#the four skulls of jonathan drake
weirdlookindog · 1 year
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The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake (1959)
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screamscenepodcast · 2 years
You'll never see it coming! It's INVISIBLE INVADERS (1959) from producer Robert E. Kent and director Edward L. Cahn!
Starring John Agar, Philip Tonge, John Carradine and Robert Hutton, what moral imperatives will this DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL-rip off impart?
Context setting 00:00; Synopsis 10:37; Discussion 25:21; Ranking 37:07
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flight-to-mars · 2 years
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The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake (1957)
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moviesandmania · 5 months
THE COSMIC MAN Reviews and free to watch on YouTube
The Cosmic Man is a 1959 American sci-fi horror film about a spherical UFO that proves to contain an alien visitor. Directed by Herbert S. Greene from a screenplay by Arthur C. Pierce (Terror in the Midnight Sun, The Astral Factor). Herbert S. Greene was assistant director on Invisible Invaders, The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake (both 1959) and Strait-Jacket (1963). The film stars John Carradine,…
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batmonkfish80 · 9 months
Films I watched!
Journey To The Centre Of The Earth
Bluebeard (1943)
Carry On Admiral
The Stranger Left No Card
King Of The Khyber Rifles
The Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe (1954)
Bulldog Drummond Escapes
The Four Skulls Of Jonathan Drake
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Año: 1959
Dirección: Edward L. Cahn
Para ver el tráiler ingresa al enlace:
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starrywisdomsect · 5 years
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Currently Watching: The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake (1959)
“Jonathan Drake, while attending his brother's funeral, is shocked to find the head of the deceased is missing. When his brother's skull shows up later in a locked cabinet, Drake realizes an ancient voodoo curse placed upon his grandfather has named him as the probable next victim..”
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mizworldofrandom · 5 years
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The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake (1959)
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autumnsredglaze · 7 years
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Great title.
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themilmarzone · 4 years
The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake 1959 -- A Sci-fi / Horror Movie Trailer
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weirdlookindog · 2 years
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The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake (1959)
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screamscenepodcast · 2 years
Your deadicated hosts return with THE FOUR SKULLS OF JONATHAN DRAKE (1959) from director Edward L Cahn!
The film is said to be written, produced and directed to scare the daylights out of you -- but will it? And how do shrunken heads factor in here? Listen to find out!
Context setting 00:00; Synopsis 20:47; Discussion 33:39; Ranking 49:24
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moviesandmania · 7 months
CREATURE WITH THE ATOM BRAIN (1955) Reviews and free to watch online
‘Chock-full of thrills!’ Creature with the Atom Brain is a 1955 science fiction crime horror film about a mad scientist who uses ‘zombies’ to aid a gangster. Directed by Edward L. Cahn (The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake; Curse of the Faceless Man; It! The Terror from Beyond Space; Invasion of the Saucer Men; Zombies of Mora Tau; Voodoo Woman; The She-Creature) from a story and screenplay by Curt…
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tcm · 4 years
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In our final night of our Fright Favorites is THE FOUR SKULLS OF JONATHAN DRAKE (‘59) with Paul Wexler. #LetsMovie
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fitsofgloom · 4 years
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The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake
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queerbutstillhere · 5 years
Damian never really intended to make an announcement to his family about his courtship with Jonathan Kent.
He had, of course, asked the Kryptonian permission to court his son, and the teens mother, but he never addressed the situation to his own father. It simply wasn't necessary. Bruce never asked his consent on the dozens of women he had dated since Damian arrived, why should Damian ask him? Besides. He had an excellent judge of character, and everyone who had ever met Jon knew he was the purest person alive. He knew Damian's background and his current life, and never judged him for it. He was, in a word, perfect.
Jon had assumed Damian told his family, and with most the Wayne's and their various extended relations off on their own missions and agendas, no one ever saw them together doing anything that wasn't passed off as best friend stuff. So Jon never questioned it. He trusted, and assumed, his boyfriend has told his family members.
Only he hadn't. He had just deemed it irrelevant and then after a while, it never came up.
For three years.
They had moved in together, Jon's freshman year of college. Damian had moved to Metropolis, removing himself from Wayne Enterprises, from Batco, from everything. He made a name for himself without them, got a very nice job in Metropolis as vice president of a very well to do research company, moved into a huge loft apartment with his boyfriend and learned to live in the sun. Everyone in his family just accepted it. They never questioned the two, knowing they were "best friends" and it was only logical for the two to move in together, since they were "best friends" and knew each other's nightly activities.
It wasn't a far stretch for people, specifically the Metropolis Police, to figure out that the new masked vigilante who had suddenly appeared in Metropolis one night and started investigating crimes the police couldn't figure out was one of Batman's birds. Especially with the prior Robin, a muscular adult male, disappearing and briefly being replaced by thin teenage girl. But they soon learned that Damian was more then his past, as everyone else did.
A year or so after they had moved in together, they were planning to get married. They hadn't tried to surprise propose to each other, it would be nearly impossible, what with Damian being able to read Jon like a bold font newspaper, and Jon having super senses, and knowing Damian better then anyone else in the world. They had a talk about it over dinner, agreeing that they were ready to be wed. They briefly discussed it with the Kent's, who were overjoyed, and not a month after, sent wedding invitations.
It wasn't until a week later, they were laying in bed after a long day patrolling when Damian heard a thump. It had come from downstairs, in their living room. Jon grumbled and sat up, clearly having been on the verge of sleep.
"Its your dad," Jon stated, standing and reaching for a pair of pants.
"What does he want? He never comes to Metropolis anymore."
"Dunno. Maybe he has complaints about our wedding venue."
Damian was pulling on a shirt when he remembered.
"Oh?" Jon looked over, mussing up his wet hair.
Footsteps were coming up the stairs.
"Ah ha."
"Babe, what's wrong?" Jon asked, clearly concerned.
"It occurs to me. . . ." Damian said gently, knowing how Jon would react. "I may have neglected to inform my family that we were dating."
Jon's jaw dropped, eyes almost bulging out of his skull.
"We've been dating for four years!" He screeched in horror.
"Yes. I am aware," Damian said dryly, moving towards the door.
"How did you not tell them!?!"
"It never came up, and they're surprisingly oblivious."
"Holy shit, your dad is gonna kill me. And your brothers and your aunt and- oh my God."
Damian rolled his eyes.
"Calm down, Habibi, I'm not going to let anyone touch you, not this close to our wedding."
He pulled open the door and walked out, meeting the Batman at the top of the stairs.
He glanced behind Bruce to spot his latest ward, the blonde haired teen looking around the apartment in amazement.
"Can I help you?" Damian asked, tilting his head to the left slightly.
He heard Jon walking over, and a hand gently touched the small of his back. Bruce reached up, pulling off his cowl, eyes flickering over the both of them.
"Can we talk?"
"Of course."
Damian brushed past his father easily on the wide industrial style stairs, jogging down the metal steps and heading to the kitchen.
"Lacey," he greeted with a nod, passing the teen now wearing the Robin uniform.
"Hi," she breathed out.
Damian went to the kitchen, starting a kettle of water boiling.
"Your siblings are on their way."
"I expected no less."
"Oh god," Jon whined, Damian looked up to see him standing at the bottom of the stairs, a hand in his hair.
Damian rolled his eyes and simply adjusted for the additional company, getting out more tea cups, as well as starting the coffee pot.
An awkward silence settled over the room, and then one by one, his siblings filed into the apartment until the sofas were full and everyone had a steaming hot mug in hand. Jon stalked over, looking anxious and snagged Damian's hand, pulling him to the furthest corner, the one that held their small round dining table that overlooked the city.
"You're not fucking with me, you never told them?" Jon hissed.
"Why not."
"It slipped my mind, and you never asked me about it."
"I assumed you had told them or they already knew! They're detectives!"
Damian shrugged. "Well, I never told them, and with our decision to keep our relationship out of the public eye, it was probably never suspected. After all, we were best friends first."
"You're telling them. I can't handle this."
Damian hummed, lightly patting his fiance's cheek.
"You'll be fine. Go sit down."
Jon obeyed, snagging his cup of tea and walking away, slumping in his armchair. Damian followed, lightly sitting on the arm of Jon's chair, looking at each of his family members, only nine of the surprisingly large bunch. Duke seemed the most amused by this situation. Lacey, the new Robin, seemed a little intimidated by being in a room with all her predecessors.
"What is the matter, then?" Damian asked finally.
"Tim?" Bruce said, looking at his third child.
The vigilante stood, reaching into a pocket and producing an envelope folded in half. He held it out to Damian, who took it, pretending he didn't know what it was, as if he hadn't designed the entire thing and would be able to recognize it on the spot. Jon gave a tiny whimper, letting his head fall on Damian's side.
"Oh quit," Damian muttered, smacking the man's knee.
He pulled the invitation out, eyes scanning over it quickly, looking for defects in the soft blue over white card. Of course there were none, he smile fondly, he had loved the design the moment it was in his hands and he still did. The invitation was well worn from having lived in Drake's belt, and he was sure it had been looked at many a times.
"And?" He said, looking up. "If you are all unable to make the date, im sure we can arrange for another time."
Jason busted out laughing, then swore as he spilled coffee in his lap.
"Don't get coffee on my sofa, Todd," Damian commented, passing the invitation back to Tim.
"Damian." Bruce was clearly displeased.
Damian arched an eyebrow.
"This is real?" Dick asked, motioning at the invitation which had been set on the coffee table.
"Why would we send out a fake wedding invitation."
"Oh, maybe because no one except Alfred knew you two were even dating!" Stephanie exclaimed.
"Oh so you did tell someone."
"Ah. No. . . I didn't. Alfred is just far more observant then everyone else."
Jon laughed bitterly and shook his head, sipping his tea.
"Damian. Explain."
"I mean, how long have you two?" Barbara motioned at them vaguely.
"Four years," Damian answered easily.
They all rightfully looked shocked.
"And you never told us?!" Dick hissed, offended.
"I didn't see that it would matter much, I wasn't dating him for your approval, and still do not need it. He never mentioned it so I never remembered to address it. You should be more disappointed in yourselves that you never figured it out in four years."
"I knew," Cassandra said finally. "Saw how you acted."
Damian nodded while Dick whirled on her, scolding her for not bringing it up. Bruce was just watching them, a mask of curiosity replacing his cowl, then he turned his gaze to Jon.
"Did your parents know?"
"From day one," the Kryptonian responded, an arm sliding around Damian's hips.
Bruce scoffed and shook his head.
"I can't believe this. Four years?!?" Jason exclaimed, looking shocked.
"I mean, its really not that surprising if you think about it," Duke inputted.
"All the signs we missed!" Tim bemoaned, slumping into his seat.
They all continued making comments and talking over each other. Damian and Jon sighed, looking at each other.
"Children," Bruce snapped and everyone went silent, looking up at the one common factor this ragtag group. Well, except for Jon. He was here for another Wayne. "Were you ever going to tell us?"
"We did." Damian gestured at the invitation.
"How the hell did you forget that you hadn't told us?" Tim asked.
"I got busy."
Jason snorted, looking away, mouthing some sarcastic comment. Damian ignored him.
"It was not an intentional act, to leave you clueless for so long. I simply forgot, to the point where I didn't even remember that you didn't know. So when we sent out the invitations I didn't think twice about it."
They didn't seem to know what to say to that, Jon finally inputted.
"I really thought he had told you, or I assumed he would, which is why I never brought it up either. We wanted to keep our relationship away from the public, and I guess you guys accidentally became a part of that group."
A little giggle came from Lacey, and everyone looked at her.
"I'm sorry, I think this is just really funny," she said. "Damian, I think its lovely that you're getting married, congratulations, mazel tov, live long and prosper and all that."
Damian felt himself smiling slightly, something he did a lot these days.
"Thank you, Lacey."
She giggled lightly, looking down as she tried to stiffle her laughs and still her shaking shoulders.
One by one, the rest of the family gave their congratulations, though still dumbfounded by the news, and made their way out, off the balcony. Bruce and Lacey were the last to leave, and he sent the teen out to wait for him.
"Damian. . . " He said with a sigh, glancing at Jon.
Damian felt something like anger, protectiveness, bubble up in him. He knew his fathers opinions of metas. He often shared them, but Jon. Jon was something else.
"Father, I'm marrying him. With or without your approval."
Jon's hand squeezed his hip.
Bruce sighed again, shaking his head.
"That's not it, Damian. You don't have to rush to be defensive all the time. I just wish you would've told me, I would have supported you the whole time, and I will from this moment on."
Damian nodded. Jon's hand moved to his back, pushing until Damian took the hint and stood. Bruce was standing at the edge of the sofa, looking at his son. Jon's foot kicked his ankle. Damian sighed and walked closer, and when Bruce moved to hug him, he wrapped his arms around his father's back. Bruce hugged him for a moment before pulling away, giving a sad smile.
"All my boys are so grown up," he murmured softly, reaching up to pat Damian's head like he was a toddler.
Then he looked past Damian at Jon. "I don't need to tell you what will happen if you hurt him."
"If I hurt him, I shall well and truly deserve it."
Bruce nodded, satisfied. He turned and walked towards the balcony.
"Damian, I love you. And if you need anything, you know you can call."
"I know, Father."
Bruce turned, tightly shutting the balcony door behind him. Damian sighed and turned back to Jon.
"Well, they know, and no one tried to kill you, satisfied?"
"Oh, no, I'm terrified that I'll wake up tomorrow with a chunk of Kryptonite in my face, but," Jon shrugged, standing and beginning to gather abandoned mugs.
"You're dramatic."
Silently, they cleaned up and then turned off lights, heading back to bed. Jon laid down and watched Damian move around, fussing with a few things in their room for a bit before finally calming and turning off the light. He came and laid down, facing his fiance.
"I love you, Damian."
"And I you, Habibi."
Jon hummed, rolling over and stretching, kissing Damian softly. In a months time they'd be husband's, and neither one could imagine life any other way. Damian secretly believed, if such things were true, they were soulmates, destined to always be lovers in every universe and timeline. He would, of course, never say this out loud, but he could think it, and he would.
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