#the first and second rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club. the third rule of fight club is overlord bites
gayjayce · 9 months
fight club rules but "fight" is replaced with "sex"
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
The actual AGITM Ovey ask.
ALL OVERLORDS: Began their life in 3/12’s hands and has a special hatred of the Functionalist similar to Rung’s. During the Moon Arc, he and Rung meet and Rung definitely does that dark grin from his first Functionalist World appearance when Overlord breaks into the chamber with the others and settles things by ripping 3/12’s head off and Rung, who’d been talking about how he knew how the day would go, comments “I didn’t guess that.” and is surprisingly warm and open to Overlord who thinks he’s hilarious and charming in his own hatred. (Rung is little bit in Machine Who Punches Fascists Mode) Impactor is also part of this group and has become, not quite friends, but tolerable drinking buddies occasionally with Overlord and Arcee. Rung invited him to stay and he actually considered it.
Overlord is fond of provoking people and stirring the pot and smug. He was a gladiator once 3/12 was distracted and he wiggled his way into freedom. He has a thing about authority figures and obeying people due to this. He became involved in crime following this and ran a protection racket, somewhat be accident, but was becoming bored with it when he saw Megatron’s gladitorial match and grew interested. He definitely became a gladiator and joined the Decepticons for the sheer joy of potential anarchy but found the government was too much for his taste.
Captain Glitch and him have a homoerotic encounter in which Glitch uses his Outlier ability on Overlord’s Spark and he triggers the Murder Strut Peacocking obsession instead of Megatron and pokes and threaten-flirts with him.
Sideswipe may or may not have made the very questionable decision to take for a ride. Briefly. Once. Sunstreaker is judging. Hard.
He enjoys bothering Prowl and hinting at crimes and calls him “Officer” to the point Mesothulas who sees him harrass-flirt with Glitch becomes convinced it is the same thing (it is platonic harrassment) and wants him dead. Prowl reigns him in but he is ready at the drop of a hat to commit murder and Blackarachnia inherits this from him as he encourages it, though Ozzy is doubtful Prowl actually approved of it. Overlord was tempted to actually try flirting just to mess with him, but was certain that Mesothulas would and could actually kill him and he isn’t entirely confident he wants to have to deal with that. Anytime he pisses Prowl off, Mesothulas swans up and asks if his darling wants Mesothulas to kill him, because he would definitely kill him.
I mainly have general vibes and the title of his character focused saga.
OPTION ONE: Perfidia Overlord is an arrogant sadist who embraces violence and subtle manipulations and goes full bastard mode and amuses himself with the Towards Peace crew, eventually betraying them, and dying at the end betraying the [END BOSS] because “Little Gltich” is his to kill and he’s a possessive bastard. (A little boring, angst OverTarn possible, maybe serial killer plotline, meeting and being fascinated by Trepan because I love those bastards together) He'd basically become the Getaway of the story somewhat to make a parallel to MTME/LL.
OPTION TWO: Gignō Overlord slowly becomes close to one particular crew member, treats them harshly, but begins to become close to them. They die. In the interdimensional trip when poor Glitch gets traumatized by his other selves he meets this mech in a different universe and decides to stay with them though he recognizes they are a different person and leave their universe behind.
OPTION THREE: Lupārius This Overlord becomes an actual member of the crew and finds genuine friendship and acceptance. He still is a sadist and clever and sharp and enjoys violence, but he funnels it differently and is like the token evil teammate who brings you dead bodies like a cat and Pharma has to keep chasing away with a spray bottle and scream at to wash the Energon off because it is unhygienic and “no one finds it attractive you feral technimal!” while making bedroom eyes at Captain Glitch. He and Hot Rod have a weird friendship because Hot Rod, as morale and personnel officer, decided Overlord needed to be socialized and did this by win against him once in a fight, he only needed to do it once to get the minimum respect needed. Also they make Fight Club.
Overlord's right to be pissed at the Functionists yes yes
damnnnnn ovey damn. W for killing 3/12 thought—
Overlord, Impactor, Rung, and Arcee grouping together a bit was something I didn't expect but it would be so so interesting
Ykw considering what I've seen in canon and here, yeahhhh Overlord does have a Thing About Authority ™️ and I can see why
Oh he definitely did it for the anarchy and the thrill
Sorry Ovey bae, you missed out on the war that never was.
Overlord and Glitch finding each other in this dance without so many of the factors we typically recognize has gotta be 💖interesting💖
Murder Strut Peacocking indeeeed
Sideswipe I stg💚💚💚
Meso he's not trying to steal your man, he's just Like That sometimes (usually) (often) (very often)
Overlord? Not wanting to deal with an attempt on his live via a very jealous scientist? Fascinating
Oooo damn, that'd turn out so interesting especially considering all the little shit Overlord would continue to pull and how he'd be slowly driving everyone nuts, and the fixation on Glitch driving him to do Whatever The Fuck He Wants even if it means betraying who he's working for? Interesting
This makes me wonder who he'd get close to that dies, who can (try to) soothe the very spicy spark that is Overlord enough that he seeks out another version of them?? Oo
I admit this last one was the vibe I was (kinda?) getting upon first learning Overlord was gonna be part of the crew, and I will never not find the Token evil teammate situation hilarious. Like. Overlord, why are you like this. You bastard. Do you reminisce about the glory of the ring.
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vamicore · 1 year
Today someone asked me what my favorite movie was.
I told him I don't talk about it.
He says he likes Brad Pitt too.
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toadtoru · 6 days
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when you wake up next to him in the middle of the night / with your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife / and when you think about me, all of those years ago / you're standing face to face with "i told you so"
pairing: shoko x fem!reader contents: angst, angst, angst, no curses au, reader is rich, reader is addressed with she/her pronouns, childhood friends to ???, no-curse au, some gojo x reader, alcohol consumption, smoking and weed wordcount: 4k
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“Do you like him?”
You’re twenty-one the second time Shoko asks you this question. You’re out on the balcony, attempting to ignore the loud yelling and music being blasted from the small apartment behind you. You lean over the railing, looking down at the people below you. Shoko takes another drag of her cigarette. She glances back at the closed door behind you. She can easily catch the white blob of hair amongst the partygoers. 
“Of course I do! You’re all my best friends.” 
You both know that it’s not what Shoko means.
“Yeah, but do you like him?” Shoko repeats, and you pout when you realise that she’s not letting you off the hook. You send her a look while gently tapping your fingers against the railing. Shoko’s eyes follow the movement, trying not to glare at the diamond ring on your finger. 
You grew up different; Shoko knows that. Whereas she and Suguru grew up relatively normal, had parents who worked simple jobs and came home to cook dinner, you and Satoru were raised by maids and strict rules. She supposes this is the reason you’re so nonchalant about all this. Whereas Shoko as always had the choice, you never had. Still, it bothers her how willingly you let yourself be captured, how little you fight for the freedom to be your own person. She wishes she could shake you till you understood, but instead, she’s stuck here on this shitty balcony, hoping that you might answer her question truthfully for once. She takes another drag of her cigarette, inhaling deeply and hoping that you won’t notice how tense her shoulders are. 
“It doesn’t matter if I like him,” you say, shrugging. You glance over at Shoko, and something passes between you for a moment. Your eyes flicker to her lips, still wrapped around her cigarette. It’s barely a second before you’re making eye contact again. 
“I’m just happy my parents chose Gojo and not that asshole from Zenin Enterprises.” 
You’re twenty when you go to a bar for the first time. It’s your birthday, officially the last one to turn twenty out of the four of you. It’s the first time in six months that you managed to get together. After you graduated, Satoru immediately started working at his dad's company; you and Shoko started at separate universities; and Suguru… well, none of you really know what he’s doing. Shoko recalls him saying he has some kind of sales job that causes him to travel a lot. 
By this time, purple circles have settled under Shoko’s eyes, and cigarettes are a staple in her purse. In all honesty, she doesn’t want to be here. It’s a fancy place—more of a club than a bar, really. Satoru’s choice, of course. There’s no way that you picked this place. 
You look stunning. Dressed in a top and a mini skirt, you look both expensive and endlessly tempting. You’ve already drank some at your place, where you all started, and you’re pleasantly giggly, hanging on Satoru's arm. Shoko wishes you’d hang off her like that, but recently there’s been a weird divide between you. You’re hard to get a hold of. 
You catch her eyes and smile. “You look nice tonight, Sho,” you say, lips curling teasingly as you reach out to pull a piece of hair behind her ear. “Your hair has gotten longer,” you add with a hum. 
Shoko shrugs. Suguru and Satoru are talking about something that she’s not a part of, so she moves closer to you. “How have you been?” she asks casually, trying to act like she isn’t hanging off every word you say. 
“Come dance with me,” you reply, grabbing her hand and pulling her out on the dancefloor. Shoko follows you wordlessly. She’s never been much for dancing, but for you, she’ll make an exception. 
“I’m alright,” you say. “School is hard,” you add, and Shoko follows the way your body moves, easily falling into a rhythm with the music. She wonders why you couldn’t have this conversation at the bar, but in a way, she’s happy that she doesn’t have to share you with the boys for a while. Your fingers are intertwined as you both ignore everyone else on the crowded dance floor. It’s hot, and the music blasts from the speakers beside the DJ, all contributing to making Shoko feel dizzy. 
“What about you, Sho?” you ask, dancing closer. 
“School is hard,” she repeats after you, grinning when you roll your eyes. You dance for a little while longer, silence creating a distance between you. Shoko wonders why it’s like this all of a sudden. You used to always be close; the silence between you was never uncomfortable like this. 
“I miss you,” Shoko says. She doesn’t even know why she says it. These are the kinds of things Shoko feels in silence. She never shares them with other people. But for some reason, she can’t stand the thought of not being able to share it with you. You smile, but it doesn’t reach your eyes. 
“I’m dating Satoru.” 
Cutting Shoko open with a scalpel would probably have hurt less. The music becomes white noise, the room feels small, and the air becomes hard to breathe. She looks towards the bar where Satoru’s talking with Suguru. As if on queue, Satoru looks up from his conversation to look at the two of you. He smiles at Shoko when their eyes meet. Satoru, Satoru, Satoru. Bastard. It’s always him, isn’t it? 
“I need a cigarette,” Shoko mumbles, walking towards the smoking area of the club. 
“Sho,” you say, following her as she makes her way through the dancefloor towards the doors with the smoking sign. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” you say, and Shoko shakes her head as she pushes the door open and exits onto a small rooftop. The air is chilly, and there are several people already there, smoking and talking. 
“I’m sorry,” you repeat as Shoko lights her cigarette and takes a long drag. “Will you at least look at me?”
She does. Soft, kind brown eyes locked on you. You’ve always revelled in Shoko’s attention. It made you feel special to be deserving of it, for a person who’s usually nonchalant and seemingly careless, that you were interesting enough. Even when she would tease you and push your buttons, you liked it.
You don’t like it right now.
“Why?” Shoko asks. Your brows knit together. 
“Shoko, I’m sorry if you’re mad–”’
“No. Why him?” Shoko interrupts. She takes another drag before blowing the smoke off to the side. You frown. 
“You promised you’d stop smoking,” you say, and Shoko laughs. 
“Is it your parents?” she asks, stepping closer. Smoke fills your lungs as she blows some onto your face. You turn to the side, but she grabs your chin and makes you look at her. “Is it you? Do you like him?” She asks. You frown. 
“Yes,” you reply, though it’s half-hearted and soft. 
“Speak up,” Shoko says, but you don’t. Your brows are furrowed, and there’s a little pout on your lips. Your hands come to tug on her shirt as if you’re beckoning her to come closer, but she doesn’t, not even bothering to look down at where you’re holding onto her. 
She feels an awful desire to kiss you, to show you what liking—no, loving—someone really is. She doesn’t fight it when she leans in, pressing your lips together. This kiss is much different from any kiss you’ve shared before. It’s meaner, more desperate. As if Shoko is trying to put every word she won’t speak into this moment, lips moving against lips. Your fingers move from her shirt up to her neck, pulling her closer, deepening the kiss. 
Shoko tastes like smoke and the beer she took three sips off when you first arrived. It’s deprived; how good it all feels to let go. Then you part and you gasp for air for a few seconds before you step back, wiping your hands in your shirt and turning around, disappearing into the bar. 
You’re fifteen when you say the words that make Shoko take the first drag of a cigarette. You’re sitting on the floor in your room, watching some show that you begged her to see. Shoko can’t even remember which one it was, although it doesn’t matter all that much. You’re huddled close together, giggling whenever the main characters do something funny. Your eyes are on the screen, but Shoko can’t help but look at you. 
It’s dark out. She should’ve been home hours ago, but your parents aren’t home—they never are—and the maid left hours ago. 
“Have you ever kissed anyone, Sho?” you ask. Shoko blinks, turning to look at the TV again. A kiss scene is unfolding. Fairly innocent, she thinks. She looks back at you to find you already looking. Your faces are awfully close, only illuminated by the blue light from the show still going, though it’s all background noise at this point. 
“No,” Shoko replies bluntly. You smile, your cheeks heating up as you lean in closer. 
“Do you want to?” you ask. It’s innocent. You’re smiling, your eyes darting down to Shoko’s lips for a second before they’re back up. 
“I don’t know,” Shoko replies. Already at fourteen, she hates how she feels around you. There’s something disarming about you that makes Shoko lose all her cool and turn into a complete puddle of weird, awkward teenage mess. Her heart always seems to hammer in her chest, and her hands feel clammy. 
“We could try, you know,” you say. You’re so close now that Shoko can feel your breath on her lips, smell the fruit rolls you ate earlier. It’s so very you, so sweet. Blood roars in her ears, and she doesn’t say anything, afraid her voice might betray her. 
“For practice,” you add, and Shoko finds herself nodding along. For practice, sure. She ignores the gnawing feeling in her chest, the looming knowledge that she can never come back from this. Shoko has never been much interested in love or boys. She’s always opted for medical books and crime mysteries instead of chick flicks. Though with you, it’s always been different. You could rope her into watching The Notebook and Titanic as many times as you wanted if it meant Shoko got to spend time with you. 
“Is this okay?” you ask, placing your hand on Shoko’s cheek, and she nods again. “Yeah,” she replies, almost breathless. You’re so close now.
So so close. 
It’s innocent. There’s no tongue, no great big sparks. Yet Shoko feels electric. Your lips are soft. So soft. And despite how blunt you were just seconds ago, you feel shy now all of a sudden, pulling away with flushed cheeks and a sort of dazed look on your face. 
“Thank you,” is all you can think to say, and it makes Shoko snort at your reaction. This causes a giggle to be pulled from you as well, and you sit there for a while, just lingering in each other's presence, high on the experience of your first kiss together. It’s innocent, sweet. Shoko wishes she could bottle up the feelings you give her and save them from the rot she’s already feeling building up inside of her. 
She reaches for your cheek and pulls you in for a second kiss. You let her, getting braver this time. Your lips move against each other. It’s inexperienced and clumsy, but Shoko wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Then you whisper the god-forsaken words. 
“I wish you were a boy, Sho.” 
And Shoko feels the rot fester in her gut. 
“I should go,” she replies, stumbling out of your room and down the hall of your obscenely large house. She ignores your calls for her as she slips down through your kitchen.
She stops in her tracks when she notices the small packet on the counter. The maid must’ve left it, she thinks to herself as she picks it up and inspects it. Shoko and you have spied on her during enough smoke breaks to know. Two cigarettes left. She glances at the door. You haven’t followed her downstairs. She puts the box in her pocket and walks out your front door. 
How can two cigarettes hurt?
You’re twenty-three when you walk down the aisle in a beautiful white dress. Shoko watches from the fourth row, right next to Nanami. You and Satoru stand in front of the altar. Suguru sits on the front row with Satoru’s family. You hadn’t asked Shoko to sit with yours. 
The vows are formal. Clinical, almost. As though someone else wrote them for you, as though neither you nor Satoru actually feel the things you say. Nonetheless, you look blinding in your dress, even more blinding as you walk down the aisle and lock eyes with Shoko. 
She smiles at you. Purple rings have become more prominent under her eyes during the past few months. She’s told you they’re from late-night cramming and studying, and while that’s not technically untrue, there's another reason why she sleeps so badly as well. You smile back, and Shoko feels the green little thorn in her stomach reach just a little deeper. 
“Why are you looking all gloomy?” 
It’s playful. There’s no ill intent behind it. Satoru, as always, pretends to be unaware of anything that might start an uncomfortable conversation, instead resorting to acting like a fool. Shoko sighs. 
“Fuck off,” she says, though there’s no edge in her tone. She can’t ever really hate Satoru. No one can. That’s what's so annoying about him. Satoru walks forward and joins Shoko on the balcony from the venue of your wedding afterparty. Shoko doesn’t know where you are. Probably somewhere entertaining your guests, pretending that this is the happiest night of your life. 
Satoru eyes the cigarette between Shoko’s fingers as she takes another drag. 
“I thought you were quitting.”
“School’s been stressful.” 
“Ah,” Satoru nods, resting his arms on the railing and looking out over the city. It’s a peaceful night. The sky is clear, though you can’t see the stars due to the light of the city. Shoko exhales. 
“Are you doing alright, Shoko? You seem distant,” Satoru asks, eyes trained on the view in front of them. Shoko hums. 
“I’m alright,” 
They stand like that for a while, neither of them saying anything. Shoko wonders if she should just tell Satoru everything. About how she’s in love with his wife and has been for years. How she wakes up in the middle of the night, gasping for air and chasing dreams of you. You with your soft lips and pretty smile. You who never flinches away, you who remains the centre of Shoko’s world no matter how hard she tries to untangle herself from your web of love and praise.
She imagines it wouldn’t go down well. Even if Satoru has married you out of duty, she knows he still loves you. Maybe not as a wife, but as a companion. You’ve known each other for so long, known that you were promised to each other since you were mere children. 
“Ah, fuck, I better go save my wife.” 
The moment has passed. Shoko looks back towards the glass doors to the party. You’re stuck talking to some elders. Shoko doesn’t know who they are, but she assumes they’re from Gojo’s family. You glance towards the balcony. “Save me,” you mouth, and both Shoko and Satoru snort. 
“Duty calls,” he sings as he walks past Shoko. He looks back over his shoulder once. “Come back once you’ve finished that one, okay?”
You’re eighteen when you all huddle together on the floor in Suguru’s room, giggling and whispering about the joint that the boys somehow managed to secure. Suguru lights it and takes the first inhale. Satoru follows, cheeks immediately turning pink and a dopey smile settling on his lips as he passes it to Shoko. You watch Shoko curiously before she hands it to you. 
Carefully, you fold it between your two fingers, eyeing the little roll carefully. “How do I do it?” you ask, and Shoko snorts. Satoru is giggly already, lying down and putting his head in Suguru’s lap. Suguru looks mostly unaffected, yet he cracks a smile and pinches Satoru’s cheek. 
“You put it between your lips, and then you inhale. You gotta feel it all the way in your lungs,” Shoko explains. You try to do as she says, but when you exhale, barely any smoke comes out. Suguru chuckles. 
"Yeah, that was not an inhale,” he says, and you poke your tongue at him. Shoko moves closer to you, ignoring Suguru as she puts her hand on your thigh. 
“Try again,” she says, and you do, looking at her at the same time. Shoko smiles, and you choke, coughing out some as you feel tears prickling in your eyes. Shoko rubs a soothing hand along your thigh while Satoru laughs. You pat your chest, coughing furiously as tears run down your cheek and Shoko smiles at you. 
So cute. 
“C’mere,” she says, once your coughing has subsided. You pout at her, but move closer nevertheless, till you’re in her lap. The boys are quiet now, watching your exchange as Shoko puts a hand on your waist, taking the joint from your fingers with the other. 
“You ready?” she asks, and you nod wordlessly. Slowly, she inhales before leaning into you, blowing into your mouth. This time you inhale, puffing your chest out in a manner that makes Shoko grin. You exhale again, and Shoko pats your cheek rewardingly. 
“Good girl,” she mutters, and your jaw drops. Suguru coughs, and you can hear Satoru’s giggle increasing as you climb out of her lap and grab the joint again. Shoko smiles at you. The knowing kind that makes you want to bash your head into a wall. You ignore the heat in your cheeks as you peel your eyes away from her. 
“Okay, I can do it myself now, thank you,” you say, taking a big inhale. You hold it for a few seconds before exhaling again, white smoke leaving your lungs. 
“There you go,” Satoru says, flashing you his perfect white teeth. You frown and take another drag, for good measure, before Suguru takes the joint from you. 
“Woah, there,” he says, raising a brow at you. “This is your first time, right?”
“Yeah,” you reply, already feeling lightheaded. “So what?” 
“Might want to take it easy,” he says. You don't bother to reply, instead looking back at Shoko. She’s leaned back, resting on her elbows. She meets your gaze, tilting her head to the side. Taking you in. Examining you. You fiddle with your fingers in your lap, but you don’t break eye contact.
Then she nods at you. A tiny one, barely noticeable. You almost think you imagine it, if it isn’t for the teasing look in her eyes. 
An invitation. 
You don’t hesitate to take it, climbing over and promptly laying your head in her lap. Shoko laughs, but she lets you, adjusting herself so she can sit up and play with your hair. You hum, closing your eyes and wrapping your arms around her. You feel light, pleasant. 
“Someone’s feeling touchy,” Shoko says, smiling as she watches your brows knit together. She brings a finger down, running it over the crease formed between your eyebrows, forcing you to relax. 
“You’re my best friend, Sho.” Your voice is airy. “I’m allowed to feel touchy.”
You’re twenty when you kiss Shoko for the second time before slipping inside the crowded bar again. Shoko waits a few minutes before she follows you back in. She can still feel your pillowy lips and taste the gloss you wear. She feels dizzy, almost, under the neon lights, but she’s unsure if it’s the alcohol and nicotine or just you. 
Her eyes land on the table where she saw Satoru and Suguru earlier. The white blob of hair is easy to spot; it always is. Even when you’re running your fingers through them. 
Even when you run your fingers through Satoru’s hair while you kiss him stupid. His hands are on your hips, pulling you in. She can’t see your face, only your back. In a way, she’s glad. It makes the whole ordeal much easier. 
“There you are.” 
Suguru moves towards her, smiling casually when she turns to look at him. 
“I assume she’s told you?” he muses, nodding his head towards the two of you. Suguru’s hands are in his pockets, and his hair is tied back. Shoko shrugs. 
“Yeah,” Shoko says. She looks at you again before turning back to Suguru. “How long have you known?” she asks, and Suguru scratches his neck and hums. 
“About a month,” he says. Shoko shifts from one foot to another and nods. A month. A month and you didn’t tell her. She scoffs. Suguru raises a brow. 
“Are you upset?”
“Alright,” there’s a teasing edge to Suguru’s tone that tells her he doesn’t quite believe her. Shoko’s brows narrow, and she feels her fingers itching for another cigarette. 
She gives you a last glance before pulling Suguru out with her for another cigarette. If you wanna kiss boys in bars, then so be it. 
You’re twenty-six when Shoko opens her door in the middle of the night and finds you on her doorstep, completely drenched from the rain. 
“I’m afraid there’s something rotten inside of me,” you say, and if your eyes weren’t brimming with tears, Shoko might have blamed your wet cheeks on the rain and tried to shrug it off, but it feels impossible with the way you stand there with red rims around your eyes. “I’m afraid that there’s something wrong with me, and it’s only a matter of time before you all figure it out,” you repeat, almost gasping for air as if each word brings you physical pain to speak. 
And Shoko steps aside, because what else can she do. How could she turn you away when you’re all she’s ever wanted, all she’s ever loved. Yet none of you make another move to do anything else as Shoko stands with the closed door behind her and you stand in the middle of her living room, your soaked clothes dripping in a puddle underneath you. 
“What’s going on?” Shoko asks. Your lips are downturned and your brows are furrowed, and you look so miserable that it makes Shoko’s stomach churn. 
“I don’t love him.” 
A beat. 
Shoko stares. Your eyes are trained on the puddle beneath you. 
“You were right. It doesn’t feel right when I’m with him. He’s my best friend, but—”
“Why are you here?” Shoko interrupts. She rubs the bridge of her nose, taking in a deep breath. 
“Sho-” you stumble across the room, but Shoko places a hand up and you stop in your tracks. 
“Stay there,” she says, and you frown. 
“I’m sorry, okay. I should’ve listened to you,” you say, knowing that it won’t help anything but saying it anyway.
Shoko always thought she would feel satisfaction in this moment. Some sense of superiority. To be able to say “I told you so” with a smile dancing on her lips. That all of it—all of the rot and pain—would be worth it once you realised you were wrong. Instead, she just feels bitter. 
“Yeah. You should have.” 
She realises she’s wasted so much time. Waiting, and waiting, and waiting. And for what? Shoko sighs. 
“You should leave.”
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thank you for reading!
i'm satoru when i get high btw. very giggly, very happy, very in love with all of my friends.
tagging @madaqueue since you asked, my munchkin. <3
masterlist | divider by enchanthings
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theyluvkarolina · 4 months
masterlist / rules / requests & talks with me!
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SUMMARY౨ৎ Loving Lando is like how the Earth circles the sun. In absolute awe and admiration. But the Earth is slowly destroying itself in the presence of this star. The rays of this sun are burning away at this Earth’s ozone layer, maybe even going as far into this Earth’s core.
PAIRING ౨ৎ Lando Norris x Fem!Driver!Reader
FACE CLAIM ౨ৎ Amna Al Qubaisi
WARNINGS ౨ৎ fighting, misogyny (not by the grid or lando), reader is self conscious
A/N ౨ৎ God. Whenever I hear this song and think about Lando, all i think about is him and Luisiha. :( Again, I made this not in a SMAU format i’m used to. I decided to make the reader replace Daniel for the fic (I STILL LOVE HIM I PROMISE 😭😭)I hope you still like it! Tbh, I feel like I didn't do this request justice. If I have a chance some point in time, I might rewrite it.
1.3K words!
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f1 ✔︎
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♡ liked by mclaren, maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, and others
f1 Lando wins it in Miami, winning his first race! Congratulations! 👏
tagged ; landonorris
username1 LANNNDOOOO
username2 lando has finally landed 🥹
username3 HE FINALLY DID IT!!
carlosainz55 ✔︎ congratulations cabrón! Welcome to the winners side 😉
→ landonorris ✔︎ glad to finally be part of the club 👊
maxverstappen1 ✔︎ lando nowins no more 👏
→ landonorris ✔︎ haha funny 😒
georgerussel63 ✔︎ congrats mate!!
username5 has anyone noticed that y/n hasen’t liked or commented? :(
→ username6 ik!! usually she is always the first or second person to do both whenever he gets podium…
username7 no because did anyone see how y/n was staring at Lando with his trophy??
→ username8 I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE. → username9 she looked at him like he was ripping her heart out 🙁 → username10 I mean, y/n has been in f1 for what, 2 more years than him and still no win. I know it's just eating her up inside. → username11 I hope she gets her win soon and shuts up the misogynists. → username12 it sucks that the team did a absolute shit strategy when the safety car stopped her and made lando gain her stop.. but I’m still happy for him!!
y/n_l/n ✔︎
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♡ liked by visacashapprb, yukitsunoda, sophiafloersch and others
y/n_l/n Miami ? Done ✅
tagged ; visacashapprb
username13 she didn’t even post her podium photo :(
→ username14 if i were her i wouldn’t either.
username15 can she idk, be happy for lando?
→ username16 no way you are suggesting this girl be happy after she lost her chance to overtake lando because of the safety car, taking away what may be the second woman to win a f1 race next to Desiré Wilson, after years of misogyny, and men telling her she doesn’t have a place in motorport along with other women. → username17 god how i love you @ username16. SOMONE ACTUALLY USES THEIR BRAIN
visacashapprb ✔︎ wonderful work as per usual!
→ username18 for someone who has been in f1 for 8 years? hell no. → username19 someone is jelly → username20 they aren’t jealous they are just stating a fact 😂 → username21 the fact that they are saying how she should be winning stuff after 8 years? → username22 obviously. since she came she hasn’t won anything → username23 lance stroll, kevin magnussen, and nico hulkenburg are calling buddy and they are saying your misogyny is showing. 💀 → username24 LMAOOAOA YOU GO @ username23
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In Person
Saying that the end of the race was a disappointment was an understatement. For the past eight years, it only felt like the world was out to get you.
The constant criticism, misogyny, the occasional car failures, Lance Stroll's grotesque driving skills, and now, Lando winning his first Grand Prix but with the cost of you losing your position due to a shitty strategy mistake. It's frustrating, to say the least.
Being in love with Lando has its ups and downs. And as of right now? A hard low. As his partner, you want to kiss him all over his sunkissed face, going over each birthmark with tenderness. Congratulate him. Tell him how proud you are of him for finally achieving what he has been aiming for years. Ruffle those chestnut curls that you love dearly as you both stand on the podium, covered in sticky champagne as the fizzy liquid cascades over you, creating a tingling sensation on your skin you both embrace, the rainbows of confetti dancing in the air to the ground, trophy in his hands.
Yet, as a driver, you despise him. That haunting smile that glances over now and then, that sterling silver trophy dazzling in the light, blinding you as if it were the shining teeth of someone laughingly mocking you. God, how you hated it.
After closing the door to the driver's room, you swiftly remove the carbon fiber helmet, peeling off the balaclava that clings to my face, leaving my hair matted against my skin. With a surge of frustration, you glance angrily at the helmet before flinging the helmet to the ground, the sound reverberating through the room. Your breathing quivers as you gaze at the floor before ultimately slumping against the wall adjacent to the door, back against it. Running a hand through your damp hair, you rub my temple, feeling the weight of the day's events.
How did you get to this point? 
“Where in the world have you been, you muppet? You just up and left after the national anthems.” Lando's voice broke you out of your trance as he stood by the door, remembering you didn't lock the door. "I didn't even get to spray the champagne on you like usual." He adds with a frown.
"Not now, Lando." You stated looking down at your hands as you picked the skin around your nails to cope. His face still held a frown, yet he raised a brow at your tone.
"Not now?" He repeats, almost confused by your comment. "What's wrong? Talk to me."
"I said not now, Lando," You repeat, my voice growing more insistent. "I just need some space right now."
Lando's expression softens as he takes a step closer, concern evident in his eyes. "Hey, come on. You can talk to me. I know today didn't go as planned, but we can work through this together." 
My frustration boils over, and I finally look up to meet his gaze. "You don't get it, do you? This could have been my chance. My chance to finally prove that I belong here. Actually- no, not me, but every woman. That we won't be not some- some girls here for some representation to make F1 seem better but to show that we belong here! That we are as good as men! And that shitty strategy screwed me over, and now it seems like I am a shit driver..." You snap in exasperation.
“I never tried to say that I understand.” Lando glared. His expression hardens, and he takes a step back, hurt evident in his eyes. "You know that's not true. You're an incredibly talented driver, and one bad race doesn't define you."
You scoff, feeling the weight of his words but unable to fully accept them. "Easy for you to say. This ‘one bad race’ has been multiple races. You've had your moment of glory today. You got the lavish celebration you’ve been wanting.“
You scoff, feeling the weight of his words but unable to fully accept them. "Easy for you to say. This ‘one bad race’ has been multiple races. You've had your moment of glory today. You got the lavish celebration you’ve been wanting.“
Lando shakes his head, his frustration creeping into his voice. "This isn't about me. It's about us! I want you to succeed just as much as I want to succeed. We’re a team, even if we are on other racing teams. But pushing me away and shutting me out won't solve anything. What’s with all this?“
“Don’t you get it, Lando?! You’re perfect now! You have fans who love you, you have a secure seat, and you have a win now Lando! All you need is a championship! You don’t have people telling you that you don’t belong here because you have talent. You have people who support you even when your team makes a stupid mistake and they still defend you! The second I do something wrong, even when it's team orders, I'm belittled and told to go back to do my "role" as a housewife! God, I can't even get time to be with my boyfriend or friends before getting screamed at by middle-aged men that I'm a 'grid fucker' and that I had sex to get to where I am!"
Lando’s face falls at your words, a mix of offense and hurt flashing in his eyes. “You think I don’t understand pressure? I get it, alright? I get that it’s different for you, and it’s unfair. But pushing everyone away, pushing me away, isn’t the answer.”
You stand up, your body tense with the weight of your frustration and sadness. “I’m not pushing you away, Lando. I’m trying to cope with the fact that no matter what I do, it’s never enough. And seeing you succeed, seeing everyone praise you, it just… it just makes it harder.”
Lando steps closer, his voice softer now. “I want to help you, but I can’t if you won’t let me in. We’re supposed to be in this together. Isn’t that what we promised each other?”
You look at him, your heart aching at the sight of his earnest expression. “It’s not that simple. I can’t keep pretending that everything’s okay when it’s not. And I can’t stand beside you, smiling, when I feel like I’m drowning.”
He reaches out to touch your arm, but you pull away. “Please, don’t. I need to find my way through this, Lando. And I can’t do that if I’m constantly comparing myself to you.”
Lando’s eyes widen with realization. “You’re breaking up with me.”
A lump forms in your throat, tears welling up. “Don't put it like that..” I start. Lando tries to talk but I beat him to it. "I'm... not necessarily breaking up with you. It's more of a... "Goodbye"."
"That's technically still breaking up with me," Lando mutters, a tiny, barely noticeable smile cracking through onto his lips at the light attempt at a joke to ease the growing tension. I let out a tearful giggle.
Lando’s smile crumples into a frown and he takes a shaky breath. “I love you. I don’t want to lose you.”
“You aren't losing me... I love you too,” you whisper, your voice breaking. “But right now, love isn’t enough. I need to stand on my own two feet, without always feeling like I’m in your shadow.”
He looks away, blinking rapidly, trying to hide the growing tears in his greenish-blue eyes. “This isn’t how I wanted today to end. I wanted today to be happy. For us both.”
“Neither did I,” you say softly, placing a hand on his cheek, moving his head to look at you while you skim your fingers over his birthmarks. “But sometimes, things don’t go as planned.”
There’s a long, painful silence between you, filled with all the things left unsaid. Finally, Lando nods, his eyes shining with unshed tears, leaning over to press a tender kiss onto your forehead. 
“Goodbye, then,” Lando whispers. 
In response, you bend forward, placing your lips against his own, kissing him softly, both our lips brushing lightly as if savoring the moment for what may be the last time experiencing such a feeling.
“Goodbye.” You replied, voice narrowly above a whisper.
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𝐀/𝐍 2 : Ending tbh is kinda cringey but oh well it felt right in the moment 😫
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anticapitalistclown · 2 months
what about giving lookism men the remote of a vibrator 👀 especially with jake
omg sure (made a poll and Gun and Goo were the most voted)
Giving Jake, Gun and Goo the remote of your vibrator, smut scenario
Giving your boyfriend the remote of your vibrator was a spicy idea that fueled the tease he is.
Jake is more of the private type so he only takes use of it in the privacy of home.
You were seated on his lap, hugging his broad shoulders whimpering on his ear, Jake had you seated pretty on his lap, his hands grabbing your hips, his lips kissing your neck and shoulders, on his right hand was the control of your vibrator he pressured the max "good girl *kiss* keep making those sounds *kiss*" you hugged him tighter, and your whimpering turned into moans, your hips moved up and down grinding against his lap "oh you're close?" he grabbed your chin and kissed your lips you nodded at him "let me see that pretty face" you looked pleading at him "so pretty" he chuckled, you were feeling the climax approaching "I'm cumming!" and the vibrator stopped, your face changed completely and your head fell on his shoulder, you bit on his shoulder "c'mon Jakee" you cried but he left a chuckle, Jake broke your orgasm for the third time "m'sorry pretty" he laughed and started the remote to the max, you saw his hand palming his bulge "c'mon grind on it again, this time I won't pause I promise".
You really want him to take the remote of your vibrator? He's gonna make sure you can't use panties for the next week from the overstimulation
He doesn't care using on public he indeed will do it occasionally but he prefers using it at home so he can see your fucked up expression
Gun had you handcuffed, your hands and feet restrained between them, your face down and your ass up in bed, displayed for him, in your pussy the vibrator that was abusing your clit and hole, a view your boyfriend loved, your legs were trembling, and you were feeling the different vibrations he was selecting, your face was tear stained while you heard him chuckle "aah what a view, my angel" he upgraded the vibrations making you whimper "you like it?" he palmed his bulge and took a sip of his whiskey "c'mon give me another one" you denied with your head and cried "you're a big girl show me you can do it" he slapped your ass, the vibrations were changing again making you close to another orgasm "that's it, cum pretty for me baby".
when you gave him the remote he already knew what it was about, you had him on his knees promising you he's gonna wife you up, you were made for him.
he's obsessed on teasing you, even in public, meetings, gatherings, in private, when you're having sex, whatever and whenever, he loves to be in charge with the toys.
Today was supposed to be a relaxing day, watching a movie he wanted to show you a while ago, but here you are sitting on his lap, your back resting on his strong chest and his legs parting yours, the vibrator inside of you and the remote on his hand "tell me pretty, what is happening in the movie now?" he kissed your ear "they are making a club" you whimpered making him sadistically smile "and what are the rules of the fight club?" he increased the vibrations "Goo!" you moaned causing him to stop "c'mon!" you whined, his hands caressed your legs "it's easy baby" he kissed your cheek, and you sighed "first rule, you do not talk about fight club and second rule, you do not talk-" he increased to the max "Goo! you do not talk about the fight club!" you moaned "good girl, yeah that's it my beautiful princess, now focus more on the film, okay?".
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Random Hazel Callahan headcanons that have been rotting my brain for the past couple of days:
Pairing: Hazel Callahan x female! reader
Summary: Not needed
Genre(s): a little angsty at first, after that's it's just pure fluff
Warnings: mentions of trauma and maladaptive daydreaming
A/N: I'M GONNA WRITE MORE FOR HER BECAUSE I NEED IT SO STAY TUNED, also I listened to False God by Taylor Swift the entire time I wrote this.
Taglist: @aemonds-holy-milk , join tag list here
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• She has horrible listening skills, usually her house has been a pretty noisy and chaotic place, even before her parents divorced, so she's learned to mute the outside world.
• It tends to annoy pretty much everyone else outside the fight club, the only exception being PJ, she perhaps got annoyed more than anyone.
• When you first noticed you had to repeat yourself at least five times whenever she was around, you tried to come up with different ways for her to keep up, like texting her as you spoke so she could read it as much as she needed to.
• Later on you found out it wasn't just about losing track of a conversation, as you asked to borrow one of her headphones one time, you were shocked her ears weren't bleeding right then and there.
"Fucking hell, Hazel! Are you trying to break your ears or something?" your ears hurt for a second.
"It's not loud at all" She placed them on her neck.
"Baby, I can hear the music coming out of those things like a concert speaker,"
• You decided to invite her over to your house as often as possible, demanding a no-headphones rule.
"Why not?!" she complained.
"Because you're gonna be completely deaf at the age of 40!"
"And you'll be there to teach me sign language, right?" she hugged your waist.
"You're saying you prefer not hearing my voice for the rest of our lives?" you lifted a brow.
• The realazation dawned on her.
• To this day she hasn't worn headphones a single day in her life.
• Maladaptive daydreaming is also something she struggles with, not as much now as she used to in middle school and the first two years of high school, but it still happens sometimes.
• You found out when you decided to surprise her by coming to her house one day
• Mrs. Callahan said she couldn't get in contact with Hazel, for whatever reason.
• Most likely her phone turned off since it was out of battery.
• So she texted you she was gonna be missing all night, permitted you to stay the night, and told you to take care of Hazel.
• You found her in the kitchen yelling, it sounded as if she was yelling at someone.
"Are you ever gonna choose me over a booty call?! How is it that Jeff's dick is more important than me?! Your daughter! You fucking pushed me out and you still can't even ask me how my grades are doing and shit!"
• Your first thought was —Her mom's plans must've been canceled—
• As you approached the room as quietly as possible, you looked through the rim of the entrance, there was no one.
"Hazel," you spoke quietly through her screams.
A shiver went down her spine, he face turned white, she blinked a couple of times before turnind her head, "How much of that did you hear?" she avoided your eyes.
"I've never heard you like that," was all you could mutter as you approached her slowly and then embraced her in a hug, "I know you're not insane by the way," you whispered in her hair.
She began to cry.
• She didn't want to talk about it for the next few days
• When she did, she stumbled upon her words, talked too fast, and teared up every once in a sentence.
"Call me first," you cupped her face, "I'll never judge you for whatever you have to say,"
• She wanted to kiss you right then and there, but just rested her forehead on yours, an act of ultimate intimacy.
• I could get into the divorced parents' trauma for hours because same
• But for now I'll move on to the happy part
• Physical touch is the absolute most pure form of love she can give
• If she's not hugging your waist at all times, she's holding your hand, resting her head on your chest, shoulders, legs, etc. pretty much everywhere she can
• If you have long or medium hair she'll attempt to braid your hair, keyword attempt
• If you have short hair she'll buy little elastic ponytails to tie them around your head everywhere she can
• Her reasoning behind this is that her favorite plants are cactuses
• That's it, that's all the reasons she needs
• If you happen to be bald she'll rub your head while singing the chorus to Diamonds by Rihanna
• She plays ukelele
• She knows how to make a few origami figures and if she tries a new one, as crumbled and sweaty as it is she gives it to you
• You have a whole shelf in your room dedicated to every piece of folded paper she's ever done for you
• If you're more of a fem! girl, she'll try something of yours whenever she comes over and stare at her reflection for hours
"Good thing, god didn't make me straight, she knew I would be a menace,"
• You can only roll your eyes and laugh at her twirling and pretending to dance ballet in your dresses and skirts
• If she happens to go shopping without you, she'll try something you'll like and send you the photo after
"If it looks this good on me, imagine how AMAZING it'll look on you,"
• She once asked you to put makeup on her, she'll say she was just curious how she'd look
• She wasn't lying, but she also didn't mention she just wanted to recreate this picture:
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• If you happen to be more of a masc! girl, you'll trade clothes as often as you can think
• More than once you have arrived at school with something she likes and just drags you to the bathroom to for you to make the exchange
• It's not her clothes and your clothes anymore, everything you own is hers and vice versa
• More often than not you're no longer sure what used to be only yours
• This goes for accessories and shoes as well, even if they don't fit her, she'll fill them up with toilet paper until they fit just fine
• You'll match AT LEAST once a week, as per her request of course
• She tries all kinds of chips (or crisps for my British luvs) she has tried every flavor and seasoning, but her favorites and the flaming hot ones, even if she ends up chugging your waterbottle after finishing the bag
• Although her parents are rich and taught her from a young age to be a precise wine taster, she's a tequila and vodka girl
• She hates gloomy and rainy days because they bring down her mood, but spending the day binge-watching cheesy movies and stuffing her stomach with all the snacks o her house makes it up
• She's ABSOLUTE SHIT at Karaoke, but my god does she have the spirit
• Her go-to song is Lies by Fleetwood Mac, but if she's drunk enough to gain confidence she'll request Easy On Me by Adele
•  If she insists for long enough and you decide to sing with her, she 100% will try to recreate the following musical numbers:
• Lay all you love on me -Mamma Mia
• Every duet there is in Teen Beach Movie, her favorite childhood movie
• The cellblock tango -Chicago and Ex-Wives -from Six, if the rest of the fight club joins as well
• Popular from Wicked, strangely enough, she's Glinda
• Seventeen -Heathers
• Candy Store -Heathers featuring Isabel as Heather Mc Namara, Josie as Martha Dunnstock, and PJ as Veronica (She was heavily forced to after Brittany suggested it)
• Smooth Criminal -The Glee cast cover
• If you're a good singer, or at least a decent one, at the end of the song she'll hype you up more than anyone in the crowd, even carry you (this also applies to my plus size! lovelies, DON'T YOU WORRY, she has muscles)
• If you're a bad singer, then you'll be shit together, the worse your voices sound, the better you'll enjoy it
• Onto the kissing and overall more stereotypical relationship stuff, aka the not-so-comfortable part of my asexual-spectrum girlies.
• As previously shown in the original material
• Kissing is slow and passionate, she likes to enjoy your lips as much as possible, taking in every movement, taste, and breath
• Hands on your jaw  and neck EVERY FUCKING TIME
• The first few times you offered her some chapstick or lipstick, or lipgloss, or lip oil, or anything, she would kiss you making you chuckle in surprise
• Now you don't even need to ask, she'll just be like
"Hey, your lips look beautiful," and peck you on the lips
• If you're alone it definitely turns into a whole makeout session
• She just claims it tastes too good not to do it
• Every once in a while she'll hug you from behind and aggressively kiss your cheek
• Good luck kisses before every test
• Her favorite kind of dates are picnic dates
• She takes pictures of the sky whenever she feels it matches your vibe
• She takes A LOT of pictures of you ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, she even went as far as to buy a film camera because they make everything more magical
• She reads A LOT
• She obviously knows too much about social injustices and everything regarding that realm, but she likes other things as well
• Avid fantasy reader, I DON'T MAKE THE RULES,
• Going back to this need for escapism, she was heavily raised by George R.R. Martin and Leigh Bardugo
• Definitely screamed, jumped, and overall looked like she was in a sugar rush when both Game of Thrones and Shadow and Bone came out
• She wasn't exactly allowed to watch Game of Thrones at the time it came out, so she watched when she was 16 instead
• Shadow and Bone, however, oh boy, it was whole event
• She cosplayed Sturmhond and made you cosplay as Zoya
That's it for now children, if I come up with anything else I'll do a part two or even better write something more complete
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m1ssingirl · 5 months
PLZZ PLZZ plzzz plzzz do fight club
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𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 (𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟗)
"The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club."
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calico-cheriies · 3 months
WASTED SUMMERS |Manjiro Sano x Reader Fanfic|
{Chapter two}
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"Confess I loved you, just thinking of you... I know I've loved you from the start..."
You already regretted being acquainted with the gang member, who you'd just found was the leader of one of the most powerful gangs! How could you have guessed that the insufferable airhead was the gang leader for crying out loud?!
Your face heating up in embarrassment when someone had confronted you about your relationship with him. Of course, there was many things to take from this; the first one being that your classmates were nosy, and the second being that the short childish boy was the leader of one of the most feared gangs. You couldn't believe you let the delinquent walk you home, and even worse- you confided personal things to him!
Though you had to admit that it was the most fun and relaxing time you've had in a long time- you really needed other people to talk to if that's how you felt about him- or rather around him.
You shook away the thoughts as you walked towards one of the classrooms, sliding open the door and greeting some of your fellow peers. You would often stay after school to participate in the student council meetings, ever since you were voted as the student president and confirmed valedictorian, you had made it a responsibility to address some changes and revisions of rules.
You had been anticipating this thing since the summer before this year- so you had really been on top of everything. "(Y/N)! Thank you for stopping by, we already made a rough draft," the salutatorian bowed his head before handing you some papers.
You scanned the papers and nodded, "These are fine... I will review and edit them before officially publishing them with the news club," you sent a smile to the boy, who visibly blushed but went unnoticed by you. Thus it begun your stay there for an hour and a half, but there was something that you couldn't help but feel a familiar warm feeling blossom in you. You had to admit that being around others that were like you was comforting.
Your salutatorian, whom was named Riku, had always competed with you since you were children, so you had a fun time sending teasing jabs to him and getting to know any new people that were new this year. That was before the sliding door swung open to reveal the last person you wanted to see.
You ignored the boy who casually walked in with his friend behind him, everyone in the room went quiet and even tensed up, Riku even slightly scooted away from you.
"Mikey, this room is specifically for the student council," you spoke up just as Mikey was about to speak. Intense (E/c) eyes looking up with a stern glare, it wasn't really aggressive but it was definitely a warning that it wasn't a good time. Many watched as Mikey leaned in close to your face, he clearly didn't care and it seemed like what you said didn't make it to his brain. "No need to be rude to your best friend, (Y/N)-Chan," he grinned, making sure to loudly announce the nickname he had given you.
Most kid's tensed up, it was considered rude to call someone on the student council such nicknames, especially from someone that had a bad reputation like Mikey. They were expecting to see you yell or even back down, but you did neither.
You had rolled your eyes and stood up, bowing to your classmates as an apology. "I'm sorry for his rudeness, I'll be right back," a light hue of pink on your cheeks, you didn't like the glances the students gave each other after Mikey's nickname for you came out and you grabbed Mikey by the collar and dragged him out, "Draken, you too." You simply stated as the two walked out, at least they didn't really fight you on it.
You closed the door, "You guys can't come in here and do what you want! You're scaring my peers away and you're making me look bad!" You crossed your arms, eyes glaring up at the two boys. Draken shrugged, "Sorry," he didn't even sound sincere!
You sighed and while shaking your head you asked the question, "Whatever, what did you need anyways?" you were confused as to why they wanted to see you, Mikey was quiet as he stared at you. It didn't seem like they would go out of their way for someone like you. It had been a few days since you last saw them, and you weren't even friends with them.
At least- that's what you assumed.
The three of them stood there in silence, so you kept tapping your foot impatiently before Mikey said anything, it was strange... he was looking down with a weird expression... did he feel ill or something? You didn't like his piercing gaze on you and it began to make you squirm under his intense stare. This was the first time you felt kind of afraid of his gaze, he sure could stare anyone to death...
You supposed you could see why people were afraid of him...
"Mikey... are you alright?" You were obviously concerned until Draken eventually shoved him aside, "Mikey wanted to invite you out with us, Takemichi and his girl were going to come with us and some other friends..." Draken revealed and that made you silent.
Suddenly you threw your head back a little bit and let out a quiet laugh, your lips curved into a smile as you shook your head. "That's thoughtful of you guys... I didn't think I was scary to approach," you had now understood- well to Mikey it was misunderstood but it didn't matter. "I appreciate the offer, but I have to stay, unfortunately," you bowed your head apologetically, it was kind of disappointing that you couldn't go but it was still your responsibility to take care of student problems and study. Plus- you weren't even sure if you were the right person to ask. You obviously weren't as laid back as Hina was and you didn't think you would be looked at as a fun person- but the gesture was enough of make your heart flutter.
"(Y/N)-Chan... you're so boring," of course that came from Mikey...
"Okay... thanks, Sano," a sigh escaped your lips, (e/c) eyes slowly traveling down so you wouldn't have to see his smug smile. Your fingers were messing with the hem of your uniform's sleeve. "I just have a lot of things to do... but maybe next time," you sent them a half smile, but then Riku peeked his head out of the classroom.
He seemed to slightly glare at Mikey, before turning to you with a smile, "(Y/N)... we just finished since it's getting late, do you want to walk home together?" he had already grabbed your bag and you hummed in response and turned your back to Mikey, not seeing his smile drop. "Huh?... oh sure-" you outstretched your hand, fingers grazing the strap of your messenger bag until Mikey beat you to it and grabbed it for you.
"(Y/N)-Chan... let's go home!" Mikey declared as Draken stared down the salutatorian, he was also a scary starer..."Whatever Mikey says, goes," he was intimidating the poor boy! You were stunned as Mikey dragged you by the hand towards the exit from Draken and the boy.
You wrinkled your face in annoyance which stopped you from  walking causing the blonde to glance back, "Hm? Did you forget something?" he asked, clearly oblivious to what you were feeling. You pointed to the end of the hall where they just came from, "Mikey! You can't just scare someone like that... plus, I thought you were going out!" The words sputtered out of your mouth, cheeks heating up in embarrassment. You did make sure to note that you owed your classmate an apology... and maybe more to make up for the intrusion.
"(Y/N)-Chan... that boy is no good!" Mikey huffed out, continuing to pull you forward. "Plus... I wanna walk you home!" he childishly retorted, causing you to shake your head in annoyance again. "Sano... you just have to ask," you mumbled, already to exhausted to argue, not even sure why Mikey wanted to be around you so much. It's not like he had a life-changing conversation with you anyway... but a thought then popped into your head.
...He's going to be a pest to you for sure, he could always be following you around or always barging in during your free time to sit and talk to you. You enjoyed his company for now but there was one thing that was stopping you-
His delinquent lifestyle.
The walk home was a bit different than the last one, the last one had a much more relaxed and peaceful vibe to it. This one felt more... vulnerable and somewhat personal, you saw that Mikey had some kind of expression on his face, and you subconsciously gripped the strap of your messenger back tightly before deciding to ask the looming question. "Mikey..." you hadn't realized how your voice came out soft- almost like a whisper and you were afraid that he didn't hear it. You were prepared to feel embarrassed until the blonde turned his head slightly in your direction. "Hm?" His hum made your stomach feel nervous, and you weren't sure what it was.
"What are you thinking about?" You watched his face for any change, it seemed that he was good at hiding his emotions because he kept the same neutral smile plastered on his face.
It was getting dark while you waited for his response, the sun was setting and it painted this light orange hue over his face. You thought that the light made him seem more vulnerable, he didn't have a scowl or a glare like most delinquents did- he had a more childlike and sweet aura that just drew you more into him.
"Heh, I didn't take you for the kind to be nosy," his response was teasing, and it made you just let out a small snort, you weren't acting out like you had done so earlier or many times before, you had even accepted the teasing response because you felt compelled to show that you were actually worried- or rather curious as to what the delinquent was thinking in.
"I was thinking about something coming up..." was all he ended up saying, and it prompted you to already start thinking of what the boy could mean. Was it a birthday? No- it had to be something that was clearly meaningful to him. The next thing that came to mind was the fact that he was the leader of a gang, could be something related to that?
"Are you going to fight someone?" The words slipped out, but you really couldn't help but ask, your face becoming slightly flushed at the personal question. You begun to panicking now as he stopped in the middle of the side walk which prompted you to stopped next ton him but you couldn't really read his expression. "Ah- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" you really were a stuttering mess, the confident aura slowly deteriorating as the tension became awkward, at least to you.
"(Y/n)-chan... you're so smart," he threw his head back in laughter, clearly enjoying seeing the uptight girl get flustered. "Glad that you came to that conclusion..." you muttered under your breath, not wanting to ruin the smile he had on his lips, it was a nice sight to see according to you- at least that's what you thought. You just ended up elbowing him gently, not wanting to push an answer out of him. "Just... be careful, it's my job as the top student of our class to look out for my peers," you grunted out, trying to find some reason to not worry over him or flatter him.
You both stood there for a few more minutes, the sounds of the cars driving by and the rustling of leaves was the only noise between the two. You hadn't realized you had been staring down at your shoes until Mikey flicked you on the forehead, causing your figure to flinch and cry out instinctively, "Hey!" Your hands flew up to rub the spot where he flicked you. Your eyes snapping up to meet his much darker ones. "You're too sweet, let's get you home nerd," his smile was pulled into his usual lazy one, causing a sigh from you and you continued the walk home.
"Thanks... for walking me home instead, Sano," you stood stopped in front of your house, now turning to face him. "It feels nicer to see you don't go around beating guys up, it feels safe," a snicker left you, enjoying the way his eyes lit up for a bit. "You just like having me around," he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his Toman jacket, his face turning to look at the details of your humble house. "Whatever, just get home safe you dork," you ended up gently shoving him. Now red face at how his childish response got you riled up. "Bye Mikey," you stepped back to signal him to leave with a wave.
Mikey had turned around to leave, his boots clicking against the concrete before he heard his name being shouted out. He had swung around thinking something had happened in the short amount of time. He couldn't imagine to his surprise that it was the (H/c) girl rushing at him, your phone in hand.
{Chapter three}
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Impulse is talking about Joel's fight club a bit on stream right now. Vod title "Let's connect the XP banks", 1 hr 12 min
[Impulse] [reading chat] will I make a Fight Club? [Impulse] oh Joel, Joel did that. No, I'm not going to repeat what Joel did. I don't need a Fight Club. [Impulse] there will be fighting that happens in the city sure [Impulse] Oh do you man am I going to go in Joel's fight club? If I get invited! [Impulse] (jealous? idk?) I saw that he invited Gem [Impulse] I I I I'm not sure Joe-Joel knows what he's, uh, what kind of fight he just picked [Impulse] he's going to find out real quick that he's going to regret building that fight club [charming light Impulse laughter] [Impulse] oh yeah we're not all to talk about it we're not to talk about first rule second rule third rule yep sorry [Impulse] yeah no I played MCC with Joel I I know Joel's a he's a gamer he is a gamer
Turns out youtube auto transcription often gives you something you can work with, especially if there's only one person talking. Considering trying to caption more, but need to figure out what matter most to people.
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dyns33 · 1 year
Fight Club
Yes, I made a Fight Club story, Tyler x reader. Tyler Durden being a real person, and Jack another character.
I want to write a part 2 but I need to find the time.
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I met Tyler Durden on a beach.
It was during a business trip. My boss had given me an afternoon of peace, and I decided to go to the beach. I have always loved the beach.
There weren't many people, but I wasn't really looking, focused on the sky, the sun, the sea.
Then he caught my attention. Without explanation, without caring about what was around him, this guy was making a giant hand with pieces of wood. He walked back and forth, passing by people without seeing them.
Then at one point he turned his gaze towards me, as if he felt that I was looking at him. We stared at each other for a few minutes, then my phone rang. My boss.
I left without speaking to him, without knowing his name, but still thinking about him before going to sleep.
Tyler remembers it, I remember it, and he doesn't know that I remember it.
I could have told him when we got on that plane.
"Hey, you're the guy who made a giant hand on the beach. I always wondered why. I think about you often. Do you want to come to my flat when we land ?"
I did not tell him. Instead, when he asked me if I wanted to trade places with him because he would have to take care of the emergency door in case of an accident, I stupidly replied that I didn't think I would be able to.
“Too scared ?”
"I mean, a bit ? Unless we're on the ground, or at sea, I don't really see how opening this door could save us. But mainly I meant that I physically couldn't do it, it seems way too heavy for me."
“The illusion of security.” he had sneered. “Most people believe it.”
“I’m not most people.”
“Why fly if you know you might die then ?”
"The same reason I leave the house instead of hiding in my bed I guess. Something can happen anywhere. And my boss kind of forced me. But still I can't wait to be in my bed."
“I can imagine that.”
We talked for the rest of the flight. He tried to get me to talk about myself, I asked him a lot of questions about himself. That was how he took out a business card with his name and number from his suitcase full of soaps.
I didn't know it was part of the game. Even though there was this little alarm in the back of my head, I didn't know there was a game yet.
It was a little clearer when I arrived home to find my building on fire. By a miracle far too foolish to be true, no one had been hurt, but my entire life had been reduced to smoke.
All I had left was my suitcase and Tyler's card.
No, that wasn't true. I had my job, my family, friends, and I could have called them for help very easily. But when I searched my bag, I found his card first, and I understood.
I understood that we were playing a game.
It's impossible to explain why, but I knew that this fire was not an accident, just like our meeting on the plane was not an accident. I had seen something in his eyes on the beach, and he thought he saw something in mine, and from that day on, Tyler Durden had followed me.
I could have called the police. I could have called someone else.
But an intense morbid curiosity screamed at me to see what he would do next. I too wanted to play a game, with rules he didn't know.
First of all, no lies.
I immediately explained to him why I was calling him, and Tyler, good Tyler, immediately offered to put me up at his place. He only indicated that the house was not in very good condition, and that his roommate was a bit grumpy.
“Not fucking Marla anymore ?” was the first thing Jack said when he saw me.
This made Tyler laugh, a nervous laugh. He seemed ready to hit his friend, who was eating cereals in his underwear in the kitchen, at three in the morning. This was obviously neither the sentence he should say, nor the behavior he should have.
It was quickly apparent that Tyler expected people to act a certain way, the way he wanted.
So that was my second rule, never do what Tyler wanted.
After the trouble Jack caused, he decided to use his phrase to tease me. Trying to confuse my mind, as he had confused the minds of his roommate, and of several people who later came to squat in the house.
But Tyler forgot that Jack's insomnia made him vulnerable, and that his many space monkeys were pretty stupid.
I wasn't, I wasn't most people. That's why he followed me.
However, I didn't immediately understand what he was doing with Marla. I thought he was fucking her so loudly to annoy Jack, because it was clear that Jack was in love even if he refused to admit it.
He was jealous of Tyler because he could touch Marla, and jealous of Marla because she had Tyler's attention.
Then I realized that he only did this when he knew I would be home, and his bed was exactly above mine.
“He likes to do it a lot from behind, it’s crazy.” Marla had said to Jack to see what reaction he would have, without noticing that I was there. “I don’t know why he likes this position so much, it’s new.”
“Maybe he doesn’t want to see your face.”
"You are mean."
Jack wasn't mean. Jack was a poor little lost boy, who needed to sleep, and he was right.
In his bed, with this body beneath him, Tyler saw beyond the mattress, beyond the floor, and it wasn't Marla that he was fucking.
I was able to prove this easily by asking Jack to change rooms one day. He was surprised, because it was obvious that I had the best room of the place, after Tyler's. He was even a little upset that he didn't have this room when he arrived, a few months earlier, after his apartment exploded.
"Well, I'll leave it to you. Maybe it'll help you sleep."
He was suspicious, but also touched by the attention. He accepted, and we moved quickly, without telling anyone.
In the evening, I imagined poor Jack with his head in his pillow, while Tyler and Marla continued their concert of screams and moans.
Then, as he went down to get some water, the insomniac opened his door to beg his friend to make less noise. The reaction was immediate.
“But what are you doing here ? What are you doing in this room ?”
“Relax, we traded.”
"What ? No. No !"
Tyler went back up to his room, and we heard a creaking sound, indicating that the floor was going to keep a clear track of the bed that was being moved from one end of the room to the other, until it was right on top of mine again.
It was that night that Jack understood that I was not just a passenger he met on a plane and that Tyler had kindly agreed to help. Marla too.
She started to look at me, with her huge black eyes, but never daring to speak to me, probably because she didn't know what to say, and because she didn't want to annoy Tyler.
There was one thing they didn't know.
Tyler himself had no idea why I was here. He had brought me here, and he knew that more than anything he wanted me to open the door to his room while he was with Marla, for me to pull her by the hair and take her place. But he didn't know why.
This man was very good at manipulating others, but he was not very comfortable with his own feelings.
He considered that he had already done a lot for our relationship, whatever it was. He had seen me, he had followed me, he had spoken to me first, he had burned my building, he had offered me a roof.
In his game, it was my turn to move, for several weeks now, and my immobility was starting to irritate him.
I could have continued playing our games if it hadn't been for Project Mayhem.
As for fight club, I didn't say anything, and it had nothing to do with their rules. It was another game, one that I didn't play, and if it amused them to hit each other, that wasn't my problem.
But when the space monkeys invaded the house, whispering plans for mass destruction and leaving instructions for making bombs, I knew it was time to leave.
The game was starting to get dangerous, and a bit boring.
Maybe if I had thrown Marla out, or into Jack's bed, and kissed Tyler to stop him from giving his ridiculous orders, all this wouldn't have happened.
But I hadn't done it, because it might have served no purpose, and because I wasn't like the others, a dog that he could hiss at and run in circles.
The problem was, you couldn't leave Tyler.
He would tell you to leave, you would disappear, but it was never your decision.
The new game was therefore : find a way to escape without being followed.
A nice junkie gave me the solution. I found the body near several trash cans as I was walking home. It was raining, there was no one on the street, no one else had seen them, no one cared.
We were about the same height, we looked a bit similar. With the right clothes, leaving my bag with my papers, and burning the right body parts, it would be almost too easy.
I guess Tyler didn't want to believe it at first, when Bob came to break the news.
Space monkeys found me, totally massacred. The work of a maniac.
This wasn't part of his game, his plan, so Tyler must have been furious. He had to look for who had done it, wondering if it was one of his men, if it was Jack, if it was Marla, if it was him in a fit of madness.
Then after a while, he had to accept.
I have no idea what he did with the body. I did not wait in the area, I immediately took a bus to the most distant city, where I took another bus, without giving my name, and I settled in another state where he would never find me.
I was doing the dishes when they announced on television that an extremist group had tried to take control of the country, and that the leader had been arrested after a long series of murders and attacks.
Seeing Tyler's photo, I pictured him again on the beach, making his giant hand and looking at me. We could have been happy on this beach.
But life is shit, so I finished wiping my plate and I went to bed.
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blorbofightclub · 6 months
The first rule of Blorbo Fight Club: you don’t talk about Blorbo Fight Club.
Welcome to the Blorbo Fight Club. Here, you can send in your Blorbo to be beat the shit out of other competitors in a “who would kick the others ass hardest��� poll match. Winning Blorbos will be returned to the fighting pool and matched again at a later time. Losers are removed from the Club.
Any Blorbo may be submitted, excepting real life serial killers, dictators, and otherwise in-poor-taste submissions. I reserve the right to remove any Blorbo from Fight Club if I feel it crosses the line of poor taste, which is the second rule of Blorbo Fight Club.
Please submit your Blorbo via askbox. If asked off anon, I will answer privately when your Blorbo has been added to the pool. If anon, your ask will be deleted after your Blorbo has been added.
Matches will be queued in advance once I have enough Blorbos to fill the pool. Two Matches per day will be posted.
More information can be found under the cut.
When will we find out the Ultimate Winner?
This is not a bracket tournament. Blorbo Fight Club will go on for as long as there are Blorbos to pit against one another! But after a few matches have passed, I may create a Blorbo Leaderboard to show which Blorbos have won the most matches.
How do you choose the Blorbo matches?
It is done randomly. Blorbos are weighted by the number of matches they’ve already been in, in an attempt to keep one Blorbo from showing up seven times while another has only been in one match. Sometimes I might also pair a match on purpose if I think it’s really, really funny, but for the vast majority of matches, Blorbos are selected at random.
Has my Blorbo already been submitted?
As time goes on, I’ll find a way to streamline the Blorbo submission process. Right now, I’m okay with duplicate submissions; no worries about checking if your Blorbo is there first, you can just submit them.
What if I think the Matched Blorbos wouldn’t fight/would kiss instead/etc?
You should write a fanfiction about that. For the purposes of this blog, only one of them can win, and one of them MUST win.
Okay, so what if it’s a tie?
If a Match ends on exactly 50/50, I’ll consider it a draw and both Blorbos will return to the pool, but neither will get a win.
My question isn’t answered here!
Send me an ask! This FAQ will grow as time goes on, I’m sure.
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bedoballoons · 1 year
@aleksai42 thank you for this idea!! I hope you enjoy!!<3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
A/n: Modern School AU! Part 2! Requests/asks open!!
{༻~What type of classmate/bf they would be~༺}
(Includes: Diluc, Gorou, Itto, Alhaitham, Venti, and Childe!)
Diluc would be quieter than most, preferring to sit in silence as he listens to the teacher and not partake in the whispers of the other students. In fact most of the time he has nothing to do with his classmates, unless someone's being picked on or in some type of trouble. Whenever he sees something like that he'll step in, making himself known as a hero to the select few he's helped and one that doesn't require any thank you afterwords, walking away as soon as he knows the person's safe.
After the two of you started dating, you realized he had a lot more going on in his life than you had originally thought. He's a classic gentleman, holding the door open for you after walking you to school, carrying your books cause he knows they're heavy, and giving you a kiss goodbye whenever you part ways. His absolute favourite thing though, is when the two of you are alone, cuddled up together, his arms holding you tightly as if he never wanted to let you go.
Gorou is a bit of a teacher's pet, he has good grades in every class, follows every rule to the letter and keeps others out of mischief. He has really sweet personality, but because he is such a do-gooder he often gets bullied. He doesn't let that get him down though, in fact he always seems to have a good attitude. He can't pick a favourite class, they're all his favourite...though he really enjoys being outside.
He's honestly a ray of sunshine the second he sees you, getting a little hyper and talking faster than he normally does, usually saying how much he missed you. He absolutely loves when the two of you picnic outside the school, especially when you read aloud to him or you study together. Whenever you're walking somewhere his hands in yours, swinging your intertwined fingers gently back and fourth in time with your steps.
Itto is considered, the tall class clown. He's pretty popular, telling jokes in the middle of lessons or answering questions so wrong everyone has to laugh. He's...not the brightest, getting low grades in most classes, but he makes up for it with his charisma and dedication to the things he enjoys. His favourite thing about school being his mechanical beetle fighting club, it doesn't have a lot of members, but that's never stopped him from having fun.
As soon as the two of you started dating your life became so much better, he was funny, sweet and he loved you so much. Sure he got into some childish messes you had to help him with, but he made it up to you tenfold. Planning adventurous dates, getting you gifts (some sillier than most) and absent mindedly complimenting you all the time, because in his eyes you're truly incredible.
He almost never speaks, to the point most of the class assumes he's mute, until a question he finds particularly intriguing arises and then he could spend a hour describing the answer. He's intelligent beyond his years and most people envy him for it, making alot of the class dislike him. He doesn't really care though, he'd prefer to spend all day reading books then discuss anything with them anyway.
He's not great at showing romance at first, not because he doesn't want to but because he simply doesn't know how. After a couple months though, the two of you find a rhythm and he turns out to be surprisingly good at being a boyfriend. He shows up early to walk you to school, holds you whenever he's reading (so very often) and whenever you two bicker, he's extremely careful to never hurt you. You're truly his favourite person and he'll do whatever he can to keep it that way.
He's extremely charismatic, chatting with everyone at least once and going with the flow to avoid arguments. His favourite class is music, he can play almost any instrument, but his favourites are all string based. He also enjoys theater, though he's pretty good at being in plays he prefers to be the narrator, telling the stories in such a way that captures the whole audience.
His love language is touch, meaning he's always holding your hand, hugging you whenever he can and cuddling up to you during lunchtime. He leaves you origami paper birds in your locker and desk, each one a little poem for you. He also enjoys singing to you, especially when you come to one of the plays he's in and you're in the front row, he can't help but sing right to you, especially when it's a love song.
Childe is slightly confusing to his classmates, he seems nice, always laughing and joking around, people even see him walk his younger siblings to school...but there's something about him that gives off a bad boy vibe. No one can really put their finger on why he seems the tiniest bit like a villain but everyone agrees that there's a reason. His favourite class is p.e., he really enjoys competitive games and is even apart of a sports team.
He loves when you show up to his games, it makes him work even hard to win and when you cheer it makes him confident he can do anything with you there for him. He brags about you often to his teammates and whenever you two are walking through the halls, his arms around you. He loves your kisses, begging you for them whenever you two have been apart more than a day. He also really enjoys when the two of you watch his siblings together, it never seems like a chore with you both there and after everyone's gone to sleep, he can cuddle up with you at last.
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day!*⁠.⁠✧
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sagihairius · 2 years
gonna write a Fight Club musical and this is the only thing I have so far
“The first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club *music starts up* the second rule of fight club is a 5 6 7 8”
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oyeixcher · 1 year
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The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: you DO NOT talk about Fight Club. Third rule of Fight Club, someone yells stop, goes limp, taps out, the fight is over.
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starrsarchive · 3 months
thoughts on the religious themes in fight club?
buckle up anon!! (put those reading glasses on!!)
religion is an important underlying theme that carries throughout the movie and even the book. tyler is created by the narrator out of necessity, encompassing everything that the narrator lacks and offering ‘salvation.’ in a sense, tyler could be comparable to a god. the narrator and others look up to him for guidance and salvation. he offers this salvation; however, you need put your full trust into him and only him. tyler preaches that, “only after disaster can we be resurrected. it’s only after you’ve lost everything that you’re free to do anything.” in short, tyler is offering them a type of rebirth but only until they are willing to give themselves to him.
this parallels the religious ideals of such as christianity. one has to love god and let him into ones life; fully trusting him, in order to be a ‘good christian.’ similarly in fight club, “…tyler said if i loved him, i’d trust him.”
also there are rules of fight club that everyone must obey, similar to the ten commandments that christians must follow. if i were to parallel it to religion, fight club in a sense would represent a church. the men go there and from that experience gain clarity and a type of peace, tyler is a representative of god, whom the men respect and follow. project mayhem; therefore, would be in a sense missionaries, spreading tyler’s word
there are also tons of biblical references! which include:
• the 2 angels on tyler’s business card. it's interesting because they're positioned to look like they’re mirrored, hinting at the relationship between tyler and the narrator
• in the book, tyler had the narrator promise 3 times that he wouldn’t tell marla about him. this feels like an allusion to when jesus asked peter if he loved him 3 times, and then when peter rejected knowing jesus 3 times after jesus was detained by the romans, foreshadowing betrayal
• the first 2 rules of fight club are very similar to how jesus used to instruct people not to tell them of the miracle he performed for them. many biblical scholars and theologians believe this was a way jesus spread the word about himself, playing into the psychology of man and knowing that they’d be more tempted to share if they were instructed not to. there is that scene where tyler scolds the group because there is so many new people, meaning they’ve been talking about it, but it’s clear tyler wants to grow the group so he can carry out project mayhem
• after lou beat the shit out of tyler, he was picked up and carried in a t-pose, like a cross. in the bible, john helps carry jesus’s cross when jesus is too exhausted and weak to complete the trek to his crucifixion
• the song ‘homework’ from the soundtrack has a church choir harmonizing for the last 10 seconds of the song
some of these might be a reach, but, it's clear that tyler is intentionally positioning himself as a god-like figure to the lost souls he ‘saves’ while implementing specific techniques to become a successful leader
this article is also really interesting and touches on a few more things!
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