#the food wasn't that good she was a dumb kid
tartarusknight · 6 months
Steve had this habit, a habit which most of the party were annoyed by. They understood it, God did they understand. But after everything was over and the Upside Down was gone for good, it kept happening. Months and months of daily calls. Just Steve checking in and asking them about their day.
Mike hadn't understood why he was on the list of names Steve would call, but if he didn't pick up the phone, there would be a knock on the door within the hour. And Steve, sometimes followed by Robin, would stop by like he was that important to them. Once, it had been on their way to work, and Steve had only locked eyes with him and raised an eyebrow. Mike just flipped him off and continued reading his comic.
Dustin had told him it was Steve's way of coping, and Lucas had turned the calls into workouts with the older teen. Will had just gone a little red and nodded along. El smiled and told Mike about the tips for hair care she got. Max just rolled her eyes and said that Steve had taken to stopping by with food most days.
Steve would be there. He was always there. It was annoying, but it was a constant. Maybe that's why Mike laid awake as the clock ticked closer and closer to midnight. Normally, he could fall asleep within minutes, a habit he had inherited from his dad. But he could bring himself to sleep as his phone didn't ring. As the walkie stayed silent. As the door remained untouched, no knock to be heard.
And it was stupid. Because Mike didn't want Steve to call him every day just to ask him if he was okay. It made him feel like a kid. It reminded Mike of his mom, but even his mom wasn't that bad. No, no one really did that for Mike. No one checked in day after day even as he remained uncaring towards them. No one but Steve.
Until now...
Mike watched the clock as it passed midnight, and his stomach twisted into knots. Fear bubbled up, and he pictured Steve getting into a fight he couldn't walk away from. He pictured a car crash so great that Steve was unable to reach for the walkie he carried with him everywhere. He pictured the worst- the Upside Down still around. The demogorgon coming up and dragging Steve into that hellpit.
Mike was up and pulling on a warm sweatshirt before those images were fully formed. He crawled out his window and down the roof, not too unlike the way Steve had done to visit Nancy. It left him already out of breath by the time he climbed on his bike. But that didn't stop him. He pushed off the ground, biking as fast as he could towards Loch Nora.
The cold air hot his face, and the road seemed to go on forever, but Mike didn't stop. He couldn't stop. Not until Steve's place was in view.
Mike tossed his bike uncarringly onto the pavement before slamming his fist into the Harrington's nice door. He didn't let up. He couldn't as an image of Steve dead in his own pool floated in his mind.
However, then the door was opening. Steve stood there, looking like he hadn't been asleep either. A smear of white powder on his cheek and a hollowness in his eyes. But still, something eased in Mike the same time Steve lost some of that weight in his shoulders as well. "You- you didn't-" Mike started, still out of breath. "Call. Why didn't you- call?" He gasped and Steve looked at him with a weird expression.
"You- What?" Steve questioned, sounding lost.
Mike crossed his arms, "I- you can't just stop!" He gasped out, and Steve's brow furrowed.
"But you don't like it when I do? I annoy you," he tries to point out, and Mike huffs.
"God, of course you annoy me! You track our days more intensly than my mom, and you always make dumb jokes, and I hate that I find them funny! You always call when I'm in the middle of something, and you make it easy to stay on the phone! You are always there like some weird older brother that I never asked for!" Mike shouts and Steve's eyes are wide.
"You don't have to stay around or call, but you do! You do, and you actually care. Like when you call and ask me if I'm okay, it feels like you care, and I don't understand why! I don't get you! I didn't ask you to care about me, but even when you were dating Nancy, you cared! You took Holly and me to get ice cream even though Nancy had to study! You give me and my friends rides everywhere! You care!" Mike throws his hands up in the air.
He glares at the older teen, "You care so much that I stupidly care about you! I care enough to come and check on you because when you didn't call, all I could think was that you were like dead or something," Mike snaps and takes a step back. "But you're obviously fine so-" and he wants to run suddenly. To run from the way Steve's eyes are filled with tears or the stupid words he just told the older teen.
Steve runs a hand through his hair, tugging slightly. "Mike, I stopped because I didn't think you wanted me to. You always acted like I was your least favorite person in the world and I guess I just- I didn't feel like it was fair to force you to put up with me just because I can't handle not knowing if you were okay." Steve said, and it didn't sound like the normal Steve. He sounded tired and nervous. He sounded like someone had finally beaten him
Mike bites his lip and tastes salt like he had been crying. Or maybe he still was. He crosses his arms like he can shield himself from this conversation. "But now you don't care enough to keep calling?"
Steve rubbed his face, a sigh shaking his whole body as he did. "I still care, kid."
Mike scoffs, "You didn't call."
Steve drops his hands to his sides. "Just come inside. It's too late for you to bike home. I'll call your place and leave a message." Steve says, his voice sounding close to tears. Mike is stiff when he lets Steve pull him inside.
They are quiet as Steve guides him towards the kitchen. The kitchen that has music playing softly and smelling like a bake sale. He blinks as he steps into the room and spots cookies cooling on a rack and a pie stilling uncooked on the counter. The top crust is sitting on the counter next to it. There's a smell of something in the oven, and Mike states at all of it in confusion.
"I bake when I can't relax," Steve admits, and Mike glances over at him. "I still care, and I was trying to give you space. I was trying not to crowd you, so I just," and he waves his hand around the mess everywhere. The smear of white on his cheek now makes sense.
Mike hugged himself, "I don't- I don't mind the calls." He whispered, and it got a snort from Steve.
He looked over at Mike, "I kinda got that from your speech."
They stood there in silence for another moment before Steve moved to finish putting his pie together. "I know that we aren't close or anything. But I care, it's not just the Upside Down making me anxious, it's just that-" and Steve went quiet. "I went overboard, I get it. But now I just- I can't stop." He admits, and Mike hates how upset Steve sounds. How guilty he sounds.
"I fall asleep easier knowing that if someone wasn't okay, we'd know because of you. It's like you take all the stress from me just by being around." He says, and Steve's eyes are wide. "Maybe we just do a sound off every night so you don't have to play phone tag all day." He shrugs, and Steve wrinkles his nose.
"I don't really get how to use the walkie. Like Dustin tried to show me, but he got distracted and started talking about radio waves and well..." Steve mimed it going over his head.
Mike snorted to hide how much that terrified him. The thought of something bad happening and Steve not being able to respond. But he pushed it away as Steve looked at him as if waiting for Mike to tease him. "That's fair. We did modify them, so they worked better. It's not as simple as your average walkie. I can show you," he offered, and Steve's face split into a grin.
"Cool, want to help me finish this so I can put it in the fridge until tomorrow? Then you can teach me the ways," Steve says, going all dramatic, proving to Mike he'd been spending too much time with Eddie. Mike groaned but came over only for Steve to shove him to the sink to wash his hands.
Steve showed him what to do, and Mike was glad to have Steve around. Because sure Steve's habit was annoying, and sometimes it interfered with Mike's plans, but it was nice too. Steve was nice. And that was something Mike ever believed would happen. But as Steve joked that Mike should not become a baker, he was nice. Like the way Mike was nice to Holly or how Nancy was nice to him. He was part of the family, annoyingly nice habits and all.
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m-ayo-o · 10 months
jjk char reactions;
"hey baby, welcome home, what have you eaten today?"
"not much" :(
very hungry reader had no time to eat all day! fluffy + crack ish. just the main guys. older yuji + megumi. reader likes a lil spicy food. toji + megumi had some kind of relationship. soft sukuna [suggestive right at the end]
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satoru gojo
totally overreacts
he'd find it amusing at first, seeing your pouty, hangry face
he will tease and goad you for being so hungry, with numerous belly pokes and cheek squeezes and saying you look cute like this
he'll pause his blabbering just to hear your tummy rumble and gurgle so he can laugh at you some more
after he's eventually finished mocking you and realises just how hungry you are, he'll pat your head and offer to get you something yummy
proceeds to teleport all over the city to collect your favourite dishes from numerous restaurants
comes home with way too much food, all packaged up in fancy boxes and bags- he can barely carry them all
of course, he got his favourites too- eats with you till you're stuffed
"You had THAT??? All day? Angel, baby, how did you survive? Aww, baby's so hungry she can't even fight back. Oh! You really are- oh, you can't stand up? Ok, just sit down here let me get your favourites. Just tell me what you need, I can get anything you want."
nanami kento
gets slightly annoyed then proceeds to mother you like you're his baby chick
he gets a bit worried; he really cares about you and needs to know you're looking after yourself
if not, he will do it for you
he will get out his cook books, have you flick through them and make a choice for your starter, main and dessert
he'll sit you on the kitchen counter while he makes the most wholesome home cooked meal, that he proceeds to serve beautifully !!!
oh, and of course, he won't be letting you feed yourself ever again- starting from tonight
he'll be taking the food to your mouth himself, just to make sure you eat it all
"That's irresponsible, honey. I can go back to making you packed lunches if you want? It really wasn't that much hassle. Ok, right, we can talk about that later. Just sit up here- yep, good girl. We have lots of fresh ingredients so just tell me whatever you want. Oh, you like my cooking? Good, well let me take care of you."
suguru geto
he's endlessly patient with you
like kento, he will be mothering you <3
he asks what exactly you've eaten in the day while stroking your belly gently
he presses sympathetic kisses to your forehead in the hopes to wipe that miserable expression off your face
of course, it works, and he takes your hand and guides you to the living room
he'll lay you down on the sofa, bring you your favourite drink and get you cosy and comfortable
he'll give you one more kiss before leaving for the kitchen
he puts on his apron and waits on you like you're his damn goddess
"Baby, come here, you've got all hangry now. Come on, I need to see your pretty face smiling ok, don't look so grumpy. Just take my hand, yeah come here. Just sit tight, I'll make your favourites, ok? Mm, does that sound good? Ok, good girl, just wait here for me."
toji fushiguro
condescending, belittling, bit mean
but still gives you the goods... eventually puts on his 'best dad' apron that Megumi got him as a joke but he secretly loves it
spanks your ass for banter but nearly makes you fall over
picks you up over his shoulder when he realises what kind of state you're in
plonks you on the sofa and strolls to the kitchen
he's not rushing around for you, he doesn't show you much sympathy in his words- but the food he gives you... says it all
places a little kiss on your cheek and tells you to enjoy the meal (it's so much that you will be full for all of tomorrow as well)
"What? That's nothing, doll. What's up with you? You didn't have any cash? No time, huh. 'kay, well since you're too dumb to prepare food for the day yourself guess I'll have to do it now, hm. Jesus- 'soon as one kid grows up and moves out, looks like I've got myself another one huh? Right, you're not my girl. And I'm not your daddy?"
megumi fushiguro
acts as though it's not his problem- which it really isn't but you're feeling so needy that you just want him to buckle this once and show you some sympathy
you have to spell it out for him that you want him to help you
but once he understands that you want him to take care of you, he feels this odd sense of pride that you're asking
and of course, you've tasted his cooking before- he's amazing and you'd love to encourage him to do it more often
he knows what you like already, so he just cooks in silence and serves you the most delicious meal, filled with all the right spices
it doesn't blow your head off, but gets your tongue tingling in the most satisfying way
once you're done he tidies up immediately and asks if everything was alright
feels more relaxed now you've got everything you need- curls up on the sofa with you and snuggles all night
reminds you to eat well by text every day from now on
"Uh huh. Right. Are you going to make something then? What are you looking at? Oh, you want me to do it? Uh, ok, sure. I suppose I'm not too bad at cooking. Good, I'm glad you liked it. Sure, I can cook for you more often."
yuji itadori
like satoru, flaps around and overreacts like crazy
accidentally makes it worse by talking about all the delicious foods he'd like to eat right now if he were hungry
apologises profusely when he hears your belly rumble and immediately offers to buy you take out
starts to feel sorry that you've had such a hectic day that you couldn't even eat properly
carries you to the sofa like you're his princess and lays you down there with your favourite show on tv
shows you lots of affection and sympathy <3
sits with you and gives you little kisses till your food arrives
"What!!! I can't even imagine how hungry I'd be if that's all I ate! Are you kidding??? That's crazy, there are so many yummy places to eat out there sweetie, you couldn't choose or something? No, oh you just didn't have enough time? Oh wow, you must've been so busy baby, let me order something for you right away!!"
ryomen sukuna
he'd act like the most annoying dad at first
proceeds to chastise you like you're some kind of idiot for not being able to get a good meal all day long
teases you for what feels like an eternity, making shitty jokes about how many mouths he has to feed
finally lets up when you get on your knees on the kitchen floor to start raiding the cupboards
picks you up and you cling to him like a lil baby monkey, trying to kiss his tattooed face when he sets you on the sofa surprisingly lovingly
he just pushes you off and heads to the kitchen
he's never cooked for you before, but it's surprisingly good and you eat it all so quickly he chuckles and offers you dessert by tugging at the waistband of his pants
"Silly girl, can't even take care of herself. Ok, ok, chill out. I'm only kidding, let me do it. Here, you really are a useless brat. Just- no- lie down if you can't do anything else. Yes, I'll make something for you. Whatever. O-oh, you're still hungry...?"
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reblog if ur hungry lol also idk what happened to me with this one- will never write fluff again haha
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luvyeni · 2 months
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genre smut 𖹭 warning hidden relationship, unprotected sex, getting caught, practice room sex— brotherbestfriend!jeongin x fem reader | back to library .
request. i need more jeongin smut reactions and smut fanfics and everything gosh I'm (s)creaming rnnnnnnnnn manning I'm dying please post again some jeongin smut I'm dying unnue pleaseeeeeeee 🫠🫠🫠🫠
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“what are you doing here?” your brother questioned as you walked through the door. “can i not visit my brother at practice?” you asked as he wrapped his arms around you in a hug. “because you never visit me even when i beg you to come watch me dance.”
“hyune , maybe i just missed my brother , you haven't been home to visit yet.” you said. “i know , i know im sorry.” he said. “i came all this way.” you said. “and i thank you for that.” he said. “me and lee know hyung were just gonna grab some food , you wanna wait here?” you nodded. “i won't be no more than 20-30 minutes.” you gave him a thumbs up— because if you were being honest , you weren't really here for your brother.
“jeongin might come back early , you know him , he's a good kid.” your brother said walking out the room. “real good kid.” lee know winked before leaving out , you smiled down at your phone.
a few minutes later, the door opened , making you look up at the boy who walked in. “how long?” he asked , closing the door, locking it , walking towards the couch you were sitting on. “30 minutes if lee know can keep him distracted.” the boy smiled , sitting on the couch , you straddled his lap. “fuck i missed you so much.” he kissed your neck. “i’m sick of hiding.” he said. “why do we have to jump through hoops to see each other?”
he nipped at your neck. “fu-fuck you explain it to him, his best friend and his sister fucking.” you moaned as his hips bucked up into you. “I'm not just fucking you , you're my girlfriend.” he groaned , you lifted your shirt. “that's not how he's gonna see it.” before he could say something you kissed him. “no more brother talk, we don't have a lot of time.”
you both don't waste anymore time , lifting yourself up, as he freed himself from his sweats , his hard cock slapping against his stomach. “fuck , sit on it.” you held his base , sinking yourself down on him , his cock filling you up, he sighed. “so fucking good.”
you stopped once he was fully seethed inside you; both of you moaning out. “fu-fuck you feel good baby.” he held your hips , helping you move back and forth. “missed your pretty pussy so much.” he groaned throwing his head back. “fu-fuck innie, so big.” you moaned as his hands came up to your boobs. “baby you gotta move faster if you wanna cum before they get back.”
both of you were moving against each other , he smirked licking his two fingers before reaching in between your bodies to your neglected clit. “oh fuck innie.” you moaned. “you gonna cum for me?” he cursed under his breath , ready to burst. “fu-fuck cum for me baby.” he kissed your lips as you came , fucking his hips into you. “sh-shit your so tight , i’m gonna cum.” he grunted. “fuck im cumming!” he moaned , feeling his cum coating your walls. “shit.”
“fuck you need to visit me more often.” he said. “you live in seoul.” he cradled your face. “I miss seeing your face.” he kissed you , his cock still inside you , twitching. “see how much I need you and your pretty pussy.” you moaned. “we-we still have 10 minutes.” he smirked , squeezing your boob. “gonna fuck more of my cum inside you.”
“we're back!” your brother shouted , opening the door. “we bought food.” he said. “innie you're back? she didn't annoy you did she?” you rolled your eyes. “no she good.” your brother didn't notice as he sat out the food , but lee know , he wasn't dumb , noticing the hickey on your boyfriend's neck, smirking with a scoff.
“i bet she was.”
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shanastoryteller · 18 days
i'm going to move on from supernatural posting, i swear to god, but first i'm going to talk about ep 9x07 bad boys
the episode itself is fine and good (i mean it's another example of dean having a support network while sam can't have anyone and dean keeping secrets while when sam does it it's the worst betrayal ever but that's not what this is about and sometimes i think about what this show did two earnest, loving traumatized characters by turning them into the most tragic versions of themselves and - ok, this really isn't what this post is about)
but fandom interpretation of this episode actually drives me up a wall because it does a disservice to literally every character
one, john did not leave them without enough money for food. dean gambled it and lost it. there's nothing in canon to say that john was taking longer than expected, that they were running out of money, none of that. dean gambled food money and lost it and then tried to steal to make up for it. he was 16 when this happened and it was a bad decision but i don't think he should be at all vilified for this. he made a dumb mistake and then tried to fix it with another dumb mistake. john was right to be mad and sam was also right to tell him that he shouldn't beat himself up about it. just like with shtriga - yeah, dean was climbing the walls stuck in that hotel room. but you know who else was stuck in that hotel room? sam. and he didn't get a break to go play at the arcade. again, i'm not blaming dean here, he shouldn't have been stuck taking care of his brother that young and he was a kid and john leaving his his children behind while hunting a child eater, whether he was using them for bait or not, is crazy. but dean stealing food wasn't about john's neglect and all the sacrifices dean had to make for sam. it was about him trying to fix his fuck up
two, and this is the one that really gets me, dean didn't go back with john because he had to take care of sam
listen. listen to me. i am speaking from experience when i say this
parentified siblings are still, first and foremost, siblings. especially with only 4 years between them. the show shameless i think did an absolutely excellent job with this and is why i love the first few seasons of it so much. fiona is without a doubt parentified, she is raising those kids, but she's also clearly their sister not their mother
i know later seasons dean and fandom like to make it seem like dean literally raised sam and john was just a background figure but like. that's not realistic, and frankly doesn't even make sense
the reason dean leaves sonny and goes with john isn't because he feels like he has to keep him sam safe. it's isn't because he feels like he has to raise him. it's because he loves him
you are reducing dean to the most pathetic woe is me archetype with this interpretation and ridding him of all his rich loyalty and care and love to saddle him instead with comparatively flat duty. dean is more than sam's caretaker. he's his brother
there's also no reason for dean to feel this way. he just massively fucked up in taking care of sam - that's why he's with sonny in the first place. john has alternate people to take care of sam when he can't do it himself, as he has just proven, and while i don't think we should turn a couple teenage mistakes into making dean incapable, dean absolutely would - and did! he carries every fuck up regarding sam with him! so right now he's really, really low when it comes to his own estimation to take care of sam and leaving sonny because of that doesn't make any sense
but he looks at his brother and is reminded how much he missed him and loves him and realizes staying means he loses his brother. the good and the bad. so he goes, because he loves sam more than anything else
this is also why sam leaving for stanford cuts him so deep. that's why this moment is a parallel to that rather than being unrelated. stanford isn't about sam leaving dean even though he has a duty to care of him, because he doesn't. dean's 22 and at this point is always hunting with their father so there's no reason for sam to believe his presence is necessary for either john or dean's safety
no, dean's mad because he chose his love for his brother over a normal life and sam didn't
(sam didn't want to choose at all but this isn't about him)
anyway. dean fucks up sometimes and john sucks but not quite in the ways fandom thinks and dean loves his brother past reason or sense
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ist4rgirlo · 1 year
all i can think about is conrad bringing home bimbo!reader. like everyone knows belly likes conrad but he sees her as a sister so belly’s being rude and asking snide backhand comments but she’s not realizing it and actually thanking and answering belly with a smile. so now everyone realizes she’s not the smartest person but susannah LOVES her! (and connie baby is looking so happy and proud 🥹)!!! i’ve been looking for one like this but i can’t find it and can’t stop thinking of it!!!!!
────────────── 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - 𝐜.𝐟
warnings: FLUFF, belly being a b*tch, shit talking, physical touch (LMK IF IS MISSED ANYTHING)
requested by: anonymous
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To be honest, no one expected Conrad to have a girlfriend like you. Everyone said that you were far from his type, you weren't dumb - you were just slow and doesn't know certain types of words or slangs. For Conrad, you were one of the most smartest person that he knew, well basically because he got to know you. You don't really show it but you have so much potential especially when it comes to fashion and make-up! a plus is that you are really good with art.
About his type, they always thought that it would be Belly and Conrad that would end up together, knowing that Belly is literally in love with him ever since they were kids, before you happened, they had a special bond - a bond that to the point where they were just inseparable, Belly thought that it was something so beautiful, It was her dream to be with Conrad.
Not until she knew that he had a girlfriend, and that he just treats him like a sister and nothing else.
Conrad's Pov
"Connie, you should bring that girlfriend of yours here sometimes!" Mom exclaimed, happily. Ever since I brought Y/N here, she was all mom asked from me, even her and Jeremiah instantly clicked. You can say that amongst the girls that I have been with, Y/N is surely my mom's favorite.
I smiled proudly, "I'll try, Mom. She's busy and I don't want to interfere with her personal life, but I'll ask. I'm sure she'll say yes especially if it's your request" I rubbed my mom's shoulder, she nodded.
She stood up and walked towards the kitchen, "Well tell me when she's coming so I can invite the Conklin's too, I'm sure her and Belly will get along really well." I just hummed and nodded. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Y/N asking if she can come here for dinner, she immediately responded saying yes. I smiled.
I saw my mom's figure come into the living room, I looked up - smiling at her, she tilted her head looking at me confused, "Well, it looks like you favorite girl is coming" I said giddily. My mom squealed, "Omg! I am so excited, I will cook her her favorite!" she said before going to the kitchen, to list down foods that she know's Y/N will like.
Y/N's Pov
"Mom! We're here!" Conrad yelled, his hand rubbing your waist gently. You saw Susannah walked towards us, she went up to me and hugged me "Oh gosh! You're finally here, I missed you" she cooed, pulling away - placing her hands on your face gently. You smiled, looking at her "Oh Susannah, I missed you too! Here I got you your favorite" You said, handing her the dessert that she liked. She gasped, and grabbed it from you gently "Oh you didn't have to!" she said, pouting a little. You shook your head "It's okay! I wanted to" You smiled before looking up to Conrad who was already looking at you - smiling lovingly.
Jeremiah came into the view, walking towards you - pulling you in for a hug. "Hey, you!" he said, smiling. "Hi, Jere" I looked at him, smiling. "Looking good as always" he said, twirling me a little bit. It wasn't anything that was awkward between you and Jeremiah, even Conrad doesn't find it awkward. Ever since Conrad brought you here for the first time, you and Jeremiah just had that sister & brother bond.
You felt Conrad hand on your waist, "Baby, this is the Conklin's. This is Steven, Belly, and Laurel. You already know who they are since I did talk about them to you." Conrad said - smiling, turning you gently to face the Conklin's. You saw Laurel smile at you before walking towards you for a hug, "It is nice to finally meet you" she said, before pulling away. You saw Steven wave while Belly was just there, looking at you up and down, but you just chose to ignore it and just smiled at her.
After a while, you all went to the dining room to start eating. "Here you go, sweets. Eat lots yeah?" Conrad said, grabbing food for you - placing it on your plate, you heard Belly scoff "What? you got no hands? can't get your own food?" she mocked you, you looked at her confused. Steven nudged her with his elbow "Belly, stop it" he said, you looked around, all of them were looking at her, Susannah had a stern look on her face. Belly rolled her eyes, groaning "Calm down you guys, it was a joke!" she said, looking at you smiling, Susannah sighed "That wasn't a good joke, Belly" she said, reaching for you gently. Belly looked at her and said sorry. You just smiled back nodding, going back to eating your food.
You felt Conrad's hand on your thigh, you placed your hand on top of his - you felt his hands lock in with yours. You looked up and saw him give you a reassuring smile, you nodded and smile, telling him that you were okay. "So Y/N.. what is your major?" Laurel asked, you furrowed your brows, not familiar with the word until Conrad whispered to you "It’s what you do in school, baby" he said smiling, Belly chuckled - not believing what she just saw "Oh! Uhm I major in fashion design!" you exclaimed happily, smiling at Laurel. She nodded before smiling at you "Well It is obvious, just look at what you are wearing." Belly said, looking at you up and down, "Isabella." Laurel warned her, grabbing her arm gently
you smiled - thinking that it was a compliment. "Thank you!" you said, looking at Belly - she just looked at you like you were crazy which made you shrug you shoulders - looking at Conrad. He was looking at them, his brows furrowed. You felt his hand tighten around your thigh, you placed your hand above his - rubbing it gently, He looked at you - his gaze softened, he smiled.
After you guys were done with dinner, Conrad decided to walk you around the house. You guys were now at the back of the house, at the pool with your feet's dipped in it. Conrad reached for your hand, caressing it gently "Sorry for earlier, darling. I'm sorry for not defending you or saying anything to Belly" he said, before tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. You turned to him, brow furrowed, shaking your head "Why are you sorry? nothing happened earlier, Connie. I am okay, whatever they said didn't hurt me okay? I'll try my best to get along with Belly." you said, smiling still unaware of Belly's action.
Conrad eyes softened "Oh my love, you are too kind. Sometimes it scares because then people will try to get advantage of you" he paused, caressing your face "but it's okay, i'll be here yeah? I'll defend you and I will stay right by your side, always so don't worry about getting along with her. You don't have to do that, baby. Just think about mom and everyone else, they absolutely love you." he said, before pulling you in for a kiss.
Conrad is just deeply in love with you, he doesn't care what other people think as long as you are there beside him. He was just high over heels, he absolutely adores you and treasure you, he wouldn't ask for more. He just felt like the luckiest guy to have someone like you.
I JUST LOVED WRITING THIS! it is honestly one of the cutest and wholesome oneshot i've ever written. Conrad is just so inlove with reader and I AM UP FOR IT, I want a love like this UGH. Thank you, anon for requesting this <3
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kaciebello · 7 months
Strawberries with too many seeds
Masterlist Luke Castellan x Hades! reader (implied, fem) Percy Jackson x Hades! reader (platonic) Chris Rodriguez x Hades! reader (platonic) Summary: Percy might feel like he is messing up the whole demigod thing, but he sure feels like he has friends here. Warning: Insults( nothing mean, just banter), no use of y/n author note: English is not my first language so I am sorry for any mistakes beforehand. I wrote this while eating blue candy, had to get into the character somehow. Yes I know Chris is unclaimed, Luke calls him brother in a bromance way. Proofread by me and me only (T▽T) word count: 1,2k
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Percy couldn't help it. He was still feeling down about the amount of times he messed up. He, Luke, and Chris were sitting down at the Hermes table. Chris babbling something about the goddess of failure. Percy wasn't paying attention. 
“Don't worry, we’ll find something you're good at.” Turns to him Luke with a tight lip smile. Then it spreads into a grin as his eyes shift to look behind Percy. He feels a person sitting down next to him with their food. He looks up and sees the Hades girl he met the other day.
“Hello, my little gremlins!” She says with a smile. Percy doesn't have time to react, well not before Chris does.
“Gremlins is crazy.” He says pointing his fork at her. She just chuckles and picks up her fork.
The older boys continue to eat. Percy looks at her a bit confused. From what he learned, claimed kids are supposed to eat at their parents' table. He found the system kinda of dumb, if he wanted to eat with Athena’s kids, he should be able to. Not that he had anyone particular in mind.
“Aren't you supposed to sit at your table?” He asks her confused. She stops in the middle of her bite. She looks at him for a second before returning to her food.
“No cabin, no table.” She says. Percy now remembers that she mentioned that her father does not have a throne on Olympus and, therefore no cabin. It makes sense not to have a table either. He thought he could hear Chris whisper ‘No face, no case’ before Luke slapped his brother on the back of his head. The girl just gives them a side eye and turns to Percy again.
“What are you drinking?” She motions to his drink.
“Cherry cola.” He says
“Why is it blue?”
“ Daamn girl, you can't judge a soda by its color!” Chris says, making a fake gasp and clutching his heart. She just rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Chris receives a slap on his shoulder from Luke.
“Ignore him, Percy.  Chris is just a moron.” She says with a smile.
“I am your brother-in-law to-be!” Defens Chris, leaning over the table to jab his finger in her shoulder. Percy notices a blush on Luke's face before he clears his throat and looks away for a second. The girl just shakes her head and pushes the boy away. An argument breaks out between those two. Percy could swear that he heard a few very creative insults. He looks at Luke who just shakes his head and continues to eat. Percy follows his lead. 
“Sweets, do you want my starberries?” Ask Luke, making the two stop fighting. They both turn to him. 
“Oh yes my darling, thank you.” Answers him Chris and reaches for the few strawberries Luke has set aside while eating. Luke just frowns at him slapping his hand away, pushing his plate to the girl. Chris whines and holds his hand in a very fake hurt-like state. The girl just shakes her head and pushes Luke's plate back. He just gives her a face with a giant question mark on it. She just looks at him dead in the eye.
“I don't think taking a fruit with many seeds from a man is something I should do.” She says and Luke's eyes widen. He gives the thought a second before rolling his eyes.
“I do not want to kidnap you into my secret hideout,” He says not looking into her eyes. 
“Aw, what a shame.” She says teasingly and Luke's head snaps to her. Chris and Percy just laugh.
“Shouldn’t Persephone’s kids worry about that more?” Asks Percy genuinely curious about what other superstitions should he be worried about. He knows that Annabeth does not like spiders because Athena cursed Arachne. Now this. 
“Great question! Let us ask my stepsiblings!” She says and jumps up. She looked around before sitting down.
“That's right, Persephone does not have mortal children.” She explains to Percy. He just lets out a little ah and goes back to eating. Well, more like pushing the food around his plate since he felt embarrassed.
“It's fine Percy, nobody expects you to know who has children and who does not. And it gets tricky when even the maiden goddesses have mortal children, Athena for example.” She says with a kind tone.
“You’ll get the hang of it.” Tells him, Luke, trying to cheer up the younger boy. Percy just nods at his older friends. He hopes to be as skilled as those two one day. The two look at each other with a warm smile. Percy could see the love in their eyes. His mom had the same look when she talked about his dad. He just hopes these two have a happier ending than them. A gaging sound can be heard from one of the chairs. All of them turn to look at Chris, who is pretending to vomit violently.
“ Nurse, please I am feeling a bit sick, all this sweetness makes me wanna puke,” Chris says, clutching to his stomach pretending to be sick.
“I will stuff gauze down your throat if you don't stop” She threatens, going back to their banter. Luke just shakes his head at them and turns to Percy.
“Come on, we need to throw the rest into the bonfire.” Says Luke and the other two get up without another word. Percy wants to ask why, but it is like he could read his face.
“Offering to the gods, they like the smell.” He manages to finish. Percy gives him another confused look so Chris clarifies.
“They like the smell of begging.” He stops and looks at the girl. “ Just as much as she likes the sound it.” He finishes, very proud of his jab. The girl just narrows her eyes and goes to stand in the line. Percy swears he could hear ‘I will bite your head off’ but it was mostly covered by the amused sound Crish made after.
“ Excuse them, Percy, they grew up together, got here together. They have always been like that. You should have seen them when they shared a cabin. It was a nightmare.” Lukes says and follows the two, Percy close behind him.
“Okay little praying mantis, Luke you must be careful. You never know, you might lose your head.” Turns to them Chris and throws the rest of the food to the fire.
“ Have you hurt your head?” She asks before shaking her head.” Why am I even asking, I heard you slam your head on the upper bunk bed the other night.” Chris stops in his tracks and narrows his eyes at her.
“ Why were you in the Hermes cabin?” He asks and she just shrugs and looks away. Percy could see that Luke had gone red once again.
“ I was with Luke, why else Einstein.” She says walking away from all of them. Chris is hot on her toes.  Luke just looks at his feet before placing his hand on Percy's shoulder making him follow those two.
“YOU HAVE A WHOLE ROOM!” Yells Chris making big hand gestures to the girl who looks bored with whatever he is saying. Luke patted his back.
“Welcome to the family kid.” He says before lightly jogging to the older campers and delivering a slap on the back of the head to his brother.
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megalony · 6 months
Model Patients
This is an Evan x Reader x Eddie imagine, based on a lovely anon request, kind of like my Doctor Diaz fic. I hope you will all like it I loved writing this. Let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Summary: When (Y/n), Eddie and all their kids bar one get food poisoning, Evan has to look after them all. And he loves it.
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Eddie leaned forward and slumped his elbows down on the table, but his eyes flitted to the right to look at the girls sat next to him.
The sight of (Y/n) swaying Nina from side to side in her arms made Eddie's lips curve up into a grin. It was something that Eddie and Evan would never get tired of seeing, which was a good thing considering the three of them had five kids in total now.
And Nina was by far their easiest baby, she didn't fuss, she barely cried and she settled for her naps almost straight away. And she didn't care which parent or person was holding her. All the team had been able to hold and cuddle Nina for ages and she didn't fuss or cry or scream out.
When they had Lois, she was attached to (Y/n), if Eddie or Evan held her for too long she would cry out for her mum. And Eddie knew that had hurt Evan. She was his first baby and he couldn't cradle her all night long like he wanted.
Pete had been a fussy baby, but he had colic so he was always unsettled and crying because he was in pain. They wouldn't have been able to bring him out to a restaurant like this when he was one month old like they could Nina.
Grace had been a daddy's girl through and through and she still was. If Eddie passed her to Evan, she didn't fuss. But if he passed her to (Y/n) she would wake up immediately and if Bobby held her, she knew instantly that it wasn't one of her dads and she would scream.
Shifting his eyes from (Y/n) to the highchair resting between them, Eddie smiled softly at Grace. She dropped the children's menu they had put in front of her and held her arms out expectingly.
She made grabby fists in his direction and began to whimper, shedding superficial tears until Eddie sighed and gave in. He unclipped the buckle around her waist and lifted her out the highchair. He knew she wouldn't sit in it for long. They hadn't even ordered yet and she was making a fuss so she could be cuddled instead.
"Come here then," He murmured as he lifted her up and sat her down on his lap, letting her burrow into his chest. Her fingers started to trace over the tattoo on his right arm and she smiled when Eddie leaned his chin on the top of her head.
"What do you fancy, baby?" (Y/n) shifted Nina a little higher in the crook of her arm and looked down at Pete who was sat next to her, tucked up into her side.
Evan was next to Pete, Lois was sat on his lap and Chris was wedged happily between both dads.
Pete shrugged his shoulders and took anothher look over the menu, but he didn't know what to have. He didn't always like what was on the children's menu, he wanted to be like Chris and Lois who always chose of the adult menu. Even though Lois was only one year older than Pete; she was six and he was five.
"Wanna share some pasta?" (Y/n) turned and pushed her chair back so she could ease the newborn down into the pram behind her. Nina was settled now and she'd had a bottle just before they came out, she should sleep through now until they got her back home. And if not, (Y/n) knew Evan would be up and over to take her before her or Eddie could move an inch.
When Pete nodded and smiled, (Y/n) put the menu back in the middle of the table and looked round at the rest of her family.
"Pasta." Chris agreed and smiled when Eddie nodded and muttered "We'll have that too," Referring to him and Grace. She was a fussy eater but she would pick at whatever Eddie ate and if they shared it, she would be more inclined to eat.
"We having pasta too, papa?"
"You can have that if you want baby, I'll have cottage pie." Evan let Lois shuffle back into him and lean her head back on his shoulder.
Pasta was the main dish Bobby had been cooking on almost every shift this week and Evan was done with it. He'd had spag bol, mac and cheese, carbonara. He was finished with pasta, the sight was making him feel queasy and he needed something else.
"That makes you the odd one out." Eddie commented with a grin while Evan rolled his eyes and pretended to laugh.
He was more than happy being the odd one out if the rest of them wanted to get red sauce stained all down their clothes and make a mess while they were out in public.
Evan would rather play it safe.
(Y/n) pressed her palm into the wall and used it as leverage to propell herself from the bedroom. Her feet crumpled beneath her and her legs felt like they had turned to jelly as she stumbled down the hall towards the bathroom.
Her forehead pressed against the wood and she gave it a shove but her throat tightened when the door didn't open. She bashed her knuckles on the door and slumped her body against it, wondering which of her family was held up inside.
"Occupied." Eddie's grumbled response came through the door and (Y/n) couldn't help but cry in response.
"I- I- Eddie please! Emergency!" (Y/n)'s gurgled response and the way she started to gag and croak told Eddie she was going to be sick. Whether or not he opened the door, (Y/n) would be sick and she would rather throw up in the sink or in the very least, on the bathroom floor rather than out here on the carpet.
As soon as the lock clicked, (Y/n) stumbled in but she froze when she turned towards the toilet.
Chris was in here too. The twelve-year-old was knelt down on the floor, hunched over with his hands on the toilet and his head in the bowl.
And then there was Eddie. He was sat with his back against the wall on the left side of the door, his feet wedged up against the bottom of the toilet. His arms were bound around his legs that were coiled up to his stomach and his forehead had been resting on his knees until (Y/n) rushed in.
He looked terrible. His skin had lost all colour, he was reduced to an ungodly shade of grey (Y/n) only ever saw on him when he was ill or when he had been in hospital after he got shot. His eyes were rimmed with dark purple and black streaks. His lips were no longer a loving shade of ruby red but were now pale and almost hazy blue. And his body was shaking back and forth against the wall.
(Y/n) couldn't spend long looking at one of her boys. She spared Chris and Eddie a glance before she turned to the right and grabbed the sink just in time to throw up. Her chest imbedded into the edge of the sink and her fingers scratched into the cold porcelean.
She coughed, heaved and gasped as she tried to breathe but couldn't fathom how when she couldn't stop throwing up.
"Mum sick too?" Chris lifted his head from the toilet and looked tiredly over his shoulder. He too had no colour to his skin, his complexion was pale, his eyes were half lidded and he was starting to sweat.
A quiet whine left Chris's lips when Eddie nudged him to the side, grunting as he parted his knees to the side and leant over to throw up into the toilet.
Eddie spat into the toilet and flopped back, letting his head bang against the wall with a loud thud. He gasped for breath, but when he looked across at (Y/n) and noticed her barely able to keep herself stood up, he flinched.
"Oh God… Evan! Babe!" Eddie hollered as loudly as he could but his voice was croaky and his throat felt inflamed.
He let his left arm slump back over his knees that were pinned into his throbbing stomach. But he moved his right hand, clenching it into a fist so he could ram his fist on the wall. He hit the wall a few times, loud enough to make an echo course throughout the house. They needed some help.
"What's… going on?"
The door opened again but Evan didn't dare step inside. He darted his eyes between the boys and (Y/n) who finally pulled away from the sink. But Evan shivered when he watched her knees quake and she used the sink as leverage to lower herself down to the floor. Her legs curled beneath her and she let her head press against the sink that felt refreshing and cold against her clammy skin.
"You okay?" The way Eddie tilted his head to one side and looked up at Evan made him shiver.
"Me? I'm good, but you two look like death on legs."
"I th- I think we've got food poisoning, Pete's sick too. Go c-check the girls." Eddie grimaced and closed his eyes when the bathroom light started to become far too bright for his eyes.
If Evan was alright, Eddie would guess they all got some sort of food poisoning from the pasta they ate last night. They all had the same thing and if Evan was fine, then that seemed to cement things.
When Chris started crying out for Eddie, he practically crawled into the boy's room. He found Chris struggling to get out of bed, feeling horrid and his stomach aching. And poor Pete was curled up in bed, shivering and whimpering saying his stomach hurt.
"Oh fuck, okay hang tight." Evan spun on his heels and darted out of the bathroom. He would be back to carry them all back to bed in a minute, once he'd checked on the rest of the kids.
He poked his head around the boy's door since it was open and he wanted to see if Pete had been sick or if he was still asleep. He had about four teddies cuddled to his chest, he was shaking and the little whimpers he let out told Evan that he was indeed awake. But he was somewhat settled for now and Evan would come back to give him some medicine soon.
Bypassing their room, Evan headed into the girl's room and flicked on the light. He didn't like what he was faced with.
"Papa, I don't feel well." Lois whimpered, nuzzling her face into the pillow but she couldn't get back to sleep now. Her tummy hurt, it felt like her insides were twisting in knots and she wasn't sure if she needed to go to the toilet or throw up.
Evan couldn't help the way his lips pulled into a grimace when he looked between Lois and the floor.
Sometime during the night, she had thrown up on the floor and clearly, she didn't remember or realise she'd done it.
"I know baby girl, no one's well today. Um, why don't you go hop in our bed while I sort out? Mum and daddy will be back in bed in a minute."
His eyes followed her as she groggily sat up and shuffled out of bed, but the moment Lois looked down and realised she had thrown up during the night, her face fell. Her lips parted and tears welled in her eyes before she hurriedly looked up at Evan. "I'm sorry, I- I didn't mean to."
"It's alright baby, hey it's okay. Go get Pete and tell him to get in our bed, I want you all where I can look after you." When she shuffled past him, Evan leaned over and kissed the top of her head. He didn't want her apologising when she couldn't help it.
He figured all his family were going to be held up in bed for the next few days and he was going to have to call Bobby and ask for a few days off. If all the kids- minus Nina who was only a month old- were ill and both Eddie and (Y/n) were out of action, that left Evan to care for them. Something he secretly loved doing.
His attention turned to the cot on the other side of the room and he headed over to see if Grace was okay or not. She had eaten about half of Eddie's dinner last night so Evan would guess she was going to be sick too.
"Papa," Grace tried to stand up in her cot and she held her arms out for him. She looked very flushed and her eyes were red and puffy as she sobbed. He knew she had been fine when he put her to bed last night and when (Y/n) checked on her this morning while she was up with Nina.
"Come here, baby-cake."
Reaching down, Evan gently scooped her up but he grimaced and his nose crinkled when she threw up on him. Right on his chest. Right in the centre of his shirt. He thanked God he had gone to bed in pyjamas last night and not just his boxers or he might have thrown up too.
A horrid scream gurgled past Grace's lips when Evan set her back down in the cot. "Baby- shh just one second, please." He carefully reeled his shirt over his head and dumped it on the floor, he would get Grace in bed and then clean up. "I'm here, okay I'm here. Let's go get everyone else, you're all having a day in bed."
"With you?"
"I'm playing doctor today, baby-cake."
Evan headed out the room but he juggled Grace higher on his chest when she wrapped her arms around his neck. She wasn't going to let him put her down. He aimed for the bathroom and his lips pressed into a thin line when he looked between them all.
"Baby, sit with daddy look. Careful, she's just thrown up on me." He leaned down and eased Grace into Eddie's arms.
A groan tumbled past Eddie's lips when Grace sat on his stomach and flopped forward onto his chest. Her head tucked beneath his chin and she scrunched his shirt up in her hands, sniffling into his neck. He moved his hand to cradle her bum and rubbed his other palm up and down her back.
"Shh, s'okay. Dad's gonna look after us all today, hm?" He pressed his lips to the top of Grace's head and when he looked up at Evan, he saw him grin in their direction.
(Y/n) coiled both arms around her waist and pressed down until she was about to explode. Her stomach was physically twisting. Her throat burned like she had swallowed bleach and she wanted nothing more than to go to sleep but her body was aching too much for that to happen. She was in agony.
She felt tears burning in her eyes when Evan crouched down beside her and pressed a sloppy kiss to her cheek. At least with them all having food poisoning, it couldn't be passed onto Evan or Nina. So he could kiss and cuddle them all he liked and not make himself sick. It was a good job he had chosen something different to eat last night.
His arms wound around her and he effortlessly scooped her up. He could see from how she was practically laid on the floor that she wasn't going to be able to walk back to bed. And he didn't want to waste time trying to support her to walk when he could just carry her instead.
"Eight of us in this house, and only me and the baby are alright."
"There we go. You're a good girl, hm?" A tender smile flooded Evan's face as he looked down at the newborn in his arms.
He let his weight fall back until his hips bumped into the kitchen counter and he crossed one leg over the other. He had Nina cuddled up in his left arm, her eyes half-lidded as she was starting to fall back into another nap which didn't surprise Evan. While he had been bustling about the house for the last hour, she had been awake and gurgling into his chest.
He put the washing on, cleaned up and tidied all the bedrooms and made something to eat. He had been out for a drive a little while ago and Nina had slept through the whole ride.
Carefully, he removed the bottle from her lips and set it down on the side so he could shift Nina up onto his chest. He felt her hand begin to tap against his chest while her chin perched on his shoulder and her soft breaths fanned against his neck.
Even though he had been looking after everyone in the house, it had been a little strange but wonderful for Evan to get sone one to one time with Nina. (Y/n) and Eddie could barely stay awake other than to throw up or groan and shuffle around in bed. They were occupied trying to settle the rest of the kids and keep them calm.
So Nina had been Evan's priority because he was fine to change her and feed her and coo and entertain her.
"We're alright aren't we, baby girl? We didn't eat the pasta." He murmured softly while he smoothed his hand up and down her back and turned around to face the kitchen counter. "Alright, we need some medicine for everyone, and you can go lay with mummy."
His left arm moved up and down to sway Nina against his chest and shoulder and he grabbed the medicine bottles from the cupboard. He had been dosing them all up every four hours but Pete and Grace were horrid when it came to taking their medicine. And so was (Y/n) when she threw it up earlier and Eddie felt drowsy after taking his painkillers.
Once all the medicine was laid out on the counter, Evan moved his right hand to cradle the back of Nina's head and he walked out of the kitchen, past the dining room and into he lounge.
Yesterday, everyone had been held up in bed and they mostly slept and threw up. But when Pete and Lois projectile vomited all over the bed this morning, Evan evicted them. They were lucky that they had two large sofas in the living room and one of them was a sofa bed. So Evan had pulled the bed out and everyone was in the lounge. Curtains closed, Disney movies stacked and layered the floor and blankets and pillows were strewn about everywhere.
His heart softened when he looked at his unwell, bed-ridden family.
Eddie was wedged in the left corner, half propped up by at least three pillows. He had been burning up all night so he was laid in his boxers and nothing else which was a sight Evan was happily drinking in whenever he could. He had Grace curled up on his chest, her head tucked right against his neck under his chin and his arms were wound around her.
Pete and Lois were squashed in the middle, sniffing and squirming every now and then. Neither of them had slept well during the night. Chris was laid across the foot of the bed, propped up on two pillows as he laid on his stomach to try and relieve the pain he felt.
And (Y/n) was huddled right in the other corner of the bed, her head buried in a pillow. Her arms were wound around her waist, her knees were slightly coiled up and she had a blanket tucked around her since she was cold and the others were burning. She was wearing a pair of Evan's jogging bottoms and one of his grey lounge shirts.
"She's having a nap, do you want her for a bit?"
A small, strained smile pulled at (Y/n)'s lips and she nodded, if a bit gruffly and held her arms out. She hadn't spent a lot of time with Nina this last day.
She let Evan lean over her and when he was close enough, she tilted her head back and pressed her lips against his neck. She breathed in his scent and nudged her nose into his skin which caused a laugh to vibrate through his chest and down to her. He eased Nina onto her chest and kissed her head before he leaned up and kissed (Y/n)'s lips.
(Y/n) tilted her head down and pressed her chapped lips to the top of Nina's head who was quietly yawning and smacking her lips together.
She stayed cuddled up with Nina but she lifted her gaze to watch Evan drift out of the room and come back a few moments later.
Medicine time.
"Alright, let's get you all sorted. Chris?"
The eldest gingerly lifted his head and pushed up onto his knees on the bed so he wasn't lying down. His hands moved to his knees and his nose scrunched up when Evan held out the small syringe of calpol medicine. He grimaced and shook his head after he'd taken both doses and quickly flopped down onto his stomach. He knew the rules, they had to let their medicine settle for at least five minutes before they had a drink to wash it down.
"Lois, baby?" Evan sat down on the end of the bed near Eddie's feet and motioned for Lois to move over to him but she shook her head. She shifted to the side and tried to burrow herself under Eddie's arm.
"Medicine or you go in your own bed tonight." Eddie warned and shifted his arms tighter around Grace so Lois couldn't hide behind him. She couldn't have the privillege of staying here with them now or tonight if she didn't take her meds. She would only feel worse if she refused.
They were all still being sick. They managed lunch and dinner yesterday but started throwing up during the night again. And both Eddie and (Y/n) weren't doing well on intaking any fluids.
With a grumble and a whine that made her nose scrunch up and look like (Y/n), Lois crawled down the middle of the bed until she was slumped next to Evan's knee.
The moment she took the medicine, Lois started to cough and her throat tightened as she began to gag. Evan looped his hands beneath her arms and lifted her up until she was stood between his legs. He let her slump her head on his shoulder and he smoothed his hand up and down her back to try and coax her to calm down. If she panicked and gagged she would definitely be sick.
"Good girl." He kept her leant on his chest while he filled another syringe and waved his hand for Pete to come over to him.
Pete could barely keep his eyes open. He leaned forward with his legs crossed beneath him and his arms limp on his lap. He managed to keep his head up, coughed as he took his medicine, then flopped back down with a groan.
"Okay, and one for baby-cake." Evan held out the syringe to Eddie since the two of them were cuddled together.
"Have this baby, then you can have some juice." Eddie tilted his head to the side and brushed his finger over Grace's cheek to coax her into opening her eyes. He didn't mind her staying curled up on his chest as long as she took her medicine.
It worked to his advantage that she didn't seem to know what was going on as she was half asleep. when Eddie pressed the medicine to her lips, she accepted it before she started to whimper and tuck herself more into his neck.
"Now you two."
"No, Evan I can't, I- I'll throw it up."
"Mi amor, if the kids had to then so do you." Eddie flopped his head back against the pillow and turned to look over at (Y/n). He knew she was worried about being sick but she had to try.
(Y/n) grimaced and made sure Nina was settled on her chest before she took the spoon Evan held out to her. With her eyes closed, (Y/n) chugged the medicine as quickly as she could and shivered when she felt her stomach twist, she really felt sick now.
Her hand pressed to her mouth and she tilted her head back, shoulders quaking as she swallowed at least three times so she didn't throw it up.
Reaching out, Eddie took the spoon and downed the medicine, shaking his head and cracking his jaw as he groaned at the taste. But he would take anything if it stopped him throwing up and having the taste of acid and bile at the back of his throat.
"See, you've all been model patients." Evan perched his chin on Lois's shoulder and pressed a sloppy kiss to her cheek to make her smile. "I got some fluid IVs from the station earlier, like you said. Want me to hook you both up to one? I got those things too… diuretics, since none of you are keeping any fluids down."
Evan had gone to the station to have a word with Bobby, just to make sure Eddie had the rest of the week off and Evan had the next four days. While he was there, he let the team steal Nina for a cuddle and he went in the back and found some saline bags and IV lines and needles. He knew neither of his partners were managing to keep much fluids down and they had thrown up all their meals yesterday.
He needed some in case the kids got any worse too. And he found diuretics to give to all of them except Grace as she was only a toddler. It would give all of them some vitamins and essentials and keep them boosted with all the throwing up they had done between them.
"Hook us up, I feel like shit."
Evan reached his hand down and bashed Eddie's thigh, muttering a quiet 'language' and frowning playfully at him.
"Alright, whoever wants a bath shuffle off the bed and wait in the hall please. That way we have no wires getting pulled out." A bath might make the kids feel better and more inclined to sleep. And it would let Eddie and (Y/n) have a while to themselves to be on a drip without anyone wriggling around or lying on the wires and pulling them out.
Lois tiredly shuffled out of Evan's arms and flopped down to her feet but she could barely hold herself up. She shuffled into the hall while Pete gruffly followed along, dragging his feet behind him.
"Go get a bath, girlie." Eddie gently pulled Grace off his chest and leaned over to set her down on her feet. She swayed as she waddled over and took Lois's hand, clinging to her sister until Evan came back. She wanted one of her parents, she wanted love and attention and cuddles galore.
"Babe…" (Y/n) shuffled across the bed and moved her arms towards Eddie who faintly smiled and reached out for Nina. He was fine with needles whereas (Y/n) wasn't a fan and it made her feel lightheaded. When she had her bloods taken at the doctors, the boys always had to go with her as she had a tendency to faint.
(Y/n) shuffled down and tucked her face into Eddie's shoulder, kissing his bare skin as she dragged her blanket higher around her. A smile pulled at her lips when Chris moved up and snuggled himself down into the corner where (Y/n) had just been sitting so she was now between two of her boys.
Tilting his head to the side, Eddie pressed a kiss to the top of (Y/n)'s head and started to run one hand up and down Nina's back. She was well and truly off to sleep now but she could stay with them a while longer and have a cuddle before she went in her cot.
When Evan came back with the bag of goodies Hen had graceously helped him rob from the station, he sat down next to Eddie's thigh. He took his chance to cup Eddie's chin in his hand and tilt his head up for a kiss. He was overjoyed that food poisoning couldn't be contagious like a sickness bug, it meant Evan could kiss and snuggle his partners all he liked without getting ill himself.
"I look like shit," Eddie murmured with a raised brow. He knew he looked far from his best and he felt like he was on death's door, but the goofy smile and the flash of teeth made Eddie's stomach flip.
"Hm, you look good to me." Evan stole another kiss and took the chance to bite down on Eddie's lip just to make him groan. "Where'd you want it?"
A tired, lopsided smile pulled at Eddie's lips and he kept his left hand on Nina's back while he held his right hand out to Evan. If the IV was on his right hand, he could rest his arm on the edge of the sofa bed or on a cushion so none of the kids bumped into him or pulled it out by mistake. And it meant he could loop his left arm around (Y/n) or the kids if he wanted to.
Eddie closed his eyes and pressed his lips against the top of (Y/n)'s head. Breathing into her hair and focusing on the feeling of her lips pressing hollow kisses up and down his shoulder and over as much of his neck as she could reach.
He stayed still and patient while Evan swiped an anticeptic wipe across the back of his hand and poked around to find a good vein. He found one and got out a needle and cap.
"Here you go, babe." His thumb pressed down on the back of Eddie's hand over the vein and he carefully inserted the needle. He tore off two pieces of medical tape to secure it in place and attached the fluid line.
Evan took the opportunity to lean over Eddie, give him another searing kiss and place the IV bag on the back of the sofa behind the pillows. He made sure the wire wasn't tangled or crumpled and it was wide open. Being behind the pillows stopped any of the kids from playing with it or bursting it when they came back.
"Your turn," Evan spoke gently and smiled when (Y/n) placed her right hand on his thigh while her left hand stayed curled around Eddie's bicep. She kept her cheek resting on his shoulder and shuffled a bit higher so her lips and nose could brush against Eddie's neck. She didn't want to see the needle go into her skin.
She felt Evan swab the back of her hand and poke around to find a suitable vein. But the moment the needle capped into her vein, (Y/n) could feel her stomach giving an awful twist and she scrunched her nose and pushed further into Eddie.
It felt like her pulse was throbbing under every inch of her skin and her head started to pound and feel like it was building up ready to explode.
"All done-"
Eddie groaned and brought his knees up near his stomach out of shock and instinct when (Y/n)'s forehead bashed into the side of his neck. He struggled to take a proper breath and he tried to keep his eyes on Evan when he felt (Y/n) slump and loll against his left arm.
She'd fainted.
"Oh God, come here," Evan moved the IV tube around the back of (Y/n) and tucked the saline bag behind the pillows next to Eddie's one.
He slipped a hand beneath her neck and Eddie's shoulder and gently reeled her up away from Eddie so she could slump back into the pillows. Evan expected a similar reaction, especially considering she didn't do well with needles and she hadn't eaten anything which would make her more lightheaded than usual.
He gently eased her back into the den of pillows and let her head slump to the right near Eddie. She would come around in a moment.
"Look after your mum for me while I do bath time." Evan murmured as he leaned over and kissed the top of Chris's head.
Chris leaned to the right, wrapping an arm around (Y/n)'s waist and leaning his head on her arm. He grinned when Evan kissed (Y/n)'s temple, then moved to do the same to Eddie and Nina before he climbed off the bed. Three of their five kids were waiting patiently to get a bath.
And when Evan looked across at them, his smile softened like butter. Lois was swaying back and forth on her heels, trying to stay awake and upright but she looked like she was about to collapse. Pete was leaning back against the wall with an arm around his stomach and his thumb between his teeth. Then there was Grace. The toddler was sat on the floor with tired eyes and her arms stretched up in Evan's direction.
"Bathroom, troop."
He leaned down and scooped Grace up so he could sit her on his hip while Lois and Pete walked in front of him towards the bathroom. Their movements were sluggish and their feet were shuffling along behind them, they were growing tired.
It made Evan's heart soften to see Lois and Pete slump down on the bath mat and lean their heads on the edge of the bath. They looked just like they were about to fall asleep and it made him smile. He turned on the bath and let Lois add half a bottle of bubbles.
"Let's get some pjs," He spoke quietly into Grace's hair and headed into the girl's room to find them some clothes to change into.
Evan crouched down in front of the bath, pressing his knees into the bottom of the tub while he turned off the taps and nodded for Pete and Lois to climb in. He tried to unlatch Grace's arms from his neck but she held tight, tucking her face into his neck as she grumbled.
"Oh, come on girlie, you'll feel better." Evan leaned over and fought hard to undo Grace's hold over his neck that was beginning to ache. Finally, she seemed to relent and flopped her arms down into the bath, splashing bubbles up high into the air.
Grimacing, Evan pulled back and sighed. He reeled his shirt up over his head and tossed it into the wash basket. They could splash him all they wanted today and he wouldn't fuss, as long as the kids felt better and smiled.
His arms folded on the side of the bath and he perched his chin on his arms, smiling when Pete turned around and placed a wad of bubbles right on the end of his nose.
"Thanks, buddy." He mumbled softly and reached a hand down into the water to grab a fistful of bubbles and splatter them onto Pete's hair.
His eyes cast down to Grace who was sat in the centre of the bath, right in front of him and he frowned when she reached up and patted his cheek. "Shave." She whispered, causing Evan to grin despite his confusion.
"I shaved this morning, I'll have you know." He moved his hand to run along his chin and down his neck. Evan shaved every morning. He didn't like facial hair, he never tried to grow a beard because the one time he did when Lois was a toddler, she cried when she saw his beard. Since then, he always shaved.
Whereas the kids didn't seem to mind when Eddie grew out his facial hair. But they were all used to Eddie having stubble most of the time so a beard wasn't a lot different. Both men had taken to shaving every day recently.
"No, shave."
His lips curled into a frown and his eyes narrowed down on his little girl, but a quiet grumble left his lips when he realised what she meant.
Grace found a handful of bubbles and smeared them all along Evan's face, lips and down his neck until he was coughing and snorting lavender bubbles. She then dabbed her hand in the water, and very carefully started to brush her index finger through the bubbles. She was pretending to shave him.
Evan stayed still and silent, closing his eyes for a moment when grace swiped the bubbles rather close to his eyes over his cheekbones. And he tilted his head back to let her clean the bubbles from down his neck.
Her gentle touch was soft and rather precise and delicate and Evan found himself smiling brightly. He was so used to the kids messing and tracing over all his various tattoos, but this was different.
"All done." Grave dipped both her hands in the warm water and planted them down on Evan's face, patting him like she was pretending to apply cream to his face.
"Is that better, baby-cake?"
Grace nodded with a tired smile before she leaned her head forward and pressed her cheek down into his arm. She curled both hands around Evan's arm that was dangling in the water and leaned on his other arm. Her eyes fell closed and she curled up in the water as if she was lying in his arms.
Leaning down, Evan kissed the top of her head and slid both hands into the water. One arm stayed around her front while his other hand reached out to mess with the bath toys Lois was pushing around the water.
The eldest girl was laid back so the water was up to her chin and she was tossing the rubber toys back and forth, but she wasn't really bothered with them. She was too tired to play which told Evan she really was ill. And Pete wasn't much better.
He leaned over and slumped himself against Evan's free arm and closed his eyes.
"Have we all had enough?" Evan mumbled quietly, looking around the three of them who all nodded. "Alright, one… two… three." He helped each of them out and handed them a towel, but a sigh passed through his lips when he looked down at Pete.
He flopped across Evan's lap, curling up with his arms around his middle and his head on Evan's jogging bottoms. The material turned a dark shade of grey and Evan tried not to grimace at the feeling of his bottoms now sticking to his legs. He knew Pete couldn't help it, he was sick and almost asleep.
"No… no! Papa mine!" Grace tried to nudge Pete off of Evan's lap but she stopped when Evan wrapped a towel around her and moved her to stand at his side.
"No, jealous bum, you can share me."
He wrapped a towel over Pete who seemed content just to wait and lie where he was. While Lois got herself dried and dressed, Evan dried Grace and looked around for her pull-up and pyjamas.
Grace flopped down on her back and kicked her legs out at Evan with the last little bit of energy she had. A smile on her face and a squeal passing her lips when Evan caught both her ankles in one hand and tugged her closer. He slipped on her pull-up and fought to get her into her onesie when she wriggled around on her back like a worm, just to wind him up and be cheeky.
"Go find daddy." Evan murmured as he lifted Grace to her feet and sent her on her way with a kiss on her temple.
She followed Lois out the bathroom, both respectively shouting for (Y/n) and Eddie.
"Pete… and you're asleep."
With his hands beneath Pete's arms, he carefully shuffled Pete off his lap and onto the bath mat in front of him. He dried him off and easily got him into his pyjamas while Pete barely turned his head or made a sound.
"I guess you're mine this afternoon buddy, hm?" Evan carefully lifted Pete up and settled him down on his chest with his face tucked into Evan's neck. He smoothed his hand up and down Pete's back as he walked down the hall and back into the living room towards the rest of his family.
A burning smile flooded Evan's face when he looked over them all. Eddie still had Nina curled up on his chest, but he now had Grace under his right arm and she had one hand on Nina's back as if she was soothing the youngest girl to sleep. (Y/n) had Lois curled up between her legs and Chris still attached to her left side.
Moving over, Evan sat down next to Chris and did his best to wedge himself into the tiny space at the end between Chris and the arm of the sofa. He kept Pete curled up on his chest and draped a blanket around them both.
"I think I'm rather good at playing doctor, don't you?"
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ashwhowrites · 9 months
Love your older Eddie!
Picturing him working somewhere with a sweet, sunshine-y younger woman. Maybe a restaurant or store? He’s got a crush on her, but she’s always getting hit on by the younger, flashier guys who work there so he never thinks he’d have a chance. To hide his feelings he’s been a standoffish grump, so he can’t believe it when she reveals she has a crush on him at the work holiday party.
Angst/fluff/smut whatever you like - I know anything you write will be amazing! Thank you ❤️
I love older Eddie! I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting <3
Work crush
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Working at a small restaurant that focused more on the younger crowd, wasn't the exact job Eddie pictured for himself. But after his car shop got shut down, he just needed anyway to make cash. In a way, it was like he had to start over.
He didn't enjoy how much older he was than everyone else who worked and dined there. He worked with young twenty-year-olds who needed cash throughout college and served bratty teenagers. Other than the cook, he was the oldest one there.
His older looks and charm got him good tips. Younger girls enjoyed the flirtation and teasing games. Eddie delivered that as much as he did their food.
He hated the younger guys he worked with. They were loud, annoying, and sucked at their job. Eddie had to cover their slack as they snuck out back for smoke breaks. But there was one worker that Eddie secretly adored, Y/N.
She was also young, part of a group of annoying guys. But she was polite, hard-working, and sweet. She brightened the restaurant up whenever she walked in. She made Eddie feel butterflies and he loved watching her happiness rub off on everyone. Many people requested her, she was one of the best. And she was damn beautiful. Which sadly, everyone noticed.
Eddie lost count the many times he overheard her being asked out, by customers and the employees. Eddie couldn't help but compare himself to the guys that asked her out. They were all young and looked like they'd be on the cover of a magazine. Eddie was nothing like that, he didn't stand a chance.
When she turned down Beck, even Eddie was shocked. Beck was the heartthrob of the restaurant, almost every girl signed their number with their receipts. He was tall, and fit, with blue eyes and dirty blonde curly hair. He was sweet and polite, and Eddie hated to admit he was perfect. If perfect Beck couldn't get her to say yes, Eddie knew there was no hope for him.
With that realization, he didn't tease himself with the thought. He kept his space and didn't get to know her. He knew if he learned about her, he'd fall for her even more. It was safer to not know who she was. He just admired her from afar. He smiled to himself when he heard her sweet laugh. And he tried not to punch Beck across the face when he flirted with her his whole shift.
Tonight was the holiday party and Eddie didn't plan to go. He didn't want to party with a group of kids, he felt too old for that shit. The party was at a bar, and the owner had the dumb idea of everyone wearing Christmas sweaters. Eddie didn't own anything like that and he wasn't going to spend a dime to wear the ugly thing once.
Eddie cleaned up his last few tables, the restaurant closed early for their event. He pocketed the tip, ignoring the lipstick kiss and number written on the receipt.
"Poor girl, she was probably hoping you'd call." Eddie jumped as a voice came from behind him. He quickly turned to see Y/N standing there. A teasing smile on her face.
"I think she'll be fine," Eddie said, scooting into the booth to clean the table. He watched as Y/N took a seat across from him. She silently watched as he worked. Her eyes were on his arms and hands.
"Any numbers for you today?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, but not interested." She shrugged. She patted the table, a hint for Eddie to sit down. Eddie threw the towel on the table and took a seat. He didn't want to be that rude to her face.
"Never are." He teased, she smirked and moved on.
"Are you going tonight?" Eddie tried not to roll his eyes at the question.
"Why not?"
"Why would I?" He argued back
"It's a work party, you work here and you're invited." She said, pointing out the obvious.
"Nah, it would be like a dad hanging out with college kids. It's embarrassing. And I'm not wearing an ugly Christmas sweater."
"Yeah, but it would be like the hot dad you secretly want around. The kind where you go to your friend's house every weekend just to see her dad shirtless in the morning." Y/N said, a certain look in her eye. A look Eddie got from many of his customers. She was flirting....with him. "I have a bunch of my dad's old Christmas sweaters, I'll bring you one!" She stood up excitedly. Like she declared he's going.
"You think I'm hot?" Eddie asked, he couldn't help a tiny smirk that crossed his face. Everyone flirted with her, and she picked to flirt with him.
"I do and I know you'll look hot in the sweater. See you tonight." Eddie stared at her ass as she walked off.
"I'M NOT GOING!" he yelled after her. He heard her sweet laugh and the bell on the door.
Eddie groaned as he pulled up to the bar. He was two hours late. Mostly because he was debating if he was going to come or not.
He walked into the bar and scanned the room. He found a few of his coworkers scattered around. A few at the pool table, a few at the bar top, and a few in the back booth. He walked to the bar, at least he got to drink through it.
He held his drink and looked for her. He didn't want to make it obvious, but he knew he didn't care who was there, he came for her.
Eddie turned to see a tipsy Y/N, her hands in the air as she raced into his chest. She crushed him in a hug. Eddie slowly hugged her back.
"I knew you'd come!" She said as she pulled back. She was decked out in Christmas wear. An antler headband, that he'd hate if anyone else wore it. But of course, it looked adorable. Red eyeliner and dark lashes. Her lips were red and Eddie stared at them for too long. Her Christmas sweater was full of printed-on lights. A few real lights that flickered. She had a black skirt, tights and black boots. She was glowing.
"Did you know?" Eddie teased, smiling down at her as she leaned on the bar for support.
"Of course. I knew once you found out I wanted you to come, that you would come. " She explained. She grabbed his hand, slightly tripping on her feet.
"Woah okay. Maybe you should sit." Eddie laughed, he wrapped his arm around her waist.
"No! We gotta go to my car for your sweater!" She argued, she didn't move away from his touch. She loved the feeling of his arm wrapped around her and the way she could smell his cologne. "Just help me." She said and began walking.
After a few stumbles and many laughs, they made it to her car. She unlocked it and grabbed the sweater from the seat. She slammed the door shut and leaned against it. Eddie removed his touch from her as he grabbed the sweater.
"Put it on!" She said she looked so excited and Eddie didn't have the heart to say no. He gagged on the inside but sucked it up.
"I gotta change my shirt so let's go inside." He said but she didn't move.
"don't be silly. Just change here. I'll cover my eyes." She threw her hands over her eyes, a giggly smile on her face. She was somehow even more adorable drunk.
Eddie didn't fight on it. He took off his jacket and placed it on the top of her car. He took a deep breath, preparing for his skin to hit the cold. He grabbed the bottom of his shirt with one hand and yanked it off. He let it drop to the floor as he put his arms in the sweater, as he pulled it on over his head, he heard a small squeak.
He could see Y/N's fingers split open, allowing her to see through. Eddie felt his cheeks warm at the thought of her peeking.
"Did you just squeak?" He asked, trying to hold back a smile.
"No" she mumbled, embarrassed.
"I can see that you're still peeking." Eddie laughed, she groaned and dropped her hands.
"I couldn't help it! You can't be this hot older guy that I want to ruin my life and expect me to just not stare at you." Sober her wished she'd stop talking.
"Ruin your life? That sounds like a bad thing." Eddie said confused.
"It means I have this huge crush on you. I see you flirt with those young girls and I hate that you never did it with me. I hate that everyone flirts with me, and you haven't." She pouted, she crossed her arms as she sighed sadly.
Eddie let out a small smile, moving closer. He lifted her chin with his finger and leaned down.
"I didn't flirt with you because everyone else got shot down. I didn't think I'd be different. But now that you are loose with your lips, I can admit I've been attracted to you since your first day."
Y/N felt her heart skip multiple beats. She couldn't believe the words he said, but the reality of his lips pressed against hers made her believe. She uncrossed her arms and wrapped her arms around him. Her palms were against his back as he deepened the kiss.
She wasn't sure if the alcohol or the kiss made her dizzy.
"Where the hell is Y/N? She got sat like ten minutes ago!"
"Where is Munson? His table has been waiting for the check for an hour!"
"I think we need to get back to work," Y/N whined, her hands against the door.
Eddie stood behind her, his hands gripping her hips as his cock pounded inside of her. The harder he went the more she cried. She felt her legs go weak as she tried to keep herself up.
"Not until I cum." Eddie grunted.
"Anything else I can get for you?" Y/N asked the pen smacking against the notepad. She tried not to seem annoyed with the rowdy group of male teenagers.
"You on the menu?" She tried not to roll her eyes. An unpleased look on her face.
"No, but my boyfriend serves up a delicious knuckle sandwich if you want to try it." She said with a glare.
The boy whistled, almost like her attitude made it more fun.
The second she felt the boy's hand touch her thigh, she snapped.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
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24hlevi · 11 months
— monster mash
gen v characters (marie, jordan, emma, cate, & sam) x gn!reader
summary: how halloween would go w/ the gen v characters
warnings: language
im a day late whoops also these are short but i really wanted to do it so yeah
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Marie Moreau -
- marie is pretty normal about halloween, she doesn't get crazy festive about it, it's just a holiday to dress up and get candy or get drunk
– that being said, if you care about the holiday a lot then she will go along with you on it and do anything you want to do
– she wouldn't dress up if she wasn't going out anywhere like to a party or another outing, but she might put a hat on or something to hand out candy to kids
– marie doesn't really enjoy horror movies a lot, mainly thinks the majority of them are dumb and would rather watch just something fall themed and not a horror movie
– however she does love the candy you buy for you two, and will eat most of it before deciding to actually make food because if not she will throw up from eating so much sugar
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Jordan Li -
- loves halloween with their whole heart and more, it's their favorite holiday for real
– they wouldn't completely disagree with matching costumes if it's cool, like a couple from a famous movie or something
– jordan will definitely take you to a halloween party to have a fun time together and drink and smoke while dancing
– they are totally going to be complimenting you non stop throughout the night, you just look so good and they love you a lot so obviously they're gonna tell you how good you look
– they will be going out trick or treating with you despite their age it doesn't matter they want candy and they will be getting their candy one way or another
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Emma Meyer -
- it will be literally july and emma will already be organizing matching halloween costumes for you and her
– she will 100% choose one of those dumb ones like an angel and devil
– she'd rather hand out candy to kids than go to a party or just watch scary movies with you claiming she won't be scared then is scared shitless when the movie starts
– emma made you help her put up decorations as soon as october hit the first day, and she has a lot of decorations and she is determined to put them all up
– you will be carving pumpkins whether you want to or not, despite how messy it gets, emma adores the tradition of it and makes hers look all cute and pretty somehow
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Cate Dunlap -
- cate isn't really big on halloween, she doesn't like going to dumb parties where everyone is in costumes and would rather spend it inside with you
– she will refuse to dress up unless you literally beg her just for fun and for pictures, she reluctantly agrees but it can't be stupid
– cate doesn't particularly enjoy horror movies, but will watch the b-rated dumb ones with you to make you happy that you're watching a festive movie
– the most decorations she likely has is a ghost hanging on the door so people can see, yeah, that's it, literally
– cate only eats candy sometimes, and when she does it's not a lot, so you’ll end up having to give the rest to random kids that show up or walk by
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Sam Riordan -
- poor boy doesn't completely understand halloween at first, he doesn't get why dressing up in costumes, getting candy and going to parties is such a big deal
– thankfully you're there to help him with that and show that halloween is a fun holiday
– it's mainly spent at home in onesies watching horror movies and waterworld cause that's his favorite movie while eating expensive candy you bought
– sam found out he loves horror movies, his favorites are the nightmare on elm streets both for how dumb silly they are but also the cool kills in the later movies though he hates the third movie for obvious reasons
– he will eat all the candy you buy in one night i’m dead serious you’ll wake up the next morning and sam is passed out in a sugar coma and won't get up from eating so much candy
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ratsonastick · 8 months
Jealous Clarisse has my heart, so could you do one where she's jealous of the reader with a new camper but she doesn't do anything because she thinks the reader doesn't like her and vice versa? with a happy ending please
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Clarisse La Rue x Oblivious!FemReader
Also sorry its a little short!!
Request are open
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Clarisse wasn't someone big on confronting their feelings, that is unless it's related to anger. So when she saw you standing with some other camper who was trying to be smitten. She scoffed and walked away. 
She knew there was a chance you wouldn't like her, but the way that she finally got you to hang out with her, and how you were so cute near her, just gave her the impression that you did. 
So she did what she usually did, which was go to the training field and punch a dummy. For the next few days, she was more aggressive toward others, If that's even possible … 
Clarisse is just honestly someone who doesn't know how to react when her vulnerable side is declined because she never shows it to anyone. Her friend Selena (If that's what you call their relationship) told her that it wasn't fair to blame you, you had no idea. 
But Clarisse thought she was being obvious, complimenting you, giving you extra portions of food, and lifting heavy things for you. 
Along with being aggressive, or more sassy as some would say, she was constantly ignoring you. As much as she would hate to admit it she did feel a bit jealous, and now a part of her felt embarrassed and not good enough to keep trying. 
This was the first time she had ever felt not good enough. 
You, on the other hand, didn't know why she wasn’t speaking to you all of a sudden. 
Every attempt to speak to her she’d scowl and walk in the other direction, trudging forward just like she did a year before when she didn't care for you at all.
You were stressed, not knowing what was wrong bothered you. You started to believe that she didn't like you, that maybe you said something that showed your interest and she got grossed out. 
One day when you found her alone in the field you finally decided to confront her. At first she didn't notice you, throwing another punch at the dummy, but then when she did she turned away and walked towards the bench avoiding your gaze. 
“Clarisse!” you called out, walking forward faster to get to her. “What do you want?” She asked sternly, which took you aback. 
“What's with this?” you asked hinting at her attitude in a distressed voice which made her sign and turn to face you, you looked at her and truly saw nothing for a moment. 
Even though Clarisse was upset, her hands still got slightly sweaty at the sight of you. 
“What's with what?” She spoke up, her shoulders raising slightly with each heavy breath she took in. “This attitude, you’re like a completely different person.” 
She rolled her eyes and turned back to the bench taking a sip from a water bottle, it was yours, the one you lent her when you got worried she wasn't drinking enough water. 
Clarisse took it because she thought it was the closest thing she’d ever get to kissing your lips. 
“I'm a different person? What about you, walking around talking to some kid who was clearly flirting with you! Don't you understand how much of a fool you made me feel?” she spoke, turning to look back at you, her eyebrows furrowed. 
“Clarisse, what are you talking about!” you spoke up, “Stop playing dumb! That new kid.” She shouted at you, which made you take a step back away from her. 
She never showed this side of her to you, the side that every Ares kid had, Anger. 
Clarisse tried to calm down but a part of her felt like it was on fire. “That kid was a childhood friend … he's 5 years younger than me.” You spoke up with a disgusted look on your face, scoffing at her ignorance. 
Clarisse could've sworn that kid was 6ft tall when she saw him. 
You shook your head turning around to walk away  “I’m such an idiot for liking you.” you spoke softly, but Clarisse heard you say it and her heart skipped a beat. 
You liked her … 
She wanted to run after you, she wanted to apologize and kiss you. But her embarrassment and realizing she was wrong made her stop and stay in place, her breathing deepening. When you were out of sight she threw the water bottle onto the ground in annoyance, and that's when she heard a yelp. 
She turned to the side and saw Annabeth taking her hat off “Annabeth … get lost.” Clarisse would've been angry about Annabeth stalking, but she had bigger things to worry about. 
“Talk to her.” Annabeth spoke up “One thing I know about Y/n is that she is a forgiving person … which is also a curse. She needs someone like you to help her make decisions like that.” Annabeth spoke before walking away. 
And for once Clarisse agreed. 
That night Clarisse walked up to your cabin and opened the door, it was late, and a lot of your siblings were giving her stares for going in the cabin at this time. 
But she was on a mission. 
She saw you propped up in your bunk with a small light shining behind your shoulder so you could read her book. 
You looked so beautiful to her, she could take you right here if she could. 
But she approached you, and when you finally noticed her you shut your book and turned the light off. “Y/n” Clarisse spoke softly, kneeling down “Please come outside.” 
“I’m sleeping” 
“No, you just talked.” 
You sighed and turned to face her, sitting up in your bed, and Clarisse felt her heart skip another beat. “Fine … but make it quick,” you mumbled. 
Clarisse smiled and took your hand, and you wrapped your fingers around hers. She brought you outside and turned to face her. 
“Look I’m an idiot, I know but please forgive me. I can’t help being jealous and angry; it's just the way I am, and the way I always will be. I should've talked to you about it but I didn't, I just like you so much and seeing you smile at someone else made me hurt.” 
You smiled at her and rolled your eyes as you looked to the side, but Clarisse didn't stop. She grabbed your hands and kissed them both as she looked at you “Princess please” she mumbled slightly and you could've sworn you saw a blush of embarrassment on her. 
“Fine,” you said. 
Clarisse was shocked, that was it? She was prepared to fight, do anything to win you back, but all she had to do was be truthful. 
Her eyebrows slightly scrunched and she smiled “But just remember Clarisse, if you get jealous and decide to ignore me again I will end you.” 
Clarisse nodded her head and placed her hands on your hips, hooking her fingers onto the inside of your pajama shorts and pulled you closer to her. She had a smirk on her face “Whatever you say ma’am” 
And with that she kissed you softly, but eventually she depended on it as her hand went to the small of your back, pressing you against her.
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Fnaf Movie thoughts!
I wanted to ramble some of thoughts and theories I had about the Fnaf Movie.
Cause the brainrot is real and won't leave my brain.
(wow just read back that sentence. Excuse any grammar errors or dumb shit, I'm still very sick)
Below the cut will feature heavy spoilers, so unless you want to be spoiled of the major twists this movie has, I would recommend wait to read this.
I unfortunately couldn't see the movie in my theatres, cause I got horribly sick and wasn't able to get the full theatre experience.
I was able to watch on Peacock, with all my fnaf plushies with a super sinus clogged headache, so that's the mindset I had. lol
Anyway.. Movie time
I absolutely LOVED Mike and Abby. First off.
I didn't even mind a lot of time of the movie was spent AWAY from Freddy's. Because so much is just about learning about Mike and his family and connection to Abby.
Sure, we could have spent the WHOLE movie at Freddy's. But that is not what this movie is about. And it's clearly trying to tell a bigger mystery and this felt a very introduction friendly entry point to anyone confused about the fnaf lore.
I love how completely obsessed Mike is with Dream theory. To the point he's taking heavy duty sleeping pills on his job that he clearly doesn't need and just is doing it so he can relive his dreams/fabricated memories.
The intro credits with the 8-bit style graphics of the minigames in fnaf2-4??? Like bro? I cried. That was so iconic and they fill in the backstory for the purple guy, who actually appears as his sprite??? Like... Man iconic.
Also... Dude... Mike Schmitt in the movie is like... what the Fans wanted Mike in the games to be for YEARS. Like... Mike in the games is nothing. He's a silent face. We know so little about him, and everything else is purely speculative. Even the whole "he was foxy bro and has regret over his brother" ...That's all theory and not confirmed. As far as we know, Crying child and his brother might not even be Afton kids.
But this Mike is EXACTLY the motivations we wanted Mike to have? If that makes sense? He laments his brother was taken at a young age and expresses regret and motivation to want to get him back. he has the motivations that the fandom built for him for years and ran with it, and I LOVE THAT.
FNAF Movie actually gives good reasons why Mike comes back every night, as said in Living Tombstone's iconic song "why do you want to stay?" Cause of his regrets with his brother and his obsession with dream theory and doesn't realize the animatronics are a threat until like... night four.
I SCREAMED when I recognized Matpat's voice, and then I saw his face. Reconized him for his voice WAY before I saw his face. I didn't think he'd have a speaking or face cameo and get to say his iconic "it's just a theory" line and about food too??? King shit.
Letting the animatronics have moments where they can just be cute and friendly as well as creepy and bloodthirsty is so great! I want to give them all pets.
THE CHILD ACTORS ARE ALL SO GOOD! To the point you don't even notice! It's often hard to get children to play a convincing performance, but these children acted really well! They must have a real talented director who knew how to get the best of their child actors. You don't even realize that the child actors are great, cause they're so good it's unnoticeable. AMAZING
I MEAN, I SCREAMED WHEN SHE SAID "William Afton My father"
I was screaming about this in my group chat.
I was screaming for a thousand years.
AND IT makes sense why the cops never found the bodies. Vanessa is a cop! She's covering for her father!
I absolutely LOVE what a girl failure Vanessa is too!
Like she shows up, HEAVILY flirts with Mike (like she was laying it on so thick my demisexual ass was picking up on her vibe) and just shows up to give him exposition on the FNAF lore. fheogheahf. Like. It's great.
(no doubt she was flirting heavily with Mike at the start due to manipulation from her father, I do believe it grows to genuine fondness later)
I've heard people complain about her flipflop nature... BUT THAT's the POINT!
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(a literal arcade game in security breach.)
She let Abby play with the animatronics, knowing it was dangerous. Her original plan was to kill Mike, but she changes her plans when she sees he has a kid. (who she thought was his daughter at first) It was only after Abby got injured by Accident, she realized that what a danger she posed by brining them here at all. She only threatened to shoot Mike because she hoped that such an extreme threat would get him to quit. She even tells him about how many security guards quit. But it doesn't.
She even said she tried to warn in her own way. She's terrified of her father. And we get deep foreshadowing about that throughout the movie.
I really hope that in some sequels we will get to see Vanny at some point. Maybe even Springtrap and Vanny working together in the same movie??? CAN YOU IMAGINE THIS?!?!? I WOULD GO FERAL
Anyway, Vanessa is such a girl failure and my girl blorbo. I support her and her woman's wrongs
The minor look of regret after Will stabs his daughter... peak cinema.
The springlock scene... The quiet of the stabs, giving such a realistic collapse... the "I always come back" ...Embracing the monster he knows he is. He is the mask. He isn't hiding behind the mask, like he is being Steve. he is the mask now. Just... Chefs kiss.
The animatronics dragging springtrap away mirrors the ending of Silver Eyes so well, and I'm glad, because that was the best part of the Silver eyes. <3
Garret is 100% going to be the Puppet in the Movie Series. He was the one taken in the car, the spelling out in the minigame sounds at the very end says: "COME FIND HIM" And after Living Tombstone ends, the credits music fades into Grandfather's clock music box... Puppet's song..... Garret will be the Puppet in this universe and I so look forward to that.
I enjoyed the movie. I'm glad that they left the overarching mystery of Garret open to be explored in the sequel.
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dutiful-wildcraft · 18 days
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Secondhand News Pt. 2
John Price/ plus size F!OC
John Price chases after his sergeants sister, a soft and sweet wildlife rehabilitator in the rural south.
Tags: domestic fluff, critters, poor flirting, mentions of disordered eating and food insecurity. Some background romance between Ghost and another oc.
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Ruby's alarm clock startles her into the waking world at a crisp 5 am. Immediately followed by a deep hollow dread somewhere in her chest.
She'd scrounged up enough sick time to request the full week off, get Darren and the others  settled in, plus have a few days prior to clean the place top to bottom. Get her shit together. 
She'd buzzed around the house on autopilot, cleaning and ordering groceries. Figuring out good sized meals to keep them all fed. For once she looked like the pinnacle of efficiency. Having scrubbed away the evidence of weeks old dishes, and mold staining her old plastic shower curtain. She’d even had time to let the place air out so it wasn't obvious she'd soaked everything down with bleach and lemon disinfectant. Even lit a candle for a little extra pizazz. 
She loved her brother, wanted him home, but it'd been some time since Ruby had an actual person in her house. A person who wasn't going to just stand on her front porch and chat; but stay the night, see her all day. 
She was busy, what could she say? She managed the animals in her care all day, on top of working full time for the emergency veterinary clinic overnight. She didn't have time to make friends, let alone take care of her home, herself. Socializing regularly was on the bottom of her to-do list. 
Some days she didn’t even have the strength to brush her teeth, shower, eat something other than microwave pizza.
She loved the animals, regardless of the toll, but it was still work. She barely made a dime doing it, and some months even lost money.
Hence why she worked the second job, not that she necessarily had to do that either.
Darren would gut her if he found out the money he sent her did her no good. Not that it wasn't enough, she simply didn't use it. She'd set up a savings for him a while back, put every dime he gave her in there for when he retired. There was no sense in using his money to pay for bills in a house he hardly lived in. Nor would she dare put his money toward the animals, those were her responsibility. He’d refuse if she asked him to stop, so she put it towards a good cause. Her brother broke his back to care for her when they were kids, he deserved to rest when the time was right, and a little cushion for when he came home for good was the least she could do. 
He was certainly going to be upset when she broke the news about returning to the clinic next week, but she’d make the most of their free time this week, and spend what time she had during the day with him and the other’s during the rest of their stay. 
Price and Ghost had admittedly been another worry of hers. 
Not only was her brother coming back home, but bringing a couple of near strangers with him too. She’d met them before, briefly at the same awards ceremony, but they were still unfamiliar enough. She would need to play host, another layer to add to the show she was already putting on for her brother. 
Thankfully the men were not the stereotypical loud and rambunctious types she’d been afraid of. The last few days had been calm, a bit noisier than usual, but nothing to pitch fits about. The two English soldiers made her and Darren look like heathens by comparison. 
Simon didn't have much to say, mostly chiming in on Darren or Price on occasion, or asking her where things went. 
And Price? 
Her cheeks heated at the thought of  the broad captain, like a dumb teenager. She’d met dear Price at the awards ceremony as well. The big handsome man had gravitated toward her instantly, and rarely left her side the whole night.  He’d been charming, funny; whispering gossip to her about a few of the others in dress uniform, the bristles of his facial hair tickling the shell of her ear. She’d done her best not to make an ass of herself, but she’d certainly played too. Clinging to his offered arm like she belonged there. Keen to make up stories about the strangers neither one of them knew, preening when he’d bent down to listen. She’d been proud of the amount of chuckles she’d gotten from the man. 
That evening had been the most fun she’d had in some time. She’d felt like a prize on the captain’s arm, something almost precious as he guided her around, warm palm on the small of her back. She’d been more than disappointed when they parted ways without exchanging contact. Later she’d felt even more disappointed, silly really. Realizing the soldier was probably just being pleasant, entertaining his sergeant's pudgy little sister like a gentleman.
She’d brushed it off then, reminding herself that she’d more than likely never see the him again, maybe in passing at another ceremony if she were unlucky. 
But now he was in her house.
And still just as gorgeous. He still sported the chops that surprisingly suited him, a few gray hairs peppering through the brown. With tender blue eyes and shoulders wide enough to fill a door frame. The rumbling timber of his voice had her eyes flicking to him every time he spoke, made her stomach flip when he spoke to her specifically. Using the same warm tone she’d quickly grown so fond of those years ago. 
She might as well be writing in a pink fluffy diary, glittery purple gel pen in hand with the way her brain gushed over the man’s attention. For christ’s sake she was a grown ass woman. 
Dear diary, today Captain Price looked at me. <3
Ruby sighs, flopping over fitfully in her sheets, scrubbing her hands over her face. 
C’mon Martin, get yourself together. 
He is just a man in her house. A pretty man. Quit it. Her brother's friend, captain, specifically. She would just need to hang in there for a little while, she could hold it together for a little while right?
With a few yawns and tired groans she’s padding downstairs wrapped in her favorite blanket, a god awful thing with howling wolves printed on cheap fleece. A gas station gift from Darren that they’d both had a good laugh at. She’s greeted by Blue, dutifully waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs, the gray pitbull wagging its rear end slowly as she descends, mindful of his own rambunctiousness in the wee hours of the morning. She’s cooing at him when she catches something in the corner of her eye, blood turning to ice as she freezes in place. Heart hammering in her chest as she tries to decipher the very large masked figure sitting on her couch. 
Her brain scrambles with potential ways to fight. But something occurs to her.
Blue isn’t alarmed. And Blue barks about everything. He’s been her security guard for years, and a damn good litmus test for danger. 
As if on cue the figure turns, dark brown eyes reflecting the pale light of her TV as he looks back at her. Finally, her brain catches up. 
Darren had explained the man’s proclivity towards the garment. When she’d first met the illusive lieutenant he’d worn a simple balaclava tucked up around his dress uniform, and over the past few days he’d worn an inconspicuous black medical mask. She hadn’t been prepared for the full thing, especially not this early in the morning. She stands there like a deer in headlights, greeting him with a slow wave. He doesn't speak, simply jerks his chin up in return before turning away from her once more. 
She stands there a moment more, brain still struggling.  She should have known better really, sharing a house with 3 soldiers. Honestly, she should be surprised that not all of them were awake. 
The morning was meant to be her sanctuary, her time to sit in the quiet and transition into the waking world. Time for her to simply exist, prepare her armor for the onslaught of noise and staring eyes. 
She pads away quickly, letting Blue outside to potty before hiding away in the kitchen. Mechanically, she prepares a pot of coffee, plopping down in a seat away from the view of Ghost, she doesn't have the capacity to have eyes on her just yet. She just needs to sit, yawn into space, let time slip by as she stares into laminate flooring. 
She waits long after the coffee is done before dumping it into a mug, contemplating for another moment before leaving an extra mug on the counter for the large man in her living room. She lets Blue back in, playing their morning game of chase as he scampers around, leaving dewey paw prints and wet grass across her floor. She finally catches him in a fit of giggles, tucking him between her calves to dry him off as he tries to lick her face. 
Only the commotion must have startled Simon,  because he nearly scares the shit out of her when she stands again, the behemoth standing silently in her kitchen doorway, amusement crinkling the corners of his eyes. He still doesn't speak, only raises a brow at her. 
Need help? 
She brushes it off, apologizes for the wet floor as she tosses the towel underfoot to get the rest of the mess. 
“Coffee on the counter, left you a mug out,” she gestures to the counter. “creamer’s in the fridge, sugar in the cabinet.” 
She doesn’t wait for a reply, simply smiles awkwardly and slips around him. Blues nails clicking against the hardwood behind her. 
After changing she trots back downstairs. Still whirling a bit from her morning disruption, but makes a mental note of the mug in the sink, and the now missing Simon. She smiles a little, collecting her earbuds and stepping her way out into the humid summer morning. 
She takes the same path everyday. Starting with the makeshift shed for the smaller rescues, followed by the small pasture, barn, and coops. Patrolling the path around the small acreage of her home, ensuring nothing was out of place.
She's thankful the spring had passed and most of the babies in her care were old enough to fend for themselves throughout the night. She passes through the cages, greeting everyone in a soft voice, peeking into each to make sure everyone made it another day. 
Armadillo with a bite wound. Good.
Baby squirrels, still wobbly, but hydrated. 
Barred owl with injured wing, still mad.
She moves on, feeding her own personal animals, moving between gates and tossing feed down for the chickens, dumping out the trough sized bins of water for the goats. Scrubbing and refilling them to keep the mosquitos from settling. Blue trots along behind her, giving what animals that will tolerate him a sniff before moving on to the next.
Her ducks love him, honking pleasantly as she opens their pen. She laughs as Blue goes still as stone, letting the ducks inspect him before he can’t take it anymore and starts bouncing, scattering ducks hither and yon. It takes her another minute to settle everyone down, gather them up for their morning walk down to the pond. 
The Goofy Parade, she calls it. Ruby leads the show with two of the more stubborn ducks tucked under her arms, Blue coming up second, with a handful of other ducks frantically trying to keep up, nothing but quacks and webbed feet thumping against the grass as they all descend the small hill together.
She tosses the ducks in the pond with little preamble, giggling to herself at their indignant quacking before they happily paddle off. Blue would chase after them if the water was not his mortal enemy. And while that made bath times a nightmare she was thankful she only had to toss ducks in, and not fish Blue out.
She’s halfway back up the hill, already panting and sweaty as she spots a little blur of white and black, familiar tiny bleating trilling though the air. 
She’s made a terrible mistake, one that she blames on Simon’s little scare as she continues her ascent, coming face to face with a little goat buckling that should certainly not be out. As a matter of fact several of the goats are out, grazing easily off in the yard. One stands proudly on Blue’s dog house, staring at her with blank eyes as it chews a heap of grass lazily. 
She takes stock, glaring at the gate she'd left open, closing it again to prevent any more escapees before getting a plan together. The older ones go easy, stubborn to move but easy to catch, standing dumbly as she pushes them along. The kids are a different story, one that involves running in circles like a fool and desperately trying to hold on to a baby that kicks and flails and bleats like you're killing it. Not to mention a certain gray pitbull thinks her chasing is a game, and is hell bent on getting under her feet at every turn. 
She’s soaked in sweat by the time she collects most of them, hair sticking to the back of her neck as she huffs under a shade tree. The one clever buckling that greeted her earlier still remains, proudly toddling in the grass a few feet away.
Ruby had taken to sitting at this point, ass in the dirt as she desperately tries to coax the little shit to come closer with a large sprig of hay when she hears the screen door open.  She nearly melts from the heat and embarrassment as John Price steps out, dressed in well worn jeans that hug his thighs just right. She sucks her teeth as he looks between her and the goat with a knowing amusement crinkling his pretty blue eyes.
Kill me now.
“Looks like you’ve got your hands full” he greets with mock casualty, nodding toward the baby goat off in the yard as it jumps and kicks, quite literally parkouring off of Blue and bleating in its little revelry. 
Mocking her. 
She glares sourly at the little beast as John takes a well timed sip of his coffee, trying not to laugh as her pout intensifies. She directs her ire at him instead. 
“How much of that did you see?” 
“Just a bit.” he smiles wryly, “ you had most of them rounded up before I spotted ya.” He bends down, handing her his mug.  “Keep an eye on this will ya? I’ll fetch him for you.”
She gives him an incredulous look but takes the mug. Go for it Bud.
He rolls his shoulders, stalking towards the babe with confidence, slowing his steps as he approaches. Ruby watches the shift from civilian Price to Captain Price: swift and silent on his feet. He hunkers a bit, walking heel to toe as he glides across the grass, easily creeping up with the efficiency of a predator as he lunges for the critter. 
A miss, but he was close. Stumbling slightly and correcting gracefully. Looking back to her with surprised look, “Bloody fast isn't he?” Without delay he's back at it, stalking the kid who's now watching him with big blank eyes. 
“You're gonna bust your ass” she calls with a giggle, earning her a playful smile and finger held up in her direction. Just give me a moment young lady.
 He snags the little critter on the second try, deft hands securing it against his chest as it cries. 
She stares at him, mouth open in confused shock as he walks past her, plopping the buckling down over the fence before returning, silently plucking his mug from her hands and taking another sip. 
There is a long pause between them. Where Price pointedly looks out into the yard and not the dejected woman sitting in the grass beside him, hiding his grin behind his mug as she glares mildly into the side of his face.
“Do you need help with anything else?” he dares, earning him a swift pinch to the calf as soon as the words leave his mouth. But they both end up laughing, Ruby shaking her head in disbelief as she tries to pick herself up, Price meeting her with an offered hand to ease her out of the grass. 
God she wishes she wasn’t sweating like whore in church. 
He does ask again though, genuine in his offer to help, and while she isn’t particularly keen to make the man work, she does want to show him the animals. So she’ll  humor him today, show him around. Everybody loves animals, and who is she to deny him that?
It’s not soon after that she’s leading him through the large building she’d had dedicated as a hospital of sorts for her foster animals. 
She goes through each cage, quietly explaining each animal's situation, watching his face for any signs of boredom only to be met with rapt attention. The larger man nodding along and asking questions regarding their care and outlooks. It made her little heart happy to explain, and she had maybe lost herself a time or two. Chattering away about foods and behaviors, ways to heal, before catching herself and wrapping it up quickly. 
“You wanna help me feed ‘em?” she asks tentatively, nodding toward the cage of clumsy twin squirrels. 
“Absolutely.” he replies, Price’s sweet cheeks rounding as he smiles down at her. She turns quickly in an effort to hide her own goofy blush.  Her brain oscillating between He’s so cute and That’s a grown ass man.  
She leads him toward the counter, getting the twin’s meal prepared before fishing out one of the pups, carefully unswaddling it and handing it to Price. The man looks positively chuffed, holding the baby in his large palm, twisting to get a better look at it as it digs little nails into his fingers, snuffling and wiggling frantically to get at its lunch. 
Ruby pulls out the other twin, and shows Price how to cradle the pup between her fingers, prop it upright, laughing as the babe scrabbles greedily, claws slipping and sliding to get purchase on the syringe as she brings it to its mouth. 
“They’re big enough now that they nurse well, but you got to keep them upright and push slow or they’ll choke and blow it out their nose” she explains, gingerly pushing down on the syringe. She coos at the little thing and gives it a sweet scrub along its spine once it’s finished.
She sits next to Price next, tensing her thighs as best as she could to keep from accidentally touching the man. She pushes the new syringe into his hand and walks him through the same procedure. He does perfectly of course, brows pinched, staring at the little thing with the intensity of a man trying to defuse a bomb. 
Sweet fella, she coos internally, he's trying, and Ru can't help but feel her heart pitter patter at the care he puts into it. A soft smile creeps]ing onto her face as he relaxes a bit, chin tucked to his chest as he cradles the baby closer, self assurance softening his shoulders as he pets a finger along its chest.
She is content to just sit there with him in the quiet, relax enough for her own soft thigh to fully settle against his. He lifts his head at the touch, smiling at her so warm, shy even.
And all her thoughts pop right out of her head, flutter around her noggin like big pink cartoon hearts.
She just barely fights off the urge to giggle and tuck her hair behind her ear, trying valiantly to shake the glassy look off of her face. Struck dumb by a pretty man with a baby animal. 
Captain. Captain. You're brothers captain. Don't flirt, don't flirt-
“I'm gonna make you a little squirrel feedin’ medal to put on those dress blues of yours” she teases. 
Price grins at her, petting the little squirrel with a gentle finger beneath its chin. “Can you fashion it to look like a big acorn for me?” 
“Oh, expect nothing less. How else will your big wigs know your true talents? I'll have it at your door by the end of the week” she swears, hand over her heart. 
The fond look he gives her is damn near mesmerizing.
“I'll be waiting”
After finishing up with the remaining rescues the pair emerge, Ruby leading him down the well worn path to the barn where a cacophony of disgruntled clucking can be heard.
Blue is stationed just outside the door, looking to Ru nervously as they approach. He stands quickly waggling toward with a nervous gait and looking back to the barn door pointedly as the chaos continues. As if to say: Look momma, not me this time.
Upon further inspection is Darren, kneeling and huffing exasperatedly to the fowl around him, baby blue egg apron tied around his waist. It's dirty, covered in hay and errant feather fluff, happy little chickens printed all over the stiff fabric. It's tacky and comically out of place on the big boy with skull pajama pants underneath. 
“You ain't got no babies in there anyway, plus you eat scrambled eggs! And you're mad at me! For what!?” he challenges, gingerly pushing another hen out of the way to pluck eggs out from underneath her. 
Not far from Darren is Ghost, ass on a hay bale and cradling a rather docile tawny hen in his arms, she's snug as a bug, eyes closed as the giant strokes his fingers over her feathers. The unlikely pair undisturbed by the other hens caterwauling. Ruby huffs.
“Quit workin’ Darri, this is your time off, I would've got it”
“You just wanna hog up all the time with the animals. I'm onto you Rubella” he points sternly, a hen flying onto his bent form as he attempts yet again to root through the nest boxes. 
“You eat em’?” Ghost grunts, looking up, startling both Darren and Ruby at the sudden question. He blinks between them in the silence, and Ruby hears a long suffering huff from Price over her shoulder. 
“No.” the siblings hiss in unison, and Ghost only shrugs, continuing to cradle the bird in his arms.
“Not turning you into pies are they then? Best keep makin them eggs, yeah.” he murmurs to the bird, setting her down gently in the hay. 
“Darri doesn't have the heart to slaughter them-”
“Like you do” he bitches.
“-so we just keep the eggs, eat em’, trade em’, give em’ away,” she explains, moving over to help her brother.
In no time, all 4 of them are shuffling back inside, eggs in hands as they drop them off at the sink for washing. The rest of the afternoon passes easily. The little group resting in the safety of air conditioning in the worst of the afternoon heat. 
Darren finds this the best time to drag out the baby pictures, hauling a large tote out from the spare closet and plopping down next to Ghost.
Ruby watches from the kitchen counter as he digs, prepping up for dinner as he naturally searches for the most embarrassing photos he can find.
He yanks one out and immediately starts in. “Awwww look at her.” Darren coos, holding the picture up to Ghost and Price.
Ruby couldn't be any more than 7 or 8, grinning proudly at the camera with tear stained cheeks. She's clad in a gaudy purple sequined swimsuit, posed next to an even bigger catfish. An older man holding it by the mouth just above her, looking just as proud. 
“Dad taught Ru about noodling that day,” Darri laughs “She was so excited until one got ahold of her, pops didn't tell her they had teeth. She cried and cried, but paraded around like a big badass after Dad helped her drag it out.”
Ru sniffs, “A big ole snappin turtle could've taken my arm in that mud hole and he didn't even care.”
“Oh shut your face, you came outta there fine. And you still poke at animals you shouldn't be pokin’ at.”
Price takes the picture between his fingers, smiling down at the ginger’s proud buck toothed grin. She slinks around him, rolling her eyes at the amused look on his face and starts rooting through the tote to find her own ammunition. 
“Here it is. Edge lord~” she sing-songs, passing the picture over to Ghost. 
It’s a photo of pre-teen Darren, all soft and doughy. Still round-faced, trying to look hardcore in a nu-metal t-shirt, too long basketball shorts and a clunky cd player attached to his hip.  Devil horns thrown up to the camera with his fist. 
“Look at tha’” Ghost coos, reaching over to pinch Darren’s cheek. Darren only laughs, of course he would, the good natured shit. “That's what peak performance looks like.” he snickers, pressing a smooch to Ghost's wrist instead, grinning at him like a big cheeseball. 
“If ya think that's bad, check this one out.” Darren dives back in, laser focused on fishing out another particular memory. Ghost watches him fondly, dark eyes crinkled in the corners revealing a mask-hidden smile. It's a tenderness that almost feels too intimate to witness between the pair, and Ruby feels both longing and relief as she turns back toward the counter. 
Ghost loves him, odd as he is. 
It's written plain as day on his face, mask or no. And if the other's love him half as much as she thinks Ghost does,  then her big brother will have enough to fill his cup and then some. 
To her it would never be enough, but she could rest easier knowing someone is making him smile and laugh. Feel safe enough to dance and play and be the biggest dork.  Be the kid he didn't get the chance to be. 
Darren finally procures his prize, his highschool prom photo, and whips the picture in front of him like a scholar. Adjusting imaginary glasses for added effect. “You see here Simon, the dollar store eyeliner, check, black nail polish, sharpie, check, stretched ears, check. Peak. Performance.”
“You lads would've gotten along in school” Price chuckles, leaning over them to inspect for himself. And it doesnt come as a surprise that the goth phase was something that Ghost had never really grown out of. Dorks, the both of them. 
Ruby takes this as an opportunity to slip back into cutting vegetables on autopilot, let the boys entertain themselves for a bit, ignore the ache in her chest at the softness of it all. 
She's only a few peeled potatoes in when Price leans in beside her, voice just shy of a whisper. Did he see the distant look in her eye? 
“Need a hand?”
She flips the switch back to “entertainer.”
“I think I've got it, thank you though.” She follows the script. Next he should say Are you sure? And next she would say Of course! Then Price would head back over to the table. 
Only Price doesn't say that, and he doesn't leave. 
‘D'ya mind keeping me company then? Lovebirds are going to make me sick if I stay too close.” he grumbles, but it’s half hearted.  Price must feel the same relief she feels underneath it all, that all his boys care for each other. The thought that he might feel the same ache in his chest occurs to her too.
Her locked and loaded reply tumbles stupidly out of her brain, and she tries and fails to pluck out another phrase as he watches her with honey flecked pools of blue. Instead she concedes, shimmying over slightly to make room for the broad captain. 
She can’t shake away the look in Ghost’s eyes as she and Price talk. It’s nothing of importance, just chatter, generic sentences that Ruby knows all the right words too and the appropriate times to give a sensible chuckle.  His voice is honey smooth, easy, slowly distracts her brain from its spiraling and pulls it towards him. She’s only half listening to his words, instead basking in the pleasurable purr of his accent, the clipped consonants and low gravel of his tone. Feels just a little bad for grasping the tiny thread, using him as a lighthouse in a sea of melancholy waves.  She’s always been more of a listener anyway. 
She hadn't noticed that he'd smoothly started peeling potatoes with her, having somehow snuck a knife from right under her nose.
“Hey!” she barks upon realization, giving him a sour look. He only raises a brow in challenge, nudges her arm playfully.
“More hands is less work.” he recites, mimicking her from days prior. She wrinkles her nose at him, displeased to have her own words used against her. 
“Yeah but-” he turns to her fully, eyeing her with a knowing twinkle in his eye, as if whatever argument she is about to make was going to mean jack shit. She powers on,”-this is yall’s vacation and I’m not about to sit here and make you work.” 
Price huffs through his nose. “I’m not treating your home like a vacation get away, or you like a maid, you need something you just say the words, understood?”
She blinks at the sudden sharpness of his words. They aren't harsh, like she’s in trouble, but there is finality, one she doesn't argue with. 
At least not today. 
“Sir, yes sir” she sasses lazily, quickly scuttling away to avoid any ire, yet when she steals a glance over her shoulder it isn’t annoyance written on the captains face, but something hungry and patient wading in the pools of his eyes, arms crossed as he leans his hip against the counter.
It’s intense, pinning her where she stands.
Too much, too much.
She quickly whips back around. Fussing with the skillet on the stove top and decidedly ignoring the heated stare at the back of her head. A small jolt to her heart that has her giddy and tapping her foot. 
And of course she can't help but steal a few more little glances at him while dinner finishes up. Price moving around her to dig out silverware and plates wordlessly to help. Some kind of minuscule smirk on his face, meeting her gaze at every turn. John Price appears to be a difficult man to get away from. 
Soon they're all seated, chowing down on one of Darren favorites, sans some of cooked vegetables the recipe called for, the texture unfavorable to both of the Martin's who preferred it a little more simple. 
All 3 soldiers eat plates practically rolling over with meat and potatoes,  and Ruby is thankful she went apeshit with the grocery haul. Something like pride warms her chest as the table goes quiet.  Either the food is really good or really bad, and judging by the way all three men are too busy stuffing their maws Ruby assumes it’s the latter. 
She watches with amusement as Ghost yanks over the pitcher of sweet tea, pouring himself another large glass before going to town once again. She’d thought the 2 englishmen wouldn't touch the blasphemous tea with a 10 ft pole, yet the biggest boy seems to have a sweet tooth that rivals even Darren. He’d nearly scared the piss out of her (again) earlier that afternoon, hovering deathly quiet just behind her back, watching how she added the sugar and more water to top off the pitcher. He’d been nursing on a glass ever since. 
She'd scooped herself a much smaller portion by comparison, ate slow, not daring to go for seconds. All purposeful.  She wasn't about to be the fatass surrounded by beefcakes while she shovels food down her gob. Now way, no how. It didn't matter if this was the first real meal she's cooked for herself in weeks or not. 
She takes her opportunity to sneak her plate into the sink as the boys begin to chat, and Darri busts her out immediately.
“Oh huh-uh, I know you ain't done eating.” he barks. 
“What does it look like?”
Darri continues giving her the stink eye. Neither one of them are shy about food. They've gone without it plenty.  Cereal dinners and microwave soup. She can't bullshit him.
She changes tactics.
“I'm makin’ sure you boys have plenty before I help myself, I know this has gotta be better than the military gruel. ‘Sides I can take this for work.”
Ruby turns fully to hide her guilt. She was going to have to tell him eventually. Might as well rip the bandaid off. 
“Yeah, the good thing is that I'll still be here during the day. They just need help covering 2nd shift since one of the girls went out for maternity leave.” she lies smoothly, “she wasn’t supposed to have him for a few more weeks, but I guess the little fellar was done cookin’ early.” she tries to joke, only Darren continues his sour look, hell even and Price and Ghost seem displeased with the information. 
Darren crosses his arm, shifting from goofy big brother to interrogator. “Second shift is late Mumps.”
“That’s why they call it second and not first.”
His frown deepens, “And who is with you out there?”
“Gayle.” and as Ruby suspected, the name eased the tension in her brother’s shoulders, he huffs, still displeased, but relents just a smidgen, brotherly tone slipping between the crack again.  “Are yall gonna stay out of trouble?”
“Oh no, we’re going to raise hell in there actually, party all night with all the dogs in cones. Might even get some glow sticks.” she snarks playfully, shaking her head at her brother’s question.
She faces a few more questions, surprisingly from all three men who have apparently decided to put in their two cents into her welfare. Like she hasn’t been doing this for the better part of a year unsupervised. (Not that they would ever know that). 
What was the schedule? How long does it take her to get there? Does she have service? Wi-fi? She can already see the silent conversation happening between them in the event that Operation Save Ruby were to occur, and with Darren’s urging all of the men now had her number stored in their phone, as well as the address to the veterinary hospital in case of emergencies.  A plan of action already filed away in each of their heads, like service dogs that can’t stop working. 
Her brother seems a bit more at ease after the conversation, but there is still a watery worry hanging in his big brown eyes as they all disperse from the table, John and Simon leaving the siblings alone. Darren breaks first. 
“I know it seems like a lot. I just worry about you.” he tells her softly. Tender heart beating on his shirt sleeve. 
“I know you do, but I’m telling you, it’s no big deal, I’m just helping out for a few weeks.”
He nods, something flashing across his features before he wraps her up in a big hug, squeezing her hard enough that he trembles with the effort. 
“M’proud of you kid.” 
The words hit her like a freight train, guilt welling up in her chest and pouring into her limbs. Ruby fights the stupid tears welling up in her eyes as he hugs her close. If only he knew the half of it, how their home looked like hell in a hand-basket just a week ago, how she scraped her hair back into a greasy ponytail for days because she wouldn’t wash it. How taking care of the animals was the only reason she went outside. How she lied to his face. 
“Proud of you too bub, glad your home.” she murmurs into his shoulder, squeezing him back with equal fervor.
Ruby goes to bed that evening, stewing on Price’s words, to ask for what she needs. Then she thinks of the worry in all their eyes, the tired lines from sleeping on cots, or in corners on the field, of raining bullets and chemicals. She thinks about the gray creeping into her brother's soft brown hair, silvery highlights of stress and worry that she can’t take away. 
She thinks if a little white lie would spare her brother just an ounce of more worry, she would do it every time. 
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smallestapplin · 4 months
So I found out Arlecchino and Lynette aren't the biggest fans of heavy seasonings. Maybe the house's new "Mother" practices making less-seasoned portions in secret and does some snooping to figure out where their limits are by trying recipes and restaurants they like. Naturally, Arlecchino finds out eventually, but how would she respond?
Elder Emo
I cannot express the infodumping I want to do about the whole seasoning things and why is so common, but I will do so in fic form for you :3
Being hired as the hearths 'Mother' was terrifying for the first year, everyone testing you seeing how far they could push you, or how lenient you are when 'Father' isnt around.
It's learned quickly that while you are more emotionally available than Arlecchino, and offer more paternal affections and help, you won't drop a single rule while 'Father' is away.
For the most part things have been fine, even growing closer to the family and feeling truly apart of it, there is always just one issue.
Of course with so many kids and adults, dinner will be choas, and with so many different texture issues, likes and dislikes, it's nearly impossible to make one main dish, but you refuse to let anyone go hungry!
There is just a secondary issue with that.
Arlecchino and Lynette.
Both of them openly hating heavily seasoned food.
Lynette claims the seasonings are too strong or that something is too spicy.
Then Arlecchino repeats a myth over and over again "If it's high quailty food then it doesnt need seasoning."
If she wasn't your boss (or lover) you would've whacked her for such sensless blabbering! You want to tell her that is just a dumb myth made for the wealthy so they couldn't be eating like the poor.
But you sigh, needing to think of something.
Freminet and Lyney are easy to feed, both accepting nearly anything you set in front of them, the rest are picky, with Lynette and Arlecchino even pickier, so you had to work slowy.
You made at least a dozen meals a day, but each time you had one goal in mind.
Getting this house use to flavor. It's not anyone's fault Arlecchino can't cook, she refuses to get out of what she's use to, so it's up to you. Each night you add just a dash more seasoning to your meals.
Maybe a pinch more garlic salt, maybe a dash more paprika, maybe a hint of lemon and pepper seasoning, never adding too much, just adding little by little each time you make dinner to get them use to it.
And every day you hear Lynette purring about how good your food his, everyday you hear the kids asking for seconds, even in private Arlecchino tells you that you are doing a wonderful job, and she might have to make your 'Mother' status permanent.
You do this for months, nearly a year of you adding more and more flavor to the dishes you make, and never hearing a single complaint or not even getting the slightest feeling that something was wrong.
You were wrong to think she didn't know, how could you have ever thought you could sneak anything passed her? She knows everything that happens in the house, nothing ever escapes her.
The house is quiet, all the kids having left for a mission of some kind, leaving just you and Arlecchino. You wouldve thought your evening would be different, usually it's rare you two get alone time so it's used wisely.
You didn't imagine you'd be in her office, sitting on the other side of it as she stares at you from across it.
"I'm impressed, even though you were hiding it you hid it so well. Perhaps I should send you on missions too."
"Arlecchino, please, I wasn't poisoning anyone, and I made so nobody would be allergic to anything I was making or adding."
Her pointed look makes you snap your mouth shut.
"You hide the seasoning so well, I actually had quite a time trying to find everything you were using. How did you manage to keep it under wraps?"
"I wasn't hurting anyone, I just wanted everyone to actually enjoy their food. Bland food with just salt and pepper is so....depressing, there is no joy, no love, so fulfillment with such things."
She hums, taking a moment to think about what you've said. Leaning back in her chair, she takes a slow breath before seemingly coming to a choice.
"Consider this your first warning. You have been doing well, and since this isn't something major I will look passed it. But, it is a warning as you still lied and hid things from me, which is strictly prohibited."
"Sooo you don't want my 'marry me' chicken anymore?"
"....I never said that. Anyway, come now, the children will be home shortly and you still haven't prepared anything."
She stands up, walking with you to the kitchen, easily helping you gather the ingredients you ask for. She's not at all a good cook,, but she is one of your best kitchen aids when she has time.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Todomomo is literally the closest you can get to a autistic4autistic t4t ship without it being canon or intentional.Shouto's dad is an abusive hypermasculine prick who's implied to be misogynistic(teaching Touya his views on women as a kid,that they're 'useless' based off their genders)and Shouto wants to grow up to be the man he never could and refused to be and dosen't care about gender at all,much less conforming to it's roles and gets called a pretty boy a lot and is way closer to his mom and sister than he is to either of his brothers,Momo is the daughter of a rich couple who adultified her to the max in order to make her the ultimate 'proper prim lady' with little regard to her emotions and mental well-being and only care about her when she lives up to their impossible expectations and she had to get that 'I have to be perfect or else i'm WORTHLESS and NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANYTHING' mentality from somewhere and it's not like she wasn't isolated from her peers by not being allowed to be a normal kid in any way(her mom didn't even let her go festivals and she had to sneak off on her first one with a fear of her finding out in the back of her head the whole time!That is NOT normal behavior for your child to exhibit,Doña Yaoyorozu!!!)and she presents femininily in a way that's viewed as artificial by assholes but it's just genuinely who she's made herself to be!Shouto explicitly inhereted his mother's build and hates that he keeps looking like his dad as he gets older and Momo's said to look older than her girl classmates even disregard her body type and towers over most teen guys!!!
Shouto has a neutral expression that looks purely deadpan and just a bit angry/annoyed and he's awful at socializing and he's insanely good at flirting with Momo but IT'S NEVER ON PURPOSE and Momo has a resting smiling face as her default look and she gets scandalized at regular teen behavior and she's an expert at navigating social situations with practiced politeness and they both take things literally and don't understand the dumb kind of norms and have a special fondness for a particular food because it gives them comfort(cold soba + tea types)BUT ALSO!!!!They have matching additional food motifs(bubble tea specifically + strawberry based things)and cordinated outfits with their own aesthetics(their sweaters,,,,,,that got turned into a running thing in the games and i believe official art too)and are canon cat people(*insert that 'All cats have autism' pic here*)and Momo is a bookworm while Shouto is a comics nerd and Momo got into alt music thanks to Jirou and has a love for desserts and Shouto writes platonic love letters to Rei and perfers the spicier/savoury kinds of japanese food AND THEN THEIR ACTUAL RELATHIONSHIP
Shouto voted for Momo because he thinks she's the best they're is but didn't verbally communicate it to her because it never occured to him he'd need to and Momo admires Shouto just as much and said it outloud to his face from the start and Aizawa being the only that helps them clear up the mix up?????His old autistic man ass that's married to audhd icon Mic?So Shouto goes into detail to Momo's face too about how cool he thinks she is and that's when they officially becomes friends and he never shuts up about her to anyone from then on,this nigga's new special interest is his best girl friend he's got a crush on,and he did notice she was sad when no one else did in an earlier part but had no clue what to do or say to cheer her up so they spend time together now that they're really buds and they both know just what to say to eachother by the War Arc and Momo finds Shouto being a fucking doofus with geeky ass tendencies and moments she could make a youtube compilation out of it if she was lil meaner to be so attractive she says he's perfect for Prince Charming as a role in a play Class 1-A did in one of the novel's.Izuku broke Shouto out of his ice,Jirou and Mina broke Momo out of her doll shell and now neither of them need to mask but what brought them together was being next to eachother at their worsts and at their bests and only thinking the latter no matter what or who said otherwise.Including themselves
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atarathegreat · 8 months
The Student Worker. Baji Keisuke
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Baji, having not the best history with school and all things intelligence related, was having the worst time going through college. Of course, it was his ultimate goal to become a vet, but right now he just wanted to survive his classes with good grades and a high GPA.
"What books did you need?" And yet he still wished he hadn't brought Chifuyu along for book hunting. "Your papers should have the ISBN, right? Let me see."
Once again Chifuyu was acting like a father taking his kids to buy binders for classes, annoying Baji to his wits end. The wrinkled paper made a racket in the quiet bookshop as he pulled them from his pocket and passed them to Chifuyu. Every year he had the same problem with the books and finding what he needed for each of his classes.
Chifuyu rattled off the numbers to himself, searching the shelf in front of him as he cross referenced the numbers. His whispering blended in with the soft atmosphere of the bookshop, the other people who were also whispering and double checking numbers to be sure they had the right books. Writing, math, even chemistry books were being grabbed left and right by other young adults and even some seniors who grinned to themselves over the victory of finding what they were looking for. Baji hated them, nothing personal on his behalf, he just wished it was so easy for him to buy his materials without needing Chifuyu to hold his hand.
"Hello! Is there anything I can help you find?" The student worker appeared next to them. Stupid, Baji already knew he was stupid, but he'd have to be absolutely braindead not to realize how captivating the girl was. Beautiful hair and bright eyes as she flashed her sunshine and rainbows smile. Her kindness was part of the job, that much Baji was smart about.
"Actually-" "No! No, thank you!" Baji rushed, taking has papers back from Chifuyu, "He doesn't even go here, he's just helping me look for the books, but we've got it, thanks though."
Her laugh was sweet and thick, like Baji's favorite honey brand, "Alright, well, find me if you change your mind."
That wouldn't be happening, but the guys nodded and Baji felt like he could breathe again as she left. For him to be so flustered was strange for Chifuyu to see, especially around a girl. His friend had always been cool, suave even, though he was sure that Baji lacked the ability to make a girl fall for him.
"She's out of your league."
"I know."
"You're blushing."
"I know."
Baji went back to searching for the books listed on his paper, successfully finding three of them before giving up and dragging Chifuyu from the building so he couldn't ask the cute girl for help. It was more than obvious that the girl would know where the books were that Baji needed, but he couldn't take even the idea that she would think he was dumb. Or maybe she would find his idiocy endearing?
The atmosphere of his home was much different from the campus bookstore. Lighter in the sense that he knew he didn't have to be quiet, and it didn't smell of paper and wooden book shelves. But he preferred the smell of books over the booze that currently tainted the air from his late night celebration of getting through another semester. Hey, he was allowed to be proud of himself for making it through more time in school, so what if he had a few drinks...alone...watching tv. Okay, so he wasn't celebrating and he was just day drinking. Baji felt better saying that he was ringing in the new semester than admitting to himself that he drank a twelve pack by himself. And ate two bags of family sized trail mix. And drank a whole gallon of coffee, or what felt like a gallon. Baji Keisuke was more than aware of his pathetic nature. Drinking alone, eating half his weight in the food in his kitchen, chugging coffee to stay awake, and all because his friends had moved on and had their own lives and families. Yet there he was, living alone and being in college while working part time with Chifuyu and Kazutora, all while needing help with something as simple as finding textbooks.
A light pinging caught Baji's attention, an email popping up on his phone screen from his advisor.
[email protected]: Hello, Baji! Just checking in to make sure you have all the deadlines still, and making sure the hunt for next semesters materials is being fruitful! Don't hesitate to use the many resources around the campus and even off campus!
The advisors cheerful nature only added to his annoyance. First, he rambled and made a fool of himself in front of the girl that he thought was insanely cute, and now he was faced with two links of deadlines that were coming up quick. He'd probably have to suck it up and risk having books late so he could order them online. And he would've risked it if one of his deadlines wasn't in a week.
So Baji sucked it up and took the long drive back to the campus. It was beyond embarrassing for him to walk back into the bookstore, even with his hood up so no one could see his face.
There she was again, her light pink painted lips pouting over her hand as she rested against the welcome desk, ocean eyes calmed from her boredom as she seemingly waited for anything to happen. Here Baji was to be that anything.
"Hey..." Baji slid the paper towards her, a little taken back by how swiftly she grabbed it and looked at his chicken scratch handwriting and scribbles, "I, uhm, need help finding the ones that aren't marked off..."
When she perked up, Baji couldn't help but think she looked like one of the birds at the pet shop. The ones that talk nicely when customers came by, saying, "pretty hair, pretty hair," or "wanna hug?" She was the prettiest damn bird he'd ever laid eyes on. "A couple of these are in our animal sciences, but they aren't on the shelf. I can contact our other campuses and have them here in a couple days if that is fine?" Her tilted head reminded him of the dogs, how they'd beg for people to pick them up and pet and love on them.
"S'fine, thanks." He mumbled with a slight nod. At least he would be getting them before his deadline.
Painted fingernails tapped the paper, "I can get you this one, though. Follow me."
He took the chance to notice her height. She wore flats, which for Baji meant she was practically barefoot, and couldn't hide how tall she was. Her pants were a little tight, accentuating her assets in a way he would only describe as alluring. What? He thought she was deserving of respect and he refused to think wow, nice ass.
Her fingers looked nice as she grabbed the spine of a book, leaning it out before grabbing it and looking in the cover at the numbers printed inside. "So, what are you in classes for?" The softness of her voice startled him a little, "All these animal science, anatomy and surgical books make me think vet, but maybe it's something more specific?"
Fuck, she was observant. "Vet, yeah." Baji grinned a little, his canines flashing at the worker, "Third year."
Chiming bells. That's what her laughter sounded like, "I admire the dedication. I'm going to classes for business."
"Business? Typa business?" Shit! He couldn't even speak properly?! "Business management." She passed the book to his hands, "I'm hoping to run my own shop one day!"
Baji was more focused on making his tongue from the words this time around, "What type of shop, if I can ask?"
"Arts and crafts type of things." And he never would've imagined that red looked so good on her cheeks, "I doodle and make things in my free time, so I figured I might as well make it profitable."
"That's real smart." Baji followed her back to the counter, reading her 'School Life!' T-shirt as she scanned the book.
"Why'd you choose veterinary?" She set the book close to his hand, her eyes trained on where the little receipt would be printed. Baji would have to sign a copy and she'd file it and then he'd get his copy. "I love animals." Was his simple answer that he wished was as deep as hers the second it left his stupid mouth, "I help run a shop with some buddies of mine, though I'm only working part time right now with college."
"You do? Is it around here? What's the name?" Her eagerness was cute, too. So he gave her the name and helped her find the address on Maps before signing the receipt and making his way out to his car.
Baji was many things, but he wasn't a gossip girl. At least, he didn't think he was until he was leaning backwards on the counter at the pet shop while telling Kazutora all about the pretty girl with brains that helped him get his books. Kazutora was rolling his eyes and chuckling, because of course it was Baji who had a crush on some girl that was just trying to do her job. "Let me get this straight; this girl helped you get your text books, you thought she was super cute but now you think she's even more cute?"
"Dude, she's gorgeous!" Baji leaned forward, "She's gorgeous and smart and dresses nice and she wears this really pretty pink lipstick."
"And she's here."
Baji whipped around at the girls voice, turning a deep and dark shade of red before ducking down under the desk to hide. Kazutora rolled his eyes, "What can I do for you, miss?"
And once again it was that chime like laughter that made Baji's heart flutter, "Well, Baji Keisuke was telling me that he worked here, and your website says that visitors can hold the animals."
"You can. I'm sure Baji-" Kazutora kicked him as he spoke, "-wouldn't mind helping you at all. I would, but I love to watch him suffer when he gets caught talking about someone."
She giggled and smiled more than Baji had ever seen before, then again he'd only ever seen her working and behind that counter. Who could smile a lot when they were at work, anyway? Scratch that. Baji would smile about work if it was paying for college, too. She pointed at the cats pen, "Can I hold the calico?"
"Her name is Katara. She can be moody, but mostly she loves scratches right under her chin and on her chest." Baji unlocked the pen and Katara started meowing loudly, "And she's very talkative."
To ignore the redness in his face and forget that everything he had said was heard by the same girl he was talking about was too much to ask of the universe. Because he couldn't get the tingling from his cheeks off his mind and the girl kept chuckling every time she looked at him, as if his embarrassing moment kept playing through her mind. Part of him was relieved she'd heard so know he didn't have to pretend that he was just some weirdo, but now she knew that he thought those things. She knew!
"I don't want you to think I'm weird or anything..." She used a soft voice no matter where she was, it seemed, "But I looked up your campus ID and got your number. I was going to text you and let you know but I thought that would be really weird and that you'd think I was strange so I didn't but I guess showing up at your place of work and telling you this is also kinda weird..."
She rambled just as much as Baji did, and that was almost enough to put him at ease. "It's cool. Just, uh, just text me whenever you want so I have your number, yeah?" Butterflies were flitting around like crazy in his stomach, twisting everything into a knot and pulling it tight.
"I'm Y/n." She pet Katara gently, her light pink fingernails scratching softly under the kitties chin.
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icyhottodo · 2 years
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genre: fluff, slight angst, f2l | pairing: shoto x gn reader
summary: you suddenly gain a secret admirer, and for the first time you see shoto, your childhood best friend suddenly drifts from you. why could this be?
warnings: food, jealousy, insecurity, reader not eating (doesn't go in-depth), mentions of endeavor and his questionable parenting, slight mention of injuries (like children doing dumb stuff) 
wc: 5.3k>
nini’s notes: i’m kind of bad at intros and transitions T-T, so i hope this is decent! this was supposed to be a shoto secret admirer au but idk what happened…. happy valentines day!
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you and shoto are two peas in a pod, both of you being glued to the hip basically since birth. even though shoto was not allowed to make friends throughout his infant years, he was lucky to meet you. you’re the child of a parent who is really good friends with endeavor. so endeavor made an exception and allowed shoto to make friends with you. 
you don't remember how your first encounter with him went, but you held your precious memories of having sleepovers at the todoroki’s or even baking cakes with his mother with the dual-haired man. 
shoto and you randomly decided to make a christmas red velvet-themed cake since the holiday was coming right around the corner. having shoto’s mother, rei go a quick trip to the grocery store for box cake mix, funfetti frosting, and christmas sprinkles just for the two of you.
still being seven years old, shoto decided not to read the instructions, declaring that baking wouldn’t be fun if they were to follow the rules. so shoto went for it, with no thought. he poured the cake mix onto the bowl until there wasn’t a single drop of cake mix left. afterward, he grabbed a carton of milk and two eggs from the fridge. todoroki gave you the two eggs for you to crack while he would randomly pour the milk, only stopping until he seemed content with the texture of the batter.
todoroki looked up to gaze at you, he quickly noticed a smidge of the red cake mix on the corner of your lips as a result of you grabbing a finger-full of the batter, taste-testing if the cake was good or not. when shoto got the thumbs up from you, he held up the bowl and poured the batter onto what it seems, multiple small heart-shaped cake molds.
now you see, rei would have bought a christmas themed cake mold, like a santa or even a tree-baking dish but shoto was too persistent on using heart-shaped ones.
shoto’s mother watched over the two of you to make sure you two wouldn’t light the house on fire or whatever the sort. although, she was not stopping shoto when he poured an unnecessary amount of three cups of milk when he wasn't supposed to. she was smiling fondly at the scene until in a blink of an eye, the kitchen and especially both you and shoto were almost fully covered with the cake batter. rei sighed at the mess that she would have to clean up later, but she quickly covered her face with a fond smile at both kids, who were wearing wide toothy smiles. as long as you two were having fun rei supposed.
“here you go y/n!” he exclaimed.
shoto proudly presented his decoration, what he showed you was one of the heart cakes. he previously refused to let you see one of the cakes he was decorating earlier, despite your constant trials to see what he was doing when you thought he was letting his guard down to only be disappointed. you audibly gasped at the surprise, feeling touched that todoroki made a special cake just for you.
there was only one color of frosting, a red frosting which had an even base coating, covering the whole cake. on top of the cake had white lettering with yellow and green sprinkles that were scattered all over the small cake. the words said nothing else aside from your name and the cute white hearts around your name.
feeling grateful for shoto’s small surprise, you carefully grabbed the cake in hopes of not dropping shoto’s carefully-made cake and excitedly kissed him on the cheek. making shoto flush bright red from your actions– nonetheless, grinning ear to ear.
“thank you todo!”
to shoto, you were his other half, he would always come to you whenever his father was being strict (more like abusive) like usual or if anything in the world was troubling him… or maybe he just wanted some attention from you. you are everything to him, so shoto always tries to protect you from anything that might hurt you, even the tiniest bit.
like this one time– you, todoroki, and a few other classmates were working on an art project back in your previous middle school. the project had to deal with crafting a building the class was learning about, so a hot glue gun was needed at this time. one of your classmates was gluing two pieces of cardboard together when somehow he accidentally dropped the glue gun, which coincidentally fell on your hands, the tip of the hot glue gun touching your bare skin.
while a glue gun may not be too hot for an adult, the glue gun still burned you as a child at that time, not having much heat tolerance. you hear your classmate profusely apologize for accidentally burning you, but you were too focused on the pain you just experienced, wincing in pain in response to their apologies.
“here, let me help you with that.” you hear shoto’s gentle voice as he walks up next to you.
todoroki used his ice quirk to cool the minor injury you were feeling. instantly, the pain along with the heat was gone, the only reminisce of anything odd was the small ice covering up the tiny burn. when todoroki saw a glimpse of pain on your face, he would never want you to experience such an emotion ever again. even though it was a minor injury.
you soon grew up crushing on shoto todoroki, your best friend. you think your infatuation started at the ripe age of eleven when you started your small crush on your best friend. 
it was like any normal day in your bedroom, shoto was laying down on your lap while scrolling through his phone and you were watching your favorite show on the television. you ran your fingers through his fluffy two-color hair, the soothing movements made todoroki slowly start to fall asleep. his breathing going lighter as each second passed, his body becoming limp in your arms.
“you hungry shoto?” you asked delicately, still running your fingers through his hair.
when you didn't receive an answer, you looked down and noticed him sleeping. you smiled fondly at the sight, he trusted you so much to fall asleep on you. you soon found yourself staring at his features. his eyebrows are finally relaxed, compared to when he was awake, somehow always looking slightly angry despite his neutral stance. his slightly chubby cheeks were reducing each year you two grow older. and finally, his soft– yet still-chapped lips were parted slightly due to his slumber. slowly but surely, you started to lean closer and closer until you could feel his warm breath on your lips.
no. you stopped yourself. you shouldn’t do this, you shouldn't be thinking about kissing your best friend, especially when he's asleep. especially when you two are barely even eleven years old for goodness sake!
you reeled yourself away, deciding to gently kiss him instead. so you pecked a kiss on the left side of his forehead. when you are done, you start to lightly pull his body onto your pillow, making sure your soft blanket fully covers him. you slowly close your door to try not to wake up. when you were out of earshot, you briskly started walking to the kitchen. trying to find food to take your mind off your best friend and what had almost happened in that room. 
with that, your little crush quickly turned into an extremely huge crush, maybe even bordering the line of love. but you care for him, especially after all the traumatic events he went through. (not that you would care less if he hadn't gone through such things.) you shouldn't… you can’t confess to him, you wouldn’t dare risk losing your best friend. so you suppress your feelings for the calm man, content with being just friends with him.
once shoto heard the door close, he shot his eyes open instantly. 
what just happened? was all todoroki could think about. he can feel himself turn red with his interaction with you. were you just about to kiss him? your kiss on his scar? he felt his heart beat faster, todoroki was in denial. no that's just how they are. get over it shoto.
with that shoto went back to sleep, feeling inside giddy with his thoughts of you possibly kissing him.
a few years later, both you and shoto todoroki were able to land a spot at ua high school. coincidentally sharing the same hero course. shoto couldn’t live without you being in the same class as him.
todoroki, almost-aggressively opened the door to class 1-a, not purposely but he accidentally made his presence known. he instantly turned shy, he was not expecting all 1-a classmates’ eyes on him but quickly covered his flustered-ness up. shoto gestured for you to walk inside first to cover up his slight embarrassment. when you walked in, you felt an instant breeze, making you shiver. today at the u.a academy seems particularly colder than usual. you rubbed your arms together frantically while todoroki followed you shortly after.
“todo, is it just me, or is it freezing here?” 
you look around for your classmates, trying to see if anyone else was cold or if you were just crazy. luckily, you weren't, everyone else seemed to be freezing or even just slightly cold. that is, until you looked next to you, your best friend who seemed perfectly fine.
lucky. he can control being cold and hot. i wish. you thought in despair. without saying a word, todoroki took off his uniform jacket and placed it on top of your shoulders, so now you were wearing his sweater.
“stay on my left side,” he said, intertwining one of your hands, pulling you to his fire quirk side. 
he still did not pull his hand away even after he moved you to his warmer side. you were embraced by his warmth and immediately smelled a woody minty smell from the jacket he lent you. you felt your face heat up at his gesture, looking away at his boring heterochromatic eyes.
“thanks, todo.” you felt you were about to grin, but you fake coughed to try to cover up your smile.
these fleeting moments with todoroki shortly fled as you saw some of your classmates surround your desk. you were curious about what had happened until you saw a handmade paper rose and a small paper note on your designated desk.
a pretty flower for a pretty person. -s
s? you thought. the thoughts and feelings of the class being cold were instantly gone. there are a lot of people who have the letter s, whether it may be their first or last name. shinsou from general studies? mezo shoji or hanta sero, both being in the same class as you? heck, maybe even sensei shota aizawa. (although, that will be highly concerning. as he is your homeroom teacher.)
but who you instantly thought and kept coming back to who might be your new secret admirer is your best friend, shoto. he has the letter s in his name as well. although, those thoughts that the secret admirer might even be him, quickly shut down as your insecurities got the better of you. why would he ever like me?
“woahhh! y/n has a secret admirer! our y/n!” denki announced to the classroom.
everyone interested in your sudden love interest, let out a long ooh. (which was shortly stopped since katsuki bakugo yelled out “shut up you damn extras!”) your second closest friend, ochaco uraraka squealed and shook your shoulders.
“this is so cute! i wonder who it is from?” she exclaimed. her face and presence beaming at you, clearly excited about your potential love life.
once she lets you go, you reread the note over and over again. you were trying to decipher if you can recognize the penmanship or come up with who else has an s on their name.
your eyes glanced at todoroki who was still beside you. he was staring blankly at your small surprise like what he usually does, but this time his expression seemed a little different. what is he thinking about? normally, you would be able to read what he is thinking, shoto is usually an open book for you; suddenly becoming clouded, you didn't know whether to be concerned or not.
“i hope you guys aren't chatting when the class has already started.” your homeroom teacher, aizawa suddenly appeared in front of the class wearing his usual yellow sleeping bag. 
his strained eyes, messy black hair, and a slightly raspy voice. aizawa is not meant to take jokingly. you blinked once and everyone was in their seats, as if they never left it from the start, including you. aizawa took off his sleeping bag and started instructing.
“okay class, you will….” aizawa’s voice slowly faded as you were going into your daydream like usual. you stared at your flower and note.
pulling your daydreams away, you once again decided to look at your desk partner, todoroki who was already looking at you. flustered, you broke eye contact hastily, deciding it was better to focus on today’s agenda. too bad you looked away too fast because if you were to look one second longer, you would see todoroki’s slight smile and blush painted on his face. you caught him staring at you.
“class dismissed,” aizawa sensei announced, already putting on his yellow sleeping bag, ready to sleep on the spot.
“i'm so glad class is over!” 
uraraka came up to you before you or shoto even had a chance to go up to one another. you nodded, smiling when uraraka linked arms with you.
“i need to use the restroom! come with me please,” she asked, already pulling you away. knowing you're going to agree anyways.
you turned back at shoto, giving him a look, wordlessly saying you'll be back. shoto gave you a small smile, nodding. letting you know it is okay to go hang out with your other friends once in a while.
the walk to the girls' restroom is a bit short, the bathroom only being at the end of the hallway. while walking, uraraka decided to talk about your unexpected secret admirer.
“you know, if your secret admirer ever reveals themselves, i feel like todoroki would get protective of you.” she suddenly brings up a conversation about shoto.
“what?” you turned to the brown hair girl, looking extremely confused.
“why would sho be so protective of me?” 
you raised an eyebrow at your friend, questioning what she just commented. you thought that sho would be indifferent to the situation, like how he always is. 
“what do you mean sho will be protective?” you continued your questions, your curiosity getting the better of you.
“babe… you two act like lovesick high school sweethearts. when you're without him, he acts like a lost puppy looking for his owner. i feel like he would feel left out if your secret admirer ever decided to reveal themself.” she comments, while turning to look at you.
you two reach the women’s bathroom and uraraka walks in while you wait outside. you leaned against the wall, allowing you to gather your thoughts.
do we act like a couple? you didn't think anything was weird about your friendship with todoroki, you thought that your relationship with shoto is the same as any other friendship would be. you start to think back on your memories, trying to see what could have made you two look like a couple.
two memories stood out to you. 
one of them was going to every special holiday over the todoroki’s place. 
that day was the lunar new year. like always, you decided to stay over at shoto’s place to celebrate the new year. unlike the chinese tradition, which is to make tons of dumplings from scratch. instead, you and shoto decided to make soba from scratch alternatively.
making soba was quite easy in your opinion, making the uncooked noodles only after a few minutes of mixing the ingredients and making strips out of the dough. 
but suddenly, you feel a hot breath near your neck, making your body hairs stand up from the warmth and the closeness.
“no y/n, you knead the dough like this.” 
shoto’s tall body wrapped around you and hearing his voice so close to your ear made your body stand straight unconsciously. where todoroki positioned himself, it felt like he was embracing you. his hands took over your own to show you how to knead the dough properly, but you weren’t able to focus on shoto’s instructions. instead, you slightly turned your head to look at him. his shampoo scent was filling your nostrils due to him having gotten out of the shower. seeing the drops of water slowly dripping out of his hair, and hearing his steady breath. you felt your heart quickly pound faster, the words he was instructing sounded like music in your ears instead.
with your silence– todoroki noticed how you weren’t paying attention, catching you staring at his face. being placed in this situation felt like hours until todoroki finally decided to break the silence with a forced cough, causing him to pull away from the position he put himself in.
“do you understand?” he gives you his dazzling smile, reminding you of why your heart was beating loudly.
and the second memory– sleeping on the same bed when shoto was sleeping over.
shoto would always come to sleep over at your place whenever endeavor would push shoto past shoto’s limits. (and that was quite often.)
that day, shoto seemed even quieter than usual. it was one of the times he would keep whatever happened to himself rather than talk about it. which was okay for you, sometimes shoto would vent or just not talk at all.
soon the sun was quickly turning into nightfall, shoto gets up from your bed and goes to your dresser. he would always have a few extra outfits at your place due to him staying over quite frequently.
you didn’t know why but you felt your heart beat louder and your stomach drop. were you nervous or scared? you shouldn’t be, in the past–you two always shared the same bed when either of you slept over. what's so different about now? maybe it was because you finally realized your crush on shoto? 
wordlessly, shoto walks over to the bathroom once he grabs his pajamas. seeing shoto do this, you too decided to change, getting ready to sleep. choosing to change in your room, locking the door of course.
a short few minutes later, you saw yourself pulling up the covers of your bed up to your face when shoto walked in. quietly trudging over to your bed, shoto lifted your blanket. you saw shoto immediately rest his eyes from the warmth of your bed.
perhaps you should try to sleep like shoto. but no matter how much you tried, you still felt restless, turning your body side to side every five minutes– trying to find a position you were comfortable in. you turned to lean on your left side, where shoto was laying at.
his eyes were already opened, looking at you, “can’t sleep?”
all you did was nod once, causing shoto to wrap his arms around you, with your head in his chest. instantaneously, you felt sleepier and sleepier from shoto’s cuddling.
“you’re such a dork.” you heard a tender voice from shoto before fully falling asleep.
“maybe we do act like a couple…” you whispered to yourself in realization.
as the second day comes, like always– you would walk into class 1-a with todoroki. and similarly to yesterday, you noticed a little gift on your desk once again. but this time the present was a heart-shaped box of chocolates, with a note on top of your gift. 
this time the note said, ‘these chocolates are almost as sweet as you. -s’ 
the chocolates were surprising to you, these chocolates were your favorite brand of chocolates. you didn’t know how your secret admirer knew you liked this specific type of chocolate brand, but you were touched by how they knew such a little thing about you.
after reading your note, todoroki glanced at you and he noticed you smiling at your gift. honestly, he thought your gift was pretty creepy unless your secret admirer was one of your closest friends, and he doubts that your secret admirer was close to you. perhaps he is slightly jealous but he wouldn’t admit to that.
he crossed his arms and looked at your present with a grimace. before realizing what he was doing, he should be happy for you as your best friend. he felt sick in his stomach, what is this feeling? he thought to himself. shoto didn't like this feeling one bit.
the day goes by quickly like any other day, and shoto found himself laying in his traditional japanese bedroom. he layed in his bed uneasy, todoroki found himself overthinking. 
shoto seeing his best friend gain a sudden love interest felt like a sudden stop in his world. someone had a crush on you? what if you liked them back? what would that mean for him?
wait why am i worrying about this? i don’t like them right? shoto realized he was thinking too much about this situation like any other normal best friend would. shoto suddenly realizes how he started admiring the way you smell. the way your hair perfectly frames your face. how attractive you are and how kind you are to everyone. todoroki is finally realizing that he likes you.
but with that, all of the negative thoughts start to seep into todoroki’s mind. why would you ever like shoto back? perhaps you only thought of him as a childhood best friend. shoto didn’t like feeling overwhelmed with such emotions, he doesn’t want to feel these emotions. deciding it would be better to start avoiding you, in hopes his infatuation with you will die soon.
and slowly but surely, shoto starts to avoid you. instead of sitting next to you during lunch, he starts to sit across from you– until he finds excuses to not sit next to you for lunch. saying excuses like “sorry, midoriya needs my help in training. go eat without me. we’ll eat together another day.” but then shoto wouldn’t join you the day after, or the day after that, and the day after that, until he never joins at all.
you only started noticing todoroki’s weird behavior when he starts to walk to class on his own. but you weren't able to talk to him, when he catches sight of you, he would run away in a blink of an eye.
once, the 1-a class was sparring and training like normal and aizawa sensei had paired your… ex? best friend and you together. but once todoroki heard you two would be sparring together, shoto starts to put his hand over his stomach, clenching onto his pe uniform. you hear shoto make a small groan to top it all off.
“sensei… i don’t feel so good… perhaps i got food poisoning.” shoto grumbled out, his voice laced with pain.
but you knew he was acting, shoto would never explicitly say he was hurting in any way shape or form. why would he do it now?
hearing this, aizawa raised one of his eyebrows in suspicion but soon after rested his facial features, “alright, stay in your dorm for the rest of the day. but i expect you to participate tomorrow.”
and with that shoto left the gym, you stared at the door shoto left through even though the class had moved on. uraraka noticed this, she patted you on your shoulder giving you a pitiful smile. you sighed, carrying on to today’s lesson, giving uraraka a smile to show you were fine.
were you really fine though?
shortly after, you were fed up with shoto’s weird behavior, and you were frustrated. did you do something to hurt todoroki? to make him avoid you at all costs? your other friends start to notice your mood worsen as the weeks pass by with todoroki steer clear of you. you stopped gushing about your secret admirer, just silently putting their presents away in your bag. they finally couldn't stand this situation any longer when uraraka observed that they stopped eating in the cafeteria. 
you looked at your wallpaper– it was you two, smiling happily as shoto has his arm around your shoulders. your eyes start to tear up from this.
you heard a light knocking on your dorm room, hearing this–  you using your sleeves to wipe the tears that were threatening to fall, along with some that had already fallen. you quietly cleared your throat in hopes that your voice was normal and not raspy.
“come in.” you curtly said.
you see uraraka gently opening the door, holding a tray of your favorite comfort food to eat when you are feeling down, and she smiles at you. seeing this sight, your eyes quickly start to tear up once again, as if you never wiped your tears in the first place.
“i noticed you stopped eating. so i was starting to get worried, you wanna talk about it?” uraraka spoke, walking up to you to hug you after putting down the tray of food on a table.
“u-uraraka-” you stuttered, feeling the hot tears start to fall, fastly at that.
your knees felt wobbly until you fell on your knees onto the floor of your bedroom. uraraka falling gently with you.
“i miss him uraraka. i miss shoto so much and it hurts so badly.” you vented out, feeling uraraka softly patted you letting you know she was intently listening to you.
“did i hurt him in any way? did i say something hurtful? i don’t know but i miss my friend, shoto avoiding me feels like half of me was ripped apart.”
after ranting about todoroki to ochaco uraraka some more, you became tired from crying for so long and so hard.
now, uraraka isn’t the type of person to make a scene or spill her friend’s secrets, even if she felt the slightest bit of anger. so when she tucked you in your bed, she immediately stormed out of your room, and briskly walked to one of the men’s dorms, more specifically shoto todoroki’s room. with only one thing she is determined to do, and that is to give your best friend a piece of her mind.
todoroki looked up from the book he was currently reading when he heard harsh yet soft knocks to not wake anyone else up. shoto stood up from his tatami floor to open the door for his unexpecting guest.
“oh uraraka, why are you here?” todoroki queried, holding on to the door, still inside his room.
“may i go inside? it is a private matter and i don’t want anyone else to hear us.” uraraka spoke with a straight face, trying to not let the emotions get the better of her.
shoto moved behind the door and made space for uraraka to enter his room. wasting no time, uraraka went straight to the point of the reason why she was here.
“what is y/n to you?” uraraka questioned, narrowing her eyes at the dual quirk boy.
the said boy’s eyes widened, not expecting uraraka to mention you. he looked out the window, scratching his nape.
“they're my closest friend.” shoto didn’t particularly lie, he just didn't entirely tell the truth.
uraraka leaned closer to see any signs of deception or nervousness, she was still suspicious.
“look me in the eyes and say that again.” she ordered, still not convinced that all shoto thought of you, was just a close friend.
shoto got a bad feeling. he felt like if he were to lie again, he would dig an even deeper hole than he was already in.
“i think- i think i like them more than friends. but it’s complicated.” shoto hesitantly confessed, finally looking at the brown-haired girl, but still not making eye contact with her.
“man, you two are extremely oblivious sometimes.” uraraka let out a breath she didn’t even know she was holding, facepalming herself when she heard your best friend confess his liking towards you.
“do both of us a favor and don’t run away just because you feel emotions.”
with that, uraraka got up from the tatami floor and left without saying another word. oblivious? to what? shoto thought.
when shoto finally decided not to be a wuss about his feelings. the next day, he was going to apologize for his abnormal behavior. that is until you came up to him after class was dismissed and everyone had already left.
“im sorry shoto.” you let out, once you reached his desk.
“i’m not sure what i did but i know it must have been terrible for you to avoid me like this.” you look down at the floor feeling a lot of mixed emotions, shy, sad, and confused.
“i felt terrible these past few months without you todoroki. please, can i have my best friend back?”
he felt a pang of pain in his chest for two reasons, when you said his full last name, unlike saying his nickname which you always insist on saying no matter the circumstances. as well as shoto heard the two words, “best friend.” now is the time. shoto thought, finally deciding on confessing his crush to you, he didn’t want to hurt you or himself anymore.
“i am extremely madly in love with you y/n. it hurts me every time i saw that secret admirer of yours advance to you each day, to see you smile at their gifts. i thought it would be better to leave you alone, but i guess i was wrong. i’m so sorry.”
you were speechless for a while, you thought you were stuck in the friend zone forever, and there he stood. light pink was dusted on his cheeks and he fiddled with his thumbs, although it was concealed as you knew that he didn’t like to show his vulnerability at all. 
waiting for you to respond, he slowly started to show how nervous he was. he cleared his throat and began to open his mouth to say something.
“you don’t have to–”
and there he was, cut off by you, with a kiss. shoto’s heterochromatic eyes widened, seeing your pretty face up close, seeing your eyes closed as you slightly tilt your head to the side to get a feel of shoto’s lips better. you quickly pulled away shortly after with a wide grin plastered on your face.
“i like you too shoto todoroki and i would love to be your significant other.”
shoto can hear the love and endear in your voice when you said his name. he was in disbelief. after all this time, you liked him back. your reciprocation took him a minute to process what you had just said, but when he did a relieved and ecstatic smile started to be made on his face.
“oh also, never call me by my full name ever again.” 
and with that shoto gave you a bone-crushing hug, as if he hasn’t seen you in years. before giving you a passionate kiss on the lips.
i guess uraraka was right, we are both oblivious sometimes.
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