#the flowers were chosen based on the month they bloom in
nguyenfinity · 5 months
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Another project, a dozen drawings based on 3 rules you set for yourself!! mine were flower heads, shows the sky somewhere, and they're all different times of day
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SS Month ‘23 - Day 7
Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8
Prompt: Long-Lost Gods AU
Warnings: Mentions of war and death
The earth was still so young in her eyes.
He saw the fondness whenever she spoke of its denizens, the motherly glow imbued in her being and in the way she treated her chosen, bearers of the pale mark of her brow.
Goddess of the spring and the matron of healing, she was practically his opposite in every way. His domain was that of fire, of blood, and passion, and battle; not something he would want humans to follow, yet every passing year brought more and more violence and bloodshed to their little Earth. Their children were less interested in peace and focused on war, and it was hard to look her in the eyes every time one more of her beloved creations perished.
The earthly name she chose for herself was Sakura, based off of the delicate pink blossoms she adored so much. It suited her, he thought; despite the fleeting nature they held, they were awe-inspiring and beautiful.
Life was a fickle, effervescent thing; he knew it well. He’d seen many live and die in his lifetime, and he would be lying had he said it didn’t still affect him in some way. There had been many humans he had favored; humans with potential, humans who could have become great. Despite the rising and waning of the tides of life, still they remained: the Ancient, what some humans perceived to have created life itself, what others called gods.
Despite their centuries watching over their little planet, they aged not. Despite their conflicting natures, they fought not. Each had earned the other’s respect, however begrudging it might have been before, and both were dedicated to their duties.
Sakura sat in her favorite flower glen, knitting together her latest masterpiece; she called it Tsubaki, after a striking young woman with red hair she had met along the forest path, a young woman who had politely asked her help in returning to her village. Its vibrant red color, she had said, reminded her of him - indeed, it was red as the blood shed by his most passionate generals, red as the faces of lovers engaged in courtship, red as the evening sky with its brilliant reds and oranges and yellows.
She had given it to him, one of her most cherished blooms, and it adorned his breast over his heart. If she knew what it meant, she never said a word.
In their “youth”, she had teased him once - called him Sasuke, because he was her helper. He had scowled and pouted then, but something about the way she’d said it felt so light, so sweet - he was only known as Sasuke on her tongue, and he called her Sakura, for the dainty flowers that shared her likeness.
Eons passed for them - humans came and went, nameless faces in an ocean of life - the words of their mother tongue were lost to them, the names of the Ancients that shepherded their lives. Humanity developed its own languages, writing, pantheon; still the beings called Sasuke and Sakura remained, devoted to their vows to this little planet they created.
Eons more would pass before their little planet passed on. Until that age came, Sakura was content to sit in her little flower glen, and Sasuke was content to pass away the days with her, listening to her hum and watching her delicate hands create life.
Sakura smiled gently up at him, holding up her new flower. “Himawari,” she said in the human tongue, and its cheerful blossom shone towards the sky. A summer flower, no doubt, and the thought made his heart skip a beat.
He took the small flower gingerly in his hand, took in its vibrant petals, and tucked it into her hair.
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mandajiu · 2 years
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I'll never get over this nonsensical moment of joy between them in TLB tidbits. It's my number one favorite snippet because they are in their own world. That smile on 88 - she is truly gorgeous inside and out. I feel for 30 having to be close to someone so naturally blessed even with virtually no makeup. No one makes 30 smile like 88, no one. No one helps us see the little girl side in the transparent actress like 30, no one. May the flowers be blooming. Birds say that 30 got stuck again yesterday and created a card point that is harmless - now is not the time to show public displays of affection. I suspect all their messages to each other will be veiled in business transactions.
I gathered a few for you: So,30 seems to find the most interesting ways to say "re" 热;therefore, endorsing toothpaste for sensitive teeth with the tagline "Hot and cold, sweet and sour" seems a great way to go around rrrrrre-ing." I did notice in my research that "cold" might be his self-reference. He is Xiao Leng (冷 cold) - the compnay is Leng Suan Ling - and she is Xiao Re. Still in preliminary stages, but it seems to work. He honestly loves cold and hates the heat, but he is always going around in warm clothes sweating and talking about how "hot" it is. lol
88 is pink and 30 is blue.
Red heart= most likely 88 (lately this is her most common symbol in the past little while btw)
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88's favorite color this month is Color Key's 55 - 5 for Wu. In the past, she has chosen many lipsticks with special numbers. Will get photo later. It's very cute.
Pekomi spotted this - do you see it?: Wow. She's good. Of course we have the ongoing thread of tying some cloth around the wrist - both shoots for Bazaar too. The anniversary was relatively recent of "Lost in Your Eyes."
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Look closely - do you see the cursive R (or B - reminds me of the clothing brand he endorses with the cursive R symobl) either way it fits our 88. Pekomi - you are a true master of CPF! I bow to you!
So, the weibosphere for both sides is a hot mess right now. 88 has started the necessary trend of suing paparazzi - YES. The studio of the other lady has sued. This is probably in relation to an article published on CCTV wb referring to a person who didn't know the founding of the CCP (so definitely purple junior) and a few others as "illiterates" but there is also reference to personal life infringement. I have some personal feelings. As a fellow dyscalculic who struggles with dates, times, numbers I get the little purple junior's issue. Dates CAN be really hard for people with dyscalculia and even nearly impossible for a handful; however, if I were given a role and did no research or wrote no notecards about my role so I could learn the information - sorry, that's being lazy. We are good at memorizing information usually even if we don't understand it.
I sent a message to Lei-fan yesterday as I live in Doha about the Sledgehammer broadcast and see the news earlier to warn them of the coming onslaught from the LD broadcast. I also am online more than I should be: Basically a netizen called and said that 30 and a certain purple flower were together. This was on Valentine's Day. LD had previously refuted the CPF as fake. He is most likely being payed to stoke the fire, so although he did not directly say he had evidence, he released the hint of two 95 actors even without evidence based on a random person's conjecture! Whether tea is rubbing or the CPF are just that unruly, it resulted in a bit of mayhem. I wonder if WL's studio will issue a letter soon. His is a family-run business, so spending extra money is not really as easy for him. As for whether the letters will directly refute the CP, it's not good business to lose fans so I don't see it being done that directly. Don't take my word. Check wb yourself.
If you do check weibo, you will see a whole lot of attempts to tear people down using nefarious means. It goes from calm to crazy on 88's weibo - we had a lull, then something will come up. It's just really insane right now.
Whatever is happening, it really looks like 88 might finally be free soon if all these rumors are related to leaving the company! If its just this new role and endorsement she has, then it must be plumb. She has a photoshoot on the 27th. Hopefully we will know by then, but who knows. All is speculation.
What we do know: We know 30 and 88 are the best artists to ship separately or together. They have nothing bad on them and baddies will keep trying to muddy their reputation because they really are good eggs or rub up against them because of their popularity. We don't know if they are together. We hope that is the case, but all CP's are pure imagination until a formal announcement is made and we have to be sensible. Not knowing keeps the business alive; if this is an ongoing business relationship - which I am highly doubtful as it really doesn't have enough capital incentive with the small numbers of Eggs relative to new fandoms - then OK. It's all good. Let's go for a re-match!
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mandyjane-lifedesign · 11 months
Find the Perfect Funeral Flowers for Every Season
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The death of a loved one is incredibly difficult, and it can be hard to know how best to honour them. Many people show respect for their departed friend or family member by gifting funeral flowers during the memorial service. Whether you're hosting funeral ceremonies in summer, winter, fall, or spring, selecting the perfect floral arrangement can be daunting – especially if you want something seasonally appropriate.    This blog post will review our top recommendations for finding exquisite funeral flowers suitable for any season. Seasonal Flowers for Funerals Funerals are a time to honour memories and celebrate the departed's life. Flowers create a sense of beauty and bring comfort during a difficult time. Choosing flowers based on what's in bloom during that season is a beautiful way to create meaningful arrangements for your loved one. Springtime Funeral Flowers Spring is a season of renewal and growth, making it an ideal time to celebrate the life of a loved one. Traditional funeral flower options for spring include lilies, roses, delphiniums, and daffodils, symbolising rebirth, purity, love, and new beginnings. Summer Funeral Flowers Summer's warm weather brings an abundance of blooming flowers, offering various options for funeral arrangements. Sunflowers, gladioli, dahlias, and carnations are suitable choices, symbolising happiness, love, strength, and remembrance – a fitting tribute to a loved one who brought joy to your life. Autumn Funeral Flowers With its changing seasons, autumn can be a poignant time to bid farewell. Consider chrysanthemums, gerbera daisies, or hydrangeas for autumn funeral flowers, as they represent strength, gratitude, and everlasting love – qualities that reflect the special bond you shared. Winter Funeral Flowers While winter may be associated with coldness, it has a unique beauty. For winter funeral flowers, evergreen branches, holly, or white roses are appropriate choices, symbolising eternal life, hope, and purity – a heartfelt way to honour your loved one during the colder months. Personalising Funeral Flowers While seasonal flowers are a beautiful choice for funeral arrangements, it's also essential to consider personal touches that reflect the personality and interests of your loved one. Consider incorporating these into the arrangement if they have a favourite flower or colour.  Consider the Color Palette The choice of colours for funeral flowers can also be a significant consideration. White is often seen as a traditional colour for funerals, symbolising purity and innocence. However, incorporating the deceased's favourite colour or using bright hues can also be an excellent way to celebrate their vibrant life. Combining seasonal flowers with favourite colours can create a beautiful and unique tribute to your loved one. Add Personal Touches Incorporating personal items into funeral flower arrangements is another way to add a special touch. For example, if the deceased was an avid gardener, consider including their gardening tools in the arrangement. If they were passionate about music, using sheet music as part of the display can be a beautiful tribute. Consider Cultural or Religious Traditions It's essential to consider any cultural or religious traditions when choosing funeral flowers. For example, white lilies are often used in Christian funerals, while yellow and orange flowers are more common in Hindu ceremonies. Understanding these customs can help you select appropriate funeral flowers honouring your loved one's beliefs and values. Think About Location The location of the funeral can also influence your choice of funeral flowers. For example, if the service will be outdoors, consider selecting hardier flowers that can withstand heat or cold temperatures. You may have more flexibility with delicate blooms if it's an indoor ceremony. Understanding the location can ensure your chosen flowers look beautiful and fresh throughout the service. Do Your Research on Floral Arrangements Choosing funeral flowers doesn't have to be a routine affair. You can inject creativity into the process and create unique bouquets representing your loved one's personality and life story.  Mix and Match  Who says you have to stick to traditional flowers? You can create a stunning bouquet by mixing and matching flowers and foliage. You might combine wildflowers with classic roses or pair vibrant orchids with delicate lilies. The key is to choose flowers that harmonise well together and reflect the many facets of your loved one's life.  Consider Unusual Floral Arrangements Unusual arrangements can make a profound statement. You could create a bouquet in the shape of their favourite object or a symbol that held significant meaning for them, such as a musical note, a book, or even a beloved pet. Just ensure that the final arrangement remains tasteful and respectful.  Personalise with Accessories  Add a personal touch by incorporating your loved one's favourite accessories into the arrangement. It could be a piece of fabric from a beloved dress, a ribbon from their favourite hat, or a pendant from a cherished necklace. This can be a beautiful way to honour their memory if done with care.    This can be a beautiful way to honour their memory if done with care. Funeral flowers are a meaningful and heartfelt way to honour the memory of your loved one.    Considering their personality, traditions, and location, you can create a unique bouquet that beautifully reflects their life and legacy. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and add personal touches to make the arrangement truly special - after all, it's a tribute to someone who was one of a kind. Remember to take your time and seek guidance from florists if needed, as they can help you create the perfect floral tribute for your loved one. Rest in peace.  Conclusion Choosing funeral flowers is a heartfelt way to honour the memory of someone special. By selecting seasonal blooms personal touches, and respecting cultural or religious traditions, you can create a beautiful tribute that celebrates their life and brings comfort during a difficult time.  Remember, there is no right or wrong way to choose funeral flowers – what matters most is that the arrangement reflects your loved one and brings comfort to mourning.     So take the time to carefully consider all elements and create a beautiful bouquet that honours their unique memory. Rest in peace. Farewell for now. Read the full article
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