#the eagle nest
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cocotamarindo · 2 years ago
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I know there are many more to share, but we'd have to fill a huge library.
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vestaignis · 2 months ago
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Беркут (Aquila chrysaetus).
Беркут-одна из наиболее известных хищных птиц  семейства  ястребиных. Самый крупный орел — длина тела до 90 см, размах крыльев 180–240 см. Самки гораздо крупнее самцов — их вес достигает 6,7 кг, у самцов — до 4,6 кг. Окраска тёмно-бурая, на затылке золотистые перья. Крылья широкие и длинные, хвост закруглён. У молодых птиц основание хвоста и пятна на подкрыльях белые. У старых птиц рулевые перья с беловатым основанием. Очень крупные когти, которыми беркут захватывает свою добычу. Клюв крючкообразно загнут вниз, массивный.
Населяет обширные верховые болота и леса по их окраинам. Везде редок. Огромные гнёзда (в некоторые из них может вместиться лошадь) строит на деревьях, устраивая их в развилке крупных ветвей у ствола. Строительный материал — толстые сучья деревьев, внутри гнездо выстилается травой и шерстью. В кладке 1–3 грязно-белых с бурыми пестринами и крапинками яйца. Насиживание длится 45 дней. Молодые птенцы покрыты белым с сероватым налётом пухом, который впоследствии заменяется чисто белым. Проводят в гнезде 2 месяца, после чего некоторое время держатся около гнезда, самостоятельными становятся спустя месяц. Беркут ведет оседлый образ жизни, часть птиц в осенне-зимний период кочует.
Питается в основном грызунами и падалью. Иногда нападает на животных покрупнее — на сусликов, зайцев, хорьков, и даже лис. Может охотиться и на животных, превышающих его вес, но только в том случае, если это детеныш или больное животное. Часто охотится на птиц, догоняя их в воздухе. Подолгу летает за птицами, которые летают быстрее его, но менее выносливые, после чего с легкостью схватывает уставшую, загнанную птицу.
Беркут: интер��сные факты: Птица беркут отлично поддается дрессировке, и во многих странах мира беркутов используют для охоты.
Силуэты этих гордых птиц красуются на многих гербах мира.
Беркут умеет различать цвета, что является редкостью в животном мире.
Птенец беркута может съесть другого птенца (каннибализм), часто старший птенец убивает младшего (каинизм), что происходит обычно при острой нехватке еды или если старший птенец — самка.
Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetus).
The golden eagle is one of the most famous birds of prey of the hawk family. The largest eagle - body length up to 90 cm, wingspan 180-240 cm. Females are much larger than males - their weight reaches 6.7 kg, males - up to 4.6 kg. The color is dark brown, on the back of the head are golden feathers. The wings are wide and long, the tail is rounded. In young birds, the base of the tail and spots on the underwings are white. In old birds, the tail feathers have a whitish base. Very large claws, with which the golden eagle captures its prey. The beak is hooked downwards, massive.
Inhabits vast raised bogs and forests on their outskirts. Rare everywhere. It builds huge nests (some of which can fit a horse) in trees, arranging them in the fork of large branches near the trunk. The building material is thick tree branches, the inside of the nest is lined with grass and wool. The clutch contains 1-3 dirty-white eggs with brown speckles and spots. Incubation lasts 45 days. Young chicks are covered with white down with a grayish coating, which is subsequently replaced by pure white. They spend 2 months in the nest, after which they stay near the nest for some time, becoming independent after a month. The golden eagle leads a sedentary lifestyle, some birds migrate in the autumn-winter period. It feeds mainly on rodents and carrion. Sometimes it attacks larger animals - gophers, hares, ferrets, and even foxes. It can hunt animals that exceed its weight, but only if it is a cub or a sick animal. Often hunts birds, catching up with them in the air. Flies for a long time after birds that fly faster than him, but are less resilient, after which he easily catches a tired, hunted bird.
Golden eagle: interesting facts: The golden eagle is an easy bird to train, and in many countries of the world, golden eagles are used for hunting.
The silhouettes of these proud birds adorn many coats of arms of the world.
The golden eagle can distinguish colors, which is a rarity in the animal world.
A golden eagle chick can eat another chick (cannibalism), often the older chick kills the younger one (cainism), which usually happens when there is an acute shortage of food or if the older chick is a female.
Источник:/faunagid.com/berkut, /www.poznavayka.org/ zoologiya/ ptitsa-berkut-samyiy-krupnyiy-orel/,/dzen.ru/a/XiGFBN3-9gCussGR, /faunistics.com/berkut/,/ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Беркут, /ptici.info/ptici /berkut.html,//krknigannov.moubokulovo.edusite.ru/p13aa1.html.
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glendylucast · 7 days ago
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Feels Like Deja Vu, eh?
Richard Winters and Lewis Nixon, after the ending.
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Seriously, right in front of my empty canteen?
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Welsh : ... Is it bad timing? I can come back later.
Winters : (startle) Jesus Christ, Harry! How long you've been standing there??
Welsh : ... Long enough...
Nixon : (frustated) Oh my God, Harry?! What do you want?!
Welsh : The men asked if you guys wanna join the game? We're going to play another round.
Winters : Oh... All right, let us changed first, I'll meet you there.
Welsh : (teasing) You two are just going to change, right? No foreplay or...
Nixon : You shut the f-ck up!
Winters : Harry, if anyone know about this you're a dead man, I am swear to God...
Nixon : ...You'll be dead and no one will ever found your body, I'll make sure of it...
Welsh : Jesus, relax. You got it, boss! (grinning)
Thus, Harry Welsh knew and (kinda) support Winnix.
Got this idea from that Austria photo and realized there are several scenes of Winters and Nixon where Welsh is also in the frame lol.
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just some of them but you got the gist
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jadafitch · 4 months ago
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Deer Isle Thorofare Light with nesting bald eagles. Located on Mark Island, which is also a wildlife refuge, maintained by the Island Heritage Trust.
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beifong-brainrot · 2 months ago
your analyses of Lin came to mind the other day when I saw someone post about how “Lin should be able to smack Korra at least once.” And like. It’s not just one post, it seems to be a common ��jokey’ attitude in the fandom, and…it’s really interesting how much the fandom loves Lin acting violent and aggressive towards everyone - particularly against Korra, who acts in a similar “aggressive” manner but not nearly as shitty (imo), but the fandom seems to despise her for it.
So I was wondering if you have any thoughts specifically on Lin and Korra’s relationship? Both in canon and how the fandom treats them?
Oh yeah, I think I've seen that post! I've honestly been wanting to do more Lin metas but have been holding off because back when I posted a lor of Suyin defences I got a not insignificant amount of nasty anonymous asks, and I know that Lin is beloved by the fandom so while I make my passive aggressive comment from time to time, actually dwelling on the subject is a bit of a gambit.
Honestly, it's not even that I dislike Lin. I actually enjoyed her character a fair amount when I first watched the show and was totally on board with the fandom loving this character. But eventually I got so tired of the constant takes about how everyone in Lin's life is soooo mean to her and how she never did anything wrong and she's secretly just a lil bean , she's just a biy grumpy guys.
And, oh, the jokey comments about how Lin should be allowed to smack Korra, a teen, who, in my opinion gets smacked around fairly enough in the show. Or how she should be allowed to curbstomp Tenzin, despite us knowing very little about their relationship other than the fact that Lin atatcked his house and misused her power as a police officer to terrorise his new partner. Or how Suyin, a woman who has gone through so much to change and become a better person and still keeps ger heart open for those who hurt her, should die or be killed.
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Like yeah, they're jokes, but they speak to how the fandom quickly takes Lin's side in most situations, even when there is more nuance to the situation. I think taht due to tlok having such a large amount of violence and fight scenes ans perhaps due to the personality of Korra herself, the fandom has normalised Lin's aggressive and often physical behaviour. And because most of the characters are teens, Lin's immaturity as a person doesn't stick out too much.
But Lin isn't a teen, like Korra or Mako. She's a 50+ year old woman and a fucking cop at that. She should know better. I think one of my favourite questions Lin's character mames me ask is: "how long can you cling to your trauma before its your responsibility to strive to do better?".
This isn't to say that Lin is a horrible person. I'd actually say she's a pretty good person. It's obvious she cares and she can try to be empathetic when the chips are down. But her lack of emotional maturity makes it difficult for her to actually act on her feelings when not in a life or death situation.
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Ultimately this is what I like about Lin as a character, her duality. A very protective and thoghtful person, who has stagnated in a shell of anger and aggression.
And I think Lin's relationship with Korra ilustrates this duality perfectly.
I do enjoy Lin and Korra's arguments due to their chemistry and the excellent voice acting. But like it is still an adult yelling at and holding an actual grudge against a 17 year old. Who is already under a huge amount of stress.
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I also think that we often forget that in her tiffs with Lin, Korra often starts off with a suprising amount of calmness and grace. She often attempts to actively connect with Lin and express her point through conversation, despite this being sonething Korra markedly struggles with.
Korra : But there were some thugs threatening a helpless shopkeeper, and I had it ... Lin: [Aggressively.] Can it! You should have called the police and stayed out of the way. Korra: [Slightly pleading tone.] But I couldn't jut sit by and do nothing. It's my duty to help people. See, I'm the Avatar.
Korra: Wait, Beifong? Lin Beifong? [Excitedly.] You're Toph's daughter! Lin: [Seriously.] What of it? Korra: [A hint of amusement suppressed in her tone.] Well then, why are you treating me like a criminal? Avatar Aang and your mother were friends. They saved the world together.
Through the first season, we're lead to infer that Lin's unfounded animosity towards Korra has something to do with her grudge against Tenzin. I can see this not only due to Tenzin's association witg Korra as her teacher and the son of the previous Avatar, but also due to some similarities between Korra ans Tenzin. They're both people saddled with a major responsibility and legacy, who struggle with forming their own identity due to that legacy. Plus, the comic we got about young Tenzin is essentially 1 to 1 Korra's first day in republic city.
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Side note: can we stop demonising Tenzin for leaving Lin? I'm pretty sure it's not confirmed that Tenzin left her purely because he needed to have children. And honestly if after he broke up with Lin, she damaged his home, used her posution to terrorise his new partner, and held a grudge for 11+ years, I'm honestly not to sure what to think about their relationship pre breakup. ESPECIALLY with how willy nilly tlok plays with female on male abuse. No, I'm not saying Lin is an abusor, but there may be other factors we need to consider. I mean Lin does outwardly laugh and sympathise with Korra throwing Mako's desk across the room which is the Makorra abuse moment ™️
Though I also adore the implication in B3 that Lin is also reminded of Suyin by Korra. This also is a comparison that makes sense. Korra and Su were both young, rebellious women who had to leave home to find themselves. Both had tendency to be sarcastic and were opinionated and had a habit of defying authority etc.
And I think this may be even more of a reason why Lin has such an aggresive vendetta against Korra and also why she's so controlling in the later seasons. Particularly when she gets on Korra's ass at the party and says that Korra is "nothing special" feels targeted towards Lin feeling like Suyin got special treatment.
Lin being controlling towards Korra can also be seen as her trying to compensate for when she tried to similarly control Su, but Suyin ended up defying her. (While I see a lot of people bring up parentification between Lin and Su, I'll lean more towards it being a very intense rivalry)
Either way, Korra reminds Lin of people who have hurt her and the hurt she seems to cling to in some parody of comfort in familiarity.
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This is one of the most visible patterns in Lin I see. Her absolute abhorrence of changing her mindset. She holds a grudge against Tenzin for over 11 years. She holds a grudge against Su and Toph for longer than that. She is so horrifically resistant to even touching the idsa that Suyin had changed as a person. And even after her and Su make up, the moment the opportunity arrises, Lin is back to typecasting Suyin as the bad guy.
People say that Korra was too harsh in The Metal Clan when she called Lin out.
Korra : Su's right. You're never going to change. You're always gonna be a bitter, lonely woman.
And yeah, it was objectively an incredibly mean thing to say and Korra was quite out of line. But she's not wrong. We see Lin struggle with making human connections, we've deduced that her grip on the past makes her hold grudges against people she's never met. We see her be immature, aggressive and emotionally closed off. If she were a healthy individual outside of Zaofu, I would encourage her distancing herself from Suyin. But clearly whatever coping mechanism Lin has is leaving her pushing people away and treating teenagers like her peers.
Like something clearly needs to change.
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And I think that's another reason why Korra and Lin are such a fun duo. Because Korra goes through so mucuhchange herself. She shanges the world, she changes the lives of her friends, she changes herself.
And that's something Lin desperately needs and yet fears all the same. This also makes it even more interesting that Aiwei, a member of the Red Lotus who embody that "change" concept was a vital part of Lin and Suyin begining to reconcile.
And I think Lin knows this, to some extent. She knows her coping mechanisms are flawed, but she doesn't want to acknowledge this. But I need to talk about Lin's babystep trail of an arc in a different post.
I was gonna say that Lin and Korra are also similar but honestly other than their tempers and tendency to terrorise their tallass ex boyfriends, there isn't much there.
I still find Lin and Korra's relationship to have some sweet moments. I loved Lin and Korra's moment of kinship afterthey both lost their bending, how gently Korra grabbed Lin after she passed out in Zaofu, how Lin helped Korra get up the stairs after she was paralysed.
I think that one of the reasons they argue so much in B3 partocularly is because they care for each other quite a bit. They just embody two polar opposites. Korra- change and danger. Lin- stagnation and protection. Of course they'll fight.
I don't exactly like how fandom treats Korra and Lin's relationship because it always feels ao watered down. This kinda extends to the entire Krew too. The 'Lin is like the Krew's mom' thing. Because on the jokey surface, yeah, i see it. Female authority figure who makes sure they don't get into trouble. Plus fandom has a tendency to forcefully assign cishet traditional family dynamics to found family.
But on a deeper level, acting as if Lin were a mother to the Krew is in my opinion, a bit of an insult to mothers everywhere. Because Lin acts less like an adult and more like a... slightly older teen? Which makes sense, we see that very little has changed in how Lin approaches young people since she was 22. She treats the Krew like peers, bickering with them and making snide comments, but then pulls the authority figure when she wants something. That's like the worst type of adult.
[This is ironic because my mom is actually very much like Lin and this is probably why I gave her so much of a pass when I watched tlok the first time]
Lin is a big sister/aunt figure to most of the Krew at best. Maybe except Mako but he has his own demons and is making himself a son figure whether Lin likes it or not.
But Korra is basically Lin's stand-in for her sister and they both act like it too. They act like me and my sister tbh. And Asami and Bolin barely interact with Lin anyway. There's more ground to posit Su as Bolin's potential mother figure!
Lin is a fascinating character to me, but fandom tropes have sorta ruined her for me. I came into the fandom really liking her character but ended up sorta jaded to seeing the same questionable takes about her over and over again. It just makes me see how little her potential is explored in the show. The writers failed Lin, not by not allowing her to 'win' against Su and Korra and Tenzin and whoever. They failed her by not giving her the storyline she needed. The storyline for which the main catalyst, Korra already was at the centre of the board. They half assed Lin's storyline and now literally every character who so much as looked at Lin has to pay the price.
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[Ooh wow symbolism Lin glaring at Zaofu, Suyin's home, but actually glaring at her own reflection.]
I now realise that I have gone on for way too long and got hotrifically off topic, but I hope I have explained at least a few if my thoughts?
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annapolisrose · 4 months ago
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Man-made eagle's nest pole. (The eagles are away up north at this time.)
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stijlw · 1 month ago
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unteriors · 10 months ago
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Road 4, Eagle Nest, New Mexico.
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littleblood · 2 months ago
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coolthingsguyslike · 2 years ago
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thatgirlmj · 2 months ago
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quiverpaw · 3 months ago
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i don't know
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airocats · 21 days ago
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takami-takami · 5 months ago
Me, whenever I talk to people: hi i hope you know how much love i have in my heart for you. Hi i hope you do not get freaked out by how much love i have in my heart for you. (Tail wagging metaphorically)
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scooby-doo-exploration · 1 year ago
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sanjogsonsand - Eagle protecting baby from rain
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newmexicophotographer · 7 months ago
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eagle nest, new mexico
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