#the foretellers (mentioned)
regallibellbright · 10 months
I am of the firm opinion that, until EXPLICITLY proven otherwise by canon, Kingdom Hearts Court Magician Donald Duck spent most of his childhood and adolescence traveling across the worlds on adventures with his Uncle Scrooge, and that's where he learned magic.
This is also where he discovered a lot of magical items, not to mention all the ones SCROOGE found, so honestly Donald doesn't even bother to keep track of all the treasures in the Duck Family's possession, no one does really, not even SCROOGE knows, he'll go digging one up because he needs one for a specific purpose/adventure and in the process he'll unearth like five similar ones he just plain forgot about.
Obviously Scrooge continued adventuring while Donald was off being a Musketeer, including at least one use of Zettaflare that is forever engraved in Goofy and Mickey's memories but for Donald was just in his bottom quarter of all-time adventure rankings, and obviously Scrooge continued finding fantastical treasures that he may or may not know the significance of. There's at least one magical sword that's currently being used at the Bistro as a knife because it never loses its edge.
What I'm saying is Scrooge McDuck is a Keyblade wielder and you cannot convince me otherwise. A weapon that can also open any chest is INVALUABLE to an adventurer like him, are you kidding? When he retired from adventuring in favor of being a full-time entrepreneur he just chucked it in the bin with everything else. Probably he managed to find one of the Foretellers' old Keyblades lying around or something. It'd just figure. No one told HIM he was needed for a war between light and darkness for the fate of all the worlds! Donald never tells him where he's been these days!
While I laid out this proposition to a friend on Discord, she agreed and added that Webby should get a Keyblade too.
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This is the current wielder of Ira's Keyblade. Scrooge had it lying around for a decade in some attic somewhere, Webby thought the unicorn was cool, and Scrooge figured, hey! Every child should have a good set of lockpicks for treasure chests and a means of self-defense, and it's not as though he's using it for anything important!
When Donald finds this out, he will be disappointed, but not surprised.
#kingdom hearts#eye contact#scopophobia#just gonna be on the safe side because that is a good Webby Stare right there.#Ducktales 2017#ducktales#webby vanderquack#scrooge mcduck#donald duck#I know this will never happen for a variety of reasons starting with the fact that it would require a Disney character#who has not previously been relevant to BECOME relevant to the metaplot AND introduce a new one at that. Not likely.#plus then you get into the fact that 2017 Scrooge is a different continuity and design than 1987 Ducktales Scrooge or subsequent appearance#not to mention the voice actor differences (They could've gotten Tennant in 3 but didn't and Enn Reitel isn't trying to be him OR Young)#so using Webby (which they won't) would mean a character who should for design continuity be using her 1987 look and characterization#to go along with Scrooge and the boys but for 'why would Disney ever do this EXCEPT Brand Synergy' should obviously be 2017#and like any kind of mixing and matching of the designs and voices would be odd even if Webby hasn't been established in KH#so there's no need to try and imitate Russi Taylor's very distinctive Duck Voice but at the same time it would just be ODD#like. Never gonna happen. Especially not to have a FORETELLER'S Keyblade particularly now that they're back in play.#but I think it would be funny as hell and so it is canon in my heart.#besides between the Xion-Roxas-Sora Can Dual Wield Even In 3 thing and whatever's going on with Keyblade Inheritance in 3#with regards to Terra and Aqua's Keyblades and heirs (and whoever you argue Terranort's using they are also there at the Graveyard)#(like whether it's Terra's-that's-Sora's or Terra's or Xehanort's we've got LW there we've got Sora we've got Xehanort)#the only conclusions I can draw are either that Keyblades naturally duplicate themselves with a few plot-specific exceptions#or that Keyblades are susceptible to at least two different forms of item duplication glitch one of which involves time travel#meaning it is entirely possible for Scrooge and Webby to have Ira's Keyblade and Ira to ALSO have Ira's Keyblade#because time travel was probably involved if nothing else and time travel can allow for Keyblade Duplication Glitches#(no seriously try to explain how Roxas Xion and Sora all use a Keyblade at once in 3 WITHOUT at least one instance of duplication.)#(and this is assuming some convoluted 'Roxas inherited Ven's and Xion inherited Sora's and Roxas bequeathed her Sora's' in Days)#(so that there is technically no duping in Days but then with Sora and Ven ALSO running around in 3... like.)#(I'm pretty sure Saix is getting beat up with 4-5 copies of a single Keyblade that has been repeatedly duplication glitched is my point.)
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xiiiwayfinders · 2 years
MoM: *holds a gun out to Ava*
Ava: I-I don't believe in guns.
MoM: Well, trust me, they're very real. Now take it.
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luxustextbox · 11 days
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Foreteller Gula
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1046: Unwanted Guest (Kingdom Hearts)
2:34 a.m. at the Sea Salt Family's Apartment.......
Lea: (Yawning and Stretches his Arm Up as He Makes his Way to the Kitchen) Ah man! That has to be the best New Year Sleep I've ever had in the long while. And no special ocassion like this would be completely without a midnight Seasalt snac-
?????: 'Suuup.
Lea gets startled at the black hooded figure standing beside the counter of the kitchen, holding a Seasalt Ice Cream in his Hand, before summoning his Keyblade and pointing it at him in a battle and self defense position.
????: Huh. Well, I'll be damned. (Starts Taking a Look Around Lea's Keyblade) I forgot you took the role as one to thoses... "Keyblade Warriors", Axe man. The design looks nice. (Uses his Finger to Tough the Tip of the Weapon) I see it also got that sizzling feeling.
Lea: (Quickly Moves his Keyblade Away From the Hooded Figure) Hey, hands off the Key, pri- Wait. That voice.....(Eyrs Starts to Widened at the Realization) Is that you Xigbar?
Xigbar: (Takes his Hood Off, Revealing Himself With a Cocky, Shit Eating Grin on his Face) In the flesh, baby! But to be frank, I don't really go by that name anymore. (Takes a Bite Off the Ice Cream in his Hand Before Nodding) ('Mmm') I can see why you and the kiddos like eating these all of time. This is some damn good ice cream.
Lea: (Makes his Keyblade Disappear as he Places his Hands on his Hips) So what? Am I supposed to call you Braig now? And who the hell says you can eat our ice cream?
Xigbar(?): A little thing I like to call my "free will". (Takes Another Bite of his Ice Cream) And a good thing I got 'em too. They were the last ones you had.
Lea: Last ones we- (Quickly Made his Way to the Refrigerator and Opens it Before his Eyes Begins to Widened at the Sight of an Empty, Opened Box) What the fuc- There was supposed to be four in there! (Immediately Turns Back to Xigbar with a Glare) You ate all of them!?
Xigbar: Nah. Just half n half. I ate the first two myself and sent the other two to my mini fridge for later. They're way too good go to waste, at least for you clowns. (Lets Out a Cheeky Laugh Before Finishing Up the Last Ice Cream in his Hand)
Lea: (Resummons his Keyblade in Anger as He Steps Closer to his Former Colleague) You one eyed piece of-
????: Axeeeeeeel!
The two men turns to see Xion walking into the kitchen while yawning, stretching, and rubbing her eyes.
Xion: We talked about this. You can't keep eating ice cream in the middle of the nigh-(Eyes Starts to Widened a Very Familiar Face Standing in Front of Her Viewpoint)
Xigbar(?): (Happily Waves at the Black Haired Girl) Xion! How's my favorite little puppet been doing these days?
Xion: (Immediately Summons her Keyblade With a Darken Expression on her Face) What are you doing here?
Xigbar: Whaaat? Can't an old friend come by and visit you guy?
Xion: Leave.
Xigbar: Giving me the cold shoulder already, aren't ya?
Xion: Leave.
Xigbar: Couldn't you at least be a doll and let me get a chance to explain first?
Xion: Don't care. Get the hell out.
Xigbar: Yeaaaah. See, I would, but this is kind of important to the foreseeable future, sooooo.....
Xion: (Turns to Axel) Why did you let him in our home, Axel?
Lea: (Holds his Hands Up in Defense) Hey, don't look at me! He was here before i even came to this kitchen! (Turns Back to his Old Colleague) And speaking of which, how DID you get in here anyways?
Xigbar: By the power of darkness, of course.(Creates a Small, Dark Ember in the Palm of his Hand While Holding it Up) Not as strong enough as it used to, but it's still as useful as it ever been. (Engulfs the Ember By Crushing it With his Hand) And to brag or anything, but I've gain few new abilities up in my arsenal as of late, so be sure to be on the lookout for that train wreck coming to life. (Points Two Finger Guns at the Duo While Making a Clicking Sound Through his Teeth)
Lea: (Rolls his Eyes in Annoyance) Uh-huh.
Xion: (Grits her Teeth) Joy.
Roxas: (Walks Into the Kitchen While Yawning) Xion, Axel, what's with all the noise in her- (Eyes Widens Before Pinching his Nose in Annoyance) Oh God, not you again....
Xigbar: Good 'ole, blonde! It's been a while.
Roxas: Feelings not neutral. What are you doing here?
Xigbar: Oh I came by to visit. Had a taste of you Seasalt Ice Cream and whatnot.
Roxas: Had a taste of our- (Quickly Makes his Way to Refrigerator to Open it Only to See an Empty Box Facing Towards Him Before Turning Back to Xigbar in Shock) You ate all our ice cream!?
Lea: Yep. Every last one of them.
Xigbar: Uh no. I only ate two. Sent the last two back in my current living place. Gonna have 'em a to myself in the early morning~
Roxas: (Immediately Summons Two of his Keyblades in Anger) I'mma kill him.
Xion: Get in line, Roxas. I'm killing him first.
Lea: Neither of you are killing him, alright? (Turns Bsck to Xigbar) I saw him in here first. Therefore, I get the privilege to kill.
Roxas: (Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Seriously?
Xion: (Glares at the Fire Mom) Do not be selfish, Axel!
Lea: (Glares Back at his Two Kids) Hey, I'm only being fair here!
Roxas: Doubt it.
Xion: Your definition of fairness is bleak.
Lea: Oh don't get smart with me, you little twerps!!
As the Seasalt Trio begins to argue among one another, their last member of the family, Isa, begins walking into the kitchen as well.
Isa: What is going on in here- (Eyes Widened a Bit at Familiar Face Standing in the Other Side of the Room) Oh no.
Xigbar: Saix, my man! Long time no see.
Isa: (Let's Out a Heavily Sigh as He Walks Towards His Former Colleague) Xigbar. I see you're still a conniving snake as you've always been.
Xigbar: (Playfully Bows at Isa) Why, thank you, my good, stuck in the mud, man~ But as you can see, I don't go by that name anymore.
Isa: So what? We're supposed to call you Braig now or something?
Braig: (Shrugs) Ehhh. I mean, you could, buuuuut I don't go by that name either.
Isa: (Raises an Eyebrow in a Bit Curiosity) Really?
Braig: Yeeeup. In fact, I used to hate that name when I first came up with it. It sounded too plain for my liking, ya know?
Isa: So what is your actual name exactly?
Braig: Luxu.
Isa: Luxu?
Luxu: Luxu.
Isa: That sounds worse than your fake name.
Luxu: Hey, your real name sucks too, but you don't hear me open shoots at it, now do ya?
Isa: (Glares at "Luxu" For a Few Seconds Before Taking a Deep Breath) Look, I am too tired to deal with whatever nonsense you're planning on doing. So would you mind telling us what's your reason for being here in this hour?
Luxu: I was gonna tell ya. (Points at the Trio Who Are Still Arguing With One Another) But your three musketeers over there are already at each other's throats over who's gonna kill me. (Snickers While Shrugging) Not like either of them would succeed for that matter.
Isa: ('Sigh') I'll deal.with this.
Isa turns to.the arguing Trio before clearing his throat and screaming out......
The trio finally cease their argument while giving Isa his attention.
Isa: I believe our unwanted guest has something he would like to tell us right now.
Luxu: Indeed I do! So you kiddies are familiar with a little thing we called the Great Keyblade War, right?
Roxas: Yeah, I...think we've learned more about it not too long ago actually.
Luxu: (Starts Walking Around the Kitchen) Good, good. Now tell me this: are you familiar with the group of Keyblade Masters who were involved in the whole shitshow of a war?
Lea: (Raises an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) You mean the Foretellers, right?....What about them exactly?
Luxu: (Points at the Trio) Ding-Ding! Two answers in a row right! Pat yourselves on the back. If it's real that is.
Xion: Fuck you.
Luxu: (Let's Out Another Laugh) But no seriously though, to answer your question, Flamelockes, the four out of the five of them has returned from their decades upon decades of slumber. (Starts Smirking Evilly) And let's just say some of them aren't happy with the current events that has happened since then.
Isa: Oh no.....
Roxas: (Eyes Widened in Fear) You're telling us we're gonna have to deal with those guys at some point!?
Luxu: Pretty much. Hell, if goes south, we'll might have another Keyblade War in our hands.
Lea: (Facepalms Himself While Groaning) Goddammit....And here I thought we're actually taking a break from this madness for good this time...
Luxu: Hey now! There's no need to feel so gloom, people! They may not come today, or tomorrow, or a few days and weeks afterwards, but one of these days, they WILL come for you. And you're gonna have to prepare yourselves real hard for that time to come. (Chuckles Lightly) Cuz let me tell ya: they do not fuck around at all-
Luxu and the others turn their attention towards an awoken angel boy walking into the kitchen.
Pit: You guys. Is everything okay in here? I hear a lot of screaming- (Begins to Notice an Unfamiliar Face in Black Standing Besidr the Counter) Uhh....
Luxu: (Waves at Pit) Ahoy there, kiddo. Who might you be?
Pit: Oh! Uh...Hello there. My name is Pit. I'm a friend of there's from another universe.
Luxu: (Raises an Eyebrow) Who's an...actual angel?
Pit: (Happily Nodded) Yep! (Smiles Sheepishly) I.. can't really fly that well with my mom's guidance, but I can shoot arrows made out of light!
Luxu: I see.....You know, I remember Invi telling me that she wants to meet and study a real angel up close. (Starts Walking Closer to the Angel) How 'bout you come along with me and-
Roxas: (Quickly Stands in Front of Pit While Pointing One of his Keyblades In Front of Luxu's Face) Don't even fucking go there!!
Xion: (Joins Alongside Roxas With Her Keyblade and a Very Angry Look on Her Face) STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!!
Lea: (Glares at Luxu) Lay one hand on that kid's head and I WILL call all of his moms to come over here on speed dial.
Luxu: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) His moms?
Lea: Yeah, Xigbar, Braig, Luxu, or whatever the fuck you are, his moms! A goddess, a witch, three princesses, who are strong as shit by the way, the mayor's assistant, who is also strong, a bounty hunter from SPACE, a new Keyblade Warrior, yours truly, and Tifa Goddamn Lockhart! We do not play when it comes to our kids safety.
Pit: He's not kidding. Our moms can pretty overprotective 100% of the time....
Luxu: ('Sighs in Defeat') Alright, alright, relax. I was kidding. I'm already planning to leave anyways. (Creates a Dark Portal From the His Hand in Front of Him Before Turning Back to the Everyone Present in the Kitchen) But before I do that, I got some of words of advice for you guys, since I'm nice that way.
Roxas: ('Sigh') Let me guess: "May our hearts become your guiding key or whatever?"
Luxu: (Snaps his Finger Towards Roxas) Now you're getting it! But you better make sure those hearts of yours knows what they're doing. (Puts on Dark Look of his Oan) One wrong move will only lead you to nothing but your downfall. A pitch black abyss that you could never escape from no matter how hard you try. And so called "Light" and "Hope"....could only lead you so far before your potential demise will become inevitable. (Went Back to Smiling at Everyone) Welp, it was nice see you folks! Happy New Years and thanks for the Seasalt Ice Cream, suckers!
Luxu lets out an evil laugh as he steps into the dark portal. Lea tries throwing his Keyblade at him in frustration only for the portal itself to disappear completely at the last second.
Lea: (Let's Out a Frustrated Groan While Looking Up in the Ceiling and Grabbing the Front of his Hair) ('RARRRRGGH') I hate that guy!
Isa: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) Don't we all.
Pit: I take it you guys don't get along with him that much, do you?
Lea: ('Sigh Heavily') Nah....I mean, we used to work together in the organization a long time ago, but we were far from friends.
Xion: (Finally Lets Go of the Dark Expression and Turns it into Worried One as She Turns to Pit) He didn't scare you that badly, did he?
Pit: Not.... really? I mean, he's kind of creepy, but....(Shrugs With a Bit of an Sheepishly Smile) A-At least he didn't try and throw into a volcano. (Chuckles a Bit Awkwardly)
Lea: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Shock Along Woth the Kids) You were thrown in a volcano?
Pit: It's a long story.
Xion: ('Sigh') Okay, well, still, we don't want you to go anywhere near that Luxu guy anymore, alright?
Roxas: (Nodded in Agreement) Yeah, he's bad news.
Pit: (Nodded in Agreement as Well) O-Okay. Got it.
Isa: (Crosses his Arms While in a Deep Thought) This doesn't make any sense. How could someone like him be associated with the Foretellers of all people. And why are there only four of them.he mentioned? ('Sigh') Is there really something he knows that we don't?
Lea: (Starts Making his Way Back to the Room) We can try figuring all of that in the morning. I'm too tired and pissed right now to think.
Isa: (Follows Lea Behind) About the situation at hand?
Lea: (Glares at Isa) AND our ice cream!! Motherfucker came in our home unannounced and ate and stole the last ones we had! Do you have any idea how much that box alone cost in the grocery store in Smash town?
Isa: You know they sell Seasalt Ice Cream in a store near us, right?
Lea: Yeah, but they're off brand and tasted average in comparison.
Isa: (Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Did not take you as an ice cream connoisseur....
Lea: Hey, when you eat those things as much as I do, you tend to judge the different brands of the concept. ('Groans') Just thinking about them makes me more pissed than ever!
Isa: (Softly Rubs the Top of Lea's Head to Calm Him Down) Look, I'll buy a new box first thing morning once we arrived at the Smash Mansion. Just try not let what happened tonight get to you too much, okay?
Lea: ('Sigh') Alright. (Rests his Head Onto his Boyfriend's Shoulder) Thanks.
Isa: (Peacks the Top of Lea's Head) You're welcome.
To Be Continued........
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allyriadayne · 2 months
JACE CALLING THE DRAGONSEEDS MONGRELS. i cheered. yes, jace! that's exactly what you think you are! you are a mongrel, nothing definable, ugly and with only a measly claim to your royal heritage. if they can claim dragons what are we? IT'S JUST SO GOOD that he specifically mentions rhaenyra's "silver haired" bastards when he refers to the dragonseeds....well yeah! what happens when aegon and viserys grow up looking every bit targaryen and rhaenyra dies? what happens to jace? YOU ARE MY HEIR. does she know? does she even know? her perplexed face!!! rhaenyra's like "why would jace bring this now?" it's both wonderful and awful that she fully doesn't see jace as a bastard but just as her son. jace didn't know what to say either....they are trying to communicate for the first time in their LIVES but can't say a single word about it. did the conqueror's dream foretell that? kill me kill me kill me
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invidiatechdemo · 11 months
also in case you're pondering stuff like 'hey what Union was wasp in when khux was still a game you could play':
ursus, and i wouldn't have it any other way.
like imo, after watching a bunch of other lps/the cutscene variations, i really do genuinely think that ursus and vulpes are the 'best', or at the very least very good. i think the points that do not change in those stories result in certain points hitting waaaay harder.
like the boss fight that /always/ happens with aced specifically feels /way/ rougher if you are literally In Aced's Union when you do it, but also overall gives a very repeated refrain in the story of standing up on behalf of others/ephemer. it's quite good imo.
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kabirparmatma7531 · 1 year
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hoshigray · 2 months
possessive tojikuna 😈🫦
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⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: true form! Sukuna + Toji x fem! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - fingering (f! receiving) - oral (m! receiving) - face-fucking- double penetration (2 dick kuna, lawl) - doggy style position - clitoral play (licking + pinching) - biting - unprotected sex - pet names (baby, good girl, little bird, princess, wife, woman) - slight degradation - highly possessive behavior - heavy depictions of a blowjob - mention of drool/spit.
⊹ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.4k
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You knew something was up. You could tell from the sudden chill in the air as you strode back to the palace grounds and walked down the hall to your shared room at dusk.
The palace was shrouded in an eerie silence, the darkness broken only by the flickering light of the candles that guided your path. The servants, usually bustling with activity, now worked silently, their eyes averted. Even Uraume was unusually quiet as they led you to your room, where your husbands awaited you.
They dismiss themselves once you reach the door, leaving you alone in the hall before the shoji panel door. Breathing silently and slowly through your nostrils, a hesitant hand approaching the handle.
Only for the door to open independently and for you to be yanked by the wrist. You could not foretell what happened after this, yet now you know why the palace life had become unusually stifling.
“—Khhh, ahhhck..!! ‘Kunaa, f-for’ive m—Ahhh!”
“Silence, woman; don’t test me.”
You were stripped of your clothing, nude back to the soft futon, and your entire body dwarfed underneath the massive size of Sukuna. The cursed being has you under him as his lower left hand fingers your chasm, and the upper right arm chokes you by the throat. 
The restriction of your airways has you lightheaded, along with the motions of his thick fore and middle finger ravaging your vaginal texture. “Tahhh, ohGodsss…!”
“Hmph, what a whore,” he scoffs with a devilish grin, stuffing his fingers until the hilted knuckle. “So fucking tight on my fingers, you find enjoyment in being punished like this?”
“My King, please,” getting the words out is a battle. “I’m sho—Mmfff!…sho sorry—“
“Sorry for what?” The grip on your throat gets firmer, his thumb big enough to have your blood vessels pulsing for desperation. “For disobeying orders and leaving the fortress or having another man touch you?”
Ah, fuck! You knew this would bite you in the back once you stepped outside. Your husbands were busy with their daily tasks, leaving the fortress walls and instructing you to stay put where it’s safe. However, a specific craving has been growing these past few days, a craving that can only be found in the busy streets of the countryside down south. And since your spouses were out of reach for the day, and Uraume was tending the palace and its subjects as usual, you didn’t want to burden anyone with your selfishness. So, you snuck out at dawn and treaded to the civil human territory on your own.
“Unbelievable,” he curls his digits, which scrape your walls, and your strained cries are taken. “Who told you to leave where you were supposed to be?” His voice is ominous, even in a hushed tone, as he brings his face closer to you. “Who told you that you could let others touch you?” 
“Kunaaa, please, forg’ve me,” the nickname doesn’t lessen the hold on your windpipe. “I was…just getting fruits from the town…And then I’d return—“
“You disobey me for some fruits?” Crimson eyes glint darkly. “And then have that cretin hold your hands—hold what’s mine?”
The pound of your head worsens by the seconds, and the mouth of his stomach chews on the flesh of your tummy. God, this is too much…! “…I–I’m so sorry, my King…I didn’t m–mean to offend you, but my body is only—ghhh—for my hus–bands!”
“Today said otherwise—“
“It was not intentional!” I can’t…breathe…Your cunt tenses from a graze to your upper wall, your eyes watering. “Please, my love, there’s no one else my heart belongs to…I swear on my blood.” 
Finally, he releases your throat from his death grip, yet you’re not given time to gather much air as his hand comes to your cheeks to snatch. Panting heavily as your eyes stay on his, whimpering as he removes his digits from your aching slit. 
The giant huffs with a smirk at the sight of your tears. “Well, I’m not the only one you should swear to, wife.”
Of course, he isn’t; there’s another man in the room witness to your comeuppance. Once Sukuna withdraws himself from your proximity, your trembling figure moves off your back and crawls to the next person who stands on his knees. And you greet him with licks and kisses to his abs. “Toji…” your hands roam to his waist.
“Hey, baby,” emerald eyes observe you. “Got y’rself into trouble today. Didn’t think I wouldn’t see you outside after bein’ told not to?”
“I’m sorry—Mmmm…” you sense Sukuna’s hands keep your ass in place, and the lower other fingers your asshole. Your breath hikes at the contact of the tip of both his cocks, teasing your holes. Something slaps on your cheek, and Toji snickers.
“If y’re really sorry,” the dark-haired man pushes the cockhead to your lips. “Suck this dick like I like it.”
The simultaneous push of Sukuna’s cocks takes your breath, and your mouth is stuck on an indefinite ‘o’ shape. Toji takes advantage and shoves the tip into your mouth. Moans are mumbled, holes puckering to the slow push and pull of the colossus’ hips. After a few seconds, you begin to bob your head and suck.
“Hmmm, bad girl,” Toji grabs for the back of your head. “So busy with y’r lil’ outing that you didn’t notice me see you, walkin’ in the crowd and talkin’ with the townspeople,” he holds his breath from the sight of you lapping your tongue around the glans, precum oozing to your tastebuds. “And then be too friendly with those farmers, laughin’ and talkin’ too close to ‘em.”
You suck on his glans and with a hum. “Mmahh, I wasn’t planning on staying for too long,” you kiss and suck on the skin of the underside of his shaft until you meet his balls. Your tongue swirls on his testes, “I was just being polite—Ahhh!”
“Way too polite,” Sukuna smacks your butt, spawning a mouth to his palm to chew on the flesh to erupt a cry. Another bite comes from his lower right on your waist. “Might as well have asked them to come over.”
“Right…Hnngh!” Toji loves how you guzzle on his testicle. “Is that what ya want, princess? Have some strangers come here and see how much of a slut you are for our dicks, huh?” He yanks you by the chin, your expression already enhancing to a daze. “Wanna let ‘em have a go with you?”
It’s hard to answer as Sukuna ruts increase in pace, toes curling at the rub of your inner walls. “Ghhahh, n-no…! I don’t want anyone else to—shiiit—t-touch me like you do!” Sounds of skin slapping against each other from behind have you twitching even harder. Sukuna places his upper right arm to place on your shoulder to bite on your shoulder, while the lower left slither to your clit for the tongue of his palm to lap and tease. 
“Fuuuck, pussy so tight,” the behemoth sighs deeply. “Feel so good, shit isn’t meant for anyone outside this room.” His hips dial to a sporadic rhythm, shivers crawling up his spine as you scream all cutely from his movement. “All mine,” He bends to speak behind your nape. “All fucking mine.”
“Yesss, ahaaaa,” you howl out with your face smooshed to Toji’s pelvis, your hands stimulating his erection. “I only belong to you, my loves, only you…” you take in Toji’s tip once more, whimpering as his length busy your mouth inch by inch.
“Good girl, good girl,” Toji praises you from above, the hand on your head keeping you glued to him while the other husband has his way with you. Soon enough, both his strong palms come to your face, and he essentially fucks your face like a toy, your jaw loosening to make the process easier. 
Sukuna grabs for your arms and pulls you back but doesn’t stop Toji from fucking your face till the hilt meets your lips, and his balls knock your chin. You’re nerves are heightened, stimulated by the onslaught of pleasure on both ends. Your cunt and anus spasming around the limbs pushing to and fro, and your mouth mumbling on the dick, hitting the back of your throat.
And it doesn’t take long for your climax to steer you off, your frame trembling uncontrollably as you jerk and quaver under the bow of these men. Toji and Sukuna find it amusing, the hand on your clit pinching the bud.
“Hmph, cumming on my cocks like crazy.” The salmon-headed one playfully smacks your ass as your entrances flutter from the aftershocks. “Apology accepted, little bird; consider this a warning until the next time you transgress.”
Toji removes his cock from your mouth, strings of blended saliva and come leave the messy opening. “Now, ya know, princess. C’mon, lemme have my turn.”
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© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2024 ☆ dividers by @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more.
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sleepynoons · 2 months
jing yuan x afab!f!reader, nsfw, 18+, not beta read
cw: somnophilia, dubcon (because consent is not explicitly given, but you and jing yuan are in an established relationship with implied unbreakable trust and loyalty), oral (receiving + giving), cum eating, slight size kink (jing yuan's dick is,,, girthy,,, i know it,,, he was in my bed last night), one mention of pain (giving)
notes: lmk if i missed anything in the warnings. jing yuan, i love you, i need you to be real RIGHT NOW.
IT'S VERY rare for you to come home later than jing yuan. after all, he’s the general of the xianzhou luofu, and when does he truly have a moment of respite? regardless, you return home much later than usual as there was an emergency at work that required your whole team to pull overtime.
haphazardly, you peel off your work clothes, leaving behind a trail of stockings, a coat and work robe that are sure to be crumpled the following morning, and finally, your undergarments. you hop into the shower for a quick cleanse but return equally as naked back to bed.
but late nights have always been cruel to you. no matter how tired and stressed out you are, if you’re still awake at ungodly hours of the morning, it will take you hours more to fall asleep. usually, you’d pass the time by counting sheep (to no avail), playing around on your phone, or even resume working, but because jing yuan has decided to crash at your place tonight, you can’t entertain yourself without risking waking your fiancé.
you smile at the thought. the whole engagement was truly an affair, you recall. you and jing yuan have known each other for your whole lives, but there was always a distance and awkwardness between the two of you. even into adulthood, the two of you were never close. however, at the behest of your own parents’ request, jing yuan and you began to meet on arranged dates to see if a relationship was possible.
it’s not like you were against marrying jing yuan. you weren’t in a relationship of your own, and it was better than being wedded off to a stranger, or worse, someone from another xianzhou flagship and having to move from the luofu. besides, jing yuan didn’t seem to mind and didn’t have any engagements of his own, and the two of you began to form a comfortable acquaintance.
but the engagement itself came out of nowhere. after months of arranged dates and meetings, one time, jing yuan had brought the master diviner, fu xuan, herself. jing yuan wore a lackadaisical expression, but something about the way his arms were still by his side and his jaw was locked implied nervousness.
fu xuan intently stared at you before sighing and sitting down across from you.
“i sincerely do not mean to take up too much time,” she said. her tone had a sarcastic edge to it, though it’s not directed at you. you peered up at jing yuan, who’s looking at you expectantly, and you nodded to let the diviner proceed. 
“i am here for the luofu’s sake. as a diviner, i have the ability to seek answers and foretell the unfoldings of a destiny requested.
“however, there is no need to divine such a fate as obvious as yours and the general’s. i am here to humbly request that the two of you get engaged immediately.”
you chuckle as you remember fu xuan’s words.
shocked, you managed to say, “s-sorry, what?”
fu xuan crossed her arms and legs, and stared at you, transparently unimpressed. “the luofu’s general is madly in love with you. how you have not noticed after all of these years, i am not sure, but it is, over time, becoming a noticeable nuisance to those on the luofu.”
you were still too confused. “what? a nuisance? in what regard?”
“as i said, everyone but you seems to be aware of the general’s affections for you. a bet on the general’s wedding date has gone too far, and we need to put a rest to this incessant noise and distraction. general jing yuan loves you, and i think it is time i step in and nudge you in the right direction as well.”
you scoffed because the word “nudge” was an extreme understatement. fu xuan was not being subtle at all (and something in you wondered if she was partaking in the bet and just wanted to win).
jing yuan cleared his throat. fu xuan harrumphed and took her leave. the general sat beside you and put a hand gently on your arm.
calmly, he reassured, “the master diviner is quite strong-willed, and while she means well, do only take her words with a grain of salt. after all, this is our relationship.”
instead, you asked, “is what she said true? that you have affections for me?” jing yuan simply smiled, but you noticed a melancholic glint in his eyes.
after a few moments, he still did not say anything. you knew you had to take matters into your own hands.
“well,” you breathe, “we should find a time to go ring shopping, no?”
you must’ve done a poor job concealing your giggles because jing yuan’s hand begins to pat around the bed looking for you. you swiftly take his palm in your palm, and bring it up to your lips to press a kiss on his knuckles.
“what is amusing my fiancée so much?” he grumbles, voice heavy with sleep.
you hum, “i was just thinking about our engagement.”
“mm, there is still much left to do.”
you admire his side profile and trace with your eyes the waves and curls of your fiancé’s thick silver hair. because it’s loose and untied, it’s sprawled all over your pillow, and if you turn your head slightly, you’re sure the tips of it will tickle your nose. you follow the silver down to his bare chest, and – suddenly, an idea hits you, one that is sure to help you fall asleep.
in the moments that you spent observing and memorizing your lover, he had fallen back asleep. you feel slightly guilty for what you’re about to do, but when has jing yuan ever directed any anger towards you?
you pull off the covers, and jing yuan doesn’t flinch or shift. after all, he’s always run a bit warm. the harder part was settling between his legs, but there was no way to make room without forcing them apart, so instead, you do your best to settle your knees on the sides of his rib cage and lean forward, ass facing his head. this position is slightly more promiscuous and forward than what you’re used to, but then again, you’ve been without sleep for almost a whole day now and you know you can’t think straight for a moment longer. besides, the possibility of him waking up and seeing you like this sends a pleasurable tingle down your spine.
you begin to mouth and drool over his briefs. he’s warmer down here, and the smell of fresh laundry and jing yuan’s natural scent further drives your ministrations. after a few more seconds, you feel his cock stirring underneath the swipes of your tongue, and you finally begin to peel down his underwear to free him.
even though he’s only half-hard, he’s large. you lick your lips and gulp, moreso to prepare yourself. giving head to jing yuan has always been tiresome, with his size and all, and that’s exactly what you need.
one hand gently fondles his balls, the other clutches onto the bedsheets in search of balance. your mouth is busy suckling at the head of your lover’s cock, and you have to remind yourself constantly to not release any lewd moans.
finally, when jing yuan’s dick is hard enough, you begin to bob your head and take him in more deeply. you’re beginning to ache at your core, too, but you’re more occupied with the thought of making your fiancé cum in his sleep than pleasuring yourself.
with every bob, you suck in more. the head of his dick prods past your tonsils and at the back of your throat. sometimes, when he’s in too deep, you have to gag and tighten your throat, but that only seems to feel even better. at one point, you have to pause, and as you regain your breath, you admire how his cock is pulsating and turning rouge and purple with need. you’re impressed, truly, with how still and silent jing yuan’s been, but you’re relieved that you’ve not been caught in such a compromising position.
no more time to waste. taking one last deep breath, you dive back in, going faster, ignoring the throbbing in your extended jaw. you’ve added one hand, to make up for the length that you can’t stuff into your mouth, and you feel confident that you can make him cum soon. the sound of your slurping, gagging, gasps fill the room, booming in the face of silence. you’re beginning to lose your mind and are no longer careful enough to prevent yourself from letting out low moans and whimpers. you feel slick gliding down your inner thighs as well, and you swipe a bit of it with your palm to aid in your working of your lover’s cock.
from the corner of your eyes, you see jing yuan’s thighs start to twitch, a sight that almost makes you purr with satisfaction. the throbbing and heat of his cock is also becoming uncontrollable, and you know he’s close. you keep going, eyes closed in concentration, and urge yourself to go impossibly faster. as you take in his length, you also work your tongue more aggressively, licking at the veins that wind around his shaft, and lap at his tip and slit when you pull up. finally, you move the hand that was clutching onto the bedsheets to his thighs and sink your nails into the muscle and fat of his legs. the unexpected combination of pleasure and pain sends him over, and you seal your lips around his cock to drink all of his cum. your eyes roll back as you taste the cream, gooey, smooth, and slightly salty, sliding down your throat. 
but the moment doesn’t last long as fatigue begins to take over. you lick at some of the remnants of jing yuan’s climax that have escaped before sliding his underwear back on properly and tucking yourself around his side, sliding the covers back over the two of you.
you wake up panting, body writhing and desperately trying to pull away from whatever’s tormenting you. but you can’t, because your legs are tightly wrapped in place, and you have to blink rapidly to clear your vision and look down at your feet. you make eye contact with your lover, his arms tightly holding your thighs in place on his shoulders. he’s busy lapping at your clit, slick and spit drooling down your folds and dripping down onto the bedsheets.
he hums, happy that you’re conscious now, but the sound only serves to vibrate through your sensitive bud, leaving you a moaning, whimpering mess. your fiancé refuses to relent until you finally call out his name.
“jing yuan!” you exclaim, hands flying to his silver mane and tugging sharply at his scalp.
he stops and lifts his head up and – the audacity – winks at you.
oh. you feel heat rushing up to your face, and you let out a string of expletives. if your hands weren’t so occupied and tangled in your partner’s hair, you’re sure they would’ve flown up to cover up your burning face. you must be making an embarrassing expression, too.
“you knew! the whole damn time!”
jing yuan chuckles before dipping back down, swiping his tongue from your hole to your clit. then, he finally speaks, “i’m simply repaying quality service. you did take care of me so thoroughly earlier this morning.”
you can only throw back your head and moan. the combination of jing yuan’s expert working of your body and his praise makes you delirious, and you know that your lover is intent on paying you back ten-fold, if not more. after all, jing yuan has always had an overflowing amount of love for you, so generous and intentional with his care and affection, that you know he’d never let you leave the bed if he could. 
maybe today’s the day, you think, before all thoughts are swept away as your fiancé takes you with increasingly more rapture and fervor.
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heartfullofleeches · 10 months
Adonis [Male Butterfly Yan] + Amab Bully Wasp Reader [18+]
(Warnings/Tags: Piss Drinking, mentions of alcohol consumption, Reader is a huge asshole. No gender mentioned, but Reader has a penis)
"Keep your chin up, freak-"
This was shaping up to be the best night of his life.
Adonis had never been big on parties. Didn't do well in large crowds nor did he have many friends he'd happily enjoy wasting his time with. That all changed when he fell under your radar. It was love at first sight, but as with every good thing in his life - others tried to take his happiness away. People warned him about you - spreading their lies in an attempt to squash his budding feelings. A monster. A danger to yourself and those around you. Nothing more than a big bully. He knew better. You were different, just like him.
"Heh-heh... S-sorry....."
Adonis welds himself to the hard floor beneath him - the coarse texture of your jeans rubbing against his check as you wrestle with your belt. Your free hand runs his hair, gripping his sensitive antennae where they sprout from his skull. The butterfly swallows his moans as quickly as they slip out as you tug at his scalp through your struggle. He didn't want to come off as too eager for this. He's worked too hard to reach this point just to scare you off. Tolerating your awful excuses for friends, agreeing to attend this awful party, mingling with those other awful people at the bar everytime he ran to grab you another drink. Adonis didn't mind those parts too much. He'd do anything to prove his worth to you. Maybe, you'd even like him more if he showed more enthusiasm, and willingness to let you use his throat for any means.
A boy could dream....
A soft grunt sounds from above as the buckle of your belt falls free.
"Fucking finally... Who said you could close your mouth?"
Adonis ignores you in motion of pulling your zipper with his teeth. Impatience was rare for the boy lusting after someone who normally wouldn't give him the time of day, but he's been waiting for this moment all night. He prays by batting those pretty lashes of his and giving proper worship will be enough to earn your forgiveness. You don't appear to care much either way, though the slight hitch of your breath as he traces the outline of your dick with his tongue through the fabric separating him from your bare skin doesn't go unnoticed. Adonis blushes. Saliva wets his dry lips as you fish your cock from the restrictive band of your trousers, tapping it against his lower lip as sign to open wide. Adonis obliges. The end of his prolonged tongue teases your balls as he parts his jaws as wide as possible. You ruffle his hair to which Adonis responds with a whimper.
"That's a good bitch.... Now, drink up~"
Adonis stiffles another hiccup of laughter as you take aim as his open mouth. You probably saw this as another way to humiliate him. Watching you slam beer after beer all evening, he could only dream of an outcome such as this. A quiet sigh of relief foretells your release. Warmth trickles onto his tongue as your grip on his hair tightens briefly. Once you're engaged he'll have to scold you for your drinking habits once, but for now he relishes the salty, slightly earthy taste of your piss. He savor it as it's the first he's ever had of you.
You inch the head of your cock further pass his lips, hissing as the little fucker wraps his mouth around the base of your girth. The tightness of his throat grips at you with every greedy swallow he takes of your filth, pumping your semi-hard erection to full mass. The trajectory of your stream remains on mark as Adonis works to keep your cock in his mouth and down his throat til you've completely drained. Hot tears flow from his eyes, mixing with the fluids that dribble down his chin and onto his sweater. Mascara he threw on just to gain your attention runs down his cheeks in dark streaks. The nice girls at the mall said it was the perfect touch to impress any date. His wings beat pathetically against his back as a deep breath of fresh air rids his tongue of your natural taste - strings of thick salica connecting him to you as you pull yourself from his reach.
"Whew! Been holding that in all night. Somebody must've died in the bathroom or some shit. I'll take care of this on my own - It'll be a pain if someone catches us out here with you like that. Thanks for the help, Adonis."
Adonis shutters at the usuage of his name. You never call him that, but the euphoria is fleeting. You pat him on the shoulder as you adjust your pants on your waist. It hardly gives him the dopamine boost actions did. He..wasn’t done yet... was he? No, he still hadn't proved his worth to you - not fully. From this angle, he could see just how painfully hard you were. Where you really just going to leave like that? Without giving him another taste of you after he's been so good? He wasn't ready to be alone again just yet.
Adonis grips at your thighs, olive eyes damp with fresh tears as he sniffles.
"You still haven't...I can... P-please let me finish. I'll do a good job - I swear! I'll do anything you want!"
The new tears spill from his eyes. Fighting the urge to roll your eyes, you sigh heavily instead. "Alright, alright. If you remain absolutely quiet on our drive back to your place then maybe I'll fuck you. Would be better to piss on you in a shower anyway. Don't expect me to be around by morning."
"O-oh... thats ok! As long as I get one night with you...."
Adonis springs to his feet, hooking both arms around your right bicep with a huge grin on his face. He looked an absolute mess with his face covered in tears, spit and other fluids - yet he smiles the same as a blushing bride. He wasn't too worried about you leaving in the morning. One benefit to trouble sleeping is the medications one might use to solve their nightly troubles - or keep others right where they belong.
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blueparadis · 1 year
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꒰ I HOPE THAT YOU THINK OF ME ꒱ ⋮ GETO SUGURU →[ CONTENT & TAGS ] :: f!reader × geto suguru, angst, unrequited feelings, mixed feelings, first kiss, suggestive, slice of life, canon divergent, no manga spoilers but I wrote his character based on the first scene of the first episode. characters_ mention of gojo ( there is no Suguru without Satoru), mention of shoko, utahime, mei mei, yu, nanami. back to blog navigation.
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Rain in Tokyo has always come with a touch of melancholy for Geto Suguru. It reminds him of the dread in the eyes of mundanes. It reminds him how in weather like this cursed spirits pop like soda bubbles, it is everywhere. But certainly, sometimes it becomes a little less desolate with Satoru, Shoko, and his beloved juniors around, that is, Yu and Nanami; only a little though. Today's downpour is nothing spectacular. The splattering raindrops are hitting the window pane persistently. It has been like that for hours even though the weather forecast did not foretell such heavy rainfall. The college hours have already been over but he is stuck here due to rain along with some other students and teachers. He thinks it might be a curse to be the cause of such poor weather. Heck! If this continues some might have been asked to go for a scrutiny. Teachers at Jujutsu High are extremely fond of practical work. If only the rain had started just after he reached his home, he would not have hated it so much. Every time it rains, either he is outside or stuck somewhere or forgets to bring an umbrella. And, on the days when he is cautious enough for bringing a raincoat as well as an umbrella, there are roses and sunshines everywhere. It is annoying. Why does the weather always be so treacherous? 
“What's up?” Satoru asks leaning against the the desk, “Did you two fight again?”  He takes his place beside Suguru keeping one foot on the bar of his friend’s chair. He loves the rain, in fact, he would not have bothered to run in the rain just to go home but then, he would have been greeted by a cold soon; enough to miss some days for college. So, he always carries an umbrella. But he can not leave his dear friend alone, especially in the times of wailing agony. He refuses to give him some moments of peace. 
Suguru who was staring at the rain shifts his head towards his friend with no dunes and crescents over his forehead. His forearms are now resting on the desk which was supporting his sad face before. His eyes gauge Satoru. “Suguru, can you hear me? Are you okay?” Again with the theatrics. If his mind would not have been occupied by you, he would have been definitely annoyed by Satoru. 
“with whom?” Suguru deadpanned. He can not let Satoru be a part of this, he can not let Satoru know what happened between you two the last weekend. So, he tries to play safe by asking ‘whom’ instead of ‘why do you think so’ which would have meant the gulf between you two is highly bothersome to him and Satoru would not have shut up about it for days. 
“You know who,” Satoru can not help but smirk. He was just standing near your desk with Shoko before coming to him. Normally, you either sit in front of Suguru or by his left side. The right side is always occupied by Satoru. Shoko sits beside you. It's fixed. No one dares to dismantle this chain of friendship. But today, you sat at the first bench at the rightmost corner. The whole class has come to know the turbulence between you two by now. If that is not the case, some would have assumed it and some who are curious might have asked you why are you sitting here? So away from your dear friend. . .
Suguru rolls his tongue inside his mouth being cornered by Satoru like this. He does not have the energy to fight or avert him. He wants to but right now he can not afford to do so. He is trying his best not to look at you and make it obvious for Satoru, to confirm his confusion that something is going on between you two. “oh! C’mon ya'know you can tell me about it...” Satoru presses further.
A thunder flashes breaking the sky apart illuminating the classroom like being in the brightest daylight. Your shoulder reflexively contorted, heartbeat gets louder as if your heart just shifted in your ears. Shoko composes herself as she laughs seeing you jerk, enough to feel tears at the edge of her eyes. It is not natural for you to be frightened by lightning.
“Are you okay?” Shoko tries to breath in between her laughter ceasing it momentarily. “you startled me too” She mutters and glances at Suguru for a second. Many others also got shocked by the sudden tremendous thunder. It is natural but you had the most reaction almost losing your balance on chair probably because of the headsets you had. Rain and music always made you forget about this wretched world that you belonged and no matter what you could never turn your back to it. But even if it is just for a moment, would it really hurt? 
Shoko is not the only one who had a reaction to you. Suguru had too. His eyes are now on you, your face that is marked with wide eyes and a warm laughter looking at Shoko. He almost left his seat when you lost your balance. Damn it. Why do you always affect him in the worst possible ways?
“Is y/n here?” You recognise that voice. Kouske enters the classroom with Mei Mei and the bruised skin of you heart are in tatters now. He looks around for a few seconds till his eyes land on you. “I was here for work but with this weather, i figured I might as well drop you home, or take you home.” He stated with a warming smile keeping his hand on your desk leaning a bit. 
Seeing Mei Mei, Shoko might have gone to look for Utahime so Kouske can not be kept occupied like usual. Suguru’s jaw muscles shifted. He stretched his arms forward on the desk dipping his head in between them. “I kissed her.” Satoru’s eyes dilate at the confession. “Last Saturday.” Suguru raised his head to look at his friend and then at you. “At the cafe near her house. She was crying over—
“Are you seriously serious? You know the risks of your—
“—of my feelings? my actions? Yeah, I know. I know Sah-toru.” Geto takes a glace at Satoru before leaving his seat. Walking toward Kouske he exclaimed with a neutral tone,“What’s up Kou-san?” He stands beside your desk. “I heard about your first job. Congratulations on your first paycheck — As they kept talking Suguru rested one of his arms at the back of your chair. If you lean you would feel his skin burning against yours, just like that day, just like when he kissed you. 
That day, it was raining like this too. At the back alley of the cafe near your house when you told him how your family wanted you to marry the next family head of Hirahara, when you told him that it was Kouske, when you were bowing your head down unable to meet his eyes because yours were so full of woe Suguru held your hand. He held your hand making you pause your talk and when you looked at him his fingers found it's way in between yours filling the gaps. He squeezed your hands, his lips distorting in guilt before it touched yours. 
The first kiss tasted nothing like you had read or heard and indeed, nothing like you had imagined. He slipped his palm through your loose hair along your cheeks to get more of you but you pushed him, turned around, and left. You kept running and running and running; never looked back. 
You had not picked up any calls, neither reapended to any messages since then. Suguru must be thinking you were avoiding him but that was not the case. You were avoiding your ex-boyfriend, Kouske. You wish you could curse him, like normal people have the privilege, when talks of your marriage started to unfold around the Hirahara family. The rainfall became more vivid coating the streets and the playground in white. Kouske pauses Geto for a second and takes your hand in his and places a soft kiss. “I’ll be waiting for you in my car, love.” 
“Let’s go.” He states and Geto tags along. He waves at Satoru and he joins too. Before exiting the classroom, he looked back and a shiver ran down your spine. His look was so full of rage and jealousy minutes ago and now there is only disgust. It was hard to understand if you were the stimulus or was it Kouske? About an hour after you see Geto walking alone through the corridor. As you get out of the room, you found him leaning against the wall. You walk towards him while his eyes focused on you. 
You open your mouth trying to thank him for cutting in and saving you from his attention earlier because the more you avoid Kouske, the more he gets irritated and greater are the chances of this marriage proposal to fail. 
But seeing you avoiding him, he caved in finally. “The rain stopped. Shouldn't you hurry to your fiancé ?”
“He is not my fiance.”
“Well, not yet.” You sigh heavily letting him know that his presence is as suffocating as Kouske’s. “but he is your ex.”
“I just wanted to thank you — You start and instantly regret. You turn on your heel without wanting to see his reaction. He is surely unaware of his mistake he committed last Saturday and he is not showing any signs of it till now. You just kept overthinking about something which was not worth it.
Suguru turns around and walks close enough to stand behind you. “don't get the wrong idea, princess. I didn't do it for you, I did it for myself.” He whispered near your ears rousing goosebumps on your nape. When you snapped your head back at him he was already walking away. You were still standing in the corridor, watching your friend walk away. He must really hate you for what you did.
Suguru smiled to himself. He might be selfish for stealing your first kiss, ruining the friendship you had with him, but at least every time it rains you will think of him. There is a strange sense of satisfaction for what he did and why he did. Of course he has no chance of winning you, neither get at par with Kouske but the jealousy of seeing you with another man drives him nuts. He will devour every touch, every voice and every pair of eyes that has on you but will never give you the power to shoo him away. He will do that by himself, so that every time a man haunts you he is the only one to put an end to it, to be the cause and then cease it, the suffering.
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1101: XIII V. One Winged Angel (Kingdom Hearts x FF7)
4:23 p.m. at The Lockhart's Bar.........
Sephiroth: (Takes a Sip of his Glass of Red Wine He Was Recently Given While Sitting Behind the Counter) Hm. I must say, this is admittedly decent. (Tales Another Sip of the Drink Before Looking Up at Isa) What's the name of this exactly? Scarlett Red?
Isa: It's actually Risata Moscato Red, one of the most well known wines ever made in Italy.
Barret: (Glaring at Sephiroth the Entire Time) And it'll cost you TWICE as much as the original price.
Lea: Twice as much- (Quickly Count Up the Price With his Fingers Before His Eyes Starta Widening Up) That'llcost him a fortune!
Barret: Exactly.
Sephiroth: (Raised an Eyebrow at His Not Sp Former Enemy) Really, Wallace. Do you always charge extra to every customer you meet?
Barret: (Glare Starts Piercing Harder) I only charge extra to murderous scumbags who has the audacity to waltz in to our establishment after all the convoluted bullcrap you put me and my crew through over the years!
Sephiroth: And I'd be more than glad to do it again if given the proper opportunity.
Barret grits his teeth in pure anger before Lea chimes in at the last second.
Lea: Easy there, big guy. I'm sure he doesn't REALLY mean that. (Let's Out an Awkward Laugh Before Slowly Turning his Head to Sephiroth With a Nervous Look onnhis Face) .....R-Right?
Sephiroth: (Simply Shrugs) Perhaps. But what I DO know is that you have no chance of beating me those time, especially now that you don't have Strife or Lockhart here to hold one of your non mechanical hands.
Barret: (Angrily Slams his Hands Down on the Counter Before Grabbing Sephiroth by the Collar) I don't need any of their help to send your sorry looking ass back to the depths of hell from what you've came!!!
Sephiroth: (Puts on a Small, Evil Smirk on his Face) You're more than welcome to prove it to me. Not like the end results us going to change in any capacity.
Barret: Gladly!
Barret winds his fist up to punch the one winged angel until-
?????/????: DADDY/PI!
The two dads stop what they were doing turns their heads to see Marlene and Pichu pouting at the both of them sitting at a table behind them along with Roxas and Xion.
Marlene: No. Fighting!
Pichu: Pichu!
Barret: (Stares at the Kids For a Brief Second Before Clearing his Throat and Finally Letting Out of Sephiroth's Collar) R-Right.
Sephiroth: (Brushes the Dust Off his Shirt Before Tidying it Up a Bit) Of course.
Barret: Sorry, baby girl....
Lea: (Chuckles Lightly) You two got told off by your own kids!~
Xion: Axel, stop making fun of Mr. Sephiroth and Uncle Barret before Roxas and I come over there!
Roxas: And we'll do it too! Don't test us!
Axel's chuckle deceased immediately as Barret let's out a smug sounding one of his own.
Sephiroth: (Smirks at the Redhead) You were saying?
Lea: ('Sighs in Defeat') I'll shut up now.....
Isa: ('Sigh') Can we all please go back at the topic at hand here? We're wasting more time than I hoped we wouldn't.
Sephiroth: I'm inclined to agree. (Raised an Eyebrow in Curiosity at Isa) So you wanted to know if I'm former with this 'Luxu' person?
Isa: (Simply Nodded) That's correct. Pitto mentioned he instantly recognized you right before he and the Foretellers retreated.
Meanwhile at an Unknown Cave Location........
Ira: And you have yet to tell us anything on the matter in question.
Aced: Among other things.......
Luxu: (Rolls His Eyes While Groaning) Again with this? I told you every important, non-vauge information you needed, what more do you people want for me!?
Invi: Your allegiance towards our cause and union perhaps?
Luxu: I saved you four from being forgotten about completely. That has to count for something at least.
Ira: And we appericate your efforts, truly. But there's still so much we need to know about.
Aced: (Rolls his Mask Covered Eyes) Which I doubt you'll ever tell us considering how you are willing to keep your history between you and this Sephiroth person from us for this long.
Luxu: (Glares at Aced) Hey, I was gonna tell you guys about him eventually! (Crosses his Arms Together While Turning Away) 'Just needed to make sure that the unexpected.....(Face Starts to Waver in Fear) painful....nightmarish memory of him doesn't get to me completely. Or ever......
Gula: The guy must've been a real pain in the neck if he's making you THIS scared of him.
Luxu: ('Sighs Heavily') Ohhh you have no idea.....But if you all MUST know thay badly, it all started back when I was stil in the Organization, our boss at the time, Xemnas, thought it would be a good idea to invite that one winged bastard into our headquarters and ask him to join our cause, knowing damn well that would've defeat the entire purpose of the name and brand! But rather than giving him a series of trials like any sane cult leader would, the boss man figured the better way for him test his worth is to fight-
Xion: (Eyes Widened) Every organization member at once!? How come we didn't know about any of this?
Roxas: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Mm...Call it a hunch, but I think that all might have happened when you, me, and Axel went to that mission together. The one at the Neverland place or whatever.
Lea: (Suddenly Snaps his Fingers While Remembering the Memory) Oh yeah! I remember now! We had to spend like two or three days there just to try and capture our target, whoever that was.
Isa: And I was out inspecting every other worlds that was accounted for at the time.
Sephiroth: It seems Xemnas was too prideful enough to not to tell either of you about the incident. But yes, I was challenged to fight every present organization member at the present. (Causally Twirls his Wine Cup Around with his Hand) To them it was a fight for pride and honor of the name of their little cult. But for me.....(Forms a Small, Smug Smirk on his Face) It was mediocre warm up at best. (Takes Another Sip of his Drink)
Luxu: We threw everything we got in our arsenal at him and he managed dodge all of them without breaking a single sweat. Then, when the others tried to get the upper hand, he countered all of their weapons with that long ass sword of his and knocked all of them out with just one swing! ONE SWING! Then, when I tried to sneak attack him from behind, the guy STAB ME and slammed my ass towards the ground in front of him! (Shivers in Fear) It was a miracle I was able to survive after that.......
Sephiroth: His tactics were too predictable for me to care. But that pitiful look in his eyes tell everything i know about him in one word.
Pichu: Pichu?
Sephiroth: (Simply Nodded) Very good, my son. He is Worthless.
Roxas: Sheesh. Harsh much?
Xion: Don't pity him, Roxas. They're right.
Roxas: (Notices the Dark Look in Xion's Eyes) Hey, what's with the look for all of sudden!?
Sephiroth: Anyways, after all that set and done, I was then challenged to fight against their ringleader, Xemnas. A fairy decent opponent, at least compared to his lackeys.
Luxu: But even with all his multiple lasers and sabers hands, that silver haired freak still manage to beat him before leaving us to lick our own wounds.
Invi: And you are certain that he is as strong as he was in the past.
Luxu: Listen, I know I have a history of lying a lot, but trust me when I say that's there's a whole lot more to him than just some pretty boy with long hair and sword. So I don't want any of you to go around trying to fight him, got it?
Aced: (Crosses his Arms) You disappoint me greatly, Luxu.
Luxu: (Rolls his Eyes Again) Oh god, here we go.....
Aced: You expect us, the Foretellers, to run and cower in fear from our enemies and everything we stand for!?
Luxu: ('Sigh') Look, man, I'm not trying to discourage anyone from fighting here. All I'm saying that there's some battles you gotta choose wisely, especially when you have someone as menacing as Sephir-
Aced: (Glares at Luxu) I care not of how menacing he is! I am Aced, the Foreteller of the Ursus Union! And I will show this Sephiroth clown the true meaning of power and strength one way or another! (Summons a Black Portal Behind Him Before Walking Towards It)
Ira/Invi: Aced!
Luxu: (Pinches his Nose While Groaning in Frustration) Oh for the love of fucking-PLEEEEASE don't tell me you're actually planning on fighting him on yourself!
Aced: I made my decision clear. (Turns Back to the Group) And none will be foolish enough to interfere!
The portal disappeared with Aced along with it.
Ira: He left.
Gula: (Turns to Luxu) So should we go after him or...
Luxu: (Holds his Hands Up Before Scoffing) Nope. If he wants to go out there and embarrass himself in pain, then that's all on him. (Walks Away) I'm getting too old for this crap.
Meanwhile Back at the Bar
Lea: (Nodding With his Arms Crossed Together) Alright...... So all we need to do find Luxu and his posse, sic Sephiroth on all of them and hope for the best! (Turns to Sephiroth With a Sheepish Smile) I-If...that's alright with you of course.
Sephiroth: Surely you must have more faith in me than that, Lea. (Shrugs) But I suppose it wouldn't hurt to aid you all just this once.
Lea: Sweet. The plan's in motion then.
Xion: But where would we start looking? They can anywhere right now.
Barret: (Hears Suddenly Hears a Muttering Sound as he Turns to See a Bear Masked Figure Standing Outside, Yelling at the Bar's Glass Door) Uh....I might be wrong....(Points at the Door) But isn't that one of them outside right now?
The gang quickly turns to see the figure in question angrily summoning a Keyblade outside.
Roxas: Keyblade in his hand, wearing a robe and mask? Not doubt that he's one of them.
Lea: (Summons his Own Keyblade with a Grin on his Face) Then let's get a move on then, people!
Sephiroth: (Simply Nodded) ('Hmph')
Barret: (Adjusts his Gatling Hand Gun) Gladly. (Turns to His Co-worker Before Walking Put With Lea and Sephiroth) Isa, my mam, you mind watching my baby girl for me?
Sephiroth: As well as my son please?
Isa: (Nodded To the Duo's Request) I will. (Turns to Roxas and Xion) Be careful out there, you two. And make sure Lea doesn't doesn't do anything stupid.
Roxas/Xion: (Salutes to Isa) Yes sir!
Marlene: (Hugs Xion's Sides) We'll root for you from the inside!
Pichu: (Hugs One of Roxas' Leg) Pichuuu.....
Xion: (Gives Both Marlene and Pichu a Reassuring Smile) No need to worry about us, you two. Your dads, uncle, and big sibs Roxas and Xion got everything under control.
Roxas: (Happily Nodded) Definitely.
Lea: Roxas! Xion! You two still coming or what?
Roxas/Xion: We'll be right there! (Quickly Follows the Others Outside)
Outside of the Bar
Aced: Sephiroth! My instincts know that you are in there! Cease your cowering and come out and fave me!!
Barret: (Walks Out of the Bar With the Others Following Behind) What in the hell are you doing yelling outside our establishment!?
Aced: Move aside, disabled simpleton! You are not the one I am looking for!
Barret: (Fuming in Anger) The fuck did you just call me!? (Starts Marching Over to Aced Before the Seasalt Trio Quickly Stops Him From Moving Forward)
Sephiroth: I believe I'm the one you are look for?
Aced: (Examines Sephiroth's Appearance From a Mid Distance) Long silver hair and sword......(Slowly Starts to Grin Evilly) Yes.....You are exactly the person I seek.
Sephiroth: (Prepared his Battle Stance) I do hope you give a decent challenge. So far, I hear you and your Foretellers group are all nothing but talk.
Aced: (Readied his Stance as Well) Oh, I assure you, we are more than what meets the eyes. Allow me show you the taste of our excellence!
The two warriors rushed over to one to another as they deliver the first slash from their respective blades in a samurai like fashion.
With the sound their of blades clashes together before the two combatants reached over to different spots, the area went to silence with nothing but the sound of the wind passing by.....That is until the roaring sound of pain and agony is heard from the Ursus Foreteller as blood flew off from his body before falling down on his knees, much to everyone else's shock.
Everyone: Ah......SHIT!
Sephiroth: (Gets Himself Up With Little to No Setbacks) Hm. Well, what do you know? I was right.
Aced: (Shaking like a Leaf) H-H-How......How are you this strong- (Coughs Up Blood) I-I trained....my whole life....into becoming the best of the best..And now.....it's all for not!?
Sephiroth: I don't know to what you and your associates are truly capable, nor do I wish to find out. Because so far you've been nothing more than a disappointment in every shape and form
Aced: S-S-So....this is, right? W-Will....this....be the end of my journey?.
Sephiroth: (Let's Out an Evil Chuckle as his Dark Wing Finally Begins to Appear on his Back) Please. We're just getting started. (Turns his Back to Aced With a Sinster Smirk on his Face) You were bold enough to come here and ask for a challenge, right? It would be such a waste if we stop now.
Aced: (Eyes Widened in Utter Fear) N-No....Please....I-I yield.....I can't fight anymore.
Sephiroth: Too late. (Immediately Rushes Over to Aced in Battle Stance)
Aced: NoooooOOOOOOO!-
And with that, Sephiroth traps Aced into his barrage flurry slashes as he screams out in more pain with everyone else staring at the brutal slash down with their eyes still widened..
Lea: ............Okay. Starting today, let's all agree to NEVER challenge Sephiroth to a fight. (Turns to the Others Around Him) Sounds good?
Xion: Yep.
Roxas: Uh-huh.
The trio turns to Barret who is still silent, as he gives them their attention.
Barret: What?
Lea: Dude, come on. You gotta agree to this.
Barret: And why would I do that? I'm big and tougj! I've fought him one!.....With Cliud and Tifa, but still!
Roxas: We know you're strong, Uncle Barret. But there's no telling what he has up his sleeves......
Xion: (Hugs Barret) And the last thing we want for him majorly injure you. Please?
Barret: ('Sighs in Defeat') Fiiiine. I won't try and beat him up. But I swear, if he starts disturbing the peace in front of my bar, there WILL be hell to pay!
Thirty Minutes of Humiliation Later, Back at the Foretellers Secret Hideout.........
Aced walks out of the portal with his robe dirtied and tornup and cuts and bruises are visibly shown all over his face, all while everyone else inside stares at him in silence. Everyone except......
Luxu: 'Eyyyyy here, big guy! How was the bout? You won? Lost? ('Scoffs') Who am I kidding? Of course you lost! You look all bruised up.
Aced glared at the apprentice in silence before walking away.
Luxu: Oh you're giving me the silent treatment right now? You were talking all that good shit about how powerful you are minutes ago! And now look at you: you're a dumbass walking in shame. (Quickly Dodges the Keyblade Axed Chucks at Him) Ha! You missed!
Luxu then gets hit on the head with a rock as he falls down.
Luxu: ........Still a dumbass, big guy!
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broomsick · 2 years
Fun and easy habits to develop as a pagan!
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Or, a few ideas of routine pagan stuff I personally engage in, or wish to start engaging in.
Opening the curtains and taking a quick moment to appreciate the daylight (or the darkness) of the outside. Draw from it the energy you will need for the day!
After waking up, saying a short prayer to a deity of your choice (you could very well change it up based on your intent, or always pray to the same if you are devoted to one in particular). A simple “Good morning. I will try to honor you today” shows that you’re thinking of them!
Taking a little time every once in a while to learn about local plants, trees or fauna! Little by little, you’ll learn to recognize them when out in nature. Nothing more rewarding!
Playing a song, or simply instrumental music that reminds you of your spirituality when doing chores, preparing for the day or the night, etc.  Useful if the day-to-day makes you feel disconnected from your spirituality! 
Every once in a while, cleansing a spiritual space by simply cleaning it out before lighting a fragant candle or incense. Always makes me feel refreshed!
Focusing on a picture of a deity/deities (or spirit/spirits, or ancestor/ancestors) of your choice in adoration. What can they teach you today? How can you honor them? If a new and inspiring idea comes to your mind, why not note it down!
Diffuse a smell (either by candle, incense, essential oil diffuser or else) while getting prepared for the day! If such a topic interests you, you could learn about how different smells affect us, and how you can use that in this specific ritual. With what intent do you wish to start your day?
If you have a book/books on mythology that pertains to your deity/deities or their related culture, why not read a few pages every once in a while, just for fun! Like the song/music I mentioned before, this an easy way to start your day thinking of your spirituality.
Looking up art: depictions of deities, or if you worship nature spirits, pictures of the animal or plant the form of which it takes.
Adopting a deity’s symbol for the day! You can do that by wearing a piece of devotional jewelry, or even drawing a rune/sigil/symbol on your skin so as to keep the deity in mind.
If you’re reading this, it means you use tumblr! Why not use such social networks to talk to other pagans who share your practices? There’s lots to learn from each other! Plus, you may make good friends this way. 
Look outside, observe the weather. What color’s the sky? How strong is the wind blowing? In what direction are the clouds being blown? Stay in tune with nature! You may even become able to tell which signs foretell which weather events! 
Make stuff you find in nature into amulets. For example, if a leaf, rock, acorn, fallen branch or else catches your attention, why not bring it home as a lucky charm? If you possess such a skill, you could even make it into jewelry!
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maiverie · 1 year
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in which you’re a vampire, and heeseung teaches you how he likes to be bitten.
SYNOPSIS. lee heeseung has one reputation, and it’s that he’s not afraid of anything: of rules, of authority, and especially not of vampires. he’s obviously bad news, and for such reasons, you’ve always made sure to never cross his path. it isn’t until one fateful night that you find yourselves face to face and what he tells you makes your entire world flip on its axis.
“bite me, fangs. just like last time.”
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PAIRING. college playboy!heeseung x vampire fem!reader
GENRES. romance, fantasy, slight thriller
WARNINGS. swearing; blood and violence; mentions of death; descriptive & suggestive (makeout) scenes (no smut); some angst; heeseung is kind of a dick / overly flirtatious at times / slightly toxic (sorry I'm kinda into that)
╰ ( # ) tracking tag ‣ #(—BBB 🔗) ┊ SPOTIFY PLAYLIST! 📌
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CHAPTER ONE. ╰ ✩ ┈ 7k ﹕masterlist ﹕ next . ╰ ✩ ┈ warnings : swearing, suggestive scenes, mentions of death ╰ ✩ ┈ a/note : narrative will flit between heeseung & yn's povs
“your son will die early.”
they say the scariest type of people are the ones who have nothing to lose.
“he will die before his twenty-fifth birthday.”
heeseung disagrees. 
he thinks those who have everything to lose are far more terrifying.
this was a lesson he learned when he was just twelve years old. 
he’s never really believed in fortune tellers, but that hadn’t stopped his parents from impelling him to visit one on his twelfth birthday. that fateful day was the first spark of what would soon become a raging inferno, because it was then and there that a morbid foretelling had been carved into his fate. 
“lee heeseung will die from two bites on his neck.”
there are two types of responses to a death curse.
one, wait for your death — wither away with each second that passes, like you’re a candle slowly melting until the flame is swallowed by a pool of liquid wax.
or two, be a fire — be a raging, catastrophic wildfire; one that scorches everything within its proximity and doesn’t wait to be extinguished, but has to be extinguished.
you can wait for death or play it like a game. 
heeseung chose the latter. 
he constantly plays dice for death.
“are you scared, heeseung?”
heeseung exhaled, his head thrown back as the girl straddled him. his back was pressed into the couch in the living room of his upscale penthouse, a body flushed against his while the two remained engulfed by midnight darkness — precisely how he liked it. in the dark, every sense felt heightened, like how her delicate fingers spread themselves over his neck, and how her mouth was so close to him that her hot breath tickled the sensitive skin below his jaw. 
“scared?” heeseung echoed with a twinge of amusement, his tongue coating his lips. he held her hips while she leaned forward and peppered kisses all over his neck. “that’s cute.”
“ah, so it’s not your first time being bitten,” the girl purred. she then glazed her tongue across his neck, indulging in a preliminary taste, like an appetiser before a full-course meal. “i bet you love it then. being bitten, i mean.”
“i guess i do,” he whispered, feeling slightly impatient as he angled his head closer and allowed the sensation of his breath over her ear to make her shiver — “but i love it especially when they stop wasting my time and get to the point.” 
his blunt words sliced through the atmosphere so abruptly that the girl seemed to halt in surprise. heeseung thinks it’s amusing that she reacts like this, because he knows he has a callous reputation that precedes him. is she surprised that what most people say about him is right?
he’s never been the type to dance around his words. he’s honest and forthright and as a result, doesn’t bother to hide the fact that he wants just one thing from this girl — nothing more. 
“o-okay, sorry,”  the girl cleared her throat and licked her lips. she inhaled deeply before opening her mouth wide enough that her fangs began to extend outward. heeseung could feel their sharp tips lightly graze his skin, which roused a flame of exhilaration within him. 
he felt his heart begin to pick up and he shifts in his seat, eyes fluttering shut with furrowed brows. 
a slow exhale escaped his nose.
two sharp pricks.
a soft grunt leaves his lips. the instant he feels his blood surge up through his veins and out his neck, he waits for that surge of euphoria he had experienced a long time ago.
he waits and waits and waits — but nothing happens.
everything within him falls flat and all his anticipation dissipates like smoke in air.
yet again, he’s disappointed.
they say the first bite for a vampire is a slippery slope, because once you have a taste for blood, the hunger becomes insatiable. ravenous. like there’s an unquenchable thirst to devour, and devour, and devour. 
heeseung wonders if the same could apply to him.
is it possible for humans to become insatiable?
is it normal that every time he finds himself here, his mind always floats back to that one girl?
he hasn’t been able to rest ever since that very first bite. 
in fact, he’s been relentlessly chasing that thrill — chasing her — for years. 
it comes with a sigh and a sharp decline of the exhilaration in his veins that heeseung realises tonight is no exception. 
tonight is just another unsatisfying bite. 
even after four years, he’s still not able to replicate the sensation he had his first time. 
while he knows that bite by bite he inches closer to death, he also knows nobody’s bite has ever felt quite as gratifying as yours — you, the girl of his first bite. 
tonight is the nail in the coffin.
he needs to find you.
after all, your bite is the only one that’s ever made him feel alive.
your dad always instilled one lesson in you: be relentless.
“hi!” you stepped forward to a fellow college student, your hand outstretched with a flyer. “would you like the chance to win a gift card valued at twenty dollars? i’m looking for study partici—”
the student scowls instantly, openly glaring at you. “get out of the fucking way, leech.”  
he shoves past your shoulder, bumping you hard enough that all the flyers in your hands fall and scatter everywhere along the concrete walkway. you stagger back, stunned by the sight of the disarrayed paper sheets on the ground.
second. that was the second time today that had happened. all your life, you’ve tried to come to terms with the fact that humans and vampires might never get along, but being treated this way certainly stung.
being relentless, as it seems, came at the cost of your dignity.
it’s been roughly two hours since you had arrived at your university’s front courtyard, sweltering under the sun in desperation of finding study participants for your course assignment. 
so far — nobody. 
literally not a single soul. 
your genius idea was that you’d be able to take advantage of the booming foot traffic at this time in the afternoon. after all, the courtyard has always been known to be the place students pass in between classes, especially since it’s lavishly embellished with open, wide cement walkways; gorgeous topiaries and flowers; and a stunning view of the main building out front. 
it’s your second year as a nursing student and, in a twist of sickening irony, this semester is all about haematology. blood. the lab project you’ve been assigned is simple: you need to gather some study participants, practise your phlebotomy skills, test their blood, and consult them for any blood-borne viruses. the only problem? it’s been about a month since you were assigned this project and you’ve been wildly unsuccessful in recruiting participants.
the reason why is so obvious that it hurts.
nobody in their right mind wants to trust a vampire with their blood.
be relentless, you echoed to yourself with another sigh, collecting the flyers off the ground.
with what little morsels of resilience you could muster, you stood back up and plastered a polite smile on your face, making quick strides to a pair of girls who were chatting under a large tree. they looked friendly, so you felt a hopeful shine to your lips as the edges tugged upwards.
“hi!” you beamed with a sunny grin, “my name is—”
“go gargle some garlic, fuck-face.” they sneered at you, slamming the flyers out of your hands. 
the flyers once again spatter everywhere on the grass, on which the girls are sure to trample over as they storm off. 
you’re fucked.
there’s no way you’re going to be able to start this project, let alone finish it with a passing grade.
you know the optics of your situation are a little strange, but you really do care about nursing. yes, it’s ironic and ridiculous for a vampire to have anything to do with healthcare, but most things about you were a little ironic anyway. 
you’re the daughter of an eminent vampire and a blood descendant of hundreds of generations — with your inauguration coming up in two months, you were going to be formally recognised as the inheritor of your father’s legacy and fortune. this was supposed to be a prerogative of being the great park kangho’s daughter, but it felt more like a ball and chain to a predetermined future you wanted no part of.
it was all sunghoon’s fault — had your estranged brother not run away from the family like a coward, you wouldn’t be in this situation. it would have been his inauguration.
you know it’s weird that you don’t want anything to do with this, but heck — you barely understood how to be a vampire in the first place. you haven’t even had your first bite yet. it’s strange and a little embarrassing that you’re the first vampire of your family lineage to be scared of biting into a human, but you couldn’t help it — the thought was terrifying and has always been ever since you were a child.
this fear dates back to when you were twelve and a rumor had lingered around your classmates before it finally reached you. apparently, there was once a vampire who bit into the wrong human and died. 
it was unprecedented: vampires were always the predator and humans the prey, which explained your utter horror when the rumor turned out to be true. 
and it turned out to be about your mother. 
since then, you’ve lived your life scared in the shadows, puppeteered by trepidation and the looming fear that you might meet the same fate one day. as you’ve learned, being the one who bites doesn’t necessarily mean you’re the one who doesn’t get hurt. 
in this world, there are fish and there are snakes — people who bite bait and find themselves reeled in, and people who bite with the intention of injecting their venom. 
they both bite, but just one survives. 
frankly, you didn’t want to be either. and perhaps it was these things — a college degree and your new part-time job — that would save you from having to follow your father’s footsteps.
was it so bad to want to pass this semester? 
was it so bad to dream beyond the future set out for you?
you sigh with dejection, unable to withstand the way your shoulders slump. 
you run your fingers through your hair, freezing when your eyes flit into the distance and something catches your eye. 
lee heeseung is seated at one of the bench tables. there’s a crowd of people swarming around him — there almost always is — and he has one elbow propped up on the table, palm up with his chin rested on it. his gaze is initially trained ahead of him while he engages in a conversation with one of his friends, until suddenly — his eyes flick upward and you both lock gazes from across the courtyard.
your heart slows into a halt at the sight of his penetrating gaze, a complete coldness sweeping over your body to keep you frozen.
you quickly tear your eyes away from him, feeling your heart begin to pick up.
if there’s one person in the world your father has always warned you about, it’s lee heeseung.
campus heartthrob, lee heeseung.
son of your dad’s most loathed enemy, lee heeseung.
chaos and fire in one pretty package, lee heeseung.
undeniably, devilishly handsome lee heeseung with silver, almost lavender locks and big, brown bambi-like eyes that looked far more innocent than they actually were.
your accidental eye contact was a cruel mistake, because it has now become the catalyst that prompted him to stand and slowly make his way over to you. you felt goosebumps across your skin as you hurriedly tried to gather the flyers in your arms, hoping to make your escape before he reaches you.
after all, heeseung is, for lack of better words — a snake. 
granted, you’ve only spoken to him once in your life, but the whispers of everybody around you seemed to suggest you were lucky. 
as the youngest son of his already notorious family, lee heeseung has the most infamous name in your college, one which induces a mix of both intimidation and intrigue. he has one reputation, and it’s that he’s not afraid of anything: of rules, of authority, and especially not of vampires. his repertoire consists of constant partying, illicit affairs, and a penchant for breaking girls’ hearts and collecting vampires’ bites.
he turned heads in every room he walked and based on the fleeting moments you’d seen him in the flesh, had an aura that was inexplicably captivating. there was a reason why he never struggled in finding company wherever he went — most people found his confidence extremely attractive. 
the worst rumor you’d heard was that he had some sort of obsession with being bitten. and that he’d dismiss people at the drop of a hat once he got what he wanted. you couldn’t think of anything worse than being involved with such a callous guy, which would explain the utter dread you felt when you saw his shadow hovering over your crouched body.
you gulp, feeling like cornered prey.
most people agree that he’s all types of bad news — that he’s a fire who easily burns anyone dumb enough to get close — yet he attracts people like moths to a flame. 
a flame.
you were going to make sure you did whatever it took to not get burned.
it’s obvious you don’t remember him.
heeseung thinks it’s kind of funny, actually — because most people are so well-acquainted with his name that when they meet him for the first time, they act as though they’ve known him for years.
but you don’t seem to remember him at all. 
nothing about you seems to indicate that you recall that night you two had first met, about four years ago under a willow tree on a cliff that overlooked the city.
you bit him that day.
while this is a memory vividly engraved in his mind, he thinks the fact you had fainted afterwards must be a contributing factor to your amnesia. 
“a twenty-dollar gift card?” he chuckles, eyes raking over one of the flyers from the pile he helps you pick up off the ground. “sounds fun.”
when he looks up and the two of you stand facing each other properly, heeseung gets the first glimpse of the subtle scarlet glow in your eyes for the first time in years. at once, everything within him ignites like fireworks — he feels excitement expand the walls of his veins while his heart drums with an echo, especially when you stare back at him and your proximity allows your familiar scent to flood his senses. 
he can’t help but lick his lips as his mind flits back to that night and the ecstasy you gave him with just one bite. 
the willow tree. your hair. your hands. your fangs. 
shit. you’re even cuter than you were back then.
heeseung has always had a habit of chasing pleasure.
it’s safe to say he’s decided that you’ll be his next chase.
“uh, thanks,” you whisper, watching him pick up the last of your flyers. he also notices the empty sign up sheet on the ground, so he adds that to the top of the pile before holding it out for you to take.
when you take the flyers from him, he senses your hesitation, which makes it obvious that you probably don’t have the best impression of him. it’s fine; he can easily change that. “your study sounds interesting,” heeseung flashes you the charming smile and moon-crescent eyes that most people seemed to fall for.
unfortunately, it has the opposite effect. you don’t do a great job at hiding your grimace, because it’s there in your eyes and in the way your lips slightly dip. you’re suspicious of him. he can’t blame you — after all, he just watched you get shut down and sneered at by several people for half an hour. 
that, and the fact that unflattering rumors seem to follow him wherever he goes.
“not many people seem to think so,” you clear your throat, gnawing on your lips. his eyes trickle down the length of your hair as he notes all the different ways you’ve changed since you last came face to face. “but anyway, thanks again for picking up my flyers.”
“no worries,” heeseung tilts his head with a calm expression, though his lips twitch upward when he sees you tuck your lip between your teeth. 
noted. you’ve done that twice now.
once is an action and twice is a habit. 
“so where can i sign up?”
“oh, uh — i-i don’t think it’s really your thing,” you let out a breathy chuckle, diverting your eyes. 
“how would you know what is and isn’t my thing?” he steps forward, lowering his head slightly so that you meet his gaze. he has to say that he loves the way you stare back at him — eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and wariness, and even the way you shuffle back in an attempt at creating distance. 
“just an educated guess,” you gulp, hugging your flyers closer to your chest. “you don’t really seem like the type and i wouldn’t want to bore you,” your eyes narrow at him.
“you could never bore me,” heeseung counters, the edges of his lips curling into a small grin. “besides, i’m super interested in haematology.”
haematology… getting bitten by pretty girls… same thing.
he watches your brows slowly furrow. you shuffle back again and he stifles a laugh. frankly, the way you keep drawing the line between the two of you makes this interaction all the more entertaining. 
you appear to contemplate your next words before staring right back up at him with a certain ferocity that makes his chest squeeze with excitement. “actually, i have enough participants already. the study’s full,” you forced a tight smile, “sorry.”
you liar.
you act as though heeseung didn’t just watch you get rejected by half the campus. 
“wow, what a shame,” he shakes his head, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “i really wanted that gift card.”
“aw, that sucks! so disappointing!” you comically pout, feigning regret with a solemn shake of the head. “i guess you’re just going to have to pay like a normal person.”
“i guess so,” he chuckled, “maybe i’ll pay with this empty sign up sheet.” he leans forward and swipes the topmost piece of paper from the pile in your arms, holding it up for you to see.
your smile instantly drops. you stare at him in horror as you snatch the paper from him, scrunching it up into a ball. “th-this was a second sheet!” 
heeseung can’t help that a smirk slithers to his lips because he finds this irony amusing — you seem slightly disgusted by him, but his mind runs with relentless thoughts of you like he’s a hamster on a wheel.
you don’t remember him.
perhaps he has to make you remember him. 
“it’s okay,” he exhales with his nose, grinning while he looks you up and down, “it was just an excuse to talk to you anyway,” he leaned in with a playfully raised brow, “maybe even take you out on a date.” 
he wants to laugh out loud when your face drops into a disgusted expression. you’re almost sneering at him with the way your lips contort into a scowl. he wasn’t serious, but he loves to watch the animation in all your reactions. 
it’s entertaining.
it’s cute. 
“um, no thanks,” you scoff, backing away with a few slow steps. heeseung straightens his back, watching you hold your hands up as the distance between the two of you widens within seconds.
“oh, wow, um look at the time!” you quickly check your watch and nervously chuckle. “sorry i-i gotta go! my — uh, dog just died so yeah, bye!”
heeseung attempts to withstand laughing as you twist on your heels and bolt, running as though your life depends on it. you cast just one cursory glance over your shoulder before you disappear from his sight completely, leaving behind a flyer on the ground. 
it should hurt his pride that you’re the first girl to turn him down in such an abrupt manner, but he knows time is on his side. 
after all, things have a way of working out for him.
he has the cheese.
he has the trap.
he just needs to wait for you to bite. 
“do you want to work overtime?”
your honest answer is no. 
your even more honest answer is absolutely the fuck no.
however, your lips are suddenly bobbing up and down like a marionette and you find yourself agreeing to another two hours of what you consider hell on earth. 
as it appears, applying for a new job as a bartender in one of the city’s most bustling nightclubs is the latest addition to your library of horrible mistakes.
decelis is supposedly the best nightclub in the city.
objectively, you can see why it’s so popular among college students. the establishment itself boasted of three storeys plus a rooftop, with an exquisite bar on each level. the atmosphere here is undeniably electrifying, and if you weren’t so painfully sober, perhaps you’d be able to appreciate that.
ironically, clubbing has never really been your thing. 
how could it, when party music is currently resounding in your ears; flashing neon lights are searing your eyes; and sweaty, gross bodies are screaming various drink orders at you from every direction imaginable?
you wouldn’t normally be caught dead in a place like this, but you were desperate for a job. it was just last week that you had waltzed into the club and slipped them your résumé. you honestly weren’t expecting to get the job, but it was an offer you couldn’t refuse when they handed it to you. 
because if you wanted any chance of escaping the web in which you were entrapped, you needed to know you’d be able to fend for yourself.
but as one can imagine, bartending is fast-paced and demanding.
you thought it would be exciting to work with a backdrop of party music and led lights, but your first two shifts were dreadful. you learned over a hundred different recipes, cleaned up vomit five times, skipped your lunch break both days, and found your brain rattling in your skull to the beat of jay park’s music when you stumbled home at five am.
while your coworkers are utterly lovely and you had unbridled access to free alcohol, such things weren’t enough to offset possibly the worst part of the job — the drunk customers. 
“fuck, you’re cute as hell,” the boy drunkenly exclaimed from across the bar benchtop, while you watched him struggle to keep himself erect on his feet. 
“thanks. so is that cash or card?” you stared, a hand hovering over the cash register and the other cradling the eftpos machine. 
“are you a vampy?” he ignored your question, his chortle punctured by a few hiccups. 
you slammed your eyes shut in irritation, regretting the overtime already. the penalty rate wasn’t worth it, because if there’s one thing you detest the most, it’s being called vampy.
nevertheless, you force your lips to curl into a courteous smile, though your stare hollowed like pitless voids. “if you’re asking if i’m a vampire, then yes.” 
“that’s hot,” he chuckles, slipping on his feet but managing to use the bench to catch his fall. “i mean, hella scary — but still really hot.” 
“sir, for the love of god, please tell me if you’d prefer to pay with cash or card,” your jaw clenched while your resolve began to chip away. 
“sir?” the boy gasped incredulously, offended by your implication. “what am i? a fifty-year-old man?”
you sure as fuck act like one. you exhaled, containing yourself. “okay, my apologies. so is it cash or card?” you grit your teeth, fantasising about climbing over the bar and strangling the life out of the guy.
“oh, just put it on the tab,” he dismisses you with a lazy wave of his hand, then snatches the glass from the bench before sculling its contents in a swift movement. “lee heeseung’s tab.”
of course.
why did you even bother to ask? more than half of the people you’ve served tonight have been stacking their orders on that guy’s tab. perhaps this is why you’ve been having such a shit shift — every second order you take is a horrible reminder of your interaction with the boy from earlier today — which, for the record — is something you desperately wish to forget.
‘maybe even take you out on a date.’
that crazy bastard.
was that supposed to be a stupid joke?
the animosity between your two families has always been obvious — and barring today, he’s never approached you and vice versa. you thought it was an unspoken mutual agreement. 
sure, there have been times you’ve caught his gaze on campus or at mutual events, but that was it — today was the only time he’d gone out of his way to speak to you. this is the reason why you found it so fishy — there has to be something he wants from you, though you can’t quite put your finger on what that might be.
the only time you’d ever interacted with lee heeseung before today was a strange occurrence you recall back in high school, when you had woken in the nursing infirmary and he was sitting beside you with his head resting on your bed. 
these two experiences make you feel the exact same way: like his gaze has a tendency to shoot right through you as if he could read you like an open book. you hate that. you hate his penetrating gaze and his boundless arsenal of smirks and smiles and the way he carried himself like he always had the upper hand.
hoping to rid yourself of these thoughts, you quickly shake your head and divert your attention back to your job.
half an hour passes as you continually hustle behind the bar, attending as many orders as you can. you work as though you have four hands — sprinting around along the circular bar while people shout their orders at you.
eight tequila shots.
three vodka raspberries.
two cosmopolitans.
five apple ciders.
it isn’t too long before your coworker, yunjin, taps you on the shoulder and offers to replace you while you run off for your shift break. 
you quickly thank her and rush to the other, quieter side of the bar, but in the midst of removing the apron from your uniform, you hear a voice suddenly ring.
“is the sign up sheet for a drink also full, too?”
you instantly yelp, jumping in fright from the sudden voice. you snap your head toward its direction, where heeseung is leaning over the counter, smirking at you.
what the actual hell?
you almost feel a little winded at the sight of him. frankly, it’s only been a few hours since you’d last seen him, but he looks like a completely different person when he’s all dressed up for the club.
what replaces his usually clean and casual style is something that exudes confidence and suave charisma. even you find it difficult to deny that he looks as alluring as most people claim. tonight, he’s wearing a black button up top that accentuates his wild shoulders. you notice the first few buttons are unfastened and left open to showcase his pretty neckline and the silver chain around his neck, which glints in the dim lighting. he has half of his silver hair slicked back, the other half swept forward and hanging over his forehead. 
he’s gorgeous, you think, and it almost makes your blood boil.
“i only ask because the sign up sheet to stare is full,” he cracks open a smirk at your deadpanned expression. “but i guess i could make an exception for you.” 
“you’re following me.” 
“actually, i’m a regular here,” he smiles, nudging his chin behind you. your gaze follows his direction and you see a picture of him and his friends hanging from the wall. not exactly a flex that he’s a frequent clubgoer, but he certainly proved his point.
“fine,” you huff in concession. “good for you,” you say sarcastically, reaching down to scoop your bag up in your hands from the lower shelves just behind the counter. 
“before you leave, my go-to is whiskey on the rocks,” he smiles, propping his elbow up so that his cheek can rest on his palm. “i don’t think the owners would be very happy to see a regular leave… unsatisfied.” 
you pressed your lips together, turning your head over your shoulder to see poor yunjin struggling to keep herself afloat, inundated with orders. you sigh, begrudgingly placing your bag back down so that you could pour him a glass.
“look,” you yank the most expensive whiskey bottle from the shelf and pour it into a glass, hoping the total price of his bar tab knocks his ego down a peg or two. as you place a few ice cubes in it and slide it over to him, you pin him down with a dark glare and an ugly frown. “i don’t know what the hell it is you want from me, but i’m not buying your act.”
“what act?” he smirked in amusement, taking a sip of the drink you handed him.
“the whole i’m interested in haematology act,” you scoff, too exhausted from your shift to tip-toe around the topic. “look, i’m not interested, okay?” you run your hand through your hair and sigh loudly. “i’m sure you’re a nice guy,” you almost gag on air when you say this, “but you’re just not my type.”
“then what’s your type?”
“i don’t know; guys that don’t creep me out?” you hiss, frankly surprised by your own hostility. you hadn’t planned to be so forthright with your words, but frankly, you were too exhausted to care. heeseung doesn’t creep you out per se — but you knew guys like him only have selfish intentions.
they needed to fought with fire.
heeseung doesn’t say anything when you throw your bag over your shoulder and stamp away from the bar, and you don’t even bother to cast him a final glance.
however, you’re only able to make it halfway to the exit before you realise you had left your phone behind.
there’s a moment of hesitation before you decide to go back, because there’s nothing more embarrassing than having to backtrack a dramatic exit.
nevertheless, you begrudgingly twist on your heels and make the shameful journey back, noticing as you near the bar that heeseung is no longer where he had been sitting earlier. the glass you’d poured for him still remains on the counter, but in a matter of seconds, you suddenly see a girl slide into his old seat.
circumventing the crowd in the middle, you find your way back to the bar and retrieve your phone. as the design of the circular bar allows you to conceal yourself behind the middle pillar, she doesn’t seem to notice you as you watch her through a blind spot mirror on the roof.
you don’t understand the compulsion within yourself, but you allow yourself a minute or two to observe her.
you stare at her big eyes, her medium cut layered hair and the blunt bangs across her face. she looks familiar, you think to yourself, halting once you see her glance over her own shoulders suspiciously.
you watch carefully as she does one last eye sweep of her surroundings before retrieving a small paper packet from her handbag.
what the heck is she doing? 
you stare with a confused frown, eyes slowly widening as you watch her rip the packet open and pour its contents into heeseung’s drink.
she then dips her finger into the glass and swirls it around.
and just like that, the powder dissolves colourlessly and it almost appears as though heeseung’s drink has been untouched.
your heart shoots down your feet when you realise what she’s done.
she’s spiked his drink.
the adrenaline allows you to cast everything aside — your long-awaited break, your animosity with heeseung, and even your bag.
because within milliseconds, the girl springs to her feet and re-enters the dancing floor while you struggle to tail her, losing her amidst the sea of bodies. 
fuck. fuck. fuck.
you quickly exit the bar and follow her steps the best you can, though it’s difficult when the lights are low enough that everybody blends into a vague swarm of heads and bodies. she has dark hair, but so do half the people here. her frame and height are small, which makes it all the more difficult to locate her. every time you think you recognise her, you realise you’d been pursuing the wrong culprit. 
everybody in the crowd is shoving you in all different directions.
she’s nowhere to be found.
and you can’t seem to find heeseung, either.
when you feel yourself enter a swivet of panic, you tell yourself to do the most rational thing — grab your phone and call for help. unfortunately, the sheer volume of club music resounding around you makes it difficult for yunjin to hear you on the other side of the call.
thus, you force your way to the outskirts of the club where your voice is more audible, but it’s only here that you finally look up and spot heeseung climbing the stairs to the second storey. 
there he is!
you immediately hang up on the call and thrust your way through people in the direction of the stairs, eyes widening with alarm when you see the girl trail behind heeseung, the drink in her hand. the pair eventually reach the height of the stairs and the second storey, prompting you to yell out his name as loud as you can.
“lee heeseung!” you call, but in a similar fashion to your phone call — the music drowns out your voice. you scramble now, sprinting your way up the stairs while screaming his name loud enough that he finally stops in his tracks.
“heeseung!” you pant for a breath, settling your feet on the second level while you leaned forward over your knees. “w-wait—”
“who are you?” the girl asks, so you snap your head up and sneer at her. 
you stomp over toward her and attempt to grab the glass from her, but unfortunately her grip is equally as strong.
for a few seconds, the two of you engage in a tug of war. 
“wh-what the heck?” the girl shrieks loudly, “what the fuck are you—”
you’re both struggling for the glass, pulling it in your own directions. 
it isn’t until you tug a little too hard that her grip suddenly loosens. 
the cup flies in your direction and tilts toward you an—
you freeze, gasping at the sensation of cold liquid running down your chest. 
no no no no no no no no—
you look down at your uniform and wince at the sight. 
liquid is trickling down your chest and legs and pooling at the bottom of your shoes.
fucking fantastic.
you throw your head back and sigh loudly, shutting your eyes in frustration before slamming them back open. 
“i quit. i officially quit,” you mutter aloud, scoffing in disbelief to yourself. with the glass in one hand, you use your free hand to fruitlessly swipe at your uniform in order to flick off whatever remnants you can, though unfortunately the liquid has already saturated your clothes.
passerbys murmur and gawk at the sight of you, causing immense heat to flood your face and ears while you lower your head in humiliation. this is so embarrassing, you think to yourself, desperately wishing to remove yourself from the scene.
while you turn around to leave, you suddenly halt in your tracks and find yourself committing to one more stupid idea.
you storm over toward the pair and grab heeseung’s wrist, yanking him with you as you stomp your way to the backrooms.
“i saw her spike your drink,” is the first thing you say when you shut the door behind yourself, and the two of you find yourselves inside one of the empty vip rooms. 
you’re encased by four padded walls in a dimly lit room, on which colourful flashes of light dance and flicker all thanks to the led projector on the ceiling. 
there’s an entertainment centre and a tv screen on one end of the spacious room, while a circular table and a couch that perfectly circles around its perimeter is on the other side. you storm over and slam the glass down on the table, harshly throwing your bottom onto the couch while you knot your arms across your chest.
“she poured something in that,” you point to the remaining drink in the glass, glaring up at him, “i saw her.” 
heeseung is silent for a moment while he watches you. he briefly tears his gaze from yours to observe his surroundings before facing you again, both brows raised slightly. “wow, you smell great.” 
his eyes flicker to your soaked shirt. “but you look better than you smell.” 
“you—” you scoff, slamming your hand down on the table in frustration. “you ungrateful piece of shit!”
he immediately stifles a laugh, biting his bottom lip to refrain his grin from growing any wider. “i-i’m sorry?”
“i was trying to help you!” you exclaim incredulously, springing to your feet as you furiously storm over to him. “did you not hear what i just said? i said she spiked your drink! do you not understand what that means? for all you know, you could have been poisoned! i was trying to save you!”
momentary silence engulfs the two of you after your outburst. the silence is sobering, if you’re going to be honest. after all, you feel immediate regret trickle in, but before you can backtrack, heeseung tilts his head and watches you with a calm gaze. 
“save?” he echoed while a smirk slithered to his lips, and another important realisation strikes you like a rock to the head.
perhaps you should have just let him die. 
“now look at me,” you throw your hands in the air, scoffing again in disbelief. “i’m drenched in whiskey, god—” you openly gag, “this is disgusting! the least you can say is thank you.” 
“you want me to thank you?” he raised a brow.
“well, you could have died; i practically saved your life,” perhaps this was a hyperbole, but you were feeling petty — he didn’t look as shaken up as you did. frankly, you were beginning to think you cared more about his safety than he did. 
“see, you’re mistaken,” heeseung took a step toward you, causing you to step back. he kept advancing toward you, closing the distance, until you felt your back softly hit one of the walls. 
having heeseung in such an uncomfortable proximity made you want to shrink into a ball.
“i said, you’re mistaken,” you saw his eyes glint with amusement as he placed an arm against the wall beside your head, using it as an anchor while he leaned in closer, your faces now inches apart. you gulp, warmth crawling up your neck and into your cheeks from the sheer proximity and sensation of his hot breath grazing your face. 
“i think it’s cute that you’re worried about me,” you watched as the edges of his lips curled before his eyes landed below your nose. you froze when his fingers were on your chin, lightly gripping it so that he could get a better view of your lips. “but like i said, i don’t need saving.”
“you’re right,” you smiled sarcastically, slapping his fingers away from your chin, “maybe i should have just let her poison you. or sedate you and sell your organs to the black market. do you have a preference for how you’d like to die?” 
“don’t worry,” he whispered to you, voice so low and ghostly quiet you thought you could feel it sweep right through you. “i already know how and when i’m going to die, so don’t bother trying to save me.”
his words struck you.
you frowned in confusion, unable to decipher the cryptic meaning behind them.
heeseung smiled at your reaction, leaning into your ear so that his warm voice sunk into your ears like honey. “in fact, do something else for me instead.” 
you froze, eyes flickering to the bare skin of his neck, on which you see old scar marks that appear like vampire bites.
you quickly place a hand on his chest to push him away, but this contact only seemed to encourage him — instead, he gently grabbed your hand and wrapped it around his waist.
“bite me,” he whispers alluringly, “i bet you want blood more than anyone else.”
your face dropped as his scent overwhelmed your senses.
something musky. woody. a hint of floral.
and a hint of blood.
you felt your eyes drop and your stomach churn, because for the first time, you feel something within you — a gnawing sensation.
an ache. an itch. an urge.
a hunger, even.
“w-wait…” you blurted, feeling a little lightheaded while your heart left a hammering echo inside your chest. you swallowed and swallowed but your mouth felt drier than ever. 
“if you’re going to save me,” he exhaled. “then just bite me, fangs,” heeseung lured you in with a soft voice. 
he then leaned in close enough that his breath tickled the sensitive skin of your ear. 
“just like last time.”
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A/N. well that escalated quickly 🤠 n e ways I literally had so much fun writing this chapter (sorry i cbfd proof reading lel) bc this is my first vampire au. also my first playboy au so BE NICE PLS DONT TEAR ME TO SHREDS LMFAOOO 😭 anyway words cannot even describe how excited I am for this fic - I've been craving the thought of writing smh a lil more actiony/thrilling than my usual romcom repertoire SO. I hope u r strapping urself in for a riiiiiiide >:) anyways aaaa tysm for reading && I hope u guys enjoyed the first chap!! sorry for all the long text but i promise the groundwork is necessary for the future shitshow in upcoming chapters SO. 🫡
likes, rbs & feedback are always appreciated! :) ╰ ✩ ┈ masterlist // next chapter .
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"What wouldst thou have more? Dost thou desire all the world for thy belly? I did not vow to give thee that. I am its Lord." – Morgoth, The Silmarillion
"Tears unnumbered ye shall shed; and the Valar will fence Valinor against you, and shut you out, so that not even the echo of your lamentation shall pass over the mountains." – Mandos, The Silmarillion
"Their swords and their counsels shall have two edges." – Melian, The Silmarillion
"Love not too well the work of thy hands and the devices of thy heart; and remember that the true hope of the Noldor lieth in the West, and cometh from the Sea." – Ulmo (through Tuor), The Silmarillion
"That is a small price for so great a treachery. So shall it surely be. Say on!" – Sauron, The Silmarillion
"Many are the strange chances of the world, and help oft shall come from the hands of the weak when the Wise falter." – Gandalf, The Silmarillion
"Deserves it! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends." – Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring
"So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." – Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring.
"You have grown, Halfling. Yes, you have grown very much. You are wise, and cruel. You have robbed my revenge of sweetness, and now I must go hence in bitterness, in debt to your mercy. I hate it and you! Well, I go and I will trouble you no more. But do not expect me to wish you health and long life. You will have neither. But that is not my doing. I merely foretell." – Saruman, The Return of the King
"Behold! The shadow of my thought shall lie upon them wherever they go, and my hate shall pursue them to the ends of the world." – Morgoth, The Children of Hurin
"Fool of a Took! This is a serious journey, not a hobbit walking-party. Throw yourself in next time, and then you will be no further nuisance." – Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring
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Ultimate Word Tournament!
Season 2
torille (Finnish) /ˈtorilːe/ "to the market square!" commonly used as an exclamation or celebration when anything Finnish is mentioned in a non-Finnish setting.
harbinger (English) /ˈhɑr.bɪn.dʒər/ A person or thing that foreshadows or foretells the coming of someone or something.
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