#the fall of house Targaryen
shihoerusu · 3 months
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The fine line between love and hate
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so rhaenyra starts s3 with a god complex, believing herself to be the prince that was promised from aegon the conqueror's dream... but hugh and ulf will betray her, mysaria will misunderstand her, coryls will undermine her, bartimos will underestimate her, daemon will abandon her, her people will turn against her and burn her castle and kill her dragon. and when everyone who accepted rhaenyra as queen rejects her, the only person left to love rhaenyra will be alicent, who never loved rhaenyra as queen but rhaenyra as a person ("she was the vision that sustained him [...] it was his love for her that kept him resolute in his choice of heir."). alicent, who abandoned her gods and duty to go to rhaenyra on dragonstone and appeal to the person beneath the crown ("i cast myself on the mercy of a friend who once loved me."). alicent, who's made a god of rhaenyra, not as queen, but as the girl she read with beneath the godswood ("come with me.").
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ashbye · 1 month
Ok I'm sorry but if I see one more story labeled x reader and when I go to read it your fugly ass OC named 'nicole' or 'bridget' are in there IM GONNA LOSE MY FUCKING MIND! THAT IS NOT X READER! I know some of you could say "well just switch it out with your name"
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
And if you are one of the people that does this... I will find you and it will not be pretty
No hate to you if your name is nicole or bridget those re just examples
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imasexypotato · 3 months
Cregan: Why are there little handprints on the wall?
Jace (to baby Rickon): Why are there little handprints on the wall?
Rickon: Because I have little hands
Jace: ....*melting inside*
Jace: Because he has little hands
Cregan: .....I see
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godofstory · 1 month
what's the best way to calm down an angry but horny prince?
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a few hours later..
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superprincesspea · 9 months
Courted By the Dragon - Masterlist
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Aemond Targaryen is both the cause and witness to the greatest humiliation of your life. You would rather die than see him again. Yet summer at court and the precipice of civil war have other ideas.
Chapter 1 - Spring
Chapter 2 - A Court of Sharks and Dances
Chapter 3 - Secret Admirer
Chapter 4 - Solitude
Chapter 5 - Cyvasse
Chapter 6 - Total Annihilation
Chapter 7 - Crumbs
Chapter 8 - Dance of the Dragon
Chapter 9 - Favour
Chapter 10- Gallantry and Bravery
Chapter 11 - Remedy
Chapter 12 - Storm Chaser
Chapter 13 - Issa Jorrāelagon
Chapter 14 - Secrets and Sapphires
Chapter 15 - Forfeit
Chapter 16 - Uncle
Chapter 17 - Green
Chapter 18 - Vhagar
Chapter 19 - Criminals
Chapter 20 - Coming Soon
Aesthetic 1
Also available on AO3
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the-daily-dreamer · 14 days
The thing about the breakdown of the Rhaenicent relationship that is talked about but I think is still severely overlooked is the key role that both girls/women (specifically Rhaenyra) play in its destruction.
Because the fandom focuses in on this narrative that the relationship broke down solely because of the ambitions of men. And aside from that fueling the annoying idea that all women are inherently passive victims that suffer because men are ambitious and violent, it’s simply wrong.
While the catalyst was certainly Otto’s ambition and Viserys’s weakness (and perversion), Rhaenyra and Alicent’s relationship truly breaks down because of Rhaenyra’s entitlement, self-serving nature, and inability to see outside of herself and her experiences and Alicent’s (in my opinion reasonable) reactions toward this over time.
The beginning of the break down comes from Otto forcing Alicent to comfort the king and Viserys knowing his desire for her is wrong and forcing her to keep quiet about their visits until he decides to marry her without her prior knowledge or consent. And Rhaenyra (and the fandom) sees this as the ultimate betray against her by Alicent. Rhaenyra holds more resentment against Alicent for the engagement than she does against her father. Why is this? Some might say that it’s because she’s closer with Alicent and therefore would expect more from her than her father (whose relationship with her has been broken by the murder death of her mother). But I don’t think that’s fully the case.
While Rhaenyra having a higher expectation of Alicent may be a reason for her increased and unequal resentment, I think the main reason is that Rhaenyra cannot fathom Alicent could do this because she has never been in this position. Rhaenyra sees this as Alicent being complicit in the deceit and seduction because Rhaenyra would simply rebel. She can’t understand why Alicent wouldn’t simply say “no” to her father or betray the king for her. Rhaenyra’s world view is very blinded by her privilege. She simply thinks Alicent should and could defy her own father because…Rhaenyra has and will again. Rhaenyra is able to disobey her father and get away with it so why can’t Alicent? Ignoring the fact that a crown princess has vastly more power than the daughter of the hand, Viserys is a weak and compliant parent compared to Otto’s manipulative and stern nature. It’s easy for Rhaenyra to disobey because the consequences are either nonexistent or very mild. Alicent doesn’t have this luxury and privilege but Rhaenyra can’t conceive of it.
But also, Rhaenyra sees her father as…her dad. Not the king. Rhaenyra sees it as easy to defy him and his orders because he is her father first and her king second. But for Alicent that is the king. The most powerful man in the world. Defying him could have disastrous consequences for her and her father. But because Rhaenyra doesn’t force herself to see things from another’s perspective, she doesn’t see it as Alicent being beholden to the man who could (if he wanted to) ruin her family or kill her and her father but rather her friend not betraying her dad.
After this we see Alicent be the one to continuously try to extend an olive branch and support Rhaenyra behind the scenes. Asking for Rhaenyra to have the option to choose who she marries (a privilege and kindness Alicent, herself, and every other woman in this universe hasn’t had). Reaffirming Rhaenyra as the right choice for heir when Viserys is questioning his decisions. Defending Rhaenyra against rumors that would damage her reputation. And all Alicent gets in return is snark, anger, and lies (leading to Alicent’s isolation and suffering in court).
Which leads to event two that breaks the relationship: Rhaenyra’s entitled behavior and lying. Alicent spends a great deal of her time coinciding her husband in favor of Rhaenyra. But Rhaenyra, seeing herself as exceptional and above the rules, continuously acts out in ways that hurt her standing. Most especially with her decision to go out and try to sleep with daemon and then pushing Criston to sleep with her.
Alicent is the one to be transparent with Rhaenyra about the “rumor” to get her side. Something Viserys would simply not care enough to do. Rhaenyra, knowing her actions being confirmed would be disastrous, tells half truths to Alicent who is all too eager to believe and support her friend. Even worse, she uses the memory of her mother, something she knows Alicent holds incredibly sacred, to further convince Alicent that she’s telling the truth. And this decision by Rhaenyra to lie (over something she knows Alicent holds dear and has used multiple times to try to connect with her) to protect herself directly harms Alicent as her father and only ally in court is kicked out and ostracized. But that’s not Rhaenyra’s concern. While Alicent has given a lot of effort to protect and defend Rhaenyra, Rhaenyra is far too focused on her on wishes and desires to care about the impacts her choices have on anyone else.
And that’s why when Alicent finds out that it was a lie, a lie that got her father taken away from her, she goes full scorched earth and wears the green dress. Because she realizes that Rhaenyra will never stop being entitled and self-serving. She realizes that all this time and effort she has put into fixing things with Rhaenyra and defending her is completely one sided. Because Rhaenyra can only see things from her perspective and can only see things based on how she can benefit even to the detriment of others (herself, her father, Criston, etc.).
Then the final nail in the coffin is the birthing of bastards. At this point Alicent has had her eyes opened to how Rhaenyra will do as she pleases without considering the consequences (to herself and others) and then she watches Rhaenyra flagrantly birth obvious bastard after obvious bastard, pushing the children she was forced to have further and further down the line of succession behind kids who objectively should not have the throne. And it makes her bitter and jealous and as she should be. The fandom is too obsessed with marking Alicent as the reason the relationship was destroyed because she was unnecessarily jealous of poor Rhaenyra who was just so brave to do as she pleased!
But it’s a spit in the face to Alicent. That Alicent was pimped out and forced the have children with a man she didn’t love at the ripe old age of 15 hole Rhaenyra is free to take a lover and birth obvious bastards and get away with it. She has every right to be angry. Not because she thinks all women should be submissive and bend to patriarchy. Because she is watching how privileged Rhaenyra is before her very eyes while she was forced to suffer the way almost every other woman has.
While I acknowledge that Viserys and Otto are the catalyst for the breakdown of Rhaenyra and Alicent’s relationship. Rhaenyra’s flagrant disregard for others and her entitlement are what truly break the relationship until Alicent is no longer willing to be submissive and accepting of Rhaenyra’s behavior. And this in turn, causes her to make choices that service her and her children. The way Rhaenyra has always done and always will.
The breakdown of rhaenicent was always inevitable regardless of which men were involved. Because at their core, Rhaenyra would always put herself first and Alicent would always come to the realization she is no longer willing to be a doormat.
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 months
the way aemond asked helaena "come with me? to harrenhal?" sounding all of ten years old again
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ofhouseusher · 2 months
i. am. full. of. rage.
i can’t believe they cut the scene where Rhaenys and Meleys were supposed to be lying shattered on the ground—one of the few moments this season with real emotional punch. seriously, who wouldn’t prefer this over a bunch of goofy ass meetings and hallucinations?
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each chance they had to eat on this show they left food on the plate
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greenqueenhightower · 2 months
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Alicent goes to Rhaenyra to avoid shedding any blood, and the Rhaenyra she knew, the one she saw in the sept in 2x03 would have acceded to that. This new Rhaenyra, having amassed great power and now relishing in her newfound strength, does not cower at the thought of spilling Aegon's blood. It is Rhaenyra who believes she can have "all she wants" now that she imagines herself indestructible. Having lost all faith in the green cause, the Seven, and her expectations as Queen, Alicent becomes disillusioned with Rhaenyra herself. Rhaenyra can no longer talk of peace. Alicent's quest to find it as she preserves her and her children's lives fails. She's once again left alone to tread this difficult path of reconciling her duty to herself, her family, and the realm.
"A true Queen counts the cost to her people."
Alicent still is that true Queen, The Queen Who Ever Was, and she offers Rhaenyra the only way out, with the least possible casualties. But even in service to herself and her freedom, Alicent again shows altruism and is called to pay the highest price possible. She's destined to never be completely free and at peace, her inner torment always eating her soul as she drifts further away from the unattainable dream.
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aemondtargaryen · 2 months
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Oh HBO we really could have it all...
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shihoerusu · 3 months
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The mother knows
………….doomed from birth
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hiddenqveendom · 8 days
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❝At just ten and six, Fiyona Bracken is abruptly shipped away from her home in the Riverlands to be wed to Prince Aemond Targaryen. The One-Eyed Prince is initially resentful of the match, feeling it to be a slight on his status, and he remains mostly distant from his wife in spite of her kind nature. As they struggle to form a strong connection, and have a child of their own, Aemond’s inner demons and quest for power drive him further down a dark path, leading to more isolation and struggles in their marriage. His sudden new role as Prince Regent of the realm only further fuels the harsh fire Fiyona so desperately wishes to vanish. With a great war on the horizon, the Prince’s pursuit of power and revenge blinds him to the damage he is causing, all while he uses his love for his family as justification…❞
coming soon!
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gif credit : [x, x , moi]
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sukibenders · 2 months
Not people talking bad about my girl Helaena just to support Aemond. Like, she had a right to ask him if what he did was worth it because, even if Aegon is atrocious, Aemond is the reason that her son was killed in front of her, the reason that she had to choose which of her children dies, and is the reason why she has to live with that now. While other characters played a part in that, without Aemond killing Luke, Jaehaerys would probably still be there or wouldn't have died in such a cruel way. B&C are sent there to kill Aemond, and when they can't find him they follow through with their next order of "a son for a son". And while Aemond may be smarter and more strategic (and not a disgusting man like Aegon) as prince regent, he is still, as Alicent called out, volatile and brewing with unchecked anger. I wouldn't feel safe having him on the throne just as much as Aegon, but because he served face and is the lesser evil I'm supposed to be okay with it? No, Helaena can question this man as much as she likes, for the rest of her life given what she has to go through. (Also, she literally just asked him a valuable question that deeply needs to be considered, so why are people mad at her?)
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gaykingslayer · 9 months
people who've never been in lesbian situationship need to sush about "how it doesn't make sense for alicent/rhaenyra to have any feelings of longing or love towards each other because *gestures at everything*" you just don't get it.
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bryscorner · 9 days
౨ৎ☕︎ sweets & drinks bar - jace and apple cider donuts <3 xoxo
Beary this is soo cute <3 I hope this suffices babes !
Join FallFest !
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– baking with Jace wasn’t a hard task if we’re being honest here
– of course, being well prepared you both already had the necessary ingredients needed to make apple cider donuts !
– to make the atmosphere very cozy and fun, Jace puts on some seasonal fall music (jazz if he’s feeling it) to have as a background noise on the tv in the living room
– you both had an easy pace going, making sure to split each direction and task evenly amongst the both of you
– being the little sneaky sneak this little mischievous boy is, you didn’t miss the way he was coyly taking some chunks of apples and dipping them in the sugar cinnamon powder that was used to coat the outside of the donut
– that little double dipper! you catch him mid-act as he was about to dive into another bite, staring daggers at him while rolling your eyes
– he finishes the bite in his mouth and was trying to play it off as though he wasn’t found guilty of a crime
– he sneakily takes a chunk of the apple and dips it back into the sugary concoction, before you can protest, he puts the apple chunk in your mouth to taste
– the donuts were almost done baking, not missing the way the whole house smelled like fall with the hints of cinnamon, vanilla, pumpkin spice candle lit in the living room…
– you were at the stovetop now, making sure the apple cider caramel sauce doesn’t burn as you kept a slow but brisk turning motion with the whisk
– the music changed to Betty Johnson, her vocals pouring into the comforting air as she sings her rendition of ‘It’s Been A Long, Long Time’ at a softly and calming volume
– you feel a warmth raidiating from your back, before feeling two strong arms snake around your waist from behind, before Jace snuggles his head into your shoulder, swaying you two a bit to the song
– chuckling to yourself, you can feel and hear Jace’s voice humming softly into your ears, as if he’s the only one wanting to serenade you in a quite atmosphere
– he shuts off the stove, making sure the fire is completely off, and moving the pot to a safe spot
– feeling his slightly bigger hands take your waist and slowly spin you around to face him, noting his devilishly handsome face and smile
– taking you hands in his, he positions your hands around his neck, before his hands bring you so close that it’s like you’re almost hugging
– he continues to hum softly, trying not to ruin the song, and sways to a more rhythmic two-step sway
– there’s no way he was real. adorning down at you, softly humming to the song, and just absolutely loving and basking in your presence
– you two sway slow dance for awhile, no words needing to be exchanged, before remembering that the donuts needed to be taken out of the oven before it burns
– after coating the donuts and making it cool off, you make your way to the living room
– where there were already apple cider in two cups, some other snacks on the coffee table, and some autumn throw blankets to set the mood of fall
– Jace arrives with the donuts on the plate, setting it down before hastily diving onto the couch into you arms,
– feeling the pool of warmth radiating from you, not planning on leaving your side for the rest of the night whilst you find a movie to watch to cuddle to and eat your delicious apple cider donuts <3
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