#the game isn't eating into my hobbies if i PAINT it!
rad-roche · 2 months
Always Bet On Banana
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emin-folly · 2 months
Maybe this is a stupid question, but what do you think Eobard does in his free time? Like, does he have a daily schedule? A color-coded calendar with reminders how to fuck with Barry? Is he still a professor? Like, what does he DO when he isn't actively fucking up someone's life? Sry, I just got interested in him very recently, and the comics are chaotic lol
Hello~! I'm very happy to be the first to welcome you to Yellow Rat hell <3 He's such a fascinating, tragic, horrid gremlin of a man, and he definitely deserves more fans aha. As someone who reads comics, I can confirm it's not you, they can be very confusing and all over the place xD
And no, that's not a stupid question, not at all! He is shown not to always be around to bother Barry for months at a time, so it's entirely reasonable to wonder where he goes a lot of the time~ Some ideas of what he could be possibly doing are but not limited to:
Tending to his beloved museum. Aside from Barry, this is one of the very few things he treasures deeply. It's his pride and joy as well as his home. We all know he's established to be the curator of the museum and has provided tours to the public, but it's very unclear if he continued with that after becoming Reverse Flash. While he might've, I feel like there's too many reasons why he wouldn't. One being that the Renegades know his secret identity and I'm pretty sure that would ruin a lot of business for him lol. Plus with Eobard's mentality, I think he would be just too distracted, too frantic with his need to focus on Barry to do his day job
Now this is more of a fun headcanon my friend, Ftl were talking about that I since adopted where Eobard likes to pop back into the past, right before a major event or disaster, whether just as a bystander or a instigator. And of course, he always manages to run into Vandal Savage, so much to the point now that Vandal now associates him as a omen for things to come
He is canonically shown to go and bother/mess with Thomas Wayne a handful of times. This is significant as normally he really doesn't go out of his way for anyone that's not Barry/Flashfam member more than he absolutely has to. He doesn't even go after Hal. The only people he seems to be genuinely interested in and fixated on are those who have (willingly) killed him. Thomas may not rank as high as a priority as Barry, naturally, but he definitely counts as a hobby at least
There was also that time in Flash Age, where Eobard got to play the role of savior of Central City in his own era. He genuinely seemed to enjoy being the hero but, well, if you read to the end, you'll see why that most likely won't be happening again heh
Now this one is a lot more jokey, but in a DC Holiday Special, there's one panel in the last story that shows Eobard enjoying a game of poker with the Anti Monitor along with some other characters, so take from that what you will~
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Now, as for your question about him still being a Professor, that's also really not explained in depth. They never really cement exactly what he's a Professor of, but considering him, it's most likely history and/or the Speed Force. In some comics he does have students, in others it works mostly as just a title and then sometimes it's not referenced at all, but it's safe to assume he still is one aha
I also don't really see him having a daily routine. The way I see it, Eobard is so far removed from being human, he doesn't really need to eat, sleep, or do personal hygiene lol But I really love your calendar idea! It would definitely look something like: "Fuck with Barry" "Fuck with Barry" "Fuck with Barry" "Fuck with Barry/Visit Daddy Bat" "Fuck with Barry/Die" "Askdhsgkdbjk" "Poker night" 😂
Also, I know it's not really canon but I really enjoy the idea of him painting. Eobard is a gifted child and a genius, he can master practically anything he sets his mind to. IDK why painting of all things, but it just kinda seems right. Bonus points if he uses it to replace original paintings in the past with his LOL
Overall, sadly, we don't get to see all the mischief he gets up to when not tormenting Barry, only tidbits. But hey, that just gives us some creative freedom to come up with fun ideas ourselves~
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mossy-petrichor · 26 days
Mossy Petrichor's healthy coping 101
Do you always dissociate from distressing situations, repress strong emotions or deal with stress by self harming? Do you have 0 idea what it means when people talk about "coping"? This post is for you!
I usually see this happen a lot in people who were emotionally neglected (like yours truly), which is unfortunately really common, but no less traumatizing
Psa: all of this is based off my own experience, as someone who also had no idea how to cope and learned it by themselves. This isn't medical advice!
So, what does coping mean?
When you go through a stressful situation, you can feel your emotions at a 10/10. To cope is to bring this down so you don't lose your mind. This can apply to anger, sadness, hopelessness, fear
I like to separate coping into two ways:
Expressing the emotions in a healthy way
Calming yourself and bringing the emotions down (when you can't express them, or when those emotions do more harm than good)
I usually go by 1, but 2 can be used for when, for example, feeling angry at someone who can't change. So you keep feeling this anger that you can't do anything about, and it'll just make you feel worse to keep feeling it whenever you look at this person
Here's some things to make sure to do if you're feeling shitty:
Drink water
Eat a meal
Take a nap
Move your body (go outside if you can)
Socialize, talk to friends
(think of yourself as an animal in the zoo. If you noticed them feeling bad, what would you do to make them feel better?)
Here's some examples of how to express emotions healthily:
Singing loudly, screaming, humming, stimming verbally, talking to yourself out loud about what made you feel bad
Acting, drawing, painting (it doesn't have to be perfect! Just express whatever those emotions feel like, in whichever way feels right)
Writing poetry, visual poetry, making playlists, writing (like projecting into a character, make them do the things you wish you could do to cope)
Writing about how you feel, crying, venting (can be counterproductive, so if you feel like venting is just making things worse, try something else!)
Dancing, jumping, running/walking, exercising, cleaning, stimming physically
Ripping paper, chewing on something
Baking or cooking, going outside, playing with animals, gardening, taking pictures
Here's some examples of how to calm your emotions when you can't express them:
Watch something that makes you laugh
Consume comfort media (make a list! Videos, series, movies, books, songs)
Play a chill game
Make a list of things that make you happy and read it
Listening to music
Taking deep breaths, tensing and relaxing your muscles
Engage with things that make you happy (a hobby, art, an interest)
Meditation, sitting and thinking about your emotions
This isn't an extensive list! Coping is a very personal thing, and all of these are suggestions if you don't know where to start! In the beginning, it can (and will) feel like it doesn't do anything, because you're used to immediate solutions to make you stop feeling unpleasant emotions, and healthy coping mechanisms don't work immediately - it's a long term thing
Some of these can make you feel worse, in which case you should just try something else. As I said, they won't immediately make you feel better until you're more used to coping healthily
Eventually, you'll reach a point where it feels more intuitive and less forceful and uncomfortable, but you have to get past this first phase! It's like building a muscle, and it takes work. With practice, you'll figure out what works best for you and what doesn't
I promise it gets easier :•)
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hello! o/
not sure if you're still taking requests, but if so, i'd love to req. the bachelors with an artist s/o!
thank you for your time either way!<3
Finally! My reblog of that anon summoning post actually work- I mean hi, anon! 👋 Yes, I'm still taking requests ☺️
I hope you don't mind if I write about SVE bachelors too. If you don't know about SVE mod, don't worry, I'll separate the bachelors' answer to vanilla game and Stardew valley expanded mod so you don't confuse them.
Thanks for the ask! Enjoy!
Stardew Valley Bachelors with artist!Farmer s/o:
Alex knows that his partner is incredibly talented, so he wasn't surprised when he found out that the Farmer turned out to be a great artist. Another fact about Alex's partner, he will tell everyone and brag about how good his s/o is.
Sometimes he will joke that the Farmer pays so much attention to the object of drawing that he can even become jealous.
Alex doesn't hesitate to flex in front of the Farmer, showing his muscles and giving them a reason to draw him in all his glory.
Despite his pride, he blushes a little when he sees how beautifully his s/o drew Alex. Comment from s/o that in reality Alex will always be prettier anyway will turn the athlete into a tomato.
He really likes your summer seascapes.
It still remains a mystery to him how s/o manages to combine farming and painting at the same time.
Alex always supports your hobby, even if he doesn't understand some types of art like abstractionism.
Wow, he didn't know that they draw so well, it's so cool!
Constantly asks for permission to look at the Farmer's sketchbook, if they don't mind of course.
Sam will be delighted with how beautifully and in detail his s/o draws the characters of his favorite comics and video games.
Sometimes Sam will ask Farmer to draw something funny on his hand. It looks like a beautiful tattoo. Jodi politely asks the Farmer to stop drawing in her eldest son's arms, as Sam refuses to wash his hands before eating, afraid to wipe the drawing off his skin.
He will hang all their drawings on the wall to admire during relaxation or musical rehearsal.
Some drawings he will keep in a special box as a treasure.
Please don't show him food and drink still lifes - their s/o paints food so beautifully and believably that he immediately wants to eat something. He laughs at Farmer's joke when they warn Sam not to inadvertently eat the painting itself.
His s/o is full of mysteries and talents, isn't it?
Sebby will be interested to hear how and when exactly the Farmer began to get involved in drawing.
He'll be pleasantly surprised if his s/o shows him a science fiction comic they've drawn. If the Farmer wants to publish the comic and concept art on the Internet, then Sebastian will create a dedicated site for their publication.
His entire monitor is plastered with stickers drawn by his s/o in the form of cute frogs. No matter how many times Abigail and Sam tease him about it, he will not remove the stickers.
If the Farmer draws digital arts, Sebastian will always put them on the desktop of his computer.
For their s/o birthday, Sebby will give them a nice electronic sketchbook.
Sebastian sometimes gets nervous when Robin comes into his room, because he is afraid that his mother will accidentally throw out one of his s/o drawings. Robin seems to know that the drawing on Sebastian's desk should not be touched, but Sebby still sometimes hides them in the table, just in case.
Marvelous! Wonderful! Elliott didn't expect to meet another creative soul. The valley is indeed full of talented people!
Even the most ordinary sketch, which, according to his own s/o, is unremarkable, Elliott keeps as the apple of the Eye.
He will be happy if the Farmer offers to draw illustrations for his new novel he's writing.
While he is touring for his another book signing, Elliott will search for handmade sketchbooks and expensive paint sets as gifts for his precious s/o.
Elliott loves how beautifully they portray the landscape of their farm. He will hang this picture in a beautiful frame on the wall in the most prominent place in the house.
One day, after a few strong drinks, he will jokingly offer s/o to draw him half-naked. The poor writer will immediately blush if the Farmer seriously agrees to this idea. The portrait came out beautiful, but they both decided to keep the painting a secret. There are some paintings that are not created for prying eyes.
Elliott will put up a new closet in his room for all his s/o paintings, drawings, and creative figures.
Harvey isn't surprised when Farmer says they can draw. They are talented in everything they undertake.
Harvey is used to their doodles on his workbook and notes. The Farmer in the clinic is a frequent visitor, and sometimes they cannot restrain their creative impulse. Harvey doesn't mind, but please don't draw in his documents!
Every time s/o fills Harvey's lunch box for him at work, they leaves notes with cute and motivating drawings. Today is a note with a pun, tomorrow it is a painted kitten in a cup that wish Harvey a good day. Harvey smiles warmly every time at the sight of such small messages from his loved one, which set him up in a good mood.
He constantly massages his s/o hands when they starts to ache from frequent drawings and farm work. No hard work today, doctor's order!
Was very surprised when he found a whole stack of papers with sketches of his portrait. The Farmer says that Harvey is his main muse, so there is nothing to be surprised about.
He is amazed at how accurately they draw model aircraft.
A little embarrassed when his s/o asks him to pose for a portrait. The Farmer tells him to just be himself the way the Farmer loves him, and Harvey relaxes, once again noting how talented his s/o is.
Heh, neat.
"Can you draw a dick on the wall at Joja Market?"
Shane please
He constantly smiles when his s/o shows him a book of sketches. Shane could listen to them forever.
Shane himself is not a fan of great art, but will listen with interest to the Farmer about different styles of drawing.
Stickers and funny pictures with farm animals are his favorites. He especially likes how they drew cute chickens.
What, this chicken sticker was inspired by Shane's favorite Charlie? Shane is about to die of happiness.
His s/o sat with Jas on more than one occasion and helped her with posters for contests and events. + into the piggy bank of good memories for Shane.
The Farmer always asks Shane for fresh sketch ideas. Shane usually says he's untalented when it comes to imagination, but he always comes up with a funny and crazy idea for new s/o drawings.
"So, you haven't changed your mind yet about drawing on the Joja wall di-?"
Stardew Valley Expanded Bachelors with artist!Farmer s/o:
There is a whole book with Victor's portrait. And they are all so beautiful, why did his s/o hide it from him?!
Well, they didn't hide it, but Victor would like to know that his partner is the next Leonardo da Vinci!
Victor does not hesitate to give you a huge set of high-quality expensive paints, colored pencils and sketchbooks.
He is very glad that the Farmer and his mother have a common interest. Olivia and Victor's partner often arrange private drawing lessons at home, remembering to constantly call Victor and show him the paintings on the canvas. Great family time!
Although Victor is more knowledgeable in design and drafting himself, he doesn't mind getting some advice from his s/o.
He jokes and wipes the Farmer's hands and face if they don't notice they're covered in paint.
Usually, Victor is a little shy about asking the Farmer to draw something specific, such as landscape with a bridge. But his s/o seems to read Victor's thoughts and in a week gives Victor a beautiful picture with famous bridges. Victor will be surprised more than once how good and accurately they draw.
He also often shares his drawings of bridge designs with them and asks for their opinion.
Not to say that he is a fan of art, but the way s/o draws natural landscapes is very mesmerizing. The painting is like a window to another world!
With permission from his s/o, he casts a quick cleaning spell on them, as the Farmer always manages to stain themself and their clothes with paint.
Magnus and his s/o often go to the forest, where they find a beautiful scenic spot. The Wizard sits in the lotus position to meditate, and the Farmer sits nearby and quietly draws a new picture. It may seem unremarkable to some, but Magnus appreciates such calm moments more than anything.
"Can you pose for me please?" Wait, what? They want to draw him? Why not.
Magnus comments that he looks better on canvas than in reality. For which he receives an angry look from the Farmer and the answer that on the canvas they are unlikely to ever depict their favorite wizard as beautiful as he is in reality.
Merciful Yoba, Farmer, why are you so perfect in everything?
Farmer, adventurer and artist... My my, their s/o is an incredible person.
He repeatedly notices how they buried their noses in the diary and make notes about adventures with beautiful illustrations.
A little jealous of his s/o time management: the Farmer has time to do farm work, protect the valley, and paint at the same time!
Nevertheless, he suggests at least sometimes to rest and not to overestimate their strength. Tired hands will affect the ability to hold a weapon firmly, which can end badly in a fight with monsters.
Lance is hard to embarrass, but when their s/o shows him sketches of Lance himself, the brave adventurer's cheeks turn a little pink. They painted him like an Olympic god.
"You are like an Olympic god, I could not miss such beauty and not draw you" Thank you very much, now Lance's cheeks are now rosier than his hair.
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royrockstone · 7 months
Some of these ig :)
Roman + 😃 , 🐈 , 🎡 , 🎭
Kendall + 📿 , 🧡
Shiv + 🐈 , 😨 , 🌘
I hope I'm doing this right, I usually don't do these hc/ask game things but I just finished honesty and it was delicious so...
(also sorry for making you think about roman being happy)
hc + 😃 for a happiness-themed headcanon
omg this is tough... ty for apologizing bc this is a hardship...
i think roman thought of logan as the font of all happiness. i think, after logan's gone-- it's not that roman stops being able to feel happy or that the world has gone grey or whatever-- it's more that he can no longer trust the feeling of happiness, if it doesn't come from logan. i think logans death so subtly but completely unmoored him that happiness would start to feel wrong or traitorous.
hc + 🐈 for a pet/animal-themed headcanon
i mean why write a hc in a tumblr post when could've had a dog exists.
buuut i think roman probably shouldn't have a pet because he is just not responsible. BUT he would be capable of lavishing tremendous love on one periodically, if there were one in his life. i could see him being in a semi-sham relationship with a woman where neither of them is at all happy, and delaying the breakup bc she has like. a cute cat.
i can also very clearly imagine roman being incredibly emotional and irrationally angry about his pets. like he told shiv to feed his fish while he was away at military school and then he gets back and he's like "you clearly didn't feed my fish every day they look all pale and sad this is why you'll be a terrible mother"
hc + 🎡 for a hobby-themed headcanon
i think he's mostly a passive hobby person. going to the movies, etc. i think active hobbies feel embarrassingly earnest and also middle class to him. i could see an older roman having some kind of rich person conspicuous-consumption based hobby (collecting amusingly ugly but expensive paintings, maybe?)
hc + 🎭 for an arts-/crafts-themed headcanon
i think a lot about the 'roman wrote a screenplay' throwaway line, and my final judgment is that roman probably has the capability to write cleverly, but lacks all the work ethic and compassion and interest in others that would make a good screenwriter. i am also a 'roman secretly wishes caroline had put him in ballet lessons' truther. i think that's for aesthetic reasons plus the vague sadomasochism of a ballet master with a troublesome student being very gerri-esque and appealing, and i don't think roman would have ever acted on that wish.
hc + 📿 for a faith-themed headcanon
im sure he had a TM phase, a Buddhist phase, maybe a Kabbalah phase back when that was a thing, but he also can't help but subordinate any belief he has to his larger belief in, like, The Market, and he lacks the commitment to stick to any one belief about the nature of the universe or his own spiritual practice.
he clearly believes in God, but not in any helpful or constructive way. he needs God in the sense that he needs the domineering presence of a belief in something overwhelmingly bigger than himself, which is why logan was able to be his godhead for a while. but he also clearly wants to believe that sins get punished and expunged, that he can have a clean slate and a clear conscience again, and he's yet to find any force that can really offer him that.
hc + 🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
kendall is the only sibling who lets people get somewhat close to him, for better or for worse, and that puts people like stewy close enough to see everything that's wrong but never close enough to help him (and maybe stewy just isn't interested enough to attempt to help anymore) when kendall tried to get stewy in bed with waystar, im sure every single one of stewy's instincts were like Do Not Do This and kendall was like "dude. name one good reason why you shouldn't be i the kenny business" and stewy was like "well you have half an eating disorder and an entire coke habit, and your rickety aging family business is held together with debt and duct tape"
(i kind of want to extend my kendall pov chapter from eat what's rotten into a full fic one day, because i like thinking about stewy's view of the roy dysfunction/the collective family ed.)
hc + 🐈 for a pet/animal-themed headcanon
im team shiv resents mondale. i think she doesnt even like the image of having a dog-- nothing appeals to her about the christmas card with a big, handsome purebred. i think she internally sentenced herself to doing something nice for tom because she felt bad about something or other and next thing she knew they had a dog. i think shes disgusted by them being dumb, and undiscriminating, and messy. see again couldve had a dog
hc + 😨 for a fear-themed headcanon
i think shiv is mostly afraid of germs and her father. there's a lot of talk in the show that infantalizes shiv-- the pretend post office story connor tells, 'she sees monsters from piles of laundry on the floor' or whatever, 'he built you a playground and you think it's the world'. and it feels like it's just rank misogyny, and in many ways it is, but also that language suggests something that is true. shiv has a polished adult exterior, and hides it all well, but she is, as much as her brothers, still a petrified child who perpetually thinks she's in trouble with daddy. and i dont think the people around her completely see or acknowledge that, but they are dimly aware of it.
hc + 🌘 for a night-themed headcanon
insomniac shiv is very close to my heart. i like the idea that she thinks shes stronger than other people because she functions with very little sleep. like she was that person in college who was like 'ive slept five hours in the past three days and im going to a party tonight and ill have my midterm turned in before that'
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bylertruther · 1 year
♦ will will will will will will will WILLL
thank u, thea! :D
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
i'd first like to say that my life was irreversibly changed the day that someone pointed out will has glasses in his room. so, just keep that in mind.
when / if he starts wearing glasses regularly, i'd like to think that his general fidgeting when nervous would extend to those, too. like, he pushes them up whenever he gets flustered or is trying to lie about something, and it quickly becomes one of his most obvious tells.
i think he'd be fastidious about keeping them clean, too. you will Not catch him slipping!
he has to resort to some... interesting and genius engineering when they inevitably break.
he gets into making little flipbooks out of sticky note pads. (he makes one for dustin about his dnd character and dustin ofc keeps it forever.)
el does the baking and will does the decorating. (that is, if they don't eat all the frosting first.)
people headcanon will as a night owl, but i think he'd be an early bird. i'm taking him being bright eyed and bushy tailed in 3x03 while lucas and mike are dying as my proof.
will was born a gamer, lived as a gamer, and will die as a gamer. fifty year old will is out there with hella consoles and games still playing dnd and he literally Does Not Care what anyone has to say about it. mf has multiple screens too like you cannot fuck with him you CANNOT !
i think he dips his toes into painting and sculpting and other artistic mediums, but pen/pencil/graphite/etc and paper will always be his main squeeze.
this one's sad, but i think that will gets more expressive bc he's used to being invisible. so when people Do notice his behavior he's like ??? what?? you can see me? and you actually give a fuck? huh. as if he isn't sitting there rolling his eyes and sighing and throwing himself back against the cushions and exhibiting the saddest most kicked puppy face known to man and literally bursting into tears 24/7 being as subtle as a kick to the face.
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grimeclown · 1 year
Please ignore if this isn't welcome, but if you're looking for a way to feel the harsh feelings you need to and do the thinking you need to without it eating you alive I have advice. As someone who really struggles after breakups I reccomend picking up a sewing pattern. Value Village or local thrift stores usually have a few on hand, 50s and 60s dresses are especially good t-girl clothes. Figuring out how to read a pattern and sew and unfamiliar piece of clothing takes up just enough brainpower that you end up microdosing processing between it. Chances are if you're not an experienced seamstress what you make will not be great but it'll be fun/funny to show to your friends. And, once you're done, you'll have unwound the knot from this breakup at least a little bit.
this is really nice advice. ive been trying to pick up my guitar a little more often, lose myself in video games. crocheting is on the docket for some point in the near future. so is miniature painting. i do have hobbies i just need to...... do them
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oseathepebble · 2 years
Marc Ambrose's Profile
"Watch your mouth, I can dig up any of your secrets."
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"A student that never seems to see eye to eye with their housewarden. Meticulous and secretive, they always seem to know something about everybody from info gained through social media or other means."
Introducing my Twisted Wonderland OC, Marc Ambrose! He's my twstsona and also has some inspiration from AUTO from WALL-E and Lethe (the river of forgetfulness)
The sections on Marc's background and notable relationships have Ch. 6 spoilers!
Close Up + More Info Below
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Technical Information
Name: Marc Ambrose
Japanese: マルク・アンブローズ
Other Names: Monsieur Petit (Rook) Anchovy (Floyd) Rabid Racoon (Leona) Pebble (Ignihyde Members)
Meaning: His first name, Marc means "brave" or "virile" His family name, Ambrose means "immortal"
Voice Claim: Ayumu Murase
Biographical Information
Gender: Bigender
Marc experiences exactly two gender identities, either simultaneously or varying between the two (Male and Female)
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
He has no preference between men and women
Age: 18
Birthday: October 26
Starsign: Scorpio
Height: 148 cm (4'10)
Eye Color: Cocoa Brown
Hair Color: Wood Bark Brown
Homeland: Island of Woe
Family: Father, Mother
Professional Status
Dorm: Ignihyde Dorm
School Year: Third
Class: 3-B, Student No. 12
Occupation: Student
Club: Board Game Club
Though Idia is in the club, Marc still joined the club since no other club really interested them
Best Subject: Art
Due to one of Marc's hobbies being drawing, art became one of their best and favorite subjects
Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Pork Adobo
Pork Adobo is one of the foods he grew up eating, the taste comforts him
Least Favorite Food: Dill Pickles
He finds the taste of dill pickles to disgusting, though he finds other pickled vegetables to be better tasting
Dislikes: Disorganization
Marc hates it when their things aren't organized. But that doesn't mean color-coded or sorted by name, they have a place for everything. To some, their idea of organization may be different, but to him, it makes sense
Hobby: Drawing
They have many sketchbooks filled with drawings they do, as they find drawing to be calming and a nice way to pass time. They also do digital art when they have the time
Talent: Hacking
Marc is able to hack into other databases, other people's devices, and security systems with ease. Due to years of doing it, they're able to leave little to no trace when hacking
Marc is a short person with beige skin, brown eyes, and wavy, chin-length brown hair that he ties into a ponytail with 2 chunks of hair in the front. Their nails are painted black and they wear glasses. Above their left eyebrow is a beauty mark, usually covered by their hair. They also have 2 ear piercings, one on their lobe and one on their helix. They typically wear a small silver stud on their lobe and a small silver hoop on their helix
He wears his school uniform with the blazer unbuttoned. His tie is tied into a bow. He pairs his uniform with black platform loafers which makes him 5'0 when wearing them
To others that don't know Marc personally, he appears to be shy and reserved. But really, he is a loud and chaotic person. He can become very angry and abrasive if the right things set him off. It's not a rare sight to see him get emotional over certain things. His more chaotic nature only comes out when he's with people he's comfortable with, online, or alone. Otherwise, he does get shy in public
Marc isn't one to make empty threats. Though he doesn't look very threatening, many have found out they aren't one to be messed with as he does follow through with his words. He also keeps many secrets from others, such as how he obtains information of others and some of his abilities
Though he is chaotic, Marc is still very detail-oriented when it comes to his work. Whether that be his programs, machines, or school work he has to make sure everything is right and perfect. He prefers to know all the details of assignments before proceeding with doing them
He's often regarded as the "Loudest Member of Ignihyde" due to how it's not uncommon to hear them yelling at games or such in their room and how he tends to socialize more than most members of the dorm
Skills and Magic
Info Gathering: Marc is very good at gathering information about his fellow students. He does this through hacking, social media, or by observing them in person. If given a name, he can find public and private information about them
Programming: He is a very skilled programmer for their age
Machine Creation and Maintenance: He knows how to create various machinery and perform maintenance on them. He's done maintenance on several magic wheels
Explosive Making: Marc knows how to make various types of explosives and has extensive knowledge of them. This includes fireworks
Fire Magic: Marc is very adept at fire magic. Most of the spells he's mastered are fire spells
Unique Magic
Marc's Unique Magic is "Flames of Remembrance" With it, he can remove any memory from a person's head
After the memory is removed, it manifests as a small, blue flame. If the flame goes out, the memory ceases to exist. But if kept in a jar, it can be maintained, and if so desired, returned to the person it's from. The flame doesn't burn things or produce heat, it is simply just a manifestation of the memory. The only things that can make the flame go out are if Marc blows on it or if it's left outside for too long (hence why it's kept in a jar for preservation)
To give the person back their memory, they have to be the one to blow out the flame. It is possible for Marc to give someone another person's memory. But it is something they don't do unless it gives them an advantage since they can't give themself other people's memories
Marc was born in the Shaftlands, but a few months after they were born, their parents were offered a job at S.T.Y.X. by Idia's parents, who they were friends with. And so Marc grew up on the Island of Woe with Idia and Ortho
At a young age, Marc's parents expressed their expectations for him. They wanted them to maintain a proper appearance, excel in school to keep up their family name, and later on become a person fit for a job at S.T.Y.X. Marc tried so hard to meet their expectations but this led to burnout
The only fun they had was when they got to hang out with Idia and Ortho and play video games. Being around them and S.T.Y.X Laboratory in general, they picked up many talents and skills
After Ortho's death and Idia shut himself away from others, Marc was alone. So their parents sent them away to go to a middle school in the Shaftlands. After they came back from their first year of middle school, they were up to date on current trends and had a new love of social media. Idia didn't like this new Marc, the new difference in their personalities cause them to start fighting. They came to despise each other even though they had been friends ever since they were babies
Upon coming to NRC, Marc hoped to not be put in the same dorm as Idia. Though it still ended up that way, much to their dismay. They continued to bicker and despise each other
As the years went on and Marc made new friends, the divide between the two became greater. Marc had wanted to be the dorm leader but when Idia became it, he was angry. And what made him even angrier was that Idia refused to make Marc his Vice Dorm Leader. The two had the biggest fight they had that day
Marc tries their hardest to separate themself from Idia and their past together, but no matter what, it seems like they always end up being stuck with him. Whether that be through the fact they're in the same dorm, class, and club, or the fact Marc is destined to just become another employee of S.T.Y.X. that works under the Shrouds
Notable Relationships
Idia Shroud: Idia and Marc are childhood friends. They used to be very close but as time passed and the two grew older, they drifted apart. Conflicts started arising between the two of them. Now they refuse to acknowledge the fact they were once friends and often argue with each other. But despite their dislike of each other, the two are frequently seen near each other, which has led some members of Ignihyde to believe the two secrety liked each other
It was Idia who gave Marc the nickname "Pebble" It used to be used in an affectionate manner when the two were kids, but now it carries a negative connotation. The two do have certain moments where they get along, but it doesn't take long for them to go back to hating each other
Ortho Shroud: Ortho and Marc were close as kids. Since Marc is an only child, they often treated Ortho like he was their little brother. When Ortho died, Marc was as sad and distraught as Idia was. Though he has mostly moved on, Marc is sometimes reminded of the incident when he looks at robot Ortho. Despite Marc's hatred for Idia, he still loves Ortho and treats him nicely. Ortho tries to get him to make up with Idia, but so far his efforts have been in vain
Azul Ashengrotto: Marc finds Azul to be very interesting. He adores him and finds his nature to be cool. He's the reason why Marc is still in the Board Game Club. Azul is the one who urged Marc to "know their worth" and gave them the idea to start charging others for his info-gathering services. The two are extremely close and Marc often visits Octavinelle and the Mostro Lounge just for Azul
Over time Marc developed a crush on him. He had accidentally confessed to Azul but immediately used his UM on him to make him forget. Ever since that day, Marc has been working up the courage to properly confess to him
Cater Diamond: Cater and Marc met through Magicam in middle school. The two became online friends and were very close. They were ecstatic to discover they were both going to NRC. They often talk about social media and current trends together. They confide in each other about personal matters. Though they may give each other horrible advice, they both have each other's back and will do anything for the other
They both got piercing together to solidify their relationship as best friends. When they go to cafes, Cater orders sweets just to post and lets Marc eat them after. Sometimes they have sleepovers where they paint each other's nails and Marc tells Cater all the new info he's learned
Riddle Rosehearts: Riddle and Marc have found out they have a few things in common. Mostly the fact that they both have parents that expect a lot out of them. Riddle appreciates having someone to talk to about his home life to that understands what he's going through. Marc listens to all his troubles and gives him comfort when he needs it. He attempts to get Riddle to do more chaotic and spontaneous things with him
Marc has offered to talk to Riddle's mom for him and tell her everything that's wrong with her parenting style, but Riddle refused
They carry a taser around with them
They know secret passageways throughout NRC and often use them to move undetected
They are partially blind in their right eye
They have two Magicam accounts, a personal account, and a drawing account
He once accidentally caused a mini explosion in the rooms of Ignihyde. He was forced to pay for the damage
He has bitten someone's fingers before
If the opportunity presents itself, Marc steals people's shoelaces
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astorichan · 1 year
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
give me the love of my life (ambiguous)
Love of your life you say? Ambiguous you say? Time to abuse that wording of yours =P
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon for the true love of your life /j:
You know about my music headcanons already, so I won't repeat myself here. I'll instead say that they love, love, love research for research's sake. Learning for learning's sake. Whenever they travel to a new place with your other love of your life, they're immediately the one trying to assemble as much information about the place as possible. They learn every single language that they come across. They go around marking interesting stuff to research in their free time. Their idea of time spent well is to hide in their room, possibly with Grimm, and just. Read. Write things down. Train in languages. Him being so close by while simultaneously focused on something of his own is their vision of a perfect day, add in rain drumming on the tent and you have them absolutely, utterly content.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon for the other love of your life =P
So, to continue the train of thought: Grimm likes to draw. A lot. And he's not really secretive about it, but he loves it most when Hollow's simply somewhere nearby and focused on their own thing. He also adds them into almost every painting of his, and it's a game with the two with Hollow searching where and how he'd depicted them this time around. He's also very into "technical" stuff. Not the correct word. Bear with me. He loves precise calculations and spellweaving - that is a shared hobby with Hollow as well, though he sometimes chooses to shut himself away from the world entirely and just FOCUS on the thing that he's doing. It isn't as "light" of a time spent as drawing.
♒ - cooking/food headcanon for Hollow:
They like trying to cook, because it's interesting for them - but damn, are they awful at it. They still have a ton of fun with it, though dsfgdsf They don't really have a favourite food, but they like spicy a lot. It takes a lot of spice to get them as well, since. Void and stuff. (Also, their favourite tea flavour is Assam black tea for Dreamsverse and non-descript white tea for Shatterverse, since I can't find into which of the five types the one i'm thinking falls.)
♒ - cooking/food headcanon for your blorbo supreme:
He's good at cooking. Like. He's godtier at cooking and at mixing beverages too. He loves experimenting with stuff, which is not always welcomed by Hollow, since they're a fairly "there are three comfort foods that I like and I don't need to eat in the first place" person. He's also into spice. He doesn't like some of Hollow's favourite things as well - for example, cilantro. (Favourite tea is rooibos, heheheh. He also loves very strong black teas, though.)
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valleyfthdolls · 8 months
🍕🎹🌂❤️ for the first oc you can think of
You get two of them (Amaya and Virgil)
🍕- What is their favorite food? Amaya is a fan of chocolate, mochi, and ice cream- things that are sweet, but don't taste A Lot. Virgil will eat anything you give him and tell him he can/should eat. Edibility is next to irrelevant. That being said he likes foods that are super super high in vitamins and minerals and stuff
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies? Amaya reads a lot and writes records of things. She also has a Reddit account. Idk where that one came from but she feels like a Reddit lurker. Virgil likes to sing and dance. He's a people pleaser who loves to make a show of himself for attention, but he does genuinely enjoy singing, dancing, and painting, and after giving up his performance as his only reason to be worth anything, he continues to do those for himself. He also plays solitaire a lot. It's the only card game he knows. He's not very good at any others.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in? They're definitely both horror/thriller type characters. They're very fit for Danganronpa, since they're originally DR OCs but I'm moving them around since Amaya fit into another narrative I was writing less so than my fangan and if I put Virgil in my fangan I'd have to kill him. They're fit for a specific tone and theme that I'm trying to capture in Spiral (and failing). I've been thinking about putting Virgil in Freaks but I think Freaks is like. I mean Freaks is 100% self indulgent it's just abt a bunch of kids finding their home in a weird haunted house. I mean it fits Virgil but I feel like it's. too kind for him??? Virgil's cruelty is justified by the brutality of the world until it isn't anymore and he has to give up trying to survive and survive as a performer at his own and everyone's expense.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories? Amaya's best memory is probably meeting Sayren, her kinda-girlfriend. Virgil's best memory is. difficult. I don't know if he really has any that would be considered "best" because 90% of his life he's been in a horrible mental and emotional spiral and the thing that snapped him out of that was a killing game. I'd probably say choosing his own name- Virgil Leitzel Wagnon.
speaking of which Amaya and Virgil were created for the same RP where I played them both at the same time and it feels SO weird trying to separate them. Even tho I wanna do more with them both aside from just class 42 it's. That's their people!! That's them!! yk
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asmos-s1ut · 1 year
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Name: Mia 。.。:∞♡*💗 (not my real name just a nickname! )
Age: 19
Favorite color: pink and gold (changes a lot)
Hobbies: painting , reading ff, and sleeping
Likes: eating , sleeping, and talking with friends
Dislikes: insects, loud people, the dark
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A little bit about myself:
I'm Hispanic (from Puerto Rico🇵🇷). English isn't my first language so bare with me please!!!! I'm currently living in USA for college.
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What is my account for:
My account would be a little more for OM creators who are out of ideas. I am really creative but not creative enough to make a story myself. So that's why I want to help them! If you are an obey me creator that is out of ideas or just never had ideas in the first place feel free to ask me to give you an idea! It doesn't matter how big or small your account is just ask and you shall receive. If you want a more custumized idea just tell me. Let me know if you want a specific character (ex.Thirteen,Diavolo,Mammon) or a specific type of story/prompt (ex.smut, fluff, angst) Also if you believe a character is transgender like I've seen other people say in stories that's fine just let me know so I can help you. I also plan on learning about characters in other games some day so I'll be able to help you with that but just not at the moment.
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How it works:
So just tell me "I want a (type of story of ur choice) story of (character of your choice" and I'll either give you a little paragraph of what you want so you can make that into a story or I'll give you a sentence like "(character of choice) is in the classroom when MC (or Y/N I doesn't matter) sends a spicy picture" just stuff like that
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Feel free to ask questions whether it is about myself or about my account. Thanks for reading! Also if you wanna be moots let me know!!!
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starg1rlie · 2 years
if ur fine with it 💍w/scara? my personality is pretty meh imo, im mostly extroverted and very talkative. if i’m honest i’m pretty ambitious with a lot of things and i’m very self disciplined according to my close relatives and friends. also i’m pretty confident in myself but not overly confident to the point i’ll start doing the most stupidest things. i also believe im well organized so i’ll freak tf out if everything is a mess (one time i had a mental breakdown bc i forgot to clean my room before going to school). also i’m pretty rude on a surface level, since i unintentionally insult people right in front of them. though with closer friends im very gentle n kind with them, i’ll show a lot of affection to them even in public. that’s mostly it so now moving to the hobby parts, personally i don’t think i have one? since mostly i’m studying, but if i do have free time i’ll either make plans with friends or play video games. i do have a little talent for the piano, i’m pretty mid at it but i can play a few songs. mostly i don’t have time to explore hobbies since i have extracurricular activities and studying💔 + some stuff wit my personality i forgot to add. whenever i pursue something i’m definitely not gonna take any break until i’m close to achieving it :)
(mb if i didn't pay much attention to your personality traits/hobbies, i was simply busy thinking of little things the two of you would do. i hope i incorporated enough to satisfy you, and make up for how long it took me to push out this post...)
pushing him in a shopping cart
at first, he protests. a lot. but he’ll get into the cart eventually, only because you’d bug him for the next week or so if he didn't. lowkey has to hold onto the side of the cart because you’re definitely going to go zooming down the aisles. he’s the one who grabs the stuff while you’re just having the time of your life. y’all get called out by the employees later but it was worth it :)
helping him paint his nails black bc he's going thru an emo phase
scaramouche does not see the appeal of bright colors. he himself prefers black, white, and grey, which are all simple and monotonous colors. like him/j. which is probably why his wardrobe looks like it went through the black and white snapchat filter. he even paints his nails black, or, well, attempts to. his adoptive little sister, qiqi, paints her nails black as well, because she wants to be like gege too. you end up painting both of their nails some of the time, and then yall post pics of you guys flaunting your nails like "don't mess with the emo bitches."
holding hands on the bus together
since your school is far, and most definitely not walking-distance, your friendly little neighbor (yall live in the same neighborhood) and you end up walking and waiting at the bus stop quite often, unless scaramouche's mom isn't too occupied with her girlfriend to drive him to school. you'll purposely sit next to him, just to piss him off, which works, but he'll take your hand in his anyways. if you breathe a word about it to anyone, though, he'll murder you.
cooking/baking (burning the house down) and failing miserably at it
he takes after his mum (ei), so i wouldn't suggest letting this emo boy within six feet of a stove or oven. of course, you ddin't know how bad it was until the two of you attempted to bake a birthday cake for his sister, qiqi. everything was going smoothly (minus the eggshells in the cake batter) until someone forgot to look after the oven. the cake (obviously) was ruined, burned black and was as hard as a brick. still, you had to make do with what you had, and scaramouche did some pretty decent icing work, even though qiqi refused to eat it, saying it'd break her teeth. another time, the two of you attempted to make a simple stir-fry, and apparently, scaramouche didn't understand that you had to stir slowly and carefully so that the food inside wouldn't spill out...you two ended up cleaning cabbage and chicken off of the stove for the rest of the night.
babysitting his (adoptive) sister qiqi
since ei is often busy at work and with her new girlfriend (pretty woman, her name's yae miko), scaramouche often finds himself looking after qiqi on his own. she doesn't really bug him while he's doing his homework, thankfully, but he does feel a tiny bit bad about leaving her with nothing to do. that's your cue. he'd call you to come over, and the two of you will probably just watch movies, play sorry or monopoly (scaramouche always seems to get bumped back or in jail), and stuff your faces with the chocolate ice cream in the fridge, even though ei specifically said no chocolate for qiqi. but rules were meant to be broken, no? and besides, he had to spoil his little sister some of the time, didn't he?
neat. 👏 freak. 👏 couple.
i swear, yall are a couple of fucking neat freaks (no offense). there ain't a spick of dust or a single pencil out of place in your guys' rooms and it CREEPS. ME. OUT. ahem, anyways. if your room (or his) ended up becoming dirty (which would probably never really happen to you, more on his side anyways), he'd probably help clean it up, but its mostly just you two vibing to the spotify playlist he set up.
he'll listen to you play the piano
whenever he's not busy, he'll pull up a seat next to you and just, quietly watch you play. he never comments about it, but if qiqi is in the same room, she'll clap her hands together slowly. she's actually quite fond of your piano music, and will probably ask you to teach 'gege' so he can teach her.
ngl, you probably insulted him
i'm not even gonna mince words here. you probably insulted him on his first day at your school. "damn, what happened to your horomones?" he glared at you and said that not all guys got the best of the gene pool. your day-to-day interactions with him at school has probably been mostly just you talking down on him and him just shooting insults right back at you 💀
he has to deal with you overworking yourself
he'll find you, laid out on your table, with exam papers spread out under your arms, snoring like a beast (no offense if you don't snore like that, or you don't snore at all-) and will gently place a blanket over you, along with a chaste forehead kiss. "the only reason you get better grades than me is because you overwork yourself so much," he'll murmur under his breath as he quickly finishes off whatever project or homework assignment you'd been working on.
matching bunny hats (yk, the ones w/the floppy ears <33)
he finds them ridiculous at first, but qiqi grew fond of them, and eventually, she was able to get him onboard about it. of course, you have to take a few (a lot of) photos, and even post a cute lil' couples tiktok of the two of you guys' ears flopping up in sync <33
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bronzewool · 11 months
So, recently I just learned Relocation Depression is a thing.
Which isn't something I would normally associate with myself because my family moved around pretty much my entire life. Maybe my parents did a good job of cushioning the blow by turning it into an adventure. Moving means a brand new bedroom I get to paint, a brand new park to play in, a brand new forest to explore, a brand new school where my bullies don't go to. Sure, my old friends wouldn't be there but I have my older brother, and he's already my best friend so its fine.
This time however I'm not feeling the old joys of being in a new place, decorating my own apartment, trying new food, and making new friends. Everyone I love is now in a different time zone so now I have to workaround when is the best time to call. I can't see them on a whim anymore, can't tell them I how weird it feels being in a different country where the culture is different, the rules are different, the people are different and you feel like an oddity for just being yourself.
Lately I just feel tired.
I've felt tired for a while but I think I've just been ignoring the signs. I have trouble convincing myself to go to bed when I'm tired, I keep jolting awake at 3am convinced I overslept, and I'm stressed out at work. I'm gonna be taking on more responsibility and its becoming very clear there are gaps in my knowledge that I need to fix before anyone finds out I'm way underqualified. My new co-workers said some pretty transphobic shit over the course of my first week. To the point I've now associated the word "mental case" with my own sense of self because that's what they believe someone like me is. A mental case.
My gender dysphoria has shot through the roof, so now I'm stress eating again which is just feeding my dysphoria even more. I'm painfully aware I don't fit into my favourite jeans anymore, my fat is hanging in the wrong places on my hips, my breasts are getting bigger, and I couldn't come out of the closet even if I wanted to because my brain won't be satisfied until I "look how I'm suppose to look". Enby folk are all beautiful skinny androgynous people with dyed hair. I don't look like that, so I avoid looking in mirrors and critique my height, high-pitched voice and the other girly parts I want to hack off with a knife.
Worse, I can't escape my own thoughts because I constantly make excuses for why I don't have the time to enjoy any of my hobbies. Can't write my original story because I have a backlog of fanfics I wanna write. Oh, can't write any of these fics because there's too many WIPs and I'm overwhelmed by choice. I wanna RP again but I have too many muses fighting for attention and the muse I want to write for needs their own blog and that's my least favourite part of the process.
Writing is overbearing, lets do something else instead.
I want to practise drawing my own characters, but I lost any skill I had as a kid and its gonna take way too long to catch up and be where I need to be...maybe I should just watch youtube tutorials instead of practising.
I wanna learn Spanish on my commute to work, oh but I always listen to audible in the car. Which one do I pick? Maybe I should just listen to music that doesn't require me to pay attention.
I downloaded a ton of games to play so maybe I can do that instead. No, I'm not a little kid anymore. I'll just feel guilty for wasting the entire day away playing video games instead of doing chores.
Maybe I could watch this series on my watch list? No, I'm not really in the mood to give this thing my full attention...maybe I should just scroll social media. That doesn't require any brain power. Social media is always there for me. It would never hurt me.
I'm sad now...Maybe I should quit social media...but what else would I do?...Wow I'm lonely. I should talk to my friends...but its been years and I'm sure they're busy...and its gonna be weird to jump out of the blue asking to pick up where we left off...is that selfish?...Wanting to rekindle a friendship because you're lonely?...That doesn't sound like something a good friend would do...I wish I was a good person...maybe I would have done a better job of making time for my friends...I miss them...I'm sorry I was a shit friend...I wish we could go back to college and start over...I promise I'll appreciate you this time around...But you're married and have different prioritise now...it sounds nice having a roommate...it sounds nice having someone to go home to...
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eldritch-nightmare · 1 year
Hello! I go by 🎀 anon! I’d like to do a match up, if that’s okay! I’m a latino afab and genderfluid (they/them) in my 20s! 5’4 height, medium length dark brown hair with a shaggy mullet type of haircut (hoping to at least have magenta highlights if work allows it </3), brown eyes, mid-sized body type, a INFP MBTI type, and my star sign is a Taurus. Also am autistic and have ADHD! I’m a pan disaster but fictionally I lean towards male characters! 🤣
I LOVE art and animation! I do digital art as a hobby and hope to sell as a side job some day! I have a special interest for horror, especially indie horror gaming! I also love trying different culture foods, even if I’m biased in my puerto rican roots. I always make effort to seek other cultural meals and learn how to eat them properly and know it’s history because… I love food and making food. 🫡 Speaking of! My love language is making someone meals, buying them gifts and making them art! <3
Ah, not sure if it matters, but I wear a lot of cutesy pastel pink clothes (bonus if they’re strawberry themed) as well as very goth and punk clothing depending on my mood! Which is always funny whenever I wear very gothic outfits, people look so shocked when they see my room LMAO. I love a variety of music including nu metal, goth rock, game soundtracks, chill lo-fi sounding music (Like the kind you hear in Bee and Puppycat! Which is actually my comfort show…). It fluctuates depending the mood LOL. (It’s… quite a mix.) While I’m introverted, I do like going out and interacting with others when having the energy to do so! I tend to ramble a lot though and always fear to seem annoying, then regret later for going on for too long so expect a lot of apologizing for that. 😭
Kinda like now actually LOL, apologies if this is too long! Not sure how much to put in, but hope you have a good day! Take your time to answer, no rush! Appreciate it, thank you! qvq
can i just say you sound so cool?? like?? hello?? your taste in music is literally superb?? but don't worry, this wasn't too long, so no need to apologize <3 i hope your work allows you to get magenta highlights!!
your matchup is... the bloody painter! and it's not because of the art thing, trust me on this okay, just hear me out for a moment. while, yes, you and helen both enjoy art, helen is also really big on horror and the whole goth subculture. while he doesn't dress the part, you will catch him listening to the music and digesting both the art and literature. so. trust me.
helen is pretty reserved and not one to let people close to him but once you break the ice and get past his apathetic exterior, you'll find that he's actually pretty... i wouldn't say he's open once you get to know him, but it's fairly obvious that he'll become less reserved around you, and he'll actually show that he cares about you. does that make sense?
moving on, helen doesn't give food a lot of thought, to be honest. he likes what he likes, and he hates what he hates. he would be a terrible food critic. he does, however, know and understand that cooking is an art, and he has nothing but respect for you and your talents and is 100% willing to be a taste tester for you if you ever need one. he quite enjoys your cooking, if we're being honest, and you have introduced him to a wide variety of different foods from different cultures and he just... loves seeing you enjoy yourself.
now going on to art, because this is helen and it's unavoidable. helen is more of a traditional artist, so digital art isn't his area of expertise, but he would absolutely love to see any and all of your drawings. you two could even draw together! and he has like numerous sketchbooks just full to the brim of sketches and fully-fledged out pieces if you ever want to see them. he loves sharing his own art as well. and, if you give him permission, he'll probably incorporate you into his art. he'll sketch you or add you into the background of one of his paintings. art is his love language, and he would love to involve you in it.
helen doesn't give gifts often, mostly because it's not something that crosses his mind, but sometimes he'll be out and about, and he'll see something. something strawberry-themed or an accessory that would look good with your goth or punk clothing. and, of course, the only natural thing to do is to buy it and gift it to you. so, every once in a while, he'll just hand you a random gift with no real explanation other than a shrug or 'i saw it and thought about you.'
and if you start rambling to him about a certain topic that has caught your interest, or about your day-to-day life in general, helen will silently listen to you. he likes listening to you ramble, especially when he's mindlessly sketching something. and should you apologize for rambling too much, he'll just momentarily meet your gaze and say, 'don't apologize. i like the sound of your voice.' before directing his attention back to whatever he was sketching.
any and all information you give him about the things you like and dislike will be neatly tucked away into a corner of his mind. he's the type to remember everything you tell him, even the minor things. you're a very important part of his life, and he does everything he can to make sure you know that.
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hey:) i havev a matchup request for genshin and honkai star rail!
id rather not share my name, since its optional
pronouns: he/they
sexuality: bi (id like the matchup to be for men though!)
zodiac & mbti: pisces and intj/intp (i get half half on j and p a lot)
appearance: im 5'3, pale skin, have chin length dark brown hair (that i tie up often bc its annoying), and dark brown eyes. i wear circular glasses and i dress either really casually (hoodie, sweatpants, comfort, comfort, comfort) or i try to look as.. scary? as possible (all black, tight halter top, arm warmers, loose pants) and theres really no in between... i wear a lot of jewelry (rings, ear piercings, bracelets/necklaces if i feel like it) and normally have my nails painted red and black.
personality: im pretty reserved at first, but once i get close to someone im very physically affectionate and jokingly flirtatious. im not very good at comforting people, but i am a good listener, and i always try to be as compassionate as possible. when im presented with a problem, i solve it from the most objective perspective i can. i sometimes overwork myself either as a way of incidental self harm or because i get really determined to accomplish/finish something, and it leads to me not eating/drinking water/sleeping enough, but i make up for it by taking a few days to indulge. oh and i am a very sarcastic little shit.
likes: cats. i love cats. i also like nature a lot. i like anime/comics/webtoons, i love music, and i like learning about practically anything. have a niche interest? rant to me about it. ill take notes and try to remember it as much as possible because understanding more about this endless universe is something ill never turn down. as a result i like museums/zoos/art exhibitions a lot because i can read about new things
dislikes: loud things (excluding the fact that i blast music almost constantly), places with too many people, having to repeat myself...
hobbies: i love drawing my favorite people/places/characters, and painting. i enjoy photography a little. i play violin, piano, drums, and a little bit of guitar, and i like doing it even though i have little time for it. i like playing video games too (clearly, look at the fandom im requesting lol)
no extra info. hope this was enough:)
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! You put a really good amount of info. I hope you like your matchup!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Another over worker. Alhaitham knows he needs to take breaks and knows you need to take breaks as well. He struggles to remember to take regular breaks and feels he'd be hypocritical if he tells you to take regular breaks.
Also probably blasting music through his headphones constantly. No one has dared to ask him what he's listening to. It's a list of songs you've mentioned to him that you like.
Also enjoys listening to you play music as well. Alhaitham hasn't learnt how to play an instrument and isn't super interested in paying music himself but he thinks you're ability to play is incredible.
He enjoys talking to you about his projects. It helps him get his thoughts out when he gets stuck.
Listens very well. You'll never have to repeat yourself with this guy around.
Museum dates! Alhaitham likes looking at all the artefacts and exhibits. He's not a huge fan of art galleries but he'll tag along if you ask him to accompany you.
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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Dan Heng is another attentive listener! He also enjoys talking about the things he's passionate about and loves that you listen to him with the same degree of attention.
Even more museum dates. Unlike Alhaitham though, Dan Heng would also enjoy accompanying you to art galleries and zoos. Anything that provides him with the ability to learn more is a good thing in his book.
Enjoys listening to music, especially when you're the one playing it. I see Dan Heng as someone who would be good at playing instruments like the violin.
Very good at reminding you to take breaks. Even if it's just a few minutes to walk the length of the Star Rail with him, he knows it's good for you.
If you're busily working on something and don't want to have a break and lose your concentration he'll let you keep working. But keep in mind that as soon as you finish what you're doing, he's forcing you to have a break and a snack.
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writing-funsies · 2 years
OP characters with artist s/o P.3
p.1 | p.2 | p.3 | p.4 | p.5 | p.6
pairings: Kid x reader, Killer x reader, Law x reader
warnings: mentions of alcohol, cursing, brief mention of death
he has a space just for you in his workshop
more times than not
the crew knows to look for both of you in said workshop
you two bounce ideas off of each other
the creative storm 
that's what everyone calls it
because you and Kid get so riled up
that you end up just screaming incoherently at each other
well, you both know what the other is saying
but I digress
you often experience art block when he's on a roll with his inventions
and his brain stops working about the same time you find your inspiration
it's a vicious cycle
but it keeps a much needed balance on the Victoria Punk
when you both find yourselves creating nonstop
everyone gets worried
Killer especially
you and the tulip often go days with little food or water or sleep
you can't just stop
what if your ideas disappear the moment you look away? 
what are you supposed to do then?
but then the blocks hit
and all hell breaks loose
with no ideas for your creative outlet
you get grumpy
which makes Kid even crankier
if there's anything on the ship that's not bolted down
it's fair game for the ensuing tantrums
just one spare glance is enough for either of you to jump on someone
fighting is better than just sitting around bored
though you find yourself quite calm after a few beers
and a bottle of wine
and like eight pints of ale
the point is
getting drunk also helps
(don't do that for real though cause your poor liver)
(also alcoholism isn't a fun hobby my guys)
Kid is just as destructive as before
but it's funnier now
because everyone is having a good time
anyway Kid loves spending time with you as you both work on your projects
it's a nice way to bond without all the mushy couple crap other people do
he likes that you're so artsy
you always find the most off-the-wall things to try
and he enjoys trying new things with you
mainly because the worst-case scenario results in maybe an hour of cleaning
and not with a pile of corpses
if you like whittling or any type of paper mache
and you make this man a mask
he'd be so happy that he's on the verge of tears
even if the mask isn't durable enough to wear in public
or while fighting
he'd still wear it in the safety of his room
where you can see him wearing it
he wants you to know how touched he is that you made it for him
he doesn't really know how to express how happy it makes him when you make stuff for him
so he'll just wear the things you make 
or he'll hang them up for everyone to see
if there's a particular sketch or painting that he really likes
he might hang it up in his private quarters 
so he can look at it before he goes to bed 
if you decided to try your hand at making jewelry
he would wear it
if that jewelry broke
he would be
he would be so upset that he messed up your hard work
you make him a new one that's even sturdier than before
you probably work on some of your projects while he's making dinner
it's one of the only times that you two can get some semi-peace and quiet before everyone goes to bed
he enjoys the downtime with you
him boiling some pasta
and you scribbling away in your sketchbook
planning your next big project 
if there is anyone that's a hypocrite
it's this man
and that's hypocrite with a capital H
you often become hyperfocused on your art
which leads to a lack of sleep
and self-awareness
Law doesn't like that
you need your rest
and to eat
and to stay hydrated
as much as he loves the art that you make
he can't allow his darling to neglect their own personal health
which is so funny coming from him
he doesn't mind when you sit in his office while he works
as long as you don't distract him too much
you'll make goofy sketches of him until you can't contain your laughter
which will promptly get you kicked out
but it was worth it
when he finds you drawing the other crew members
them posing while you furiously try to get all of the detail down
he can't help but smile
it warms his heart to see you all so happy
he'd never admit it
but he loves when you draw him or anything for him or stuff that reminds you of him
the amount of detail you put into your art is incredible
you manage to capture his tattoos and dark circles perfectly
maybe you'd mess around with drawing some tattoo designs for him
just general sketches
nothing fancy
and he'd be flipping through your sketchbook one day
when he sees them
he falls in love all over again
you know exactly what he likes in terms of style and content
so he'd get one of your tattoos
and surprise you with it
if you approve of him using your designs
(which of course you do, that was the whole point of drawing them)
he'd definitely get you to draw him some more
he might even encourage you to become a tattoo artist 
only if you're interested in doing so though
tattoos are something so personal to him
that he would be touched if you designed matching ones for you and him
and if you got some of your own that were dedicated to him
this man would spend hours just looking at them
tracing over them with his fingers
there aren't enough words in the world for him to even begin explaining how much he appreciates and loves you
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