#the effects and makeup are a bit rough around the edges but honestly i think it's kinda charming
puddingapologist · 1 year
the one piece live action movie looks reasonably decent in the trailer drop and I'm definitely going to be watching it lmao
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Part 2 ->
Summary: Nevada takes you out on a fancy date and things go poorly.
Nevada Ramirez x Feral Female Reader
Warnings: allusions to domestic violence but no actual domestic violence, just some assumptions based on Nevada being generally an asshole.  A bit of regular violence though. (OK, you know that trope where the Honorable Tough Guy beats up a stranger’s abusive husband to teach him a lesson?) Mature content, but no smut this chapter.
1,796 words
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While most people would consider a romantic dinner at a sophisticated restaurant relaxing, everything about it had you on edge. It was too fancy for you to belong there, even in the elegant dress Nevada bought for you. The dress was too form-fitting, too low-cut. It made your cleavage look ample, and though you were getting accustomed to wearing such pieces in your new employment, your confidence in the feminine was still lacking.
You hunkered low in your seat, trying to be as small as possible so no one would look at you. Of course your nervous fidgeting only made them look more.
Not helping matters was your date, sitting across from you at the small, intimate dining table. Nevada Ramirez cocked his brow sarcastically as he made an inappropriately sexual comment about the aforementioned dress, and the aforementioned way your breasts looked in it.
“It’s almost distracting enough that you don’t notice the—” he gestured at your face with a mocking smirk, and laughed almost cruelly as he saw your eyes flash wide. 
Your jaw clenched and you thought of a million biting comebacks you could shoot at him, and briefly envisioned flipping over the table and decking him, but instead you shrunk further in your chair.
“Come on, guerrerita, don’t be like that,” he frowned. He seemed genuinely upset that you were shriveling instead of being riled into taking his bait.
Never in a million years would you have imagined yourself with an asshole like Nevada. Vulgar, loud, rough around the edges. A gang leader who earned the nickname of a ruthless dictator. But your life had been in a downward spiral, and Trujillo found you at the bottom of it. He recruited you into the crime family, and gave you a purpose when everything in your law-abiding life was falling apart.
It was a recent development that you’d admitted your feelings for each other, and until now your relationship (outside of work) had been limited to passionate, desperate, intense sex. Fucking Trujillo was like fucking the illegal fireworks he sold, but this was the first time you’d allowed yourself to be seen out in public with him—in decent company, anyway.
He’d insisted on taking you out to celebrate with something nice, just the two of you. None of his men lurking over your shoulders. Something he thought you’d want, even though all you wanted was to go back to the Heights and rip his clothing off. Now you were too pissed off and embarrassed to even want to fuck him.
You thought he might tone himself down for the upscale venue, but Vada had been his usual obnoxious self all night, and more genteel diners were glaring. Honestly, this was why you couldn’t stand him at first, even though he was incredibly handsome. But his boorish exterior belied a cunning, organized businessman who had all of Washington Heights under his thumb, who earned his community’s loyalty through fear, yes, but ultimately, by taking care of them. There was, underneath the showy performances of flippant laughter and casual brutality, a certain sensitivity you had grown keenly protective of. 
He saw the value in things others overlooked. He recognized all the anger and pain stamped inside you behind those mild suburban manners—things polite society considered flaws—and told you that you were exactly what he needed. That those things were an asset to him. That you were valuable. 
No one ever said that to you before. 
You weren’t in love with him. He would always be a ruthless criminal, and one day you’d want your normal life back. But you had grown… attached.
One of the glaring diners was eyeing Nevada with particular suspicion, not just briefly glancing up when he laughed too loud or made a rude remark to the waiter. He shot Vada a profoundly dirty look and held it long enough to raise your hackles. He sat at the bar about four table lengths away, had shoulder-length hair, a messy stubble beard, and a solid physical build. You would have mistaken him for a surfer except you were on the wrong coast, and your instincts told you he was dangerous. You quietly assessed the potential threat while maintaining your meek posture low in the chair. A cop? Or a rival gang leader? Unlikely to make a move inside the restaurant with so many witnesses. You’d watch the exits when it was time for the check.
The waiter brought the main course to the table, and blessedly, digging into a meal finally shut up Nevada’s feisty tongue. Instead of sleazy remarks, he made small-talk about how good everything tasted. Maybe it wasn’t just having his mouth stuffed that mellowed him. There was a softness in his eyes now—a look reserved for when you were alone together, when he knew something was bothering you. You guessed he finally caught on that you were not having a good time.
Nevada never took anything seriously, until suddenly he did. You’d seen him throw opponents off balance by dropping from sardonic laughter to spine-chilling hostility, and the effect was equally potent when he dropped into affection.
His foot bumped into your leg—those shiny black leather shoes that looked like someone cut off a tacky cowboy boot at the ankle—and slowly brushed against it under the table. It wasn’t an aggressively sexual maneuver, just an affectionate contact letting you know he was there. It worked. You lanced a slice of filet mignon on your fork, and felt your shoulders relax with his change in attitude. It was a simple gesture, but the warmth of his leg spread tingling waves through your skin, making your face flush. A private, intimate moment, like a sharing secret. That was the most thrilling part of the relationship, really—the secret that the fearsome Trujillo had a tender side. In a way, you were like two opposite halves that fit together perfectly.
Before long, you were comfortable enough to start gushing about the day’s victory you were there to celebrate, and the staring stranger had slipped entirely from your mind.
You excused yourself to use the bathroom, and as you washed your hands in the mirror, you got a good look your swollen black eye. You’d taken a glove to the face hard, but it opened your opponent’s guard and let you hit them back harder until they went down, and you walked away with prize money from the biggest tournament you’d ever won. Nevada was so turned on by your aggression, it took all his willpower not to barge into the locker room and fuck you right then and there. Instead, he treated you to dinner at a nice place like a gentleman, which was a very sweet, if misguided effort.
The bruise had spread and darkened in the hours since you received it, and your makeup no longer did anything to hide it. And there you were all innocent, in a cute little dress, slouching nervously across from a character from Breaking Bad. Oh fuck, no wonder everyone was giving him dirty looks.
An icy fist clenched around your heart as you remembered surfer-hair sitting at the bar, and you suddenly didn’t feel right about leaving Nevada unguarded. You shook the water off your hands and rushed back out into the dining area.
You were just being paranoid, of course. No one would start a fight in the middle of the restau—
Your table was empty. And so was that spot at the bar.
Worst-case scenarios ran through your head and your field of vision narrowed. A waiter hurried past with a tray of dirty dishes and you grabbed him by the arm hard enough for several plates to go flying as you whipped him around. “Did you see where the man at that table went?!” you demanded, pointing.
Indignant protests died half-formed on the surprised waiter’s lips and turned to terror at your intensity. “I-I think he went out to smoke! The side door!”
You dropped his arm without a thank you and marched with purpose to the door, which pushed open into a dim back alley.
“If you ever lay a hand on her again—” surfer-hair was snarling, pinning Nevada against the side of a metal dumpster, fist raised about to strike. 
Nevada’s lip was bleeding, but he wore a cocky grin, letting fly a string of filthy Spanish expletives. 
“You think it’s funny beating on a helpless girl? Let’s see how you like it.”
Nevada was scrappy, but not especially large. He’d gotten in a few hits, but was losing, badly. He was more the brains of his criminal operation, which was why he was always accompanied by protection. And now you were seeing red.
The man got off another punch to Nevada’s smirking face before you could reach them, the dull impact unlocking a boiling rage that rose in your blood and turned you into someone you wouldn’t recognize once the heat had passed. As he reared back for another, you used his momentum to keep him sailing backwards, off balance. 
“DON’T YOU”—you kicked him in the chest, staggering him back—“FUCKING TOUCH HIM!” you roared. 
Carrying forward on the momentum of the kick, you threw your entire body into punch after brutal punch, hissing and snarling like an animal, driving him back and down, your primal fury relishing the sensation of fists slamming into solid flesh and bone. You were going to break this fucker for daring to hurt Trujillo. “I will kill you! I will kill you!” you screamed, thrashing him in a relentless onslaught that never gave him an opening to regain his footing. The man might have given a better showing, but he was still recovering from the shock of being beaten senseless by a demon he had assumed was a fragile soul in need of rescuing.
You felt a hand grasp your shoulder and threw a vicious elbow, stopping yourself inches before seeing whose nose it was you were about to shatter. “Princesa, princesa—calmate. Tranquila, baby girl…” he cooed, pulling you off.
“I’ll fucking kill you!” you kept shrieking, legs and arms kicking out at the air, trying to continue raining blows down on your enemy as Nevada restrained you. You struggled against Nevada’s arms, your hammering pulse chanting murder in your ear, but never striking a blow against him. Even in a blind rage, your instincts recognized he was yours to protect.
In the way his long fingers gripped you, the rhythm of his breath in your ear, and how close he held his body firm against you, he was clearly turned on. 
He cackled at the would-be do-gooder. “You don’t wanna mess with an MMA champ’s boyfriend, comemierda. I don’t think she’s kidding! Better run while you can.”
“Alright, alright, Jesus fucking Christ,” he muttered, guarding his face. “Who the hell are you people?”
Nevada’s smile could have split his face in two. “She’s my bodyguard.”
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hi-hey-haechan · 4 years
3 + 65 with NCT Mark Lee from the prompt list !!
Thank you for replying! (To be honest, dom Mark kinda made me feel some type of way)
Prompt list is here
3: “You’re not going out wearing that outfit.”
65: “You better shut that pretty little mouth before I put it to work, doll.”
Warnings: Oral (male receiving), mild profanity
You knew Mark wouldn’t approve of what you were wearing. To be honest, you didn’t feel totally secure in what you wore, either. It was your best friend’s birthday party, though, and she decided she wanted to go clubbing.
If Mark didn’t like this idea, he didn’t show it. He knew that you were your own person who didn’t belong to him, and that you could take care of yourself. Plus, he was fairly shy, and he wasn’t the best at bringing up topics that would make him feel insecure in any way.
You stared at yourself in the mirror. You were wearing a short black dress, and it hugged your curves perfectly. Under it, you wore a pair of black tights, for it at least made you feel a bit less exposed than fishnets would. The makeup you wore made your face look extremely elegant. Plus, despite the pain in your feet, the high heels you wore made you feel more confident, and they made your legs look longer and stronger. The sequins of your dress shimmered under the lights in the bathroom. You kept looking at yourself from every angle, making sure you looked okay.
With a deep breath, you finally stepped out of the bathroom. You grabbed your small purse and walked out down the hall, over to the front door.
“You’re not going out wearing that outfit.” His deep voice sounded from behind you, and you spun around to make eye contact with him. Mark’s expression was unreadable, but you could tell how much he meant what he said.
“There’s nothing wrong with it,” you defended, sort of gesturing towards yourself. “I’m wearing tights with it. I could be dressed a lot worse.”
Mark was insecure about other guys wanting to steal you away from him. He loved you so dearly, and the thought of not having you anymore because you found someone better than him was what really hurt his heart. You assured him that nobody could be better than him, and you meant it with all of your heart.
“The dress barely covers half of your thigh! Y/n, you look amazing, but all the other guys are gonna think the same thing!” He must have really been angry, if he continued to argue with you on this. His eyes were looking at you up and down, memorizing every curve of your body, which was perfect to him.
“I’m going out like this, and that’s final," you told him, your voice standoffish. You knew you were being rude, but this was ridiculous.
"You better shut that pretty little mouth before I put it to work, doll."
Did Mark just say that? Did your shy, innocent boyfriend just utter those words to you with so much confidence? You looked straight at him. His jaw was clenched, and his eyes were dark. His voice was low and dominant, which shocked you. Your gaze averted downward, and you noticed how his erection was straining against his black jeans. Hearing those words uttered from his mouth had a shocking effect on you.
Your eyes were wide, and you stared right at him. You would expect him to blush, stutter, or laugh, embarrassed. Instead, he walked right up to you.
His face was just inches away from yours, and you had no idea what to expect. "And if I don't shut my mouth?" you inquired in a small voice. You wanted it to be a bit more assertive, more able to talk back to him.
“On your knees," he practically growled, "now."
You weren't gonna make it to the party on time. But at this point, you didn't care. When Mark, your funny and bashful boyfriend, was being this dominant, you were too turned on to even consider leaving for that party now.
You dropped to your knees, your face right in front of his clothes crotch. Quickly, you unbuckled his belt, and he pulled his pants down, along with his boxers.
"Just looking at you in that dress turned me on like this," Mark said. "If any other guys saw you looking like this--" He trailed off, letting out a groan as you pressed a kiss against the tip of his member.
You kissed every inch of his erection. "Don't tease me, babygirl," he hissed between his clenched teeth.
Smiling faintly, you engulfed as much of his length as you could take. He was already hard, and you could feel his length throbbing inside of your mouth. Mark's hand tangled in your hair as he let out a harsh groan.
He looked down at you to see you staring back up him with innocent eyes, even though his cock was sliding in and out past your lips. Mark was practically flying, high on the pleasure you were giving him. When you began to lick his tip more aggressively than before, he threw his head back and screwed his eyes shut.
With your hand, you gripped the part of his member that you couldn't satisfy with your mouth. You hollowed your cheeks out for a few seconds, increasing Mark's pleasure as he let out a sharp grunt.
To your surprise, he slowly pushed your mouth further down his shaft, forcing you to take more of him. You gagged at the sensation of his tip so deep inside your mouth. You breathed through your nose and tried to ignore how watery your eyes were.
Hearing Mark swear quietly due to the pleasure, and hearing his moans, too, admittedly had you feeling some type of way, too.
"F-fuck, I'm gonna cum," he groaned, feeling his fingers pull your hair more tightly. The feeling of your mouth around his length, hollowing your cheeks to sort of clench around him, was enough to send him to the edge. You continued bobbing your head up and down
His legs felt week as the coil in his stomach unraveled. A stream of low moans and curses spilled past his lips, and intense waves of pleasure washed over him as hot ropes of his cum filled your mouth. Seeing you swallow his seed was incredibly hot to Mark, making the experience even more amazing for him.
“Sorry, was I too rough?" he asked, his face flushed. He was still panting a bit, waiting for his body to calm down from the pleasure it experienced.
So your sweet and shy Mark was back. You answered honestly: "No, that was honestly so hot."
"I'm really sorry about your party. You can go," he said, even though you could see in his eyes that he didn't want you to. "I was a jerk earlier. I guess I got jealous?"
Mark helped you stand up, grabbing your hands to keep you balanced, for your legs had sort of fallen asleep from kneeling like that. His eyes were sweet and innocent, as though he wasn't just forcing his member down your throat, which you had thoroughly enjoyed.
"You know, I really don't feel like going to the party anymore," you replied honestly. His moans and swears and dominance lingered in your mind, and you enjoyed it a bit too much, to the point where you wanted him, was well.
Mark laughed and ducked his head, before making eye contact with you once again. His stare was sweet, and he gave you a smile as he said, “well, I can understand why. It’s my turn to return your favor.”
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Third Wheel
You miss your boyfriend, Tom, and your dad, Chris, surprises you with him. Unfortunately for him, he gets jealous of the two of you.
           “Honey?” Your dad called throughout the house, looking through each room. Your car was in the driveway and you’d been there the last time he called for you, a couple of hours ago, but he’d come back from dinner and for some reason you weren’t running toward the food that was sitting on the kitchen table for you.
           “I’m in here,” you said finally, sighing. You tried to make yourself look a little bit less pathetic, but it wasn’t working. You were curled up in bed, wearing one of your boyfriend’s sweatshirts, and anyone that looked at you for more than a second could tell that you’d been crying. Your eyes were puffy and your makeup had been cried off.
           “Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked you, rushing over to you. You shut your phone and threw it somewhere on the bed, sitting up as he sat down on the edge.
           “Nothing,” you responded. You were lying and he knew it. You wore Tom’s things to sleep in, sure, but it was rare for him to see you in them in the middle of the afternoon.
           “What happened? Did he break up with you? I’ll kill him.” You laughed and shook your head, sniffling.
           “Well why are you upset, then, huh?” He asked. “You weren’t upset earlier.”
           “I just miss him,” you sighed. “I know that’s stupid.”
           “No, it’s not. You haven’t seen him in three months and that sucks.” Usually, Tom could kidnap you for a couple of days when you were both in Los Angeles, but you hadn’t gone out there with your dad the last time. You were stuck in Boston, filling out college applications and going on visits and trying to figure out where you were going to end up. And even though you had a week off from spring break, Tom was stuck in London doing work. Theoretically one of you could have come to the other, but you’d both agreed that it was too stressful. He would come down to see your graduation and you were taking a road trip together after. He told you he loved you every single day, he would FaceTime every time he got the chance, and you’d often talk on the phone until the other fell asleep. He loved you, and you loved him, and he always told you that unless something went seriously wrong, he wasn’t going to just break up with you.
           You were used to distance and it shouldn’t have bothered you. But it did. Things had been hard lately – you’d been getting some rejections, or you didn’t get a scholarship, and then your volleyball team didn’t get to the state championship like it almost always did, and you found out that he couldn’t come for your prom so of course you were broken-hearted. You understood the distance and it made your relationship so much stronger when you were together. But you were just missing him, badly, badly enough to cry about it in the middle of the afternoon.
          “Yeah,” you responded, looking down at your comforter. “I’m such a wimp. We’re literally going on vacation together after graduation, I just…”
           “Things are tough right now. I know. And now that you’re off school for a while they’ll suck.” He knew what you were thinking almost all the time, and he knew that’s what you were thinking about.
           “I just wish we could be a normal couple sometimes and go to prom together and do things on birthdays…” You had only been together since you turned eighteen, so only for a few months, but you’d known each other for years and every time you had to be separated for something like that it sucked. You could send cards videos and presents, but it wasn’t the same as actually being together. Nothing was.
           “I know. But once you’re off at school and things get back to normal everything will get better. Promise.” He offered you a pinky and you took his promise. “I left some food for you downstairs. You should really eat something, especially if you’ve been crying.” You nodded.
           “Thanks, Dad.”
           “No problem, sweetie. Let me know if you need something, okay? I’ll be in the office.” You nodded and got out of bed, following him through the hallway until reaching the stairs. You took your phone with you, opening one of Tom’s snapchats. Miss you, babes! it said, and it was a picture of Tom in the oversized t-shirt he’d stolen from you. You sent him back a selfie of your crying self in his sweatshirt, captioning it It’s been rough out here, bud. You knew it would make him laugh, even if it was self-depriciating. He was trying to work on that with you, but he couldn’t stop you from sending him snapchats.
           Your dad had lied to you. Point blank. He’d straight up lied to you. Because when he got to his office, he wasn’t working. He was texting Tom, asking what he was doing, and if he could spare a few days. Tom said of course, anything for you, and that he could go to meetings with Zoom. You hadn’t even asked him to come because you assumed he was too busy. So it was set – your dad would find an excuse to take you to the airport, pick up Tom, and let the two of you spend a few days together. Your dad sent off a flight itinerary to Tom, one that started in about six hours.
           “Hey, you wanna get lunch tomorrow? There’s a new place out by Logan I wanna check out,” your dad said later, looking down at his phone, as he stood in the doorway to your room. You nodded.  
           “Yeah, sure. What time?”
           “12?” You nodded, looking over at the clock. It was late. Really late. Way later than you usually were up, but it was break. You let that be the deciding factor, and after texting Tom good night you placed your phone on the wireless charger and rolled over to go to sleep.
           You were ready to go at noon the next morning – you’d spent the morning at a volleyball thing before swinging back by the house to change and get ready to go to lunch. Your dad was waiting for you and herded you out the door. Of course you weren’t suspicious when you started heading out toward the airport, because that’s where your dad said you were going. You were too busy looking at your phone, texting with one of your friends, to notice that he took the actual exit for the airport.
           “Why are we at the airport?” You asked him, raising an eyebrow. “Did you miss the other exit again? It’s really not that hard.” Your dad sighed.
           “You’re a real smartass sometimes, you know that?” He asked. “I’m doing you a favor.” You looked around, trying to figure out why the hell your dad was going toward the international terminal. You really hadn’t caught on, still, and you didn’t until he pulled up to the British Airways pickup area. You saw a familiar face – curly brown hair covered by a baseball hat, big brown eyes, and there was a grin on his face when he saw your dad’s car pull up. He had enough luggage for at least a few days, and you realized what was going on.
           “You-” You turned toward your dad, grabbing his arm from where it was resting on the gear shift and shaking it. He smiled at you.
           “Yes, now go get your boyfriend!” He said. You un-buckled your seatbelt and literally ran out of the car, hitting the concrete and stepping up on the curb. Tom had put his backpack down and met you in the middle, hugging you so tightly that you couldn’t breathe. You had missed him so much that you almost forgot the way he made you feel, and you never wanted to forget that. He wrapped his arms around your back, smiling at you, and kissed the top of your head.
           “Are you surprised?” He asked you, letting go only to kiss your lips. You could feel tears forming in your eyes and just nodded, smiling, and crashed back into his chest.
           “I missed you so much,” you said, trying not to start crying like a little kid. He chuckled and you could feel the warmth in his chest and that made you smile. “I thought…”
           “Your dad told me you missed me, so I moved some meetings around,” he explained. You turned toward your dad, who was recording you with your phone that you’d left in the center console. One of the airport police was waving you off, so you grabbed Tom’s backpack and went to the car, shoving it in the trunk as he put his suitcase in the back seat. You climbed into the front seat again but turned to him, smiling.
           “I can’t believe you’re actually here,” you said. Tom smiled and greeted your dad.
           “I can’t either, honestly.” Your dad just grinned, happy to see you so happy. Truth be told, he kind of missed Tom too. And he missed having your happy self around, and he could tell how drained you were. You needed a break.
           Your dad pulled into a restaurant, knowing that you hadn’t eaten since last night and Tom was probably starving from his long flight, and the two of you sat together on the same side of the booth. You were probably hugging him half the time, resting your head on his shoulder. Your dad tried to pretend it was annoying him, even though he was happy too. You were a completely different person after meeting Tom and being with him, for the better, and he loved seeing the effect that he had on you. Tom was good, to you and for you, and he had never expected that to be the case. As far as he was concerned, Tom was the only person good enough for his girl.
           “I love you, absolutely dearly, but I am exhausted,” Tom said as the two of you walked inside the house. “Can we just watch a movie or something?”
           “Yeah, duh,” you said.
           “Hey, guys, make sure the door stays open!” Your dad called up the stairs when he saw you two carrying Tom’s bags up. You did what your dad asked, especially since he was the one who had coordinated Tom to come anyway, and after showering off the airport smell you and Tom spent most of the day curled up in your bed, watching movies on your TV, and talking. The two of you didn’t even come out for dinner – you just went to get some snacks a few hours later and ate them until you were full.
           “Good night, guys,” your dad said to the both of you later. You had your head on Tom’s chest, eyes shut, almost asleep. You moved your hand from where it was wrapped around Tom’s waist and gave him a thumbs up. You were one of the lucky ones – your dad didn’t care if he stayed in your room because nothing was going to happen, because if it was he was going to know about it and you knew you’d never hear the end of it. There was one time you’d disobeyed him and he had literally removed your door off of its hinges until you cried for him to give it back.
           “I’m happy you’re here,” you said a few minutes later to Tom as he was turning the movie off. You rolled over toward the wall, letting Tom get settled before pulling you back in.
           “Me too, babes,” Tom said, kissing your shoulder. “And I can’t wait for you to show me ‘round tomorrow.” You smiled and snuggled closer to him, closing your eyes for the last time. You were just happy that he was there, but to get to sleep in his arms after all of that time was what you’d desperately needed the past few months.
           You woke up the next morning to see that Tom was already awake, drinking a cup of coffee out of one of your mugs as he sat on the couch, petting Dodger. He turned toward you and smiled. You could smell that your dad was making enough eggs for all of you, and since you hadn’t eaten much the day before you were hungry. You flopped down next to Tom and he immediately extended his arm out for you to curl up by. Your legs went in his lap and he gave you some of his coffee, making sure to drink from the other side in case he caught something on the plane.
           “Oh, come on, Y/n, I will get you another mug,” your dad laughed when he saw the two of you. “Food’ll be ready in a minute.”
           The two of you got up and went over to the kitchen table, setting the table and sitting down together as he scooped food onto all of your plates. It was spread a little thin, since your dad was used to only cooking for the two of you, but you gave Tom a little extra when you were done. You mostly talked about what you were planning to do – you were going to go out to Salem and take some pictures and go through some of the museums, since Tom had always wanted to go, and within the next couple of days you were going to go downtown and have dinner somewhere nice.
           Your dad had to admit that he was kind of lonely since Tom had come down. He didn’t regret bringing him, but he definitely wished you would at least stick around with him for a little while. He asked if you two wanted to have a game night and the two of you agreed before parting ways. You spent probably an hour trying to find the perfect outfit before driving out to Salem.
           You eventually texted him saying you’d found a cool restaurant and wouldn’t be home until late, so you wanted to reschedule game night. Of course your dad said it was fine – you barely ever saw your boyfriend. But was he a little sad? Definitely. You were his best friend, apart from Dodger, and not having you around as much just because of a boy was a new and unfamiliar feeling.
           “You wanna go throw the ball?” He asked the dog, trying to get him riled up. But Dodger didn’t want to play, and instead burrowed his head in your dad’s thigh. He just wanted more pets. “Fine. Come on.”
           You got home a few hours later, a little bit too late for your dad’s liking, but you’d brought him some cookies from a witch themed bakery so how could he be mad? He saw the two of you cuddled up in your bed again and decided to just take the loss and go to bed. And the next day was basically the same – you were gone most of the day, you came home late, and you were absolutely glued to Tom. You had a few friends over that night to introduce them and he just hid in the office. Teenagers were scary, first of all.
           “Hey,” you said the fourth morning, the day before Tom had to go on to Los Angeles before going back to London. Tom had a few meetings that morning, so you were letting him sleep in, and you were planning on going on a Starbucks run.
           “Hey,” your dad said back.
           “I was going on a Starbucks run, do you wanna come?” You asked. He looked back at you, noticing that you were wearing your own clothes for once.
           “Sure, we waiting for Tom?”
           “No, he’s sleeping. He has a few meetings later, so I told him to sleep in a little.” Your dad nodded. You would do the same thing for him – make him sleep in until the last possible minute, get him some coffee, make breakfast, and just make sure he had enough rest. Your mom used to do the same thing, too.
           “Okay. You wanna drive?” You held your keys up, saying you’d drive, and the two of you filed out to your car. “You didn’t ask me just so you could bum some gas money off of me, did you?” You giggled and started driving.
           “No. If I was going to do that, I would’ve gone out to Concord,” you said as you started driving. He laughed, knowing that it’s exactly what you would’ve done. He checked his phone to see that your aunt had texted him back, saying that he was being slightly ridiculous about everything. He’d admitted to her that he missed you, even though it was only for a few days, and he was getting jealous. You tried not to kiss in front of him, and you waited until he was completely out of the house to do anything else, but both you and Tom were always holding hands or cuddled up together or something. It was making him go a little crazy, if he was going to fully admit it.
           “So how are things?” He asked you as you pulled into the long drive-thru line, going on your phone to re-fill your gift card through the app.
           “What do you mean?” You asked, looking over at him.
           “Oh, come on. You two have been everywhere the past few days. You haven’t even said hi to me.” It took you a second to understand what he meant, and your jaw dropped when you realized.
           “You’re jealous, aren’t you?” You asked, half amused and half sympathetic.
           “What? No way!”
           “You’re so jealous.” You took your foot off the brake to move forward for another car. “You’re really jealous of me and my boyfriend that I see once every four months?” He sighed. His face was going red.
           “Well, now I sound like an asshole!”
           “Aww, you’re really jealous? Dad, you should’ve just said something. Are you sad ‘cause we cancelled game night?”
           “I just feel like a third wheel when you’re here and I feel jealous when you’re not. It’s a me thing, sweetie, you really don’t need to worry about it. Your old man will be fine. He’s just not used to another guy being in your life.”
           “Aww, Dad.”
           “Now you’re looking at me like I’m a puppy.” You pulled up to order, scanning your phone, and then you turned back to him.
           “Well, after Tom’s meeting we were going to hike later and we were thinking of taking Dodger since they’re dog friendly. Do you want to come? And then we can have a game night when we get back?”
           The answer was an immediate yes. As soon as you got back to the house, Tom grabbed his coffee and gave you a quick kiss before tuning into his meeting. You and your dad went to the garage to find the old board games, picking some out for later. And Tom was actually excited to have him come along – they had worked together, after all – and your dad didn’t complain one bit when you asked him to take pictures of the two of you at the waterfall when you got there. You made your dad take some with you, too, and then one of all three of you to post on your Instagram.
           You made it back to the house and everyone showered off, you ordered pizza, and your dad even let you have a cold beer as you played one of your favorite board games. Tom was actually the first to retire, since he had an early flight, and you promised him you’d be up after you helped your dad clean. You helped your dad find all of the pieces and fake money and started putting them up, kneeling on the floor next to Dodger’s bed.
           “Feel like a third wheel still?” You asked your dad. He smiled.
           “You guys are gross. But you’re not completely intolerable, I’ll give you that.” You smiled back. “Thanks for making some time for your old man.”
           “You can third wheel any day,” you said. “I’m sorry you felt left out. But you’re still my favorite person.” He messed up your hair and jerked your hoodie over your face to make you laugh.
           “Yeah, you’re mine, too. Bring it in.” You gave him a massive hug.
           “Thank you for bringing my boyfriend to me.”
           “I just wanna see you happy. You know that.” You resisted to tell him that you were happy. The happiest you’d been in a long time. You had your two favorite men in the entire world with you, even just for a little bit, and you were happy.
A/N: I definitely combined two requests with this (one for Chris finding you sad because you miss your boyfriend and another about him getting jealous of you and said boyfriend’s PDA), so I hope you both like them! I thought they went so well together!
Taglist (if you’d like to be added, just send me a message or an ask!): @an-adventureland, @firstangeldragonranch, @ssebstann, @winterreader-nowwriter
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ofstvtches · 5 years
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ROCKY LYNCH,  MASCULINE NB,  HE/HIM & THEY/THEM.  —  looks  like  SAMHAIN SKELLINGTON is  attending  AURORIA  UNIVERSITY  in  auradon.  they're  the  TWENTY  year  old  child  of  JACK & SALLY SKELLINGTON,  which  means  they're  from  THE ISLE.  heard  they're  NURTURING  &  GENTLEMANLY,  but  can  also  be  INFLEXIBLE  &  SELF-PITYING  ;  we  all  have  our  bad  days.  people  normally  associate  them  with  SEWING NEEDLES REPAIRING A BROKEN DOLL , A BAG FULL OF BANDAGES, TRYING SO HARD TO BE TOUGH WHEN YOU’RE SOFT , SOFT HAIR HELD BACK WITH A BAT-SHAPED PIN.
                    ❛  when you saw that little girl , and she was in the sandbox                            and she was crying , and you gave her your toy truck and                            I told you we couldn’t afford to get another one. you said ,                          ‘ she should have it because she’s sad. she’s sad , mommy. ’ ❜                            playlist. pinterest. to listen as you read.
lol u guessed it it’s me , again , by unpopular demand - i am so sorry. third muse already bc i can’t keep myself away from playing absolute CINNAMON ROLLS so that’s what u can expect from sam w/ a pumpkin spice twist. bc nightmare is my absolute favorite movie and ... halloween, motherfuckers. so as usual this will PROBABLY end up long bc i love writing sam so much so yeah , more below ! 
So as we know , Jack & Sally were sent to the Isle w/ the rest of Halloweentown for trying to steal Christmas ! And unlike Christmas , Samhain was not born in Halloweentown. In fact , he wasn’t even born - he was made. 
Magic wasn’t a huge thing on the Isle - but a resource of science was Dr. Finkelstein , and despite the limited resources and technology on the Isle , the couple begged the mad scientist to create another child for them. And from Sally , it took a lot of convincing , but Jack was able to talk him into it. 
It took even more of an effort to pull off , again considering the state of the Isle. But a good few months into the project and Jack & Sally were greeted with the cries of a tiny ragdoll baby boy. Keeping up with the holiday themed names , he was named Samhain - Sam for short. 
He grew with multiple touch-ups from the doctor to simulate an actual boy growing up - every year , a check-up making him taller , stronger , etc. And in that process he started to look more and more like his mother , with her big eyes and stitched smile and patchwork clothes. But he grew up loved by his brother & parents - though it never quelled the fact he always wanted... more.
He was loved , he was coddled , and as sheltered as a child could be on the Isle. So , much like his mother , he took a habit of sneaking out frequently and trying to fit in with the other Isle kids , even though he knew he didn’t. 
He just wanted to fit in. That was it. And it started off with him wearing large hoods and heavy clothes to hide the stitches on his body as well as masks to cover facial stitches. And while some other Isle kids found him odd and sticking out like a sore thumb , some found him cool. Some found him interesting. But nobody really knew what he was hiding - and it added mystery to someone so NICE , because Sam’s overall sweetness could rival that if sugar’s. 
Curiosity only reached dangerous points though when Sam snuck out on night to camp out with friends - and when everyone else was asleep , one removed his mask , and of COURSE did Samhain immediately wake up. He didn’t stay to see the reaction of the other when revealing his stitches , too afraid that he’d be seen as scary or repulsive for what he was. And he ran. He ran back home , locking himself in his room , and those friends he routinely hung out with . . . well , he didn’t talk to them much after that. Because what if they knew , now ?? What would they think ??
Villain & Auradon kids coming together was a new chance for Sam to try and fit in - be more in his element. He was immediately acquainted with a magic-practicing individual ( could be an AK or a VK - this’ll be a wc ) who struck a deal with him to offer him glamours so he could look less scary. Of course , these glamours would have to be applied and would wear off until the next application , but it’d make him feel more comfortable - even though he WOULD technically be hiding who he is.
While Christmas , the elder sibling , would be sticking around in Auradon Prep , Samhain would prefer to move immediately to Auroria University to try and figure out who exactly he wanted to be , and how he could do that. Currently he’s majoring in Nursing , given he’s always had a rather NURTURING and charitable nature - never turning down someone else’s request to help.
So lemme get this one thing out of the way bc if I don’t I’ll be itching about it - but all my resources for ( the love of my life ) Rocky were made by me , and while they’re all from multiple eras from both R5 & TDE , I imagine Sam to resemble how Rocky looks around the post-Louder , Heart Made Up On You & Sometime Last Night eras ( basically from like 2013-2015 ). Here , here , & here for some references. I’m nOT DONE GIFFING THOUGH bc frankly I find giffing him therapeutic.
Now I don’t have a drawn reference or anything for this next part so we’re gonna have to use our imagination here but unglamoured , Sam basically looks like his mom in terms of the fact he’s a little ragdoll baby. Putting on a glamour doesn’t change his appearance much save for the fact the stitches disappear and he looks more human. 
The glamour is an enchanted bat charm he wears around his neck that can also be used as a hairtie. And it has to be refreshed every so often , so he has to keep going back to whoever provided him with it so it doesn’t lose its effect.
He still has a backup mask just in case , and he’s been practicing with makeup if need be.
Personality-wise , the best one can describe Sam as is sweet and polite. I included tht Stranger Things quote at the beginning 4 a rEASON bc he’s honestly such a sweet kid and will give anything to anyone.
And also bc I imagine Sally as Joyce mom-wise so yEAH bt I digress.
He knows his manners and treats everyone with the UTMOST amount of respect , which makes it extremely easy to get along with him . He’s also maybe a tad bit too giving for his own good , since it’s incredibly easy to use that to one’s advantage and he’s so inclined to believe people have the best intentions. An optimist , even if it’s to a fault. And then when he gets hurt he just sits to the side feeling sorry for himself like “ :’’’(. ”
Now when I say he’s inflexible , I mean that Sam is a very ORGANIZED person who likes things to be done a certain way - like , he can never do anything without a plan , and if even something slightly goes out of what the plan pertains of , he panics. He’s a goody-goody and he’s afraid to break the rules , which is why he’s still hesitant to even do things with the friends who are more “ bad ” than he is.
Everything has to be done BY THE BOOK and if it isn’t then something is bound to go wrong and Sam’s too worried about that happening.
He’s also incredibly insecure about his appearance but I think I’ve hammered in that fact enOUGH ALREADY
But if he takes his glamour off in front u that’s like. A Major sign of trust. So beware.
Again as I mentioned he tries to hang out with kids with the lesser reputations because :
1.) He wants to give them a chance
2.) He wants to make sure they have a friend to look after them
and 3.) He’s so used to trying to fit in with the other Isle kids that he’s trying to be ‘bad’ himself but it never works out bc he’s so sweet and he can dress in skinny jeans and leather and shit as much as he wants but at the end of the day he’s still Sweet Lil’ Samhain. 
One thing he’s always had a fascination with would be angels - he’s always believed in them , always though he’s had his own guardian angel watching over him somewhere , he’s always loved the idea of them. He has lots of angel decorations around his dorm as well as ornaments and stuff for the holidays. It’s also pure irony that he just so happens to be just as angelic in nature.
He’s also a big holiday person like the rest of his family and loves helping to decorate for events and stuff !!
One of his greatest talents is his ability to play both the piano & violin , and he’ll often do that if there’s a piano in common areas or so on. He’s also a talented singer , but he’s so used to putting that to the side , making him lack confidence in his voice.
i v much encourage u to listen to the song i linked i find his voice so....soothing.
Like his mom he’s also very good at cooking , sewing , etc. !! Often has to stitch himself back together if he gets hurt - you know , Sally style. 
More basic facts are that his final height clocks in at 6′4 , he’s homoromantic homosexual , and identifies as masculine non-binary who doesn’t really care how you address him. He’s very chill. And sometimes he has to walk with a cane of sorts if his stitches are loose or if his legs are feeling especially weak.
but yeah that’s it on that end !!!
So obviously - the person who provided him with the glamour. Only requirement is that ur character’s good at magic or something of that sort.
AND ALSO - I’d love the person who initially removed his mask !! Sam didn’t stick around to see them react to how he truly looked , so it’s all up to you on how this character feels. But he’s avoided them since that scenario.
Also , his group of friends around the time that scenario happened on the Isle. Maybe they’re a little more rough around the edges than him , but this group was always tight-knit. And then Sam lightning mcghosted bc he wasn’t sure if now they knew what he really was.
Ppl who think his whole sweet thing is fAKE bc we know it isn’t but it’s so easy to THINK it is.
Also would love some folks he routinely cares for maybe in the aspect of like. Bein their shoulder to cry on. Patching up a wound. Just being There for them. 
Folks who in general just wanna know more abt him bc he is kind of a mystery !!
Would lOVE sb who his glamour wears off in front of and he begs them to keep his secret but instead they want him to try n be more comfortable w/ himself and who he is. Bc he’s a cute ragdoll let’s b honest he just. Doesn’t see himself that way. 
Ppl who Sam crushed on at the Isle and deffo broke his heart bc life just b like that sometimes 
Also present day folks who r just ready to break his heart bc again thats so easy to do
also once more i’m open 2 ANYTHINNNNNNG sam is my Baby(tm) and i’d lov any plots thrown his way !! will probs make another wc page for him like i’ve done w/ luke and am in the process of doing w/ trixie !!
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kgveom · 6 years
break(ing). //bambam.
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Bambam x Reader
some suggestive things in here, some language, angsty but not aggressive.
word count: 2570 - not edited.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
1:20am - Missed Call.
1:22am - Missed Call.
1:23am - Missed Call.
1:27am - Missed Call.
1:30am - Missed Call.
1:34am - Missed Call.
1:38am - Voicemail.
You stared at your phone screen. Why was he doing this? What was he doing? Was he okay? Your phone screen went black. You quickly pressed the lock button again to look at the mess on your screen. It had condensed down to two notifications. 
6 Missed Calls.
1 New Voicemail.
Was it worth listening to the voicemail? He had to be mad, right? Upset? After all, why else would he be calling at this hour if he wasn’t swimming neck deep in a glass of alcohol to cover his feelings? It had been about two weeks since you last spoke. Since you decided to tell him that you needed some space. That you needed to take a break. It came without warning for the both of you. This wasn’t how you planned for this relationship to go. But there were things that kept you paranoid. And when you were paranoid, you couldn’t be happy. And if Bambam was the cause of your paranoia, it made sense for you to distance yourself for a bit. 
Your phone’s screen went black again. Adjusting your grip on your phone, you stared at the black screen still. Is it worth listening to the voicemail? You questioned yourself again. The more you thought about it, the more you began to realize that if you wanted things to work out with him after all of this, you needed to listen to him. 
You hesitantly unlocked your phone, opened up you voicemail box, and hovered your thumb over the new recording. You were on edge and nervous. The tension you had created filled the atmosphere around you. Without realizing it, your touch got too close and the voicemail began to play against your will. Despite that, you quickly brought your phone up to your ear.
“Y/n,” his voice was low. “What’s going on? Where did you go? Was this your plan all along? Drag me into a relationship just to forget about me? After all this time?” His words slurred. 
Between all of his pauses, the voicemail was five minutes long. Your limbs were left feeling numb. In fact, the only thing you could feel was a steady, heavy, throbbing feeling in your chest. Your mind had gone empty and you lost control of your actions. Before you knew it, you listened to his words five times over before you finally set your phone back down. It was now three in the morning. You decided it was time for you to get some rest.
Despite managing to wake up at one in the afternoon, your sleep was restless. Bambam’s words were still spinning circles around in your head. You tried your best to keep them shoved to the side, but they always seemed to come back up at random times. Realizing how you felt now, you shouldn’t have listened to his voicemail. Not alone, at least. But there was no going back. You had to find a way to manage.
Your phone rang again. This time, it was your friend Cody. “Hey,” you answered quietly.
“Did I wake you up?” He seemed to be caught off guard by your tone of voice.
“No, I just woke up,” you reassured him. “What’s going on?”
“Just wanted to make sure you were still okay to hang out today. I know things have been rough for you lately-”
“Things are getting better,” you cut him off. “I’m feeling better,” you hoped vocalizing how you wanted to feel would help lift some of this horrible feeling off of your chest.
“That’s great to hear!” You could hear his smile through the phone. “I’ll pick you up at three then, how’s that sound?”
“Sounds great to me.”
“Great,” Cody responded.
“Great,” you shook your head. “I swear, if one of us say great one more time I’m going to lose it.”
Cody laughed, “I’ll see you at three. Get yourself out of bed and get ready.”
You heard the line end. Letting gravity take over, you dropped your arm so that it was now dangling off the side of your bed. Not long after, you sat up and got out of bed. “Today is my day,” you reminded yourself. “I am in control of my day. I am in control of my feelings. I am in control of my actions.” You nodded to yourself and walked across the hall to the shower.
“I heard-” his words got stuck in his throat. “I heard you’ve been spending more time with Cody,” he groaned.
You turned on the water and undressed. Remembering Bambam’s words, you shook your head. “No,” you vocalized. “Not today, satan.”
The rest of your time spent getting ready was accompanied by music. Your shower help you feel more relieved and the music helped keep Bambam out of your mind. 
You phone went off, alerting you of a text message. It was from Cody. “It’s raining outside, make sure you bring an umbrella! I’m on my way over.”
You continued about your way, finishing you makeup, getting dressed. Since it was raining, you didn’t put much effort into your hair. You kept the blow dryer on it until it was mostly dry and then let it air dry while you waited for Cody. He lived about twenty minutes away but by the time you finished getting ready, he would be at yours in about five minutes.  
“How could you do this to me? You know he’s one of my close friend’s,” he paused, letting out a breathy chuckle.
You scrolled through your phone. It seemed everyone was posting about the rain. If it wasn’t the rain they were talking about, they were posting wedding pictures. And if it wasn’t wedding pictures, it was baby pictures. Your favorite baby pictures were the ones labeled “fur babies”. A cuddly, playful dog was more fun to look at than a sleeping newborn.
A honk came from outside your house. You quickly grabbed your purse, raincoat, and umbrella. Opening your umbrella seemed to be too much of a hassle just to run into the safety of a car, so you kept it shoved in your purse. Covering your hair with your hood, you bolted out the door and to Cody’s car, which was locked. You peered in through the window, shouting, “Let me in!”
Cody laughed as he moved slowly to unlock it. “What happened to bringing an umbrella?” He asked as you quickly sat in his car.
“I have one, but I figured it’s be pointless to open.”
“Whatever you say, Y/n.”
You and Cody had planned to take a late lunch today but since you hadn’t been up very long, he decided to treat you to crepes at your favorite cafe.
“Does he know what we’ve done?”
“You know, you really didn’t have to take me here,” you nudged him as you walked up to the front door.
“But you just woke up. This makes the most sense for food right now!”
“Does he know how I taste?”
You suddenly became aware of where you were. And how you found this place. It’s only two blocks away from Bambam’s apartment. The two of you came to this place together. You found this place together. This was a place you shared with Bambam.
Your eyes grew wide as you raked through the building. 
“Y/n,” Cody chuckled, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “Are you sure your okay?”
You looked down at his hand that was resting on your arm.
“Has he found my trace along your back? Arms?”
“Everything is fine, Cody,” you looked back up at him as you removed his hand from you.
“Hands? Your thighs? Your hair?” 
“Well, let’s get some food then,” he said before taking a step away from you.
You smiled at him as he walked away but you stood still. When he realized you weren’t beside him, he turned back around. “Why don’t you go find us a table?” He suggested.
“Oh, right,” you laughed.
You picked the table that was the farthest away from the front door. It was in a corner but you didn’t mind too much. From the ceiling to the floor, the walls were just windows. 
“Your neck? Your lips?”
You squeezed your eyes, turning your head to look out the window. “It’s not like that,” you mumbled to yourself. You felt bad for Cody. He was Bambam’s close friend but through your relationship, the two of you became friends as well. Unfortunately, he’s played the middle man the past two weeks but he hasn’t talked to you too much about Bam. You were thankful for that.
Cody sat at the table with his order number in hand. “Good choice,” he said as he turned out the window.
“Hey, Cody, how’s Bam doing?” You rested you head in your hand, not breaking your gaze out the window.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Cody face you. “He’s confused,” he spoke honestly. “Why do you ask?”
“Have you told him we’ve been hanging out?”
“Well, yeah, why wouldn’t I tell him?”
“Why does he need to know?”
“The way I see it,” he folded his arms on the table. “The two of you are still together, even if you’re on a break.”
“He better not have fucking touched you in the ways I have,” his voice gradually grew to be more rough.
“What does he know about us hanging out?”
“Just that we’ve been going out places,” he paused. “He cares about you. He wants to know that you’re okay.”
You felt your chest become heavy again. Bambam’s words repeating in your head again had a different effect on you this time. You began to grow irritated. “Then why does he think we’re a thing?” You spat out your words, unable to hide your feelings.
Cody’s face twisted, “What are you on about?”
You stayed silent, only shaking your head.
“Y/n,” Cody spoke up sounding confused.
You lost control of your body again. “I have to go,” you muttered before quickly making your way out the front door of the cafe.
“I know I still linger on you. You can still feel me. I’m still there. You can’t fight that.” 
You hadn’t thought twice about the umbrella in your bag. You had put your hood up again, but the faster you walked, the more it fell back down. You mind was blank. Your feet were leading the way. Your pace switched between speed walking and some type of awkward jog that felt more like hopping. 
“One block down,” you whispered to yourself as you eagerly pressed the walk button. “One more to go.”
You continually pressed the walk button. It was as if you thought that the more you pressed it, the sooner it would change. It didn’t take long for you to get tired of that though and you eventually found yourself pacing until you could cross. Seconds later, the signal changed and you found yourself in a full on sprint, weaving in and out of people on the sidewalk.
“Admit it, Y/n, you can’t get rid of me. You can’t hide.”
Was he right? Was he addicting as he made himself out to be? Were you that hooked on him? You stopped sprinting halfway down the block and slowed down to a walk. The rain didn’t seem to phase you at all. You were soaked but that didn’t matter anymore.
He had to be. If he wasn’t, you wouldn’t be where you were now. His apartment building was in sight. You took a moment to catch your breath before continuing on. 
“You can’t run away from something you hold inside of you.”
And you were there. At the foot of the stairs outside his apartment. You stood there for what felt like years, going over what you’d say once you got up there, what you would do if he wasn’t home, what you’d say if the two of you talked things out. 
Once you had mustered up the courage, you went up the stairs and knocked on the door. It opened almost immediately. And there he was. His hair was a mess, he lacked a shirt, and was sporting a pair of black sweat pants.
The two of you just stared at each other. The words you had planned to say wouldn’t come out.
“You’re soaked,” he said, breaking the silence.
“Is this what you wanted?” You finally managed to find your words.
He leaned against the doorway, “To have you show up here completely drenched?”
Your adrenaline began to surge. “Is this what you wanted?” You repeated. “Did you want me to come running back? Did you want to hear me say that you won? What were you trying to accomplish? Am I supposed to beg for your forgiveness?”
He rolled his head around as if to stretch it. But he stayed silent allowing you to continue on.
“Because I am here, Bam,” you felt yourself begin to fall apart. “I’ll say it if that’s what you want to hear. You won,” his silence was beginning to get under your skin. “Is this what you wanted?” You rose your voice. “Say something, dammit!” You tried shoving him but he stayed firm in his spot. “Isn’t this what you fucking wanted?” You continued to yell but you took a step back, allowing your eyes to meet his.
“It’s been two weeks,” his voice was low. 
“Bam, I just needed some space-”
“Why didn’t you talk to me before all of this happened?” He remained cold.
“I tried but nothing happened, nothing changed,” your voice rose again. “Did you expect me to just put up with it and get over it?”
You saw Bambam’s gaze go past your shoulder causing you to turn and see what he was looking at. Someone else was walking up the stairs, holding an umbrella. As the person got closer, you realized it was a girl with dark long hair and a petite figured. Once she was at the top, she smiled to you and Bam before walking past him, into his apartment.
You were left speechless. Bambam locked eyes with you again. “You should get out of the rain and out of those clothes, you’ll catch a cold.”
“Who is she?” was all you could mutter. You limbs felt numb again.
Bambam stood up straight, “We’re on a break.”
“But we’re-” You felt the color leave your face. It was beginning to feel like your life was slowly being sucked out of you.
“Please, get home and change out of those clothes,” his demeanor changed, most likely in response to how you looked now.
“We can talk later,” he interrupted. “We’re on a break.”
Silence lingered between the two of you.
“You waited two weeks to say anything to me, you can wait a couple more hours.”
And with that, Bambam closed the door, leaving you outside. You didn’t know what to do but since you only had one option, you began to head down the stairs. You made your way to the parking lot of his complex and sat on the curb. You took out your phone to call Cody so he could pick you up.
“I’m still there, Y/n, I’m still there.”
- - - - - 
pt. 2 here
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Tantric Flames: (reupload from previous accounts): Chapter: 4
Tantric Flames
Originally for Nalu Week/Fluff Week/Lovefest 2017 (on previous accounts)
Genres: Romance, Humor, New Adult Fanfiction
Nalu Lovefest 2017 Prompts: Lust, Stockings/Lingerie, Sweets (Implied) Dreams(Implied) Games and Roleplay (Kind of Implied in Form of Teasing )
Vera's March 2018 Prompt Challenge: Fantasy/Creatures (which fits since Fairytail is a fantasy series and Natsu' species is dragonslayer/ Demon hybrid in this fic that's slight AU. Though this might technically still be true for the overall series since he's an etherious demon/wizard capable of using both fire dragon slayer magic and of his curse power)(was on previous accounts)
Upcoming Nalu Love Fest 2018 prompts: Kiss/Makeup (kind of) Playful, Desperate, Unbearable, Estatic ,(Implied) and Teasing 
Pairing:Nalu (Natsu x Lucy)
Rating: M for language, steamy and mature adult sexual content (all consensual) in these and future chapters. Reader Direction is advised.(You've been warned!)
Summary:One look, one smouldering hooded gaze, one word, one fiery kiss, one magnetizing touch was all he needed for her to completely unravel at his mercy alone, succumbing to the sinful temptation of her inhibitions, his love, his feral passion, his raw, insatiable desires, his "Tantric Flames". Originally an Submission (slight Au) for Nalulovefest 2017 (on previous accounts) in which Natsu gives his mate a tantric massage-after much persuasion- she won't soon forget when it turns into so much more. Also previously featured in Nalu Week , and Fluff Week with first two chapters on celestialgeekmage accounts.
Chapter 4: Kiss From A Dragon's Flame: Part 1
A/N: Hey everyone, it's me again Anyway, there isn't too more much for me to say in the beginning A/N: this particular time of around since I've reserved any particular notes on housekeeping for the A/N: at the bottom after the main chapter. That being said, just wanted give everyone a quick headups that the particular scene that I've mentioned a few times which the lovely @soprana-snap/soprana and @wildrhov were kind enough to help me with which will now be in Chapter 6 due the length of these chapters. (soprana-snap and wildrhov if you're reading this, it's me the former cosmicdragonwizard/dragon-shield-maiden/star-crossed- dragon) Still plenty of sexy good times and fluff between our OTP (Nalu) to go around though! Now, without further ado here's chapter 4— enjoy and don't forget to review!
Disclaimer: I don't own Fairytail which belongs to the one and only Hiro-sensei instead!
Read More Here:
1.Tantric Flames
A. Tumblr
Chapter: 1 (Click Here:)  (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179863946153/tantric-flames-reupload-from-cosmicdragonwizard/amp?)
Chapter: 2  (Click Here:)   (Or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179863946153/tantric-flames-reupload-from-cosmicdragonwizard/amp?)
Chapter: 3  (Click Here:)  (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179864756428/tantric-flames-reupload-from-previous-accounts/amp?) 
Chapter: 4  
Chapter: 5  (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179872139218/tantric-flamesreupload-from-previous-accounts)
Chapter: 6(Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/183149105838/tantric-flames-chapter-6-despojado-stripped)
Chapter: 7 (Click Here:) ( or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/185033161848/tantric-flames-chapter-7-what-belongs-to-a-fire)
Chapter:8 (Click Here): (or here:https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/188352271948/tantric-flames-chapter-8-tantric-art-of)
Chapter:9 (Click Here:)   (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/624402662880854016/tantric-flames-chapter-9)
B. Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13114990/1/Tantric-Flames-reupload-from-cosmicdragonwizardaccounts)
C. A03 (Click Here:) (or here:https://archiveofourown.org/works/17063882/chapters/40123739) 
2. The Draconic  Demon Within
A. Tumblr:
Prologue and Chapter: 1 (Click Here:) (or here:https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179816192273/the-draconic-demon-within-reupload-from/amp?)
Chapter: 2 (Click Here:)  (or here:https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179816192273/the-draconic-demon-within-reupload-from/amp?)
B. Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13113898/1/The-Draconic-Demon-Within-Reupload-from-cosmicdragonwizardaccounts)
3. Grey Days
A. Tumblr  (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179767381833/grey-days-reuploadfrom-dragon-shield-maiden/amp?)
B. Fanfiction  (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13112482/1/Grey-Days-Reupload-from-dragon-shield-maiden)
4. The Rest of My Writing
A. Master Fic Rec Post (Click Here): (or  here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179665258923/master-fic-rec-post
Italic: Song Lyrics
Bold: First Person Thoughts
Bolded Italics: Empathized Word
Bolded Italics (Within and Outside Bracket) including for author's side notes also known as (A/N:) within brackets (though none for side-notes in this chapter ).
"O, Wanderess, Wanderess,
when did you feel your most euphoric kiss?
Was I the source of your greatest bliss?"
(Roman Payne: The Wanderess)
"Uh Lucy... not ... that... I'm ... not lovin' ... how much of a little spitfire ... you're... being ... right... now... sweetheart, but... do... ya... think ... you could ease up just a little?"
Lips were peppering scorching, wet open-mouthed kisses from along the corner of Lucy's mouth to her jaw spurring her on enough to continue .
"Why? Don't you want to?" She questioned, breathy voice muddled with the searing desire more hotter than the blistering heat of a thousand suns.— Not to mention mystification. The astral mage couldn't fathom for the life of her as to where this sudden change of heart about the change in pace came from seeing it was clear that these misgiving weren't out of doubt or lack of desire.
I honestly don't get it... He didn't seem to have an issue with us getting hot and heavy a moment ago... So where is this sudden reluctance out of the blue coming from ?
"Of course I do-fuck that feels good," came Natsu's reply, words coming out as a strained hiss between gritted teeth; all this from the force of his hips bucking into a feminine hand pumping his tumescent member ."God...do I ever want to."
"So what's the problem?" Was all Lucy had to inquire in response, drunk on the power of the effect she had on him— especially after managing to draw another low, guttural, moan out of the dragonslayer from giving the tip a few light taps for good measure. The celestial mage desperately wished to see whatever other noises she could pull from him, the same buzz of intoxicating power singing in her veins ." Like tell me why."
God... all of this is getting me really hot and bothered !
"Okay-fuck-you're really making this difficult aren't you? Now how do I put this? Let's just say your little  handiwork here is getting me all fired up" The dragonslayers rumbled, gravelly words almost a growl . They were rough, low and wild, dripping with the sinful promise of dark intent enough to send a electrifying thrill down her spin— not to mention make her toes curl; all from the power of his hips riding the hand still working his now mostly likely now- throbbing length where she could feel the beads of pre-climax much like the aching heat between her thighs. "enough to the point of drivin' me over the edge and it's all I can do to rein my more primal dragon-demon instincts just screamin' to bend ya over the massage bed for the fuckin' of your life-not without your of course."
" Okay, but I still don't exactly see how that's a problem." Lucy challenged, a wily gleam twinkling in her coco eyes. The astral zodiac wielder couldn't but help but long to see her dragon unravel for what she couldn't give to catch a glimpse of the feral gleam in his emerald depths when he lost control; picturing herself spread over the massage bed as his hips pistoned into her with wild abandon again and for the sake of both of their pleasure. The visual image of which sent a tingly jolt down south enough to make her toes curl . Plus if any one of them had a sudden change of heart he would stop immediately , she knew which made the all the more appealing.
And besides It's not like Natsu would ever even think of harming or even laying a hand on me like that without my consent. Not to mention pull out if needed out of respect for me - so it's all good.
"It's not that big of an issue really. "
"For you, maybe— but for me it's a different story. As in just cuz one part of my instincts are demandin' that I jump you right here and now, doesn't that the other part doesn't also wanna try and take things slow."
"Okay, so what you're saying is?"
"That what I want to do right now, is what I've been dyin' to to with you all day before we get into the other stuff. So basically massage first then sex ."
" I see what you're saying Natsu , but it's not like it has to be one way or another. In fact, why not change the order up, shake things up ? Give me another taste of your inner primal dragon-demon instincts by fucking me first , then help your girl unwind with a massage ".
"And normally I'd be pretty much down for getting down and dirty like the way we usually do when things get all hot and heavy between us - I really do Luce, believe me. I love our wild romps as much as I do making love to you on top of all the other sexual, intimate, and romantic stuff along with everything else being with you brings. But l also wanna try thing things a little differently today . You know take our time , start off a bit more slow with the massage and the rest of the foreplay that leads up to sex as part of the build up for both our sakes. You know instead of me just cavin' into my instincts to pounce on ya right away as fun as that may be. I mean there's definitely gonna be foreplay either way— but you get the picture."
"I do."
"Then you get the gist of what I'm saying! . Not to mention think about the extra time we'll for some great conversation! Trust me when I say the reward is the well worth the wait."
"And I appreciate that, I really do . All of which greatly appeals to me seeing how how I value everything that was just mentioned as much as you. Still, you should know I'm down either way."
"I'm glad to hear it but I wanna do things a bit differently."
"Hey, no sweat. It's all—"
"Lucy, no".
Natsu's patient yet firm, assertive voice was effective enough to cut Lucy off, when robust fingers were wrapping around her wrist to pry her hand away in favour of resting it on a more neutral place around his neck; all this before she could even work any more of her magic which nearly drew a small noise of protest from the stellar mage.
"Hey—what gives? . I thought— " whined the stellar mage , unable to stop disappointment from bleeding) into her already sulky tenor as if she were a child whose toy had been snatched; only for the words to die in throat when he silenced her with a withering glare — the kind that brokered no argument.
"What gives? Are you freakin' kidding me right now Luce?! I just had to pry your own hand away cuz you were being away too handsy for your own good... or mine for that matter cuz damn did that feel good— but that's beside the point. What I'm trying to say, missy, is that I had to make sure we stopped before you pushed me too far over the edge... which now that I think may about probably wouldn't have been so.. urgh! Goddammit-you have me doing it again! Goin' off on a tangent! "
"Anyway the point is that I went to a put in a whole lotta effort in making this impromptu date romantic for the both of us— which I'm more than happy to do since I love and want you to feel special cuz you are. But you're making this a lot harder than it needs to be."
"You're right—I'm sorry," Lucy apologized with a heavy sigh , feeling a twinge of guilt thread through her from at her boyfriend's light rebuke. Here he was trying his damnedest to put together a romantic date for the of two of them and then she had to go and nearly ruin it all by undermining his efforts!
All because I'm an impulsive moron who couldn't keep my impulsive hands to myself! The zodiac wielder admonished herself. Jeez... could I be any more hopeless?!
To Be Continued
Fic Tag Squad: @writer-appreciation​  @fuck-yeah-nalu @soprana-snap  @phoenix-before-the-flame     @nunnatheinsanegerbil @mautrino @rougescribe @goddesofimortality @phoenix-before-the-flame  @nalufever  @petri808 @thecelestialchick @nalu-natic  @superdomo360 @pyroandtheprincess  @rayhneatess  @nothingbutwordsstuff  @petri808  @thecelestialchick  @chiire  @nalufever @shootingstarssel  @chamilsanya  @rougescribe  @lover-of-the-light117  @rougescribe @narutoyaoifan
A/N: See you in chapter 5!
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui – 01 (First Impressions) – So We’re Doing This, Huh?
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I’ll preface this by saying this isn’t my first age gap rom-com rodeo. Winter 2018’s Koi wa Ameagari no You ni (Love is Like After the Rain) was a lovely show that immediately dispelled any reservations I might’ve had about its “high school girl falls for middle aged single dad” premise.
Visually, Koikimo doesn’t look like it will come close to reaching After the Rain’s flair, starting off with a gray, muddy, obviously photoshopped photo of a Tokyo Skyline. A lot of the scenery is converted photos, which I couldn’t help but think screamed shortcut. Not a dealbreaker, but it’s always nice when a rom-com looks great.
Granted, it’s supposed to be gray and ugly out, as it’s raining, and the introduction of the two leads is well done. When Amakusa Ryou walks out on the woman he spent the night with without a word, it’s effective shorthand for this guy’s a bit of a cad.
Arima Ichika saving him from a potentially fatal stair fall by hooking him with her umbrella, then giving him her lunch after observing how pale he is, shows us that she’s a good, kind person who won’t let others get hurt needlessly. All in all, it’s a good, economical first meet-cute!
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When Ryou comes home from his job as an “elite employee”, his high-school aged sister Rio tells him she has a friend over—who just happens to be Ichika. When Rio steps out for a call, Ryou asks Ichika if she wants anything in return…say, a kiss? As far as he’s concerned, she saved his life, and can ask for anything in return.
Ichika’s reaction is perfectly natural for a high school girl getting offered a kiss from a 27-year-old guy: kimochi warui. Ichika mentions she often blurts out what she’s thinking, but by doing so she’s sealed her fate: Ryou falls for her right then and there, and is on his knees when Rio returns. Rio also gives her brother Ichika’s address so he can send her a single rose.
When Ichika asks her what his deal is, Rio says Ryou claims to have never asked anyone out, so Ichika must’ve really done a number on him. Rio suggests Ichika go ahead and date him. After all, he’s “hot, smart, and fairly loaded.” Still, Rio can’t help but add on “he’s a scumball” at the end, almost under her breath, and pretty much makes it clear that Ichika dating him would “amuse” her.
Rio gives Ichika Ryou’s phone number so she can call him to tell him to stop sending her gifts—her mom later tells Ichika he’s only sending her one flower a day because her name means “one flower”—Ichika is not charmed! When Ichika calls, Ryou asks upfront if he’s bothering her, and she’s pretty clear that, yeah, he kinda is.
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That’s when we run up to the first nail in the coffin: Ryou states quite confidently that he’s not going to stop bothering her, and will continue to pursue her regardless of how she feels. In fact, it is his hope she’ll continue to speak her mind to him, especially if it’s insults or curses, all but cementing his scumball status—if, ya know, not taking “no” for an answer didn’t make it clear enough.
The next day, Ichika encounters Ryou by pure coincidence (or so I hope, by God) while on her way to the grocery store, and decides to use him so she can get two cartons of the one-per-customer eggs that are on sale. While she’s probably only thinking about his utility as a means of getting her family more egg bang for the buck, a predictable side effect is that he becomes overcome with emotion while they’re shopping “like a married couple”
After learning Rio spilled the beans on her favorite chocolate and shampoo (what kind of friend is she?) Ichika almost lets slip her otaku credentials while comparing olive oil. To her surprise, he plays along, saying one of them has “three times the attack power.” They’re complimented as a couple by an employee giving out samples, but Ryou just has to stare at Ichika’s used toothpick long enough for her to notice. He also refuses to let her carry her own groceries.
So yeah, this guy seems way too aggressively pushy, creepy, and unconcerned with the feelings of someone, considering he’s wading into uncomfortable territory as it is by pursuing a high schooler. And yet the series seems to want to make the case that if Ichika took a stronger stance against their continued interactions, he’d back down, and Rio would side with her. I’m not sure I can subscribe to that case! So far this feels pretty creepy and wrong!
Ichika shouldn’t have to take a stronger stance then the one she already made by telling Ryou he was bothering her on the phone. Really, that should have been the end of it. So this inescapably smacks of that classic, increasingly distasteful “I’ll wear her down” method to courtship that either undervalues or outright ignores personal boundaries.
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Sometimes relationships are inherently unbalanced and there’s no way around that! The primary imbalance Koikimo seems to want us to focus on is not one of power or boundaries, but level of interest. In this dynamic, one person (Ryou) likes the other a lot right out of the gate, while the other isn’t sure whether they’re intrigued or repulsed.
The final segment of the episode involves Ichika studying at a café while waiting for Rio, and Ryou just happening to spot her in the window. I’ll take the fact that these coincidences are just that until proven otherwise, but Ryou sitting at Ichika’s table without even asking is a dick move, period!
Yes, he helps her with Ichika’s math problem, confirming Rio’s claim he’s smart (Rio gives her bro ten extra minutes with Ichika, no doubt hoping to be amused), but then one of Ryou’s fully adult conquests stops over, scolds him for getting his “filthy mitts” on a “bland little high school girl”, then warning Ichika that he’s a total womanizer.
Ichika speaks up for herself and says that “he’s not entirely bad toward me”—faint praise, if any, but honest—then walks off. Ryou then takes a handi-wipe and smears it on the woman’s face, ruining her makeup and false lashes. I don’t care how cutting or bitchy her remarks were, you cannot put your hands on someone like that. That is fucking out of bounds!
Alas, the anime seems content to shrug it off as a sign of how important Ichika is to him.  When Ryou tracks Ichika down apologizes, and tells her how happy her words made him, Ichika mildly blushes and responds that she just said what was in her head. Honestly, she’s probably better off nowhere near this guy, but at least he’s her friend’s brother. Better the pushy creep whose sister you know…?
#MeToo become a truly global movement around 2017. The Koikomo manga was first published back in 2015, which explains why this premise feels a bit dated and squicky, especially with modern shows like Wonder Egg Priority exploring the toxicity of the patriarchy.
After the Rain was not only a lush Wit Studio production, but about a girl who fell for a guy—a much nicer guy than Ryou, and a loving dad besides. I’ll watch more to see if his rough edges ever soften or—more importantly—if Ichika makes a more overt effort in expressing what, if anything, she wants out of…whatever this is. Until then, the more I think back on this episode, the worse I feel.
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By: sesameacrylic
0 notes
fialleril · 7 years
My mental health has been taking a steady dive the past few months, and there are honestly times I would just like to yell at everything in my head to be quiet. Except it doesn't work. Anyways, Anabasis is really, really cathartic for me and I was wondering if you could post anything from it? I don't care what, since literally everything you write for this 'verse does the trick.
Hey anon, I’m really sorry for the week-long wait, and I hope you’ve been coping okay. Writing Anabasis is pretty cathartic for me, so I’m glad it’s good for other people, too.
I really wanted to finish up this section so I could post it for you - hope you like it! This snippet follows immediately after the last snippet I posted. (So I think this marks the first time I’ve posted two bits that actually connect!) It also makes reference to this snippet.
In which Anakin explains his new tattoo, Padmé learns she was baby Vader’s secret hero, and Orn Free Taa should probably start running.
Warnings for discussion of slavery, references to Anakin’s transmitter explosion, and very oblique references to conditioning and abuse of children.
All of that said, this is actually a pretty happy snippet.
They talked in circles for another two hours, and by thetime Padmé saw her guests out, very little had changed. Taa and his croniesremained unmoved, and still planned to bring their bill to a vote, in spite oftheir demonstrated inability to defend it with anything other than easilydebunked talking points. She was still less confident than she’d like to be thatthey would fail. But at least they now seemed more sullen than smug. And they’dkept glancing nervously at Anakin and then away.
He’d joined their meeting ostensibly as an unofficialrepresentative of the Outer Rim Territories, but he’d referred more often toImperial policies than to Tatooine. As political tactics went, it was bothtransparent and stunningly effective.
And Padmé would be lying if she said she hadn’t enjoyedwatching it play out.
So she was more than a little surprised when, after the lastof her guests had gone, Anakin turned to her with a set jaw and shuttered eyesand snapped, “I’m not going to apologize.”
Padmé blinked at him. “What?”
“For interrupting your meeting,” he said. His spine wasstiff and his hands were fisted at his sides. He looked ready to fight. “Forruining your negotiations.” He spatthe word with a sneer. “I’m not going to apologize.”
“Good,” said Padmé.
Most of the fight drained out of him, replaced by openconfusion that left an ache in the pit of her stomach. What had he beenexpecting of her?
“You shouldn’t apologize, Anakin,” she said. “Not to me, andcertainly not to Orn Free Taa. You had every right to speak, and yours was avoice we needed to hear.”
He was staring at her now, brows furrowed in bewilderment,his lower lip caught in his teeth. It was somehow both heartbreaking andendearing at once. “But…you had a plan,” he said. “And I coopted it. I ruinedit.”
Oh. Padmé laughed, startled by the realization – and maybe alittle relieved, too. It wasn’t funny in the least. But at least it made sensenow. This wasn’t about her. It wasn’t even really about Orn Free Taa.
“You didn’t,” she said, stepping forward and taking his lefthand between her two. The metal felt warm and almost alive; the symbol Taa’stwo aides had been so startled by was rough-edged beneath her fingers. Padmésmiled. “I told you once before, Anakin. I won’t be your master. You don’t needmy permission to speak. You didn’t ruin any plan, but even if you had, thatwould be your right.”
“Oh,” he said softly. He didn’t meet her eyes, but she saw afaint, surprised smile touch his lips as he stared down at their hands. “Ithought – ” He didn’t finish.
“I can imagine what you thought,” Padmé said dryly. “I don’tsuppose Palpatine much appreciated input on his legislative agenda.”
Anakin snorted. “I wouldn’t know.”
“You’ve never sat in on a policy discussion before?”
This time he laughed. “I wasn’t exactly my Master’spolitical protégé.”
“No,” said Padmé, more bitterness in her voice than she’dintended. “That was me.”
His laughter faded and he cocked his head to one side,studying her with the barest of smiles. It was a very particular mannerism ofhis, curious and sharply focused, equal parts fascination and bemusement.
“He wanted it to look like that, yes,” he said at last,still watching her with that barely present smile. “But he hated you. You werealways outmaneuvering him, and you never even seemed to be trying. The naïve,incorruptible queen who never did what she should have. Didn’t lose theelection. Wouldn’t sign the treaty. Wouldn’t accept the occupation. Wouldn’t –”
“But I did call for a vote of no confidence,” Padmé cut inbitterly. “And that was all he really needed me for. I was the perfect pawn.”
It wasn’t something she’d said aloud before, but it washardly a new realization. The words burned like acid in her throat all the same.
Anakin was looking at her in that curious, almost scientificway of his again. But this time there was a fierce edge to the hint of hissmile. She thought suddenly of the spark of blue fire at his fingers and thelook of helpless rage on Palpatine’s melting holographic face.
“Do you really think that?” he asked.
“Well, what else should I think? I handed him the galaxy ona silver platter.”
Anakin scoffed. “You give yourself too much credit. And notenough. He’d have made himself Chancellor with or without you, and he only usedyou because you’d already confounded his plans more than once. You were aproblem and he needed to neutralize you. He’d been trying ever since you wonthe election.”
Padmé’s brow furrowed in confusion. “That’s the second timeyou’ve said that. But he wanted me to win. He even campaigned for me. Hethought I’d make an easily manipulated pawn, I suppose.” She laughed. “And hewasn’t wrong.”
“No,” said Anakin. He sounded oddly frustrated. “SenatorPalpatine supported you in the election, of course. That was the point. But youweren’t actually supposed to win. You were meant to lose, and then KingVeruna’s corruption and incompetence would have doomed Naboo to rule by theTrade Federation, and Naboo’s noble senator could have quietly lamented thathe’d tried to warn his people, but that the corruption of the failing Republichad prevailed.”
He said all of this in the slow, vaguely disdainful tones ofa seasoned Coruscant politician, with the condescending arch of his eyebrow tomatch. Maybe, in other circumstances, it would have been funny. But here andnow…
“He was planning it even then,” Padmé whispered. “The wholetime. He always meant to destroy us.”
“Of course he did,” Anakin said shortly. “But you’re missingthe point. He had everything perfectly arranged, calculated to account forevery possible variable…except you. You ruined his plans, again and again, andyou never even seemed to realize it. And he hatedyou for it, hated you almost as much as he hated the Jedi.”
Padmé’s eyes narrowed. There was something new andunexpected in his tone, but the spark in his eyes was one she’d seen before, akind of intense, almost desperate curiosity, hidden but not well enough. She’dseen it in him the very first time they’d met face to face, and it had unnervedher then. Now, for the first time, she thought she understood it.
“But not you,” she breathed. “You didn’t hate me.”
“No,” he said. That near-invisible smile was back.
“And you’ve thought about this,” said Padmé. “Quite a bit,apparently.”
Now he looked almost shy, gazing at her through his lashesand even scuffing his feet against the carpet. “Well,” he said. “Youwere…interesting. You should havebeen easily manipulated, because you were young and naïve and always talkingabout things like compassion and sentient rights and democracy like you reallybelieved in them, and that should have made you weak. And he had everythingperfectly planned. But you won anyway. I remember at your coronation – ”
Padmé looked at him sharply. “You were there?”
Anakin laughed, though she wasn’t sure why. “No. Master wasstill the senator then, and no one was supposed to know about me. He had ahidden room in the official residence where he kept me when we were in Theed.He had to go to the coronation, of course, and all his staff went with him. Soonce they were all gone I snuck out and stole one of the staffer’s datapads andjury-rigged it. I wanted to see the girl who’d beaten my Master.”
Padmé bit back her objection, but he must have seen it inher face anyway. “And you did beathim,” he insisted. “You were supposed to lose the election, but you didn’t, andall he could do was stand there at your side, wearing his pleased senator’sface. I watched. He hated you, and in that moment, there was nothing he coulddo about it.” His voice was earnest, almost eager, but now it lowered to a whisperedsecret. “I didn’t know it was even possible. For anyone to fight him and win.Not until you did.”
Padmé thought of that dark throne room, Palpatine’s horriblelaughter and the dull wet sound of the detonator, Anakin lying there with ahole in his stomach and burning rage in his eyes, hissing on a blood-soakedbreath, “You lose, Master.”
“And you were just a girl,” Anakin said, that faint smileonce more lighting his face. “A girl in fine robes and regal makeup, but stilljust a girl. You weren’t even a queen, the first time you beat him.”
I didn’t even know Iwas fighting him, thought Padmé. Notthen. But what she said was, “And you were just a boy. Even if he didn’twant you to believe that.”
Anakin blinked, soft and startled. But for the first time,he didn’t deny it, and that thought settled like a warm cloak around hershoulders and brought a sly smile to her lips.
“A boy with a crush, it sounds like,” she added, with anexaggerated waggle of her eyebrows.
But Anakin, to her surprise, only smiled. “Maybe,” he said.“But I don’t think it was quite that.” He paused, gnawing his lip as heconsidered his words, and when he spoke again it was slow and hesitant. “Mastercame back from the coronation, and I didn’t tell him. He was raging about it,about you, about all of the plans he’d have to modify. And I didn’t tell himI’d watched. I erased all traces of my use of the datapad, and I didn’t tellhim, and he never found out. That was the first time I ever lied to him, Ithink.”
Padmé reached out and caught both of his hands in hers. “I’mglad,” she said, teasing but sincere. “I like being the inspiration for yourfirst rebellion.”
“I think that’s why he was so angry, at the end,” Anakinsaid. “Even after he’d won, and the Jedi and the Republic both were destroyed,you were still there, and still ruining his plans.” He smirked. “And then thereyou were again, stealing his apprentice.”
Padmé’s smile disappeared. “I didn’t steal you,” shesnapped. “You’re not a thing, to be stolen.”
But Anakin only laughed again. “See, that’s it,” he said.“That’s exactly why he hated you. Because you just…you say things like that,and I think you actually mean them.”
“Of course I mean them,” Padmé said, almost affronted.
“You’re the only one who ever has,” he said, and her annoyanceabruptly dissolved. His hands twisted in hers, a match for the hesitant quirkof his mouth. “He – he said things like that, once. He said he’d make me free.Before I left Tatooine. That’s what he told my – I didn’t remember, not until –not until she came here.”
He meant his mother. He still wouldn’t call her that, but heseemed reluctant to use the name Shmi either. This was the first time in dayshe’d referred to her at all.
Padmé had no idea what to say. “I’m sorry,” was hopelesslyinadequate to the point of being insulting, but anything else seemed evenworse. So instead she caught his hands and held them still inside hers. Thenewly jagged edges of his left hand pressed into her palm, a reminder and aquestion.
She raised his hand between them, her fingers tracing theair just above the shattered circle he’d carved there. “What’s this, Anakin?”
He looked at her for a long time in silence, for so longthat Padmé had to fight the instinctive urge to look away, to put a wallbetween herself and that uncompromising honesty. But she held his gaze,unflinching, until something bright and ferocious as a burning sun lit hiseyes, and he said, “Kol-depuan.”
That word carried a hush ofreverence with it. Padmé wascertain she’d heard it somewhere before, but she didn’t know what it meant.
“It’s the sign of the Unfettered,” said Anakin, pulling hishand away from hers and stretching it palm down between them, so the sunlightshimmered on the newly cut edges of the metal. “It means I’ve thrown down myMaster, I’ve survived the detonation of my transmitter, and now no chain canhold me.”
He was staring down at her, fierce and vulnerable at once, anair of unspoken challenge about him that made her breath catch and the airaround them spark.
Unfettered, Padmé thought. She remembered him standing inthe doorway earlier, his scars on display and vicious laughter in his eyes ashe watched the worthies of the Republic Senate stew in their discomfort.
Not everyone had been uncomfortable, though.
“They recognized it,” Padmé said, watching Anakin’s faceclosely. “Taa’s aides. They recognized the symbol.”
“His slaves,” Anakin spat.
“Yes,” she whispered. “His slaves.”
Anakin’s face softened, just a little, and she realized hemust have been afraid she wouldn’t admit it. That thought burned, but she bitit back.
“I wasn’t sure they would recognize it,” he said. “They’renot from Tatooine. But they must have people there, or some contacts.”
“And you carved it for them to see. Didn’t you?”
Anakin only looked at her, head cocked to one side. That wassomething she’d seen in him almost from the beginning, and she’d always thoughtit remarkable that Darth Vader might refuse to answer, but she’d almost neverknown him to lie.
“I wanted a freedom mark,” he said at last, a careful truththat was also not a denial.
“You say he’s a slaver,” Padmé said. “Can you prove it?”
Anakin’s eyes narrowed, and she realized her mistake. Beforehe could object, she added hurriedly, “Legally, I mean. Can you prove it in aRepublic court of law?”
His brow smoothed again, and he bit his lip in thought.“Yes,” he said slowly. “I think so. Dinsa could help. But it would be mucheasier if we could get the two women who were here today to turn.”
Padmé breathed deep and let it out, certainty settlingaround her. “If Naboo offers them sanctuary, do you think they would turnwitness?”
For the briefest moment, Anakin’s face showed nakedsurprise. “Will Naboo do that?” he asked, his voice careful and even. And then,“Would you do that?”
“Yes,” said Padmé.
Anakin swallowed. He clenched his metal hand in a fist,closed and then open again, watching the play of light on the Unfetteredsign. “Then that will be enough,” he said.
“How will we contact them?” she asked, though she was almostcertain she already knew what he would say.
“Leave that to me,” Anakin said. He was smiling, but shedidn’t miss the hint of challenge in his eyes.
“All right,” said Padmé. But she couldn’t resist adding, “Butremember: legal in Republic court.”
Anakin smirked. “I’ll make it legal,” he said.
308 notes · View notes
tdrcycle09 · 8 years
Mini Challenge #2 - No Need To Adjust Your TV Sets...
This mini had our girls twisting and turning with their makeups, designing their best optical illusion makeups! Let’s see how they did!
Analyse Thropic
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For this illusion makeup mini, I did a low-poly makeup look made of graphic triangles and quadrilaterals. The shapes are arranged and colored to mimic the placement of a standard drag beat, but the non-blended nature of these shapes gives the look a sort of computer-generated feel.
Lila: When you said you were doing a low poly look, I was so excited because it’s such a fun aesthetic. Now, I do like how you’ve set it out, it’s really intriguing and the effort into even the most minute areas, like how the hair and ears are covered. It’s just that your white line spacing is really putting it off the perfect-o mark for me. If you used a really, *really* thin brush the finesse your white spacing, it would honestly have made it look more low poly, because it’s coming across as mosaic rather than low poly. Good job with this, however! I hope you come back to this look in the future since it’s such an original idea.
Gluttoni:  Anal! This is a very cool optical illusion and I like your take on the facial anatomy. Can't say it's the most innovative of them all but I can tell you are listening and learning so I can really ask for more.
Letha:  I quite like the idea here, Analyse, its very “Your internet connection ain’t shit, so here’s some 144p playback”. The placement of the shapes, as well as the colors, make sense when deconstructing a face. Where you lose me is the white lines. They make everything too stark and disjointed, instead of just low-poly. I think had the shapes been connected while still holding their crisp lines, it might have been more effective. But good job, nonetheless!
Toni:I think this is a really interesting concept and I like that you went outside you comfort zone! Clearly you know your base paint because this style of paint requires you to know where everything goes. I would have loved to see thinner lines between the shapes to really drive home that it was all one image that was in low poly, as well as adding a few more triangles to add a bit more of the feel to it, but over all this is well done!
Antonina: Hey darling! I like what you’ve done here, it’s a great base for a future look. It just doesn’t feel like something finished. I think using this and adding more drag details, like more eye makeup, lashes and a fuller upper lip is something you should explore in the future, because it really is a good start. I’m not getting a super strong illusion from this, but I love the colors you have used and even tho the lines on your face could be sharper, I think they look good right now as well. You keep surprising me, keep it up!
Avana Noir
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Hello Judges and TDR community.  For this Mini I was inspired by surrealism art. So i decided to paint myself with three faces. Since surrealism if very out of this world and very imaginative. I really wanted to push what i  can create with a makeup brush. This was kind of challegning but I think I did a great job. I was also inspired by the makeup used by the Japanese Geisha, hence the white face and uses of pinks. I hope you enjoy this look! Thank you!   
Lila: On paper, and in execution, this is a great optical illusion and I hope you indulge with it a little bit more since it sticks to your aesthetic really well. For what it is, however, I wish you could’ve blended the Ghost In The Shell-like real face a lot more to show that the face is beneath the illusion of a split. I’m getting a Kim Chi vibe from this and I really think you could use this makeup in your look again, just as a whole white face rather than the split, but if you were to do this again with the split, I would concentrate on detailing the looks to appear more consistent with your features, because its looking a little messy. Overall, I do enjoy this, good submission, Mom!
Gluttoni:  I was actually really surprised with your submission in the best way possible. This was ambitious and quite a cool illusion. I think this is probably the cleanest I've seen your makeup so honestly keep on this track.
Letha: This is a really fun idea, Avana, and the creativity really shows through with this concept. The illusion works if I don’t look too closely at it, but the details up close sort of spoil it. It would be more effective if your lines were crisper, and had more highlights/contours on the faces you added, as well as the perimeter of the middle face, to make them really pop. But still, good job!
Toni:Oh she had to show me she wore her nails, okay i see you! I really like this! I think it was a smart optical and for your first time atempting it I think it’s really well done. I do wish the lines were cleaned up more so it was clear that it was a clear split of the two faces and so that there arent just these huge black lines going down your face. I so think that you could have used a bit on the fine tuning of the fake faces. But over all this is a really cool look and something I think you should redo to go out in!
Antonina: You were one of my personal favorites this week! I’m getting Picasso meets Studio Ghibli from this. I don’t have a problem with the messy lines in this, because it’s supposed to be artsy. I got dizzy looking at your submission, and that’s a good thing when it comes to optical illusions, right? The line’s could be darker though, and the wig looks a little to plastic-y. A really dark line around the white face, and maybe a black wig would take me all the way to Spirited Away, but I still love this as it is. 
Daddie Dearest
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Let me first apologize for the quality of this submission. I was on very constricted time this week, and I hope the judges know the quality of my work is better than this. Anyway, my favorite part of drag is the transformation, so I chose a look that displayed both sides of Daddie in an interesting way. The drag side was heavily inspired by my lovely boy-girlfriend, Ellie Dee. For the boy side, I wanted it to look like someone took a hammer, smashed my face, and removed the pieces. Thanks judges!
Lila: I think makeup is one of your strongest assets, and I love your beat a lot because it’s so creative already with the element of your beard. However, I know this mini challenge has thrown half of you off, but you could’ve taken the crack to the Nth degree here. It would’ve been fun to see some sort of skin peeling illusion or something like (this) where the paper would rip off. Although there is an illusion here, I wish it was a little bit more than it is. Nevertheless, good job!
Gluttoni:  Yo Dad, I'm just going to be honest and say I was expecting just a tad more from you. You are clear one of the more advanced makeup artist in the competition so a take on something you've done the previous week disappoints me slightly. I'm going to hold that against you because I respect you as an artist and this evidently still good work.
Letha: Daddie! The makeup is BEAT as always, and I love the contrasting tones/colors. That being said, if I haven’t seen this exact look from you, I feel like I’ve seen similar, and while it’s good, it’s not really pushing the creative envelope. I don’t get a big sense of an optical illusion, but still, there’s no denying your skills, so good job!
Toni: I know this week was really rough on you because you had to scrap your first idea and then quickly make something new out of nothing so I want to give you points for that because I know you were in a panic. I like this a lot, is it the most exciting thing out there? no but Its solid. I think you could have gone all the way and maybe blacked out some chips where it looks like pieces of your face had fallen off kinda like a cracked doll. Over all I think this is a good submission for your situation. 
Antonina: Hola papi! This is very pretty, it’s a cool submission, but it’s not the best match for the challenge. But you already know that. I think this was just another chance for you to keep practicing your makeup. You look great, but it was not one of my favorite looks I’ve seen from you so far. The gray part looks a little random and rushed. Maybe if the parts where your real skin tone was showing was white or at least a lot lighter it would give it more dimension. Keep on pushing papi, you got a lot of stuff to show us I can tell. 
Dotte Com
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Behold the face of pixel perfection! It was difficult to mine my crafting skills when it came to this challenge, but that didn’t stop me one 8-bit! There’s more than just drawing squares, since your 3D shape has to appear 2D. It was one direction that I enjoyed playing with and I feel like I rose to this cyber-occasion.
Lila: I LOVE this, and I expect to see you continuing this type of experimentation. This was a huge risk and it is up there with one of the more creative choices of this mini challenge. Two things (because I’m nitpicky) that you could’ve enhanced our digital experience with, the pixels could be a lot smaller in some places, your nose contour is looking a lot wider than usual and it could’ve been shaped just to make it more narrow. And, instead of the wavy hair, you could’ve treat us to more of a squared off headpiece or wig, just to tie in that digital look you were trying to serve. This illusion was really exciting to wait for and you did such a great job with it, none the less!
Gluttoni:  Dotte! I am so proud of you for this one! You really took the theme and ran the fuck away with this. Not only that  you definitely tied it into your own persona to really seal the deal. It's a little rough around the edges but I think got good grasp on different hues and saturation that I wouldn't expect from you. Keep blazing a path like this for yourself and I think you may find yourself in the top way more often. Being tenacious will get you everywhere in life.
Letha: This is a really cool idea, Dotte, and totally fitting for your aesthetic. I’m not totally feeling the hair here, as something shorter or maybe with a blunt bang might have carried the whole “cybernetic technomatic” type vibe a little more. Overall, the pixels are in cool places and seem to mimic a face (as well as down the neck yas thank you for doing that), I would appreciate cleaner lines though, as it appears muddy in places. I love how you took this mini as an opportunity to both experiment with your makeup skills, as well as expressing who Dotte is, so Halleloo to that!
Toni: Dotte I was worried for you with this that it wasn’t going to be enough but I really love this. I think its fun and just enough of an illusion to really be interesting to look at. I love that you paid attention to the challenge and did everything from shoulders up because that was asked of you and not many of your sisters took that chance. I think if you were to do this again it would be nice to slow down and really make those lines hard and crisp, mostly around the eyes. I really loved that, good job this week!
Antonina: I think this is the  best I’ve seen you look! The colors are perfect for your face! Of course you shouldn’t do pixel makeup every week,but I think you could really use parts of this in your “normal” makeup. The dedication alone of painting your chest is great. I know hair isn’t part of this challenge, but a small comment on that anyway. I love this hairdo, I just want some more volume on top of your head. Great work this week. 
Ebony Boss
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For week 2 I told myself I was gonna step it up majorly. I feel as if my cracked porcelain doll really did that. I wanted to do an illusion that is not the most well known for being an illusion. I think the look is one of my best and really does make me look like a cracked porcelain doll.
Lila: While I agree that this is the best you’ve looked in a while, this is a little safe for what we’ve received for the challenge. I do think you have stepped in terms of bringing us a stronger beat than you’ve done in the past, but I think it’d be much more impactful if you chiseled your contour to a fine point to try and create that porcelain perfection most dolls have. Try to bring in your contour on your nose a little bit more to make it seem more narrow. I wish the elements had a lot more, like adding really thin cracks in different shades, a brown perhaps, just to compliment the harsher cracks. Overall, this is a good submission this mini!
Gluttoni:  My dear Ebony, I am glad I got to see you start and finish this look because I can easily differentiate the growth for the before and after. You took my advice for cleaning up your line and might I say I think the overall illusion benefited from that greatly. You have a very stoic face which I think would be softened if you were a little more expressive. I want you to look as personable as you actually are. The concept of this look is good and extra points for making it a whole look but do you think this the most inventive idea you could achieve. Push yourself darling.
Letha: You really are improving with every mug you do, Ebony, and that is evident with this look. The cracks have believable shapes to them, especially on the forehead, and some shading/highlighting would sell them even more. The nose contour is a tad muddy and doesn’t really make your nose look thinner. The cheek contour could also be moved up a bit, as it is basically on your jaw. The contour color threw me for a second, but it does make sense with the story you’re telling, but it is a bit muddy/patchy in places (the forehead, for instance). I wish the lips had a more “dolly” shape to them, but the mouth lines are cute. I will say this for taking mug pics- find your lens and find an expression. A wide-eyed doll expression could have helped sell this look, but you look a tad over it, so keep that in mind for the future! Strong work!
Toni: I said this to you before but I’ll say it again, I think this is the best you’ve looked ever to me. I think that you should take what you did here and apply it to your normal makeup. I do wish the lines were a bit more clean and sharp, as well as maybe being a bit more, for lack of a better term, polished and flawless like most dolls are if that make sense. I think if you spent more times on your eyes as well to give us that doll eye shape would sell this more. Also girl, where is your lash going? what is she doing? over all I am really proud of you!
Antonina: Hey babe! Great step up, I don’t even recognize you besides that nose contour that still needs work! The look is very cute though. To really make it an illusion, I would have wanted you to make your skin look like porcelain. A lot of shimmering highlight might do the trick. I see doll, I just wanted MORE doll. Take it over the top, the concept is cute but needs more work to really fool us you’re a cracked doll. Keep on pushing doll face!
Judah Kiss
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Hi judges! So we originally talked and this mini was going to be late due to personal circumstances around my new job, and I was very upset about it. Woke up this morning at 7am and couldn’t sleep; so I got right to work to submit something.
For this mini, i chose to attempt to recreate Bearonce Knowes’ negative face makeup, with the purpose of makeup turning my face into ‘camera negative’. With more time and more blending I think it would have come out better, but the idea is there, and I’m very happy to have submitted something on time.
Lila: I see a drive in you that is surrounded in a lot of passion for this competition, so I wouldn’t be so hard on myself! Now, Although there are elements that are slightly askew and rushed, I do like this. It’s a nice play on an optical illusion in the sense that it’s more of a inversion - bezold illusive where you’d have to manipulate the image to see it’s opposite contour-highlighting. I think you’ve said it best in your description that if you did have a little more time, you’d have been able to perfect this makeup job. Nevertheless, great job, I hope to see you come back to this idea and perfect it in the future because its a fun little makeup you’ve created!
Gluttoni: Judah, girl.... This is probably the opposite of what I expected from you. I know you have a keen eye for detail and this keep of makes me want to retract that idea I have of you. The idea itself it's definitely on par with the creative force that I know you to be but the execution leaves something to be desired. I think your proportions need to flesh out sometime during the competition.
Letha: This is such a cool look, Judah, and even though it is a replica of a look someone else did, it’s very creative.  I do agree that some more time on blending would have served you well, as well as having more time to make crisper lines. More work around the eyes, and perhaps some white lashes would also have been a really neat addition. I do think the bare neck reads as stark against the grayscale face and the dark shirt, so either painting it black or some sort of gray would have helped. All in all, strong work, Judah!
Toni: I’m glad you were able to get on in time and I see the clear influence. I do like this and think for your first attempt at it that it was done well but due to rushing there are issues with it that really shatter the illusion. I think if you had more time to slow down and focus on blending and making sure it was one flawless transition from dark to light then it would be a really amazing look! Good job!
Antonina: I didn’t need to read your explanation to understand your concept. It’s very obvious, and I like that. It’s a good thing that you have references and tries new things. I know your lines and blending is normally much more clean than this, so I hope stress won’t be your downfall in this competition. I see creativity and passion, so I hope you will have time to really perfect your next submission.I know you’ve got what it takes.
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I'm the Russian Window. The ruined country post war represented by Windows with their flag's color. 
Lila: I’m gonna be honest, I don’t see much of an optical illusion with this makeup. It’s more mondrian artsy fartsy than a head being taken off the body or an eye socket being pulled all the way down to the chin. With your makeup, try to set it so that it isn’t shiny with translucent powder, or even baby powder for that matter. I wish you gave this a little bit more dimension as well as the flat colours could’ve had that Phi Phi O’Hara look to them. Overall, its an alright submission.
Gluttoni: *Gluttoni’s Critiques will be edited in later, she apologises in advance!*
Letha: Heya, Klinker! This look makes for a cool photograph, but I’m not really getting “optical illusion”. Part of optical illusion is tricking the eye to seeing something that isnt really there, and the best way to sort of “cheat” new shapes is to have either a totally matte surface, or to have shine in very specific areas. With this paint, the colors aren’t “set”, so your skin sort of shines and the illusion is betrayed by the real shapes that are there. I would suggest powdering to make it more believable, but good job, nonetheless! 
Toni: Well dear I can’t say im too excited about this submission because it seems instead of doing an optical illusion you decided to give us a bit more of an art movement, something very “some body that I use to know”. that aside im glad you went out of your comfort zone but for next time you do this make sure you set your makeup so you dont look so dewy and make sure to have very clean and very sharp lines like an actual mosaic would have.
Antonina: As art photographs, I think this is really cool. As submission for this challenge, not so much. I don’t know how to critique this really, because I like it for all the wrong reasons. The photos are strong and feels almost political for some reason? You are so unexpected, and I love that, but for the second time in a row I can’t really connect your submission to the challenge. Don’t waste this chance to grow, because I see a lot of good in you that I want to see more of. 
Lexi Lamour
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Well would you believe this shit?! I woke up from a well deserved nap after results were posted Monday and when I went to roll over and get comfortable my body moved....but my head didn't!!! When I went to reach for my head I found that it was detached from my body! In a PANIC I picked it up and ran to the mirror only to find out that my fear was true! I came to get my phone only to find a message from that witch bitch, Analyse! She was NOT happy about coming 2nd in the main for week one and while still in her witchy look cast a spell on me to sever my head! Only thing is there are 2 things that worked in my favor. 1) She got the spell wrong.....and 2) I don't have a soul....just a dark empty void of a shell. At first I was shocked, but then I decided I still looked good. I guess things could be worse!  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Hi, Judges! I knew what I wanted to do as soon as I saw what the mini challenge was. This was a fun bit of makeup that I've always wanted to try and see how it looked. I really enjoyed doing it and taking a multitude of different pics. I couldn't choose which ones to do, so I picked 2 that fit in with the first part of my description. Now....can you tell Analyse to fix me.....before I throw my head at her!!!!!!
Lila: I am honestly happy with this. No, it’s not a full face of makeup, but it’s definitely an optical illusion that I was expecting to see. It would’ve been fun to see you in some face makeup, even if it was just like a little beat on, it would’ve been funny to even have some sort of like Toni face mask realness, like you were in the spa chair getting your facial done. Take care with how you draw the hollow part of the neck, I would’ve love to have seen some reds or whatever your drag character oozes inside, even if you stuck Lisa Frank stickers all over the inside area I wouldn’t have been mad! Nevertheless, I’m happy that you went down this route, and I like this submission a lot!
Gluttoni: *Gluttoni’s Critiques will be edited in later, she apologises in advance!*
Letha: Now THIS is an optical illusion! Even if I hadn’t read your explanation it would have made sense, which is always a plus. I’m guessing the “curse” aspect is why it’s such a clean cut, but I still think adding some things like a trachea or some arteries (not gore, just a cross-section) might have helped sell the illusion a bit more, as right now it’s just sort of a patchy gray. I do wish there was a little more going on on the face, even like a sleeping mask because you “just woke up”. Still, this is a great job, and you really sold it!
Toni: This is an illusion! I really am shocked by this because this is so cool and at first i was like “what the fuck?”. I would have loved if you had done more thought, because it is a shoulders up it does seem a bit bare, even a light paint would have added something to this submission. It was smart to ahve a balck back ground that way it would make sense to have the black in your neck. Over all this is a really well done illusion. 
Antonina: Hi Lexi! I’m gonna be honest....I don’t see it. Maybe I’m just stupid lol. The disconnected head is a good idea though. Without any face makeup, the neck is the only thing to look at, and then it looks a little weak. Maybe I’m just a little spoiled with your last main challenge submission. The top part of the neck makeup where it’s really black looks really cool though. The idea is good, it’s exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for. The end results just didn’t match my expectations because I know how fierce you are. 
Marcella Fox
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Hello judges! Let me introduce you to my great Aunt Hortense - she was a model back in the 1980s, known for her high cheekbones and striking gaze. She felt out of the public eye after a scandal involving a grapefruit, and since then has kept a low profile. The menopause has been rather unkind to her, resulting in a more-than-barely-noticeable moustache and, as you can see, she is still recovering from her recent rhinoplasty procedure. Still though, she never steps out of the house without a face full of make-up - I’m sure you can all agree she still looks glamorous! I had a lot of fun with this mini challenge! I immediately thought of doing an upside-down illusion, and I was inspired by this cyclops I saw while googling ideas. I made an eye to put in my mouth, turned my actual eyes into giant nostrils, and hid my real nostrils with a plaster/bandaid. My eyebrows became a moustache, and I drew a giant pair of lips on my forehead. I wrapped a scarf around my head to look like, well, a scarf :p And held some hair underneath my chin to complete this fab 80’s look :]
Lila: SHOCKED. GAGGED. PULLED THE PAG. Marcella Fox, this is friggin’ CRAZY and I love it. The fact that some people won’t be able to establish you’re upside down and your eyeball is your mouth opened, I keep having to look back and do double takes because it’s SO interesting. I only noticed that you were upside down when I saw your hand holding the wig, and I’m just a sporadic mess because there’s no words to describe how you hit the nail on the head for me this challenge. One thing, and it’s a little nitpick, is if you had some sort of stand or piece of fabric tacked to your headwrap so that it looks like your character has a body, but like, honestly, the tiniest nitpick isn’t gonna take away how much I am impressed by this look. Great submission, Marcie!
Gluttoni: *Gluttoni’s Critiques will be edited in later, she apologises in advance!*
Letha: Up until this very moment, Toni had always been my favorite Cyclops from the 80′s. But NO LONGER, Marcella, it’s your Aunt Hortense! You managed to brilliantly combine camp/comedy with technique and the result is honestly so amazing. The lines are great and make sense, and the highlighting on the lips is so good. Your workarounds for hiding your natural features are also quite clever (though i would have suggested a bit more dramatic of a bandage for the rhinoplasty, as the beige of the current one gets a little lost in the shuffle of the face). These are honestly just nitpicks though, because I am still in AWE of this piece. Amazing job, Marcella!
Toni: YOU COME INTO MY HOUSE? AND MAKE ME LOOK AT THIS MONSTER?? I’m shocked, gagged, disgusted, horrified and I love every bit of it! This makes me so freaking uncomfortable to look at but in the best was possible. I think this holds truest to what a makeup illusion should be because this is so hard for my brain to process. If you wore this look out youd get tipped no question. Just make sure to have those really clean lines so that everything looks a bit more realistic, but over all im SHOOK BITCH.
Antonina: Wow! This is like a challenge: “How many faces can you find?”. I get so much backstory just by looking at your pictures, and to read your description was a joy. Keep taking every chance to be funny! The creature you created is so interesting and I can’t stop staring at it! I honestly don’t know what to say more than you did such a great job. 
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My makeup for the mini was inspired by 80s Patrick Nagel, in the way that he drew the features of so many of the women in his prints and the color scheme he used, as well as (obviously) miss Kim Chi. I love drawing on my face and doing creative mugs so for the opitcal illusion challenge I wanted to play off of that and BECOME a drawing.
Lila: You are so pretty and no matter what you do, optical illusion or normal face, you’re always gonna make me jealous. I would consider this an optical illusion because I’ve seen a lot of people try this with the Marilyn Monroe tutorials and stuff, so I’m pleased to see you go down this route! You look like a CD cover for an indie music band which I enjoy. I wish the black was a little more black than grey. I’m guessing you used either a black face paint or eyeliner, so to get that pure black just set the area with some eyeshadow of the same colour. However, great submission this week, Paps!
Gluttoni: *Gluttoni’s Critiques will be edited in later, she apologises in advance!*
Letha: This is a very cool look, Paprika, and beautiful as well. The colors are simple but the effect is still striking. I would suggest better lighting (I’m guessing that’s a window to your right, try facing it so the tone is more even all over your face) as well as a better backdrop, even hanging up a black sheet could work. I like the shapes of the face a lot, but I would recommend setting the black with shadow to help make it as opaque as possible. The hair is brown instead of black, which is fair if that’s all you have, but having a more solid (less flyaway) hairstyle would match this look I think. Overall, great job, Pappy!
Toni: As someone who has Nagels art hanging all over her drag room i am so glad to see you do something like this! I really think this is striking and true to the art style. I don’t think this is what would be considered a standard illusion but the way you did it really sells it for me. I think if you really darkened thosse shadows and cleaned up your lines it would be so amazing. Good work this week babe!
Antonina: I really like this. I wanna see a video of you in this look reading poetry in french. It looks really good, there are some areas that could use some more work though. For example, the crease lines are very different from eachother. If you’re gonna do this again, make the dark parts darker and maybe some cool collar bone shadows? I think you’re on the right track, keep it up. 
Phoebe St. Jefferson
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For my mini I was really anxious about this, because make up is for sure one of my insecurities in drag. Despite this i chose to do something really ambitious and yolo my way through this. I decided to turn myself into a snake/reptile type creature, but also blend my hand into my face. For this I followed the example of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sekYblpNDAo But I also tried to make it a little more cartoony, something fun that will actually look like my kind of style. For the make up I primed, sketched out where the mouth was with clown white, then darkened the lines with a cheap eyeliner pencil. For the color of the snake I went in with clown white mixed in with a little black eyeshadow. The hardest part of this challenge was taking a picture where all the lines matched up. Anyways enough of me rambling. Hope u enjoy boos xoxoxoxo.
Lila: WHAT? Scared of makeup my ass! This is by far it’s one of the more creative submissions we received! I see an optical illusion in this, honestly. It must be a trend to have snakes on this cycle, so I cant wait to see who does a snake for the main challenge. One thing to watch is your positioning with this type of optical illusion. I can see a small shed of skin at the bow of your thumb and index finger, and you could’ve colour matched your hoodie and background to try and make it pop a lot more. Otherwise, great submission, Phoebs!
Gluttoni: *Gluttoni’s Critiques will be edited in later, she apologises in advance!*
Letha: This look is honestly incredible, Phoebe! It’s very creative, and you went outside the box by incorporating/camouflaging your hand into the illusion! Are the lines perfect and crisp? Not entirely, but the effect is still there. I would appreciate a bit more detail on the mouth itself, as it reads more of a flat pink, but it’s still really cool. One way I could see this look being elevated would be to have had the hand painted as a CLOSED mouth with maybe the tongue flicking out, then lowering your hand to reveal the open mouth, but I can understand the difficulty of trying to pull that off lol. You should be very proud of yourself, Phoebe, and I hope this mini helps you with your makeup insecurity, because from what I see, you can do great work!
Toni: Honestly for your level of makeup skills this is amazing and I’m so glad you went down this route and took my suggestions. I would make sure to pay attention to where you are taking your pictures and their position because they can alter how its viewed and I think if you had the opportunity to take it against a solid background it would have made this more striking but I really love this over all!
Antonina: Thanks for the nightmares Phoebs!! This creature is scary af lol. This is one of the most memorable submissions we got this weak! That paint must have taken you quite some time to do! If you want to do this look again, get some snake eye lenses to get the full fantasy, but for a week 2 mini challenge of TDR I think you’ve shown a lot of dedication already. All the blacks could be darker, but most imporantly around your eyes. It looks a little sloppy. But hey, whatever, this is a great sssssssssssubmission. 
Sugar Monroe
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For this “optical illusion” mini, I was inspired buy a lot of color blocking makeup I saw and also stained glass? Idk. This is what I came up with. Lol
Lila: When I opened up the submissions, I got a little bit of an Indiah Ferrah / Phoenix 1st Episode Workroom vibe when I saw some of the other girls doing a similar look to what you’ve done this mini. While the whole mondrian-mosaic fantasy is kind of the go-to illusion, it’s not really optical, or for that matter original. a spin on this could’ve been following the natural contours of your face with the shapes or even doing your contours with the black lines and a blending of all the colours. It just doesn’t scream illusive to me. With your colours, try to add a darker and a lighter hue too, just to make them seem 3-D. Overall, this was an alright submission.
Gluttoni: *Gluttoni’s Critiques will be edited in later, she apologises in advance!*
Letha: While I do think the colors are very refreshing and vibrant, a lot of the critiques I had for Klinker apply here, Sugar. The black lines are generally strong and not muddy, but setting the areas with a corresponding powder (or even a translucent color all over) would have sold an illusion more. You lose opacity in some place, the white/purple most noticeably, but most of the areas pop quite nicely. I feel like the illusion aspect of the challenge could have been executed better, but I do enjoy the look you made. Solid work.
Toni:I know you had some troubles with this mini but i do wish you had worked more with the judges to find something you were able to do ebcause this is much less of an illusion and more just kinda an art style makeup if thake makes sense. Be careful on that babe. But I do want to give you props for going out side of your normal paint, if you were to do this again I’d say think out those black lines so that you can have more color showing as well as adding more shapes. Good luck this week love!
Antonina: The red and the pink looks really bright and good, but what’s going on with the purple on your forehead? All the other colors looks good, but you should have filled in the purple a lot more. It’s not my favorite submission this week, but that doesn’t mean you look  bad, it’s cute. I just wasn’t surprised by it. I think you did a good job for what it is, but I wanted more of a concept. Also, a little more color on the lips wouldn’t hurt. I believe in you Sugar, surprise us next time! This is alright, but give us more! 
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