#the ears are tiny and round with a tail that’s relatively slim
cynical-cemeteries · 2 years
closeup screenshots of arkanath because i’m soooo normal about them
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murdersexual · 4 years
So... When are you going to post that LeoPika fic? 👀👀👀
Mane bet... 😏 But I might delete it later! Here’s part one!
Rated MA for Mature Audiences only. NSFW.
Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, Gambling, Gun Violence.
May have a few out of character instances for I wrote this around 3am, so please excuse that.
LeoPika (Leorio x Kurapika)
March 3rd, XXXX, En route to World Resorts Casino, around 9:47pm:
The weather in Yorknew hadn’t exactly started to reflect that it’s close to Springtime yet. It’s still cold and snowy but that wasn’t going to stop the event that’s being hosted by some of the biggest names in Underground Crime.
We’re talking about a night full of sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling and music.
It’s also the night of Leorio’s 21st birthday and he’s in town, steaming hot for he’s yet to receive a ‘happy birthday’ call from a certain Mafia Leader with the most gorgeous of light blonde hair. However, that’s not all... In general, Leorio is ultimately tired of trying so hard to be the glue to what’s considered an already unfixable relationship. The point of his visit this time is to give Kurapika a piece of damn mind for what may be the final time.
What a way to spend his birthday, right?
The hot blooded koi fish found himself strolling down the cold streets of Yorknew by his lonesome. His enticing hazel gaze is relative to the weather... Cold and piercing. He wore the meanest of faces with his lips decorated in a sheer pout. Then his face and ears are red from the whipping of the snow and frosty winds. The thoughts that went around his sophisticated skull only ruses him further. With each step he took, the snow crunched beneath his expensive waterproof combat boots. The sound gave him a slight sense of calm—one that managed to steal attention momentarily.
“I forgot the last time I’ve even enjoyed the Winter...”
The words came rolling off his tongue. His eyes slightly softened as he now comes to a brief halt, a soft sigh exhales from the tall doctor-to-be. He finds the dark sky that slowly drops the small white flakes. Being the jovial spirit he knows he could be, he sticks his tongue out and catches a few of them. His handsome features are now graced with a soft smile only to see the lights of his destination illuminate the skyline. With a low growl, he’s reminded of his current goal.
“Bet even YOU won’t see me coming...”
His icy glare returns and the tone of his voice has lost all signs of benevolence. His words came out way darker than they should’ve.
But can you blame him though?
Continuing his traverse through the snowy lands of the busy city, he adjusts his earmuffs while now stuffing his gloved hands back into his long black winter coat. The brunette’s hair is messy and filled with snowflakes, such a look makes him appear rather gentle despite his mood. His trademark circular shades are gently shaded from the current weather but that doesn’t stop him from seeing now does it?
‘When I get there, I promise this time I’m gonna knock his fucking lights out.’
The thought got his adrenaline flowing. Now he yearns to cause physical damage. The question is... will it actually happen? This IS Kurapika here. He’s not gonna sit there and take that shit, UNLESS... he ACTUALLY accepts such a punishment.
Leorio knows how aggressive he can be but he is more angry than sad. He won’t ever come to say it...
But the idea of not being called on his birthday genuinely hurt him.
It felt like a slap in the face, especially for everything he’s done. He’d never miss any birthdays or special occasions and it’s to the point where he feels like it’s only him who thinks that way.
‘I give too fucking much to not get much—better yet, NOTHING in return!’
Being a person with a heart the size of the world this is the curse: to always be dealt a hand that’s never going to win. Knowing him? He wants to break that curse and by default there’s no better way to do it than to throw hands. His actions always spoke louder anyways.
Crossing a few streets and nearly fighting one of the people who almost hit him, he finally makes it to his destination—World Resorts Casino. Entering through the slide open glass doors, the bright slots, signs that point to everything and even the neon-like decor nearly blinded him. The smell of expensive imported cigars, cigarettes, various alcohol and a multitude of different colognes and perfumes filled the air. His nose burned from the mixture of scents all around. A low grunt emits as he now removes his gloves and earmuffs. Stuffing both in his pocket, he proceeds to walk ahead while undoing his silver buckle, his finely seamed gold buttons and his golden zipper. It revealed the finest of outfits!
He’s wearing a sleek black slim fit blazer that fits rather nicely around his muscular arms, a jet black satin button up that’s halfway unbuttoned at the top and neatly tucked in his matching sleek slacks that’s accented with a gold buckle Gucci belt. Tapping his feet to rid of the snow from the bottom, he walks on ahead only to meet one of the Casino Bunnies.
“Welcome to the World Resorts Casino, my fine gentleman! If you’re looking for the event labelled ‘How To Play Russian Roulette With a Criminal Mastermind’, it’s from the second floor on up! Here’s a complimentary welcome drink! May you enjoy your time here~!”
Giving a quick bow, the busty beauty now switches away, her semi-exposed cheeks had a little bit of a wiggle to them much like her makeshift bunny tail. With a smirk as he watches her, he stirs his drink and takes a sip, now charmed by how well it’s mixed.
“Not bad!”
Heading to the stairs that’s decorated in the cutest of roulette wheel numbers, he heads up, his ears are open and listening to the music that’s being played. He hums while trying to figure out what floor Kurapika may be on...
Speaking of him?
Kurapika’s right hand reaches for the roulette wheel, the midnight blue and black ombré nail polish that was still on his hands matched with the blue and purple ambience that is on the 8th floor. In his left, he held a half empty shot glass, now proceeding to spin the wheel. His right leg is crossed over his left, his foot gently swung to the beat, a soft smirk now decorating his face for he’s caught up hosting the Roulette Table.
“What’s your bets?”
He asked the two players, a woman in a black short evening dress that seemed one size too small, her breasts looked as if they were about to pop out of it and her bodacious hips, butt and thighs made the dress rise to the point her black g-string nearly showed. But it’s a good thing she has her legs crossed right?
“I’ll take all even on red, my kind sire~”
Her voice cooed, almost in a flirtatious tone towards him. To be honest, she’s been debating on attempting to charm him since his grand appearance earlier in the night. He knew that just from her gestures and body language alone. Those light grey orbs swished over to the woman beside her, she held herself up, a cigarette now being doused out in an ashtray, she wears a smile on her ruby red lips as she now casually blows smoke into the air.
“Mmm, can luck be a lady tonight~? I think I’ll take all even on black, hun~”
Sipping the little bit of cognac that’s left in his shot glass, he sets it down and looks to the wheel while mentally trying to calculate who’s going to win this round.
“How much?”
The busty lady was quick to answer...
“I’ll put 100 genie on my red~”
The ruby red lipstick lady smirked at her.
“Hmph, I’m a bit of a daredevil, so I’ll do 700 on my black~”
With that being said, he spins the wheel and actually narrows his choice down to who’s going to win.
‘Ruby, otherwise she wouldn’t have bet so much. She’s confident that all black on even will be victorious. And she’s not wrong... Tara’s bet was a safe one so there’s a lack of confidence in her choice. I know I’m the reason why she’s picked red... I have my earring to blame.’
“And the winner is...”
His eyes carefully watched the wheel as it began to slow up. The tiny little ball clicked and clanged until it fell onto...
Black, 26.
‘Just as I thought.’
Indeed, he knew it and with a gasp of disbelief, Tara pouts before reaching in between her breasts and pulling out a total of 800 genie. She hands it over to Ruby who takes it and waves it like a fan over her.
“Mmm, I can smell that vanilla perfume with a hint of boob sweat~ You were nervous weren’t you, doll face~?”
Tara gives an eye roll and crosses her arms over her chest.
“Hmph! What’s it to ya? Ya won already!”
She squeaks angrily. Getting up from her chair, Ruby wanders over and stands behind her before leaning down and wrapping her arms around her, she plants a kiss on her cheek before using her alcohol tinged tongue to sensually lick the shell of her ear before nipping at it and tugging on it. She purrs playfully.
“Better behave yourself, kitten~”
A soft squeak emits from Tara who huffs softly. She hates how she plays at one of her many weaknesses.
“Oh fine! But you’re on the couch tonight!”
“As long as my face is between your legs, I’m fine with that.”
The exchange between the two didn’t really surprise the blonde. As a Mafia Leader, he’s come to accept the shit he’s gonna see on a pretty regular basis. Taking his ice cubes and holding them into his cheeks he sets up for the next spin only to receive a call.
He knew whose voice it was off the back. He blinks his eyes closed as he slides the answer icon to the right and places it to his ear.
On the other line, that soft voice of Melody’s muttered...
“You have a visitor on his way to you... He seems very pissed...”
But who exactly is SHE referring to?
‘Oh don’t tell me...’
He was enticed to ask anyways.
“I think it’s Leorio! I-I’m not sure, the only heartbeat I recognise that’s this fast and full of anger is yours though... It doesn’t seem like him at all...”
His eyes found the sky as he worded ‘my dear family, I do apologise, but fuck me gently with a fucking chainsaw, please, speed on low and blades on extra sharp.’ He made Tara and Ruby giggle for they read his lips perfectly. With a gentle sigh, he asks...
“Okay... so is it him or not…? I’m in the middle of hosting the roulette table...”
Her answer would’ve been immediate for she could hear the irritation starting to ruse. But before she could answer, she was spotted by the angry Leorio. His eyes glinted as he knew she was snitching.
Now leaning to his left hand to pinch his nose bridge a dreaded sigh left Kurapika.
I see that you’ve made it this far... This is ONLY part one. I currently have three full parts. So if you’d like to see the rest? Let me know! (EWW I CANNOT WRITE WTF! 🥲) I do apologise if this is all over the place but I knew that I’d get asked to post this some time around!
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show me your rosettes, baby (g)
summary: The world tour is over and the Bangtan Boys finally get their well-deserved break. When Namjoon suddenly can’t find Jimin anywhere, things take an unexpected and pretty unbelievable turn. word count: 2.8k note: part 1. finally. to be honest, I love this part so much. hope this will explain the title a little better... ✨ warnings: minor angst but fluuuff!
masterlist | moodboard masterlist
[ prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven ]
The World Tour is over. Bangtan has arrived home a couple of days ago. Namjoon still receives proud and cheerful “Well done”s whenever he checks in at the company. It’s obligatory for him and the members to come to the company every now and then even in their time off, a time that should be used for resting. It’s preventive, to avoid a crash-and-burn situation like other artists experience after a great tour. Bangtan’s health, which includes their mental health, is a priority and gives Namjoon once again reason to appreciate how the company takes care of him and the others. 
So he comes in every day, spending a couple of hours in his studio, either mixing new songs or writing new lyrics or discussing concepts with the planners who already are on their marks for the next music videos and albums. Yoongi does the same. They go together, both having chosen this option that Bang Sihyuk gave them.
The other members are here and there. Seokjin, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook have chosen to travel home for a week, all equipped with a to-do checklist they have to complete and turn in diligently. Jimin is still at home, dancing on the grate that runs between being okay and being really sick. He had already been near the crash before he could fight it off.
So Namjoon returns home as soon as he can, to check up on Jimin again. Of course, Jimin is an adult, he could potentially take care of himself but Namjoon doesn’t want him to. As the leader and his hyung, he feels obligated to care for his sick dongsaeng. Also, Taehyung isn’t there, and Hoseok and Seokjin aren’t either, so Jimin will feel lonely, pathetic and pathetically lonely and he can’t have that. No member of Bangtan gets left behind, not under Namjoon’s watch.
Jimin had reported burning muscles, nausea and a feeling of a bursting skull last time he was asked, so Namjoon picks up specific painkillers and medication from the next pharmacy. The younger’s got it bad and he shouldn’t have to wait too long for relief.
Without another stop, Namjoon hurries home, hoping Jimin will feel better today without medication. It’s still relatively early, the sun’s rays just become warm on bare skin and Han River glitters under the beautiful light. If Jimin feels better, they could maybe take a walk together today. Jimin is a good companion for walks. Listening is one of his strengths, kindness is his heart’s language and he is impressionable by nature and beauty and Namjoon knows receiving gentle attention means everything to the younger. He’ll ask him later.
Namjoon’s mind is set on a lot of good and pleasant things when he enters the apartment. When he hears no sounds from anywhere, he assumes Jimin is still sleeping and decides to make some tea before waking the younger up.
However, when he enters Jimin’s bedroom, Jimin is not there. The room is all silent, just as expected, it’s even dark still with the lowered shades. The bed is empty, though, and that’s not expected. The mattress isn’t warm either, the blanket is thrown over the pillow messily and Jimin’s pajamas lie in a heap right where Jimin would have laid. As if he was in a rush.
Oh, Namjoon thinks and goes to check the bathrooms. Nothing. No Jimin. Namjoon frowns, thinking hard, calling out his name twice. Where could he be? Could he be out?
It’s unlikely. Jimin’s jackets and shoes are still in their respective spots, he hasn’t written a note (Jimin always writes notes), he’s still sick (and Jimin loves to be pampered when he is) and Namjoon knows for a fact that today, Jimin had wanted to get revenge for their last Mario Kart match even if Seokjin (their fiercest competitor) isn't home.
Namjoon walks back to Jimin’s room with attentive ears, hoping to find the missing boy or at least a clue. His eyes wander through the clean room where unpacked suitcases still sit on the floor and worn clothes are neatly stacked on Jimin’s chair. His fingers find the round container that holds the pills Jimin takes every day. It’s open and almost empty. Did he go to buy new ones?
He freezes when something begins to rumble, like a little motor that just turned on. It almost sounds like a small fan. The strange sound comes from… Jimin’s bed? Namjoon almost coos when he spots a little kitty that’s nestled between Jimin’s plushies (the two that Taehyung and Jungkook had won for Jimin in LA and New York). It’s sleeping. Namjoon had mistaken it as a plushie itself, with the way it looks so oddly still and soft. The fluffy fur looks golden with tons of dark spots on it and Namjoon can't help but notice how small the cub is in its entirety, dwarfed between the big plushies.
He smiles when he sees the animal but wonders how it got here. Jimin’s window is closed. The logical conclusion is that Jungkook must have left his window open again. So far, they’ve had two cats and one confused bird (plus a ton of big spiders) in their apartment and the common entry point had been Jungkook’s window. Sometimes the maknae is a little thoughtless when it comes to things like cleaning up behind himself.
Obviously, there’s no other option than to take a photo of the small animal. After all, Jimin loves cats and would want to see the little one as well. Namjoon sends the photo to the group chat. Found someone sleeping in your bed, Jiminie. Where are you now?
Namjoon hopes that the prospect of holding a kitty will make Jimin magically appear from wherever he’s off to (much like mentioning the Cypher will make Taehyung appear). A strange feeling spreads through his gut when a bright ding chimes right next to Namjoon. It’s Jimin’s phone. And that’s when he knows something is really wrong. Because off-stage, Jimin always has his phone on him.
The first thing he does is calling Yoongi. It's not a rare occurrence that Namjoon doesn’t know what to do but most of the time, he can resolve the problems on his own. Today, he can’t. So, since Hobi isn't present, Yoongi is his emergency contact.
It’s a possibility that Jimin had just taken off to go to the company while Namjoon was still on the way home and they had missed each other. And that he's forgotten his phone. It’s a very slim likelihood, but Namjoon has to try anyway.
“Joon-ah?” Yoongi answers with a mumble, which indicates that he is busy.
“Hyung, is Jiminie with you?”
“No. He’s at home. Where are you?”
“At home.”
A pause. Namjoon sweats. He locks eyes with the kitty. The kitty doesn’t know where Jimin is either. It looks mildly confused.
“Just call him?”
“Hyung. His phone is right here.”
“Um. Have you checked all the rooms? I mean, I can ask whether he went to the dance studios but I don’t think he checked in-“
“Please do me that favor, hyung. I really don’t know where he is. I’ll look here and you’ll check there, okay?”
“Yeah,” Yoongi says.
They both check, and they both come up with nothing at all. It’s disappointing, to say the least. Among the group and even the fans, it’s no secret that Taehyung and Jimin like to share beds with any of the members. They just need the affection, the feeling of another body close to theirs sometimes. In that sense, it would have made sense to find Jimin in someone else’s bed even if the others are out of town. When he doesn’t, Namjoon is out of ideas. However, he doesn’t fail to notice that Jungkook’s window is, in fact, not open.
He has an odd feeling of déjà-vu creeping into his bones and even the kitty on his arms (he's picked it up very, very gently, taking note of how small the thing is) can’t take the scary tingle away.
“What do we do now?” he asks it. The kitty’s tail wraps around his fingers. The small animal lets out of few meows that would be adorable and at the forefront of Namjoon’s animal-loving mind if figuring out Jimin’s disappearance wouldn’t be occupying that spot already.
“I don’t know, Namjoon,” Yoongi sighs from the other end of the phone. “Do you want me to come home?”
But Namjoon isn’t listening. The kitty has his attention now. There’s something about the way it curls up against Namjoon, the way it just rubs against him, looking up with a gaze that’s so familiar. He notices that it can't be a normal cat, not with that kind of fur coloring. But the eyes - that's what's both the most striking and the most irritating.
The leader can’t answer because his mind is running on high speed right now, like a facial recognition software almost, and more and more tiny movements match. They match. Namjoon pinches his own skin, just to see if it could be real, and then it hurts. He hisses and the kitty’s ears and eyes lock on his face with sweet concern. Immediately, the kitty licks over the reddened sliver of skin, with a crooning noise that leaves no doubt.
“Kim Namjoon!”
“Hyung. How common is it for people to turn into cats?”
By the time Yoongi comes running through the front door, Namjoon has googled every possible combination of “human”, “cat”, “leopard” (because he is sure that this is not a random housecat-breed) and “transformation” together with random words. All he gets are leopard attacks, tons of stuff on leopard geckos, a few edits of Yoongi as a leopard (which is not a bad look, actually, who would have thought) and Taehyung as a tiger, and page after page about folklore and characters from tv shows or video games. Apparently, there is no such thing as people turning into leopards randomly, but after scrolling through seemingly endless lists of cat breeds, Namjoon confirms his initial estimation and is sure that he is indeed holding a leopard in his lap.
Because the cub is definitely too sturdy to be a domestic cat, with defined, muscular hindlegs even at this young age and a build that indicates a wild predator rather than a dainty kitty (Namjoon is aware that there are big house cats in the world - at age eight, he’d still assumed his former neighbor’s cat was a large pokemon). Although the leopard - Jimin, as weird as it sounds - is delicate in a way, resembling Jimin as a person. Several pages compare leopard breeds and if the pictures are accurate at all, he’d classify Jimin as an Asian Leopard - an almost extinct breed.
“Woah Jiminie,” he whispers, pulling his dongsaeng back when he puts his paws on the laptop’s keyboard. “Your breed is very rare.”
The cub doesn’t care, it likes the clicking of the keys. Every time Namjoon types something, the leopard’s eyes swivel and follow the clicking sounds. It’s cute. Especially when the little one starts trying to paw and attack the black keys. Namjoon wipes his face when the internet refuses to share more helpful information with him. He holds the cub in front of his face, nuzzling its belly gently. He receives a vibration against his nose and a raspy lick against his cheek. The soft tail of the leopard tickles his collarbone.
And then, Yoongi stands right in front of him, with red cheeks and wide eyes.
“What the hell!?”
The cub jumps, tail puffing up and heart pounding through his thin skin. Namjoon feels the big muscle thrum scaredly against his fingers. However, curiosity wins over and the leopard tumbles off the sofa. It lands on its side in a way that makes Namjoon want to pick it up and check for injuries, but the little ball of fluff seems to be okay. Yoongi stares at the cub nosing at his ankles. Then, looking up with something soft flowing in those brown irises, he repeats his question in a whisper.
“What the hell?”
Namjoon wants to launch into a detailed report of everything he’s found out so far, but the elder insists he can’t sit until he hasn’t checked every room himself - understandable, given the situation - and even then, he paces. While up until now, Namjoon and Jimin had interacted in a calm atmosphere, that serenity is up and out of the window by now. Yoongi brings nervous energy and even if Namjoon doesn’t blame the elder, he can’t ward off the growing irritation.
“How do you know Jimin didn’t go anywhere?”
They discuss this, back and forth, why the cat right here can’t be Jimin, where else Jimin could be, and how ridiculous this is until Namjoon refuses to argue any further. He’s a man of patience but right now, he is slowly running out of it.
“Hyung. I’m telling you, it’s Jimin.”
Yoongi at least sits down. He grabs the cat, turning it over and around to look at it from every angle. He huffs.
“It’s a boy, at least.”
“Hyung! Don’t look at his - oh my God. Just believe me when I say it’s him.”
“Why? It doesn’t make any sense,” Yoongi frowns and of course, it doesn’t make sense, that’s why it’s called magic, Namjoon thinks. Yoongi narrows his eyes. 
“Are you pulling a prank on me?”
The younger rolls his eyes in exasperation. It takes every ounce of his self-control to not just - ugh.
Instead, he gently says, “Okay, first of all, you know I don’t pull pranks on you. Often. Big pranks. Stuff like this. Secondly, I came home to the same situation as you. Where would I even hide Jimin? You know he wouldn’t be able to stand still because he’d want to see your reaction so he would have to be here somewhere and you checked every room. Thirdly, who even has an excess leopard baby to hand out for a couple hours? Where would I get a leopard from, hyung? You tell me if this is a prank.”
Yoongi seems to be taken a little aback but can’t lie about the sincerity in Namjoon’s eyes.
“I’m just saying,” he mumbles, “the cub doesn’t listen to Jimin’s name. See? Jiminie,” he calls out but when the cub just keeps rolling around on the thick, feet (and cub)-swallowing carpet happily, he repeats, “Jiminie? Park Jimin. Park Jimin, look at me.”
It’s a failed attempt at best because the cub has better things in mind than to listen to his hyungs, namely to catch an annoying fly that buzzes around his ears. Just before the kitty can start the chase, Namjoon grabs his dongsaeng. He gets an angry mewl in reply. Adorable.
“Shhhhh,” he says, using his fingers to scratch Jimin’s arching back. “Hold still. I don’t know, hyung. Maybe he doesn’t realize he’s a cat.”
“How do you turn into a cat and don’t know?”
“Maybe he just has cat thoughts?”
When the leopard doesn’t stop struggling even with the fingers carding through his fur, Namjoon lets him go. He doesn’t want to be hurt any more. His arms already look horrible with all those small red streaks. And they itch.
“Like what?”
“Just… regular cat thoughts. Like, 'oh, I want to eat' or 'oh, I need to catch that fly'.” He watches the ball of fluff climb onto Yoongi. “Or 'oh, I wonder what hyung’s hand tastes like right now'.”
Yoongi yelps when tiny but sharp fangs dig into his flesh. “Ow, Jimin! Stop.”
That’s what he gets for being so rude, Namjoon thinks and tries his hardest to keep the chuckle in. He’s had his own experiences with those teeth and he knows there will be many more so he shouldn’t laugh but as long as it’s not me, right?
Jimin growls a little when Yoongi pushes him off his leg. They have a staring contest for a minute which makes Namjoon’s skin tingle. Jimin stares at his hyung with a fierce, reckless expression and the elder raises a brow at the little leopard with a mysterious look in his eyes. It’s an electric moment as if the air crackles and the birds stop chirping to indicate that something really big is happening right now. But then it’s over, Jimin’s ears fold backward against his head and Yoongi slacks, almost looking like he’s broken some kind of trance. The kitty croons and receives his hyung’s warm hand with kind licks as if nothing had happened at all.
Namjoon knows it’s probably stupid but he almost expects Yoongi to say something truly fantastical right now. To tell him what revelation he received during this moment of magically glaring into Jimin’s soul. He’s like one of those fantasy characters that had a vision, after all. When Yoongi speaks, Namjoon’s holding his breath.
“Jimin peed on the couch.”
It's anticlimactic, to say the least. It completely breaks whatever magical atmosphere had built and Namjoon tries to hide his disappointment as well as he can but can’t ward off the frown.
“I’ll get a towel.”
“I think we should bathe him.”
Before they decide, Namjoon and Yoongi both stiffen, eyes locked on each other. Something warm is running over their legs.
“Park Jimin!”
“I think he’s trying to mark us, hyung.”
“Maybe we should all take a bath.”
[ prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven ]
masterlist | moodboard masterlist
tags: @xmagicxshopx, @taeshuworld, @justanemptydream, @hoodmeup, @gingerpeachtae
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bloodybells1 · 6 years
Leeches, Part 1
“Just the other day, I sat at a bus stop, over on, I don’t know, somewhere in the eighties on the east side. I sat back and the sun shined on my face, and I think I just sat there for going on half an hour. I let about five buses pass me by, I reckon. The drivers kept asking through the doors, but I just shook my head and waved them on.”
Joe laughed at himself, very much the wizened old timer, laughing at his time-honored follies, a cough feigning to latch on to the tail end of one of his chuckles. He sat on a folding chair and never crossed his legs during his speech. He looked back at us once in a while, a wide grin framing the face of a man who’d found God in his dotage.
Behind him stood three sturdy chairs on a low, small landing, the middle one much larger, obviously for a deacon, or some other minister. To his left was a banner affixed to the chapel’s wall, to his right the darkened interior of Rutgers Presbyterian Church’s main hall, only the closest pew mingling with our reflections on the glass, while the rest of the chamber disappeared into the unlit black, pews, apse, arches, all fading away like undulating cephalopods motioning into the bottomless expanse of the deep ocean.
We were thirty men of various ages and, in various angles, situated on recently unfolded chairs, our ears plastered to Joe’s syllables. A semicircle of a row flanked Joe on each side, while rows of five staggered farther away in front of him. We waited for him to finish his speech.
My friend Kenyon, a man given to reflexive smiles, body art and jangling silver jewelry, raised his hand on the tail end of the applause. Kenyon was, like myself but in a completely different way, the aesthetic anomaly in this male lineup of denim, half-zip fleece pullovers, and unbuttoned checks. As for me, I was undergoing an awkward transition from the bespoke slim-fitting hipster fare of my East Village salad days to the generic knits I ended up cottoning to, staid, American gear with a fashion forward edge, the kind of corporate mimicry of downtown New York style evident in late aughts Express storefronts, the cheap grey cardigan with thin, plastic buttons and a gaudy, shiny placket to name one example, the sort of trickled-down haute couture which American Apparel had turned into a belated, and thankfully short-lived, empire of disposable cotton.
Kenyon, on the other hand, was a world onto himself. He was irreducible, and managed to turn all of that corporatizing on its head. Steeped in glam rock, a downtown tradition dating back to Max’s Kansas City, he merged the ripped tank tops and the second skin of leather trousers with punk, post-90s hip hop, and even industrial. By the time Kenyon was done, he was fully dressed, even though he’d barely put anything on: five necklaces formed an extra shirt over that tank top, while seven sterling-coated rings formed makeshift cuffs past the “sleeves” of tattoos on his arms. Sometimes he wore a black grosgrain cap with a chrome plate sewed onto the front that read “BITCH”. No one dressed like Kenyon, and if the reader regards my valuation as improbable, I can but insist that no one pulled off his sartorial derring-do with even half of his aplomb.
In all honesty, I didn’t want to like Kenyon, and I chalk that up to sibling rivalry. Though he did pull it off, his style was nonetheless loud. At the time, I needed quiet. That’s why I was there listening to Joe with my conveyer belt cardigan. Of course I had no idea I was dragging my old style like a cadaver in search of some missing morgue. But I was trying to fit in, trying to make a break with the past. I needed those dudes with their conservative shtick, sitting cross-legged checking blackberries once in a while, probably texting loved ones about soccer practice and babysitter hours. Joe was the granddaddy and these guys were my dads.
Once Joe was done everybody else started chiming in. People talked one at a time, and each person picked the next person to talk. Kenyon’s arm was erect, and he was picked early. Joe was sheepish about feedback, more out of feeling gratified to have shared his story with us than with insecurity about revealing himself, so he darted his eyes from the floor to anyone who wasn’t talking. Kenyon, like all who were picked, was speaking to the room, even though he directly addressed Joe, who indulged the time it took to place a couple bucks into the donation hat making the rounds. Silver tinkled on silver as Kenyon lowered his arm.
He did his best: “Joe, that story about the bus stop, man, wow, that’s amazing. I wish that was me. I’m just not there yet. I’m always busy, running around chasing my fantasies, maybe a woman, projects, getting angry about my job. It’s like I’m addicted and I can’t find peace. So I envy you, and all that serenity you shared with us. Thank you.”
Unlike their hardier, more “masculine” AA counterparts, Al-Anon meetings have no liquidation agenda. They’re not out to eradicate your issue. Nobody will say, as they do in AA, “Hey buddy, you’ve been fucking up, so it’s time to get your ass in gear and do some service for a change”. It’s more like “Sit back and relax, you’ve been working too hard” and “Don’t just do something, sit there.”
AA-ers criticize the warm embrace as too accommodating, but for my money’s worth, I always got more out of the Kumbaya fireside chat in Al-Anon meetings, than the fluorescently-lit, “bad cop” demeanor of your typical AA church basement. Booze was a problem, of course, but only during a relatively short span of debauching as an erstwhile rockstar. It was a symptom of “extreme lifestyling”, so, once I left the music industry and started frequenting libraries instead of dive bars, I had little difficulty moderating my intake. Thankfully, there were no winged bottles of Smirnoff in my dreams, and to this day, I say a prayer of gratitude with every crisp draught of New World red during mealtime.
What I lacked was not self-control, but self-esteem. Al-Anon, with its boundaries, its “healing centers”, its gingerbread cookies, its amateur yogis meditating, palms up, while people like Joe regaled you with yarns about how they lived “one day at a time”, boosted the lagging go-getter within and checked the autocratic superego’s overreach. Unlike our bulldog AA counterparts, choking and chafing on the leash, we were more like tiny, caged Papillons needing assertiveness training. Al-Anon’s ethos of boundary-setting was the gamechanger for the steamrolled contingent.
I needed a jolt in the arm to help me take charge of the new me. Once the keg dried on my club kid/rocker past, so did all of its faulty affirmations – “I’m a killer” – “I’m the man” – “I’m the life of the party”. What had seemed like incontrovertible evidence of greatness and longevity soured into empty pomp and arrogance, showing its age faster than a fine Brie sitting out too long. If you cut the tap, you see things for what they are, hollow, teenage rhetoric, a lacquered gloss of puerile angst disguising the real pain within, the miserable cartography drawn in Crayola. I had a hard time transitioning to “adulting”.
Al-Anon was the perfect solution for a spiritual drifter like myself, someone who’d managed to duck the hypnotic allure of substance, but was tethered to the overhead luggage of an overwrought past, a hypertrophied lore inflated by the helium-empty of media success and unrestrained carousing. The skill of setting boundaries, the primary focus of the work in that fellowship, was my first time making a conscious, adult demarcation of self. It was a kind of handwritten accounting, using a brand-spanking new calligraphy pen when in the past I only had a crayon.
Not only had I been bluffing my way through every opportunity and relationship all my life, but I’d shirked male bonding as well. The old man had left enough scar tissue to lead me to believe, wrongly, that nothing presented a greater threat to my safety than another swinging dick in the room. Al-Anon, being majority female in its constituency, attracted me for this very reason. But this uptown meeting offered me a new twist: the gentle lilt of Al-Anon sloganeering with the familiar heft of masculine energy. When I found that meeting, I discovered the verdant hidden pastures of otherwise craggy masculine caverns, undergoing the Robert Bly encounter with male, yet enlightened, initiation.
“I get so much wisdom from those guys,” I told Kenyon on the downtown 1, our trip back to the Village from the Upper West Side enlivened by the meeting. Post-meeting positive spin comes like hand delivered mail, the delay forgiven and forgotten at the instant the hand touches the parcel, a sudden flash of serum in the bloodstream, a mild chemo.
“They’re like old New York,” Kenyon replied. A silver bracelet ticked on one of his eight rings as he switched arms straphanging. He rearranged his fedora and there was a moment when, with the sterling on his fingers blinking in the light as it contrasted with the soft crushed velvet of the brim, he looked like Jared Leto (Twenty Seconds to Mars Leto, not the actor). Kenyon was impossibly handsome and, after two decades of casual sex in New York, had to have known it. On top of that, his mind was so sharp, dropping an op-ed’s worth of observation in a single response, you always forgot how attractive he was. I didn’t want to like him, for survival reasons, but I couldn’t help myself.
We both got off at Sheridan Square and parted at the newsstand on Christopher and Varick. The hugs were the best part of the night, warm, not bro-y. Cool jocks first clasp hands and keep them in between, the embrace more of a back pat, with the forearms warding off fears of errant torsos touching. Not so with Kenyon. It was a full upper body affair.
He went East and I West, to a dinner date with someone I met at school. But I couldn’t get his wall-to-wall smile out of my head.
All throughout the evening, through the dinner and the subway ride back to my Upper East Side apartment, even as my head hit the pillow and I let the day’s events drift through my head like a shuffling deck, I thought of Joe’s bus stop and wondered if it was one of the ones I used, any of the M79 ones, running from where I lived on East End Avenue to Lexington where the 6 train offers the nearest underground service. That crosstown corridor gives access to one of the most pacific locations in the city. The highlight was coming out of Agata & Valentina, hauling four thick polypropylene shopping bags spilling over with istara cheese, seasonal fruits, swordfish, prime cuts, homemade pasta, and imported Brazilian nuts, and, braving the murder on my delts, walking across the street to the east bound stop on 1st and 79th,hauling two leaden weights like overfull scales pressing down on a balance. Joe probably had his atman moment directly across the street, at the westbound stop, where the sun hits more directly for longer in the day.
As I turned my head on the pillow, I thought of tomorrow, Wednesday, of waking up, walking the dog, hitting the computer to play around with electronic music, and stretching the limbs. At acting school they were really emphasizing the importance of movement (“If I see one more stiff actor in my scene study class, I’m going to be angry” was one teacher’s version).
I was reminded how, in my early twenties, I was terrified of anyone looking at my body. I didn’t know anything about anatomy, but I could feel how broad and lanky were my shoulders. I was like a wide clothes hanger. Playing the bass guitar, though I hadn’t gone out of my way to pick it up, made perfect sense, the heaviest rock instrument to offer ballast against flaying limbs. Night after night the strap creased my left shoulder, pulling me closer to the floor, the weight pressing my boots on the ground, plantar ligaments stretching out the arches. Once it was removed, I was like a hot air balloon.
So was my acting, hence the need for movement exercises, which made interesting cases concerning anatomy. At Stella Adler, I had the good fortune of having Joanne Edelmann, an experienced dancer from the Alvin Ailey school, impress upon me the importance of the pelvis. Everything was about the pelvis, acting, moving, blocking, memorizing lines, it all had to come from the pelvis, apparently. We’d lay down supine, after one of us had swiffed the last class’s sweat, grime and dead skin cells off the creaky, wooden floor, and start gyrating our pelvises, all twenty-five of us. Having suspended my pause at the bursar’s office (at some point the acting conservatory, like therapy and Al-Anon, acquired healing potential in my mind), I jumped into all this with gusto. These movement exercises, so I thought, were my ticket to getting my feet on the ground, literally. So I worked them every day for an hour.
It was early spring in 2009 and I’d been living in the Upper East Side for close to a year, moving here to escape the East Village’s countercultural orthodoxy.
The East Village is great when you’re an upstart, when your friend owns a vintage boutique and sitting there for hours talking about nothing could feel like a quiet revolution. There was something conspiratorial about scrounging for change, wearing the same pair of trousers, and bumping into the same vagrant hipsters every night. Bar hopping became a kind of Where’s Waldo stretched over the span of a week, like each party was a pop-up shop taking over that bar or club. It would have been unthinkable to go on another night, after the pop-up shop had moved. Each one of us could feel like an unshowered Che looking at Fidel clipping a Cohiba across the fold-out table, an overhanging burning bulb backlighting the floating dust and cumulus clouds of tobacco smoke.
But by this time, I’d already “made it”. My cover was blown. Interpol’s success had fattened my wallet even as it’d thwarted my agitprop designs. Trips to the grocer could involve catcalls and held stares. Benjamin’s wisdom seemed apt: “Behind every fascist regime, lies a failed revolution”. In my case, the project of seeing how far flipping the bird could get me (very far, apparently) had yielded such pithy spiritual results it was time to call it a day and find a place to do my laundry where I wouldn’t have to sign autographs.
Growing up in Queens, I had no idea what the hell was the East Village. But I knew the Upper East Side, mostly through The Jeffersons (my mother did have a wealthy friend and, once, while we visited when I was eleven, I feigned adult sass by declaiming “This place is rich!” during the elevator trip up the Central Park adjoining high rise). The sight of rows of stacked iron-grated balconies on grey-brick facades, all set to each other like a long ship container yard disappearing into the horizon of 2nd Avenue, where every taxi cab, street light and butcher shop becomes a tiny dot twenty blocks north of 79th Street, was always set to a soulful “We finally have a piece of the pie”.
Later, after initiation with the caramelized crust of 80s pop-culture, the Upper East Side came to mean Woody Allen and Andy Warhol. The high rises, in my estimation, offered sanctuary to the city’s cultural superintendents, a haven in which to pen or paint their New York City-centric odes in peace and quiet. I thought of Leonard Bernstein laboring over scores, the doorman interrupting with a call about a dry cleaning delivery.
Here, as well, were stock brokers, attorneys, traders, and other sundry bourgeois interests, the better to authenticate the wealthy artist’s pains with commerce’s badge of (dis)honor. (“There. You are one of us. Now, to quote a 90s prophet, entertain us.”) Eyes Wide Shut, with its luxury apartments and endless chambers, its New York Jewish-y professional class embodied in Sydney Pollack’s Rolex, its de riguer charcoal Brooks Brothers three quarter overcoat worn by Tom Cruise in almost every frame, laid out the terms of this fantasy of old school New York wealth for me, if also tickling my artistry with a Kafka-esque slant. Perhaps, I could revivify the failed revolution, I thought, not against the fascist regime, but from within.
It was a straight shot up 1st Avenue from Houston Street to 79th and on a random late morning Tuesday you could drive through light after light in less than fifteen minutes. I’d always hated the West Village’s European style of urban planning, the streets and lanes that curve and follow every slope of the ground, (pre-Google Maps, this meant that sometimes you ended up, Blair Witch Project-style, back to where you started). I loved the East Village’s Soviet, numerical grid, so artificial you could easily imagine the planners taking their time to map everything out. What this did was help me focus on the shops, ateliers, and salons within the fifteen block radius, without the distraction of curves and cobblestone. And the Upper East Side, at least from an urban planning perspective, was the East Village without the personality, simply adding a z axis of verticality to the latter’s x and y. With three dimensions now at my disposal, I felt I could take my Bernstein myth into Olympus itself, away from the caustic rabble of DIY punk down below.
I made enough money to afford a $4000 rent in what is called a “splinter building”; apparently only three in the city exist, a building slim enough it can only have two apartments per floor, but giving each one a three sided-view of all Manhattan, in my case, from the 23rd floor. When I first walked into it the sun was setting, casting an amber glow onto the East River. Wall to wall windows proffered a vision of Manhattan only the wealthy know – “This is Your City” (daily exposure did end up diminishing the returns of the view).
For some reason, taxis were out of the question (never mind I was splurging on rent, dinners, tuition, and music equipment expenses). After five dizzy years of flights and car services, I was only too happy to take to the MTA, the buses still lacquered in the future-glossy palette of navy and white, which I recognized from my morning commutes to St. Francis Prep High in Floral Park from my Elmhurst home. Getting on the M79 right by the river, I basically had the bus to myself, my own crosstown Lear jet, a meager, yet delightful, taste of the jet-setting I’d left behind.
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lilgreenfox · 7 years
D&D 5e Homebrew Kitsune
Hi! I know it’s been a little bit since I last posted something here (it’s been a busy week), but to make up for it I’m finally posting my first bit of writing!
What I have for you today is a write-up for a playable Kitsune race in D&D5e, inspired heavily by the Pathfinder Kitsune.
DISCLAIMER: This race is completely untested! DMs, allow play at your own risk, and feel free to allow/ban any features as you see fit. Also, if you utilize this please lemme know how it goes!~
Additionally, I don’t describe them as Kitsune in the writing itself, instead referring to them as Voxen (Vortex Isles). This is because in me and @captainmista’s homebrew DnD realm Kitsune are a variant race off of Voxen, a wolf-based humanoid player race. For all intensive purposes, though, you may call them Kitsune in your own games. Feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
Not unlike their kin from Kaiken, the vulpine Voxen of the Vortex Isles are cunning individuals who use their natural talents in charisma and trickery to get their way. Though they are an incredibly rare sight, they can be spotted on all four corners of the Big Stretch as they seek out arcane power, riches, or whatever other treasures they may seek. Though they have a nose for trouble and an attitude to match, few can deny the fox variant of Voxen’s charm and inherent magical abilities.
Physical Features
Like Kaiken’s Voxen, the fox Voxen have furred, padded hands and long ears. Unlike the Kaiken variant, however, the claws of a fox Voxen are retractable. Combine that with a means of hiding their ears and tail(s), and one could easily mask themselves as human without any magic. While the range in appearance can vary, most fox Voxen also tend to have shorter, more manageable fur than a wolf’s, easily groomed if time is taken throughout the day.
The oddest feature of a Vortex Voxen that differentiates it from its lupine relatives is the arcane potential that is reflected by their tails. As a Voxen grows there are certain “checkpoints” in its life that cause its tails to magically split, multiplying as they become more accomplished. What exactly causes this is unknown, but is attributed to the race’s constant hunger for its personal goals. The more tails a Voxen grows, the more powerful they become, being able to cast spells even if they’ve never touched an arcane tome in their life. It’s rumored that if a Voxen can manage to obtain a total of 9 tails they become immortal, but no case has ever been properly recorded.
The sclera of a fox Voxen changes as they age. Children and young adults' eyes are hardly different from a human’s, with the only noticeable different being the odd iris color variations and of course occasionally slit pupils. As they age and their tails begin to split, the sclera starts to tinge the color of the iris, and when the fox reaches it’s “maximum potential” the sclera blends into the iris completely to form fully one-colored eyes.
Fur color and ear size varies based on the physical build of the fox. Shorter breeds (around 4’-5’) tend to have larger ears and lighter colored fur, usually white or tan. As the size increases (5’-6’), the hue darkens to oranges and browns. The largest of the breed cap out about about 6’6” and can be as dark as midnight, with black or navy-blue fur. The patterns in a fox Voxen’s fur vary based on the individual, but usually they have “caps” or “mittens” on their tails, hands and ears that are a significantly lighter/darker shade than the rest of their fur. Spots on the fur and skin are also common, though they’re often mistaken as freckles or vitiligo.
Vulpine Voxen don’t have much of their own culture- unlike the wolves of Kaiken they don’t have established territories or even villages. Instead, they stay with their guardians in small families until they find out their heart’s ambition. Once it’s been discovered they set out, either on their own or with the support of their family or party of friends. They pursue their goal, often referenced as their “Ambition”, until either they die or are completely incapable of pursuing it further. When a Voxen is incapable of pursuing their Ambition further, they typically settle down wherever they were stopped. Usually they do so believing that someday they may be able to continue their pursuit.
Children of Vortex Isle Voxen are similar to Tieflings in that when one parent is Voxen, the child always comes out 100% Voxen. The only manipulable traits of the non-Voxen parent, if any, usually is the height and therefore the color pattern of the child. A Voxen’s Ambition is also heavily based on the aspirations of their parents, whomever’s is stronger. The kits are born in sets of 2-6, with closed eyes, folded-over ears, and single, nearly hairless tail. Their growth directly correlates with the pressure to grow up in whatever community they’ve been placed in, capping at as early as 16 in stressful or war-torn territories. Their personalities, like Plantfolk, meld to match said community as well.
In whichever lands they grow in, Voxen are known to be passionate perfectionists in whatever crafts they apply themselves to. They’re excellent performers, being especially sensitive to pitch and tune thanks to their large, perky ears. They also can be seen enjoying craftmaking that requires a quick and dexterous hand, such as jewelry and glassblowing. On top of that, many Voxen are born gifted with arcane skill, pursuing magical power as their personal Ambition.
Playing a Voxen
Vortex Isle Voxen are so rare that it’s hard to really pin a stereotype to them. But like their lupine kin, they have a penchant for getting into trouble for their shenanigans. Luckily for them their wit and natural charm help them squeeze out of sticky situations. These Voxen are also very adaptable, allowing them to squeeze into any niche that a potential party of allies may require. As a Vortex Isle Voxen, you believe your future is yours for the taking, as long as you’ve got the willpower to continue chasing it.
Ability Score Increase You get a plus 2 to Charisma and a plus 1 to Dexterity Age Vortex Isle Voxen reach maturity at around 18-20 years of age. With a single tail, they live for up to 60 years- but for each extra tail they manage to obtain, their life expectancy doubles. It’s speculated that a nine-tailed Voxen is functionally immortal, with how long they can live. Alignment Fox Voxen lean towards the chaotic side, driven by the primal arcane urges that allow them to sprout more tails. Size Though there are very few Voxen in existence at a time, their sizes have a great range. They can be anywhere between 4’-6’6” in height, with weights that vary with their body types. Language You speak Common and Voxen, along with one third spoken language related to your travels or upbringing. Speed You’ve got quick feet and can move at 35 ft/round. Darkvision You have darkvision, which allows you to see up to 60 ft around you even in complete darkness. This vision allows you to see things in that radius but only in black and white. Retractable Claws You are born with a set of slim but dangerous claws that can be retracted to look like normal, albeit sharp fingernails. It’s a free action to sheathe or extend your claws. In combat you are proficient with them, and on a hit they deal 1d4 and have the Finesse property. In addition, if you are proficient in Sleight of Hand you can use them to pick locks, though they do not provide any bonuses to the check itself. Fox Form While fox Voxen don’t have the same bonuses to senses or the counter-charm ability as their wolf brethren, they have the unique ability to shift into the form of a fox. While they appear to be a completely normal fox when transformed, those proficient in magic can detect their true form using a Perception check (competing with a DC equal to the fox’s Charisma modifier + their Proficiency modifier + 10). Your particular fox form is based solely upon your height, listed below. (Note: These are the “default” settings for deciding form. If you’d like to be a different height than the forms assigned, go ahead! Rules were meant to be broken)
The abilities you obtain while in Fox Form, which you only have in Fox Form, are listed below:
All forms have the Pounce Ability, with a DC equal to 8 + Proficiency mod + Dex mod
Pounce: If the fox moves at least 20 ft. straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the fox can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.
All forms use the base stats for a Cat, except for these changes:
Intelligence of 4
Wisdom of 14
No climb speed
d6 hit die
Claw attack deals 1d4 + Dex mod damage, and can be used as if they were a weapon with Finesse
4′11″ and under: Fennec Fox Form
You have a Burrow speed of 15 ft, which increases to 30 ft in sand
Keen Hearing: You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks based on sound
5′-6′: Arctic Fox Form
You have advantage on Stealth checks when outside
You have either a Summer (brown) or Winter (white) coat
The Summer coat gives you resistance to fire damage
The Winter coat gives you resistance to cold damage
6′1″+: Red Fox Form
Your size is Small instead of Tiny, and your Dexterity is 16.
You have proficiency in Survival, and advantage on Survival checks done in urban areas.
When in Fox Form, the items on your person meld into yourself and become inaccessible till you transform back. The rules on your transformation are the same as a Druid’s Wild Shape ability. However, some things are different- you can speak the same languages you do in humanoid form, and you can transform into this form as many times as you’d like per day, though it costs a full round action rather than a bonus. In addition, you must be able to concentrate on holding the Fox Form while in it. You automatically lose concentration on any concentration-based spells you’re casting in humanoid form, and if anything were to overly distract from your concentration (ie, being knocked prone, taking damage, getting drunk/laughing too hard, or becoming incapacitated) you must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC determined by the DM based on the distracting force, or be forced back into humanoid form.
Vulpine Ambition The ultimate way a Vortex Isle Voxen shows it’s true power is through the usage and display of their tails, which are earned by making progress in their personal Vulpine Ambition. This Ambition must be a broad goal that can be segmented into proper milestones. For example, a Voxen Bard may have their Ambition be “to become famous, a household name that everyone recognizes”. Proper milestones are up to DM discretion, but it’s advisable to pace them so that the player can obtain their 5th tail at about 12th level, and their 9th tail around level 18-20. Each milestone should have a requirement that’s far better than the previous one.
Continuing the bard example:
Their second tail could be earned by performing at a nice restaurant,
Their third by drawing a crowd in a fairly large town,
Their fourth being asked for an autograph in a town they’ve never visited before,
Their fifth performing for a duke or other noble,
Their sixth by being offered great sums of money by multiple people to the point where they have to turn down very wealthy individuals,
Their seventh by playing for and impressing a king or likewise ultimate ruler
Their eighth by abruptly ending a great battle or war with their music, and
Their ninth and final tail by appeasing an almighty force such as an ancient dragon or a god, stopping them from causing an apocalypse.
These milestones can be set by the DM, or simply rewarded whenever the player does something especially incredible. Lastly, all Voxen grow at a different pace, and so earning multiple tails while the same level, not learning any for a long time, or even not earning all tails by the end of the story are all fine and natural.
When a tail is obtained, the Voxen obtains a spell-like ability that is usable twice per day, per tail. They are born with their first tail and obtain more as they complete their Ambitions.
Dancing Lights
Disguise Self
Charm Person
Nyustul’s Magic Aura
Mirror Image
Greater Invisibility
Dominate Person
Your caster level for these spells is equal to your hit dice, and your spellcasting modifier and DCs are based on your Charisma.
I know the abilities of the race are pretty complex, but they were the best I could do to mirror the power level and flexibility of the Pathfinder Kitsune. I do hope you enjoyed reading this, and if you have criticism or wish to utilize this race just let me know. Thanks!
-Christian Byrnes, aka Lilgreenfox
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airoasis · 5 years
Learn English For Kids | Spelling of 17 English Words
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/learn-english-for-kids-spelling-of-17-english-words-4/
Learn English For Kids | Spelling of 17 English Words
I’m an apple, babe E apple corn circular I met With leaves on the top of my head you eat me any time of day It definite will preserve the physician away. Am an apple A juicy and Yummy if you do not suppose me that you would be able to ask your mommy am an apple a p p L inside of me seeds which can be black reduce me into slices at devour me as a snack lift me to tuition play and in every single place when associates are hungry. Sure you share So before you go and purchase into me repeat loudly after me. My name is simple you see Ap Pl. E that’s me. Good job i am a banana be a and a . Whats up banana i’m a fruit that grows in a bunch.I’m smooth and white and effortless to munch and that you could devour me for breakfast or lunch. Yeah. I am a banana B Yeah, then wait wait banana. Have a yellow slippery skin you peel off throwing a ping else. Shuttle and harm your chin Ouch i am a banana b. Hi there wait wait banana when I flip yellow, it is excellent, I taste fine have a fruit that is healthy and effortless to digest So do don’t forget to offer me to your hungry guests. Am a banana b. Whats up whats up hello Banana am the favourite food of the chatter and monkey. They obtained early ox even when they may be now not hungry Now earlier than you’re enough to grab a bite of me Let’s repeat collectively on the count of three one two and three wait wait wait wait Yeah Yeah Cool one two and three wait and howdy wait Yeah, yeah, cool. Job, chum Are you before be? All4 big or small catch me seem before I fall I deliver to every girl and boy i’m in a position to play every time Be a knight all day.I’m a Ball which you can hear the cheer loud and clear once I’m hit with a bat or chased by a canine and a cat i am invariably ready for a game. That you could supply it any name. I’m a ball be a LL Paul delicate or tough. I am perpetually circular touch me or i’m going to fall to the ground join the enjoyable one at all junk mail with me as a individuals of the wall say it loud and make me proud all be a idiot i’m a fish Laughs my as fish I breathe and are living deep inside of water within the Sea Pond Lake and River There are exclusive sorts of fish most of Us may also be made right into a tasty Dish am a fish F5x bitch we are relatively enormous very small The red whale Shark is the largest of all of them ? Am a fish fish team of fish, it is called a college an international is filled with color ain’t that cool? Now we have palms which might be known as things They seem like lovely wings i’m a fish like A fish Let me inform you i will swim rather good no longer everybody likes the way, I odor simply bear in mind I run with the phrase wish So shall we embrace it collectively one more time fish Yep, my final h fish.That’s what i am fish i’m a parrot are our Ot parrot, i’m a fowl no longer a carrot are available in exceptional bright colors orange pink Blue inexperienced and others i’ve a a are our oh affordable parrot Am recognized be a just right mimic. Hiya. I am lovely quick and studying a trick I Repeat precisely what you coach Beard one phrase or two or a entire speech i am a parrot p a are o t phase For a fowl who likes the taste of chile do not you suppose that? It’s quite, silly to present me a reputation like Polly i’m a father or mother a are our Ot parrot, am loud once I get angry screech when i’m hungry i will be able to opt for up things with my toes? You are going to be proud with a method I greet La A parrot Pa are our ot parrot Cage is not the place I want to be Like other Birds.I want to be free in the event you see me in a single set me free Now that you already know a thing or two about me. It is your flip to repeat after me on the count of 1 two three parrot p a are our oh tooth parrot excellent job polly my Mama canine oh G-God, i really like chasing cats rabbits and rats Like relatively a lot of fun that I more commonly hide in a gap i am a dog d o g canine. I have a loud bark. Oh i’m no longer afraid of the dark. I like to play Any time of the day I? Am a canine the oh gee Doc, i will be able to growl and even chunk If someone dares me to a battle. Wipe my tail to exhibit i’m blissful a little one, dog is referred to as a hug? Hi, i am a oh G-God, be aware of rather a couple of methods like stand and fetch the stick I would really like to be your pet promise me you is not going to take to the vet Will invariably be your exceptional pal? Till the very sorry sorry and So together canine D-O-t canine excellent job i have a tree – are you new coach Brighter satisfactory tall and lean years of years I must develop I was once born from the seed sow ? Am a tree teeth are Pe3 i have a trunk it’s thick and robust Shoots and leaves which might be brief or lengthy excessive behind me and take a peek while you play cover and seek ? Am a tree Try3 if it’s pouring rain, or the Blazing solar you could play in my coloration and Have numerous enjoyable.I am a tree Tree use me as their home when they developed their nest that is where they arrive and must rest i have so much extra to say oh but that’s ample for today Spell me on the depend of three Tree t ar e tree crawl the Lala Tree You deserve a tree hug? I am a endure me Are there i’m particularly quite huge and Furley love to devour lots and tons of honey.I have a enormous brain which style of makes me shrewd other animals run a long way away each time I fart i’m a endure whats up, are there I? Love to sleep via the neighborhood I run relatively rapid like a sprinter fish nuts Plantain meat is what I consume long strides, I take my 4 ft i’m a endure they are reasonable My infant is cold and are available all a excellent tree ruff Can see style relatively? Well? I also have a eager sense of smell i am a endure The sound I make feels like a bark.I’m very very brave not afraid the darkish it’s a attractive brilliant sunny day So odor me yet again earlier than you exit and play beep hiya, endure You deserve a enormous undergo hug? Yes, i am a e P. I reside in both a hive or a colony with my very very large loved ones chief Is referred to as the queen bee she is candy one other imply me. I am a bee a bee Bee, I make honey the sweet and now not sound from the nectar of a flower have quite a pointy sting that may harm anyone even a king am a baby E e b.We are the one bugs that make meals which you could eat We hold our dwelling rather smooth and neat we are grounded and kicked out if we’re messy whilst a child we are stored very busy am a b b d e b after we wish to speak to one another we do a targeted dance We wash our tail or go round and round and circular in a trance have you heard the sound I make buzz? Buzz do you know I certainly not ever take a snooze? Snooze am a significant b e e b i like how is there crimson yellow and blue I would like to spend extra time with you however i’ve lots and lots of work to do so repeat after me e B e e b. You’re a All correct Eric sit capable, are you might be you lt? Kurt i am the favourite food of their rabbit taking me up is their habit i am long and Slim my lovely green hair is what you trim I? Am a carrot see a get together carrot, you could devour me oiled or or zzz appear i’m handy to draw , candy and crunchy Luncheon to me when you’re hungry, i’m Carrie you see wait water rose.Sure, carrot Scrub and clean up hold your teeth I develop within the soil underneath eating me daily is excellent in your eyes suppose me. I am telling you no lies right a mechanic will see method we are yarn Carrot make up cool. Pointy nostril on the as you watch impose recall To munch and current on me cuz i’ve finiman beef c D and e And these you already know are excellent on your mind Now let’s play a game and spell my title once more. I’m a carrot will see a are Are o Tu you might be particularly i am an Act they him tea Am an insect that is rather fairly tiny ? Are living with my family and friends in a significant giant Colony i’m an 8 any then booty bet i have six yards which are very very powerful if I pink Act and that i chunk you ah It definite is gonna sting and that’s genuine. Am an a empty mattress like you I like to something that’s sweet ? Do not have to use but I hear with my feet. I’m an ant a and booty bed Touching one one more is how me and my associates speak? Relocating in a straight line is how we wish to walk I? Am an ant a empty bed The Summers wish to sleep seven hours a day We have to stomach slide away So spell me as soon as once more do not say you can’t i’m easy to claim i’m a empty i am butter a little bit bit me makes the taste higher Yellow and creamy like silk. I am became and became from good historical milk. I’m butter be our Return put me on toast tap mom roast add me to a cake that your mother is Gonna bake i am butter i know, I super yummy but hearken to your mommy cuz an excessive amount of of me will make you sick for your tummy. I’m butter B T g e are we at Er. How am I made you ask it can be relatively an effortless challenge Shake Shake Shake in a jar a variety of cream voila our love is me.I’m no longer only a dream Elaine butter Tt. E butter now spell out my identify loud be definite not to mutter Dimly to your mama proud. I’m butter and Gt/e dashes i’m a booklet don’t be now oh k e-book Come on. Open me up and take a look amazing mysteries you are going to discover a entire new world you are going to detect read me any time of night time and day. I tell magical studies areas close a long way away, i’m a guide oh Oh, ok. Seem in me matters that will open your intellect Why? Where when What? Who how solutions to these will have you pronouncing i am a booklet b.Oh okay, when you have a paramour a story for your , i am correct here to help you get began do not forget we don’t like canine ears So protect as well to restrict our tears. I’m a e-book b. Oh okay booklet enjoy the pix of men and women locations tons extra Get for all into experiences that you have not ever heard earlier than will constantly be there if you are When you want to get away from everybody ? Am a guide be a k publication in case you learn a page of me everyday excellent your teacher will say So let’s follow spelling me correct exhibit everybody that you’re vivid oop be oh k, seem you’re a genius am a pencil and Pi pencil You be trained to put in writing utilizing me? Whether or not it’s 1 2 3 are, Abc you employ me to draw sketch and stripper i am also quite a lot of enjoyable to do it off and the pencil be e and C. Ai L pencil i’m made wooden on the outside Clay and Graphite is what i’m on the within come in all colors dark and shiny and now not simply black and white i’m a pencil Pp, and C.I elf pencil I was first used for marking sheep. I will be able to be each fairly low-cost you utilize me almost daily On March 30th have fun my birthday i am a pencil PV and C5 Pencil i am valuable in lots of another approach at school. I will work and at play Be it writing poetry or a narrative Or sketching stunning surroundings for taking notes and mobile messages crossword puzzles and fascinating mazes i am a pencil P/e Mc. I elf pencil my two high-quality buddies eternally The eraser in this Chakra are of nice support to you and me i am sure you will agree hi, i am a pencil thief e Mc.L pencil i can draw a line 35 Miles long are attempting me out and spot if i’m flawed. Am going to play a sport Repeat after me one last time as I spell my identify pencil p P and seeking line, L. And so you deserve a gold superstar green inexperienced publishing as When you are wide unsleeping simply sleep close your eyes and watch me our hundred traces Keener if it really works me do inform your neighbors I A machine has h and m 3 My boot is made of smooth. Not as powerful a extra but I sure will hold you heat for the duration of the cold winter snow, i really like she has side howdy. Hi there really high top of a hill and even when it is cold i don’t trap achoo Shannon who’s my grasp takes care I don’t need my oh she has she adored eating grass all day long that what makes us for ah? Ah the sound we make? We rattling run fast see snake i know she us and The time has come for me to cry however earlier than i’m going, let’s sing my recognized, right? Baa Baa black Sheep. You any wool? Yes, sir? Yes, sir three bags full now get set equipped to spell sheep as sheep? Whoa you smell that quite good i’m a lion El I/o and lion i’m referred to as the king of the jungle And no, i’m not an angel you’ll also in finding me in a zoo napping through the day. There’s what I do Am alive El I Air and Lion am so happy with my glorious mane, i don’t wish to get it moist within the rain My favourite favorite meal is meat Grass and Fruit is not what I eat am El I/o and the road like to bask within the afternoon solar On seeing me the deer take off and run The sound I make is a growling roar? All animals consider at any place i’m a lion I oh Than me is my buddy the tiger but I definite am more advantageous Have a robust jaw and really sharp enamel Rubbing our heads is how we greet we rubber heads when meet I? Am alive El I/o reside A child lion is known as and come and so they do love Tommy Rob join him as he spells his title As he likes to play this game, right? I oh i’m a camel see Mal Camel i’m referred to as the ship the desolate tract my lengthy curly eyelashes maintain out sand and dust inform directions with every leg i will be able to kick riding on me could make you believe seasick of a camel see m and m L Camel if you tease me a smelly fluid on you, i will spit this is something you are going to certainly not ever omit in my hump my store not water, that offers me power my game in Arabic way magnificence i’m a camel see a m in El Gamal Getting me up once i have lay leisure no convenient venture considering the fact that i will be fairly a pest We walk in the blazing sun and don’t suppose the warmth We is probably not swish, however we’re rapid on our feet i’m a camel see and um Oh camel. Am known to be very very strong considering that I elevate plenty of weights all day long With my poop you could a hearth right away can consume build the dis for me and prickly i’m a camel see a Mal, Kevin i am very sufferer and gentle if you treat me well Now the time has for me to say farewell you recognize my identify is convenient to spell So say one final time on the sound of the valve see a um e el Camel you might be cool
0 notes
batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Learn English For Kids | Spelling of 17 English Words
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/learn-english-for-kids-spelling-of-17-english-words-4/
Learn English For Kids | Spelling of 17 English Words
I’m an apple, babe E apple corn circular I met With leaves on the top of my head you eat me any time of day It definite will preserve the physician away. Am an apple A juicy and Yummy if you do not suppose me that you would be able to ask your mommy am an apple a p p L inside of me seeds which can be black reduce me into slices at devour me as a snack lift me to tuition play and in every single place when associates are hungry. Sure you share So before you go and purchase into me repeat loudly after me. My name is simple you see Ap Pl. E that’s me. Good job i am a banana be a and a . Whats up banana i’m a fruit that grows in a bunch.I’m smooth and white and effortless to munch and that you could devour me for breakfast or lunch. Yeah. I am a banana B Yeah, then wait wait banana. Have a yellow slippery skin you peel off throwing a ping else. Shuttle and harm your chin Ouch i am a banana b. Hi there wait wait banana when I flip yellow, it is excellent, I taste fine have a fruit that is healthy and effortless to digest So do don’t forget to offer me to your hungry guests. Am a banana b. Whats up whats up hello Banana am the favourite food of the chatter and monkey. They obtained early ox even when they may be now not hungry Now earlier than you’re enough to grab a bite of me Let’s repeat collectively on the count of three one two and three wait wait wait wait Yeah Yeah Cool one two and three wait and howdy wait Yeah, yeah, cool. Job, chum Are you before be? All4 big or small catch me seem before I fall I deliver to every girl and boy i’m in a position to play every time Be a knight all day.I’m a Ball which you can hear the cheer loud and clear once I’m hit with a bat or chased by a canine and a cat i am invariably ready for a game. That you could supply it any name. I’m a ball be a LL Paul delicate or tough. I am perpetually circular touch me or i’m going to fall to the ground join the enjoyable one at all junk mail with me as a individuals of the wall say it loud and make me proud all be a idiot i’m a fish Laughs my as fish I breathe and are living deep inside of water within the Sea Pond Lake and River There are exclusive sorts of fish most of Us may also be made right into a tasty Dish am a fish F5x bitch we are relatively enormous very small The red whale Shark is the largest of all of them ? Am a fish fish team of fish, it is called a college an international is filled with color ain’t that cool? Now we have palms which might be known as things They seem like lovely wings i’m a fish like A fish Let me inform you i will swim rather good no longer everybody likes the way, I odor simply bear in mind I run with the phrase wish So shall we embrace it collectively one more time fish Yep, my final h fish.That’s what i am fish i’m a parrot are our Ot parrot, i’m a fowl no longer a carrot are available in exceptional bright colors orange pink Blue inexperienced and others i’ve a a are our oh affordable parrot Am recognized be a just right mimic. Hiya. I am lovely quick and studying a trick I Repeat precisely what you coach Beard one phrase or two or a entire speech i am a parrot p a are o t phase For a fowl who likes the taste of chile do not you suppose that? It’s quite, silly to present me a reputation like Polly i’m a father or mother a are our Ot parrot, am loud once I get angry screech when i’m hungry i will be able to opt for up things with my toes? You are going to be proud with a method I greet La A parrot Pa are our ot parrot Cage is not the place I want to be Like other Birds.I want to be free in the event you see me in a single set me free Now that you already know a thing or two about me. It is your flip to repeat after me on the count of 1 two three parrot p a are our oh tooth parrot excellent job polly my Mama canine oh G-God, i really like chasing cats rabbits and rats Like relatively a lot of fun that I more commonly hide in a gap i am a dog d o g canine. I have a loud bark. Oh i’m no longer afraid of the dark. I like to play Any time of the day I? Am a canine the oh gee Doc, i will be able to growl and even chunk If someone dares me to a battle. Wipe my tail to exhibit i’m blissful a little one, dog is referred to as a hug? Hi, i am a oh G-God, be aware of rather a couple of methods like stand and fetch the stick I would really like to be your pet promise me you is not going to take to the vet Will invariably be your exceptional pal? Till the very sorry sorry and So together canine D-O-t canine excellent job i have a tree – are you new coach Brighter satisfactory tall and lean years of years I must develop I was once born from the seed sow ? Am a tree teeth are Pe3 i have a trunk it’s thick and robust Shoots and leaves which might be brief or lengthy excessive behind me and take a peek while you play cover and seek ? Am a tree Try3 if it’s pouring rain, or the Blazing solar you could play in my coloration and Have numerous enjoyable.I am a tree Tree use me as their home when they developed their nest that is where they arrive and must rest i have so much extra to say oh but that’s ample for today Spell me on the depend of three Tree t ar e tree crawl the Lala Tree You deserve a tree hug? I am a endure me Are there i’m particularly quite huge and Furley love to devour lots and tons of honey.I have a enormous brain which style of makes me shrewd other animals run a long way away each time I fart i’m a endure whats up, are there I? Love to sleep via the neighborhood I run relatively rapid like a sprinter fish nuts Plantain meat is what I consume long strides, I take my 4 ft i’m a endure they are reasonable My infant is cold and are available all a excellent tree ruff Can see style relatively? Well? I also have a eager sense of smell i am a endure The sound I make feels like a bark.I’m very very brave not afraid the darkish it’s a attractive brilliant sunny day So odor me yet again earlier than you exit and play beep hiya, endure You deserve a enormous undergo hug? Yes, i am a e P. I reside in both a hive or a colony with my very very large loved ones chief Is referred to as the queen bee she is candy one other imply me. I am a bee a bee Bee, I make honey the sweet and now not sound from the nectar of a flower have quite a pointy sting that may harm anyone even a king am a baby E e b.We are the one bugs that make meals which you could eat We hold our dwelling rather smooth and neat we are grounded and kicked out if we’re messy whilst a child we are stored very busy am a b b d e b after we wish to speak to one another we do a targeted dance We wash our tail or go round and round and circular in a trance have you heard the sound I make buzz? Buzz do you know I certainly not ever take a snooze? Snooze am a significant b e e b i like how is there crimson yellow and blue I would like to spend extra time with you however i’ve lots and lots of work to do so repeat after me e B e e b. You’re a All correct Eric sit capable, are you might be you lt? Kurt i am the favourite food of their rabbit taking me up is their habit i am long and Slim my lovely green hair is what you trim I? Am a carrot see a get together carrot, you could devour me oiled or or zzz appear i’m handy to draw , candy and crunchy Luncheon to me when you’re hungry, i’m Carrie you see wait water rose.Sure, carrot Scrub and clean up hold your teeth I develop within the soil underneath eating me daily is excellent in your eyes suppose me. I am telling you no lies right a mechanic will see method we are yarn Carrot make up cool. Pointy nostril on the as you watch impose recall To munch and current on me cuz i’ve finiman beef c D and e And these you already know are excellent on your mind Now let’s play a game and spell my title once more. I’m a carrot will see a are Are o Tu you might be particularly i am an Act they him tea Am an insect that is rather fairly tiny ? Are living with my family and friends in a significant giant Colony i’m an 8 any then booty bet i have six yards which are very very powerful if I pink Act and that i chunk you ah It definite is gonna sting and that’s genuine. Am an a empty mattress like you I like to something that’s sweet ? Do not have to use but I hear with my feet. I’m an ant a and booty bed Touching one one more is how me and my associates speak? Relocating in a straight line is how we wish to walk I? Am an ant a empty bed The Summers wish to sleep seven hours a day We have to stomach slide away So spell me as soon as once more do not say you can’t i’m easy to claim i’m a empty i am butter a little bit bit me makes the taste higher Yellow and creamy like silk. I am became and became from good historical milk. I’m butter be our Return put me on toast tap mom roast add me to a cake that your mother is Gonna bake i am butter i know, I super yummy but hearken to your mommy cuz an excessive amount of of me will make you sick for your tummy. I’m butter B T g e are we at Er. How am I made you ask it can be relatively an effortless challenge Shake Shake Shake in a jar a variety of cream voila our love is me.I’m no longer only a dream Elaine butter Tt. E butter now spell out my identify loud be definite not to mutter Dimly to your mama proud. I’m butter and Gt/e dashes i’m a booklet don’t be now oh k e-book Come on. Open me up and take a look amazing mysteries you are going to discover a entire new world you are going to detect read me any time of night time and day. I tell magical studies areas close a long way away, i’m a guide oh Oh, ok. Seem in me matters that will open your intellect Why? Where when What? Who how solutions to these will have you pronouncing i am a booklet b.Oh okay, when you have a paramour a story for your , i am correct here to help you get began do not forget we don’t like canine ears So protect as well to restrict our tears. I’m a e-book b. Oh okay booklet enjoy the pix of men and women locations tons extra Get for all into experiences that you have not ever heard earlier than will constantly be there if you are When you want to get away from everybody ? Am a guide be a k publication in case you learn a page of me everyday excellent your teacher will say So let’s follow spelling me correct exhibit everybody that you’re vivid oop be oh k, seem you’re a genius am a pencil and Pi pencil You be trained to put in writing utilizing me? Whether or not it’s 1 2 3 are, Abc you employ me to draw sketch and stripper i am also quite a lot of enjoyable to do it off and the pencil be e and C. Ai L pencil i’m made wooden on the outside Clay and Graphite is what i’m on the within come in all colors dark and shiny and now not simply black and white i’m a pencil Pp, and C.I elf pencil I was first used for marking sheep. I will be able to be each fairly low-cost you utilize me almost daily On March 30th have fun my birthday i am a pencil PV and C5 Pencil i am valuable in lots of another approach at school. I will work and at play Be it writing poetry or a narrative Or sketching stunning surroundings for taking notes and mobile messages crossword puzzles and fascinating mazes i am a pencil P/e Mc. I elf pencil my two high-quality buddies eternally The eraser in this Chakra are of nice support to you and me i am sure you will agree hi, i am a pencil thief e Mc.L pencil i can draw a line 35 Miles long are attempting me out and spot if i’m flawed. Am going to play a sport Repeat after me one last time as I spell my identify pencil p P and seeking line, L. And so you deserve a gold superstar green inexperienced publishing as When you are wide unsleeping simply sleep close your eyes and watch me our hundred traces Keener if it really works me do inform your neighbors I A machine has h and m 3 My boot is made of smooth. Not as powerful a extra but I sure will hold you heat for the duration of the cold winter snow, i really like she has side howdy. Hi there really high top of a hill and even when it is cold i don’t trap achoo Shannon who’s my grasp takes care I don’t need my oh she has she adored eating grass all day long that what makes us for ah? Ah the sound we make? We rattling run fast see snake i know she us and The time has come for me to cry however earlier than i’m going, let’s sing my recognized, right? Baa Baa black Sheep. You any wool? Yes, sir? Yes, sir three bags full now get set equipped to spell sheep as sheep? Whoa you smell that quite good i’m a lion El I/o and lion i’m referred to as the king of the jungle And no, i’m not an angel you’ll also in finding me in a zoo napping through the day. There’s what I do Am alive El I Air and Lion am so happy with my glorious mane, i don’t wish to get it moist within the rain My favourite favorite meal is meat Grass and Fruit is not what I eat am El I/o and the road like to bask within the afternoon solar On seeing me the deer take off and run The sound I make is a growling roar? All animals consider at any place i’m a lion I oh Than me is my buddy the tiger but I definite am more advantageous Have a robust jaw and really sharp enamel Rubbing our heads is how we greet we rubber heads when meet I? Am alive El I/o reside A child lion is known as and come and so they do love Tommy Rob join him as he spells his title As he likes to play this game, right? I oh i’m a camel see Mal Camel i’m referred to as the ship the desolate tract my lengthy curly eyelashes maintain out sand and dust inform directions with every leg i will be able to kick riding on me could make you believe seasick of a camel see m and m L Camel if you tease me a smelly fluid on you, i will spit this is something you are going to certainly not ever omit in my hump my store not water, that offers me power my game in Arabic way magnificence i’m a camel see a m in El Gamal Getting me up once i have lay leisure no convenient venture considering the fact that i will be fairly a pest We walk in the blazing sun and don’t suppose the warmth We is probably not swish, however we’re rapid on our feet i’m a camel see and um Oh camel. Am known to be very very strong considering that I elevate plenty of weights all day long With my poop you could a hearth right away can consume build the dis for me and prickly i’m a camel see a Mal, Kevin i am very sufferer and gentle if you treat me well Now the time has for me to say farewell you recognize my identify is convenient to spell So say one final time on the sound of the valve see a um e el Camel you might be cool
0 notes
batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Learn English For Kids | Spelling of 17 English Words
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/learn-english-for-kids-spelling-of-17-english-words/
Learn English For Kids | Spelling of 17 English Words
I’m an apple, babe E apple corn round I met With leaves on the highest of my head you consume me any time of day It certain will keep the health care provider away. Am an apple A juicy and Yummy in case you do not consider me which you can ask your mommy am an apple a p p L inside me seeds which can be black reduce me into slices at devour me as a snack carry me to tuition play and everywhere when acquaintances are hungry. Certain you share So earlier than you go and purchase into me repeat loudly after me. My title is inconspicuous you see Ap Pl. E that’s me. Good job i am a banana be a and a . Hey banana i’m a fruit that grows in a bunch. I’m gentle and white and convenient to munch and you can eat me for breakfast or lunch. Yeah. I am a banana B Yeah, then wait wait banana. Have a yellow slippery dermis you peel off throwing a ping else. Travel and damage your chin Ouch i am a banana b. Hey wait wait banana once I turn yellow, it can be nice, I taste best have a fruit that is healthy and effortless to digest So do remember to present me to your hungry friends. Am a banana b. Hello whats up hello Banana am the favourite food of the chatter and monkey. They obtained early ox even when they are now not hungry Now earlier than you are sufficient to grab a chew of me Let’s repeat together on the depend of three one two and three wait wait wait wait Yeah Yeah Cool one two and three wait and hi there wait Yeah, yeah, cool. Job, friend Are you before be? All4 giant or small seize me look before I fall I convey to each girl and boy i’m ready to play whenever Be a knight all day.I’m a Ball you can hear the cheer loud and clear after I’m hit with a bat or chased by a dog and a cat i am constantly able for a game. You could provide it any name. I am a ball be a LL Paul smooth or rough. I am perpetually round touch me or i’m going to fall to the ground become a member of the enjoyable one in any respect junk mail with me as a participants of the wall say it loud and make me proud all be a idiot i am a fish Laughs my as fish I breathe and reside deep inside water in the Sea Pond Lake and River There are exclusive sorts of fish most of Us will also be made right into a tasty Dish am a fish F5x bitch we’re particularly large very small The red whale Shark is the largest of them all ? Am a fish fish group of fish, it can be called a tuition an international is full of colour ain’t that cool? We now have arms that are called things They appear like pretty wings i’m a fish like A fish Let me tell you i will be able to swim particularly good not everyone likes the way, I odor simply remember I run with the word want So shall we say it together a further time fish Yep, my final h fish.That is what i’m fish i’m a parrot are our Ot parrot, i’m a fowl not a carrot are available one-of-a-kind vivid colors orange pink Blue green and others i have a a are our oh low cost parrot Am identified be a just right mimic. Hello. I’m beautiful speedy and learning a trick I Repeat precisely what you educate Beard one word or two or a entire speech i am a parrot p a are o t phase For a bird who likes the taste of chile do not you suppose that? It is fairly, silly to provide me a name like Polly i am a guardian a are our Ot parrot, am loud when I get angry screech when i am hungry i will pick up things with my toes? You are going to be proud with a method I greet La A parrot Pa are our ot parrot Cage shouldn’t be the place I want to be Like other Birds.I want to be free in case you see me in one set me free Now that you recognize a factor or two about me. It’s your flip to repeat after me on the depend of 1 two three parrot p a are our oh enamel parrot good job polly my Mama canine oh G-God, i love chasing cats rabbits and rats Like fairly quite a few enjoyable that I most commonly disguise in a gap i’m a canine d o g canine. I have a loud bark. Oh i’m not afraid of the darkish. I love to play Any time of the day I? Am a dog the oh gee Doc, i can growl and even chew If any person dares me to a fight. Wipe my tail to exhibit i’m completely satisfied a baby, canine is called a hug? Hi, i am a oh G-God, be aware of really just a few tips like stand and fetch the stick I would like to be your pet promise me you won’t take to the vet Will continually be your fine friend? Till the very sorry sorry and So collectively canine D-O-t canine good job i have a tree – are you new coach Brighter exceptional tall and lean years of years I have to develop I was once born from the seed sow ? Am a tree teeth are Pe3 i have a trunk it can be thick and robust Shoots and leaves that are brief or long high at the back of me and take a peek whilst you play cover and search ? Am a tree Try3 if it is pouring rain, or the Blazing solar that you could play in my coloration and Have a lot of enjoyable.I’m a tree Tree use me as their house after they constructed their nest that’s the place they come and have to relaxation i’ve so much extra to say oh but that is enough for today Spell me on the depend of three Tree t ar e tree crawl the Lala Tree You deserve a tree hug? I am a bear me Are there i am quite quite tremendous and Furley like to consume tons and lots of honey. I’ve a significant mind which style of makes me clever different animals run some distance away whenever I fart i am a undergo good day, are there I? Love to sleep by means of the neighborhood I run really fast like a sprinter fish nuts Plantain meat is what I devour long strides, I take my 4 toes i am a endure they are fair My boy or girl is cold and are available all a excellent tree ruff Can see style rather? Well? I also have a eager feel of odor i’m a endure The sound I make feels like a bark.I am very very brave no longer afraid the darkish it’s a stunning vibrant sunny day So scent me all over again earlier than you exit and play beep hi there, bear You deserve a gigantic endure hug? Sure, i am a e P. I live in both a hive or a colony with my very very big household chief Is called the queen bee she is candy an additional mean me. I’m a bee a bee Bee, I make honey the sweet and now not sound from the nectar of a flower have rather a sharp sting that can harm any individual even a king am a child E e b. We are the one bugs that make food which you can eat We keep our residence particularly easy and neat we are grounded and kicked out if we are messy at the same time as a little one we are kept very busy am a b b d e b once we wish to talk to one another we do a specific dance We wash our tail or go circular and circular and circular in a trance have you ever heard the sound I make buzz? Buzz are you aware I under no circumstances ever take a snooze? Snooze am a giant b e e b i like how is there purple yellow and blue I would love to spend more time with you but i’ve lots and plenty of labor to take action repeat after me e B e e b.You’re a All proper Eric take a seat equipped, are you might be you lt? Kurt i’m the favorite meals of their rabbit taking me up is their habit i am long and Slim my pretty green hair is what you trim I? Am a carrot see a party carrot, that you can devour me oiled or or zzz seem i am handy to draw , sweet and crunchy Luncheon to me when you’re hungry, i’m Carrie you see wait water rose. Yes, carrot Scrub and clean up keep your enamel I develop within the soil beneath eating me daily is just right to your eyes think me. I’m telling you no lies right a mechanic will see means we’re yarn Carrot make up cool.Pointy nostril on the as you watch impose do not forget To munch and current on me cuz i have finiman pork c D and e And these you realize are good to your mind Now let’s play a recreation and spell my name once more. I’m a carrot will see a are Are o Tu you are particularly i’m an Act they him tea Am an insect that’s relatively fairly tiny ? Are living with my loved ones and pals in a enormous huge Colony i am an 8 any then booty guess i have six yards which might be very very robust if I purple Act and i chunk you ah It definite is gonna sting and that’s authentic. Am an a empty bed such as you I like to some thing that is candy ? Don’t must use but I hear with my ft. I’m an ant a and booty mattress Touching one a different is how me and my associates speak? Moving in a straight line is how we prefer to stroll I? Am an ant a empty mattress The Summers like to sleep seven hours a day We must stomach slide away So spell me as soon as once more don’t say you cannot i am easy to assert i’m a empty i’m butter slightly bit me makes the taste higher Yellow and creamy like silk.I’m turned and grew to become from excellent historical milk. I am butter be our Return put me on toast tap mom roast add me to a cake that your mom is Gonna bake i am butter i know, I super yummy but listen to your mommy cuz an excessive amount of of me will make you in poor health on your tummy. I’m butter B T g e are we at Er. How am I made you ask it can be quite an easy mission Shake Shake Shake in a jar numerous cream voila our love is me. I am no longer just a dream Elaine butter Tt. E butter now spell out my title loud be sure not to mutter Dimly for your mama proud. I’m butter and Gt/e dashes i am a publication do not be now oh k guide Come on. Open me up and take a look strong mysteries you are going to find a whole new world you will observe learn me any time of night time and day. I tell magical studies areas near far away, i’m a book oh Oh, okay.Seem in me matters with a view to open your mind Why? Where when What? Who how answers to those could have you saying i am a ebook b. Oh k, when you have a paramour a narrative to your , i am proper right here to support you get started keep in mind we do not like canine ears So defend as good to preclude our tears. I’m a book b. Oh ok booklet benefit from the pictures of folks locations tons extra Get for all into stories that you have in no way heard earlier than will constantly be there if you are When you wish to have to get away from every person ? Am a booklet be a k guide for those who read a web page of me day-to-day great your trainer will say So let’s apply spelling me proper exhibit everybody that you’re brilliant oop be oh k, look you are a genius am a pencil and Pi pencil You gain knowledge of to put in writing utilising me? Whether it is 1 2 three are, Abc you employ me to attract sketch and stripper i’m also a number of fun to do it off and the pencil be e and C.Ai L pencil i’m made wooden on the external Clay and Graphite is what i’m on the within are available in all colours darkish and vivid and not just black and white i’m a pencil Pp, and C. I elf pencil I was once first used for marking sheep. I will be able to be both rather inexpensive you utilize me virtually every day On March thirtieth have a good time my birthday i am a pencil PV and C5 Pencil i am priceless in lots of one more manner at university. I’ll work and at play Be it writing poetry or a story Or sketching gorgeous surroundings for taking notes and mobile messages crossword puzzles and fascinating mazes i’m a pencil P/e Mc.I elf pencil my two pleasant friends forever The eraser in this Chakra are of nice support to you and me i am certain you will agree hi, i’m a pencil thief e Mc. L pencil i can draw a line 35 Miles long are attempting me out and see if i am fallacious. Am going to play a game Repeat after me one last time as I spell my identify pencil p P and searching for line, L. And so that you deserve a gold superstar inexperienced green publishing as When you are wide unsleeping just sleep shut your eyes and watch me our hundred strains Keener if it works me do inform your associates I A desktop has h and m 3 My boot is product of smooth. No longer as strong a extra however I definite will keep you heat during the cold winter snow, i really like she has aspect good day. Howdy really high high of a hill and even when it’s bloodless i don’t seize achoo Shannon who’s my master takes care I don’t need my oh she has she cherished eating grass all day long that what makes us for ah? Ah the sound we make? We rattling run fast see snake i do know she us and The time has come for me to cry but before i go, let’s sing my recognized, right? Baa Baa black Sheep. You any wool? Yes, sir? Yes, sir three baggage full now get set capable to spell sheep as sheep? Whoa you scent that quite well i am a lion El I/o and lion i am called the king of the jungle And no, i am not an angel you’ll additionally in finding me in a zoo napping via the day. There may be what I do Am alive El I Air and Lion am so pleased with my wonderful mane, i do not like to get it moist within the rain My favorite favorite meal is meat Grass and Fruit is just not what I devour am El I/o and the road like to bask in the afternoon solar On seeing me the deer take off and run The sound I make is a growling roar? All animals suppose wherever i’m a lion I oh Than me is my buddy the tiger but I definite am greater Have a powerful jaw and very sharp enamel Rubbing our heads is how we greet we rubber heads when meet I? Am alive El I/o live A little one lion is called and are available they usually do love Tommy Rob become a member of him as he spells his name As he loves to play this sport, right? I oh i am a camel see Mal Camel i’m known as the ship the wilderness my long curly eyelashes maintain out sand and dirt inform directions with each and every leg i will kick riding on me can make you believe seasick of a camel see m and m L Camel if you happen to tease me a pungent fluid on you, i will spit that is anything you’re going to not ever ever omit in my hump my store no longer water, that offers me vigour my recreation in Arabic means beauty i’m a camel see a m in El Gamal Getting me up once i have lay relaxation no effortless project given that i will be fairly a pest We walk within the blazing solar and don’t consider the warmness We may not be swish, however we are speedy on our feet i am a camel see and um Oh camel. Am recognized to be very very robust considering the fact that I raise tons of weights all day lengthy With my poop which you can a fireplace instantly can consume construct the dis for me and prickly i’m a camel see a Mal, Kevin i am very patient and gentle if you deal with me good Now the time has for me to say farewell you realize my title is handy to spell So say one last time on the sound of the valve see a um e el Camel you are cool .
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airoasis · 5 years
Learn English For Kids | Spelling of 17 English Words
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Learn English For Kids | Spelling of 17 English Words
I’m an apple, babe E apple corn round I met With leaves on the highest of my head you consume me any time of day It certain will keep the health care provider away. Am an apple A juicy and Yummy in case you do not consider me which you can ask your mommy am an apple a p p L inside me seeds which can be black reduce me into slices at devour me as a snack carry me to tuition play and everywhere when acquaintances are hungry. Certain you share So earlier than you go and purchase into me repeat loudly after me. My title is inconspicuous you see Ap Pl. E that’s me. Good job i am a banana be a and a . Hey banana i’m a fruit that grows in a bunch. I’m gentle and white and convenient to munch and you can eat me for breakfast or lunch. Yeah. I am a banana B Yeah, then wait wait banana. Have a yellow slippery dermis you peel off throwing a ping else. Travel and damage your chin Ouch i am a banana b. Hey wait wait banana once I turn yellow, it can be nice, I taste best have a fruit that is healthy and effortless to digest So do remember to present me to your hungry friends. Am a banana b. Hello whats up hello Banana am the favourite food of the chatter and monkey. They obtained early ox even when they are now not hungry Now earlier than you are sufficient to grab a chew of me Let’s repeat together on the depend of three one two and three wait wait wait wait Yeah Yeah Cool one two and three wait and hi there wait Yeah, yeah, cool. Job, friend Are you before be? All4 giant or small seize me look before I fall I convey to each girl and boy i’m ready to play whenever Be a knight all day.I’m a Ball you can hear the cheer loud and clear after I’m hit with a bat or chased by a dog and a cat i am constantly able for a game. You could provide it any name. I am a ball be a LL Paul smooth or rough. I am perpetually round touch me or i’m going to fall to the ground become a member of the enjoyable one in any respect junk mail with me as a participants of the wall say it loud and make me proud all be a idiot i am a fish Laughs my as fish I breathe and reside deep inside water in the Sea Pond Lake and River There are exclusive sorts of fish most of Us will also be made right into a tasty Dish am a fish F5x bitch we’re particularly large very small The red whale Shark is the largest of them all ? Am a fish fish group of fish, it can be called a tuition an international is full of colour ain’t that cool? We now have arms that are called things They appear like pretty wings i’m a fish like A fish Let me tell you i will be able to swim particularly good not everyone likes the way, I odor simply remember I run with the word want So shall we say it together a further time fish Yep, my final h fish.That is what i’m fish i’m a parrot are our Ot parrot, i’m a fowl not a carrot are available one-of-a-kind vivid colors orange pink Blue green and others i have a a are our oh low cost parrot Am identified be a just right mimic. Hello. I’m beautiful speedy and learning a trick I Repeat precisely what you educate Beard one word or two or a entire speech i am a parrot p a are o t phase For a bird who likes the taste of chile do not you suppose that? It is fairly, silly to provide me a name like Polly i am a guardian a are our Ot parrot, am loud when I get angry screech when i am hungry i will pick up things with my toes? You are going to be proud with a method I greet La A parrot Pa are our ot parrot Cage shouldn’t be the place I want to be Like other Birds.I want to be free in case you see me in one set me free Now that you recognize a factor or two about me. It’s your flip to repeat after me on the depend of 1 two three parrot p a are our oh enamel parrot good job polly my Mama canine oh G-God, i love chasing cats rabbits and rats Like fairly quite a few enjoyable that I most commonly disguise in a gap i’m a canine d o g canine. I have a loud bark. Oh i’m not afraid of the darkish. I love to play Any time of the day I? Am a dog the oh gee Doc, i can growl and even chew If any person dares me to a fight. Wipe my tail to exhibit i’m completely satisfied a baby, canine is called a hug? Hi, i am a oh G-God, be aware of really just a few tips like stand and fetch the stick I would like to be your pet promise me you won’t take to the vet Will continually be your fine friend? Till the very sorry sorry and So collectively canine D-O-t canine good job i have a tree – are you new coach Brighter exceptional tall and lean years of years I have to develop I was once born from the seed sow ? Am a tree teeth are Pe3 i have a trunk it can be thick and robust Shoots and leaves that are brief or long high at the back of me and take a peek whilst you play cover and search ? Am a tree Try3 if it is pouring rain, or the Blazing solar that you could play in my coloration and Have a lot of enjoyable.I’m a tree Tree use me as their house after they constructed their nest that’s the place they come and have to relaxation i’ve so much extra to say oh but that is enough for today Spell me on the depend of three Tree t ar e tree crawl the Lala Tree You deserve a tree hug? I am a bear me Are there i am quite quite tremendous and Furley like to consume tons and lots of honey. I’ve a significant mind which style of makes me clever different animals run some distance away whenever I fart i am a undergo good day, are there I? Love to sleep by means of the neighborhood I run really fast like a sprinter fish nuts Plantain meat is what I devour long strides, I take my 4 toes i am a endure they are fair My boy or girl is cold and are available all a excellent tree ruff Can see style rather? Well? I also have a eager feel of odor i’m a endure The sound I make feels like a bark.I am very very brave no longer afraid the darkish it’s a stunning vibrant sunny day So scent me all over again earlier than you exit and play beep hi there, bear You deserve a gigantic endure hug? Sure, i am a e P. I live in both a hive or a colony with my very very big household chief Is called the queen bee she is candy an additional mean me. I’m a bee a bee Bee, I make honey the sweet and now not sound from the nectar of a flower have rather a sharp sting that can harm any individual even a king am a child E e b. We are the one bugs that make food which you can eat We keep our residence particularly easy and neat we are grounded and kicked out if we are messy at the same time as a little one we are kept very busy am a b b d e b once we wish to talk to one another we do a specific dance We wash our tail or go circular and circular and circular in a trance have you ever heard the sound I make buzz? Buzz are you aware I under no circumstances ever take a snooze? Snooze am a giant b e e b i like how is there purple yellow and blue I would love to spend more time with you but i’ve lots and plenty of labor to take action repeat after me e B e e b.You’re a All proper Eric take a seat equipped, are you might be you lt? Kurt i’m the favorite meals of their rabbit taking me up is their habit i am long and Slim my pretty green hair is what you trim I? Am a carrot see a party carrot, that you can devour me oiled or or zzz seem i am handy to draw , sweet and crunchy Luncheon to me when you’re hungry, i’m Carrie you see wait water rose. Yes, carrot Scrub and clean up keep your enamel I develop within the soil beneath eating me daily is just right to your eyes think me. I’m telling you no lies right a mechanic will see means we’re yarn Carrot make up cool.Pointy nostril on the as you watch impose do not forget To munch and current on me cuz i have finiman pork c D and e And these you realize are good to your mind Now let’s play a recreation and spell my name once more. I’m a carrot will see a are Are o Tu you are particularly i’m an Act they him tea Am an insect that’s relatively fairly tiny ? Are living with my loved ones and pals in a enormous huge Colony i am an 8 any then booty guess i have six yards which might be very very robust if I purple Act and i chunk you ah It definite is gonna sting and that’s authentic. Am an a empty bed such as you I like to some thing that is candy ? Don’t must use but I hear with my ft. I’m an ant a and booty mattress Touching one a different is how me and my associates speak? Moving in a straight line is how we prefer to stroll I? Am an ant a empty mattress The Summers like to sleep seven hours a day We must stomach slide away So spell me as soon as once more don’t say you cannot i am easy to assert i’m a empty i’m butter slightly bit me makes the taste higher Yellow and creamy like silk.I’m turned and grew to become from excellent historical milk. I am butter be our Return put me on toast tap mom roast add me to a cake that your mom is Gonna bake i am butter i know, I super yummy but listen to your mommy cuz an excessive amount of of me will make you in poor health on your tummy. I’m butter B T g e are we at Er. How am I made you ask it can be quite an easy mission Shake Shake Shake in a jar numerous cream voila our love is me. I am no longer just a dream Elaine butter Tt. E butter now spell out my title loud be sure not to mutter Dimly for your mama proud. I’m butter and Gt/e dashes i am a publication do not be now oh k guide Come on. Open me up and take a look strong mysteries you are going to find a whole new world you will observe learn me any time of night time and day. I tell magical studies areas near far away, i’m a book oh Oh, okay.Seem in me matters with a view to open your mind Why? Where when What? Who how answers to those could have you saying i am a ebook b. Oh k, when you have a paramour a narrative to your , i am proper right here to support you get started keep in mind we do not like canine ears So defend as good to preclude our tears. I’m a book b. Oh ok booklet benefit from the pictures of folks locations tons extra Get for all into stories that you have in no way heard earlier than will constantly be there if you are When you wish to have to get away from every person ? Am a booklet be a k guide for those who read a web page of me day-to-day great your trainer will say So let’s apply spelling me proper exhibit everybody that you’re brilliant oop be oh k, look you are a genius am a pencil and Pi pencil You gain knowledge of to put in writing utilising me? Whether it is 1 2 three are, Abc you employ me to attract sketch and stripper i’m also a number of fun to do it off and the pencil be e and C.Ai L pencil i’m made wooden on the external Clay and Graphite is what i’m on the within are available in all colours darkish and vivid and not just black and white i’m a pencil Pp, and C. I elf pencil I was once first used for marking sheep. I will be able to be both rather inexpensive you utilize me virtually every day On March thirtieth have a good time my birthday i am a pencil PV and C5 Pencil i am priceless in lots of one more manner at university. I’ll work and at play Be it writing poetry or a story Or sketching gorgeous surroundings for taking notes and mobile messages crossword puzzles and fascinating mazes i’m a pencil P/e Mc.I elf pencil my two pleasant friends forever The eraser in this Chakra are of nice support to you and me i am certain you will agree hi, i’m a pencil thief e Mc. L pencil i can draw a line 35 Miles long are attempting me out and see if i am fallacious. Am going to play a game Repeat after me one last time as I spell my identify pencil p P and searching for line, L. And so that you deserve a gold superstar inexperienced green publishing as When you are wide unsleeping just sleep shut your eyes and watch me our hundred strains Keener if it works me do inform your associates I A desktop has h and m 3 My boot is product of smooth. No longer as strong a extra however I definite will keep you heat during the cold winter snow, i really like she has aspect good day. Howdy really high high of a hill and even when it’s bloodless i don’t seize achoo Shannon who’s my master takes care I don’t need my oh she has she cherished eating grass all day long that what makes us for ah? Ah the sound we make? We rattling run fast see snake i do know she us and The time has come for me to cry but before i go, let’s sing my recognized, right? Baa Baa black Sheep. You any wool? Yes, sir? Yes, sir three baggage full now get set capable to spell sheep as sheep? Whoa you scent that quite well i am a lion El I/o and lion i am called the king of the jungle And no, i am not an angel you’ll additionally in finding me in a zoo napping via the day. There may be what I do Am alive El I Air and Lion am so pleased with my wonderful mane, i do not like to get it moist within the rain My favorite favorite meal is meat Grass and Fruit is just not what I devour am El I/o and the road like to bask in the afternoon solar On seeing me the deer take off and run The sound I make is a growling roar? All animals suppose wherever i’m a lion I oh Than me is my buddy the tiger but I definite am greater Have a powerful jaw and very sharp enamel Rubbing our heads is how we greet we rubber heads when meet I? Am alive El I/o live A little one lion is called and are available they usually do love Tommy Rob become a member of him as he spells his name As he loves to play this sport, right? I oh i am a camel see Mal Camel i’m known as the ship the wilderness my long curly eyelashes maintain out sand and dirt inform directions with each and every leg i will kick riding on me can make you believe seasick of a camel see m and m L Camel if you happen to tease me a pungent fluid on you, i will spit that is anything you’re going to not ever ever omit in my hump my store no longer water, that offers me vigour my recreation in Arabic means beauty i’m a camel see a m in El Gamal Getting me up once i have lay relaxation no effortless project given that i will be fairly a pest We walk within the blazing solar and don’t consider the warmness We may not be swish, however we are speedy on our feet i am a camel see and um Oh camel. Am recognized to be very very robust considering the fact that I raise tons of weights all day lengthy With my poop which you can a fireplace instantly can consume construct the dis for me and prickly i’m a camel see a Mal, Kevin i am very patient and gentle if you deal with me good Now the time has for me to say farewell you realize my title is handy to spell So say one last time on the sound of the valve see a um e el Camel you are cool .
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