#the empty tomb
psifitopia · 6 months
weird question
I'm not sure how a first-century Jewish person would have thought about this, but I'm curious. After the resurrection, when Joseph of Arimathea died, why wasn't he buried in the tomb?
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richardmark1 · 6 months
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janedroid · 6 months
Easter, eh?
Easter, a time of remembrance or celebration, or a good excuse for a few days off and go bush before the real winter sets in. TL;DR Who knows? You do you. Go in peace. My past is a bit of a mixture of different Christian traditions with some Hinduism and Buddhism tacked on. Early years in Catholic schools featured a mostly naked figure bleeding on a cross. Following school the…
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anatomical-puppet · 7 months
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apparently the moment i get into a new piece of media is the perfect time for my hands to forget how to draw . oh well post first house thotties
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nekomim1 · 8 months
Nona the ninth is like,
Imagine you are a girl, and you woke up sixth months ago and thats your earliest memory. You dont know who you are. Your name was chosen for you seemingly at random, because nobody else knows who you are either. All you know about yourself is this: you cannot let anyone see you injured, or they will kill you. You are inhabiting a body that the others recognize, but you dont. You are probably one of two people, but nobody knows which one. You dont know these people. You dont know yourself. And deep down maybe you know you're not either one of them.
You are happy anyway.
You live with three people, who love you and who you love back fiercely. One of them is inhabiting a body that doesnt belong to her. She understands you, but she also doesnt. The other two are sharing a body, so intertwined that you can never be sure which one is standing right in front of you, unless you study them closely and know them well enough to guess. They understand you, but they also dont. They expect you to be one of two people, but you arent and you dont know why. You dont know who (what) you are.
You are happy anyway.
The world is crumbling around you. Your life is on a time limit and your soul is trying to claw its way out of your (her) body. The people you love are in danger but you dont know why or how to stop it. You are in danger, and the people you love know how to save you. You dont belong in this body, everyone knows that now. You are too big, too much, and the rest of your essence is trying to claw its way into your mind, becoming whole again, but you cant let it. You cant let it because if you are whole then you will be different, you wont be Nona anymore and you will not be that girl who loves and who is loved. But there is no choice, you must go back or risk killing yourself and the girl whose body you inhabit. You may remember your time as Nona, or you may not, but either way you will never be the same again. You might not be loved anymore. You might not love.
But you are happy anyway.
Because at least you know this. You cannot take loved away.
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ajcrawly · 21 days
No skeletons or constructs of any kind on the Mithraeum which leads me to wonder what kind of unholy chore wheel they're operating under. We know everyone cooks (more or less) but who is doing dishes. Who is dusting the ossuaries. How many decades of accumulated grime have to build up before Gideon, Saint of Duty, pulls on the marigolds and gets to work.
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mayasaura · 2 years
The series has so far been consistent in presenting a merging of souls as something that can't be undone. The part of Gideon that Harrow took, I don't know if she can give it back. I don't know if Gideon would even want her to.
Maybe I'm a romantic, but the ideal ending to me, the most satisfying conclusion, would be Harrow balancing the scale by giving a piece of her own living soul to become a part of Gideon. Not Gideon's heart returned, but Harrow's heart in return. We've seen lyctorhood as a one-sided consumption, and we've seen it as a mutual consummation. We've still never seen it tried as a reciprocal exchange.
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theriverbeyond · 3 months
Rated E (18+) | 4.8k words
“I’m not a child, Pyrrha,” he says. Cam’s face is pulled into a scowl, and you like the way the skin between his eyes furrows. It’s different from how Cam does it, and you think it’s cute, and painfully endearing. “I’m—shit. I’m twenty-two, if you count the years post-mortem. Twenty if you don’t, and House age of majority is eighteen regardless.” “I was twenty-two long before the Resurrection, ten thousand years ago,” you reply. The eggs you’re trying to cook sizzle. “You’re too young for me, Sextus."
This fic was written for Fandom Trumps Hate 2024 (@fandomtrumpshate) as a gift to thank @beyoncesfiancee for her donation to Palestine Children's Relief Fund.
Pal/Pyrrha, ft background Cam/Pal/Pyrrha dynamics!
What if we were both stuck in a body that didn't fit our gender OR necro/cav alignment.... and we were both on New Rho👉👈!
Notable Cougar Hunter Palamedes Sextus!
Psychosexual roleplaying AND bad meals!
Background Nona antics!
Wild speculation on how DIY hormones might interact with a Lyctoral Body!
The ever present shadow of grief!
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many-sparrows · 6 months
On Easter, the biggest Love ever known rewrote the cosmos, balanced the moral scales of the universe, and defeated death. Love reigns supreme! It has freed us and made all things new and possible.
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nonasbirthday · 10 months
I still don't understand why Crux had to die for the tomb to be opened at the end of NTN. Wasn't the tomb already open? How could it have re-set to need John's blood again?
It sounds like Paul was somehow able to get some of Kiriona's blood despite her impenetrable skin ("Take all of it." "I don't need all of it - but I need to keep it wet..."). And that maybe they only needed "fresh thanergy" because Kiriona (and presumably her blood) is dead. Because Harrow didn't need to kill anybody the first time she went in, right?
But in HTN it's implied that Harrow entered the tomb multiple times and that it took her a while to dismantle the traps in each section. And she presumably didn't have Gideon's blood under her nails every time she went in (hard to say for sure, since the memory recounted to us has been edited to be Certified Griddle-Free). (And anyways, doesn't Pyrrha say in HTN that fresh blood is thalergenic, not thanergenic? So why would Gideon's blood being fresh meet the thanergy requirement?)
So I don't understand why the tomb wasn't just open for our little rescue crew to bust in, and if it had been re-locked, why Crux dying unlocked it. (Or how they got Gideon's blood, really, but for that one I'm willing to just accept the magic of "it happened offscreen.")
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psyche-reads · 6 months
It’s Easter Sunday, welcome back Gideon Nav!!
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captorations · 1 year
was looking something up and got absolutely obliterated by
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dulcinea knows that isn't the real camilla. even before it got its face blasted off, that was an empty puppet. but she's fucking PETTING her okay it's fine i'm fine we're good i'm normal about them. but no really if i see anyone try to claim that dulcie and pal is the only romantic side of that triangle i'm going to beat you over the head with both this paragraph and the "will she know who we are" exchange
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lishenkaaa · 2 years
inside of you there are two wolves. one wants a tender griddlehark reunion in atn where they finally settle all the miscommunication and resentment that has festered over the course of the last three books and confess how they feel. the other wants harrow and kiriona to beat each other up for a bit.
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It's so funny to me that John refers to himself as "the other disciple, the one Jesus loved"
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littlemissbigears · 3 months
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*insert commentary and how history repeats itself here*
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polandspringz · 6 months
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I swear to god- Lewis better be back as a human inside there, I want it to be like Jesus and the tomb for this reunion
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