rubydelgahdo-blog · 7 years
   Fina was swaying to the music,watching all the people carry out their drunken deeds. She had never been around this many people before, it was like watching some sort of strange television show and the best part was that she was living it. If only there could be a bit more light in their reality instead of so much dark.
    Fina smiled at more than likely high Ruby,happy to see a smile on her face even if it was created by weed. She had been through so much already and all Serafina wanted to do was hug her but it was hard to really look at Ruby without seeing Vienna-literally. There had to be something she could do to help shoulder all their pain. But that was a conversation for another day.
    “Sure sweetness! I could do with some air. I hope he comes soon before this party turns mean.”
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“rowena feared alcohol--- it breeds violence.”
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                                it was grim, even the haze couldn’t cloud that. the brunette hopped off       the bar stool, taking fina’s hand to lead the way as they navigated through                    the cluster of over-sized men. ruby’s face remained flat, contradictory to          the crowds of smiling and energetic people they flitted through. humid air hit                             her face as she forced the door open, burned tobacco hitting her senses as    the witches stepped directly into the SMOKING ZONE. untrusting eyes flicked               to each of the men as they exited, ruby turning to serafina with a guarded gaze. 
                    “we can wait in the parking lot if you want.”
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rubydelgahdo-blog · 7 years
       when cassidy was sitting in his car ,  ignoring his OWN home in favor of her’s ,  he pretended that it was because of something else .  he pretended that he didn’t want to keep her waiting and that he had done a terribly wicked thing by not responding to her calls ;  he pretended that he had come back for HER .  a liar as seasoned as himself hated to admit his faults ,  but he had fallen for his own bullshit . 
     it was in that moment that he could finally breathe.  he could finally relax in a sense ,  letting his body melt into hers .  the W A V E was almost brutal ,  crashing into the man as he stood tall yet slightly weakened . it had quickly occurred to him that he didn’t need to be alone anymore ,  at least not ALL the time .  no more depressing nights ,  bottle of vodka in hand as he stared at a blank television screen .  no more twisted nightmares had only to wake up alone in a pool of his own sweat .  no more keeping secrets of the things he’d seen . these sudden thoughts made something abundantly clear .
                         he came back for himself .  he couldn’t SURVIVE on his own anymore .
“ nah ,  i’m okay , ” he whispered gently ,  as if easing the fears of a young child .  she was right though . he was VERY tired .  “ i’m free … to come back .  they dropped the search ,  ruby . ” a smile formed ,  built on the base of relief and delirious ,  yet weary happiness . “ i can stay . ”
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                         and quickly STAY  became his favorite word. 
he could stay.
     a chuckle of disbelief gurgled against her lips, a smile breaking through harshly as the news sunk in. it couldn’t be real--- she was afraid to slip into a delirium of happiness. it could be taken away too easily. she stood in silence, shock stunning her tongue. occasional chuckles rippled out, more frequently as she realized the joy on his face wasn’t leaving. 
and neither was he.  
     she couldn’t focus, suddenly antsy as she looked around. her hand ran through her own hair, eyes flicking down in search for words. she had none. “you��re um,” her lips curled in momentarily, head nodding before a smile cracked forth again. “you’re free,” she finally said. 
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     no longer would he be a distance voice on the other end of a phone call. he could be here with her. she didn’t have to cling to a phone in fears of him dissipating from her grasp. cassidy briggs was her heart. having to know her heart was out there in the world, vulnerable to an uncontrollable world, left her in a constant state of worry. a level of relief she hadn’t experienced since vienna’s death washed over her as she cleared her throat. 
“well i guess you have to come in now-- since you have no other reason to run.”
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rubydelgahdo-blog · 7 years
       he knew he should’ve answered .  there was something so incredibly twisted about leaving her in the dark ,  letting the sounds of his car radio drown out the vibrations in his phone .  he was sure she was worried about him and the thought alone left him somewhat confused .  cassidy wasn’t exactly sure HOW to feel ;  it wasn’t a daily occurrence that someone showed concern for the dark-haired prophet.
      yet perhaps ,  given his lazily hidden desire to grab his phone ,  he LIKED the idea that she may be worried . it was selfish , but he was never the most selfless of men . he loved the idea that someone was thinking about him — hoping that he was okay.  
     god he was SUCH a fucking asshole.
    the biggest of assholes ,  really .  the kind that people could look at and think ‘ yeah … i can see him murdering someone ’ ;  the kind that ,  despite supposedly being proven innocent ,  could warrant looks of fear and disgust from church-going folk as he drove passed them .  if he were to guess ,  he would say he had about five trails of spit falling down the side of his car . yay .
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    he was also the kind of asshole to look ruby delgado in the face and say ,  “ you wouldn’t stop calling. figured I’d just stop by . ” his expression was indifferent ,  as if it didn’t matter that he was there or that he’d been cleared of all charges .  such a response normally came easily to him , but he found it particularly difficult during that exchange ,  like he was trying his best to keep a giant smile hidden or a ridiculous laugh from bursting through .
    a single movement ruined his facade ,  the girl rushing forward to wrap her arms around the man .  he paused for a moment ,  his body frozen for one ,  two seconds before he followed suit and held her tight ,  a breathless chuckle falling from his lips as he did so .
   he could lie and say that he hadn’t realized how much he missed her until that very moment ,  but what was the point ? he spent more than his fair share thinking of how she was or what she doing all while he was stuck in some mirrored bumfuck egypt with little to no company or social life .  he looked forward to her phone calls like a child on christmas and he immediately missed her voice the moment he hung up .  it was ridiculous ,  but there was a REASON why she was the first stop he made when he got to town .  
  for the first time in years he had what he could only assume was a best friend .  
“ i know , ” he mused .  “ ‘m here for the free food. figure ya owe me a meal or two .  ”
his initial stiff demeanor was something she could relate to.
physical contact these days was threatening, a breach in security– for both of them. cassidy and ruby weren’t always the types to let someone beyond their barriers. death was too strong of a promise to make either of them believe a genuine connection was possible.
she already lost her other half, she couldn’t risk losing more.
                      he didn’t want to know the people behind the paintings.
they both found their exceptions the night she discovered he wasn’t the killer. cassidy was just as broken as she was, blood on their hands. no way of washing it away. neither had the magic words to cure one another, and they didn’t try to form them. that was the beauty in the bond they had formed.
they never tried to fix each other, they simply made the burdens more bearable.
as they remained caught in their embrace, her body unwound from the hours of bottled stress. she worried about him too much– an over-compensation for his self-loathing. her forehead curled into his shoulder, eyes closing as her erratic heartbeat steadied.
“no food here,” she teased with a deadpan tone. “try the witch down the street.”
she could have stayed outside until the sun rose, unwavering in their stance. her arms slowly fell loose from his torso, only to find gentle fingers grazing along the side of his face. she studied him, eyebrows furrowed with concern. he shouldn’t be here. he was a wanted man. rarely seeing him was not an idea she made peace with, but one she had grown accustomed to. having him at her front door had washed her in tranquility until she realized he hadn’t come back to bumfuck to reunite with her.
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“you look tired,” she breathed, a light touch moving the curled locks away from his eyes.
                                                            “talk to me.”
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rubydelgahdo-blog · 7 years
     “I mean…” Charlotte started, staring at the girl blankly. “It kind of IS, isn’t it? That’s where the whole sayin’ came from and everything.” She took a sip of her cherry coke, pursing her painted lips once it went down. “What, you sent a rocket into space before? How would you even know?”
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"you.... have a solid point.” she nodded in thought before rebutting with. “but there are lots of things i haven’t done that i know aren’t hard.” the first thought she had revolved around murder, the witch quickly discarding that to not scare the stranger. “haven’t driven a car, but i imagine it can’t be that hard.”
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rubydelgahdo-blog · 7 years
    ❝ℓєммє guess,     you never looked     up at the sky and     dreamed of flying     away?❞
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                              a soft sigh blew past her                               parted lips, her shoulders                               rising and falling gently as                               she turned her attention to                               the coffee cup once more.     ❝land’s been           explored enough                   already. up there                            anythin’s possible.❞  
“never needed to. everyone i love is either on the ground, or in it.”
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                           ruby averted from her grim comment and turned back to the        chocolate shake. she sucked furiously, nothing coming out. all she               wanted was some of that sweet chocolate ice cream-- the world was cruel. giving up once more, she began pulling the straw in and out of the                                                  shake, a weak attempt to stir it as she spoke. 
“what do you think you’ll find up there that you’re lacking down here?”
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rubydelgahdo-blog · 7 years
(( flashback ;; ))
          just don’t breathe on me.
                                         it wasn’t possible, not with the position they were      in. as cas lied back down on the winter chilled floor, his head dormant in      ruby’s lap, she looked down upon the pained features with concern in      her eyes. her back curled down as she squinted to keep a sharp eye on      him, her touch whispering across his forehead to wipe away the tangled      mess of locks.
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                   any care he was witnessing quickly evaporated as she flicked his nose, the action holding a scolding air to it.  ❛ sit still, and it won’t be an issue. ❜ guilt slapped her back, remembering the severity of the pain he was in. that flick probably vibrated his skull, torturous waves washing in behind the optic nerve. she’d offered to help, yet had only made it worse. 
❛ close your eyes. ❜    
                        a gentle hum escaped her lips as she tried to find her center, her thumb trailing over his cheek like silk as the witch tried to focus on him. ruby needed to connect with the negative energies inside of him, and concentrate on removing them from the room. it wasn’t permanent, but she was willing to try anything to take that look out of his eyes. 
                the tea she’d provided minutes before would begin to swim into his system now, taking over once she performed the incantation. she’d practiced it thrice over before she’d begun the ritual, fearing the backlash of accidentally twisting the wrong latin words. 
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                            with a wordless hum still light on sealed lips, she looked over to the left, spotting the herbal infused oil she’d made the night before. dipping her finger into the concoction, she began to drag the slick liquid across his face, the ancient phrase rolling off her tongue at last. the foreign words rang into cassidy’s ears as she traced symbols onto his forehead, her index slowly crawling across the edge of his jaw.  with a final sweep of her finger, its pad gliding across his bottom lip, she suddenly fell silent. the spell was complete.
                                                 a hopeful smile warmed her cheeks, whiskey colored hues  danced with curiosity; waiting to see if her magic had worked. with both hands idly placed by either ear, she questioned,  ❛ how’s that? ❜
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rubydelgahdo-blog · 7 years
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rubydelgahdo-blog · 7 years
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Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,                                    Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
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rubydelgahdo-blog · 7 years
It don’t matter where you bury me  I’ll be home and I’ll be free It don’t matter anywhere I lay All my tears be washed away
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rubydelgahdo-blog · 7 years
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rubydelgahdo-blog · 7 years
the girls were lingering near the jukebox at snake n’ jake’s, the place threatening LAST CALL as ruby slurped down her last bit of water. alcohol still wasn’t her friend-- she couldn’t handle liquor after vienna. something about seeing your dead twin in the mirror didn’t mix well with booze. the living sister stuck to herbal remedies now-- committing the dealer’s crime of getting high off your own supply. 
speaking of, the client she was supposed to meet up with was nowhere to be found. ruby wasn’t comfortable carrying around this much product by herself. she would have asked cassidy to come along, but common sense deterred her from this. he wouldn’t have said no-- putting his own safety at risk if it meant she felt safer. it was too soon to be asking him to venture out into these parts of town. he was legally considered innocent, but until the town was on the same page, she wouldn’t risk him. 
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with a hazy grin on her face, reddened eyes matching, as she turned to serafina. a sister who was as beautiful as she was complex, a girl who had her own demons she was trying to suffocate. “want to just wait outside,” she called out against the raging jukebox. “he should be here any minute.”
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rubydelgahdo-blog · 7 years
     ❝ ωєℓℓ ain’t it? ❞
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                              the starry eyed brunette                               tilted her head slightly                               towards the right, setting                               her warm mug onto the                               polished counter.      ❝ after all, things are meant     to stay on the ground. shootin’              ‘em up there’s pretty              groundbreaking if ya                       ask me. ❞
“breaking ground is more groundbreaking.”
                      ruby took a long sip of the thick shake, her cheeks tightening as she tried to force the frozen drink up through          the straw. her frustrations grew as nothing came                                             out, the brunette soon giving up. 
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            “stars and planets and gods are in the sky.                                    rockets aren’t anything spectacular.”
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rubydelgahdo-blog · 7 years
“you wouldn’t stop calling. figured I’d just stop by.”
ruby didn’t see the depth of her attachment to cassidy.
not even as she was anxiously checking her phone, looking for any sign that he was reaching out to her. call after call was left unanswered, an automated voicemail with a stranger’s voice was the closest she had been to him all day. not even as visions of the worst possible outcome had plagued her all night.
his wrist sliced open with blood on his fingers, his hypnotic stare focusing solely on painting a gruesome picture washed in crimson.
                                                                                                                 him lost in the bottle.
                                 or in handcuffs.
                                                    or hanging from a tree, eyes gouged from his sockets.
oblivion was powerful, but it did not keep ruby from noticing the sigh of relief that flooded from her lungs. he was here, safe from the nightmares she’d been concocting. brows furrowed in confusion, shock still cloaking her. it had been months since she’d last seen his tanned and troubled features. even longer since she’d seen him smile. ruby could picture it in her mind’s eye when he’d chuckle at 3 a.m., the phone giving them the illusion of closeness. 
but he was here now, the tracings of a grin building on her lips. 
it only took his presence to begin sifting out the worries pent up from the day. 
it took one step to eliminate the distance between them, her arms enveloping him, his scent holding her just as tight. her heartbeat slowed as they stood under the star-kissed sky, silence still on her lips. 
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“a call would have been fine,” she finally teased. “no need to cross state lines for me.”
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rubydelgahdo-blog · 7 years
                          “you speak of rocket science like sending something into the sky is hard,” she mused, her expression as uninterested as her tone. ruby’s          eyes were vacant as she sat at the diner’s counter, swirling the melting                         chocolate milkshake absentmindedly. 
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rubydelgahdo-blog · 7 years
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