#the fall of Numenor
elladanns · 3 hours
So Pharazôn using the Palantír seeing that Halbrand was Sauron all along is probably what's going to make him want to go to Middle Earth himself and capture him and bring him 'to justice' in Númenor thus setting up Akallabêth... Because if he convinces the Númenorians that everything, including the original trip to Middle Earth, was Sauron's fault, they'd 100% help him go and capture Sauron. Because, yknow, he basically already started a cult (that wasn't foreshadowing at all).
I also think that this is how Isildur will return to Númenor. They bring him back for Eärien, or to hold him hostage until Elendil submits to Pharazôn. Which, obviously, won't go according to plan, since Isildur will 100% break out of wherever they're holding him during the chaos of building Marion's Temple of Morgoth (which I'm assuming Eärien will be designing and building)
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serene-faerie · 4 months
Fall of Númenor Dashboard Simulator
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🦢 fruitofnimloth Following
I don't know what kind of propaganda everyone's been drinking lately, but some of y'all are really starting to scare me.
So friendly reminder:
We're not. Meant. To be immortal.
We already have a longer lifespan than most normal humans. Stop being so entitled, y'all.
💎 immortal-warrior Follow
How is it entitled to think that it's unfair that we don't get to be immortal? If it weren't for us, Sauron would've conquered all of Middle-earth!
We deserve immortality for kicking Sauron's ass!
🦢 fruitofnimloth Following
This is exactly the kind of entitlement I was talking about.
#my posts #the gift of men
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🔥 priestess-of-melkor Follow
You became Melkor's acolyte to gain immortality.
I became Melkor's acolyte to
✨ fuck Zigûr ✨
We are not the same.
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🛡️ lordofandunie18 Follow
This will be my very last post.
For the sake of Númenor, I have to try and appeal to the Valar, just as Eärendil did back in the First Age. If I fail to return, I want all of my followers to pack up and prepare to leave. It's only a matter of time before this island comes to ruin.
Before I leave, I must spread the truth about the king. Though it pains me to do this, I cannot stand by and let his cruelty pass anymore. Here's the truth about Ar-Pharazôn, King of Númenor.
TW: rape, incest, domestic abuse, blasphemy against the Valar, violence.
Read more
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🌾 farmgirlofnumenor Following
Okay, anyone else seriously angry about this new temple that the king's building right now???
Before anyone yells at me, I'm not a Faithful, but I'm not one of the King's Men. I'm just sick of the king's overspending on stupid projects and his obsession with becoming immortal.
There are food shortages in the countryside! People are starving to death and all the king cares about is building this temple! But all these nobles care about is immortality, and I'm just so tired of it all.
Oh, and if you come at me about how I should be blaming the Valar or worshiping Melkor, I will block you.
🌿 forest-lover Follow
Well said, my friend!
All the people criticizing you in the notes must be city people feeling so called out for spending their money on cheap makeup and fake treatments. If you feel insulted by this post, then you're part of the problem.
Quit focusing on making yourselves immortal and focus on helping your people for once!
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👑 jewel-daughter-miriel Following
The storms are growing worse. The ground is shaking beneath my feet, and I can see smoke coming from the Meneltarma.
This will most likely be my last post. Númenor is lost, and there's no hope of saving it.
I can only hope that the end will come quickly.
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🕊️ pelargirl Mutuals
Istg the King's Men are so entitled.
They all act like they deserve immortality because they happen to have longer lifespans than most humans.
But you're all ready to sacrifice innocent people and wage war in the south, all because you kicked Sauron's ass thousands of years ago.
You're all awful people and I hope that Eru smites you all.
#i'm so glad i fled to pelargir #to all my faithful friends still in romenna #please stay safe #vent posts #do not reblog
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🦂 harad-traveller Follow
Reblog if you want a giant wave to swallow Númenor
Likes to charge, reblogs to cast!
💠 long-live-westernesse Follow
Wow, this is so rude. We literally introduced so many things to you Haradrim and this is how you thank us???
And y'all wonder why we destroyed your cities.
🏜️ deserts-of-the-south Follow
Anyways, reblog to destroy Númenor!
#entitled numenoreans
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⚔️ soldier-of-armenelos Follow
*kicks down door*
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🐋 nostalgic-numenor Follow
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The coastline of Hyarrostar, before the Shadow
#vintage photos #numenor #faithful #elendili #hyarrostar #nostalgia
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🐚 faithful-and-tired Following
Is it bad that I actually kinda enjoy watching Númenor sink? I mean, it sucks that my home is gone, but after everything that Ar-Pharazôn did, I'm just glad that the trash took itself out.
I hope Sauron also got swept up in that wave.
🌊 maidenofandustar Follow
Bro people are dying wtf is wrong with you???
I say this as someone whose sister was sacrificed by the King's Men. I know we all suffered, but not all of those people were King's Men!
We should never celebrate innocent people dying, or we're no better than Ar-Pharazôn and Sauron.
🐚 faithful-and-tired Following
Girl my entire family was sacrificed in the Temple of Melkor.
I really don't care about 'being the bigger person'.
I just hope Ar-Pharazôn and all of those pathetic King's Men are drowning like rats right now.
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🗡️ isildur3209 Following
We finally arrived in Middle-earth. It was a rough journey, but we're all safe, if not a little tired.
My brother, wife, and son are safe and sound. However, we got separated from our father's ship thanks to the waves. Don't know what we're gonna do, but for now, I'm gonna take some time to rest and grieve for my home.
#personal #numenor
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Previous post here
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souredfigs · 7 days
Nienna feeling the grief and torment of the faithful under her shrine and Ulmo feeling their blood bleeding into his waters... I am not gonna survive to watch the fall actually
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thelien-art · 1 year
The Fall of Númenor;
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transsexualhamlet · 1 year
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love the illustrations in this book so much. the face of a man who knows his famous tornado blowjob will do the trick yet again
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eri-pl · 4 months
Argh... I made a typo in Precious' name and can't fix it because it's in a poll! :(
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senka-mesecine · 4 months
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Sauron in Númenor holding court at the temple to Morgoth atop of Armenelos.
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drowninginabactatank · 4 months
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My Tolkien shelf gives me serotonin just looking at it 🥰📚
Featuring: The Fall of Numenor, The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Nature of Middle-Earth – all deluxe illustrated slipcase editions.
16 Hill Lane (Halloween Edition) hobbit hole model from Weta.
The Lord of the Rings: Black Gate Little People Collector 4 figure set – Lurtz, Saruman, Sauron and Gollum.
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atane-is-here · 11 months
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Akallabeth, before the fall
Pride & Humility
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msrandonstuff · 7 months
btw do I need to read the silmarillion before i read the books of the children of hurin or about the fall of numenor? i rlly wanna read them now that I finished the lotr but idk if id be missing too much vital info about the lore and everything if i jumped straight to them before reading the silm
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The Fall of Númenor: And Other Tales from the Second Age of Middle-earth
By J.R.R. Tolkien.
Cover art by Alan Lee.
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elladanns · 13 days
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and if they don't now, they will soon!
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serene-faerie · 1 month
Thinking about the gradual corruption of the Lay of Leithian in late-age Númenor.
The King's Men tell the story of a Beren who is "bewitched" by Lúthien's dancing. He is enamoured not by Lúthien's singing, but by her Elven beauty. They speak of a Beren who rescues Lúthien from her treehouse, stealing her away from Doriath. To the King's Men, Lúthien is a damsel in distress, oppressed by the ways of the evil Elves, and Beren is just a mortal man who "liberates" her. The King's Men erase Beren's genuine love and respect for Lúthien. They get rid of Beren's oath to Thingol. And most of all, they erase Lúthien's agency in the tale; they erase her own brave deeds like fighting Sauron and singing Morgoth to sleep. Instead, they give the credit to Beren alone. At this period, Elves aren't yet completely hated, but they are exoticized and fetishized by the King's Men. And they exoticize Lúthien so much until she is just a submissive Elven princess who is nothing more than a prize for Beren to "win".
The King's Men erase the sacrifice of Finrod Felagund and the ten brave Elves of Nargothrond. They ignore the hunting of Carcharoth, Beren protecting Thingol at the cost of his own life, and Lúthien's pleading song to Námo. To the King's Men, the Quest for the Silmaril ends when Beren takes the Silmaril from Morgoth, then brings it to Thingol and Melian. To the King's Men, Lúthien's immortality was stripped from her by her cruel parents, and she was banished from Doriath for daring to love a mortal man. They erase Lúthien's own choice, they ignore how Thingol and Melian accepted Beren in the end. And fundamentally, the King's Men misunderstand the lesson of the Leithian, that Lúthien chose mortality of her own free will for love.
Under the King's Men, the Lay of Leithian is stripped of everything that made it so beautiful and poignant. It's no longer a story of love and hope, but a story about a submissive Elven princess who runs away with a strong mortal man to escape the tyranny of the Eldar.
But thankfully, the true Lay of Leithian was well-preserved by the Faithful Númenóreans.
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souredfigs · 3 days
So I have some thoughts about Eärien and the Númenor plotline in general I want to yap away about so forgive me :
I feel like there is this dilemma with every complex female character in fantasy where the fandom enthusiastically chants "I will support her wrongs !" And when she does something egregious as expected everyone just hates her for the rest of eternity instead of actually TRYING to look into the characters motives and their point of view .
We know that the Kings men and their right wing like reactionary nationalism, superiority complex, and greed is gonna drive Númenor to utter ruin (welcome back SPQR) , its also the major reason why Sauron was able to manipulate Pharazôn so easily , we know that Eru and the Valar and their presence is heavy in not just Númenor but in middle earth and whole of Arda , and we know that the faithful are correct in this situation .
(Lots of people claim that the faithful are right wing religious extremists and paint them as Tolkien projecting his own Catholic beliefs but that's not how I see it . Sure Tolkien held his beliefs very close to his heart but I don't see it as him "projecting" them , from all that I have read so far about the man ,he was never one for imposing his views on others. I mean he was quoting Simone De Beauvior, a feminist of the second wave and an openly bisexual woman whose works were banned in the catholic church , and called her views on death as the "key springs" of lotr trilogy . Yes there are references to his faith in his works , but I for one never see them as being written in there out of malice or a prejudice of a sort , but out of pure love and inspiration. So in my opinion you cannot take the context out when talking about the faithful because in many ways the faithful are the more open minded and progressive bunch in this story.) Again I may be wrong about this but this is just my opinion and what I understand so far :)
But from Eäriens' pov , her absent father (Elendil ily but dammit dude) has returned from a hastly planned and failed voyage without her eldest brother , the only person she could confide in , while the other one (aND WHERE THE FUCK IS ANÁRION?) got fed up with said dad and pissed off to (WHERE IS HE?) .... somewhere out of the capital . Her mother is long gone , their father shut himself off because of it , and now Isildur is also dead and it's all because of (in HER mind do not come for me pls) Míriels support of Galadriel and the old ways . And when she tries to do something about it with her newfound position, her father once again cuts her off and compares her fate to that of her deceased mother, who died in a horrifying way ... so yeah she has the right to be pissed .
Maybe , judging from the teasers in ep 6 Eärien has a Sansa Stark moment where she tries to get Ned I mean , Elendil out of prison but Pharazôn and Kemen shut her off and she realises that she's messed up big time and is now trapped with these clowns basically until you know....... what happens . Or maybe that doesn't happen and maybe she is after all the one who's gonna make Melkor's temple but regardless I am so excited to see her character arc evolve. I am eating up this complex juicy storyline.
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Hold His Own | on ao3.
Elros and his family, for @nolofinweanweek.
Elros left his children the tools and the means to commit all the mistakes of his forefathers, and new ones besides; and he was not sorry for it in the slightest. (All of them come to him in the dark once at least, crying and seasick, wanting to be held and sang to quietness. There was a wave, little Vardamir said it first; and his children after him, too, weeping and afraid as he had vowed they never would be. A wave, and it was angry, and it came for everything).
In his old age, Tar-Minyatur looked little older than his grandson's children. Silver was in his hair, and the silver of his eyes a little dulled; but his mind was sharp still, and eager. He walked the quays every day, and bent his back on harvesting seasons. 
Only his son's growing weakness kept him from venturing out on the fishing vessels that scoured Ulmo's realm for fat tunas and rich whales - and all his children and their children were raised more on tales of the first eventful seal-hunting expeditions up and down the shores of Númenor than on tales of Beleriand.
 Sirion, Doriath, Gondolin and Hithlum - those came later, when they learned their letters and their histories. His brother, in love with lore and the keeping of lore, would argue against it, and no doubt rear his children in the wisdom of Melian's line and the solemnity of eternal memory.
Elros was mortal. He raised his people to love themselves first of all, their cities and language and ways. They sang new songs every season, composed new and useless rhythms with dizzying speed - and the king of Elenna, who had grown among enemies, and made war on Melkor, delighted above all things in this speedy work, the restless pettiness of every day's effort.
The work of one's hands was rarely more beautiful than when it was raised up to protect against wind, hail and spray - than when towers were raised on strong foundations, and around them cities raised on beautiful lines.
He wrote his deeds and thoughts in treatises and decrees, the lore made to be read by lore masters in centuries to come. It was important to keep the past alive, and prepare for the future, study portents and ignore not foresight - Yet not, Elros wrote in the letters he tossed at the waves, Mithlond-bound, at the expense of this year's seaweed nurseries.
Vardamir was hungry enough to learn, and Tindómiel cared mostly for the business of the ships and the studies of the stars - Atanalcar went pearl-diving most of the summer, every summer of his life, and Manwendil liked riding best of all, and was a friend to the sea-birds that brought him small tokens of sea-glass and feathers.
Elros left his children the tools and the means to commit all the mistakes of his forefathers, and new ones besides; and he was not sorry for it in the slightest. 
(All of them come to him in the dark once at least, crying and seasick, wanting to be held and sang to quietness. There was a wave, little Vardamir said it first; and his children after him, too, weeping and afraid as he had vowed they never would be. A wave, and it was angry, and it came for everything).
He soothes them all. Lullabies, half-forgotten and half-improvised, sweet with Menegroth's lilting rhymes; a few tries at the harp, and their little heads rested trustingly on his shoulder, asleep without fear again.
Dreams were only dreams, in the morning. None of them saw bloodshed before their coming of age; none of them would shed blood unjustly, for greed.
Tar-Minyatur knew this, because they were his children. He knew also that their children were like to have children themselves, and for all the friendship of the sea, an island was only so large and plentiful as the number of its people allowed them to be.
The gulls brought gifts to him, too. Perhaps they would do so to his descendants, too, five or ten births down the line, if not twenty. Did birds lose the keenness of their memory, as old men did?
The king's windows were always open, to the fresh star-lit light of the evening, when the weather allowed. In his last years, his bones turned into tyrants even on warm nights, but Tar-Minyatur found time to evade his minders, to bring out his bowl of seaweed and dumplings to the parapets of his towers and speak to Gil-Estel all the same.
All the old people of the island did, when they were soon to die. That last bearing of witness, some of the Edain held, was what stars were for, and this one most of all.
They may choose to tear them down in time, and build them anew, wrote Tar-Minyatur, silver-haired and trembling with the cold of an open window, young still in a way his brother would never be again.
He had taken to reading old philosophical texts with his son's grandchildren, now that they were old enough to be interested in these things, to know death and be a little angry at it, and petulant about the old king's way of teasing them. They went off to complain to Vardamir, who explained everything a little better, a little more sensibly.
No one had called him Elros in many years. All the same, the king wrote: Let them be as they would! That will be their choice! But they shall choose, and choose to look onwards, not back into the unalterable past. The best gift I can give them is to give them some stone and soil to stand upon, and the will to go onwards as they would, with the years they have to live.
 Tar-Minyatur raised his children to know this. Great and terrible things came of that, and he foresaw many, if not most; but then, one must think of this day's effort most of all. The future would come, as certain as the tides and the summer storms. It was enough to leave behind strong foundations, and something of estel to pass onwards. All wise old men in Elenna knew this, and held it to be true.
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