the longer you evaded capture.
Unbidden, your thoughts suddenly turned to Yunho, and you wondered if his friends were as attractive as he was. You'd be lying if you said you hadn't fleetingly considered jumping his bones once you got over your initial shock of seeing him.
At six feet tall Yunho was the shortest Azerulan you'd seen so far, but he was by far the best looking in your opinion. His skin was a rich forest green with lighter green undertones and hints of brown in shadowed places. His eyes were a mix of blue and yellow with slit pupils and he wore only a long moss-green loincloth, leaving his sculpted torso bare. Elegant gold tattoos sprawled across his chest, arms and legs; an indicator that he held a fairly high position in Azerulas' society.
You shook your head, trying to clear it of the not-so-innocent thoughts floating through it. Yunho had saved you and your crew from death, tended your injuries and given you a place to stay. It would be incredibly inappropriate to repay those kindnesses by trying to get with him. Besides, he probably already had a girlfriend. There was no way a hottie like him was still single.
The next day Yeonjun and Huening Kai both woke up, and you were able to go visit them. That same morning Taehyun and Beomgyu had run into one of Yunho's friends and were brought back to the place you were staying. You were beyond thrilled to see them, relieved that they'd been unharmed. It was during reunion visit that Yunho came to inform you what was going on in the aftermath of the explosions.
JK had slipped from the burning building unseen, then went around telling everyone he'd dispatched the most infamous pirates. He'd even somehow managed to come up with some convincing photographic proof and ran off to some distant planet with the reward money.
You weren't quite sure how you felt, being presumed dead and all. None of you were actually, and it seemed Yunho could tell this, as he said the six of you could stay until you figured out what was next.
You never imagined you'd want to give up pirating so easily, but all of you had just been handed fresh starts on a golden platter and you would all be fools not to take them. So when Soobin woke up a few days later, you all sat down to figure out what to do.
Huening Kai had never gotten to fulfil his dream of going to college, so he decided that he'd like to finally go through with it. Beomgyu liked this idea as well, and said that he'd tag along.
Yeonjun and Soobin, who'd been dancing around their feelings for each other for an unbearably long time, finally decided to take the plunge and start dating. They weren't quite sure where they would go, but said they'd figure it out together.
Taehyun wanted to go back and visit his family, then travel to some of the places he'd always wanted to see.
As for you, you had no clue at all what you wanted to do with your life. You had no family to speak of, and no real ambitions that had been put on hold. Yunho, ever the gracious host, allowed you to continue staying even after the boys had all left.
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In the silent days that followed, your initial attraction to Yunho grew stronger. And though you were no expert on alien behaviours, you started seeing some signs that maybe he was starting to feel something for you too.
It all came to a head one day when you accidentally left the bathroom door unlocked while you were taking a shower. You were taking your time under the steamy water, letting your thoughts run wild, when you heard a gasp from the doorway.
Your head whipped around, realising your mistake as soon as you saw Yunho frozen in surprise, a dark blush colouring his cheeks. Your hands flew to cover your private areas, silently cursing yourself for not double-checking that the door was locked.
You could clearly see the conflicting emotions in Yunho's eyes as he tried to figure out how to handle the situation. From somewhere deep inside of you came the mental image of him taking you in the shower, and it had your thighs pressing together.
Movement pulled your attention back to Yunho and you felt your heart lurch at the sight of him stalking towards you, yellow-blue eyes darkened with lust. He ripped his loincloth off in one smooth motion, the action sending a wave of heat straight to your core.
He flung the shower door open so violently it snapped off its hinges and clattered to the floor. Yunho's bulk filled the shower, pressing you against the back wall. You looked up, feeling incredibly small as he towered over you. One hand came up to caress your cheek as he began to speak.
"I've tried to hold back my feelings, you are a guest in my house and I do not wish to disrespect you. It became harder when it seemed that you reciprocated those feelings. But this…this was the final straw. If you are amenable, allow me to express my feelings to you."
You could feel your body practically vibrating with want. You'd never craved for anyone as much as you did for Yunho in this moment. And so you spoke the words he waited to hear.
"Please, Yunho, make me yours."
The Azerulan needed no further provocation, two of his arms immediately lifting you off your feet so he could claim your mouth in a searing kiss. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you kissed back, a thrill fluttering through you when his sharp teeth grazed your lower lip.
"The shower is not an appropriate place for such activities, little one. You will get sick when the water turns cold. Come, let me take you somewhere more suitable."
You nodded your assent, and he began to carry you out of the bathroom. As he walked, his other two hands began exploring your body. One cupped your breast, tweaking and pinching your nipple. The other slipped two fingers inside you, punching a moan from your lungs as your head flew back.
Yunho chuckled. "Your moans are as cute as the rest of you. Don't hold back, let me hear all of them."
His mouth found yours again as he pushed into his room and laid you on the bed. A forked tongue poked at your lips and you parted them, allowing him in.
After a bit you had to part for air, a string of saliva extending between the two of you.
"May I taste you, sweet one?"
"Yes, p-please!" You begged, desperate to know how his tongue would feel.
A smirk crossed his face and two hands gripped your thighs, spreading your legs and kneeling on the floor. As you looked on, you saw him do something you'd had no idea he could do: His tongue, which was far longer than any human's, suddenly split down its centre, effectively creating two tongues.
A gasp fell from your lips as you felt one slip into each of your holes, going further than any fingers ever could. You could feel your high rapidly approaching and choked out a warning to Yunho, who immediately stopped eating you out.
You opened your mouth to complain, but he shushed you.
"Surely you're stronger than that. You can be a good human and hold out till I cum, can't you?"
You'd never held back your orgasm before, but for Yunho you would catch the moon if he asked, so you were certainly going to try.
"Yes, I'll h-hold it! Please I need you inside me!"
"As you wish, little one."
Without further preamble, Yunho began to slowly slide into you. The cry that left you was akin to a scream, his girth bigger than anything you'd taken before. The skin of his length was covered with bumps and ridges that offered extra pleasure as he began to thrust into you at a steady pace.
"Oh g-god, you're so big, gonna break me."
Yunho leaned over, engulfing your smaller frame as he did so. One half of his tongue slid out to curl around the shell of your ear.
"You love being stuffed full like this, don't you? You'd love to be split open on my dick, wouldn't you?"
Goosebumps rose all over your body and you felt your high rushing forward once more.
"Harder Yunho, please. Want you to ruin me!"
At your words Yunho let out a growl that would have been utterly terrifying in any other situation, but in this instance only served to pull a loud moan from you as he began pounding into you so hard the bed started to bang against the wall.
In the midst of all this, you felt something prodding your other hole and realised it was one of his hands slipping inside. One finger went in, then another and another, until finally his entire fist was shoved inside you and began to move. At this you did scream, eyes rolling back as your mind went blank and all remaining thoughts turned fuzzy.
By the time Yunho's hips began to stutter, you had been reduced to a babbling mess incapable of producing any kind of coherent sentence. Once more he leaned over you and whispered into your ear.
"You can cum now, little one. Cum all over my cock for me."
Your mouth stretched wide in a silent scream, your body locking up as the world went white and the most intense orgasm you'd ever had washed over you. You barely registered the sound of Yunho cursing and the feeling of his seed spreading inside you, too lost in the post-orgasmic bliss.
When you came back to yourself you found Yunho lying beside you, gently rubbing your side where a strange mark now rested.
"Wha's that?" You asked, words slurring as though you were drunk.
Yunho smiled softly. "It is a special symbol among our people, a sign of our love-bond to each other. It is very similar to the human concept of marriage, though we do not hold such grand ceremonies to celebrate it."
Your smile mirrored his as you curled into him and felt all four arms wrap around you.
"I think I like this better." You murmured sleepily. "Who needs some expensive ceremony anyway?"
Yunho laughed quietly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before joining you in blissful slumber.
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Jolting awake you bolted into a sitting position, eyes darting about wildly. Where were you? What had happened to Yunho? Why were you in a library?
Then reality came rushing back and the fear left your body. Seonghwa had spoken rightly when he said you would forget what was real the deeper you went. Even now, a part of you wanted to dive right back into the book and find Yunho.
Shaking your head, you lifted the key that had appeared in your palm. It was gold, decorated with deep green emeralds. It joined the first two and you stood, catching your breath as you pondered your next move.
Perhaps it would be best to get the worst over with before you were fully sucked into the false realities. Yes, you decided, the Horror section would be next.
Let's get this over with.
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ssentimentals · 2 years
first crush {choi seungcheol}
pairing: seungcheol x fem!reader
prompt: 'you should pay rent of how much you live in my head.'
warnings: none, it's pure fluff as usual
seungcheol is with his friends at starbucks and they are discussing something, but he’s not listening, not really; his whole attention is focused on you and when that happens, everything else kind of fades into the background for him. you are standing not far up the queue and he already knows you are going to order one cappuccino venti with a small smile and always, always a polite 'please' and 'thank you' on your lips. he already knows you are going to glance at the caramel waffles on the counter, bite your lip in a debate whether to buy them or not and for whatever reason you always decide against them despite your obvious desire and it makes seungcheol sad every single time. for the last two months he has to resist the urge to come up to you with whole pack of those waffles, the only thing that’s stopping him is that you two are… nothing, in reality. not friends or at least acquaintances, not enemies, not strangers - just two people who have decided to take Economy 101 and now are suffering the consequences of that action. 
seokmin, ever the gentle sunshine, nudges him with: 'some people find staring creepy, so maybe you can-'
'seok is trying to remind you that you have balls, so man up and make the first move,' jeonghan interrupts, grinning. 'we are not letting this one slide, my friend. it’s your first crush, after all!'
and that is exactly what makes everything bizarre for seungcheol - you are his first crush. he never understood what 'crush' even entails, because he never really found anyone particularly appealing or maybe he just never bothered with relationships being too focused on his studies; 'crush' never happened to him in that big sense, when one actually feels something close to the word that starts on 'L''. he did have his share of dates but nothing turned into something serious and no one stayed in his head the way you managed to do without even trying. seungcheol likes his routine and these unfamiliar feelings towards you were not part of it, which annoyed him at first but then he just accepted that thoughts about you became part of his day. his friends obviously noticed this change in him and got incredibly excited on the prospect of him finally having a crush on someone. ('it’s really not that big of a deal,' cheol tries to reason but they don’t even listen to him. 'you having a crush happens like once in a blue moon, of course it’s a big deal!'). so yes, he has a crush. he doesn’t really understand how others are not like him as well, because surely he can’t be the only one who notices how you stand out from the rest? it was intimidating at first but when he realized that you are single and no one is actively pursuing you, he relaxed and— did nothing. horrifyingly paralyzing fear of rejection stopped him from trying anything out (that one time when he came up to you with a question about upcoming exam does not count). which is also not seungcheol’s style, and it’s again unusual, unfamiliar, bizarre and oh god, he hates it. 
'seat next to her is the only empty one,' seokmin notices and seungcheol doesn’t miss him and jeonghan sharing a knowing look. 'um, i suddenly remembered-'
'don’t you fucking dare.' seungcheol grabs both of them by elbows but he’s not quick enough.
'we have to go, my mom’s friend’s fish was left unattended, you see?' jeonghan’s eyes are sparkling with mischief and he pats cheol’s back in a mock comfort. 'but you said it yourself, atmosphere here helps you to focus better and you have to finish that paper, right? so stay and me and seokmin have to go.' little shit grabs seokmin’s hand and pushes him towards the exit. 'and remember cheollie - you have balls!'
cheol glances at your direction and you look too engrossed in the book to notice anything else, so he's a little relieved on that one. he quickly orders his usual americano and with zero hesitation also grabs two packs of caramel waffles, ignoring how his heart decided to gallop out of his chest at this moment. every step towards your table feels like a battle within himself and by the time he reaches you, seungcheol is mentally exhausted and his brain turns into mush because when you look up, all that comes out from his mouth is a rather rude 'that's for you' followed by thrown waffles in your direction. he realizes what he's done only seconds after but it's already too late: you look startled in a very, very unpleasant way. shit.
'shit,' he vocalizes, making you look at him again. 'fuck- i'm sorry for throwing them at you, i was going to- that was very rude, wasn't?' you nod and he sighs, resisting the urge to bump his head at the table. 'i'm sorry, i didn't mean to do that. shit, i really wish i could control myself better around you.'
his mouth finally shuts up and after a minute of a charged silence, you gesture at the empty seat in front of you. 'you wanted to take that one?'
seungcheol mutely nods, unmoving. you are looking at him like he's weird and he is, that's the thing, but you were not supposed to learn that right away. he hesitantly pulls up the chair and as you don't protest, he equally hesitantly sits on it, pulling out his laptop from the backpack. 'i'm sorry again,' he mutters and carefully slides waffles towards you. 'these are for you. i'm seungcheol, by the way, in case-'
'i know your name,' you interrupt quietly, raising your eyebrow. 'we are together in Economy 101 class. we even talked once, i think.'
'we did.' he confirms and again taps on the waffles. 'i notic- i mean, anyway, these are for you.' when you look at him with a very obvious question, he adds: 'just thought you would like them, you know.'
'you bought these waffles because you thought i would like them?' you ask, puzzled.
seungcheol nods. you are silent again and honestly? he's on a low head start of just sprinting the fuck out of here, because this might be the most awkward and embarrassing interaction he ever had in whole life and-
'think of me a lot then, seungcheol?'
he looks up in shock. you don't look mad - there's humor in your eyes and question is asked in a more teasing manner than anything else. corners of your lips are turned upwards and it looks like you are trying your hardest not to smile widely. you sound confident but he sees light blush dusting your cheeks and you're not fooling him, you are nervous too. seungcheol sits back, smiling.
'you should pay rent of how much you live in my head.'
your eyes widen a little and you duck your head, making him grin widely. your shoulders shake with a quiet laughter and seungcheol's mission instantly becomes to get out of here and hear your loud laugh, be the reason of it. when you look up, you are smiling and he feel his heart thump loudly in his chest. ah, so this is what differentiates 'crush' from everyone else. you are smiling at him and just this gesture makes him happy, just this is enough.
'i can take payment in different ways, by the way. i'm flexible like that,' he says, grinning.
'oh really?' you ask, smiling as well. 'what are the ways of paying?'
'giving me your number is the one that i feel most inclined to at the moment.' he unlocks his phone and slides it towards you. 'rest can be discussed.'
he refuses to acknowledge how adrenaline practically pumps through his veins as you enter the digits. you give it back to him and he calls instantly, lightning up when your phone starts buzzing. you laugh, shaking your head in amusement: 'you thought i'd given you a fake number?'
he shrugs, smiling. 'it's always good to check.' he then looks down at another pack of waffles and slides them to you as well. 'these ones are for you too.'
your smile is sincere when you accept them and your quiet 'thank you' warms his heart. he's too excited to concentrate on any work right now, so he stands up, ready to share great news with his friends. 'i'll text you,' he promises, gathering his laptop. 'please reply to me.'
you laugh loudly at this and he smiles. mission completed. 'i will, i promise.' you say. 'see you, i guess?'
he nods. 'see you very soon,' he confirms and runs away with a light heart and a huge smile on his face.
a/n: ah it's almost Christmas! hopefully you are all in a good place and are enjoying it to the fullest <3 here is the link to my other works, check them out as well! - nini
tag list: @pearlygraysky @woozionascooter @smalliechelle @jaetaimjadore @yeow6n (let me know if you want to be added!)
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lola-bunn1 · 2 years
The moon and the sun.
Chapter Three: The Beauty of the Moon
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You always thought it was odd how when the sun was up, everybody was outside, enjoying its heat and light. But when the moon was up, everybody went back inside, not caring about it as much as they cared about the sun.
The moon was just like the sun, just as beautiful, it lit up the night sky just as the sun lit up the day. So why doesn't anyone seem to notice the moon as much as they noticed the sun?
"These are Ilu" Ao'nung said as he pointed to the creatures in the water, "If you want to live here, you have to ride."
You stood next to Neteyam as looked at the Ilu, "None of them are attacking me" He said and you raised an eyebrow
"What do you mean?" You asked
"How will I know which one is destined for me?" He asked
"Look at them, any one of them. You will get a feeling, and that's just how you know which one is destined for you." You explained
He nodded and looked around, spotting one
"This one...I feel that it's the one for me" He said, and swam to it, he got on it's back
"Be gentle, now form the bond" You spoke, watching as he held up his braid and connected his queue with the Ilu's. "Feel him. His breath, his strength"
He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, and taking in the Ilu.
You grabbed his hand and placed it on the handle
"Hold here" You said
"Wait how do you control this thing-" Before he could continue his sentence, his Ilu swam in the speed of light, you ducked your head in the water, watching as he held on to the Ilu for dear life, a smile rising up on your lips
He finally let go and swam up to the surface, he coughed up some water and glanced at you, seeing you smiling
"Do you enjoy seeing people suffer?" He said, making you laugh
"Here, let me show you" You said as you called your Ilu
After some time, it was getting late and you decided to call it a day, making plans to meet up tomorrow for more lessons. Once everybody went home, you sat by the shore, watching as the sun set.
You suddenly heard footsteps, snapping you out of your trance. You got up and went into defense mode
"Relax, just me" Neteyam said as he raised his hands up, a light smile on your face
"What are you doing here?" You asked
"I'm supposed to ask you that question. I thought you went home?"
You sighed and looked back at the moon, "I was, but I just wanted to stay for a little bit."
He noticed how your blue eyes had a glow in them, a reflection of the moon.
"You like watching the moon?" He said as he sat down with you
"I've always liked watching the moon, it just gives me peace." You responded, fidgeting with your hands
"Can I ask you a question?" He said
"Go ahead"
"Why don't you talk to your siblings?" He asked, you furrowed your eyebrows and looked to him
"What do you mean? I always talk to them"
"I mean, yeah sure. But you always seem to talk to them as if they aren't your siblings, like they are just some acquaintances" He said, and you looked down
"I don't know, I guess I just-"
You both turned to see your dad calling
"Sorry, father." You quickly said, getting up, "I have to go, quickly go before they see you, bye Neteyam" You said, waving to him as you walked away with no context
He just waved back and slowly began walking away
"How many times have I told you to stop coming here and staring at that stupid planet all night." He could hear Tonowari say, Neteyam's expression faltered
You walked back home to see your mother sitting there
"I'm sorry mother" You immediately said, before even greeting her
"For what?" She asked, confused
"She was outside past eclipse" He said
"I was nearby..." You said and your father loudly sighed, you went quiet and went to help your mother make dinner in silence. It was odd how she didn't make a comment like she always did.
A few moments later, Ao'nung and Tsireya came, sitting down and waiting for dinner
"Neteyam asked you to teach him?" Tsireya whispered and you simply nodded, "Somebody has a crush on you" She teased
"It's not like that. I'm sure." You whispered back
"We'll see." She smiled
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ponett · 1 year
Do you still keep up with MLP shit at all or do your other interests take priority nowadays?
i still like mlp, but FiM ended four years ago. so, you know, there's not exactly as much to keep up with. i stopped engaging with the wider fandom outside of my immediate circle years before the show even ended, despite still watching it every season, because the fandom was a cesspool. every once in a blue moon i'll decide to draw a quick bit of fanart. but i mostly just admire what my mutuals draw and/or reblog and throw some of that in my queue, and that's enough for me. it doesn't have to be my whole life
i never watched pony life, so i couldn't tell you how i feel about it. gen 5 has been... mediocre. it hasn't grabbed me, despite liking most of the new cast in theory. i watched the first batch of episodes of the netflix show and wrote a long thing about it on medium. i'll get around to it eventually, but i have yet to watch the new episodes that have been released since then, in part because i never see people talk about the show. so it's not like i gotta tune in to keep up with what my mutuals are saying about it. they're too busy making posts about fluttershy smoking weed
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bottlehawk · 10 months
we have reached the end of my queue!! soft hiatus on the queue and any general homestuck blogging for a couple months because i am very busy right now. i'll be fully back when it's all over 🦅 this would be a good time to look back through this blog's archive for those who use my queue to find old art, since this thing has been running non-stop since february? i think. wow!
for any asks, feel free to continue sending them in. by now you should know that my blogging style is that i live in a tiny hamlet out in the middle of the woods and occasionally venture out once every blue moon🌛
ok ttyl 👋
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