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mandajiu · 2 years ago
Long time.
Our sweet 30 just flew to a destination as yet unconfirmed, but basically officially rumored to be Urumqi. I believe its the capital of Xinjiang province. He has a Go Pro like thing with him, so there are high hopes a vlog is coming. Perhaps Riding for a Reason 2, but he's only there until the day before 88s Bday 6/02 then flies to Guangzhou for a Pepsi event and back to Shanghai 6/03.
Melons all of them. He had a lot of luggage. I suspect Wa'er and other Xinjiang friends might have asked him to deliver something. The flight is 5hrs + - thats about how long it took us to go to Athens from Doha recently It! China is huge and Xinjiang is the largest province. It means new colony. Yeah lots of feelings about that.
It is a private trip, but could also be for a variety show. Xinjiang is a top tourist destination now. Envious! I want to eat there so badly!
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mandajiu · 2 years ago
OK I'll start with un-3088 related sad news. Although I don't like the girl, she has a very cute pout. I try to keep this and the fact she has a family that loves her in mind to refrain from spraying although she is team Slytherine to me - Draco wasn't all that bad in the end. It's hard sometimes, but I do believe in karma. RIP to the elder that passed away in the family of ZLS; due to this she cannot attend Weibo night and I believe this is causing a delay in a poster today. Either way, I don't like her, but don't wish ill on her or her family so that's sad.
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As for our little imaginary couple, they seriously have posted so much content - 2x now - one after the other 57 min apart for the first one and I swear the same time for the second.
If this isn't a real CP, I don't know what is. I will try to make sense of it all tonight. 30 dropped the same video in three places and 88 dropped 4 photos right after his first video which I was waiting for - she's winking, flash photo, wearing a blue top, and her hands are showing 5 lol The photo above is a fan picture for 30's Weibo night. I liked this blue-green best, but there are three versions to choose from. I'm surprised Xiaobei is not involved yet, but the day is still young.
Protect our little ones.
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mandajiu · 2 years ago
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So, it doesn't look like he's declaring his love to princess rubs-a-lot anywhere that I can see.
Our possible key word of the new spring "高” tall or high, comes up when talking about Alpine Cloud Tea which is, yup 800 meters high (remember those 800 paracetters). So, I looked up the phrase and it's not terribly common (probably a rounded number), but it's part of an ad so hard candy again.
As for the NSS laboratory shirt, the N looks a bit like an 8 in Chinese characters according to wb bird Pekomi: 八. The other side likes the two SS's, but honestly isn't is SongSanChuan his new character which he happens to be doing double advertising duty for in this commercial with it's tennis theme?
My non-CPF guess: This year 30 is going to do lots of cycling, release his travel vlogs for Dali and hopefully Finland, and most likely will be sharing his life with us that way or through a variety program (the rumor is an all-male variety show or one with Ba - we will see - there has been no formal acceptance of any show as of yet that we know).
My CP heart, which I'm trying to squash because if they are be then they obviously are taking their sweet time and if they are not it is best to just observe casually, is this is the year we will know if something is going on with them (or other partners): 88 started off with a wedding dress (from the 2019 Feel the World show and the Milk Tea tour during Glory). It was a paid advertisement but then said in a recent AnMuxi commercial something about all lovers getting to marry. Now we have 30 saying he will "bring more of the original and authentic me" so my guess is a vlog still, but who knows - maybe he will have a friend with him. For real though, IF they really are single we need a second drama stat, something with no focus on age like a fantasy time travel!
As a 30 fan, I also would love for WL to release exercise videos. He is the perfect fitness instructor. Vitality is the keyword too - just so you know 88 said it was one of her favorite words. It does repeat quite often, so there is that hard candy. Let's break our teeth together.
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I'm working on a series for Finland, but still eyeing the "candy." I believe this year the color for 88 is cherry red. 30 will have to wear red because he is a rabbit and superstition says he needs to wear the color to bring good luck (usually it's red underwear or socks; remember he got all those socks in the Spring Festival? Of course someone, not our 88, has been seen in red socks. The other side also had a Christmas theme in their little red book (Chinese social media) today. 30 snuck away to the home of Santa Claus yesterday; I hope he got to capture the aurora in Lapland. We missed it when we went to Finland. Honestly if that dead end couple is real, then they should let their fan fans know because 30's square is getting bloody with lots of old stuff being brought up today. Pretty much every weifan I talk to says it is impossible, but who knows?
Everyone knows how polite 30 is, so trying to attack him for being mean is just the dumbest plan ever.
All of this is speculatory. CPF is a form of entertainment and we never dance in front of the master. This is the first rule of CPF etiquette!
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mandajiu · 2 years ago
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30 Weibo night post, lyng on a bear. Some fierce copywriting about not being afraid to talk and reunions - not sure what's going on there. Could be a Dior suit - no confirmation yet.
I will be without electricity soon. Hopefully 88 will post soon and I can share her first look for Weibo Night.
This is the link, but I'm not sure you can just watch the whole thing: https://s.weibo.com/weibo?q=%E5%BE%AE%E5%8D%9A%E4%B9%8B%E5%A4%9C
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mandajiu · 2 years ago
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Wow...really alike here ha
Hmmm..... the sheep people are singing. 88 and that one posted at the same time and there was some getting stuck - I wonder if this isn't for the new Bvlgari global ambassador LYiF - Our sheep is very good at staring at his white fox.
Moving on...the odds of off-stage interaction are pretty low with the seating plan I saw although they are all very close to the front - still not sure that was the real plan. We will see. Rumor is 88 and XZ will be crowned weibo k and q; it would be a hilarious upset seeing as we are pretty sure 88 won last time the purple one was crowned so they got so pissed they didn't bother to vote this time around knowing it's fixed by Weibo whim. Sure to be interesting.
Oh, little bonus: Some favoring of the eggs came in this morning with those not-so-fun numbers. Let's see.
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Airport clothes might not be available today, but stay tuned.
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mandajiu · 2 years ago
Test. Can you see this post? --> https://at.tumblr.com/leidinest/love-is-on-the-plate/uu1o1z9an3dh
I have many posts on my private Leidi group, but honestly I forget passwords too much for this to last. I will keep more private content there which needs to not be shared (like their history with Goose etc) but this is okay. I love how they are like bookends with these gestures.
We all know Ms. Copies-a-Lot has taken these things shared between 3088, so it's up to you to see the CP as you want. I anticipate that the new Blizzard CP if they set it up will have Birds feeling deja-vu. Let's face it. There are so many common gestures and clothes in C-Ent already between every star, so it is easy to tie CP. If the rumor is true and they are tying true business CP - which is expected in idol romance - then I think we can safely assume our ship is not going to sale or will be tightly anchored at port.
Rock candy. Chew responsibly.
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mandajiu · 2 years ago
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I'll never get over this nonsensical moment of joy between them in TLB tidbits. It's my number one favorite snippet because they are in their own world. That smile on 88 - she is truly gorgeous inside and out. I feel for 30 having to be close to someone so naturally blessed even with virtually no makeup. No one makes 30 smile like 88, no one. No one helps us see the little girl side in the transparent actress like 30, no one. May the flowers be blooming. Birds say that 30 got stuck again yesterday and created a card point that is harmless - now is not the time to show public displays of affection. I suspect all their messages to each other will be veiled in business transactions.
I gathered a few for you: So,30 seems to find the most interesting ways to say "re" 热;therefore, endorsing toothpaste for sensitive teeth with the tagline "Hot and cold, sweet and sour" seems a great way to go around rrrrrre-ing." I did notice in my research that "cold" might be his self-reference. He is Xiao Leng (冷 cold) - the compnay is Leng Suan Ling - and she is Xiao Re. Still in preliminary stages, but it seems to work. He honestly loves cold and hates the heat, but he is always going around in warm clothes sweating and talking about how "hot" it is. lol
88 is pink and 30 is blue.
Red heart= most likely 88 (lately this is her most common symbol in the past little while btw)
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88's favorite color this month is Color Key's 55 - 5 for Wu. In the past, she has chosen many lipsticks with special numbers. Will get photo later. It's very cute.
Pekomi spotted this - do you see it?: Wow. She's good. Of course we have the ongoing thread of tying some cloth around the wrist - both shoots for Bazaar too. The anniversary was relatively recent of "Lost in Your Eyes."
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Look closely - do you see the cursive R (or B - reminds me of the clothing brand he endorses with the cursive R symobl) either way it fits our 88. Pekomi - you are a true master of CPF! I bow to you!
So, the weibosphere for both sides is a hot mess right now. 88 has started the necessary trend of suing paparazzi - YES. The studio of the other lady has sued. This is probably in relation to an article published on CCTV wb referring to a person who didn't know the founding of the CCP (so definitely purple junior) and a few others as "illiterates" but there is also reference to personal life infringement. I have some personal feelings. As a fellow dyscalculic who struggles with dates, times, numbers I get the little purple junior's issue. Dates CAN be really hard for people with dyscalculia and even nearly impossible for a handful; however, if I were given a role and did no research or wrote no notecards about my role so I could learn the information - sorry, that's being lazy. We are good at memorizing information usually even if we don't understand it.
I sent a message to Lei-fan yesterday as I live in Doha about the Sledgehammer broadcast and see the news earlier to warn them of the coming onslaught from the LD broadcast. I also am online more than I should be: Basically a netizen called and said that 30 and a certain purple flower were together. This was on Valentine's Day. LD had previously refuted the CPF as fake. He is most likely being payed to stoke the fire, so although he did not directly say he had evidence, he released the hint of two 95 actors even without evidence based on a random person's conjecture! Whether tea is rubbing or the CPF are just that unruly, it resulted in a bit of mayhem. I wonder if WL's studio will issue a letter soon. His is a family-run business, so spending extra money is not really as easy for him. As for whether the letters will directly refute the CP, it's not good business to lose fans so I don't see it being done that directly. Don't take my word. Check wb yourself.
If you do check weibo, you will see a whole lot of attempts to tear people down using nefarious means. It goes from calm to crazy on 88's weibo - we had a lull, then something will come up. It's just really insane right now.
Whatever is happening, it really looks like 88 might finally be free soon if all these rumors are related to leaving the company! If its just this new role and endorsement she has, then it must be plumb. She has a photoshoot on the 27th. Hopefully we will know by then, but who knows. All is speculation.
What we do know: We know 30 and 88 are the best artists to ship separately or together. They have nothing bad on them and baddies will keep trying to muddy their reputation because they really are good eggs or rub up against them because of their popularity. We don't know if they are together. We hope that is the case, but all CP's are pure imagination until a formal announcement is made and we have to be sensible. Not knowing keeps the business alive; if this is an ongoing business relationship - which I am highly doubtful as it really doesn't have enough capital incentive with the small numbers of Eggs relative to new fandoms - then OK. It's all good. Let's go for a re-match!
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mandajiu · 2 years ago
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Gonna leave this here and will update the second half of the day. So far we've had Liu Dachui say wlkt is real based on 30's 6 O's in cool and the other side's 6 O's in hello....I mean even CPF know this is hard candy. If they have actual evidence, then it's forthcoming, so brace yourselves if it is indeed young love. It seems that the attack is on both sides; however, I anticipated the people trying to get 88 knocked down might attack 30 soon. As long as they don't have evidence though...it's empty words. This is pure conjecture though. 30 has plenty of enemies.
"Selfies are also photogenic" - I feel she is asking for a selfie or telling 30 the selfie's look good. Not sure. Let's see. Bird Eggs would like nothing more than to have their wish come true, but with the firing of a new CP it seems highly unlikely.
Again, perish the thought, but if 30 is with the other side, then that's okay. I will still support his work and beg for a romance between he and 88 even more given they have nothing holding them back from working together. Always a bright side, but I'm still 98% sure that we are on track, steady, and stable.
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mandajiu · 2 years ago
Send a photo to show you know nothing about 30 without saying it:
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I'm going to be a lil acidic today because I just saw someone on 抖音 try to imply that a certain someone's rice ball post with GOJI BERRIES and jujubes was love candy. The actress is telling 30 that she is eating well...
by cooking with something that pretty much terrifies him?
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30 has a fear of small round things like goji berries and in Hello Refrigerator in 2022 I even saw him get uncomfortable around ZYL's candied mayhaws.
This reminds me of a livestream when 88 talks about drinking boba milk tea WITHOUT tapioca balls. Either they both share the quirky fear of small, round things - which seems odd in a person who promotes pearls, loves cherries, and is famous for her love of little ball-shaped objects - or someone is very considerate of their friend. Either way....awwwh... that seems to be a real soft non-round candy for an Egg to chew on.
Speaking of fears; I feel like 30 is getting a bit better in that department if we look at the Spring Festival Gala jacket he wore complete with pearls. Hmm....I acknowledge this is hard candy, yes, but it's rather odd for a men's jacket to have that many pearls.
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Keep using those scissorhands 30. We think we know what you mean!
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A reminder that the blue bottle 88 promotes and her favorite pineapple buns appeared in a casual video by 30 last year, so it's not altogether strange to think the pearls could be deliberate.
I dislike being petty, but posts that show no awareness of one of the people in the CP really irk me because if you really are a CPFan you support both equally, you help hype their CP's if possible (unless you have to object on moral grounds as many Eggs did for xhcl and I get it), and you don't drive one through the muck while uplifting another without prefacing every post with a disclaimer: This is an imaginary couple of a CPFan; nothing is true unless a formal announcement is made. Keep the enclosure and chew responsibly. We have no clue; our couple might have signed a long-term business contract. Who knows. But we love their apparent friendship if nothing else. They always talk so respectfully about each other without any prompting.
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mandajiu · 2 years ago
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There is too much candy, really. Check Station B.
What you need to know - the hot searches/comments about 30 staring at 88 are entitled something like "X盯盯” This means staring which is what he was caught doing to 88 over and over so that it became his nickname for a while 哈哈哈哈
The photos on the bottom I am still trying to explain to myself; this is a smart pair and they know liberal arts. Basically, my theory on the first one is it represents both travel - coming home soon (reports 19th or so as he may do a commercial for that phone he had in his hands and might endorse a car says one melon).
3rd photo - The word for flight trails is can be 飞行云 (fei xing yun - fly travel cloud), could be a play on words for 长歌行 long song travel. Some people think it is deeper, based on poetry so I cannot go into it without a background.
4th photo - The mountains and snow. 88 just had an interview and she said she wanted to go to Xinjiang to see the snow and maybe ski. This is also a reference from TLB
5th photo - The easiest to understand and 30 has referenced the brightest moon (of Chang'an) multiple times.
Such a romantic guy if the eggs are right. Keep cute in the enclosure. I promised myself I'd become a pure fan after Weibo Night. I'm still a believer, but they are taking their time and we don't know the future. Let's hold on to this moment we might have seeing them in one frame potentially (though doubtful) at least they will be in the same vicinity. Yay!
Safe travels to 30 and 88 as she is doing lots of business these days. Stay healthy to all!
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mandajiu · 2 years ago
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That cute, cheeky smile. IF our couple were real, she would be holding the cheering colors for Bird Eggs, 30, and herself and even 30's fans (blueberries lol - seriously that's a stretch, only joking). It was in this yogurt commercial she talked about wishing everyone a good marriage (could be a friend got married or is getting married and she couldn't go to the wedding - who knows).
So, I am going to explore a new Code Word today:
Key words are shared copywriting between 3088 and can sometimes even be found on clothes. Now, the other side is very good at picking up on these things so you will often see it across CP's. It's up to you to decide which one is more likely to be BE (the real deal). Since this is the Bird Egg Enclosure, you probably are open to this perspective.
It can be speculated that if it is a shared code word then given all that is going on perhaps it is a code that says everything is okay, much like 30's special Loewe perfume last year that was a cool cucumber scent.
LATEST SIGHTING OF COOL: 2/25/23 - 88 arrives at the Beijing airport and leaves her car in Shanghai with this hat. I wasn't sure what the word was, but then I remembered having the same exact problem before with the same hat with cursive print before. I will dig and see where else she wore it. So what is the message on the hat: "Cool Attitude." Strong woman! 30 or no 30, this is a great response to all the ridiculous nonsense going on with salacious rumors these days STILL despite lawsuits pending. This is the hat.
This matches 30's first post from Finland outside of the famous thumbs up one which we have been over before, 8 letters to make cool. Of course it is cold in Finland, so all of this is just a bunch of hard candy, even if it repeats so many times it seems too coincidental. This is what CP Brains do - it's not really healthy, but I'm in too deeply now, so I'll just share and hope everyone chews responsibly.
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The photo was taken in November I believe, but posted in January.
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The family dog Xiaobei is not to be left out, look at what was posted 11/16/2022. Looking up, looking down, looking straight - some birds see a code there as well, but it's too much. I will just go with words for now.
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In 2022, on 9/22 we see the same hat Cool Attitude hat, and then again on 9/29.
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In the fall, 30 posted about "autumn cool" cool boy and 88 was cool girl. I have to find those.
Now, are they just friends who have set up a long-term CP because they feel comfortable with each other? I don't think the goose has anything to do with it since their collaboration was a co-production with Huace. I think it is best to be a rational egg and hope for the best. I think 2023 is the year we might finally see them in the same frame. Let's wait for the flowers to bloom.
This will be edited. Loads more "cool" connections between these two and Xiaobei lol
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mandajiu · 2 years ago
Green Tea, that is.
OK, so I'm going to tell you about the situation with 30 and CPF from another team, which is both hilarious and horrifying.
Tomorrow, 2/24/23 30 is expected to endorse (for the second time - last time he was in his late teens) Master Kong's Green Iced Tea
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Some Background for those who do not know about this phrase in relation to Chinese entertainment or have been hiding under a rock.
Chinese/C-Ent Slang: 绿茶 绿茶*婊* Green Tea *B!^ch* is misogynistic Chinese slang I don't advising using as a foreigner, just fyi. Best to stay away; I try to keep in mind one person's tea is another person's "coffee."
Yes, that person is often called tea or green tea or we get the emoji for short,
Cr@OMGChinese (Orig:Canto)
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So, CPF are of the mind that 30 endorsing green tea is some kind of re-claiming of the black term. They see 30 as a knight in shining white armor to rescue the princess with a grand gesture declaring his undying love and vanquishing her enemies in one fell swoop.
Fans on both sides are frankly stupefied by this idea because to them it is absurd to think such a polite guy as 30 would seriously be endorsing green tea as a positive gesture.
Now, I have to admit without having the cultural context and coming from far more independent notions, it would actually be a funny way to throw shade EITHER WAY. Can you imagine the commercials that could come out of this (shading our side sadly or those that have been truly green tea to 30 in the past - he's had a lot of those; see his variety show The Inn for reference). I can see 30 doing that, so honestly I did consult with many Lei fans who all consider it the most impossible idea that this is anything more than fierce rubbing.
It's funny to say, but the greatest gift for any CPF is closure - whether it's be or imaginary, having definitive knowledge that your hunch was correct or incorrect is a good thing. The problem is CP is inextricably connected with marketing and capital - even IF you are right, you might never know until the flowers truly bloom to a finishing point which may be a connection or separation. It's ultimately the dreamers, the hope-filled star-wishers that stay years in a CPF with no actual answer. Everyone has a different motivation to chew CP. For me, it's hoping that the promise of love I see in their eyes can be actualized. Were they brave enough during that ambiguous period? Obviously we think so or we wouldn't be "knocking." Could they be using each other to cover the real ship? Who knows really. Birds are pretty sober. There is a lot stacked against our couple. I keep thinking of 30's interview during this past Spring Festival about Nothing But You - how this (age-gap) romance was especially good to learn about love for "people like me." Hmm...Wait for the flowers to bloom.
We might see tomorrow if he is indeed not able to free himself from the prison of love; more than likely that is not the case. We will have pretty new photos - I haven't even posted the new ones from 30. Content is going to be overflowing so the blueberries are ecstatic and overwhelmed at once. Fans are hard-working!
I'm prepared to love anyone my favs love; but I really hope they do another drama together - they have something special on and off screen. We will always have ASun and ChangGe loving each other in a parallel universe. It's not about right and wrong, we bless whatever union comes be it two-ways or four-ways, even if....yeah...even if it's that one.
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mandajiu · 2 years ago
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If you Love Dilraba and Wu Lei CP, let's talk about what you would like them to see without a CP brain. I'll be up front, the idea of him working with any of the purple ladies gives me the hives. If purple is not your favorite color then come in and let's talk!
Non-CP Post, but these photos of Anle and Hou Buyi which make up my lock-screen are so cute and if you can survive seeing the photo then we are good even if you are not a Bird Egg.
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I know. I love both of them so much, and Zhou Yutong is also awesome. I cannot wait for Nothing But You. Our young man WL looks lovely here.
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In the meanwhile, I've started Wang Hedi's new drama. Is the eunuch, not a eunuch thing new to dramaland? I know it is common in web novels. Part of me thinks 30 would make a great eunach-not-eunach but I just think his acting is superb and he keeps improving himself as does 88 so they can do anything and I will watch it.
On the Rumor (so likely to be false) of Dilraba in a "SIster-(Milk) Dog" Romance if Wu Lei were impossible match which would make this Bird Egg very sad: Of all the choices for a 姐狗 romance, I'd consider Wang Hedi the best choice if it were absolutely impossible to see 30 and 88 together in another drama anytime soon and this melon about an age-gap romance is true. I hope that 2023 will bring better tidings to 30 and 88 - I'm a bit worried about j@y#@)k tbh but worst-case scenario maybe Blizzard (which is partially under this studio) won't work out and it will force 88 and 30 to work together in a new modern drama -yeah let's ignore the reality of 88's essential slave contract to that studio. It would suck for 30 as I think he is already working on his billiards game, which those of us who have seen his vlog know needs a little work. Pure fantasy. I digress.
88, I hope you do Scenery of the Side this year. It would be so awesome to see you play a Uyghur woman again (I bet it would be an interesting journey going from Anarhan to this new character) even if there is a lot of boring stuff going on as usually happens with more serious dramas. I will watch anything but horror for you beauty.
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30 - two new films, Nothing But You, and potentially a romance with a much younger leading ZJM who also has barely done kissing scenes. As much as 30 would benefit from being the teacher - we all know he is a bit domineering in a sweet way - I personally have some feelings about her age coupled with the novel being so very full of love scenes (keeping in mind the censors, it might be okay, but cringe - WL is so mature to me at 23 that the young ones seem too young but I still need to watch Reset this week). Add to that, I foresee half of C-Ent either salivating in glee over the match because they just love him with younger ladies or secretly hoping she drops out and their favorite childhood CP with WL can replace her. Hopefully the purple people will be calmer; Bird Eggs are loving on ZYT even though we (and even some Alices I know) really wanted it for WL and Dils.
Just not GX - the idea of them kissing gives me the shivers and I think they would agree - brother and sister who fight a lot? Yes! I can see this. Sworn enemies. Yup. Lovers? Ew I don't know if I could watch that. Maybe ex-spouses? That would be OK. I haven't watched all of the Shadow, but what I saw they were not on friendly terms. That one modern drama with them is still on my list, but I go second lead or friend vibes from the MV I saw. Honestly, WL really has the best energy with older women from Dils to YR to LQ and now ZYT - dang that boy is made for 小奶狗。I really, really hope he does a modern romance or action drama without birds with 88 and they don't even have to discuss age. She looks so young in modern romances to me and who cares - how many zillions of C-Dramas have been made with obvious age gaps and people don't say a word
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OK I lied this IS 3088 CP-Related: The best drama from a web novel for Dils and WL would be Falling on a Spring Night; it would be amazing. If you haven't read that 3088 friendly novel - go read it now! Yes, it's crap but there are some golden moments such as how the younger man fell in love with the older woman. I just do not get anyone digging the 2nd lead in that book. He is an abusive F$^K seriously (Spoiler: he made the lead female eat hot chilis until she was hospitalized multiple times & I believe CW forced himself on her at one point) and I fear for humanity if we continue to be okay with abusers and like the idea of saving broken men. Yeah. No. The roles are literally made for Dils and WL - but some parts are tooo close to home, as in these characters were based on them for real. One plus - the age of the lead male is 20, so he could ratchet it up to a more palatable 23 now as he is that age. Yay! My step-dad was 22 when he started dating my mom, so I really have a soft spot for age-gap romances. He was very mature too. They married when he was 24 - Just saying.
This has been very random ADHD-driven rant.
Happy New YEAR of the Rabbit - 2023
What kind of dramas do you want to see 30 and 88 do and what leading ladies/gentleman or none would you like to see? Am I the only one who does not want to think of Guan Xiaotong/Wu Lei in a romantic context? I didn't even grow up with them, it just FEELS wrong with their variety show interaction. Song Zhuer and Xiao Feng are okay.
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mandajiu · 2 years ago
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OK I really think Pekomi might be on to something here. She has shared before that our older sister ZYT is secretly a Bird Egg. Now, maybe she is right lol
So, the other new trailer has come out. Be still our eggie hearts!
POINTS I CAN THINK OF NOW before the translated trailer comes out:
1. He never called her sister, but he has called Liang YouAn Sister many many times lol
2. Is this sister also an egg lol What do you think? There is a rumor she is with a man who is 23; if our 30 is with someone who is 30 honestly what beautiful coincidence - could this drama be a love letter to them?
3. I really think straight ball take initiative is 30's style; it is also mine lol Here is the Mandarin for that 直球告白主动出击出击 Zhíqiú gàobái zhǔdòng chūjí chūjí Straight ball take initiative attack I really want to see our 88 play that style with 30 in a movie or drama hahahahaha
4. Back to the shoe...is this a custom-designed Peak shoe by any chance. I mean....this is beyond metaphysics, right. I sound so cliche, but seriously wth
BONUS BELOW: A few photos of our blue girl and boy then some absolutely yummy on-screen CP screenshots of our Song SanChuan and his 姐姐姐姐 LianYouAn
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Some stills from the trailer
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I want to eat them! Yum Yum Yum! This is the drama I've been waiting for since Kim Sam Soon and it is going to blow even that classic out of the water I feel.
Chew CP responsibly
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mandajiu · 2 years ago
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No word yet on where 30 went, but I did see a melon about him going all over Europe. One said Helsinki - I think it is the best place to capture the Northern Lights. Maybe he is still be collecting 88's favorite sunsets (for her maybe?)
88 was feeling the glare today lol she kind of flubbed the card point, but her next one was apparently very loving.
In other news, NBY might have picked up a Comfort as a sponsor (happens to be 88's endorsement) and 30 is rumored to be wearing DIOR for Weibo night. Hmmm...wonder if someone will copy that. I want him in a high-end brand and to jump the Bvlgari ship very much honestly although it is full of perks like a hotel on the Bund or anywhere in the world really, but yeah.
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mandajiu · 2 years ago
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30 has gone to film ASSOL already; presumably he will drive to the venue since we know from last year's Weibo night which both missed is not that far.
Tonight, (3/22), our imaginary couple posted suddenly. I'm not sure who was first because I was in Mandarin class and y'all know dyscalculics aren't the best with dates, so go check.
88 posted a cute video with 9:38 numbers about twirling in an elegant red dress: "Oh pretty baby, now that I found you...let me love you" song in that trademark unusual finding of music that she has. The duration of the video was 29 seconds.
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30's studio posted a quote from Herman Hesse from his book Demian:
Google translated version: "If he has the desire to believe at the moment of jumping will realize the psychic power, and he will fly into the sky united with the stars." - Herman Hesse, Demian
Discussion of the book I stumbled upon taken from https://hesse.projects.gss.ucsb.edu/forum_archive_new/forum_archive/746~showflat.html Retrieved on 3/22/2023 at 9:00 pm
"I love the fact that Frau Eva is almost neutral in sex, although still basically feminine. It is interesting that Sinclair finds her boyish charm to be seductive in a spiritually, physical, out of reach kind of way...(Kiki, reader of the book)
"And she told me about a youth who had fallen in love with a planet. He stood by the sea, stretched out his arms and prayed to the planet, dreamed of it, and directed all his thoughts to it. But he knew, or felt he knew, that a star cannot be embraced by a human being. He considered it his fate to love a heavenly body without any hope of fulfillment and out of this insight he constructed an entire philosophy of renunciation and silent, faithful suffering that would improve and purify him. Yet all his dreams reached the planet. Once he stood again on the high cliff at night by the sea and gazed at the planet and burned with love for it. And at the height of his longing he leaped into the emptiness toward the planet, but at the instant of leaping "it's impossible" flashed once more through his mind. There he lay on the shore, shattered. He has not understood how to love.
If at the instant of leaping he had had the strength of faith in the fulfillment of his love he would have soared into the heights and been united with the star. (Quoted by Kiki)" This is reference to the quote on the wall.
QUOTE FROM THE BOOK: Note that Frau Eva is kind of a yin/yang all mother figure too, so Freudian/Jungian ickiness also present. We try not to take toooo literally lol
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The part that confuses me is I think he is also referencing Beatrice here along with Eva (the star), which is another woman in the book. In the end, they are probably one and the same as its an allegory. This is the text written for the post which has been Song SanChuan-ized
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END of deep discussion points.
I am going to read the book myself, but let's say this is the character SSC who has to go through a lot of change; moving from badminton to tennis and falling in love with an older woman while he has yet to establish himself etc... I am wondering if this book will appear in the drama? Let's all keep a look out. Honestly this quote feels "My Little Prince"-y, but I honestly didn't like that book very much so I have to read that second hahahaha
Does everything have to have such deep meaning? Well, yes and no.
What do you think? IS 30 that deep of a thinker? Is the book mentioned in NBY and it's something one of the characters references. Hmmmm...either way this quote feels very applicable to our imaginary CP. Take the leap; well, I assume he already has!
Again, if not, let's have a second match!
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