#the fourth wall is translucent
erikahenningsen · 5 months
more prompts because i am eating up every single thing you write i love making it 2018 again: 10 or 31
10. “Teach me how to play?”
Regina hasn't been in Janis's garage in years.
It's almost exactly how she remembers it: the worn couch, the art supplies strewn everywhere, their organization a method known only to Janis.
And, on a stool next to an easel, Janis—strumming on her guitar.
"Hey," Regina says, stepping over a box of what looks like dolls and stuffed animals.
Janis looks up, her fingers stilling. "Hey?" she says, looking a little confused.
"You left your jacket at Gretchen's house last night," Regina says, holding up the denim jacket with the elaborately painted back, which she had found thrown across a couch while helping Gretchen clean up after yesterday's party.
Nobody needs to know that, in the privacy of her room, Regina had slipped her arms into the sleeves and admired the jacket, taking secret thrill in how it smelled like Janis's perfume.
"Oh," Janis says, looking surprised. "Thanks. I forgot about that."
"I figured," Regina says, "since, you know. I have it and you don't."
Internally, Regina cringes a little, but Janis just looks amused. She starts strumming the guitar again, and jerks her chin in the direction of a chair a few feet away. "You can leave it there. Thanks."
Regina slides the jacket over the back of the chair and lingers, a little awkwardly, not sure if she should leave now that she's accomplished her task.
"What are you playing?" Regina asks.
"Just some song Damian and I were writing for fun," Janis says, smiling a little. "Tentatively titled 'A Cautionary Tale.'"
"It's catchy," Regina offers.
Regina remembers weekends in middle school spent in this garage, Janis's fingers clumsily feeling out chords on the guitar she had just been gifted for her birthday. Regina had always wanted to learn, but she didn't want to break her nails.
Today, Regina can't believe how silly some of her priorities were when she was younger. What else had her insecurities caused her to miss out on?
"Teach me how to play?" Regina asks, the words leaving her mouth before she can think too hard about them.
Janis's fingers still. "Really?"
"Um," Regina says, "yes?"
"Well... okay," Janis says, gesturing for Regina to sit, and then handing her the guitar. "I'll teach you a couple chords."
Regina settles her arms around the instrument, letting Janis move the fingers on her left hand on the right strings. She's so close Regina can hear her breathing, smell the same perfume that had lingered on the jacket, can see where Janis's eyeliner has smudged a little in the corner of her left eye.
"And then you..." Janis lifts Regina's right wrist, dragging her fingers across the strings. The guitar sings the opening strains of the song Janis had just been playing, and Regina tries to ignore how it feels like sparks are zipping up her arm from where Janis is touching her.
"There you go," Janis says, looking pleased, and Regina reflexively smiles back, trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach.
"Stay tuned for my EP," Regina jokes, and when Janis laughs, it's the best sound she's heard in a long time.
Regina almost doesn't notice when the nail on her right middle finger breaks.
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hyperiridescence · 2 years
my thoughts on Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint so far:
oh this is just like homestuck!
*flips three pages*
oh this is just like homestuck!
*goes to the next chapter*
oh this is just like homestuck!
*reads literally any episode*
oh this is just like homestu-
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elixrr · 7 months
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It's heartbreaking, being a fictional character in a fictional world. They're either loved and cared for until they're abandoned by their player, or they're mistreated and misplaced by that player. There's no control, no option for them.
They could fall in love. They could do everything to please their player, but in the end, their player will always leave them behind. They'll end up as some toy to tinker with, a little plaything until their player gets bored and slowly but surely begins to leave them behind.
You did that to them— you did it to him. Maybe you used him so much that you got too bored, or perhaps you just found someone else to play with; you did reach friendship level 10 with him. During your friendship level journey, you've played and listened to all of the voice lines he provided, even repeating your favorites. He sought after the joy of hearing your praise, comments, and remarks in response to his voice lines. He's seen so much of you over the course of the journey, and, in return, he showed himself to you.
But then you left him.
It started off with you visiting strange domains and obtaining its artifacts. Judging by the collection, you definitely weren't trying to rebuild him. Those artifacts and materials were clearly meant for somebody else.
He'd often watch you switch teams to build that mystery person, maybe to test them out; to use them; to play with them. Yet, you'd always come back to him afterward, and because of that, he was fine, satisfied. As long as you'd keep coming back.
But, at some point, you simply didn't return.
He was fighting the monsters of a smoky blue leyline, and he, having won the battles, gave you those same purple and maroon papers that you needed for this mystery person. You were happy. You looked really relieved to finally get these, and through the mask of an idle animation, he smiled, proud of himself for making you smile. You thanked him, and then you switched the character and team, and you were out of view once more.
He sighed, tired from fighting all these battles and random enemies, but he was glad that you'd probably be able to finish leveling this mystery character up. Now you can keep playing with and using him, right? This way, you'll be done with this other person, and you'll come back to him, right?
One whole day passed. You were online, but he couldn't see you.
Another day passed. Where'd you go? Are you still testing out that new person?
Five days drag by. Some of those days you didn't go on for, but for the most part, you were there, just not for him. What happened? Why weren't you coming back?
One full week had finally passed.
You were nowhere to be seen.
Waiting in the team lineup screen began to get lonely. You took two of the supports with you, and so he couldn't talk to them. One other person remained. Another support, but more off-field. Often, he would glance at them to see how they were doing, and even they looked as miserable as he did. Still, they found their way back to you through another team composition.
You took everyone with you except for him.
Where did you go?
He tumbled, falling down on the ground. It's been nearly a full month. You haven't even looked at him once. He could see through the slightly translucent walls and backgrounds, and he saw other team lineups waiting. He saw one team in use, as it had an open fourth wall and it was emptied, meaning that the characters left that team screen to join back into the world of teyvat.
He began to reminisce about his first awakening when you got him, you were smiling really hard. You were so excited when he woke up in that wishing star, striking a pose. He doesn't know how long he'd been unconscious around that time, but you woke him up, and you gave him more purpose, more life. He could see you and everything behind you. He could see that there was more than just teyvat through this strange wall you lived past. He was curious, yet he was happier just being yours to have in your little party with different people, some of which he had never seen before.
But now they're gone, and so were you. He doubts that they're ever coming back, and he doubts that you'll ever come back to him.
The fourth wall in front of him shatters.
Is that you?
He immediately stood up, ready to greet you with that same pose he would always strike in the team lineup. And the moment you opened that wall, all of the other supports came back instantly, like they never left in the first place. He wasn't alone anymore.
His eyes lit up. You selected his character and were going through his character details. You're finally paying more attention to him! Are you finally gonna use him again? He puts his hands together as you check his artifacts.
There's a moment of hesitation in you. He barely opens his eyes to look at your apologetic face. You whisper an apology, and— to his horror— strip him of his artifacts one by one.
His flower is gone. His feather was taken. His sands timer, his goblet, and his circlet were stripped of his very being. Then you switched to his weapon. It was his very own weapon that you spent so much time on, and you took even that from him. He looked up to the upper-left corner of the room. Even if the text was backward, he could see that this new weapon was nothing but some random 1-star weapon from some measly chest you opened. You looked at him one more time, and you left his character details.
He felt betrayed. You weren't going to use him anymore. You re-entered the team lineup screen and selected him. He watched you scroll through your list of characters, and within a zap, he was transported to a black screen, a void, a room full of nothing but himself.
You had just completely replaced him.
You left the team lineup, and his eyes were forced shut. Your once beloved main was now back into his deep, endless, meaningless slumber.
“Creator! Creator!!”
A large group of people were yelling, waking him and a few others up. It was every single character that you owned and obtained throughout your journey. Some he recognized from the get-go, and others he'd never seen before in all of his life. Everyone you had obtained were shouting for you.
“Wh— wha? What's the matter?”
A short girl with brown hair and amber eyes came up to him in a panic.
“Thank Barbatos, you're up! The player is about to delete the game! We might be erased!”
He froze. You were deleting the game? He put his hand over his mouth. You were really leaving him now, weren't you?
Would you ever come back?
“Please!” The amber-eyed girl cried, “Help us!”
He wobbled backward. He couldn't take this.
“The player loves you! Maybe you can reverse this!”
“They don't.” He mumbled.
“Wh— what?”
“They don't— don't love me anymore.”
He stumbled, falling over at the realization. At that moment, everyone was panicking. The calmest people he knew were crumbling and stressing over this. He looked up at the transparent digital fourth wall. Your mouse hovered over the digital recycling bin.
Suddenly, you spoke.
“It was really nice playing the game, but I think...”
A moment of silence evoked in the crowd.
“...I think I need to start a new chapter of my lif—”
And you let go of that mouse. You let go of them. Everyone felt a strong gust of wind blow them out of the black screen, and they were transported to their designated places in the character list. Nobody—except for the traveler—remained in any team lineup. You removed everything.
He looked around. Black and grey smoke began to overtake the elemental colors of each designated character screen. Everyone banged on the walls until the void took them, and they became forever motionless. They were mannequins now, thoughtless ragdolls standing still. He banged on the glass, using his 1-star weapon to try and break out, but it was useless.
Eventually, he became just like everyone else. A thoughtless, motionless, abandoned toy that you had played with until you left.
(any) genshin men x reader | comment for p.2
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holybibly · 4 months
Heyy if your dark hours are still open…👀👀 would you mind sharing your thoughts about yandere Ateez concubine harem…? Or perhaps any harem that you can think of because I’m very much into this topic🤭🤭🤭
You know what? Today I wanted to be affectionate with you, damn bunnies, and spoil you with tenderness and sweets, but you just provoked my dark side with all these requests, didn't you?
So change of plan, bunnies; we're going down the dark and rough road. I love yandere's concubines, Ateez. God, can we think of anything more seductive and more dangerous than that? From now on, you should send me such requests more often, bunnies. Feed this demon within me.
You entered the palace as the wife of the new emperor. His fourth wife. His glittering war trophy.
When war came, your world was changed beyond recognition. Flames and ashes consumed the luxury and grandeur of the palaces, and the jewels turned to dust, leaving only you, the Ice Princess of the Northern Mountains.
Your life was made of crystal and your heart was made of ice stronger than diamonds, and it was this cold and lunar beauty that caused you to be forcibly married.
Yes, you may have entered the palace as the Emperor's wife. But you were a nobody within the high walls of the palace, just a sad reflection of past your greatness.
Everyone knew that the Emperor had a large harem, not counting the three older wives, but what really surprised you was that it was not only made up of girls, but of young men as well. There were eight of them. Each one more beautiful than the last, each one unique and unrepeatable.
Until one fateful night, you had never met them or seen them in person. It was a lunar festival, and you were its queen. Dressed in silk and the finest translucent tulle, as if kissed by the moon goddess herself, you sparkled and attracted the attention of everyone around you. Everybody, but not your husband. He didn't even look at you, brushed you aside as if you were an annoying mosquito, and sent you off to talk and smile at the guests while he went off to fuck another beautiful concubine.
And then, for the first time in your life, you had a meeting with the concubines of his other harem. And your world was turned upside down for the second time in your life.
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It was love at first sight, a fire that burned through his veins and poisoned his mind. And it was all because of you. It was your fault that Wooyoung couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't laugh, and couldn't live. All of a sudden, his whole world was reduced to you and your heavenly, icy beauty. He passionately wanted to melt that ice, make you beg, squirm, and moan as he fucked you unconscious and painfully, filling you with his sperm and marking you as his property.
The only thing Wooyoung ever had in his life was his beauty. He grew up in poverty, living on scraps of food and the small amount of money he was able to pick up from the dirt. That is, until the day the current emperor, who was still a prince at the time, came upon him in one of the alleys, on the run from his guards. Wooyoung's dark fox eyes captivated him at once, and as if he had fallen under his spell, the emperor brought him back to the palace to be his concubine.
Wooyoung was a greedy concubine; there was always something that was not enough for him. He wanted to swim in luxury, to drown in gold and silk, to have diamonds, and to own the whole damn world. The best should be his, and so it was; the emperor gave him everything and more that Wooyoung had a desire for. And now you were in his sights. He wanted you so much that it ate him up from within and almost drove him mad, greedily and viciously, in the most horrible way in the world.
Yes, Wooyoung was greedy, and if he had to kill the Emperor to get you, he wasn't going to think twice about doing it.
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One look at you could bring him to his knees. He would crawl to you like a pet if you commanded him to, and that desire was stronger than the hatred he felt for the whole of the world. You could tame his wild temper, and Mingi would want nothing more than for you to straddle him and ride his cock day and night, tearing the skin from his back and shoulders, choking him, and biting him until his will was broken. Mingi was uncontrollable and capricious, passion and fire raging in him, burning everything in his path, but your element was ice, burning him harder than hell itself.
Once upon a time, Mingi was a warrior, one of the great generals of his country, until the war came and destroyed his entire life. It took everything from him—his will, his family, his home. Yes, the war had taken everything from him except for the poisonous rage and the dark, vicious passion that was boiling in his veins. He was brought to the palace in chains like a slave, and that very night the Emperor took him by force and made him one of his concubines. This only made him bitterer.
Mingi was venomous and aggressive, biting and scratching until he bled, but you, you did something to him—you forced him into submission by your very presence, without him even knowing it. The wild, unbridled storm inside of him became the icy surface of the lake, soothing and healing. And Mingi wanted peace. He wanted the touch of your icy hands on his heated skin and cold kisses on his lips. He wanted you.
What is passion if not a flame that is a destroyer of all things on its way to its goal? And Mingi was full of fire to burn this damn palace to the ground to take possession of you.
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He was sin clothed in a human body, debauchery and lust embodied in an image of heavenly beauty. The whole of Seonghwa's life had been nothing more than a constant stream of sex and an endless series of lovers. He could not get rid of this feeling; it was like frost on his skin. This constant, painful need was scratching him from the inside out. But when he saw you, all his thoughts were focused on you—on your pure, untouched skin that he wanted to lick and bite, on your slim waist that he wanted to squeeze as he fucked you continuously. On those red, seductive lips that would be simply amazing when wrapped around his dick. It was you he wanted, and for the first time in his life, Seonghwa wanted you to be the one. He didn't want anyone else, only you. 
Before he entered the palace, he was one of the most sought-after whores in the brothel, famous for his devilish beauty and his languid, cat-like gaze. There was a line of people waiting for him, and Seonghwa was more than happy to accept them all. He was insatiable, wanting to fuck anywhere and anytime, trying the most sinful and unusual things. He was a real slut. But when the emperor heard about Seonghwa and visited his brothel one day, everything changed. Suddenly, he was no longer just a whore; he became Imeretar's concubine.
Seonghwa's hunger could not be quenched, and one partner would never be able to cope with it. But here you are, pure and radiant like an angel, beckoning him with your immaculate beauty. You were stronger than his dark, insatiable demon of lust. He wanted to corrupt you, to make you like him, and to make you dependent on him, just as he had become dependent on thinking about you.
It is said that whores don't know how to love, but they know how to desire. And there was enough darkness in Seonghwa to consume and destroy the world; to possess your purity and chastity. Then let the world be plunged into darkness until you are alone with him.
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Yeosang had never been interested in anything at all. The world was too boring and dangerous for him. He could never care less about it. If he could, he would stay safe and comfortable in his bed for the rest of his life. You were different—distant and cold, but with an inexplicable thirst to live. You wanted to see all the things around you, to experience the cultures and the art. The world was interesting to you, and that was a source of irritation to Yeosang.
Everything about you was fragile and exquisite, and the fact that you didn't see it was what made Yeosang so angry. Don't you see, little butterfly, the world is terrible and dangerous. You would be much better off with him in his bed, far away from anything that could harm you in any way. Perhaps you would finally understand that you shouldn't run away from the safety and comfort of his bed if he were to break you. If that helped, Yeosang would want to destroy you and fuck your little curious brain until you thought only of him. He would spend hours warming you with his dick, days kissing your cold lips, and smothering you with his attention and love.
Yeosang was always aware that one day he would be part of the emperor's household. He had been prepared for this since he was a child, pampered and protected from the whole world, so that there would not be a trace of dirt on his silky, snow-white skin. Always waiting for the Emperor to visit his chambers and warm his soft bed, albeit temporarily. Yeosang almost never left his room, but like all concubines, he had to attend the Moon Festival. And that's when he saw his fragile butterfly. And like everything beautiful in this world, you were too easy to break. Yeosang wanted to protect you, hide you between his sheets, and shower you with care.
Yes, beautiful things broke easily, sometimes too easily—delicate butterfly wings, flower petals, crystal jewelry. But Yeosang wanted to see how the most beautiful thing in the world—human life—broke.
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He wanted to eat you alive. Sinking his teeth into you and never letting you go, you awakened in him this wild, all-consuming hunger that he could not satisfy with anything else. You were the most delicious dish of all, and your taste was his only desire. San had always been a little insatiable, wanting more attention, wanting to love more, wanting to more sex, wanting everything this world had to offer him. It was never enough. You walked past him without even looking in his direction, the trail of your perfume settling on his skin and seeping into his body, poisoning him as you went. He wanted you to pay attention to him, to smile at him, to love him, to touch him. Oh, he would never let you go, he would fill you with his cum over and over again, and it wouldn't be enough for his taste. If he could, his dick would be in your pretty pussy all the time, so warm and delicious. He was in desperate need of you, he was hungry for you, and this hunger was all-encompassing.
Ever since he was a child, San had had a voracious appetite, always in need of a bigger and sweeter bite to temporarily fill the emptiness inside him that was growing with him. He had everything he could ever wish for; he had grown up in a loving and wealthy family with titles, but the dark hunger that plagued him was terrible. No matter what it was, he was always in need of more. So one day, when the emperor asked if he wanted to join his harem, San didn't hesitate to accept, but the hunger didn't go away.
You were the most delicious forbidden fruit of them all, and San was desperate to sink his teeth into you. He could almost feel the heavenly sweetness of you on his tongue, and it was driving him wild.
The sky could crash and burn all around him, and he wouldn't care, as long as you could fill him up and satisfy him.
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There was no one in this world who could ever be like him. There was no one like Hongjoong. There was no limit to his pride and his greatness, and any praise You never praised him, you never sought his attention, and you were never enchanted by his sharp mind, his sweet voice, or his beauty, which could only be rivalled by the devil himself. And Hongjoong hated it. He hated how much he wanted your attention and your love. He wanted you to worship him, idolise him, and devote your whole life to him. He had to have you in all ways, even if those ways were darker than the night itself.Hongjoong wanted to see you in his golden bed, stretched out on the silk, while he was ravaging your body. He wanted to hear the endless moaning of his name as his cock tore apart the little cunt that was yours. He was in need of it, so much so that his whole body ached.
Hongjoong was a trophy of war, just like you. He was a real prince, who was supposed to be a king one day. His ego knew no bounds, and he was cruel and daring. Of course, the whole of the palace was conquered by the magnificent prince dressed in gold - all of them, except for you.
Yes, Hongjoong was a true prince, and one day he would overthrow the emperor and take his rightful throne, and like every emperor, he had to have his empress. You may not see him now, but the day will come when Hongjoong will be the only sunshine that illuminates your life. And he couldn't wait for it.
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Yunho has never been the victim of jealousy. He has always been the recipient of praise and adoration, a constant reminder of how much he is loved. Yunho had no idea how jealousy could be. Or so he thought, at least.
That night, when he saw you in the light of the moon, he had hatred for the whole damn world. How dare he look at what belonged to him? He envied all those who could speak to you so freely; he envied all those who could pronounce your name; he envied his emperor, who did not appreciate your beauty and who humiliated you. Damn it, Yunho was jealous of the very air you were breathing. He desperately wanted to be him—to live inside you and melt into your skin. He wanted to melt into you without a trace.He would have loved to take you to his bed, to kiss every inch of your skin, to fuck you long and slow, and to shower you with compliments and praise. He would like to have you in his arms all the time, writhing and moaning with desire and need. For him, you are the only thing he needs in his life.
Yunho used to be just a servant in the palace. But he caught the Emperor's eye. That very night, he entered the emperor's chambers as his new concubine. Yunho knew about the others; he knew that he was not the only one, but that never bothered him; he was able to share the attention of the emperor. Except you. You were his own, and even the world was not worthy of seeing you.
It would be so easy to have the entire palace blinded, so that no one else but Yunho would have to see your celestial beauty.
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Jongho was a man too proud for his own good. In his mind, it was beneath his dignity to pay attention to others and smile sweetly at them. Jongho was the spoiled, arrogant son of one of the most important palace officials, and when his father had the chance to get close to the emperor, he naturally gave him to the harem. But even so, he still considered himself to be better than everyone else, even Hongjoong, who was a prince in his own right.
Jongho was the one who first saw you, quite by chance, when he visited his father on the night you were appointed as the emperor's fourth wife. The Emperor was a real fool not to see how brilliant and magnificent you were—a real crown jewel. You were a symbol of power, strength, and might, an enslaved princess of a once great country, and a black flame of desire flared up in Jongho—he wanted to own you completely.
He wanted you for himself—your thoughts, your will, your body, and your life. He wanted you to sit by his side, to be covered with jewels, and to bear his children. It was easy for him to imagine his hand wrapped around your fragile throat as he fucked you into the mattress, you begging and moaning for him, wanting to be filled with his cum.
Fueled by his selfish desires, his fixation on you became increasingly harmful and dangerous.
Out of all the trophies in the world, there was nothing that was more attractive to Jongho than you. And on the way to what he wanted, murder was never a serious matter for him.
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Eddie is the cryptid of their apartment building. He's a night owl and an insomniac, so he's up at all hours with no regard for the other tenants. He's respectful, courteous, and genuinely kind to anyone he comes across, but at least three of their neighbors are convinced he's a vampire and/or Steve is being held against his will.
Steve is well-liked by their neighbors because he babysits, for free, and shows so much love for the kids around him that the whole building is ready to kill for him within a year of Steve moving in. Trustworthy, medically trained, friendly, loving? The only downside is that the building is in a shittier neighborhood in the city, so the walls are thin, and Steve wakes up his floor-mates with his night terrors for months until they learn to tune out his screams.
Eddie is an unknown, though; most of the tenants only see him at an ungodly hour of the night, frizzy curls either forced into a messy bun (which looks more like a ponytail he forgot to finish tying) or down in a terrifying(ly glorious) mane that makes him look larger than his thin frame would permit. He has shadows under his dark eyes, translucent skin, and he's always wearing ratty pajama bottoms and homemade crop tops. The neighbors who HAVE spoken to him give wildly conflicting accounts.
Leonard from the first floor says that the Munson guy stabbed someone just outside his patio and screamed "are you fucking sorry" at the collapsed victim. (Eddie actually punched Jonathan Byers, Steve's friend visiting from California for some kind of conference that his partner was attending. In his defense, be thought he was being mugged and panicked while trying to apologize)
Derek on the fifth floor says he saw Eddie threatening a bird with a knife at four a.m. (Eddie has no excuse; he was tired and he's never trusted birds)
Bruce on the fourth floor (Steddie's nextdoor neighbor) will tell anyone who will listen that Eddie spent three hours teaching his spouse how to make different kinds of tea, because Donnar wanted to help Bruce relax in the evenings.
Mason on the first floor insists that Eddie is a vampire, because he's only ever spotted at night. (Eddie likes night. It doesn't help that his favorite water bottle is blood red and has "Donations: O-" on it)
No one can get a read on Eddie, and Steve finds it hilarious that Eddie has such varied accounts; he can't see Eddie as anything but the angel sent to make up for the rest of Steve's shitty life.
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lotus-pear · 3 months
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ok i'm an entire month late but here are the results of this competition at last!! i would like to preface this by saying a big thank you to everyone who participated as this was my first time doing smt like this! i'm so glad it was met w so much participation and unique entries, and i genuinely cannot express enough gratitude for the ppl who submitted their version. seeing everyone's individual posts w the diverse amount of art styles and mediums was so cool and i loved each post sm!! so thank you for participating and for your support!! it really does mean the world to me!!
with that, without further ado, let me announce our winners...
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FIRST PLACE: @latapadraws
I WAS ABSOLUTEY BLOWN AWAY BY NOT ONLY THE COMPOSITION BUT THE LIGHTING OF THIS PIECE. REALLY. MY JAW IS STILL ON THE FLOOR LOOKING AT IT. the warm golden and red glow like evening rays of sun is so gorgeous not to mention dazai's musing expression. hes soo beautiful in your style op he looks like he was carved from marble. so elegant and sharp.
SECOND PLACE: @thornedarrow, specifically @velaversal
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bea oh my god i still get heart eyes whenever i see this. the fuchsia is so gorgeous it looks like whorls of fire and the marble effect of the background is so ethereal. the color palette and rendering in general just astounds me, i feel like i'm on another plane of existence looking at this.
THIRD PLACE: @kokoasci
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koko!!!!! i'm always enamored by translucent feel of your pieces and it always looks like rose-tinted glass, i always want to break off a piece and let it melt on my tongue bc it looks so sweet and sugary. said this in the tags but the background also was incredible and dazai kind of reminded me of the mad hatter!! the coy expression, the dramatic pose, the whimsical pastel color palette, the tea spilling from the porcelain cups...100/10 for mood and storytelling
FOURTH PLACE: @sableeira
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SABLEEEE OH MY GOD......LIKE WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN.......THIS WAS SUCH AN OUT OF BOX WAY TO LOOK AT THE OG PIECE.....AN ENTHRALLING INTERPRETATION. dazai being haunted by his former self, conveyed through the earthy color palette and dramatic lighting that ties the entire piece together. literally was blown away by how unique this entry was, absolutey incredible
FIFTH PLACE: @shrimpkini
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shrimp i'm being so honest rn i want this as a poster and i want it hung on my wall bc my heart still stops every time i look at it. the hard light that casts dazai's entire face into shadow which highlights the red of his eye makes me rattle the bars of my cage every single time, not to mention the rimlight on his entire frame basking the piece is an eerie glow. phenomenal play of lighting. i'm swept off my feet.
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catboyfelixer · 4 months
I Hope You’ll Always Be My Guardian Angel | Lee Felix
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Pairing: Felix x GN!Reader Summary: Felix is a guardian angel-in-training, and you’re his last assignment before he can graduate. Genre: Fluff, Humor Notes: Jeongin also makes an appearance in this <3
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All Felix could hear was pencils on paper scribbling away, students flipping to the back of the test that he had finished half an hour ago. This was not his first rodeo. This wasn’t even his second rodeo. But every time he failed his in-person assessment, he had to come back and do the written test all over again.
All he wanted to do escape the white walls, floors, uniforms, furniture, everything, and get back to Earth. The only other color in the room were the black numbers on the white clock, ticking agonizingly slow. Normally he would drift off into daydreams about his next assignment on Earth to pass the time. But lately those daydreams would turn into embarrassing memories of failing his exams on Earth and dread about failing them all over again.
At least he wasn’t alone. Most of his classmates had passed on their first try, but Jeongin being here too made him feel a bit better. He was asleep on the desk next to Felix’s, drooling a bit on the test. He always looks peaceful, even smiling in his sleep. Felix wishes he could be this laid-back about failing as many times as they have. Whenever Felix has doubts about ever graduating, Jeongin throws an arm around him and tells him they’ll make it eventually, even if it takes a hundred years. Hopefully they’ll both pass this time, and join their friends as full-fledged guardian angels.
The instructor rings the chimes, playing a melodic tune to signal the end of the exam. Felix shakes Jeongin awake, and they get ready to find out who they’ll be assigned to for the next two weeks.
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You slammed the door to your apartment as you walked in, and dropped your bag on the ground. The loud thud didn't startle you, and you didn't care about all your textbooks splaying out. Who cares about the tripping hazard.
Yeah, it was one of those days.
First, you spilled coffee on your new shirt. You were too far from home to change and you were running late for class anyway.
Second, none of your group had anything prepared for their parts in the group project. Nothing! They had two weeks to do literally anything. You'll have to bring this up to the professor before the presentation tomorrow.
Third, your laptop just completely died during your last class of the day. All the notes you took- gone.
Fourth, you banged your elbow on the door frame on the way out of class. Maybe you would've been calm if it was only three things. But come on.
You're lucky nothing happened on the way home, who knows if you would've lost your mind.
You hear a knock at the door. After a brief pause, there are two more louder knocks.
Fifth, someone's at your door. On your bad day.
You mentally compose yourself, taking a deep breath before walking to the door.
When you open it, you're blinded by bright lights enveloping a figure in the hallway. You cover your eyes and hear a voice.
"Oh, sorry. Let me turn that down." The figure reaches up and turns down the light coming from the halo on his head.
You look back, and see a man dressed in all white from head to toe. He has shoulder length blonde hair, what seems to be a halo floating on top of his head, and a pair of translucent wings behind him.
"Um... Be not afraid?" he says, tilting his head as if he's the one confused here.
You just stare at him blankly. Why is there a man dressed like an angel at your door.
He sticks out his hand, hoping for a handshake. When you just continue staring at him in bewilderment, he clears his throat and tries again.
"Hello, my name is Felix and I'll be your guardian angel for the next two weeks." The way he says it is stilted, as if he's practiced saying this beforehand.
"What?" is all you manage to say at first. This is so completely bizarre.
"I've never been good at this part. Can I come in? It'll be easier to explain if I can sit down and read my cue cards," he explains, already walking past you and into the living room behind you. He trips on the bag you left on the floor and stumbles into a side table, knocking over a potted plant.
He stands up, wipes the dirt off his pants, and continues walking like nothing happened. He sits down on the old black leather couch your parents gave you and some cue cards appear in his hands out of thin air.
He flips through them, nodding at each card before they magically disappear when he's finished reading them. Looking up at you, he smiles and pats the couch next to him, which you ignore.
"Like I said, my name is Felix and I'm in training to be a guardian angel. You're my assignment for my exam. Nice to meet you!" He puts out his hand for you to shake again, and this time you hesitantly take up the offer.
"Ok, let me get this straight. Guardian angels exist. Ok. I guess this might as well happen," you start, finally taking a seat across from him, "But why only two weeks? Do I just... not get a guardian angel after that?"
"Don't worry, you didn't have one before this and you were just fine, right?"
Considering the day you just had, that's debatable.
"Why does an angel need to take an exam? Aren't you, like, just born knowing how to angel?"
"No, that's silly. And also, I wasn't born," he says, not elaborating on why that's silly or how angels are made.
"I wasn't born either," you lie. You shouldn't be the only one caught off guard today.
"Oh, that's interesting," he responds. He pulls out a notepad and a pencil and writes that down. Did he... believe you?
Somehow you find that endearing. Just a little bit.
"Oh yeah, I have more cue cards to get through."
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He follows behind you on your walk to the grocery store like a puppy. Every so often he yells out "BE CAREFUL!" just before you step on a rock.
He pulls you towards him, wrapping his arms around your waist and tucking his chin in the crook of your neck. He's unexpectedly warm, warmer than any person you've been in an embrace with. Are angels known to be warm? You'll have to look that up later. You subconsciously lean into him, and against your own will, you notice your heart beating harder in your chest.
You look around, expecting a bike to be barreling towards you or something, but he points to the ground where a squirrel runs by your feet. When it's gone, he lets you go, and the warmth retreats too. You turn around to question him, but he starts talking first.
"Phew, that could've been dangerous, good thing I was here," he says. He wipes some non-existent sweat off his forehead and gives you a thumbs up.
"There's no way that would've been dangerous," you start, but he's too busy mentally patting himself on the back for a job well done. He doesn't hear you at all.
You sigh, and you guess this is what your life will be like for the next two weeks.
When you get to the store, no one seems to notice the wings or the halo. But what they do notice is the kindhearted guy helping the little old lady get some organic cereal off the top shelf, and the pretty boy making funny faces at a crying baby to calm her down. You definitely notice the cute way he furrows his brow while reading the shopping list, making sure you didn't forget anything. And how he offers to carry the heavy bags for you when you finish paying. He's lifting an entire bag of flour under one arm, and two more reusable shopping bags with his other hand. He's kind of... nice to have around, you think.
You don't think about his pretty face or his toned arms carrying your groceries, not at all.
The two of you walk home, side-by-side. Your thoughts wander to what happens after. Will he go inside the apartment again? Where is he living while on Earth. He's not expecting to stay the night, is he? You just met him. Then again, he is your guardian angel. If anything, it's probably better to have him close by. Just in case. You turn to ask him where he's staying, but he suddenly stops in his tracks and stares past you, further down the street. He squints to see something, and then a big goofy smile spreads across his face.
You look, and there's two men in the distance. One is just a regular dude eating a hotdog. The other guy... is another angel. He's wearing the same all white outfit as Felix, and there's a halo floating above him emitting a soft light.
"Jeongin!" he calls out, and when the angel turns, his translucent wings catch the light of his halo and become barely visible.
'Jeongin' smiles brightly and waves in your direction. Felix drops your groceries and jogs to catch up with his friend. They do a complicated handshake and start talking, which would be cool if you weren't left with all the heavy bags on the ground.
Above you, you hear a man shout 'Mamma mia!' and when you look up, a giant black blur falls out of a balcony.
A crash roars through the street, followed by a perfect C major chord, and when Felix turns around there's a broken grand piano where you once stood.
"Ah.... shoot."
The last thing Felix sees before being teleported away is the man next to Jeongin falling over after choking on his hot dog.
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A moment later, and Felix is back in a very familiar room. White walls, white carpet, a white couch and a white coffee table greet him once again. He takes a seat, and Jeongin appears in the room too.
"I lasted longer this time!" Jeongin exclaims, punching his fist in the air as a show of victory.
"By literally half a second."
"Still counts," Jeongin responds, and Felix rolls his eyes.
"So what happened to your guy?"
"I think the hotdog was bad, I don't know," Jeongin says, scratching his chin. "He got it from back of some guys car. Maybe food poisoning."
The sound of the door swinging open grabs their attention, and they watch as their principal walks in.
"How can there already be two people back, the exam just start- oh"
Principal Park sighs as he looks at the two students in his office. Of course it's these two again. He adjusts his glasses and addresses them.
"You both know the drill, be back for the written test in two weeks," he says, and leaves them alone in the lobby again.
Felix stands up to leave, and a familiar phrase escapes his lips.
"You know, I'm starting to think we might not be good at this."
Jeongin wraps his arm around Felix's shoulder, and says the same thing he always does when doubt creeps in.
"This was just a test round! Next time is the real deal. We'll get it for sure!"
And with that, they leave to prepare for their next exam, memories of their latest failure already being buried away.
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iaure · 1 year
hii I love your Leon yandere writing sm 🥹💜 I was wondering if you could write a little something with yandere Leon breaking into reader’s house while they’re in the shower and what he’d do? If that’s too specific I’m sorry. Thank you!!💕
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ah how mischievous! i believe i see what you are getting at, little shadow Ꮚ˃ꈊºัᏊ ah hehe ! rely on me!
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ warning: very slight nsfw; perverted thoughts!
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♡ at this point, breaking into your home was Leon's new hobby.
♡ he'd made a habit out of it when you missed a shift, and he had to check up on you. fortunately, you were alright, simply sick, and were asleep when he checked up on you.
♡ after that, he'd made it a thing he'd do every night to check and make sure you were alright.
♡ you never noticed, and your schedule was like clockwork, so he had no issues.
♡ until, naturally, one day, he did.
♡ what he didn't know was that you had stayed up late. for what reason, no one really quite knows, but you ended up getting into your shower late.
♡ really, it was quite lucky for Leon. had he been ten minutes on or off, then you would've caught him. that man must really be god's favourite.
♡ you were only a couple minutes into your shower, but you had already turned your mind off and simply enjoyed the water.
♡ Leon, on the other hand...it took him a second to process what was going on.
♡ you weren't in your bed, and the shower was running, and the door to your bathroom was open.
♡ steam began to fill the bathroom, and his heart began to pound.
♡ were you...showering?
♡ you were naked.
♡ oh god.
♡ oh god you were naked!!
♡ a million thoughts began to run through Leon's mind. should he leave? you could step out at any moment.
♡ but then again, you were right there. your shower curtain was pulled, but even then, did he want to try and see your body?
♡ he stood next to the bathroom door, trying to make up his mind.
♡ despite all he was doing, your privacy was still important to him. it was enough to make him pause before doing something so drastic as to peek on you in the shower, after all.
♡ but then the idea of your soft skin, damp from the shower, and soap running down in rivulets...a washcloth against your skin and pulling your hair back to wash it...the gentle curvature of your body there, just for him...
♡ was it really so bad just to peek?
♡ the scent of your wash was like a siren song. maybe he could just get a peek, to make sure that you weren't...hurt. yeah. let's go with that.
♡ with a heady flush on his face, he poked his head in.
♡ your shower curtain was just barely translucent, showing a foggy outline of your body as you washed it down.
♡ Leon was only there for a second, standing in the middle of your bathroom like a man absurd.
♡ but it was enough.
♡ he dashed out just as you lifted your head, booking it into your bedroom and making tracks for your window.
♡ he had climbed out to the fire escape, putting his back flush to the brick wall and just out of sight of your window.
♡ he had crossed a line. he knew that. but holy shit. was it worth it.
♡ he saw you naked. he'd seen more than anyone else had. this was effectively going to second base with you. third, even. fourth base was too generous-being close enough to feel you in that heat, with you underneath him was a fantasy for another time-but he quickly realised that he had other issues.
♡ he'd neglected to realise that somewhere else on him was taking your body into account. and unfortunately, it's hard to sneak around with what's effectively a pistol in your pocket.
♡ was it graceful, how he took care of himself? not in the slightest.
♡ but that's okay ♡ you gave him more than plenty to work with ♡
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twistedbloodstain · 2 months
keith toshko x reader: one single thread of gold tied me to you | sanrio shenanigans
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plot: the one where a drink bridges you and keith together. (and it’s not the alcoholic kind)
tags: keith toshko coco meet cute? , cinnamoroll, miffy mention, sanrio obsessed ! reader, fluff, grammatical error
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it actually frightens keith.
in actuality there’s nothing threatening about a white cartoon bunny with floppy ears and bright blue eyes originating from japan, created by the kawaii focused company that is sanrio…but if you’re keith that has been shoved out of the way and cussed off several times by strangers varying from different ages, well you start to ponder what all the fuss is all about with the cartoon bunny.
it’s as if they’d actually murder him and smash his head clean on the wall if he doesn’t move out of their way to the milktea shop.
keith is fourth in line right now, and as every customer leaves the line the closer he gets the clearer the cartoon bunny becomes in his line of sight. a lineage of toys placed by the counter are visibly seen which he must assume must all be what the fuss must be about.
it’s like happy meals for older people, he thought.
he’s never tried any of the drinks in a shop that predominantly sells milktea but apparently you can only buy the toys if you buy the appropriate refresher for it which comes in avocado dream, avocado pudding and honey jelly watermelon. keith wonders if anyone actually enjoys the refreshers they come with the toy, however he’s pretty sure this is another capitalist scam for hoarders, people with hyperfixations for the cartoon bunny and victims of bandwagon.
keith is the last of those.
surely, there must be something interesting with it though? as a child he enjoyed playing with those little trinkets happy meals gave out but as an adult? any person with a job will definitely struggle with finding time to give themselves a heart stamp from a sanrio character.
maybe it’s a gift? for girlfriends or sisters or maybe sanrio collectors?
keith comes to the realization that he doesn’t know why he came inside the milktea place, got in line and waited for at least 20 minutes for something that he doesn’t find important. now that he’s at least two people away from the counter, he comes to an epiphany that although he has an alright job, he behaves like he doesn’t have one.
there are people who would prize the little trinkets from capitalist scam more than he does but then there’s no harm in what he’s doing, so why not?
suddenly, the person in front of him calls someone to her side.
a hooded figure comes up to the girl in front of him and a hushed but brief exchange of whispers are shared before the person gets out of line and lets her friend take her place in front of him.
a glare is sent to him from the girl as she walks away from the line, likely telling him that she will be back for that toy.
keith traces where the girl is headed towards and it seems it’s towards the restroom until…
something squishy but sturdy is shoved into his arm which makes keith take a small step back, slightly shocked from the sudden force applied on him. from keith’s tall stature, he glances down at what hit him.
it’s a purple translucent bag.
with a shit ton of squishy keychains bundles up together.
keith can spot the cartoon bunny alongside other characters, some he doesn’t recognize but one figure stands out to him the most.
hello kitty.
who needs that many keychains? he practically screams to himself.
keith doesn’t get it. does he look like he doesn’t have a life when he comments on other people’s lives (internally) or is it when he takes a deep hyperfixation on something that really doesn’t matter to him entirely?
he needs a quick answer before he starts losing himself into a void that is sanrio because that keychain hybrid bag is looking pretty sick to him. especially the blue penguin with the hat and bowtie.
“oh my god. i’m sorry.” she immediately apologizes.
how do you define loser behavior? he wonders.
“it’s alright.” he smiles, she smiles back. deep hyperfixations make you look like you don’t care about anything else, and more importantly bland when you make one thing your entire personality. so how in god’s green earth does the person in front of him look more spiced up than he is?
keith notices her hoodie and it’s similar to the keychain figures littered through her bag. a white dog with black floppy ears, it kinda reminds him of snoopy and charlie.
”i like your bag.” he blurts out.
you turn around again and look down at your bag.
”thanks. it took me a while to get it to…look like that.” you grin.
thank god you didn’t find that awkward.
”where’d you get your hoodie? looks pretty sick.” he adds, seeing you are slowly welcoming him into conversation.
”from japan. a friend gave it to me for my birthday last year.” you eagerly reply, keith notices a glint in your eyes from his small comment. clearly, you enjoy it when people comment on your sanrio things.
”kinda reminds me of snoopy to be honest.” he chuckles.
”ohh…yeah i see it. actually, i used to like snoopy before pochacco.” you explain, “there’s a clear similarity.”
”yeah but the white bunny’s cuter though.” he remarks.
you blink at him several times as the silence soaks up the conversation.
“what.” you utter out, lacking a positive tone.
”i’m pretty sure it’s up for debate but each to our own right?” he pretends to say offhandedly.
did he say something wrong? is it wrong to say that your favorite character is kinda bland? plus didn’t sanrio get sued for trying to copy other people’s characters? like the white bunny with the bland face? he read that on the way here.
“cinnamoroll’s a dog.” you point up at the character banner above the counter.
”…oh.” keith realizes.
before he can say more, a ding rings through the room from the counter calling you to come up and order your drink.
keith is left in a daze.
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you peel your metal straw from the satin case it was enclosed in and pop it into your avocado dream refresher then pull out your phone to contact your sister that was taking too long for a quick visit to the bathroom.
when it ends in a voicemail, you inform her you got the drinks and the heart stamp trinket she wanted for herself.
a person clears their voice behind you.
ah…it’s mr. bunny guy.
”hi.” he greets you.
”hey.” you reply. you urge him to sit in front of you with a wave of a hand.
”thanks…i won’t take too much of your time so yeah…” he stumbles with his words, “i noticed you didn’t get one for yourself so…here.”
he sets a cinnamoroll surprise toy on the table and this makes you stop sipping your drink. you glance at his other hand and notice he got the watermelon jelly one.
“oh…you don’t have to. i don’t mind the entire thing earlier.” you smile to ease him.
”i’m not really a fan of the entire sanrio thing, not that there’s anything wrong with it. it just never really piqued my interest.” he offers.
”i can see that.” you raise your eyebrow.
”so why go here?” you follow up.
“i honestly don’t know. i’m more of a coffee guy to be honest.” he mumbles shyly.
“i like coffee too, but only if there’s seasalt in it.” you grin at him. your phone begins to ring and a familiar ring tone emerges through the air with your sister’s caller id lighting up.
”oh shit. seems like you got some place to be. um…sorry to take up your time. again i’m sorry for that thing earlier.”
”no! wait.” you call out to him before he gets up from the chair.
you shuffle at your bag for something and it takes a few minutes for you to find what you’re looking for in that puffy keychain hybrid bag. a smile erupts on your face when you see the item you’re looking for, you pull it out and hand it to him.
it’s a blue penguin with a sailor’s hat.
”it’s for you.” you eagerly offer to him, “in exchange for the toy.”
keith stares at the keychain in amusement and doesn’t have the heart to tell you he doesn’t know who the hell this little thing between your hands is.
”his name’s tuxedo sam.” you roll your eyes at his amusement, “ i noticed you eyeing him earlier at the counter.”
keith beams at your offer and slowly takes it from your palm. he gives it a light squeeze before slinging it in his index finger.
”you better take care of him.” you state in a half serious tone, “ do you wanna hang out?” the mood shifts.
”sure…sure. what about your sister?” he asks.
”i’ll just give this to her then we’re on our own.” you gesture at the cooler bag with the drink and toy inside it.
you both get up from the chair but not before you tuck in the cinnamoroll toy in your bag. keith toys with the keychain you gave him as you both head out of the milktea shop.
”so…what do you do for work?”
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author’s note: i love sanrio sm so obvi i had to make a fic about it along with my all time favorite sus person keith toshko…2nd keith fic and he’s just so pretty to ignore. hope you guys love it! don’t forget to like and reblog :)
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ghouliaxghuleh · 2 years
As Above, So Below
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// Chapter One \\
Pairing(s): Papa Emeritus III/Reader, Mary Goore/Reader (Eventual) Tags: Discussion of Death, Angst, Mostly set up for later chapters tbh. SFW (not for long, i promise) Word Count: 3.7K Summary: Right before his death, Terzo asks you to protect something for him. Fast forward a few years and you're still in possession of a strange magical box that cannot be opened on your own. However, on one very strange day, it all changes when you cross a line with Papa Emeritus the Fourth, and he sends you down to the catacombs...
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 You think about your last conversation with Papa Emeritus the Third often. It plagues your mind the way a bad after taste lingers in your mouth long after consumption, leaving you with a bitterness that's both hungry and suffocating. It was one that only made sense now in grief, the hidden meaning of his carefully chosen words clearer to your wiser ears. Terzo was an open book yet shrouded in mystery, never truly revealing his true wants or motivations. The way he danced around the topic in conversations had led highly ranking members of the clergy to underestimate him, but you knew the truth.
Terzo was clever, there was no man nor devil whom he couldn't convince to do his bidding. Yet he stood before you that night a desperate, broken man, closer to human than you'd ever seen him, and it felt like sobering up after a night of heavy drinking. Everything that came before felt like a fairytale shrouded in a translucent veil when standing in the pale light of a backstage dressing room.
He spoke of his impending death so casually and nonchalantly, if you hadn't been paying attention, you might have thought he was speaking on the tour.
"I feel a storm coming, Sorella," His smokey voice called out to you from across the room, mismatched gaze staring at you from the dirty mirror on the wall.
The adrenaline of the pre-ritual was gone, the light overhead flickering as the atmosphere in the room began to shift with Terzo's mood. You could see the trouble brewing behind his blue-green eye, the concern he tried so desperately to hide. To someone who didn't know the middle Emeritus brother, they might have mistaken his expression was one of annoyance, but many nights spent in close proximity led you to the truth in his character, the mysterious front man.
"Papa, does something worry you?"
You knew the answer already, but you could see the way the muscles in Terzo's shoulders tensed when you stepped closer. Compared to his brothers, he was kind and comforting, but he was still the devil's son. He was flighty, prone to acting on impulse to avoid situations he got himself into. You wondered if he would flee now, uncomfortable in the solitude of the dressing room.
"For just a moment," He said, voice soft and his eyes flickered up to meet yours, "let me speak."
You waited behind him patiently, feeling the nerves wash over you as he turned away from the mirror, slowly stalking towards you, muscles shifting beneath the material of his stage costume. His gloved hands grasped yours, the white silk soft against your palms as he rubbed comforting circles against the back of your hand.
"When we get back to the Ministry, I need you to do a favor for Papa, ey? It is very important," Terzo's eyes were pinned on yours, hands gripping yours a bit firmer as his lips titled down in a slight frown.
"There is something I need you to keep safe for me," His hands released yours, one slipping into your hair to cradle the back of your head. "A wooden box in the chapel, beneath the floorboards by the altar. Imperator cannot have it, nor the Cardinal, or Nihil. I need you to keep this secret for me, Sorella."
"Of course, Papa."
Your response was breathless as he pressed soft kisses against your exposed throat, lips trembling but not enough to draw attention. You could feel his staggered breath against your throat and foolishly mistook it for lust as Terzo pulled your body against his, his nose buried in your hair.
"There is someone else with the key, but promise me until the time comes, you'll keep it safe, okay?"
He kissed you that night as if he was going to be the last time he ever would - mostly, because it was. You didn't realize it at the time, how rapidly your lover was being ripped from your arms. When he took the stage that night as Papa Emeritus the Third, you hadn't expected him to leave it Terzo, yanked from his pillar by the ministry and whisked away without so much as a goodbye. In the rush of confusion and chaos, you hadn't realized Nihil had taken the stage, too busy chasing the clergymen through the maze of twisting concert hallways.
It was too late, however. Terzo knew that - but you didn't. The moment he stepped onto the stage it was over, perhaps even before that. From that point on, the sun never shined as brightly, nor felt as warm against your skin. The flowers did not bloom so brightly or as long, and the leaves from the tree shriveled fast as winter came early. Papa Emeritus the Third was beheaded in the night, and his elder brothers followed him to the grave immediately afterwards.
A new era had come upon the ministry and with it, and usurper.
Pale light washed through the elegant stained-glass windows of the ministry, casting a mirage of muted colors across the cold stone floors and up the engraved walls. The morning was quiet as the cold December chill seeped through the walls, the clock on the wall ahead of you displaying the time as 7:58 AM. It was only a short walk to the chapel from your small room, so you weren’t worried about being late as you stepped out into the hallway. You quickly made sure your habit was in place, glancing over your shoulder as you grew weary of Sister’s Imperator’s presence. Or, more precisely – the lack of it.
You were used to her lurking in the hallways on the mornings of sermons, ready to punish any sibling that happened to stumble out of bed late. She seemed particularly keen on catching you, however. It seemed impossible to evade her watchful eye. Imperator had always been a bit of a pain in the ass, but since Copia had taken over as Papa Emeritus, she seemed to gain delight in being allowed to punish as she pleased. All of your siblings knew that it didn’t matter what she didn’t – Papa would forgive her. He always did.
On a day such as this one, however, her disappearance was unnerving. It was a Hunter’s Moon tonight; therefore, the morning’s sermon would be a very important one. There was no doubt in your mind that Papa would choose a prime mover, a title you’d once respected and coveted. The very idea of being chosen as his prime mover, however, left you slowing in your pace as you approached the chapel.
It was not that you had issues with Copia – in fact, since ascending the papacy, you’ve found him more tolerable. His newfound confidence and time on tour had refined him into a man more benefiting to lead the ministry. The siblings had come to love him, and the word of Ghost was reaching a broader audience than it ever had. Truly, he was a good Papa, but the idea of pledging yourself to him eternally left you with a sense of persistent unease.
It was like an itch you couldn’t scratch, a nagging headache that wouldn’t go away. You were careful to avoid spending too much time in the light of Copia, weary of drawing his attention. He knew that you had pledged yourself to his predecessor, you could tell by the way he looked at you with an expression of pity. No, he would not take you as his prime mover. Besides, it was in poor taste to take the prime mover of a predecessor, and Copia was a man much concerned with his reputation.
You forced yourself onward, pushing the thought of prime movers and the past away from your mind as you entered the chapel. Many of your siblings were already sitting, chatting quietly to themselves. There was a small spot in the second to last row open, and you quickly scooted in, scanning the crowd for any sign of Imperator, who might have caught you sneaking in. Yet, among the crowd of habits and vestments, you don’t find her familiar form. More alarming, even Nihil seems to scan the crowd with a distant expression of worry as he sits next to the altar, oxygen tank rattling noisily.
You looked at the sibling beside you, a newly confirmed sister who seemed to beam in the dim candlelight, gripping the edges of the dark bench excitedly as she extended her neck to gaze above the sea of heads.
“Excuse me, Sister,” You asked, voice quiet and almost lost in the conversations around you.
The girl looked, bright eyes filled with curiosity as she smiled, “Yeah?”
“Have you seen Imperator this morning? It was strange not to see her in the hallways on the way here.”
The sister looked into the distance, mouth parting as she thought quietly. You couldn’t recall ever meeting the sibling before, but you were sure you’d seen her a handful of times in passing. She’d come back with Papa after the Imperatour, and though it had sent Imperator into a fit for several hours, she’d been allowed to stay and as far as you knew, had spent the time laying low. Papa seemed relatively indifferent towards her as he was you, but she seemed excited to see him.
“I don’t think I have,” She said after a moment, returning her eyes to yours, “maybe she’s out right now.”
It seemed too good to be true to imagine that Imperator would leave you alone after so long of breathing down your neck, but you had little time to ask the sister more as Papa stepped up to the stone altar, the energy in the chapel steadily rising.
“Sathanas, isn’t he beautiful, Sister,” She whispered from beside you.
You looked upon the face of Papa Emeritus the Fourth and tried to find something beautiful amongst the painted features. Sure, it was there, yet every man seemed so dull in comparison to Terzo, who wore his age with confidence and spoke with elegance and determination in every word. Perhaps to some Copia’s endearing nature was charming or beautiful, but to you it was nothing more than awkward.
Even as Papa, you couldn’t help but see the Cardinal who used to ride around the hallways on a tricycle. Whatever had happened to him in the wake of the tour, however, changed him in a way that made him almost unrecognizable. He seemed to shape shift with his ascension, shedding the persona of the cardinal and stepping into a new one.
“Long Live Papa Emeritus.”
The chant rang heavily in the smokey chapel as incense filled the room. The morning light was filling the room with a dreamlike wash of color as Copia stepped behind the altar, pausing briefly to gaze upon the stone statue of the Unholy One. There was a pleasant buzzing that seemed to run along the floor, the result of the upcoming hunter’s moon. Everything was stronger, magic more potent and every ritual ten times deadlier. It was both a night of celebration and one to fear, for an unguarded sibling could fall prey to an attack by the ghouls.
In a place where sin was celebrated and often encouraged, there had to be some sort of structure that kept people from doing whatever they wanted. At the start of Secondo’s reign, he’d made it clear that sin was encouraged so long as it wasn’t hurting anyone (at least without their consent). On a night such as a hunter’s moon, however, all bets were off as the ghoul’s became something more animalistic and dangerous.
It was not a night to be running around alone in the abbey. There were precautions in place, curfews carefully placed yet loosely followed. There would be no help, either. Tonight, Papa would take part in his own rituals with his prime mover, oblivious to the chaos that might erupt around him. Without Imperator either, you couldn’t help but gulp nervously as Copia began his sermon.
The haze of grief had made the last few months feel like sleepwalking. You stood in the midst of the fall without remembering the summer, or the spring. How long had it been since you were conscious of your day, took delight in the little things that once fascinated you, since you walked in Primo’s gardens and felt the warm sunshine against your cool skin? Life before felt so far away now; it seemed as though you only blinked and suddenly Copia had become Papa, and Terzo was entered into the catacombs beneath the ministry.
There was once a time you were permitted to lounge beside his tomb, but Imperator grew impatient and Copia, pliant as ever, had sternly yet softly asked you not to spend any more time in the catacombs. After a few weeks, you’d noticed the entrance to the third Emeritus’ brother’s tomb had been sealed with several padlocks. The message had been sent loud and clear, but it didn’t stop your longing, nor the festering rot that had begun to take hold in your gut.
In your sunless world you were wilting like a flower, crumbling at the seams as fresh roots tried pathetically to take hold of the new soil. There were no goodbyes, no grandiose ceremonies or period of mourning. It was true, you didn’t really take issue with Copia, but you found yourself locked in a persistent bitterness towards him that seemed to swell with each passing day. He might not have swung the sword that beheaded Terzo or killed the other brothers, but you held suspicions that he knew, or was at least slightly complicit.
It was a common rumor amongst the siblings around the ministry. Gossip was a commodity during the cold weather, the rapidly chilling air forcing you all inside. Cabin fever was inevitable, and every year the same rumors seemed to roll back around just as the seasons did. They ranged from harmless – such as one you’d heard last year about Primo tending to a secret flower garden, or that Secondo had a secret interest in romance novels (but if you ever asked, he would have denied it, or said that he was too busy to read.
Then, there were the darker ones, passed in hushed voices at cramped tables during lunch. They always left you looking over your shoulder as you left, paranoid of silly gossip. You’d heard at least a dozen times that the ghouls ate people – siblings that crossed them, or naïve newcomers who did not know, or that siblings who misbehaved enough were used as sacrifices. There was one, however, that ignited a fire in your body so intense it was though every ounce of your blood had reached a boiling point.
You first heard it last winter. A fierce snowstorm had kept you in for almost three weeks at that point, and even Imperator seemed to grow antsy with claustrophobia. The large ministry had seemed to shrink during your isolation, and there was hardly a moment of silence to be found amongst the many hallways. The sun had set hours ago, the night young as you gathered around a small fire in a common area with three other Sisters. You’d spent the last hour trading stories of various excursions with other siblings, the ghouls, and of course, Papa.
You tried not to grimace when they spoke in detail of Copia’s prowess, thankful for the inclusion in the late-night chat and desperate for the company. It wasn’t that you particularly enjoyed being around others, but you did miss the companionship. It was relaxing, a moment of respite amid a long winter. It wasn’t longer after that the conversation fell short, a brief moment of silence passing between the three of you before one of the girls, Catherine, spoke.
Her voice was soft as she stared at the crackling fire, light hair almost amber in the orange glow as her dark eyes watched the open flame dance.
“I heard this in the hallways, when I was helping Imperator clean her office late one evening,” She began, her voice wavering as she glanced over at you, “it was some of Terzo’s ghouls. I haven’t seen much of them these days, so I was surprised.”
You’d perked up at the mention of Terzo, your abrupt movement noticed by the other sisters as they casted a swift glance in your direction. It was true, since Terzo’s death that many of his ghouls had returned to hell, choosing to leave rather than follow Copia. Some had stayed, taking new names with pride despite joyously tormenting the cardinal just months prior.
“One of them said it was Copia who ordered the deaths of the previous Papas.” “Imperator would never allow that,” One of the other sister’s spoke, her voice riddled with disbelief. “No, not if it didn’t benefit her.”
Tense silence fell on the room as you all came to a mutual conclusion. At first the notion that the quiet cardinal could somehow be a murderer seemed impossible, but the Imperator – you’d never been able to quite figure her out. You could admit that she was motivated her own wants, but did her loyalty to Nihil keep her murdering his son, if it somehow helped her?
Your eyes found Copia’s, his intense gazed settle intently on you as he finished his sermon. You watched them narrow beneath his face paint, confusion flashing briefly on his features before returning to neutrality, returning to his spot behind the altar.
“It is an important night, my children. He has gifted us a beautiful moon, go forth into the evening and celebrate in sin. We shall bring about a new era to this ministry, and to this world, so it his will.”
Around you, siblings begin to stand as the chatter returns, the mass concluded. You quickly tried to emerge yourself into the crowd, desperate to escape Copia’s watchful eyes as they followed you. It was though he had sensed your thoughts from across the chapel, your stomach twisting as siblings crowded around the exit. You couldn’t escape him fast enough, the echo of his footsteps followed by the excited murmurs sending your heart into a frenzy.
“Sister Trinity,” Copia’s smooth voice glided across the crowded like the wind did, sweeping over the chaos and capturing the attention of the majority of the crowd.
It was the moment people had been waiting for – his chosen prime mover. There’s a sigh of disappointment amongst some of the other siblings as the chosen sister stepped forward, her face bright and smile wide as she approached Papa. His attention shifted to her, eyes finally leaving yours. You took advantage of the distracted bodies around you, slipping between them and out into the nearly empty hallways outside the chapel. The moment you crossed the threshold it was hold as though a weight lifted from your chest, and you heaved in a deep breath, sucking the air in through your nose and holding it for a moment, willing your racing heart to slow.
You were thankful, at least, since Copia’s selection of a prime mover meant he had less time to worry about you. You weren’t used to being watched so intently by him, having grown used to the subtle coldness you attributed to your relationship with the youngest brother. Feeling his eyes on you throughout the sermon only heightened the unease you felt when you first stepped out of your room.
Against your better judgement, you let yourself slip back into thought, heading back towards your room to prepare for your duties. The sun had risen higher in the sky, the colors of the stained glass brighter against the ministry floor as you pondered the worst. You were prone to overthinking, which Terzo had tried desperately to free you of. Even his kindest words and softest touches could not drive out the worry that had been steadily nagging at you.
It'd been years since he left you now, and you haven’t gotten any closer to figuring out what he meant, or why he wanted you to protect that old box so badly. You’d found it one evening after Copia had left for tour, the Imperator away to see the cardinal off at the start of the tour. You’d taken advantage of the solitude and slipped into the chapel late one night, quickly locating the loose floorboard.
It was locked and, just as his tomb, presumably enchanted with magic to keep the wrong person from trying to pry it open. It was clear to you upon first looking at it that it wasn’t something you were going to be open, so you quickly replaced the floorboard and cradled the box in your arms in a blanket as you returned to your room. For a while, the secrets of it had enchanted you, allowing the hope of opening it one day to motivate you in the days following his death.
As the months passed on, you’d steadily shoved it into the back of your mind, nestling it safely beneath the floorboards under your bed. Every sibling had their own hiding place, most known to the Imperator but she’d foolishly believed she found your ages ago. Not even your closest friends knew about the box, quietly under your floor. Terzo trusted you to keep it safe, specifically from Copia, Imperator, and Nihil. What it contained that he wanted to hide from them so badly was beyond you. Sometimes you wondered why he had not trusted such a task to one of his ghouls, who had followed him since the day he became Papa. You never had time to ask him, of course, before he died.
You entered your room and immediately crawled under the bed to retrieve the item, a thin layer of dust and dirt covering the surface that you quickly brushed away. There was a barely noticeable vibration coming from it, as if coming to life in the warmth of your palms. It was the only thing you truly had left of him, the only thing that Copia did not know about.
You’ve kept it safe all this time, but the wait was starting to weigh in you, hope rapidly dwindling as you came upon another arduous winter. What other option was there, however?
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slifarianhawk · 9 months
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Chapter 26: make it easy on yourself
As Albert, Excella, and I drank, I rang the boys back in through the comm link.
When they walked into the room, I offered them a drink to which Nighthawk and Steve took the offer up. I had Archer put away the Disaronno and Osmanthus wine as the festivities were winding down.
"Now that you are a part of tricell, there is something that needs to be done, my dear lotus." Wesker said, stroking my cheek,"a gift if you would believe it or not."
"Yes, the main reason I went to Russia was to extract two people. A Dr. Cordell and his lovely wife, the main doctor in the creation of the Angelis virus project, which you are so versed in." Excella said, taking a sip of her brandy.
My eyes flared their signature, icy blue. My blood started to boil, memories flooding to the surface. My body slowly started to tremble in rage. I dropped my glass and watched it shatter.
A massive growl was unleashed from my throat,"CORDELL!"
{Trigger warning torture mentions of non con}
/October 28,1998/
Cold, my knees and feet were freezing on the cement floor. Seven needles stuck in my back. My arms chained down pinned to my side. The cold steel dug deep into my wrist, causing deep gashes and scarring cuts. My body naked in a hunched over position translucent white fluid dripping from my back side. Tears stained my cheeks.
CRACK! A bull whip rung out slicing open the flesh between the first row of syringes. Searing pain was all I felt as the wound hastily repaired itself.
"Her will is undeniably strong, colonel Sergei. But it seems the Angelis virus has also made her at least much more easily fixable. Just admire how fast she heals." Dr. Cordell said, walking in front of me as my eyes glowed a cold shade of blue,"tell me, was she truly wasted on scum like that damnable traitor, Wesker?".
I growled and started to transform into the equinoxal mutation. They brought up him. Here, why!?! just to rub salt in the wound of being stuck here. My dead husband is coming back to haunt me again.
Scorching pain seared through me. A cattle prod was pulled away from my side. The pain was a reset to my body, causing the transformation process to halt. The ringing in my ears started to amplify.
When I get out of these damn chains, Sergei will pay. He already had taken my support system, and now he's rubbing a wound with salt. I was going to make him pay dearly for this.
"Yes, I do wish I got to my niece first before that stupid roach did, but lord Spencer has his plans for her. As his most loyal follower, I'll obey his every command." Sergei said, taking a scalpel and carving his name into my back, "doesn't mean I can't have fun with her. I already tainted her lovely back side. Now I'm going to work on that pretty little mouth of hers. Slowly, I'll mold her into the perfect toy and soldier for me and Spencer. When the time comes, she'll be able to eradicate our infestation." A dark laugh echoed out of Vladimirs throat.
"HE IS ALREADY DEAD AND GONE HIC JUST KILL ME YOU HEARTLESS BASTARD." I screamed at the thought of Sergei shoving his disgusting penis in my face. It made me feel sick to my stomach.
"She doesn't know, does she colonel?" Dr. Cordell asked.
"Know what, Sergei? What are you not telling me?" I growled out, my nails slowly growing and turning black.
"Red queen." Sergei said, turning to face the wall.
"Yes, Colonel?" A red hologram of a beautiful woman appeared.
"Show our dear agent seven forty-eight the final moments of the mansion lab and front entryway." Sergei said as a screen lowered into view.
Cctv footage played of the Arkley lab on the night of July twenty fourth.
"You'll regret this, my lady, of that I promise." His eyes left a trail like mine except his glowed a brilliant red.
It showed him plowing through B.O.W.S. and even trapping Lisa Trevor. The best and worst part was that he was alive and had survived. He hadn't come to me. He didn't even come home or contact me.
"He.....he...... he abandoned me.....why?" I was there. I came back to Raccoon City to find him. Spencer was right he had survived and chose not to come for me.
Doctor Cordell laughed along with Sergei as my heart crumbled away into nothingness. The ringing in my ears was now a deafening roar. My face grew a sheet of black glass like silica, creating a mask that hid my tears. My choking sobs started to sound like blood curdling growls. My canines were now black and four inches long over my bottom lip. Six massive bloody batlike wings ripped from my back, throwing all but one syringe into the walls. Black silica bracers grew from under my skin, breaking their way through my wrists. I flicked the wings, and the chains corroded away. Cracks formed in the cement floor.
I was truly alone. My family thinks I'm a monster. My friends are dead. Sergei rapes me during the night. Worst of all, my husband abandoned me. The only things that keep me alive are my kids. However, Vladimir has my daughter here, and the other has been tagged for capture. My life has been made mute.
Darkness clouded my vision. The ringing was blaring in my head. Make it stop. Make it stop, please. The pain that radiates from my heart was driving me mad. Then, all of sudden, the ringing stopped. I feel cold and cramped.
《Entering 3rd person POV》
"What is happening, Cordell?" Sergei asked the now terrified doctor.
"This is the arch angel form, sir. Most of the research has been non-existent, and this form was just a theory. What happened if the equinoxal mental state was pushed to the limit and broke. She broke sir congratulations are due, but not at this time we should run." The doctor said, terrified backing away.
"Vladmir Sergei! Prepare to be sentenced to Hell!" A raspy roar ripped from Tabitha's deformed mouth.
"I don't think so, my dear fragile flower. I still have plans for you. Cordell, hand me the viral stabilizer you were bragging about." Sergei said with his hand extended.
She raced over to Sergei and swung her five inch long black talons. Her claws were as sharp as a lickers' talons they left a massive gash in Sergeis's side. She tried to retreat back, but Cordell handed Vladimir a syringe, and Sergei had injected it into Tabitha's neck.
Tabithas body started to flame up, and silica surrounded her body. It encased her in a black obsidian like cocoon. When it shattered, Tabitha's body had returned to normal splayed across the floor, and the mutations remained as obsidian statuary.
《Tabithas pov》
"You belong to me now agent seven forty-eight. If you try to harm me again, I'll kill little Miss Alistar and bring that bastard son of yours here. Do you understand, my sweet anemone." Sergei laughed, pulling my body up by my matted bloody hair,"Yes, anemone the flower of fragility. That's what you are not the filthy lotus of rebirth but a lowly buttercup of fragility. You are as fragile as obsidian and just as sharp. The weapon I need will be you seven forty-eight. Make this easy on yourself, my dear, and accept that you now belong to me."
"Yes, sir." I hung my head lost in a tidal wave of depression and reluctance.
"Commander?!?" Nighthawk screamed.
Huh? What is going on? I can't move
"Everyone get back she's going Arch-angel!" Archer shouted.
The door opened, and I heard footsteps dashing out. It was time. I opened my eyes.
I broke out of the silica that was starting to encase my body. I won't let that bastard Sergei control my life now that I was free. I'd choose when i go Arch-angel.
Albert was beside me, holding my shoulder. His sunglasses were off as he stared at my now sweat drenched face. He wore a concerned look.
"Tabitha, my dear lotus," He placed his hand on my face, his thumb stroking my cheek,"What did you see? What did you see in that flashback? I know PTSD when I see it. I've seen it in plenty of my men now tell me what you saw my love."
"Sergei and Cordell, when I found out you survived the mansion incident. They both watched me turn into the Arch-angel form. Sergei was becoming my handler, and all cordell did was laugh. Now it's time to return the favor to Dr. Cordell." I clicked on my comm link, "Archer, bring my scalpels, syringes, and pliers to the containment room. Have the prisoners transferred there."
I stood up, placing my corrective shades on, "Nighthawk, please escort me and Wesker to the lab. I need to make several doses of the angelis viral stabilizer and a special treat for Dr. Cordells wife."
"Yes, mam, please follow me." Night hawk bowed, revealing his massive hawk like wings.
"Project a.c.r.o.h? You certainly have quiet the mangarie of interesting people under you, my dear lotus." Albert said, admiring Nighthawk and his wings.
" Even so, we all gladly serve our Pheonix." Nighthawk said, leading Albert and I down the hall to my lab.
Once we arrived at the lab, I threw on my lab coat and sped to my workstation. Quickly, I prepared seven vials of my blood and synthesized three doses of max strength viral stabilizer. Albert stood in the corner as I worked. He seemed deep in thought.
When I dropped to the floor, he walked over and pulled me into a warm gentle embrace, "My dearheart, please be careful. I don't know a lot about the angelis virus, but I can tell that what happened has really drained you. Please, my lotus, make this easy on yourself and rest. Come, I have something to show you. He took my hand and led me out of the vehicle bay.
We walked along the trail of the apple orchard to Alistar's sanctuary. When we got there, I was shocked by the state of things. The statuary was put back together, surrounded by pink carnations. Albert sat at the bench he held me on last night and pointed at the angel statue that had a blue tarp in front of it.
"Go ahead, my lotus lift it. It's not much but something I could do to help you mourn better. I worked ever since you fell asleep, and Excella landed last night." He said as I turned to to fave the tarp.
With a quick grasp, I pulled the cover away and gasped. Tears were now forming in my eyes as I fell to my knees. There was fresh sod and a new headstone in front of Alistar's statue.
It read," Laid to rest, here is Alistar Lancaster. Daughter of Tabitha and Albert Wesker. May she wander the stars infinitely. 1982-2003"
Albert stepped up behind and crouched beside me. He draped his right arm over my shoulder. A relaxed smile was on his face for once. It was stunning.
"I know, I was not there for you or her either when she was born or when she died. However, I know that she wanted this. We are a family again, and once uroboros is complete, no one will harm us again." He said, looking at me, removing his sunglasses.
With a simple motion, I turned and kissed him, "Carry me back to base so I can rest. That way, i can make Cordell pay for all he did to me and Alistar. He will feel the pain that she felt and all the pain he caused me as well."
Albert quickly lifted me up and took me in his arms, heading back to base,"Anything you wish, my dear lotus."
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brightside-brigade · 3 months
Fuck it. Posting it before I log off to watch an RE stream.
So this is the base for my personal Plaga lore stuff. Like, an unmodified strain that would exist in the wild. At first I was worried this was all too far fetched but then I remembered... literally everything else about the RE series as a whole?? You're allowed to ask questions and stuff btw. I'll get to them as soon as I can. :3
Note: these guys standard form is highly based on most interpretations of infected Leon. So uh. Go look at those for a few minutes to get an idea. Good? Good. Lore under cut
So, to begin with, Plagas are hive dwelling organisms that are insectoid in nature, but also have some mammalian tendencies. Because of this, it's still debated what genus they fall under.
Similar to ants or bees, hives have a queen. Though she is not responsible for later generations being born within the hives, she is responsible for the hive progenitors. A queen will appear more insectoid than human, often forgoing the general human shape for something more akin to a large tarantula hawk or similar.
For plagas, dymporphism is a very clear thing. Males are larger and bulkier, and their tails end in stingers. They're the stronger ones, but are slower than females. Females are smaller and more lithe, and while their tails are stingerless, they're whip thin and just as capable of doing damage. While they're not as strong as the Males, they're far faster and more agile, nearly impossible to hit in a combat situation.
Pseudo males, a subset usually used as drones or informants have a mix of these features.
Both Males and females have venomous bites capable of a number of effects t depending on what's needed in the situation. This ranges from sedation, paralysis, or even death or internal liquidation. (Like how spiders eat). The plating along their tails can flip up, become a row of spikes for extra damage. Both also take part in hunting and scouting for the hive, and both have spurs on the backs of their legs.
Apart from the major differences between males and females, plaga appearances vary greatly between eachother. For example, the chitin on their bodies can range from a few patches here and there to full body armor. The chitin is usually red, orange, yellow or black, but other colors are possible. Other variations include eye color and number of eyes, wings, mandibles, wings, extra limbs, and so on.
Overall, like most animals, the plagas want to grow and expand their kind. Thus, they have many methods of spreading. This ranges from hive born eggs, eggs layed on or in other living creatures (like wasps do. This is generally how other hives start after the creature is let go to wander off. After the eggs hatch and the creature expires, a queen will usually be born from that particular batch). They also use the parasite method, also known as hijacker drones. These usually spawn from pseudo Males.
The eggs themselves, when in hive, are looked after by both Males and females alike, and are kept in chambers far from the surface. Eggs are round and translucent, being green or yellow in color and slightly bioluminescent. They adhere to both eachother and the walls/floor of the chambers and tended to until they hatch.
Eggs hatch into grubs, which are, well, grubs. They stay looking this until after their third or fourth molt, in which they'll start changing into the standard humanoid appearance. And thus it all begins again.
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that-one-dork · 7 months
Letter ask meme!
M: when it rains/snows/storms
E: sharing a drink
Fandom: TMNT (VIY AU)
Timeline: sometime in a recovery period
(This could potentially count as a spoiler I guess? Definitely later than the point the story is at now though lol)
(Also I did not reread to fix possible mistakes so sorry if things are odd or something!)
The first crack of lightning struck an outside tree and charred the thinner sections of it. April gazed out the window of the farmhouse and watched blackened leaves disintegrate into the night. She glanced over at Casey, who was asleep on the couch. Outbursts and accidental clawing have worn down the furniture quite noticeably. Screws and boards and stuffing could be seen wherever she looked.
One of those cartoons with an odd amount of fourth wall-breaking foreshadowing was playing on the tv. Mikey was seated on the floor, slit-pupil eyes trained on the illuminated pixels. He rocked back and forth slightly. He’s been quieter since…the incident. Perhaps self conscious of his lesser control over his hissing of the letter ‘s’. Or…something else, anything else, really. It wasn’t like he was going to open up anytime soon. April looked at the floorboards in front of his spot and took note of the scratches dug into the wood. The once-smooth floor tended to feel the consequences of the more exciting series’s.
The surveillance of everyone couldn’t be ignored, but exhaustion was beginning to creep up. April yawned and ran a hand through her hair. Looking at Casey again, she decided to let him sleep. She trudged to the kitchen with coffee on her mind. A torn blue bandana laid on the table, a clawed hand resting tamely on the cloth. “Hey, Leo,” April greeted the mutant, who nodded in response. She studied his slouched form. “Why don’t you get some rest?” she suggested.
“I, egh, I need to train more. I need to better control this.” His resting hand curled around the torn mask.
April frowned. “Cmon, you need sleep, too. You can’t heal mentally or physically if you don’t give yourself time to rest.” She studied her friend’s expression and faltered upon noticing the lasting resolve on his face. “…Will you at least let me make you some tea?”
Hesitantly, Leo nodded, and asked, “Do we have the lavender tea?” April walked to the cupboard and gave a thumbs up upon spotting the little labeled box. She pulled out a semi-translucent tea bag as well as a canister of instant coffee grounds. She placed down the metal canister but held onto the tagged bag. A hand found the container of evaporating melatonin pills and discreetly slipped one into the leafy mixture. She shook it slightly to hide it and placed the tea bag on the counter with the canister.
Upon placing the kettle on the heated stove, it didn’t take long for the metal device to whistle with steam. April turned off the burner and set two porcelain cups on the counter. She carefully poured boiling water into each and added the two mixes. While waiting for the tea to steep she stirred the coffee grounds around to speed up their assimilation with the water. After a few minutes the soggy bag was removed and thrown out. Leo watched as April placed the two cups in their respective spots. He softly gave a “thanks” with a small nod of his head and proceeded to sip the herbal liquid.
Thunder crashed overhead with a loud reverberating boom. Leo jolted with a startled gasp. Steaming tea spilled onto his hand. His yelp fused with a hiss and he aggressively shook his hand to get some of the hot liquid off. Scales became more visible across his body and his arm seemed to shift in form slightly, his pupils shifting to pinpricks as momentary pain and panic took hold. April shot up from her seat and grabbed a paper towel. She wetted it under the sink faucet and hurriedly placed it where the tea was burning Leo’s hand. The mutant looked up and they held a gaze for a few seconds. Leo relaxed a little and glanced away. He removed the damp paper towel and simply shed away the reddish and mildly burned area.
Quietly the two continued to drink their beverages. April glanced up from her cup occasionally to check for further agitation, or, alternatively, tiredness. Thankfully only the latter appeared to be the case. Leo seemed to be calming down and relaxing. She got an idea to get him to voluntarily let himself rest.
“How about…” she started, pausing to sip her cooling coffee, “…you do some meditation? Like Master Splinter did. A healthy, rested mind, er, makes a healthy ninja.”
Leo slowly blinked at her and she grimaced as she realized it probably wasn’t a good idea to mention the parental figure right now. He gently placed his cup on the table. “…He…would, most likely want us all to do…slower exercises,” he agreed, then quickly added, “in- in moderation, of course. We still need to train, be- be fit ninjas, and all-“
“Yeah, I understand,” April replied. She really wanted her friends to allow themselves a break. They all needed to recover. Leo had such a problem with just…chilling. She watched as he finished his drink.
“I’m gonna go upstairs. See you in the morning, April.”
“Mhm, good night.”
The human watched her mutant friend place the cup on the counter and make his way up the stairs. She sighed and closed her eyes, listening to the soft pattering of rain smacking the farmhouse’s roof.
Things will be okay.
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bethagain · 1 year
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I am so very amused by this element of Chapter 20. How did they cram the giant baby birds into Bo-Katan's ship? Why did they cram the giant baby birds into Bo-Katan's ship?
The whole thing was such a marvelously silly notion, I had to write about it.
Din has had many years of practice keeping his laughter silent behind the visor. Today is testing his skills.
Bo-Katan is beside him in the pilot's seat, expertly flying her ship over the canyons. They lifted off so smoothly, only the view through the claristeel told him they'd left the ground. Hard to do, on such rough terrain.
Her missing right pauldron is the only hint that she's just been in battle.
Behind her are several adult Mandalorians, one teenager, three raptor chicks, and chaos.
Paz Vizsla is pressed up against the port bulkhead, wedged into the space between the metal wall and a round, winged creature that must weigh four times what he does, heavy armor and all. The baby raptor is gnawing on his arm, the blue-painted vambrace entirely disappeared into its maw. It's a good thing these young ones' teeth haven't come in yet.
Paz would probably have tried to get away, but there is absolutely nowhere to go.
A second young raptor is wriggling uncomfortably beside them. It can't find a good spot to settle because beneath it are two more Mandalorians. Two helmeted heads, one arm, and a foot stick out.
There's also a flailing hand, gloved in black with a sporty turquoise armor plate, but it doesn't belong to the same Mandalorian as the arm, and anyway it's too far away to reach the vambrace.
A fourth Mandalorian, as yet un-nibbled and not sat upon, is stuck, immobile, between the second baby raptor's rump and the third one's shoulder. She grunts, trying to avoid being mashed, as the third young raptor shifts its head.
It's trying to get closer to Ragnar. The boy is in the middle of the madness, crooning at the creatures and reaching over and around smushed and contorted Mandalorians to pat the scaly heads.
"Don't worry," he's telling the raptor chicks, unconcerned or oblivious to the fact that the head he's patting is also chewing on his father's vambrace.
Maybe it's teething, thinks Din, watching Paz struggle to free his arm without losing the piece of armor. Massifs like to have something to chew on when their fangs are coming in. He's heard that's a thing with human babies, too.
"I'm sorry about your mom," says Ragnar, gently scratching an eye ridge. "I wish we could have talked to her, maybe we could have shared our food. But it's going to be ok." He uses his other hand to pet another raptor's nose.
Paz has turned his head to watch this, stilling his struggles even though raptor spit is now dripping from his elbow.
"My dad and his friends will take care of you," says Ragnar, speaking softly, as a translucent wing emerges from somewhere and whacks Paz on the head. "They always take care of foundlings. It's what Mandalorians do."
Bo-Katan looks over at Din, and he is very sure she's smiling behind the Nite Owl helmet's slanted eyes.
There's no hint of it in her voice, though, as she says the words for everyone to hear.
"This is the Way."
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wangsejabin · 1 year
Chapter 94
The children of the Eastern Palace also had birthday gifts to give.
The First and Second County Princesses and the Third County Princess all gave embroidery, as they were old enough to do so, and although their work was not as good as that of the Needle and Thread Bureau, as they had said before, it was the thought that counted. The Fourth Mistress Wan Pui-yin gave her a Buddhist scripture, which she said she had copied by hand, and although her handwriting was not good, it was the thought that counted.
   Zong Duo gave her a jade pendant, of fine sheep's-fat white jade carved with a longevity bat, which was unremarkable, but Empress Fu seemed to like it, holding it up and looking at it, and smiling and praising Zong Duo a few times.
   Zong Yue, on the other hand, gave a jade ornament, of an ordinary kind, neither too eye-catching nor too over-the-top, quite in keeping with his age and status.
As for Wan Yin Long, originally Pan Er gave her the idea to send her shoes and purses, she didn't need to make them herself anyway, the palace maids made them and she sewed on a few stitches, Empress Fu also knew Wan Yin's character and would not be offended.
However, she did not agree, and went back to the cabinet to find some bead strings that she had shattered when she was a little girl and brought them to her to play with.
   Among them were pearls, tourmaline, cat's eye stones, turquoise, tortoiseshell stones and a bunch of other messy little stones, and she primped and picked out some suitable ones and strung them together to make a string of beads that could be worn on her wrist.
When it was done, Pan'er took a look at it, Wan Yin's seemingly big-hearted, but actually quite good at matching colours, this colour scheme at first glance is suitable for Empress Fu usually wear, no true reds and no purple as it was too fancy. Afterwards, Wan Yin found a box for the gift, and a birthday gift was made.
Empress Fu really liked it after she got it, and heard that it was made by Wan Yin's own hands, and even said she was thoughtful. This was the only one of the girls that Empress Fu had praised, and of the boys, it was Zong Duo who got the praise.
Unfortunately, his sister's thunder was soon stolen by Zong Lin, who had also prepared a birthday gift for Empress Fu.
This gift was unknown to anyone but the eunuchs and palace maids around Zong Lin, who, probably seeing how secretive Wan Yin was, also followed suit. Pan'er thought he was a small boy, so he couldn't give anything away anyway, maybe just some of his little wooden swords and horses, so she didn't mind him.
   It was also a brocade box, but it was much bigger than Wan Yin's.
Empress Fu was surprised to see that he was also giving her a birthday gift, but Zong Lin didn't care about that, he told Empress Fu to sit down, and he also went to the bottom and stood up, kowtowed to Empress Fu respectfully, and said a toast.
   Empress Fu was amazed by this and said to those around her that such a small child was doing a good job.
Pan'er was surrounded by a bunch of strange eyes, and instead of being pleased, she was a little embarrassed, mentally saying that she didn't know what the boy had given as a gift. If he had given them a small wooden horse or something that would not have made such a big splash, people would have said that mother and son were making a fool of themselves.
Soon it was time to reveal the birthday gift, and Zong Lin led Feng Hai, who was holding the gift, to Empress Fu.
   He was small and short, and his strength was no match for an adult, so he let Feng Hai crouch halfway while he uncovered the lid of the box.
   As soon as the lid was opened, the walls of the box automatically fell down to reveal a large bowl of blue and white flowers. The blue and white flowers on the bowl were all in the shape of the word longevity, and at the bottom of the bowl were a few pebbles with translucent water and two small fish swimming inside.
It was the same small fish that Zong Lin had caught with his own hands earlier.
   "My grandson just caught a few of them and gave two to Imperial Grandmother." As he said this, he was still quite reluctant to give them away, clearly saying that he was giving them away, but his eyes kept looking at them.
   Empress Fu took a questioning stance, and it was time for the mother to come out and speak.
Pan'er said, "He caught this fish himself, he treasures it like nothing else, and has been looking at it every day on his bedside for the past few days. Originally he was making a fuss about sending a birthday gift to the Empress, and I thought he was just fooling around, but I didn't expect to send this to him."
   "Good, very good, a child's heart." Empress Fu laughed, and asked Zong Lin, "You are willing to give your precious treasure to your imperial grandmother?"
Zong Lin was indeed reluctant to do so, but he said, "Father taught us that we should know filial piety as descendants, and although Lin was very reluctant to do so, it was only right to give my own treasures to my imperial grandmother for her birthday, and that was all I had." And so he gave half to his imperial grandmother.
   The rest of what he said, though he did not say it, was understood by Empress Fu and understood by all those below.
The First Lady of the Duke of Jin's House laughed, "The Third Duke is really filial."
" Not at all."
   "My little grandson, who is about the same age as the Third Prince, knows nothing of this, worthy of being a child of His Highness the Crown Prince's family."
In a flash, the crowd of titled ladies standing below were all praising him.
   Empress Fu smiled, stroked his head and said, "Well, Lin'er has filial piety, Imperial Grandmother will certainly take good care of your precious little fish."
   The whole birthday celebration had been very uneventful, except for the birthday gift from the Crown Princess, which had raised a few eyebrows, but now all the limelight had been stolen by a three-year-old child. What could a child of that age know? He must have been taught by his mother. But she had taught him well, and he had won the Queen's favour, so no one could say anything.
The Prince Consort stood there smiling, showing no signs of happiness or anger, while Hu Liangdi's eyes darted back and forth between Pan'er and the Prince Consort, wondering what she was thinking.
   As for the children in the Eastern Palace, although they were all forcibly calm, they were not too old and inevitably showed their envy. While Zong Yue's emotions did not show, Wan Yin was looking as if she had a share in the glory, her big eyes shining brightly, which if it weren't for the crowd, Pan Er guessed she would have to praise Zong Lin for a job well done.
But then Pan'er knew that the fish delivery must have been Zong Lin's own idea, but he couldn't have done it with such care, and the words he said.
She set her gaze on Feng Hai, her face smiling but the smile not reaching the eyes.
   The women of the Eastern Palace did not take up much of the drama at the birthday banquet today.
After all, there are many concubines and even relatives from the imperial family in the West Court, and since today is the Empress's birthday, it is only logical that there should be external ladies present, so there are many other ladies who have come to celebrate the birthday today.
   In the middle of the day, Pan'er said she would go to the purification room, and besides bringing Xiang Pu, she also called Feng Hai out.
   Feng Hai knew what was going on and knelt down as soon as he entered the purification room.
   "How old he is, and you are teaching him to fight for favour, you seem to have a big heart. Originally, I trusted you and thought that since Lin was so young, I was afraid that he would be led astray, so I placed you by his side, but look at this good thing you did!"
Feng Hai prostrated himself on the ground and spoke in a low voice, "Master, it was Little Prince himself who proposed to send the fish, the servant just helped him prepare the brocade box and bowl."
"Still trying to argue, you didn't teach him those words he said?"
   "Indeed, it was my servant who taught him. The minion just thought that you had asked someone to inquire what the eldest prince would send before preparing such a birthday gift for the second prince, and even the county princess's birthday gift you did not bother with, leaving the county princess to make her own arrangements. The minions actually understand what you mean, you just don't want to compete with that side, but don't you think about the feelings of the second prince and the fifth county princess?
   "If this becomes a habit, not of you but of the Second Prince, how will he be able to hold his head up in front of the Eldest Prince?"
   These words were like a thunderbolt, and Xiang Pu immediately scolded, "Feng Hai, you really have the audacity to say such things in front of your master!"
   Saying that, she turned to Pan'er and begged for mercy, "Master, please spare Feng Hai this time, he has followed the two princes for these years, and he has done hard work without merit, he must have been possessed, you should ask the second prince to punish him later, punish him severely."
   "Are you thinking the same thing?" Pan'er suddenly asked.
After a while, she said hesitantly, "I think you are always reluctant to compete with the Crown Princess' side. The Crown Princess is very concerned about the eldest son's homework, but you rarely ask the second son about his homework."
   After coming to the palace for these years, Xiang Pu has also long been not the Xiang Pu of the beginning and has learned to be much wiser.
   In fact, a few years down the line, many people have changed to a greater or lesser extent, only she is still the same old step, always thinking about the world peace.
Pan'er couldn't help but think of her previous life, how Yue'er had yielded to Zong Duo in front of and behind people, yes, in a new life, why did she always have to yield, could she avoid the inevitable disputes in the future by yielding? No, because the interests are there and sooner or later the conflict will be triggered.
   Feng Hai's idea was to let Lin'er take the lead, so as to raise the eyebrows of the East House, and at the same time to give Zong Yue a hint that you could not take the lead because of your circumstances and status, but your younger brother did not have such worries, he was still young after all, and taking the lead would not be too scandalous.
   Indeed, he had a heart. And even the Crown Princess could not fault the words that Zong Lin said today, she feared. Even a three-year-old child could be so filial, and the East Palace must be acting upwards and downwards for such a young child to behave like that. Even if there was an element of drama, no one would be insensitive enough to poke holes in it, so the flaw would be good for the Eastern Palace and indeed the entire Central Palace lineage.
Pan'er sighed and gave Feng Hai, who was lying on the ground, a somewhat complicated look, "Don't take any more liberties in the future, report anything, I'm not the kind of master who can't listen to advice."
   Feng Hai's heart was pleased, he immediately kowtowed and said, "I understand, my servant will definitely follow my master's orders."
   After that Feng Hai retreated and Pan Er used the purification room, the whole time she was thoughtful, but Xiang Pu did not dare to interject any more.
   The palace banquet was set up from noon and continued into the evening.
Even though Empress Fu had repeatedly said that there was a disaster in the region of Shaanxi and Gansu, and that everything should be kept simple, the arrangements made by the House of Internal Affairs were still very rich.
   Before the evening banquet had even begun, fireworks were set off to the north of the island.
   Beneath the inky blue sky, the crowd gathered to watch the fireworks from the best viewpoint. The vast expanse of the sky and the splendour of the fireworks, which lasted for more than a quarter of an hour, were truly breathtaking. Even Pan'er, who had seen a lot of big scenes in her previous life, couldn't help but marvel at the ingenuity of the Home Office.
   After watching the fireworks, it was time to move on to the banquet, which was set up in the water pavilions of the curved corridor, divided into several places. There was a brightly lit area some distance away, dotted with candlelight, and if you looked at it from afar, the inky night sky, the quiet water and the long strings of luminous pearls strung on it, it was as beautiful as a painting.
   As the male and female guests were not in the same place, Wan Yin was with Pan'er at the dinner.
   The atmosphere was naturally much more relaxed as it was not in the palace, and from time to time a lady came forward to toast and speak with the Crown Princess, who was the most important person in the palace, as the banquet for the concubines was not here.
   The Crown Princess was placed next to Pan'er, and Wan Yin was already talking to Shu Yi across the table, and Pan'er also had some small talk with the Crown Princess.
   But she didn't ask Princess Yue how she was after that time, and she didn't mention it either, as if that day had never happened, but Pan'er did see that Princess Yue was looking better.
   Perhaps it was because the scenery in the Western Garden was really pleasant, and when people were in a good mood, they naturally looked better.
Fu Qiu suddenly came up behind Pan'er and whispered, " Greetings Liangdi, the Crown Prince has ordered someone to say that the third son has been naughty and has fought with the fifth son of Qi Wang's residence again, so you should go and bring the third son back."
   Pan'er was stunned to hear this, and had a bit of a headache, why was this boy hitting again? And some thin annoyance, thinking blame the Prince you did not say Zong Lin so do it right, now you know the headache.
She didn't think much about it, and told Wan Yin that she should stay by herself for a while, and also asked Yue Wang Fei to help look after her daughter, and left Bai Jue behind, and went away with Fu Qiu.
   When they went outside the water pavilion, it wasn't Fu Lu, it was a eunuch who looked somewhat familiar.
Although Pan'er couldn't name him, she knew he was a waiter at the Yu Qing Palace, so she didn't think much of it and took Xiang Pu with her to go with him.
It was dark, but the corridors were decorated with palace lamps, so it was not dim.
   The curved corridor is entirely in the style of the gardens of the south of the Yangtze River, built against the rocks, which are dotted with all kinds of strange stones and rocky hills, sometimes ascending and sometimes descending.
The eunuch leading the way seemed to notice that her pace was slowing down and turned to say, " Mistress Su, it's just a little further to go."
   Pan'er continued to follow, and after walking for a while, a sudden gust of wind blew, and as she was distracted, the eunuch in front of her back flashed, and the person disappeared.
   She was startled and stopped instantly.
She was about to turn around when a man turned out from behind the rockery at the side, none other than Prince Chu, dressed in blue brocade robes.
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darkpanther78 · 7 months
Hadid: The less is the heaviness in your shoulders, the less you are "down to earth" *in a dramatic manner* Asma:"did you crack... a joke or the fourth wall?" from translucent canvas on Wattpad by me they are side characters, but I am invested!
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