#the dysfunctionaldj
banesinspace-blog · 10 years
Text was carelessly walking among the ship. His fingernails clicked against the screen of his phone. Oof! He fell back to the ground, his phone flew from his hand. What the hell did he knock in to? It didn't feel like some light pole. The man finally looked up. His eyes widened in utter horror. Holyshitthatguyishuge
"Oh sorry." He crouches down to retrieve the man’s phone and help him up, "Are you alright?" His brows knight together in concern.
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eden-in-space · 10 years
Sae arches a brow before snapping open a fan. Even with her mouth hidden behind it, it was obvious that she was amused, at least for now.
"Oh my. If you come up with a good mix to set the mood I’ll consider it."
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spacestroke · 10 years
"Yeah--my place or yours??" He pauses for a moment with a slight frown. "Maybe yours--I don't have a table?? I have a counter though that might be fun!! Or, y'know, a bed!! Or shower!! Or floor!! Or window!!"
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If we kissed?
[] Quickie.[] Tongue.[] Softly bite your lip.[] We wouldn’t.[] Long and meaningful.[] Let’s hit up the bedroom.[] You remember last time?[xxxxxxx] Awkward…[] Lol no.Would I go out with you?[] Yes, definitely.[] No.[] I want to, but it wouldn’t work.[] Maybe. [] Nope, you’re like family.[] You’re cute, but probably not.[] Just simply not my type.[x] If I knew you better.[] Already did.[x] I don’t know.If we took a picture together, we’d be…[] Hugging each other.[x] Just chilling.[] Holding hands.[] Kissing.[x] Acting dumb.[] Normal picture.[] You holding me from behind.You are…[] Cute/Pretty.[] Good looking.[] Sexy.[x] All of the above You + me + room = …[x] Movies.[] Cuddling.[x] Hanging out.[] Kissing.[x] Playing games.[] Everything.[] Wouldn’t let you in.You should…[x] Hit me up.[] Be mine.[] Marry me.[] Reblog this so I can send you a heart.[] be studyingIf we got married, I’d…[] Divorce you.[] Make kids.[] Take your money and bounce.[] Smash every day.[] I would cheat on you.[x] Be faithful.[] Kill you in your sleep [] We wouldn’t
"Youre interesting and you look good, I just don't know you well is all!"
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auroris-spacehulk · 10 years
heart 4 text
If we kissed?[] Softly bite your lip.[] Awkward…
"I'd bite you."
Would I go out with you?[] No.[] You’re cute, but probably not.[] Just simply not my type.
"You're funny. I hit you and you freak." If we took a picture together, we’d be…[] Hugging each other.[] Just chilling.[] Holding hands.[] Kissing.[] Acting dumb.[] Normal picture.[] You holding me from behind.
"A photo on the front page of the newspaper. We probably got in a fight."You are…[] Good looking.
"You're not a wimp anymore, Wyatt. Weird."You + me + room = …[] Wouldn’t let you in.
"I don't like your music."You should…[] be studying
"...other genres of music."
If we got married, I’d…[] Smash every day. [[ DIRK SMAAAASSHHHHH //text screaming ]]
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afreyedoesntfall · 10 years
"text is one cool guy! I mostly only just see him at parties, which, now that I think about it, is sort of sad. Maybe I should seek him out outside of the party scene, see if he wants to hang out."
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pastelbenny · 10 years
Attraction level: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 (it’s the dreadlocks, man.)Love for the Character:1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10How much the char has grown on me: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 (I still don’t know much about him since I haven’t been as social here as I was at PDL, but I absolutely love his character design 8’V )Badassness level:1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 (dem dreadlocks.)How upset I’d be if the char got killed off:1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 (8’V nu please.)
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professor-novak · 10 years
"A terrible student. Even more frustrating - he was perfectly capable of paying attention, but chose not to. He also had a habit of attempting to foster incredibly distracting and improper relationships with others in the class. Maybe one day he'll act with more discretion, but I am not entirely hopeful."
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spacestroke · 10 years
( /.\ )
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☒ - A fact about the mun
((WELL GEE GOSH ANOTHER ONE. okay uhhh uh uh UHH
i'm not that interesting but uh........my favorite food is mashed potatoes?))
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eden-in-space · 10 years
Sylvester’s dislike for nicknames stems from being called “Windowsill” for years by his younger brother.
The younger Eden will still occasionally call him that.
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auroris-spacehulk · 10 years
[[@the dysfunctionaldj for Text ]] "Not all of us carry a pair of shades. Be mindful of others and don't dress as though you're looking to blind those you pass by. "
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spacestroke · 10 years
yeah party man hahah!!
i bet he knows how to party between the sheets B))
killer soundtrack for getting it on hell yeah
i dunno??
his beard thing might be kinda scratchy maybe??
i can work with that tho!!
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spacestroke · 10 years
Squishhh! I've admire you from afar! You always make such interesting characters and holy frick I love me some August! You've improved so much since PDL and your coloring is so bright and gorgeous!
((cRIES AND HOLDS U CLOSE FRIEND. FRIEND BLESS U FOR THE KIND WORDS IM SO gives you a piece of august pls take him))
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