#the fact that puen is into it because it's TALAY
wanderlust-in-my-soul · 6 months
Rose's Day of Asks
Gorgeous gif central. Past and present. Favourite cuties to gif?
Have a great Day💜
My favorite Rose, hello 🌹 What a beautiful day this Rose's Day of Asks is 😊
I love your ask for me, that had me slightly on the edge of madness because how am I supposed to decide on this? But there is no limit to how many cuties I can choose *insert evil laughter*.
Based on the number of sets I have created for each show, KinnPorsche should be in first place, but I wouldn't consider them "cuties". And as much as I loved giffing this show, they are not in my list of favorites anymore. There are cuties I made just one or two sets for, which are way higher in my list of favorites, like Sing My Crush - Baram x Hantae. I just loved catching their cute moments in my gifs.
Rose's Day of Asks: Past and Present. Favorite Cuties to gif.
The shows may be from the past, but are still present in my heart. And to clarify, the past is everything from 2023 and before. I had to draw a line somewhere😅
Kawi x Pisaeng from Be my Favorite
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Those two had me in a chokehold. Kawi's story of becoming the best version he could possible be was so good, emotional, inspiring and relatable. And Pisaeng's journey to love himself and be true to his feelings was so beautiful. I loved all of this show. And those two are just so CUTE!!!! I mean look at them:
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Guess it is time for a rewatch...
Dongwook x Dohyun from A Breeze of Love
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They have the cutes smiles and yes, the story might not be the most original, but it was one of my favorite shows from 2023. I loved their story and their love and just them. Dongwook was finally ready to be true to himself and his feelings for Dohyun and the latter understood what happend in the past, but that there was a chance for both of them in the present and future And they went for it and finally became happy together and them together is the cutes shit out there! And I loved giffing their moments. It felt like being a part of their journey, even though I made just a few gifs. They are in my heart forever!
Ai Di x Chen Yi from Kiseki
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Those are the two biggest and deadliest puppies out there. The fact that they needed this fucking long to finally get together and as soon as they become a couple they are this whole cheesy lovebirds is just the ultimate cuteness. I mean Chen Yi allows Ai Di to die first and then won't be able to live without him for one teeny tiny second. And who wouldn't want to pinch Ai Di's cheeks?
Vice Versa
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It is not so much the couple I loved to gif, but the show itself. I was totally amazed by the color concept for each episode and was obsessed with finding the perfect scenes. Talay and Puen were cute, but the show itself was kind of a mess and a little bit lost on its way to the final, and I love JimmySea way more in Last Twilight, but for the whole giffing part, this show was so much fun to work with.
Present (2024 and ongoing series)
I have to admit, I am in a little giffing-slumb for a few weeks now. Nothing serious, but I need to find my rhythm again after my long sickness and the overfilled fridays. On fridays I have a short work day and more time for my hobbies, but since today I am working part-time and hopefully I get more time for myself and my hobbies again. But I digress 😅
Starting this with the same pairing we left the past with:
JimmySea aka Mhok x Day from Last Twilight
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I was so in love with this series and them until they fucked up the ending (imo). I am still not very fond of the ending. But I am still very fond of them until episode 9/10. I still love Mhok and think he is the biggest and cutest green flag out there. I loved to gif their journey of how they found each other. I cried with them and I laughed with them, and in the end I cried for them...
Myungha x Yeowoon from Love for Love's Sake
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Just them! Them! Them! Them! Them! Them! Them! I love them. They were perfect. This show was perfect. And especially Yeowoon's facial expressions were pure perfection. It was a cuteness overload. Myungha still owns my whole heart and he was cute in his own way. This was, without a doubt, my favorite korean bl ever and one of my most beloved couples ever. My love for them is still as strong as it was when this series aired. I am still kind of obsessed.
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I mean... look at them!
Qian x Yuan from Unknown
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Okay, perhaps these aren't really cuties on the first look, but let's be honest: The first few episodes Yuan is such a cute puppy, orbiting around Qian. And Kurt is such a handsome young man. And don't get me started on Chris' smile - addicting. Yeah, I am kinda obsessed with them and their story. And this story is everything but cute right now, but for me these two are the cutest and I will gif the shit out of them! And I guess from epsiode 8 on, we will all lose our shit when their relationship change into something really... "cute".
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Okay, these are a few of my beloved cuties I enjoyed giffing. There are way more and I could make this list go on forever, but I have to go to bed now 😅
This was such a fun ask! Thank you so very much! 🌹 And I hope you have a great day yourself! 🤍
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stormyoceans · 10 months
what if morkday is puentalay just in another universe????
but i mean who could blame us, really, even leaving aside the fact that the concept of vice versa itself is based on parallel universes, we're only at episode 3 of last twilight and i already lost count of all the parallels between morkday and puentalay LIKE!!!!!!!!!
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AND THESE AREN'T EVEN ALL OF THEM I HAD TO LEAVE SOME OUT BECAUSE I WAS REACHING THE TUMBLR IMAGE LIMIT PER POST. this is also without counting the parallels between mork/puen and day/talay as characters. or the fact that there's phorjai/pang too
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
D'awwwww. ❤️🥰❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️🥰
Like that's the goey fluff ball I feel like after the Vice Versa finale. So sweet!
I also loved getting a peek at what was happening in the other universe through Talay's dreams! Us as the audience also spent a lot of time there with Puen and Talay, getting to know all those great characters, so it was satisfying to get the loop closed on how they might be doing at the end too.
Anyway! Thanks for letting me word vomit at you about bls and always answering my random anon q's! You run a wonderful blog and I love getting to chat bl with someone who gets it! ❤️
how are we supposed to move on from vice versa 🫠 i need help yall
ugh anons. I agree so much. what a finale.
I was so scared after that trailer that they would travel back again because that would've been.....not to my liking lol. 
But I love that they had them deal with problems in their real world as opposed to the other one and it was so well done too. The celebrity x mundane plot didn't come to my mind when thinking about the conclusion to their story but I really liked how they did it. They didn’t squeeze any dramatic climax in there but rather gave a nice conclusion and a glimpse into their real lives.
The part where Talay talked about their friends through his dreams made me so emotional 🥺 that was so nice. The fact that we got to see that from his perspective as opposed to them actually switching over to the other side to see what they're up to was amazing. I loved it so much 🥺 And not just that but them meeting the alternate versions of some of their friends was so fun lol. Tup and Tou...... what icons you are lmao.
And puen and talay eventually reuniting and then the friend credits thing at the end 😩😩 gosh. this was really the best wrap-up they could've done. It's the feeling of epic-ness and a zoom-out into the bigger picture that I experienced with TOL as well and that I like a lot. this director is really onto something lmao. I hope he continues his work next year.
But yeah this was incredible and I'm still so grateful that they chose to break the curse of ep11 because that episode still remains my favorite. what a masterpiece. thank you gmm 💜
oh and also thank you for liking my blog 🥺💜 have a wonderful day anon!!!! 
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Hey! I usually understand and even often share your opinions (most famous example being on KinnPorsche...) but I must admit I don't really get you on Vice Versa. Like, the show is not perfect, but hating it solely (as it seems) on the fact Puen didn't tell his name to Talay till they had to get back to their universe? Talay himself barely cared. He must have asked for it twice in 10 episodes. And Puen didn't give him another name pretending it was his, he told him right away he wouldn't give him his real name because he's a famous actor in their universe. As for the reason why, it was pretty obvious from the beginning and got clearly stated in later episodes (but of course, one can find this not ok in any case). I suppose I don't really understand the hyperfocus in this case (as all your other criticisms always seem to go back to this point, no matter how unrelated they are). Especially as you seem determined to read every one of Puen's action from this point as manipulative. Well, I guess it's just a complete different approach of that show and this character in particular! Thank you for always sharing your opinions with passion and depth anyway, I enjoy most of your posts and they really bring something to the platform
First, you are always free to just disagree with me on a show. Like, go ahead. My opinions are not sacrosanct or anything. But I'm still going to go ahead and explain this because, honestly, this is a pervading issue with how Jittirain writes relationships (or at least has written several relationships.)
For me it bothered me because it started out bothering Talay, made sense to bother Talay, caused a deep jealousy in him at one point and the rest of the show just... glossed over it. Just went 'yeah, you remember how it bothered him? nah! Nope. Doesn't care anymore, tee hee' and it drove me nuts, obviously.
But the same thing happened with Talay's desire to go home. He seemed very focused on it one more and then, bam, stopped caring for multiple episodes or time skips in which he seemed to decide to do Absolutely Nothing and then he's suddenly care again for fifteen minutes and then nothing at all over again and I never understood that.
See, the problem for me is that building a relationship on the basis of a willingness to lie for an extended period of time is painful. Like, yes, he was a famous actor for the lying went for over a year. Can you imagine how that would feel? To have someone lie to you about their name and for you know it's a lie for over a year because they don't trust you enough with their name? Yes, Puen was a famous actor but I promise a month into that Talay wouldn't have cared. Or even two months! But a year? More than a year, actually, since everyone seemed to indicate he'd been gone around two years from the personality change.
Look, part of the problem with the show was that Talay didn't care about the lying. It was part of the same thing that happened in FUTS where suddenly extended lying and deception, the entire reason Pi isolated himself, didn't matter because Mork... did nothing but support him via insults.
If the character should care but doesn't that doesn't make it better it just makes me more frustrated because it doesn't make sense. Talay's entire goal was to get back to their universe and, fairly quickly, it was to get back to their universe with Puen. So the idea that he didn't care about his real name or face makes no sense.
He did care in the early episodes and he tried to find out and when he stopped it was because the show realized that if he did care the romance could never, ever, ever have a chance so he had to stop caring not because it made sense for him but because the show needed him to.
But also it felt very manipulative. It meant that it always felt like Puen was pushing for complete trust and love from Talay without giving it back in return. Because he was. Puen wanted Talay to confess, Puen wanted Talay to be honest, Puen wanted Talay to constantly talk to him about all kinds of different things but he never gave that in return. Puen didn't give Talay his name, didn't talk his life, gave nothing to Talay in return but constant pressure to love him more and that's very manipulative.
Look, the honest answer is that I found Puen to feel very like he was trying to use Talay's loneliness against him and that he was willing to go to any length to make sure that Talay was reliant on him for everything to insure that he wouldn't lose him. Was this probably based on the fact that he was wildly insecure despite his fame? Yes. Was it still manipulative? Yes.
The part where he ran away after the scene about Talay objecting to them staying in the new universe and Talay was the one made to feel bad for it despite literally everyone trying to get back to their own universe and the fact that he's been clear about wanting to go home and Puen promising to go home with him repeatedly?
See, part of the problem is that I stuck on the name because it was the first thing that happened and kept going.
But the part where Puen repeatedly promised to go home with Talay, to wait for him, insisting the was his portkey and the only way to Talay to go home only to spring on him that he didn't want to go home and to make that entirely about Talay having to apologize to Puen?!?! pissed me off even more. It's just that the show gave us not even a moment to actually focus on that because it was so determined to be like 'nuuuuu, Talay loves Puen so much he just has to understand!!!!' even though it was a fucking cruel move to have spent so long talking about going home only to be like 'psych I don't wanna!'
Look, go ahead, enjoy it. I don't get it but sure. I won't judge anyone for liking VV the way I do for FUTS, it's not that kind of relationship and it's probably just a hang up for me based on my dislike of lying.
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mhokday · 2 years
Ahhh... Everything fell into place!! The mom accepting them, the friend overjoyed and Puen sticking it to his manager! And OMG they're fact that this universe has the things that the other one has too... 🤯🤯
And the scenes with Tup and Tou... 😂😂😂 him explaining it TUP!
What about that colour huh?
it was a really nice episode! cool to see stuff from the other universe! i think even though its hard to color an episode as /clear/, it still came out well. like the sky during the lakeside scene i think made me think of "clear". it's a nice color to wrap up the show with because it's clear what is important to them, their love, which is really nice.
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karebear923 · 28 days
Vice Versa rewatch ep 6
I’m back on my nonsense! Let’s gooo!!
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Episode 6 is Fire Yellow! Yellow can stand for happiness and hope, but also caution and cowardice. Talay wears yellow for the first half of the episode and Puen wears it for the second half.
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Yeah sorry Puen, Talay did it better 🤭😍
Also, it’s kinda funny to call him Puen now since I completely forgot his real name the first time I watched (in my defense they never say it again until the big reveal!) and just called him Tun in my mind and Brad Pitt out loud (see previous posts for the origin of that nickname 😅)
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Ohhh I forgot it was just an imagined scenario!! 😩 I was newly shook!!
I love Tess’s friends!! They really noticed he was feeling down and stayed with him all night to be there for him but didn’t push him to talk since they knew he didn’t want to 🥹 and Kita my beloved giving the best advice every 👏🏽 single 👏🏽 time! 👏🏽 Don’t be afraid to fall in love Talay!!
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WAAA THE ROMANCE OF IT ALL!!! 😭😭😭 SUCH AN ICONIC MOMENT!!! This is why I love this show so much!!! Talay singing the love song Puen wanted to hear!!! Him saying all the minutes he missed Puen because he counted them!!! And Puen responding with how many seconds that was without hesitation because he was counting too!!! 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
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Oh I missed these besties so much!!! They’re such great friends too!! This whole show is full of the best besties!!
I love how this show has such romantic moments like Puen being smooth and saying the sound of the sea (talay) will help him fall asleep 🥰 but then it turns funny cause Talay literally makes loud ‘shhhh’ wave sounds in Puen’s ear! 😂
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I remember loving this detail of having the true Tess and Tun (Ohm and Nanon) show up in the Polaroid! Cause we’ve spent so much time with Talay and Puen’s faces (Sea and Jimmy) and this was a little visual reminder that as much as they’ve assimilated into this new world, they are still very much living someone else’s life.
(shh we’re ignoring the fact that they looked like actual Puen and Talay in Puen’s cellphone selfie shh)
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P’Joob’s death hit me so hard the first time around! I really did not see it coming. She was always kind and positive and she’s literally wearing a bright happy hopeful yellow this whole episode! I got emotional watching it again 😢 and seeing P’Dol regret never telling her how he felt really hit Talay hard. Life is so uncertain and all we have is the here and now.
And it showed another major plot point! That if the person you swapped with dies, then so do you! Talay is so scared of being alone and now that’s another fear added to his list 😔 he’s not just afraid that Puen might switch back without him, but now either of them could unexpectedly die! But Puen reassured him at the end of the episode that he’ll always be with him no matter what! 🥹
I’m not good with words nor am I good with dissecting shows and finding hidden meanings or anything like that. I love reading the tumblr discourse that others write cause it’s stuff I would’ve never figured out on my own or stuff I wouldn’t be able to properly phrase myself. So that being said I’m back to writing these posts with just my thoughts and feelings as I watch this show. I do think Talay was more cautious yellow in the beginning of the episode but he leaned more towards the hopeful yellow by the end. He’s still cautious but he’s letting go and trusting Puen more.
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like i said yesterday that i didn't think it was funny how the show was poking fun at the fact that talay still feels like he can't trust puen and now talay's just proven right because puen's still a liar whose first instinct is to emotionally manipulate him and he's incapable of change
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my-usernames-posts · 2 years
I want to emphasize that Puen & Talay had a mutual love at first sight moment.
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It's not just the physical contact. Talay doesn't idolise Puen as a celebrity, he only meant to keep distance & avoid looking creepy. So he's basically having a "Fuck he's too attractive my heart can't take it" moment.
Puen on the other hand finds Talay cute. Initially he must have assumed Talay as another nervous fan. He's a celebrity. He must have met so many people who tell that they're friends are his fan. He couldn't resist, plus he had to be polite as a public figure. This he accepted the present.
Now for the deciding factor. I want to believe Puen was just being nice. When he told the person who drew the alpaca which looks like a lama must be cute. It could mean one of the 2 things
If your friend drew this, I think it's cute they put in effort to customize it
If you're nervous & using friend as a cover, then you're double cute considering point 1 as well
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Just look how he pauses to call Talay cute with an endearing smile when he learns it was he who drew it.
Puen has to keep his distance with a fan but his smile of intense adoration shows he finds Talay charming. Maybe even attractive. And if it was in another world where they were not fan-celebrity he'd want to get to know Talay (WHICH IS PRECISELY WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN AFGSVAVAJW)
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This scene is PROOF that Talay is fucking attracted to Puen. He has poise, charm & consistent (from his interaction with the director, he's still as polite as he was at the airport) Puen even tried to communicate & make Talay comfortable when he could've just tried again without having to talk to him.
Talay's repeatedly being put in a situation where the man he's attracted to is being nice to him & has his face literally centimeters away from his own. He's losing it & we're here for it 😂🥰✋🏼
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Now for Puen. There was ABSOLUTELY NO need of fixing the hair & makeup of somebody playing dead. Because it's not mentioned that it's some protagonist who NEEDS to look beautiful even in death to evoke pity 😂
Puen got a chance to be near the person he had a fleeting crush on. He's just living his best life by living in the moment & going "OMG I touched my crush, he's so close to my face, he's gorgeous!!" 😂😂😂
Puen is DEFINITELY the one who's whipped more. Just look at him 😂💙🤍
Because Talay is gleaming with joy on his job offer & it has nothing to do with Puen. In fact, he must be frustrated as it's disrupting his shoot & schedule
But here he goes, smiling to himself seeing his crush be happy & finding it cute.
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On an important note, Talay knows it's most likely a celebrity crush & Puen is not someone accessible in his social circle.
But Puen is falling hard for Talay's transparency & overall nervous, awkward behavior & we're living for it.
In conclusion Talay is having a Y/N moment that none of us never had 😔😪
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tiistirtipii · 2 years
Anyone else unsatisfied with episode 11 of Vice Versa? This is gonna be a bit of a thought dump.
- my low key favourite thing about this episode was seeing Nanon on my screen again, Tun seeing Up and Aou again was super cute. But no conversation with Talay? No ‘hey dude btw while you were gone we merged our friend groups and produced two films, you’re now officially a screenwriter and me and the guy in your body have been dating so that’s a little awkward.’ Nothing? He just went right in and joined the group and they left Talay behind?? No one questions it?
- Jimmy’s acting in the ambulance was super good, he looks scared and shocked and it was a really great scene. But also chill dude you can get out of the ambulance at the hospital.
- one of the really disappointing things to find out is that while Puen and Talay spent two years discovering they were each other’s portkeys and getting closer while changing Tun and Tess’s lives for the better, it seems like, for Tess at least, he spent the time wasting away Talay’s life. Not learning his lesson or growing up or anything. I know Tess and Tun didn’t have a Dol to ask questions or to understand the travelling but I was expecting some kind of parallel between their stories. Also doesn’t explain why Tun switched back, why did he dream if he didn’t find his portkey? Was it because Puen did?
-Really upset that no one looks for Talay at the beach for a month, nothing explaining to their friends why he’s there, no scenes of them worrying about him. No understanding for any of Friend Credits why suddenly Tun doesn’t care about Tess. It puts a bitter taste in my mouth that he was there for a whole month just so the tide could lower? It just made them miss each other it wasn’t because of Talay being emotionally ready or not to go back or anything more meaningful than that.
- I do get a little happy over the fact that Tess probably woke up by himself on an island with no friends waiting for him. Serves him right for being selfish and not caring about Talay’s life. I can only hope there was some unshown scene of Puen explaining what Talay did for him and his life but from what we’ve seen of Tess it seems like he’ll probably just flush that all away and go back to his old ways.
-which just makes it sadder that I thought that Tess & Tun and Talay & Puen were supposed to be parallels and that Tess and Tun would be falling in love and becoming each other’s portkeys at the same time. Not just stagnantly living lives they don’t own.
- Talay’s return scene was really good acting from Sea, him waking up and realising he is home (putting on the glasses!), seeing his mom and brother was really sweet
- the whole thing with Talay not being able to get to Puen only makes sense angst-wise. As if Puen wouldn’t have made it as easy as possible for Talay to contact him but I don’t mind a delayed reunion for the angst, at least it makes the reunion sweeter
- Tess even ruined Talay’s friendships? wtf Tess. And they just accepted that he was a different person for two years? If my friend started acting really different after a near death experience I would make sure they go see a therapist. Not just leave them until they ‘change back’
-I called it that the coffee shop was gonna be the place they reunited but that wasn’t a tough thing to guess.
- coffee shop guy, biggest ally of 2022.
- Puen not questioning how who he thinks is Tess found this coffee shop or why he is in there about to cry?
- the reunion was really cute I have to admit. Puen’s face when he heard Talay say Ai’dang was amazing.
-coffee shop guy on the phone: ‘yes I know I’m supposed to be closing the shop but there’s two guys in there having an epic reunion. Of course I’m not going to interrupt them, what am I, a homophobe?’
- ending scene and sponsorship scene were pretty cute, the Lotus flower throwback was nice.
- I’m worried for the next episode, I’m not sure if they can or will fix the issues with this one or what’s going to happen. I hope if they switch again that Tess doesn’t screw up Talay’s life and job or else he’s gonna have to catch these hands
- I hope Aou and Fuse are doing ok, even if they didn’t check on their friend for a month. Aou looks upset in the episode teaser, I wonder if it’s at Tun or Tess.
This is the longest post I’ve ever made but I had to put my thoughts somewhere. Dm me if you have any thoughts about it because I clearly need someone to talk to about these shows. Ultimately, I was disappointed by the interactions between Talay and Tun, by Tess’s character and generally unsatisfied with parts of the story from this episode. I’ll start praying now that episode 12 will bring it all together nicely. Props to the actors.
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stormyoceans · 1 year
Can i kindly redirect your attention to the fact that Talay easily caught Puen and held him without problems around the waist like 👀 Something tells me this is not the first time it happened
and like not to be that person but im obsessed with how everyone involved in this show decided that top/bottom discourse is stupid and that the only reason puentalay is called like that is because it rolls off the tongue better than talaypuen. p'x kicked the door open the first day of workshop like LISTEN UP PEOPLE. WE'RE MAKING THESE BOYS SWITCHES. THEY BOTH LIKE TO MANHANDLE AS MUCH AS THEY LIKE TO BE MANHANDLED AND I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW ABOUT IT. one employee in the background timidly raising their hand and going like but how are we gonna do that if we gotta keep things PG-13. jimmy heard that and went like CHALLENGE ACCEPTED meanwhile p'x had already pulled up a 23 pages power point presentation on HOW TO USE TROPES TO VISUALLY SHOW THAT YOUR CHARACTERS ARE VERSES
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thequeenofsastiel · 2 years
That episode was reasonably charming, though I stand by my assertion that they made a mistake with having the characters not look like the people they are in that universe, and the time jump didn't make any sense. There's no way their relationship would have stayed static like that. The show keeps making the same mistake of having time move forwards while the characters seem to stand still. I do like that now I'm really feeling the chemistry. I wanted them to mutually kiss the entire episode, and they gave me butterflies when they held hands, so that's for the good.
I will say that this show doesn't seem to have any kind of arc. They're going the Don't Say No route of having the characters just live their lives with no real story. Sure, they're dealing with the fact that they're in an alternate universe, but that doesn't really feel important a lot of the time. It's like every once in a while they'll mention it, but it seems to have little effect upon the way they live their lives. It feels very in the background, and makes me wonder why it's there in the first place. You could completely remove that part and the love story between Talay and Puen could more or less stay the same. It could have easily been a story about a colorist and an actor falling in love. Including the fantasy element and not really doing much with it feels like a waste.
I'm not saying I'm not enjoying this show, because I mostly am. I just think that if they were going to go the fantasy route, they should have had it mean more.
8/10 on the ep.
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chalkrevelations · 2 years
Listen. I know that I always, always have to course-correct for the Jimmy spoiler effect - given that I’m, like, the premiere (if not ONLY) Wai apologist on this hellsite - but I feel like I’ve been seeing discussion of what? exactly? the hell? Puen is up to in his interactions with Talay that tend to come at it heavily weighted from Talay’s ... ugh. I don’t want to say “side,” but I guess that’s the quickest, most effective way to get across the delineation I’m making, even if the word is a blunter instrument than I’d like.
Anyway, I feel like I’ve seen a lot of discussion out there about whether and how Puen is possibly playing Talay, using him, trying to force the portkey issue, trying to engineer a romance, playing or acting at romance, and questioning whether his feelings are real at all, and I just can’t help looking at this from Puen’s POV.
I think first of all, we have to at least consider the idea of soulmates - whether fated or grown into, but something that recognizes Puen and Talay had A Moment in their own universe before anyone ever jumped into the new universe, and that since both showing up in the new universe, they’ve been drawn to each other in some way. This makes me think that something in each of them responds to something basic and fundamental in the other, no matter what universe or bodies they’re in. (I ... am not going to start excavating the question of how much your physical body, with its unique individual wiring and its constant bath of hormones etc, actually does make up who you are as a person, how we are embodied beings and that effects who we are, and whether and how much Puen and Talay are actually even “Puen” and “Talay,” anymore, if they’re in Tun’s and Tess’s BODIES. That’s something for a later date.) Can they be soulmates (fated or grown-into) without being each other’s portkeys? This is a question that I’d be interested to see the show tackle - how would they distinguish between soulmate and portkey? CAN you MAKE someone your portkey, as Puen suggests, if you grow into each other as soulmates, even if you’re not the “fated” type? Can someone be your portkey without being your soulmate, with someone else being your soulmate? (I think this is a possibility, if they retain some of the plot and relationship dynamics from the initial trailer, which suggested Puen universe-shifts back before Talay does. Or. Fuck me running, I just had a maybe far-fetched thought, what if Puen can’t handle whatever’s between him and Talay, or wants Tun’s life so badly, that he pretends to BE Tun, acts like he’s universe-shifted back before he even does ...) ANYWAY, The fact that Puen seems to respond to Talay in both worlds with at least interest and affection makes me think that there’s some actual, true emotional response there as a fundamental bedrock for him/them to build on.
On top of that, we have the issue that Puen, who apparently is a well-known celebrity back in his own world and his own life, is getting a chance to see if Talay likes him, could possibly love him without his fame ever being a factor. Yes, Puen concealing his true identity is not great, but come on. Be honest. If everyone you met knew who you were, if a fair number of them always wanted something from you, wanted a piece of ... not even really you, but the image you project, the product you sell - how tempting would it be to see if someone could fall in love with just you? None of the image, none of the fame, just you as yourself?
A final thing I’m going to point out right now - and this probably does presuppose that at least some of what Puen is feeling is real - is that he’s dealing with a situation in which he’s potentially having some kind of romantic feelings for a guy who has vehemently disavowed interest in romance or a romantic relationship. Given this, I find it completely understandable that he’s being cagey about his own true feelings. He couches all of his advances in movie/tv dialogue because it gives him both self-protective emotional distance and plausible deniability. He keeps playing the plausible deniability card for everything it’s worth. Every time Talay confronts him, he claims what he’s doing is an act, and we (OW GDI MY HEART) seem to get the suggestion in the preview for Ep 5 that he’s going to do this YET AGAIN about the kiss at the end of Ep 4. While it might theoretically outside of Plato’s cave be better for him to be honest, I’m’a suggest that it’s a little unfair to expect him to hold out his heart to be trampled all over without any protection when he’s consistently been told by this other guy that love can fuck right off. I’ll be super interested to see what he does the minute Talay gives an unambigous indication that he’s open to ANY actual romantic feelings and relationship, let alone something with Puen.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
You know, Puen, you literally hired someone who said he was going to sabotage your film and your told Talay to get over it but now that Mek is actually going to help you're against all of this because he might attempt to flirt with him after pushing him around and bullying him?
... Well, hey, if it isn't the consequences of your own actions! Maybe try listening to Talay next time.
I kind of already ship Talay and Mek despite myself. At least Mek is going to be upfront about himself and talk to him and isn't hiding secrets upon secrets or hiring people who hate him just because.
I'm down for some second lead syndrome despite it being completely hopeless and pointless. I don't even care. @absolutebl oh no I'm doomed.
Also, dude, he has to work with him. Because you chose him despite the fact that he literally only agreed to work on your fucking passion project to destroy it.
Like, I understand some of this but I absolutely do not understand why Puen would be so eager to hire someone who is trying to sabotage the project and openly admits it. Isn't this his friend's passion project as well? Why is he so willing to throw it all away on the hope that he comes around?
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saifahname · 2 years
Vice Versa - EP 1 mini analysis
So my day was awful but this first episode was great so let’s go
First, the color. The use of the ocean blue color is expected: this episode, Talay finds his (almost) death in the ocean, the most important symbol for now. But the color blue sets the vibe: it can be a calming color, known to have a relaxing effect on people, constant and unchanging (like the ocean). However, when overused, the color blue symbolizes depression and sadness, with almost threatening associations. It can feel cold, impersonal, unfriendly - like how you would feel about a new universe you suddenly wake up in (or how Talay describes his feelings after what he thought was a failed interview).
Blue is the color that separates bodies of land from one another - in this case, the color that separates universes from each other.  It is also sometimes considered a symbol of wisdom and introspective journey - hinting at the long eventful path both Puen and Talay will have to take in order to find themselves, both literally - by returning to their world, and figuratively. 
From the get-go I can say that I am not the biggest fan of making them meet each other before the reincarnation. In my mind I would have preferred a blind union back in their world, but I hope (and know) X will make this work beautifully in the end anyway. 
We get to meet Talay: passionate, reliable, and kind of obsessed with his work. All his actions, before the reincarnation, set his character as someone who is willing to work hard for whatever he has to, be it his dream job or something he promised his friends. He is desperate at first to go back to his universe where he just started his job, even more when he finds out Tess was but in his body, which means everything he worked for is probably going to be f*cked, as he said. 
So to see him get put into trouble-maker Tess’ body is going to be a ride. Luckily, he has Phuwadol and Joopjang to guide him (I am mentioning them because I need to mention my huge crush on both the characters and the actresses). 
THE EASTER EGGS!!! - I appreciate little cameos of other actors playing their characters from other series or things like quotes, etc. They have a very nice and funny touch. Just like all the things particular to this universe: the paper being transparent, the way to count, wine/beer inversion, etc.
Fuse and Kita - I would die for both of them, but they also tell us more about who Tess is: a spoiled kid, who doesn’t do much, but loves to party and who got beaten up because he flirted with someone else’s girlfriend. He doesn’t help/is not interested in his family business and makes a point in not helping at the company. A lot of times this episode, Tess and Talay were put in antithesis: their economic upbringing, their passion and how Talay was so willing to go to work when he found out it’s a film company, how Tess is more of a happy-go-lucky guy while Talay is more stern and serious. 
I am pretty sure, also, that Pakorn did not reincarnate yet. What would be his reason to avoid Tess like the plague if it was Puen in his body already, who has no idea about any history behind Tess and Tun. 
For me, this was a great first episode. It set the pace and we also got to meet all the main characters we’ll focus on, but it also left a veil of mystery over Puen/Tess and the exact history behind Tess and Tun. It had comedic moments (the cherry for me was Talay blocking Tun’s way with his leg). I can’t wait to see more of Puen in Tun’s body and the changes in him. 
(what I also find interesting is the fact that the characters actually resemble each other in an X: Talay, a passionate colorist, resembles Tun, an aspiring screenwriter, both in the domain they work in but also in personality, while Tess and Puen seem, at least, more similar than Talay and Tess. Just something that I remarked and found interesting to point.)
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tobeornottotc · 2 years
I also like the fact that Talays thing isn’t homophobia or a thought that he’s always been straight and that’s what he’s goanna struggle with but more just that he just doesn’t want to let love in because he doesn’t see the use for it and he’s more focused on his work and getting his goals and dream job to be satisfied.
So when he struggles to let and see Puens flirtations as something romantic it’s because he’s just not comfortable with the idea of it because he never wanted to fall for someone 😭 this is why the more he falls for Puen and the more he struggles to try and push away what it means and then once they are together and Puen finds his portkey it will be just insanely painful because it was exactly what he was afraid of love being burdensome and useless 😭 but I mean it’s not the end of the world he and Puen hopefully if the show doesn’t do amnesia trick could still maybe find each other in the real world but how long would that wait be, who would be Talay’s portkey and so much more painful questions to go through when he finally falls and let’s him in 😭 this is what I wanted to feel with vice Versa and I am starting to think that, that’s what we’re goanna get later 😭
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patmycheek · 2 years
Tbh I think it’s better if Talay and Puen aren’t each other’s portkeys. Maybe it’s because I still don’t understand the concept of portkeys and how they actually work. But I also think that the whole portkey thing can later be used as an excuse for Talay to deny his feelings, something like “I only have feelings for you bc it’s a portkey thing”
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As someone who’s single by choice and will only fall in love by choice as well, I feel like the fact that they’re not each other’s portkeys but just happen to fall in love with each other bc they spend so much time together just further enforces the concept of free will in love.
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