#the fluffy hoodie folks on the other side are:
viky2318 · 18 days
We have a mission for this year's sexyman tournament.
We gotta bring to the finals Error and someone with a fluffy hoodie. your fav folk with a fluffy hoodie.
let's make Error be second to someone in a fluffy hoodie thrice in a row.
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
Could you maybe do one where the reader suffers from maybe a eating disorder or something and Tom always checks up on her calling to see if she’s eaten or to send a picture of it. He does this even when he’s away for filming but when he comes back he realises she lying and try’s to comfort her and getting her some food xx
Helping you, my love
Pairing - Tom Holland x Reader
Summary - You suffer with an Eating Disorder with Anxiety issues, it is hard to keep the right mind frame. However, Tom is always there to look after you.
Warnings - Angst (Eating disorder and Anxiety issues are mentioned) If you are uncomfortable, please do not read! It is up to you to read about these subjects.
A/N - Thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy! Love and appreciation to all the support I get from my content and blog. 🥰
- P.s Not everyone’s experience is going to be the same with ED. 
You sigh as you look down at your dinner plate again, your supposed to eat it.
You struggle with your food intake, resulting in an unfortunate Eating Disorder. Tom, your boyfriend is so good at taking care of your needs, especially making sure your eating enough.
You fiddle with the rings on your fingers, not even daring to look at the food in-front of you. You feel a tad bit guilty of lying to Tom, saying that you are eating. In reality you are not!
You just didn’t want to worry him as he’s away because of his job, being an actor is hard enough. Your stomach grumbles as you take a little bit on your folk, not enough for a mouth full thou.
However, you smile to yourself of even making that because you just can’t bring yourself to eat that much or at all.
Your phone is ringing, looking at it you see Tom’s name.
“Hello, Darling. How are you?” Tom smiles into the phone, he took a small break in between takes. Sometimes even getting to call you, which he is grateful for.
“Hi Tommy, I’m good.” You look over at your dinner plate, fiddling with the fabric of your shirt, “Are you ok?”
“Yes, I’m good baby. Have you been eating, sweetheart?” Tom asks so sweetly, you thought making your heart melt.
“Yes, actually I have,” putting on a really good lie, not crying on how guilty you are right now.
“Ok, good my love,” Tom reply’s back praising you, when you shouldn’t be praised at all.
“I miss you, I really want to come home. Hopefully tomorrow,” Tom grins at the other end, he nearly walks into a lamp post. He has the habit of talking while walking.
“Mm, I miss you too, Baby,” You giggle, hugging your pillow. Now on the sofa with one of Tom’s hoodies and your fluffy cover, “That would be great, Tommy. I can’t wait to see you again,”
“Yes, me neither! Love but unfortunately, for now I have to say goodbye, Love you and take care Princess,” You smile hearing his soft words through the phone, “Bye, Tommy love you too,” you hang up snuggling into the sofa falling asleep as you forget about the food.
Over the last month, Tom has been away from you. You love that Tom is working being an actor, following his dream. He is always checking up on you like that recent phone call, just now. Mostly to see if you need anything or have you been eating.
The next day, Tom opens the door early in the morning. Smiling at the peace and quiet, you must be asleep.
As Tom came through your bedroom door, popping his suitcase at the side. You snuggled back into the cover, only moving more when Tom came in the bed with you.
“Good morning, Darling,” Tom whispers, kissing your cheek. You stir nearly fluttering your eyes open, now turning towards him.
“Mm, Good morning,” You mumble, smiling into his chest as you recognise Tom’s voice.
“I’ve missed you,” Tom strokes his fingers through your hair strands.
“I’ve miss you too, Tommy,” You look at him. Tom cups your cheek pulling you into a kiss.
“How have you been, Sweetheart?” Tom cuddles you, breathing your scent through his nose.
“Actually good,” You replied, you forgot that you have not been eating good at all. Always missing meal times, staying in bed because you got no energy.
“Are you sure?” Tom questioned, “I looked in the kitchen..” he sighed, remembering that there was more than a week worth of food, still in the fridge.
You looked away from him, embarrassed at how you got caught. “Darling, I’m not mad at you! I just want to take care of you, you need to eat for your body to function,” Tom lifted your head up to look into your eyes.
“I’m sorry,” You whimper, the stress of eating getting to you. Especially, Tom being away. Even though, he has been very helpful when he is away.
“Sh, Sh, Darling. It’s ok, I’ll help you!” Tom comforts you as you let a few tears slip from your eyes, he pulls you into his chest more, “I’m not mad, even if you lied to me,” Tom kisses your forehead.
“Are you sure?” You pouted, looking up to him, “Sweetheart, I love you so much! If you struggle with anything at all, of course I’m going help and have patience with you! Even if it’s going to be a difficult journey,” Tom kisses you passionately, feeling the love and sweetness that you have both missed out on.
“I’m always going to be here, for you!” Tom smiles, rubbing your back and wiping your teary eyes.
“I love you too, Tommy,” You smile, “Thank you, your so sweet and patient with me,” You kissed him dearly, smiling into it.
“Always for you, Darling,” Tom whispers.
“How about some breakfast?” Tom asked, “I’ll make it for you and we can eat it together,” he suggested, hopeful that you will try to eat.
“Ok,” You smiled, “Your food is the best,” You giggle as you take Tom’s hand leading you out of bed.
“Of course, Darling,” Tom winked, cheekily. Tom wrapped a dressing gown over you so your not cold, “Thanks,” You giggled.
You make your way down to the kitchen, where Tom looks through the cupboards.
“What would you like? Beautiful,” Tom asks, “Pancakes,” You smile poking your tongue out, “Pancakes?” Tom teases, with his hands on your hips. He nozzles his nose into yours, “That tickles,” you giggle.
“Yes pancakes, haven’t had them in ages!” You kiss his cheek, “Good choice love, with strawberry’s? And Nutella,” Tom questioned.
You nodded, getting the milk out for Tom as he gets the flour and eggs.
You stand behind Tom wrapping your arms around him as he cooks for you both.
“Comfy, Darling,” Tom chuckles, feeling you behind his back, “Mm,”
Tom flips the pancakes in the pan, “You really good at that, wonder where you been practising?” You tease, thinking of him flipping you while in the bedroom.
“You Dirty girl,” Tom licks his lips, placing pancakes and the toppings onto plates for you and him. Catching your lips into a sweet kiss, “Breakfast has been served,” Tom whispers, kissing you again.
You and him bring your food upstairs to eat in your bedroom.
“You should really be eating it, but I’m not going to force you, Darling,” Tom worries, your sitting on your bedroom together looking down at the food.
“I’m going to eat it, don’t worry,” You take a deep breath, putting a mouth full in your mouth and actually swallowing it.
“Omg, that was terrifying,” You breathed out, “You did good, no rush Darling,” Tom strokes your head as he praised and encouraged you.
“I guess I did,” You smiled, “It is yummy,” You giggled. “Are not going to eat yours?” You pouted, “Yes, my love,” Tom smiles, taking a bite out of his pancakes.
You had an idea, giggling as you take pancake to his lips and fed him.
“You got chocolate on my nose,” Tom laughed, you give a cheeky grin as you licked his nose, “Lovely, Y/N,”
“I know, I’m so loving towards you,” You smirked, Kissing his cheek. Tom took a strawberry to your mouth, seeing if you will eat it or not.
“Are you going to eat? Darling,” Tom softly spoke, you nodded taking a bite out of the strawberry from his hand, “You did so well, baby! I’m so proud of you,” Tom gushed, kissing your forehead.
“It tastes better, when it’s your food, out of your hands..” You tease, smiling at him. You are grateful that you have a good, responsible man like Tom. He takes care of you, loves you and appreciates all the little things.
Especially, with your disorder it has been hard but Tom has been loving, caring and supportive through our.
“Oh, I definitely agree myself on that one,” Tom winked, “God, I’ve missed you so much! Darling,” he whispers, over you kissing your lips passionately that you don’t even have any words.
“You said that,” You giggle in between kisses, “I missed you so much too!”
“I know, baby but I can’t express enough that I’m always here for you. Through thick and thin, Darling!” Tom smiles cupping your cheek, caressing it with such care and softness that you will melt under his gaze.
“I love you so much, Y/N,” Tom breathes out, looking into your gorgeous eyes with his honey, warm brown ones, “You are doing amazing Darling,” he smiles kissing your lips gently.
“I love you so much too, Tommy,” You smile, taking all the words he just told you, “Thank you for always being there and I’m always here for you too!! Your so good to me,” You kiss his lips savouring the Devine taste that he gives you.
“I know you do, Darling,” Tom smiles taking your hands into his own, “You want another strawberry? My love,” kissing your cheek.
“Mm, I’m sorry I don’t really want it but I’ll try again later,” You pouted, Tom kisses your forehead, “That’s ok, don’t be sorry sweetheart! It’s not your fault. You did good, I’m not going to force you,” Tom sincerely, told you.
“Thanks, Tommy,” You smile, “Can we cuddle?”
“Of course, Baby,” Tom picked up the plates, “You get tucked in, while I put the plates in the dishwasher,”
You nodded, getting under the covers as Tom went downstairs. You soak into the fluffiness of Tom’s personal, special cover. You giggle as he always teasing you because you like to steal it.
“I see you got my cover, Darling,” Tom smiles, crawling into bed with you. You snuggle into his chest as he pulls the covers over you both.
“Yeah,” You giggle, “Don’t hide your face to act all innocent, sweetheart,” Tom goes under the cover with you, stroking your head.
You giggle more and tighten your hands around him, “Cuddle,” You say, “shh and cuddle,”
“Mm, ok,” Tom nozzles his curly head into your neck, “I could, fall asleep,” He smiles.
“Sleep then,” You smuggle into him if that’s even possible, “I’ll sleep with you,” You whisper, kissing your cheek.
“Love you, Darling,” Tom smiles kissing you.
“Mm, Love you too, Tommy!” You kiss him back, actually having a nap in each other’s arms.
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Family Cuddle Pile
a/n: I actually wrote this a while ago but it was perfect for the request. Theirs like, no content for this ship an I love it so much! Thank you for reading :) @arodynamic-enby
Pairings: romantic Anxceitmus and kid!Patton also super background Logince
Warnings: tattoos, less than ideal parent mentions, food mention, and light cursing
Word count: 1,844 
Remus flopped out of bed, throwing his body carelessly across the room. He hastily threw on his clothes. Short shorts, ripped fishnets, a vest that was more patches than original material, really big clunky shoes, and a ripped up band-t. He also hooked his favorite bone earrings in his tattered earlobes. 
He stomped into his apartment’s kitchen. He grabbed a stale piece of bread he soaked it in coffee. Yawned and grabbed his bag, racing out the door. 
His brother was waiting for him at the tattoo shop, sketching a new idea. Unlike him, Roman only had a few tattoos, including not one, not two, not three… but three Disney quotes, a frog on a mushroom, a rose on his arm, and a constellation. Most of his tattoos were covered by tasteful burgundy overalls and a white button-down shirt.
Remus’ tattoos were also mostly covered by his clothes. But he had a tattoo sleeve depicting the garden of Eden, a matching frog on a mushroom, a quote from one of Roman’s books, medically accurate bone structures on his hand, a realistic spider on his neck, and a snake wrapping around his non-sleeved arm. And those were just the visible ones. 
Suffice to say, the twins were very different. 
Remus threw his bag onto the floor in the backroom, “Ro, when’s the first appointment!!” he yelled. “Your’s? At 11. FYI, Jan n’ Pat are coming over at 12, for motivation” Remus smiled, fuckin’ superb. 
He busied himself in collecting the ink and preparing the tattoo gun. The client wanted a fucking orange on their wrist, it should only take an hour or two but Remus was not excited to do a frickin’ orange circle. 
The prissy orange bitch came in and Remus got to work. They didn’t move much and only cried a little bit when the needle started jabbing at their skin. Remus liked this part of the process, stabbing people consensually was his favorite thing ever… also the art part but stabbing people!
Almost exactly an hour later the door jingled open. “Dada!!” a tiny voice called back into the store. “I’ll be there in a minute patty-cake” Remus called from his spot hunched over the client's arm.
He added the final touches to the fruit and helped the orange bitch off the chair. Roman swept the client away, Remus practically ran to greet his partner and son.
Janus wore a leather corset over a black collared shirt and baggy pants, their long platinum hair framed their face under their signature hat. They were holding hands with a toddler wearing mostly pink and blue, his blond hair (that matched Janus’) was a mop of curls barely held together by a few butterfly clips. 
“Dada, Dada!!! I got you a flower” the little boy cried, letting go of Janus’ hand and stumbling towards the tall man who scooped him up. Patton giggled and held out a sweaty flower clenched in his chubby fist. 
Remus accepted the flower with a gasp, ”this is really for me?” he said joyfully. Adjusting the small boy in his arms Remus turned towards Janus who was looking at the pair with a disgustingly sappy expression. 
“What are you lookin’ at hot stuff?” Remus teased. “Shut it you,” Janus said, pressing a kiss to Remus’ check. Patton made a noise, “icky” he said pushing Janus away. They laughed, “yes darling, we’re very icky”. 
“When’s verge-“
“he’ll be home at 4” 
“Stop by the Sleepy Café before you bring Pat to the apartment?”
“Can do scootal-lo!” 
Remus turned back to the little boy in his arms, “looks like you're stuck with me squirt”. Patton beamed and snuggled into Remus’ chest. Janus smiled again, “I’ll see you, boys, at dinner,” they said, ruffling Pat's hair and peaking Remus on the lips quickly so as to not upset the toddler. “Bye-bye Janny!!” Patton called after Janus as they left for work. 
“Righty-o,” Remus said, carrying Patton into the back room. “I know Ro’s got a couple coloring books, wanna do those for a bit?” Patton nodded and reached towards the ground to be put down. Remus plopped Patton on the couch and pulled out the book and pens as well as a sketchbook off his own. They sat together coloring and drawing until Roman came back to hug Patton. 
“Ah, my favorite nephew!” Roman said, scooping up the little boy. Patton laughed and pulled Roman’s hair. “Roro, can I color your arm pictures??” he asked, pointing to Roman’s rose tattoo. Roman plopped the toddler back down on the couch and handed him a pen. 
Patton went to work on the rose, scribbling reds and pinks and greens across his arm. Roman gave him complements each time Patton paused, and each time Patton shushed him and went back to work. Remus finished up his sketch, adding it to the pile of tattoo ideas they were eventually going to put up-front, and sat next to the toddler. 
“That’s really good pat-” 
Remus nodded and mimed zipping his lips. He liked spending time with the kid. They weren’t biologically related but who gives a fuck about blood, unless it’s outside of your body, then it’s fun. 
“I don’ wanna” Patton wined his dad sighed “I know bubbles but we gotta go home to Papa and Janny, isn’t that fun” Patton considered this, “but Roro’s pretty arm picture” he argued. Remus scratched the back of his neck, “Pffffff- Ummm, how about this, we go home now and I’ll take you back to the shop tomorrow after pre-school” 
Patton brightened considerably, “ok” he chirped. “up please” the toddler’s chubby hands reached towards Remus who obediently scooped him up with a coo. After all who was he to say no to uppy hands. 
“See ya tomorrow, have fun on your date with the nerd” Remus sang as he snatched his bag juggling the still fussy Patton in his other arm. “Fu- Frick off Re. Say hi to your partners for me,” Romans said affectionately and waved as his twin left the building. 
Remus happily trotted out into the road. The tattoo shop was located on a quaint little street in the more commercial segment of their town only a short walk from Janus’ job. 
A light drizzle floated around them and the air was warm and comforting. Patton squealed as a large drop of water hit him in the head, prompting a laugh from Remus.
A jingle sounded through the peaceful cafe, the brown room was illuminated by those cool old fashion lights and a lovely array of pastries made the air smell of chocolate and blueberry scones. But the scones, as delicious as they were, weren’t the snack Remus was here for
“Hey babe- Remus why are you soaking wet”
“Puddle” Patton screeched. 
“Kid’s right, Puddle.”
Janus pinched their eyebrows, “ya know what, I’m not even surprised anymore. Just make sure Patton doesn’t catch a cold” they scolded. 
Remus nodded and saluted in mock seriousness, “yes captain” he said and pressed a kiss to Janus’ face over the cash register, “I’ll see ya in a bit” Remus grinned and led Patton back out of the cafe. 
Janus sighed lovingly as they watched their boyfriend and son turn to cross the street, Patton’s hand clasped around Remus’ happily. “Stop looking so happy, you're scaring the customers” Remy teased from across the counter. “Ha, Ha,” Janus glared and went back to work” 
Janus’ apartment was a cute two-bedroom space on the fourth floor of the building. The furniture was an interesting combo of vintage and things from the side of the road. The vintage parts came from their parent’s house, their father had died two years after Janus’ had run away and hadn’t thought to write them out of the will. 
The three of them had made a date out of customizing the few pieces that Janus wanted to keep. The customization mainly included darkening everything and adding more gothic touches. Virgil had done the fabrics, Remus the painting, and Janus moral support/ director. 
The three partners had also painted the kitchen/dining room/living room black with one yellow wall. Janus and Virgil’s room was dark purple instead of black with highlights in the same yellow. Patton’s room was the only one that didn’t  look marginally like a cave. 
The walls were a cream-yellow that lit up in the morning sunlight. After Janus announced that they were going to have a baby Remus had spent three hours painting the grey ceiling with white fluffy clouds. It was one of his favorite projects. 
Patton of course had no regard for the work put into the entirety of his home and was the usual menace of a toddler. And today a toddler with cheerios, truly a sight even god would tremble before. 
Remus plopped down next to Patton who was pushing cheerios around his highchair tray with an intense focus. He smiled at the little boy and flicked on the tv, “got any requests pip-squeak?” Remus asked. Patton looked thoughtful, “dead lady!!” he cried excitedly hitting the tray with his fists, cheerios flew everywhere. Remus nodded, understanding, “Corpse bride coming up!” he picked a few cheerios from the couch “you really are Verge’s kid” 
When Janus got home Patton was curled up on Remus’s chest. Both slept soundly despite the dead folk on the screen in front of them singing about the wedding. 
Janus smiled, their family was fucking adorable. They slipped off their shoes and snuggled up into Remus who hummed happily and pulled Janus into the hug still asleep. 
Three hours later Virgil trudged up the four flights of stairs huffing indignantly with each step. Of course, he could take the elevator… but it might break down and he would be stuck for hours. Or someone could get into the elevator with him and he would have to interact with a stranger. So stairs it was. 
He rummaged around his baggy hoodie, running his fingers through his dark purple hair in annoyance when he couldn’t find the key. Once he found it Virgil carefully (as he did everything) opened the apartment door. His combat books clunked satisfyingly against the hardwood floors as he entered his house. Virgil felt the tension leave his muscles, he was home. He glanced across the room, looking for his family. 
Virgil’s face lit up like a god damned Christmas tree. 
Across the room, both his partners and his son were curled up sleeping happily. Drool covered Remus’ face and Janus was snoring, they were the most precious thing Virgil had seen all freakin day. 
The three of them woke as Virgil wrapped his arms around them, Patton squealed in excitement. “Hello, darling” Janus mumbled sleepily into Virgil’s arm. Remus just groaned and nestled into the hug. The toddler wriggled between his dads squealing profusely. “Shhh, s’ sleepy time” Remus mumbled, rolling deeper into the cuddle pile and shutting Patton up. 
Virgil smiled and pressed a kiss to his partner’s cheek. “Mmm, love you” they purred. “Love you too Jan,” Virgil said, nestling his face in their neck. Virgil knew he would have to start dinner soon but that could wait, for now, cuddles.
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laequiem · 4 years
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/ Jude has lost Cardan in the mall. Of course, he is in the one place she would never go. Domestic fluff, fluffy fluffiest fluff
Fandom: The Folk of The Air
Rating: T for mention of characters having a sex life, but that's it.
The flaw in Cardan's glamour is the same detail that infuriates me when I look at his face when he wakes up: he is impossibly beautiful. Not handsome like a popular actor, not pretty like the members of a boyband. He is absolutely devastating, just as he is as a faerie.
read on ao3 • part of Tales from the Mortal Realm
I check my bulky flip phone for the 5th time.
I don't know why I expected Cardan to be back on time. I had some errands to do—which might include lingerie I wanted to keep secret until our anniversary—so I told him to explore the mall on his own. I gave him some (real, non-glamoured) money to spend like a child with an allowance.
There are so many red flags with this whole plan.
I do not like to admit it, but I'm worried. My extravagant husband has enough trouble fitting in with humans when he is with me, I can only imagine the trouble he can get himself in without me. Or the trouble that can find him when I am not there to protect him.
I get up from the bench that I had designed as our meeting point. Where could he be? Anywhere I would not go, which does not narrow the list down very much. As I walk around, I can imagine him enjoying every single one of these places.
Cardan smelling some bath bombs and chatting up with a pushy Lush salesperson. All that glitter, all that dye—the servants would rage at having to clean the tub afterwards.
Cardan entering a sterile-looking jewelry store, eyes glittering at all the precious gems.
Cardan browsing Hot Topic, digging into bowls of plastic rings and looking at shirts for bands he does not know.
My stomach drops as I stand before the one store I know I will find him in. Black-and-white striped pillars stand on either side of the storefront and the dreaded white font over black spells out the name of the store: Sephora.
I have never entered a Sephora before. They are intimidating and I know nothing about their products. Whenever I needed new eyeliner, I would just ask Vivi to buy me whichever one she thought was best. Nowadays, I can count on my husband's extensive makeup collection and skills.
“We have servants to do this!” I had insisted the first time he approached me with a kohl pencil. He had laughed, and I let him line my eyes. Ever since, I look forward to it. It’s a small, intimate gesture with which we prove our love to each other without saying a word. It is his way of showing care, and my way of showing trust.
I pass the threshold of the store and I spot him immediately. Even without my True Sight making his glamour ripple when I gaze at him, I would still have a hard time believing he is human. His glamour is perfect—rounded ears, no tail, the glitter of his skin dulled down to a normal healthy shine—but every glamour should have a flaw. The flaw in Cardan's glamour is the same detail that infuriates me when I look at his face when he wakes up: he is impossibly beautiful. Not handsome like a popular actor, not pretty like the members of a boyband. He is absolutely devastating, just as he is as a faerie.
Even amongst gorgeous people who perfected their faces through makeup and good lighting, he stands out.
For me, however, bewilderment comes from seeing Cardan wait in line like a normal person. Like a boy who did not grow up as an entitled prick. It shakes me so much that I stop in my tracks and watch him walk up to the register once the previous client leaves.
He adapts better than I give him credit for. My heart swells with love for this male who keeps challenging and surprising me.
I go to bypass the line and I catch a snippet of his conversation with the boy manning the cash register. On the counter lay piles of makeup, from eyeshadow palettes to colorful eyeliner.
"A good choice!" the cashier exclaims, holding a dark lipstick, "it has the best matte finish. It even passes the kiss test!"
I swear I can see him wiggle his perfectly defined eyebrows. The smile he gives Cardan is wicked—the same kind of grin my husband gives me over dinner then he's feeling particularly hungry.
"The kiss test?" my husband asks, a grin forming on his sinful lips.
"Yeah," the cashier replies, "you can make out with someone, it won't budge. Or transfer."
I get to Cardan’s side and the cashier notices me then. His brows raise in surprise for a moment before he schools his features into a socially acceptable customer service smile.
I can't blame him for his surprise—Cardan and I could not look any more mismatched. His sharp features are accentuated with contouring and a lighter version of his usual silver highlighter. I, on the other hand, barely had time to brush my hair before putting on an oversized hoodie and leggings. I bet I look like someone he took pity on and brought to the mall for a makeover.
"Where is the fun in that?" Cardan looks at me then, his dark eyes twinkling with mischief. "Still, I suppose I will have to try."
I roll my eyes and he presses a kiss to the top of my head.
The cashier tells Cardan the total, and he raises a brow when my husband starts counting cash. I know other humans use cards nowadays, but without a permanent address in the Mortal Realm, we have been dealing exclusively in cash—mostly given by Vivi in exchange for Elfhame goods.
The boy thanks Cardan for his purchase, and it's all I can do not to laugh when he replies "you're very welcome", like that is a normal thing to say to a retail employee.
On our way out, Cardan stops by one of the many mirrors in the store and applies his new lipstick, ending with a pop of his luscious lips.
"Really? You couldn't wait until we got back to the hotel?"
I smile teasingly at him, and he grins back. The lipstick is deep, dark purple.
"If I did, nobody would see it but you." He slides an arm around my waist and winks. "That would be a shame, when it looks so good."
I roll my eyes and slip out of his embrace, making towards the exit. When my back is turned to him, I allow myself a smile. It does look good, I think, though I won't give him the satisfaction of saying it aloud.
"Jude, wait—"
With those long legs of his, Cardan catches up to me quickly. He puts a hand on my shoulder and spins me around to face him. I lift my chin to look at him, and his expression sends a chill down my spine. This face used to send unwanted images of our younger days to my brain—Cardan spitting on my shoes, pulling my hair, kicking my lunchbox. Nowadays, this wickedness sends my blood rushing south and fills me with memories of his clever fingers and his face between my legs.
"I was not done," he says as he circles my waist again, pulling me towards him sternly. "I have to debunk the claims the boy made."
"Fine," I say, and peck him quickly on the lips.
He chuckles. "You know that won't do, Jude dearest."
Cardan leans towards me. Instinctively, I part my lips and close my eyes. Even after all this time, I hate that he has this effect on me, even though I know it's not fair. I have spent my whole life training with a blade while he spent his training his mind and body to seduce and manipulate.
His lips claim mine and I all but melt into him. I forget where we are, how utterly exposed we are to the judgement of others. I seek out his tongue with mine and bite his lip the way he likes.
Cardan pulls away and I chase after his lips, desperate for more, until I feel his mouth on my neck. Slender fingers grip my chin, angling my head to allow him access.
I open my eyes and finally remember myself, where we are and how inappropriate this is—
He hums in question as his cruel mouth continues kissing its way up to my ear. His hand moves back towards my nape and tangles in my hair, pulling lightly.
"We're in—you can't just do that! People are—"
I look around, mortified. The mall is not that crowded, but I see people looking abruptly away when I look in their direction. A mother covers her child's eyes as she notices us. An old lady sneers.
I feel Cardan grin against my skin before dragging his teeth up my ear to nibble at the curved cartilage.
I give a small shove to his chest and he pulls away with a chuckle that curls my toes.
"You're shameless," I say.
"You look like you drank an entire bottle of faerie wine," he replies, then gives a quick kiss to my heating cheek.
When he pulls back, he inspects my face with narrowed eyes, then my neck. He lets out an impressed hum.
"It seems he was right. No marks."
I laugh and his eyes light up, a genuine smile forming on his dark lips.
"Will you buy more, then?" I ask.
"No. I prefer when it leaves marks."
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buckyswinterbaby · 4 years
Rule Number Four — Oneshot **
Pairing: softdom!Bucky Barnes x reader
Synopsis: Bucky returns home early from a mission to find the reader in a compromising position. Rules are broken and new ones are made.
Warnings: language, smut (18+), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, folks), fluffy ending, softdom!Bucky, daddy kink (not ddlg), reader is submissive, nipple play, orgasm denial, metal arm kink, fingering (f receiving), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, degradation and a size kink (if you squint), aftercare, established relationship, masturbation.
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Word Count: 2,291
Note: Here’s my first attempt at actually posting an “x reader” or smut fic so please be gentle with her. This was based on a post I saw a bit ago about submissives masturbating while wearing their dom’s hoodie, so I thought I’d give it a go. I hope you guys enjoy!
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You had become his wife nearly three months ago and this was the longest stretch you had been apart since.
Even before marriage, the two of you were practically inseparable. You were often found curled on his inviting lap with two arms circled around you, one flesh and one metal, holding you tightly to his chest. To say you had missed the comfort of his warm embrace would be the understatement of the year. It was more like you had been lost without it.
His arms were far from the only thing you missed about your soldier. Before his departure, Bucky had listed off a few rules to follow in his absence. Possibly enjoying your long standing dominant and submissive dynamic a bit more than he was willing let on in that moment.
Rule one: No touching yourself without permission. Cruel but simple enough.
Rule two: No orgasms. Bucky knew you too well to believe you wouldn’t find a loophole that didn’t involve dipping those delicate fingers between your folds.
Rule three, possibly the worst of the set, which was likely his intention: Nipple play, at least once a day. He wanted your delicious buds oversensitive and aching by the time he found his way home to you. While your cunt was left thoroughly neglected and needing his touch.
It was that one rule, one single command that had you breaking all the rest. You had held out for nearly his entire time away, only crumbling when you went to fulfill the rule one last time, the anticipation of his return clouding your senses.
You had intended to do as he said. You laid yourself out on the large bed that had felt overwhelmingly cold and lonely without him, clothed in nothing but his oversized sweatshirt that adorned the S.H.I.E.L.D logo on the front. Perhaps that was your first mistake, opting to forgo the panties you had been wearing the entire day. Leaving your dripping core exposed to the night air with your husband still, as you believed, across the world and unable to claim it.
Your delicate fingers traced the familiar path up the length of your torso, trailing along the valley between your soft breasts that Bucky so often spent his time worshiping. The hem of the sweatshirt rode up more and more as your hand made its way up. A flame flickered in the pit of your belly as you found your hardening nipples, the cool metal of your wedding ring ghosting over. For just a moment, you allowed yourself to imagine it was Bucky’s hand in place of your’s. The cold and unyielding vibranium working your body into fits of pleasure.
It was that thought that had your other hand trailing down instead of up, finding its way to the apex of your thighs. One finger wouldn’t hurt, you surmised. Though that one quickly led to two with a thumb working furiously on your throbbing clit.
Bucky heard your soft moans before he even approached the door, a wide grin spreading across his face. He was home hours earlier than anticipated, a fact he was suddenly so very grateful for. After another moment of listening, he heard the gentle string of gasps you would always release in pleasure, an undeniable sign that your orgasm was quickly approaching.
His interest was thoroughly peaked as he quietly slipped his way into the barely lit bedroom, drinking in the sight of you spread out before him like a man dying of dehydration.
“Y/n,” he called out, alerting you to his presence. Bucky licked his lips as he zeroed in on your now stilled hand, fingers slick and deep within you.
You knew better than to remove them, he’d tell you if that was what he wanted. Your breasts heaved as you breathed out, waiting for him to say something or act, you’d take anything over the silence that now hung in the air between you.
In two steps, Bucky crossed the distance and now stood at the foot of the bed. “I gave you three rules, doll, just three. Thought I’d be nice and make em’ simple for you. Seems you can’t even do that right, can you?”
“I’m sorry, daddy,” you called out, your voice sounding more like a pathetic whimper than actual words. You tried to go on and explain how you had tried to be good but Bucky quickly cut you off. You honestly couldn’t remember even making the decision to ignore the rule.
“Don’t bother trying to apologize now.” His metal hand trailed up your thigh as he took a seat on the edge of the bed. Slowly making his way up until he swatted your hand away, not failing to notice how visibly damp the sleeve of the hoodie now was. “You’ve made your bed, baby girl. I think it’s about time you had to lay in it.”
Your walls clenched down, now feeling empty without anything inside. That feeling didn’t last long as Bucky dipped a metal finger between your lips, gathering the arousal you had so eagerly coaxed out only minutes before. He didn’t waste another moment before pushing in two thick fingers, quickly setting a punishing pace as they curled around to rub your g-spot with each pump.
Your back arched off the bed as he drove you to the brink of release in what seemed like a matter of seconds, skilled hands doing what took you at least a few minutes. It was easy to get lost in these moments with the man you loved and trusted without question. Never hesitating to give over control to your husband as you let yourself fall further into the pleasure he was providing. And boy were you truly lost, at least until the pleasure stopped as his fingers stilled inside you, continuing to ever so gently rub that special spot he could find all too easily.
You looked over at him in surprise as your building orgasm quickly dissipated. “Bucky?”
“Patience. You’ve got a few questions to answer first.” He couldn’t help but chuckle at your huff of annoyance. “Was this the first time you broke rule number one while I was gone? You better be honest with me.”
You nodded, not trusting yourself to form an understandable sentence as his thumb rubbed slow, lazy circles against your clit. Your hips bucked involuntarily against his ministrations, he didn't seem angry, though.
“Did you break number two?” he questioned, his free hand roaming up to tease your sensitive nipples, purposefully giving the right one more attention than the other just to drive you nuts.
It took a few more seconds for you to compose yourself enough to speak. “I didn’t,” you moaned out, throwing your head back after a particularly hard pinch to the right nipple.
“Not for a lack of trying, it seems.”
A dark blush crept onto your already flushed cheeks. “I wanted to, daddy. I needed to. I followed rule three the entire time and I just couldn’t take it anymore.” You knew Bucky’s dominant side loved a lusty confession. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t trying to butter him up into finally allowing your release. If you only knew how much you’d end up regretting that wish.
“I left you alone too long, didn’t I? Your greedy little pussy isn’t used to not getting what she wants. And I think I know just the punishment to remind you that when you cum, how much you cum isn’t your decision.” You nearly came around his fingers then and there, which likely wouldn’t do much to fix your predicament besides providing momentary relief. “So you’ll get your orgasm, baby. Then you’ll take every other one I can give you and you’ll say thank you for being so generous. Scream it, even. Loud enough that Steve feels like he needs to go to confession.”
Your breath got caught in your throat at his words, goosebumps rising up behind the path of his flesh hand as it found its way to rest on your lower stomach. “How many?” You recognized that you should likely be afraid of his answer, but honestly nothing could prepare you for the reality.
Bucky seemed to debate the question for a moment before meeting your gaze, giving you the playful smirk you had fallen in love with some five odd years ago. “I dunno,” he admitted. “I haven’t decided yet. You’ll know when I’m done with you.”
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His thrusts had been relentless for what seemed like hours, maybe it actually had been that long, you honestly couldn’t keep track. Orgasms blurred together as he used his super soldier endurance and sex drive to deliver the punishment he promised and then some.
Your arms were wrapped tightly around his neck, holding him closer to your sweat covered body as he continued to rut up against your abused sex, riding you through your most recent release.
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes from how sensitive you had become, the multiple orgams and brutal pace allowing you no mercy. His thumb swept away a fallen tear before it could run down your cheek, his swollen lips capturing your’s in a far more passionate and intimate kiss than the others you had received throughout the night. Everything seemed to soften after that, besides his cock, of course. His thrusts slowed to a steady but more gentle rhythm as he recognized you were nearing your limit, but also not quite there yet.
Bucky spared a glance at where you bodies were connected, momentarily becoming captivated by the sight. His eyes returned to your’s, pupils still dark and blown, yet they seemed to be more passionate than ravenous now.
“One more, baby, can you do that for me? Give me one more and you can rest.”
You nodded while letting out a string of deep moans, desperately bucking your hips up to meet his thrusts in chase of your final orgasm. It didn’t take long for you to feel the familiar pressure building in your belly, raising you higher and higher in bliss. Words were far beyond you now, only a breathy string of his name escaping your parted lips as you buried your head in the space where his neck connected to his shoulder.
His thrusts grew sloppy as he attempted to hold out until you came crashing around him. His left arm was resting beside your head, holding his large frame up above your’s as not to crush your smaller body beneath him. Metal fingers found their way into the locks of your hair spread out on the pillows. Gentle tugs forced your head up, your eyes meeting his piercing blue ones.
“I want to watch you when you cum.”
Your eyes never left his as he brought you to the rising crescendo that would bring the night to its end. The unyielding intensity and intimacy of the moment had you feeling small but so very safe underneath him. Bucky was home and he was in control, you didn’t have to worry about a thing. You came undone around his cock once again, your tight walls pulling him across the finish line with you. A few more lazy thrusts followed as he painted your pulsing heat, gently pulling out once he was spent.
Bucky moved to lay down beside you, taking a moment to catch his breath before moving to check on you.
His nose brushed against the rim of your ear as he leaned over to place a kiss on your flushed cheek. He whispered soothing words against your skin as you came down, knowing you needed the reassurances and affection after a rough session. “You did so good, took everything just like I told you to. You’re too good to me.” Calloused hands that had spent so many years committing unspeakable acts now gently smoothed down your wild hair. “How about we get you cleaned up, okay?”
He waited for you to nod before moving you into his arms, carrying your spent body to the bathroom so you could take care of your needs while he ran a bath.
Once he knew the water was just how you like it, he moved into the tub, helping you position yourself between his legs with your back against his toned chest. Your head rested back against his shoulder as he moved the soapy loofah across your arms. It took a few more minutes, but slowly Bucky noticed that you were coming out of the headspace you always seemed to slip into when you truly relinquished control to him.
“Was I too rough?” His question broke the comfortable silence you both had fallen into since entering the attached bathroom.
A soft smile graced your lips in response, your heart swelling at his concern just as much as it had on your very first night together. You raised a hand up to rest on his cheek, pulling him down into a gentle and loving kiss. “You were perfect. If that’s what happens every time I misbehave while you’re away, I might just make a habit out of it.”
A chuckle rumbled from deep in Bucky’s chest as he shook his head in amusement. “Doll, you say that like you aren’t already the biggest pain in my ass since the day I met Steve.”
You didn’t hesitate to send a playful jab between his ribs in protest. “I’ll have you know, Mr. Barnes, I am a delight. The light of your damn life, even.”
An adoring smile made its way onto his features as he captured your lips in a brief kiss again. “Now that...that’s something we can agree on. Rule number four is that you never forget it.”
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Meet Teddy!
(Hi folks! This is my second She-Ra OC.)
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Age: 17 (at the start of the show) 21 (at the end of the show) 
Date of birth: February 26th
Height: 5′4
Pronouns: They/them
Star sign: Pisces
Occupations: Dancer, rebellion member
Myers-Briggs type: INFJ
Teddy is a sweet, shy, determined and kind person. They’re extremely creative and imaginative, and they’re able to come up with clever strategies and battle plans. Don’t underestimate them though; they may seem timid and introverted but they WILL stand up for the people who mean the most to them, and becomes VERY chaotic and energetic when it comes to battle and they have amazing levels of stamina and body co-ordination. 
They’re naturally good at comforting people due to how much empathy they have, however they are very sensitive and can be forgetful at times, and can feel too much empathy to the point where it hinders them in battle. Due to their shy personality, it’s often very hard for them to communicate with others, but they become more comfortable when people talk to them more. They’re also very close with Lumina (my other OC).
They are also autistic, which causes them to have a difficult time understanding social cues, they have sensory issues relating to noise and can sometimes have shut downs. However, they’re incredibly talented at dancing, especially Irish dancing (although it probably wouldn’t be called Irish dancing as Ireland doesn’t exist on Etheria so it would probably be called step dancing), as dance is their biggest special interest. They also struggle with anxiety and selective mutism, therefore they are fluent in ESL (Etherian Sign Language).
Teddy is quite thin and is medium height, and has short, fluffy honey-blonde hair, dark brown eyes, pale skin and freckles across their nose and cheeks. They usually wear a pale yellow hoodie, black cargo pants, black lace up boots and sometimes a grey beanie. They have a noticeable overbite when looking at their side profile, and a large scar on their right arm from when they were in battle. 
Powers and abilities
Teddy doesn’t have any elemental powers, however they have many physical abilities which enhance their fighting in the rebellion. For example they are extremely fast on their feet, so they’re able to outrun enemies and cause them to crash into each other, hindering them. They also have very good hand-eye co-ordination, and is able to defend themselves and other rebellion members due to this. And from their advanced skills in dancing, their legs are very strong so are able to break Horde bots with one strong kick. 
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kbstories · 4 years
“Bakugou will know what to do. Top of the class, always quick on his feet and possessing the strongest nerves in all of 1-A – all of U.A., possibly. They’re at their most invincible with Bakugou there to hone their focus, to push them forward with that unique kind of teeth-bared tenacity Kaminari has come to rely on in the past year. When Kaminari looks, he sees–
Iida, helmet off, severe face twisted with agitation as he argues with the medics on the scene. Blood, so much blood, staining the gleaming chrome of his armor up to his neck in wet, intersecting streaks of crimson.
And in his arms, mask torn and body limp, is Bakugou Katsuki.”
(In which disaster strikes, the Bakusquad comes together as a family once more, and Kaminari Denki is the MVP all the way through.)
A sequel to impression//expression.
Rating: Gen / M (for Graphic Violence)
Tags: Kaminari POV, Character Study, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, Injury & Recovery, Developing Friendships, Post-Paranormal Liberation War Arc, Protective Bakusquad, KRBK are in a Queerplatonic Relationship, some Kamijirou
Spoiler Warning: Current arc spoilers all the way up to CH298 of the manga!
Content Warning: Bad communication, some anxiety.
Chapter: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
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Teaser under the cut!
“Kami, Kami, look! What about this one?”
The delight in Ashido’s voice has Kaminari turning his head curiously. A medium-sized pot is held up to his face for closer inspection: In it sits a round cactus covered in evenly spread, sand-colored needles, short and so numerous they look fuzzy. Soft to the touch when they're anything but.
Huh. Kaminari compares it to the one in his hand, a ‘Pincushion’ cactus if the label is to be believed. Yellow-ish clusters of spikes adorn its form like little stars.
“Hmmm. Both are adorable, honestly. What’s that one called?”
Ashido checks the bottom of the pot. “Golden Ball”, she announces with a snort and a proud smirk, all the more certain of her victory. “Pshh, please. ‘Adorable’, he says – it’s perfection!”
Golden...? Kaminari’s laugh bursts out of him before he can catch himself. “It really is. Fine, you win, we’re getting him that one.”
Still, when he makes to put the Pincushion back where he found it, it’s... hard to let go. Kaminari has been carrying the little plant around Central’s gift shop for the past five minutes, thinking up punny jokes about it. Such a thing creates a bond, alright, it would be heartless to abandon it now.
Ashido doesn’t even have the good graces to act surprised when Kaminari returns to the checkout with his new friend. “This one’s Cactsuki, that one...” A pensive hum. “Baku... Bactus?”
“Sounds terrible and he’ll absolutely hate it. You’re a genius, Ash.”
They pay and wish the cashier a good day, strolling back towards the elevators with their respective cacti cradled safely to their chests. They both have sturdy plastic bags hanging from their wrists, bulky with half the stock of a department store, it feels like. A round of stylish sweatpants and loose shirts for every member of the squad, hoodies and jackets in case they have to go out into the cold, some fluffy towels, slippers and an additional blanket for Bakugou... all courtesy of Bakugou’s parents and their digital credit card.
Platinum, Kaminari’s banking app says in front of the name of some fancy bank downtown. He’s never handled this much money in his life.
“Run that thing into the ground for all I care”, Bakugou Mitsuki had scoffed, sounding all kinds of frustrated. Gathered around Kirishima’s phone on speaker, they’d all shared an amused look. Yup, that’s a Bakugou for ya.
On the other side of the line, the far more patient voice of Bakugou’s father had explained: “We can’t get through at all, they have the entire area locked down until the prison situation is resolved. I’m sorry to ask so much of you, but can you please look out for Katsuki a little longer?”
Kirishima had nodded, determination shining in his eyes like it never left. A good look on him for sure. “Of course. You guys can count on us!”
“Don’t worry, we’ll bully him into calling his folks when he’s awake”, Kaminari had added, his tone sly enough to carry through the call and get a laugh out of both of them.
“You’re a menace, kid.” Coming from Bakugou’s mom, it’s a high compliment indeed. One Kaminari will make sure to brag to Bakugou about tomorrow– Tomorrow. Only a few hours left.
“And... We owe ya, seriously. It’s good to know so many of you are watching his back out there.”
Their goodbyes had been a bit choked up after that, but they managed. (None of them had been able to see their parents yet, all stuck in the same lockdown-limbo as Bakugou’s. It was only then, with an adult saying they’re doing well, that Kaminari had realized how much he missed his dad.)
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 67 - SBT
Here it is!
"Mmh… Pearl let me sleep…"
Mlem, mlem, mlem…
"Pearl…! Please…"
More mlems.
"Fine, fine, here, I'm awake… Happy?"
Mewls of joy resounded in the van. Mundy's fluffy family headbutted him, brushed themselves on his face and overall drowned him in fluff.
"Alright, alright, take it easy, eh?"
He kissed them all and hugged them.
"I guess you're hungry?" 
The concerto of meows and mewls was a very clear answer. Mundy got out of bed and shared his breakfast with his feline family. Coffee for him, and cat and kitten food for them. 
He got dressed properly, with gloves, a beanie and a thick scarf. 
"Guys, c'mere, you need to dress up, 's cold." 
Perle led the way and Mundy wrapped her in her pink coat. Next, the kittens came closer. The girls had fuschia little coats and the boys, blue ones. Soot was hesitant but accepted his green one.
"Right, now let's get some fresh air."
Mundy opened the door that Perle had been scratching. As soon as he did so, the herd of fluff spread outside. 
"Let's have a walk, babies, c'mon, follow up, chop, chop!" 
Mundy could see his own breath when he spoke. He led the way through the forest and the cats trotted by his side. The kittens were curious about everything from the crunchy leaves to the tree trunk that their parents were scratching with their claws. Ooh, yes, that felt good on the claws! 
The Aussie occasionally kicked the piles of dead leaves and watched the kittens pounce on them. How dared those crunchy leaves stand in front of Gramps?! Such disrespect! 
Mundy played around with the cats. He watched Perle and Soot climb the trees and follow him from above while the babies struggled to climb. They would try countless times and again on different trunks but their claws were still a bit on the soft side. Nevermind then! They would follow Gramps on foot, or on paw rather. 
The morning was cold and crisp but Mundy and the cat family enjoyed the fresh air hitting their skin and their fur. It was a habit now. Each day they would start with a stroll in the forest. But soon the mewls were loud. 
"What is it, babies?" 
They were around a tree trunk trying again to join their parents. 
"You're too small for playin' Tarzan, guys. Also, it's good to give Mum and Dad a bit of time alone, eh?"
The mewls did not stop. 
"Alright, c'mere." 
He scooped two kittens and put each on his shoulders. The third one he put at the back in his hoodie. 
"And c'mere, you." 
Lu' Junior had the privilege to stay in Gramps' arms. The Aussie had an unspoken special affection for the smallest kitten. Maybe it came from his name and his looks, maybe he just saw what he wanted to see in him. In any case, Mundy crouched down and cupped his hands for the kitten to jump in. 
"Oh… What's this…?" 
He frowned and pushed the leaves away on the ground.
"Hooves' prints? There aren't any wild horses in here…" 
Lu' Junior jumped in his Gramps' hands and curled in a small ball of fluff against his gloves. Mundy held him like a baby. 
"There aren't any horse tours either this time of year… Hm, weird." 
The Aussie resumed his walk, the kittens clawing to him and mewling repeatedly.
"Did you like the fish yesterday, guys?" 
More mewls. 
"Yeah, but you, Glovy, you had too much, eh? You never know when to stop eatin', you're gonna end up like one big ball of fur with a tail, rolling around, eh?" 
The black kitten with white paws mewled back but his mother meowed at him from a branch high up in the trees. 
"You heard Mum, don't talk back, and eat less, or run around more and don't nap as much, you fat kitty."
The kittens on his shoulder went to his hoodie at the back and so Mundy was effectively carrying three of them on his back and one in his hands. 
"What d'you think of the forest guys? You like it? Yeah, it's good, isn't it? We should come back in spring and summer. Why? Well cause then the trees have leaves and everythin' is green and beautiful, eh?" 
"Meow?" They asked. 
"Yeah, I swear. And I'll take your parents too. I doubt Mum and Dad have ever seen anythin' like it."
"Why? Cause your Mum was raised in the city, to be a posh little kitty. And your father, ah, your father comes from the streets, but still from the city. You guys have no idea what it is to see nature and stuff. It smells of all kinds of things and you've got lots of colours goin' on too."
The kittens mewled, asking a million questions.
"Hey, hey, lads, one at a time, alright?" 
The kittens climbed out of the hood and went on his shoulders. 
"Careful, folks, you're gonna fall, no, no, claws, claws!"
Mundy stopped and crouched down. 
"There you go, let's go back now, ok? There's a little stream not far, actually, you guys can probably see it or hear it."
They walked a bit more and stopped at the stream. Perle and Soot came down from the trees and the cats drank from it. Mundy crouched down to watch them. 
"Fresh, isn't it? I should have brought a bottle and filled it. That's proper water, eh." 
The kittens lapped at it and touched it curiously with their paws before realising that indeed, water was wet. But it made funny lapping noises and it seemed a bit agitated as the stream flowed fast, bouncing on the rocks at the bottom of it.
"Careful not to fall in, eh?" Mundy pulled back Diamond who was being dangerously adventurous. "You guys don't like it when you get wet."
He watched them for a bit longer and sighed. This was as close as the near forty-year old would ever get to having children...
"We've walked quite far, lads. Let's go back."
Perle and Soot walked along their children and Mundy. The Aussie watched as Perle's fluffy white tail waved and danced around Soot's. The black cat could barely understand it all. All of a sudden, he had food, a warm bed and a family with whom he purred all day long. Life couldn't get any better. Well, if one forgets the bath, that is… 
They walked back to the van and Mundy went to get his fishing rod. 
"Hold on…"
He crouched down and looked at the ground. On the shore, he could see hooves prints not far from his campervan.
"But there aren't any horses here… Jesus-?"
He frowned. Something was odd. Next to the hooves prints were footprints. A human's footprints. Someone had come not far from his van and as usual, Mundy hadn't locked it. He went inside, followed by the herd of fluff. 
"Pearl, keep your babies inside."
"Somethin's odd. Someone came here close by. They might have seen the van." 
"Well, you're not really supposed to camp here. I do it anyway cause no one checks but… And the bloke's on horseback."
Mundy rummaged through his belongings, checking that nothing had been stolen. 
"Would you roam around on horseback now? And it's only one set of footprints and hooves. You don't take tours alone on horseback here. No, so chances are the bloke's not supposed to be there either."
Soot gathered the kittens on the sofa.
"Meow…" Perle brushed herself on Mundy's legs to calm him down. Well, someone else was in the forest, why be scared?
"I came here to be alone, baby. Not to have people get close. Next thing you'll know they'll come and talk to me. I don't want any of that…" 
He sighed and turned left and right, restless on his feet. 
Perle opened one of the cupboards and pulled a can of cat food. 
"Oh, yeah, you guys must be hungry…"
Little ears pricked up and the mewls went on louder. 
Mundy poured the cat food for the kittens and watched them eating as he went deep in thought. He should move away with the van. Go somewhere else and camp there. The forest was wide enough and he knew it like the back of his hand so it wouldn't be too hard to find a quiet spot. 
The problem was the lake! 
He had come to fish and really enjoyed it. The lake was wide, yes, but chances are, if he moved to another bit of the shore, the bloke roaming around would find him in no time. 
Mundy sighed. 
Bah, screwed as he was, he might as well face it. He would talk to them and if they were some sort of park ranger and asked him to leave, he would… 
Mundy raised his eyes to the windows and walked to them. It was odd anyway. Who in their right minds would have a walk around these parts, so far from town, now that it was freezing…? 
"Hm. I'll be right outside to fish. You guys stay safe and warm, ok?" 
The mewls and meows agreed. 
"Good kitties." 
The Aussie stepped out of the van with the fishing equipment. He sat on his foldable chair and started. The lake was calm, so calm. He sighed. Not a sound and nothing to see either. Fishing was always an exercise of patience, and the ex-hunter had plenty of it. 
He waited there and laid his long legs in front of him. He put one leg on the other and watched the lake. The only thing he could see was the periodic cloud of vapour as he breathed. He would sometimes see a few ripples at the surface of the water, but not much else. 
It was peaceful. 
Mundy frowned as Perle jumped on his lap. 
"What are you doin' here? I thought you were home with the hubby and the kids?"
She laid down and curled on his lap, wrapping her tail around herself. 
"Wanna stay with Gramps?" 
"Meow." She protested. 
"Rather wanna stay with Dad?" 
"Meow…" She meowed and purred under her father's fingers. 
"You know, you make me feel old, baby." He chuckled. "I feel old, so bloody old, especially now that you have the babies… I don't have grey hair yet like your Papa did, but still."
"Yeah, remember Papa?" 
Perle blinked slowly. 
"Course you do. The most handsome man the Earth has seen since bloody Casanova. He had grey hair, like Lu' Junior has white patches. Hm. I didn't know I could like a bloke with grey hair, and I didn't know I could like him that hard." 
Mundy's fingers scratched the fluffy cat.
"D'you think he watches us from where he is?" 
Perle purred. 
"I like to think he does. It helps. But also, I hope he isn't… Y'know… Disappointed." 
"Why? Cause Eddy, Victoria and Maurice are right. I haven't moved on to anything else. I can't. Movin' on means I have something I want to get to, a target. I don't have anything but you, baby. You're the only one I have and you're my everythin', the same way that he was. But y'know, sometimes I think about him and I wonder what he'd think of me now. I think…" Mundy took a deep breath. "I think he'd be sad for me. If he sees me from up there, I'm sure he's thinking about us, hoping he did the right thing."
"But at the same time, he's with his fiancée and kid. So I guess he can find a bit of peace with that… Actually, he probably takes care of them, they keep him busy. That's what he wanted initially, avenge them."
"I don't know, it's hard to tell, eh? Did he do the right thing or did we just… Did we just mess the chance we had because we were both blinded by revenge? I mean, yeah, ok, we killed Duchemin. I made him suffer beyond what I thought I could do to anyone. It was weird. It's just that… thinking about what Mum and Dad had to go through… I just wanted him to feel it too because… Because it's unfair."
The fishing rod moved and Mundy pulled on the thread to reveal a sizable trout. He put it in the bucket on the shore and threw the bait again. 
Perle stood on her back paws and hugged her Dad. She pushed her head against his cheek and brushed herself there, lovingly. 
"Y'know, I never really said it but uh… I guess I have to one day. You need to hear it before… Y'know… Before the end."
"You're making me understand what my parents felt when they adopted me. I never doubted their love, even with my Dad."
"Meow?" Perle laid on her Dad's lap and rolled to offer her fluffy belly to him. She raised her feline blue eyes to Mundy. 
"Yeah, I used to fight with him all the time… Seems nonsensical now. I mean, I do have regrets. I shouldn't have talked to him that way. Deep down I understand he was just worried for me. I regret it now, yeah. Can't do much about it. When I go and see him, I ask him to forgive me, yeah."
"I don't know, baby, I really don't. But at the same time, yeah, I think I love you like they loved me. I mean, of course you're a cat, but you're not just a cat. Lu' rescued you and… and then we adopted you, raised you like our, well, our baby. He taught you to cross the street like a proper person and I guess I taught you how to accept people."
"Even if you're still grumpy about them, eh. At least now you let them approach you when I tell ya."
Perle purred and rose to her feet to headbutt her Dad and rub her fluffy head against him. 
"Yeah… I love you too, Pearl… I really do, baby… Huh?" 
Mundy heard something. He turned his back and couldn't see a thing through the forest of dead trees and leaves. Hm. Whatever. 
"Right, hold on here. The fish is bein' slow today, I'll get the sax and play."
He left Perle on the chair and came back with his saxophone. The lady cat sat at his feet and watched him. He put the black mouthpiece in his mouth and started to play. The waves of air that he blew out of his golden instrument were slow and mellow. The original song was upbeat and quite faster in tempo than what Mundy played. 
But he had lost any and all rhythm in his life. The cycles of day and night were only still a thing because of the cats. Without them, he would be living to the periodic summons of his stomach and would hardly leave his bed. 
Can't take my eyes off of you… 
A song he had played back in the days when he played in a small band, in pubs. It was easy for the crowd to sing along to, even when they were drunk. But the way he interpreted it now was far from the version he used to play. No, now it was tainted with melancholy, with regret. It was slowed down to the rhythm at which Mundy dragged his feet from one day to the next. He had played everyday for the past few days and felt a bit less rusty now.
He closed his eyes and let himself be invaded by the wind of music, not realising that he had an audience besides Perle; an audience consisting of a single man. But sometimes, as Mundy now knew too well, a single man could make all the difference. 
The hermit left his horse and approached, his footsteps as silent as a feline gait. He slithered through the tree trunks, walking in a straight, resolute line, yet torn apart by doubts. 
Would his feet lead him all the way to the musician? Would he chicken out? Again? He had spent the past few days listening to the concerts everyday until he had caught a glimpse of the campervan. And everything had been turned upside down in the hermit's mind and body. Would he find the courage to confront him, to utter at least a few words to him? 
His feet went on and he was now in the open, not surrounded by the trees anymore. He was only a few metres behind the musician and stopped. It was foolish. Breaking the silence, blowing up the solitude he had dived in for more than a year in that forest… It was foolish. More than that, it was idiotic, it was stupid and he should not under any circumstances do it. Because if he did, all that time spent far from any and everyone would have counted for nothing. 
He was now within arm's reach. He could put his hand in the old mitten on the musician's shoulder. His curious digits floated, hovered gently, they perhaps even trembled at the mere thought of - 
The musician had jumped out of his chair and spun fast on his feet to hold the intruder from behind, a hand blocking his arm and the other putting a blade under his throat. 
"What the hell're you doin', mate, hm? Thought you could rob me and me van? Well, bad luck, the kitty saw you and twitched."
"Gnh?!" The hermit felt the cold metal of the blade against his throat. 
In the rush of the movement, his beanie had slipped off his soft, salt and pepper hair and his ponytail went undone.
"And you're old at that?" Mundy said. "You prey on poor campers like me at your age, mate? Did no one catch you before?" 
The hermit had frozen and raised his hands left and right, surrendering. 
"What the-?" Mundy looked down and Perle was brushing herself on his legs and the hermit's. "Baby? What the hell…? Oi, you still don't move!" Mundy pressed the blade against the stranger's throat harder. "Pearl, you never liked people…?" 
The lady cat purred.
"She recognised me." The hermit with the French accent answered and Mundy's heart stopped. "Besides, you are holding my blade like a butcher, Bushman." 
Mundy's ears rang loudly, deafeningly, his legs gave up and he fell to the floor, the blade escaping his fingers.
"He will beat me up for this." Lucien chuckled, looking at his unconscious lover. "And look at you, mon bébé!"
He opened his arms and the cat jumped to him, brushing herself on him as he carried her and spun round and around.
"Mon Dieu! Comme tu as grandi!"
[My God! You have grown so much!]
He kissed her again and again, squeezing her in his arms as she meowed and purred repeatedly. 
"Oui? Tu me reconnais! C'est Papa!"
[Yes? You recognise me! It's Papa!]
He kissed her again before letting her go. He picked up the blade from the sandy ground.
"Va réveiller Mundy. Si je le fais, il va m'en coller une."
[Go and wake Mundy up. If I do it, he will surely punch me across the face.]
Perle went to her Dad and meowed, sniffing him and licking his eyebrows and his hair. 
"Wha-...? Baby? What the…?" Mundy gained consciousness again. "What the hell am I doin' here…?" 
Mundy raised his eyes and saw a man with loose, salt and pepper hair, falling on his shoulders, crouching next to him. He wore a short beard and his ice blue eyes were riveted on the blade with which he was playing between his fingers.
"Bloody hell!"
Mundy jumped to his feet and ran to his van a few metres away. He put a hand on his chest, his heart was beating so hard, it might have burst out of his chest. He was breathing loud and hard, his back against the side of the van.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck… Now I see him… I see him, I see him, I see him…"
Lucien tilted his head on the side and his hair gently followed the movement of his head, flowing to one side. 
"You also hear him."
"What the hell?! Look, sorry mate, you just look like the spittin' image of a mate of mine. Y-you actually sound like him too, oof…" Mundy bent down and rested his hands on his knees. "Man, that's the most terrifyin' thing I've ever seen…" He tried to catch his breath. 
Lucien put a hand on his shoulder and gently tapped him. 
"Yeah, give me a second… You just are the goddamn spittin' image of a mate of mine that passed a year ago and uh… Ooh, you look the same but with long hair and a beard… Gosh, ah…"
Lucien chuckled at how ridiculous it all was. Mundy refused to believe it was him. He stood straight up and adjusted his clothes. 
"Look, I'm sorry to have threatened you and all, I just know this forest like the back of my hand and I know there isn't anyone here at this time of the year."
Mundy raised his eyes to the man in front of him and his eyebrows jumped. The resemblance was striking… Almost too real. He leaned back on the side of his van. 
"Silly." Lucien said, handing the blade back to him.
"What?" Mundy frowned, accepting it.
"You are incredibly silly." 
"Listen, mate, you might not get it, but you gave me the fright of my life. You just… you look like him too much!"
Lucien rolled his eyes and crossed his arms on his chest. 
Perle brushed herself against his legs and Mundy frowned again. 
"She usually doesn't trust strangers unless I tell her she can."
Lucien chuckled again, trying not to burst out in laughter. 
"What? What's so funny?" Mundy asked. 
"If I told you, you would beat me up. Again. For the hundredth time." 
The Aussie's jaw dropped. 
"No…? Really…?" He wanted to believe in the resemblance, he really did.
Lucien crouched down and scratched Perle's head. He stood back up again. 
"Oh you would, without a doubt, you have beaten me up for far less than what I have been doing for the past five hundred and three days." 
Mundy frowned. 
Lucien took the step that separated him from Mundy and went for what he had dreamt of doing for the past five hundred and three days. He put a hand on Mundy's cheek and the Aussie's back went flat against his van. Lucien grinned with the same simple, arrogant, trademarked smile of his. The Aussie got taken aback by the suddenness of the stranger's moves but the more he stared, the more he was convinced. It had to be him. But it couldn't. Yet, he recognised him. 
"You're dead…"
"I had to. But non, I am afraid that the news of my death was greatly exaggerated."
Mundy smacked a hand on his mouth. His eyebrows rose on their own, his eyes burnt hot and tears started streaming on their own as he closed them. He leaned his head in the hollow of Lucien's palm more. The Frenchman smiled. Mundy's hands hovered up, slowly, to Lucien's cheeks. 
"Is it really you?" 
"What do you think?" 
"Bloody hell…" 
Mundy's fingers sank in Lucien's long hair and the Frenchman closed his eyes, rolling them up slowly in bliss. His hands slid to Mundy's chest.
"What's with the hair and beard?" Mundy sniffed through his tears. 
"I could ask you the same. You have cut your hair?"
Mundy's beanie had slipped away when he fainted.
"Well, fuck me…" He muttered in disbelief. Lucien was alive?
"Well that is quite upfront, mon amour."
"No, I - argh, I didn't mean it like that!"
Lucien chuckled and oh my God, Mundy remembered that melody! He remembered the velvet purring that was Lucien's chuckle!
"I… I… No, seriously, it's you…?"
"You still don't believe it, hm?" 
"You've been dead for more than a year, luv'!"
"And you've taken care of Perle, as I asked you to." Lucien looked down at the white cloud slithering between their legs, meowing repeatedly.
"Say it." 
"I will doom the both of us if I do. Again." 
"Not this time." 
"They've killed you once. They won't kill you twice."
Lucien smiled.
"Perhaps you are right."
"So say it." Mundy insisted. 
"Honey, I'm home."
Mundy grabbed Lucien by his waist and pulled him into the dearest hug he ever gave in his life, digging his fingers as hard as he could there. He burst out laughing and sobbing at the same time, he didn't know what to feel! Tears streamed but he was laughing his socks off!
Somehow, he had Lucien again and wouldn't let go of him! He didn't care if he was dreaming or not he had the man he dreamt of in his arms! He moved away from the van, pulling Lucien by the hand. 
"Shut up and c'mere, you!"
The Aussie crouched slightly and swept Lucien off his feet, spinning him round and around in his arms like a mad man.
"You're back! You're back!" He voice broke and reached octaves it had never explored before. 
As he turned and spun, they eventually fell on the sand, on the lake's shore, Lucien landed on Mundy. They both laughed and when they calmed down, Lucien looked down at him. 
"I am glad you haven't beaten me up for this."
"I could." Mundy cheekily answered.
"And I would complain."
"You'd fight back and kick my arse…!" Mundy chuckled.
"This is domestic violence, Mundy!"
"Pfff domestic - wait, does that mean you're really back?" Lucien smiled. "Like back like it was before and - hm…" 
Lucien slowly dived to meet Mundy's lips with his own. The beard was definitely something new against Mundy's mouth but he loved it. And that long hair looked and felt amazing… It was like curtains around their faces, salt and pepper curtains of pure silk. They kissed on the sand and would have spent the entire evening there… 
Lucien broke the kiss.
"Was that-?" He asked.
"Well, yeah, it was my stomach growlin'…!"
"So much for romance. Again." Lucien stood up and offered a hand to lift Mundy off the ground.
"Oi, you interrupted my fishin'! I'm gettin' hungry!"
They looked each other in the eye and smiled. 
"Give me an instant." Lucien headed away. 
"Nope!" Mundy followed him. 
"What are you doing?" 
"Followin' you."
"I lost you once, not gonna happen again." Mundy held his hand. "I'll be stuck to you forever now, even if you have to take a bloody piss!"
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nam-nam-joon · 5 years
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along the shore
Pairing: yukhei x reader
Genre: meet-cute, summer friendship
Wordcount: 10.3k
Warnings: proceed with caution if large bodies of water/rescue breathing makes you uncomfortable
Summary: the vacation you’ve been waiting for so long is finally here, but the sleepy town by the ocean is holding more secrets than you think
this was written for @kacchand​ ~! i’ve been thinking of dedicating a few fics to the people whose content i’ve been enjoying on here immensely, and you’re first! here is your well-deserved vacation. i hope you like it :)
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It was so early that fog still obscured the tips of the cedars lining the shore.
Well, early was relative - 8 am would be late had it been any other day you’d have to get up and prepare for work. But here and now, on vacation, it was fairly early, especially considering you had, naturally, planned to sleep in every other morning. Theoretically at least.
And yet here you were, comfortably toasty in soft, fluffy clothes, stuffed into a big red wetsuit, head topped with a thick beanie and with excitement in your heart.
The little boat, driven by one of the guides knowing the area like their pocket, didn’t look too reassuring; it dipped and swayed in the little waves that licked at the pontons, shortly below the main tourhouse up half a flight of sun-bleached wooden steps.
Half a dozen other people milled around the waiting area as well, all without exception holding cameras.
You felt around one of the outer, non-waterproof pockets of the thick suit - yep, your phone was still there.
Not to think what would happen if you’d take the expensive digital camera out on a boat ride like this, only to have an unexpected little wave knock it out of your hands and plunge it into the bottomless depth…
Your phone was an acceptable substitute, especially considering how you hadn’t come here to take pictures, but to make memories.
“All aboard!” Came the hoarse cry from the driver. Anticipation washed over the group.
You would really do it. All these months of work and saving everything you could, for this vacation, for this boat ride - to drive out to the open ocean, to see wales.
The excitement made your hands quiver.
On your way out of the safe haven, a sound nestled into the embrace of the coast, you caught he guide throw a few questioning glances at the sky.
They only paused minimally in their telling about bald eagles sitting in the trees and how everyone was on watch-duty to spot them.
The fog stayed behind with the trees as soon as the driver turned towards the open ocean, past a formation of rocks that were covered in seals.
One of them lazily lifted one of its flippers and waved.
“Alright folks, so we might have to cut this tour short today - we’ve been getting reports there’s some heavy rain coming in, and we don’t wanna get hit with that on the open waters. But so far it’s looking good, so, eh, we’ll see.”
Someone asked about experiencing a storm in this boat, and the guide gave them a lopsided grin.
“In this old thing? You’d be lucky if you came out alive. Nah, you best sit out a storm safe on the shore. Better, in a warm cabin with someone to keep you company and a good drink in your hand!”
Cheers and laughter.
A little way further out the driver slowed the boat so everyone could take a good look at a sea otter that was just floating between the waves, disappearing now and then before coming back up and cleaning its little head. Not long after that, the walkie-talkie crackled and an almost not-understandable voice spoke something.
“Folks! We just got news of a whale sighting not too far from here. Hang in tight, we might end up seeing some today after all!”
The murmurs and approving words didn’t last too long, after the clouds started to look a little darker grey, hanging a little low. But then another tour-boat came into sight, and you caught a glance of a rounded back with a minimal fin and every doubt you’d had about anything else was swept away.
The salty breeze blew into your face, left a hint of the ocean on your lips as you followed the others and stood from the bench in the middle of the boat.
Two whales were gathering food, the driver narrated, explaining there wouldn’t be sights of a tail fin until one or both decided to dive deep.
For a while everyone took pictures and admired the parts they could catch of the large animals mostly hidden below water.
Then the other boat started to move, the crackling of an incoming message disrupting the otherwise very peaceful mood. Something like the sound of something big rushing over the water, still far away, reached your ears. Confused by its origin you turned in your seat.
In moments the wind picked up. The breeze from before, salty, suddenly smelled like rain, whipped the long hair of a fellow passenger next to you around and had the boat gently swaying from side to side.
“Everybody sit down and hold on to the boat, the rain might have come earlier than expected - if everybody holds on, we should get-”
You momentarily stopped listening as a boy, surely younger and nonetheless taller than you, rudely shoved his elbow into your back.
“Hey, watch it.” You grumbled, annoyed at how disinterested the other was concerning his surroundings. Another shove that brought you to the edge of your seat, literally, and you turned around, ready to raise your voice when a small wave hit the side of the boat, the top of it spraying water on the passengers. Some of it got into your eyes and you blinked at the sudden sting.
Raindrops began to fall, the water like a wall pushing itself over the ocean.
Mind focused on the primary problem at hand - not being able to see without mild irritation in your eyes - you didn’t see the second wave coming, larger and wilder than the first.
It hit, unexpected, and your butt slipped off the seat completely, forcing you to stand to hop back up. In the short moment in which you still tried to find your balance in the swaying, now moving, boat, a third wave collided with the vehicle.
The edge of the boat had seemed quite high.
And then suddenly it wasn’t, and you couldn’t muster as much as a noise of surprise before the sky and the ocean switched places and you plunged into the water.
Everything got very quiet suddenly.
And cold.
It was cold, so, so cold, and you dimly remembered the safety instruction, some hour ago, and how the person had mentioned that the suit would automatically fill with water. What had been the next step in securing your survival in the water…?
You opened your eyes.
The pain was all but forgotten as you looked out through the surprisingly clear water, saw the whales - three, not two - move under the surface.
They turned and twisted, and their songs reached your ears through the water.
Something glinting on one of their flippers caught your attention. Narrowing your eyes at it, they almost immediately widened again at the sight.
Someone was swimming around the gigantic animal, their hands rubbing over its skin. A silver grey tail shimmering behind them.
The salt began to burn in your nose.
Nothing changed, and yet the person - was it a person? Were you seeing things? - let go of the whale and paused.
Your thoughts started to grow sluggish in the treacherous cold of the sea.
The person was incredibly fast in swimming around its larger friends. Within seconds large hands reached for you and intelligent, dark eyes, found yours.
“Humans…” Mused a voice, so clear in your ears as if they were speaking above water. “You always forget the most important parts when falling into the ocean.”
A broad smile brightened the boy’s - or was he a young man already?- brightened the face in front of you as quick, nimble fingers worked to tighten the loops around your arms and legs that would halt the flow of water into the suit.
You could do nothing but stare.
Short, dull brown hair flowed with every movement; pearls and other small stuff delicately woven into it, shimmering and glinting now and then.
You tried to speak but the boy was quick to press the pad of his finger to your lips.
“Hush, human. Your voices were made for the air, not the water. Save your breath.”
Only then did you realize your chest hurt.
“Hmm? Human, what’s the m-” His wide eyes travelled up to your own gaze after lingering on your lips, where his finger was still mushed against. Then he noticed your hand, weakly clutching at your chest.
“Oh. I see.”
His eyes seemed to search for something above before reconnecting with yours, and for the first time you thought to see something like mild worry in them.
The bewilderment reached through the haze that settled over your oxygen deprived brain as the boy moved forward, one of his hands on your jaw, the other holding you close, and then pressed his own lips to yours.
There was no leverage to hold on to, or to push away the stranger, and your fists weakly connected with his chest.
His hands only held you tighter, your heart beating faster in a rising panic.
With the shock it was easy for him to tilt his head and open both of your mouths together in what turned out to not be a kiss. Instead, he gave you air, and even though your head still swam, the pressure on your temples lessened.
“Let’s get you back up, you don’t belong here.” Were the last words you could hear before you felt the water pulling at you as the boy swam forward.
Shortly before you could break the surface you went limp in his hands.
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You came to as the boat docked below the tourhouse, wet to the bones and shivering.
It took three mugs of steaming tea, an abundance of warm blankets and a donated hoodie and pants you were ushered into in favour of your soaked clothes, until you were somewhat clear in the head again and your hands weren’t shaking anymore.
After the head of tours had apologized, along with the rude boy from before that had definitely been a big part of the reason why you’d fallen, you sat on a bench above a heater, overlooking the haven and following the raindrops that raced down the glass.
Outside the storm was fully raging, and the opening through which the boats entered and left the haven was hidden in the rain.
The young man with the fishtail wouldn’t leave your mind.
Had you hallucinated him? The combination of the shock from the cold water, the salt, the lack of air…?
You had almost asked about it, after the guide had helped you ashore, the small team from the tourhouse already waiting to get you inside to dry and get warm as soon as possible.
There had been something like a silent exchange of words between the staff, at least it had seemed so. Or maybe the guide had just quietly accepted their fate of being beheaded later.
“How are you feeling, dear?”
As if sensing your thoughts were circling back to one topic and one topic only, the friendly woman from behind the counter slipped around it and towards you, hand already extended towards your mug in a questioning manner.
You nodded and smiled, politely declining the offer to get another refill.
“Better.” You sighed, then. “Can feel all my toes and fingers again.”
The woman pursed her lips but refrained from apologizing once more.
“You had the unfortunate luck to be our one-in-a-hundred case… Good thing you remembered the safety procedure.” She lifted an eyebrow, and you dipped your nose back into your mug to humm in agreement.
Except you hadn’t, hadn’t remembered, had been frozen in fear and if it hadn’t been for-
“Well, I guess, the kayaking tour this evening will have to be postponed to tomorrow… doesn’t look like the rain will stop anytime soon.”
As if on cue, thunder clapped in the distance. The woman frowned.
“Yikes. Stay as long as you’d like, okay? I threw your clothes into the wash, they should be good in an hour or so.”
You set the mug down on the windowsill quite suddenly as a thought fell into your head.
“The wetsuit… did you find a phone in it? I remember putting it in one of the outer pockets…”
The apologetic look on the woman’s face was saying it all.
“So sorry. There wasn’t anything in your suit after we helped you out of it. It must have slipped out when you fell.”
“Damn.” Your eyes fled outside the window, and resignation tugged at your heart. 
This long awaited trip had, within only its first two days, gone from the dream of your dreams to a very unfortunate collection of mishaps.
“But there’s good news too; The weather’s supposed to get a lot better in the next days. It’s not much, I know, but it’s something, hm?”
After your clothes had come out of the drier, as fluffy and warm as they had been before, the friendly woman from the counter lend you a sturdy, bright yellow wax coat to keep you dry on your way to the hostel, and you took your leave.
On the way there you stopped by one of the many cozy, tiny restaurants.
The salmon soup and the freshly baked bread that came with it somewhat soothed the loss that your missing phone had left in you midst; replaced with food it was bearable for now.
It still sucked, but that was out of question.
The afternoon was spend in the common room of the hostel, overlooking part of the harbour and the sound.
There was a guitar sitting in a corner, and someone picked it up and began plucking calm tunes that mixed with the chatter of the two handful of people milling in the beautiful glass house addition to the main hostel.
Wrapped in a blanket with your book the time passed easily enough. The rain was still pouring and you decided against going out for dinner. Instead you raided the ‘up for grabs’ section of the hostel kitchen, and later slept in with a belly full of noodles and sauce you had cooked up from the bounty of the free shelve.
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The next day dawned bright and early, warmer than the ones before and without a single cloud in the sky.
The sunscreen you had packed suddenly didn’t look as obsolete anymore, and you generously applied it before leaving the hostel to finally explore the small town.
It was already past noon when you stumbled through a patch of forest, the trees unkept and the barely there path overgrown. The tote over your shoulder held a sandwich of a respectable size and two cans of lemonade, and your belly had been loudly requesting them for a while.
You had been looking for a good place to sit down and rest for about the same time. As the trees thinned out and gave the view free on an old walkway that reached into the water, you felt relief washing over you.
The place for lunch had been found.
It felt awfully touristy but along with your food you had bought a simple straw hat. Sitting here on the edge of the walkway now, it made the burn of he sun bearable.
Your toes barely touched the water below as you dangled your legs over the edge, leaned back on your hands and just resting after wolving down the sandwich.
The sun was glistening on the surface of the waves. A few seagulls passed by overhead.
It was very quiet here, the trees in your back doing a great job at filtering the noise from the street beyond them and shielding the seclusive lagoon from prying eyes.
Sat here the awful events from yesterday were almost forgotten.
The voice startled you. There was noone on the wooden planks behind you, noone on the shore; it took your searching eyes a moment to move to the water.
“I’m- I’m down here.”
There was humour swinging in the words but you inched forward on your hastily pulled back legs, wary. You spied over the edge and sighed.
A head was bobbing shortly above the waves; the same wide, brown eyes staring up at you now that had so curiously taken in your face yesterday.
Here, in the sunlight, his skin had nothing of its ghostly paleness from below water anymore. Indeed he was quite tan, although his hair was still much darker. The pearls in it blinked.
“Hi?” You answered, not entirely sure if you had fallen asleep in the sun and were experiencing a very realistic dream.
“Hey. You’re the one from the tour yesterday, aren’t you? I found this after I brought you to the surface, it was just sort of… drifting. This morning it wouldn’t stop making noise, Yuta said it was probably yours?”
His words didn’t make much sense before he lifted a hand out of the water, droplets of the liquid running over the skin that blended into scales on one side of the appendix. Clutched in his fingers, looking almost entirely human, was your phone.
“My phone!” You repeated, hastily taking it from the boy and drying it with your shirt. The screen lit up after you pressed a button, and even though one edge of the display was of a slightly distorted colour, otherwise it seemed to be fine. You looked back at the boy, still floating in the same spot.
“Thank you so much!” You blinked, and lowered the device until it rested on your thigh. “Thank you. Not only for my phone but...you know. Saving my life.”
The previously rather passive expression on the merman’s morphed into a big grin. One hand ran through the wet locks, messed them up a bit. Already they were drying under the sunlight.
“You’re welcome. Taeil was worried when they saw you fall.”
“My friend! One of the whales you saw yesterday.”
“Right.” You furrowed your eyebrows. “I-”
“Sorry,” He interrupted you, and you fell silent immediately. “Would you mind if I came up and sit with you? It gets super exhausting to keep talking up to you like that.”
“Um, sure.” You shuffled over to the left until there was more than enough room for one more to sit. After hastily stuffing the sandwich wrapper into your bag, you gave a thumbs-up to the guy below.
In the next breath he was already pulling himself up, arms flexing and tail splashing a fine mist of water over you before he settled down next to you.
You ran both your hands over your face and lifted your hat to brush back a few strands of hair. When you opened your eyes again you suddenly had to look up.
The guy was taller than you while sitting, his friendly face smiling down on you.
It was a fleeting thought in your head before your eyes travelled down and latched onto the same, glimmering, grey tail that had caught your attention yesterday already.
Up this close it was incredibly beautiful.
The scales overlapped, creating a shimmering slick surface that was able to follow every move the strong muscles did below.
It narrowed where it vanished in the water, the end concealed in the depths. The occasional single scale was brighter that the others wich, under a closer look, ranged from dark grey, almost charcoal, to a silverish concrete grey. The ones around the boy’s hips were overall lighter than the ones closer to the water, but the brighter scales dotting the whole tail were more noticeable there.
You realized you were staring and turned your head in the other direction, feeling a heat that had nothing to do with the clear sky entering your cheeks.
“First time seeing a mermaid, huh? I get it, we can be quite breathtaking.”
“Oh jesus christ.” You let out, glaring at the smug grin on the boy’s face. “At least introduce yourself before subjecting me to such horrible… horrible puns.”
The laughter, waiting to boil over beneath the cold surface, finally broke free after looking at the other’s face a little longer.
“You really think it was terrible, hmm?” He grinned, hands folded in his lap. “I’m Yukhei. What’s your name?”
“_______. Pleasure to meet you.”
“Oh please, the pleasure is all mine.” He wiggled his eyebrows, and you laughed again.
“Do you do that often?” You asked, after taking a sip from your drink.
Yukhei made a small noise of question and turned his head. Your eyes were trained on the horizon melting into the ocean in the heat.
“Save people who fall overboard.”
“Oh.” He huffed, following your gaze. “No, not usually. I mean, usually, people don’t fall in, and usually, on the rare occasion they do, they’re busy helping themselves.” He shrugged.
“Guess I owe you big time, then.” Your eyes dropped to where your legs dangled next to Yukhei’s tail.
The other watched you for a moment.
“Don’t beat yourself up about it. Many people forget everything as soon as they join us in the water. It’s not your fault.”
Your eyes briefly met with his and got stuck on the empathy in them. 
The fingers in your lap, circled around your phone, tightened.
“Still. If there’s something I could do for you - it’d make me feel better.”
Without asking, Yukhei’s hand stole behind you and grabbed the unopened can of lemonade.
“Well, if you put it like that…” He took a sip of the drink, paused, and looked at the label. “Ah, this one’s good. Um. Yeah, if you really want to, I’d love to get some licorice. The good, german one. Think you can get me a pack of those?”
He lifted his eyebrows over his drink, hopeful smile half hidden behind the metal.
“Sure.” You laughed, incredulous at his odd request. “I think I can manage that.”
Yukhei’s smile was a radiant as the sun above. “Great! Thanks.”
A moment of silence in which you both sipped your lemonades in silence. Then he spoke up again.
“So did you get a good photo of my friends? That’s why you were there, right? To take photos of the whales?”
You shook your head, eyes leaving the deep blue of the ocean for the brown of Yukhei’s gaze. “No. I have a good camera but I didn’t take it out to the tour - looking back it proved to be a really good decision because I was- Well I wasn’t anticipating taking a dive but the possibility was there. You know? I mostly went to see whales and make memories.”
“Huh.” The mermaid sipped his drink, lazily swishing his tail through the water below. “That doesn’t happen too often. Mostly it’s just ‘Oh I gotta take a picture of this! Oh I gotta take a picture of that!’.”
“Tell me about it…” You sighed into your can, eyes squinting at the glistening water once more. “This is a super beautiful tiny town, I’m just glad not more people are as crazed to ban everything they get in front of their lense on photos. It’s the worst when they stop in the middle of the walkway and if you don’t pay attention you just smack right into them!”
Exasperated you dropped the hand that had gesticulated wildly back on your leg. Yukhei watched you with interest, taking in every word.
“So you’re not a tourist-tourist?” He asked, tip of his finger running over the top of the can in his hand.
You shook your head.
“I mean, I do take pictures as well, but at least I try to… Not inconvenience anyone else while doing it. I wanna have keepsakes that I won’t just throw away after they gather dust on some shelve.”
“That’s a good approach.”
The time seemed to fly by the longer you sat on the walkway with Yukhei, even after you had both finished your drink. He was a great listener and soaked up everything you told him about the town you usually lived and worked in, about the town just behind the line of trees that the merman had obviously never seen.
Before long you glanced at your watch and had to hurry to excuse yourself because the kayaking tour you’d signed up for would depart soon.
“Kayaking?” Yukhei’s eyes glinted. “Maybe I’ll come.” His smile was mischievous, and you worried your eyebrows.
“But- That means people would see you.”
“You saw me just now?”
“Yeah but-”
“Relax, I won’t swim next to your boat or something.” He grinned, entertained by your exasperation at the prospect of having a mermaid trailing your boat. “But maybe you’ll catch glances of me in the distance - keep an eye out on the horizon, baby.”
He winked, with both eyes, and clicked his tongue suggestively. It had you breaking into a laugh before you shoved him back into the water. He went in with a great splash, hovering in one spot and beaming up at you.
“Meet you back here at sundown? With my licorice?” His eyebrows curved on his forehead in an adorable way, and you weren’t entirely immune to those round, hopeful eyes he gave you.
“Sure.” You laughed again, hoisting the tote higher up your shoulder. “Yeah, I’ll be here.”
You waved with the hand still holding your phone, and then had to run to still make the kayaking trip.
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In the evening you went into one of the shops and eventually had to ask one of the clerks there if they had what the mermaid had asked for.
With a small package of ‘Haribo Rotella’ in your sunburned hands you returned to the thick patch of forest you’d been wondering by noon. The store had had a select few packages of other Haribo sweets as well, smurves and something colourful, too, but you’d stuck with the ‘Rotella’ stuff since it was purely licorice.
Another two cans of the lemonade you’d bought before were in your bag now, and as you made your way down the hill to the walkway you could see something bobbing in the water next to it.
Yukhei was waiting already when your feet touched the wood on the construction, hair dripping water on his shoulders and droplets glistening all over him.
He waved enthusiastically as you approached, hopping in place and reminding you very much of an excited puppy.
“Did you get it?” He almost shouted, and wordless you held out the sweets. “Omg yass!”
He tore into the package and fished a coil of the black stuff out, munching on it excitedly.
“Did you just say ‘omg’?” You remarked with a smile as you smoothed down the fluttery fabric of your summer clothes to sit next to the merman. He grinned at you.
“So what if I did?”
“I didn’t know that was something merfolk - do you call it that?” Yukhei nodded patiently. “Didn’t know merfolk used such words.”
He shrugged. “You pick up a lot, you know? I mean, I do speak your language as well, so.”
“Oh yeah you’re right.” You looked at him with new interest. “Where did you learn it? Do merfolk have school as well?”
He was on his third of fourth coil now and not showing any signs of stopping.
“Your parents teach you, mostly. And the human children coming to the sea sometimes.”
At your astonishment he chuckled, plopping another piece into his mouth. “Yeah, yeah, I know. Mermaid’s a fairy tale right? Except for the natives living by the coast. They know they’re not. But you can’t really trust anyone else.”
Uncomfortably touched you looked away. The sky was a dusty orange dulling into greyish blue the lower the sun, just out of sight already, sunk. The breeze was still warm, but the freshness of summer nights began to circle on the area.
“But… That means… You trust me not to tell anyone I saw a mermaid.”
You looked back at Yukhei who, after more than half the pack, had seemed to finally slow down. The sweets were momentarily placed aside as he leaned forward, his elbows on his tail and holding your gaze with an unfamiliar intensity you hadn’t seen before.
“It’s less trusting and more desperately hoping. Of course, nobody would really believe you if you told them you’d seen someone like me… The locals who know will say you got a bad sunstroke and the glittering on the light on the water fooled your eyes. Nobody will carry word outside this town except you, maybe, but we hope you don’t. That wouldn’t be very nice. Not only because I saved your life.”
Stunned by the calm sincerity in his voice you just sat next to him for a moment. The bubbly, loud demeanor from before was entirely gone and there was something intense in his eyes the longer you looked into them.
“I won’t say anything. I promise.”
“Good.” He leaned back, smiled, and the tension dissipated.
His broad shoulders relaxed and he sporadically took out another piece of licorice, going back to the somewhat mindless chatter he’d filled your conversation before.
It felt a bit strange, to have the bubbly, open, happy version of himself back so suddenly, and it made you think twice when regarding him.
His looks were easygoing and borderline cheeky again, but now you could see something simmering beneath it.
When you had parted ways that evening, the night sky dotted with stars already, and finally lay in bed, your thoughts wouldn’t let go on how much he had risked in the gamble of not only saving you but also returning your phone.
It was currently charging at the port inside one of the small lockers that had come with the room. The discoloured corner would probably remain, but after a few hours stuck in rice you were positive the rest would work just fine.
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Before you knew it, the first week of your vacation ended already.
Almost daily were the visits to the ocean, to the little, hidden walkway. More often than not you could see Yukhei already waiting, swimming between the wooden pollers keeping the walkway up, weaving in and out of them. After a few days he was laying with his arms and upper torso on the wood, baking in the sunlight.
As you approached your meeting space today you found him laying completely out of the water, with only his fluke hanging over the edge.
To see his tail in all its glory  brushed all conscious thoughts from your head.
The boy seemed to sleep, his eyes closed and face relaxed as you crouched next to where his ankles would have been.
The glint of his scales was inviting you to reach out with a hand, to touch it, but you refrained and stuck to only watching how it slowly moved from side to side.
A sheen of moisture sparkled in the sunlight.
When a cloud pushed itself in front of the radiant orb in the sky the temperature went from scalding to bearable, waking Yukhei.
He scooted forward until he was on one height with you, at the edge of the walkway, yawning and pouting a bit.
“Why the long face?” You playfully jabbed an elbow into his side.
“You should have woken me up when you arrived! I don’t want to waste time I could spend in your company.”
It was difficult to suppress the fond smile spreading on your face.
“You looked so peaceful, I didn’t want to disturb you. Sorry.”
He shook his head and placed it on your shoulder.
“You were looking at my tail again, weren’t you?”
Now it was your turn to pull a pout. “Don’t call me out like that. Yes I was. It’s a very pretty tail.”
“You can touch it if you want, you know?”
You lifted your head and turned it to look at him. “You sure?”
He hummed affirmatively, lashes fanning over his cheeks as he watched where his appendix sloshed in the water below.
Hesitation made your hands heavy. But curiosity won.
With a single finger you poked the skin, on the height of where his knee would have been.
He giggled at the way you leaned down to inspect it better. The scales where smooth and covered in a thin film of slick, and it was almost like petting koi. His smile was still wide and the twinkle in his eyes still glinting when you leaned back after your thorough inspection.
The slick rubbed off and stuck to the palm you had hesitantly stroked Yukhei’s tail with and you were a bit grossed out at how it coated your skin.
The water wasn’t too far down and so you switched your legs hanging over the edge for your torso, reaching down to wave your hand around the water, hoping the sheen would dissipate. It didn’t, at first, and you went on to rub the fingers of the hand against each other before outright wiping the palm on the wood of a pillar. Still hanging with around half your body over the edge you collected your strength to pull yourself back up, before-
“Watch out!” Yukhei suddenly called, his hands jerking to your sides as you startled at his voice.
The blue came a lot closer and the next moment you were sputtering and coughing, treading water to hold yourself up while attempting to blink the salt out of your eyes.
The merman was cupping the lower half of his face in his palm, trying and obviously failing to hide his laughter.
“You idiot!”
He cackled at that, head tipped back and with an arm wrapped around his middle to hold himself together while you glowered at him from the wetness.
Grumbling you went to the rusted steps of an ancient ladder mounted to the wood meant for this exact occasion.
The water clung to your clothes, dragged you back, and you needed to strain your arms to heave yourself up - were almost out of the water when two strong hands clamped over your hips and pulled you back in.
His name got half swallowed by a mouth full of saltwater and again you were coughing and glaring at the face of one all too happy merman.
He was effortlessly floating by your side, staying out of reach of your moving legs.
He was giving you the doe eyes again, the fake-i-am-so-sorry-pls-don’t-hurt?-ones, and you shoved water at him. It didn’t yield much result as all it accomplished was soaking his hair, but the smile on his lips widened a little.
“Aww come on!” He circled you once, coming closer and tugging you towards him afterwards. With his arms around your middle it was easier to stay up, and the immediate fear of being pulled underwater by something vanished.
“We always sit on that dumb pier and talk, how about we play a bit now? In the water? Pretty please?”
All by themselves did your arms come to rest on top of his shoulders, after wiping the strands of hair from your face.
“You could’ve just asked instead of shoving me in!”
He was pouting now.
“You were slipping in already! I meant to save you!”
“The hell you were… you’re a really fishy person, you know that?”
“I’ll take that as a compliment, thank you.”
He released you as you made attempts to get to the ladder, his expression now a little dulled at you continued lack of excitement.
“Don’t pull a face, Mr. Fish, I’ll come back in, I just need to take off my shoes first.”
He was beaming up at you again as you came back from stowing away the shoes, bag and other valuables you’d brought in a shaded spot under a tree, where it was unlikely to be spotted or taken. This place was pretty reclusive as it was already, but better safe than sorry. You’d already lost your phone on this trip once, you weren’t keen on that or worse happening again.
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That evening you slept in early, tired as can be.
It had been fun, playing with Yukhei where he was most at home. The shallow water in the hidden lagoon had been a lot warmer than that out on sea, but even with the hot temperatures that had settled in after the first days it was still taxing on your body. Not to mention the exhaustion the physical exercise brought.
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The next evening you brought your polaroid camera down to the hidden beach.
Yukhei in the light of the dying sun was something you didn’t want to forget.
It lit up his skin in touches of caramell and gold, caught in the pearls and glittering stones woven into his hair and the droplets of water on his skin.
You made sure not to aim at anything of his lower body, so to anyone who didn’t know, he just looked like a boy fresh from the surf, shirtless and with salt-swept hair.
There were soft scales running along parts of his upper body too, but to anyone who didn’t know what they were, they would just look like a funny reflection.
Yukhei hovered over your shoulder, asking to see the selfies you’d taken on your phone, gasped in amazement as you handed him the polaroid one and told him he’d have to wait until the image showed.
You laughed a little at how he spend the next few minutes sitting hunched forward, the small picture cradled in his palms, eyes fixed on the developing image.
“Look! Look, it showed up! It’s us!”
“I know.” You smiled at him and stabilized the shaking piece of paper and plastic he held out to you. His fingers didn’t let go and together you watched on as the final details showed up.
“You look happy.” You commented, peeling your eyes away from the keepsake and looking up at the merman.
“You too.” He mirrored you, squinting against the last rays of sunlight falling from around your back into his eyes. The smile seemed glued to his face the past days.
“Can I keep one as well?” His voice was a bit smaller than usual, his hands gripping the other in his lap.
“Mhm- Yeah, I think I could print one of the selfies and laminate it, so the water wouldn’t soak it. I’ll see what I can do tomorrow, okay?”
Satisfied, he nodded, slinging an arm around your side and tugging you into a hug.
“Thank you. I’m so glad I pulled you from the water. You’re a great human.”
You smiled and leaned your cheek against his shoulder and hugged him back, but when the sun had vanished completely and the darkness pulled over the sky on your way back to the hostel you were reminded how your vacation would end soon.
It was still several days, and yet…
The end drew closer with each sunkissed day you spend in this sleepy town, with Yukhei by your side.
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He picked up on the somewhat gloomy mood you’d fallen into, asked what was wrong with a concerned expression and his head ducking down to meet your line of sight.
You told him, throwing tiny pebbles you’d picked up by the waterline back into the small waves lapping at the wooden structure.
He grew silent after that, and it seemed you weren’t the only one who had temporarily forgotten there was a clock ticking down.
You hadn’t explored nearly as much of the town and the surrounding area as you’d originally planned, and that was okay because there was Yukhei, but part of you knew the people who knew about your trip would nag you endlessly if you came back and told them you’d only seen a fraction of the scenic area.
For a while both of you stewed in silence.
Eventually your thoughts cleared a little again and you were able to focus on nicer things, but when you turned to Yukhei and wanted to ask him something he was already squinting his eyes into the distance, hand shielding his face. Shortly afterwards he turned and met your eyes, an apologetic look on his face.
“-Sorry, whatever you wanted to say, do you think you can keep it ‘till tomorrow? I think I have to go back, I’ve kind of been neglecting my duties these past days to come hang out with you and I think they caught on to me.”
You nodded in understanding.
“Will you be here tomorrow?”
He shrugged, already slipping into the water.
“Don’t know.”
And without saying more, he was gone.
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You came back the next day, finally with the laminated selfie he’d asked about. You’d taped off the edges to make it even less likely for water to  get to the image safe between the sheets of plastic, had put it into an envelope, even.
But Yukhei wasn’t there.
You waited, more than an hour. The waves and the gulls overhead were the only things keeping you company.
Back up on the hill you looked down one more time; at the spot on the walkway you knew was the envelope with a stone on top so the wind wouldn’t blow it away. You hoped Yukhei would find it, if he came by later.
The rest of the day was spend walking the town and finally crossing some things off your checklist.
It was nice, to see so many other people, to hear different voices and laughs and bathe in the general, light-hearted mood, but the disappearance of Yukhei yesterday nagged at the back of your head and wouldn’t go away completely.
As the sun lowered and you came by the path through the small forest, familiar for your eyes already, there was a moment in which you hesitated. Should you go look, see if Yukhei had found the photo? -But he hadn’t been there in the morning, he’d said people had caught him slacking off, maybe he would be banished to work extra now.
Your feet hurt and your shoulders too; Forgoing to put on sunscreen just because you wore a light button down with short sleeves over a tank top. But the day had been warmer than expected and so you’d taken the shirt off eventually, forgetting about your unprotected shoulders.
A cool shower and a snack and then bed would be nice.
A bird flew past you, keckering and complaining in the still evening air, and brought you back from your thoughts. No. It’d be best to just head back for now. Tomorrow you could come by again. And the day after, and then another day, and the day after that… Maybe you could say goodbye before catching the bus back. Maybe. Hopefully.
The moon hung over the ocean, big and bright, casting silver light on your path and dipping everything in mystic touches.
There were light clouds coming in from the sea over the following morning. By noon they had thickened, rain beginning to fall.
The earth smelled rich, the scent of the water on hot stones surrounding you.
The hostel had provided an umbrella as you’d mentioned you had forgotten to bring your own, and now you were huddled below it, barefoot and in shorts to get as little of your clothes wet as possible.
The path down the hill was slippery and you had to focus on every step in order to not take a tumble over the rocky patches of grass.
Mud squelched between your toes as you stepped onto the sand finally. The pier was deserted.
Still you walked the length of it, the raindrops washing your feet clean while you moved.
There was the stone you had left behind.
A sigh escaped you as you crouched down, gently lifting the weight. The envelope had turned to off-white mush, the last, dry spot it had had under the cover of the stone quickly soaking.
Among the dissolving paper was the selfie.
“Well, at least I know it’s waterproof now.” You put the stone back, deciding against taking it with you. Maybe if Yukhei would come by, maybe he would find it. There was a lot of maybe and you weren’t ready to accept he might have just left like that.
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The inside of the restaurant was warm and dry and nobody gave you dirty looks for coming in like you had.
The sky was still covered in clouds when you went to bed, afternoon spent exploring the local museum and art gallery, but the rain was that of a summer day, not pelting down too harshly.
It trickled down the window in the dorm room and whenever the wind came in just right you could hear the waves crashing in the distance.
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It was still dark when you sat up.
Hands reached for the water bottle by themselves until your thirst was quenched and still you didn’t feel like lying back down.
Moonlight shone through the window and painted rectangles on the floor, patterned by the half-drawn blinds.
No sound came through the cracked window, and none came from the people sharing the room with you, either.
For a moment you froze in your place, not daring to breathe.
It was like the world was holding its breath alongside you, was waiting for something. Anything.
The breeze came back, gently carding through the long grass below the window.
Someone turned on their other side in their bed, the wood creaking.
You relaxed, shoulders dropping. Whatever it had been seemed to have passed.
The pillow settled around your face as you lay down, drawing the blanket up higher as a shiver in the still air crept down your back.
Even with eyes closed your ears remained wide open, sensitive to any sound.
Sleep began to reach out its hands towards you once more, until-
The world spun a bit, so fast had you sat up.
There it was again.
Whatever had woken you before, there it was again, and it was… Music?
A song?
On quiet feet you stole towards the window, opening it a little wider.
The wind turned and the singing voice couldn’t be heard anymore.
Your phone proclaimed the time to be one am as you plucked it from its charging place, shrugged into a cardigan and slipped into a pair of shoes.
All the clouds had left the sky and it stretched endless into every direction, littered with stars.
There were so many more than you were used to, empty spaces filled in by more glowing dots than you could count, and every time you had to pause, wait for the wind to carry the song to your ears again, you stared up at the dome with wide eyes and wonder.
The patch of trees came into view and your steps sped up.
You really hoped this wouldn’t turn out to be a dream as you pushed through the bushes, eager to get to the other side, stumbling once and only barely regaining your footing as the slope began to dip further.
Next to the walkway floated Yukhei.
With steps as quiet as you could muster you inched over the wood, towards the mermaid drifting close by the edge. A small rectangle on his chest was a ghostly white and you didn’t know what it was until you stood next to him, saw the tape around the edges.
But by then his singing had picked up a note, had won in intensity.
He didn’t need instruments to accompany his voice. It was so rich, so deep and yet so melodious that anything else would have only interferred with the story he wove with the words that you couldn’t understand.
There was an ache in your chest growing as Yukhei’s song went on, his notes becoming more desperate until there were tears in your eyes because you knew Yukhei was calling for something, something out of his reach, but you didn’t know what and it brought pain into your heart.
His voice grew hoarse on the next verse and he broke off, closing his lips and swallowing once.
The silence filled the air around you, made the cool summer night heavy. Breathing was difficult and you hoped, longed Yukhei would continue.
But his eyebrows furrowed, creasing the skin between them, and he stayed silent under the stars, only drawing a slow breath every once in a while.
“What were you singing about, Yukhei?” You asked, crouching on the wood, cardigan wrapped around your legs.
The merman startled so badly he caused a small wave that swept over him, got into the wrong pipe and made him cough.
Bobbing upright in the water his wide eyes stared up at you, as if you were the mythical creature bathed in the light of a million stars and not him.
As if the moonlight didn’t put silver between his strands, place a silver glow over his shoulders.
“You’re here.”
You nodded, still looking down on him in the water.
“You- You came.”
Again you moved your head.
Yukhei seemed at a loss for words.
“You weren’t here yesterday.” You picked at a loose thread on your knitwear, averting your eyes. “I see you found the photo.”
He stilled in fiddling with the rectangle, flattening it to his chest instead.
He remained silent.
It must have been the longest time you hadn’t heard any sound coming from him before he gently laid the photo on the wood and pulled himself up to sit beside you.
His tail was so close to your leg you could feel the coolness that clung to his scales so fresh out of the water.
“Your song,” You continued, as it seemed unlikely he would raise his voice sometime soon. “It was so… full of emotion. What were you singing about?”
His gaze, erratic, fled your face and focused on the water rippling around his tail.
“I lost a friend.” He answered eventually, and although he didn’t whisper, it almost felt like he had. “I was trying to call them, pleading for them to come back to me.”
“I’m sorry.” You held your gaze trained on him until the brown, in the moonlight grey, eyes met yours again. Under your attention he stilled. “You must have liked them a lot if you were this desperate to have them with you again.”
He nodded, not losing the contact. His tongue flicked over his lips and the crease between his eyebrows returned before he spoke again, slowly, like he was picking his words with great care.
“They’re in a place I can’t reach. We don’t sing often. Your kind have made tales and warning stories of those you call Sirens, who lure sea-faring folk to their death by bewitching them. But it’s not like that. We protect what is most dear to us with the only thing more powerful than any weapon your kind could craft. We sing. But we don’t sing for destruction. We sing to make peace, to calm waves and to save those too weak to defend themselves.” He paused, the interruption minimally. “We sing for our loved ones, to heal and to lighten the mood and when they leave for their safe return.”
His face was uncharacteristically somber as he spoke, and you listened intently.
“Your friend,” You looked out over the ocean, thinking about how incredibly it had looked to see him swimming with the whales. “I hope they’ll come back to you soon. Even though that song was so beautiful, if it speaks of loneliness and the wish to see them again, I hope you won’t have to sing it too many times.”
Yukhei had taken the hand that had been lying on the wood between your bodies away, holding it by its wrist with the fingers of the other hand.
His expression was unreadable as you looked up into it, tried to see anything.
“Where is your friend? How far have they gone?”
The tips of his fingers were dry but still cold to the touch when they met with the skin of your own hand. You felt them when he moved his hand up your arm, to your shoulder and then across your back.
Tears collected on the waterline of his eyes as he turned to fully face you, looking down and taking in every detail of your face.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, and you didn’t know what for exactly.
He closed his eyes before  leaning forward, his chin on your shoulder and his arms holding your tightly.
With the weight of his arms over yours it wasn’t easy but you did your best to hug him back, waiting if he would explain.
His voice was husky when he drew a shaking breath through the hot liquid running over his cheeks and collecting in your cardigan.
“I don’t know where my friend went, but it was because I left them first, but they’ve come back now and I’m so happy but I’m so sorry.”
He tightened his hug and in the breathless moment in which he squeezed you as close as he could you realized he’d meant you.
He’d been singing about you.
With your hands cupping over his shoulders you pushed him back a little to be able to see his face properly.
He squinted his eyes at you through sniffling a little.
“You were singing for me? To come back to you?” He nodded, biting on his lower lip and covering the hand you’d put on his cheek to wipe away his tears. “You wanted me to come back? But- You were the one who didn’t show up. Who left without saying anything.”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if he knew exactly what you were saying was true.
“I know. It was rude of me and I hate myself for doing it and- That’s not true, I was there when you put the photo on the pier, but I didn’t show myself which makes it even worse and I’m so sorry but when you said you were going to leave soon I just- I didn’t know what to do. Of course I knew you’d be gone sooner or later, of course I knew it shouldn’t mean anything to save you from drowning, but I still hoped… We would have more time.”
The corners of his mouth drooped down alongside his shoulders.
“In a way, I- I didn’t want the time I could spend with you to end yet, and that’s why I didn’t show- And also you said you wanted to see lots of the village, and I thought I kept you long enough but-”
You sighed deeply. “I understand.”
He closed his mouth and looked up to you ruefully.
“I’m sorry too. For not telling you earlier.”
This time it was him sighing, taking your hand from his cheek to his lap and curling both his palms around yours.
“Can we watch the stars together tonight?” He asked after a bit of silence in which he’d tapped on your skin in what you were pretty sure was morse code for something but you didn’t know morse and so didn’t know what he was saying.
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Lying side by side, with your pinkies linked, Yukhei pointed at brighter spots overhead with his free hand, telling you about formations and tales he’d been told as a child about those who swam among the stars.
He described a gigantic whale, swimming through the sky, and you told him how humans had been to the moon and how there was no air in space and eternal cold that would freeze anyone who didn’t wear a suit.
“I don’t believe that.” Yukhei said after a moment of consideration. “Your stories are a lot less fun than mine.”
You turned your head to look at him, watch him looking into the endless dark, and laughed at his defiant comment.
There was no point in disagreeing with him or trying to prove what you had said was right and the space-whale he was sung to about wasn’t.
There were many things he wouldn’t believe if you would have told him, but you figured the concept of space was one of the most harmless he could choose to disbelief.
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In the grew hours of dawn the day of your departure you sat in front of Yukhei on the walkway again, legs crossed and hands folded.
He had dipped down into the water for a moment before setting himself next to you again, and now your eyes switched between his hands, which he held cupped close, and his face; holding barely contained excitement.
“Okay, close your eyes and open your hands.”
“If this is a fish you caught for me, I told you, I can’t eat raw-”
He rolled his eyes but failed to bite back his grin.
“I promise, it’s not. Not this time.”
Mouth falling open you stared at him. “Wh- Not this time? When did you plan to give me a live fish?!”
“Can you please close your eyes now I want to give you your present.” He pouted, and finally you complied. Closing your eyes against the pastel colours of the coming sunrise in the sky, holding open your hands.
Something was placed into them; thin, with a small roundness to it at one point.
The wetness of Yukhei’s fingers brushed the side of your palms as he retracted his hands and then made a small sound, signalling it was okay for you to look.
Blinking down on your hands you took in what he’d put there.
It was dark with water but it looked like yarn or some other string, twisted and knotted and braided into something that was barely large enough to be a necklace.
Three small pearls were woven into it, a bigger one the size of your pinky finger’s nail flanked by two smaller ones.
You looked up into Yukhei’s nervous face.
“We give pearls or other pretty things as gifts, but my kind doesn’t wear bracelets or anything like that because it can get caught on sharp edges and strangle us; We put everything we get gifted into our hair, because it’ll hold on to it for us, but for you I had to improvise because your hair is dead and won’t be able to hold them.”
Your fingers curled around the gift protectively, but faced with this new information you couldn’t help but wonder.
“Your hair is alive?”
The merman nodded, hands clasped in front of him. “Touch it! You’ll see what I mean.”
Even more careful than when you had first stroked over his tail you now reached out with a hand, two fingertips brushing the darkened strands.
To your bewilderment and elation the hairs pulled away from the skull and wrapped around your fingers for a moment.
Spurred on by the soft giggle of Yukhei and the positive first contact you extended the rest of your hand and ran it over the side of Yukhei’s head.
The strands parted easily for you, reached up and placed themselves around your hand, slipped into the creases on your palm and held you in place for a moment before giving you free again.
“That’s amazing!”
Yukhei’s grin was big and contagious as you gave him his space again.
“Pretty cool right?”
“Yeah!” You sat in front of him for a moment longer, marvelling at him, all of him.
“You want me to help you put the necklace on?” He offered, but you insisted on trying it on your own first before having to relent to his help after not being able to fit the small wooden pearl through the designated clasp.
The necklace sat against your throat like a choker, and even though Yukhei expressed worry at how tight it was you waved it off and told him it was fine.
“Thank you so much.” You held out your hand, waiting for him to put his own into yours.
He did, thumb rubbing over the skin around your wrist.
“Thank you.” He echoed, smile wide and warm. It simmered down a little the longer you held eye-contact, until he looked away and cleared his throat.
“You’ll come back soon, right? I want to introduce you to everyone.”
“I have free time during winter again, but maybe I’ll be able to come by for Autumn break.” Yukhei groaned a the prospect of having to wait that long, pouted at you shamelessly.
“That face won’t get me back to you faster, I still have to earn the money it’ll cost me to come and stay here, you pebble.”
The playful expression replaced the half-hearted sulking, and he nudged your knee.
“Don’t you have a bus to catch?”
You checked the time.
“I think I have enough time for one last hug.”
And even though the saltwater still covered him head to fin, you held on to the other until the sun had almost fully risen above the horizon. Unwilling to let go just yet.
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Months later you sat on the bus, face so close to the window the glass fogged over. There was a lot less green outside, and the thick clouds didn’t let through much daylight, but you could make out the rocks in the distance, the roofs of the houses.
In your luggage, safely stored underneath your seat, were gifts for a certain someone, alongside a neoprene suit and diving goggles.
Soon you would check into the hostel, to get rid of the bag. But after that there’d be nothing holding you back from venturing through the path of trees, down the slope of the hill and onto the wooden planks above the water - you’d see how many stones Yukhei had been able to gather and put there, one for each day he’d waited for you. And then you’d put them all into a single heap, a pyramid maybe, and wait.
You had a feeling it wouldn’t be too long before the familiar blinking of the pearls and glittery things in his hair would break through the surface, and you smiled to yourself, looking forward to being able to hug him again.
You settled back into your seat and watched the world outside, watched the town by the ocean grow closer every moment.
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i hope you liked it! ♥
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trickkombowerskru · 5 years
Road Trip-Henry Bowers Imagine
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Request: Anonymous: Hey can you do an imagine where the reader gets a call saying she has to go pick up henry from juniper hills and she is like super successful and she isn't sure if she should but she ends up doing and they have a super cute road trip to her house and it's all fluffy. Also I love your work❤
A/N:I kinda went nuts with this prompt bc I really loved it so this one is real long strap in folks
Warnings: None
You exhale after an exhausting day at work, as you take off your coat. After an entire day of meetings, finalizing pieces, and reviewing editorials you were beat. You wanted nothing more than to get into the bath and have a glass of wine.
Then to follow that up by changing into sweats, and watching whatever new awful movie hit Netflix recently to turn your brain off and relax while you could before you had to be up the next morning to do it all over again.
As soon as you poured your wine your phone ringing obnoxiously loud killed the mood. You pick it up not recognizing the number at all, but seeing it was a call from Derry, Maine. Just upon seeing the town, a familiar feeling struck you, something that was pulling you to answer.
“Hi is this Y/N L/N?”
“This is she. “
“Hi this is Katherine with Juniper Hills Asylum.”
Why the hell was a random mental hospital calling you?
“Can I ask why you’re calling?”
“Ah yes, due to good behavior and new found evidence in the case that he did not commit these crimes, Henry Bowers is to be released early, and to the first person on his emergency contact form, which is you.”
Hearing his name again made you feel like you just got punched in the gut. And then you know the feeling. It was everything your first boyfriend had made you feel. You needed to take a minute to debate whether you would go.
“Oh I have another call I’ll call you back soon.”
You think of all the pros and cons, you were in New York now which was a while 7 hours away, and it was one am, in order to get there by morning you’d have to leave at three or four. On the other hand you would feel terrible if he was thrown out on to the streets or something. Also the fact that the feelings were slowly coming back, along with memories.
You quickly call your assistant since you decided you would go. Who knows? Maybe it could even be fun.
“Hey Addison? Yeah something just came up I won’t be in tomorrow until late in the afternoon, maybe not at all.”
“Is everything alright Y?N?”
“Yeah fine, fine I just need to go on a business trip in Maine.”
“Oh okay I’ll be sure to get the email out”
“Thanks Addison you’re the best.”
You quickly called the number back.
“Hi Katherine I’ll be there.”
“Great tonight is his last night, he’ll be released to you when you arrive.”
“I can get there around 10.”
“10 am got it, we’ll let the other workers know.
You put your wine glass in the fridge and then proceed to grab a bunch of caffeine. By the time you had to go you were more than awake. The closer you got to Derry, the more memories came flooding back to you. Along with guilt, you remember when everything went down, and how you would go to see him.
Then you graduated and once every few days became once a week, once a week to once a month, and by the time you left Derry it was once every few months, and you had to break it off.
You hated hurting him like that, but you had no choice, seeing him even less would just hurt your relationship. You moved to New York for college, and worked your way up to the ladder to where you were now. Currently you were the CEO of a really large fashion magazine, really creating an empire.
You laughed to yourself remembering all the dumb shit you two got into, how he carved your initials into the kissing bridge, your first kiss, your first time, and just everything else.
It felt weird to be back in Derry, you never really forgot it, but you had somehow forgotten enough. Enough where you had made up enough to seem believable in interviews in case they had asked you about your childhood.
You take a deep breath to calm yourself down when you finally pulled into the parking lot. A sense of dread filled your entire body as you were lead down the halls into the lobby by a worker.
Before you entered you could see Henry waiting through the clear double doors, you smiled seeing how nothing had really changed. he still had that rough and tough small town charm and even still had his mullet, which you would be sure he got cut, later.
When the doors open, the look of awe on his face is so heartwarming. He had no idea it was you who was picking him up, his heart swelled seeing you again after all these years, looking somehow even more beautiful.
He was never mad at you for leaving, he actually understood it, and if he held you back, he would hate himself even more. So yeah while being stuck in this hellhole he still loved you and thoughts of you made him smile.
“Y/N,” he asks.
“Hey,” you say softly.
“Hey,” he replies.
Without missing a beat you are hugging, almost wanting to cry at the way he clutches to you as if you were his safe place.
You sign the papers and he practically takes your hand and runs out.
He takes a really deep breath in once outside.
“Aw finally some fresh fuckin’ air.”
“They didn’t let out out?”
“Eh sometimes, but not for long, I swear being stuck in those walls drove everyone even more fuckin’ nuts... it’s the little things you miss the most, but they add up ya know.”
“I guess get that. Like what?”
“Uh fresh air, a nice cig, good food, just to name a few,”
You nod the ride began extremely awkward. Not a word was said from you at first, worried he may have just been secretly mad or something.”
He seemed to pick up on this right away, as after about 25 minutes he looks over at you an smiles.
“I ain’t mad at you.”
“For leavin’ I ain’t mad.”
You nod, feeling a weight taken off your shoulders.
And shortly after as cheesy as it was “I Melt With You”  comes on the radio. You smile and turn it up, looking over at him. It was your song back in the day because of a whole running joke. In no time you two are singing terribly at the top of your lungs and laughing.
“God remember that night we snuck out to go to prom. I still have no clue how I got you to go with me.”
“You were my girl, and beside I knew that shit would get me brownie points, and what happened it did.”
“Yeah yeah whatever you say Bowers, you still cut up the dance floor.”
“Maybe,” he smiles.
You pull to a halt when you reach one area.
He looks around and chuckles when he sees you get out of the car.
It was the kissing bridge, you look around and then see it, the carving he made all those years ago, still clear as day, you run your hand over it and grin.
You take a picture with you phone and then head back to the car.
“It’s still there. God I remember that night, on the way back from that shitty horror movie, first time you told me you loved me, after you did that carving.”
“Yeah...” he breaths out still taking in how gorgeous the sunlight bounced off the side of your face
The rest of the ride flies by filled with reminiscing and laughter.
You make stops every now and then at gas stations to refuel and get snacks and drinks.
Henry even surprises you with what you always used to get back in the day.
“You remembered?”
“Layer the blue and the red, blue on top, and then since for some reason it’s such a damn pair like we are a two pack of Slim Jims and I get one. ” he shakes his head with a laugh reciting what you used to say to him all the time when you went on snack “runs” back in the day as he pulls apart the pack, handing you one of them.
“I’m impressed. God it’s been so long since I have this absolute garbage combo!,” you exclaim taking a really big sip of the Slurpee.
“So where are we goin’ anyway? Where do you live?,” he questions a s he takes a bit of his Slim Jim
“New York,” you say his eyes light up and you can see a cute sense of childlike wonder in them 
Once you hit New York you notice Henry’s eyes go large again  as he looks around at the hustle and bustle of the city and all the shops and stuff. Now though the crashing effects of the caffeine were starting to get to you, but you wanted to get Henry settled in, and then get him a few things, considering his old clothes definitely wouldn’t fit him, and lord knows he probably wanted out of that hoodie and uniform.
You take another sip hoping that the sugar will be enough to keep you up.
When you pull up just by the size of the outside of the building Henry was taken so back, but that was nothing compared to his face when he got inside.
“Holy shit Baby! This is like a fuckin’ mansion how do you not get lost? What do you do to live here?”
“I uh, I run a fashion magazine, and help design stuff, CEO of the company now actually,” you say feeling flustered hearing him calling you “Baby” again.
“God damn!”
“Yeah it’s pretty nice.”
“That’s an understatement.”
You laugh as he looks around.
“Okay so I’ll show you the bathroom so you can showers, and then I’ll just give you some men’s designs I have lying around here, then we can go out and I can get you a few things,”
“Hot water,” Henry says as you start walking him to one of the bathrooms.
“That’s another small thing you miss, hot water.”
“They didn’t give you hot water?”
“They did at first, but then the damn shower busted and they never got it fixed.”
“Well you can take all the hot water you want, just leave your clothes on the chair there and uh I guess I’ll uh-”
“Burn em.”
“You want me to burn them?”
“I ain’t ever wearin’ that shit again, not like you wanna keep it.”
“Okay noted. I’ll burn it, and I’ll leave you fresh stuff in the guest room 2nd door to the left from here.”
He nods and starts stripping before you leave, making you laugh.
“Can you wait till I leave?”, you joke.
“Ain’t nothing you ain’t seen before,” he smirks, making your slight blush come back.
“Yeah well it’s been a while since I’ve seen it. I don’t know if anything’s changed<” you tease and drift your eyes downward.
“Only for the better Darlin’ not much to do in that hellhole, but walk around, watch the shit they had on the tv, read somethin’, or workout.”
You laugh again and shut the door, heading to your design room. to get him something casual, but nice. You luckily had some down played stuff from a shoot coming up. Sure you liked fresh stuff on your models, but you could always wash the stuff, and have it pressed to restore it. 
You quickly retrieve his outfit from the bathroom and lit your fire place throwing in stuff one by one slowly so it doesn’t grow too large, then grab some more caffeine to stay awake. 
Oh yeah you were going to for sure gong to crash at like 7 or 8 tonight and there was no way you were going to try and go in today, you’d be falling asleep during any meetings.
You pick up your phone, calling Addison again to let her know.
“Hey Girl.”
“I just wanted to let you know that the maybe has definitely turned into a no go today, I am exhausted.”
“Aw I’m sorry, make sure you get some rest tonight okay?”
“Oh trust me I will soon. Just wanted to let you know that way you knew that you and Mark were still in charge and heads of the meetings and all that. I mean you can call or text if you need something during them of course, but yeah just wanted to give you a heads up on that. Plus they are smaller meeting anyway so I know for sure you guys will handle them perfectly.”
“Of course,” you say as you hear the shower finally shut off.
“I gotta go, but good luck I know you two will do great!”
“Alright. Thanks for the heads up. I can put an extra shot of espresso into your latte if you want.”
“Oh yes! I know I’ll definitely need it, I know I’m still gonna come in tired despite how much sleep I get tonight God knows I won’t wanna get up thanks. Okay see ya.”
You turn around and your breath hitches for a minute when you see Henry in the outfit you had chosen. He almost looked entirely different then he did when you picked him up now that he was in actual clothes.
“So how do i look Sweetheart could I be in Vogue or what?,” he jokes striking a ridiculous pose with a smolder on his face.
You let him pick out whatever he liked, along with helping him with a few things, and making sure he head a few nicer pieces and a suit, then go to the barber’s shop.
“Okay I know it’ll be shocking and all, but Hen....the mullet has to go you need to update your look for a full 2016 makeover.”
The look on his face was priceless.
You tell the guy how to fix it at least a bit, making sure the mullet goes, he could style it up if he wanted, but something told you he would just leave it with the slight bangs he had. either way it was for sure an upgrade.
When he was done he looked in the mirror, ran his hand through it a bit, you could tell he liked it. Then he puts his hand on the back of his neck, feeling it.
“Feels weird. Like I always had it.”
You laugh.
“You look good.”
“Yeah,” you find yourself leaning in, in the slightest way to kiss him before catching yourself, your phone ringing saved you so you stepped out to take it. It was Addison making sure of a few things before the meeting started, but you were thankful for her timing.
You went back in mentally kicking yourself for that. Hoping he didn’t notice, which it didn’t seem he did. Like it would be weird after all this time to just pick things back up where they left off right? 
Like it had been forever and sure he may have been being flirty all day, but that could also just be because you were taking him in. Also would he even want that?
You shake your thoughts and then go to the apple store where you had the field day of teaching him his way around a modern phone. Were you spoiling him a bit? Yes. But you couldn’t help it, despite these feelings coming back, you wanted him to be able to find his way around the city, even if it wasn’t by your side.
Once you leave of course it starts to rain, you quickly rush into the house, changing into comfy clothes and grabbing a blanket. You eventually drift off, waking up somehow in your bed to the loud crash of thunder.
Did Henry carry you here? How long did it take him to find your room? Did he tuck you in or did you just pull up the blankets yourself? The thunder takes you out of your thoughts along with a squeaking sound. 
You check your phone it was midnight, you fell asleep around 7, and you had around 5 maybe 6 more hours before you had to get up, and head into the office. While you did wanna go back to sleep, you still felt pretty refreshed from that nap. First thing first though you wondered what that noise was. 
You pull on a hoodie and quickly find your source when Henry’s door was open. You see him toss and turn, seeming to be stuck in a nightmare. You knew he hated storms back then, they were harsh and loud, and reminded him of the lashes his father gave him.
It made sense that without any form of comfort over all these years, along with whatever else piled on top of that, that he would still be afraid. He wakes up in a gasp, wiping the cold sweat off of his forehead.
You gently knock on the door he looks over and slightly smiles seeing you.
“Hey,” you gently say.
“Hey Doll.”
“You still hate storms.”
He nods.
“Yeah. Yeah they're the fuckin’ worst.”
“Well now that we’re both up you uh, you want me to make some cocoa?”
“Yeah..sounds nice.”
“You still want that dash of cinnamon?”
“You got it”
He sits on the couch, hugging one of your pillows, as you get to work on the cocoa., when it’s finished you add the final touches, and can’t help but sneak a glance at him shirtless, when he releases the pillow to take the mug.
He was definitely right in that joke earlier you notice that he for sure had lots of muscle still built up. You try and shake yourself out of your thoughts, but this time it just holds there.
“Um do you wanna sleep in my room tonight? It just sounds like your fear has gotten worse. I’d hate to leave you alone with that.”
Once the cocoa is done, you put the mugs in the sink and go back to the couch. The thoughts cloud your mind again when he lays next to you, and you want nothing more than to either be held or to hold him. You just decide to let it out before it bottles up.
“Hey Henry?”
“Do you um...do you still have feelings for me?”
“That obvious huh?”
That took you for surprise.
“No actually I was in my head all day about it. When I got that phone call the other night some feelings came back, but once I got into Derry and saw you again they hit me like a damn bus. I just wasn’t sure how you felt.”
“Well now you do, the thoughts of you were the only thing that could get me to even crack a smile in that shit hole.”
“Do you...do you still love me?”
“Princess I never stopped.”
You lean up and finally after all these years kissed him again, and that was the final nail in the coffin with every single emotion blasting through your body. You pull away and he caresses your face.
“You had no idea how badly I’ve wanted to do that all day or to just do it again for so long.”
“Come ere’,” you say and as if it’s nothing has changed.
You remember the first time he came to you in the rain, not caring it was pouring or storming, he needed you after a particularly rough time from his dad. It was also the first time he came to you after his dad, and after a bit of comfort he told you the truth.
He shifted over into your arms, and you started to do what always used to calm him down, running your fingers through his hair.
“I missed you,” he says smiling up at you.
You kiss him again and quickly drift off again, getting back together with Henry or even really seeing Henry again was definitely not how you would have expected to spend a day, but you weren’t complaining.
He was here in your arms again and you were going to be here for him this time. You would be here to help him heal, to help him grow, and everything else.
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Passed down like folksongs, our love lasts so long
Read on a03
Mornings with Malec because Taylor Swift makes me want a love story likes theirs 🥰 this was supposed to be tooth rotting fluff, and most of it is, but you can thank Alec for loving his husband so much he makes it a bit angsty. I had no part of this 😉 let me know what you think!! Prompts are open!
Alec wakes up alone in bed, which is practically a sin. Alec grumbles and reaches over, his hand flattening against Magnus' side of the bed. The sheets are still warm, but his adorable husband is nowhere to be found within them.
Alec slips out of bed, searching the floor for his clothes that were shed by Magnus' magic after a date night last night, but he can't find those either.
So now he's without clothes and his husband.
Alec grabs Magnus' kimono robe that was hanging from a chair, and slips his arms through it, tying a messy knot that rests against his stomach. Then he braves the cold of the open balcony doors to search for Magnus.
He finds him in the kitchen, pressed against the oven, wearing just boxers and a hoodie. He's humming gently and mixing a bowl of something. Upon closer inspection, he's making blueberry pancakes. Alec's favorite breakfast food in the whole wide world, which makes a smile spread across Alec's face as he moves closer.
"Why'd you leave me alone in bed?" Alec whispers, pressing a lazy kiss to Magnus' earlobe and setting his chin against his shoulder, wrapping tight arms around his toned waist.
"Because after all the calories we burned last night, I figured I should get up and make my wonderful husband some blueberry pancakes."
"You have magic for that." Alec grumbles, relaxing against the warmth of Magnus' back.
"I do," Magnus admits, "But aren't you always telling me I should embrace my inner mundane and do things by hand?"
"Not when it involves cuddling your touch-starved husband."
"Oh, I see." Magnus murmurs, turning around to press a chaste kiss to his lips, "Still feeling neglected even after last night?" Alec still finds himself blushing when Magnus brings up their rather adventurous nights, and last night certainly fit in that category.
"I'll always feel neglected from your touch. You're just too damn gorgeous and it's sad that I can't have you all to myself."
Magnus hums happily at that, and runs his free hand up Alec's arm, pausing when he feels the silk sleeves of his robe.
"Is that my robe?" Magnus flips the pancake over and then snakes his hand further up Alec's arm.
"Yeah..." Alec blushes, "You somehow misplaced both my shirt and pants last night so I found this lying on the chair and just decided to put it on."
Magnus hums, "I would never just misplace your clothes on purpose, must've been a grave mistake. However, your body is attractive enough without clothes, so honestly that can't be considered a mistake..."
Alec scoffs and chuckles, saying, "Magnus, how could it have been anyone other than you? You're the one who wanted to rip my Henley off as soon as you saw it last night." Granted, that's how many of their nights end these days, with fiery passion that stills feels like a dream or a scene from a movie. But it's not, it's just Magnus and Alec, which feels so much better than his wildest dream.
"Can't blame me for wanting to enjoy the view. But darling, lavender looks stunning on you. It is officially yours, now."
"We can't share?" Alec pouts. He dips a finger into the batter and then licks his finger, smirking when Magnus gasps.
"I've corrupted you. But back to your original question, love, I suppose we could share. As long as you keep wearing it through breakfast."
"We have a deal." Alec says sweetly, sliding onto the counter beside the stove, gripping onto the string of Magnus' hoodie.
Magnus goes back to concentrating on his pancakes, placing one on the plate and then pouring a cup of batter onto the sizzling pan. Alec is content to just watching him, studying how relaxed he is in Alec’s presence, and how the rising sun holds no candle to Magnus’ own brilliance.
He would never get bored watching Magnus, but his eyes catch the sunlight hitting the exposed skin of Magnus’ golden thighs, and he gets an idea.
"Too many clothes." He mumbles, grabbing the seam of the hoodie and beginning to lift. Magnus laughs and swats his hand away playfully.
"Maybe you just have too few clothes on." Magnus counters, winking and adding a handful of fresh blueberries to the plate of pancakes.
"Now you know that's simply not true. Especially after what you said earlier." Alec leans closer and nuzzles Magnus’ neck, breathing in the scent of sandalwood.
"Shush and stop distracting me, I'm trying to finish breakfast. Here’s your plate, I will join you in one moment.” Magnus hands him a plate and gives him a gentle shove.
Magnus presses a kiss to the corner of his mouth in a silent thank you as he slips off the counter and sits down at the table.
With a lazy wave of Magnus’ hand, a bottle of syrup and a glass of orange juice appears beside Alec’s plate.
Alec waits patiently as Magnus finishes the last of his pancakes, turns the stove off, and joins Alec at the table.
Alec leans over the table and squeezes Magnus’ hand, saying, “Thank you for breakfast. It smells delicious.”
“Well, by all means, don’t wait for me to dig in.” Alec smiles and cuts into one of the fluffy pancakes. He always loves anything Magnus makes, because it’s made with love and mouthwatering flavor.
They sit in comfortable silence, save for the scraping of forks and sounds of delight at just how tasty the pancakes are. Alec finishes one of his pancakes within five bites, and looks up to see Magnus glancing at him with a fond smile on his face.
“I knew you were hungry. If we stayed in bed you would’ve been complaining within ten minutes about how hungry you were.” Alec blushes and glares at Magnus, but doesn’t deny his statement.
Both Magnus and Alec has the entire day off, and Alec is enthusiastically prepared for a lazy day, with movies and cuddles and more junk food. It’s been awhile since they’ve been able to have something as domestic as a day off with just each others company, but it is one of Alec’s favorite things in the entire world.
“I never want anything different than this.” Alec says, causing Magnus to pause and tilt his head in confusion.
“What do you mean, my love?”
“I just...I want this forever. I want lazy mornings like this. I want wild nights like we had last night. I want to love you, and be loved by you, forever. We learn about heaven and the afterlife in the Academy, and it’s supposed to be perfect, but I feel like this is as perfect as it gets. I never want to let this slip out of my grasp.”
“Alexander...” Magnus starts, feeling tears well up in his eyes. He sets his fork down and gets up, the need to be touching his love too strong to resist. Alec normally gets reflective and romantic during simple mornings and late nights, and Magnus knows this, but it doesn’t help prepare his old warlock heart for whatever sappy thing Alec says.
Alec scoots back, opening his arms as Magnus climbs onto his lap and rests his cheek against the top of Alec’s head.
“I want that too, Alexander. I want that more than anything.” Magnus whispers, closing his eyes as warm tears fall down his cheeks.
No matter how much we want it, we can’t have it.
Those are the words that are left unsaid by either of them, but they’re still spoken in the emotional silence.
Alec wraps an arm around Magnus, holding onto him with a grip that’s strong but necessary. “We’re going to have that, Magnus. I promised you that in my vows when I said I am and will always be your loving husband. I promised you that in Edom when I said I’m never leaving you again. And I don’t break promises.” Magnus sniffles and Alec moves away slightly, to take Magnus’ face in the palms of his hands.
“Alexander, even though I wish you could, you can’t promise that.” Magnus shakes his head, his heart screaming at his mind to believe it, but happiness has never had permanence in Magnus’ life.
It is the closest it has ever been now, but with the weight that one day it will end, it still drags him down to only temporary, fleeting bouts of joy.
“I can. You’re going to be able to take me on dates all over the world for as long as you’d like. You’re going to be able to tease me about the things I wear and the dumb things I say until you get tired of it. You’re going to have me for as long as you want.” Alec says resolutely, speaking like the very words spilling from his lips are being written in stone.
“Even forever isn’t long enough with you, darling.”
“But it’s a good start.” Alec says, with wet eyes and a sad smile. Even after a poignant revelation that left them both with red eyes and sadden hearts, Magnus thinks he is still the most gorgeous man that has ever walked the Earth. And he is all Magnus’, which is a revelation in of itself.
“Alexander, I would be the last person to stop you and your passionate heart after chasing something you want.” Magnus smiles back, his hand playing with the hairs at the nape of Alec’s neck. “So, yes, Angel, forever seems like a good start to me.”
“Well, then we’re going to make it happen.” Alec declares. In regards of their differing lifespans, for the first time Magnus feels a sense of peace wash over him with Alec’s words. After all, Alexander Gideon Lightwood-Bane has been known to blow up the very ground he stands on to make something right.
And if Magnus is sure of one thing, it’s that Alec and Magnus are unexplainably and wholeheartedly right together.
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feral-fangs · 5 years
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Pairings: Hellboy x You
Word Count: 1,445
Warnings: Just a sweet lil fic that’s as light and fluffy as cotton candy.
A/N: Wrote this fic to show everlasting love and appreciation for the sweet @hellboytrash. The idea was theirs, I'm only hoping to do justice to the Hellboy fandom with this lil fic.
Summary: Hellboy surprises you with a night out to experience the traveling carnival that's come to town.
.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:     The Devil’s Carnival     .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. "Just wear something comfortable, babe."
You chewed your bottom lip, brows pulling together in consternation at your lover's words rumbling to you from the living area. He'd gotten ready over an hour ago and his excitement about this new surprise was almost tangible. Had he pranked Manning again and just wanted to escape the compound for a while with you? 
Sighing, you just threw on a pair of skinny jeans, the ones he always made deep animal sounds over, always happy to admire the plumpness of your behind when slid into the skintight denim.
He knew surprises made you so anxious. But he was so happy over this one that you just found yourself quietly basking in his joy, eager to go along with whatever harebrained idea he'd cooked up now. A small smile ghosted along your face, eyes filming over as you reveled in the feeling of his love washing over you. He was just such a big dope. How could you not love him?
The last two months had been a whirlwind of constant struggles between the various supernatural races. This little night out was a surprise, especially considering they'd only gotten home just two short days ago. Still, you'd go along with it if only to keep him smiling. You didn't know anyone in this topsy turvy world who deserved to smile more than your big Red.
Finally deciding on a plain black tee, you slipped it on, the neckline dipping low into a sort of arch to highlight your ample chest. Smirking and knowing just how wild it would drive the big guy nuts and a small sort of punishment for springing this surprise outta nowhere. Two birds, meet one stone.
It only took the work of ten more minutes and you were finally ready to head out, hair up in space buns, black suede over the knee boots on and even blacker eyeliner on, sharp enough to cut anyone looking twice at your man. One zip up  hoodie and you two were out the door and damn near skipping through the many levels of the BPRD compound, deftly avoiding Manning's ever condemning gaze and giggling the whole way.
You both breathed in deep of the cool October air, the sun just now setting and creating a blaze of autumnal colors across the sky, barely dotted with cotton candy clouds and the hint of stars winking back at you.
"Ok, big guy, you gonna tell me where we're going now?"
You only got a mischievous smirk in return before he carefully gripped your hand, interlacing your fingers and bringing them up to his lips in a firm kiss, his big right hand of doom coming up to ensure the hood of his camo green hoodie was covering the stark demonic features you loved so well.
Without warning, he slung you across his back, tail sneakily coming up to securely wrap itself around your waist as you gripped around his shoulders and neck, a startled squeak escaping you. And then you were off at a brisk pace, up and across rooftops and leaving a streak of your presence behind in the shadows.
Twenty short minutes later you both landed from a thirty foot drop, HB gently setting you free from being molded to his wide back. Your palms gripped your knees as you bent over, trying to catch your breath as if you'd been the one sprinting through the night to your unnamed destination. But when you stood up and caught sight of the myriad lights and people, and your ears caught the telltale sounds of hawkers and screams of delight. You could only stare up in wonder at your boyfriend, delight suffusing your features and earning an equally delighted grin in return. An honest to God, old school carnival, the likes of which hadn't graced this side of Jersey in decades.
"Happy belated anniversary, baby."
With a jolt of electricity to your body, you came to the startling realization that indeed... your anniversary had slipped by during this last mission without a word to each other about it. It had slipped your mind like a wisp of smoke! 
About to apologize for your terrible lapse in memory, Hellboy pressed a firm yet gentle finger to your lips and shook his head, sending tendrils of his ink dark hair in motion.
Properly choked up now, you leaned up on your tip toes, arms wrapping as far around his neck as they could reach. 
"I love you. I love you... so much." 
You could feel the heat radiate from his already crimson face and a rumbling purr echo in his chest, vibrating into yours as you sweetly kissed his handsome face. 
And then the two of you were through the gates of the traveling carnival, all day ride bands secure around your wrists as you both took in the sights, sounds and oh god, the smells of the many food vendors. 
Lights on strings blazed above you, illuminating the love for each other and the grounds just enough to show you the various places to visit next.
You, whose eyes were long since trained to catch the subtle shimmer of fey-kind, could see the various magical folk flitting to and fro, enjoying the carnival as much as anyone else and feasting on the remains of the fattening food many people visited these kinds of fairs for.
Suddenly, you could see that many of the workers were also supernaturals, giving you sly winks. Suddenly the name of the traveling carnival made an ironic kind of sense. The Devil's Carnival. 
Your little laugh wasn't heard by anyone except the big guy, who only looked down at you with an answering grin, tugging you along into the cool October evening, the rush of fallen leaves lost to the environment around you.
The next couple hours were filled with carnival food aplenty. Hardly anything of substance was spoken between you, just many lighthearted jokes and lots of side-splitting laughter. 
With a hot blush you remembered the funnel cake he helped feed to you and the searing kiss he placed on you when he insisted you had powdered sugar stuck to your top lip.
His big arms caging you as you sat atop a colorfully painted horse on the merry-go-round, also insisting the dangers of going without his protective hold and the statistics of yearly injuries on the ride.
And the roller coaster, the Screaming Eagle! With a little laugh, you remembered pulling his much larger stone arm down in time to avoid hitting the underside of the rest of the coaster.
You couldn't remember the last time you'd both had so much fun. Now here you were, walking around with a giant blue lobster, still giggling like an idiot over the connotation it represented for the both of you. It had taken your boyfriend four tries because he kept crushing the balls to knock the bottle pyramid down, but he'd been determined to win you the thing. 
His much larger fingers engulfed your free ones, swinging your hands between you and bringing you in for a warm forehead kiss. Was it possible to feel so much bliss? 
"C'mon, let's do the ferris wheel before we head home."
You smiled brightly up at him and after the two of you were settled in the cart, the big blue lobster on the seat across from you, it slowly ascended to its highest peak in the night sky. 
Snuggled firmly against his side, your breath catching in your chest as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your shoulder and then to the side of your head. The magic of the evening clouded everything and the view of the city sprawled around, hiding mundane and magicals living side by side without the humans any the wiser thanks to the hard won efforts of the BPRD. 
As you surveyed the splendor of a dark city lit by the many white and colorful lights throughout it, Hellboy played with your fingers. Glancing down in curiosity, tears instantly sprang to your eyes as you caught sight of the dainty diamonds glistening there on your left ring finger. 
Your head sprung back, gasping from both the emotions and surprise of it. You'd never seen him look so serious before.
"Can I make you mine forever?"
The utter love and devotion in his rough voice cleared every obstacle in your mind and as the wheel began making its descent towards the ground, you only answered him with the sweetest kiss and a murmured affirmation.
To answer your earlier question... 
Yes, yes... it absolutely was possible to feel this amount of love.
And more. Forevermore.
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enkelimagnus · 5 years
An Angel and a Demon
Sebastian!Jonathan x Isabelle, Halloween fic
Read on AO3
“Are you sure your friends will be okay with this?” Sebastian asks.
They are walking on the sidewalk, from the subway to the Hunter’s Moon. The hood of his hoodie is up and covering his face in shadows. He’s not wearing his usual “skin”. Isabelle has convinced him to use his burnt face as a Halloween costume.
No matter what isabelle says, he can’t get himself to take off the hood yet. She keeps reassuring him, tells him no one will care, everyone will think it’s either a neat costume or he’s a poor guy who deserves a drink.
He doesn’t know HOW she’s convinced him to go like this. She didn’t force his hand, because she wouldn’t be able to. He just… agreed. And now he’s regretting it. His usual feeling of disgust when looking at himself is still there, and stronger than ever.
“I am,” Isabelle shrugs, and she gently squeezes his hand. “Everything will be alright, Seb.”
He sighs a little and nods. The Halloween party invitation had come rather late and neither of them had been able to do the research they’d wanted to do for it. In Isabelle’s purse, there was a cheap devil horns headband that he could put on with his red tshirt if he didn’t feel comfortable. In that case, he’d be a demon. It would also fit them.
Isabelle was wearing a white lace bustier bra with a short white satin skirt tied over white booty shorts. Thigh-high white stockings with a less garter went up to her thigh with some very high silvery heeled sandals. She had put on fluffy wings and had a headband with a fluffy white halo over her head. She was an angel. And he was a demon. Fitting.
She had one of his jackets on top of her outfit, because New York Fall was cold, and he didn’t want her to get sick, even if she was a strong angelic warrior.
They made it to the Hunter’s Moon pretty quickly and before they walked in, Isabelle turned around and looked at him. He felt like moving away, keeping her from seeing his burnt face. He sighed a little as she took a step closer and slid her hands up his chest.
“You don’t have to. You can go as a hot demon if you want to,” Isabelle whispers, impossibly close. He feels like he can see every speck of glitter in her eyeshadow. “Or we can go home.”
“We made it here. We’re not coming home,” he replies and she nods. “I’ll… Listen, I will start with the demon. And we’ll see with the burn later okay?”
Isabelle nods and takes the horns out of the pocket of the jacket. She gently pushes back his hood and when it falls, he’s put on the British blonde-haired face again. She arranges the headband into his hair and smiles.
“Here you go, my sexy demon,” she grins and leans in to kiss him. He kisses her back, wrapping an arm around her waist under the too-big coat. “Let’s go?” She asks, and he nods. He keeps one of his arms around her as they walk in.
The music is louder than it usually is. There are Downworlders drinking and enjoying themselves. Shadowhunters don’t really do Halloween, but the group Sebastian is now a part of is almost half Downworlders.
Isabelle’s brother and his husband are wearing Addams Family costume, Alec as Gomez and Magnus as Morticia. Sebastian’s sister, Clary, is wearing a purple dress, purple boots and a lime green scarf, and Jace is wearing jeans and a white shirt with a blue color and a orange scarf tied around his neck.
Simon Lewis, the vampire, and Maia Roberts, the werewolf, aren’t wearing any costume. Maia is working the bar and Simon has also invited his sister, a mundane girl called Rebecca.
Clary stands up first as she sees them. She walks up to them and hugs Isabelle first, before turning to him. He waves hi awkwardly and she hugs him as well. The hug he gets a bit looser than the one Isabelle got, but it’s understandable.
Sebastian volunteers to get some drinks and says hi to Maia. He orders for everyone and gets his wallet out when someone walks up and stands next to him. It’s Rebecca. The dark-haired, obviously mundane in a cute way, woman smiles at him.
“So. I’m Rebecca.”
“Sebastian,” he replies, and smiles back a little.
“I know. Simon and Clary told me about you.”
Sebastian immediately straightens up and licks his lips. He doesn’t like when people do that. Talk about him first without telling him. He can only guess the horrors Rebecca has heard about him.
“I’m better now,” he says.
Rebecca shrugs. “I was just told you might come with like… some cool burn costume.”
Sebastian raises eyebrows and looks over at where Simon and Clary are standing. Next to them is Isabelle. She’s taken off the coat and she looks incredibly sexy. He clears his throat and looks away.
“It’s… not a costume. I… that’s what I look like under the glamour,” Sebastian replies.
“Yeah,” he has a bit of a chuckle. “Oh.”
Rebecca is silent for a moment. Maia starts giving them their drinks.
“And… I’m guessing you don’t like people seeing the burns, right?”
Sebastian nods. “I… That and I don’t want people to be afraid and ask questions.”
“You can always say that they are fake. Latex, FX makeup… you know. People can do some pretty realistic fake shit these days,” Rebecca says, taking her beer and sipping it a little. “They did tell me you used to be an asshole.”
Sebastian chuckles more at that. “You can put it that way.”
Rebecca shrugs. “Whatever it is… I think the burns thing would be hella cool. And you can still switch back if you’re uncomfy. I have the feeling the folks in here are pretty accepting about stuff one would find ugly.”
She walks away on that, with her cute little vampire cape and the first of the rounds of drinks he’s paid for. He ends up going back to the table with the drinks. As he laughs and chats and drinks, Isabelle by his side, he keeps thinking back to the words he’s heard from Rebecca.
At some point, he escapes to the bathroom. There, he stops in front of the mirror and stares at himself. He undoes the glamour, but only halfway. It’s still burnt, but it’s a bit less… ugly. And a bit less inhuman. And he finds that a good alternative. For now, he can start with that.
He walks back out and there’s some silence as people stare. He feels bad. His skin kinda crawls and he’s thinking of turning the glamour back on entirely when he sees Isabelle’s wide eyes and the grin on her face.
She rushes to him and wraps her arms around his neck. “I’m so proud of you, babe,” she grins and he finds himself smiling. He thinks she’s going to let go but she doesn’t. Not for a moment. She watches him, and leans up to kiss him.
It’s just a peck, and Sebastian wonders how she’s doing that, because his face isn’t really kissable that way. Jace huffs something like ‘gross’ but she shoves her middle finger in his face. Sebastian spends the rest of the evening smiling.
He turns the glamour back on as they leave the Hunter’s Moon. When they get home and stumble into bed, she’s still dressed as an angel and he’s still dressed as somewhat of a demon. They spend the rest of the night wrapped up in each other and he takes a lot of pleasure in ‘defiling’ his sexy angel.
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Beauty and the Panther (III)
 A/N: IT’S T’CHALLA THURSDAY. Hey, everyone. So in this chapter, Nyla is still getting used to the Wakandian lifestyle and decides to get her mind off things with a simple workout when she ends up having a workout partner.
Warning: Tear Jerkers, here and there.
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Nyla woke up the next morning with some deep thoughts. After she did her morning routine, fed Power and ate breakfast, she couldn’t help but think of her folks. She stood outside on her balcony with her parents’ rings on her golden necklace. Cliche, yes, but it was the only way she can have them around at all times. Her hands were on the railing as she looked out to the mountains of Wakanda. Her mother would have loved this view so much. When Nyla was only a little girl, she would catch her looking out to the setting sun of New York. As she caressed the rings, her eyes had shut.
  Nyla had come out of her room when she heard the balcony doors open. She peeked out to see her mother’s red, fade hair cut. She wore a black spaghetti strap tank with low ride mother jeans and her bare toes out on the pavement. She leaned against the balcony when she heard five-year-old’s feet approaching her. “Nyla, princess. What you doin’ creepin’ up to your mother, hm?” Nyla walked to her mother’s right leg and said “I just wanted to see you, mama. I missed you today.” She picked her up and hugged her tightly. “Aw, baby. Was school hard today”; Nyla nodded. “The kids made fun of my hair, again. They said it was ugly and nappy.” She ran her fingers through her baby’s curls and said “I see nothing wrong with your hair, LaLa. They are just jealous because you have hair that looks like Mother Nature sculpted it herself. It’s like clouds, right there.” She pointed out to a cloud that looked like a fluffy afro. “You see, LaLa. You were blessed to be different. So was I and your father, and every other black person in the world we know and love. These kids at your school hate themselves so much that they pick on your natural beauty”, she said as she poked Nyla’s nose making her giggle.
 “Awe, my baby. You are way too precious to ever care what anyone says about you. Promise, mama that you will never and I mean never ever care about what those poopy head kids have to say.” Nyla did the army salute and said “I pwomise. I love you, mommy.” Nyla was in her arms as she hugged her mother. “I love you too, LaLa. Now, let’s get dinner started before daddy gets home.” All of a sudden, the door opened and Nyla jumped out of her arms, screaming "daddy”, running inside as her mom laughed echo through her head.
Nyla’s eyes opened to still see the mountains with a single teardrop and a meow to her left. “C’mon, Power. I gotta get my mind right.” She went in to change into a black, a hoodie, matching shorts and some comfortable running shoes. She grabbed her gloves, water bottle, headphones and bag before heading out. When she made her way to the training floor, she saw that most of the things seemed very similar to the gyms she was used to back home. She went to the weight area, running her fingers against them; all of a sudden, she heard a few beeping noises. She looked up to see a laser scan the move and a voice appeared. “Announce name for verification.” She cleared her throat and said “Agent Nyla Miller.”
“Agent Nyla Miller accepted. Welcome to Wakanda, Agent Miller”, the woman’s voice said and the room completed the scan. Nyla went over to the mat and faced the window as she began stretching her body out. She posed in downward dog for a few minutes and began stretching her hamstrings out. She also began a fighter warm up with various kicks and punches with her headphones on. She went over to the weights, reached for the ten-pound dumbbells and a glow purple light wrapped around her wrists. She looked around confused and asked out loud and the voice came back. “These guard help to protect your wrist and add less pressure, Agent Miller.”
  Her brow raised as she began doing squats, noticing how she didn’t feel any pain what so ever and when she finished her set, she felt as if there was no tension what so ever. “Hm, should send some of these to the agency out in New York.” She was observing the rest of the gym and noticed the silver-toned bars. She saw the slight glowed purple but decided to hit the punching bag instead. She wrapped her hands with gauze from her duffle bag and began punching. All of a sudden, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Out of instinct, she took the hand flipped it. “Oh my God. King T’Challa”. He lied on the floor looking up to her and said “hello, Agent Miller. Did I startle you?” She helped him up and said “I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“It is fine. I guess your headset has noise cancellation.” She noticed he was in full work out gear in black; muscle tee, pants, and sneakers. “Hm, this is refreshing. You aren’t all done up. You look like just a regular guy at the gym.”
“Well, it would be difficult to wear something other than this to do as such, Agent”, he said with a smirk; she nodded. “Well, if you want I can leave so you can be alone.” He slightly shook his head as he went over to the weights. “No, no. You are fine. Stay and join me. I need to see how you what you have in store so I am not surprised like earlier.” She nodded as she grabbed the jump ropes; she tossed him one and said: “let’s do it.” They began facing face to face as the jumped rope and he watched carefully.
 After jumping, they took turns at the punching bag. “Very good. Now hook the right with more force”, Nyla heard. After they started dripping in sweat, she unzipped her sweater and revealed a sports bra. She began sipping her drink as he watched and licked his lips a little. He cleared his throat and said “Agent Miller, you will be willing to show me your combat skills. I heard from Agent Ross that they are quite amazing.” She placed her bottle down then stood across from him. “Okay, we can do that. Come at me like you are about to hurt me.”
 With that, he was in attack mode. When he launched at her, she flexed her wrist with her dominant hand, pretended to aim underneath his chin, jabbing upward at the throat; this move is called the heel palm strike. “Very good. Now show me more. Let’s say I am the enemy and I am about to punch you.” He got into a fighting stance with his hands to his face. “Easy, I would deliver an elbow strike”. She began to stabilize herself with a strong core and legs to ensure a powerful blow. Bending her arm at the elbow, shifting her weight forward, and struck her elbow into his jawline. “The way my father taught me is to keep my stomach tight and put all my weight to the front. Knocks out the opponent quickly. Always told me to aim for the temple, jaw, neck or chin to make sure I got them where I need them to be.”
“And where will that be?”
“On the ground begging for mercy”, she said and it made him laugh. “But to be very serious, this loosens their grip, especially if they have a grip on you.”
“What if the attacker succeeds and has you in their grasps and has you in a good grip like this?” He wrapped his arms around her tightly and began yanking her body. “Simple, my king”. She began the ‘bear hug attack’; bent forward from the waist. This shifted her weight forward, making it more difficult for T’Challa to pick her up. It also gave her a better angle to throw elbows from side to side to the face. She turned into him with one of her elbows and continued counterattacking. With space these moves have created, she ran to the bars and pulled two off; throwing one to him.
“Ah, so you have techniques in staff fighting as well?” Nyla twirled the staff between her fingers as she paced the floor. “Meh, I know a little something here and there. My mother and sensei taught me when I was younger.”
“Was your mother a fighter?”
“Psh, no. She would never hurt a fly but my pops. Now, that man was a boxing trainer before he passed. They taught me everything I know now so I wouldn’t have to depend on anyone.”
“Don’t you feel alone at times?”
“What do you mean. King T’Challa?” He began twirling his staff as he spoke. “Well, as in a partnership. Everyone deserves to not feel lonely. Even as King, I feel like I need a life partner.” Nyla walked up to her spot on the mat and said “well, King T’Challa. Not everyone is the same. Some people would love to feel like they can lean on someone but others, like myself, like to feel like they control whatever they do and not be held in submission; to feel like they don’t need someone. We like the quiet of our homes especially when you don't have to share covers.” He nodded with a Mona Lisa smile as she said: “let’s see what you got.”
“Okay then, Agent Miller.”
“Please just call me Nyla.”
“As long as you call me just T’Challa.”
“Okay then. just T'Challa.”
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When he was about to strike, she spun her staff against his to block the blow and ducked in time to hit him in the side resulting him to step back. When he looked up, she stood with her arms to the side and a smug look on her face; he mirrored her pose and they began again. Every time he tried to hit her, she always blocked the shot. She twirled her staff at a speed that left him flabbergasted but he had to focus and try to stop the spin. He used his tool to stop her staff but when she saw he was about to hit her again so she blocked as she hit into a full split. He noticed how flexible she was and took a mental note.
As he was distracted, she snatched his pole and smacked him on the right side of his stomach. When he knelt down, she slid between his legs and placed both poles in her hands and pressed it on to his neck so that his back was against her wet chest. “Do you want to give in, T’Challa?”
“I will never yield. Never have, never will”, he said with a snicker and pushed both poles away, flipping her over and pinning her to the ground. “Do you want to give in, Nyla?” She leaned into his face and said “never have. Never will.” She wrapped her legs around his neck and flipped them onto their backs as she held his arm in place. “Yield, T’Challa,” she yelled into the air. All of a sudden they heard the automatic greeting voice say “welcome, Princess Shuri.” They looked to their left and saw the princess in all black; jeans, turtle neck sweater, and boots. Her hair was in two space buns as she held a button on her beads.
“Sister, are you recording”, he asked and she looked side to side with just her eyes then back to them. “For research”, Shuri told him as Nyla got up and so did he; rubbing to ease the pain. “Delete that footage”, he said pointing to her. “How much did you get, Princess Shuri?”
“Since the first round you did.”
“We can use that for a training video for the new recruits next month”, Nyla said and Shuri saved the file. “Perfect. Speaking of recruits, I need you to meet me at my lab today for your new uniform. It’s ready.” Nyla looked at Shuri tilting her head with narrow eyes. “But you never took my measurements.” Shuri smiled and explained “trust me. It’ll fit perfectly. I will send you the directions.” Nyla nodded and looked back at T’Challa; doing the Wakanda salute. “Until next time, T’Challa.” He returned the salute and watched as she gathered her things and walked out. Shuri waited until she left; she looked at T’Challa with folded arms and a raised brow. “Brother, what are you trying to do?”
“What do you mean, Sister Shuri”, he asked sipping from his water bottle. “You know exactly what I mean. You have been acting quite weird and then one of my scientists told me that you put a camera in her room. For what reason, would on Bast green Earth you will need a camera in the Agent’s room?” He looked at his sister as he walked up to her. “We have to keep an eye on her, sister. We don’t know the woman or what she is capable of. We can not have our guard. As king, you should take my word. I will see you in the lab after I shower.” He left with a smirk on his face.
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An Hour Later
 Nyla was freshly washed and dressed in a white dress shirt and jeans with combat boots, all made by Wakanda. She slipped in her bracelet and necklace before shaking her twists out. She made her way down the lab as music played loudly and Shuri was at a rectangular table looking at blueprints. “Princess Shuri, I’m here.”
“Nyla, hello. Are you ready,” Shuri asked in an excited tone and took Nyla’s arm. “I hope you don’t mind but I have called for my family and M’Baku for any suggestions they may have.” Nyla nodded as she saw the Royal Family on a white couch waiting. “Now, stand right here on the very spot”, she said as she moved Nyla’s body on a red spot coming from the ceiling. “Now, I will place this onto your pants, in the front”, Shuri mentioned clipping onto her pants. She stood back to the right side of her mother and said “now, whenever you and your team are in a hurry for battle. You will just hit that button right there in the front.” Nyla looked down to see the panther shaped button glow purple.
 “Can I press it”, Nyla said and Shuri instructed her more. “Yes, but you also have the option to say the command word ‘Utshintsho” which means-”
“Transform.” N’Jadaka looked up to her with folded legs and said: “don’t forget that she fluent, cuz.” Shuri looked to her big cousin and threw the pen cap to his head. T’Challa sat up leaning as he watched Nyla; Shuri took notice. “Nyla, go ahead,” she said and Nyla held both arms to her side and palms facing them. “Utshintsho”, they heard and saw a black material spread against her skin from her pelvic area. Nyla watched as her body became covered but she wasn’t scared, she was intrigued. Once she was done, the belt turns completely black and she looked to the others. “Princess, this is dope”, N’Jadaka said leaning back. M’Baku spread his legs wide and said “even though, I think this was a foolish idea of yours. She does look like the part. Very good, Princess Shuri.” Queen Mother stood walking towards her and said: “this looks incredible, You have done it again, sweetheart.”
“Thank you, Queen Mother. Nyla, you can turn and see yourself, if you like.” Nyla turned to see the garment and was shocked; Shuri was right. “It fits perfectly, Princess Shuri.” The suit was like a leather material and the inseams glowed a lilac the golden shade. The garment came with a turtle neck and connected to boots with the suit. Specks of gold spot flashed against it and the flashed purple in the light; she noticed a ring in her right middle finger. “Throw your fist out”, Shuri said and when she did, a spear popped into her hand; just like her suit int flashed colors as she spun it. “Whoa. This is...wow.”
“You’re welcome”, Shuri said and T’Challa stood. He walked to her slowly and walked around slowly. He noticed the rise of her breasts, the thickness of her thighs and the dip in her back that accentuated her round backside. He went to her right and felt on the fabric. “What can the suit do, sister? Is it like mine and N’Jadaka’s as well?”
“Precisely, just instead of you don't have a spear and you have masks.” T’Challa stood back and looked to the group. “Let’s see it work. Give us a kick of any kind, any other moves and don’t hold back. I want to see if the WPS will be comfortable in this for battle.” She nodded slowly and cracked her neck. She took a deep breath and started with a regular sidekick then a hook kick and finally into turning kick and split. They all clapped as she sprung back up, T’Challa’s head titled then back straight. “Very, very good”, he shook Nyla’s hand and Shuri, N’Jadaka and M’Baku noticed his body language.
 The night came to an end and she sat in bed with Power beside her sleeping. She only wore a bra and boy shorts as she read from her book that her mother often her when she was younger. She felt her eyes get even and lied down looking towards her balcony.
 Nyla lied in bed with her stuffed animal and nightlight on. She heard a knock on her door and turned to see her parents. Her mother had on a durag and so did her father in their pajamas. “Can’t sleep, princess Nyla”, her father asked and she nodded while rubbing her eyes. Her parents stepped in and her mother sat beside her. “Nyla, would you like a song or a story”, she asked and her father knelt in front of her. “Can I have both”, she asked and her father’s laugh bounced off the walls.
   Her mother looked down at her and said “only one, princess.” Nyla looked up to her, nodding. Her mother held her close by her right shoulder and began singing in a sweet, angel-like voice.
“Tulo tulo kwata amwana, bwoto mukwate nga olimulogo, ssebo wulila. Tulo tulo kwata amwana, bwoto mukwate nga olimulogo, ssebo wulila. Njagala ngendeko kumazina nzine kundongo, nkyuse kubulamu obulamu wikulika.Tulo tulo kwata amwana, bwoto mukwate nga olimulogo, ssebo wulila.”
Then her father sung the english part.
“Tulo Tulo, go to sleep my pretty baby, dream sweetly through the night. Tulo Tulo, go to sleep my pretty baby, dream sweetly through the night. In your dreams you’ll dance in moonlight, in your dreams you’ll soar through the starry sky. Tulo Tulo, go to sleep my pretty baby, dream sweetly through the night.”
 They both sang together in both African and Englsih until their angel’s eyes fluttered.
 Nyla’s eyes slowly fluttered as she slept dreams of her past family.
Thank you for reading. Want to be kept up to date? Just ask to be tagged and I will add you ASAP. I post a new chapter of THIS serious every Thursday for T’Challa Day.
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titconao3 · 5 years
Hello I have a lot of feelings about Fratt and I’m endlessly grateful for your contributions to the pairing. I just want to know what draws you to them, what you love about them, how you got into the pairing, and what drives you to keep producing wonderful content for them?
Aw, thank you - i have a lot of feelings about Fratt too! About them both, separately, as /, or as &.
And now, brace yourself for word-vomit ;-)
i started with Daredevil, and Matt is a character that hits my buttons. i can ship him with almost anyone and anything, from socks to Foggy to naps to Elektra, bring it on. (Just not Karen Page, that’s not my personal jam - but to each their own ^_^)Matt being a cocky idiot who will throw himself into harm’s way and disregard his own well-being because Catholic Guilt ™ and Matt getting whumped is, uh. *grabby hands* He’s also So Dramat(t)ic - from backflips to emo-ing, from speechifying about god and justice to his “i’ll bleeeed for the cityyyyy” atttitude… *rubs hands* me like! He’s such a little shit too He’s also clearly suffering from depression (or bipolar disorder? the comics say depression, but i guess a case can be made for either), which i find… uh, yes. i can’t say i like it (poor Matty) but, just, yes.Plus i like hurt/comfort, okay? & DD is a whump-magnet of the highest, finest quality ;-)
Then Frank came by and i went uuuuuh yessss. The empty stare (and generally his body language; the immobility, the head movements, and then the sudden violence!), the difference in vigilante philosophy with Matt, his ALSO being a cocky idiot albeit in a different style, his bulldozer, one-man army style of fighting...  He’s clearly got Actual Brain Trauma from, you know, a bullet lodged there and has to deal with guilt from the death of his family, from sometimes loving being with his squad more than with his kids, from what he did as a soldier, etc.Frank can be emo-dramatic too, what with the whole “i am dead inside, i am just a tool of retribution, i am the mission and nothing else” attitude (we see through you, Frankie, sorry).He can be a real asshole too, and i like me some imperfect characters :DAND he comes with a cool cast of characters - Dinah, Billy, Curt, David…!
Both have a shitload of issues. Matt misses his dad (even when he rails against him in S3) and Frank has a well-developed dad instinct (is anyone reading Punisher Kill Krew? it’s hilarious and colourful and i promise Frankie goes ratatatatatBOOMpewpew at the baddies, but it also doesn’t take itself too seriously and Frank gives off the dad vibes AND the dog lover vibes ;-).Frank’s HE PROTEC and Matt’s “i’ll fight everything and anything!” (or is it the other way around?) go well together; they want the same thing, have the same goal.Plus, they can get on each other’s nerves; chatty lawyer and grunty Marine :DTheir rooftop conversation, with Matt chained up and trying to get Frank to open up, and Frank not being only this terrifying, violent monster but a guy with broken bits rattling inside! *clutches chest* And their various interactions after that - annoyance with some life-saving on the side. Aw ^_^
They have their little quirks, coffee or blind jokes and other little things that amuse me; they don’t like admitting they can’t do something, they can be terrible friends, they’re just perfect fic fodder, really :D
i also like the contrast between a guy who knows how domestic life works, how you take care of people, and occasionally (gasp) how you communicate (Frank’s surprise speeches at times…! like to Karen in that diner, bam Sudden Words) but who’s also a death-dealing machine and another guy who’s desperate for a family, who definitely craves being cared for (but NOT too much and only when he wants it, he’s a bit like a cat i guess ;-) and whose job is talking but who will always do his best to obfuscate, hide, or even lie because what will happen if i actually tell the truth? 
And: they’re both hoodie-wearers and both have been shown hiding under blankets. So, uh. Yes. That.
And on top of that, there’s the potential of team DD interacting with Mr. Punisher, especially Foggy (who was all Frank’s scary but also hot!!!) and Maggie (god save me from these guys! *gets the suture kit out*)
So there’s potential for feels, h/c, action, and humour too!Because, let’s face it, they can both be ridiculous sometimes ^_^ but it makes them human, interesting, and relatable!
There is Not Enough Content for them!
Also, for folks who are into smut, they do have great chemistry; but while i can and sometimes do write sex scenes when they feel relevant it’s not really my favourite thing in the world.Unless we’re talking post-deed CUDDLES :D
The challenge is to keep them as true as i can to my understanding of who they are: their flaws, their violence… and yet manage to give them an actual story that isn’t just we fought, we sexed, Frank left, Matt angsted, it never happened again because Frank’s a loner / Matt’s got too many issues / Frank “i’m a dead man inside” Castle won’t drag Matt into his world / Matt “Law & Justice and also my fists” Murdock gets hurt and Frank freaks out…i want to see how to make them work together, in part because i’m a wimp and i can’t stand downer endings and in part because can’t they have a little happiness too? (but not too much they’d disintegrate)Sure, i’d love to be able to write Deep Meaningful stuff, but basically i always end up doing domestic / fluffy / dog dads… stories.
...sorryy it got so long? i hope this answers your questions!
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ephrampettaline · 5 years
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chatzy autumn fair log with @ephrampettaline, @freddiewatts, @ianncardero, @mayaparker, and @scarlettxruby
Maya walked through the autumn festival with Hermes still by her side. Aside from that first night at carnival, things had been pretty calm. Although she was still a little on edge. But she was determined to have fun, which explained why she was already two drinks in. She had just bought another one when she spotted a chalkboard sign for a hayride. "Oh shit," she glanced down at the husky at her side, "What do you say? Hayride time?"
Ephram watched as the couple behind him in line peeled away for some reason, conferring intensely between themselves as they left the hayride area; he caught sight of Maya waiting behind them, and said, "Oh, hey! Or should I say hay?" Ephram chortled, despite the fact that this joke didn't really translate well out loud.
Maya looked up at the sound of someone calling out to her. Or at least calling out in her general direction. It took her a second to register the joke. Her brow briefly furrowed. Hermes stood by her side, watching Ephram carefully. "Oh," she said, shaking her hand and taking a step forward, "Hay as in hayride. Sorry, I've caught up."
Ephram scratched his elbow, saying, "Aaaaaah, it was corny, I don't blame you. But at least you'll probly get on this trip, though, now that those folks moseyed off for whatever. Let's hope it ain't because they know somethang that we don't, eh?"
Maya shrugged. She didn't mind corny jokes. But he was right that the homophone pun hadn't come across immediately when spoken. She took a sip of her hot toddy and nodded. "Yeah, think I will," she agreed before adding, "Assuming they let dogs on." Glancing in the direction of the couple, she shrugged, "Nah, they were 'not fighting' about something else." She put heavy air quotes around not fighting. She hadn't been eavesdropping on purpose, but voices carried in the chilly fall air. It had been kind of hard not to.
Ephram himself had a bright pink travel mug of hazelnut hot chocolate -- pay one price and it would refill itself automatically so long as you were on the fairgrounds -- and he drank deeply from it, bound and determined to get his money's worth. "Of course they'll let dogs on! In this town? They'd find themselves slapped with a discrimination suit if they din't allow animals of any and all form."
Maya had to give him that. With so many familiars about, it would be hard to refuse animals on any ride. "True," she said, "Forgot it was Soapberry for a second there."
Ephram looked at her curiously at that statement. Historically, his asking Maya any questions about herself hadn't gone well, but ... things changed, right? So he ventured, "...you been ruminating on other places to be lately?"
The furrow in Maya's brow returned. "Have I what?" she asked, genuinely not understanding the question.
Ephram gestured vaguely with his cup. "I dunno, just ... you said you forgot it was Soapberry. In the middle of the Autumn Fair's a pretty hard place to forget you're in Soapberry, is all." Considering all the Soapberry-grade shenanigans going on everywhere they looked.
Maya shook her head. While she had been thinking about returning to New York or maybe just moving somewhere else entirely, she and Ephram were hardly close enough that she would mention that. "I just lived the first twenty four years of my life in places where pets were just pets," she explained, "I'm still not quite in the Soapberry state of mind."
Ephram nodded politely. "Ah, gotcha. It's different for me. I mean I lived thirty years in the Outworld not knowin' bout magical stuff but I sucked up all this Soapberry state of affairs like a sponge in a bucket. Funny how that works."
Maya considered before replying, "Probably just depends on the person. I've never really been the soak it up like a sponge kind of person." She nodded towards the growing space between Ephram and the line in front of him. The next cart had been loaded up and trundled off, leaving Ephram at the front of the line.
Ephram obligingly moved up, wondering aloud, "Do they got more'n one cart? Or do we gotta wait until that one finishes its route and dumps them people off first? I mean I been on hayrides, but those times was always just the one cart. Small town style."
Maya wasn't sure if Ephram was really asking her or not. Hermes had followed them up and was now watching the crowd to their right. It seemed he had smelled them. "I've seen two different drivers, so they probably got two different carts," she offered, "Although it could've just been the other guy went on break."
Ruby had left the petting zoo with a pocketful of something small and fluffy. She thought it might be a chinchilla, but she wasn't sure. She was sure that it liked churros. Which she was currently feeding into the pocket of her hoodie as she moved towards the line for the hayride.
Hermes barked once in greeting. Maya's head whipped to see what he was barking at, almost spilling her drink as she did so. Every one of her muscles tensed, ready either to run or to fight. But then she spotted Ruby walking towards them. Relaxing, she smiled, "Hey Ruby."
Ephram lifted his pink cup at Ruby too in greeting. "Hey-ooo!"
Ruby looked up from feeding her pocket to wave at the others. She gave Hermes a pat on the head as she came over, offering the dog a piece of the churro if he wanted it. Her hoodie pouch wiggled, and Ruby gave it more food before it fell still again. "What kinda hayride they got goin'?" she asked, realizing there didn't seem to be many other waiting. "Not haunted is it?"
Maya tilted her head a little as she caught Ruby looking up from her pocket. Hermes wandered over, having long since decided that Ruby was a friend. He snapped up the offered churro. "I think just a regular one," Maya replied, "From what I heard tonight's more about cozy than spooky. Gotta let people calm down a little before the main event, you know?"
Ephram sipped at his hot chocolate. "Are they gonna turn it haunted after?"
Oh. Well, okay then. Don't really feel up to anythin' scary." Ruby fed a bit more churro to Hermes and to her pocket - apparently the churro kept slowly renewing itself - before frowning a bit. "What's the main event? And you think they will?" she asked as an addition to Ephram's question.
Maya found herself distracted again by Ruby's pocket. Her eyes narrowed a little, but she said nothing. Not yet at least. "Assuming you mean the main event tonight, it's a bonfire," she said instead and with a shrug she said, "And I think its shutting down for the night after that." She took another sip of her drink. Glancing down at Hermes, she mouthed, "What's she got in there?" Hermes just looked up at her, wearing a dog's smile. Maya shook her head, clearly the husky was easily bribed
Ephram hung back a little, watching Maya and her dog and Ruby and her pocket animal without much interest. He'd already spent an afternoon at the fair with Ciara and the other witch being distracted by Molly and the gitturns; it seemed like everybody was surrounding themselves with pets lately. Ephram pondered to himself if it was a feature of small-town osmosis, or some new stranger Soapberry thingamajiggy.
Freddie, having left Ollie chatting with Marita Cooper, caught sight of his husband across the fairground - big blond yeti-boys were hard to miss - and made his way over to the queue his sweetheart was standing in; smiling and chatting and glad-handing his way up through the waiting crowd until he came to a stop behind his darling and slipped his hands into Ephram's pockets. "Hello, love", he said, "What are we in line for?"
"So no, I guess, to properly answer your question," Maya said, "I think it's not supposed to be haunted after."
Ephram extended a leg to tap the sign with his toe, summarily having to hustle to lean forward and prevent it from falling over. "Whoops," he huffed, rubbing his nose in momentary contrition before bumping against Freddie. "Hayride, to answer your question. And a not-haunted hayride at that! You ever been on one?"
"Never in my life," Freddie said, "What do we do? If anything."
Ruby liked bonfires, and made a mental note to try and make it out. She was about to say something to Maya when her pocket gave a might wriggle and the little chinchilla leapt out and onto the ground, darting away and into the crowd. "Shit," Ruby said to herself, giving a hasty wave goodbye as she darted after it into the crowd.
Ephram handed Freddie his hot chocolate. "Hazelnut," he said by way of explanation, and then, "we sit in the cart, on a bunch of hay, while they drive us around. Hey, Maya -- d'you know if there's any special sights or anythang? On the ride?"
"Um, hi," Maya said, "And nah, you just sit and..." She weighed her next phrase before saying, "I mean, in high school we just made out so." She offered a shrug. As far as Ephram's question, she answered, "I only know what's on the sign." She turned her head as Ruby darted off. At least the small chinchilla, as far as she could tell, running off explained what Ruby'd had in her pocket.
Freddie took Ephram's cup and sipped his rather nice hot chocolate before wrinkling his nose at the lacklustre report on an activity apparently worth queuing up for. "We just sit in a pile of hay?" he asked, "Why? And where are they driving us?"
Ephram hummed. "Maybe you missed the 'making out' part of the explanation," he teased, before shaking his head. A public Soapberry event wasn't exactly Ephram's preferred place for making out, especially as the sheriff. "It's a thing to do! At fall fairs and whatnot." He looked around for one of the Carnival volunteers in their flashing green vests, hailing one and asking, "Anything special about this hayride? Afore we commit ourselves to it for twenty minutes."
Freddie pouted for a moment, knowing his husband well enough to know that he likely wasn't going to be doing any making out here amongst Soapberry's family fun contingent. "My arse is going to freeze off, isn't it?" he grumbled. "I'll need to glamour us a blanket."
Maya nodded as Freddie didn't acknowledge her greeting. She took another sip of her hot toddy. As Ephram asked if there was anything particularly special about this hayride, she listened, curious. The attendant grinned, "Of course there is. But if I tell you that'd ruin the surprise." Maya had to laugh at the over the top salesmanship of the attendant. "Alright, well that sells me," she said before climbing up on the cart with Hermes.
Ephram pointed at the attendant, looking at Freddie. "See? There's some specialness on the ride! Come on, there'll be blankets provided, I'm sure. It's a ride, not a trip to market to try and sell Pa's turnip crop." He thanked the attendant and shoved Freddie towards the cart. "You two've met, right? Maya this is Freddie, Freddie this is Maya. Just in case." Ephram grinned and settled down into the hay as well.
Freddie smiled, extending a hand to Maya, even as he laughed and playfully nudged Ephram back. "Maya," he said, "-hello, love. I'm sorry I didn't say hello sooner; it was just that your name had escaped me and I was hoping it would come back to me. How are you?"
Maya shook Freddie's hand, not entirely believing him. In her opinion, it seemed like a pretty flimsy excuse. But she wasn't about to make any indication she thought so. Instead she shrugged, "Can't complain. And you? Other than the not being overly excited about hayrides." She draped a blanket over herself and Hermes, making them comfortable as the cart started off.
Ephram tended to blanket tucking-in for Freddie and himself before taking his hot chocolate back. "This hayride's gonna change your mind on em, jes you wait and see!" he declared, despite having no evidence to back him up just yet.
"I'm wonderful," Freddie said with a warm grin. "I mean, I'd be more excited about the hayride if the making out like teenagers bit was still on the table," he teased, tickling Ephram a little as he settled into the hay beside him, "-but I'm up for anything, me. And it's a lovely night, so as long as I'm kept warm, " he paused, poking at Ephram, " - that bit's on you, sunshine - I think it might be fun."
Ephram moved closer to Freddie, wrapping an arm around his husband's shoulders. "One six-foot-two hot water bottle comin' up," he said, kissing Freddie's cheek.
Freddie grinned, leaning into the kiss. "Well, there," he said, "-now I'm already having fun."
Maya scratched behind Hermes' ears. She glanced behind them, having thought she heard rustle in the woods. But Hermes was calm and she didn't see anything. She brought her attention back. "At the very least, we should be able to see the stars out here," she said, casting her gaze upwards. The light pollution wasn't nearly as bad as New York, but even just the festival had drowned out some of them.
Ephram leaned back somewhat so he could properly stare up at the night sky. "Did you know that Soapberry has impermanent constellations?" he said. "Yeah! They show up like once every three months or somethang, a couple at a time." He lifted one arm to point, fingers describing a crescent shape. "The one right now looks like a wedge of orange. At least it does to me."
Freddie shot a little burst of fairy dust up into the sky over their heads, giving the impression of animating the constellation - the wedge of orange joining another collection of fruit to form a Carmen Miranda headdress for Cassiopeia. "Is this cheating?" he asked, "Or are we allowed to participate in the stargazing?"
A smile crept over Maya's face. She'd always like stargazing. A long time ago she used to do it with her parents from the top of Salem's lighthouse. The far away pinpricks of light reminded her that, in the grand scheme, she was small. "I think you can only cheat if there's competition involved," she replied.
Ephram crowed over Maya's comment. "I like that!" he declared. "That's a good definition. I wish I had an orange now, though. Good game, good game," Ephram said, slapping imaginary hands like it was the precursor to being handed post-match orange wedges by his little league coach.
Freddie leaned a little closer into the warmth of Ephram's body. "So what else has everyone been up today?" he asked, "Ollie and I have done rather a lot of wandering, but we haven't committed to too many activities yet."
Maya kept watching the sky pass. Partially because she enjoyed it and partially to avoid the third wheel feeling she was 95% sure she'd have if she focused inside the cart. She shrugged, "Some painting at the bakery, nothing terribly exciting." But thinking again that she heard something, she glanced behind herself into the dark woods. There was nothing. She must be hearing things. She wrapped her blanket a little tighter around herself before turning Ephram, waiting for his answer.
Ephram asked, "The bakery?" before scratching his chin in thought about what he wanted to report. "I wanted to get my face painted, but there was like an entire school fulla kids in front of me at the stall," he bemoaned his luck. "So I just did some bobbing for candy apples. I think they was candy apples. I wasn't allowed to keep the one I got!"
"Two questions, sweetheart," Freddie said with a smile, "First, what would you have had painted if you could, and second, why couldn't you keep your apple?" He turned to Maya then. "What bakery is that, love? Anything we'd know?"
"HEAD'S UP --" Iann yelled suddenly from above the slowly trundling hayride. He was half-clinging to a speeding broomstick, that was giving off sparks from the sweeping end. Iann and the broom crashed right into the hay, the cart tipping and rocking from the impact, hay tumbling everywhere. Not just that, but the sparks from the broom also caught on the dry hay, which easily and gleefully lit up as the magical cart slowed to a halt, sensing its demise. Iann went tumbling ass over tea kettle through the field, still trying to control the spasming broom.
Ephram yelped, "Jesus Christ!!" and immediately shoved Freddie, Maya, and her dog out of the stopped cart, grabbing a blanket to slap at the flames.
"Oh, sorry, I'm opening a bakery with Tuah," Maya explained. Having worked on it for months, it seemed like common knowledge to her. But of course she'd really only talked about it with friends. She was about to explain that she was working on a mural when her attention was grabbed by someone shouting. As Iann made impact, Maya barely managed to leap off before it tipped over. Hermes too jumped off. "Shit," she swore under her breath as the cart caught fire.
Iann threw himself on the wild broomstick, trying to stop it as he yelled to the other three. "It's - like - a - bucking - bronto - " No wait, that wasn't right. "Bronco! Broncoooo-oo-o- whoa whoaaaa broom whoa!!" Somehow, the broom didn't seem to obey Iann's instructions.
Freddie once he'd gotten his bearings again, sent a stream of fairy dust to surround the broomstick, glamouring it into a toothpick. "There we are," he said, smirking at his friend, "Try not to get a splinter, darling."
Ephram finished slapping out the flames with the help of a burst of silver-green magic that ate up all the oxygen around the flames, forcing them to snuff out with a resounding bang that rang in their ears for a few moments. "Dammit, Cardero!" he bawled at Iann. "Where the hell did you even get that thing?"
Maya watched as the broom tried to buck Iann off before Freddie turned it into a toothpick. "Jesus Iann, you okay?" she asked. She realized belatedly that she'd spilled her drink on herself while jumping off the cart. Luckily, there was going to be a bonfire later. She looked for Hermes, who came trotting up to her from the other side of the cart.
Iann was still laying on top of the broom when Freddie glamoured it, and so Iann could still feel the tiny thing magically bucking under him which ended up just sort of giving the impression that he was...well, humping a random rotten field potato. He shot Freddie a glare. Damn cheeky fairies. "Oh much better now, Didi!!" Rolling onto his back, Iann finally just gave up, and released the toothpick, which went zooming up into the night sky. "Okay see you bye." He looked over at Ephram, and the fiery mess he'd caused, and grinned. "There's a place giving broomstick rides for kids. I just sorta....amped up the juice on mine. Just a bit."
Ephram leaned over and slapped at Iann's hair with the singed blanket. "Goddamnit. You wrecked up the hayride cart! They're gonna take it outta your ass, these Carnival folks don't joke around with destroyin' their property."
Maya had to laugh. Of course, Iann had amped up a child's broomstick. She turned her attention though to the cart. It was indeed ruined. At least it was just hay, she supposed. Well, hay and wood.
"And how exactly did you manage that?" Freddie asked, caught somewhere between exasperation and fondness. "Do I even want to know?"
"I got this charm..." Iann started explaining to Freddie, giving Maya a nod to say he was okay. At least he thought he was. He reached up to catch the blanket that Ephram whapped him with, but then gulped hard, turning sweaty and pale immediately. "Oh. Shit. I think I dislocated my shoulder...fuck, shit, god-fucking-fuckity-dammit it, ow ow ow..." Iann rolled forward, gingerly holding his arm. "Okay, who's the lucky duck who gets to pull it right again?"
Ephram grunted, kneeling down next to Iann and reaching for his shoulder before pausing and looking up at Freddie. "Actually," he said, "probly Freddie should do it. Iffen you want your shoulder popped back in painless, that is."
"I got you," Maya said, "Give it here." She had put more than a few shoulders right in her day and now that she knew about her literally magic touch she could help with some of the pain too. She knelt and took hold of his arm. "Ready? On three. One...two," she popped it into place
Freddie would never stop wondering why so many witches eschew fairy healing for their own less-capable varieties, but to each their own. At least Iann's shoulder was fixed again.
Ephram sat back on the grass, secretly sort of pleased with this outcome. Iann deserved a little bit of discomfort for shenanigans. "Oh, shoot," he said as brightly-glowing green vests began to make their way out into the field. "Here come the volunteers. And it's a hayride, Cardero -- you best hope they don't got pitchforks."
Iann groaned and landed face down on the field when Maya popped his shoulder. "Ohhhhhhh god that feels good and awful at the same time," he said, voice full of dirt. He looked up when Ephram mentioned the green-vests, and gave a weak one-shouldered shrug, reaching out to be helped up. "You're the Sheriff - surely I'm in company that keeps the pitchfork crowd at bay, am I right?" Iann looked around, then looked at Freddie, stricken. "Where's Ollie?" His gaze slid towards the burned hay and side-turned cart.
Ephram grunted again, somewhat mollified that at least Iann showed concern for the possibility of Ollie having been hurt. "I reckon I might could tell em it was an accident," he started to say, before suddenly leaping up to his feet in shock, shouting, "My hot chocolate!!" and loping back to the burnt cart to locate his unending hot chocolate pouring out into a sticky puddle under a charred heap of hay.
Freddie followed Iann's gaze - and his train of thought - over to the decimated hay cart, and pulled a mock affronted and horrified face. "Excuse you," he said, "-but he's not bloody trapped in there! I'd have expired by now, if he had. He's having an apple cider with a mate of his. I'm to meet him later at the pumpkin contest."
"Doesn't it always?" Maya agreed. Having never experienced it, she didn't think about fairy healing. Just that Iann needed someone to pop his shoulder back in and she seemed like the best person at the time. "I've got like couple of ibuprofen worth of magic, but Ephram's right," she added. Her attention turned towards the approaching volunteers. Considering they were with the sheriff, it didn't worry her. "You do owe me a hot toddy though," she said as Ephram scooped up his hot chocolate, "I didn't spring for the self-fill upgrade."
Iann was ready to go diving into the hay to save Ollie, but was immediately distracted by the idea of Ollie having his own friends. Which Freddie had informed him of before; but honestly, every time it came up, it delighted Iann as if it was the first time hearing it. "What contest?" He looked over at the helpful volunteers, and pointed an accusing finger. "It exploded on its own! You guys should really make sure these things aren't hazardous, safety first. Think of the children - god, won't someone please think of the children." Iann tutted at the green-vests, before haughtily nodded at Maya and then Freddie. "I agree Freddie, we absolutely will not be directing our guests to the hay ride tomorrow night. Let's go now that our inspection's over."
"I put your shoulder back into your socket, I can take it out," Maya jokingly threatened as Iann referred to her as a child.
"The talent show," Freddie said before Iann was off on a tangent, distracting the poor volunteers from his own misadventures - and dragging Freddie right along into his mess. The fairy turned to the green-vests apologetically. "He gets a bit disoriented at night," he told them, "They call it sundowning. So don't mind him, yeah? We'll be recommending the entire carnival to our guests."
Ephram handed off his seared pink travel mug to Freddie, making imploring eyes-- "can you fix it, honey, please?" before nodding along with Freddie's swiftly-performed damage control, straightening and holding his arms out to herd the green-vests away from the little group. "It's fine, no harm done," Ephram said briskly. "Might wanna look into who gets their hands on those broomstick rides, though, huh?"
Iann looked innocent, if soil-stained, as Freddie and Ephram both did damage control with the politely confused (but quite used to seeing disasters and putting out fires - both literally and figuratively. Oh, the life of a volunteer) volunteers, who went to attend to the toppled hay cart. "I just realized that thing isn't actually drawn by anything," Iann murmured, noticing there was no horses attached, or tractor. He looked at Maya. "Who owes you a drink? I do, or Pettaline? Pettaline, right?" He nodded about the talent show, and then he had to ask, "Is Ollie in the talent show?"
Freddie took Ephram's mug and gave it a quick once-over - the replenishing magic was fae, so he didn't see any harm in applying a little dust of his own and glamouring it back to the way it had been before Iann Knieval had crash landed. "Here, love," he said, watching as it refilled itself, "Good as new."
"No," Freddie said, "-it's for pumpkins. People have made those horrifying pumpkinhead creatures from Return to Oz, and the talent show is for them. Ol and I are just going to watch."
Iann huffed on Freddie's behalf. "Just watch? They should've asked you and Ollie to be judges. You're esteemed members of Soapberry society and all that!"
Maya let them handle the green vests. It was usually better to let other people talk to authority. "Ephram didn't make me jump off my cart and spill three quarters of a hot toddy, soooooooo."
Ephram took his mug back with a pleased buzz, only to have it turn into a whine of protest. "I loved that pumpkinhead guy from Return to Oz!" he protested. "Him and the moose were the best. And no, Cardero, I don't owe nobody nothin' except maybe you a cuff in the head." He nodded enthusiastically at Maya's correction of Iann's willful misconception. "See?"
"Apparently we made the shortlist," Freddie said, shooting Iann a smirk, "-but Nutkin's a judge and he got us blackballed."
"Listen, I already got whapped by you in the head with a flea-infested horse blanket," Iann said as he started to distance himself from the burning ruined hayride. He glanced at Maya. "And okay then, hot toddy it is. If only to...make you stop saying 'hot toddy'. Sounds like we're in a ski lodge or something." Iann halted though as Freddie broke the news, staring in utter shock. "That fucking Bugle editor?! Oh Freddie...Freddie, that's my fault," Iann said it in a generous, magnanimous way, as if everyone didn't already know who's fault it was that Nutkin had its vendetta. "I should write a apology to that little peanut-brain..." A scathing, ranting, apology full of vitriol.
Freddie laughed, slipping his hand into Ephram's. "Oh, I think you've done enough, darling. Don't you?"
Maya laughed, "You know I have to keep saying it now, right?" She had no intention of following through or of really holding him to buy a drink. But it was kind of funny. She didn't know anything about this Nutkin, but evidentaly no one was a fan. "Sounds like you'd rather write him a strongly worded letter," she commented, "I know some strong words if you need them."
Ephram took his husband's hand, squeezing it and tugging Freddie in closer, not having forgotten his mandate to share the heat he tended to radiate in all seasons. "You watch yourself, Cardero," Ephram said, just a teensy bit nastily since he knew where he was heading with this comment: "Maya here's startin' a bakery with Tuah, so if you don't play nice with her you'll find another place you're blackballed from."
"I've written that little bugger plenty..." Which was precisely why Stonefruit Inn was in the semi-predicament it was in already. He cast Freddie another apologetic glance, pushing his hands into his pockets as they strolled out of the field, back towards where the food stalls were. "Ohhhh ah ahaha, yeah if I get blackballed from their bakery, it wouldn't be by Maya's doing. I haven't been performing very well on the ex front," Iann said with a wistful grin, and another half-shrug, not particularly minding Ephram's little jibe. It was genuine and inadvertently accurate, and for Iann that was what mattered. "But who knows. Maybe we'll be back on good terms by the time the place opens though, hm?"
Maya laughed again, "Yeah you probably got plenty on that one." Even with Tuah as her business partner and all her friends support her, she still felt nervous about the whole thing. "But, I think Tuah's too nice to ban anyone and I'm too interested in getting rich to not take anyone's money," she added. The first part was true and the second clearly a joke.
Ephram returned Iann's half-shrug, his spurt of meanness nullified by Iann's good-natured acceptance. Ephram couldn't stay poking at somebody -- even Iann -- in the face of such openness. "After the painting's done, I reckon?" he speculated, looking at Maya to say yay or nay on when the place was opening. He drank from his mug and remarked, "--that Nutkin feller's mighty hard to shut up. Although at least lately he's stopped referring to me as Typhoid Billy."
Iann grunted noncommittally about Tuah, pulling out his wallet when they got to the stall featuring all manner of cheery fall-related beverages. Some cold, some hot, all special in some way of course. "Well you're a married man now, it would be gauche or something, I guess," Iann said, squinting at the menu board. "Okay a hot toddy for you, and - what'd you have Pettaline? Hot chocolate? Spiked or not?"
Maya smiled and nodded, "Yes please."
"Oh, no, I'm fine -- mine's self-refilling." Ephram nursed it thoughtfully. "I reckon if Nutkin's stopped jabbin' at me it's got somethang to do with me bein' Sheriff now, not whether or not I'm married. The Bugle don't seem overly concerned with gauche."
Iann got himself a coffee - just normal, no funny business, Iann instructed the server - and handed Maya her hot toddy. "So what you're saying is..." Iann said, just as thoughtfully. "Is that if someone finds some reason for our esteemed Editor to be liable for...oh I don't know. Slander or libel or - oh! - harassment, then the Sheriff's Department can intervene on the injured citizen's behalf?" Because if there was anything better than skirting around the law, it was exploiting the law.
Maya took her new drink, still smiling, "Thank you." She took a sip, feeling immediately warmed by it. "Don't you have to like lawyer up for that?" she asked although she didn't really know. Plus things worked differently here in Soapberry anyway.
Ephram hemmed and hawwed a little bit before answering. "Well, yeah," he said, "but you'll have a hard time proving true ill intent. I mean it ain't harmed the Stonefruit any, the feud you'ns got going, and the Bugle's got free speech on their side. Even in Soapberry, some things still stand."
Iann blustered an imitation of Ephram, Kentucky accent and all, as he danced his arms op and down, frowning sternly, "Oh even - even in Soapberry, oh, hm, some things still stay-yand."  Really, he just sounded like Jeff Goldblum with a bad Kentucky accent.
Maya took a sip of her drink and chose to stay out of this one.
Ephram sipped his drink too, placidly; Freddie, after giving Iann a bit of a stern look, said, “And on that note, loves, I’d best see what Ollie’s up to. If I’m late and he misses the pumpkin judging I’m in for a bollocksing.” The fairy gave Ephram a kiss, lingering a little, before saying his goodbyes to Maya and Iann and setting off.
Ephram cleared his throat and turned to Maya. "So you're obviously handlin' the baking part," he said, "are you'ns gonna be havin' coffee and all that too?"
Maya nodded, "Yep, the whole works. We talked about maybe getting a liquor license too. Nothing better than late night cake and champagne." She couldn't help the almost secret smile that curved her lips as she thought of the last time she'd had cake and champagne.
Iann looked dismayed, giving a short wave of goodbye as he went after Freddie. "Freddie! C'mon man..." he pleaded, disappearing from the sight of Epham and Maya.
"Cain't argue with that," Ephram said, watching Iann bolt off after Freddie. "Well, that must be pretty exciting for you both! A new venture like that, especially with somebody. Not much fun starting new enterprises on your own."
"Well that I've got about seven dollars to my name, so it'd be a bit difficult," Maya replied. She was excited, but most days she was more nervous. And with everything that had been happening lately, she wasn't entirely sure she'd make it to opening day. But she just smiled and took a sip of her drink,
Ephram made a noncommittal sound, not really sure if Maya meant that as a joke or something more serious. "Thought of a name for the place?"
Maya shook her head, "We're still working on it." She took another sip of her drink. "How're things at the station?"
"Good, good. Just signed on a new Deputy, a Joey Voeman, you know him?" Ephram found it best to assume that people hadn't met, rather than the other way around.
Maya nodded, "Yeah, we've met. He seems like a good guy."
"Very good." Ephram opened his mouth to continue, but his phone buzzed, and he checked it, clucking his tongue. "Speaking of which," he said, "I'm gettin' called back to the station for a situation. It was good to see you, though! Send the Department a flyer or somethang when you open the bakery cafe. We're always on the lookout for new places to buy baked stuff from."
"Will do," Maya replied with a wave.
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