#the gacha gods have spoken
just-patchy · 4 months
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cookie run's great bc at the end of the day it's a gacha game, with a lot of characters with a lot of designs and a lot of stories bc they have a bigger pool of interests to draw from that way, and theoretically there's only so much you can expect out of it and its stories
but then it'll be like hey come meet this shy, sweet-spoken cookie 😊she's lost and confused but isn't she nice! oh and by the way slowly but surely you will come to find she's actually just a ghostly echo of your world's greatest villain, a role she fell into after she had a lovecraftian experience in which she met the gods and learned the gods were cruel, that the gods created only to devour, and that as she turned from the once great ancient power she was into this threat to all, she left in her wake a best friend and/or lover who promised to always love her and still doesn't know how to reconcile who she was with who she is now. she also bears symbolism to many religious figures, including the saint virgin mary and lucifer. oh and as the villain we just call her 'dark enchantress cookie'
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sevazh · 2 months
OH MY GOD YOUR ART........ im the dude yapping about kaoru's shitty gacha life escapades and YOU DREW IT EXACTLY LIKE I IMAGINED IT. THE MAFIA BOSS OUTFIT AND EVERYTHING. did you HACK into 15 year old kaoru's gacha life world and grab that kyoya out of it because holy shit that's so accurate i swear 😭
THE FRAME OF HIKARU HOLDING IN HIS LAUGHTER BEFORE COMPLETELY LOSING IT IS GETTING ME. that is EXACTLY how itd play out down to the kaoru trying to pretend he's a mob wife and not a delusional man forcing his poor husband to play dress up....... so not fair why does the loser cinderella boy get to win in life by actually ending up marrying the guy he made 20 minute long gacha amvs about. why is HE succeeding at life /j
tag your art as #kyokao soldier the rest of the world needs to see this ❤️ (sidenote: your artstyle is actually so cute omg i love how expressive it is <3)
ill let you in on a little secret on why i can make it so accurate: i was one of those gacha kids
watching the conversation go on about kaoru making movies about his fantasy of himself and kyoya unlocked insane memories i had completely forgotten about. i —no shit—DID THE SAME THING WITH MY CRUSH IN THE SIXTH GRADE
unfortunately my creations werent as funny as kaorus— i only specifically remember making a movie of myself fighting off his boy best friend
unlike kyoya and kaoru however my crush was not interested (for some reason) as we are not married and have not spoken in 5+ years
did i mention i SHOWED HIM the gacha life videos i made of us?
BUT ANYWAYS!! THANK YOU FOR THE KIND WORDS!! kaoru and his awful cringey gacha life videos + hikaru endlessly making fun of him for it has become one of my favorite concepts that will be stuck in my head for the foreseeable future <3
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So uhm. Bet you thought we forgot about this blog!! Haha!! No!! We are reminded every day that we haven't posted anything and it is hell !!!!
BUT. Anywho. We've been practicing voicing some characters lately, and ended up taking inspiration from I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, this in particular from the audio play. I swear we'll post refs... one day...... AENTROPUS HAS MULTIPLE SETS OF ARMS. I SWEAR. BUT I DIDNT WANNA EDIT THAT IN...
Anywho. Boy I sure wonder what Aentropus, the god of chaos, is referencing when it talks about chaos as a thing! It's sure a mystery and not at all a very thin metaphor for itself being fed up with being treated like a lesser being amongst its fellows! /s
Transcript below:
[A video featuring characters made in Gacha Life 2. In the top corner, there is a watermark crediting the author by two usernames: human-souls-buy-dopamine on tumblr and theatricallythrilling on YouTube.
A character (Aentropus) slides into view from the right of the screen, holding a hand up as if to chime in to some interaction. It doesn't have a human head, instead having a black sphere with a gradient around the edges. Its face is purely white outlines for the eyes and mouth, and it almost never seems to stop smiling a shark-tooth grin. Despite this, its frustration is evident. When it speaks, the dialog is written on screen in orange, using the stereofidelic font.
It starts off by saying "In case you've forgotten, my dearly detested," exaggerating the word 'in'. It looks strained to keep the smile up. At 'dearly detested,' it briefly moves off screen, and another character, Poine, moves in.
After Poine moves off-screen once again, and Aentropus back on-screen, it continues, saying "you cannot simply will chaos out of existence." It pauses at 'simply,' dragging on for a short moment and looking away as if considering what the right word would be. Near the end of the sentence, it crosses its arms, closing its eyes as if readying itself to continue speaking.
Aentropus continues, saying "You must either embrace it, or succumb to it." It says this as it is walking off-screen to the left, suddenly looking more serious than before. There is a brief pause between 'embrace it' and the word 'or' for dramatic effect. During this sequence, the instrumental beginning of the song Alien Blues fades in, providing music.
Two solid-color figures, Poine and Aentropus, fade in behind the subtitles around the second half of the sentence. Poine is a muted, light blue color, and Aentropus is a vivid orange. Aentropus emphasizes the previous point, saying "there is no in-between." Poine and Aentropus's sillhouettes fade out as it goes on.
It further elaborates, saying "You cannot ignore it, you cannot pretend that it does not exist, that it is not there—". The first statement is accompanied by Poine sliding into view from the bottom of the screen upwards, and the last is accompanied by Aentropus sliding in much the same, except from the top. They are glaring at eachother, Aentropus squinting heavily.
Both graphics as well as the caption fade out as there is a pause in both dialog and music. After the brief silence, Aentropus speaks once more, the captions being larger and now in the center of the screen.
It says "cogito ergo sum, Poine; I think, therefore I am." There are quotes around the latin, and the words appear as they are spoken. After the first four words, the rest appear individually (with the exception of "i am"), and the word 'therefore' is split into two syllables for dramatic effect. As it says "I think, therefore I am," Aentropus's tone becomes much more serious, and it becomes deeper and less accented. The text gradually begins to shake and become a brighter, reddish-orange.
The text fades out shortly afterward, followed by the first few lyrics of Alien Blues as the song resumes. The screen fades to black, and credits fade in before fading out again near the end. The music slowly goes to silence over time.
The credits attribute editing, voiceover, characters, and writing to The Theatrix System. The song used is credited, including the artist, Vundabar. It is noted that the video was inspired by AM's (in all caps) "cogito ergo sum" dialog in I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, clarifying in parentheses that it is specifically the audio play.
End transcript.]
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princehatterene · 11 months
💕 for pitsuji?
pitsuuuuuuu mr new guy on campus
so it sounds like fragmem will not be a gacha. which. thank god, honestly, i don’t think i could handle another one. so for those who don’t know what it is fragaria memories is a multimedia sanrio project where a bunch of sanrio characters came to a group of countries and hired knights in the form of pretty anime boys to serve them. pitsuji is my sweet piano’s knight!
its name is a combination of hitsuji (piano’s original name when she was introduced, also means sheep in japanese), and piano! he’s also called pia or pitsu as nicknames. or itsy-pitsy.
piano and pitsuji get along really well! since piano can be a little shy, she often asks her knight to do most of the talking for her, which he doesn’t mind because he’s very outgoing, if a little soft-spoken. even though my sweet piano and my melody are best friends, their knights have a. strange relationship. merold is…well, merold, and pitsuji can’t tell if merold likes her or is trying to steal all her lunch money or something. but regardless he tries to be friendly to merold and everyone else he meets.
pia has a lot of sensory issues, especially sensitive skin and hearing, so it doesn’t like to wear clothing that isn’t super soft or smooth, and prefers quiet activities. part of my idea for pia’s design includes a headband with little sheepie ears on it. they’re not earmuffs necessarily, but the ears kinda droop over pia’s ears and protect them a little bit. it will only break out of the protective shell it’s built for itself around people it trusts, such as its lord and the rest of the red bouquet knights.
unfortunately rimicha didn’t really get the memo about staying quiet and not being too rough, so they don’t really hang out often. pia doesn’t hate him per se, but you know how it is. hopefully they’ll learn to live with each other at some point.
he’s also close with a couple of non-red-bouquet knights! cielomort is also very soft, and he just thinks tuxam is a funny lil guy lol. they’re closest to people like sanah and puruth, who are very laid-back and won’t try to make them do something they don’t wanna do. at least not without express permission.
his favorite hobbies are writing stories and drawing, which my sweet piano got him into!
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lawluenvy · 2 years
the gods have spoken: the gacha machine has bestowed a hydro vision upon me
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mazojo · 3 years
Today we become Albedo havers, tomorrow, who knows?
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rontra · 2 years
Your Pramanix comic is really cool! Do you mind if I ask what the un-translated parts mean, and what's Ensia saying on page 6? What language is it even? And timeline-wise, when is the final scene set? :O
thank you!!
ah...now i must answer for my indulgence... BHJDGKJNMG SORRYYY THIS IS LONG BUT
in the dream sequence, everyone's speaking norwegian. i thought overlaying the translated text gave it a cool like "echoey" feel 😳 since it's a distant memory and a dream at the same time, that sort of separation between sound and meaning feels bigger. it's a vibe
(also it's my first language so it's easy to use without having to study up beforehand LMAO)
(there's obviously several various different cultures that serve as inspirations for kjerag's visual design and lore, but sort of, linguistically(?), it borrows some from norwegian (such as Kjerag being a real place--and popular hiking spot!--in norway, not even super far from my family lol). you could say this all started when Arctosz dropped a norwegian "fy faen" right into the Break the Ice script, implying some things about the language that is Spoken there, which i'm Still Recovering From bc it was Very Funny)
(let enya say faen)
Speaking Of, that's one of the untranslated bits huh. BHJDFDN there's a couple
fy faen - a high tier curse word, everybody's favorite. "faen" is the main swear, "fy" is an intensifier to amplify the profanity. on page 9, it might be most thematic to translate it as a truly heartfelt "god (fucking) damn it"? LOL (i could also see myself rendering it as simply "fuck" depending on mood; neither is a direct translation). let enya say faen
kjære kjeragandr - this repeated refrain is the title of the comic, "dear kjeragandr"
ensia on page 6 - she's trying to say "kjære kjeragandr" too, but she's very young here--she's started talking but hasn't grasped all the sounds yet. i sort of fudged the rendering of that to try and make it identifiably "an echo" of what enciodes said, even if you couldn't understand what it meant. (she can't say R yet, so it's skipped entirely, while the remaining vowels are repeated as another Æ to simplify it for herself.)
the main loss here is "KJ", which is a very difficult sound--often the one kids acquire very last--which is being substituted with the far easier to say "SJ" sound. this is sort of niche detail, but basically KJ being so difficult is probably the reason "kjerag" in most ingame lines and text is written/pronounced more like "Yerag"; "kj" is not typically a shared phoneme between these languages, so you can't easily transcribe it and many can't pronounce it. because it's a sound you acquire late in the game, ensia doesn't have it down yet at her age and replaces it with a simpler one.
(a SJ (pronounced "SH" as in SHH or HUSH) is the common substitute for KJ, and in some dialects it's beginning to replace KJ entirely even among adults as the language changes. 🧐)
as the memory segues into its more erratic form and finally into direct reality, the ethereal sensory gap between sound and meaning in the early memories diminishes and the text is rendered entirely in english. i imagine they're still speaking another language though (whatever they call their language in-universe HSBFHDB THEY ARE SPEAKING KJERAG)
the final scene (where enya wakes up) is set before Break the Ice. it's only after this that kjarr will become more proactive and strike out on her own with the doctor and such... 😏 go funky little goddess go
anyway sorry for rambling i just accidentally put a lot of thought into my gacha catgirl comic. thank you for giving me the excuse to talk about it. HJBDFGFDKMJGB
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ac-liveblogs · 3 years
Meaningful Characterisation via Dialogue: Genshin is Bad at It
So, Ayaka and Yoimiya’s profiles were leaked recently (yes, bad AC, I peeked) and they were... bad. Now, it’s nothing new that Genshin profiles tend to uh... waffle on, a lot. They’re wordier than me, and that’s saying something. But what astounded me was how little you actually learnt about either of them. In fact, what their profiles really betrayed was how little depth either character actually has.
More damningly, despite how many voice lines the characters have, we don’t learn much about their personalities! It’s amazing how much these characters will talk about themselves without telling you much at all! And, yes - this is bad writing. Or at the very least, bland writing. 
Allow me to explain, by comparing Yoimiya to Rama - a character from fellow gacha game Fate/Grand Order. Rama was also released less than a year after the game’s launch and he isn’t a main character, so I feel this is a fair comparison. Naturally, there will be spoilers for Yoimiya’s profile in Genshin Impact... and, uh, the ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana, I guess.
In my opinion, what a character directly says or does is far more important to understanding their character than paragraphs of detail explaining their history. What’s great about the gacha profile’s voice lines is, theoretically, you get an insight into what a character considers important about themselves, what they choose to share, and how they choose to say it, what they think of other people. This stuff is absolutely invaluable because it lays the foundation for understanding their personality - how they react to things, what they react to, their interests, dislikes, etc.
Theoretically, you get to learn all the juicy stuff that you didn’t see in the main game. This is where minor characters should be able to share parts of themselves that couldn’t fit into the main storyline. 
So, let’s start with the most basic of basics: how do they introduce themselves to us? What do they think is important about themselves, that we need to know? How do they say it? This is important; our first impression will lay the groundwork for our initial understanding of these characters. 
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What we’ve been told is this: Rama is a King, a Saber class Servant, and he can take care of things. Yoimiya works for Naganohara, which is a firework shop.
What we’ve learnt is this: Rama is confident bordering on arrogant, but his voice acting betrays that while his first sentence is spoken boldly, his second is much more earnest. He has a strong personality, but has a gentler side. Yoimiya is friendly, playful, easily distracted and kind of a ditz. Add in her voice acting, and we know she’s energetic and happy go lucky. 
Okay, cool. We’ve established their basic character premises. We know what they think is important to share, and we’ve learnt extra facts about their personality in how they said it. Next?
Combat dialogue! In other words, what a character says in the heat of battle. What sorts of things are on their mind when fighting for their lives? What’s important to them as they risk death? What do their opponents need to know?
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And what have we learnt? Well, on Rama’s end… quite a bit! On top of his confidence, we’ve established that he’s hot-headed, arrogant, has a sense of justice, is an experienced combatant, has a surprising sense of poetry, has respectful ties with the Gods and is really hung up on his wife… who, judging by his last line, is somewhat out of reach.
On Yoimiya’s end… uh, well, she likes fireworks, festivals, is playful, cheery and a little punny, and… doesn’t seem to think of anything else.  We’ve already learnt miles more about Rama than we have about Yoimiya. In fact, we don’t seem to have learnt much new about her at all. 
Well, maybe Yoimiya just doesn’t take fights too seriously, or doesn’t have much to say during them. That’s fine. Why don’t we talk to her directly?
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Okay, so… what have we learnt? Well, Yoimiya is playful, cheerful, friendly, likes fireworks and festivals more than anything and can’t seem to think of much else… Hey, we didn’t learn anything new at all! That she likes goldfish thing isn’t really new since she mentioned them in her combat lines! About the only new thing we’ve learnt is that Yoimiya doesn’t think she has any troubles!  
You’d think this girl’s life revolves around fireworks and festivals and she has no depth at all, but that can’t be right –
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Ah. Oh no.
For all she talks, Yoimiya doesn’t have a lot to say. For one, she’ll explain her own personality traits to you, so we don’t have a chance to discover them organically or discover the kinds of situations that would lead to us learning these things. For two, I haven’t bothered pasting in the rest of her profile, because it’s her talking about a story her dad told her… about fireworks… and you do not learn anything new about her as a character. There is literally no point.
This has given me barely any insight into Yoimiya as a character beyond the surface level traits I learnt in her combat section. And it’s ridiculously repetitive. Not only this, you get no emotional response about anything from Yoimiya – she talks in the same tone of voice the whole time, so I don’t even learn about her personality. I’ve learnt almost nothing – you ask Yoimiya questions, she answers, and that’s it.
But, look – this is a gacha game, and she’s not a main character. How much information can you possibly learn about a character by things they have to say about themselves in their profile?
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Did you notice? In a lot less words, we’ve learnt a hell of a lot about Rama’s personality. He hasn’t even talked about how he’s the human avatar of a god, or how is sword is actually a giant arrow, or his army of monkeys, or the curse that means he and Sita will never be reunited. What we’ve actually done is learnt what annoys him, found his insecurities, discovered that he’s actually quite soft-hearted and retrospective and developed a rapport with him. 
We’ve even learnt that despite his arrogant demeanour, he’s actually quite childish and is well-tempered enough to accept that we don’t care he’s a King even slightly. We’ve learnt that he doesn’t consider his past outside of Sita important enough to talk about it - and trust me, that’s not a consistent trait amongst Fate characters. He is a well-rounded and well-developed character with depth and – I remind you – is not even the main character or focal point of either of the chapters he appears in.
But how much did we learn about Yoimiya?
See, it’s not just reiterating facts about a character that’s important. You need to consider what is worthwhile for the character to share with you. How do they talk about things, what do they choose to share, how they react, what you’re actually learning – all of this is information that helps characterise them. You’ve never seen Rama in action, but I bet you’ve already got a much better reference for his character than you do for Yoimiya’s.
So, about Yoimiya. We’ve learnt that she keeps the same tone of voice no matter what she’s talking about, she doesn’t have any troubles, she’s obsessed with fireworks and festivals, and never seems to be upset. This is what she finds important, she has no greater depth to her, maybe this is all 100% intentional and Mihoyo thought it was interesting to write a character that repeats herself constantly and never has anything new to say. 
Or maybe Mihoyo didn’t actually think through what kind of character Yoimiya was behind her surface level personality and character traits, and were left floundering to find meaningful things for her to say or emote about, so they just had her start reciting stories about fireworks for several paragraphs.
Is she going to be deeper in the main story? Or is this about as good as it gets?
I know which I think is more likely.
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just-patchy · 4 months
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vs pulling 50 times for 100 anni ruggie and his ass didn’t come home 😶😶😶
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curry-planet · 4 years
Lost In Wonderland | Itaru Chigasaki
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"Although this world is filled with uncertainty. As long as I'm with you, it seems like we'll be just fine."
Itaru Chigasaki found his reflection in the mirror staring back at him with a smile that was so damn bright. He took a deep breath before straightening out his Mad Hatter costume that he was wearing currently.
He definitely wanted to wear game inspired formal wear but for now he'd do it all for the sake of this event.
Flowers were sprawled everywhere. Every guests table and chairs has flowers clinging onto them. Itaru looked out of the window and he saw the arch in front of all the chairs. He'd be down there soon.
This event sure did look bizarre compared to your normal ones. The table's centerpiece was a teapot! Teapots with flowers spilling out of them! The garden looked ethereal. Thanks to Tsumugi's help of course.
On the other side of the garden was a humongous table that was far too large for them to even use as a dining table for the reception. This table held gifts for them.
The cake came in three layers decorated with overly large fondant that were shaped to look like a teapot. There was also a pocket watch perched at the bottom. Omi and the other members sure did have fun making the cake. Itaru smiled at this thought.
It felt crazy. Everything did. It felt like a dream.
Itaru never thought about marriage in his life. Not even romance. That all changed when [Name] [Last Name] approached him backstage on the closing night of "Boy Alice in Wonderland", the first play he starred as the co-lead.
[Name] gifted him a little plushie that was modeled after him playing as the mad hatter. Itaru remembered how brightly his cheeks flushed. He stood there in shock clutching the handmade plushie as [Name] bid her farewell, congratulating him and wishing him well.
When he got back to his dorm room, he placed it on top of his desk temporarily. He'll find a place for this little Itaru later.
Well that was a lie. During one of his gaming sessions, he placed his phone down on his desk as someone knocked on his door. It was Sakuya holding a box of pizza. It must have been the pizza he ordered earlier. He paid Sakuya for the pizza, thanked him and shut the door.
Itaru was on his way back to his table when he tripped over his discarded shirt that was on the floor, fighting to find balance, he latched onto the first thing that his hand found. It was his desk, it shook slightly and forced little plushie Itaru to fall over into his phone screen. As if everything was on slow motion, it fell and accidentally touched his phone screen, which was opened on the gacha page.
It was a one 1x pull gacha thank god. Itaru couldn't believe his eyes when the Limited edition SSR of his favorite waifu appeared on screen. He tried to do a 10x pull again using plushie Itaru's hand.
5 freaking new SSRs. This plushie must be blessed by the gods! It was a good Sakuya substitute if the aforementioned boy wasn't around.
Ever since then Itaru was sure to watch every play Mankai did. Searching for that [Hair Color] haired girl with a pair of [Eye Color] eyes.
It didn't take long, looking for her that is. She was basically present at every play! Itaru approached her by thanking her. The rest is history.
[Name] [Last Name] admired the girl staring right back at her through the mirror. She couldn't believe her eyes. She was wearing a pale blue wedding dress that looked like it was plucked straight out from a fairy tale. Her dress was designed and made by Yuki of course. The young boy wouldn't talk to her until she agreed. Her make up, was of course done by Azami. He insisted and he wouldn't take no for an answer.
A knock brought her back to reality. It was Izumi Tachibana, the theater's director and her now best friend.
"Ah~ You look so pretty!" Izumi couldn't help but exclaim. "You look like a princess, I think I'm gonna cry!"
"Aww come on! It's my wedding day! Be happy!" [Name] said with a laugh.
"I still can't believe you're marrying Itaru..." Izumi sighed. "Not that I think he's not good for you! It's just-!" Izumi panicked.
"It's just very unexpected. Got it." She laughed as she put on her earrings that were sparkling in the afternoon light.
Izumi sighed softly the said, "It's almost time."
[Name] hummed in response. Her eyes glanced over the room once again. The sun's rays casted a saturated golden hue all around the room that was painted off white. She had a pocket watch that was placed on top of the vanity.
Before [Name] stepped outside of the room, she gave Izumi a hug, thanking her for everything.
[Name] arrived at the aisle in the garden that she will be walking through. The venue was small, the only guests were the whole Mankai Company alongside with a few of her friends.
Walking down the aisle felt surreal. Everything was in slow motion. The sun glowed bright. The flowers were in different colors, and in full bloom in spring. Alice in Wonderland themed decorations were placed all over the venue. There were so many things that she would normally find distracting yet her eyes only found Itaru in front of her standing by the arch, fully dressed in his Mad Hatter outfit.
[Name] laughed to herself. When Itaru proposed to her, she joked about being married in his Mad Hatter outfit in a Alice in Wonderland setting. It was her favorite tale after all. Seeing it in real life almost brought a tear in her eyes.
[Name] looked to her left. The whole Spring and Summer Troupe were grinning ear to ear as they watched her walk down the aisle. To her right was the entirety of the Autumn and Summer Troupe giving her smiles and nods of encouragement. Matsukawa, Tetsuro and Yuzo were also present, giving her encouraging smiles as well.
[Name] arrived in front of the arch. Itaru was quick to act and took her hand. [Name] felt like she was living in a fairytale right now. She couldn't even comprehend what the pastor was saying. All she could do was stare at the man beside her.
The man beside her wasn't too far different. All he could do was marvel at the gorgeous lady beside him. He never imagined himself loving someone as much as he loves [Name]. He loves her so much he'd let her play on his accounts.
Itaru knew [Name] was a sucker for fairy tales, she's a sucker for everything remotely connected to the fantasy genre. That's why he ended his vows by referencing one of her favorites,
"Wendy we can get away, I promise if you're with me, say the word and we'll find a way, I can be your lost boy, your last chance, Your 'everything better' plan, Somewhere in Neverland"
As he said this, he took her hand and rubbed soothing circles across the back of it. [Name] smiled as she caught in the reference. Just her smile could render Itaru frozen for days to no end.
It was now [Name]'s vows that were being spoken. She really wasn't a woman of many words. In fact, she was fretting over this portion of the wedding the other day. She finally settled on a line that Itaru and the Mad Hatter would say,
"Although this world is filled with uncertainty. As long as I'm with you, it seems like we'll be just fine."
The ceremony went by too fast. The next thing she knew they were exchanging rings and I Do's.
[Name] wanted to savour the moment more. She wanted to capture the moment, to freeze it in time. She wanted to remember how the wind felt against her skin. How cold her hands were because of her nervousness. Specially how Itaru's hands felt against her own.
"And now, by the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss." The pastor spoke in loud, firm voice.
It was this moment that every little girl dreamed of. Being married like the princes and princesses in the fairy tale books.
Itaru placed a hand on her soft cheek. Slowly they inched towards each other. [Name] closed her eyes and felt Itaru's lips on her own. The kiss was perfectly soft, full of love yet passionate at the same time.
[Name] opened her eyes and found Itaru's pretty pink eyes staring back at her. This made her smile, which Itaru reflected with one of his own.
"Ladies and Gentlemen. I present to you, for the first time, [Name] and Itaru Chigasaki" the pastor said, officially announcing their marriage.
A roar of applause erupted from within the guests. Izumi was sniffling, holding a tissue in her seat, Kazunari was taking pictures and uploading it to his Instablam (with the newlywed's approval of course), Omi was holding his camera taking pictures of the wedding ceremony. Homare was spouting freshly crafted poems, your wedding was too inspiring! He couldn't help it as his genius stirs by seeing them, young and in love! Taichi was crying with Izumi on the other hand.
"Typical Mankai Company." [Name] said with a smile. Itaru wrapped his arm around her waist and held her closer to him, a smile similar to [Name] plastered on his face.
This marks the start of their new life.
Wonderland A Go Go! Boy Alice [Masumi Usui (CV: Yuusuke Shirai)], Hatter [Itaru Chigasaki (CV: Shintarou Asanuma]
Somewhere In Neverland All Time Low
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helesirestill · 5 years
It’s been a while huh?
Based on the age that’s still in my sidebar, it’s been roundabout 3 years since the last time I set foot on this here Hellsite. This marks one week before my 25th birthday, and my sidebar still says 22.
Somehow over 3000 of you people are still following this account. Whether you were hoping for my eventual return, whether you had just forgotten to unfollow me, or whatever may cause you to still be here, I suppose thanks for the support over the many years we had together, and the few years we’ve spent apart.
I’m still alive, somehow. Still playing Granblue, even. You’d think I’d be smart enough to escape gacha hell, but apparently not. I mean, I’m coming back here so I’m clearly not smart, but it is for a more formal parting than the just disappearing I did so long ago so at least there’s a reason.
I miss a good handful of you but I’m god awful at reconnecting so I’m sorry for that. That’s part of why I’m coming here today. If anyone still remembers me and wants to reach out, I’m inviting you to take your chance now.
You see, in one week, on my 25th birthday, I’ll be well and truly disappearing. Well, in a manner of speaking. I’m breaking off from 10 or so years of baggage and getting a fresh start. Ryuu Kitsune will cease to exist, and the person that once went by that name will be moving on.
 I’ll be available on Twitter and Discord, so if you’ve read this far and have either of those platforms I invite you to reach out. I’ll read my askbox this one last time. After that, this account will be abandoned to once again gather dust on this blue hell. 
To everyone I’ve met on this site, to all my friends, to all my enemies, to those who haven’t spoken to me since I’ve been gone, to those who have been with me all the way: thanks for the memories, and fare thee well.
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With this whole Jalter event almost over, I’ve finally decided to try some summoning myself. I got plenty of summoning cards from the event, so I guess I’ll try some yolo gacha’s first. God, I hope I get something good.
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Not familiar with Robin Hood (as far as Fate is concerned anyway) but I’ve heard good things. I’m trying this again!
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A golden vampire...this is a good sign. The Goddesses have spoken: this is my hour! I’m going for a 10x Summon!
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Gilles greasy-ass aside, this is decent. Let’s try that again.
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Medea!!! She’s come home!!! Also, I got yet another golden Assassin: Emiya this time! I don’t know how he differs from other Emiya servants, but he looks cool. And really, that’s all that matters at the end of the day. Also, Gilles comes in pairs now?? Well whatever, I’m still gonna burn ‘em. 
So, I decided to use a few more summoning tickets. And when I said that this was my hour, I wasn’t fucking kidding cuz
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My favorite servant: the one I wanted to summon most. My top summoning priority. She has come home....my heart is satisfied. Fuck it, I’m not even going to try summoning again, because literally nothing is going to top this.
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ngl, kinda tired, brain fuzzy, I haven't put any words down onto my social assignment due tomorrow, and I'm ready to throw hands w/ god.
I've started to listening to 'how to be a heartbreaker' on loop
I haven't heard this song in years. literally. not since the fucking gacha videos I always used to watch had this shit man
I mean I still watch gacha videos sometimes, mainly because I... don't know what the fuck else to watch. they fit my tiny ass attention span and y'know what thats fine.
anyways yes. I am listening to that song. kinda want to work on one of my various WIP fics but also.
mmmmmm no. I'd draw but also, no. kinda no fam. brain funky rn.
I'm gonna regret this post later tomorrow but eh, oh well. nobody sees my posts anyways, not like everybody's gonna see it.
honestly not even mad.
on another note I had the most confusing interaction with a classmate today in social.
There are 4 classes left this semester. I have to go to these classes 4 more times before I get time off until early februrary.
I Do Not interact with anybody in any of my classes beyond the one chick in fashion who said she thinks my mom and my fucking grandma are attractive. She called her a gilf. anyways, I interact with her, and my drama classmates only. okay, I never interact with the mf who started this conversation.
I've spoken to her maybe twice before this. Imma call her M for simplicity.
I'm in the corner, listening to the daycare theme from security breach on loop, the video is just that for 10 hours. I sit in the corner, and despite what my family would tell you, I don't talk in that class. I am pretty much dead quiet.
I'm sitting here, listening to a song that will eventually drive me insane, trying to do my work, which I'm actually working on as I type this, at midnight.
She's sitting in a cluster in the middle of the room, with a bunch of other kids. I hear noise and I look up to see them looking at me, seemingly calling my name. I take out an earbud and go "Yeh?" like an absolute intellectual.
There's a couple mentions about how I always sit in the corner on my own and M asks if I want to join the group chat. There are 4 days left in this semester.
my amazing response?
"Uhhh, I don't know?"
M comes over to my desk and asks if I can help her with the work because "He's ignoring me and you two are like,,, the smartest kids in the class"
please note all I do in class is play on my phone and half listen to the teacher, never study, never ask for help, but just use whatever reading material we get and logic with a large dose of bullshit and speech and debate skills from 3 years ago. I'm fucking stupid guys, so I just sit there and error out for a moment and start saying
"Dude all I do is use logic and-" when she cuts me off and goes
"Yeah! Logic = smartness!"
I mentioned I tend to not interact with people because I get anxious in social situations and I am very awkward around new people and her response?
"If somebody talks to you, like being rude or something, jsut scream and I'll come help"
this person felt the need to ask if I hated her in this conversation earlier.
and she pretty much said "Hey! No need to be socially anxious! If somebody is mean just hit them!" and I'm sitting here internally going "Sir I do not like hurting people, I feel bad"
anyways this continued for a while. just her talking about either "can you help me with the work I don't like this class" or "Do you want to join the group chat?"
I couldn't join the chat btw, I don't have instagram. Or snapchat. I have Reddit, Twitter, Tumblr, and Discord. and even then, I don't use twitter. like, ever. it's purely for mcc shit man.
anyways she called me bestie later in the conversation and I errored out
anyways yes if you see this post... idk
suffer ig
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riskeith · 4 years
good luck!! your team sounds so cool... xiangling is sooo adorable. omg. i’m still noob-ish so i only have traveller, amber, kaeya and lisa. 😖 i like playing with them tho but i hope i unlock more characters.. although i got noelle from a gacha just now!! what’s your favorite type of element to play with? having fire character is a must in this fucking ice gosh it’s so intense but i mostly enjoy playing with traveller bc of her anemo powers. and yeah!!!!! but i feel like whenever i search for bonfires they just disappear haha, and the villains are too high level for me to handle so i just bolt. i’m just like ur brother if i have to fight i just say fuck it and go for it lmao. never works out tho. living dangerously n all that :ppp!
awww you got gifts!!! i’m happy for u!! 🥺 well deserved!! <33333
hey you know a lot of languages too, that’s super cool! mandarin is awesome, did you learn it or is it your mother language? 😳
i mean, we have to learn british in school (at least up until 9th grade) but the english i know was mostly self taught through watching a lot of english content as a child + being on social media and having american friends so it just happened that way? wasn’t rly anything i consciously picked but oh well... :p
what seriously?????? pikachu meme indeed i thought it was a real thing haha!! then it makes sense why it would be a perfect quirk then don’t you think??
also i thought about smth earlier, another rec for you. would you be interested in reading an online graphic novel? the story is super cute and sport based n gay as fuck and it’s free and completed too which is amazing!!
ahahah that’s all g tho!!! there are some youtubers who play with them and they’re so op… i ditched lisa early bc i hate the book users oops djdjdjd and nice!! noelle is good gorl i like her shield and healing hehe. my fave is cryo!! (if you couldn’t tell from me having 2 in my previous team AHAH) but i do really like anemo too bc you just swirl and good things happen jdjdnd hbu!! and oooo did you go with lumine? i have aether 🤪 omg disappearing bonfires? noooo wait you mean the fire or the actual sticks fjsjdj. AHAHAH i use that strategy too the “not gonna fight just gonna get what i need and fkn run”
have you explored liyue yet? if not i recommend going there first, i think since dragonspine is the newest area it’ll have the hardest enemies rip. (also use the books (wanderers advice, adventure handbook, heroes wit) to level up your characters!! it’s so much better that way)
HAHAHA that energy tho i stan 😩😩 i just get nervous when i see the bar turn red and that shit starts beeping :pp
a bit of both? i’m never actually sure, bc i consider eng my mother tongue but i’ve spoken mandarin since well.. i could speak AHAH i learnt them simultaneously? not fluent tho but i guess the language is just that difficult 😔
ohh that makes a lot of sense actually! people who can self learn languages through just watching stuff have all my respect fr how do you do that 😍
you’re right!! what a quirk you would have 😩 tho i believe the teacher discerned between photographic and eidetic 🤔
MARRIAGE ANON ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT CHECK PLEASE? PLEASEEEEE (hehe) TELL ME YOURE TALKING ABOUT CHECK PLEASE OMG when i read this part of your message i nearly screamed bc if you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love check please so much the development the growth the acceptance the zimbits <3333333333333333333333333333 i have the first physical book but i still need to buy the second but ohhhhh my god i haven’t talked about it in so long 😭😭 (awkward if you’re not talking about this.. but i can’t think of anything else that fits the description?? here’s to hoping 🤞🤞)
can’t wait to hear back from uuuuuuu <3 :*
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smokeybrandreviews · 4 years
Plus Ultra
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I’m digging these priority ships. I already constructed, max developed, and enhanced Roon. She was my first Unicorn, after Graf Zeppelin. I wanted Graf SO goddamn bad, mostly because she and Zeppy are the only two Aircraft carriers available in Iron Blood but she was only available in Divergent Chessboard, an event missed. I’ve spoken about my lust for Graf at length, probably because she’s my second favorite ship after Prinz. Since i was locked out of getting her for about two years, i went to work on Roon. That took forever but the fruits of my labors were good and now she is literally one level away from the cap. All of that grinding to get her there helped with my development of Freidrich der Grosse, whom i finally unlocked, herself.
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Finally constructing Freidrich feels legit! That sh*t took forever, man, but it was truly a labor of love. Fried is one of the only, natural, Ultra Rare ships available. She, Shinano, and Specialized Bulin Custom MKIII, are the only URs you can get without a retrofit and, even then you only have Warspite and San Diego as your OP options. With the addition of Fried, i have all of the UR ships but that’s not why I'm hyped. I’m hyped because, f*ck, Fired is a whole ass powerhouse! It’s no wonder her development requirements were dumb stupid! Roon is a unit don’t get me wrong, but Fried is made for killing and i love her so much. Dummy HP, stupid FP, with adequate EVA and AA, with some of the best perks in the German faction, she’s hard into to love. Think Bismarck but on steroids. Dope ship is dope and I'm glad i was able to complete her, even with that 3.6 million exp hurdle. Like, f*ck, dude, why??
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With Roon approaching the limit cap and Fried working on blueprints, I've turned my attention to my next challenge; Odin. The Priority Three ships were added just as i began grinding for Roon so, for a short bit i was substantially overwhelmed. Now that I’ve got the knack for this, a feel for the necessary investment, I’m good. Odin is one of two Iron Blood ships available for development, the other being Mainz. I thought about going after her first because i wanted another Vanguard to replace my darling Deutschland but the gacha gods were kind enough to let me construct both Z46 AND U-47 so Odin it is. She’s a decent ship. She’s no Roon, but she’s another main fleet Iron Blood SR powerhouse i can add to my dock. The more option I have to compliment my darlings Zepp, Tirpitz, Fried, and Bismarck, I gotta do it. I just hope we get a catch-up with the blueprints because, f*ck, these Fried prints are like rolling gold in the gacha, man.
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