#the fact that people on tumblr talk like the replier here
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i never get tagged by name in these things lol @grimmusings
meet the mun.
— basics
NAME: Sunny
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: tumblr dms are fine by me! i dont usually make a 1v1 discord server but, discord is still open to people i know well
SINGLE / TAKEN: Happily married and also taking a break from being polyamorous while my husband gets used to America, but i am usually, yuh. what a weird question to put on this thing
— three facts
🍳I just got a cat not too long ago! His name is Yellowstone and the way that i came to be his owner/butler is very uh dark and not what people expect lol
🍳I love to sew! I mostly do historical but ive definately have dipped my toe into critical role cosplay
🍳i got a huge burn from scalding butter a couple days ago and its still under wraps and in recovery so i cant hand sew OTL
— experience
I uh *embarrassingly* started RP when i was in middle school just between me and a friend. we used to like exchange paper and would write chat style dialogue and * style actions. After a pretty embarrassing bit of some kid reading one out to the class, i stopped untill maybe.... idk 2018, right when Infamous second son was still fresh i had my mutant oc for like nearly 3 years before i started playing Dragon Age Inquisition and started out @not-your-chosen with my inqui margaux when i was not even halfway throught the game lol, and then, like all things, it spiraled from there and now were here!
— sub-genres
you all know im a slut for found family dynamics!!! i dont get to play the guardian that often but my kiddos get alot of love through their counterparts, even when its angsty and even when its not like super fluffy all the time.
— plots vs memes
winging it is mostly what i do, i have like a small plot talk but i love seeing where our characters take it organically
— long or short replies
oof this really depends on spoons, how much i can jump off of from the other writer, and how passionate i can be about the thread. It even comes down to the character, like sunyoung is more a straight to the point replier, while say Elliot is more of a thinker and likes to doddle around in prose. its alot of factors
— best time to write
i can legit write anything any where if i have enough passion for what im writing. Usually i write in the mornings on days i work and interspersed thought the day on my off days
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Neurodivergence, Maturity and "Knowing better"
Recently certain Youtubers who focus on a certain Video Game got put back in the spotlight by a, what the kids call, "Crash Out."
I do not care to get into a tumblr argument about it, so I'm not going to be naming names here. But the broad strokes is one guy came out swinging at another guy who used to be his friend. Apparently Person 2 has a long history of insulting Person 1, but Person 2 also has a list of grievances and issues. Person 1 refutes a lot of them but then gets hit with the "A lot of people are uncomfortable around you". Also Person 1 used a slur to refer to supporters of Person 2 and that's not on, but also when people were calling Person 1 slurs supporters of Person 2 were cheering and saying it's okay so, like, clearly everyone involved in this is kind of just an asshole, right?
Well, I mean. kind of.
But Person 1 is autistic. And that does matter. I see you replier typing out a "Autism isn't an excuse" style response.
And the waters are muddied even further when we start talking about age.
I really want to reiterate, I do not give a fuck about arguing about video game drama, do not reply to me with video game drama I do not care that you think person 1 is a bad person
This entire drama is two people who feel hurt throwing rocks at each other instead of talking shit out because they're too fixated on being correct in their actions and that's my final word on the matter
The acceptance of Neurodivergence has been a big thing lately. Which is fantastic, neurodiverse people deserve to be treated like people. But... They're kind of not. Some of them are, but they have to fit into a certain profile. You have to be quirky and funny, or cute. Your interests need to be something other people are interested in. You need to not be struggling, unless you're struggling in a way that's relatable.
You can't be annoying. Annoying is the biggest sin you can commit.
They have to be really good at masking, basically. Neurodivergence is acceptable, so long as you're either quiet, or I can treat you like you're neurotypical.
Basically, neurodivergence isn't destigmatized at all. People just like to pretend it is.
Through my job and my hobby I interact with a lot of neurodivergent people. I interact with the ones who learnt how to mask early, and I interact with the ones who never learnt how to mask at all. I have a bit of a reputation among my online friends for taking socially maladapted people under my wing.
This is because I was that socially maladapted person. I was the neurodivergent all along.
The thing about neurodivergent people is that you can't just tie them up in a bow, it's a spectrum. We all know it's a spectrum. But what I'm convinced some people don't get is the parameters of that spectrum. It's not just the "Good at Math" Autism vs "Obsessed with Trains" Autism. It's autism, ADHD, depression, all kinds of things with their own complicated spectrums within themselves. This shit is complicated.
There are people with Autism who require 24/7 support, they completely lack any kind of filter or self regulation. Meanwhile, there are people who would probably really really benefit from 24/7 support, lack an understanding of the "rules" of society, but have managed to keep their head down enough that no one's notice. How do you tell the difference between these people?
So let's go back to the video game drama. One of the accusations leveled at Person 1 is that he "Yaps". You'll see people clowning on the fact that he makes these massive multiparagraph responses to everything, blows up people's inboxes with novels of bullshit, even when you're not talking back. It's obnoxious. I've been on the receiving end of it by other people. It's obnoxious. But these people can't help it, they don't know when something is too much. Hell, they're probably agonising over the length. They don't know when it's too much or too little, but they've seen people get mad at not saying enough and they've seen people get mad at saying too much. What is the middle ground? They don't know!
But what they do know. What they know in their heart of hearts, is that if they can just explain themselves, then people will understand. Right? Because how can they not. Maybe if they just keep explaining then they'll say the right thing and it will click and people will understand. Sometimes they don't even know what they're trying to say. They're just explaining all of the emotions they feel, hoping that explanation will help them click on what emotion specifically they need to express.
And this is just. How it is, communicating with these people. With people like me, as you can see by the massive ramble of bullshit.
You can say that Person 2 doesn't have to deal with this shit. They just want to communicate how they do things, they shouldn't have to hold Person 1's hand... And I actually agree. Mostly. But also, Person 1 deserves to be able to communicate too, right? We recognize that not interacting with autistic people on their level because it's a "hassle" is a little bit fucked up, right?
Some people might take issue with the phrasing of "On their level", might see it as babying. But really what I mean is just... Recognizing that this person has severe issues with communicating and being accommodating for that, and not demonizing them for it.
Just. Treating people with a little more kindness in general.
"Okay but Person 2 was a minor and Person 1 was an adult."
This is technically a whole different thing, but I'm wrapping it up in this talk because it's kind of similar.
Maturity. Is a load of horseshit. It doesn't exist.
Age. Is also basically a load of horseshit. It's just a number.
There is little to no different between a 17 year old and an 18 year old. It's just the final movements of a developing brain that can be disrupted by alcohol, it has nothing to do with how mature you are.
When you turn 18 or 21 you don't just magically figure it out. You're still in the process of figuring things out, and if you've been on social media long enough there's absolutely no way you haven't come across posts from 20 somethings screaming to the wind that they're just grown up kids who still haven't figured it out. We're all floundering out here.
I have met 16 year olds who have it significantly more figured out than some 30+ year olds.
The best way to develop "Maturity" is being surrounded with a decent support network is what builds maturity, having people show you the best way to respond to things, to give you advice when you need it, having the confidence to take steps toward things, having the knowledge to know what's good for you. We're a social pack species, we learn from our pack.
But for one reason or another not everyone is privileged enough to have those things, they get emotionally stunted, left behind they flounder around a little more than others. They get bullied in school, or become a victim of domestic violence, or even just be born autistic in a family that doesn't know how to deal with it, there's lots of reasons why someone might fall behind.
It's a skill that needs to be developed like any other, and I know you guys know that there are some dog shit schools out there that don't teach you shit. You don't just magically know how this shit works when you reach your 20s. There isn't a curriculum that gets checked off in high school. I don't even know how to do my taxes! My mom' a tax consultant she did them all for me!
And so the same with the autism ramble, we all recognise that when you see someone struggling the right thing to do is to help out, right? At the very least not make things harder for them.
We should all just be treating each other with a little more kindness I think.
#rambling#discourse#fandom#drama#autism#maturity#I'm not going to tag this with tags related to person 1 and 2#I've seen their fanbases I want nothing to do with that shit#I just wanted to get some emotions out there I guess
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Well— I’ve literally typed and erased paragraphs multiple times at this point. I don’t even really know where to start but I have to remind myself that that’s okay. That this is meant to be organic... and raw... and literally just everything I’m feeling- however it comes. It doesn’t always need to be grammatically correct~ nor does it need to make sense to anyone but me.
It’s been a long time since I’ve made myself vulnerable when it comes to writing. I mean... I haven’t done this in nearly ten years. This as in tumblr. And even then, my writing habits have came in waves. I went years without hardly writing a thing but I know that writing is so healthy... especially for an overthinking, over feeling empath like me. I plan to write about and share a lot of personal things throughout this journey. I don’t think I can really afford therapy... or maybe I’m just intimidated by the fact that I wouldn’t even know where to start... but for whatever the reason(s) I’m avoiding it... I’ve somewhat convinced myself that tumblr might be a solid replacement to a therapist.
I need to get these things out. I need an outlet to share the things I feel. The struggles I face. My experiences, dreams and everything in between.
Because things are going to get personal, I do plan on going by a name other than my own. So to all of you, I will be Rae <3 I will also more than likely change most of the names of the people in any of the stories I share. Not that I expect this to reach many people... but just to keep it confidential-ish I’m just gonna do it. Plus it might just be fun lol.
The idea of being able to have a social media platform that isn’t about sharing all of the good things in my life... and where I’m able to NOT give a shit what other people think about me is so exciting. I’m the type of person that maybe like... I dunno~ three times in a year I will ‘overshare’ or put something out on the internet and will almost instantly regret it. As soon as people start commenting and reacting to it I’m just like what the fuck did I just do lol. I think I immediately get overwhelmed with the fact that I now have put my business out there and people start to get involved... making me feel obligated to respond to whatever they say. Which I hate. I’m not a good replier. I literally suck at texting anyone I’m not already super close with. Same with how this whole thing started, I will type and delete a text message multiple times over. It takes me so long to collect a thought that makes sense. It literally blows my mind that some people can respond to things in literal seconds. I need time to like... think about a good response. And time to proof read and re read. I dunno. Like, when I’m messaging my best friends it literally doesn’t matter how I text. The way I text them is a beautiful demonstration of how my wacko brain works. I will literally send multiple messages with short sentences, paragraphs, even sometimes just one word all broken up into a ton of different texts. I think I feel confined when trying to send a message all wrapped up into one text message. It’s like... how on earth can I fit all this crazy into one bubble? So yeah, I think that’s a huge reason i end up regretting putting things on the internet via my social media accounts.
I think that this platform will be really healthy for me... and even though I don’t really know what I’m doing on here anymore I’m sure in due time I will figure it out. I’m excited for this journey. I’m looking for release, a way to truly work through the things that bring me pain, a way to better get to know myself, a history book of my mind... a way to guide myself through the weirdness of the world. Hopefully a way to connect with people who struggle with similar things as me... a better understanding of where I’m at. For too long I have suppressed a lot of things that cause me pain. I went through years of traumatic mental abuse and just closed the chapter and moved on like nothing happened. I don’t even think anyone close to me knows 100% of everything that went on during that relationship just because while it was happening I didn’t want anyone to know and at this point I just feel like after a year a half of it being over everyone close to me is tired of hearing about it. Which I totally get... because everyone close to me was over my ex like... years before I was unfortunately. But there was just a lot of shitty things that happened during that time that might be healthy for me to process. I dunno. I just like knowing that I have the option of being able to share these things ‘out loud’ without feeling guilty.
I’m excited to see where this goes.
I think one of the beautiful things about the internet is it’s ability to connect us to other people similar to us. The internet does have the ability to make us feel a lot less alone. A lot of the things that make —us— us aren’t on the surface. They aren’t things that you can just ‘tell’ by looking at people. The things that really make us —US- run deep, deep on the inside. In the way we think. How we feel. The experiences we’ve had and the way we perceive things. Everyone has their ‘things’ they don’t really talk about. The things maybe only they’re super super close people know... even then, sometimes they still don’t share. For whatever reason. I think for me, the things I don’t share are the things I wish I could share the most. The things I keep to myself are the things that bring me the most pain. I wonder if that’s the case for most people? Probably. We’re so conditioned to think we all just have to struggle and go through things on our own that we all feel this insane amount of guilt when sharing the heavy stuff. I say ‘we all’ even though I know it doesn’t pertain to e v e r y o n e but i know that there are people like me who definitely relate to that statement.
I’m also hoping that getting these thoughts out on paper improves my everyday communication skills. Working through and processing outside the confinement of my brain will hopefully allow me to get more well rounded thoughts out which will hopefully allow me to just be able to communicate better in general.
Yay <3
To new beginnings ~ and after an extremely intense and transformational full moon I am excited to start this journey now. I would like to share my intention of creating at least ~one~ journal entry every single day from full moon to full moon. I owe it to myself to be heard.
I owe it to myself to make the time.
there’s a lot of inner work that needs to be done- and I am ready to start this journey. I control my happiness and this is MY LIFE TO L I V E.
so much love,
Rae <3
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you know, @bumkeyz, i think it’s very nasty for you to say i have some kind of privilege in all of this. we don’t get to pick and choose who was affected by addy and her actions. just because you see the shit that we posted on tumblr, does not mean you have the full story. and i’m gonna be honest... fuck you and the anon in my inbox for making me feel like i MUST talk about my own trauma because if i didn’t, i was staying silent for her.
when i say my brain couldn’t handle this, it’s because of outside factors that i won’t get into and the fact i had the stark realization that i was in fact manipulated by addy. it’s been hard to come to terms with and all i wanted to do with that ask was highlight that i did not stand by her. but fine, you want the long post of it all, so here ya go.
here’s my story. my side of things. read if you want, or don’t.
tw : manipulation , guilt tripping .
i’m not going to pretend like i remember when addy and i met. all i remember is something was happening in the rpc and i was involved in some discourse and she came into my ims offering support. i was very leery of her at this point, as she had just come back from her stay with rpslayed. tumblr won’t let me reopen those ims now she’s deleted that old blog, but i know that i did reply. it went from that discourse, to the one she was having with B, someone that took advantage of her. and again, i have morals to uphold, so of course i went off about it. through all of this, i started to believe she had changed - which was a large lapse in my own judgement at the time, but we became friends. i wish i hadn’t NOW, but that’s not something i can change now.
i have a terrible memory as i’ve stated, so again, i’m not going to be able to give dates on this one either, but you know how there was an asterisked name in certain posts of her’s? yeah that was my name right up until her current boyfriend. me and addy had this... thing going. more of like a back and forth, will they won’t they. i wish it was as poetic as some wattpad fic because that’s where i begin to realize i was manipulated. the biggest thing i can remember is the whole situation concerning my best friend, who is also my ex-boyfriend. something that was truly one sided occurred between them and soon it was such a big thing that me and him were friends. one time, she did not even talk to me for days and would only add like an emphasis or thumbs down to my imessage texts ( idk what they’re called but you get me ) . i was constantly made to feel bad that my ex was my best friend, i remember once she found out we wanted to make a rp together and was all “im going back to bed”. i once made a post that said “you know it’s real if i send you tiktoks” and tagged him in it and that again, led to her ghosting me because she didn’t feel important enough to me or whatever.
i remember there was this time we didn’t talk for a certain amount of time, so i blocked her thinking we weren’t friends. and then i get this over cashapp.
i won’t lie. addy has given me money. she gave me money when i really needed it and i think that’s why i didn’t want to speak against her. because i didn’t want her to think i had just been using her for money because i know at one point that is what she thought of me. but anyway, at this point, i’m like oh so we ARE friends ? and i’ve just been thrown back and forth so much with her that it was normal to me at this point. so we reconnected. i think the guilt over accepting money from someone kept me by her side and kept me standing up for her.
people who know me know i’m not an active replier sometimes. i sometimes disappear for days at a time and come back. that’s just who i am. addy didn’t like this. i remember once she was mad at me because i posted a screenshot of something my friend said and again, i was ghosted. this is how even part of that went.
the entire thing is that i respect people’s boundaries. but this stemmed from a place of pettiness. this was the aftermath of that btw once i was softblocked.
things like this also occurred.
it felt like i was being PUNISHED for not replying. when i don’t reply, it’s not because i want to make someone not feel as if they’re not important to me, which is something she tried to say me posting a screenshot of someone else was me saying.
on the subject of the sexual jokes / allegations from other people : i had NO idea then that they were being made to everyone, especially minors. i thought it was something that was exclusive to people she liked. it became clear to me that she did make those jokes to everyone, but never, EVER to minors. please do not say i stand with someone whose said that shit to kids, because i would never. i’ve been at the receiving end of those and some were consensual, but not all, but i do digress.
ya know, i was always was to be blame for a failed almost relationship because don’t get me wrong, i did like addy. but i’ll also be the first to admit i am a VERY closed off person, but i still flirt with people a lot. but it was always pointed out to me that it was very clearly my fault, no matter if i apologized. it was always my fault. i always hurt her feelings ( to the point she would delete my number and contact entirely ) . it was just always, ALWAYS salt’s fault, she never let me forget that. i remember indirects were made about me such as this.
btw this right here, was made BEFORE the “who gonna tell me” post, which she ended up deleting and then posting those.
i remember even when i would TRY with her by saying hmu if you want to watch a movie, she would reply with “go ask [ex bf]” or when i reconnected with an flame she would say “whatever go flirt with [name]”. go do this, go do that.
but the kicker? she would always come back and act like nothing happened. and i would always be in such a state of whiplash with this. she would flirt with me again and i would flirt back because that’s what i was used to.
when she got in her newest relationship, it all kind of came to a close, except if i made a joke about it all, she would say i hurt her feelings and lash out about it all. i was STILL made to feel bad about it even when she was in a relationship.
i think at the end of the day, i should and WILL take full accountability for even becoming friends with her in the first place due to her past. i could’ve easily stopped all of this happening to me if i had not made that ONE decision. at the end of the day, i was still manipulated, i was still made to feel like trash over a failed relationship, and i let it happen because i had feelings for her AND she had helped me out when i most needed it. but i’ll be dammed if i let someone say i had a PRIVILEGE in this situation when i felt like i had to stay friends with her because of the money or because she would say some shit about me if i tried to not be friends with her. and while there is so much more i could pull up and show y’all, i do not feel like going through all of that. just know this pattern is what i experienced for upwards of a year or so.
you can believe what you want or feel how you want about me. it doesn’t change a damn thing that happened to me and i’m so, SO tired of being silent.
- salt.
#rpt#rpc#tags it so yall will see it ig#manipulation cw#guilt tripping cw#addy cw#anon is off btw bc of tht one i got while writing this
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Hello Everyone! My name is EISH and I am the person behind this here blog! I am 25 years old. I live in the Canadas, timezone is EST. Just in case anyone finds these rules familiar I have scooped them off a friend, and she does know about it. So without further ado let’s get in to this.
This blog is HIGHLY SELECTIVE AND PRIVATE meaning I will not be interacting with anyone I do not follow and who does not follow me. I want to write with people who actively want to write with me. This being said if we follow each other and there has been no effort made to interact ( i am trying to get better about this myself ) i will unfollow after a few weeks.
Let’s talk about Asks! My ask box is open for any IN CHARACTER interactions. I don’t like ooc asks unless it’s a meme. Anon is turned on for now but if it is abused, it will be shut off. Hate of any kind will not be tolerated, at all. IMs are for plotting and chatting, though I prefer discord! Which is only available for mutuals. Feel free to ask for it!
let's make one thing very clear. I am NOT a meme source? don't treat me like one. if you don't think you can send the meme in to me, reblog it from the source, PLEASE. or --- and here's a thought, just send me the meme
Wanda is sortacanon. I have seen all the movies. I have googled the comics more than actually read them. One day i’ll get to it, but as of now i can’t be bothered. I have read through countless wiki pages tho, so i mean — i get the gist of it all. THAT BEING SAID she's not exactly the same. i pull from what i know of comics and movies and hell, even the tv shows. i also have many verses available, they might take some time to get up and posted, so just like ask me about them.
Let’s talk about my following back-ness. I can take seconds, or like weeks. I look at my followers as the come in usually, unless life is busy. If life is busy I tend to forget? Which means that when I finally look at them it could be a little while later. But I do look at everyone (aside from porn blogs and personals) who follows me. If I think we will mesh well then I’ll follow back, if I don’t, I don’t.
Now, some basic things I look for to follow back — how old is the blog and how much actual writing is there. If the posts only go back like a week and there is minimal to no writing, I will look at the rules and the muse(s) and determine if I want to give the blog a chance. If the blog is like month and months old and I can’t find any writing within a few weeks, chances are I won’t follow. I wanna write! That’s the whole point of being here, right? Next, rules! Whether they are simple or more complex I will read them all! As long as you are above the age of 18, and I feel like we will be able to write well together, chances are I will follow. Which brings me to my next point. I will NOT be following anyone under the age of 18. That is more so because of the content of my own blog more than anything, but also peace of mind. As I will get in to I am a shipping fiend, I love me my ships, and I don’t want any with any minors. So ya know — there’s that. also if you don’t cut your post I’m not even getting in to that okay, I just can’t. I won’t. Please cut your posts! on that note. Move continued asks to a new post, or don’t continue them, kthnx.
Not Safe For Work & Triggering Content — *sigh*. With tumblr doing it’s dumbass bullshittery — clearly there will be little to zero nsfw images on the blog. BUT that does not extend to written smut, or violence, or — well whatever else one wants to consider not safe for work. Please don't confuse triggers with squicks. if you have a legit TRIGGER, i will gladly tag everything and anything as long as you tell me. (i keep a list in my drafts, so like ask nicely, and i'll add it). squicks are a wholly different thing, and if i go around tagging every single thing that people don't like my tags will be a mile long. I will tag common triggers and if there is something you NEED tagged, just NICELY (ffs) let me know!
THE SHIPS THEY ARE COMING. oh lord. Okay. so I am like — shipping traaaaash ask any one who talks to me for five minutes. If I can find a way to ship the muses, I will. And nine times out of ten, I will straight up tell you. NOW it doesn’t ALWAYS have to be romantic shipping, but still ships. I love them. I captain them. I want them all, so like come at me bro. Wanda is DEMISEXUAL/PANROMANTIC. I don't personally ship wanda & vision, but i mean --- it's part of her mcu canon thing, i'll include it as like a PAST thing, if anything.
I am a slow ass replier-er. This isn’t my only blog. I also tend to be busy sometimes, so like I just don’t have all the time to write, ya know? I am also hella selective and private so that I can keep a calm and slow environment, ya feel? I am also working on using the queue more for replies and junk instead of just filling it to the brim with gifsets and shit. So there is that.
I am a mother. I have a five year old daughter she takes up a lot of time and energy, as any parent will tell you, so sometimes I am simply too drained to be here. I am 9/10 more available for writing on discord, than I am here, for simple fact of I can do it mobile, and formatting is less of a thing.
I DO COMMISSIONS, talk to me about them.
My theme credit is in the lower corner. Graphics were typically designed by me! Images taken mostly from google. Icons were found in packs and edited by me. I have PSDs from VenusCommissions which are GORGEOUS, and I have a couple others from various other places. Some purchased some not. Some I made my own ass self.
DISCLAIMER I am not affiliated with any show/movie or actor/actress in anyway. NO copyright infringement was intended. This is for fun, nothing else.
These Rules Are Subject To Change Without Notice
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