#angst got7
mykoreanlove · 6 months
on being real
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“I don’t want to date you anymore, Jackson.”
The silver fork he was holding in his left hand fell onto the marble floor, crashing the silence caused by your announcement. Jackson was visibly irritated, big frowns on his face.
“You… what? Why?”
For days you had been practicing this moment, imagining how you would explain your reasons and set him free. And even though you went over this moment hundreds of times, you were not prepared for the gravel pit of anxiety in your stomach. You didn’t do this because you didn’t want him, no. Your feelings were as strong as ever, but Jackson never opened up, he never let you take a look behind his porcelain façade. You decided to no longer waste your time with someone that only portrayed his good sides.
“I don’t feel like knowing you, Jackson. You only show me your good sides, you never share your problems with me. I just…”, you stumbled to find the right words.
“Say it, y/n”, he urged you with a serious tone.
“I feel like I’m dating a fake.”
Ouch, the pit grew bigger.
Jackson hid his face behind his hands, shielding himself from you. You didn’t think it would affect him that much, but his silent sobs gave him away.
“I’m sorry, Jackson.”
It didn’t take long for him to change into his real self, which you finally saw for the first time after months of dating. His eyes, always sparkly but never serene, turned dead, drained from life and love. You silently gasped, surprised to see the abyss behind the veil.
Jackson broke out in laughter as he wiped away his tears.
“Dating a fake, huh?”
Tears started to form in your eyes, seeing him like that broke your heart.
“What do you want to know, y/n? How broken I really am? You think you’re going to love that?”, he spat sarcastically.
You couldn’t answer, you didn’t dare to. Jackson took another sip of his drink, grimacing in pain.
“Shall we talk about my crippling depression, then? You want to know what that’s like? To lie awake every night wondering if this is the life I want, the one that I deserve? Shall we talk about the accompanying anxiety which is clouding my mind 24/7? Am I doing enough? Am I true to myself? Is this really who I am? Shall we talk about my sweaty hands and rapid heartbeat? Me wondering if I’m about to drop dead any minute? Is that it?”
He paused and observed you, not understanding the reason behind your tears.
“Or shall we talk about my health problems? Did you notice how badly I’m griding my teeth? Should I tell you that my jaw is tense as fuck and my teeth are overly sensitive? That drinking and eating anything but warm liquor is making me wince in pain? You think I’m this skinny because I’m on a diet? No, y/n, far from it. Should I tell you how frustrated I am because I have tried literally anything, and no one can help me? You wanna know what that’s like? To be helpless in your own body? To be betrayed by your own fucking body?”
Your eyes wandered to the glass in his hands, finally understanding why he was always drinking so much. Jackson started pacing through the room while bearing his darkest secrets.
“Or shall we talk about the people I’m seeing for help? Because I’ve seen them all, y/n. I searched through whole fucking Asia, and everybody is saying the same shit. It’s all in your head, Jackson. Do you know how fucked up that is? Neither antidepressants nor the shit for my teeth is helping me and you wanna know why? Because apparently, it’s in my head. My body is hurting because my soul is hurting. Isn’t that hilarious?”
Jackson spilled some of his liquor, trying to make a point.
“Or let’s not forget about my love life, y/n. You wanna know what that’s like? You wanna know how much energy it took to portray myself as normal? I wanted you to think of me as strong and healthy and full of life but now you’re breaking up with me because that was, what, fake? I did all of this so you would never realize how broken, fragile, and weak I am. But I guess that wasn’t the right way to go about it either.”
Another layer of sadness washed over his face, tinting his brown eyes in even deeper despair. Jackson took a seat on the couch and hid behind his hands again, wondering why he told you all of this if you were already over him.
He flinched in surprise as he felt your arms around him, hugging him tightly. For once he just gave in and hugged you back, crying silently in your embrace.
“Thank you for telling me, Jacky”, you whispered sweetly into his ear. “This is exactly what I wanted.”
He looked at you surprised, so you explained yourself.
“I fell in love with you because you were a real one. Standing in your truth and being true to who you are. That’s how I have always perceived you, anyways. But then when we started dating, and I never got to know that side of yours. You were too perfect, in a way. And I don’t want perfect. I want real, Jacky.”
His thumb brushed along your cheek, tracing down to your jaw.
“How could you possibly want that?”, his hoarse voice croaked.
You chuckled in response.
“I’m not perfect, Jackson. And I don’t want to be. Don’t you think I get depressed from time to time? We can cry together then. And yes, the thing with your teeth sucks. But I will love you even if you get new ones. And besides that, my teeth don’t hurt but my head does. Often, I get insufferable migraines and have to lie in a pitch-black room, I flinch at light like Dracula himself. Do you think I like that? No, but we all have something. You make it sound like you have to be perfect to be loved. But you don’t.”
The newfound spark in his eyes was noticeable, if only for a quick moment.
“I agree with the people you’ve been seeing, though. Your soul is hurting, Jackson. And that’s okay.”
You grabbed his hand and squeezed it lightly, looking at him hopeful.
“You don’t have to heal on your own though. I’d like to help… if you let me?”
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pars-ley · 15 days
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Title: Come Alive (part two) Pairing: Jackson Wang x f reader Summary: Having not heard from Jackson since he pretended to be your boyfriend to ward off unwanted attention, you try to push him out of your mind, that is until you run into him when you least expect it. Genre: Fake dating au / strangers to lovers au / heartbreak / angst / fluff / smut Rating: 15 (Nsfw-smut in future chapters) Warnings: some brief mild "friendly" threatening behaviour / foul language W/C: 2.2k Banner: @nixiecreates creating pure perfection. Beta: @seokgyuu thank you so much for you kind and encouraging words Tag list: @foofarny @kzokssb @galadrielthepsycho @sumzysworld @vminjackbaddie Notes: just a short chapter as I'm easing into the story that will unfold. I'm so excited. Please like, comment, reblog as it really helps!
"Can I get a medium latte and a slice of the lemon sponge, please?” You ask the barista, at the coffee shop around the corner from your apartment.
“Uh, sure, to have in or takeaway?” He responds with a bright smile, seeming slightly over the top.
“Have in, please.” 
He nods enthusiastically, “coming right up, tap when you're ready.” He points to the contactless card machine and rushes off to make your drink. “Swap with me.” He whispers to the other worker at the coffee machine, practically shoving him out of the way. Frowning, bewildered by his behaviour you shrug it off and make your payment before heading to the other end of the counter to wait for your order.
Taking a quick glance at the seating, you are pleased to see there are a few tables you can choose from, much to your relief. You need to get some work done and with your upstairs neighbours having renovations in their apartment, the noise there is almost impossible. So you came to your sanctuary, your favourite coffee shop with not only the best coffee, but most importantly, the best cakes. 
“Here you are.” The barista says with that same wide, slightly manic looking grin, as he hands you the tray. “Call me, anytime.” He whispers, but still loud enough for the people in the queue to hear, resulting in their quiet sniggers. You glance down at your order and see the scrawl of some numbers on your napkin and your face heats, only made worse by the fact you can feel so many eyes on you. Smiling awkwardly, you blurt out, “Sorry, I have a boyfriend,” before taking the tray and making a quick escape to your table by the window. 
Once seated you spin the cup to take a proper look at it.
The name ‘Lyle’ stares at you in bold, messy italics. Groaning to yourself, you turn the cup back back around and set your bag on the seat next to you, pulling out your laptop and hoping that the eyes you could still feel on you were only your imagination. 
You most definitely did not want to call him. Especially since you still haven't forgotten about Jackson. It has been a month since you met him at the club and you've had no text or call from him whatsoever and yet, he has crossed your mind more regularly than you would care to admit.
You shrug the thought away as you load up your work and dig into your cake, relishing the sharp lemon flavour of the sponge combined perfectly with the sweetness of the drizzled icing on top.
“Does this boyfriend have a name?” a voice beside your table startles you, your fork freezing in mid air while your mind races to come up with an answer for the persistent barista.
Glancing up at him, determined to continue your lie, you start, “l-” but stop when you see a familiar face smiling down at you. “Jackson?” you drop your fork and stand up to greet him. He wraps an arm around your shoulders and kisses you lightly on the cheek, lingering a little too long for just a casual greeting. “It’s great to see you, y/n.”
You can’t help smiling up at him, your bodies almost pressed against each other and radiating intense heat between the tiny gap. 
“y/n?” Another voice sounds and a smiling face appears from behind him.
“Do I know you?” you wonder.
“No, no, sorry, I’m Mark, Jackson’s friend, but boy, have I heard a lot about you.” he grins.
Arching a brow you peer up at Jackson and note the faint flush of pink dusting across his cheeks and have to fight the amusement that tugs at your mouth. “Good things, I hope?”
“Oh, yes, very,” is all Mark responds, snapping his mouth shut when Jackson throws him a deathly glare. Biting your lip in an attempt to keep your excitement and amusement at bay and watch as Jackson turns your coffee cup towards him, looking at the numbers written there, “so, is this boyfriend real or did you need a fake one again?” 
The smirk that plays on his lips has your heart pounding against your ribcage, creating a tune just to serenade him with.
“I guess I could have really used your assistance again.” 
He laughs and then his eyes fall serious, seeming unsure of what he wanted to say.
“So still no boyfriend, huh?” Mark interrupts the silence, as he stares very obviously at Jackson.
You shrug, “nope, I seem to have this problem…” tapping your chin thoughtfully, “where guys don't call me.” 
Jackson groans and dips his head into his hands, “I know, I know, I was going to call, but then…” he hesitates, searching for the right words.
“He was being a little bitch about his ex,” Mark interrupts, “but, he's over that now, aren't you?” he scolds and you have to fight the urge to laugh.
“Yes, definitely.” Jackson responds staring intently at you, eyes burning through you and starting a surprisingly intense heat inside you. “I'm sorry, I should have at least sent a text.”
“Hey, if you're not ready, you're not ready, can't help meeting at shitty timing.” you smile graciously, trying to hide your disappointment and hoping you're succeeding.
“I'm ready, now,” he insists, stepping closer to you. “If I haven't blown my chance?”
Your heart hammers so loud in your chest, you can barely hear his words, but the resounding scream inside your head tells you what you've decided. “Why don't you message me and find out?”
He beams at you and nods, “yes, for sure.”
Your cheeks warm slightly and you have to break eye contact, if you want your brain to ever work normally again. Getting lost in his eyes is dangerously easy.
“Miss, are these guys bothering you?” A voice sounds next to you and your eyes drift slowly over following the sound. Who should it be? None other than Lyle, the barista. Thinking he's being a knight in shining armour, when in reality he's disturbing a moment you have hoped for since the night you met Jackson.
You bite your lip, as the awkwardness only continues to grow as you watch Lyle sneer at the two of them, it would almost be laughable if you weren't so disappointed by the interruption. 
Jackson glances slyly at you, a devilish smirk playing across his mouth and as if you can read his mind, you give him a sly wink.
Jackson steps towards him, glancing at the barista's badge, “Lyle, is it?”
He nods in response, suddenly seeming unsure of himself for butting in.
“I really appreciate the concern for my girlfriend, thank you for checking in on her and her well-being,” Jackson's hand lands on Lyle's shoulder, meant as a friendly gesture but you can tell it's also a warning by the firm grips he holds. He picks up your coffee cup and turns it towards Lyle, “and as you can gather, she won't be calling you. No hard feelings, right?”
Lyle shakes his head quickly, cheeks slightly pink and spins on his heels, making his way back behind the counter.
“Thank you.” You fight back a laugh. “you come to my rescue once again.” 
“Always happy to be your fake boyfriend.” he beams at you.
“Or,” Mark chimes in again, “you could just date each other, then you could be her real boyfriend.” He mimes bashing your head's together which would have made you laugh ordinarily but you're hyper focused on Jackson's reaction to that.
He fixes Mark with a hard stare before turning back to you. “I'm sorry, I'm really out of practice with dating.” He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. “I'll call you later today and we can arrange a date? I mean, if you'd like to, that is? I don't mean to assume.” His face flushes pink and you can't help but bite your lip from the sight.
“I would love to, but,” you pause just to torture him a little more, “why don't you give me your number this time, in case you chicken out again.”
He gives you a bashful grin before pulling out his phone, typing away and then returning it to his pocket. “Done.”
You feel your cell vibrate in the back pocket of your jeans. “Ok, then.”
Both smiling at eachother like idiots, you're interrupted by Mark once again, “ok, lovebirds, we better get going so we're not late for the game.”
“Game?” You wonder.
“Basketball, a group of us play every week.” Jackson glances down at his watch. “Shit, you're right.” He takes a step towards you, “sorry, I've got to go but I promise I'll call you tonight.”
You nod, excitement blooming like roses in your stomach but a small whisper in the back of your mind does not want to get your hopes up again.
His fingers gently clasp your hand, and pull it up to his mouth, he presses his lips to the back of your knuckles, an action that almost has you swooning but you manage to stay upright.
“Really great to meet you!” Mark calls, as he heads towards the exit, drawing people's eyes in your direction.
Jackson backs away without another word, glancing back at you until he's out the door and out of sight.
You sit down, feeling dazed, your hand feels cold where his lips touched your skin, burning them with the memory of the tender kiss. Opening up your laptop and attempting to focus on today's tasks proves difficult when all you can think about is the hopeful impending conversation you would have with him later.
Pulling out your phone, remembering that he'd messaged you, so you could save his number and you see the text. Your mouth stretches in Cheshire grin before you can stop it seeing his message:
Unknown: can't wait to speak later
Just that simple sentence had you giddy and feeling like a love sick idiot. You also couldn't wait till later. 
Signing out at 5pm on the dot, you pack away your work things now you are back home. The renovations were still ongoing, the noise reverberating through your apartment like wildfire, making plans in your head to go out for dinner, until your phone rings, halting all other thoughts.
You see Jackson's name on your screen, scrambling to answer it and taking a deep breath to quell the excitement before you speak.
“Well, this is a nice surprise.” you start, sounding a lot cooler than you feel.
His deep laughter vibrates your ear, sending delicious shivers down your spine. “There's no chickens here today, ma’am.”
You can't help but laugh at his reference to your earlier comment. “I can see that. Nice to hear from you. How was the game?”
Settling on your sofa, pulling you legs up to get cosy, you listen in. 
“Yea, good, my team won, of course.” 
How can his voice sound even more devastating over the phone? Every word drips with velvet.
“There's nothing wrong with your ego, is there?” you tease.
“Not when it comes to things I know I'm good at.”
“And I bet you're good at many things.” the words leave your mouth before you can stop them, hanging in the air thick and heavy, until he speaks.
“I guess you'll just have to stick around and find out.”
You hold in the squeal that's bursting to escape, as more loud bangs and drilling sound around you.
“What on earth is that sound?” He asks.
Letting out a frustrated sigh you explain about your neighbours and your plans to stay out this evening, hoping when you return the noise would have dissipated somewhat.
“If you're free tonight, why don't we have dinner?” He asks, sounding nervous for the first time today.
Biting your lip and grinning you nod frantically, “oh sorry,” you laugh, realising he can't see you, “I was nodding. I would love that.”
“Ok, great, I'll pick you up in half an hour?”
“Perfect.” Holy fuck, you need to get ready fast.
You text him your address and raid your wardrobe, opting for a black dress with flat shoes, something simple but classic so you would fit whatever type of restaurant you go to. Your hair is beyond saving, so you pull it up in a rough bun, which for once turns out great. You neaten the very minimal makeup you have on when your doorbell goes. Your heart hammers wildly in your chest, galloping like a horse that carries you to your front door. Pulling it open, your mind goes blank seeing him standing there all in black. A fitted black t-shirt, with black trousers and shoes, he looked devastating in such a simple ensemble.
“You look…” swallowing and trying to appear calm, “amazing.”
His answering smile almost floors you. “I was thinking the same thing, you look beautiful. And we match.”
Looking down at your outfit you can't help but laugh at the coincidence. 
“Are you ready to go?” He asks.
Nodding, you grab your bag and keys and lock up. His fingers entwine through yours and he searches your eyes for permission, smiling as you give his hand a reassuring squeeze. It feels nice, the simple action of your hands clasped together, natural and comfortable. Your usual first date nerves have evaporated, maybe it's because you've spent time with him already, maybe it's because you know what it's like to kiss him, or maybe he's just a good match for you. Only time will tell.
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veethefreeelf · 1 year
JAY B Fic Recs
M - Mature (minors DNI) / F - Fluff / A - Angst / HpE - Happy Ending
None of these works are mine, I tagged all the authors, make sure to go to the authors page, like and reblog their works
The Back-Up - one-shot, 12K - by @inyournightmares97 - full Masterlist -> A / F / HpE - not mature but suggestive
The Leading Lady - one-shot, 11.6K - by @inyournightmares97 again because they have amazing works -> F / HpE
Chocolate Eyes - one-shot, 19.5K - by... you guessed it @inyournightmares97 because they write Jaebeom beautifully -> A / F / HpE
DREAMIN' - one-shot, 15K - by yes, again, @inyournightmares97 -> A / F / HpE
Illecebrous - one-shot, 2.9K - by @flurrys-creativity - full Masterlist -> M / F / HpE
Mistletoes & Christmas sweaters - one-shot, 4.2K - by @flurrys-creativity again, just do yourself a favor and read all their works -> M / F / HpE
Moonlight Café - two-shot, 15.9K - by @milfgyuu - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Wet - one-shot, 8.2K - by @spacequokka - full Masterlist -> M / F / HpE
Out of this World - one-shot, 11K - by @kpopchangedme - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
mistletoe? oh no! - one-shot, 6.9K - by @wonderlustlucas - full Masterlist -> A / F / HpE
Bad Habit Series by @jae-daddy - full Masterlist - please go through their masterlist, their Jaebeom works are unbelievably good -> M / A / F / HpE
Please mini Series by @jae-daddy again because I ALREADY TOLD YOU THEY ARE AMAZING -> M / A / F / HpE
Vermillion Series (Ongoing) by @flowered-mp3 - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Far From Home Series by @red-exo - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
to kill an empire Series by @ahgaseda - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Fragrances & Lost Fragrances Series by @jj-ktae - full Masterlist -> minor M / A / F / HpE
Erotica Series by @jj-ktae again because their stories are absolutely brilliant -> M / A / F / HpE
HOLIC Series by @taexual - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
What I Wouldn't Give mini Series by @flowerbeom - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Tension - one-shot, 6.6K - by @flowerbeom again because they are a brilliant writer -> M / minor A / F / HpE
Dating Lessons - two-shot, 18.4K - by @parkhabits - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Five Minutes - one-shot, 7.2K - by @parkhabits again because they are an amazing GOT7 writer
Worth Fighting For - one-shot, 5.7K - by @prettywordsyouleft - full Masterlist -> minor M / A / F / HpE
Poets and Parties - one-shot, 5K - by @kpopfanfictrash - full Masterlist -> M / A / F / HpE
Check Your Messages - one-shot - by @kwrittink - full Masterlist -> M / minor A / F / HpE
Taming The Brat Series by @deliriousscenarios - full Masterlist - THIS one is my favorite ever. I've re-read this more times than I can count -> M / A / F / HpE
Before Sunset - one-shot - by @mintjoonlep - full Masterlist -> M / F / HpE
INDEFINITELY Series by @noona-clock - full Masterlist -> A / F / HpE
hypnotic - two-shot, 23.7K - by @tuanhood - full Masterlist - this one is one of my absolute favorites as well -> M / A / F / HpE
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star-suh · 1 year
So since you write for Jackson wang
I have a silly request
How about writing like one of those old wattpad fanfics where you get invited to his private VIP party and he ends up having sex with you and falling in love with you
I’d absolutely love to see your take on one of those fics
Not Your Typical Party 
jackson wang x male reader
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cw: top jackson, bttm m reader, friends to lovers trope, some fluff sprinkled, some angst sprinkled too (like crying, a bit and comforting), implied kinda drunk jackson during sex but he is conscious, passionate and rough sex at the same time, pet names, fingering, spit as lub, unprotected sex, mating press (kinda obsessed with it later teehee)
it was friday night and y/n was getting ready to go to THE jackson wang's party, it is well known that he loves to throw wild vip parties in the most luxurious places in the city, so for y/n it was like a goal accomplished being capable of assist to at least one of those. it happened during one of y/n's walks, he accidentally bumped into jackson, his old college friend/crush. "y/n?" says jackson "woah, i almost didn't recognize you without your glasses. how's your life going?" he asked. "hehe, nothing much" answered y/n "just working". "you should take a break, it will do good to you" recommended the man "i'm organizing a party this friday night, come enjoy all the night" he smiled at y/n making him a bit flustered "ah… ye-yeah" he stuttered. "here give me your number" says jackson passing to y/n his phone so he can type his number on it, "done" answered the flustered guy, "ok, see you later pal" he says while waving his hand "ah, put on those glasses you look cute with them" he yells while entering his car.
"well, let's go" said y/n nervously opening the doors, he thought that his feelings for jackson were gone but no… they're there. he was received by lots of colored neon lights, people drinking, dancing and swimming in the pool, there was a sexy shirtless dj accompanied by lots of girls and a boy sitting who was kinda sad, y/n felt bad for him and was gonna ask him what happened "oh there you are" yelled jackson y/n turned towards the voice meeting a jackson in a robe and long pants, he was shirtless showing his perfect abs "oh h-hey" stuttered y/n "like the view? you're stuttering" mocked and laughed jackson "come here take a drink" y/n did as he said "i'll come later" jackson waves a goodbye and left y/n in a table drinking.
minutes have passes and y/n was getting bored, this definitely wasn't a place for him, all people having fun but not him "i guess it was a bad idea coming here" he says circling the bottle's tip. y/n stands up and went to the bathroom, find jackson to say goodbye and leave. 
"oh hey" y/n says to get jackson's attention who was talking to some girls "talk to you later" he says to the girls and went straight to y/n "what happened?" he asks. "nothing" replied y/n touching the back of his neck embarrassed "just wanted to say goodbye i have to go now". "no, please don't go" says the drunk man, grabbing y/n by the hand and dragging him towards a room, jackson's bedroom. "please stay with me" begged jackson starting to kiss y/n who opened his eyes wide in surprise but just let himself go enjoying the delicious and wet kiss "you taste like many liquors" said y/n making jackson smile.
the clothes of both were being discarded one by one with jackson touching every inch of y/n's sexy body "so fucking sexy. and just for me" growled the man on y/n's ear. jackson started to grope y/n's ass and squeeze it very hard "hng" moaned y/n. "yes like that. moan for me pretty" whispered jackson kissing y/n's shoulders and the bottom doing the same with jackson's collarbones.
jackson lifted one of y/n's leg with a hand while fingering him with the other. "please, just put it in already" whimpered y/n wanting to feel jackson inside him "as you wish prince". both lay down in bed and jackson introduced his cock in y/n then leaving it in there without moving so y/n would get used to the sensation. "you don't how much i've craved this. i love you" y/n then realizes what he just said and look directly at jackson's eyes "oh i'm sorry" said y/n embarrassed. "what do you mean?" asked jackson, "it's nothing" y/n was scared, he didn't know how jackson was going to react, he was dumb for saying that in the middle of sex, many mixed emotions made y/n start to cry. 
"shush, don't cry pretty boy" whispered jackson "it's ok, don't cry" he says wiping y/n tears and hugged him "it's ok, let it all out" he rubs y/n's back. seeing how he calmed down a bit jackson says "it's ok, you know why?" looking at y/n with loving eyes "i love you too silly" he smiles and kisses y/n who was shocked, his all-life crush just said that he loves him? y/n can't believe it. "and as proof of my love for you i'm gonna make you mine tonight" jackson bit y/n's ear and started to thrust. y/n was happy for what he just heard "fill me with your love then" he says hugging jackson as hard as he can…
in a mating press position jackson was drilling y/n so hard that the bed started to shake "i'm not gonna stop until you're full of my love,  i don't care if the bed breaks" the party man assured y/n couldn't say anything just moans and whimpers, feeling jackson reaching his sweet spot with every thrust. he then slip all his cock out leaving just the tip inside y/n's puffy gaping hole and then slammed again, doing the same thing like 10 times again. y/n started to jerk off feeling that sensation in his stomach "i'm gonna cum jackson" drool spilling out of his mouth "cum for me baby" says the top, kissing y/n and playing with his nipples to make him cum fast. "i'm c-cumming" yelled y/n shooting his cum landing on his abdomen and jackson's chest and some on his chin, he then cleans it with his thumb and lick it "so tasty" says jackson. "get ready to get filled" says jackson speeding up his pace, the loud music outside covering the skin slapping sounds "receive all my love and don-don't waste it" he says feeling he is very close "love. love. love. receive. all. my. lovee~" every word accompanied by a hard thrust, cumming finally in the last one and filling y/n's insides with his sperm. "i love you so much prince" says jackson laying at the side of y/n caressing his face, "i love you too" y/n replies…
it was morning, both already cleaned up and jackson accompanied y/n to the front door passing by drunk people sleeping everywhere in the garden. "ok then, see you later i guess" says y/n shyly waving "wait, hold on" yells jackson making y/n turn around to face him "here let me put them on you" he puts the glasses on y/n and adjusts his hair "you look cute on them" he says once again making y/n flustered "don't say that" y/n pushes jackson's shoulder who just laughed "why don't you wait for me to get ready and i take you in my car?... and i can invite you to have breakfast in a cafeteria i know, food there is delicious. what do you think?" he asks, "sounds good for me. just don't be late" answered y/n.
jackson kissed y/n leaving him surprised "it's a date then" he goes quickly to change clothes and y/n just looks at him with his face red as a tomato "fuck… i blush too easily... damn!" he thinks.
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kpopimaginings · 1 year
Someone Like You - Jackson Wang
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A/N: This wasn’t requested, just a little idea that popped into my head! (And Jackson friends-to-lovers is my weakness)
You hated this. Jackson was your best friend, so you loved that he could come to you with anything, but when it was yet another person who wasn't right for him, you hated it.
Jackson had always had such a big heart, but he let people in too easily sometimes. He would fall so quickly that often whoever he was seeing didn't feel the same way. Or, unfortunately, in some cases they were interested for the wrong reasons.
Whatever it was that caused it, things would always end with a heartbroken Jackson crying to you about it.
"Do you want to talk about it?" you asked Jackson.
The minute he turned up at your door with red eyes you knew. You pulled him to your sofa where you were now sat with a crying Jackson leaning on your shoulder.
"I just don't get it," he sobbed. "What do I do wrong?"
"I don't know, Jacks," you said, trying to comfort him. "You're perfect as far as I'm concerned."
He let out a chuckle and a sniff as he sat up and tried to clean his face. "I'm sure I don't look perfect."
You fought the urge inside you to tell Jackson exactly how perfect he was to you. You'd had a crush on him for a while that you just couldn't shake, but right now he needed a friend.
"What did she say?" you asked, trying to get to the bottom of the heartbreak so you could comfort your friend.
He gave a little shrug and shook his head. "She didn't like me," he muttered.
"Then you didn't do anything wrong," you explained.
"No, it's not..."
You could tell he wanted to tell you what had happened but was struggling to get the words out. Sitting silently you let him take his time.
"She liked the idea of me, of my job, my money," he admitted softly.
"This is why I said before you get too attached they need to meet me and/or your mum. We'll be your screening process!"
Instead of answering he leant into you again, this time wrapping his arms around you. You happily returned the embrace, giving him a comforting squeeze.
"Why can't I just find someone who likes me for me? Who will be there for me like I want to be there for them?"
You sucked in a deep breath as you bit your tongue yet again. Honestly, without confessing you didn't know what to say.
"Someone who..." Jackson looked up at you then, his puppy eyes so watery you felt a twinge in your heart. "Someone like you."
Well that comment was doing nothing to quell your crush. The pair of you seemed to freeze in the moment, each second guessing what the other might be thinking.
Without warning, Jackson threw caution to the wind and leant up, pressing his lips to yours.
Your common sense kicked in quickly and you pulled back.
"Wait," you said.
Jackson swore under his breath and withdrew completely.
"No, wait," you encouraged.
"I always fuck up, see, it's just who I am."
"Jackson," you snapped.
He stopped what he was saying and looked at you.
"You have no idea how much I want to kiss you back-"
"But?" he interrupted with a sigh, knowing it was coming.
"But, are you sure this is the right time? You just got out of a relationship. I'm here for you completely, but I don't want to be a rebound."
"Wait, wait. Hold on, can we back up? You said you want to kiss me? You arent objecting because you dont like me back?"
You chuckled. "You know that wasn't the important bit of what I said."
"Ok, but..." he pried, trying to get more information out of you.
"Fine, I've had a crush on you for ages, but you've needed me there, well, we've needed each other, and I wasn't going to risk that by confessing. I know what you've been through the last couple of years and I wasn't about to let you struggle alone because of a dumb crush."
"You're literally everything I said I wanted," Jackson explained, now edging closer to you again. "You've been there for me through everything, and honestly, I feel a connection with you beyond what I've felt with any other friend. You should know I will always care about you more than a rebound." He gently took your hand. "Maybe I went about this the wrong way, but I want to be with you."
"I want to be with you too," you admitted. "Just, maybe, let's take it a bit slower?"
Jackson nodded enthusiastically.
With a smile you leant in a pecked a quick kiss to his cheek before pulling him back in to rest against you.
"Feeling happier now?" you asked him.
"Yes," he replied simply and snuggled his head against you.
You couldn't help the smile that grew on your face as you held Jackson close. Never again would have you have to worry about him turning up on your doorstep heartbroken. You were planning on taking good care of his heart now you knew he was willing to let you in.
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spacequokka · 2 years
Prompt: “Have you lost your damn mind?!”
You woke up with a jolt. Banging. Loud banging at your front door. You looked at the clock.
“It’s three in the fucking morning.” You hissed, throwing the covers off as you got out of bed. “Who the fuck would even—”
You stormed down the hallway. You didn’t need another noise complaint because you couldn’t afford the damn fine. “I’m coming!” You only hoped the ass-hat on the other side heard you.
You yanked the door open and found Jackson, eyes glossy with his fist raised, standing there as if he hadn’t expected someone to open the door. “Have you lost your damn mind?!” you hissed at him.
“_____. Y-you’re home. I thought…” he turned away, “BamBam said he saw you with that other guy, what’s-his-face—”
You grabbed him by the collar and yanked him in. “No. I have work in the morning. Why aren’t you at home sleeping?” You shut the door behind him and turned on the kitchen light. A second glance at him revealed just how much he’d been drinking. “Damn, Jackson.”
He ducked his head. “I thought I didn’t care if you dated. You’d always be my _____. But I was wrong.”
He grabbed your hands and held them in his fists over his chest. “I don’t want to share you with anyone.”
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kmazine · 11 months
I Can't Have You
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bestfriend!jinyoung x female reader
genre : angst
For some reason, the walk back home feel so long and painful.
"Why it can't it be me?"
"I love you, Jinyoung"
You silently mutter under your breath. The words that you couldn't even say to him. The tears you don't bother to wipe, streaming down your face.
"Jinyoung, you okay?" You ask your best friend over the phone when your best friend called you an hour ago. It was late at night so you wonder why he call.
It was silent for a few seconds until you heard sniffles taking over the background noise that you register was from some television show. You didn't think much more. You immediately jump out from your bed and run towards your door.
"I'm coming" You heard Jinyoung replied with a sad hum and probably a nod, and that makes you fasten you steps. Luckily his apartment is not that far so you already in his apartment within minutes.
"Hey, you okay? How many days you've been drinking like this?" Closing the door behind you and took off your shoes, you can see few empty bottles of soju on the floor next to him. You immediately sit beside him on the floor. Your heart sank at the way his shoulder slouch, arms hugging his knees. He looks up to you when he hears your presence. And you look at him. Eyes swollen and he looks gaunt too. You scoot next to him and wrap your arms around his shoulder, hoping that you'd bring him comfort.
"We- we broke up" His tears starts to roll down his cheeks again as he said that. You let out a pain sigh, slowly wiping his tears with your fingers and pat his head softly.
"It's okay, Jinyoung. You will get through this. You will be fine okay?" You still stroking his hair, like an adult trying to persuade a child to not cry over candies.
"But I really love her, Y/n. It's been a few days and it hurts me that I can't see her face and listen to her voice. I can't do this Y/n. I miss her so much I feel like -- my heart..." He sniffled between words and voice quavering at the last part as he tapping his chest harder each sentences as if that will ever chase the pain away. You take his hands away and give him a tight grip, as to tell him, you're there for him. Your heart clenched to see him like this.
You know falling in love with your best friend was never a good idea. You've been liking him even before you became friend. Stealing glance at him during the class or sometimes exchanging smiles and nods when you saw each others is your definition of happiness back then. Then one semester, you and Jinyoung were assigned together for university projects and both of you clicked right away and the next thing you know, you two are inseparable as best friends. When you thought it's going to be easy for you and your feelings, but it was far from that.
Because from then on, Jinyoung see you as his best friend and best friend only.
Then start the cycle of your crumbling love story. You listen to his sobbing stories after the break ups like a best friend do. He try to match you with his other good friends because as a best friend, he want to see you happy with a good guy. Once, you ended up help him with the girl he likes because he just can't stop begging you.
Even after graduating and working on different companies, the cycle never end. And that's why it's hard. It's harder now to confess and tell him you love him. After everything, after all these years.
Especially this time, the relationship didn't seems like the others. He wasn't just smitten, and she didn't seem like the other girls she dated in the past. As much as you hate to admit it, he's definitely in love. You never thought they'll break up if you're being honest. She's a perfect woman any man can ever wish. It was perfect, as if they're actually made for each others.
You know asking him what happened now wont help him so you decided to make him a meal and tea to calm himself down. It was hard forcing the man to eat but you do every way you can and he finally give in.
"I don't know what will I do without you. Thank you Y/n" He give you a sad smile as he lays down on the couch. Deep sighs never left his mouth. You put the empty bottles in a plastic and put them aside and clean his messy living room.
"Glad I could help. You look too miserable for me not to to do that. I know it's hard but please, do not skip meals." You grabbing the blanket to cover his full body.
"Y/n?" He called for you so you lower yourself so your eyes meet on his level.
"Is it always this hard after the break up? It hurts so much. How can love be this painful huh? "He chuckles - probably knows how pathetic and sad he sound right now. You didn't say anything, just let him rambles more and give him another sympathetic smiles.
You make sure he was sleeping when you decided to leave. You're about to close the door when you heard his phone rings. You can hear Jinyoung shuffles to get up and the last thing you heard his voice saying her name. You closed the door shut, hoping that your heart closed the same for him.
There is a person that you can’t have even when you love them,
Just look at me, I’m next to you but I can’t have you,
I can’t have you.
a.n : this one have been sitting in my draft for months now. This is based from Bank's I Can't Have You (korean old song) and the lyrics are just heart breaking so here we go. Again, please do not mind the grammatical mistakes and typos. I will fix it later from time to time. Because the more I re-read, the more I want to delete this so I'll just post first.
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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girlfriend hugging them in their sleep
deserted island au
high school au
gf is a demon
s.o is shy with skinship
s.o is self conscious
thank you
bf! jackson
trying again
single dad au
it’s not too late
get over here
not now (*M*)
bf! jaebum
christmas special
i want to do these things with you
christmas special
bf! yugyeom
let’s go out
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winter-dayz · 1 year
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Fictober 2023
A collection of oneshots for Fictober 2023.
Not every story is a romantic pairing. In some oneshots, the reader/main character is a villain; in some, the idol character is a villain. Please be aware that many are heavily horror or angst-themed.
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
Kim Jisoo: It's only a dream... College AU; Nightmare on Elm Street AU Genre: Horror
Lee Hoseok: Freedom or the Kindness of Death Hybrid AU; Shapeshifter AU Genre: Horror
Lalisa Manobal: Eternal Love Vampire AU Genre: Angst, Fluff, Horror, Smut
Mark Tuan: A Polite Haunting Ghost AU Genre: Horror
Jeon Jungkook: His Treasure Dragon AU Genre: Horror; Smut
Lee Jooheon: Anything Goes The Purge AU Genre: Smut
Felix Lee: So naive... Fairy AU Genre: Angst; Horror (if you squint)
Kim Seungmin: Lonely St. Grim Reaper AU; Soulmate AU Genre: Angst; Fluff
Min Yoongi: Betrayed Gumiho AU; Korean Mythology AU Genre: Angst; Fluff; Horror
Choi Yeonjun: Old Wives' Tales Werewolf AU Genre: Fluff
Shin Yuna: Bringer of Death Mummy AU; Inspired by The Mummy (1999) Genre: Angst; Fluff
Kim Namjoon: Reclamation Dryad AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Horror
Park Jimin: Movie Marathon Scary Movie Night Genre: Fluff
Kang Taehyun: Only silence remains Shadow People AU Genre: Horror
Lim Jaebeom: I Can't Lose You Deadly Games AU; Inspired by Squid Game & Alice in Borderland Genre: Angst; Horror
Choi Beomgyu: Field of Daisies Dokkaebi AU; Korean Mythology AU Genre: Fluff
Jung Hoseok: Avra K'davra Golem AU Genre: Angst; Fluff
Kim Yugyeom: Guardian Demon AU Genre: Fluff
Lee Chaeryeong: First Serial Killer AU Genre: Horror
Yang Jeongin: The Walls The Boy AU; Inspired by The Boy (2016) Genre: Fluff
Shin Ryujin: For the Best Alien AU; Yandere Genre: Fluff; Horror
Kim Taehyung: Capable Android AU Genre: Smut
Han Jisung: The Ring Ghost AU; Possession AU Genre: Fluff
Lee Minhyuk: Promise Haunted House Genre: Fluff
Lee Minho: Left Behind Friday the 13th AU Genre: Angst (with a happy ending); Horror (if you squint); Smut
Kim Jennie: Catch 'em, kill 'em Amityville Horror AU Genre: Horror; Smut
Yoo Kihyun: Luring Siren AU Genre: Fluff; Horror (if you squint)
Choi Youngjae: Consequences of a Spellbook Magic AU; Witchcraft AU Genre: Angst
Hwang Hyunjin: Bound to You Cerberus AU; Goddess AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Smut
Choi Soobin: Every side of the story Greek Mythology AU; Gorgon AU Genre: Fluff
BamBam: Best Halloween Ever Halloween Party; Non-Idol AU Genre: Fluff
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mykoreanlove · 7 months
🥃 realizations
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„Here buddy, take it.“
Jackson’s manager handed him a glass filled with dark brown liquor.
„I know how much you need a strong drink.“
Absentmindedly, he sipped some of his beverage. It tasted bitter which never bothered him in the past but now it felt distressing to him.
Because it clouded the sweetness he was living with you. Jackson grabbed his phone and walked out on the balcony, escaping the party crowd that pretended to love him for their own gain. He was overlooking the skyline of tonight’s city, wishing he’d be able to share it with you.
„Hello?“, you answered sleepily.
„Shit baby, did I wake you up?“
He quickly took a glance on his wrist, calculating the time zone you were in.
„Hmm, but it’s okay. Are you alright?“, you mumbled softly.
„Am now“, he answered truthfully.
A soft smile formed on your lips, adding lovely hearts to the butterflies that were already nestled in your tummy.
Jackson took another look at his drink before explaining the reason for his call.
„I’m at that party I mentioned before and my manager came up to me and handed me a drink. Saying something about how much I needed a strong drink. And you know that used to be true back then.“
He paused for a moment, choosing each word carefully.
„I took a sip and it burnt my throat. It tasted disgusting. How come I’ve never noticed that before?“
Flashbacks of party nights with heavy drinking flooded his mind. Nights in which he drowned himself in liquor, nights in which he forgot his pain for a short time.
„What changed?“, you asked him.
Jackson smiled soundly while answering.
He took a deep breath.
„You changed me, y/n.“
Suddenly, you felt very awake.
„I changed you?“
„Yes. You changed me for the better, y/n. I realized that I don’t need all those drinks because I’m finally at a point at which I’m not running away from something. There’s no need to escape the bitterness because it doesn’t exist anymore. All that’s left is sweetness…“ Jackson paused again.
„Sweetness because of you, baby.“
You fumbled for words; his serenity touching you wholeheartedly.
„Who knew that my love was able to do that“, you chuckled proudly.
Jackson chimed in, giggling like he used to when he was younger.
„Only your love was able to do that baby.“
Jackson rotated the glass and poured the remaining drink from the balcony, emptying it all into the night.
„Your sweet love is all I need, y/n.“
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kwanisms · 1 year
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please note that I am no longer actively writing for got7 and that by putting this groups in the 'archive' does not necessarily mean I will stop writing for them entirely. Any series originally planned for any members in the archive have either been put in the vault or recasted.
🔞 many of these works contain sexual content (18+ mdni) 🔞 ♤ — angst :: ♡ — fluff :: ♧ — smut ✍ — ongoing :: ⊝ — hiatus :: ⊗ — discontinued :: ✓ — completed
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— oneshots
»» First Time ♧ i. jaebeom
➥ 3.1k; Y/N's first time with her boyfriend
»» Second Time ♧ i. jaebeom
➥ 3.1k; ever since her first time with her boyfriend, Y/N has felt like he was holding back. so she decides to see for herself what he's really like in bed.
»» Never Mine ♤ w. jackson
➥ 2.3k; jackson has fallen in love with Y/N, only there's a problem. Jinyoung is her boyfriend.
»» the Day Death Fell in Love ♤♧ p. jinyoung
➥ 12.5k; they say you only become a grim reaper if you've done something terrible in a past life. Whether or not that's true, Jinyoung didn't care. He had a job to do and he did his job well, guiding souls to the afterlife. That is, until he met Y/N.
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ⓘ DISCLAIMER :: MONSTER/ALIEN FUCKER ENTHUSIAST ⓘ ©️ kwanisms 2024 | all works on this blog are protected under copyright. Do not repost, continue, or translate my works. All graphics made by me.
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pars-ley · 1 month
The Drabble game seems fun!!
🖤Enemies to lovers
✨prompt # 8
A lil angsty & smutty pls!
Congrats on 800 🎉
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Title: Just like magic Pairing: Jackson Wang x (f) reader Summary: You and your colleague have never got on, he irritates you more than anyone you know, and especially when you attend a work event to announce your imminent promotion. But what happens when you're not prepared for the unexpected. Genre: Enemies to lovers / idiots to lovers / colleagues to lovers / office romance / one shot / angst / smut Rating: 18+ (NSFW) Warnings: Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it) / breast play / finger play (f. recieving) / heavy making out / Explicit language / cumshot W/C: 4.7k Banner: me Beta: @flurrys-creativity you're the best cheerleader ever! Notes: Thank you to this anon, I was super excited to write this one and the inspiration just kept coming, I hope you enjoy!
A groan rumbles in your throat, as your heels click against the stone steps ascending into the tall, old building being used as this year's work party venue. 
“It won't be that bad,” Mark's voice next to you brings you some comfort, as he squeezes your hand, encouragingly. Glancing down at his polished nails, painted by you and you squeeze his back.
“Thank you for coming with me, honestly, you're the best friend a girl could ask for.”
“I wouldn't let you endure tonight alone,” he says, holding the large door open and gently placing his hand on your lower back, guiding you inside.
Your footsteps echo as you cross the large, ornate foyer, where one of the servers points you in the direction of the hall, the music muffled behind the closed doors.
“You ready?” He asks.
You nod and thread your arm through his, before taking a much needed deep breath. Tonight's work party is to celebrate the accomplishments of the company for this financial year. And most importantly the new creative director of events would be announced. You've worked your butt off for this promotion for two years, you've planned the most events out of anyone else in your company and with excellent reviews. All of this has not been without plenty of sleepless nights and working late. Now, it was all about to pay off and you felt like you could breathe again, but this work party had been filling your stomach with butterflies ever since it was announced. You hated being the centre of attention, plus the fact the promotion would be announced in front of everyone and you had to do a speech, made you very uncomfortable.
You walk into the large crowded room, suits and gowns as far as you can see. A large piano sat in the far corner, where a lady in a lavish blue dress and long black hair played an elegant piece, hitting the keys with perfect precision.
You drag Mark to the bar, insisting on a drink before any greeting, that is until you hear an all too familiar voice behind you. None other than Jackson Wang. 
“Mark, my man, it's been a while since y/n’s dragged you along to anything.” He says, no doubt shoving his hand into Marks. You take a few gulps of your martini.
“Another please.” You mouth to the bartender, tapping on the glass. 
You finally face Jackson, not even bothering with fake pleasantries.
“Y/n, you look…” he pauses for a moment and clears his throat, “nice.” He says the words as if they would choke him upon their exit and you can't help but roll your eyes. 
“Gee, thanks,” you mumble, your nerves of tonight's events, making you far less patient for Jackson Wang than usual. 
You two have been practically mortal enemies since his arrival at the company. He has been here half the time, does half the work you do and yet, gets most of the praise. But boy, does he love to rub it in. Everything about him rubs you up the wrong way.
“You seem to be in more of a mood than usual.” He remarks, “I thought you'd be celebrating by now.”
“Yes, well not everyone likes being the centre of attention, Jackson.”
He smiles, seeming awkward at the bite in your retort. “Well, Mark, great to see you as always.” They shake hands and hug once more, before Jackson turns back to you, placing a hand on your shoulder and says, “good luck, y/n.”
Your irritated glare burns holes in his back as he walks away.
“You need to cut him some slack,” Mark's voice sounds next to you, annoyance blooming like a tree inside you, “he was just trying to be nice.”
You fight the urge to snap at him, taking a breath before speaking, “no, nice and Jackson Wang are two words that can't coexist in the same sentence in regards to me. He's nice to you, yes. Me? Absolutely not. He’s sarcastic and loud and he doesn't care about anyone but himself.” You down the rest of your drink and pick up your second that waits for you at the bar.
“I think you're wrong about him. He's just-”
“Chaotic, arrogant, self-centred, conceited. I could go on if none of those work.” You reply dryly, ignoring the eye roll he throws your way.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” your boss on the microphone startles you out of your current conversation and has your stomach doing somersaults. “Can you all gather around, please?”
Mark holds out his arm for you, “shall we?” 
Grasping it like your life depends on it, your feet move mechanically towards the crowd at the stage. Your legs feel like they would surely give way under you, if you weren't leaning on him so heavily.
“Now, it's the time we've all been waiting for folks…” he smiles cheerily. “I'll keep this brief, as I know everyone is eager to delve into the celebrations…” 
You attempt to control your breaths and hope to slow down your rapid heart beat, pounding alarmingly hard against your rib cage.
“...creative director is a prized position in our company, and so, of course we had to make sure we chose the right person…”
A loud swallow seems to echo around you as you try to quell the dryness in your throat. How on earth will you be able to do a speech?
“...we need someone who will continue to bring in fresh ideas, someone who will create trends and not follow them and someone who will do their best to strive for this company…”
Your ears throb, mimicking your heartbeat and making your boss's words quiet.
“...it is my utmost pleasure to introduce to you, your new creative director…Jackson Wang!”
Your legs wobble and Mark clutches you to his side, his eyes straight on your face. But you couldn't look at him. Instead you're scanning the room, finding Jackson as he climbs the stairs onto the stage. A wide Cheshire grin stretches across his face, too wide not to have known that was coming. Your blood boils in your veins, an unbearable heat rising up through your body and straight to your face, making your head feel aflame. You flash back to his ‘good luck’ to you only mere moments ago and your chest fills fit to burst with a scream you dare not let escape.
All around you a muffled call of “speech, speech,” slamming its way into your ears like a steel drum.
No matter how much you don't want to watch this scene play out, your feet are frozen to the floor beneath you, unable to do anything but stare.
He laughs, “wow, uh, believe it or not, for the first time ever, I'm speechless.” 
The crowd erupts into laughter, only infuriating you more as your fists clench into tight balls at your sides. 
“Hey, let's get out of here?” Mark says attempting to soothe your anger but you don't miss the slight panic in his tone.
There's a brief moment of Jackson meeting your eyes and you could swear he almost faltered while making his rehearsed speech…almost but he recovers and you can't bear to see anymore. You let Mark lead you slowly out of the large room, following blindly alongside him, numbness taking over.
You both come to a stop in a quiet part of the building with no prying eyes or ears. Mark comes round in front of you, taking both your hands. “I'm sorry, y/n.” He whispers. 
A hot tear rolls down your cheek and it's only then you realise your blurry vision is because your eyes are a dam ready to overflow. Cheering in the distance trumps again and you guess he's finished his speech. 
“Do you want to go?” Mark asks bending down to try and catch your eyes, but your stare is fixated on the marble flooring.
You did, of course you did. You wanted to run as far away from this as you could but, you were expected to be here, your boss will want to talk to you, no doubt and you don't want anyone thinking you ran off and sulked, especially not Jackson. The last thing you would do is let him see you upset because of him, you wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Swiping harshly at the wet trail down your face, you swallow your pride down and take a deep breath. “I can't, I have to stay.”
He says nothing but nods in understanding.
“Give me a few minutes ok, I'll meet you back inside.”
He eyes you carefully. “Are you sure? I can wait here for you?”
Smiling, you lay a hand on his chest. “I'll be fine, I promise. I'll see you inside.”
Reluctantly he agrees and heads off back into the main venue, looking behind him once to check on you. Once he's out of sight you head to the bathroom to freshen up, needing a moment to collect your thoughts. Thankfully the mirror is unoccupied giving you the chance to touch up your makeup. Smoothing down your dress, you release a steady breath, feeling calmer and more prepared now you are in control of your emotions. However, when you open that bathroom door, you're met with the last face you expected to see waiting for you.
“Y/n,” Jackson breathes, seeming relieved.
Your fists are balled up at your sides in an instant, all your calming positivity thrown out the window from just your name on his lips.
Gritting your teeth to keep your cool prevents you from replying.
“I'm so glad you're still here.” He takes a hesitant step towards you.
“Where else would I be, Jackson?” You snap.
He stills, his face falling and eyes suddenly so sad and vulnerable it hurts your heart. The fact you feel guilty for your response has you doubting your feelings, but you push it aside. No, he's the one that's done this, he's taken something you've worked so hard for.
“Y/n, we need to talk.”
A bitter laugh escapes you, “you're the last person I need to speak to.”
You try to walk past him but his hand comes out, grabbing your arm gentle but firm, your head snapping back to him.
You realise then this is the first time he's ever touched you, unsure as to why that thought enters your head, you push it aside.
“Y/n, please.” His pleading eyes pull at your heart, as confusion muddles your mind further.
Shrugging out of his grasp and folding your arms across your chest, you say, “you have five minutes.”
He breathes a sigh of relief and closes some distance between you. “Thank you.” He smiles, seeming to ease the tension but maybe he's just smug that you've relented.
“I know that we haven't always seen eye to eye,” he starts and you can't help but scoff at the understatement. He ignores and continues, “but I want you to know that I've refused the promotion.”
Your mouth falls agape. Never in a million years would you have guessed that's what he was about to say. “Why would you do that?”
“Call me crazy,” he takes slow steps towards you, your arms fall at your sides even though you feel more tense than ever, “but I think a promotion should be earned.” 
You're still waiting for the punchline but when there's only an inch between you, you look up into his dark eyes, open and honest and find your wilful thoughts faltering.
“You've worked harder than anyone in this company to do that and I've expressed that to our managers. You've not been recognised for all the work and revenue you've bought in for them. If I'm honest, I think you'd be better off elsewhere, but that's not my business.” He holds his hands up, surrendering before you can snap at him again. Only this time, your anger and annoyance has dissipated, left with only awe and bemusement in its place.
Your eyes narrow at him, still unwilling to completely let go of the distrust you hold. He smiles at your suspicion. “Feel free to go in and ask Mark, he is my witness, I'm a man of my word.”
There's a long pause, unwavering eyes on one another in the empty corridor, before he swallows and looks at his feet, shifting awkwardly on the spot.
“Anyway, I just wanted you to know. I'll see you around y/n.” 
He starts off towards the exit doors and something inside you rises up, unwillingly to stop this conversation, the words fly out of your mouth, “why are you being so nice, now?” 
He turns and smiles sadly, “I've been trying to be nice to you for months.”
Instantly, you're ready to argue but he puts a hand up to stop you, “you assume the worst of me and I'm not really sure why?”
For once you are at a loss for words, thinking back to every conversation you've had recently, could you have misinterpreted him? Or was he right, and you've just been looking for a negative brush to tar him with?
“But you're always so…” you're unsure where to start but decide on the least offensive first, “loud.”
“Did it ever occur to you that perhaps, I'm trying to get you to notice me?”
Your eyes snap across to his, feeling sure you would see the teasing in his eyes and when you don't, you feel more confused than ever. “Well, what about this, you tease me so often I never know when you're serious.”
He takes a step towards you. “I tease you to make you laugh.”
“But what about when you're always showing off?”
Another step closer. “Once again, trying to get you to notice me.”
You're desperately trying to connect a puzzle in your head but the pieces just don't seem to fit.
“But why?”
He laughs, shaking his head at you and swiping a hand through his hair, a move that he makes looks so devastating, your thoughts still. “I like you, y/n, I have since I started working here. I was hoping our fiery banter would turn into something more but…I never realised how much you despised me until tonight.”
A rock of guilt and disappointment lands in the pit of your stomach at his words.
“I'm sorry, truly, I didn't mean for there to be any miscommunication or to have upset you in any way. I should have just been up front and honest sooner,” he explains, making you feel worse.
Standing here looking at him now, how sincere and exposed he is, you realise what an idiot you've been.
The office is always full of laughter when he's around, something you'd assumed was at your expense, but he was aiming for your laughter instead. He was always speaking up in meetings, trying to pitch his ideas, you'd assumed he was talking over you and attempting to prove he's better, but it was all for your attention. Every compliment he'd given you had seemed sarcastic and full of mocking, instead he was just being awkward and unsure of how to communicate with you.
“No,” you say, closing the distance between you, “I was wrong, I read you completely wrong, all due to my own stubborn and selfish thoughts. I'm sorry, Jackson.”
The blush that crept across his cheeks was something you'd never imagined and made him look even more handsome. 
A slow melody sounds around you, echoing down from the main function. 
He clears his throat and holds out a hand to you. “Could I be so bold as to ask you to dance?”
You hesitate, although you're surprised at how badly you want to. “Here?”
He nods, a breathtaking smirk plays on his lips and needing no more encouragement, you take his hand and let him pull you to him. His arm wraps around your waist, holding you to him as your feet move perfectly in sync, slow and deliberate.
Neither of you say a word for the entire song, just enjoying the closeness, though unexpected and when the music stops so do your feet.
“I always thought you hated me.” You can't help the nervous laughter that escapes as your bodies remain pressed together.
He looks down at you, hooking a finger under your chin, “I'd rather fight with you, than be with anyone else.” 
You realise now how serious he is, how much he means everything he's said to you and…much to your surprise, how much you want him too.
Without overthinking or second guessing, you grab the lapels of his blazer and pull him down towards you. He eagerly obliges. Not before cupping your face with gentle hands and touching his lips, softly but assertively to yours.
Your mouths explore each other in a passionate dance, tongues swirling and lips moving together perfectly, until you're both breathless and pulling away, fighting for air. 
“You wanna get out of here?” You ask, your core throbbing with an unexplored want. 
He nods frantically, pulling out his phone and requesting a cab. 
“Come on, 2 minutes.” He takes your hand and pulls you towards the exit but as you leave the main doors and the chilly night air hits you, you remember someone.
“Wait, I need to find Mark.”
“No need, princess,” Mark's voice sounds from behind and you spin to see him casually leaning against the wall. “I'm waiting for a taxi as we speak, you go and have fun.” He winks at you and you resist the urge to giggle like a schoolgirl.
“See Mark, I knew I liked you.” Jackson says before leading you back down the steps and to your waiting car.
“Hurt her and I'll break you in half!” Mark calls out and you can't help but laugh, knowing how serious he is.
As Jackson pulls open the door of the cab you slide in, he follows you in quickly and slams the door.
“Your place or mine?” He asks.
“Mine’s closer.” You rattle off your address to the driver, before your mouth is on Jackson’s again.
Feeling needy and eager as his hands explore a pathway down your body, you resist the urge to climb on top of him.
“Did I mention how good you look in that dress?” He whispers against your lips.
“Not really no,” you respond, as your lips make their way down his neck, relishing the way his breath hitches in his throat. 
“As soon as I saw you tonight, all I could think of was peeling this off of you.” He grabs at the material around your legs, bunching up to reveal your flesh. His fingers skate slowly up your thigh but he pauses and grabs them instead, letting out a frustrated growl. “I’ve wanted you for so long, these last few moments feel unbearable.”
You feel powerful and confident as you decide to make matters worse for him. Gliding a hand up his muscular thigh until you reach his crotch, you can feel his erection through the fabric of his trousers and you palm at it teasingly. He sucks in a breath and then holds it, biting his bottom lip with pleading eyes aimed at you. Smiling, you have to resist the urge to unzip him right there but the car comes to a stop, much to your relief.
Jackson tips the driver and helps you out of the vehicle. 
Grabbing his hand, you race to your front door, fumbling to find your keys in your purse with the other hand. He presses the front of his body against your back, his hands wandering all over you, exploring an urgent pathway that makes you want to melt against him. The click of the lock has you growling with fervour, as you roughly push your way inside your apartment. Spinning, your lips are on his, burning with a passion you've never experienced, as your hands are whipping off his tie and rapidly tackling the button on his trousers. Your hands slide up under his shirt while he clumsily tries to undo the buttons, you however, have no time for that. Ripping open his shirt, and hearing the spray of the buttons as they scatter around your living room floor.
“Sorry.” You whisper breathlessly.
The smile you feel against your mouth tells you he doesn't care one bit, and before you know it, you're stumbling through your bedroom until your back knocks into your dresser.
His hand grasps the back of your knees suddenly, and before you can register, he's scooping your legs up and lifting you onto the wooden top. He glides the material of your dress up and over your head, only briefly breaking the contact between your bodies, before slotting himself in between your legs
His fingers find the hem of your underwear and pull them off quicker than you anticipate, having to hold yourself onto the edge of your dresser.
Your fingers run along the hard muscles of his chest and down his stomach, you're desperate to have him inside you. No thoughts of teasing and drawing this out, you wanted him to quench this unbearable thirst, now.
Reaching inside his briefs, you free his erection from its clothed prison, he's rock hard in your hand and you can't help the desperate whine that escapes you. Lining him up to your entrance, you use your legs to guide him in. 
He pulls his lips off you and searches your eyes, cupping your face in his hands. “Are you sure?”
You nod frantically, “please, Jackson, I need you.” 
His mouth connects to yours, more hungry and desperate than before and he pushes himself forward slowly, sliding into you and stretching you open.
The resounding groan from the two of you, sounds animalistic and raw. No holding back, just giving in to your feelings and desires. 
Watching each other intently, panting with excitement, time seems to slow down. The mood changes around you. Having him in such an intimate manner opens your eyes, seeing him clearer than ever, as if for the first time. You hold his face, pulling him down to you with a kiss that's different, not full of eagerness and impatience, but comfort and understanding.
When he bottoms out in you, he pauses, savouring the moment between you, tongues dancing softly together but it's not long before you find your impatience growing again. With your legs hooked around the back of his, you pull him forward, and grind yourself up against him, willing him to move.
He grunts and gets the message before he's pumping in and out of you in a perfect rhythm, making your heart pound wildly in your chest, so loud you can hear the echo in your ears, thumping away.
He grabs at your bra and pulls it down, freeing your breasts, his hands are on them in an instant, massaging them.
The sound of your dresser squeaking under the movements and pressure beneath you, only turns you on more, at this point, it could collapse under you and you'd still continue on their tirade.
Your hands find his buttocks, squeezing the flesh as you control his movements, wanting him harder and faster, the pressure building up inside at an alarming rate. 
You admire his body, toned to perfection, your gaze travelling up to watch his face, as his eyes are solely focused on his dick sliding in and out of you. The groans coming out of him are so sinful it makes you feel hot inside, too hot, like your skin could burn off your body at any minute and as the pressure inside grows intense, you realise you're dangerously close to a very powerful orgasm.
“Just like that,” you gasp, unable to say much more from the pleasure tightening everything and strangling your words.
“You close, baby?” He asks, eyes on your face as you nod. He smiles, looking pleased with himself, “I want to see how pretty you look when you come.” He bites his own lip, as if trying to hold off his own climax. The idea of that is all you need for the pleasure bubble inside you to pop and your body contracts aggressively around him, as you’re blinded by white light. 
“Oh, yes.” He whispers, as he holds your face towards him, while he helps you ride out your high. The pulses continue on until they die down and suddenly he's pulling out of you and pumping himself with his hand, until he explodes all over your stomach and chest, leaving white ropes of ecstasy as evidence on your skin.
Leaving your head on his chest, trying to catch your breath, he strokes the skin on your back.
After a few peaceful moments, he places his knuckle under your chin and lifts your head up towards him, planting a tender kiss to your lips.
“Come,” he says, pulling up his trousers and then scooping you up in his arms to take you to your bed.
Your eyelids feel heavy and you can feel the adrenaline leaving your body as you curl up into his side, the last thing you remember is his lips against your forehead.
Opening your eyes, you're met with bright sunlight streaming through your window, you can hardly keep them open. Rolling from your front to your side and feeling for your phone on the bedside table, you check the time. 10.05. Not too late for a Sunday. Glancing down you notice your naked body, as the memories from last night's events come back thick and fast as you sit bolt upright, eyes darting around the room.
“Jackson!” You call out through the ajar bedroom door, wondering if he's somewhere else in the flat.
Your stomach sinks slightly. Did you fall for a complete fabrication of feelings for a one night stand? Checking your phone; there's no missed calls or messages from him. Flopping back down on your bed, you pull the sheet over your head, feeling embarrassed and stupid and wanting nothing more than to hide away from the world. How were you going to face him at work tomorrow? Did any of your colleagues see you leave together? The thought churns your stomach, regret starting to seep in, hurting your chest with every new thought or worry. 
A noise in the distance distracts you momentarily from the chaotic thoughts using your brain as a roundabout. You sit up, hearing someone moving around in your kitchen, could it be him? 
You get out of bed quickly and quietly, pulling on some shorts and a vest, giving yourself a quick check in your mirror, that's when you notice your makeup and other items that neatly sat on your dresser, scattered all over the floor. A flush travels up your neck with the images from last night. 
You swallow them down and tiptoe out into the open plan living room and kitchen.
There he stands, dressed in his suit trousers and shirt, at the counter, putting something on a plate, humming quietly to himself. The sight pulls in your chest and you can't help the smile that pulls your mouth as you lean casually against your door frame.
He turns towards you, carrying a tray with what looks like an iced coffee, panini, a plastic bowl of fruit and pancakes. When his eyes notice you, he freezes, his cheeks flush red briefly as he beams at you. A smile so captivating you can't believe you didn't appreciate it before.
“Hi,” you break the silence first.
“Morning,” he says, dreamily, then shaking his head as if to snap himself out of his daze, he adds, “I thought you might like breakfast. I didn't know what you'd like, so I got a selection.” He stands there, seeming awkward, his usual confidence gone. 
You walk towards him, taking the tray and placing it on your dining table. “It all looks amazing, and very thoughtful. Thank you, there is something I'd like for breakfast.” 
He frowns, bewildered from your actions, as you watch his Adam's apple bobs up and down as he swallows. You close any distance between you, playing with his shirt and notice the question in his eyes.
“You.” You reply, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
He's on you in an instant, lips dancing hungrily with yours as he lifts you and carries you into the bedroom, leaving your breakfast waiting for when you've stated the hunger you feel for him.
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okskz · 8 months
Break pt.2
elsy + chan
things aren’t looking good between the two and they only get worse from there.
first post of the year! hope you guys enjoy, and please feel free to leave some feedback because it is always appreciated. still not sure how long this series will be. also, requests are OPEN!
[8th member of got7/soloist]
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it had been a couple of weeks since the argument between chan and elsy. not one of them took the time to fix things, or even check up on each other. elsy felt chan was the one who needed to message first since she felt he was the cause of their argument. which is why she started to get more upset with him for not trying to call or message her. chan didn’t even try to fix things after she stormed off that day.
was this the end?
elsy most definitely didn’t want her relationship with chan to end. she loved him, he was her first real love and relationship and this was just the thing she was scared of the most. and probably the main reason she was ever scared of getting into a relationship. she didn’t want to lose chan again.
but elsy kept telling herself that this was just a rough patch that couples go through. no relationship was perfect, but she definitely thought her’s and chan’s was. maybe things will go back to normal soon, she thought.
now, the girl was sitting on her couch along with jaebeom as the two watched a movie together. elsy had told jaebeom everything between the couple. with jinyoung being away, she couldn’t go to him like she always did.
“he still loves me right?”
jaebeom rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his beer. he had heard the same question over and over again. “elsy, of course he does.” he answered once again. trying to sound more reassuring. “you guys just had a little discourse, it happens to a lot of relationships.”
“it’s just he hasn’t messaged or call-“
“he’s probably just getting his thoughts together. and when he does, he’ll come looking for you.”
“but does it really take more than a couple of days?”
“he seems very busy in group activities, els.”
elsy sighed as she threw her head back against her couch. all she could think about was chan. “maybe he doesn’t know how to balance being in a relationship and his job. the group got busier than ever.” jaebeom said.
and that he was right, which is why elsy felt a little bad for lashing out on chan for doing his work. elsy knew how much chan loved making new music, but she also was getting tired of constantly having to only be in the studio with him to spend time with him.
his words still replayed in elsy’s head. the girl still felt some type of way with chan’s words. the last thing she wanted was to feel like she was a distraction to chan or going in between him and his work. but hearing it come from chan himself made her think it was becoming true.
it also felt like a slap in the face when he mentioned that he was actually doing something with music unlike her. especially when chan knew the reason why she took a pause in making music.
elsy let out a sigh and jaebeom turned his attention to her. “it’ll be okay, els.” he reassured her again. “he’ll come around.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“when am I ever wrong?” jaebeom let out a chuckle, trying to lighten up the mood. as he took another sip of his beer, elsy snorted and pushed the beer bottle more up, causing the beverage to spill out and go onto jaebeom’s shirt. “oops!”
“damnit, jiyeon!” jaebeom groaned. “now my shirt is ruined.”
elsy continued to laugh. “sorry about that, if you want, you can put it in the washer and then dryer.”
that he did. jaebeom was quick to stand up and take his shirt off to put it in elsy’s washer. and as he was doing that, elsy heard her bell ring and quickly stood up to open her door.
she tugged down her oversized tee, “bang chan?”
“hi, els.” he bit the inside of his lip. “may I come in-“
“who’s here jiyeon?” jaebeom said as he entered back into the living room. the door was open wide enough for chan to see jaebeom behind elsy. his eyes wandered to jaebeom being shirtless and the oversized tee elsy had on.
“it’s bang chan.” she answered. “yes, you can come in.”
chan was a bit hesitant but did either way. jaebeom greeted chan with a smile but only chan greeted jaebeom with a half smile. elsy already knew something was bothering chan.
“I’ll leave you two alone.” jaebeom said as he walked away, going into elsy’s spare room.
“if I’d had known you had company I wouldn’t have stopped by.”
“well, you haven’t messaged me so of course you wouldn’t have known.” elsy said. there was a bit of annoyance in the tone of her voice, and chan quickly noticed it.
“you haven’t either.” chan replied.
“sorry, didn’t want to be more of a distraction to you.” elsy said blankly. “you know, since you have work to do and I don’t.” she repeated the words chan said towards her.
“lee jiyeon, you know that’s not what I meant!” elsy flinched from his sudden outburst.
“you still said it though, bang chan!” elsy yelled back. “so obviously it had to have meant something!”
“no, elsy. no, not at all!” chan exclaimed. “I just meant it as in I didn’t need any distractions at that moment- because I needed to finish-“
“so I am a distraction to you.” elsy snapped. “I just wanted one day! one day for us to actually be a couple and do other things, all we do is sit around in the studio as you work and I’m just there. bang chan, that’s not a date, that’s not anything! I don’t want to always do that, I just wanted for us to go back to how we did things, us going out!”
“elsy, I just can’t do those things at the moment, my schedule has been all over the place-“
“when my schedules were busy, I still made time for you. listen, if you’re not here to apologize chan, then I think you should go. because I cannot deal with another argument with you.” elsy felt her eyes getting watery.
but chan got more annoyed. “why are trying to kick me out so quickly?” chan arched an eyebrow. “something going on between you two that you don’t want me to know about?”
elsy was taken back from chan’s words, becoming confused to say the least as she stared at chan. “what?” she snapped. “and what the hell do you mean by that?” the girl was at lost for words.
chan swallowed hard, “you know what I mean.”
“are you implying that I’m cheating on you?! as if I’d ever sleep with jaebeom, chris. he’s my group member-“
“you did it with jinyoung, so it’s a little hard to believe you wouldn’t.”
chan couldn’t stop the words from coming out. elsy let out the biggest gasp ever that even jaebeom could hear. the tension was thick. elsy felt like she had gotten stabbed in the back. what’s worse was that it was chan who made her feel that way. she couldn’t believe chan had the nerve to say that to her.
“fuck you, bang chan.”
elsy’s eyes became more watery and chan’s mood had instantly changed in regret. “el-“
“no, fuck you!” she yelled. “fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!” she continued to say as she pushed chan back, tears falling down her face. chan grabbed elsy’s arms to stop her from pushing his chest. “you out of all people.” she cried. “you know how I got treated and you know what people said about me! only for you to be like the rest of them, and think of me like that. fuck you!”
“get out.” elsy snapped. “get out of my home. I don’t want to see you.” the girl went to open her apartment door, leading chan out.
elsy shook her head, telling chan one last thing before she shut the door on his face.
“we’re done.”
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unique-high · 8 months
Kpop x Blk reader request are open.
Hello, I'm taking request for Kpop groups x Blk reader. Boy or Girl groups. Blk Fem Reader or Blk Male reader. I'll write whoever you want just let me know which group they are from so I have the right person and I can do my little research on them.
I don't write requested smut so I deeply apologize.
If you want you can check out my MASTER LIST
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sweetestofchaos · 6 months
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𝖳𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗌𝖺𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗅𝖾𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆 𝗀𝗈. 𝖩𝖺𝖼𝗄𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝖼𝖺𝗇 𝗎𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍...𝖨𝖿 𝗁𝖾 𝖼𝖺𝗇'𝗍 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎, 𝗇𝗈 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖼𝖺𝗇.
𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀: 𝖩𝖺𝖼𝗄𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝗑 𝖡𝗅𝖺𝖼𝗄!𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖱𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀: 𝟣𝟪+ 𝖶𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: 𝖸𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾!𝖩𝖺𝖼𝗄𝗌𝗈𝗇 - 𝖲𝗍𝗋𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝖫𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗎𝖺𝗀𝖾 - 𝖯𝗋𝖾𝗀𝗇𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝖡𝗅𝖺𝖼𝗄!𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 - 𝖠𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍 - 𝖬𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗋𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 - 𝖠𝗅𝖼𝗈𝗁𝗈𝗅 - 𝖣𝗎𝖻𝖢𝗈𝗇 (𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗅𝖾𝖾𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖩𝖺𝖼𝗄𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌𝖾𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝗋) - 𝖯𝗁𝗒𝗌𝗂𝖼𝖺𝗅/𝖬𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖺𝗅 𝖠𝖻𝗎𝗌𝖾 -  𝖳𝗈𝗑𝗂𝖼 𝖱𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉 - 𝖥𝗈𝗋𝖼𝖾𝖽 𝖱𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉 - 𝖯𝖾𝗍 𝖭𝖺𝗆𝖾 (𝖽𝖺𝗂𝗌𝗒) - 𝖬𝖢𝖣 (𝗆𝖺𝗂𝗇 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁) 𝖶𝗈𝗋𝖽 𝖢𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍: 𝟣.𝟦𝖪
✘ Sequel to Twisted ✘
a/n: Prompt (bold font) from @writing-challenges-and-prompts. barbed wire/support divider made by @benkeibear​. I am late with this fic (honestly should have been posted last year) but HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKSON (a day late lol)!!!
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The house is quiet, the scent of food is nonexistent and Jackson raises an eyebrow. He has half a mind to call out for you but he chooses not to. Shutting the front door behind himself, Jackson locks the door and walks into the kitchen. You are standing in front of the stove, there is no music playing nor pots in the sink. Shaking his head, Jackson goes over to his liquor cabinet and pours himself half a glass of whiskey. He takes a long sip and lets the amber liquid settle on his tongue before he swallows. 
Holding the glass in his hand, Jackson makes his way to the living room and he hears your soft snores. Peeking over the couch, Jackson watches as you sleep peacefully and his grip on the glass tightens. He watches you for a moment longer, enjoying the sight of your beast as they rise and fall, the softness of your skin as it glitters in the low lighting and how sweet you look. He wonders what you are dreaming about as you sleep on your side with one hand cradling your stomach.
That makes Jackson’s jaw tick and he sighs before he walks around the couch and sets his drink down on the coffee table. Squatting down in front of you, Jackson reaches out and tucks one of your braids behind your ear before he traces the contours of your face. His fingertips glide across your skin, and linger at your plush lips. There is a clear shine to them, a lip gloss or maybe more like a balm makes Jackson want to have a taste.
Slowly, he leans in and presses his lips to yours. Vanilla. It makes Jackson’s mouth water and he kisses you again and again…and again until you start to emerge from your slumber. You moan softly against Jackson’s lips and he smiles into the kiss, nuzzling his nose against yours as your eyes flutter open.
The easy and carefree look is snuffed out the moment the reality of the situation breaks through the sleeping fog in your mind. You pull away with a sharp inhale and Jackson clicks his tongue but chooses not to speak on it.  
“Have you eaten, Daisy?” He asks as he helps you sit up. Your stomach is getting larger and it is harder to hide it. You look beautiful pregnant but it still rubs Jackson the wrong way that the baby isn’t his. Will you love the bastard child more than him?
“Daisy?” Jackson reaches out to touch your stomach and you quickly wrap your arms protectively around it, blocking his hands. He sighs and licks his lips, “You’re not being very nice,” he glances up at your face and smiles. “I just want to say hello to the little one.”
Jackson frowns at your request. Why are you so afraid of him? He loves you. Isn’t that enough? He cocks his head to the side and watches as you try to make yourself smaller, pushing yourself farther into the couch and he frowns. 
Your eyes jump from his hands to his face and he slowly cups the side of your cheek, his thumb rough as he strokes the skin.
“I think it’s time to end this little game,” Jackson’s voice is soft as he speaks and your breath hitches as his hand slowly trails down to your throat. “Let’s get rid of it, Daisy.”
“N-No!” You cry, eyes wide as he stares down at your protruding stomach. You tighten your hold around your stomach and Jackson’s frown deepens.
Jackson’s fingers squeeze around your neck and he licks his lips. His eyes are dark, almost black and as he leans in, your noses press together as he speaks lowly. 
“No?” He chuckles flatly and smashes his lips into yours. 
Tears burn your eyes as you remove your hands from your stomach and press them against his chest. You push and push, trying to get Jackson away from you but it only seems to upset him. The kiss became harsher, full of teeth and tongue.
“P-Please stop?” You beg and Jackson tears himself away with a growl.
“Stop?! Stop…all you say is stop!!” Jackson’s chest heaves as he glares down at your stomach. “Why should I!?”
“You’re scaring me!” You cry and Jackson laughs, his eyes are wild as he rakes a hand through his messy hair.
“You’re always scared.”
“And who’s fault is that?!” 
Your eyes widen as you scream at Jackson and before he can respond, you push past him and run up the steps. 
Jackson watches as you disappear up the steps to your room. Your ass looks amazing in the olive sundress you are wearing and it makes heat curl in his stomach. From his spot, knelt on the floor, Jackson licks his lips (the taste of you still on his tongue) and stands to his full height. He grabs his glass of whiskey from the table and sips it slowly. He rolls his tongue in his mouth as vanilla and whisky mix together before he sighs again. He didn’t mean to snap at you. It was a long day and Yugyeom pushed all his buttons. He expected to come home to a hot cooked meal with you waiting for him, but what he found was you sleeping on the couch.
That isn’t what upset him. If anything his heart clenched in his chest as he watched the rise and fall of your breasts. He woke you up by softly stroking your face and kissing  your lips over and over. He smiled as your eyes fluttered open and the fear that he saw come to life irked him. It has been four months since he got you back. Long enough for you to get over your petty feelings and go back to the sweet woman he loved. This fearful little doe before him was not who he fell in love with.
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"Ask me for anything, and it's yours.” Jackson cups your tear stained face in one of his hands and presses his forehead against yours. You can smell the alcohol on his breath and you want to push him away. The smell is too strong and makes you nauseous. “Anything, I swear it."
Through your tears, you shake your head, unable to believe his words. How many times has Jackson lied to you? Promised you such sweet dreams only to pull you into a never ending nightmare. 
"Yes. Name it." Jackson gives a slight nod of his head, staring right into your eyes, his breath mingling with yours from being so close.
Closing your eyes, you inhale and pray to whoever might answer you, "...Let me go."
Jackson’s body tenses, his fingers digging into your cheek as his mind processes your request. You whimper, feeling the inside of your cheeks pressing into your teeth as Jackson’s grip on your face gets tighter and tighter.
“Look at me!” Jackson growls and your eyes snap open. Tears silently spill from those once warm brown eyes and Jackson shakes his head slowly, your foreheads rubbing against each other. “You. Are. Mine.” Your noses smush together as Jackson tries to crawl into your very soul. 
“Mine. But if you want to go...” Jackson’s hand falls from your face and drops to your shoulder. He doesn’t take his eyes off you as he presses his lips to yours. The kiss is salty, filled with tears and trembling movements as Jackson brings his other hand to your shoulder.
His hands are warm, so very warm as his thumbs rub gentle circles against your bare skin. Up, up, up. His hands move slowly and he nibbles on your lower lip. 
“Then go.” 
His hands wrap around your neck and your eyes widen as your air supply starts to lessen. Your claw at Jackson’s hands, tears falling from your eyes as you struggle to breath. Jackson pushes you back on the bed and straddles your lap as he squeezes harder.
“S-Stop!” You beg, fearing for not only your life but the life that is growing inside of you.
“J-Jack-” You kick your legs and cry, unable to pull Jackson’s hands off you.
Jackson’s eyes are wild as tears stream down his face. His words are jumbled, coated thickly with his tears as he whispers his love over and over again.
Your hands reach for your stomach and you cry harder.
“O-Our ba-baby!”
Jackson laughs bitterly through his tears as he kisses the last of your breath away, “Goodbye babies.” 
His broken voice is the last thing you hear as you fade from the world…
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iamyoursinblog · 1 year
개새끼 (gaesaekki)
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Pairing: Jackson Wang x Reader
Genre: smut
Word Count:  1,2 k
Jackson grabbed your hand as he pulled you into the bathroom. “Do you think I didn’t notice the way you look at me when you think no one sees” Jackson chuckled, making you freeze with your mouth open. “Especially your boyfriend”
"Are you crazy?" your face turn pale. “Yes, I am!” Jackson chuckled, nodding his head as he took a step towards you. “I'm going crazy every time when I see you fucking me with your eyes!” Jackson closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, "I'm going crazy because I want to fuck my best friend's girlfriend" Jackson bared his teeth at your shocked gaze, Jackson took off his shirt and threw it on the floor, his cock twitching in pants as your cheeks turned red. "One more step and I'll scream!" you said as you leaned back against the wall. “I promise that you will. My cock will make you scream with pleasure” Jackson chuckled. “I'm dating Jinyoung! Madman!!! Do you even know what you’re doing right now?!” you growled “I'm going to be a scumbag for my best friend?” he asked, and his smile widened. “But if Jinyoung doesn’t find out about this, then it won’t hurt him, right?” Jackson laughed as you pushed him hard. “Yeah, okay,” Jackson shook his head, laughing softly. “You can keep playing the shy girl who doesn’t want to fuck me.” Jackson pressed your hands against the wall above your head. “You can swear and tell me to stop…” Jackson moved closer to your "I know you want it as much as I do, my naughty little slut" Jackson pressed you against the wall with his body, pressing his hard cock into your lower abdomen. He almost laughed when you exhaled loudly, and your skin was covered with goosebumps. Jackson ran his tongue down your neck, and you trembled in his captivity. "You can keep pretending you don't dream about my cock sliding into your wet pussy, making moans escape your sweet lips," Jackson moaned biting your ear, rubbing his cock against your belly. You forcefully pushed him away when you couldn't hold the soft moan that escaped your lips. "Jerk!" you growled as you took a step towards the exit. Jackson growled as he grabbed your hand. He pressed you with your stomach onto the surface near the sink. "Liar!" he growled. "I'll let you go and never cross the line again if you're not horny right now" he unbuttoned your jeans, sliding his hand into your panties. "Jackson!" you almost suffocated as his fingers slid into your wet pussy. “Just look at that flowing pussy,” laughed Jackson. “It needs me so much!” Jackson pulled your jeans down your legs as he squatted down. He stretched your folds as he ran his tongue over your crotch. He pushed his tongue into your hole, making you moan. His tongue circled your clit, making your thighs tremble. “Shit…fuck me.” Jackson froze as a silent plea escaped your lips. He wasn't even entirely sure if it was in his head or for real. He stood up, meeting your gaze in the reflection of the mirror. “Repeat it,” he growled. He wanted to be sure it wasn't his fantasy. “Now!” You looked down, muttering under your breath. He wrapped your hair around his fist, pulling your head back, pressing your back against his chest. "I said… repeat!" he ordered while glaring at you in the mirror. “Fuck me!” you said. "Say it!" Jackson squeezed your neck, sinking his teeth into your skin. “Say you want my cock to fuck your wet pussy. Tell me that you dreamed about it every time you undressed me with your eyes, sitting in the arms of your boyfriend! Tell me that riding Jinyoung's cock, I was in your mind too!" He growled low as he got rid of his pants. “Jackson” you breathed out his name as he thrust his cock into your pussy. "Yes exactly." He fucked you hard, making his name fly from your lips with every thrust. He growled out of you as you turned your head away again as he tried to kiss you. "Do not play with me!" Jackson growled as he pushed you hard against the wall.
“Don't even think, Jackson!” you held out your hand to stop him. “I can fuck you but not kiss you. Is that what you want to say?" he raised an eyebrow at you. “It belongs only to him!” you said. Your words were spoken with such seriousness that it made him take a step back. Your words made his blood boil with anger. He grabbed your shirt and threw you to the floor before lunging at you. He put you on your knees in front of him, thrusting hard into your pussy. He fucked you ruthlessly, taking out his anger at you for your words that hit him like a slap, reminding him of what a bastard he became with every thrust into your pussy. “Just look how much you like my cock, my little slut!” he left a hard slap on your ass as your pussy squeezed his cock. He was on the verge of orgasm, just like you. You covered your mouth with your hand, muffling your moan when you finished. He fell on you, sinking his teeth into your shoulder, cumming inside you. “Remember it well how good you felt on my cock” Jackson chuckled. You pushed him away before getting off the floor. You quickly put on your jeans while he lay on the floor laughing at you. “First you ask me to fuck you, and now you pretend that you didn’t just moan while my cock was deep in you” You froze in front of the door at his words. He chuckled as he saw your jaw tighten. “Will you moan like that when Jinyoung will fuck you tonight?” he asked, getting up from the floor. “I hope my name doesn't accidentally slip off your lips while Jinyoung's cock slides into your tight pussy,” Jackson laughed. You walked out of the bathroom without looking at him.
. . . One week later. . . .
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He was surprised to see a drunken Jinyoung sitting on the kitchen floor next to an almost empty bottle of whiskey. “What the fuck…” Jinyoung groaned, running his hand over his face in complete desperation, throwing the phone on the floor. "What's happened?" asked Jackson, coming closer. “Hyung… I don't understand… I don't understand anything…” Jinyoung shook his head meeting Jackson's gaze. Jackson recoiled as he saw Jinyoung's eyes filled with tears. “Why is she..” Jinyoung covered his face with his hands sobbing. “Jinyoung…” Jackson's voice was no more than a whisper. He was completely shocked by Jinyoung's condition… Did you really tell Jinyoung everything. “She just left me, sending a message that she cheated on me. Hyung…” Jinyoung could barely speak while sobbing. Jackson practically fell to the floor at his words. “Jinyoung… I…” “Hyung, I love her more than life, I don't care even if it's true…” Jinyoung shook his head. “A week ago, she pulled away from me when I tried to hug her after a dorm party. Then I heard her crying in the bathroom for half the night… And in the morning, she just packed her things and left before I even woke up." Jinyoung looked at Jackson. "Hyung, but can this really be true? I love her so much.. .” The pain in Jinyoung's voice made Jackson's heart shatter into a million pieces…
What did he done?..
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