#the dude never shows up to class and when he does he acts as though hes a hardworking student in our class
natsuslover · 5 months
ur account is so cutee !!
do you have any erasermic headcanons? (*^^*)♡
aww tysm! 🫶
and ofc i have erasermic headcanons they’re so chaotic i love them so much. i didn’t know if u wanted platonic or romantic so i just wrote platonic bc i have more hcs for that 😭😭
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic erasermic headcanons ੈ✩‧₊˚
notes— i’m rewatching mha rn so i’m actually really excited to write all these mha headcanons
ft. shota aizawa, present mic (idk his real name)
warnings: very light spoiler in one of them i think
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present mic gossips about the students ALL. THE. TIME. (mostly complaining or like random tidbits of tea but it’s harmless) to aizawa but he doesn’t really pay attention lmao.
except from time to time when mic says something that’s so clearly not the truth and aizawa just has to correct him.
when mic asks aizawa how he knows so much about the students aizawa’s like “they just tell me” which gets mic somewhat ticked off because the students never go to him for anything lol.
when aizawa’s teaching class present mic just randomly pops in from time to time to “shake things up”
he blatantly interrupts the lecture and goes up to the podium and gets all sentimental while dramatically retelling the students stories of his and aizawa’s high school days.
meanwhile aizawa just whips out his sleeping bag and uses the time to take a much needed nap.
really i think present mic does that on purpose because he KNOWS aizawa doesn’t sleep enough so it’s his own way of caring.
both of them just sit and reminisce about their high school days every once in a while because they want to remember the good things about shirakumo :(
aizawa’s not the most sentimental person (at least he doesn’t show that side very much) so present mic is one of the only people who gets to see aizawa when he’s really emotional.
they’re literally the grumpy x sunshine, golden retriever x black cat, opposites attract trope.
aizawa always pretends to be annoyed or exhausted by mic’s presence but everyone knows that’s not true.
despite acting like he doesn’t care he’s actually really appreciative of present mics friendship.
aizawa often goes through tough times with all his students (especially izuku, shoto, and katsuki) getting dragged into situations because he cares and worries about them, and present mic is there cheer him up and reassure him that everything will be fine.
present mic has a really optimistic outlook on life which usually uplifts aizawa’s pessimistic attitude.
whenever it comes to lesson plans both of them help each other out to the best of their abilities because neither of them enjoy planning stuff out.
honestly, i feel like even though they were friends in high school, their bond truly got stronger when they started teaching and because of their students.
random but one time in high school present mic dyed aizawa’s hair blond while he was sleeping at a slumber party.
the next morning aizawa woke up to mic’s relentless giggling, looked in the mirror, and was too tired to even care his hair was yellow lmao. he just looked at mic like “seriously dude?” and continued to wash his face.
but when present mic looked in the mirror he noticed that aizawa lowkey looked better than him in his signature hair color and immediately ran to the store to find black hair dye to dye it back.
after all, there’s no way he’d live it down if aizawa started pulling more girls than him…
unbeknownst to everyone else, aizawa and mic have super smash bros competitions every weekend (mic’s idea obviously)
aizawa wins
every time lmao
mic gets super pissed off about it because aizawa’s not even trying like 95% of the time and he’s STILL unbeatable.
present mic hates olives and aizawa doesn’t mind them, so whenever they get food with olives in it, mic spends time picking out EVERY olive and puts them in aizawa’s food.
they both like spicy food but while present mic is huffing and puffing and hakahajcahak-ing through his food, aizawa doesn’t even have a single drop of sweat on his face.
whenever they want to skip a teacher meeting, they use each other as excuses.
like “oh shit mic just uh… fell off a mountain i have to go help him brb” or “damn looks like eraser broke his foot gotta go check!”
they’re both dedicated teachers but sometimes those meetings can get sooo tedious.
aizawa often has to help present much grocery shop even at his grown age because man does NOT know how to shop like an adult lmao.
aizawa’s telling mic how he needs more onions because he ran out but in a split second the entire cart is filled with an entire year’s worth of snacks and junk food.
one glare from aizawa and poor present mic is putting back every single food item that he got lol.
mic is without a doubt the yapper of the duo.
like bro doesn’t know when to shut up and aizawa just goes along with it because that means he doesn’t have to talk as much.
actually aizawa’s like zoned out the whole time but present mic doesn’t really care he just likes that he can talk without interruption.
both of them are such opposites it just works out somehow and i really love that for them.
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ok so this is really rushed and def not my best work but my brain is so fried rn i can’t think of anything so i hope this works 😭 i’ll definitely do more erasermic hcs later on when i can actually think tho.
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plant-acts · 6 months
Linked Universe College Theater AU
The amount of crazy stuff that goes on in my college theater program deserves to be immortalized with my favorite characters!
So here is what I think they would be like if they were Theater Majors with Time and Malon being their professors (plus some other fun characters at the end)!
Time: 46 | Technical Theater Director for the college | In the beginning, he was a simple high school theater teacher, but after seeing an opening at a small college he and his wife decided to apply! He has been teaching at the college for the past 6 years and essentially saved the program. He loves his job, but if he gets one more student named Link, he might burn the place down. His wife is the Artistic Director, Malon, and their son Twilight is his student.
Twilight: 22 | Technical Theater | His parents had him introduced to theater at a young age and he quickly learned that he enjoyed the technical aspect more than the acting side (like father like son). Even though Time insisted he could apply to any college, Twi chose to go to his parent's program. Within the theater, he leads the set-building crew. The man is crazy strong (a platform almost fell on Wild while he was working underneath it and with one hand, Twi caught the set, and with the other; he dragged Wild out). He is living with his parents until he graduates. After that, he hopes to open a summer stock theater in a nearby town.
Warriors: 21 |Performance Theater | Originally, after graduating high school he was going to go into the military, but plans changed after his grandmother passed. Now he is one of the newest performance majors! To be honest, he never saw himself on the stage until he was forced to go to a summer musical audition at the college with his younger stepbrother, Wind. To his surprise, he got a part and has been in love with it ever since! He can often be found helping with the costume department (everyone begs him to please stop trying to put them in scarves; the stage lights are too hot for it). He and his younger stepbrothers live in an apartment together.
Legend: 21 | Performance Theater | He has probably been doing theater longer than everyone else (besides Twilight, but they don’t count him because his parents are theater teachers). As a kid, his family signed him up for summer classes. Quickly, they found he had genuine talent, and he performed throughout high school. At one point, he was in an official production of Matilda, but he refuses to tell which it was. Expressing emotions has always been hard for him and theater is an outlet he can use to be anyone he wants (although sometimes he regrets the performance major choice, especially when he has to dye his hair pink for a role, and it stains). Although he's a performance major, he could give tech students a run for their money. He somehow knows everything (years of experience)! He lives in an apartment near campus with his roommates Ravio and Hyrule.
Sky: 20 | Performance Theater | The Dude was born for the stage. His first performance was in high school, and he has led in every show since. He just seems to shine and embody the character. His high school theater program was small, so it was a culture shock to see so many talented people at the college. Because of that, he struggles with self-doubt. He sometimes doesn’t believe he is good enough to be there. His girlfriend, Sun, is also a performance major at the college and does what she can to assure him he is crazy talented, just like the rest of them. He has the best singing voice out of everyone and is not afraid to do karaoke at the worst time. They live together in an apartment right next to Legend and Hyrule (all the apartments just happen to be in the same building on the same floor).
Hyrule: 20 | Technical Theater | Growing up, he wasn’t sure what he wanted to be. That was until he needed an art credit and joined the tech theater class! He has been in love with it ever since! He loves seeing a show come together and how everyone works as a team to make it happen. Usually, he is in charge of finding props in the maze that is the prop loft (seriously; it is a mess; they have lost Four back there a few times). If no one steps up to be a stage manager or assistant director for a show, he will gladly fill that spot. He lives with his roommates Legend and Ravio.
Wild: 20 | Technical Theater | Originally, he was going to be a performance major, but an accident in his first semester of college changed that. Now he has a cool scar on his face and the memory of a goldfish (to be honest it had always been comically bad, so nothing much changed there). He wasn’t going to let some bad luck stop his love of theater, so he changed majors and has been a menace to Time ever since (maybe he will go back to acting one day, who knows ;)). Whether it’s helping in any way possible, specifically building sets with Twilight, or assisting with costumes, he is always lending a hand. He is convinced OSHA does not apply to him (when does it ever apply in theater). One time, he put a ladder on an electric lift so he could fix a sign. The sign still ended up crooked. No one knows why, but he somehow has everything anyone could ever need in his tool belt. Nails? Check. Bobby Pins? Check. The secrets of the universe? Maybe? He lives with his partner Flora and support dog, Wolfie.
Four: 19 | Four is actually 4 different people. The quadruplets all applied to the same college and didn’t realize until they got their acceptance letters! For the longest time, everyone thought they were the same person (somehow the brothers never noticed that people believed this and just thought everyone was being weird when they said a second ago, they watched him leave through the opposite door). After everyone figured it out, they started wearing colored headbands so people could tell them apart (they absolutely have switched colors to mess with people or get out of doing a job). Everyone calls them Four as a joke, and because it is easier than trying to catch sight of the colored headbands. They live with their older brother Shadow, who is a technical theater major, but he works nights, and they don’t see each other on campus much.
Blue: Technical Theater | Hides on the catwalk after hanging lights and you won't know about it until he is screaming "HEADS" because he dropped his phone.
Green: Performance Theater | He has just kinda accepted the fact that if there is a young character, he will be typecast as them. It doesn't help that he looks androgynous and can play a man or woman.
Red: Performance Theater | If there was a most dramatic award he would get it. One time he got a paper cut and screamed so loud that Hyrule swears he felt the loft shake.
Vio: Technical Theater | He is the resident painter of the program, which means he is in charge of doing the shading for every. single. set. More than once he has stayed the night to finish painting a flat.
Wind: 18 | Technical/Performing Theater | He couldn't decide which he wanted to major in, so he dual majors (Malon and Time have a small fun competition to see if they can convince him to favor one over the other)! He lived in a small coastal town until his grandmother died. After that, he and his twin brother Spirit moved in with their stepbrother Warriors since they already planned to go to the same college. More than once, he has to be told to slow down his lines (totally not projecting here). He's absolutely convinced that the theater is haunted after he was locked in and heard crying from the loft. His favorite part of tech is drawing up a design for the set. He is the head of marketing and takes it very seriously. Although he is the youngest, he hates being treated like he doesn't know what is going on and people not letting him help on important projects. He's been doing theater since middle school and just wants to be a part of the team!
Other Characters!
Hylia: ??? | Head of Performing Arts | She has been working at the college for as long as anyone can remember. Kind, but can be quite strict with her employees and their students if they get out of line.
Gannon: ??? | College President | Not much to say about him, he never leaves his office. But before Time and Malon started teaching, he tried to shut down the theater department because there weren't enough students.
Malon: 47 | Artistic Director | She, Time, and Twilight live on a few acres of land given to her by her father. She loves to invite The Chain (the name she gave the group of Links who joined the program and became friends) over for game nights. More than once she has walked into her office to see one of the boys asleep in the corner, where she has a stack of pillows.
Beetle: 23 | ??? | Legit just some dude who really likes the college productions and goes to every show to support the program.
Shadow: 22 | Technical Theater | No one is quite sure if he even exists. Every time a prop breaks, they call his name, and in the blink of an eye; it is either fixed or gone. He runs the lights, but the glass of the tech booth is so dirty you can't see what he looks like (hence the nickname Shadow). Four insists that he is their older brother, but the believability of that differs from person to person.
Ravio: 21 | Business Sales | Legend and Hyrule's roommate. More than once, he has tried to sell things he "borrowed" from people back to their owners. It never works and he just plays it off as practice for his business class.
Flora: 20 | Mechanical Engineer | She lives with Wild and is half of his impulse control. She can get super focused on her studies and Wild will drag her to the theatre to get her out of the house (and prove that yes he does have a girlfriend, and no she is not made up)
Sun: 20 | Performance Theatre | In high school, she and Sky were cast as Audrey and Seymour in Little Shop of Horrors. She was so nervous about the Suddenly Seymour kiss that she was almost sick. Her and Sky laugh about it now because he was also super scared to kiss his crush.
Tetra:19 | Navy | Wind’s best friend from his hometown. They kept in touch even after he moved away. She is joining the Navy and the last summer before she left and he started college; they met up in person for the first time in months. They just hung out at the beach and talked like old times. They miss each other, so she tries to surprise him at his shows as much as she can.
Phantom: 18 | Psychology | Spirits best friend. She can and will talk your ear off about whatever new thing she is learning in class. She lives in an apartment with a few of her friends and invites Spirit to every girl's night (he has crush privileges and loves to gossip just as much as any of the gals)
Spirit: 18 | Civil Engineering | Wind's twin brother. He wants to work on building transportation routes between different cities (although the amount of work he has to do makes him wish he just went into fast food instead). He might not talk much, but his facial expressions can rival any of the actors.
Aryll: 13 | Middle School | Wind and Spirits younger sister. She moved in with her dad and stepmom after their grandma's death. She misses the beach but is happy to be making friends and learning about the city.
If you made it this far, please do not be afraid to ask questions in my ask box. I am dying to talk and write about this AU.
I beg.
(Also, I am pretty new to the loz and LU fandoms so if something feels off, or I missed some characters, tell me and I'll fix/talk about them!)
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alphaformation · 1 year
I was wondering if you could do a mm Mikey x reader who is like really involved in the fine arts? (Stuff like singing, dancing, and acting) Maybe reader does musical theatre or songwriting? Is on the dance team? Or maybe on the improve team with him? It’s up to you but I just think it’d be really cute! I’d prefer a fem reader but you can do a gn reader if you’re more comfortable with that!
Thank You!🫶
hi hi anon!! this is such a cute request, & I figured it'd be more fun to explore in a headcanon format, so I hope you don't mind :)
╭──────.★..─╮ Limelight. ╰─..★.──────╯
Mutant Mayhem; Michelangelo / Fem!Reader Content Warnings: N/A
Summary: A girl in Mikey's Public Speaking class catches his attention, and he decides he needs hers in return.
Though he was more than excited to dive into his improv elective, Mikey was just a little apprehensive about the iceberg that was Eastman's performance and fine arts courses.
They weren't massively funded, it wasn't a great school mind you, but it WAS a big one. There were so many people and so many groups, he found it a bit arduous to know where to start.
So he started small.
He took a public speaking course for his first semester, figuring it was a good start without taking a headlong dive.
That was where he met you.
You were so cool!!
Mikey admired you so much when you met, seeing your confidence in every silly exercise or warmup your class did.
While his brothers made their goals around grades and extra-curriculars, Mikey's number one top-of-the-list plan was to get your attention.
and like.. let's be real, it's true of all of the Mutant Mayhem boys that he made a complete fool of himself trying.
so many jokes that fell flat... So many gags that went nowhere......
but like, humor was his thing! If he couldn't impress you with that, he was never going to.
Fortunately, you didn't require all too much pandering. As soon as Mikey flat out asked to hang out with you, you were happy to accept.
Let me tell you, Mikey's so excited for you when it comes to every school production that you're a part of.
Even if you get screwed over in casting, you KNOW he's still gonna drag his brothers to that musical.
"Dude, she doesn't even have a speaking part, why are we here?"
"Wow, Don, I thought YOU of all people would appreciate good choreography."
When he eventually asks you out, it's a whole affair.
Unlike Donnie, he's confided in his entire family about his crush, and you can definitely expect some odd looks from all three of his brothers in the time that hes working up the nerve to ask you out.
He shows up to a study date one day with a pizza and one of those heart teddy bears you get on valentines day.
"hey so, like, It's.. Totally cool if you don't vibe with this, but. I like you. Like... a lot?"
He tries to downplay it-- he really values your friendship, and if you don't feel the same he doesn't want you to feel weird about it.
When you tell him that you do reciprocate, he gets so excited.
He.. definitely forgot to actually bring his backpack and stuff to this study date, since he was pretty distracted with the whole confession thing.
When you eventually step foot in the lair, prepare for his entire family to place their attention on you. Every single one of his cousins is going to want to meet you, and naturally Splinter is going to have to sit you down.
Prepare for the whole "What are your intentions with my son." Talk. Splinter doesn't care that you're a girl, he's protective!
But once he's deemed you a good fit, you're practically part of the family.
As the two of you have been dating for longer, expect him to start following you into your extra-curriculars more.
Mikey is taking a shot at everything! If there's something you're auditioning for, he's two steps behind you.
In short, he adores you, and he owes a lot of his growth to you! He's really come out of his shell since meeting you, hehe.
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corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ HEADCANNONS: team craig reacting to yn being in the hospital✧.*
✧.* tags: superhero au, college au ✧.* Characters: tolkien blacl, craig tucker, tweek tweek, clyde donavan, jimmy valmer a/n: I got around to sharing team craig! i'm so happy everyone liked the previous one and I hope you enjoy this one just as much!
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He’d act very apathetic about the whole situation when you told him
“I’m going to be in the hospital for the next week, I got into an accident during a villain attack and hit my head pretty bad.”
“Oh wow. That’s a bummer.”
“Yeah, can you grab my homework for me?”
“Eh… I’ve got some things going on tomorrow.”
He doesn’t want to see you hurt 
So he just avoids going
As long as he doesn’t physically SEE you, you can’t really be hurt, right?
Clyde drags him to the hospital to visit you 
After that he’s visiting everyday until you’re discharged 
Then sits with you to pass the time since you can’t look at screens until you’re healed
Definitely shows you his astronomy books
(lowkey very happy to have someone who listens to his interests instead of dealing with south park’s bullshit of the day but he’ll never say it)
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Let’s be honest we ALL know what he’d do
And it’s not sit down, have a cup of tea and wait to for you to be discharged
He’s running into the automatic door before he can open
Probably ends up in the hospital WITH you by the time he makes it to your room
“I literally texted you”
“I tried to read it but my hand wouldn’t stop shaking so I decided to get here as fast as possible but then my bike hit a curb so I had to run all the way over.”
“Jesus fuck dude, you need this bed more than me.”
“Im literally being discharged rn”
You being hurt means that HE can get hurt
Starts showing up to EVERYTHING covered in bubble wrap
He looks like that kid from home alone except with bubble wrap 
Craig blames you
“Bro my car was literally crushed by the fucking coon how is that my fault”
“You didn’t coon-proof your car and now Tweek’s going to be freaking out for the next month”
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Probably the only one with a NORMAL reaction
You send him a text that you were in the hospital and he says he’ll be over once he’s out of class
Real normal stuff
Normal until he gets to the hospital
You can’t tell it’s him through the balloons and flowers and stuffed animals
“Why does the bear have a card that says ‘We’ll beat Cancer together’?”
“I didn’t know what was wrong so I grabbed one of everything.”
You were knocked out when a piece of debris hit your head during a villain attack
You need to go back to work to make money for rent?
Nah he covered your rent for the month. And utilities. And filled your fridge.
What’s the point of being rich if you can’t help your friends when they’re hurt? 
He’d do it for anyone!
(anyone meaning you and butters. Maybe kyle if he’s in a good mood. Only redeemable souls in the whole town)
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Acting like you’re DYING the moment you tell him
You could literally have a sprained ankle and he’s sobbing like you’ve got a day to live
“I know i wasn’t always the best friend in the world but I care about you so much!”
“That’s great clyde, can we talk about this tomorrow though?”
“You’re so strong. Acting like everything’s okay.”
Watching the area around you like a HAWK for the next month incase there are any dangers
What if you get hurt again??
Wants you to stay home for a month after you get out of the hospital 
Stands in front of your door, holding the doorknob so you can’t open it inward
But the door opens outward
So you send him falling onto his ass and start walking to class with a sobbing clyde crawling across the floor behind you
He means well though
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Finally, the perfect audience to try his new hospital set with
He doesn’t really like hospitals since his comedy isn’t usually appreciated 
He’ll call you everyday though! And tell you everything that’s happening with your friends
It’s like having your own personal sitcom that calls you everyday
“And then craig threw his ice cream at cartman’s face and made him the true mint chocolate chip.”
“PFFFT! God i love your commentary”
“What can i say, you’re a great audience!”
“Can you just call me everyday and recap the day?”
“Wow, my mom always told me i’d be famous but this is getting a little wild”
Even if he’s worried, he’s not going to say anything.
He wants to boost your mood since he knows hospitals have rancid vibes
He’s the first one to visit you once you’re back at home and he’s got PAGES of recaps to share with you
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peachycrime · 1 year
SLK or Spider/Kiri/Lo'ak Headcanons
idk what these will be about tbh i’m just writing as i think of stuff lmao
Kiri had a phase where she was convinced she was a witch because everywhere she went an animal would just waddle up to her
Spider, Lo’ak and Jake talk to babies like they’re grown people, like no baby talk and it’s hilarious
Lo’ak was once holding a baby, and you know how you hold them high in the air and they’re above you? Yea they were having a moment and then the little creature threw up all over his shirt and started giggling right after
“Dude seriously? we were having a moment wtf” it took everything in him not to just drop the baby
Lo’ak would copy everything Jake did as a kid, his lil mini me fr
Lo’ak’s first words were either dad or Teyam
Spider and Lo’ak both have severe anger issues and lord knows what would happen if they ever turned on eachother abt that anger
Lo'ak is always reprimanded about the things he does, gets yelled at and gets in trouble in situations where he isn't truly at fault. Authority figures never let him explain himself and always assume he's lying or trying to makes excuses and they expect him to just take it and move on. He does, but all that annoyance and anger at a situation he can't help tends to come back up a lot.
With Spider on the other hand, adults can never seem to shut up with their backhanded comments,
"you're nicer than i thought you'd be considering your dad"
"Oh wow you're so smart I didn't think you'd get it'
"You look just like him" (in a bad way)
"Oh you're good at this, who would've thought"
All this stuff and he can't really say anything because he'd be proving them right. So he stays silent, doesn't argue back and boy does he hate it.
One time Neytiri made a comment on the wrong day at the wrong time and he honestly considered violence before he just silently walked out of the room. He definitely punches and breaks stuff but he tries to restrain himself which adds to the pent up anger
They've both used that anger on their bullies, Spider broke the guys nose and dislocated his shoulder by pulling it up his back and making him promise to never show his face again
Lo'ak just went straight to the punches, broke the dudes nose and left him slack jawed
So if you ever catch them in a slightly off mood and you even try to talk to them or act any sort of way, you're getting sent to the nurse. I'm sorry i don't make these rules
Kiri is the mediator, she doesn't want to be but she sometimes ends up being the most rational because when she's upset, anger isn't her default unlike the other two
Lo'ak collects comic books, Jake started the obsession and he went wild. Have a comic or manga you wanna borrow? Vintage or not it's probably in his room somewhere
Spider is a math genius, the formulas are just free balling in his head and it makes it easy for him.
He's also a literature enthusiast but has a hard time expressing his own ideas on paper, great public speaker though
Lo'ak definitely over analyzes his favorite characters, gets sad and cries silently abt it
Kiri is an all around science nerd, she goes to class just because she enjoys helping out w hands on science stuff, most of the content isn't new for her
Kiri despises chemistry, she understands it but finds it uninteresting. Ofc biology and botany are where it’s at
All language nerds
All great at physical education, i mean like the actually science behind the body, they have all the muscle names memorized etc
Kiri is their little jewel, Lo’ak especially, he tries to make it the least obvious but Spider definitely tells her how much Lo’ak cherishes her
Spider is very open with his affections, he just doesn’t feel the need to hide it, they live that loves that about him
Spider and Neteyam know how to cook a mean meal, put them in a kitchen together and you’re literally drooling at the smell
Spider is a spicy food enthusiast right along with Jake and Neytiri
Kiri has had a cat for 4 years, Jake has only known for 2 years because he used to be terrified of them and Kiri didn’t want him to freak out
He now carries said cat like it’s his mini purse
I’m all out
i’ll be delivering some locorro crumbs soon!
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mydarllinglover · 1 year
Alone || Haunted
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They had left the top of the hill, walking away back the field Natalia and Daisy patched up in.
"Why are there always so many people bothering us?" Daisy asked. "Why are there so many wars?"
"'Cause, honey, before all this, men could argue over sports, and before sports, they fought in wars. No more sports, they had to resort back to war." Natalia explained.
"Hey, this was a woman." Negan reminded. "This time."
"Yeah and it was you and the jolly green giant backing her up." She raised a brow.
Daryl had sent Daisy over to the patch of flowers, after showing her how to make a daisy chain, giving her something to do.
The two men sat on opposites sides of the log, whilst Natalia laid on the grass, staring at the sky.
It was silent between the three of them, before she started to chuckle, then that turned into a giggle, until eventually she was hysterically laughing.
"Dude, she's lost it." Negan muttered to Daryl, leaning over the log, watching Natalia.
"Shut up, man." He nudged him back over.
"Oh, god, it hurts so bad so laugh, but it's so funny." Natalia continued to giggle, holding her sides.
"Nat, what's going on?" Daryl asked her, shuffling off the log to sit beside her, holding her gently. "What's so funny?"
"My life, Daryl, my whole existence is a joke." She covered her mouth, trying to stop the laughs. "It's, the whole thing is just disaster after disaster!" She cracked.
"And that's funny because?" Negan continued to be nosy.
"Well, for starters I was born in 1985, y'know, the year of the 9000 victim earthquake in Mexico, and the spread of aids, and don't forget the Japan airline crash. Then, at the age of four, my father dies from a peanut, Hello, a peanut, one! Singular peanut! I mean, how the hell does someone just die from that, something so small!" She cracked up. "Oh, and spoiler alert, I found out I was also allergic, cause my mom's drug addict boyfriend, who was supposed to be babysitting me, fed them to me! Cause he was too doped up to tell the difference between them and pretzels! And then my Mom married my step-dad, who was a really great guy, I mean, he got me out of going to Juvie, he was kind, he never grassed me up, he's the one who supported me when my Mother found out I was pregnant in college and cut me off, then drove me to the hospital, when I went into labour during graduation! Which I finished top of my class, by the way, because my boyfriend at the time was too hungover to even bother to show up! But because I was a twenty-two year old mother, no one would take me on! Because they didn't trust it, and they called me unreliable, and a free monthly check ready to happen. At the age of twenty-five, guess what happened?" She didn't let them answer. "Dead people started walking and eating the alive people! Then my boyfriend kills himself, eats my daughter, I have to put down the both of them, which were my first ever walker kills, by the way, and then, I had a miscarriage, with no one around but my dog, who was also murdered!" She cackled at this. "Then I begin a feud with a man who had taunted me with rats! I hate rats! And then more people come along, and these are bad, bad people, they did terrible things, and I was left with no over choice but to kill them, because If I didn't, those bad things would either continue to happen, or they would just slaughter me. But then, then I met you." She smiled at Daryl. "And Rick, and Glenn, and Carl, and Maggie, and Beth and they are all gone! They're dead, the first good people, who made me feel like a person, are all dead or gone, and you're always too busy with other stuff then being around me, you might as well be gone! Anyway, and then, we spend months on the road, I had to spend months on the road with people who hated me, who didn't trust me because of the way I was forced to survive, all with a pregnant woman, who acted as though sleeping with her husbands best friend was such an heinous thing to happen to her, because nothing bad happens to angels like her, and she's just soo innocent, and this baby is such a curse! But she dies, too, because everyone dies, and I get shot! I got shot whilst I was playing ball with my dog, and you weren't there, because you left us! You left us for your brother who kidnapped Glenn and Maggie and beat them, did terrible, terrible things to them, but oh no, that's not the worst thing to ever happen to them, was it! I've been through three wars, I've been shot, I've been held at gunpoint, I survived by myself, and with a group of men who looked at me like I was the freshest cattle at the market, then I had to survive a herd, from inside a car, Oh, my twenty-seventh birthday? We met Evie, and thank god we met Evie, cause she's just amazing, but then a few days later, red poncho guy had to show up then disappear, and then Evie's dad dies, rip, Rick made us move that herd, and then I accidentally kissed you, and get this, if it wasn't for Michonne, I woulda never made a move on you, cause I thought I'd be cheating on my dead boyfriend." She wheezed.
"And then two months after that, our friends are brutally killed in front of us, and we get kidnapped, and some guy touched me, and I didn't even get justice, because that was taken from me, from the guy who kidnapped me! And then we escape, I get married, yay! We fight the war, and we win, once again, go us! But then I find out I'm pregnant, whilst hanging above walkers, literally hanging above them! Rick goes missing, my daughter gets kidnapped, I go into labour in the woods, whilst fighting a group of walkers, that I could barely do, because I was so large! We had a couple of good years, really, really good years, and then we move into the woods, and I get pregnant again, but that's fine, because I delivered him by myself, and then Carol shows up, she wants us to take care of her son, you said no, but god damn it, I'm so weak, I just had to cave, we go to Hilltop, and instantly get sent on a mission, Jesus dies, so sad. The kids escape from under our nose. We have to sneak into unknown territory to lure them back, and then we have to fight whisperers in an abandoned building, but then Henry gets hurt, because of course he does, and then the fair, oh, the fair. I spoke to Alpha, I was going to put Archie down for a nap, and she came and spoke to us, and I replied, I had a conversation with her, then walked away, I knew something was off, and I chose to ignore it, because Archie needed a nap, and then she brutally murdered my friends... my daughter had to see her best friend's head on a spike, and I wasn't even there to comfort her. I was in a freaking mine explosion, I was dead-"
"Nat, you didn't die." Daryl held her face, trying to make her stop talking, stop reliving all these memories, but she was on a train that had no other stations. "You didn't die."
"No, no, I did, for a little bit, I was dead, there's no over way to explain it, I died." She grinned at him, like a crazy person. "And I was stuck in this house, it was my old house, with Harry, and Winnie, and everything I did, or wherever I went, he would kill her, and I would wake up in the shower, and he would do it again, over and over, and over again, and I didn't know how to make it stop, I killed him, or I would kill her, or I'd avoid them, no matter what I did, she died, because I can't protect her, I'm not a good mother, and she died because I'm not, and the only reason I am here right now, is because my other daughter had to bring me back and help me get her out of there, and then she- she killed people, Daryl she killed those two whisperers on the hill, I don't think she knew they were alive, and not walkers, because I called them walkers, because I couldn't do it myself, so I turned killing real life, human people, into a game... a game! And she cut her arm. My baby cut her arm, and my other kids, I don't even know where they are!"
"They're okay, Nat, they're fine, they're with everyone, and they're okay." Daryl told her.
"Oh my god, I forgot about the cannibals!" She wiped tears from her eyes, because she was laughing so much.
"Natty, I really think you need to stop laughing, and sleep, instead."
"I've been asleep!" She snapped, looking up at him. "I was asleep for a whole day."
"No, you were unconscious for a whole day, and you lost so much blood, that I had ta donate mine." Daryl turned harsh. "That ain't resting. Daisy, get over here!" He called the girl over, who instantly came running at her fathers instructions.
"Yes, Daddy?" She asked, her Daisy necklace looped in her hands.
"You and yer Mama need some sleep, you ain't slept in over twenty four hours, so yer gonna both lay down, under this blanket." He pulled the blanket out from Daisy's backpack. "And yer gonna count sheep, till I wake you up, got it."
"Lay down, till you stop with the crazy talk." He demanded, gently pushing her back down, and instructing Daisy to come lay beside her, but of course Natalia opened up her arms for Daisy to snuggle in. "Ain't nothin' gonna get ya, no one's gonna hurt ya, sleep." 
Natalia let out a grumble, but she got comfortable, snuggling with her daughter, whilst Daryl "tucked them in" before sliding back up the log.
"Shit, man, I- I knew she had issues, but... she never told me all that." Negan sighed, looking at the pair on the grass, when sometime had passed, that they both had to have fallen asleep.
"'Cause she ain't want no one to know, 'Specially not you, of all people, you only know what you forced out of her. An' she missed out a buncha shit, too..." He rubbed his hands together nervously.
They were quiet for a bit, listening to the silence around them, until Negan took a sip from his canteen, before offering it to Daryl, who took it.
"Not to spin a broken record, but I don't think she's comin' back." Negan started. "You know, I'm... I'm not bullshitting you."
"I know." Daryl replied, sounding defeated.
"When I said that I liked it.... that wasn't part of the act."
"Yeah, I know."
"You know, when your people locked me up, I lost everything. You know, seven years spent staring out that little window... man, it sucked. It got so bad, that even my memories had bars painted on 'em. So when Alpha took me in... I admit it, I... I liked it. It was... it was nice feeling like I mattered again, like I was respected. But she took it too far. You don't kill people that don't deserve it. And you never kill kids."
"Is that supposed to make me like you?" Daryl asked him.
"But what about my winning personality?" Negan tried.
"You tried to steal my wife, and ruin my marriage, shit load of times." Daryl answered, getting off the log, and stirring Natalia awake. "Let's go." He muttered to her, grabbing the blanket, throwing it into Daisy's bag and swinging it over his shoulder, picking up his crossbow, then his still sleeping daughter.
"What about Carol?" Negan asked, at his retreating back, but no one answered him, and so he followed instead.
They had returned home, back to Alexandria, where Natalia was reunited with her two other children, Archie, who was still a baby, didn't understand anything else but to be happy that his mother was awake to hold him, whilst Bambi caught her up on everything she had missed, even the parts that Daisy had already filled her in, on.
Judith, Gracie and RJ, were also just ecstatic to see the woman, and so was the rest of her friends and family.
But of course the nicicites hadn't lasted forever, because as soon as Carol had returned home, all four communities set off to an safehouse, of sorts, an abandoned hospital.
Lydia and Evie had also joined them, and Natalia hugged the two girls when they had sobbed their apologies to her, for failing her, which she had to push that they did not, they were children, children who should never have such burdens to carry.
"You should sit down." Negan told Natalia, when she wobbled around the halls, staring out of every visible window.
"I'm fine, and I don't need to be taking advice from you." She told him, leaning on the window sill of the one she had been currently watching out of.
"Hey, it's what everyone's thinking, they're just too scared to tell you." He gently grabbed her elbow, but slightly tightened his grip when she flinched away. "Natalia, you've gone through a shit load, physically, you need to let your body heal."
"I am healed, okay, look at me, cast's and stitches, what else do I need?" She raised the arm he was holding.
"That don't explain why you can barely walk, now."
"I've been walking all day." She furrowed her brows at him. "And my ribs, I was hidden up in rubble."
"No, no, it's-" He reached for her shirt, going to lift it but she whacked him away.
"What the hell are you doing!?" She accused.
"Your stomach-"
"Daryl!" She called.
"Does he know?" Negan asked her.
"What's going on?" Daryl asked, flying around the corner.
"He tried to touch me!" She pointed at the man.
"Yeah, that's cause your wife is hobbling around until she eventually kills herself, Daisy weren't the only one who was cut up, was she?"
"You back the hell down, man." Daryl stared him down, joining Natalia's side.
"Whatever, I'm tired of helping you people." He threw his hands in the air, walking away, in defeat.
"It's not a big deal, but he grabbed me-
"Show me." Daryl told her.
"Show me what happened."
"I- but- nothing happened."
"Nat, I could see it all over, I can tell the difference between walker blood and your blood, this..." He gestured to the blood at the bottom of her clean shirt, clearly it had bled through, without her realising. "Is yours. I noticed it from the start, but you didn't tell me about it, so I didn't mention it, but now you're lying and hiding it? Show me."
"It's not that bad, that's why I didn't-"
"Natalia, show me." He pushed, standing opposite to her, seriousness all over his face.
Natalia sighed deeply, admitting defeat, before lifting her shirt, showing him her bruised, bloody and battered torso.
"I patched it up, its why I didn't say anything, and I didn't need stitches, so it's not even bad." She tried to soften the blow.
"Nat..." Daryl sighed, ghosting his fingers along her side, then checked that no one was around. "Baby, you shoulda told me."
"But I'm okay." She nodded, holding his cheek. "I'm okay, Daryl, so it's okay."
"It's not." He shook his head, looking down.
"It is, our children are all alive, you're alive and I'm alive, Dog is even alive." She chuckled. "That seems pretty okay to me."
"No... no, no it's not." He continued to shake his head, not meeting her eyes.
"It is, baby, it is, it's okay." She lifted his face, kissing him gently. "It's okay, Daryl, it's okay." She kissed him again.
He dropped his head onto her shoulder, his arms went around her, but he refused to properly hug her.
"Why don't we lay down, for a bit, find a quiet room-"
"I ain't gonna have sex with yer." He interrupted, through a sniff.
"That wasn't what I was implying." She laughed. "We can just lay down, for a bit, you need the rest, Luke's still working on his part, there's so many people here, and you need rest. You haven't stopped in days."
"M'fine." He lifted his head from her shoulder, looking down at her, his eyes were red and puffy, he looked so sad, it was breaking her heart just looking at him.
"You can't lie to me, I'm your wife and I'm injured, also, you're a bad liar, too. C'mon." She grabbed his hand, heading down the hallway, to find that empty room she spotted earlier, it had a bed in there, it would do.
"Alright, baby, you lay down, I'm just gonna go talk to Diane, okay? You stay here." Natalia pushed Daryl on the bed.
"But you shouldn't-"
"Stay, I'll be a minute." She narrowed her brows, glaring at him with a pointed finger, backing out the room.
Natalia used the wall as support to help her get to the crowded reception area of the hospital.
"Hey, uhm, Nat." Carol approached Natalia's side. 
"Nat!" Rosita swooped by, easing Natalia away.
"Thanks." She smiled.
"Hey, I'm pissed at her too, she tried to kill my best friend, Daryl might have forgiven her, but I sure as hell haven't."
"Speaking of which. We need some time to ourselves, he's, he's been through a lot, too, he needs a lil break, we're just gonna lay down for a lil bit, you'll come let us know when it's time?"
"Yeah, sure, just make sure you're not moaning too loud-"
"Ro! Good intentions only! He'll barely touch me cause he's too scared he'll break something." She scoffed.
"Go cuddle, you deserve it." Rosita nudged her. "Kid's are preoccupied, we're working on shit, I'll come get you."
"Love you."
"Love you, too." She smiled, and Natalia walked away, passing a book shelf, picking up one of the books on her way back to the room.
"Yer back." Daryl greeted her, laying on his back, his head supported by his arm.
"Told you, I would be. So you forgave Carol, after she put me in a coma?" She asked, closing the door and slipping her shoes off, sliding on the bed, next to him.
"Naw, just tryna make sure she doesn't do anything stupid, again. she said sorry." Daryl replied, sliding further down, resting his head on her shoulder, throwing an arm just under her ribs, above the cut on her abdomen, his left leg covered both of hers.
"I don't wanna hear it, don't care. I was being nice to her, and she almost got me blown up." She grumbled, running her fingers through his hair.
"I know, you tried hard, proud of yer." He mumbled, rubbing his head along her chest as he eased into sleep.
She continued to run her fingers through his hair, as he slept, it didn't matter that she was in an unbearable amount of pain, they're gonna make him risk his life in a few hours, and he was too caught up about her, she needed him to believe she was okay, so she'd do what she could to make him believe that.
She didn't realise she'd started humming that song, the song she used to sing to the twins when they were in the womb, Eyes Without A Face, fuck, she loved Billy Idol.
Rosita burst through the door, eventually, looking alarmed.
"You guys gotta get up, they found us, we're surrounded." She told them, when Daryl jumped awake.
People were running around like crazy, when they left the room, throwing things, grabbing things, fixing things, and then some breaking things, it was hectic and chaos.
"Girls, get away from the window- oh... shit..." Natalia muttered, when she pulled the twins from the sills, but then spotted the mass amount of walkers just outside. "Alright, duck and quietly walk back to your area." She told them. "Go play with the cat."
"Archies playing with the cat, with Evie and Lydia." Bambi told her.
"Then go play with Archie, Evie and Lydia, playing with the cat." Daryl told them, resting his hands on both their heads, steering them in that direction.
"I'm scared." RJ grabbed Natalia's hand, his other was holding Gracie.
"But we're safe up here, y'know that." She told the both of them, crouching down.
"You've seen how many are coming." Gracie pushed. "Lot's more than we have."
"That? Pfft, I've seen more, this is lightwork." She kept her cool. "Come on, let's go play with this cat, huh? We don't have to worry about this."
"But you always fight, Aunt Nat, you're the best at it, my daddy said." Gracie said.
"Aunt Nat's on rest, she ain't fighting nothing." Daryl pressed, not only speaking to the kids.
"Yeah, Aunt Nat's gonna sit this one out." She scrunched up her nose at them.
"Our plan is the same." Gabriel started, when everyone stood in the reception area, as he went over the logistics of what would happen.
Natalia stood beside Daryl, even though she wasn't allowed to participate, she wanted to know what her husband was going to be doing. She held his hand, resting her head against his shoulder as they listened.
"We lead the horde away, just not from oceanside as we had planned. Once the walkers are clear, we evacuate to Rendezvous Point B. Luke. We ready?" Gabriel asked the man.
"Yeah, yeah. Uh, technically." He stuttered, standing up.
"That doesn't fill me with a lot of hope." Natalia commented.
"Shut up, he's nervous." Daryl muttered, lowly, kissing her head as he spoke, with out people hearing.
"So, these are the final pieces that we need to connect to the wagon. But in order for it to do the pied piper thing that we need it to do over the cliff, we gotta get from A to B, and I gotta plug and plug, and then we should be good to go." He explained. 
"That wagon is on the other side of the horde." Magna, who had returned from the inside of the cave, traumatised, stated.
"So... someone's gotta go through it?" Jerry questioned. "With skins in there?"
"Four groups. Two in each. One carries the cargo, one protects. It's crucial that all the equipment makes it to the wagon." Gabriel continued.
"We can make it through. I'll help." Lydia offered.
"We're willing." Bea, from Oceanside, spoke up. "But not if she goes."
"And why's that?" Natalia asked.
"Stand down." Daryl told her.
"Well, we know she's earned trust with you, but... Oceanside isn't ready. Not with this."
"Says the girl who was shooting to kill at the age of ten."
"Stop." Daryl pushed.
"That's fine." Gabriel said loudly, trying to drown out the commotion of the other two. "As it happens, Lydia's role is in here."
"Look, we're not all gonna make it through." Daryl spoke to the group now. "But this is the only way."
"If Daryl's going, then so am I." Kelly declared.
Natalia made Daryl say goodbye to the kids, before he was required to gut up, she thought it would be best if they didn't see their father dressed up in walker shit, and smelling of it, too."
"You're not gonna die, are you, Daddy?" Bambi asked, hugging him tightly.
"Naw, sweetheart, I ain't." He promised. "I don't die, remember."
"That's cause you can beat anything, Daddy."
"Hell yeah." He grinned at Daisy, hugging her too. "Alright, lemme say goodbye, to my lil man." He took Archie out of Natalia's arms, giving him a dramatic kiss on the cheek, making the baby giggle. "He's getting heavy." Daryl bounced Archie in his arms, weighing the boy.
"He's getting old, soon, we're gonna have no babies left." Natalia pouted.
"That's not an excuse to have another one." Evie piped up.
"We ain't having another baby." Daryl told her. "Five is definitely enough."
"Five, but Daddy, you only have four kids, me, Daisy, Evie, and Archie." Bambi pointed at herself and her siblings.
"Yeah, but Lydia's also under our care, which technically makes her our kid, in a way." Natalia reminded the girl.
"Daryl, time's ticking." Gabriel walked past them.
"That man, he offs one person and thinks he's God, himself." Natalia grumbled.
"Hey, help me gut up." Daryl spoke quietly to her, passing Archie to Evie, kissing both their heads, then giving the twins another goodbye hug, kissing them, too, before reminding them all to stay safe and be good, and that he loves them.
"Alright, stay still for five minutes, Mommy'll be back." Natalia told the kids, following Daryl to the gutting station.
Daryl put the hoodie and the jeans over his clothes, and Natalia put on the large gloves, digging her hands in the matter and spreading it over him.
"I hate that I can't go with you, I hate feeling useless." Natalia told him, as she applied it on thickly, making sure no walker will sense him.
"Better to be useless in here, then dying out there." He told her, "You've done enough, already, you deserve to sit this one out."
"I know, but I still hate it." She pouted.
"Get your back for you, dear?" Luke asked Jules, as he helped her gut up, across from them. "You know I got your back out there, too, right?"
"Oh, and the rest of me?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'm good to get that, too."
"Hey, you okay?" Jerry asked Magna, who was also going. "I mean, going back into the herd after everything..."
"I'm fine, you?" Magna smiled, meekly.
"Not at all." He replied truthfully.
"She gets to go..." Natalia rolled her eyes, as she finished up.
"She ain't end up in a coma." Daryl patted down her hair. "Hey!" He turned to Negan, who was stepping from foot to foot, looking rather uncomfortable. "Why you clean?"
"I ain't going." Negan admitted.
"You've done this more'n any of us."
"I am on the tip-top of every skins' kill list. Especially fee fi fo asshole. So if the idea is to get through without drawing a shitload of attention, then I am the last person these people want standing next to them."
"Please, Negan." Natalia stepped towards them, acting all innocent like. "Please, y'know, I'd feel a lot better if you went with them. I mean, no offense to these guys, but, no one will do a better job then you will, I mean, you're skilled, you know what's up, and... you got a winning personality." She played his own words against him. "You'd do it for me, wouldn't you? I'd go out there, but, I'm pretty weak, at the moment. But-- I'd feel so much better if you went with them." She went as far to stand on her tip toes, gently kissing his cheek, sealing the deal. "At least think about it." Then she led Daryl away.
"You're sick." He grumbled to her.
"Need to help somehow, don't worry, I'll bleach my lips, if it makes you feel better."
And it had worked, because Negan had gutted up.
"I love you, don't die on me." Natalia told Daryl, when Gabriel had called time.
"I ain't never gonna." He promised, he kissed Natalia, with tongue, and she knew exactly why, when he pulled away, staring down the tall, gutted up, man, wearing his whisperer mask.
"Daryl, you finished?" Gabriel asked him.
"Yup." He squeezed Natalia's hip, walking with the others, out of the door.
Natalia stood next to Judith, when they closed it again.
"He's gonna be alright." She told the girl.
"I know." She sighed. "Doesn't mean I'm not any less scared."
"That's a good thing, reminds yourself that you care, you're still alive and human."
He waved goodbye to the pair, smiling at them through the window, and they waved bye, back, and then Natalia took her and Lydia back upstairs, they didn't need to see the downstairs part fill up with walkers.
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frostedsketches · 8 months
Toasted Marshmallow S'more
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Toasted Marshmallow S'more Sandwich-Pie. “Hey dudes! Up for chillaxin and cracking some jokes? No. . . Well why not? You all know when I start joking, you almost always want S'MORE. . ."
Nicknames: Toasted Marshmallow - by everyone. Marshmallow - by everyone. S'more - by Strawberry Sundae. Toast - by some. Toasty - by friends and family. Everything else you can think of - sometimes/rarely.
Parents: Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich
Species: Earth-pony
Age: 20
Voice Claim: Conlon Bonner
Birthday: September 14th ♍
Place of Birth: Ponyville/Ponyville General
Place of Residence: Ponyville/Sugarcube Corner
Special Talent: Standup Comedy/Proformance
Personality: Toasted Marshmallow S'more, being the son of Pinkie and Cheese, is obviously an extremely optimistic, bubbly and friendly guy. Though he proves to be more chilled out than his parents and his slightly younger twin brother, he's still definitely inherited the flouncy, playful and confusing aspects of his mother's Pie Logic, and exhibits his party pony family's excitable tendencies and readiness to jump into any adventure or activity.
He likes to relax with his friends and knows how to enjoy the more easy-going things in life, but never misses the opportunity to plan a party or act as the entertainment, and of course tag along with his friends on adventures, annoying them- and particularly his brother -along the way.
S'more can be annoying. Ever the class-clown, he likes making jokes about many things and engaging in light teasing wether to ponies he already knows or any new face he meets. Most of his comedy is tame and friendly, like a simple joke or maybe a expertly placed pun VERY rarely - don't worry - but a good portion of his sense of humor is playing with emotions and seeing a good reaction from others. He will toy with someone just enough to get under their skin but never does he means any harm from it, if he goes too far he can read the room and know that it's time to stop.
He is kind and considerate when someone is in need of comfort, and he can use his comedic wit to try and make others smile as well. When he teases others it's in hopes of making at least someone witnessing it have a good time about it. Though sometimes somepony just needs quiet comfort instead, this is something he is working on getting better at providing, as it doesn't come as naturally to him as of yet.
He claims and believes himself to be quite the sly dog, though most of his attempts at flirting with mares end up with a scoff or a roll of the eyes from his target followed by them immediately just walking away from him. Every romantic relationship he's ever been in has been short lived, and non-committal, but his desire for a real relationship is always at the back of his mind for every attempt, even though he claims it's just for fun, flirting to get a reaction or to get under their fur - which is also true of it, don't get him wrong - most of the time he really is trying to charm them. Something however is holding him back from sticking to the ponies he actually ends up courting, perhaps even someone who he can't have but nevertheless can't get over. . . .
A party planner, he joins forces with the rest of his family to bring good cheer to their clients, but he specilizes in being the entertainment: Usually he and Strawberry Sundae will collaborate, mixing Toast's jokes with Sundae's pranks, and although they can't stand the others specialties in the show, they do it anyway as their annoyance towards each other comes off to the watchers as part of the act, a big reason why their so popular, the town's ponies love that the emotions seem so real!
Lastly, like his parents, he does love sweet things and his baking ability is decent. He can handle small amounts of sugar. But, if he for some reason consumes more than the smallest of portions, he is extremely prone to powerful, logic-defying sugar rushes. Sugar Rush S'more can either be great fun or dreadfully exhausting to the ponies who have to deal with it, which is usually everypony in a 50 mile radius unless you manage to contain him in an enclosed area, but good luck with that.
Pinkie Pie: Toasted Marshmallow is very close to both his parents, loving them equally, though Pinkie can be. . . a bit much with her affection. She is extremely proud of both her sons and is EXTREMELY loving, to the point that it's embarrassing, always smothering them with affectionate phrases and and gestures in public. Now Marshmallow doesn't hold this against her, she is a good mother and taught him everything she knew about being a Party Pony, helping and encouraging him all his life, so though it's uncomfortable in the moment, he wouldn't trade her for anything.
Cheese Sandwich: Where Pinkie smothers and cheers and is a protective presence, Cheese is usually the one to go to for advice and calmer affection. His father always seems to know what to do in a situation, has the right words to say, shows his love through understanding, praise, and the occasional mane-ruffle. Marshmallow knows that he's heard, understood, and listened to by him no matter what, where Pinkie sometimes rushes into overbearing mama bear mode as soon as she catches wind of a problem. Other than having good talks and a listening ear, Toast loves hanging out with his dad in the usual father/son way and having him in his life . . .also he loves his dad jokes and plans on using them himself one day, they're funny alright?!
Strawberry Sundae: He and Strawberry are extremely close and happy together, though they do get on each other's nerves a LOT, Toasty will annoy him with his jokes, the cocky exterior he sometimes exudes, and pretending to not take things seriously, while Sunny will drop endless pranks and tricks on his head. Toast usually shows his anger with lack of facial expression, sarcasm, and huffiness, while Sundae really gets fired up and loud, exclaming it for all to hear, but past their classic sibling rivalry they do love each other very much and often express their affection when they arn't bickering. S'more takes his role of older brother very seriously despite what others may think.
Scarlet Rosebud: Out of all of their friends, S'more is closest to Rosebud. Their friendship is filled with an assortment of sweet playful banter, a shared love of telling bad jokes, and supporting each other in their wants and worries. Toast always runs his comedy proformances by her before sharing and goes to her for any friendly gossip she picks up. Marshmallow feels pleasantly strange, fuzzy, and extremely happy around her, he always has. . .she is a very pleasant pony to be around after all and they have been friends forever - seriously, they were born on the same day in the rooms across from each other.
Diamond Crest: S'more finds Diamond to be an interesting character, great fun to tease and fascinated with a lot of the things he is. Science and geography, astrology, all of which he dabbles in and enjoys learning about. He has quickly figured out how much fun she is to joke with, she has some of the best reactions out of anyone so he greatly enjoys getting under her fur the most, and though Diamond seems to not appreciate his sense of humor, he knows that she knows it's just his way of showing affection.
Pastel Prismarine: Prismarine is another one of S'more's usual targets. She doesn't get flustered but he takes joy in riling her up, testing her limits just enough as far as he dares, of course he knows not to push TOO far, knowing all to well of her aggressive and unpredictable nature in the past despite attempts to chill herself out recently. Sometimes he has pushed a little too far and she has managed to punch him in the face a few times, which is not pleasant for him at all, but after the first couple times he has learned her limits as said before. They do squabble a lot but also have their moments of understanding, so S'more can't help but see her as his friend, no matter what she might deny.
Honeycrisp: Marshmallow's friendship with Honeycrisp is questionable, they are really more like frienemies, as Marshmallow would put it, or friends of Rosebud's who tolerate each other as Honeycrisp's would put it, which may be more accurate on his end. S'more sees how unbreakable the farmer stallion is and it enlightens him to know that something he does is affective at getting him to react impulsively, do more than stand in stoic control of emotion. He knows Honeycrisp finds him annoying and he does notice how jealous he gets when Marshmallow hangs out one on one with Rosebud, which he is greatly amused by, it's not like he has any intention of trying to steal her away after all, quite the opposite, she obviously likes Honeycrisp and he cares about her too much to get in the way of that. But you might say that Honeycrisp and S'more are warming up to each other -slowly, but they'll get there in time.
Prince Meteorite Star: He has heard of Meteor Star, and has seen him from a far at least once, as he's his honerary cousin, but he hasn't met him in person yet.
He can sing and knows how to play the guitar, learning from his Aunt Applejack at a young age.
After getting his cutie-mark in comedic proformances he pushed these talents back to focus on his life's purpose. He's not against playing or singing, he enjoys it and does on his own, it's just not something he really has a use for anymore other than a hobby.
As Pinkie Pie can run as fast as Rainbow Dash can fly, the same goes for Toasted Marshmallow, only he can run as fast as Prism can fly, so he is extremely hard to play tag or race with and you can't really hurt him unless you catch him off guard.
He has a pet pomeranian named Creampuff, she is his fur-baby and comfort animal, having gotten her as a recovery pet to help during a hard time in his early teens.
He dabbles in science and anything pertaining to how the world works like chemistry and astrology/astronomy. Books about these minor interests are the only ones that can keep his attention, because. . .
Toasted Marshmallow has dyslexia :) He can write fine, only occasionally misspelling words and not noticing until it's pointed out to him, and can read fairly well, only having mild wobbling and merging of words on a page when he's in a good mood, which is almost always. He prefers not to read out loud though since that's where he has the most difficulty.
He needs reading glasses for reading and precision as on top of his dyslexic brain processing of words, his vision proves to be a little fuzzy on small or intricate things, something he'd have to deal with even if the words didn't also move and merge. He has colored films that he can put on his glasses to help his dyslexia if need be.
His large array of nicknames has proved to be very confusing to any pony who doesn't know the system.
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demonytekav · 1 year
“Nice moves out there today, Titsuki!”
Silence fills the locker room and everyone freezes as they look over at the explosive ticking time bomb of a human.
Katsuki drops the tank top he normally wears under his school uniform and was getting ready to put on after his post class shower in favor of spinning angrily around and giving Kaminari a filthy glare. “What did you just call me fuck face?” He growls out.
Kaminari whimpers as Katsuki closes in on him and grabs him by his shirt collar before slamming him up against the lockers. “Hey hey hey! No need to be rough man!” He cries holding his hands up in surrender. Glancing around he see’s the others have turned back to their own lockers pointedly ignoring them. Cowards.
“Do you wanna die today? Because I can make that happen right fucking now. I dare you to say it again.” Katsuki snarls. How dare this little fuck call his pecs tits. He’s a man for fucks sake!
“I-well I thought it was a cool name you know?” Kaminari grunts from the force of Katsuki’s hold. The explosive blonde holds his other hand up and cracks off a few small explosions pressing Kaminari harder into the lockers. “Okay okay! I’m sorry! I wont say it again!”
Katsuki slams him into the locker again for added effect before letting him go. As he turns his back he growls. “Dont call me that shit again or you’re going 6 feet under, you got that?”
Kaminari gulps as he chuckles a little rubbing his chest. “Sure man, just dont be mad at me. I didn’t come up with it.”
Katsuki pauses as he leans down to pick up his shirt from the floor fingers about an inch from the fabric. “What?” He questions while gritting his teeth in anger.
“Dude shhhh!” Sero loudly whispers desperately trying to get Kaminari to shut up.
Sweating Kaminari tries to back peddle. “Uh hah, never mind, I promise I wont say it again dude. Was just for fun you know?” He’s facing his own locker when he feels a tremendously violent presence directly behind him. He screeches as one of Katsuki’s hands slam on to the locker next to him.
“Give me a name Dunce face. Or I’ll make it hurt.” The angry blonde rumbles menacingly. Everyone knows Katsuki is doing this for show. While he isn’t necessarily as violent and mean as he used to be he’s gotten created about getting back at them.
“Y-y-you know, let’s just for-forget this ever happened yeah?” Kaminari chuckles knowing it’s useless to get out of this. Always worth a try though. Fear rips through him as the raging blonde behind him takes a deep breath and he just caves. “Okay okay! It was Deku! I swear man!”
Katsuki stills. “Deku?” He asks completely confused taking a step away from Kaminari.
“Yeah! He-“
“Dude!” Kirishima and Sero both shout frowning at Kaminari snitching on their classmate and friend.
“No no, let him talk. I want to hear what he has to say.” Katsuki snaps at them before turning back to Kaminari. “Go on, explain.”
Kaminari chuckles nervously and turns around to face him. “You know the other day when he got hit with that quirk? The one that you know, loosens you up and makes you act like you’re drunk or something?”
Katsuki does remember that. He’d been pissed Izuku had gotten tagged with a quirk by some shitty car thief and even more pissed that his team mates Kirishima, Tape Arms, Dunce Face, and Frog Girl didn’t stop it from happening. Katsuki himself would have but he was busy tying up the thief’s partner in crime. Impatiently he his eyebrow at Kaminari indicating for him to continue.
“So he might have been a bit out of it-“
“A bit?” Kirishima snorts resigned that the green haired hero is about to be snitched on.
“-and was looking your way while you were finishing up with the other perp. The name might have slipped out as you bent over.” Kaminari chuckles rubbing the back of his head.
“What.” Katsuki deadpans.
Tape Arms snickers now on board with sharing the story. “Yeah dude, you bent over and we all got a flash of your man cleavage. Poor guy literally tripped over himself when he saw it. Started mumbling and giggling to himself about ‘Titsuki is so pretty’.”
Warmth creeps up Katsuki’s neck. What the fuck? He thinks and blinks as the other three snicker to each other.
“Didn’t wanna out him like that but you know,” Kirishima glares at Kaminari. “Someone opened their big mouth.”
Kaminari opens his mouth to argue ignoring the fact that Katsuki.exe has stopped working in the middle of the locker room but is cut off.
“Opened their big mouth about what?”
Everyone freezes and looks over towards the locker room door to see the green haired man walking in with a confused look on his face.
“What’s going on?” He asks as he makes his way further into the locker room. He frowns as he see’s Katsuki standing in the middle of the room frozen. He looks at Kaminari as he shuffles a bit and rubs the back of his neck.
“Hey man we were jus-“
“Izuku.” Katsuki growls out face and neck red. Izukus attention snaps to him immediately and he freezes at the blondes tone. “Who the fuck is Titsuki?”
A beat.
Katsuki watches as Izuku’s face shifts colors and turns into a bright red. The shorter man’s eyes widen and his mouth opens and closes. As green eyes quickly glance down at Katsuki’s chest and then back up to his face Katsuki feels his heart beat sky rocket. That little shitty pervert.
Izuku squeaks as their eyes meet and he uses OFA to blast himself out of the locker room.
“GET BACK HERE YOU PERVERT!” Katsuki yells as he rockets after him still shirtless.
The boys left in the wake of the other two all place their own palms on their chests over their hearts and pray for Izuku’s safety.
“Maybe now they will stop eye fucking each other from across the room.” Sero mentions.
“Dude, gross.” Kirishima scrunches his nose in mock disgust. Honestly hes just happy for his bros.
“I’m just saying!”
“Well dont. Because now I bet it’ll just get worse and we will have to watch them suck on each others-“ Kirishima laughs.
“Tongues! I was gonna say tongues! Sheesh you nasty.” The red head shakes his head still grinning.
“What have I done….?” Kaminari asks now dreading the gross coupley shit those two are bound to get up to.
Sero pats his back comfortingly.
AN: just a fun little idea I had today. Been kinda down and wanted to smile.
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lovelybunn · 1 year
lgbtqia+ headcanons !ㅤㅤ– feat. stan, kyle, cartman, kenny, n butters !
warning(s): swearing, some homophobic themes, slight mention of sex
author's note: since its gay month, wanted to post this (and its been rotting in my drafts) so here yall go, ya skittles !!!!
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stan marsh .
he/him –ㅤㅤhis parents have taught him (mostly randy) that there are only two genders, female and male, and he identifies as cis. so if you tell him you use any pronouns other than she/her or he/him, and/or ask him for his pronouns, he'll look at you funny. although, he'll try and respect them anyway.
bisexual –ㅤㅤwhen he first met wendy, of course he thought he was straight, but then he started gaining weird feelings for kyle that he couldn't explain. so of course, with the help of useless buzzfeed quizzes and google, that's when stan found out that he's bisexual.
demisexual –ㅤㅤeven when stan hit puberty, he never was interested in the topic of sex in general. one time kenny showed him one of his magazines, and he didn't even bat an eye. of course, as he got older it was a lot more appealing, but he felt like sexual attraction was pretty much pointless. he rarely will refer to himself as "demi", though.
kyle broflovski .
he/they –ㅤㅤkyle has never felt quite whole with the labels "boy", "male", etc... he had always felt there was more to it, he just never took the time to really think about it. he found out what he was missing while walking to class. two openly queer kids had complimented his outfit for that day, "man, i love that dude's shirt!" "yeah, they're totally rocking that fit!" those simple words sparked a sense of euphoria deep inside kyle's core, yet, since he knew up to nothing about queer culture at the time, he couldn't figure out why. after school he did some extensive research on his situation, finally giving a label to how he was feeling. kyle broflovski was a demi-boy.
bisexual, masc leaning –ㅤㅤkyle never thought too much about his romantic/sexual preferences, he was too studious to even have something like that on his mind. although, one day at school stan had shown up with his hair dyed blond. kyle's poor heart pounded so hard he started sweating.. he had always thought almost every girl was pretty, but that day made him realize that boys could be pretty too.
eric cartman .
he/him –ㅤㅤhe has a male superiority complex so bad and he thinks "pronouns" and "more than two genders" is dumb ("my pronouns are U/S/A *bald eagle screeching*")
homophobic closeted homosexual –ㅤㅤhave y'all seen the gay ass shit he's pulled on kyle? that boy is obviously in denial. but he uses the word "gay" as an insult, so of course he's homophobic.
secretly a drag queen –ㅤㅤremember when he wore that cheetah/leopard print shirt and embarrassed his mother on live television? yeah, and the time he wore that blond wig? he has an entire closet dedicated to his craft. more than once has he walked around his room in full drag acting like he's walking down the runway. (he can't do makeup for shit tho...)
kenny mccormick .
he/she/they –ㅤㅤidk, kenny just gives very enby vibes. he doesn't mind being referred to as "he/she", it's just they like being perceived as androgynous. kenny is a #1 "clothes have no gender" believer.
pansexual –ㅤㅤthere have been many times in the show itself that point to kenny liking more than one gender, and them being bi doesn't really work and neither does omni, cuz they don't really have a preference, pan is the best assumption.
butters scotch .
any pronouns –ㅤㅤ"oh, you use xe/xem? me too!" this lil child just loves collecting pronouns like pokémon cards, butters' autism feeds on it. a lot of times, if someone tells him that they use a pronoun that she hasn't heard of, that shit will get snatched so fast, it's not even funny.
gender-fluid –ㅤㅤy'know how butters was misdiagnosed with multiple personality disorder? yeah, that was just them flowing between genders. one day butters will feel extremely masculine, the next hyper-feminine, and the next neither or both. sometimes he'll even switch within a day, it depends.
polyamorous –ㅤㅤbutters is very open both romantically and platonically. he believes there is no such barriers or limits to love, that love should be given to everyone fully and freely, without discrimination. ( + more people, more cuddles !!!)
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🌟🚗 Welcome back to “Keeping Up with the Cullens,” where today we’re diving deep into the infamous make-out session by Emmett’s Jeep, Edward’s epic self-dazzle moment, and his surprisingly human behavior—probably for the first time in a century! Trust me, this is a scene worth talking about that I haven’t seen anyone doing! 🧛‍♂️💋 Honestly, I love it because it shows that even sparkly vampires can have teenage meltdowns. 😂✨
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We’re all used to seeing kisses from Bella’s perspective, but viewing this particular kiss through Edward’s eyes is like watching a teen romance collide with a vampire action flick. 🎥💕 Edward’s inner monologue is hilarious. He’s trying to play it smooth, whispering sweet nothings and kissing Bella’s collarbone like he’s the star of a Nicholas Sparks novel. 📖💞 But when their lips finally meet, it’s a full-blown hormonal teenage frenzy. 🚀 His brain goes from “I must protect her” to “OMG KISS HER MORE” in seconds. It’s like The Bodyguard with vampires, with 100% more sparkling angst. 🎶💔
His past monologues were so packed with vampire angst, but now his monologues are getting more sappy all the time. 💔 This time, though, it’s all about his genuine teenage boy feelings, like wanting skin-to-skin contact and all that jazz. “The craving for more, for skin against skin, was a constant temptation, a reminder of what I could never fully have.” Edward, welcome to the human experience! It’s messy, but hey, at least you’re acting like a regular teenage guy now! 🙃🎥 You might want to start a vlog: “Teen Vampire Diaries: The Struggles of Dating a Fragile Human.” 🙃🎥
Speaking of hormones, it makes me wonder if Carlisle or Esme ever gave him “the birds and bees” talk because he definitely needs one now. 🐦🐝 Oh, wait, he’s probably taken health class 100 times by now, so why is he so surprised by his own hormones? Maybe he skips class to hunt on those particular days. 🏹 But doesn’t he have tons of medical degrees like his dad? Carlisle, please talk to your son before he knocks Bella up… wait… he does just that the following August. Dude, protection! I guess he’s a typical guy leaving that duty up to us girls. Looks like even vampires aren’t immune to the classic teenage pregnancy trope! 🍼����👶
So, here’s the scoop: Edward decides it’s time to up his game and kiss Bella by Emmett’s Jeep. 🚗💋 But this isn’t just any kiss—it’s a carefully planned move to distract Bella from her reluctance to run with him to the baseball field. As they park by Emmett’s Jeep, Edward plots his dazzling move. ✨ Bella’s all nervous about running, hitting trees, and getting sick, and Edward’s like, “Let me dazzle that fear away!” 🌟 Edward, your strategies might be questionable, but your kissing tactics? Surprisingly on point! 💋👏
During this epic make-out moment, Edward’s internal monologue is pure comedy gold. 😂 He’s having a “self-dazzle” moment—yes, folks, he manages to dazzle himself, if you catch my drift! 😂 It would be like a teenager watching Blue Lagoon for the first time. Here’s the moment: “This new fire—a fire without pain, that ravaged only my ability to think—raged even hotter when her arms wrapped tightly around my neck and her body bowed into mine. Her heat and her pulse were fused against my own form from chest to thigh. I was drowning in sensation.” 🔥💫 His “self-dazzle” moment is like that time Clark Kent discovered his heat vision in health class by staring at his substitute teacher. You know, just a regular day for a teenage superhero trying to control his powers—kind of like Edward navigating the choppy waters of teenage vampire romance. 😳🔥
This kiss is so intense that Mr. I-Have-Ice-In-My-Veins lets his inner teenage boy loose: “The kiss was soft at first, a gentle brush of lips that quickly turned into something more. I wanted her to remember this feeling more than anything else.” Suddenly, Edward realizes, “In that moment, I was more aware of my nature than ever, the fine line I walked between passion and danger.” It’s like watching a vampire having an existential crisis mid-kiss. 😂💎
And just like that, Edward tries to handle this like a cool, collected vampire, leaning in and using his super-vampire powers to make Bella forget how to breathe, only to end up being the one caught off guard! 🤯 It’s as if he forgot for a moment that he’s not just a lovestruck teen but also a supernatural creature with the strength to crush his first girlfriend with a hug. 💪 Yes, they’re officially boyfriend and girlfriend now—they even told Charlie. You can imagine his relief that Edward isn’t just another mystery guy creeping around Bella with a sparkly secret. Right now, Charlie is probably singing “Cleaning This Gun” by Rodney Atkins while polishing his rifle, just a classic dad move to keep the sparkly teenage vampires in line. 😅🔫
Caught up in the kiss, Edward has to remind himself of the supernatural strength he’s using, realizing he must back off before things get too heated, like when someone speeds up during a yellow light and suddenly has to deal with the consequences. 🚦 He pulls away just in time, only to be slapped with a dose of reality: “Damn it, Bella, you’ll be the death of me!” Edward, you might want to ease up on the drama. This isn’t a soap opera—oh wait, it kind of is. 🤦‍♂️📺
But wait, that’s not the end of Edward coming off as a regular teenager. 🧛‍♂️ As the two run to the game, Bella, in true Bella fashion, ends up awkwardly sprawled on the ground, getting off Edward’s back. 🏃‍♀️ Her look of indignation has Edward in stitches, releasing the tension with laughter. 😂 As she tries to brush off the mud, Edward can’t help but laugh harder, snapping out of his own self-doubt and amusement again, just like a normal teenage boyfriend. Seriously, how many times will Bella fall off his back? If this keeps up, Edward might need to get her a helmet. 😆🪖
As they attempt to make their way to the game, Bella confidently marches off like she’s heading off to find Narnia without a map, only to end up facing the wrong direction. “Where are you going, Bella?” he chuckles, catching her by the waist. Pro tip: always let the vampire be your GPS. 🧭 Bella, convinced that Edward was mad earlier, isn’t amused by his laughter. Her eyes narrow into a glare that could melt vampire ice, arms crossed like Lucy ready to deliver one of her famous zingers. ❄️🧊 “Oh, so now it’s funny, huh? You’re the only one who gets to be mad?” she snaps, with all the indignation of someone who’s just discovered their significant other ate the last slice of pizza. 🍕 Edward, still chuckling, tries to explain, “No, no, I wasn’t mad at you, Bella! You just should have seen your face!” Bella rolls her eyes, throwing back his earlier dramatic line, “You’ll be the death of me, I swear.” 😂 It’s a classic I Love Lucy moment, with Bella playing the exasperated Lucy to Edward’s Ricky as they bicker and reconcile with a laugh. ❤️🧛‍♀️
As Bella regains her composure, Edward pulls her closer for the sitcom-style heartfelt moment. “I love you,” he confesses, “It’s a poor excuse for what I’m doing, but it’s still true.” Their brief, restrained kiss seals the deal, as Bella’s warmth and Edward’s protective instincts shine through the chaos of teenage emotions and vampire instincts. 💏💕
Finally, they head toward the clearing, where Edward tries to focus on the upcoming baseball game and not his body’s recent betrayal. Just another day in the life of a hundred-year-old teenage vampire, right? 🧛‍♂️⚾ Maybe next time, Edward, try dazzling yourself in your room before you go and make out with Bella. You know, a little practice session like an awkward teenager prepping for prom night, just without the pie. Okay, Edward? 🥧😜✨
This episode of “Keeping Up with the Cullens” is brought to you by Edward’s accidental self-dazzle and the eternal struggle to balance teenage hormones with vampire instincts. Stay tuned for more drama, passion, and hilarious supernatural mishaps! 😅🎬
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pazodetrasalba · 4 months
Vae Victis
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Dear Caroline:
Just finished reading yesterday this recommendation of yours. It wasn't bad, but if I am to be sincere, it is up to now the least interesting of your 5 star choices. I imagine this comes as a result of my absence from the world it depicts: what might have been personally relevant for an (ex)finance bro like you is mostly irrelevant for me.
Yes, the book is a bit slow and rambling, and yes, it does accelerate and get more thriller-like once the bids are out (title gives away the resolution, though, if for some reason you had never heard of the RJR Nabisco leveraged buyout in the first place). The cast is too big - I actually benefited from watching the movie adaptation before finishing the book so that I could at least make a clear mental picture of the, say, 10 or so main characters.
One way of reading this book (and the popular narrative at the time of the events) is as a story of greed, with stereotyped and villainous figures (the film is much less nuanced than the book, and really goes full-hog in this direction: Ross Johnson is a a snake charmer wallowing in luxury who'd sell his mother for the right price, and Henry Kravis is literally Count Dracula - nobody does 'slightly creepy old dude' better than Jonathan Pryce), the worst of which are Wall Street bankers and lawyers who are out to make a catch with complete disregard for the well-being of businesses, shareholders, workers and public. This is how I would have read it many years ago, in my Marxist years. Now that I have become attuned to the fact that capitalism and markets are (mostly) good and the financial sector is necessary for keeping our social machine well oiled and running, I'd be inclined to make other readings as well.
On a side note -actually, it's not that much in the sidelines-, schools do a very poor job at pushing forward what is an extremely anti-intuitive but truthful view, first espoused by Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations, and expressed in your own review as "You think about market participants each trying to maximize their profits, and everyone acting in their own interest ends up maximizing total welfare, and that makes sense in a zoomed-out way, and as far as I can tell is not a crazy model of the behavior of companies". But this really beggars belief until you actually see it: it feels no less stupid and false to a smart teenager than religious dogma. On the contrary, the same teenager who reads The Communist Manifesto will find a very believable narrative of the moral and economic progress of History through class conflict, and if he further pursues some basic readings (and remains, as we mostly do, economically illiterate), will also find the theory of surplus value scientific-sounding and a good basis for accusing all capitalists of being exploiters and thieves.
It is, indeed, nothing short of miraculous that individual egoisms actually end up creating a quasi-optimal arrangement for the most part, but I feel Barbarians at the Gate is mostly showing you the scenario when this doesn't actually happen. That is to say, for RJR Nabisco under Johnson's leadership, and through the LBO, it does indeed appear that (quoting you again):
- there is a CEO, who is a guy - there is a board, consisting of a bunch of guys who are friends with the CEO - they all have fiduciary duties and if they fail to meet them they will get yelled at by a judge in Delaware - ??? - shareholder value gets maximized
Love the ???. Actually, if one goes back to those dull, first chapters at the beginning of the book, we do get a glimpse of how companies manage to turn individual egoisms into positive enterprises. The book dwells a lot on the first years of Nabisco and Reynolds tobacco, on how founders made all the right choices of wise investment and expansion, use of local knowledge, ethics, hard work and know-how, treating workers and shareholders well, taking advantage of rising opportunities... It really reads like a guide on what to do, as contrasted with the relative vacuity of what Ross Johnson actually ends up doing. Does he actually create any positive value? Perhaps his best contribution is his rejection of stability and routine, a chaotic undermining of conformity which might help against the inevitable stagnation of consolidated companies, but that appears to be all he does. Yes, he charms board members and presidents, parties hard and lavishes wealth on executives and board members (including himself). on the face of it, all this doesn't seem at all better than its opposite.
I am not economically savvy enough, but moving to LBOs, I imagine one could make the case for them in that they judge company value more efficiently than markets (as seemed to be the case with the stagnantly low value of RJR Nabisco shares), and in that the debt and diet they impose on their companies trim out the fat, the redundant, the inefficient and (once the debt is paid), end with a more economically efficient company that can survive and thrive in the market better. Like all tools, though, they can be misused, making some people very rich (CEOs, their cronies and the lenders) and a lot of people quite miserable (workers and shareholders) through financial trickery and assaults orchestrated through 'phoney money'. It is all a matter of trade-offs, I guess. Still, I like some of the anti-LBO voices: even though the book has no heroes (Johnson might be an anti-hero of sorts), Ted Forstmann comes pretty close (and btw, he become a signatory of the Giving Pledge in 2011). It's a pity the way he's massacred in the movie. And crypto doesn't feel that far away from junk bonds...
The book did have some lovely snippets of humor (loved the private jet piloting Mr. G. Shepherd to safety). As for your belief that "it is reassuring that the whole system seems to kinda work anyway", I fear it seems to be the wrong lesson to learn from all of this; in fact, the book seems peppered with quotes that are the absolutely worst possible lessons one could take, most of them from the lips of Ross Johnson, about disregarding protocols, logic, reason and checks and balances. Your final quote about rows of figures with millions of dollars that no one knows the proper meaning of is actually quite an ominous note to end the review with, a precursor to the apparently very lax and chaotic management of vastly superior sums of money in FTX and Alameda.
"It all started with a small lemonade stand in Manitoba,” read one Johnson parody. “The next thing I knew I had sold my mother. The rest was easy.”
P.S.: Among the things you mention that motivate you, "making guys think I am attractive" seems particularly ill-phrased. You are incredibly attractive, Caroline (both as a person and as a woman), so there should be little need of persuasion, except we usually find that these truths and feelings are seldom commutative.
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okay, okay ep. 5 & 6: holy shit that was one hell of a ride wasn't it? (maybe whoever is reading this also saw my panicked posts from wednesday, yes I was losing my mind)
I'll try to do this as structured as possible but I can't promise anything so prepare for it to be just as all over the place as wednesday's episodes.. get ready, buckle up I have a lot of things to say:
first and foremost: FUCK YOU TAEHYUNG!! I was trying to be nice last time giving him a second chance and all because yk, I thought maybe just because he was annoying once, doesn't mean he has to be all the time but fuck was I wrong.. is he genuinely so stupid that he doesn't realize how his words affect jaewon or does he just straight up choose to ignore it?? or is it simply the mixture of both because wtf dude?? this guy is so blinded by his jealousy it's crazy like bro, how about you try and make it less obvious?? and considering how angry and uncomfortable he makes me (and jaewon) I was sooo glad jihyun and aeri were there and so happy to see they quickly picked up on how jaewon reacted and then decided to team up against taehyung (rightfully so)
especially jihyun (my cute little bean) was so attentive the entire time he really took one look at jaewon and immediately recognized something was off.. and because he was watching him so closely his reaction to jaewon slamming his hand on the table came almost naturally
moving on to aeri, I still think she's a bit much but that's probably because I'm introverted as fuck and she's clearly not.. I do really like her and jihyun's dynamic and loved their little class-skipping-shopping-sequence like you go besties!!
back to the junior-senior get together: that cut to jaewon being absolutely wasted was kinda scary and really shows how much he's struggling with everything and that he doesn't know how to properly cope with it.. and this little part of dialogue really stuck with me so once again props to jihyun for this simple yet very deep response
"you're not acting like yourself."
"hey, what is 'acting like myself'?"
"that's up to you."
I just feel like jaewon never heard something like this, he always had to fit into this box that the people around him created for him so someone saying who you are is up to you is complete news to him
harsh cut to jaewon waking up and the flashback with his brother: that shit hurt!! for some reason I expected his brother to be closer to him age wise (not that this would make him dying any less horrible) but when I saw jaewon with this little boy that just shattered me and jaewon just sitting there sobbing and desperately trying to put the camera back together was so painful to watch
skip to the beginning of episode 6: the scene of them in the car was also kinda hard to watch seeing jaewon so out of it like he wasn't even fully there (a quick round of applause for lim jisub who portrays this haunted look very well) apart from that I really liked that even though jaewon didn't answer jihyun's question he didn't let go and kept asking until eventually he gets an answer from jaewon
and now we're at a point where things started to get a little confusing for me:
while watching I felt like something was off, I couldn't pinpoint what it was (most of the time my brain has all the pieces of information but I can't put them together) but the episode felt different and then I saw a post on here (I tried not to read too much because I wanted most of this post to be my own impression) that said we might be seeing everything from jaewon's blurry, medication induced view which is why some things don't seem to add up and I think that's true or at least somewhat close to what was happening
I was actually debating which route to go with because so many possibilities about what was actually happening in ep. 6 came to my mind at first I actually thought jaewon might've overdosed in the car and ep. 6 didn't happen at all but were a hallucination or nightmare (what made me think that was the weirdly bright lighting and everything looking kinda blurry which always was an indicator of a dream or something unreal happening in any sort of media I've ever seen) but I don't think so anymore I would actually go with what I mentioned above and this blurry look comes from jaewon's medication
OOOR they chose this lighting to show how this entire trips feels like a dream because it's only jaewon and jihyun, completely separated from other people and far from their actual lives so of course that feels somewhat dream like
what I'm trying to say is: I don't think the entire episode was fake
I think making it all fake would be a waste of an episode and judging from the rest of the show so far it doesn't really seem like something the creators would do.. I think?? (maybe that's why I want some of the theories here to be true so bad because I don't want this episode to be wasted as a dream or whatever)
I would also agree with others that jihyun is probably fine, maybe a little shaken and scared but not physically hurt.. I think we see the accident happen from jaewon's pov and he's imagining it way worse than it is
nonetheless that shit scared me, how the entire mood switched and went so dark all of a sudden and then jaewon screaming jihyun's name.. I think the worst part were the silent credits and damn, that silence was loud.. let's just say, I cried..
alright, I think that's it.. I kind of lost focus in the end so idk if I actually said everything I wanted to but I think I covered most of it
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witchofthemidlands · 2 years
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Now, I hold the first three seasons & the film in such high regard. I didn’t see it when it aired but I got into it in when it was already all over in 2016 & this show got me through my last year of high school & two years of six form. the show is incredibly funny & I WAS SO EXCITED when I heard that it was coming back. Yes, there’s only three members of the original cast who are in it (four if you count the brief return of MOLLINSON MY BELOVED) but THEY’RE THREE OF THE BEST ONES!! It’s Mitchell Harper, Stephen Carmichael & Mr. Fraser! None of them have changed one bit, they’re still the same characters I grew up with & loved. Mitchell is still HILARIOUS, a kindhearted idiot & an absolute legend, Stephen is still glamorous, iconic & has honestly gotten even better as a character during this season & whilst it is a shame that Mr. Fraser is no longer the headmaster, he’s still the same banter loving imbecile as the school cook & yes, I might be completely biased with this whole season because Mitchell Harper was my absolute favourite back when I was a kid & he’s still my favourite now, BUT MY GOD PLEASE! Please, if you’re a fan of this show, or if you used to watch it when you were younger do not sleep on this new season because it is so good, it is so funny. I haven’t laughed so hard in ages. It holds up even without the majority of the original cast! It’s also managed to rid of the more outdated humour without changing that ‘relatable English 12-16 high school students’ humour & the jokes about pop culture which is what made the show so funny originally. It is so good.
Here’s what I loved the most. There was nothing bad per say but these are the stand out parts for me.
Every. Single. One. Of. The. New. Class. K. Are INCREDIBLE! These kids are so talented, they’re so funny & NONE of them feel like copies of the original students. There’s some moments where I see some of the characteristics of the previous characters in them, but these new students are such brilliant characters. I love them all so, so much.
Top stand outs for me though personally are Inchez, Jinx, Usma, Blessing, Warren & Harrison. (okay that’s ALL of Class K)
They’re just such good characters.
Inchez is so funny oh my god that dude is hilarious. I need to gif the katsu curry scene 😂 he’s BRILLIANT because he’s so desperate to be seen as this hardcore rapper, but he’s actually a really nice team-player kid who’s incredibly talented in choir singing as well as rapping. he’s such a good character.
Jinx is amazing because whilst she’s so clearly unaware of her own privileges as a rich class white girl, she does genuinely want to do good & she clearly loves her friends so much. her earrings & hairstyle are incredible in every episode. ALSO OH MY GOD SHE CAN SING 😱 she is so talented.
USMA MY BELOVED! She is so stylish & funny. She’s like the female version of Stephen when he was in Class K (to be fair he hasn’t changed a bit & I love that so much) her addiction to her phone is hilarious & the passion she has is just brilliant.
Blessing is so fun, she’s Mitchell’s right hand, just as crafty as he used to be in the original three seasons & there’s this episode where he’s trying to get his Missus back & oh my GOD Blessing 😭
Mitchell’s ‘high school teenager’ like humour hasn’t changed one bit even though his character is an adult but as a teacher he’s so funny. The squid games re-enactment in PE had me dead 😂 but his character has also matured so much, he acts like a dad towards the new Class K & it’s lovely to see. I love him, the reason I never was a massive fan of the ending of series 3 is because he wasn’t there.
The show the students (& Stephen) put on in the final episode is so funny it had me & my mother both crying with laughter.
the only things i wish were different though are:
kayleigh is great, a lot nicer than i thought she’d be (given the comments made about the character in the reunion episode) but i do kinda wish that mitchell's girlfriend had been cleo from the original series. i love that her character is revealed to be the most successful though & i do like kayleigh so it's not really a grievance of mine. i just adored cleo & she & mitchell were hilarious.
the fact that stephen never mentions chantelle once in the whole season is an actual crime (tbf it was a crime that no one ever mentioned stephen&frank in the reunion). i can completely understand why the character wouldn’t be there but i did think there’d be just an off hand comment about his best friend at least once or twice!!! same with mitchell & remm dogg (the fact mitchell never mentions him at all is insane to me), fraser & alfie (even though there is a painting of them both on the school wall which i thought was lovely)
all in all, it's a fantastic season & i hope more people get to watch it & hopefully love it just as much as i have because i literally need another season.
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
Class 1B with a friend/spouse who teases EVERYBODY nonestop
like constant poking and sarcasm
all in good faith though <3
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - when you start to tease someone he starts to tease you, then you tease him back. Then you both end up in a never ending loop of teasing eachother
Sen - he doesn't care if you tease others and he isnt really affected when you tease him (if you go on long enough tho he will get slightly embarrassed)
Kamakiri - he doesnt care when you tease others but when you tease him he tries to act aggressively and angry about it but hes way to embarrassed to say a thing.
Kuroiro - he just kinda keeps to himself while you tease others but when you tease him he ends up blushing so much that he looks more red than black.
Kendo - poor girl just starts babysitting you like she does monoma lol
Kodai - she isn't affected by your teasing of others nor is she affected when you tease her.
Komori - she giggles a ton no matter who your teasing (weather it be her or someone else.) She always has a ton of fun when you tease lol
Shiozaki - she doesnt understand the point of teasing others (mostly because she isnt affected by it.) but she does enjoy seeing you and whichever victim you have chosen so happy.
Shishida - poor dude trys to copy you but he has no idea how so it just ends up being terrible lmao. He also blushes a ton when you tease him lmaoo
Shoda - he just akwardly stands at your side while you tease people. If you tease him tho he looks for a chance to escape the room before you can see him embarrassed
Pony - she just laughs along when you tease others but when you tease her she'll try to tease you back only to fail horribly
Tsubaraba - he teases people with you lmao. You and kosei just end up teaming up against your friends
Tetsutetsu - dude thinks he can tease people but he cant. His teasing sucks and is overall super corny to listen to.
Tokage - you and tokages favorite game is teasing eachother to see who can get the other blushing/embarrassed first. (You both have tied almost every time)
Manga - i like to think his speech bubble can show certain emoticons, so when you tease him the only thing you can see it 0/////0 and its adorable <3
Honenuki - when you tease others he helps them escape before you can embarrass them too much but when you tease him he low key has a lot of fun with it (tho he does get relly embarrassed really fast lol)
Bondo - he doesn't do or say much no matter who your teasing, unless its him. If your tease him hes actually starts to heat up from how much hes blushing lmao
Monoma - it just ends up with either you both teasing eachother or you both ganging up on someone (most likely someone from class A)
Reiko - shes not affected when you tease her but she has a lot of fun watching you tease others. (Rin, bondo and manga are her favorite victims lmao)
Rin - he laughs a little when you tease others but the second you tease him he is quick to tense up and get embarrassed. He tries to defend himself but he can barely get a word out with how quickly he gets embarrassed.
I was fishing in minecraft while writing this and I went through 3 luck of the sea 3, lure 3 fishing rods before getting a single enchanted book...
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hexedrosel-arts · 1 year
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My favorite little brats \(≧▽≦)/
And uh- Buggs thoughts under the cut
So my brain is filled with thoughts while I try to work on my fanfic (hi inktart if you read this) so Buggs headcanons and thoughts because he is important to said fic.
So Buggs is just a funky little guy to me. Like I imagine when he gets older he has this scary aura but he is just a chill dude. The kind of guy you ask to walk you home when it gets dark because you're worried about getting lost.
Like he's still a jerk, don’t get me wrong. He won't stop being that way, but he's genuinely nice. To the world's worst found family, his kindergarten class mates. He has his thoughts about them.
He'll bully Nugget(more of teasing when they get older but still), but when Nugget comes to him after school, all bruised and bloody, telling Buggs about these kids who hurt him and Buggs was the closet person to him? Buggs will not only bandage Nugget, but he'll tell Lily and Billy as he prepares to beat up someone.
Speaking of Nugget, Buggs doesn't care about him. He'll bully him, tease him, be rude. But first things first, Nugget is Buggs' target, no one else's. He'll act the way he does to Nugget all the time, someone else does it though? All of sudden Nugget is Buggs' friend and he will fight you on it.(Nugget doesn't care really)
He cares about his friends but he doesn't really show it that well. He'll write them notes or give them a gift that he got money to afford, he's nice when he wants to be. He has troubles showing affection and communication, but at least he can talk about with someone else.
Felix and Buggs aren't close, ever. They chat yes, but they're not friends. They both agree on one thing, they both suck at emotions and identifying them. They talk about it in the dark of night, never to speak about to anyone else.
Teddy and Buggs are the same way. Teddy talks about his problems with family and Buggs would do his best to help him get through his emotions. Buggs gets it when Teddy cries because his father and how he wishes Felix could be himself more, Buggs talks about his father just left him behind and how he believes that Teddy deserves better. But they never talk about it outside of behind the school with a shared lunch.
Cindy and Jerome are Buggs' closest friends. When Buggs gets a tear in his jeans, these two would offer old clothes to sew on as he loves that pair of jeans. When he gets into punk fashion and wants to add patches of cloth to his jacket, they happily help him thrift said jacket and patch it up with him.
Cindy wants to practice makeup styles or she wants to talk about family problems? Buggs is there for both. Jerome has riddles to tell or he has to rant about something that bothers him? Buggs is a phone call away.
Ozzy and Buggs are also weird. Ozzy heard about a kid with financial problems, and told his mother about it, and here they are. Living in the same house.
To Ozzy, Buggs is a new kid that he doesn’t really understand. But he seems kind of cool and as long as his mother is unharmed and his schedule isn't that disrupted.
Buggs sees Ozzy as weirdo, not Nugget weird, but still weird. He is just a lame normal kid, how? How this lame kid alive? He is just the weirdest kid because he's just a guy. He calls Ozzy 'Squeeb' which means he's a square and a dweeb, the lamest of the lame. He cares about Ozzy yes, but he is still just a weird, lame kid who is somehow the normalest kid ever.
If you asked Kidd what they think about Buggs. You would probably get this response:
"Buggs is lovely, when he is feeling friendly. He's mean sometimes, but he really is cool when you get to know him."
Buggs would tell you that Kidd follows him around like a lost puppy. Always asking him about his knife, or his plans, or anything really. Buggs has a soft spot for Kidd even still. Kidd is the second cutest little thing to Buggs(first is Cindy). Just this squishy little thing that could kill a man. Buggs finds them just adorable, because I mean, Kidd is a kid that thinks Buggs is the coolest person ever.
Carla, Penny, Monty. Buggs only really cares about Carla. They work together to smuggle things into school, they sometimes hang out. But truly they are just coworkers. He is nice to Penny and Monty when he sees them, after all, it would be rude for him to be rude to Carla's partners.
Billy and Lily are not people he prefers to think about it. Billy was a traumatized kid who was experimented on and his sister has seen the worst of the worst of what Billy has felt and been through. Buggs ignores them unless someone else brings them up.
Ron and Madison, Ozzy's friends. Buggs prefers Ron to Madison, he's rowdy and hyper active. The kid you would find with tree leaves and branches in his hair and mud over his body. Buggs enjoys spending time with him, it's not surprising to find both of them play fighting in Ron's back yard before coming inside laughing and playfully jabbing at each other. Madison is Ozzy's 'just a friend' girlfriend. She's a peach to Buggs, sweet and kind and the light of Ozzy's life. He talked to her once on the phone, she was saved that Tuesday and Ozzy was asleep after a meltdown, Buggs took the call until Ozzy woke up. Buggs cares about Madison, but he will never say anything to her.
Alice scares Buggs to be honest. Her gaze is off to Buggs, she was like if Kidds had noticeable eyes instead of black holes. She doesn't talk a lot, she talks to beings that aren't there sometimes. But she scares Buggs because of a different reason. He saw it once, the time she had claws instead of hands, her mouth full of sharp teeth, and the body of some teacher at one of their many kindergartens... Buggs never told Alice what he saw, he just hopes she doesn’t remember seeing him there as well.
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star--nymph · 2 years
*plagues your inbox* 20, 29, 30, 31, 39 for Blaine (:<
(numbers added from the other ask)
3. What is something they really like about themselves and what is something you really like about them?
Blaine's going to sit there and think really hard about it. It's not an easy answer: Blaine fucking can't stand himself. After a long moment, he'll probably sigh and whispers that he likes that he's nice to people. He likes being nice. It makes him happy. It's the least he could do.
When it comes down to it, I love that Blaine is nice too. I love that he's this really sweet, kind dude that's doing his best when the world tells him he's weak for being kind. When I was younger I was told a lot that Blaine is actually kind of boring for a main character because he's so nice, especially when Artemis is standing right there being...ya know, the world's biggest, loud asshole, but I don't believe that. I think it takes a really interesting person to be actually compassionate in the face of overwhelming anxiety and self hatred. It's super hard to be kind, gentle dude in the world. I don't want to harden Blaine because people don't understand that. He's my genuinely good guy. I think there need to be more dudes out there who want and strive to be kind.
Also I love that he's basically the human form of Kermit the Frog please help him.
6. What is their favourite music genre? If they don’t have one, what’s their favourite song?
Citypop/Electropop or Indie Rock! His favorite song would be Gold and Bones by Friday Pilots Club.
12. What is their safe place? And what does “safe place” mean to them?
The rooftop of Godkiller's headquarters or of his Dads' house. Neither are places where he needs to perform or hide what he is. Both his Dads know of his childhood and experimentation, so they're one of the few people where he doesn't have to hide what's actually bothering him in front of him. He can say that his weird powers are acting up/hurting him or that Artemis is getting to him; he's afraid that people know exactly what their relationship is. His fathers protect him and keep him safe--if that's not the definition of a safe space, then what is.
The rooftop is like that on a smaller level. There's a bit of a barrier there where he can be alone but he can hear his friends below him. He's alone but he's not actually alone. Besides, it has a great view of the cityscape, especially at night, and it's a good place to just breathe out and let the anxiety leave him. Blaine has spent many hours up there alone, just watching the city while listening to music.
20. What is their hidden talent? Is that a skill they’ve been practicing since childhood or just something they happen to know and never had the chance to show? Besides, was it something forced upon them, taught by someone close, or they picked it up themselves?
Blaine's draws and uses watercolors to paint. I don't know when exactly he started--probably in his midteens where he would doodle during class. Art is a pretty good way to deal with anxiety after all. It's more or less a thing for him. He has dozens of sketch books he keeps around, but he doesn't show anyone just because, well, why should he?
Mainly he draws landscapes and objects. He could sketch people but he feels uncomfortable by the idea of doing that with out permission. Or maybe he just doesn't like the human form that much. He doesn't really want to read into that, though.
29. They have a chance to get a tattoo: what would it be?
Blaine does have a tattoo! He has an anatomically correct heart and veins on his chest, over where his heart is. The veins grow out towards his shoulders and down to his stomach. He got after he left the military and needed something to cover up the military tattoo. He got the heart I think to remind himself that he is a human being, regardless of what he was done to him as a child.
30. What is their love language?
Oh, probably words of affirmation and quality time. What better way to convey love than to say it and mean it?
31. What would make them blush?
hfjkfhfdjs better question is what doesn't make Blaine blush? You could give the man a slight compliment on his hair and he's turn red and start giggling and fidgeting with it. Affection makes him so embarrassed.
39. If they could go back in time, how would they reassure their child-self about the future?
I don't know if there's much he could say or do besides hold him and tell him that someday, someone's going to save him and that he'll have lots of friends.
Maybe, though, he would just whisper, "It wasn't your fault", repeatedly. Perhaps if he says it enough times, he'll believe it someday.
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