#the eruption of mount vesuvius
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illustratus · 5 months ago
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Eruption of Mount Vesuvius (1796) by Michael Wutky
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blueiscoool · 4 months ago
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A photo of the body casts of two adults and two children who died in what's now called the house of the golden bracelet in Pompeii. A new DNA analysis shows that these four people are not genetically related to one another. (Image credit: Archeological Park of Pompeii).
DNA Analysis Rewrites The Stories of People Buried in Pompeii
An ancient-DNA analysis of victims in Pompeii who died in Mount Vesuvius' eruption reveals some unusual relations between the people who died together.
Ancient DNA taken from the Pompeii victims of Mount Vesuvius' eruption nearly 2,000 years ago reveals that some people's relationships were not what they seemed, according to a new study.
For instance, an adult who was wearing a golden bracelet and holding a child on their lap was long thought to be a mother with her child. But the new DNA analysis revealed that, in reality, the duo were "an unrelated adult male and child," study co-author David Reich, a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, said in a statement.
In another example, a couple who died in an embrace and were "thought to be sisters, or mother and daughter, were found to include at least one genetic male," Reich said. "These findings challenge traditional gender and familial assumptions."
In the study, published Thursday (Nov. 7) in the journal Current Biology, Reich and an international team of researchers looked at the genetics of five individuals who died during the A.D. 79 eruption that killed around 2,000 people.
When Mount Vesuvius erupted, it covered the surrounding area in a deadly layer of volcanic ash, pumice and pyroclastic flow, burying people alive and preserving the shapes of many bodies beneath the calcified layers of ash. The remains of the city were rediscovered only in the 1700s. In the following century, archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli perfected his plaster technique, in which he filled in the human-shaped holes left after the bodies had decomposed to create casts of the victims.
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The casts of two people who died about 2,000 years ago in the house of the cryptoporticus in Pompeii. A new DNA analysis found that one individual was biologically male, but the sex of the other could not be determined. (Image credit: Archeological Park of Pompeii).
The casts allowed scholars to study the victims in their last moments and make hypotheses about their identities based on details such as their locations, positions and apparel. The problem with this approach, however, was that their interpretations were influenced by modern-day assumptions — for instance, that the four people at the house with the golden bracelet, which included the adult holding the child, were two parents with their children, when in reality none of them were genetically related, the researchers wrote in the study.
For their research, the team analyzed 14 casts and extracted DNA from fragmented skeletal remains in five of them. By analyzing this genetic material, the scientists determined the individuals' genetic relationships, sex and ancestry. The team concluded that the victims had a "diverse genomic background," primarily descending from recent eastern Mediterranean immigrants, per the statement, confirming the Roman Empire's multiethnic reality.
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The cast of a person who died in the villa of the mysteries in Pompeii in A.D. 79. (Image credit: Archeological Park of Pompeii).
Our findings have significant implications for the interpretation of archaeological data and the understanding of ancient societies," study co-author Alissa Mittnik, an archaeogeneticist at Harvard Medical School and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, said in the statement. "They highlight the importance of integrating genetic data with archaeological and historical information to avoid misinterpretations based on modern assumptions."
It's possible that past misconceptions led to the "exploitation of the casts as vehicles for storytelling," meaning that curators may have manipulated the victims' "poses and relative positioning" for exhibits, the team wrote in the study.
Sex misassignment is "not uncommon" in archaeology, Carles Lalueza-Fox, a biologist at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF) in Barcelona who specializes in the study of ancient DNA but was not involved with the study, said in an email.
"Of course we look at the past with the cultural eyes of the present and this view is sometimes distorted; for me the discovery of a man with a golden bracelet trying to save an unrelated child is more interesting and culturally complex than assuming it was a mother and her child," Lalueza-Fox said.
By Margherita Bassi.
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lionofchaeronea · 1 year ago
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Vesuvius in Eruption, with a View over the Islands of the Bay of Naples, Joseph Wright of Derby, ca. 1776
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thepastisalreadywritten · 10 days ago
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the-cricket-chirps · 1 year ago
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Andy Warhol, Vesuvius, Naples, ca. 1985
Joseph Wright, Vesuvius in Eruption, 1774
Andy Warhol, Vesuvius 365, 1985
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magmahearts · 10 months ago
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TIMING: current PARTIES: @ariadnewhitlock & @magmahearts LOCATION: downtown wicked's rest SUMMARY: after seeing a movie together, cass and ariadne make plans to get smoothies. unfortunately, they're interrupted. CONTENT WARNINGS: none!
The movie was fine. It wasn’t a particularly good movie, though it wasn’t bad enough to be funny, either. It was subpar, mostly; the kind you watched and immediately forgot about on the walk home. That was fine, of course. The movie wasn’t the point of the outing. The point was to hang out with Ariadne, whose company was enough to make any movie worth watching. Cass grinned as she walked, arm looped through her friend’s and feet kicking.
They hadn’t done this as much lately. With Makaio back home and not yet ready to meet anyone else just yet, Cass had been leaving her cave less and less. But she missed Aria, and she felt guilty for spending less time with her without being able to give her any kind of solid reason for it. The movie was an excuse, really. She hadn’t even really wanted to see it. She’d just wanted to see her friend.
“Do you want to get smoothies or something?” She was a little anxious being away from the cave for this long — part of her still worried she’d come home to find it empty, to find herself abandoned by her father — but she thought she could handle another hour or so. “There’s a really good smoothie place nearby.”
She was just happy to spend time with Cass. Ariadne couldn’t think of anything that they could do together that she wouldn’t be happy about. Which was amazing. Not surprising, because Cass was literally the most amazing, but still amazing in its own way if only because she’d never thought that she’d end up with a best friend like you heard about in books and movies and tv. And like, she knew she was totally biased, but she also figured that Cass was better than any of the best friends available in books or movies or tv.
They hadn’t had time to hang out in what felt like forever (though obviously wasn’t literally forever), even though they’d talked online, and so when Cass had invited her out, Ariadne had agreed without a second thought. The movie had been mediocre, but it was fun to have watched it with her best friend.
She needed to stop repeating best friend in her head over and over, as if something was going to take a drastic shift and change. Cass wouldn’t do that. The two of them were going to be best friends for hundreds and hundreds of years. “Yes! Smoothies sound good. I’d love that!” Ariadne wondered for a moment if she was being overly enthusiastic, but with Cass, she knew she could be any part of herself and her friend would accept her for it. “I think I want one with all the berries they have. How about you?”
She thought she’d probably needed this. Having her dad around was great and incredible and wholly unparalleled, but Cass was a social person and her father seemed to prefer the quiet. She respected him, and she understood that preference, but it still made her feel a little uneasy sometimes. She liked the conversations they had, but she wasn’t sure there were enough of them. With Ariadne, there never seemed to be even a moment of quiet between them. Cass needed that sometimes, needed to hear herself talk just to remind herself that she had someone to talk to. 
It was better for her dad, too, she thought; with Cass spending the evening with Ariadne, Makaio got an evening to himself. She worried he’d grow tired of her eventually, the way most people did. Maybe giving him breaks like this could delay that inevitability. They had forever, after all; she wanted to use it.
Ariadne accepted the invitation for extending their evening, and Cass preened. This was fun. This would be fun! “Oh, berries are good! I like it when my smoothie is purple. I’m not sure what I need to mix together to make it the most purple. I think we should experiment a little bit. Like, put some blue and red stuff together and test it out. I want it to be really cute.” The taste was secondary to that, really. Looping her arm through Ariadne’s, Cass began to lead the other girl towards the smoothie shop. “What color is yours with all the berries?”
She hadn’t been a quiet child, not especially, though she hadn’t been wildly loud either. Not by any stretch. Still, with Cass, Ariadne felt a certain comfort that she hadn’t felt in forever. Certainly not with the blonde lady and Jade trying to murder her. She loved how much Cass had to say, and she loved listening to everything. It was wonderful, no matter what Cass was talking about, though of course if it were something sad or hard to hear, wonderful wasn’t the right word to describe it, but anything with Cass could be made into something beautiful.
“I love that. I think experimenting is good, and experimenting to make stuff purple is the best.” She gave a firm nod. “Like Steph, with Steph and Cass. Best friends just like us.” Ariadne seamlessly looped her arm with her Cass’s. “Mine’s kinda purple. Pretty good purple. So we could start with mine and see how we can make it the best purple it can be? I bet with teamwork, we can really get it good.” 
She still wasn’t quite used to people listening to her. At best, people were willing to let her blather and ignore whatever it was she was saying. At worst, they told her to stop talking altogether. But Ariadne listened to her, and there was a quiet thrill in that. She thought of her father, waiting for her back in her cave. She thought of how carefully he had listened when she spoke about her experience with Rhett, about how frightened she’d been. She had a best friend who listened to her and now, she had a father who did, too. It wasn’t something she’d ever dared to hope for, but it was exhilarating. Cass wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to get used to it. She wasn’t sure she wanted to.
“Yeah! Exactly! Purple’s a great color, and I think more things should be purple in general. Food, drinks, all kinds of stuff. Pink, too!” She grinned at the idea of starting with Ariadne’s drink as a base and building on it. The anxiety that had lived in her chest since her father’s arrival ebbed a little. She was so worried about him leaving, and she still was, but this was a nice distraction. “Oh! We can try —” 
She cut off, step faltering a little. There was a man ahead of them, blocking their path. Cass tilted her head a little, tugging Ariadne to move around him. “Excuse us. We’re just…” The man sidestepped, continuing to block them, and Cass tensed. 
A smile stretched across his face, slow and dangerous. “So,” he said, “which one of you’s the corpse?”
She could’ve listened to Cass for hours. Ariadne figured she probably had, at some point, when Cass was so deeply devoted to a topic that she became even more mesmerizing than she usually was. It was better than anything she could’ve ever hoped for. If she could’ve created good dreams then they would have been exactly like this. The dream friend, everything she’d ever wanted but hadn’t had as a child. Her cousin’s friendship counted, but she and Cass were so similar in so many ways, and everything just clicked.
“I agree! Purple is the best! Absolute best. There should be more purple food that doesn’t taste like fake grapes. I think that gives purple a bad reputation, maybe, somehow?” Ariadne shrugged. “Pink absolutely! God, pink candies? Top tier. Did you know you can buy all pink Starbursts now? Proof positive that there must be a good amount of good in the world, don’t you think?”
Except she felt someone watching them. All out of nowhere. Which would have been a sucky feeling no matter what, but given how the last month had gone, it put her especially on edge.
This couldn’t be happening. No way, no how.
She followed Cass’s gaze, shrinking against her friend as the man moved to not let them pass. Corpse. That had to mean her, right? “I – neither of us, thanks so much!” She forced sheer cheer into her voice, so much so that Ariadne wasn’t sure if she was even the one saying that anymore. 
“Cut the shit, girlies.” He still said it with a perfect smile. “I’m only asking so I know how to handle this.” 
Ariadne completely clung to Cass, now. Grateful for the warmth her friend had, both in energy and in physicality. “I – Cass?” She whispered, eyes wide. “He’s – we need to –” then she cleared her throat. “We’re going to get smoothies, please. Please could you let us by, please?”
She tried to convince herself, at first, that this was nothing. That it was a misunderstanding, that this guy just happened to be in their way and would laugh and apologize and let them by without any more problems. But then he spoke. Then he said corpse, and Cass was right back in front of that cave again, Rhett’s hand at her throat. She thought of Ariadne, locked in that same awful man’s van for days, not knowing if or when she’d be saved. She thought of her father back in the cave, of the scar on his chest and the look on his face as he spoke. 
Why couldn’t people like this leave them alone? Why couldn’t they just go away? Cass and Ariadne weren’t hurting anyone. They were on their way to get smoothies. They weren’t bad or wrong or evil. They just… were. All they wanted to do was be. Was that so bad?
Ariadne spoke, and she sounded afraid. Cass’s eyes burned daggers through the man’s skull. “I know,” she said, voice gentle as she addressed Aria. “I know what he is.” Then, her tone hardened when she spoke to the hunter. “We’re not doing anything wrong. We’re just —”
He struck like a cobra, quick and decisive. It wasn’t a deadly strike; if anything, it was just… a way of testing the waters. Cass barely felt the sting; she just saw the bubbly, magma-like blood drip down onto the concrete alongside the shimmering sparkles of Ariadne’s. Twin wounds where their arms were clasped together shimmered up. The hunter’s brows shot up to his hairline as he studied them, head tilting. 
“Not sure what you are,” he said to Cass. Then, turning to Ariadne, “But I know exactly what to do with you.” 
It was all the warning either girl was given before the hunter struck again, this time targeting Ariadne and Ariadne alone.
She was dead.
She was very very much dead, but the idea of her being a corpse was unnerving. Especially in how the man was talking to her. About her. It wasn’t a comfortable feeling, but Ariadne was also determined not to break down. At least, if she could avoid it. Do her best to avoid it. She didn’t like not liking people, but when people tried to kill her just because she had died and come back to life, she had to figure maybe (possibly) it was okay for her to not like somebody.
There was no reason for people like this, for people like the bad scientist with the beard,or the blonde lady, or Jade, or anybody else, to go after them. Cass, especially, who’d never done anything wrong in her life. Ariadne, at least, had actually killed somebody (which Jade knew now and which yikes), and so there was reason for people to hate her. It didn’t mean she wanted it, or liked it (not at all), but it made sense – 
– and then a knife struck against where she was holding onto Cass, and Ariadne was proud of herself for one small moment that she didn’t scream, except that her blood was exposed, and then the dude was saying he knew what to do with her, and she didn’t like that. 
Didn’t like how he smiled or how he looked at her.
Before she could even fully process what was going on he came after her again and she felt herself fall to the ground and she kicked up in the air at the hunter man. Ariadne knew she could’ve done more, maybe, but she wasn’t about to leave Cass – and it wasn’t total nighttime so it wasn’t like she could astral project away. Or astral project to behind the hunter and kick him or push him or something like that. 
Like what a real hero would’ve been able to do. Like Cass.
She felt his blade cut into her thigh again, bright glittery near-liquid spilling out, staining her clothing. “Just – leave me alone!” She squeaked, angry at herself that she couldn’t sound more intimidating, that she couldn’t make herself scary.
“Once I’ve finished with you, of course.” The man’s smile was cruel and mean and Ariadne grabbed a handful of candies she’d had in her bag and threw them at him with all her might, hoping maybe it’d do some damage, or at least distract him.
It all happened so quickly. The man’s knife stung her arm and then she was cast aside and forgotten about as he laser focused on Ariadne instead. Cass was still reeling from the shock of it as, so fast it was hard to track, her best friend was shoved to the concrete with her attacker on top her her, knife at the ready. There was more glittery blood on the ground as the knife found Ariadne’s thigh, and Ariadne begged to be left alone, and the man didn’t care, and —
She kept going back to the cave, kept being transported as if she’d never left it at all. As if Rhett’s hand was still gripping her throat, as if his knife was still against her temple, as if she could still hear Alex and herself both pleading for her own life to someone who didn’t even consider her a person. 
Her father’s words echoed in her ears, the memory of his voice mixing together with the chaos of Ariadne and the hunter scuffling on the concrete. Do you think he would have lost sleep over it? Men like this don’t see us as people. But they were. Ariadne was. She was a person, and she was Cass’s friend, and she was worth more than ten of this stupid hunter. She was better than he could ever be. 
With a cry, Cass lunged at the man, leaping onto his back and yanking him backwards, desperate to pull him off her friend. “Don’t fucking touch her,” she snapped. The hunter fell back and, for a moment, Cass thought she’d been successful. But it quickly became clear that the move was an intentional one as her back hit the ground and he landed on top of her, pushing his weight against her until it was hard to breathe.
“I don’t know what you are,” he said lowly, “but I was going to let you live. I usually only kill the dead, but I don’t mind making an exception if you don’t smarten up. Let me do my job, and you can go.” He reared back against her again, hard enough for spots to dance along the edge of her vision, and then the weight disappeared. Cass had only a moment to be relieved before she realized he’d only left her to go back to Ariadne.
It was too fast.
It was always too fast. When the man with the van had grabbed her, it had been too fast.  In this past month, it had been too fast. When Cass had told her that the same man had attacked her and Alex, it had sounded too fast.She hadn’t been there then, of course, but it sounded fast. It sounded awful. Ariadne hated that feeling almost as much as she hated the hunger that came when she hadn’t fed in a while. Even though now she’d been doing better, at Inge’s encouragement. 
She knew that she hadn’t fed on this man, though. Not that Ariadne could recall each and every exact person she fed from, but she did her best, and this man was someone she was (pretty) sure she would remember.
She was back in the van but she couldn’t be, and Cass was here and Cass might’ve also been in trouble and - and - and – 
The hunter was on Cass now, and Ariadne shrieked (she wasn’t sure how big and scary and off putting it was, but hopefully a bit), except she’d fallen down again and tried to push herself up (selfishly thinking about how much of a pain it was going to be to do ballet tomorrow, but there had to be a tomorrow for her and Cass first), only just before the hunter had turned back around and went after her again.
“Stop it!” She shrieked, again, attempting to give his shins a quick kick and attempting to run (but not too far, because she couldn’t and wouldn’t leave Cass all alone). The man’s smile was the worst she’d come across so far. Well, probable worst, the man with the van’s smile still haunted her thoughts in the worst of ways. Ariadne grabbed the knife Inge had given her and gave a jab at the air, though the hunter deftly avoided it. Avoided it and struck her again, and Ariadne’s hand flew to her jaw, tears threatening to drop from her eyes. “Leave us alone!” Except he gave her a kick, catching her off guard, and sending her back to the ground.
It was like Cass didn’t matter at all. She was collateral damage, she was cast aside. And she didn’t want to be hurt, didn’t want to be a target again the way she had with Rhett, but — but she wanted to matter. She wanted to be important, wanted to be someone this man would remember, at least. She thought of Rhett, the way she always seemed to. She doubted he remembered her at all. He remembered Alex, she was sure, her claws in his skin, but Cass? Cass was no one. Nothing. The hunter who left that scar on her father’s chest probably didn’t remember him, either. This man wouldn’t remember Ariadne if he killed her here.
But Cass would.
Cass would remember forever, would grieve forever. This man would go on with his life, would sleep soundly, would forget he’d ever had this altercation at all when he had ten more just like it this month. And it wasn’t fair. Who was he to treat them like they were nothing? Who was he to decide that Ariadne was bad when Cass knew that she was good? 
The man had Ariadne on the ground again. Cass took a deep breath, filling her aching lungs with the oxygen he’d briefly denied them. She scrambled onto her hands and knees, she shot out, and she was slow. She was too slow. The man had a knife, he brought it down, he —
More glittering blood on the pavement as he pulled the knife out from between Ariadne’s ribs. Cass scrambled towards him, grabbed his feet and yanked him back with all her might. The knife came with him as he scrambled for purchase, sinking into the side of Ariadne’s ankle, and Cass screamed. 
Her glamour dropped. Her eyes burned bright red, the magma in her veins was hot. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he tried to sit up, yanked him back against her in a strange bear hug. Only this time, it was him who screamed. The smell of burning flesh filled the air and he struggled, but Cass only tightened her grip. 
“You think you get to decide?” Her voice cracked like a fire, like stone. “You think you’re better? You’re not! You aren’t! I said — I said you don’t fucking touch her!” As she yelled, the man continued to scream and thrash and struggle.
And it kind of felt good.
She didn’t need to breathe. The dead, in fact, very notably didn’t breathe, like, at all.
But she still felt something trapped in her lungs, in her chest, very much like when she’d held her breath underwater with Chance for way too long when they were both kids. Not wanting to give up until he did. But that lack of breath and tightening of her chest had been fun. This, right now, was not fun. Ariadne hated how it made her feel.
Before she could move, the man’s knife had slit through her shirt and into where her ribs should be. Where they were. Ariadne didn’t want to cry. That would be giving in, showing that she was easily defeated (which, of course, she was, but the hunter man didn’t have to know that). She felt her whole body convulse with pain, and she could see, out of the corner of her eye, Cass getting up (thank goodness she wasn’t dead), and then Cass was running at the two of them and there was a millisecond during which Ariadne felt like she could smile, before the man was yanked away, but not before he could do more damage, slicing into her ankle, and she did burst into tears then, if only for a moment, because she couldn’t lose her ability to dance, and so she hoped that whatever damage he’d done would be fixable on a – well, corpse. Except she did her best to not think of herself using the words that he had.
There were more important things to focus on now, anyhow. Like how absolutely beautiful and amazing her best friend looked without her glamour. It was awe-inspiring, and Ariadne made a mental note to tell Cass that when (not if, when – it had to be when) they got out of this mess.
But then there was another scream, and it wasn’t Cass, and it wasn’t Ariadne, and sitting up (weakly) she looked over in shock to see Cass holding him, the smell of burning flesh seeping into the air, almost enough to make her forget that she was actively bleeding glitter everywhere. “I – Cass!” She called out to her friend. 
“Hey – he’s – Cass?” Ariadne took in another shaky breath. “I’m okay. Let’s – we can go now. I have – ice – ouch – ice cream at my apartment and we can – Cass!” She did the best she could to get her friend’s attention. 
She was burning and he was burning and, for a moment, it felt like the whole world was, too. For a moment, Cass was Mount Vesuvius. She was erupting so beautifully, was raining rock and magma down, down, down while everyone marveled. The man in her arms was Pompeii, screaming and shuddering. She thought of the books she’d read on the event, the quiet excitement they’d left her with that she’d never told anyone about. Would this hunter turn to a cast when she was done with him? Would his body be frozen in time beneath stone? Could they leave him here, have him be a warning? 
Was it bad to want to?
He was still screaming, still burning, and Cass held on. He wasn’t a threat anymore; he hadn’t been a threat since the moment she grabbed him, and she knew it. She thought of her father, crouched in her cave. Why should we care for the lives of people who want us dead? He would have killed Ariadne. He would have killed her and gone home and slept through the night, would have done it without caring. Didn’t he deserve this? Didn’t she? She couldn’t stand up to Rhett, wasn’t sure she’d have been able to even if he were in front of her. She hadn’t been able to do much against Debbie, even if Nora had taken care of it for her. But she could stop this man. She could save Ariadne. She could. 
And then, Ariadne’s voice cut through the eruption, and Cass didn’t feel like Mount Vesuvius anymore. She didn’t feel powerful or large or looming, didn’t feel like a thing that had earned the right to sling magma and burst into flame. She felt like a little girl who’d done something bad, like a child being scolded. She gasped, glamour flying back up as she scrambled away from the hunter.
He looked bad. His skin was red and lumpy, sticking to the ground in every place where her body had been in direct contact with his. He wheezed, rolling onto his stomach to alleviate it, breathing in a way that sounded like it must have hurt. And Ariadne… 
What must Ariadne have thought of her? Cass couldn’t bring herself to look at her friend, couldn’t bear the thought that she might see disappointment or fear in her eyes. She thought of Kuma, of how terrified she’d been the first time Cass’s glamour dropped in front of her. She’d chosen to let the promise kill her rather than accept Cass for who she was, and Cass hadn’t even hurt anyone then. How could she expect Ariadne to look at her the same now?
Scrambling back further, Cass shot to her feet and stumbled back. “I — I’m sorry. I didn’t — I wasn’t trying to —” Her throat felt dry. She wasn’t looking at Ariadne, wasn’t looking at the hunter. She looked at her own hands, at those weapons of mass destruction she’d never used quite like this before. “I — I need to go. I have to… I’m sorry.” It was all she could manage as she turned, running as fast as she could towards her cave and somehow both longing for Aria to follow and praying that she wouldn’t. 
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inspofromancientworld · 1 month ago
Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius
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By ElfQrin - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=45294722
Pompeii was a Roman city in southern Italy that is best known for being buried by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE. This, however, was not the first city built in this location, nor was it the first time that people had to escape from an eruption by Mount Vesuvius.
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Credit: Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Salerno e Avellino
A recent discovery of animal and human footprints was found while excavations were being done for a gas pipeline that were preserved in pyroclastic deposits dated to 1995 BCE. This eruption was discovered to be much larger than the one that covered Pompeii in 79 CE. There are also suggestions that when it became safe, people moved back into the area, between 1200 and 900 BCE, in at least two rural villas that were focused on agriculture.
Around the 8th century BCE, the Oscans of central Italy set up five villages in in the area that would become Pompeii. Soon after, in about 740 BCE, the Greeks arrived in the area and influenced those living there. A Doric style temple was built there and the cult of Apollo was introduced. This area was also used as a safe harbor by the Greeks and Phoenicians.
Beginning in the early 6th century BCE, the five villages merged into a single community and a city wall was built with a type of limestone called tufa. This city wall was unusual in that it surrounded a larger area than the town and included much of the surrounding agricultural land. Such a large work shows that Pompeii had gained a great deal of wealth as a center of trading. A port was built on the mouth of the Sarno River.
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By Heinz-Josef Lücking, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=33119131
By 524 BCE, the Etruscans settled in the area without conquering the city, though they did come to control it, though Pompeii was allowed a measure of autonomy from the Etruscan League even being a member of it. They developed a market and/or a forum, and built the Temple of Apollo. They also strengthened the city walls by widening it to about four meters with earth between panels of limestone.
In 474 BCE, the Etruscans were defeated by the Greeks of Cumae and Syracuse, giving them control of Pompeii. At this time, larger portions of the city, including the Temple of Apollo, were abandoned based on a lack of remains. The Samnites, who were allies of the Romans, conquered the Greeks at Cumae by 420 BCE and controlled the area around Cumae including Pompeii. While the Samnites technically ruled Pompeii, they were under the rule of the Romans.
Around 290 BCE, after several wars in the Italian peninsula, Pompeii gained the status of socii, as part of the confederation of Rome, though they were largely autonomous. During the Second Punic War (218-201 BCE), Pompeii remained faithful to Rome. Despite this loyalty, Pompeii rebelled during the Social Wars from 91-88 BCE, leaving ballistic evidence around the city. After this, Pompeii became a Roman colony with a full name of Colonia Cornelia Veneria Pompeianorum with land given to those who fought for Rome and those who fought against Rome lost their property. This did allow the people of Pompeii to become Roman citizens as well.
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By Carole Raddato from FRANKFURT, Germany - CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=133810894
On 5 February 62 CE, Pliny the Younger recorded that there was a minor earthquake that he described as 'not particularly alarming because they are frequent in Campania', though there is evidence of considerable earthquake, probably about a 5 or 6 on the Richter magnitude scale. That day was the anniversary of Augustus being named Pater Patriae, the 'Father of the Country', as well as a feast day for the guardian spirits of the city. Burning oil lamps fell, starting fires, which cause panic among the chaos of the earthquake.
Between 62 and 79 CE, efforts were made to restore the city, both publicly and privately, with the public repairs also attempting to introduce improvements, such as improving the city plan and Forum. Central Baths, for example, were added after the earthquake.
Pliny the Younger wrote about the 79 CE eruption almost 30 years later. They place the date of the eruption on 24 August 79. This date was questioned because the original letters he wrote to Tacitus, a Roman historian. Some, who came much later, claimed that the eruption happened in October or November with various reasoning behind their claims, ranging from when the Romans counted the beginning of the season to a charcoal inscription on a wall in the excavated ruins. Those at the ruins today have run experiments that show charcoal inscriptions can last up to a year and thus the inscription that says it was written on 17 October could have easily been written 10 months previously.
This isn't to say that Pliny the Younger's recollections of the date were right as he was 18 at the time of the eruption and around 47 when he wrote to Tacitus about the eruption. There is evidence of people wearing thicker garments than would be expected for a summer, as August would have been, and the foods that were fresh and those that were dried were more indicative of fall. Wine jars were found sealed, as well, which would not have happened until the end of October. There were also coins found in a woman's purse that wouldn't have been minted before the second week of August. In 2022, an eruption date of 24-25 October was determined based on available evidence, though there is a version of Pliny the Younger's letter that gives an eruption date of 23 November, which is consistent with the evidence, as well.
Soon after the eruption, there were efforts to help the victims of the destruction. Titus, the emperor at the time, visited Pompeii after the eruption and then a year later, though there were no organized efforts to uncover the city. Survivors came back, trying to salvage their valuables, and possibly thieves, as evidenced by signs of disturbance and missing statues and building materials. There were parts of the city that weren't fully buried, making it easier to take those. There are even graffiti saying things like 'house dug' indicating either thieves or survivors marking their passage. Later eruptions, especially those from 471-473 and in 512, finished burying Pompeii, and erased it from memory with it being remembered only as 'La Civita', the city, because of faint outlines that remained in the land.
Further reading:
4,000-year-old footprints near Pompeii reveal Bronze Age escape from Vesuvius via Archaeology Magazine
Pompeii Experts Back Up Pliny’s Historical Account of Vesuvius Eruption via ArtNet News
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The Day Mount Vesuvius Erupted! #history #atlantismystery #civilization
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histinart · 7 months ago
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the last day of pompeii by karl bryullov (1833)
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postcard-from-the-past · 1 year ago
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Mount Vesuvius erupting, Campania, Italy
Italian vintage postcard
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illustratus · 2 years ago
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Vesuvius Eruption at Night overlooking the Scuola di Virgilio, 1822
by Josef Rebell
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blueiscoool · 7 months ago
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Ancient Pompeii Reveals Two More Victims of Eruption With Coins and Jewelry
The skeletal remains of a man and a woman have been unearthed in Pompeii, along with a cache of coins and precious jewelry, archaeologists say.
The discovery is part of a dig in Region IX of the buried city that has uncovered a plethora of ancient buildings and artifacts, including a bakery, a home renovation and rooms decorated with elaborate drawings. Pompeii was home to around 20,000 people when it was buried under ash and volcanic glass during the 79 AD eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
The latest discovery adds more detail to the picture of what life was like in the city before the disaster. The bodies were found in a small bedroom that was being used as a temporary sleeping space while the large home was undergoing renovation, according to the archaeologists who made the discovery.
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The woman was found on the bed. Clutched in her hands was a small cache of gold, silver and bronze coins, as well as gold and pearl earrings. “The room was chosen as a refuge by the two people, while waiting for the end of the fall of pumice that had been gradually filling the open spaces for hours in the rest of the house,” the archaeologists said in a statement.
Because the door was closed, the room remained free of pumice, but the couple were trapped inside. “Trapped in the cramped little room, their deaths were caused by the pyroclastic flow that buried them,” the archaeologists said.
The room, which contained a wooden bed, stool, chest and marble topped table, was near the Blue Shrine room, which was unearthed in June, and next to the large living area decorated with frescoes. Archaeologists also found bronze, glass and ceramic objects still in place on the table. A large bronze candelabrum was found on the floor.
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“The opportunity to analyze the invaluable anthropological data relating to the two victims found within the archaeological context that marked their tragic end, allows us to recover a considerable amount of information about the daily life of the ancient Pompeiians and the micro-histories of some of them, with precise and timely documentation, confirming the uniqueness of the Vesuvian territory,” the park’s director, Gabriel Zuchtriegel, said.
He described the excavations as “a work in which archaeologists, anthropologists and volcanologists work together to reconstruct the last moments of the lives of men, women and children who perished during one of the greatest natural catastrophes of antiquity.”
The current excavations in Region IX were initially started to prevent the outer perimeter of the site from collapsing. They have provided some of the most important discoveries ever made in the ancient city.
By Barbie Latza Nadeau.
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pebblegalaxy · 2 years ago
Unveiling the Enigma of Pompeii: Exploring the Ancient Ruins and History
Title: Exploring the Enigmatic Ruins of Pompeii: A Journey Through History Introduction:Nestled near the picturesque Bay of Naples in Italy, the ruins of Pompeii stand as a captivating testament to the ancient Roman world. Frozen in time by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, Pompeii offers a remarkable glimpse into the daily life, architecture, and culture of a bygone era. In this…
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View On WordPress
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thepastisalreadywritten · 3 months ago
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16 December 1431
King Henry VI of England was crowned King of France in Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, making him the only English monarch ever to wear both crowns.
This event occurred during the Hundred Years' War, following the Treaty of Troyes, which recognized Henry V and his heirs as successors to the French throne.
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16 December 1631
Mount Vesuvius is best known for its eruption in 79 AD, which buried the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
However, this was not its only devastating eruption in history.
Today in 1631, it erupted again and buried several villages close by. Approximately 3,000 people lost their lives, making it one of the deadliest eruptions in European history.
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16 December 1773
The Boston Tea Party took place, which was one of the key events in the lead-up to the American Revolution.
Members of the Sons of Liberty disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians and boarded three ships in Boston Harbor. They then dumped 342 chests of tea overboard into the harbor.
This was in response to the Tea Act of 1773, which allowed the East India Company to sell tea directly to the colonies, undermining local merchants.
The British government's harsh response to this event escalated tensions, contributing to the start of the Revolutionary War.
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16 December 1944
The Battle of the Bulge began, which was the last major German offensive of World War II.
With the goal of capturing Antwerp to split Allied forces, the German army launched a surprise attack against primarily American troops.
The battle was fought in severe winter conditions and continued until late January 1945.
Defenses held up and the battle ended in an Allied victory, but there were many casualties on both sides.
The long battle greatly depleted German resources and was a critical turning point on the Western Front.
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the-cricket-chirps · 1 year ago
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Folding Fan with a Representation of the 1806 Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
ca. 1815
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spikehunter · 2 years ago
"why are you more upset about this disrespectful thing that someone just said to your face right now than this thing that happened 22 years ago in a different state/country to and by people you didnt know"
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twitter is so funny right now
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