#the dyslexia hit hard
treahollow · 4 months
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Finally decided to make a bit of a ref sheet for the riptide goobers bc I keep changing their designs every time I draw them. These are for post ep 87 btw, designs for before then will come in the near future (maybe).
Back sketches and alternative versions of the designs under cut (contains spoilers up to ep 115)
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I also give you badly drawn Pretzel
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chaoticbuggybitchboy · 8 months
For someone with a special interest in language and multiple language hyperfixations, boy I sure am bad at languaging
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sage-nebula · 27 days
Little headcanons I have about Stan and Ford's childhood, and their statuses as the golden child and the scapegoat in the eyes of their father Filbrick:
I think that, prior to starting school, there is every likelihood that their positions in Filbrick's eyes were reversed: that Stan was the golden child, while Ford was the scapegoat -- the "extra Stan," if you will. I think this is likely for a couple of reasons; Stan's personality was bolder from the outside, more confident and naturally more aggressive, and therefore more traditionally "masculine." By contrast, Ford was shyer, less confident, less "manly." And then, of course, there is Ford's extra finger -- a "deformity," an "imperfection," something that could have been seen by a man as terrible as Filbrick was as an imperfection, something he was absolutely "not impressed" by.
So it is possible that, before the boys entered kindergarten, that Stan was the favored twin while Ford was the neglected one. Of course, the boys were very young for most of these years; they wouldn't remember most of them. But they would remember some of them, and then they entered school . . .
I headcanon that Stan was hit with the double whammy of learning disabilities: both dyslexia and dyscalculia. Unfortunately for Stan, he was a child in the 1960s. Research on both of these learning disabilities was still underway, to the point where a consensus on the definition of dyslexia alone wouldn't be reached until 1968. It wouldn't appear in the DSM III until the 1980s, either. And don't even get me (someone who is afflicted with it) started on dyscalculia; most people still don't even know it exists now, in 2024, much less back then when Stan would have been in school.
So the boys are in school, and Stan is struggling because his learning disabilities make reading and mathematics very difficult for him. He is playing on hard mode. But Ford, who has neither of these disabilities, is able to breeze through his work and to the top of the class. And suddenly he is able to do something that impresses the father that, heretofore, saw him as an extra, as an embarrassment, as a weakling with a "deformity." Meanwhile, the previously preferred son is the one who is now being an embarrassment by not even being able to do simple addition and subtraction, by struggling to read books that are meant for kids even younger than he is no matter how hard he tries.
And so the positions flip. Ford becomes the golden child, Stan becomes the scapegoat.
When he's little, Stan really does try with his schoolwork. He really does. But no matter how hard he tries he still can't get it to make sense in his brain, and his father and his teachers insist that he's just not trying, that he doesn't care, that he's lazy, that he's a slacker no matter what he does, so eventually he stops trying. Because if they're going to say he's not trying anyway, and if he's not going to get it even when he does try, then why bother? What's the point? So he gives up and decides to just copy Ford's homework.
And as for Ford, well . . . he realizes at some point somewhat early on that there is something up with the way Stan processes things. Of course, as a child, he doesn't know about things like "dyslexia" or "dyscalculia" either. But he'll see Stan look at a math problem, and go to copy it down, and the numbers will be transposed. Or he'll see Stan read a word out loud and mispronounce it as if the letters are flipped. And he thinks, there's something going on here, Stan's not doing this on purpose. But he's afraid to say anything. Because what if there is something wrong, and they get it fixed, and then suddenly Stan is just as good at school as Ford is? And then Stan is their father's favorite again, and Ford is once again just the unwanted, deformed extra? He can keep Stan from flunking out of school by letting Stan copy his homework. Their father won't be impressed with him, but so long as Ford lets him copy his homework and cheat off his tests, it'll be okay. That'll be fine. Ford remembers just enough of early childhood (and sees enough of the way Filbrick treats Stan) to know that he doesn't want to be the scapegoat again. The guilt eats at him, but he feeds it the justifications that he is still helping Stanley, anyway, by helping him cheat. So he kept quiet.
Years later, when they're on the Stan-o-War II, memories of their childhood resurface. Ford thinks about Stan's difficulties doing homework, and thinks about how difficult reactivating the portal to bring him home must have been -- both the reading and the mathematical equations involved, all that Stanley pushed through for thirty years to accomplish something that, for him, should have been impossible. (And Ford feels guilty for thinking that, but it's nothing compared to how bad he feels for the nasty things he wrote about Stan's reactivating of the portal in his journal. His face burns with shame when he imagines Dipper and Mabel reading those pages, and he only hopes they didn't share them with Stanley.) He does inevitably bring it up one evening over Irish coffees.
"Stanley, did you ever get tested?" "For what, STDs? Yeah, a few times. Why, do you need to get -- " "NO, for the love of -- for a learning disability. For -- " "Whoa, time out, what're you suggestin' I'm disabled for? I know I'm not the smartest guy in the world -- hell, we all know I'm dumb as bricks -- but -- " "That's exactly -- not it. You aren't stupid. I think you have -- do you know what dyslexia is?" "Sounds like an STD for nerds." "I need more whiskey in this coffee."
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fodlansbestmom · 2 years
I’m p sure whenever Sothis writes/types she’ll always be having those /ihadastroke moments.
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nanowrimo · 1 year
5 Tips to Avoid Burnout as a Neurodivergent Writer
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When taking on a project as big as writing a novel, you may run into the risk of burnout. NaNo Participant Joana Hill gives some tips on avoiding burnout as a neurodivergent writer.
Burnout.  As writers, we all know it. For neurodivergent writers, burnout can be even more damaging than usual. We can be much more sensitive, both mentally and emotionally, than our neurotypical friends and family.
This means avoiding burnout, and taking care of it when it does happen, can be even more important for us.  I’m here today to provide some tips for my fellow neurodivergent writers to tackle just that.
1. Write What Interests You
Write what interests you rather than what you think you ‘should’ be writing.  Many of us get caught-up in pleasing others.  For neurodivergent people who’ve spent much of their life masking, or hiding their true personality and needs because of fear of rejection, it can be a hard habit to break.
If you want to write a 50k slow burn coffee shop AU of your favorite fandom, an epic space opera starring ants, or a main character with ADHD, autism, dyslexia, or any other disorder or condition you have, go for it.
2. Get A Support Network
For neurodivergent people, we’ve often lived our lives with special interests no one wants to hear us talk about.  It often results in us not talking about them at all before someone can tell us they don’t want to hear about it.
Whether it’s offline with friends and family, or online here at NaNoWriMo or other sites, having people who are actively interested in listening to you and helping you plot and write can be a game-changer.
3. Celebrate As Many Victories As You Want
Many years, my personal goal is that I can get the new Pokemon game, which always comes out around the middle of November now, once I hit 50k.  But you don’t need just one grand goal.
Get a bag of your favorite candy and say you can have a piece every so many words.  Find something on Amazon you want (and can afford to get!) and say you’ll get it once you hit the halfway point.  Whatever motivates you to keep going, set it into motion.
4. Plan For Flexibility
That may sound like an oxymoron, but hear me out.  Neurodivergent people often love to have a plan.  I know I can get frustrated and upset when I’m expecting something to happen and something different does.  For a big goal like writing a novel in a month, a lot of things can end up going wrong.
Carry a notebook and pen or tablet with a keyboard case in case an errand takes longer than expected.  Back your writing up to several places in case your main writing device crashes.  Make sure at least one of those is a cloud service in case you end up writing on a device that isn’t yours.  The more contingency plans you have, the better prepared you are when life happens.
5. Be Kind To Yourself
Some days you may not get the minimum goal, or you might not write at all.  You may feel like you just can’t do it because you’re behind on your word count, or you decide you don’t like what you’ve written.
I get it.  But don’t beat yourself up about it.  Take a break.  Play your favorite game or read your favorite book.  Go for a walk.  And remember that you’re awesome.  No one can write this story like you can.
Joana Hill is a writer of young adult stories, as well as novellas inspired by Japanese light novels and anime. You can find her books, social media, and anything else you could imagine wanting to know about her on her LinkTree. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio
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youmakemyhearthowl · 2 years
Steve hasn’t cried yet. 
He hasn’t really done much of anything besides sit by Eddie or Max’s hospital bedside and watch over them as much as he can, alternating rooms every few hours. 
Dustin hasn’t stopped crying. Tears streaming freely down his face as he walks into Eddies room. The kind of silent crying that you don’t really even register until you’re looking at the person. He’s got a stack of books in his hands holding out The Hobbit  to Steve with a silent question passing between them. Steve smiles, soft and sad and settles into the chair more comfortably as Dustin takes his place on the other side of Eddie’s bed.
As soon as Steve opens the book he stiffens a little, remembering how hard words were to read, how the letters looked off and he had to concentrate hard enough on them that it would give him headaches. Robin said it was called dyslexia. Steve hadn’t told anyone about it. 
The reading is slow going but Dustin doesn't point it out, until Steve gets stuck on a word and his fingers tighten on the book, the pages crumpling slightly under his fingers.
“Hey man, careful with the book its Eddie’s.” Its not mean, the way Dustin says it, but Steve feels his entire body go cold.
He just wanted to read Eddie his favorite book in hope he woke up. He just wanted Max to be okay. He just wanted them to both wake up.
Steve doesn't even realize he’s crying until a tear hits the page under him, he’s still trying to read but its even harder now.
The sob kinda rips its way out of him, as he throws the book away from himself.
“Fuck. Jesus fucking..” 
Steve hasn’t cried since everything's happened, but he sobs now, whole body shaking, head falling into his crossed arms on Eddies bedside. Dustin acts quickly, skittering over to Steve and only hesitating briefly before throwing his arms around his sudo brother.
“I just wanted to read him his stupid nerd book, and I can’t even do that right. He deserves to listen to his stupid book.” Steve heaves out leaning into Dustin. He’s mortified he’s breaking down, and even more mortified it’s in front of Dustin of all people, Steve's supposed to be strong for him. But Dustin just squeezes him tighter “I don’t even know what Morder is.” 
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cxptain-capsicle · 7 months
Beyond the Sea | Luke Castellan | III
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x Unclaimed Poseidon Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, slow burn flashbacks, established relationship present day, Gods being terrible parents
Series Masterlist Taglist
“Luke.” You whispered, trying not to wake any of the other campers. “You awake?”
“Yeah,” He whispered back. “You okay?”
You had been at Camp for a few months now and Luke was already accustomed to being woken up from you jolting out of bed after a nightmare. He joked that some mornings he would nearly be thrown out of the top bunk.
“I didn;t have a nightmare, I just can’t sleep.” Your voice trailed off at the end. Within a second Luke was out of the top bunk, his feet hitting the hard wood made a loud sound that made you jump.
“What’s wrong?” He asked. You sat up in the bed and he came to sit next to you.
“I just-” You started but struggled to find the words. “I don’t think I’ll be claimed.” After your few weeks at camp the topic of being claimed felt taboo, like everyone was thinking the same thing and nobody wanted to say it. 
“You don’t know that.” He shook his head. “I knew a girl who got claimed after being here for almost a year. It can take time.”
“I’m tired of waiting.” You were too afraid to say anything negative about the gods while in one of their cabins. Especially the messenger god. “I just feel really alone.”
Luke didn’t say anything, he wrapped one arm around your shoulders and the other at the side of your head and pulled you into a hug.
When you woke up Percy was still asleep, you normally didn’t take too much to the new kids but you liked this one. You would be the first one to admit that you were jealous of the new arrivals seeing as most of them would be claimed within weeks. There was no point in becoming buddy-buddy with someone who would go off and get so wrapped up in their new siblings and godly parent that they forget all about you. Three years of radio silence from the gods had made you a little bitter. Luke would argue that maybe it was more than a little.
“I’m gonna take Percy around camp today,” Luke was slouched against the pillow in your bed. He grabbed one of his shoes and forcefully put it on. “Wanna come?”
“Get your shoes off of my bed.” You shoved his leg off the side of the bed, forcing him to sit up next to you. “And I’ll pass, Annabeth and I are gonna talk capture the flag.” 
“Oh come on I thought you liked him?” Luke always tried to get you to join him but talking about nothing but getting claimed for 3 hours wasn’t your idea of fun. 
“Not that much.” Before Luke could respond Percy sat up from his spot on the floor with a jolt. You had been asking Charlie Beckendorf, a Hephaestus camper, to make more bed frames for the cabin for months but it kept falling to the bottom of his priority list. Over the past few years the amount of kids in the Hermes cabin has grown faster than you could accommodate.
“You okay?” Luke asked as he rose to his feet.
“Super.” Percy groaned as he pulled himself off of the ground.
“We all have them, you know.” Luke was always the first to comfort new campers. “Intense, recurring nightmares. That's normal here. And the daydreams, and the ADHD, and dyslexia. Demigods just process reality differently than humans do. For the first time in your life, you're just like everyone else.”
“So are you also…” Percy said slowly. “Do you not know who your-”
“Am I unclaimed?” Luke finished for him. He glanced over at you instinctually. “No, Hermes is my father.” Like always mentioning Hermes made Luke stand up straighter. “That doesn't matter, we're all on the same team here.”
“I’m unclaimed.” You told Percy. “I’ve been here for 3 years.”
“Why is that okay?” He was talking directly to you now. “Why do they get to bring us here to just ignore some of us?”
“I’ve been asking myself that since the day I got here.” You couldn’t help but chuckle, he sounded exactly like you. “I get how you’re feeling but no matter what happens you’re gonna be fine.”
“Spend too much time trying to figure out why the gods do whatever it is they do, you'll drive yourself crazy.” Luke warned. “Sooner you stop worrying about that, the sooner you can enjoy what this place actually does offer.”
“And what's that?” Percy asked.
“Glory.” Luke smirked. “Demigods have always fought for glory. They used to call it kleos. It's like this stuff that attaches itself to your name. Makes it bigger, scarier, more important. People listen closer when you talk, they work harder to be your friend and they think twice about messing with you.” Before Luke could finish Clarisse passed by bumping Percy in the shoulder. 
“Hey!” Percy exclaimed, causing Clarisse to quickly turn around and push him down to the ground. 
“Woah!” Luke stepped up to Clarisse. “Hey. Knock it off, Clarisse. It's like his first day, come on.” You grabbed Percy’s arm and helped him up off the ground.
“Wait, so this is the kid who killed the Minotaur.” She had a devilish smile on her face. “Is that right?”
“Yeah?” Percy said cautiously. 
“I'll bet. Look, you want attention around here, dummy? You better be ready for it when it comes.” Clarisse made a fake lunge for him, causing Percy to jump.
“Clarisse, let it go.” You chimed in. She glanced at you for a moment before turning away with her friends. You and Clarisse weren’t friends exactly, she wasn’t friends with anyone outside of her cabin, especially not an unclaimed kid, but you weren’t enemies. You got along well enough, you would spar together, you mutually respected each other. Every once in a while you might even have a few laughs at the campfire.
“Well, she seems nice.” Percy said flatly. 
“Ares kids.” Luke sighed. “They come by it honestly.”
“Maybe she’ll grow on you.” You shrugged. “I kinda like her, then again she doesn’t bother me.”
“Why don't they mess with you?” Percy asked Luke.
“They know better.” Luke said proudly. 
“Luke's the strongest swordsman at camp.” Chris explained.
“I’m second.” You chimed in. “For the record.”  
“So, they leave you alone because ‘glory’?” Percy asked and Luke nodded. “So if I get glory, Clarisse wouldn't mess with me either?”
“And people think I'm a big deal?”
“Well, sorta, but-” Luke started.
“I don’t know about all that.” You said
“And my dad's got no choice but to claim me.” Percy finished. You and Luke sighed and looked at eachother. You understood his eagerness to be seen. 
“You can't force the gods to do anything.” Luke told Percy gently.
“Believe me, I’d know. I tried.” You added.
“Well, yeah, but... it would make it harder for him to pretend I don't exist, right?” 
“It’s worth a shot.” You shrugged.
“It is?” Luke swiveled to look at you.
“I mean it couldn’t hurt.” You just wanted to give the poor kid some hope.
“Great.” Percy perked up. “Where do we start?”
When you had nightmares you knew you were in a dream but that didn’t make it any less scary. You were on a beach, it was dark, the sky shades of purple and blue. There were storms; the waves were five times higher than your head. You were alone, the beach extended as far as your eyes could see. With nothing else to do you began walking down the beach. With every step your feet became heavier- wait, no- you were sinking. The sand was vibrating causing you to sink further and further into it. You were struggling to try to pull your feet out of the sand until you heard voices that made you freeze. Luke. Then Annabeth. Grover. Clarisse. And a young boy's voice that you didn’t recognize. You could make out each of their voices but not what they were saying. Their voices were frantic, they were calling for help, they were in danger. You fought harder but it only made you sink faster.
“Luke!” You screamed out just as your head went beneath the sand.
You woke up with a jolt gasping for air, panting, and drenched in sweat. You peered to the bunk above you to see if you had woken Luke but there was no movement. You pulled yourself out of bed as quietly as possible to not wake anyone. You debated waking Luke but decided against it. You slipped your shoes on and grabbed a jacket that you kept by your bed. As quietly as you could you tiptoed across the cabin and out the front door. You went out the door past the Hephaestus cabin, then Apollo, Ares, then Poseidon. Just as you were about to pass the mess hall a voice erupted from the silence of the night. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” It was Luke. 
“Oh my gods, Luke.” You nearly doubled over with shock. “You didn’t have to sneak up on me.”
“Why are you out here?” He came close to you, placing his hands on the sides of your arms. “It’s the middle of the night. It’s freezing.”
“I- I had another nightmare.” 
“The same one?” He asked and you nodded. You had been at camp for almost a year now and had been having the same dream for almost six months. “Why are you out here?”
“I just needed fresh air, I guess.” You crossed your arms over your chest, honestly you didn’t know why you were out here.
Luke gave you a sympathetic smile. 
“Okay let’s walk then.”
You and Luke walked together quietly for a while. You walked through the woods until you reached the Long Island sound. It was the same beach as the one in your dream but even in the dead of night it wasn’t as cold, as scary as it was in your dreams. Sometimes after a particularly bad night you would come here to remind yourself that it was just a dream. This was the first time Luke had come with you to the beach and it gave you much more comfort. 
“This isn’t your first time out here is it?” Luke glanced at you with a smile, he knew the answer.
“No,” You chuckled. “I guess I find it relaxing.”
The two of you found a place to sit on the sand just above the tide. Luke sat to your left, your shoulders touching trying to conserve the little warmth between you. There was a silence between you that felt safe and comfortable. You rested your head on Luke’s shoulder and he rested his head against yours. You felt something cold touch the side of your hand and looked down to see Luke's hand inching closer to yours. It felt like you were moving in slow motion but eventually Luke had your hand clasped in his. You and Luke had always had a special relationship. From the second he found you in the cave and pulled you into his lap you were bonded. He gave you his bunk when you came to camp. Showed you around and always stayed at your side. Listened to you grovel about not being claimed day in and day out. You had hugged before but never held hands and it never felt like this before.
“You’re not alone.” Luke whispered to you. The sound of the waves and Luke’s voice were music to your ears. You were entranced, Luke was so close you could feel his breath on your cheek. The sun was just starting to peak over the horizon providing just enough light to bounce off of the water and reflect onto Lukes face. The light made his brown eyes glitter. You had never looked at Luke this way before. You were so close and millimeter by millimeter you were getting closer and closer-
“Oh!” You both exclaimed as the freezing cold water of the tide splashed up on you both, soaking you in sea water. Each of you rose to your feet eagerly running from the water before doubling over in laughter.
“Oh, that’s freezing!” You cried out through your laughs. When you finally caught your breath Luke was in front of you staring down at you seriously. “What is it?”
“I mean it,” He was breathing heavily. “You’re not alone here.” 
“I know Luke,” You nodded. “But-,” Luke cocked his head, unsure of what else you had to say.
“I’ve been alone my whole life Luke. No parents, no family. Camp was where I was supposed to find that. But my parent couldn’t care less that I even exist.” You rambled.
“I know that you’re upset-” Luke tried but you cut him off.
“I’m not upset Luke. I’m angry!” You shouted. You felt your face turn hot with anger, your heart beat fast. “I’m furious that they would abandon me-”
“Y/n-” Luke tried but you kept going.”
“They would humiliate me, over and over. My entire life!” You were fuming, your blood boiling.
“Y/n!” He shouted.
“What!” You yelled back. Just now you realized that Luke wasn’t looking at you. He was looking behind you. You turned around to see a massive wave, 30 feet high, suspended behind you. Your anger turned to confusion and just as it did the wave came crashing down at your feet, returning to the sea like it was never there.
Feel free to leave feedback, suggestions, and headcannons in the inbox. I love incorporating your guy's ideas!
@fudosl @lenasvoid @light-23 @petrichorvzlia-blog @heartzflwers @vampsaddicted @bbgkaykay @shiara04 @teigo-the-explorer @number-onekidqueen
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mattykay · 7 months
Please? - Rodrick Heffley x Ftm Reader
This is heavily based of my cai bot I made. Hope you like it.
Features: sub!reader, dom!Rodrick, light spanking, degrading + praise, p in v, use of 'boypussy' used, stoner (implied) reader, weed, and very very horny Rodrick.
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All Rodrick wanted was to keep his van. But due to his lack of focus and dyslexia, it was hard to have good enough grades to keep it.
Frank and Susan suggest Rodrick find a tutor, or find another way.
He tried cheating, getting answers from his friends, paying other kids to do his tests, none of it worked.
So when he begrugingly asked you an honors english student for tutoring, it was a bit out of left field. But because of the decent amount of money he offered you couldn't find it in you to turn it down.
So you began tutoring him at his house, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:45 to 5:00. Dear god did he hate it.
He never disliked you, but your carefree attitude irked him to no end. Sure, Rodrick was lazy and liked that you weren't a hard ass about anything, but the fact that everything came to you easily pissed him off.
He looked over to you from where he laid, sprawled out on the old wood floors of his messy bedroom. His brows then furrowed as he looked at one of the words on your computer screen, the letters jumbling as he tried to focus.
"What does that word say?" He asked with a huff. You turned to the screen. "Basically." You said, making sure not to treat him like he was stupid. Rodrick cocked a brow, his lips forming a light annoyed frown. "Basically what?" He asked, twirling the beaten yellow pencil in his fingers. You chuckled at his agitation. "The word is basically, Rodrick." This made him scoff, but as his eyes fell on your lazy smile he felt himself smile too.
Rodrick was like every horny teenager, "Can we take a break?" He asked smugly. After getting a nod from you he tilted his head. "Let me hit your cart?" The dark haired boy asked. "Absolutely not." You shot back nearly instantly. Rodrick pouted, "Cmon.. please?" He asked, trying his best puppy dog eyes.
You shook your head, taking a light hit from your cart. You smirked as you watched his nose scrunch with want. He inhaled the light sent of weed and whatever flavoring your cartridge had inside. His eyes lit up. You could see the gears turn in his head. He wanted weed, and he wanted you. He knew how to get both.
So the next hit you took, before you could exhale his lips were on yours. You felt his tongue make its way in your lips to battle with yours. Your hands tangled in his shaggy hair nearly instantly and his fingertips dug into your hips.
Before you knew what was happening you felt Rodricks lean arms push you to your feet. He barely broke the heated kiss to do so. Rodrick laid you out on his bed, feeling his plush mattress move beneath the two of you. His lips began to suck and bite at your neck, relishing in the pathetic noises that left your lips.
Rodrick began to unbutton your pants without even thinking to ask. You felt your core ache shamefully.
When he got your pants and boxers off, leaving you in your shirt he gazed down at your dripping pussy. A shit-eating grin came across his face.
"Been wanting this, huh?" He cooed, one hand gripping your thigh. You could feel every bump and callous on his hand. His other hand stroked lightly up and down your dripping heat. "Dirty little slut." He said harshly despite his smile. "You're lucky I've been dying to taste some boypussy." Rodrick purred, licking your slick from his fingers.
You ached, bucking your hips up at him. "Rodrick, please." You begged so pathetically. Rodrick was the last person you'd ever imagine wanting. Not to mention begging for.
He chuckled in a way that made you clench your pussys walls. "Only because you're begging like a good boy." He said, rubbing circles on your clit. He rid himself of his shirt and pants, slipping his cock out of his boxers. You felt like drooling.
Even more so when he pushed himself inside you, not even bothering to tell you or be nice about it. He gave you a few thrusts like that before flipping you over, fucking you deeply from the back. "Fuck- You fucking slut.." He hissed and he buried himself deep inside you. "Couldn't even bother to ask to suck my cock? You're pathetic." Rodrick spat through his labored breath, reaching forward to grab your hair, spanking you quickly with his free hand.
His face lit up as he felt you clench around his length when his hand met the meat of your ass. "Yeah? You fuckin' like that?" He laughed as he spanked again. You whimpered, feeling your orgasm build as his hand moved from your ass to your clit. His nimble fingers toyed with the sensitive bud. "Rodrick-! I-I'm-"
"Shut up. Shut the fuck up and take it." He said, burying himself deeper inside you than you thought anyone ever could. "Take my cock like a good boy. Cum f'me baby." He said, speaking a little sweeter now.
It drove you to the edge. You felt your walls clench around him. "Yeah.. Yeah- Such a good boy.." He groaned into your ear as you felt his hot seed cover your walls.
Rodrick pulled out, laying down next to you. He gently wiped excess cum from your thighs. "I think I like our sessions a little more now." He said, a surprisingly sweet smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
This was my first fic, I hope you enjoy it.
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fullmoonandstar · 8 months
Common Interests
Gale x gn Tav / Reader
Fandom: Baldur’s Gate 3
Rating: T
Word count: 1.3 k
CW: Dyslexia, vague mentions of past trauma
Summary: Your crush is well-read and you want to be close to him by picking up a book. It would be a good strategy if reading wasn't so hard.
Dyslexic gn Tav/Reader wants to impress Gale
A/N: inspired by this post
You were so concentrated on the task at hand that you didn’t notice the footsteps behind. You had found a nice secluded spot a bit away from the camp and settled on a fallen tree to continue your reading as you had done for the past few days.
“What are you doing?”
The question carried a smile, but you jerked, and the book slipped out of your hands. Gale snatched it out of the air, and you grasped at nothing.
“Hmm … an interesting read you have here. I would recommend following up with Sara Ibb’s take on the topic. They give a more balanced view.”
You felt your face burn and prayed to the gods that Gale was too distracted by your choice of book (you had found it in the cellar of an abandoned house) to notice.
He rattled on about the nuances of using weave grass in potions, and you could not help but let the corners of your mouth creep upwards. Gale’s enthusiasm made your insides feel all warm and soft.
“Oh, I totally lost you in the barrage of words. I …” Gale laughed nervously. “How did you like the book?”
“It was good.” you said a bit too quickly.
His eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at you suddenly intrigued, as if you were a puzzle to be solved.
“Come, my friend, what did you really think?”
You panicked. What would be an acceptable thing to say? Your heart beat faster, and you were stuck between wanting to flee and not being able to so without making a bad impression.
The seconds dragged on, but no words left your mouth. Gale watched your silent struggle for another heartbeat before sitting down next to you and waited.
"It’s hard to read." you said finally. Gale’s brows furrowed and you stammered an explanation. "I can understand it, I can read, but it’s so difficult to read.
"Why?" Gale asked softly. The ball of anxiety and embarrassment was melted away by his warm presence. You had been so caught up in your own head that you had forgotten how save Gale made you feel, like you could tell him everything.
"I’m not sure how to explain it." you paused to think. "It’s like the letters come in and out of focus, like they move around on the page if I don’t give it all my attention."
Gale nodded slowly in the corner of your eye, but you couldn’t look at him. You had never told anyone about this and if you were honest, your school days and the embarrassment that was your inadequate reading skills were still hanging in the back of your mind.
"I hope you don’t think me rude, but why are you reading that if it’s hard for you? I remember you saying you are not big on books."
Now he had hit the target, the big question.
"Which is understandable for someone with your condition."
"My condition?"
"Dyslexia, from the sound of it."
"Is it fatal?"
Gale laughed, and his eyes sparkled with amusement.
"No, and it’s not contagious either." He smiled at you, the sweetest thing you had seen in a while.
"As far as we know, it stems from individual difference in how the brain works and has nothing to do with intelligence or lack thereof. People with it have problems reading or writing, in various degrees of severely. It’s pretty common, but before when reading was a skill not many were allowed to learn, we didn’t notice that about 1 in 10 people has problems with it. You should have seen Val, their writing was atrocious but a very fine wizard indeed." He smiled wistfully. "You have nothing to worry about."
You looked at the book in your hands in a new light. Since your school days, you had struggled, but now at least you had a name for the trouble you had.
"Thank you, Gale."
Your eyes met, and your heart skipped a beat. He looked stunning just sitting next to you, and a warm wave of affection rolled over you. You opened your mouth to say something when Gale leaned over. For a moment, you thought he would kiss you, but he reached out and took the book.
"Do you want me to read it to you? Or maybe something else? I have a collection at my tent." He gave you a bright smile while you still recovered.
Snap out of it, you told yourself, you’re acting like a love sick puppy.
"Choose whatever sounds interesting."
"You want to read to me?" you said when your brain had caught up.
"Yes, I do enjoy the sound of my own voice, and you seek knowledge."
Gale was someone who talked a lot, but you would be lying if you said you did not like that about him. It was his openness that drew you in, in the first place.
He studied your face and added: "That’s very attractive."
A twig snapped behind you and both, you and Gale jumped.
"There you are!" Karlach appeared with a leaf in her hair that was sizzling.
"Food is almost ready, let’s get back before we eat everything without you."
Shadowheart was not a chef cook by any means, but she and Wyll had a good tag team on the hearth. You ate with gusto, and forgot all about your conversation with Gale.
After dinner, he came over and said:
"My offer still stands. If you'd like, you can come over at any time."
"Sure, come." He held out his hand to help you stand up from the log you were sitting on, and you took it.
Gale had not been lying about the collection he had.
"You carry all this in your bag?!"
"Not technically, I have this pocket dimension…"
"Wizard stuff."
He laughed.
"Yes, Wizard stuff."
You found a book that sounded interesting and handed it to him.
"Ah, yes, I could have known this one would pique your interest."
Gale sat down on his bedroll, and you sat next to him.
"Strap in, you will love this. Such a good read."
When you opened your eyes, you panicked, not knowing where you were and why you felt so warm. This was not your tent, and you lay under a blanked with a warm body pressed to you, an arm holding you in place. The memory of last night came back to you. Gale reading to you, and you were slowly shifting from a sitting position to lying down on his bedroll. At some point, you must have drifted off to a dreamless sleep, the first one since your infection.
Gale stirred, nuzzling your neck sleepily before freezing.
"Oh, I’m sorry." he said and began to pull back, but you caught his hand as it retreated.
"Don’t." You pull his hand back into the position it was, you tight in his arm and his body pressed against your back. "It’s nice. Let’s stay a bit longer."
He said your name, and you looked over your shoulder. His hair was in disarray, but it made him even more endearing, not less.
"Why did you start reading books?"
He had asked the question that you had not answered the day before, and it seemed he already knew the answer.
"There is this person I like, they are really smart, and I wanted to be closer to them. To him."
Gale shifted until you were on your back, facing him. You noticed the little wrinkles the pillow had made on his face but also the fullness of his lips. His eyes studied your face and got caught by your lips.
You reached out and ran your fingers from his temple down the side of his face through his soft beard. Your hand on his chin, you nudged him to lean in, and he followed your request.
Check my Masterlist for more
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pinkthrone445 · 8 months
hii hun, i was hoping to request a melissa x reader (mels wife) and i know you’ve written quite a few of these lately but they hit me in a way because i struggle with it.
anyways.. where the reader is dyslexic and is having trouble trying to get the lesson plan together for one of the modules for english. mel starts to notice her wife struggling and starts helping.
-Do you know your ABC's?-
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:pure fluff and soft Melissa
Warnings:talk about dyslexia
Summary:When work stresses you out, your wife is there to help.
Hello darling, I hope you like this, thanks for the request! I hope you are handling better now, rough days are normal and it's okay not to be okay sometimes, but you got this! You're capable and strong and there's nothing to be ashame of, never doubt that.
This was already the third time in the last hour that Mel had stopped by the dining room to check on you. Your back was hunched over looking at the computer, which had a low glow because your eyes were tired, your glasses were half crooked, three cups of coffee around you and a half-full water bottle in front of you, your legs were crossed over each other, a blanket over your shoulders that Mel had put there, your had a big frown, your hair a little disheveled from how many times that you had run your hands over your head in a nervous tic, your leg bounced several times when you changed positions, causing the wood to rattle and the plastic of the couch to squeak, on top of all that, your eyes were red from having been in front of the computer for so long.
Mel knew that when you were stressed you didn't want to be interrupted, that's why every time she went to check on you, she helped you without interrupting you. Mel would leave the water bottle in front of you without saying anything because she knew that if you saw it often you would drink more water. When she saw that your body was shivering, she put a blanket over your shoulders without uttering a single word, she also refilled your coffee cup and brought you something to eat.
Mel was very patient with you, especially when you had to make your study plans, but when you had already been in the same position for more than 4 hours, it was time to interfere.
-"Hon?"-Your wife spoke softly trying to get your attention but only earned a hum from you-"Let's go to bed, it's late..."-Mel sat next to you trying to close your computer but you wouldn't let her
-"I can't, I don't have many days left to do my study plan and Ava told me that she needs them..."-You spoke without taking your eyes off your computer
-"Love, you've been in front of that computer for hours, if you haven't made more progress, it will be hard for you to do it now with how tired you are. Let's go to bed and tomorrow, since we don't work, I'll help you put it together...please" - Your wife begged and you sighed nodding, if you continued in front of that computer, you would go blind. You carefully closed the computer and followed your wife into the room, who had held your hand to make sure you didn't run away.
When the two of you went to bed, the redhead hugged you carefully and gently scratched your head
-"I know it stresses you out putting together the class plan and nerves make your dyslexia worse and make you feel bad. But today you've been more stressed than usual. What's going on?" - she whispered and kissed your forehead
-"The thing is that I'm used to teaching second graders but now that I have to cover some classes in kindergarten and teach them the alphabet and things like that, it stresses me that they get confused when writing the letters and because of my dyslexia I don't always notice the mistakes... How am I supposed to teach them well if even when I write I get confused?"-You whispered stressed and your wife hugged you tighter to her body
-"Tomorrow we'll figure it out together, okey?"-She whispered and you nodded and then slept with her.
The next day, your wife was no longer in bed when you woke up and the house smelled of freshly baked cookies and coffee, plus soft music was playing from the kitchen. You carefully went downstairs and found your wife muttering a few things to the beat of a song, so concentrated that she didn't notice you were there
-"Good morning my love"-You smiled and kissed her shoulder
-"Hello sweetie, I didn't realize you had come down... Breakfast is ready and I think I have a great idea to help you with the kids... I was looking at your study plan and the things you need to teach them and I remembered how much the lyrics of some songs help you so you don't confuse the words so much... Do you want me to tell you my idea while you have breakfast?"-The redhead asked excitedly and you nodded sitting on the counter listening attentively as you ate breakfast.
For the next day, you and Mel had put together your study plan and several of your classes and that gave youI a lot of peace and confidence, not only you had classes ready, but also because your wife had controlled them and they didn't have mistakes.
When all the students arrived, you were very excited to show them what you two had prepared, when you opened your computer there was a little note from your wife, you would recognize her handwriting anywhere
"Today you will do great, I trust you and I know what an amazing teacher you are. I love seeing you worried to be a better teacher for them and that already makes you perfect. love you more every day"
You smiled as you read the note with a new wave of confidence in yourself. You carefully caught the children's attention, once they all looked at you you started to introduce your class
-"Well kids, today we're going to have a very special class, as we've all been having trouble differentiating some alphabet letters, we're going to sing a song. And we have a special guest to help us... The tree times in a row champion on the Reading Marathon, please give it up to the most beautiful woman, big welcome and applauses please, to one of the best third-grade teachers, and my beautiful wife, Melissa Schemmenti!"-You shouted introducing your wife as if it were a boxing match, your wife understood you perfectly and came in fist-pumping in the air like a boxer which made the children scream with more excitement. Your wife smiled as she stood next to you and greeted the children almost as excited as they were.
After finding the right catchy music and going over the lyrics you and Mel had done one more time, you started singing the alphabet paying special attention to some letters that could be more difficult than others. The song, although it had very few rhymes, was a good help for the children, while they were singing the lyrics, you were writing them on the board so that the children understood and it would stay more engraved on them
-"The letter B(b), to write the word bright, looks like it's a woman with a big belly with her tiny baby hidden inside. To write it we have to pay attention, it starts from the ceiling and falls to the floor, jumps to the front and goes back to the pole." - You and your wife sang while the kids payed attention, writing the letters on their papers
-"The letter d, to write the word drink, looks like a dinosaur with loooong neck and a big butt, that dumps everywhere with a lot of smell"-When you said that, the children laughed, anything that was disgusting was funny to them-"To write it, start from the ceiling, fall to the floor, jump backwards, and go back to the beginning"-Your wife continued to sing amidst the laughter of the children
-"The letter p, to write the word pony, looks like pasta rolling on her own. To write it pay attention, start from the floor and jump down one step, then go back to the beginning and make it a big head!"-You screamed making the dancing kids excited as they wrote their letters
-"One more tricky letter, before we forget about them, let's see how we can write the letter q, to write the word queen..."-Your wife pointed at you as she said the word queen and you laughed-"looks like the fluffy tip from a q-tip. Open big your eyes, and get your pencil ready, Start from the ground and work your way back down, then go back to the beginning and bend backwards until you find the start line again"-Once ypu finished singing the alphabet, the children asked you to sing it once more together which you did, you were surprised to see how quickly they had memorized it and how well they were differentiating the letters.
While the children were singing and laughing, you held your wife's hand smiling as you watched her sing, murmuring a silent thank you. Your wife could be harsh or closed off about some things, but when she showed love to you or the children, she certainly didn't hold back in the slightest.
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dross-the-fish · 2 months
I keep seeing gifted kid discourse pop up on my dash and honestly being a gifted kid is not nearly the flex some of you guys think it is. Obviously I can't speak to everyone's experience but I can tell you pretty firmly that my was all but pointless. For relevance I was in the US. I was a gifted kid. I wasn't actually smart, by the time I hit middle school I was mostly just bullshitting my way through assignments because my dyslexia made it hard to do the work the normal way at the same pace as everyone else. I got called lazy a lot before I keyed in that the game was to score well on standardized tests and knowing the material was less important than giving the right answers. Half the time I would read summaries rather than the whole book and look at future questions on tests to answer earlier ones. When in doubt I picked answer "C" because that was the most common correct answer. Being multiple choice also helped a lot because some of the answers were super obvious even if you'd never read the material. I cannot stress enough that I wasn't smart, I was borderline cheating. A teacher decided at random out of all the kids her class 5 of us were smarter than average and we were picked to take a cognitive assessment. I scored high enough and immediately got placed in a gifted program. That was all it took, one teacher singling me out as "exceptional" and a passed simple cognitive test and I wouldn't be shocked if that teacher had biases because the school was something like 80% minority enrollment, 60% of the which was hispanic/latino and a lot of them were struggling just to learn English. Most of the student body were economically disadvantaged. I wouldn't be at all shocked if I got picked because I was white and more proficient with the English language than my peers. Seeing grown adults in their 30s and 40s cling to their gifted kid status is so weird because it's such a hollow brag. Even if you were from a good school I can't imagine that the process for getting picked was THAT different or the criteria that stringent.
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matchalovertrait · 4 months
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Growing up eating delicious baked goods was one way to spark your interest in cooking, and your parent(s) always encouraged you! Your cooking skills flourished by the time you were a teen and you had only one goal in mind: becoming a celebrity chef. You work hard to achieve that dream.
Aspiration: Culinary Curator + Master Chef
Traits: Foodie, Hyper, Creative, Neurotic, Ambitious
Dulce realized her dream of becoming a celebrity chef at a young age. When she was found crying due to being bullied for her dyslexia, her mother, Noemí, knew she had to comfort her daughter. Noemí remembered the fond memories she had with her own mother in the kitchen, which inspired her to become a baker; so, she sought to recreate those memories. The plan worked, but Dulce discovered she preferred savory food over sweet food! Either way, the kitchen became their shared sanctuary. She immersed herself in the craft and began building her skills.
The turning point in her culinary journey came when she participated in the hit cooking competition show, Diced Junior. Despite the intense pressure and high stakes, she remained level-headed and impressed the judges with her creativity and refined palate. However, her own ego led to her elimination. Losing was a much-needed reality check that led her to reassess her motivations and ambitions. She realized that her love for cooking was fueled by the desire to be the best rather than bringing joy to others.
Dulce took a step back and focused on the art aspect of cooking and continued to share her recipes on social media. She had a few loyal followers, but the numbers began steadily rising after her episode of Diced Junior aired! Turns out, people found her quite charismatic and enjoyed her story. They were curious to see what was in store for young Dulce. While she was working on that, she also focused on her personal life. She hung out with her friends, spent time with her family, and played on the basketball team. She even dated a fellow Diced Junior competitor, Alex Marino.
Everything was going well, but as time went on, her resentment towards corrupt businessman Alfonso Alto grew stronger, leading to her exposé video. It was a huge risk, but Dulce managed to save her family business and put the criminal behind bars. Still, not everything was sunshine and rainbows after that. Life felt stagnant and she was ready to graduate high school, which seemed to drag on. Then, when Alex came back, she falsely believed that they wanted to rekindle their romantic relationship, which was not the case.
After saving the bakery and being heartbroken once again, Dulce is now focusing on herself and her dreams of becoming a celebrity chef. What does the future hold for this rising star?
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leiflitter · 9 months
hey i need ur felix and oliver and cattonquick headcanon s RIGHT NOW… ❤️
Well uh uh uh there's 200k+ words on ao3 which contains some of this but... under the cut because it's vaguely nsfw in places, keeping this as like... Oxford Ladz.
Felix is shit in bed unless you turn it into a challenge/game, and even then he's lazy as fuck so good luck. Most girls don't care because shagging Felix is like being chosen by a god. His routine is: snog for a bit, maybe shove his hand down your knickers, then it's the Catton Jackhammer asap until he rolls off you and falls asleep.
Going out with Felix is generally shit. He shags you maybe 4 times, then ghosts you and you find out he's moved on by seeing him fingering another girl outside of a club at 2am. He might buy you something, but the most expensive gift he'll get you is most likely some shots or a 3am kebab.
Oliver? Good in bed because he is An Observer and will see what works then Do That Until You Die. However, he only really sleeps with girls to help Felix out (he gets the friend, Felix gets the hot girl). He mostly thinks of Felix when he does this, but tells himself it's in a lie back and think of england way. He also tends to stick to hands/mouth stuff, because otherwise it's "why aren't you hard" and he panics.
Oliver is perpetually single, despite Felix's best efforts. Felix does not understand why girls have such bad taste. He insists Ollie is an absolute legend and anyone would be lucky to have him. He also gets oddly grumpy if any girls DO organically hit on Ollie, though.
Felix's short-lived "girlfriends" all think it's a little weird that Felix touches Oliver more than he touches them. Like he won't hold hands in public, but he's got his arm around Oliver all the time? Weird. If you're dancing with Felix and go to get a drink, most of the time he'll be dancing with Oliver once you're back and it is hard to get his attention back.
Felix gives me vague adhd vibes, maybe dyslexia, but he was born in the 80s and he's rich af, so it's never really mattered because he never has to try.
Big Oliver Autism vibes, the man is MASKING but again... circumstances mean he's just brute forcing things.
Felix has been made to play Team Sports but doesn't like them unless it's for silly reasons.
Oliver likes exercising, but mostly goes to the gym to be in a weird little physical activity enduced void.
Felix has honestly been bi as fuck forever, but never really considered why he was down to let lads in his dorm snog him back in boarding school because it was just kinda the done thing. Haha, just hormones, amiright?
Both of them feel vaguely destined to become their fathers and do not want to do that.
Felix had very weird feelings for Damon Albarn as a teen but again. Never thought about it too hard, he's just a pretty man, bloody hormones again!
Oliver cannot drive. He refuses to drive. He has his provisional licence for ID and that's IT.
Felix is often trying to annoy Oliver because any attention is good attention. Oliver just wants to revise, Felix, please stop drawing dicks on his notebook.
Felix absolutely is going full hair-twirly, eyelid-fluttery, dreamboy bimbo at Oliver constantly. Oliver does not pick up on this, but Farleigh does and is honestly a little disgusted.
Speaking of- Farleigh is primarily concerned that he pegged Oliver for an absolute capital-L Loser on day ONE and now his stupid cousin is basically throwing himself at Oliver. Farleigh has theories, including maybe hypnosis or Felix having some sort of brain injury from Team Sports.
Oliver was absolutely bullied in school, but not extremely, because he learned to make himself invisible. Head down, keep going, don't react.
Oliver didn't really GET music until Felix showed him stuff that wasn't just radio pop music. Unfortunately, this was after Oliver spent way too long trying to understand why Steps were so popular.
Oliver's initial haircut is based off of Zac Efron's in High School Musical. He has never seen HSM, but something about Zac Efron made him feel weird, and it just sort of... happened. He has a type, and it's Jawline and Eyebrows.
Felix's first thought upon getting close enough for Oliver to do the Big Blue Eyes Look Up At Him was "oh no," followed by just question marks and bike panic. And also, bi panic.
Farleigh complained to Felix a lot about Oliver but never used his name. It was just "the fucking nerd in my tutorial group".
Oliver honestly didn't connect Farleigh and Felix as cousins, because he was mostly too busy trying not to be painfully in love with Felix to join the dots from a throwaway comment in his first tutorial.
The money in Oliver's wallet at the pub was meant to last for the next two weeks. Boy gotta get lunch and buy bodywash and stuff, not shots for rich kids.
Felix immediately begins relying on Oliver to know his schedule. Oliver just accepts this and sends Felix reminder texts for his tutorials.
Felix keeps leaving hoodies in Oliver's dorm room. This is weird because they are rarely in there for longer than a minute or two. Oliver wears these hoodies because Felix keeps insisting that they'd suit him. Farleigh, yes, sees this and is fucking CONCERNED.
Felix assumes he'll have to get married and have kids as it is his duty to continue the Catton Line. He keeps making weird jokes about his and Oliver's kids getting married.
Oliver says he fancies Kiera Knightley. This is incorrect. Kiera Knightley is just the closest woman he could find to Felix.
Oliver lies to his parents mostly to avoid any visits or needing to go home because going back there is awful and stifling and guilt-inducing.
A few people in their group refer to Oliver as Felix's Pet, but only when neither of them are there. Farleigh started it.
Felix's initial emotional reaction to Ollie's Field Reveal was immense pride and the urge to punch Farleigh in the arm very hard if he didn't stop staring, the pervert. Felix was not staring, he was merely pointing his eyes in that direction, thanks.
Felix always has something in his mouth and it makes Oliver want to die. Most of Oliver's pens and pencils have Felix toothmarks on.
Felix does not understand how much things cost. Oliver does. Oliver wishes Felix would stop picking things up that "made me think of you, Ollie!" Because. Felix. That t-shirt was £50. What is WRONG WITH YOU.
Felix has occasionally considered seeing if Ollie'd be up for a devil's threeway if he found someone willing. He isn't brave enough to ask, because he knows Oliver would say no, but he thinks about the idea a lot. You know. Just a regular wild Uni party thing, right?
If Oliver hadn't gone to Felix, Felix would have turned up sloppy, SLOPPY drunk outside of Oliver's room one night and had a big baby tantrum and probably shoved his tongue down Oliver's throat. It would be the worst handjob of Oliver's life, but also the best.
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~ Chapter 1. 04 ~
I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes and how poorly written this fanfic is. English is not my first language and together with my dyslexia ass things can go wrong I'm sorry.
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My head was bobbing to the music that was playing through my headset while I was finishing doing the dishes. The rest of the day went by normally. Nobody was weird and everything was just normal.
Normal is all I needed right now in my life with not too much stress.
I turned around to grab something from the counter when my ears began to ring. Grabbing my headset I took it off thinking it was that, but it was still there.
"What the hell," I mutter when it got louder before completely disappearing.
Great, put that on the list with the other things I have.
My phone went off that was on my couch making me snap out of whatever that just was. When I grabbed it I saw that it was Ji-su. She asked if I could come to her apartment because she wanted to let me hear something that she made for a song we were working on. I typed yes, but also said I needed to change first because I was still in the clothes I wore to work.
I took a grey long-sleeved shirt from the chair that I had in my room slipping it on before taking the black dress with spaghetti straps from the door where it was hanging. Taking my phone from the counter I walked to the door and put on my black covers.
The moment I walked out the door something felt wrong. The air was so thick that it almost was hard to breathe. I could feel my stomach turn telling me that something was off. I had had this feeling before. Every time I walked into the orphanage and it was so quiet I could feel that something was wrong or something bad would happen.
Most of the time I would be right because quickly afterward there would be a fight in the orphanage where someone would be in danger and whatnot. I'm pretty sure I developed it because I have had to be in survival mode my whole life there. I always had to look over my shoulder making sure I was safe.
Quickly I just shrug it off telling myself that it's all in my head and that I'm safe here. I came around the corner where the elevators were and saw Eun-hyuk standing there.
"Hey, going to work?" I asked grabbing his attention.
"Yeah. You?" He asked pressing the button for the elevator.
"I'm going to hang out with a friend that lives upstairs." He nodded looking away before talking again.
"Do you know how Eun-yu paid for her lessons?" I gave him a confused look.
"Why would I know that?" I asked with a laugh at the end.
"You two hang out a lot and I'm pretty sure you're the only one she talked to for the last couple of months." A frown came to my face at first, but then it hit me.
She told me she quit her lessons, but I guess she doesn't want him to know that. I didn't want to lie to him because he was also my friend.
"Eun-hyuk you are putting me in a tough spot here. If I tell you I would betray Eun-yu's trust, but I also don't want to lie to you. It's like asking to choose between you guys," I said scratching the back of my head.
A chuckle left his lips while he looked down before looking back up at me.
"I admire your loyalty to my sister and my friendship. It makes you a good friend, which she needs because she hasn't had one in a while. Maybe you could keep her out of trouble as well." I was happy that he understood what I meant.
"Do you also need a good friend right now? Seeing how you're always working and stuff. I haven't really seen you do other stuff than that," I admitted looking down while playing with my hands.
"You already are a good friend to me." He answers after a few seconds of silence.
I look back up at him seeing him smile at me.
"You're a lot over at our place and you don't ignore me like Eun-yu wanted you to do. We have fun conversations about old video games we used to play or really serious once when you have to wait on Eun-yu because she disappeared again." I let out a chuckle nodding my head.
I can't count on my hands how many times Eun-yu had disappeared in the evening. It always results in a worrying Eun-hyuk standing at my door asking if I know where she is. Most of the time I help him go look for her or try to call her because she would answer more likely to me than him.
"I'm happy you think about it that way," I answer truthfully.
"Can you just do two things for me?" He asked and in response, I nodded my head.
"Can you take care of her when I'm not around? She has the habit of getting in trouble and she needs someone to pull her back when she's going to do something, well stupid." I laugh knowing he was right.
After knowing her for a few months I know her ways to do it.
"The second one?"
"Can you tell me when she did something dangerous even if she asks you not to?" A frown came to my face while I bit on my lip.
If it were my sister I would be worried too and I would be happy if someone could tell me if everything is already with her.
"Yeah, I can do that."
He smiled at me before looking at the elevator.
"That's weird."
With a confused look, I looked at him.
He looks up and down the elevator door before answering.
"The elevator isn't here yet. It should have been here a few minutes ago." Because of the talking, we hadn't noticed that any sound or movement was coming from behind the elevator door.
Looking to my right I saw what was wrong.
"Look, it's under maintenance. It's the stairs for us today." I look back at him and see him letting out a deep sigh putting his hands on his neck before looking back up.
"I guess you're right." I let out a laugh while we began to make our way to the stairs.
"So how are you doing lately? Are you still having those nosebleeds?" I didn't intend to tell anyone about it, but a few days ago I was over at their apartment in the evening because Eun-yu wanted my help with something.
When suddenly my nose began to bleed.
A lot.
I was used to it by then, but they weren't. I tried to stop it at first with the tissues she had in her room, but when she saw that it didn't stop she yelled for her brother who came rushing into the room because she never yelled for him. She yelled at him to do something pointing at me which he did. Having a brother who got into medical school is always handy. The bleeding stopped, but I fainted quickly afterward.
I woke up the next day in Eun-yu's bed with her looking down at me. The first thing she said was that I scared the shit out of her before asking me if I was okay. Of course, after that, I had to tell them about how it has been happening for a few days now, but that I have no idea why and that I'm okay.
Eun-hyuk wanted me to go to the hospital and let them check if everything was alright, which I quickly said no to. I don't really like people touching me. It brings back bad memories.
"I'm actually fine. I haven't had a nosebleed or fainted in a day or so now." Which was a miracle because I had them a lot.
"That's great. If it would have lasted any longer I would have taken you myself to the hospital. It could have been something really dangerous." It could be, but it's over now. It was probably related to stress. Seeing how the last couple of months have been before and right after moving here.
"Ooooh, does Lee Eun-hyuk care for someone else than his sister? Eun-yu was wrong and you are a human with feelings and not some super smart robot someone had created to annoy her." I laugh teasing him.
He tried to hide his smile, but I could see the corner of his mouth move.
"Honestly, that is probably one of the more friendliest things she has called me." I laugh nodding at him.
We said goodbye to each other when we finally reached the stairs, both going different ways. Before I took my first step up I turned around yelling his name.
"Eun-hyuk, she isn't in any danger."
A frown came on his face not knowing what I meant.
"Her lessons. She didn't do anything stupid so don't worry about it."
I began to walk up the stairs hearing him chuckle before walking down.
I know that Eun-yu is adopted. She had told me that a few months ago. It was one of the first times she opened up to me. She had shown me a picture of them when they were little with their parents. I knew their parents had died in a car accident, but she hadn't told me that it was because they were on their way to her ballet performance that she begged she could go to.
She talked about how she was an orphan and that now she had made Eun-hyuk an orphan too. I had tried to comfort her, telling her that it wasn't her fault and stupid shit like that happens. I tried, but she didn't believe me. Maybe that was the right time to say that I was one too, but I didn't want to talk about my problems when she had just opened up to me.
My feet stopped walking when I came to the fourteenth floor. The door was open, but the thing that made me stop was the smear of blood that was on it. With slow steps, I began to make my way to it. Did someone get hurt here? I haven't heard anything unusual when I was home.
Carefully poking my head out the doorway I try to see if someone was there.
There was only silence which made things worse. The bad feeling in my stomach returned the moment I stepped a foot into the hallway. Everything seemed normal until I almost slipped on something. Lifting my foot from the ground I saw more blood. I looked up and saw that it was a trail.
Someone who was hurt must have come through here. I bite my lip debating whether to just turn around and get the guard, but then the thought of him being exhausted came back. Taking just a look never hurts someone. If someone is hurt I just call someone for help. Walking beside the blood trail I began to follow it.
The smell of metallic became stronger the more blood I found on the floor. I halted in my tracks when my ears began to ring again. It wasn't like the last time. This time it hurts my ears making me cover them with my hands thinking that they will begin to bleed. It lasted a few seconds before it died down.
Slowly I moved my hands from my hands afraid I would see blood, but there was nothing on them.
"What the hell?" I mutter out taking deep breaths.
My body spun around when I heard a sound from behind me. It sounded like someone was in pain, letting out a low groan.
"Hello? Do you need help?" I was about to make my way back from where the sound came from when someone stepped from behind the corner I just come from.
It was a girl, that was for sure, but the rest of her body was kinda hiding in the shadows because the light above her was broken.
"Hey, are you okay?"
A loud squeal came from her before I heard her voice.
"I'm so hungry." To my surprise, it sounded like the girl I bumped into today.
"Uhm, I don't have anything with me?" I said confused.
I didn't know if the blood was coming from her because she was so hidden in the dark, but when my eyes traveled down her hands I saw something dripping from her hands.
"So hungry."
She took a step forward, making me take a step back not trusting the situation at all.
My eyes widened when I saw her completely now. Her face was covered in blood around her mouth and nose. The blood was definitely coming from her. My body completely tensed up when I saw her hands. They were completely covered in a grey tint that was underneath the blood together with some black vines going up her arm.
I even think that her nails seemed longer than normal humans.
"I'm hungry."
I took a few steps back when her croaky voice came out.
"J...just stay there." I managed to get out my lips.
The girl let out a groan taking more steps forward. How can this be real? She doesn't look human at all. Is she pranking me because of earlier?
"I....I'm sorry I called you a bitch!" I yelled out taking faster steps backward.
My words didn't seem to go through her. My feet stepped on something crunchy, making me stop walking scared I stepped on something she had killed. My body froze completely when she began to charge at me with a loud chilling yell.
I braced myself for what she would do to me when there was the sound of a door opening beside me, a second later someone grabbed my arm pulling me away just seconds before the girl could get to me.
Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter
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Hey guys! I hope you guys are liking the story so far! A lot more chapters are coming! I’m going to update this every other day! So it’s going to be a long ride on this one!
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eddiesguitarskills · 6 months
It Can't All Be Bullshit
Read part 2 here
Eddie Munson x fem Reader x Steve Harrington (unfortunately no steddie in this)
Summary: pinning after your best friend can be hard, especially when he doesn’t seem to like you back. You were trying to get over a crush the last thing you needed was another.
AN: this and the next chapter have been in my drafts for far too long so I thought I'd post them (not the best piece of writing but I like the story) I have tried to prove read it but I have dyslexia so sorry for any mistakes
Warnings: Angst, use of Y/n, mention of break ups, miscommunication, drug and alcohol use, swearing
Word count: about 2000 words
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Halloween night 1985
Of all the people you had to have a crush on, why did it have to be your annoying, oblivious dork of a best friend? You knew you needed to get over it, and even if there ever was a chance of being with him, you feared you’d lose him. You weren’t what Eddie wanted in a girl, and you knew that. You were surprised he kept you around now with how much you nagged at him. It’s not like it was all the time, but someone had to look out for that boy, especially if he wasn’t going to do it for himself.
Eddie interrupted your plans for a Halloween movie night, which you had planned out for a month, costumes included. If anyone were to look at you together, they would assume you were a couple; most people did. You were dressed as Jack and Wendy Torrance from the shinning. He even let you put makeup on him to give him the frostbite effect. So when he suddenly announced he had to go to Tina’s party to deal, you were annoyed. You tried not to nag, even though you hated the sound of your voice at this point. Plus, he promised it would only be an hour tops, and then you could get takeout with some of his earnings so that you couldn’t complain, especially when he looked at you with those eyes. You could never say no.
You weren’t the biggest fan of drugs or him dealing them; you knew he was better than that life. But you understood how hard things were on him and his uncle, so as long as it wasn’t forever, it wasn’t really bad drugs, you let it be. You never liked to be around when he dealt, though. Something about watching it made you feel weird. You could never explain why. Eddie was kind, though, and he never did anything in front of you. He didn’t even smoke weed, especially after that one time when he got super paranoid and scared you. You weren’t part of that life. You didn’t do drugs, you didn’t drink, and you didn’t party. It’s not that you were boring. It was just never you. Hey, maybe you were boring, but at least you didn't need drugs to enjoy yourself. You liked to be in control.
You are currently leaning against the countertop in the kitchen, sticking out like a sore thumb with a Coke in your hand. You look at the clock, he’s 30 minutes late. You were trying to turn a new leaf, so you were trying to be understanding, even if his time-wasting was cutting into your Halloween plans. You couldn’t take your eyes off the clock, not like there were other things to watch at this party: teenagers making out, getting too drunk or being sick. The clock seemed more appealing. When it hit the 2-hour mark, you started worrying, so you looked for him. What you didn’t expect to find was him in the garden with a blunt in his hand and his other hand on a blonde’s thigh.
The voice in your head telling you not to nag was now becoming quieter with how annoyed you were. He ditched you, and he was smoking, which showed he had no intention of continuing your plans. He just wanted to get high and laid. “Eddie!” you said loud and stern enough for him to hear you, but too high he was in his bubble with his girl for the night. “Edward Munson!” you said louder; he only ever hears that name when in trouble, so subconsciously, he straightened his back and tried to hide the blunt, failing miserably. He turned around to face you, he waved “Hi darling”. You glared at him. “Are you high, darling?” a mocking tone coming from your voice, using his usual pet name for you against him.
He pitched his fingers together “a little”. Eddie always thought you looked cute when you were mad; he usually tried to get you a little angry so he could see that face. Usually, though, he could hide his smile and keep a straight face since he was sober. But now, when he tried to keep a straight face, he couldn’t; even more irritating for you, he couldn't stop giggling, making the girl to his right giggle, too. “If you wanted to go party instead, you should have told me; you didn’t need to lie”. If Eddie were sober, he would see how hurt you were, but in his mind, this was a joke, “you don’t have to stay. You can go home and watch the films. Tell me what happens”. You freeze; this is why you hated High Eddie; he never realised how hurtful he came across. How selfish he became. And when he finally sobers up enough to realise you must forgive him because he ‘wasn’t in his right mind’. It’s a frustrating cycle, which is why he stopped smoking in front of you. Except for now, apparently. That’s probably why he ditched you so that you wouldn’t find out.
Hurtful words were on your tongue, but you were in your right mind, so you could never say them. You knew you wouldn’t mean them. You were just hurt, so you stormed off straight out the front door, but when you made it to the front porch, it was like you were stuck in glue. You couldn’t leave whether he was being a dick or not. He was still your best friend, and you need to ensure he was safe. He shouldn’t drive high, and knowing him, he would try. So you waited. You couldn’t go back into the hell hole that was Tina’s Halloween party, so you waited on a porch swing. The air was bitter tonight, so you were glad your costume provided a jumper, not that it looked like a costume anymore without a partner to go with it.
Your eyes were drifting shut with how tired and bored you were, that was until you heard a huge slam come from beside you, making you flinch. You weren’t the only one having a terrible time at this party; Steve was having an even worse one. “You got cigarettes?”. He didn’t look at you, so you didn’t realise he was talking to you. That was until you felt his glare burning into you. You knew that look wasn’t meant for you, but it still made you feel uncomfortable. Maybe it was due to the shots you could tell he had taken from the blue tint to his lips, or perhaps he had gotten into a fight. But this look wasn’t meant for you, but it didn't make it any less scary when you were in his firing line. “Huh?”. With the way he spoke to you next, you could have sworn you had done something to hurt his feelings. “Are you deaf I said do you have any smokes?” he spoke slowly like you were a dumb child. He tutted at you and turned away from you “bullshit”. He kept repeating like a madman.
Jesus, was he that addicted to nicotine, you thought. Even if he did make you feel a little uncomfortable, especially since you knew he was a jock, and even though they didn’t necessarily pick on you because, in their words, “you were a girl,” they bullied your friends so you knew how bad they could be. But even for a jock, this was dramatic “fucking hell, I’m sorry, I don’t have any” you said a little sarcastically. He stopped his repetition and looked over his shoulder at you. “What?” He said with anger still laced in his voice, like you did anything to deserve his rage. You didn’t know why you were wasting your breath on him, but Eddie had pissed you off, and you needed to get the annoyance out somehow. “Are you deaf? I said I’m sorry, I don’t have any”.
He thought he knew girls well, but after tonight, he wasn’t sure, and he didn’t want to figure out what was wrong with you either. He couldn’t be bothered by the grief. “Fuck off”. You couldn’t tell if his words were in reaction to what you said or if he meant it. That was until he repeated it, and you saw the look on his face, and the tears in his eyes that he didn’t realise were there. You didn’t know what was happening with him, but it was not your place to sort it. You were making it worse.
So you went back into the party, to look for two people, firstly Tommy Hagan everyone knew he was Harrington’s best friend, so even if you didn’t like Tommy you couldn’t leave someone when they were like that. It would only make you as bad as them. You found him around the beer pong table. You lightly tapped his shoulder as you couldn’t deal with another boy's wrath tonight. He turned around, looking you up and down, smirking. “What are you supposed to be a virgin?” You rolled your eyes. You knew you could think of a comeback and put him in his place, but now wasn’t the time; you needed to get him outside, and you didn’t want to announce that his friend, the king of Hawkin High, was crying on the lawn in front of everyone. You weren't cruel. “Can you just come outside with me?” The room erupted into “oh”, as if you were suggesting something sexual. “Wait, was I right about the virgin thing? Is the freak not giving you any? Do you want a real man instead?” He said, getting closer to you. He smelt of beer and body odour, but you let him closer so you could whisper in his ear. “Your boy is outside, and something’s happened. I’d go and sort it if I was you”. He looked at you confused and nodded. He walked out, but not before smacking you on the ass. “I’ll see you later, darling?”. God, he was the most enormous prick. You couldn’t hold your tongue anymore. “Is that with your girlfriend or alone?”.
Eddie came sauntering alone into the room after hearing your voice, “I hope you’re not starting fights”, he said, putting his arm around your shoulder out of comfort. You ignored his question, not wanting to get into it now. “You ready to go?” You looked at him and weakly smiled. Eddie couldn’t tell, though he was still high as a kite, just in the mellow stage, so all he could see was you smiling. You took the keys out of his pocket and led him to the van. On your way out, you walked past Tommy and Steve on the porch swing. Steve’s leg bounced. “She said we were bullshit”, he kept repeating; you were glad Eddie wasn’t sober enough to hear it. Otherwise, he would definitely use it against him. Everything about his mood towards you started to make sense. He and Nancy had clearly broken up. So you gave him a smile and a nod of acknowledgement as you left, which he only glared at. You didn't mind, though you were just glad he wasn’t alone, even if that meant being with Tommy.
You drove Eddie home, struggling to get his dead weight onto the bed and to get his shoes off. You were about to leave for your car outside when Eddie's hand grabbed for yours. “Stay”. This used to be one of the only things you liked about him being high, the cuddles and needing attention. However, right now, this was probably the worst thing for your heart when you were trying to get over him, but when you looked at his face, how could you say no if that made him happy, even if it would end up hurting you.
Let me know if you wanna be tagged in the future
Masterlist here if you are interested
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queerxqueen · 1 year
Percy Jackson Preview at NYCC 2023
SPOILERS for the first seven minutes of the series!
We were shown the first seven minutes of the first episode, and a short excerpt of the Minotaur chase scene. This is a breakdown of what happens in the first seven minute excerpt to the best of my memory.
Opens with the ICONIC “I didn’t want to be a half blood” voice over as Percy approaches the camera in a stormy setting, very dramatic and moody
Cuts to title card!
Continued VO with flashback as Baby Percy (7years old) sees strange things and gets into trouble over it. He’s on a roof watching a Pegasus, zoning out in class watching a golden rhino that goes down the streets of NYC until he looks back and it’s just a garbage truck (the Myst at work). Percy is sent to therapy and outcast over these things and told it’s all in his head.
VO Percy introduces Grover who is also outcast, but who listens and does not judge about the things Percy sees. They exchange a Minotaur trading card and Percy doodles various mythical creatures.
Shift to Met museum field trip, Chiron gives a theme-stated moment about the gods and Greek history being about who you are etc. Percy looks at assignment where the words are all moving around, showing his Dyslexia.
While looking at a statue of Perseus, it flashes back to Baby Percy with his mom telling him why he’s named after Perseus; Percy says he’s a hero because he slays monsters; Percy’s mom warns that not everyone who looks like a hero is a hero or villain is a villain. #foreshadowing
Percy is drawn back to present with Nancy and Ms Dodds giving a hard time (ableist bs from Nancy “Percy’s special”) Chiron interrupts and gives the pen / riptide (comic con crowd goes wild, naturally)
Percy and Grover eat lunch outside the museum, sitting on the edge of a fountain, wordlessly w hanging food items (Grover takes a slice of cheese off Percy’s sandwich which I thought was hilarious). They talk about Nancy and Percy jokes (or perhaps does not joke) about shoving her into a dumpster while Grover says to never stand up to bullies. They’re interrupted by Nancy throwing some sort of food which hits Grover in the face. Percy goes to stand up to her and almost goes to shove her but he doesn’t even touch her before she’s flying back and landing in the fountain. Nancy shouts “PERCY PUSHED ME” and that’s the end of the preview!!!
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