#the eye film review
variousqueerthings · 18 days
very funny when people on letterboxd describe a movie as "didn't reinvent the wheel" and it's like. lisa frankenstein. cocaine bear. i just don't think that was their intent as movies youknow. i think it was to have a fun time.
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sunshine-tattoo · 2 months
The Hills Have Eyes (1977): Crazy mildly inbred hill people
Me- boring. unoriginal. honestly kinda bigoted.
The Hills Have Eyes (2006 remake): Mutants from the 1950s automic bomb testing on poor rural communities in the Nevada desert.
Me- political. unsettling. fantastic. A+.
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finalgirlgretchen · 1 month
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oh girl be fucking for real
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bestreviewguy · 6 months
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Blue Eye Samurai is a masterpiece! Not only does the Netflix show excel in storytelling, but the animation, characters and ESPECIALLY the action scenes are truly mind blowing. The story revolves around a samurai who wishes to stop the reign of an Irish tyrant whom is using guns to overthrow the country. (Keeping it light on spoilers) However, this is not only the conflict in the show. There is also a very interesting dynamic between the main character and an antagonist who wants to get revenge for dishonoring him as our protagonist is the one to blame in his eyes. This adds depth to the show as their relationship isn’t a typical revenge plot and more of an enemy turned friends dynamic. The best thing about this show is the action scenes. Blended with a stylish animation, the VERY violent and mature tone compliments the sword fighting perfectly. My personal favorite is episode 6 but to be quite honest, each episode just one-ups the last. Another thing that’s done excellent is the characters. Each one is different and not a single one is wasted. This show is truly a treat that you have to check out if you have Netflix, love samurai’s, or just need something good to watch. I’m gonna give Blue Eye Samurai a 10 out of 10.
+ Great cast of characters.
+ Engaging mature story.
+ Fantastic action scenes.
+ Not a single bad episode.
+ Unique animation style and beautiful graphics.
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emeto-film-critic · 7 months
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James Bond: GoldenEye - 1995
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theinfinitedivides · 2 years
someone tell white people stop reviewing Bollywood by mediocre Western standards i'm f*cking crying rn
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marisatomay · 2 years
“the coverage of the don’t worry darling press tour and set rumors is only because a woman directed the movie; when a man has a fraught set it’s business as usual” actually the woman-directed film is the most recent one to happen so people are talking about it hope this helps
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horrorcrawl · 1 month
Eye of the Devil (1966)🏹
Director: J. Lee Thompson (Filmways Pictures)
Genres: Horror, Mystery, Occult, Cursed Lineage 🏰
Notes: French Vinyard, Lavish Interior Sets, Great Cinematography, Religion, Creepy Siblings, Magic Amulet, Cult Ritual Magic, Castle, Sharon Tate, David Hemmings, Black/White Film 🤍🖤
Review: There is almost a romantic quality to this film that took me for surprise from the start. The sparkle of the dresses and eerie buildup to the trance like acting of the siblings Odile and Christian played by Sharon Tate and David Hemmings which add a weirdness to the film that keeps things on their toes. The slow descent from dreamlike to nightmare for the main character was an enjoyable watch however there was a lot of unanswered questions left by the end. So prepare for things to just happen without explanation or context of meaning. This film does feel maybe slightly older compared to some of the other films coming out at the time with camera tech and fx but still a nice watch.
Overall I give Eye of the Devil (1966): Worth the Watch🍇
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Movie Review | The Hills Have Eyes (Aja, 2006)
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Compared to the original, this firmly places our POV with the heroes, which arguably makes this dramatically sturdier but conceptually less interesting. The original mirrors the villains to the heroes, establishing them in detail as a parallel family unit, and letting us grasp to some extent their intelligence and sense of strategy. To some degree, we're meant to identify with them along with the heroes. Here, the villains are kept in the periphery, lurking in the shadows like monstrous silhouettes. (The makeup effects are appropriately hideous.) It's an effective choice in letting us feel besieged, but also a less subversive one in challenging our perspective, and it means that the casting of recognizable actors like Billy Drago and Robert Joy in those roles is mostly for naught.
And while Craven kept the politics of his movie implicit in the premise and its post-Vietnam context, this one insists on spelling them out. There's a Democrat voter hero afraid of guns but forced to use one, a miniature American flag being put to grisly use, and a speech by one of the villains explaining their circumstances as blowback for the American military's actions. This does feel like the work of foreign filmmakers actively trying to make a statement about America, while the original was the result of a more lived in perspective. I don't think any of this grinds the movie to a halt, but it does feel a bit clumsy.
All that being said, this is still a pretty potent piece of horror and near the top of the 2000s remake wave by virtue of the gruesome panache with which Alexandre Aja executes the material as he finds the most heinously violent ways to punctuate the beats it borrows from the original. And like the crueler horror films of the era, some of this has the visual texture of a rusty nail, but unlike those, this is at times beautiful in its harshness, with Maxime Alexandre's cinematography capturing the hostile landscape of the Moroccan desert locations in punishingly bright sunlight.
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mifunebooty · 30 days
Film noirs when they cast men who were the pretty boys of the 1930s: what if we fuck him up
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tabsnaomi · 9 months
letterboxd isn't for me bc i can't ever come up with a fun and original and witty one-liner reviews
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atlas-dr0wned · 2 months
im convinced people on letterboxd hate fun; i keep going on to review movies and seeing most of the reviews talking about how much the film sucks and they didnt even smile once throughout it, meanwhile i thought it was a silly film that didnt take itself too seriously in the best way
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crownedwille · 4 months
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jimsmovieworld · 8 months
THE HILLS HAVE EYES- 2006 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Remake of the 1970's Wes Craven film....
A family break down in the middle of the desert where nuclear testing turned a bunch of miners into blood thirsty mutant freakazoids....
I actually prefer this to the original i find it much more watchable. Not nearly as disturbing but certainly better overall. Nothing but respect for the dogs.
Directed by Alexandre Aja
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pb-dot · 6 months
Film Friday: Red Eye
After ridding myself of some bile last week, I believe it is time to return to the world of the sanguine movie recommendation. I have a theory that the best movies, the best stories overall really, come from making a universal experience into something exciting. Jaws preys on the ancient fear and fascination with the sea, The Matrix taps into the feeling of the world not being what it appears to be, and today's movie, Red Eye, describes both the allure and dangers inherent to sharing a transport seat pair with a beautiful weirdo.
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Our protagonist in this chamber play is Lisa Reisert, played by the always astounding and captivating Rachel McAdams, a consummate professional hotel manager who finds herself seated next to a charming, and clearly interested stranger, Jackson Ripner, played by the equally astounding and captivating Cillian Murphy. What initially plays out like a romcom meet-cute, though, takes a sinister turn once the plane takes off and Jackson tips his hand. He's a Fixer, and he has stalked Lisa with the express intention of forcing her to comply with his plan, an assassination plot against a politician staying at Lisa's hotel. In addition to the physical danger he represents, Jackson also has men keeping close tabs on Lisa's father, with the instructions to murder him if Rippner doesn't call it off.
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What follows is an incredibly tight chamber play as Lisa attempts to outsmart Rippner, who for his part treats the outing as a delightful romp until unearthing certain facts about Lisa's life seemingly provokes something ugly within him. It's a tight story that utilizes the setting of a plane in flight to the max, weaving in near misses and almost-escapes to ratchet up the intensity of the drama. Rippner's control seems absolute with every contingency accounted for, but it does come to a head in a staggering act 2 climax where Lisa, after having ostensibly given in and aided Rippners plan, shares the last secret that Rippner has been unable to unearth... and stabs him in the fucking throat.
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Act 3 may be a bit less tight than the preceding two acts, and rely heavily on a pre-9/11 level of airport security, but DAMN if I don't think of it every time I hear the sound of the "Seatbelts On" light turn off. Act 3 is decidedly more hectic as Lisa rushes to escape Rippner, who is down but not out, save her dad, and foil the assassination plot.
Now, while the setting and screenplay are both pretty clever what mid-budget thrillers are concerned, what really makes this movie sing are the characters and their actors. Cillian Murphy truly has some otherworldly peepers, and he leverages a fascinating blend of intensity and charm in his Rippner persona. He's the perfect man, as long as you're ok with everything about him being a lie to further whatever goal he's working for, even his laid-back "I'm too evil to have feelings" shtick is an act, as evidenced by the possessive rage he displays when he discovers Lisa having managed to hide things from him.
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And Lisa, oh, Lisa. I may not be the biggest fan of the reveal that the secret Lisa has kept from everyone, even Rippner, was a sexual assault, but I won't deny that there is a certain triumphant flair to how she has turned this traumatic event into a bedrock of strength. If she was a real person and not a fictional entity I would perhaps ask if this was a healthy coping mechanism, but I am not an expert in these matters. Either way, I love the way McAddams plays her, how she projects this people-pleaser-act, but avoids social interactions, preferring to concede whatever ground is necessary to make sure conversations end prematurely. It's never elaborated on, but just the way she decides to lie to Rippner about her preferred drink order to dodge the connection is some compellingly subtle stuff.
Let's not forget about the chemistry, though. The setup only works if we believe in the meet-cute idea for long enough to get suckered in, and both McAddams and Murphy bring their a-game here. She's reserved but friendly, and he's harmless and charming, of course, they're both acting at this point, but that only underlines the parallels. For their own reasons, Lisa and Jackson both project a more socially acceptable persona, and it is in the way these come to clash throughout the movie that it ascends from engaging potboiler to something quite special.
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Also, this may be a tiny bit unprofessional, but I have never claimed to be anything more than a passionate amateur so here it goes. Wow is this a tough watch for us bisexuals. Rachel McAddams and Cillian Murphy are both handsome people in their own right, but together they've got some kind of additive effect to each other that just makes them hotter. Perhaps it's that they're both fucked up in their own way or maybe it's just the way that "traditional" romantic tension gives way to an intense rivalry that just flips all the Enemies To Lovers switches and makes the whole thing seem way more queer than it has any right to be. That could be wishful thinking, but either way, this was a movie I watched a ton of times before I realized my sexuality and I couldn't quite figure out what I found so compelling about it. Now, however, I will say it makes way more sense.
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So, with that personal aside, I will conclude my talk on this movie. Go see it if you haven't already!
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happyendingsong · 8 months
the more i think about poor things the more i dislike it lol. i think i kept waiting for the horror shoe to drop and it just never came.
when candles says 'it's your body to do with as you wish bella' or whatever i thought it was this really ironic, haunting line to show how trapped she truly is (it's god's body! it's victoria's body! it's candles' body!) and that bella would subvert it by the end. but looking back i think it was intended as a sincere moment to show how decent a guy he is along with his 'your body your choice' slogan shirt and some clap emojis.
it's soooo twisted especially since right before this bella has just met felicity, the Other woman candles and godwin have Also dug up and mangled. i really wanted to learn more about her but she's played for jokes the whole time and belle never gets a second conversation with her. i thought that would've been really fascinating for bella to get an outside perspective on what that early dynamic between her and god|candles looked like but if the last scene is anything to go by it doesn't look like bella has any interest in building a relationship with her. such a wasted opportunity to not explore that.
and candles' response to creating her is just 'we missed you' AUGH ? horrifying! bella calls him and god monsters for it and there's literally no followup. the 'it's your body to do with as you please' bit feels so obviously hollow when like, what happens when bella dies? are they just gonna pluck her brain out again and try again because it bums them out too much? find Another Another girl to do this with? it's soooo fucked and there's such a cool horror thread to follow there but i think they just didnt realise they were writing a horror film? in their frankenstein retelling? god it's so WEIRD
i love the conversation with god where bella talks about being mother and child at once. i wish that's what the movie was about! her relationship with victoria and trying to build an identity from inside her mother's corpse like HELLO . the runtime is so long and it feels like all the interesting stuff is just on the peripherary the whole time, just out of frame. but like we're looking at victoria's face this whole time, hearing her voice! obvs it's not the story they were interested in telling but for Me. the specialest girl alive. i wish they didn't shove that whole plot into the last 20mins, there wasn't any time to really sink their teeth into it then.
i dunno like. even trying to read the film as this bildungsroman exploration of identity and living and life, the final scene just being bella back in her walled garden but now she has her childbride husband and her socialist girlfriend and theyre all drinking martinis. it feels like such a restrictive incurious ending that really soured me on the rest of th movie. All That Shit That Happened Was Fine Actually.
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